zetterbabe · 5 months
90's toys with the florida panthers
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the Smeargle from the original PMD: [paints a Pokeball on the team base flag]
everyone in the PMD verse: what is that
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dittydipity · 2 months
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going INSANE. what is he thinking. why did he say this. why does he do all of this. i am thinking so hard.
we know he's seeking arceus to recreate the world bc in his eyes the world is cruel and unjust and it needs to be destroyed and remade. he's set himself on a mission to create the better reality he's envisioned for his whole life.
but everything else he does. the way he spends his time on pasio making people smile with togepi. even if he justifies it as something purely transactional to get more customers, we know he doesn't really take his merchant job seriously. the way he loves his pokemon so much that they will pop out of their pokeball to excitedly tell whoever will listen how much they love volo back. him trying to capture these moments of happiness tangibly because they never last long and can be wiped away any second.
he still hangs onto hope so much despite what's implied to have happened to him. in spite of all the anger and bitterness that's festered in him, he doesn't really want to destroy everything as he says.
it all started with a wish for the world to be a better place, for the good in the world to outweigh all the cruelty. he's still trying to spread what happiness he can.
but at the same time his past drags behind him and reminds him that he can't afford to trust in the goodness of the world.
that self-assigned mission to usurp arceus's power and rewrite everything.. to him, it's his duty now. he has to do it for himself and, as he rationalizes to himself, for the world.
so he ignores the flaws and holes he finds in his own reasoning. he can't help but seek out the brightness and happiness and goodness that does exist in the world, yet he has to dismiss it to justify his goals.
... all this to try and explain to myself why volo's asking all these questions and making all these comments that seem to go against what we'd expect given his ulterior motive and plans. and it's like he's asking the few friends he has to remember him as the one who seeks joy, even when he does the worst to fulfill his dreams
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Kieran x reader
A little something I was thinking of. Happy Valentine’s Day folks.
You’ve heard of the old rumor from Galar about giving an Applin to the one you have feelings for, and seeing as today was a very special day, you knew you just had to go for it, as there was a special someone you wanted to give an Applin to.
Since you arrived in Kitakami, you’ve become close to Kieran and his sister, Carmine, but more so with Kieran. Over time, you and him have gotten closer and closer, and you may or may not have developed a little crush on him. Carmine had figured it out, since she is his sister after all, and she’ll often tease you about your crush on her brother, which always flustered you to no end, so you’ll occasionally just try to brush it off or leave if it gets to be too much.
So when you remembered the rumor with the Applin, you just had to give one to Kieran! However, you wanted it to be a special one, one that he wouldn’t ever forget. So you had spent hours, and hours, days before this certain special day, before you had finally found it. Now it was time to give it to him.
“Kieran!” You called out to him as you approached him, waving to him with a smile on your face.
“Oh! Hey, Y/n.” He looked over as you walked up to him. “Did.. did you need something?” He tilts his head slightly in a curious manner.
“No, not at all! I was just wondering if you would like to hang out with me.”
“Oh, uh, sure, I don’t really have anything else to do… that I can think of anyway.”
“Great! Let’s go!” You grabbed his hand and the two of you were off! You two went to several places around Kitakami, including the loyalty plaza, the apple hills, and wherever else you could think of, just talking and enjoying each other’s company. Kieran would occasionally ask you how your Pokemon were doing, and what other plans you had in mind. You honestly weren’t too sure, really, but you answered his questions as best you could, as well as asking him questions as well.
“Have you ever wanted to travel to other regions, Kieran?” You looked over at him as you walked beside him, him tapping his chin in thought for a few moments before he shrugged in response.
“I.. have thought about it, but I don’t want to leave Carmine and my family.. but.. the idea of seeing other regions does sound like fun.”
“I see..” you smiled softly, nodding. “I know what you mean. I would love to travel to other regions, see all sorts of places and Pokemon!”
“Would you.. perhaps want to.. travel together?” Kieran asked you, playing with a piece of his hair, which you always thought was kind of cute.
“You… would want to travel together with me?”
“W..well, yeah, I would. We’re so close, and I wouldn’t want to travel with anyone else. I mean, yes, Carmine is my sister and all but… I just enjoy spending time with you more than her.” He shrugged in response.
“That.. really means a lot, thank you, Kieran.” You smiled faintly, then stopped suddenly, him stopping as well.
“Is something wrong, Y/n?” You shook your head, before reaching into your pocket. A pokeball. You take Kieran’s hand into your own, placing the pokeball into his hand.
“For you, Kieran.”
“For.. for me?” He seemed a little confused, yet intrigued. He then let the pokemon out of the pokeball. It was a beautiful shiny green Applin. Kieran’s eyes widened at the sight, gently picking it up.
“You.. you got them for me?” You nodded at this, hoping that he liked it.
“I love it, Y/n,” he smiled faintly, the Applin let out a happy cry as it rubbed its face against his cheek. “Oh! That reminds me, I have something for you, too.”
“Oh..?” Without a word, Kieran handed you a pokeball. “I, um, hope you like it.” You let out the pokemon from its pokeball, and in its place… was a shiny Applin. Yet this one was bigger than the one you gave Kieran, and it seemed a little timid, yet friendly.
“It seems we had the same idea, haha.” Kieran rubbed the back of his head.
“It seems that way.” You smiled faintly, holding his hand once more.
“I love you, Kieran.”
“I.. I love you too, Y/n.” He glanced away from you, and you noticed a faint blush on his face. You smiled softly and kissed his cheek softly, which caught him off guard, as his face turned a little more red.
“Th..thank you, Y/n. Come on, it’s getting late.” You nodded and the two of you started heading back towards his place, holding your shiny Applin in your arms.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
Could you please do a fic where Steven and Mike from strangled red meet a reader from another region (preferably one with fairy type pokemon) and the two are either terrified or confused about the reader's pokemon, leading to them asking the reader questions like: "why does your pokemon look like that?" "What even is a fairy type?" And all that jazz
The moment I saw this request, the first fairy pokemon that came to mind was Klefki! So that'll be the chosen one <3
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"Dude, why is your keyring so-?"
"Huh?!!" Mike took a huge step back, eyes widening as the large keyring hanging beside your door suddenly came to life. It lifted itself off the hook and did a little twirl, smiling at the dumbfounded brunette in front of it.
"Klefki! What did I say about pranking our guests, hm?"
Hearing your voice, Klefki perked up and flew away from Mike, floating over to where you and Steven stood in the living room. You had just finished showing him your collection of badges, but the sight of your partner Pokémon startled him.
"What did you say that was..?" The longhaired trainer blinked.
"Klefki. The Keyring Pokémon." You introduced, turning to see it raise one appendage and hand you a key. "Thank you very much. You know, you're less stingy than usual today. I'll get you some pokepuffs after-"
"Wait, that's a Pokémon??"
"....is it really that shocking to you guys? Your region has Pokémon who look like eggs and pokeballs." Chuckling, you turned back to the two brothers who seemed so fixated on the levitating keyring--before they suddenly began scrambling to open their pokedexes, hoping there wasn't a sudden update they needed to catch up on.
"No. You two aren't missing anything."
They paused, now staring up at you.
"Klefki is originally from Kalos. You won't find them in those regional Kanto pokedexes."
Both of them blinked in realization, as though lightbulbs have simultaneously turned on upstairs before they bashfully put away their dexes. "Right, I forgot.." Steven awkwardly mumbled. "That's cool, though."
"Here. I got my regional Kalos dex." You decided to show them both Klefki's entry, letting the former champion take it into his hands while Mike leaned in closer to take a look.
All the while, you stood there patiently, amused at how their eyebrows furrowed as they read its description. They were acting like Pokémon researchers who just made a phenomenal discovery.
Then finally, after a long silence, Steven looked up at you.
"There's a "fairy" type? Is that a new thing?"
"It was the most recently-discovered type, but that was..........wait, you've never heard of them?" You blinked, seeing that his older brother had an equally confused expression. "Don't tell me that you, Kanto's first recorded champions, have never seen or battled a fairy type Pokémon in your life."
"What about Clefairy?"
"....that's a normal type according to our pokedexes." Mike frowned. "Is it a regional thing or-?"
"No, I...I'm working on my national dex. And it clearly states it's a fairy type." You huffed, realizing that these two poor uncultured souls didn't have a clue what you were talking about.
With a small sigh, you decided to sit on the couch, patting either side of you. "Come here, boys. I'm about to teach you allllll about fairy types. Because there's a lot you two need to catch up on if you wanna be "pokemon masters".
They both nodded and sat down, listening to your explanations about what fairy type Pokémon were, what they typically looked like, their weaknesses/strengths, etc.. You even presented them with the fairy feather you let Klefki hang onto.
Steven's eyes periodically wandered to your partner, who was noisily jingling its keys and grinning at him.
"So Steven...do you have any questions?"
"H-Huh? Oh, uh...yeah.." Snapping his attention back to you, he fidgeted with his hat. "You're saying its type advantages and disadvantages are all.....based off of fairytale stories?"
"Precisely." You nodded. "Fairies are strong against dark because they're typically good, and like the fighting type they triumph over evil."
"But they're also weak to fire because....?"
"Fire typically burns down their forests, but it's not one of their weaknesses. Fire Pokémon just resist Fairy Pokémon." Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Mike sheepishly raising his hand. "Yes, Mikey?"
"....you lost me on why steel types are supereffective against them.." He admitted with a nervous chuckle.
"In most myths, iron harms fairies because they're manmade material."
"....gotcha...wow.." Flopping back onto the couch, he sighed dramatically, trying to absorb all this information you've told them. "I mean, it's awesome that more Pokémon types are being discovered, but....dang...it's gotten more complicated, too."
"Yeah." Steven nodded, mimicking his posture. Although a moment later, he sat up and looked at you. "[Y/n]...you said fairies were supereffective against dragon types, right?"
"Correct." You nodded, wondering where he was going with this.
"...is Miki secretly a fire/dragon instead of fire/flying?" His eyes narrowed in suspicion and worry. "Because if I ever battle your Klefki, that might be a-"
"No, I can assure you that in every region Charizard is fire/flying....although some trainers have the mega stone called Charizardite X that could turn theirs into a fire and dragon type instead-"
"The Charizardwhat???" He gawked.
To that, all you could do was sigh and shake your head, becoming more amused by the second at how much the brothers didn't know. You felt like a Pokémon Professor at this rate.
'Oh jeez..I'll be here for a while..'
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r0-boat · 5 months
Hello! I have a prompt where, the reader pushes there lover (warden Ingo, cyllene, laventon, adaman SEPARATE) away from an Alpha Pokemon attack and then get seriously injured (like losing a limb or something) and them crying and telling us off on how we could have died or grieving our death.
(both surviving and dying endings please)
Oh yes delicious angst! 👀
Cw: almost losing a limb/losing a limb, reader death, mourning, depression, angst no happy end.
Reader becoming severely injured or dying saving them.
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Warden Ingo
(Close call)
Ingo carried you, blood staining his coat and your outfit. He carried you going as fast as he humanly could down until the nearest doctor, anyone who could help—screaming for help, keeping you warm, and losing more blood in any way he could. When you finally wake up, Ingo is out of breath and on the verge of tears. He holds you close, tight, and protective. He couldn't get mad at you. He could never be mad. He was just relieved you were all right. However I would be lying if I said he wouldn't be a little more protective from now on.
(reader dead)
He stared at a shaky palm, remembering the way you went slack in his arms, bags under his eyes from sleepless nights filled with new and old nightmares. The painful feeling of losing something was so painful; however, what scared him more was that this feeling was familiar to him. The emptiness inside him was only doubled after. He can't even look at himself anymore because whatever stares back is your smiling face and deja vu. Even though he knows he must take care of himself, he has to admit it's hard even to bring himself to eat these days without looking over to your smiling face how he misses you're warmth in his arms. Now, all he feels is the cold, howling wind of Coronet Heights. Once again that loneliness fills him in this time; it will be there till his grave. Ingo cannot love again for he can not feel that love again.
(close call)
Survivors guilt, as you lie there on the ground losing blood at an alarming rate. She's frozen. She's almost in denial as other survey members rush to your limb body. Cyllene finally snaps out of it all. Her panic hits her all at once, barking orders to get you back to camp.
Unfortunately Pesselle running low on supplies and with time running out she wasn't sure she would be able to save you. Upon hearing this Revelation something inside her stoked a fire Cyllene took it upon herself to go out and find every single ingredients she needed helping her nurse you back to health, of course you being unconscious from blood loss for a few days you had no idea all you woke up to was an angry rant from a very very pissed captain.
After all she did, she couldn't save you. Sadness and rage bubble into one, gritting her teeth, nails scratching at the cold ground; she wants to scream. Damn it why wasn't it her? Damn, it should have been her! The job of the Galaxy Core was to protect people and she couldn't even protect the one person she cared most. She needed to get stronger she needed to be more so this would never happen again. And that's why her heart grows three times colder that day.
(close call)
Laventon drag you outside of Camp to look at some Pokemon well he asks you to ready your pokeballs for a catch, but he doesn't notice the alpha Garchomp that had their eyes on you. Everything was a blur then helplessly sitting still as the rest of Team Galaxy tried everything to use your Pokemon to fight the alpha back off as they get you back to safety. If only he could throw a Pokeball if he were good at raising Pokemon. Laventon felt like a burden to you here he was having you risk his life to do his work any friendly wake up he's on the verge of tears holding you closely his hands shaking the sinking feeling of uselessness does not leave.
He drowns himself in his work. It is the only way to make him forget about his constant nightmares of that day. He still loves Pokemon. He does not blame Pokemon for taking your life, but he recognizes more than anyone else that Pokemon are as dangerous as they are fascinating. It'll be a while since he touches one without his heart beating with anxiety. He barely eats. He sleeps. All he does is work on his Pokedex. He has to finish it for your sake, or else all the dangerous work you did, the work you died for, will be for nothing, and when he finally finishes, it will say, "With the help of my beloved, thank you. I will miss you."
(close call)
If it wasn't for Leafeon who growled at the large Pokemon making sure it didn't take a step closer as his human brother held you in his arms, blood staining his fingers. Leafeon successfully holding back the Pokemon that threatened your life walks over to Adaman whining as he looks your arm giving him a worried look. Adaman knows the natural remedies around these parts you are too far from the settlement and the village to take care of you so he does all that he can using leafeon's aromatherapy to soothe you as he begins to use natural herbs and revenues to calm the bleeding as much as he can while ripping apart his own clothes for makeshift bandages rumoring through your bag for anything he could use anything at all to help.
Upon waking up, Adaman almost tackles you, holding you close to his body, careful not to hurt you. He squeezes you gently. "You're an idiot..." he whispers, his hand shaking, his voice breaking. "don't you ever scare me like that again."
If only he was faster and in denial at the fact that your time has ended. If only he hadn't wasted his time, he could have gotten you to the settlement, and you would have been here. He felt like a failure, not only a failure of a friend but a failure of the leader of Diamond Clan. If he couldn't keep one person he loved alive, how could he keep his entire Clan alive? Time is truly short. However, some people, if unlucky, can be even shorter. He'll spend all his days morning into training, getting stronger in your name until he has passed out on the ground. He knows that he's just wasting his time and that no amount of tears will bring you back. He did not deserve you; you did not serve your time being robbed. The Lord Sinnoh is so cruel.
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sparklyfaerie · 2 years
Thinking about it, I really don’t think that the Miraidon/Koraidon (bikemon) you meet at the beginning of the game is the one that Arven knows from when he was a kid. Or, at least, he actually met both and thought that there was only one.
Arven mentions that bikemon went on a rampage against some local wild pokemon, and that that was why the Professor took them away and disappeared into Area Zero. This does not fit our bikemon’s personality. It does, however, fit the other one.
He would have been pretty young when Turo/Sada left him, given that the only pictures that the Professor had was of him as a small child. He hasn’t spoken to his parent in years--and then mentions that it’s been even longer since he saw them in person.
Your bikemon isn’t aggressive. If anything, it’s pretty timid. It makes a show of trying to scare off the houndour in the cave at the beginning, but it actively chooses to flee the controntation rather than fight (despite the fact that it could have cleaned up tidily even with so many puppers after you both), and it’s terrified of returning to Area Zero. Canonically, it only battles once in the whole game, and only when there’s no other way out.
What I think happened: The Professor took both bikemon back to their lab, where Arven met them separately and, being a small child, thought there was only one. When the aggressive one went apeshit, the Professor took both back to Area Zero. When the Professor died, the AI sent the timid one out of Area Zero to live with Arven because it was too scared to stay in the crater with the other one--complete with pokeball, because how else would Arven have had it otherwise, if the Professor had taken it with them? It wasn’t Arven’s pokeball, because otherwise it would have locked in the final battle.
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knine-nights-loves-ac · 2 months
This started as an ask I was gonna send to @teecupangel but then it got like seven paragraphs long and I decided fuck it I’m just gonna make it a post and @ teecup. So here goes!
Another Pokémon!Desmond idea (ps: this got long, tldr; shiny Goomy uncatchable Des)
So to set the stage, AC universe happens as normal but, in the AC universe, pokemon as a franchise doesn’t exist. Just not a thing at all. So, starting off Desmond (who doesn’t know what Pokémon is) dies because of the Eye and poofs into a new universe as he does every other Tuesday.
Now, flash to a Pokémon region. I’m biased so I’ll say Kalos. But most work. Desmond appears on one of the earlier routes as a shiny Pokémon. Because I’m still biased, let’s say a shiny Goomy even though Goomies shouldn’t spawn there.
Desmond, newly goopified, doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. He’s a glob now. And the animals around him are fucking weird. And seemingly only live in the tall grass.
He can’t figure out how to use any of his “moves” outside of basically tackle and scratch and other similarly basic things. So he’s pretty dam weak, probably relatively low level, only thing he has going for him is that he’s fast and, relatively, smart. He’s still got human level intelligence which is enough to outsmart the vast majority of Pokémon.
He spends some time on this route, getting used to things, using his Eagle Vision (which he still has) to find berries, avoiding fights, and just enjoying his forced retirement to another universe. It’s Desmond, unless properly motivated, I think he’d be willing to settle in and chill.
But uh oh, trouble is afoot. In the form of! A CHILD no
This little kid toddles down the path with a belt full of pokeballs. Desmond, who is still new to this world, sees the kid and decides to approach. Why? Idk man, the brain cell got burned by the Eye.
The kid is like “OH MY GOD SHINY GOOMY!” And immediately initiates a Pokémon battle.
How does this feel to Desmond? Im not sure. But he definitely can tell somethings up when the kid starts screaming in another language, sounds like French? (If you get why, you get a cookie), and throws a ball that somehow summons another creature. Let’s say a Caterpie.
The Caterpie is low level, about as intelligent as a real caterpillar, and big. (Fun fact apparently Goomy and Caterpie are the same height). Now Desmond is concerned, especially when the kid yells a command and the huge ass bug attacks him. Caterpie only knows like three moves so it probably just tackles. Desmond, not being an idiot or actually a real Pokémon, dodges. The kid looks surprised but yells again and the Caterpie attacks again. After a few times, Desmond decides “Fuck this shit, I’m out.” and nopes on out of there. The kid is absolutely shocked that the shiny Goomy just ran from the battle and also that it dodged everything.
Desmond meanwhile, hidden now, checks on the kid and sees that they’re blue in Eagle Vision. He’s not sure whether to be surprised or not. On the one hand, he’s never seen a kid that was red, but on the other hand, this kid attacked him.
He metaphorically shrugs it off and continues foraging for berries, he’s trying out new combinations.
Meanwhile, this child runs back to wherever they came from, and eagerly spreads the news about the wild shiny Goomy they saw. Most people don’t believe them, but a couple other kids are curious enough to go looking later.
Another day begins and Desmond stumbles upon a group of kids this time. The original kid among them. They’re speaking quickly, yeah he’s pretty sure it’s French, too bad that’s one of the languages he barely gets (I don’t care if he’d know some via Ezio, he’d know 15th century French, not modern day Pokémon world French). They’re gesturing wildly and some of them are looking accusatorially at the original kid. Desmond tries to get a little closer and, just his luck, stumbles into view of the group. Uh oh.
Several minutes later, the kids are confused as hell, several Caterpies are furiously working their hamster wheel brains to understand what’s happening, and Desmond is starting to question what’s up with the people in this universe.
But something special happened this time. At one point, one of the kids threw a red and white ball at him. It bounced off his head and rolled on the ground, doing nothing. Desmond was just annoyed. The kids were flabbergasted.
Rumors spread until actual researchers are tramping through the tall grass. Desmond is definitely avoiding them. Even if they’re white in Eagle Vision, those lab coats remind him a bit too much of Abstergo.
Eventually, after the human presence becomes a bit too much, Desmond decides to hit the road and moves out from his comfy little tall grass patch in the middle of the night. He settles down again somewhere else.
Repeat cycle a few times until the whole of Kalos has heard tell of this shiny Goomy who nobody can catch and seems to roam the whole region.
Idk what’s happening from there. Begin plot of Pokémon X/Y? Maybe Desmond meets AZ? Lots of options but idk.
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geddy-leesbian · 4 months
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As you can see above, this is very angsty. Leon and Luis both have a lot of trauma and Baggage. Luis almost has a panic attack and does some trauma dumping.
While there's no explicit smut on screen, there's a moment that gets kinda steamy and a fade to black/implied sex scene.
(oh and personally I feel very awkward swapping things out with pokemon terminology, like using "Arceus" instead of "God" so there is normal swearing here)
“Dr. Serra Navarro?”
“Well, yes, that is me, but typically I prefer Professor Serra,” His eyes wander all over Leon. “Though for someone as pretty as you, I prefer just Luis. Is there something I can help you with?”
Leon was afraid that he was going to go all the way to Alola only to find out it was all a complete waste because Professor Serra actually was just a professor unfortunate enough to share a name with a Team Rocket scientist. But that outcome is already ruled out. Either this guy is the lead he's been seeking for years, or he's an innocent professor that Leon will ask out on a date.
Due to excitement over finally finding a new lead, this trip was hastily put together, and Leon didn't realize how young Dr. Serr– Luis was. Once he confirmed that Luis was from Johto, he didn't go any deeper. He did see a couple pictures, but didn't pay much attention, and assumed the youthfulness was because they were older pictures. His assumption was very wrong. Luis is about his age and way too good-looking. The length of his grayish pink hair is braided, and the loose bangs are fluffy. His tinted glasses are a little too big for his face, but in a cute way. He's taller than Leon. And his outfit is fucking stupid. Shirtless under a lab coat. So stupid. It's hot.
A date with him will make this trip more than worth it.
“I just have some questions for you.”
“About? Are you a parent, or..? I don't think I've seen you around before, but I don't usually get anyone else dropping in on me like this…”
Shit. Leon really should have thought of a cover story beforehand. But in addition to not thoroughly researching Luis enough, he was also too high on the excitement of finally finding something after years of searching to bother thinking through what he'd say.
“Just heard about you, found your past interesting. From Johto originally, was wondering how it affected you. If you had any run-ins with Team Rocket.”
And it looks like Leon will not be going on a date with a handsome professor tonight. This is the guy. He recovers quickly, but for a split second, the phrase ‘Team Rocket’ invokes some panic in his expression.
“No. I was fortunate enough to never have encountered them.”
“You know anything about Mew?”
“Yes, of course? What kind of a professor would I be if I didn't? Mythical pokemon from deep in jungles in South America. Believed to be the ancestor of all pokemon.”
“What about Mewtwo?”
“I've heard the rumors, yes. A clone of Mew that was heavily genetically modified. But I believe that those are just that, rumors. There is no real substance to the claims.”
“Cinnabar Island. That's where you worked when Team Rocket captured and imprisoned Mew. You cruelly experimented on Mew. You helped create Mewtwo.”
“Who in the hell do you think you are, showing up at my doorstep to accuse me of such insane things?!”
“International Police!” Luis starts to shut the door, but Leon blocks the door with his foot. While he wasn't wearing his full uniform, he did bring his badge and takes it out to flash to Luis. He sees some purple fur coming up behind Luis. Must be an espeon, coming to protect its trainer. “Put that in its pokeball and open the door. Now.”
“I will do no such thing! I'm not proud of what I did back then, but I've done my best to leave it all behind, build a new life for myself. I will not allow you, or anyone else, to rip all of that away from me.”
“Not proud of what you did back then? So you admit it?”
“It doesn't matter. Arrest me if you really want, but it won't be anything more than a waste of time for the both of us. I'll maybe spend a night or two in jail, then be let go without charges being filed because I have a good reputation here and you have no evidence. If you try to tell anyone I confessed to involvement with Team Rocket, they won't believe you. You'll ruin your own reputation.”
“I do have evidence! Documents connecting you to the Mew experiments and the creation of Mewtwo.”
Luis actually starts laughing.
“You don't know as much as you think you do then. You find my name on a scrap of paper in the crumbling ruins of a lab, and think you know my life story! So arrogant! Yes, I did work at the Cinnabar lab, but I did not contribute to the creation of Mewtwo. I did not experiment on Mew. I have never had the privilege to even see the legendary Mew in the flesh. Mewtwo had already been created and Mew had already escaped before I was even hired. I can prove that your supposed timeline of my work history is impossible in court, so good luck getting a conviction!”
Leon moves his foot and lets Luis shut the door, and slinks away from his house with his tail between his legs.
Leon checks into a motel. He turns the TV on, but he can't focus on it. His mind can't stop wandering back to the conversation, analyzing every word. He fucked up.
“I'm not proud of what I did back then.”
He really fucked up. That could have been a very good angle. Tell Luis that this is his chance to atone and right his wrongs by telling Leon everything he knows about Team Rocket. Maybe even offer some kind of immunity deal if he still seemed hesitant.
But he had to get hot headed and fuck it all up. His first lead in years, and he blew it.
Not ready to admit defeat quite yet, he decides to give himself a day to cool his head off, before trying again. At least Alola offers plenty of distractions. He's not one for most of the tourist trap shit, but distracts himself with hikes through some scenic, and more importantly, rugged terrains. Pushing his body always helps him get his mind together. It's isolated enough that he can let all of his pokemon out too.
Something else Alola offers is a brutal sun. Leon didn't think to buy any sunscreen, and has a bad burn across his face by the end of the day. He's been through far worse, the pain is nothing to him, but he is annoyed at himself for being so stupid. His pokemon were quite happy with the exercise and exploration though, and his head feels clearer, so overall it was a pretty successful day.
A knock at Luis's door again. Rattled by yesterday, the knocking gives him a spike of anxiety. Still, he gets up to answer it, in case it's a student or parent that needs something.
He looks through the peephole and sees the same pretty International Police agent that came by yesterday. Luis really doesn't want to open the door. But he's worried it'll be worse if he doesn't and the man busts the door down. Besides, Espeon seems at ease with the situation, not alarmed and protective like she was yesterday. So he opens the door a bit, keeping the chain lock secure in case he tries to get in. (He would certainly be able to break the chain, but at least it would buy Luis a few extra seconds to try to think of a desperate plan.)
“Hello, officer! What are you here to threaten me with today?” Not wanting the agent to know how shaken he is, he turns up the sarcasm in an attempt to mask any nervousness. “Going to accuse me of experimenting on Arceus?
“No. No accusations today. Sorry, about yesterday. Wasn't polite to you. Can I try to make up for it, buy you dinner?”
“You can't seriously believe I'm going to just walk right into whatever kind of trap this is?”
“It's not a trap. Just feel bad about yesterday, I swear. I'm Leon, by the way. Think I forgot to mention it before.”
Luis goes to shut the door, but Espeon seems determined that Leon should be heard out, and telekinetically lifts the chain and nudges the door open. Leon smiles, and it cuts right through Luis's fear.
“I don't like you, and I don't trust you. But…” The prettiest man that Luis has ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on is trying to buy him dinner. (The angry red sunburn on his face does make him the tiniest bit less pretty, but he's still incredibly pretty.) Whether it's a date or something else, turning him down goes against everything Luis believes in. “I suppose I'm willing to put that aside for a free meal.”
“Look, you have every right to feel that way. But I really regret yesterday, I swear. It's just this subject… My parents were Team Rocket. Died on a mission,” Leon hates talking about this. With anyone. Back in his pokemon trainer days, before deciding to join the International Police, he'd had some time in the limelight. First as a rising star gym challenger, then as a champion. He always sidestepped questions when interviewers started asking about family. He especially hates talking about it to a member of Team Rocket. But this is the price he pays for fucking up yesterday. If he wants Luis to trust him and give him what he came for, he needs to give something himself. “Never knew details until I started investigating some stuff related to Team Rocket, found out they died on one of the expeditions looking for Mew. So this whole topic just gets me hot headed and dumb and I say things I don't mean and regret.”
“Well, it sounds like you shouldn't be an International Police agent then, if you can't separate your own personal issues from the job.”
“Yeah, maybe I shouldn't be…” Leon says, because what else is there to say? Luis isn't wrong. “C'mon, dinner. Walked past a restaurant on the way here, you know if it's any good?”
“Yes, we can eat there. By the way, are you aware that your face is extremely sunburned? I have stuff I could put on to help it.”
“Food first. Maybe after.”
“Suit yourself. I'm going to change, I'll be out in a minute.”
Luis ditches the lab coat and comes out with a top on, something that disappoints Leon more than it should. At least it's just a vest that shows off a decent amount of his chest. His hair is down today, and it somehow makes him look even better.
Leon regretted the way he approached Luis yesterday, but initially it wasn't because of guilt. Even if it wasn't Mewtwo, there was something Luis was involved in. He only denied experimenting on Mew and creating Mewtwo, he admitted he was a member of Team Rocket. Luis deserved the harsh treatment, he had only regretted it because Luis could be useful to him. But he does feel a small twinge of guilt for demanding he put his espeon in its pokeball when it follows Luis out the door and he sees that it has a service pokemon vest on. Maybe Luis would have felt safe and opened the door if he could keep Espeon out.
“I can walk there fine,” Luis says, noticing Leon looking at the harness. “I have an injury from a long time ago that flares up from time to time, but Espeon can sense when I'm going to have problems with it, gives me warning, and helps me not fall on my face when it does act up and I struggle keeping my balance. But it is fine most days.”
They sit across from each other, Espeon laying under the table by Luis's feet. Leon has to keep reminding himself that this is not a date. This is an attempt to get Luis to move past yesterday's harsh treatment so Leon can have a second chance at interrogating him. Despite his attempts to not ogle Luis, Leon can't help himself, and notices something very interesting. Scars. The biggest one is on his chest, and another on his cheek.
Being in a public place seems to put Luis at ease. Somewhat, he's at least smiling and looking more relaxed. As it probably should. Leon is dying to grill Luis about the “injury from a long time ago” and the scars he's noticed since sitting down. But this isn't the time or place.
“So… Small talk time?” God. This is actually a fucking date. “How long you been a cop? And why are you still poking around with Team Rocket? They're not a problem anymore. Disbanded twice, no activity in years. One would think the International Police might have some, ah, you know, actual problems to deal with, eh?”
“Been one for a few years. There's not a lot of resources being used up for it anymore, but it still matters to me personally,” There's actually no resources spent on it. Leon isn't here on official International Police business. The Team Rocket hunt is just vigilante shit Leon does on his own time. “Just because they've stopped doesn't mean they shouldn't be brought to justice for the past. Their leader slipped away, it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm trying to nail as many members who slipped away as possible,” Luis's smile disappears. “As far as justice goes, I'm mostly concerned about the big fish. Leader, executives. Finding small fish is just a good way to get leads on the big ones.”
“So if I understand, you help the small fish, they help you? They tell you everything they know about the big fish, and in exchange you don't come down hard on them?” Leon smiles and nods. It'll probably take longer than it should have because he'll need to build some trust after freaking the fuck out their first conversation, but Luis will play the game and give him what he came for. Luis's smile comes back. “Well, interesting… How have your investigations been going?”
“I've made some good leads,” That's a complete lie. Finding Luis's name in the ruins of Cinnabar Island is literally the only lead he's had in years. But telling Luis that will make him feel empowered. “William's out there somewhere, just a matter of time until I find him. Or until he gets tired of licking his wounds in secret and re-emerges on his own, something I'm hoping to at least make harder for him by picking off people he'll need to organize.”
“Do you want to come in?” Is Luis trying to have sex with him right now? They did just go on a date, after all. Why doesn't Leon want to say no? “So I can help you with your sunburn.”
Shit. Leon needs to get his mind out of the gutter.
Leon sits on Luis's couch, and Luis drags a stool over by the couch to sit on while he gently rubs ointment across his face with his (gloved) hands. Their faces are so close together. Leon has to stop looking at his face, because he wants to lean forward and kiss Luis. So he looks down. At Luis's neck. A fatal mistake. Before his brain can even process what his body's doing, he's pulling Luis forward, off the stool and onto Leon's knee. His teeth are sinking into Luis's neck.
As soon as he realizes what he's done, he hopes that Luis is going to ask him what the hell he's doing and get up off of him, because he's not sure he'll be able to control himself if Luis is into this too.
Of course Leon isn't that lucky. Luis moans at the first bite. He moans again and grinds down on Leon's knee with the second bite. The third bite has him yanking off the ointment covered rubber gloves and just tossing them on the floor, so he can start exploring Leon's body with his hands.
“I wish I could make some quip about buying me dinner first, but you quite literally did just buy me dinner, so… And really, I would be happy with this even if you hadn't,” Leon just keeps biting as Luis rambles. Now there's a hand in his hair, that clenches around or tugs at it with every bite. There's another hand working the button on his vest, and Leon is quite impressed by his finesse. With one hand and without even looking, Luis quickly has all of them unbuttoned. Though it doesn't get him to the bareskin he's desperately trying to get to, Leon also has a button down undershirt on. Luis doesn't bother unbuttoning all of them, just a couple so he can reach the bareskin of Leon's chest. “Someone as pretty as you doesn't need to buy me dinner, they can just do whatever they'd like to me. You're a cop, you have handcuffs? I'm into that.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Leon pushes him off his lap and gets up, then picks Luis up bridal style. Partially because he wants to give Luis a subtle reminder that he isn't just some small-time cop. He is, in fact, a very well trained special agent in peak physical condition. But mostly because there's a very specific place he wants to carry Luis to. He wasn't lying about someone like Leon being able to do whatever; he readily accepts being picked up, wrapping his arms around Leon's neck. “Where's your bedroom?”
“I didn't know I was working for Team Rocket initially. They had things very well compartmentalized. I was hired by a shell company. They had a contract with Devon Corp, so it really seemed like a completely legitimate company.”
In the afterglow, Luis finally starts speaking about his past. Leon briefly wonders if this makes him a whore. He isn't getting money for having sex with Luis, but he is getting information. Something even more valuable to him. The entire reason he's here.
But intent matters, right? Leon didn't start biting his neck because he wanted information. He didn't suck his dick because he wanted information. He didn't put him in handcuffs and sit on his face because he wanted information. He did all of it just because he wanted to. Just because Luis is hot enough that Leon temporarily forgot that he hated him. He was fully prepared to just go back to his motel room after, without any additional info from Luis, and just keep building the trust. So while he's not a whore, he definitely is a slut. Whatever. He's making more progress in his investigation than he has in years, it's fine.
“I was in a research team focused on mega evolution, specifically artificial mega evolution,” Luis continues. “Devon had recently perfected an artificial pokemon line, Beldum. They wanted us to find a way to make Metagross mega evolve. It was no easy task… But we did it. We tinkered around, created an artificial mega stone that metagross would respond to. We researched further, tweaking things to modify metagross's mega form, until we felt it was powerful enough. I was informed that Devon was extremely pleased with the work, and given a promotion, to be the head researcher on a new project my company started…”
“Guessing that's when you started at the Cinnabar lab?”
Luis says nothing, just stares down blankly, frozen. Leon reaches for a pokeball on the nightstand, and lets his sylveon out. It knows exactly what to do, approaching Luis to wrap its ribbon feelers around his arm. Leon hadn't ever wanted a sylveon. He had wanted his eevee to evolve into an espeon, actually. He thought the psychic abilities would be useful in his line of work. But it evolving into a sylveon instead has been a happy accident. Its calming abilities can be surprisingly useful.
“Yes, it was,” Luis answers. He's still wincing at the memories, but Sylveon's soothing aura is preventing him from having a full-blown panic attack and shutting down. “All I was told beforehand was that it was another project related to artificial mega stones. This was when the Alola research about mega evolution being cruel on the pokemon was starting to come out, so in my naivete I assumed we'd be modifying natural mega stones in ways that would make it easier on the pokemon. I knew something was deeply wrong when I was led downstairs. Armed guards. There was a whole maze of hallways and locked gates. As I said yesterday, Mewtwo was already created by this point. It had also escaped once and only narrowly recaptured, so there was much stronger security. I was never alone, there were always at least two armed guards with me at all times. It wasn't just to keep Mewtwo from getting out, it was also to keep me in. I knew it was wrong, it made my stomach churn, but I did the work. I did what was asked of me. We made two artificial mega stones tailored to Mewtwo. Two different stones, two different forms with different strengths.”
Despite Sylveon's feelers, and now Espeon's face rubbing against his other arm, Luis breaks down sobbing.
“You're okay. You're safe,” Leon whispers. Sylveon moves away from Luis's lap, laying down at the end of the bed, so that Leon can wrap his arms around him. As helpful as soothing pokemon like Sylveon can be, sometimes people just need human touch. Leon wants to press for more information right away, but he's not going to repeat yesterday's mistake. He has to go slow, he can't risk pushing Luis away and making him shut down before he's gotten all the information he can out of him. “You don't have to tell me the rest right now. Take all the time you need, okay, sweetheart?”
Jesus Christ. He just had sex with a member of Team Rocket, and now he's calling him sweetheart. At least he's making progress.
Luis just clings to Leon and sobs for a few minutes, before finally speaking again.
“I didn't want to, Leon. I didn't want to. I didn't have a choice. They were forcing me to, they would hurt me if I didn't, and I couldn't get help. Not from gym leaders. Everyone knows that William was the Viridian gym leader, but it went so much deeper than anyone knew. The lab was right by the Cinnabar gym, Wesker was the gym leader and heavily involved in all of the Team Rocket science research. Alexia, Saffron's leader at the time, was quite involved too and came to the lab regularly. The ones who weren't involved were getting paid off to look the other way. The police were paid off too,” Leon entwines one of his hands with Luis's and squeezes it, presses chaste kisses onto his neck, trying to encourage him to keep talking. This is a goldmine. He's long suspected there was a lot of corruption in Kanto and some intentional incompetence during the initial Team Rocket investigations, but could never get anything solid. And the fact that there were other gym leaders directly involved is actually news to him. “It was so screwed up what we were doing, I lost sleep over it, I barely ate because I had no appetite. Until one day…”
A loud, choked sob.
“Mewtwo got out again. All the new precautions weren't enough. It attacked all of us, we deserved it… It was a lab, there were scalpels, lots of glass to break, so many sharp objects that it lifted with its mind to hurl at us. That's how I got all my scars. The worst wound was in my back. It almost killed me, if it had pushed the bone saw in even just a little bit deeper, I would have died. I only survived because… It wasn't luck, it didn't make a mistake, it chose not to wound me fatally, because… Because I think it got in my head, it didn't say anything but it made eye contact with me, and saw that I wasn't a willing participant in its torture. The room after, blood… So much… I was the only one spared, it killed all the others.”
Luis untangles himself from Leon and lays down, closing his eyes. Seems like that's all the information he's getting tonight. Which he isn't upset about, it's a lot, far more than he was expecting. He'd like to know more about Mewtwo, where it ended up after this, and of course he needs more details about Wesker and Alexia.
“Stay?” Luis asks quietly, when Leon starts getting dressed. “Please?”
“Yeah,” Leon does still reach for his pants, but doesn't put them on, just fishes out his notepad so he can write everything down while it's still fresh. “Okay, I'll stay.”
It's dangerous. Leon is so close to liking this guy. Something he needs to not do, because Luis very much has the potential to be dangerous. The main reason Leon had been so hot headed and harsh to him initially is because he thought he got away with everything. He thought that Luis was a monster, and, instead of paying for his crimes, just walked away completely unscathed. Just moved to a new region, was completely accepted, became a pokemon professor, a pillar of the community. A role model.
But that's been shattered. While it may not have been in the traditional route, Luis has paid for his crimes. Is paying for them. Leon is cynical enough that he might have believed everything was just bullshit to manipulate him under other circumstances, but there's enough that it's undeniable. There's more than just faded scars that could have been the result of anything, he has an actual service pokemon. Years later, his injuries are still problematic enough for him to need that assistance. And clearly, he is genuinely traumatized. No one is that good at acting, Team Rocket is truly a trigger for him.
The issue is that Leon doesn't know why it's a trigger. Even injured and traumatized, Luis could be dangerous. The best case scenario is that he's been completely with Leon, and truly hates what he did. The worst case scenario is that he doesn't feel any guilt for his actions, and his near death experience was the only source of the trauma, without any emotional side to it.. Even injured and traumatized, Luis has the potential to be very dangerous.
“Hey, Luis?” Leon whispers after he's done jotting down notes about what Luis said, hoping he's not already asleep. His eyes flutter open. “Is it fine if I let my growlithe out? Usually sleep with it.”
“Go ahead. Just don't leave me. I don't want to wake up alone.”
He should leave. Luis is dangerous. Luis is Team Rocket. And Leon might already be a little bit in love with him, and needs to get the fuck away from him before he falls in even deeper.
But he doesn't. Instead he lets Growlithe out, turns off the lamp on the nightstand, and spoons Luis. He falls asleep with his arms wrapped around him, face buried in his fluffy hair. Espeon sleeps on the floor in its own little bed, while Growlithe and Sylveon lay down by their feet.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
interesting how i expected cyrus to have a nonchalant pokeball throwing animation but he only does that in bdsp iirc
in usum and masters he throws them with power, like how you would with baseballs kinda also while double checking how he throws pokeballs in usum, one of the rainbow rocket grunts in front of his room says 'The only one in that room is a creepy, antisocial guy, you know?' lmao
give that grunt a raise, they clearly know what they're talking about
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smallestapplin · 10 months
But I am intrigued on how the fight between naga Volo and naga Warden Ingo would go- a continuation of a prompt I saw you write for here a while ago-
-Zorua anon ❤️🖤🦊
I hope you like this! ^^ (I apologize I’m not very good at fighting scenes.)
Based off this
“Ingo please, let’s just go home.” The tension is thick, almost suffocating.
You know Ingo is strong, but Volo is venomous, and in a time without anti-venom one bite could mean death. But the fierce look on Ingo’s face tells you he’s already thought of that, yet he won’t back down.
“If he wants to try and lay a claim on you, then he already knows he must get through me first. I’m not going to turn away a challenger.”
The viper before you two smirks, showing off the very long fangs you’re worried about. The two snake men stare at each other, glaring, and waiting for the other to make the first move.
Ingo was never one for violence, but he can’t shake the feeling this was much needed and a long time coming.
But he knows he must be careful, Volo will not go down easy nor fight fair.
And he was right, the moment his eyes flickered behind him to make sure you were out of the way, Volo lunged.
Ingo barely dodges the attack, ducking under to slam into Volo’s chest and tossing him to a spot further away from you. The blonde rag dolls for a moment before righting himself and doing it again.
This time the golden snake goes low to the ground, and while Ingo dodges, Volo is quick to slam his tail into his chest, knocking the air from the warden.
Yet Ingo sinks his claws into Volo’s tail, taking him with him. The yellow snake hybrid whips around just as the warden grabs a stick near him and lifts it between them, making Volo bite the stick instead of Ingo.
Venom leaking and glistening in the light.
It doesn’t last long as the merchant is grabbed and lifted by a wave of psychic energy, one which he struggles against. Your Alakazam holding him in place and further away from him, as you rush over to Ingo making sure he’s okay.
“Did he bite you? Are you okay!?”
Ingo grunts, sitting up and coiling the end of his tail around your waist, before swiftly moving you behind him.
“I’m fine, dear. Please, let me handle this.”
In a flash of a pokeball, the constrictor hybrid is lifted by his own Tangrowth.
“I’m sick and tired of this, I don’t want anyone hurt. So stop this useless fighting, we are going home.”
You ask Tangrowth to start the trek to the highlands, and once it does you’re left with a still floating Volo.
As Ingo's shouts start growing fainter, you stare at the blonde.
“Anything to say for yourself?” You figured you’d be polite.
But he huffs.
“He’s a useless mate, he can’t even fight for your hand properly.”
“I don’t want or need that, it’s pointless to fight. I can make my own choices, what makes you so sure I would’ve picked you anyway?”
Your words cut through him like a dagger.
He’s speechless, for once he can’t think of anything to say. He can only watch as you toss the scarf he made and scented in front of him.
“I’m taking my leave, if you try anything again you’ll be answering to me.”
He can only stare at your retreating form, calling for Braviary to catch up with your lover.
Alakazam drops him once you’re out of sight, and teleports back to you.
Leaving the hybrid alone.
Just as he has always been.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 months
Hmmmm. You know I've always been subconsciously knew that Blue ( rival) had different sprites throughout the game, but I never really took the time to like. Analyze them? And truthfully there isn't much to analyze but I do find it interesting on how the sprites differ from the original rbgy games and FRLG.
So let's start with rbgy. Or rather rbg cause yellow has some slight difference despite its overall same pattern.
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This is the sprite to represent Blue from the first 3 battles ( as in the one in the lab, the optional one in viridian city and the one in cerulean city right before nugget bridge). This pretty much captures Blue pretty well. This cocky kid who thinks he's better than you,lmao. Got his signature hand gesture too. This was during the early game, I would say. Where he does probably think " yeah there's no way Red would catch up with me, hur hur".
Then we reach the fourth sprite on the S.S. Anne
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This sprite is the sprite that's used for the rest of the game until his champion battle. This one gives such a different vibe than the first one. He looks so much more focused compared to his other sprite. Like he's looking directly as the player this time, PokeBall out, in a semi hunched position getting ready. He doesn't even have a smirk on his face, which I find very interesting. There's many ways to interpret this really, one of which is a simple " the game is telling you your getting to the mid game now". For me personally, I think it reflects on how Blue starts seeing the player. I kinda see it where Blue is starting to realize that Red is catching up, so to speak. That he can't treat them entirely like a joke anymore. He's still gonna talk shit ( the best an 11 year old can anyway) but like. It's a thought at the back of his mind. Especially when he keeps losing, like Red is almost a threat to what he wants. It's also interesting to think about this with the context of " Red and Blue where childhood friends turned rivals". I mean. They were always rivals according to professor oak, but you get what I'm trying to say right? I think this is where the " competition" gets real to blue, and he's taking it as seriously as he can, now with the facade of him being this snarky jerk. Again, that's just my interpretation of it, I'm down to hear others!
And finally....
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Champion Blue! This sprite technically makes blue the first champion to have a different outfit compared to their usual sprite, which I find cool. Also this is probably what they used for reference for his look on HGSS. Probably, I don't actually know. I do think it's kinda cute that this implies he went into the elite 4 looking his best hgvhvgvgvcg. Anyway, to the actual analysis. He did it! He became champion! Before Red,too. I know I just said it was cute that Blue had an outfit change for this moment but it still shows his very show boaty nature I think. He wants Red to know he won. He wants everyone to know he won. He worked hard to get where he is and by Arceus he is going to show for it. Here's my thing though. I can't tell if he's smirking or not. I don't think he is, to it's still kinda hard to say? To me anyway. But let's go with the fact that he's not smirking. And like yeah. He's champion. This is the ultimate battle that probably means everything to him and Red. He wants to be serious about this. I just find it interesting how ever since that 4th battle he hasn't had a visible smile or smirk. His words have always been very "Blue" but his facial expressions don't fully convey that? Like his body language doesn't exactly show someone who's overly cocky, and someone who thinks he's at the top of the world, even in his champion battle, with all of that swagger. I dunno if I can accurately write my thoughts down on this but. It's weird to have Blue not smirk. Does that make sense? And not to say that Blue shouldn't be seen as serious but to lose that smirk so quickly as of the 4th battle ( third if you just didn't do the optional battle) is so. Weird. Even if he is taking Red seriously, even if he is starting to see Red as a threat rather than a friend, where's his bravado?
Am I looking way too deeply into this? Yes. Am I done. Nope!
.....oh boy. This is gonna be a bit longer than I thought-
Pokemon Yellow pretty much had the same philosophy of rbg in Blue's sprites, showcasing different poses for different parts of the journey. Where it differs is the second sprite
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The second sprite for the 4th (or 3rd) battle and onward his pretty much the same as rbg, expect more polished, I think. And! He's still smirking! As much as I loved over analyzing and theorizing the shit out of his previous sprites, this sprite is way better at conveying Blue as Blue I think. The position still makes it clear that Blue is taking Red more seriously, especially with the PokeBall out, but it doesn't feel as intense as the rbg ones did imo. Though that could also be bc of the coloring. Overall it just better shows Blue character. Again, I still like the shit I wrote before, and honestly it kinda makes me appreciate Blue more, but like. Yeah, this one shows his character better. And it makes this:
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Less weird to me. Minus taking away his "champion outfit". How dare they honestly. But anyway, having Blue have his usual smirk throughout the game only to drop it once he has his final battle with Red for champion. Cause like to. To him this fight would literally mean everything. He has to keep it serious. I don't have much to really say other than this pose Blue is in looks like he's just about to throw that PokeBall. I think it's neat given how important this battle is to him.
Now we can finally go to the frlg sprites bc they're kinda weird to me.
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This is his sprite for the first three battles. It's. So different compared to the rbgy ones. This this sprite looks more like the sprite that he would have had for his fourth fight. And what's more!
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This is his sprite that's used for fourth battle onwards. And I was so confused about this when I saw it cause. What was it trying to convey? Yeah we know that Blue is cocky, but this feels. Odd character wise. Though then I realized that this sprite and the sprite before are like. Switched versions of the rbgy ones ( specifically yellow in terms of characterization). Though I don't want to make it seem likes it's an inherently bad thing. Like it's an odd choice to me, but I can kinda see something with it. With the rbgy sprites, to me, Blue goes from not fully taking the player seriously to realizing " oh shit, Red could beat me I can't have that" to the serious battle that makes or breaks everything. This progression in frlg is like. Starting out on equal terms, but as time goes on Blue just gets more and more cocky until the last moment where you take him off his high horse. At least sprite wise, that's what that story conveys. And honestly I think both are totally fine stories to tell with Blue. I personally like the rbgy sprites better. In terms of character telling I mean. Also I can't stress enough this is just my own interpretation of these sprites that honestly don't really impact the story much. I just found it interesting that Blue actually has different sprites at all at specific points in the plot. Oh wait before I forget
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This is the sprite that Blue has for his champion battle. I think he's pointing at the player? Again it's such an interesting vibe in comparison to those before it, but overall it still showcases what it needs to in terms of what the player/Red/Green/Leaf should feel at this very moment. All or nothing, winner takes all, you get it.
Aaaaand yeah. The rbg section kinda stole the show but I think it's good context for the rest of it. I hope this was enjoyable to you all and if you have your own interpretations of Blue's sprites and what they mean, I'd like to hear them!
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esprei · 7 months
Im curious about your dystopian AU :O?
ohhhh thank you!! :D it's definitely the one I'm most passionate about because it's got some interesting things in it I think! (this reminds me I gotta finish my ref sheet at least for Emmet...) but yeah! I can't remember what I wrote in my post about it a while back, but in a nutshell it's really an attempt at a redemption story for Volo (the Volo we know from PLA, that timeline) because what happens is sometime after he's defeated at the Temple of Sinnoh, he gets thrown into an alternate timeline/dimension/world that's the direct result of him winning and becoming mad with power (making himself a self-proclaimed emperor now that Arceus is no longer standing in his way because Arceus is uh... well, gone :D). and seeing how bad things can get, how bad he can become, well... it essentially makes him rethink his choices from before.
(so he ends up joining the Resistance, fighting together with them, facing his alternate self who's gone mad with power aaaand... there's a lot that happens :'D) also there's the whole development between him and Emmet (big focus of the story) because Emmet definitely does not trust Volo at first at all - why would he, though? he looks just like the emperor! oh and Ultra Beasts + Solgaleo/Lunala will play a role too (obviously, since Emmet has Blacephalon, and without getting too spoiler-y yet I will say that Blacephalon is not originally Emmet's, but he has it by the time we (and Volo) meet him in the story). Togekiss is also important... oh and the survival skills that Volo has from Hisui will be immensely valuable for the Resistance! since he knows what berries/plants/etc can make whatever medicines and remedies, he knows how to craft Pokeballs from scratch which is great for them since their supplies are so scarce, etc... Emmet himself is very hands on in his workshop when not in battle, and he also helps repair/maintain some of the broken down trains in Lower Unova that help with transporting resources/people/etc Skyla does the same with air transport Cynthia will be in the story too :D I think that includes a bit more than I mentioned in my post a while back? thank you so much for your interest btw! I'm hoping I can post more about it soon (even if it's just character ref sheets XD)
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jils-things · 5 months
◆↬ jaide e. stone ; profile↫◆
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[ pre i/ii - rgb arc - aged 0-18] (may change)
◆↬ jaide is a self-taught aprijuice merchant. she started when she was quite young - she liked to collect apricorns with her teddiursa and was quite fond of roller-skating to maximize the apriblender's juicing proficiency.
◆↬ she picked up on this trade when her mother introduced this concept to her which was still new at the time, and enjoyed this as a hobby before turning it into a profession
◆↬her childhood companions consisted of; teddiursa, hoppip, and ralts (all evolved as years go by). she is strictly not a trainer, but has practiced basic pokemon battle conduct
◆↬ jaide is an older sister to a sibling named gold, with an age gap of 8 years.
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◆↬as kids, they were an interesting duo. while they were quite the tough kids, they have their own styles in projecting it (his actions / her words). gold took an interest in skateboarding to copy her roller-skating tendencies
◆↬she wasn't exactly the same as her adult counterpart. she was a little rough around the edges and sometimes played hard with her words. she isn't the type to fight, but she knew how to get around people older than her and she was rarely afraid. she was fast, charismatic and somewhat smug
◆↬ jaide was gifted with an interesting skill to be able to read other pokemon's natures, almost psychic-like thanks to her kirlia who was able to steer her guesses in the right path. this would later be very useful when aprijuice would be popular in the pokeathalon games in allowing pokemon improve their performance in the multitude of sports*
*(this is aligned with the game mechanic where several drinks have different results with consideration on the nature of the pokemon drinking it and flavor of the drink)
◆↬most people buy her drinks because it actually refreshes the pokemon - but what customers don't know is the underlying magic it does when you mix the right flavor with the right nature/personality of pokemon. that's what fascinates her the most. this can only be achieved because of her good perception of pokemon natures.
◆↬jaide wanted to make it a point that her aprijuice business would expand beyond johto - her personal reason being to introduce the beauty of it. she sees aprijuice production as an intricate way to create natural beverages (and not artificial) for pokemon. (which admittedly, is a commonplace in johto. i.e: kurt and his pokeball production)
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[ gsc - oras arc - aged 19-25+ ] (most present frame)
◆↬jaide becomes more mild and calm in her personality due to maturity and events that occured in gsc, though she still retained the cheeky personality but it would be more sly and vague. and being a mom. of course /lh
◆↬meeting steven was definitely a curveball thrown at her direction because he's one of the rare people who can see through her cheeky facade. it's common for them to have interesting back and fourth that either sounded smart or really flirty. only they know really.
◆↬after officially being renamed to his family name, she treats aprijuice making as a hobby instead, she passes her knowledge to ruby and this helped him indulge in making pokeblocks. while it's hoenn's equivalent to her juice, she doesn't mind it as long as he's learning something.
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trivia ;
- her pokemon team consists of: (old to recently joined)
gardevoir, ursaring, jumpluff, glaceon (previously eevee), solrock, aron
- it's a bit of a running gag with new bark town's population that jaide and gold are the kids with the worst natural bed hair /lh (it's just like that)
- jaide and gold loved to skate together in the national park as kids
- the e. in her maiden name is evergreen
- goldenrod city her favorite landmark since it's the most modernized section of johto. definitely likes shopping there
- jaide doesn't skate anymore, but if she were in a floor of ice, (usually caused by her glaceon), she probably would skate a little. just for old time's sake.
- jaide has met all the johto and hoenn dexholders + only red from kanto. (mt silver incident) she has never personally seen blue, green and yellow but only through others' accounts of them
- she is right-handed.
- semi-canon statement, if she had a mega stone, it would be attached to the back of her necklace
- she supports fran.ticshipping :]]] (she also emotionally supports sapphire as she's not really good at expressing herself without being wild)
- dislikes zinnia. that's it /lh
- in my head, i imagine she's currently living in hoenn but she occasionally visits johto when she can just to see her mother and gold
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ya-boy-polaris · 1 year
I had this scenario on my mind but I don't know how to translate it but- The Twins and Warden Ingo (separate) with a reader that comes off as creepy but in actuality, they're really normal and funny to be around once you get past their creepy appearance. Like, they're not outcasts or anything it's just that people find it hard to approach them because of how off-putting they look.
Submas x Spooky Reader | Warden Ingo x Spooky Reader
The twins had a concerning message at two different points of the day. There was a strange man muttering to himself, riding the morning train and evening train. It was worrying people, the way he was talking so you were unfortunately reported twice. The first time, you weren't caught, by the time the report was made you already left the station but you were caught on surveillance. When the second report came out, both twins were already aware of who you are and what you looked like.
When you were on your evening train, the one you take back home, you were approached by Ingo. He made note of your slightly disheveled appearance, your unkempt hair, your untied shoelaces, and a strange stain on your shirt. He had heard you mumbling when he entered the train and began to ask you questions. You look at him with wide eyes, starting back and forth to your appearance and to him and immediately apologize, speaking in a louder tone for him to hear you. It wasn't your fault! You worked with young children for a summer program that was basically summer school without a harsher curriculum that would encourage brain development with various activities. Today the children were painting and one of the students spilled their paint cup on you, leaving a red and brown stain on your white shirt. You immediately showed Ingo your work i.d. card to prove that you worked with the company and he looked it up. Now it was his turn to apologize! When Emmet reaches up with you two at the next station, Emmet catches up to speed but does ask why you were mumbling. Your eyes widen and you immediately get flustered by you try your best to explain. You have a Pokemon hiding in your shadow, they're so withdrawn that they hide constantly unless you're at home. This intrigues the twins as they come up with a guessing game to try and figure out what Pokemon it could be. The evening train is much more pleasant with another human to talk to and the three of you eagerly chat away until you reach your home, everyone looking forward to tomorrow. ~~ You were an interesting person in Hisui, having fallen from the sky. It wasn't exactly clear when you got here but you fortunately found yourself working for the Galaxy Expedition Team as a Security Officer. You protected the gates of Jubilife Village, ensuring the safety of everyone but people thought of you as an odd person. Though you were nice and a strong trainer, you were often seen mumbling to yourself. People would try to catch you, to see who you were talking to, but rumors began to speculate you were speaking with ghosts, former villagers of the town. Warden Ingo is eventually introduced to Jubilife Village when he assists the Hero of Hisui with their quest and makes a permanent home there. He offers you a battle to which you agree but he gets confused when you have 6 pokeballs but only 5 pokemon to battle with. You tell him it's a secret. Then one day, while the two of you were enjoying a nice meal, a drunk sailor, one of the merchant traders try to interrupt you. Calling you cruel names, you and Ingo get up to leave, deciding to go talk at the beach when this stranger continues to follow you. He almost gets into an altercation with you when suddenly, your shadow materializes and knocks him off his feet. The man then runs away, screaming that you were a demon. Ingo stares at you, wide eyed but he trusts you, "May I ask what that was?" he asks politely. You bite your bottom lip and pinch your fingertips, you trust him and hope that your pokemon did too. You glance around your surroundings first to make sure no one is near before you whisper out a name... Your shadow then materializes once again but takes on the form of the Pokemon: Darkrai, the nightmare pokemon. Ingo stares in shock as he quietly approaches, "Is he your secret 6th?" "Yes, he um...I found him a long time ago. Running away from hunters. I knew about his abilities and told him to hide in my shadow. Since then, he's always been with me. He's my friend." Ingo hums thoughtfully before nodding his head, giving Darkrai a small smile. "I must thank you for what you did, you were protecting us." Darkrai lets out a low grumble and nods his head as well before slinking away back into your shadow. "Well that explains your peculiar charms of talking to your shadow," he says with a light chuckle. "I will keep this a secret, but I would love it if you entertained the idea of us battling with them as well." You sigh relieved, feeling like the night couldn't be any safer.
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feroluce · 1 year
Extremely in love with the idea of a time loop scenario for submas, because PLA made it just so PERFECT for them. ♡♡♡
I love thinking of it from Ingo's POV because that would be so confusing. Like he goes to bed with Emmet totally normal and fine one night, and the next morning, the change is just so. STARK.
Emmet looks exhausted, in a way that Ingo has no idea how to deal with, because it doesn't look as simple as Emmet not having slept well. He's tired in a way that sleep won't fix, he's listless, he's quiet, all of his energy and chipper attitude that Emmet usually displays even in the early hours of the morning has been completely sucked away and left him looking hollow and empty.
Emmet seems resigned to something, and Ingo has no idea what it is or what to do about it.
Ingo himself has had a strange anxiety lately, something he's left unspoken so as not to worry his darling brother, an odd ominous sensation that haunts him constantly, but all of it goes on the back burner immediately. It's probably nothing. It's certainly not his main concern anymore.
His day only gets weirder as it goes. Not only does Emmet evade Ingo's questions trying to figure out what's wrong with him, he also refuses to explain odd things that he shouldn't have or know. Ingo finds a pokeball that doesn't match any of their team, it's one he's never seen or even heard of before, gold on one side and silver on the other-
Emmet lays his hand over Ingo's, carefully takes the pokeball from him, quietly tells him not to worry about it. Everything will be ok. Emmet will explain everything, he promises. But later...ok?
Ingo doesn't push. Emmet goes back to cooking breakfast. He somehow manages to make exactly what Ingo's craving.
When they get to Gear Station, Emmet asks to do the multi train instead of running their own separate lines, and Ingo is so distressed about Emmet's behavior so far that he doesn't have it in him to refuse. Ingo would do just about anything right then to see Emmet actually smile, not the crestfallen, stitched-on expression that's been fooling everyone else all day.
Emmet goes on to correctly predict every single pair of trainers they face that day, to the point that it becomes uncanny. He's always been an extremely able battler, Emmet has excellent intuition and he can quickly adapt to almost anything thrown his way. Ingo has always admired and been so, so proud of him.
But that's a little different from Emmet adjusting to a trainer's attack pattern before they even toss out their pokeball.
Over their lunchbreak, Emmet doesn't leave Ingo's side for even a moment, much as he's done for the entire day. They normally stick pretty close together, they prefer to function as a pair after all, but there's a strange desperation to it today. Emmet pulls out the lunches he'd made that morning; it's all of their favorites.
Ingo watches Emmet savor it like a last meal.
And then, that night, at the end of their shift, well after dark when the hour is closing in on midnight. Ingo gets a message that a bright light was seen down in one of the abandoned subway tunnels. Must be a flashlight; a trespasser, probably. Ingo turns to tell Emmet to go home without him; Ingo is the night owl between them and Emmet has had an off day. He deserves to go home and rest, Ingo will be home as soon as he's done with some more work.
Ingo has no more opened his mouth when he realizes Emmet already has all his things gathered and is taking his hand. "I'm going down with you."
Ingo hadn't told him about the message yet. He shouldn't have known.
The whole way down the tunnels, Emmet has a vice grip on Ingo's hand, fingers laced tight together. He barely even seems to investigate, he just kind of walks with Ingo, pace slower than usual, always watching their steps.
Ingo sticks his head around a corner to check for intruders, and hears a quiet intake of breath behind him before the hand in his suddenly redoubles its grip.
Ingo turns around. Emmet is looking down. Ingo follows his gaze.
There is light. Bright, searing, white light, that is not Emmet's flashlight, not Ingo's flashlight, but is wrapped around Ingo himself, coming up from the bottoms of his shoes.
Ingo tries to jump back but finds that he can't move, he's rooted to the spot, there is light pouring out of him and flooding the ground, spreading outwards, lapping at Emmet's ankles who is suddenly right up against Ingo and holding onto him like he might disappear.
"I am sorry. Ingo, I am so, so sorry." Ingo pushes at Emmet's arms, but he won't budge, he won't get out of the way- "I tried. I really did!" the light wants Ingo, just him, he can feel it, Emmet needs to get away from him- "Many, maaaaany times!" he has no idea what he's talking about but he can't let Emmet be collateral, he can't, he can't, Ingo shoves at him again, harder, Emmet stubbornly clings on, Ingo's panic is rising like the tide, like bile in his throat, only growing more desperate in the face of Emmet's disarming calm, the light is obscuring everything, warping it, twisting it- "But I could not keep you here with me."
Everything, all of it, his entire world turns violently on its head, and when the light finally lets him go, Ingo sees bright blue sky all around him. Emmet looks up at him, the force of the shift having put them at arm's length, but unable to break their grip on each other. He can see the entire expanse of the landscape sprawled behind his brother, far far below. Pinpricks of tears bubble up from Emmet's eyes and spatter against Ingo's cheeks as they hurtle like a comet towards the ground.
"So let's Fall together."
#blankshipping#submas#pokemon ingo#pokemon emmet#subway master ingo#JUST. OUGH#that gap between Ingo having no idea what's going on while Emmet knows exactly what's happening#the implied horror of Emmet going through loop after loop after loop trying so so hard to keep Ingo with him Unova and never succeeding#and realizing that. he's never going to succeed. he wasn't meant to. he won't be allowed to.#and now he has a decision to make. Emmet can either let Ingo go- make his peace with the loss of his brother and try to live without him-#-or he can go with him. Emmet can give up everything and everyone he's ever known and throw himself into the rift with Ingo to follow him#and maybe it's an easy decision. but it is not one he makes happily or without agonizing. but he still makes it.#Emmet knows exactly what he's doing and that it will be the most horrible thing he will ever experience in his entire life#and still he does it because Ingo is worth it. Ingo is worth EVERYTHING to him- even the loss of their home.#so all that's left is to try to get in one last good day before they lose everything#Emmet makes Ingo his favorite foods and savors his own last meal because he doesn’t know when he'll ever be able to eat it again#Emmet gets them to do one last run on the multi line because that was always his favorite- getting to battle as a team with Ingo at his side#and he sticks by Ingo's side all day so that he'll be ready#because whatever wants Ingo is going to have to take him too#ingo#emmet#time loops#my fics
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