wexhappyxfew · 2 years
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Landslide | Chapter 89 | The Insightful and the Foolish
"Every hardship has a reason and every deprivation a purpose, if you look through eyes of insight."
― Diamante Lavendar
Someone was knocking.
On the door she meant.
At least she supposed it was a door.
Her face was crammed into the pillow - it smelled like the back of an army jeep - and her body was still curled in a ball there under her blanket. She suspected the person knocking would call out to her, but instead they kept quiet and mild concerned seemed to dawn on her features as her eyes darted about. Slowly, Natia threw the blanket off her form - it made a sound as it fell to the wooden ground - and she slowly placed her feet, one in front of the next, and picked up the pistol.
They were still in a German town, in the middle of Germany. Surely no one could get past Captain Speirs or Major Winters or even the two Privates that stood guard at the front of HQ, but her thoughts ran wild and paranoia got the better of her. Maybe it was the MPs, finally ready to drag her away, and let the SOE handle her for the rest of the war. Maybe they were regretting letting her manage herself in war this long.
[read the rest on Wattpad + AO3]
。↷ ✧*̥₊˚‧☆ミ
WE’RE BACKKKKKK!!!!! :D sorry about the ~3 month long wait that occurred!! between a chaotic summer course straight into long work hours and then back to college, to say the least, the last 3ish months have been a chaotic hot mess! BUT, if anything, natia deserves to see her story finished and written more than anything and i wanted to do her justice, if anything. and so here we are! i just got back from orgo lab and have settled down with a coffee on this wonderful fall day and have the chapter posted (the vibes are fantastic!); and so i am very excited for you all to enjoy! it’s a bit of everything that makes landslide, simply landslide; we have some chaotic easy co and natia interactions, speirs/natia buddy duo, a whole lot of internal natia thoughts as well as death/war doing their thing. a whole lotta fun! enjoy and happy reading!
taglist: @chaosklutz @juliannetoinette @huenoclue @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @tvserie-s-world @liebegott @wecomrades @thoughpoppiesblow @cetaitlaverite @rogue-sunday @legally-devorak @alejodi0nysus @mrsalwayswrite @supervalcsi @heffrcns @xthefourthx @whoahersheybars @kryzes @papersergeant-pencilsoldier @whovian45810 @sergeant-spoons @geniedocroe @holdingforgeneralhugs @martinsrestingbitchface @pipster4107 @mads-weasley @hinkel-im-home @heirsoflilith @icantdecideofthename
-> if you would like to be added/removed from the taglist, just shoot me an ask/message! :) — this is a pretty old list that i haven’t updated so if it isn’t your vibe anymore, just let me know! or if you’re interested, i’ll add you on! <3
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morganlefaye79 · 2 years
F, G and H for any of your OCs, Morgs.
Also sorry to read you're unwell! Sending hugs and wishes for a quick recovery <3
Thank you very much for your ask! 💚
I'm not going to bore you with Cyberpunk, but will switch for this one to my Dragon age ocs, to my girls specifically, which would be still 10/19. I leave my multiwarden AU out too and just stay with my main female ocs.
Which leaves us with Natia Brosca, Morgan Cousland, Nava Surana and Drifa Päivä. They are still in different possible timelines.
Natia is my first ever oc. Back in the day she romances Alistair (of course she did) and sacrificed herself. I changed her to be a double dwarf Warden AU where the two of them fall in love and rule Orzammar later on.
Either Morgan and Nava, or Drifa and Nava are at the same time in a timeline.
Morgan is my female Cousland and if she dies Alistair will stay a Grey Warden and romance Inquisitor Drifa later on.
Or Morgan and Alistair are either king and queen or both Grey Wardens.
Nava romances Cullen and they will always have a policule with either Morgan or Drifa and Alistair.
This was a small introduction into my strange mind and the timelines. Confused already?
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Natia: I am proud of her, and at the same time of myself I guess. She as I grew up in a society that wanted to tell us how we have to be and what to expect. And we both said "Fuck you!"
Morgan: I gave her my pseud name with good reason. She is the person I always wanted to be. My father was a soldier and I wanted to be a soldier as well, but I wasn't allowed because I'm female.
Morgan is a warrior, wielding a glaive, a great commander and strategist.
Nava: wants the boy she can't have bc he is a Templar and follows him everywhere until they can be finally together in Inquisition. Sounds sappy? It is! I need that sometimes. They are my fluff couple. (Actually Anders/Ser Gilmore is my fluff couple but we're not talking guys today)
Drifa: she is my poor little meow meow. She doesn't know who she is or where she came from. From a young age she only knows the circle. She is powerful and also dangerous in the eye of the chantry so she is kept alone and away from everyone else. When the Tower in Hasmal fell she didn't know where to go, or what to do. She was attacked by mages and Templars because of her power. She had to kill many to survive and she hated it. She becomes Inquisitor and will learn much of and about herself.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Natia is too stubborn for her own good.
Morgan says what she thinks, especially when she becomes queen this is a problem and she needs to learn how to formulate what you think in a non blunt way. Her brother Aedan and Zevran will teach her.
Nava is moody. Her magic surfaced because she was angry and she scarred her face in the process. So if you see her angry, you better run if you don't want lightning bolts up your ass.
Drifa is a little fawn, she knows nothing that is not written in a book. She has nearly no social skills because she was kept away from others.
H) What trait do you admire most?
Natia gets things done.
Morgan isn't afraid of anyone, all commanders in Cailans army derided her for being not much more than a girl, while she could later point out all flaws in their strategy.
Nava has so much determination (Cullen would call it stubbornness) no chance to get her off her track.
Drifa is vulnerable, and she knows this full well, still she meets everyone with kindness as long as they don't attack her.
This was longer than I anticipated. Oh well! It was nice to talk about Dragon age again for a change.
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hazelminesims · 5 years
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An Old Friend
Natia heard some noises outside. It was the middle of the day and she nor Belen were expecting anyone. She went out to see what or who it was and she was in shock.
Natia: Turi? How? How are you here? I haven’t seen you since I was a child.
Turi almost jumped into her arms. He was so happy to see her. Natia hugged him and almost forgot that in order for him to be off the island, he would need an escort.
Seeing Turi brought back all of her favorite childhood memories of the island. And it brought back one painful memory that she would like to not think about.
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BTV OC Question Time:- 6. Does your character enjoy hugs?
Natia: She grew up without physical comfort from anyone but her sister, so hugs are not something she’s used to. When someone wants to hug her, she feels afraid, because she’s so used to pretending to be cold and aloof. But she does enjoy them, even if she acts a bit awkward when someone hugs her.
Marian: She definitely enjoys hugs and wishes people would hug her more often. What do you mean there’s too much blood on her clothes and she’s in the middle of a battlefield? Who cares!
Hayden: He enjoys hugs with people he knows well but hates it when strangers (*cough* distant relatives *cough) tries to hug him. It’s an intimate thing for him.
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authorellenmint · 5 years
That’s Dwarven For...
First fic request from @tiredwritersworld for a “Fluffy one shot with Alistair where the warden (dwarf if possible) is very much out of her element but still wants to be a badass and alistair just finds her totally adorable and confesses his love to her by accident.”
“What are you doing?” Alistair asked the confusing woman hiding in the bushes when small hands grabbed his arm and yanked him into the grass. For being such a tiny thing she had a terrifying strength, the much taller human nearly face planting into the mud.
Natia eyed him up before she spun on her squatting haunches to gaze out through the tall grass. “There is a dangerous beast about,” she whispered to him while fishing for her daggers.
“What?” He moved to scoot closer to see, but a warning glare from the rogue kept him pinned to the ground. “Is it wolves?” he tried to whisper back to her.
“No.” She slid closer, the point of her tiny swords pushing the grass aside as she stared across a field.
Cupping to her shoulder, Alistair struggled to sit up and slowly stared around what looked like nothing more than an idyllic field. They were camping near some farms, most of which weren’t happy about having a Grey Warden near their stoop but weren’t about to try angering said Gary Warden neither. It was a “You scratch my back, I won’t set yours on fire” arrangement.
Alistair tried to peer through the swarm of trees encroaching upon the fenced in fields. “Is a bear hiding in there?” he asked, pointing towards the shrouded forest. Bad things came out of forests. Blood-sucking leeches, for starters. It was no wonder Morrigan felt at home in there.
Natia opened her mouth, probably about to tell him he was being silly, when her head snapped to the open area. “It is on the move,” she thundered in that thigh-quaking voice. Confused, Alistair gazed out at the same pastoral image from before.
It looked like one of those paintings the blandest of Sisters would have up in their offices. All green hills, blue skies, and dots of cattle munching on grass. What did the woman see in…?
The thought struck Alistair just as Natia launched to her shortened legs, daggers drawn. “I will end you!” she screamed, running full bore at a lazy cow lifting its brown head from the sound. The jaw continued to chew cud in the face of an armed dwarf coming at her.
“Um, Natty,” Alistair began, his eyes darting back to the farmhouse. While he wouldn’t turn down fresh roast for dinner, it was unlikely the owner of said cow would be happy about its sudden demise by dwarf.
But she didn’t hear him, her weapon brandished, her head high. She ran as if the void itself chased her at a cow silently chewing in her direction. Natia gave a feral roar, her legs bunched to launch her onto the cow’s back, when she paused. Cow and dwarf stared across the narrow distance, neither blinking even as flies buzzed around them.
“You do not attack,” she thundered as if sad the animal wasn’t impressed by her display. Spinning her daggers in her hands, her cute face scrunched up in thought, she turned back to the extra Grey Warden panting as he ran to catch up.
For having such short legs she could move annoyingly fast.
“What is this creature?” Natia demanded, drawing her blade near the cow. The brown eye regarded the metal edge close to its face and, out of nowhere, an arm-sized tongue slithered out to curl around the dagger.
“Ah!” Natia cried, yanking her arm and weapon away before the stupid bovine swallowed it whole. “Is this not a bear?”
“No,” Alistair reached over and began to scratch the animal’s head, “this is a cow.”
“Cow? A deadly…?”
He shook his head.
“Um…” Alistair gazed at the sky, his skin pricking in solidarity with Natia’s rising discomfort. “It’s more food. Raised for food.”
“It is a nug?” she sputtered, reminding him how recent she’d left that weird underground world of the dwarves. Her chin plummeted, the taut arms falling along with her daggers as she digested the truth.
“I mean, they can bite and leave nasty infections sometimes. Or kick you if you’re not careful. Though horses are worse…” Alistair babbled, growing more uncomfortable at how she took the news as if he spit on her father.
Natia shook her head, her eyes drilling into one of the cow’s famous patties plopped on the ground. “I thought…I believed I was…protecting you.” Suddenly her eyes opened wide, her head snapping up. “The camp. Protecting the camp. The whole camp. From a dangerous beast. Not this…large, brown nug with a tongue like a rock slug.”
“What’s a rock slug?” Alistair asked the least important question.
“You do not want to know,” she said back with her eyes narrowed, “or find one in your underwear drawer.” Dejected, she sheathed her daggers and reached a trembling hand towards the nug-cow. It took a few false starts before her fingers graced against the hairy hide, Natia’s lips pursing in thought.
The two stood in that cow-plop filled field petting one of the poop monsters for a few minutes, neither saying anything. Alistair could head back to the cooking, no doubt their dinner was burning while Morrigan watched on because witches can’t stir. But Natia seemed out of sorts still and…
Weary eyes caught his. “I try to understand this surface world. I’m not as afraid of the sky as I once was.”
“It was cute when you’d step out of your tent and hug a boulder for…that’s probably not helping.”
Her dejected sigh cut through him. “You must think me pathetic.”
“I think you’re hot,” Alistair’s stupid mouth ran away from him. He whipped his head behind himself as if the foolish words came from anyone else hiding just behind him. Not him. No. It was that other secret shadow Warden who’d just drop things like that on armed women’s feet. Could he fool her…?
The smug smile said no. “And on the surface, to find someone hot means…?”
“That…that…you are a capable individual, who is multi-talented at numerous things that have nothing to do with how your bottom looks in those tiny white smalls you wear. Damn it!”
Natia snickered, her entire face lighting up to the point her tattoo’s glowed. Placing a hand to her hip, she said, “As I suspected. Cow,” she addressed the bovine before turning on her heel and marching back to the camp.
What in Andraste’s name just happened? Alistair glanced to his cow friend, who shared the look. Last time he told a girl she was cute, she, well…tried to fondle around in his coin satchel. Not a euphemism, either. Besides, Natia carried all the sovereigns now.
Her steps were slow, her head raised high as she kept a level gaze across the horizon. She was still a tiny bit worried about the sky, which was so damn adorable. Which he blathered on about without a damn thought and now he was left all alone, except for the walking pot roast beside him.
“Oh,” Natia spun to stare back at the pair. Alistair tried to stand up taller, as if he wasn’t commiserating with a cow. “I’ve wanted to climb you since Ostagaar.”
What?! Alistair’s eyebrows shot up so high he got a new hairline.
Laughing, Natia turned back to the camp. “That’s dwarven for…I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
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nortain · 5 years
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“i was an innocent petal, but with a storm growing inside of me.”
FULL  NAME:   ignatia  elena  demetriou ALIASES:  natia,  daughter  death AGE:  22+ BIRTH  DATE:   december  16th GENDER:   cis  female STATUS:   newblood
MORAL  ALIGNMENT:  chaotic  good  JUNG:   entp ENNEAGRAM:   type  four FOUR  TEMPERAMENTS:   choleric ZODIAC:  sagittarius FIVE  POSITIVE  TRAITS:   alert,  bold,  resourceful,  protective,  honourable FIVE  NEGATIVE  TRAITS:   impulsive,  impatient,  apathetic,  stuubborn,  haughty
DESCRIPTION:   like  all  of  the  demetriou  clan,  ignatia  was  born  with  beautiful  black  hair  that  every  girl  in  their  mountain  village  was  jealous  of,  but  as  her  ability  developed,  she  unintentionally  leeched  the  colour  from  her  hair,  leaving  it  shock  white.  she  used  to  leave  it  down  and  flowing,  but  now  she  keeps  it  tied  back  in  eccentric  braids  that  her  little  sister,  aloutte,  designs. EYES:   blue  -  ish  green HAIR:   white HEIGHT:  5′4′’ BUILD:   slim  and  petite DEFINING  FEATURES:   she  has  a  scar  that  cuts  across  her  right  cheek FACECLAIM:   emilia  clarke
SEXUAL  PREFERENCE:   bisexual,  with  no  preference ROMANTIC  PREFERENCE:   biromantic,  with  a  slight  preference  for  women
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS:    single PARENTS:   giada  floros  and  elias  demetriou   (  mother  and  father,  both  deceased  ) SIBLINGS:   lir  demetriou   (  older  brother,  deceased  ),   aloutte  demetriou   (  younger  sister  ) CHILDREN:   — OTHER  FAMILY:   jena  calla   (  maternal  aunt,  deceased  ),   efron  calla   (  maternal  uncle  through  marriage,  deceased  ),   linette  calla   (  maternal  cousin,  younger,  deceased  ) PETS:   —
LANGUAGES:   ignatia  knows  both  the  common  tongue  and  the  ancient  language.   BATTLE:   ignatia  doesn't  consider  any  fight  that  she's  in  much  of  a  battle  at  all,  considering  they  all  end  the  same  way. EDUCATION:   ignatia  went  on  the  run  before  finishing  school.
LEECHER:   leechers  like  ignatia  are  newbloods  who  can  siphon  the  life  from  plants,  animals,  and  humans.  it  is  believed  that  this  ability  could  be  used  in  the  reverse  to  push  life  into  something.           SIPHONING:   ignatia  can  drain   (  or  siphon  )   from  organic  matter  and  orginisims,  ranging  from  plants  and  animals  to  humans.  as  her  power  grows,  she  may  be  able  to  use  this  power  the  opposite  way  and  push  life  into  something,  by  either  bringing  back  the  dead  or  animating  an  inanimate  object.
ignatia  demetriou  was  born  into  a  loving  family.  that  she'd  end  up  killing.
the  demetriou  family  has  lived  in  the  mountainous  village  of  adirondax  for  centuries,  even  long  before  the  war  with  the  lakelands.  and  they've  always  been  a  quiet  family,  never  stirring  up  any  trouble  with  the  silver  guards,  always  treating  them  with  respect  and  kindness   —   not  that  they  were  ever  treated  that  way  in  return.  still,  the  demetrious  were  nothing  but  cordial  to  their  silver  superiors.  and  that's  exactly  how  gaida  and  elias  raised  lir,  ignatia,  and  aloutte:  to  be  soft,  to  be  kind,  to  be…  weak.  
for  most  of  her  life,  ignatia  suffered  in  silence,  wanting  to  stand  up  to  the  injustices  the  silvers  dealt  them,  but  not  wanting  to  upset  her  meek,  subservient  parents  who  she  loved  dearly.  after  all,  they  raised  her  and  kept  a  roof  over  her  head  and  made  sure  her  and  her  siblings  always  had  something  to  eat,  no  matter  how  slight  a  meal  it  sometimes  was.  and,  not  to  mention,  they  were  so  frail,  she  was  afraid  that  they  might  break  if  she  upset  them,  so  she  was  careful  not  to.  she  lived  on  her  tiptoes.
her  father  was  injured  in  the  war,  sent  home  early  with  only  one  arm,  but  her  brother  had  no  such  luck  avioding  the  battlefield.  when  ignatia  was  fourteen,  lir  turned  eighteen  and  was  on  his  way  to  fight  with  the  rest  of  the  eighteen  year  olds  the  silver  guards  had  rounded  up  from  their  village.  ignatia  went  to  hug  her  brother  goodbye…  and  he  dropped  to  the  ground,  dead.  ignatia  can  still  hear  her  mother's  screams  and  the  silver  guards  jokes  that  lir  up  and  died  before  the  lakelanders  got  a  chance  to  kill  him !
it  wasn't  unil  ignatia  was  hugging  her  father  at  her  mother's  funeral   (  whose  cause  of  death  was  also  hugging  ignatia  )   and  he,  too,  dropped  dead,  that  ignatia  realized  that  they  were  not  dying  of  weak  hearts  like  the  medics  hypothosized.  they  were  dying…  because  of  her.  too  bad  she  didn't  learn  her  lesson  there  and  then,  and  it  wasn't  until  she  killed  her  aunt,  unclee,  and  cousin,  as  well,  that  ignatia  began  refusing  human  touch.  she  left  her  girlfriend,  and  tried  to  steal  away  in  the  night  alone,  but  aloutte   —   beautiful,  stubborn  little  aloutte   —   followed  her,  and  she  refused  to  leave  her  sister.
with  the  help  of  mira  whistle,  they've  been  able  to  stay  on  the  run,  out  of  the  hands  of  the  silvers,  for  years  because  whenever  a  silver  tracked  them  down,  ignatia  would  just  siphon  the  life  from  them.  it  was  no  big  loss  to  society,  ignatia  figured.  but  sweet,  gentle  hearted  little  aloutte  always  insisted  on  burying  them,  and  ignatia  was  soft  for  her  baby  sister,   (  and  only  for  her  baby  sister !  )   so  she  could  never  say  no.
mira  whistle  eventually  introduced  ignatia  to  a  man  named  will  whistle,  who  set  up  a  meeting  for  her  with  mare  barrow   —   the  one  and  only  lightning  girl.  mare  turned  out  to  be  forming  a  newblood  army,  and  said  she  could  help  ignatia  with  her  ability,  or  find  someone  that  could.  ignatia  agreed  to  join  her  on  the  condition  that  aloutte,  who  was  not  a  newblood,  could  come,  too.  mare   (  and  her  companion,  the  exiled  prince  )   seemed  hesitant,  but  the  boy  they  would  later  come  to  know  as  kilorn,  who  was  already  bonding  with  aloutte,  talked  them  into  it.  ignatia   (  and  aloutte  )   liked  him  already.
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rhyaxxyn · 5 years
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(first draft. Click photos for better quality)
Natia stared at her, studying her expression. She couldn't imagine how it felt. Couldn't imagine what it was like to be trapped like this. Because that is what this was. Evangeline wasn't trapped by obligation, but her own stupid compassion. This was the toll of her kindness. One sided love and a marriage she wasn't ready for.
"So what are you going to do about that?" Natia asked. Evangeline's eyes softened automatically and Natia couldn't help but wonder if this was the first time she'd ever felt heard. At least in the way that mattered.
"I don't know," she admitted, but her eyes showed no despair. "I was hoping you might have a suggestion."
Natia laughed. "Why would I know anything about this sort of thing?" She readjusted the bag straps on her shoulder awkwardly. "If you hadn't already guessed, I never married a man I didn't love." Evangeline didn't seem to startle at her blatancy. Somehow she'd already known that was just... Natia. She supposed that was lucky.
"Do you want to be with Lily?" Natia wondered at last. She saw the subtle joy in Eva's expression.
"Yes." It was no more than a whisper, but the sincerity was real. Natia felt a smile grow on her lips.
"Then go get her."
"But Ascher-"
"Fuck Ascher," Natia blurted but she didn't regret the words. "He can't keep you in a relationship you don't want to be in. He can't keep you from Lily. Only you can do that, so go get her."
Evangeline leapt forward without warning and wrapped her arms around Natia. She stilled in her embrace, not used to the whole sister thing yet. Hesitantly, she hugged her back. Eva was short enough for Natia to place her chin on top of her head. The darkness she had from was practically gone now, but Natia did feel something strange stirring inside of her.
Deciding not to mention it, Natia hugged her for a moment longer before Evangeline pulled away.
"Thank you Natia," was all she said before she raced out of her dorm and down the hall.
"Of course," she mumbled, her voice distant. Natia raised her hand to her face and stared at it. For some reason it felt fuzzy, like the blood and sense had been sucked from it.
Natia looked back at the exit.
Something happened to Eva.
The Natural Orders
Taglist: @vviciously @callmeweeeh @yeraswifey @alexwillow
let me know if you'd like to be tagged.
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oh my fucking god i need a hug from natia
Don't we all
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andnatiabrosca · 2 years
I think it would be very good of me, if not horribly beyond my abilities, to do art of middleaged happy fat Zev/Al/Natia. I think they would all gain weight well once they stopped having to literally fight for their lives every minute, given their family histories.
I even know exactly what body build Al would have. And Zev! I grew up in a dojo. I know what older happy men who could kill you look like
(And how they hug!!)
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anthousas · 6 years
Meet The Character: Victorine Soleil.
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► Name ➔ “Victorine. Still trying to figure out what the last name may be — Do I take Oronir? It’s a mystery. Soleil is the last name I use for the most part.” ► Are you single ➔ “No. I’m (recently) married!” ► Are you happy ➔ “It’s my default emotion.” ► Are you angry? ➔ “Not at the moment, no.” ► Are your parents still married ➔ “They never were.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Garlemald.” ► Hair Color ➔  “Light blonde. Fawn?” ► Eye Color ➔  “Pink.” ► Birthday ➔ “Fifth Astral Moon. The 18th.” ► Mood ➔  “Relaxed.” ► Gender ➔ “Female.” ► Summer or Winter ➔  “I like both, honestly. Though, my fashion sense tends to favour Summer a little more.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Sunrise.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Very much so.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Sort of!” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “It was somewhat one-sided, but overall a mutual decision to split.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Rule number one is that you got to have fun.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I was. Not anymore.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yes.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Probably.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Haven’t we all?”
► Love or lust ➔ “Both. I can’t have one without the other, honestly.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Iced tea.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats!” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few best friends.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “A wild and romantic night in.” ► Day or night ➔ “Day.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Numerous times. Especially in my childhood.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Yes.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Perhaps, but I have a habit of not letting myself pine, or linger, or wonder about what might have been …” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Yes — And that’s exactly what I did.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes for sure.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “That’s a tough one. Both.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “A relationship.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I got along with my mother when she was still alive. I don’t really know what my relationship with my father is — Or who he is, to be honest. What’s going on there, am I right?” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Complicated, and a little difficult at times, maybe. But no, it was never that bad.” ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Yes.” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Can’t get kicked out if they never knew I was there.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Most of them, yes.”   ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Ooh, I have a few, honestly. C’zhivo Tia, Nerine Karatasos, and Verai Taliscain are a few of them. I also really like hanging around Abigail Natias a lot …” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “If you find somebody that does know everything about me, you send them to me right away.”
Thank you for tagging me, @cyrillien! I tag @blessingrose, @elisiaheartnet, Wolf Bae, Amaliah, Bella, and whoever else would like to do so. :-)
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starlightlance · 7 years
the brightest star of all
Summary: Maria McClain doesn't believe for a second that her son is gone forever. He's going to come back to her. After all, he's the brightest star of them all
Lance longs to see his family again. How he misses his Mama's hugs.
Notes: For Day 1 of Lance Week, Family! @lancenetwork
Words: 997
Read on Ao3
Maria McClain always thought of herself as a strong woman. She grew up in a home where financial stability was a constant struggle for them. She was able to go to college. She married her beautiful husband, had children and grandchildren. She was able to provide for her kids. But this. This may have been the worst of every challenge thus far.
Maria didn’t the believe the Garrison’s story. It was complete and utter bullshit. Her son, Lance McClain, most definitely did not die in a simulator accident. She wouldn’t believe their lies until she saw a body for herself. When she asked why she couldn’t see him, they spewed nonsense about “legal reasons.” What legal reasons would keep her from seeing her son’s body? He had to be alive. He had to be somewhere.
She had met up with three other moms shortly after the “accident.” Talia and Natia Garrett, who were the mothers of Lance’s friend at the Garrison, Hunk, and Colleen Holt. Maria felt bad for Colleen, as she had lost both her husband and her two children to these “Garrison accidents.” None of the mothers believed the Garrison’s words for a second. They’d been trying for months to get information, but nothing. Where could their children be?
Maria walked out on the porch. Crickets chirped in the late night, and stars twinkled in the sky. She couldn’t help but feel choked up. Lance always loved the stars. There she was, thinking about him again. She couldn’t not constantly think about Lance. Her son, her baby boy, was missing. Possibly gone forever. Lance was her youngest child. Nothing was supposed to happen to him. He was the baby. His older siblings grieved, the news being a hard hit for all of them. His nieces and nephews, Maria’s grandchildren, would constantly ask the older ones where Lance was. He would always play with them. Maria or anyone else didn’t have the heart to tell them what happened.
It seemed like many people had lost hope. Some had started to believe Lance would never return. Maria refused to think like that. She had to hold on to that small bit of faith that her son would come back to her. It was the only thing keeping her sane. She wondered if he missed her as much as she missed him. She hoped he was okay, feeling okay. She desperately wanted to hug him again, but she….couldn’t.
Maria sighed. She gazed at the stars in the sky, as the shone through the night sky. She smiled slightly, remembering how much Lance loved space. He rewatched Star Wars too many times to count. Maria’s stomach felt hollow as she blew a kiss towards the stars. “I know you’re out there Lance,” she whispered. “You’re the brightest star of them all.”
That familiar hurt in chest suddenly arose again. Not here. Not now. Not during breakfast. It had started with thoughts of cooking. Lance had thought about the meals he’d share with his family on Earth, which lead to, well, thoughts of his family. He almost hated thinking of them at this point. It was too painful. But they were there in his mind and he couldn’t dismiss it.
Lance stood up quickly, abandoning the half-eaten plate of food goo in front of him. “Excuse me,” he muttered, as he turned and walked off. He didn’t care that Hunk was calling after him. He had to get out. The observation deck. That’s where he would go. He often found himself heading there to stare at the stars whenever he was feeling homesick or lonely.
He had memorized the route, so he arrived quickly. Sitting down, he took deep breaths, trying to calm his beating heart. There, staring out at vast space, Lance allowed himself to think. He thought of his brothers and sisters. How they’d always lovingly tease him and how one of them would always agree to playing his stupid games. Lance thought of how he sometimes felt stuck in his older siblings’ shadows. How he learned to be loud and funny, attracting attention towards himself. Lance didn’t care about that now. He didn’t care that he sometimes hated having all older siblings. He missed them so damn much.
And his nieces and nephews. Oh, he left them all alone. Lance would always be the one to talk with them. The one who’d run outside with them and lift them up onto his shoulders. He missed them too.
His mother and father. He missed them the most. He missed his father’s kind, gentle words and his mother’s tight hugs. He missed outings on the beach near their house, sand in his toes, and water in his ears. He missed the smell of fresh, crisp air and the damp rain that he’d let pour all over his skin. He missed mint ice cream on hot days and pancakes on Sundays and doing cartwheels in the grass of his backyard with his siblings. He longed for the familiarity of all of it.
But, no. He was stuck in a ship in the middle of space, galaxies away from his home planet. He was fighting an endless war and constantly woke up in the middle of the night with his heart racing because the images of the battles never really left. He learned to hold a gun, learned to shoot it. He learned how to work as a team. But most of all, he learned how to cherish things. He cherished his team. He cherished the new bonds he had formed and the lives that he saved. When he was with his family again, Lance knew he would cherish them. He’d never take his sight off of the people he’d wanted to be back with for so long.
Lance tried to remember what his Mama’s hugs felt like. They were tight and loving. They made him feel warm inside, like all problems were just melting away. That was it. That was the first thing Lance would do when he got home, if he got home. Lance would hug his Mama, and he’d never let go again.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 years
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Landslide | Chapter 90 | A Lingering Tension
"Simply touching a difficult memory with some slight willingness to heal begins to soften the holding and tension around it."
― Stephen Levine
The company had settled in Weilheim for the better part of the month, nearing at least 2 weeks by the time it had been decided that they would be on the move again by May 1st. There had been multiple patrols, a few run-ins with Germans that had lost their company and were attempting to escape back into Germany and hide in their homes and had since been captured and sent to Division. If anything, it was uneventful, but the citizens of Weilheim seemed to have grown used to the presence the American company brought and grew used to ignoring them.
Ryzshard had gone quiet for the time being and Natia's worries had only risen in the time she'd continued her stay with Easy. The MPs grew rather attentive; she would see their flashlights at night, she assumed that they thought she would try to make a run for it once night fell and there were no prying eyes on her. But Easy Company stayed the same; the officers, the enlisted, the new replacements that trailed in every so often. It all stayed the same. And for the moment, she needed that.
With no word from Ryzshard or contact from the SOE or Franciszek, she took it as her best measure to stay hidden with Easy when she knew she was already at least a meager target on the enemy's dashboard.
[read the rest on AO3 + Wattpad!]
。↷ ✧*̥₊˚‧☆ミ
HEY!!! we back!!! this is a little interlude chapter for us all, some lightheartedness and some joy, and a lil natia interior monologue that she always has <3 something before…..what’s coming up! lol!!! thank you all for tuning back into the story, i know the summer was a bit hairy update wise, but now i’m hoping to keep a somewhat consistent schedule towards the future with it :) thank you all again and happy reading! :D
taglist: @chaosklutz @juliannetoinette @huenoclue @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @tvserie-s-world @liebegott @wecomrades @thoughpoppiesblow @cetaitlaverite @rogue-sunday @legally-devorak @alejodi0nysus @mrsalwayswrite @supervalcsi @heffrcns @xthefourthx @whoahersheybars @kryzes @papersergeant-pencilsoldier @whovian45810 @sergeant-spoons @geniedocroe @holdingforgeneralhugs @martinsrestingbitchface @pipster4107 @mads-weasley @hinkel-im-home @heirsoflilith @icantdecideofthename
-> if you would like to be added/removed, just shoot me a message or ask! :D
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bouncyirwin · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Tagged by @ohsotiny and @meliss-cake thanks for the tag! ♡
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (just so we get one thing straight I’m not tagging twenty people)
1. Drink: chai latte 
2. Phone call: my mom 
3. Text message: My friend Natia 
4. Song you listened to: Despacito - Justin Bieber 
5. Time you cried: like 3 days ago because the stress became just too much
6. Dated someone twice: yep 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 
8. Been cheated on: no 
9. Lost someone special: yes 
10. Been depressed: yes, for years 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yep (never again, never ever again)
12-14: turquoise, neon green, berry red
15. Made new friends: yep, I started uni this January and made about 15 friends. 
16. Fallen out of love: no 
17. Laughed until you cried: I don’t remember when but it happens frequently 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: don’t really pay attention to these things. 
19. Met someone who changed you: oh yes. Two people, and one of them is @sayurinomoe 
20. Found out who your friends are: definitely. 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like 99% (my Facebook is for family and that’s precisely why I don’t use it) 
23. Do you have any pets: nope :-( I had a rabbit once though 
24. Do you want to change your name: maybe my last name. I’m too used to my first one to change it even though I don’t exactly like it 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went to a hotel with close family members, ate good cake, got good gifts. 
26. What time did you wake up: 4:00 am 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: scrolling on Tumblr 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: moving out (hopefully this winter) 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 5 minutes ago. 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: oooh boy. A lot of this but mostly, have a normal loving family. 
31. What are you listening right now: people shouting and being royal asshole a.k.a the usual 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my family 
34. Most visited Website: Probably FanFiction.net
35. Mole/s: None 
36. Mark/s: ah… a lot. Stretch marks (especially my thighs), scars, etc 
37. Childhood dream: being happy. 
38. Haircolor: dark brown. 
39. Long or short hair: pretty long 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no 
41. What do you like about yourself: I guess how accepting and non-judgemental I am 
42. Piercings: zero. 
43. Bloodtype: B positive 
44. Nickname: Rams 
45. Relationship status: happily single 
46. Zodiac: Taurus 
47. Pronouns: She/Her 
48. Favorite TV Show: Glee probably, I don’t watch TV
49. Tattoos: none for now 
50. Right or left hand: both 
51. Surgery: nope (thank god) 
52. Hair dyed in different color: not fully, just tips; I’ve done red, purple, pink and blue 
53. Sport: uh whats that 
55. Vacation: please take me to Osaka pretty please. 
56. Pair of trainers: what does this MEAN (<—)
57. Eating: I’m not a very picky eater but there are a few things (like raisins) that just the mare sight of could make me puke 
58. Drinking: water, water all the way, favorite drink ever. 
59. I’m about to: go out and be miserable 
61. Waiting for: freedom? 
62. Want: drum set 
63. Get married: i don’t know if I want to… marriage is pretty fucked up. Unless I find someone who could be my equal in every possible aspect of my life, then sure. But I won’t be the ‘housewife’ or quit my job when I have kids or be the one responsible for cooking and ironing clothes because I’m the woman. Fuck that. Besides, here marrying a person equals to marrying their entire family, because his parents gotta be very involved and as a person who values privacy and comfort above all, it’d be a nightmare. So maybe if he doesn’t have parents living in the same county (or parents at all) that’ll be ideal. (See why I ain’t getting married?) 
64. Career: I’m an aspiring film director/producer. I love that there’ll never be a routine cause I can’t handle that
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs. 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes, eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world right after stars
67. Shorter or taller: taller 
68. Older or younger: younger 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach 
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship… if I had to 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I don’t like causing trouble but if you push me I won’t hesitate 
74. Kissed a Stranger: No 
75. Drank hard liquor: yeah, but I’m not a big fan of alcohol 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes. It was a nightmare. 
77. Turned someone down: a few 
78. Sex on the first date: my goodness no 
79. Broken someone’s heart: um, I don’t think so. 
80. Had your heart broken: once (never again. Ever.) 
81. Been arrested: no 
82. Cried when someone died: when my great grandma passed three years ago but otherwise I find it hard to cry over dead people (unless not at the time of their death, maybe years later when I miss them) 
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah, I only fall for friends. I’m incapable of loving someone I don’t know very well and trust
84. Yourself: I struggle to because I’ve literally lived my whole life with people who like to remind me I’ll never make it 
85. Miracles: yeah. One happened to me. 
86. Love at first sight: no. 
87. Santa Claus: no 
88. Kiss on the first date: never been on a proper date, I don’t know how that works.
90. Current best friend name: Sayu. 
91. Eyecolor: black 
92. Favorite movie: I really can’t pick.
Tagging: @mishiexd @kakashis-porn-stash @denilmo @sayurinomoe @quaintaffairs and @mydarlingl0ve @purple-possibilities @raendown (sorry if any of you was tagged before)
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BTV OCs ask: What are some of your characters favourite things? Tell me as many as you can think of, and why!What are your characters emotional or moral weak points?What does your character do as a sign of affection amongst their friends? Their family? Their Love Interest?
What are some of your characters favourite things? 
Natia: Dogs (she can’t believe she spent so many years without a dog!), food, beer, getting drunk with Oghren...
Marian: Board games, her friends, big celebrations and parties
Hayden: Books, nature, hugs, discussing philosophy and history
What are your characters emotional or moral weak points? 
Natia: She’s terribly afraid of abandonment and will consequently tell everyone to piss of as soon as she senses conflict. She’s bad at showing people when she cares about them, and will often try to forget that she cares.
Marian: She assumes responsibility for almost everything and will therefore stick her nose into other people’s business without them asking. She’s also not very good at diplomacy. Too hands-on.
Hayden: He’s too afraid of making mistakes and would rather be a follower than a leader (ironic!). Too easily influenced. Can be too focused on the theoretical side of things instead of the here and now.
What does your character do as a sign of affection amongst their friends? Their family? Their Love Interest? 
Natia: She cracks jokes, sings songs (not everyone is happy about this), gives compliments. She’s very protective of those she loves.
Marian: She’s a good listener and will let her friends vent about their problems. She’s also a good cook and will cook for her friends and family. Merrill gets so many cookies from Marian, she has to say no sometimes because there’s no place for them all (neither in the house nor in her stomach).
Hayden: He shows affection by providing help in any way he can, be it emotionally or practically. He gives the best hugs.
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Before They Were Wardens - Natia
“So, you want me to tell you the story of the Wardens?” The room darkened as the curtains were drawn. The speaker leaned back and tapped the mechanical crossbow almost his size. “Sure you don’t want me to just tell the story of the Champion? That one's got less backstory, more action. Less need for a map. Fewer characters to keep track of too.
“Fine. The story starts with an old Warden man, but I think he's not where the Wardens’ story really starts. He's just where their stories meet. I should start with…”
Orzrammar is one hell of a city, or so it is said. The young Princess of Orzrammar was likely the most excited when her little brother was brought to the world. But on the other side of the city, another dwarf girl's heart broke as her month-old little brother refused to wake up.
With the third brother failing to make his sixth month, she and her mother were sent away from her father. He didn’t want to let them go, she knew. He hugged her and gave her a pair of daggers to keep hidden.
“With these, you can always remember where you came from. But do not be seen with them.” She took his warnings to heart. She wiped her eyes dry, nodded before promising to not shed tears unless her blades were taken from her.
“And never let them see me cry. I’m a Duster, but I’m stone underneath.” She smiled at him. “I am stone.”
“Yes, you are, my Nat.”
Her father didn’t take on a new mistress, nor did he marry after his daughter was sent from him. He vowed he would try to make her life easier than the life of other Casteless girls. Maybe Beraht would be willing to take her as an enforcer.
Two years later, Nat's mother gave birth to another girl, apparently the last child she could bear. The woman lashed out at her daughters, slowly losing her mind to moss wine, mixing up which girl had which father to the point of claiming both were fathered by a useless man who went to the surface.
The five year old Duster girl set her shoulders and marched to the shop, bold as blades, and without preamble, made the first of many bold proclamations.
“Heard you need new workers. I can work. I can move where no one can see. I can make sure things get where they need to. I can work.” She grinned at the older dwarf, unashamed of her brand. She knew who she was.
Bharat snorted and waved her off. “Go home, girl.”
She grinned wider and walked up into his face. “No. I need work. You can use someone like me. You don’t have to try and find someone like me. I’m right here.”
The Carta boss sighed. “Sure. If you can bring me Princess Aeducan's little golden ball.”
She nodded and left. Poor bastards thought he had seen the last of her, and a young boy two years her elder snickered before being smacked upside the head.
The path to the palace wasn't hard to go through, not when she moved like she were scrubbing at the floor the entire way. Nobles, always willing to believe two things - that they're powerful, and that the tasteless are morons.
The Princess' hall was empty. Odd for someone so important. She crept along the walls, falling to her knees and resuming her disguise.
“The Princess is just downright odd. The people love her, but she refuses to do her royal duties in favor of playing with that Warrior caste boy. With swords!”
The two servants gossiped some more as they walked down the hall to the far end door, pausing to dust at items along the way.
“Oh, Prince Trian. If only he weren’t so cold.”
“I dare you to enter his room.”
Nat crawled her way to the middle hall, standing up to open the door. The room was almost like her room, but bigger. With nicer stuff too. Not like her room in appearance really, but the Princess seemed to keep things orderly.
Shaking her head, she set to work, searching through the box of toys and not finding the ball. She looked under the bed and saw it as the door opened on the other side.
Nat crawled under, tucking the ball into herself.
“With Behlan around, now I can finally stop dragging that dumb ball around.”
“My lady, it was a gift to you.”
“From a man my father wanted me to marry and produce extra heirs with in case Trian had something stupid happen. I’m only six! Why should I have to deal with all this?” The girl’s voice commanded respect as she walked to a wall and pulled something down. “Come on, we should keep practicing at the field.”
“Very well, my lady.”
The door closed, freeing a sigh of relief before she had to crawl from under the bed and find a place to tuck the ball. At least it wasn’t a very big one, so she stuffed it into her shirt and started to clean her way out.
She was almost out of the castle when a girl walked up to her and crouched next to her.
“Thanks for taking that damn ball. Hope it brings you more happiness than it did me.”
The casteless girl turned to see the smiling face of Princess Aeducan before she spoke at a louder volume. “And don’t forget to clean the outside of the palace, casteless.”
Nat ran when she was free. The Princess spoke to her! That could be bad, but no guards were following, so she should hurry along. She walked into the Carta shop and asked for Beraht.
And grinned when she placed the golden ball into his hand. The older boy laughed at the sight of the Carta boss' shock.
“Well, I’ll be damned. And your name is?”
“Natia Brosca.”
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wexhappyxfew · 2 years
7, 9, 28, 29 for ao3 wrapped?
omg HELLO!!! <3 thank you for dropping in a few numbers for the ask game, it is very much appreciated!!! thank you again! :)
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
OOHHH I love this question! Landslide is named after Fleetwood Mac's song Landslide and so I really took heavy inspiration from that song with a lot of the vibes of the fic in general. Sleeping at Last's songs were also incredibly inspirational: 'Eight' I felt was a perfect representation of Natia as a character and then 'Turning Page' essentially describes Natia's relationship with Joe Toye and the connection they hold there together. Otherwise, Taylor Swift songs were always in the background when writing so they were always heavy inspo for all the angst haha!
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
I did answer 9 already, but I can totally mention another favorite pairing I wrote for and that was Natia/Joe Toye! What started out as this flicker of a bit of a rivalry to mutual acceptance and understanding of one another to acquittances to friends to friends who flirt with each other and try to ignore it to 'almost' lovers to long distance pen pals to ..... where we are currently in the story, they make me SO EXCITED to keep writing them. There's just so much about them that I love. Natia is the one, essentially, going nuts and Joe cheering her on and being supportive if that's anyway to describe their connection. It's a subplot more than anything in the fic, but is still something important for Natia in her overall growth throughout the fic and that's why I just love them so much! They've also been affectionately called Fliptoye so :))) I just want to squeeze them into big hugs!!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Landslide!!! :) My BoB fic that I started in mid-2020 and am going to be finishing up soon. Previously I had completed other BoB fics like Sunshine Solider and The Soldier of Stars but I wanted to challenge myself a bit and developed Landslide and have been working on that since then!! It's been a joy!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I answered 29 as well, but can happily give another passage favorite I wrote this year! Natia starts out with quite a complicated take on Joe Liebgott, leading to plenty of bickering and arguing and making the extent of their stay at a hospital together in England all the more merrier, and Chapters 37-39 the Natia and Lieb Chaos Show, but I'd figured I'd post just this below. I present Natia's take on Lieb and vice versa:
Joseph Liebgott was quite odd she felt - he smoked 3 cigarettes a day, sat with his boots on the bed, and his hair was a constant companion to his hand which ran through it almost daily. It had been sheer dumb luck that she had happened to succumb to her wounds the day a nasty piece of shrapnel had also tore into his neck, sending them both to a field hospital before being sent to England. 
Now, she got to be by his side for 3 weeks or more now, listening to his snores, the obnoxious chuckle from his lips as he read in that Dick Tracy comic book, or the snooty 'pfft' that left his lips when he was annoyed by the slightest movement of another. And it seemed his annoyance with her struggling to stand was one of this inconveniences that happened to annoy him today. 
And Natia being more stubborn than a nail, refused the nurses' help, refused the crutches or the wheel chair and forced herself to her own feet, before limping to the washroom or the kitchens down the hall. 
Joseph Liebgott watched quietly from his bed as the stubborn woman moved from place to place without so much so as a free arm or the weight of a crutch to catch her stumbling form. Joseph Liebgott was stubborn but at this point it was like watching a newborn horse trying to walk again, and to be frank it was getting too painful to watch nearly everyday as she stumbled about. 
And quite honestly, Joseph Liebgott was getting annoyed. 
He wasn't sure why but seeing her struggle and stubbornly refuse the help that was offered was pissing him off. 
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