nexus-nebulae · 4 months
why am i literally only getting the dumbass google ai on MEDICAL SEARCHES. that could KILL SOMEONE
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imaginingbleach · 4 months
So, just got reminded I wrote this when I was what I believed at the time was cramping.
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I had gone to urgent care and gotten an ultrasound and it turned out I had a cyst on my ovary!
Rambling rant bellw
Unfortunately, when I went to a doctor sometime later; he didn't really do anything for me.
An even bigger fun fact, I wrote this 5 years, 7 months and 2 days ago.
I have been dealing with worse pain than at that time for the past two-ish years.
It's taken me this long at a few different hospital related visits, but my PCP has agreed that if my current gyno can't (state laws, she's out of state) or won't (personal belief or whatever); she will refer me to someone who WILL give me a hysterectomy.
I've been saying just remove it all since I started seeing her in 2019 😭
She admitted that a gyno wouldn't agree until we tried an IUD and I finally got one in November...
It was literally, and I'm not joking, for me? The most painful experience in my fucking life -- and I've possibly passed a kidney stone.
I was told the pain would pass, but the IUD hasn't helped with the pain and hasn't totally gotten rid of my period :'D
It's even made my hormones worse!
I'm seeing her on Monday and if I don't get a "okay we'll do it" I'm immediately messaging my PCP for a referral.
I don't know why "I literally can't stand straight for ten minutes because my back flares up in pain" isn't being taken more seriously.
Or why she thinks that can't be related to the constant cysts on my ovaries. :')
Anyway, like I said was just reminded and amazed at just how bad the past five years have been in that regards.
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
Do you have any advice for preparing to get phallo/the process leading up to it? Also any advice on staying stealth while getting the surgeries done? I'm currently stealth and am looking to get phallo if/when I can afford it, but I don't know where to begin or how to not out myself to people during the whole thing.
Okay, lots to answer here. We will start with phallo prep. Alright, so one of the first things you have to think about is your donor site. You have a few options: forearm, lower back, and thigh. You want sensitive skin because this will form your member. And if course making sure you are healthy, no smoking, etc.
I chose my forearm. No matter where you pick, hair removal is important. For example: check the inside of your non dominant arm and see how hairy it is. They use the inside of your forearm to make the urethra. We don't want fissures, so most important for hair removal is your inner forearm. You can easily stay stealth while prepping your donor site with hair removal. Lots of people "don't like body hair". Or "I really want this tattoo to be perfectly visible". You don't need to offer a lot of information, people really dont care. "I want to prep my arm for a tattoo sleeve, and i dont want the hair to grow back and wreck the design". But lets be honest, they are in the busy of hair removal and they want you there. They dont care why lol. Explaining the scarring on the forearm after phallo: I say I burned my arm working at one of my first jobs in fast food. People have never questioned me. In fact, they usually will take it upon themselves to tell me some sort of burn story of their own to relate? I guess. Either way, it's chill. dont sweat the scarring. Definitely look up places that laser or electrolysis in your areas, or if you're worried in a city over. The point is: your skin will continue to grow hair, whether it's thick or teeny soft ones. You don't want that inside you. Same goes for the outside, your member will grow hair if you don't get the hair permanently removed.
It hurts, I'm not going to lie to you. But you'll be very happy with the results in the future. It's worth it. So... look into some hair removal places.
Exercise is important. Wrist exercises to strengthen are good if you choose forearm.
I'm not sure if you've had any surgeries. But you will need to get a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy as like the first "surgery step" of phallo. It's important to have these surgeries, especially if you've been taking T for longer than 10 years. If you don't remove the uterus and ovaries but keep taking T... you have a very high risk of getting cancer. So please, if you can try to see an endocrinologist at least once to get some basic knowledge on the effects of the hormones in relation to the inner workings of the human body, that would be good.
Stealth wise: it's your body and you can be rid of whatever innards you want lol. Meaning: tell the doctor you don't want the uterus and ovaries, and you want them removed. When asked "why...are you sure". "Yes, I am absolutely sure. I could go into surgery today if you have an opening" They won't have one open obviously but the point is: be insistant and strong and stern. If the doctor needs reasons here are a few: I don't want kids. I am in pain because of my period and it's affecting my quality of life". USE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE: "this affects my quality of life"
When you're in the process of phallo to stay stealth I used the excuse of needing to have corrective surgeries on my penis. Honestly. I was staying with my inlaws for the last two surgeries and they do not know at all. And I told them I had issues with my urinary tract (for me i have kidney stones and I said one tore me up inside so I needed to fix it). And honestly you won't be up and moving a lot after the first process of phallo, I don't really think you'll have an issue having to hide that. I want not just you but every dude to know men pee sitting down a lot more often than you think. After your first stage chances are you will have too much swelling to do the urethra surgery at the same time (but it can be done, I've heard people tell me). Basically the internet can provide you with medical excuses and stuff to tell others if they get too "intimate" with you.
Hopefully this helps a bit. If you have follow up questions, you know where to go!
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gleeokenspiel · 2 years
Heeeeey im soooooo sorry, I know you might find this a bit strange but I really do have a huge favor to ask but im so embarrassed to ask for it but I guess there’s no harm on trying, right? Can you consider boosting/sharing the post I pinned for my cat please? We’re in desperately need of help rn. Im so sorry for coming across your inbox like this. Please also consider answering this privately or send me a msg instead! Wishing you well and I hope that you’ll have an amazing year ahead of you ❤️❤️
im was debating answering this publicly over deleting it but here we are. this scam is apparently fairly common so in this essay i will-
you know, i watched you delete that pinned post live in 4k because a mutual of mine called you out for being a scammer in its notes and instead of rebutting them for being a jerk abt it you deleted it and reposted it to get rid of that comment
not only are all your rbs from source (meaning you probably created an account semi recently, just looked up top posts in cats, many of which I already rbed today from mutuals and blogs i followed and rb'd to pretend to fill your blog)
every single one was mass rbed an hour ago as i type and the oldest post you've rb'd was 4 days ago
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and hell, wouldn't you WANT a public ask so people see it if you're gonna go through the trouble of.. i dont know, asking random people on the internet on tumblr dot com?
on top of that, i am not a medical profressional so i cannot say for 100% certainty, but apparently that doctor's note treatment only treats kidney stones and tooth surgery. and i dont really know how its done elsewhere, but somehow "antibiotics to go home with" seems. kind of out there for a note w/how vague it is
if your cat is actually in need of help, im so sorry. but also a lot of things dont really seem to align and looking at other cases things kinda have the same vibe (primary reblogs only, very few reblogs, PMing people)
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healthtips-2306 · 2 years
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Kidney Stone : This disease of kidney stone will be seen in 50% of the people. How can we avoid this disease? If so, how to get rid of it? Today we will know in this article. If a stone is formed in our kidney and it gets stuck somewhere in the kidney and stops the flow of urine, then there is pain. How do stones form in our kidneys? This question must have come to your mind. When 'calcium' gets combined with 'oxalate' in our kidney. Then the stone would be ready. Uric acid can also lead to stone formation.....read more
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freedom-lives2020 · 3 days
Bottom Line: Kidney Stones Suck! Just Don't Go There
Your kidneys are key in cleaning your body by getting rid of extra liquids and waste. But, a bad diet can make your kidneys work too hard. This can lead to problems like kidney stones. Knowing how to prevent kidney stones is very important. By choosing the right foods, you can lower your risk and keep your kidneys healthy. We’ll look at which foods are good for your kidneys and which to…
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theodoraflowerday · 7 days
im listening to PFA/FFV for the first time in like a month and it's 1am so these are scattered/random thoughts, again it's 1am
when she says "nothing cuts like a mother" FUCKKKKK it gets me every time. if this is what she wants (which, she's said it a lot that she does want to be a mother) then she's gonna be the coolest mom (and I know this bc she practically raised me too so that future child is gonna have to share)
"if you know love you best prepare to grieve" hits so much harder now than it did in 2020. I didn't know how hard real loss felt like. ugh.
okay..... creepin. i genuinely thought it was about the bats in her bat house (and that concept made her laugh #noticed) but if this song really IS about B then jdkgjslgjsljdjfjdkf hayley's such an asshole, this song is SO BAD AJDLSJFLSJFLSJF like "yeah I know T's like the greatest human in the world but the memory's gonna have to be enough" which like..... bruh. AND THEN FOLLOW THAT WITH SUDDEN DESIRE SJFKSLFJDLGKDLGK LIKE NOT ONLY IS HE NOT GETTING BACK W YOU BUT ITS BECAUSE HE'S WITH ME NOW, HERE, HAVE A SEX SONG
tracklist goals ily hayley
speaking of sudden desire, rmr when i was walking thru a bridge when i first heard "everywhere i am it sticks close like a friend, just like him" and I. stopped. and stood in the middle of a random bridge for like a minute processing that she meant taylor. like And That Was The Moment I Knew. I had to try and focus cutting open dead bodies knowing that she meant taylor and I couldn't talk about it because being a tayley was still frowned upon until two years ago...... suffered more than jesus tbh
"dyed my hair blue to match my lips" LYRIC GENIUS
"sorry, I could be the bigger person except I'm too small" is the FUNNIEST possible way to explain your pettiness
I just remembered dousing her wedding doc martens in cement in the dead horse music video......... nvm, hayley is the one who suffered more than jesus
like? "I got what I deserved, I was the other woman first" FIRST OF ALL! no. you were groomed. fuck you pinhead bitch i hope you never stop suffering. second of all 'other woman' YOU WERE SEVENTEEEEEEEEEN YOU WERE A *CHILD*
wherever pinhead bitch is, i hope he gets kidney stones.
remember when I got a rose/lotus/violet/iris tattooed to connect with my femininity and then i ended up being nonbinary/agender/a blob? i mean, I still like my femininity, I don't wanna get rid of it, but in retrospect that was like my last desperate attempt at remaining cisgender dlgjdlfkdlgjdlfjdlfjlf
and i will not return to where i once was, well i can break through the earth, come out soft and wild :(
i spent the weekend at home again :( drawing circles on the floor :( trying to keep myself from hurting :( don't know why anymore :( I just wanna talk about it :( I know I freaked you out :( I just wanna talk about it :( sorry for freaking out :( :( :(
so the way I listen to PFA/FFV is like, PFA through why we ever, then all of FFV, and then resume PFA from pure love through crystal clear. which means FFV is about to hit ahahahaha I need therapy
bro, first thing to go starts and like, two sentences in and im already crying skflsjfldjf
"why do memories glow the way real moments don't" to the entirety of crave....... picture me looking for my car (cause a homie's going thru a lot)
"and I should forget but I love what's left" dude :(
I always forget how violent my limb is. both because of the imagery (like "if you leave you're literally ripping out one of my limbs, that's how vital you are to me") and because of the more direct message ("you look so gentle and innocent but look at what you're doing to me and look how im bleeding out" and also "if you're gonna leave me then have the guts to do it right even if it kills me, don't patronize me") like...... hayley williams you are a fuckin wonder
I don't live for you, I live for me 😃 if only that were true, if only I could prove that on my own I'm worthy 😟
"but if I pull the plug, it isn't only me that I'm holding back" vs "and all the ways I'd keep you safe, I keep you safe from me" bro i shouldn't be doing this at 1am before my period
"all I ever had to say about love is a sad song" NOT ANYMORE YOU DON'T OHOHOHOHOHOHO
over those hills is usually when i remember that hayley did all the instruments on FFV too. like she did the whole thing. she's fucking insane.
"and I'm pretty sure you don't miss the way I put all my demons on display to your pretty music" fuck. FUCK
good grief to me is the saddest breakup song (not the saddest overall but breakup wise def yes) because the great majority of their relationship is based on the music they made together so losing that had to also be horrifying. like she couldn't fully express herself without his music. that's so depressing.
wait on is the saddest song overall btw. it's definitely wait on. it hasn't even started and I'm already tearing up.
seriously, good grief > wait on > KYRH > inordinary > HYD is an attack from every goddamn side. saddest five song run in history.
"keep you right here where the line is, on my fingers, on the surface" I cannot imagine how much it took for hayley to move past all that absurd amount of trauma. like I can't. i could never (i still haven't)
inordinary is my favorite song though. it took me, uh, four years? to admit this but im pretty sure this is my favorite song ever. this is the first time i am ever admitting this btw.
something about pleading to be seen as the most important person and then going through all your life and all the moments you were extraordinary... and using inordinary instead of extraordinary... idk man it just gets me. it gets my former gifted child ass deep in my heart
something something taylor york's absolute inability to take a goddamn compliment despite being the best human being to have ever existed something something
(i got a public commendation at work two days ago and i am still reeling from how awkward I felt so like. I get it)
"I wonder if you ever quit like you wanted, I bet you did" lmao no he fucking didn't. my man's lungs must be charred by this point. sending him that "why smoking's bad for you" book so he can break down in my arms zayn style
I can't imagine how insane it must've felt for T to hear no use I just love you. like if I were him (and knowing his insecure ass) I'd also wonder if she's just latching on to me bc I'm so close to her and convenient so hearing this song must've been like "ah. I've been an idiot"
god I wanna interview them on their ENTIRE relationship timeline i need to know what happened last night outside his house I need to know the whole breakup timeline I wanna know EVERYTHINGGGGGJLGHKLGKG
oh I forgot the full body cringe I get from "not just the friction of our skin" like those are my parents you're talking about
also pure love going "oh I have to open up huh" is HILARIOUS after FFV which is an entire album of H's deepest saddest most depressing thoughts and experiences like.... she opened up all right
the one thing that excites me deeply about fine print is the idea that if hayley releases another solo album she'll do a solo tour and I'll hear all of these live
I can't believe people heard taken and they STILL didn't catch on that she was with taylor. like maybe I am super biased but bro......... you have to be so fr
"do you taste the shame when you lick my wounds" is an insane lyric tho
god, sugar on the rim is the best PFA song and no one can tell me nothin
"I'm alive in spite of me" is also a beast of a lyric actually. that sugar on the rim > watch me while i bloom > crystal clear is also an insane 3 song run
hey remember how crystal clear is so important to hayley that she wrote a reference to it into liar
and it's important because taylor decided to surprise her with the single most romantic thing a person could do for another person
"I won't give into the fear" I'm gonna die perhaps
god hayley please keep the solo stuff coming please
also remember how hayley was like "stop. TAYLOR APPRECIATION TIME" on the US tour and did liar and crystal clear back to back? absurd
ffv always depresses me but crystal clear brings me back like ah yes. they're happy now. good for them
now I need to beat depression too. find the love of my life perhaps? Who knows
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haorev · 17 days
So the ct scan I had the other day (so they could see how big the kidney stone is) also revealed some other significant health stuff and I’m kind of like what the fuck am I supposed to do about it? Because according to Mayo Clinic two of the big risk factors/causes of it in non-alcoholics are (1) being overweight (whatever that means) and (2) having PCOS (which contributes to ‘being overweight’), both of which are relevant to me.
Mayo Clinic also has “loosing weight” as the main treatment, and they mention that the “ideal” weight lost is 10% of your body weight. Which admittedly for me isn’t a ridiculous amount, but it is pretty much the exact amount I gained when I was on Prozac several years ago, and my understanding is that weight gained because of medication is practically impossible to get rid of (it’s also the same as what I gained when getting Depo Provera shots almost a decade ago, so that’s fun).
I’m just like how is “losing weight” the main treatment for this thing that I literally have no control over? This thing that is honestly just one more shitty thing I’ve inherited from my parents who both have it.
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swastikayurvedachd · 2 months
Top 10 Ayurvedic Medicine For Distribution Business
Top 10 Ayurvedic Medicine For Distribution Business - If you are looking for the Top 10 companies that make Ayurvedic medicine in India, you are in the right spot. Ayurvedic medicine is an old way of healing that has been used in India for many years. Herbal products are usually made from natural things like plants, minerals, and extracts from plants. Many people choose it to treat health problems because it works well, takes a complete view of health, and is pure.
Ayurveda helps with many health problems like diabetes, heart issues, skin issues, hair problems, menstrual pain, and mental health problems, among others. Right now, Ayurveda is very popular, and many companies have become well-known in this area. Our company is the best Ayurvedic PCD Franchise. In this tough competition, some companies are recognized for their great products and services. In this blog, we will about the Top 10 Ayurvedic Medicine For Distribution Business.
List Of Top 10 Ayurvedic Medicine For Distribution Business
Herbocool Syrup
Herbocool Syrup is an herbal syrup that helps with acidity, gas, and indigestion. It offers relief for stomach issues like heartburn, excess acid, and other related problems. This is an Ayurvedic medicine that quickly helps with acidity issues and removes related symptoms. Since it's an herbal product, it will not only help you feel better from acidity but also improve your digestion, so you'll get relief from acidity quickly.
Mutravahini Syrup
Mutravahini Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicine made to help with kidney stones and improve how well the kidneys work. It also helps with problems like long-lasting urinary tract infections (UTIs) and painful urination. This syrup helps the body get rid of kidney stones naturally. This syrup helps the kidneys work better because its main ingredients boost kidney health, which also helps improve related issues.
A-Antacid Tablet
A-Antacid Tablet is a medicine you can buy without a prescription. It's used to help with feelings of acidity in the stomach, like heartburn, upset stomach, and indigestion. The medicine just lowers the amount of acid that's already in the stomach; it doesn't stop the stomach from making acid. It can be used by itself or with other medicines that lower stomach acid. You shouldn't use the medicine every day, but you can take it when you need it.
Hemosafa Capsules
Hemosafa Capsules are a safe way to clean your blood by getting rid of harmful toxins. It increases blood flow to joints and helps them heal. It naturally cleanses the blood and helps the patient with different skin issues, while also slowing down the time it takes for blood to clot. The capsules help the liver work better. Your doctor will decide how many capsules to take and for how long. It's important to finish all the medicine to make sure you are fully healed.
Panch Tulsi Drops
Swastik Panch Tulsi Drops is a medicine made from five kinds of tulsi, an herb that grows in India. These drops are made from the extract of five different types of the tulsi plant. The entire tulsi plant is used to create this natural medicine. These drops help the immune system work better, which can effectively relieve various types of cancer. Using it can help speed up metabolism, which helps remove toxins from the body and improves a person's overall health.
Gut Set-Go Powder
Swastik Panch Tulsi Drops is a medicine made from five kinds of tulsi, an herb that grows in India. These drops are made from the extract of five different types of the tulsi plant. The entire tulsi plant is used to create this natural medicine. These drops help the immune system work better, which can effectively relieve various types of cancer. Using it can help speed up metabolism, which helps remove toxins from the body and improves a person's overall health.
Aloe-Vera Juice
The juice is packed with vitamins and minerals and helps clean the body. It has enzymes that make digestion easier and lower acidity. Swastik Aloe-Vera Juice can be taken by both children and adults. As an antioxidant, it helps clean your blood and makes your skin shine.
Swasth Baby Massage Oil 
Swasth Baby is a mix of natural baby massage oil made with Ayurvedic ingredients. It is used for little kids and infants to give them the benefits of the oil through massage. When used properly, it helps a baby grow well and supports the healthy development of their organs. As the baby grows, their skin colour gets better, which helps shape their personality. This oil helps to feed the body and keep the baby's skin healthy and free from germs. Using it often will help the parent and baby feel connected.
R’Nue Silk & Shine Herbal Hair Wash
R'Nue Silk & Shine Herbal Hair Wash is a natural shampoo that does a great job of nourishing the scalp. These days, many people have picked up some bad habits, like using hair products with chemicals, not putting oil in their hair often, and using the wrong products for their hair. All these issues add up and can lead to problems like hair loss, early greying, and dandruff.
Glam-Mantra Cream
Glam Mantra Cream helps to heal scars, acne, stretch marks, and similar skin issues. People with these skin issues can use this cream to help their skin. The cream helps get rid of scars and makes the skin look clean. Using the cream helps to fix the skin. When the skin heals, it becomes smooth and starts to shine. 
Pile-Ease Ointment
The Green Ayurveda Pile Free Ointment is a special medicine for treating piles. The product helps stop bleeding, eases itching, and helps treat haemorrhoids. This medicine is a mix of different plants: 4% Mimosa Pudica (Lajjalu), 3% Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj), 3% Vitex Negundo (Nirgundi), 2% Tagetes Erecta (Genda), 2% Cinnamomum Camphora (Kapur), 1% Holarrhena Antidysenterica (Kutaja), and 1% Plumbago Zeylanica (Citraka). It comes in an ointment form.
In conclusion, we are sharing a list of the quickest-growing sellers of Ayurvedic products. All these Ayurvedic medicine suppliers are dedicated to making society and the country healthier by using Ayurveda. They always work on creating new products and improving their current ones through research to help treat diseases.
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kidneycop · 2 months
4 Types of Kidney Stones and Their Treatment
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As per recent research, it has been proved that males are more at risk of facing kidney stones than women. 11% of males face kidney stones, on the other hand, only 9% of females go through this issue. It’s crucial to understand the different types of kidney stones that could badly affect your body condition. These kidney stones can cause severe pain and discomfort. When you can recognize them, you can easily find effective ways to manage and prevent them. In this blog, we are going to cover all 4 types and the best way to get rid of kidney stones.
4 Types of Kidney Stones
1. Calcium Stones
The most common type of kidney stones that are faced is calcium stones. Almost 70–80% of kidney stones are calcium stones, which may also include calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones. High levels of calcium in the urine could be caused due to many dietary factors and metabolic disorders that lead to these calcium stones. Maintain the intake of dietary calcium and avoid foods such as spinach, nuts, and tea that contain high-oxalate content.
Increasing fluid intake can eventually dislodge the stone. It is also crucial to take medications to prevent any kind of stone from forming. Utilizing shock wave lithotripsy could be highly beneficial for breaking down stones into smaller pieces. If you are thinking of how to prevent kidney stones or calcium stones, then you might limit yourself to sodium and animal protein.
Read More: Calcium Oxalate Stones: Major Symptoms and Signs
2. Uric Acid Stones
When your urine becomes too acidic, your kidney starts to form uric acid stones. Almost 5%-10% of kidney stones are uric acid stones. It may occur due to excessive intake of a high-protein diet, dehydration, or medical conditions. Kidney stones treatment is possible if you are ready to follow a few measures.
Prevent kidney stones of these types by keeping yourself well-hydrated and limited to high-protein foods. To stop uric acidic stones, it’s crucial to increase the intake of fluids. Allopurinol may also be helpful to reduce the uric acid level effectively. Ensure you are monitoring your urine PH, to keep yourself updated about your body hydration level.
3. Struvite Stones
Struvite stones are not much common kidney stones. They occur due to urinary tract infection (UTI). Around 10–15% of kidney stones are formed due to this infection. When there are bacteria present in the urinary system, it ends up producing ammonia, which leads to these stones formation.
The best way to get rid of kidney stones like struvite stones lies in antibiotics. If required percutaneous nephrolithotomy is used to remove large stones. To prevent issues related to your urinary tract, it is really important to manage it. Try to keep yourself hygienic and hydrated to avoid risks of infection.
4. Cystine Stones
One of the rarest kidney stones that are formed are cystine stones. Only 1–2% of kidney stones are cystine stones. However, these can be the result of a genetic disorder also known as cystinuria. When amino acid has been leaked into the urine, it starts the formation of these types of stones.
Every kidney stone treatment lies in fluids, especially water. It helps in diluting the urine and reducing the cysteine concentration. It is crucial to consult with the right doctors who provide the medication to improve the urinary tract. Reducing salt and protein intake also makes a great impact on your stones prevention and treatment efforts.
Read More: Dietary Changes That May Help Prevent the Recurrence of Kidney Stones
By understanding different types of kidney stones, you can find the best way to treat them. Consulting with a reputable health care center could eventually help in reducing the risk of developing kidney stones. Remember, kidney stones prevention and treatment is completely in your hands, manage your kidney health by taking the right advice.
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rohitjagotra · 3 months
Do you have kidney stones?
The kidneys are the essential organs of our body that eliminate a large amount of fluid and poisons from our bodies through urine. Thus, it should be clear how crucial it is to look after our kidneys. Kidney stones are solid masses of crystals that can be present. Kidney stones can take on various forms and types within the kidneys. If you are also troubled by kidney problems, Ayurvedic treatment is the best. It eliminates it from its root. If you also want quick relief from kidney problems, contact your nearest Ayurvedic hospital, otherwise, you can go to our best Ayurvedic hospital in India  Dr. Sharda Ayurveda You can get rid of your kidney stones by coming to Sharda Ayurveda Hospital.
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purehealthandwellness · 4 months
How to get rid of kidney stones
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zakibrave · 4 months
Dietary Tips for UTIs What to Eat and Avoid
Understanding Urinary Tract Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment 
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide, particularly women. Despite its prevalence, UTIs can cause discomfort and, if left untreated, lead to serious complications. In this article, we'll delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for UTIs, shedding light on this often-misunderstood ailment. 
Causes of UTIs: 
UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract system and multiply, leading to an infection. The most common culprit is Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacterium found in the digestive system. Other bacteria such as Klebsiella, Proteus, and Staphylococcus saprophyticus can also cause UTIs. 
Several factors can increase the risk of developing a UTI. These include: 
Female Anatomy: Women have a shorter urethra than men, making it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder and cause infection. 
Sexual Activity: Sexual intercourse can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract. 
Urinary Tract Abnormalities: Conditions such as kidney stones or urinary retention can predispose individuals to UTIs. 
Suppressed Immune System: People with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infections, including UTIs. 
Use of Certain Contraceptives: Diaphragms and spermicidal agents may increase the risk of UTIs in some individuals.
Symptoms of UTIs: 
The symptoms of a UTI can vary depending on the location and severity of the infection. Common signs and symptoms include: 
Pain or Burning Sensation: A burning sensation during urination is a hallmark symptom of UTIs. 
Frequent Urination: Individuals with UTIs often feel the need to urinate more frequently than usual. 
Urgency: There may be a sudden and intense urge to urinate, even when the bladder is not full. 
Cloudy or Bloody Urine: Urine may appear cloudy or contain traces of blood. 
Pelvic Pain: Some individuals may experience discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen or pelvic region. 
Fever and Chills: In severe cases, UTIs can cause fever and chills, indicating the presence of a more serious infection. 
Does stress cause urinary tract infections 
While stress itself may not directly cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), it can contribute to the development or exacerbation of UTIs through various indirect mechanisms. Stress weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections of all kinds, including UTIs. Additionally, stress can affect behaviors and habits that may increase the risk of UTIs. For example: 
1. Immune Suppression: Chronic stress can suppress the immune system's function, making it less effective at fighting off bacteria that cause infections, including those in the urinary tract. 
2. Changes in Urinary Habits: During periods of stress, individuals may alter their urinary habits, such as delaying urination or not drinking enough water. These changes can contribute to the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract and increase the likelihood of developing a UTI. 
3. Impact on Hormones: Stress can disrupt hormonal balance in the body, potentially affecting urinary function and increasing susceptibility to UTIs. 
4. Compromised Self-Care: Stress can lead to neglect of self-care practices such as maintaining good hygiene or eating a balanced diet, which are important for preventing UTIs. 
5. Pelvic Muscle Tension: Chronic stress can cause tension in the pelvic muscles, potentially leading to urinary retention or incomplete bladder emptying, which can create an environment favorable for bacterial growth. 
While stress alone may not directly cause UTIs, it can certainly contribute to the conditions that make UTIs more likely to occur. Therefore, managing stress through relaxation techniques, healthy lifestyle habits, and seeking support when needed can be important for overall urinary tract health. 
How to get rid of a uti in 24 hours 
It's important to note that getting rid of a urinary tract infection (UTI) within 24 hours is often not feasible, as UTIs typically require antibiotic treatment and take time to resolve. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate symptoms and promote faster recovery: 
1. Seek Medical Treatment: If you suspect you have a UTI, it's essential to see a healthcare professional promptly. They can confirm the diagnosis through urine testing and prescribe appropriate antibiotics to treat the infection. 
2. Take Prescribed Antibiotics: Follow your healthcare provider's instructions carefully and take the prescribed antibiotics as directed. Finish the entire course of antibiotics, even if you start feeling better before completing the treatment. This helps ensure that the infection is fully eradicated. 
3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help flush out bacteria from your urinary tract. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day. Cranberry juice or unsweetened cranberry supplements may also help prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls. 
4. Urinate Frequently: Urinate whenever you feel the urge to help eliminate bacteria from your bladder. Avoid holding urine for long periods, as this can allow bacteria to multiply. 
5. Use Pain Relief Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help alleviate discomfort caused by UTI symptoms like pain or fever. However, consult your healthcare provider before taking any medication, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. 
6. Apply Heat: Applying a heating pad or warm compress to your lower abdomen can provide relief from pelvic discomfort or pressure associated with UTIs. 
7. Avoid Irritants: Limit or avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and acidic beverages, as these can irritate the bladder and worsen UTI symptoms. 
8. Practice Good Hygiene: Maintain good hygiene by wiping from front to back after using the bathroom, and avoid using harsh soaps or hygiene products in the genital area that may disrupt the natural balance of bacteria. 
While these measures can help alleviate symptoms and support your body's natural healing process, it's important to complete the full course of antibiotics prescribed by your healthcare provider to ensure that the UTI is fully treated and to reduce the risk of recurrence or complications. If symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment, consult your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management. 
what is commonly the first sign of a urinary tract infection in the elderly? 
In elderly individuals, the first sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI) may not always be typical urinary symptoms such as burning sensation during urination or increased frequency of urination, which are common in younger adults. Instead, the first sign of a UTI in the elderly is often nonspecific and may include: 
1. Confusion or Delirium: Cognitive changes such as confusion, disorientation, or sudden onset of delirium are common manifestations of UTIs in the elderly. This is known as "delirium due to UTI" and can be the primary symptom in some cases. 
2. Behavioral Changes: UTIs can cause behavioral changes such as agitation, irritability, or increased restlessness in elderly individuals. 
3. Decreased Mobility: Some elderly individuals may experience worsening mobility or an increase in falls due to weakness or discomfort associated with UTIs. 
4. Loss of Appetite: UTIs can cause a decrease in appetite or changes in eating habits in the elderly. 
5. Fatigue: Generalized weakness, fatigue, or lethargy may be early signs of a UTI in older adults.  
6. Fever: While fever is not always present in UTIs, it can occur in some cases, especially if the infection has spread to the kidneys.  
It's important to note that UTIs in the elderly can present atypically or with subtle symptoms, which may be mistaken for other medical conditions or attributed to aging. Therefore, any unexplained changes in behavior, cognitive function, or functional status in elderly individuals should prompt further evaluation for possible UTI, especially if other common causes have been ruled out. Early detection and treatment of UTIs in the elderly are crucial to prevent complications and improve outcomes. If there is any suspicion of a UTI in an elderly individual, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper assessment and management. 
Best drink for urine infection 
When it comes to managing urinary tract infections (UTIs), staying hydrated is important to help flush out bacteria from the urinary tract. While there isn't a single "best" drink for UTIs, certain beverages can help promote urinary health and alleviate symptoms. Here are some options: 
1. Water: Plain water is the best choice for staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps dilute urine and flush out bacteria from the urinary tract. 
2. Cranberry Juice: Unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry supplements may help prevent UTIs by preventing bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls. However, it's essential to choose unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugars, which can potentially exacerbate UTI symptoms. 
3. Herbal Teas: Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, or ginger tea can be soothing and hydrating. Some herbal teas, like dandelion or parsley tea, are also believed to have diuretic properties, which may help increase urine production and promote flushing of bacteria from the urinary tract. 
4. Coconut Water: Coconut water is naturally hydrating and rich in electrolytes, making it a good choice for replenishing fluids and maintaining hydration levels.  
5. Barley Water: Barley water is traditionally used in some cultures to support urinary health. It is believed to have diuretic properties and may help soothe urinary tract inflammation. 
6. Plain Yogurt: While not a beverage, plain yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the urinary tract and prevent UTIs. Adding probiotic-rich foods like yogurt to your diet may support urinary health. 
It's important to avoid beverages that can irritate the bladder or worsen UTI symptoms, such as caffeine, alcohol, citrus juices, and sugary drinks. Additionally, if you have a UTI, it's crucial to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for treatment, which may include antibiotics. While certain drinks can support urinary health, they are not a substitute for proper medical treatment. If you suspect you have a UTI or are experiencing symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and management. 
what is the normal range for e coli in urine? 
The presence of E. coli in urine typically indicates a urinary tract infection (UTI). Normally, urine is sterile, meaning it should not contain any bacteria, including E. coli. The presence of E. coli in any significant quantity in urine is generally considered abnormal. 
In the context of urine culture results
10,000 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL: Generally considered to be contamination from the skin or genital area, rather than a true infection. 
10,000 to 100,000 CFU/mL: May indicate a potential infection, especially if accompanied by symptoms of a UTI, but can sometimes be due to contamination. 
>100,000 CFU/mL Generally considered indicative of a true infection, particularly if accompanied by UTI symptoms.  
In summary, there should ideally be no E. coli present in urine. Detection of E. coli, especially in significant numbers, typically warrants further medical evaluation and treatment. 
azo urinary pain relief 
Azo Urinary Pain Relief is an over-the-counter medication used to alleviate the discomfort associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other urinary conditions. Its active ingredient is phenazopyridine hydrochloride, which is a urinary tract analgesic. Here are some key points about Azo Urinary Pain Relief: 
Relieves Pain, Burning, and Urgency:It is effective in relieving symptoms such as pain, burning, and the urgency to urinate, which are common with UTIs. 
Symptom Management:It is not an antibiotic and does not treat the underlying infection. It is used to manage symptoms while the underlying infection is treated with appropriate antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. 
Dosage and Administration 
Typical Dosage:The usual adult dosage is two tablets taken three times a day with or after meals, as long as the symptoms persist. However, it is important to follow the dosage instructions provided on the packaging or by a healthcare provider. 
Duration of Use:It is typically recommended for short-term use, usually not exceeding two days, unless directed by a doctor. Prolonged use can mask symptoms and delay appropriate treatment of the underlying condition. 
Side Effects 
Common Side Effects: Azo can cause the urine to turn a reddish-orange color. This is harmless but can be startling if not expected. Other side effects may include headache, dizziness, and stomach upset. 
Serious Side Effects: Rare but serious side effects may include yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), fever, confusion, and shortness of breath. If these occur, medical attention should be sought immediately. 
Allergies: Do not use Azo if you are allergic to phenazopyridine. 
Medical Conditions: Consult with a healthcare provider before using if you have kidney disease, liver disease, or a history of blood disorders. 
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using this medication if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 
   Important Notes 
Not a Cure: Remember, Azo Urinary Pain Relief does not cure UTIs or other infections. It only provides symptomatic relief. It is important to see a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause. 
Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to help flush out the bacteria from the urinary tract. 
Always follow the advice of your healthcare provider and read the instructions on the medication packaging carefully. 
Male Uti symptoms discharge 
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in males can present with various symptoms, and while discharge is less common compared to other symptoms, it can occur, especially if there is an underlying sexually transmitted infection (STI) or another complicating factor. Here are the typical symptoms of a UTI in males, including the possibility of discharge: 
   Common Symptoms of a Male UTI 
1. Frequent Urination: An increased urge to urinate, often producing only small amounts of urine. 
2. Burning Sensation: Pain or a burning sensation during urination. 
3. Cloudy Urine: Urine may appear cloudy, indicating the presence of bacteria or pus. 
4. Strong-Smelling Urine:A strong or foul urine odor. 
5. Pelvic Pain: Discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or groin. 
6. Blood in Urine: Hematuria, which can cause urine to appear pink, red, or cola-colored. 
7. Discharge: Although less common in straightforward UTIs, urethral discharge can occur. This is more commonly associated with sexually transmitted infections 
Constant uti in Elderly 
Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the elderly are a common and concerning issue. Multiple factors contribute to the increased susceptibility of older adults to UTIs, and addressing these infections often requires a comprehensive approach. Here are some key points to consider: 
  Causes of Recurrent UTIs in the Elderly 
1. Weakened Immune System: Aging can weaken the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off infections. 
2. Incontinence: Urinary incontinence can lead to prolonged exposure of the urinary tract to bacteria. 
3. Incomplete Bladder Emptying: Conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men and pelvic organ prolapse in women can prevent complete emptying of the bladder, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. 
4. Catheter Use: Indwelling catheters are a common source of infection. 
5. Post-Menopausal Changes in Women: Decreased estrogen levels can alter the vaginal flora, making it easier for bacteria to enter the urinary tract. 
6. Chronic Health Conditions: Diabetes and neurological disorders affecting bladder function can increase the risk of UTIs. 
7. Dehydration: Reduced fluid intake can concentrate urine, making it easier for bacteria to multiply. 
   Symptoms in the Elderly 
Typical UTI Symptoms: Frequent urination, urgency, burning sensation, cloudy or strong-smelling urine. 
Atypical Symptoms: Confusion or delirium, agitation, decreased appetite, and generalized weakness or fatigue, which can sometimes be the only signs of a UTI in the elderly. 
  Prevention Strategies 
1. Hydration: Encourage regular fluid intake to help flush out bacteria from the urinary tract. 
2. Hygiene: Proper perineal hygiene, including wiping from front to back for women and regular cleaning for both genders, can help prevent infections. 
3. Regular Toileting: Ensure regular and complete emptying of the bladder. 
4. Estrogen Therapy: Post-menopausal women might benefit from topical estrogen therapy to help maintain vaginal flora. 
5. Probiotics: Some studies suggest that probiotics can help maintain a healthy urinary tract environment. 
6. Cranberry Products: While evidence is mixed, some people find cranberry juice or supplements helpful in preventing UTIs. 
7. Preventive Antibiotics: In some cases, low-dose antibiotics may be prescribed for long-term prevention, though this approach should be carefully managed to avoid antibiotic resistance. 
   Medical Management 
Accurate Diagnosis: Regular monitoring and prompt diagnosis through urinalysis and urine cultures. 
Appropriate Antibiotics: Targeted antibiotic therapy based on culture results to ensure effectiveness. 
Addressing Underlying Conditions: Managing conditions like diabetes and ensuring effective bladder emptying. 
Review of Medications: Some medications can increase the risk of UTIs, so a review by a healthcare provider may be necessary. 
  When to Seek Medical Help 
Recurrent Infections: If UTIs are frequent despite preventive measures. 
Severe Symptoms: Such as high fever, severe pain, or confusion. 
Resistance to Treatment: If infections do not respond to standard antibiotic treatments. 
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drchiraggupta · 4 months
The agonizing wait: What Is the Average Time to Get Rid of a Kidney Stone?
First of all, Many people say that having kidney stones is one of the most unbearably painful things they may go through. Anyone who has ever worked with them understands the extreme pain they can cause. Beyond the sorrow, though, there's another thing that frequently occupies the thoughts of the bereaved: when will it end? We explore the progression of passing a kidney stone in this blog post, providing insight into what to anticipate throughout this difficult experience.
Understanding Kidney Stones: Before getting into the passage timeframe, let's quickly examine what kidney stones are. These are solid mineral and salt deposits that develop within the kidneys. They can vary in size, from a grain of sand to a pearl, and their composition can differ,affecting how they are treated and how long they take to pass.
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Variables Affecting Passage Time: The amount of time it takes to pass a kidney stone depends on several factors:
Size: Smaller stones usually move through more quickly than larger ones. Location: Stones that are nearer the bladder travel through the urinary tract more quickly than those that are farther up. Composition: The stone's transit time may vary depending on the minerals and salts that make up the stone. Individual Factors: Because every person's body is different, things including food, general health, and hydration levels matter.
Timeline of passing:
The passing of a kidney stone is sometimes accompanied by excruciating pain and can be like a waiting game. Here's a general timeline of events to anticipate:
Symptom Onset: When the stone begins to move through the urinary tract, symptoms typically start to appear. This may result in an abrupt and excruciating groin, lower abdomen, or back pain.
Stone Movement: As the stone travels through the urinary tract, the discomfort may come and go in waves. Movement may be accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and blood in the urine.
Passage: Smaller stones might go through the passage in a matter of days or a week. Bigger stones might take a few weeks to pass, and if they get lodged, some might need to be removed by a doctor.
Relieved: After the stone moves on, from pain is usually immediate. However, some discomfort may persist as the urinary tract heals.
Advice on How to Handle the Wait: There are a few ways to deal with pain and suffering as you wait for a kidney stone to pass:
Keep Yourself Hydrated: Getting plenty of water might assist the stone pass through your system and reduce discomfort. Pain Management: Prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to help control pain during the passage. Medical Intervention: In certain situations, breaking up or removing the stone may require medical intervention. This can involve operations such as surgical excision or lithotripsy.
In summary:
Although passing a kidney stone can be a frightening and unpleasant experience, being aware of the timeframe and what to anticipate can help reduce anxiety during this trying period. For an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment, it is imperative that you speak with a healthcare provider if you think you may have a kidney stone or are exhibiting symptoms. Recall that there is respite ahead and that you are not traveling alone on this adventure.
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This blog is about how to get rid of kidney stone.
Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard mineral and salt deposits that form in the kidneys. These stones can cause excruciating pain and discomfort, and if left untreated, they can lead to serious complications. Seeking proper treatment for kidney stones is crucial to alleviate pain, prevent complications, and improve overall health. In this blog, I will provide an in-depth guide on understanding kidney stones, the importance of choosing the best urology hospital in Jaipur, the available treatments for kidney stones in Jaipur, and the best practices for preventing their recurrence.
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Understanding Kidney Stones
Causes and Risk Factors
Kidney stones can develop due to various factors. The most common cause is the concentration of certain substances in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. Other risk factors include dehydration, family history of kidney stones, certain medical conditions like urinary tract infections, and certain medications. Understanding the causes and risk factors can help individuals take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of developing kidney stones.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Recognizing the symptoms of kidney stones is essential for early detection and treatment. The typical symptoms include severe pain in the back or side, blood in the urine, frequent urination, and a persistent urge to urinate. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. A urologist will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include a physical examination, urine tests, blood tests, imaging tests such as X-rays or CT scans, and sometimes a stone analysis. These diagnostic tests will help determine the size, location, and composition of the kidney stones, and guide the appropriate treatment plan.
Types of Kidney Stones
There are different types of kidney stones, each with its own unique composition. The most common types include calcium stones, uric acid stones, struvite stones, and cystine stones. Calcium stones are the most prevalent and are typically formed when calcium combines with oxalate or phosphate. Uric acid stones form when there is an excess of uric acid in the urine. Struvite stones are often associated with urinary tract infections, while cystine stones are rare and occur due to a genetic disorder. Identifying the type of kidney stone is crucial for determining the most effective treatment approach.
Importance of Choosing the Right Urology Hospital and Urologist in Jaipur
Role of Urology Hospitals in Kidney Stone Treatment
When it comes to kidney stone treatment, choosing the right urology hospital in Jaipur is of utmost importance. Urology hospitals specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the urinary tract, including kidney stones. These hospitals have state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to provide accurate diagnoses and offer a wide range of treatment options. Additionally, urology hospitals have experienced urologists who are experts in managing kidney stone cases and ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients.
Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Urology Hospital in Jaipur
When selecting a urology hospital for kidney stone treatment in Jaipur, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, ensure that the hospital has a team of skilled urologists who specialize in kidney stone treatment. Look for hospitals that have a good reputation and positive patient reviews. It is also important to consider the hospital's infrastructure, availability of advanced diagnostic tools, and the success rate of their kidney stone treatments. Additionally, check if the hospital provides comprehensive post-treatment care and support to ensure a smooth recovery.
Importance of Consulting the Best Urologist in Jaipur for Effective Treatment
Consulting the best urologist in Jaipur is crucial for effective kidney stone treatment. A skilled and experienced urologist will thoroughly evaluate your condition, consider your medical history, and recommend the most suitable treatment option. They will explain the procedure in detail, address any concerns or questions you may have, and provide personalized care throughout the treatment process. The expertise and guidance of a trusted urologist can significantly improve the chances of successful kidney stone treatment and minimize the risk of complications.
Available Treatments for Kidney Stones in Jaipur
In Jaipur, there are several effective treatments available for kidney stones. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the size, location, and composition of the stones. Common treatment options include:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): This non-invasive procedure uses shock waves to break the kidney stones into smaller pieces, making them easier to pass through the urinary tract.
Ureteroscopy: A thin tube with a camera is inserted into the urethra and up to the bladder and ureter to locate and remove the stones. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): This surgical procedure involves making a small incision in the back to access the kidney and remove the stones. PCNL is typically recommended for large or complex kidney stones.
Open Surgery: In rare cases where other treatments are not feasible or effective, open surgery may be required to remove the kidney stones. This procedure involves making a larger incision in the back or side to directly access the kidney.
The choice of treatment will be determined by your urologist based on your specific condition and individual needs.
Best Practices for Preventing Kidney Stones Recurrence
Preventing the recurrence of kidney stones is crucial to maintain kidney health. Here are some best practices to minimize the risk of developing future kidney stones:
Stay Hydrated: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration. Sufficient fluid intake helps dilute urine and prevents the formation of concentrated minerals that can lead to stone formation.
Follow a Balanced Diet: Adopt a diet that is low in sodium, oxalate, and animal protein. Incorporate foods rich in calcium and citrate, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and citrus fruits, as they can help prevent certain types of kidney stones.
Manage Weight and Exercise Regularly: Maintaining a healthy weight through proper diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.
Limit Certain Foods and Beverages: Limit the consumption of foods and beverages that are high in oxalate, such as spinach, chocolate, tea, and nuts, as they can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate stones.
Monitor Medications: Some medications can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. Consult with your healthcare provider about the potential side effects of your medications and discuss alternative options if necessary.
By adopting these preventive measures and making lifestyle changes, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of kidney stone recurrence.
Kidney stones can cause intense pain and discomfort, but with proper treatment and preventive measures, they can be effectively managed. Choosing the right urology hospital and consulting the best urologist in Jaipur are crucial steps in the treatment process. With the availability of various treatment options and the implementation of preventive practices, individuals can get rid of kidney stones and improve their overall kidney health. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for a personalized treatment plan and advice tailored to your specific needs. Take control of your kidney health and say goodbye to kidney stones for good.
CTA: If you're looking for the best urologist doctor in Jaipur and comprehensive kidney stone treatment, contact Vandana Memorial Hospital today to schedule a consultation. Your journey towards a stone-free life starts here!
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softgrungeprophet · 7 months
not kidding when i say i accidentally keep just adding to kaine's list of problems
clone degeneration kind of warren's catchall term but is ultimately meaningless because it basically just means "anything wrong with a clone that isn't also (visibly) wrong with peter" ("wrongness" being how warren thinks of it obv)
in reality for kaine encompasses like
GvHD-like multiorgan autoimmune disease (systemic) w chronic pain
hyperemesis and IBS (see previous)
possibly motion sickness but it's very specific to like... enclosed vehicles on static platforms (not motorcycles) because of spatial processing disconnect wrt movement and shit, aka "my brain and my body cannot agree on whether or not i am in motion"
gout/hyperuricemia (arthritis and kidney stones)
dysfunctional spinnerets + flammable adhesive secretions (spikes + mark) (failed attempt at organic web-shooters)
autism + mild intellectual disability w some developmental delays (peter is also autistic though)
faulty spider-sense w/ absence seizures (looks like spacing out/lack of focus)
possible temporal lobe (?) epilepsy which overlaps w/ clairvoyant visions and the faulty spidey sense*
some memory impairment w multiple causes (semantic and whatever the other one is that deals with active memory recall of autobiographical details -- edit: episodic!) (i certainly don't have any memory problems myself...)
genetic mosaicism (46,XY/47,XXY)
hand tremors for specific fine motor tasks like writing
he also develops a cataract and goes blind in his left eye but that's partly due to a medication he was taking+physical trauma, not genetics
plus mental illness but that's things like ptsd and depression because of past abuse
all of this is obv just based on like... his Symptoms etc. and me trying to make certain things concrete so i can be as consistent as possible. i think the gvhd-like autoimmunity is the most supported outside of AU, though i also think the possibility that canonical clone degen was meant to metaphorically represent HIV is Likely.
obviously in au i did not make him HIV positive though.
but for everything else obviously drawing from canon's severe chronic pain, skin lesions, white eyes in redemption, etc
*treating faulty spider-sense and visions w power suppression doesn't get rid of the epilepsy it just makes the hallucinations stop being prophetic, he needs anticonvulsants (but most of his seizures are atonic and look like fainting to observers)
peter and ben are both predisposed to lowered seizure thresholds in general but are not epileptic. which is similar to kaine's gout. he got the genetic variant directly from peter, he just is the only one affected by it. even his curly hair is like that.
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