#Half elf Jaskier
geekwarriorgoddess · 3 months
I'm looking for a witcher fic, Help!
I'm looking for this fic That I know I've read somewhat recently, and I'll break it down below, but I wanted to share some screenshots as well.
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First, when I search what I'm looking for I get a snippet of the synopsis right there. I'm nearly 100% certain that that is the fic I'm looking for.
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Which then leads me to these, and the fic is not there. There are nine fics under the monarch Jaskier tag, and none of them are what I'm looking for.
Synopsis, as I remember it:
This is after the mountain fight, so Geralt and Jaskier are separate. I think Eskel finds him and invites him/asks him to come help. Over the past few years, Geralt accidentally conquered a town/ lordship area because the Lord was doing some bad stuff. Anyway, they had conquered this area and then left, and then Bandits came into the town and were violent, so the witchers are now trying to basically be the Lords of this area - it's not going great. So they invite Jaskier just to help de-stress Geralt, to be a friend, and then Jaskir ends up taking over. Eventually, he becomes lordship and then it turns out that he's out of the elf and they're doing a lot of work to help non-humans, and they're fighting with the human Lordships and kings, and eventually they crown Jaskier. Throuout this there's talk about how Geralt wants to be a knight, and then he becomes Jaskiers 1st knight.
I'm at a point where someone can find this, I will pay actual cash money for it. I don't even remember if it's that fabulous a fic, it's just driving me insane that I can't find it but I know I've read it a couple times.
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thedemonofcat · 6 hours
In Lettenhove, Lady Pankratz died during childbirth, giving birth to Julian Alfred Pankratz. Lord Pankratz, however, referred to the half-elf child as the bastard who killed his wife.
Throughout Julian's childhood, his father never hid his hatred. Daily, Julian was called a murderer. When Julian decided to leave Lettenhove to become a bard, Lord Pankratz was relieved. The only condition was that Julian couldn't use the Pankratz name, leading to the birth of Jaskier.
Being a bard, especially after traveling with Geralt, was a relief for Jaskier. The witcher didn't seem to care about his half-elf heritage or the fact that he was blamed for his mother's death. However, this changed when Geralt wished Jaskier gone from his life.
Jaskier found himself alone again, haunted by his father's and Geralt's harsh words. Becoming the Sandpiper offered some solace until an incident led to the deaths of a group of elves.
Convinced that Geralt was right about him being a failure and his father was right about him being a killer, Jaskier believed he was cursed. Desperate, he put out notices to hire a witcher to kill him, hoping it wouldn’t hurt.
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thebardjaskier · 2 years
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new geraskier piece in the works come get y’all juice
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jhontography · 11 months
i like watching The Witcher but since i haven’t read the books i have literally no idea what is going on in the show 90% of the time 
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renren-006 · 3 months
Heyo! How are you? I was wondering if I could put in a request for a Geralt x fem reader one shot?
Reader is injured in some sort of way but tries to hide it from Geralt coz she doesn’t want to worry him but he obviously finds out?
I’m bad at descriptions😪
Please and thank you xx
Wounds and Kisses | Geralt x fem Reader
a/n: hello! thank you for the request and i hope you like it!
fluff and angst
word count: 966
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You tagged Geralt along on another one of his quests. You had before, and Jaskier seemed to think it was an excellent idea to have another person join them. So it was you and Geralt on Roach and Jaskier on his own horse, Fawn, playing tunes on his instruments. You were not a Witcher, but you did have basic abilities passed down from your mother, who was a half-elf and half-sorcerer, making you a mixed-blooded woman. Your abilities revolved around the elements, like your mother and her mother before her. You were trained by her before she died and before you had met Geralt.
He was adamant about letting you on quests; he wouldn't tell you why, but you knew the brooding man had some form of feeling towards you. The two of you never discussed it, but there was always something between them. You had slept together, kissed in halls, and spent the nights together, but no relationship was formed, and no words of love were ever spoken. You wished he would; you wished he would just tell you he loved you so you may finally not have to steal glances at the man without him knowing. 
The beast was something of a bigger size than either you or Geralt had previously thought it would be. Jaskier was back at the tavern drinking away and singing about adventures, while the two of you were stuck dealing with a beast that continuously terrorized this poor town. You didn't expect it to also be so difficult to defeat but its hard armor made things worse. It also made things worse when the beast tail slammed into you sending you flying to the ground. Geralt was too busy with a second beast that charged that he had no idea you had been flung by the beast. You stumbled back over to the fight, trying not to clutch your side. Your powers roared in you as you launched yourself on top of the beast, shoving your sword in any place between the armor before finding its weak spot. You shoved your sword deep into the spot by its neck in between the brakes in its armor, it wailed loudly before it fell. You stumbled off the beast intime to see Geralt doing the same with the second beast. Once you stumbled out of the muddy water onto land your side erupted in pain, you bit back a cry as you got onto Jeskier horse, Fawn, and rode back alongside Geralt who was far ahead of you and determined to finish the job fully and get home. You didn't dare touch your side or grimace about it, not wanting the boys to know you got hurt. 
You sat by Jaskier who held his nose by the stink of the beast coming off you. 
“Damn Y/N you stink” he said “Oh and Geralt smells worse…both of you go take a bath!”
“Were fine Jaskier” Geralt said, not wanting to jump to the bath and instead started drinking whatever it was he bought.
“Ill go” you said. As you stood a flash of pain crossed your face, making Geralt straighten. You stumbled your way to the room finding that someone had already filled the bin with hot bath water. As you undressed you didn't hear the door open or the heavy footsteps of Geralt entering. 
“Y/N” he said, standing still at the sight of the entirely too large gash and hole in your side. The beast tail had been spiked and its tail punctured your side while also slashing the entire length of your stomach. The blood and ooze that gushed from you seemed like it didn't matter under the eyesight of Geralt who stumbled over to you. “Why didn't you say anything?” he asked you. His voice was…soft. 
“I didn't want to worry you” you told him. You clutched the bin, your vision blurring as Geralt caught you, finished undressing you and got you into the hot water. You screamed a bit from the feeling of the hot water in your wound. Geralt held you, sliding in after undressing himself and holding you close to him.
“I want you to tell me when you're hurt. It means nothing against your skills when you are” he told you, making you feel worse about not mentioning it.
“I'm sorry,” you told him. 
“No apologies. Just heal” he told you, knowing that with concentration and his strength behind you, using the water and your magic can help heal the deep wound on you. The water swirled slightly as you used the magic in you to heal what you could. The deep gash slowly faded to a large gash, and the scratches along your stomach turned to scabs and then to scars. Your body had enough scars that you hated the sight of them but your magic only worked so far.
“I'm sure Yennefer would be happy to show you how to heal scars” He told you, pulling you even closer to him. “I know we never talked about what is between us…”
“I love you” you spoke faster than he could finish his thought. 
“I love you too y/n…if you had let me finish” he said, causing you to laugh. 
“Sorry, just wanted to say it before I couldn't” you told him looking at his face. 
“I should have told you sooner. I took advantage of your feelings before mine came around..”
“I know, but i never told you to stop” you said, “I just wanted all your love not just parts”
“Now you have it all” he told you, “so no more hiding your wounds” 
“Promise,” you said, kissing his cheek before falling back and laying on him.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
for 'I can't believe it's canon', what about Jaskier/Dandelion's youthful looks? I know it's common fanon to make him at least part elf or fae or some other type of creature to explain the longevity, but i think in canon he's just like that? Babyfaced?
Hello dear! Ok, so,
Dandelion's looks and longevity/(and potential elven lineage) in the books, now with English and original Polish versions.
Alright, in order to answer this ask, I conferred with the wonderful and helpful @cherrypoison1889, who is Polish and has the books and is willing to indulge my obsessive absurdity.
(In my post about Geralt and Religion, I put out a request for any Polish fan of the books who wouldn't mind me bothering them with silly and ridiculous questions occasionally to get in touch. Cherry was kind enough to dm me.)
Basically, my meta has powered up. XD I now have a partner in crime. I am going to include our conversations about the words used in the original Polish and in the English translation to describe Dandelion.
We are just having very silly fun here, this isn't academic or anything pls my god, if you want academic or authoritative consult a doctor (phd in languages and whatnot). This is just fun, that's all.
Ok, so we know Dandelion looks young for his age.
In The Blood of Elves, which takes place AFTER the first two short story collections, Djikstra says that Dandelion looks like he is in his late twenties, even though he is in his late thirties. Here is what he says.
"...I know you're almost forty, look almost thirty, think you're just over twenty, and act as though you're barely ten."
So he looks a good ten years younger than he is and This is in Blood of Elves, which for TWN fans is around S2.
We also know he is a 'pretty boy'.
Dandelion is called pretty, by the narrative and other characters.
When Angoulême is being interrogated in The Tower of Swallows, and she is asked who Geralt is traveling with, she describes Dandelion like this....
"...a comely fellow called Dandelion, who's a troubadour, and carries a lute."
So she uses the term comely, which in English is typically usually used to describe women. I think that's the first time I've heard that word used to describe an adult man. Here's how Oxford dictionary defines it:
Comely: pleasant to look at; attractive (typically used of a woman).
So to me, this implies a pretty boy and yes the baby face.
I asked Cherry about what the Polish word is, and here is their answer:
Angouleme calls Jaskier "Przystojniak" in Polish, which is colloquial of Handsome Fellow (see also the word Przystojny, which means Handsome). This word is generally used only to describe men, but has been, in the past, also applied to women
So, there is some subtle gender-y stuff going on in that translation, but either way, he is considered good looking.
Then I asked Cherry about whether Dandelion is really often mistaken for an elf. There is a passage in the English translation that suggests that he is, but the wording in English is a bit ambiguous and slightly awkward.
In the process, Cherry and I found that there is a word in that section that changes pretty significantly in translation, suggesting again that he is very pretty.
Dandelion and longevity or elven lineage:
As far as his longevity, there is never at indication that he is part elf except that sometimes he is mistaken for an elf. The English translation implies that this is because of his style, but the original Polish implies it is his pretty face as well.
In Baptism of Fire, Geralt and Dandelion are in a forest, caught in a thunderstorm. They happen near a group of men who are waiting to meet elves and the men call to them:
"Over here, Master Elves!"
Geralt is not surprised by this mistake, as visibility is low, and they are both wrapped in grey elven mantels. Also, apparently, this is a regular occurrence for Dandelion. The book says:
"As far as the foppish Dandelion was concerned, he was regularly mistaken for an elf or a half-elf, particularly since he had begun wearing his hair shoulder-length and taken up the habit of occasionally curling it with tongs."
Ok, so, the English translation uses the phrase 'as far as...Dandelion was concerned', which could mean two different things. It could mean "regarding Dandelion," or "according to Dandelion." So I asked Cherry what it says in Polish.
So that phrase in english could basically say that dandelion WAS regularly mistaken for an elf
it could mean that he CLAIMS he is regularly mistaken for an elf
So, in Polish it is that Dandelion is often mistaken for an elf or half-elf.
ok, so it isn't that he claims it, but that he IS mistaken for an elf.
ok perfect. thank you.
As in, it's other's opinion that he looks like an elf
Then, Cherry asked me about the word foppish, and we realized that the original word in Polish has quite different connotations!
Foppish, in English, generally refers to a man who is "concerned with one's clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way." (Oxford dictionary)
So, an English speaker sees this word as a commentary on Dandelion's vanity and clothing. But actually the Polish word is different. Here is what Cherry said:
In Polish it's "Gładysz", which means someone with a smooth, unblemished visage (see also the word Gładki, which means smooth)
the word they translated to foppish?
Yep, that's the word. So, 1 count for Dandy being called a pretty pretty boy <3
haha that's awesome thank you
So in english, you could say he's described slightly more pejoratively?
foppish it's less about his attractiveness and more about his own vanity or obsession with appearance.
just stylish and vain basically
you could see that negatively, as interest in appearance is often looked down upon in men, (eta: unfairly of course, in macho cultures, not by me obviously) but not everyone does see it as negative. but yes, it has more potential for negative implications
Just looked it up in a dictionary, apparently Gładysz also means someone who is nice, i.e. kind
So in Polish it's just he's a sweet pretty boy uwu
ah interesting! so the original word has better implications all around
that's so cute
Baby boy baby
So, there is no conclusive evidence for Dandelion being part elven, other than just the fact that he is mistaken for one. He is a pretty pretty boy who looks young for his age.
But since he looks like an elf, there's a bit of fertile ground to headcanon it. It's not canon but it's a reasonable use or extrapolation of canon! Would he even know if he were like a quarter elf? Who knows? We don't even know where Lettenhove is. Go crazy!
So, TWN accidentally not aging him turned out to be not too 'off canon'. And it is no surprise that he is often head-canoned as part elf.
Actually I think Hexer actually makes him part elf as well. Hell, I make him part elf in most of my fics.
So there's no canon evidence? But it's not an outrageous thing to headcanon or anything.
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bardcore-jaskier · 1 year
♡My immortal Jaskier headcanons♡
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So here are my headcanons, because I refuse to believe that our ball of sunshine has an expiration date...
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So, I know Lauren said that Jaskier not aging in the show was just a filming mistake, something they simply forgot to do and on a completely logical level I am fully aware that in canon Jaskier is completely human, 100%. And I also know that they're not gonna change it, no matter how much some of us may wish they did (Although why not? They already strayed so far from the books and made so many changes, might as well go the extra mile)
Realistic-ish headcanons:
- Jaskier is part elf, perhaps quarter elf like Yennefer, it is an entirely justifiable headcanon, theoretically, Jaskier's human father could have married a half elf commoner woman (who may or may not have had the pointy tips on her ears cut off with a knife to avoid human prejudice)
- Jaskier has a fae ancestor, somewhere many many generations back in his ancestry, so his entire family is suspiciously long lived but nobody cares because Lettenhove isn't politically important and therefore doesn't catch the attention of the prejudiced Nobles farther up the royal court chain.
- Jaskier unintentionally drinks the same elixir mages/sorcerers drink to prolong their life. I read that chaos wielders don't have naturally long lifespans, they semi-regularly drink an elixir with mandrake roots in it to slow the aging process. According to Witcher Wiki, you can only buy mandrake root in Lindenvale and my headcanon is that Jaskier experiments with many different tea blends to see which one is more effective for soothing his throat after singing. So at the age of 29-30, he wanders into Lindenvale and buys some dried mandrake to make a tea, after one sip he felt more rejuvenated than ever and since that day, mandrake root tea has become his number one go-to, he drinks it as often as he can.
More fanfic centric, less canon possible headcanons:
- Jaskier is a Dryad. (Yayyy trans Jaskier headcanon) Since Lettenhove is so tiny, it isn't even on the Witcher continent map, but a simple Google search says that it is Located somewhere in Kerack. Kerack borders with Brokilon, so it's kind of a nifty little loophole for fanfic writers to use and place Lettenhove somewhere near the forests where Dryads live.
And while most Dryads treat any man that enters their realm as a mere sperm donor, Witcher Wiki does also mention that some Dryads can form emotional relationships and fall in love with humans and/or elves, but in the end, all Dryad born offspring is AFAB. So imagine this, Jaskier's father falls in love with a Dryad, she falls in love with him, they have Jaskier, Jaskier notices early on that he feels like a boy and his rich Viscount father hires a mage to help Jaskier transition early.
- Jaskier is a higher vampire, higher vampires are a HIGHLY secretive society, even in canon, part of the reason why even Witchers have so little information about them is because they prefer to hide in plain sight and are ridiculously good at it. Jaskier doesn't age, has no self-preservation instincts, doesn't buy a horse and yet still keeps up with Geralt on foot for 20 years. Jaskier's personality isn't fake, he doesn't act like someone else, it's all him, but his clumsiness is a little bit of an act, he also purposefully avoids physical fights, it comes across as fear of getting hurt but in reality it's because he's afraid of appearing too strong and exposing himself. Lettenhove doesn't appear on maps, because it doesn't exist legally, it's just a castle hidden in the woods, a safe place for higher vampires, kinda like Kaer Morhen is for Witchers, Jaskier's parents just happen to be the ones who run it.
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annmarcus63 · 9 months
Jaskier never imagined that there could be another Geralt out there, much less another universe with unique yet similar problems. Nor did he imagine that, inexplicably and suddenly, his heart would feel so hungry for someone he had barely met four weeks earlier. Sure, Jaskier tended to fall in love within hours with whoever caught his attention, be it man, elf, woman, dwarf.... Jaskier has always loved freely without worrying about the consequences. But this famine was different, one that wants to swallow everything in one gulp. One that yearns for BeardGeralt. For days he tried to convince himself that it was pure lust, then he tried to convince himself that it was some sort of defense mechanism. So many years in love with Geralt have weighed heavily on him, perhaps what he feels for BeardGeralt is a convenient way out for his treacherous heart. In reality he suspects that he is only trying to deceive himself, after all he is the one who knows his heart best and knows very well that what he feels is real. As real as falling in love with the alter ego of the one who is supposed to be half of your soul. Which makes you feel futilely guilty. And it's certainly not fair, having to deal with how good BeardGeralt is. He's certainly something out of this world, ha. Two witchers and a bard traveling are a very picturesque image. Having only one horse, they take turns riding but BeardGeralt always offers him his place by claiming to have a lot of energy. In the evenings BeardGeralt always makes sure to give Jaskier a larger portion of food. Every time Jaskier looks up, he finds him watching him with a certain satisfaction of one who enjoys caring. The problem is that Geralt notices these gestures and Jaskier feels like garbage when he notices that the witcher is not comfortable. The bard fears that Geralt thinks of himself as insufficient. But, on the other hand, it's nice to have someone looking out for him for a change, to have someone make him feel loved.  
"Cold?" asks BeardGeralt one night of heavy rain when the three of them have taken shelter against the wall of some abandoned ruins. 
"I've been worse" and then he feels a hand running across his lower back and resting on his hip. Her breath catches. With a swift movement BeardGeralt brings him against his shoulder. Jaskier smiles sincerely pleased and looks at BeardGeralt out of the corner of his eye. Geralt, his Geralt tenses at his side, clearly not knowing what to make of the situation. He’s confused, but he knows he has no right to question Jaskier's relationships. He never has, but somehow this time feels different. It’s strange, Jaskier can admit that. But it feels right, Jaskier thinks guiltily. 
Jaskier has stolen a familiar-looking collection of poems from a rather rude merchant, to discover that it was an elvish collection of poems that her nanny used to read to him. He tells this story, as is his custom, in great detail. BeardGeralt listens intently and jokes playfully about his nostalgia. At some point in the conversation Geralt interferes to tell them that they should sleep. 
One evening Jaskier is tending his lute while Geralt prepares the fire while BeardGeralt is out hunting for food. 
"He will leave, Jask. You should be careful," Geralt advises him, almost whispering. At first Jaskier has a hard time understanding what they are talking about, but once he does a series of emotions run through the pit of his stomach. Sadness, anger, indignation, gratitude, sympathy and finally resignation. Jaskier is no friend of resignation.  
"I know." answers Jaskier with the certainty of one who knows he will lose something he did not know he possessed.  
So what if fate is right? So what if Geralt is his soulmate but they have met many years before? So what if his Geralt is not ready? So what if BeardGeralt is ready and more than willing to try something with him? So what if fate made a mistake? So what if BeardGeralt is here for a reason? So what if none of that matters because in the end, no matter what, Jaskier is going to get hurt? 
Kaer Morhen is getting closer every day, there BeardGeralt's Ciri will be waiting for them.
One thing Jaskier knows with futile certainty is that no Geralt would choose him.
Game Geralt x series Jaskier
Here's the first part
Thanks to fandom-trash-and-hyperfixations for their awesome ideas on this. love u.
What do you mean? of course there will be a culmination of this trashy angst/romance so stay tuned!
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I need Lambert/Milena in a Shrek AU.
Just imagine with me:
Duke de Roggeven insults a powerful wizard (we all know he would - he'd be lucky if it was only ONE) who then curses his daughters. All three of them.
(ETA: he pissed off Yennefer. Probably insulted her mixed elven heritage and/or her inability to have kids, so she went "alright. Let's see how you feel when YOUR daughters are inhuman and infertile monsters.")
By night, each of them transforms into a different non-human humanoid: Marta is a succubus (all her lust for power and a crown turned into a different kind of lust - and we'll pretend that succubi *can* live without sex, but they feel sick and hungry the whole time), Marika is an elf (still elegant and pretty, but inhuman enough to shock everyone - Marika didn't piss off Yennefer), and Milena is a witcher (Yennefer saw her strength and kindness and went "this suits you.")
Marta, of course, spends the entire time being FURIOUS at being some "sex obsessed half goat! I am the daughter of a DUKE! The ELDEST DAUGHTER! How dare she!" Marika isn't happy, per se, but she privately goes "it could be a LOT worse. I'll take it." Milena actually enjoys her new abilities - she's so strong! Her senses are much sharper! - and the eyes are rather pretty.
After being COMPLETELY HORRIFIED that his daughters (well, mostly Marta) are cursed to become non-humans by night, Duke de Roggeven locks them in a castle guarded by a dragon and then pretends that he's sent them abroad to stay with distant relatives.
Meanwhile, Marta is getting on EVERYONE'S last nerve with her constant bitching, Marika is trying to keep their lifestyle as pleasant as possible, and Milena...
Milena befriends the dragon. She thinks Villentretenmerth is fascinating, and when she learns that the three ladies who showed up to help the sisters are also dragons, she wants to learn as much as they can teach her.
(Marta refuses to acknowledge any of them. "I will not consort with beasts," she sniffs hautily, and locks herself in a private bedroom every night before sunset.)
So! Back in Redania, Duke de Roggeven has convinced everyone that Yennefer's line about "whoever breaks the curse will gain a treasure greater than gold or gems" means that they can gain literal treasure (and/or magical treasure) by rescuing and marrying his daughters, and not - to take an example COMPLETELY at random - their true love as a bride.
(Yes, true love is the cure. Of course it is.)
So the asshole king of Kaedwen hears about the supposed princess and holds a huge tournament - and Lambert shows up because "that fucker dumped a bunch of refugees in our mountains, the fucking bastard. Who does that?!"
Jaskier, being one of the refugees - and also a bard who can sense the potential for a good story - insists on coming with him. They 100% do the "Donkey won't stop singing until Shrek snaps at him to shut up - and then he hums" scene.
About five times.
(Geralt and Eskel either stayed home to help Vesemir manage the refugees or hang around the Kaedweni court to remind the king of his promise - and make sure he doesn't get any even WORSE ideas.)
(Lambert REFUSED to stay in Kaer Morhen when Vesemir was being bossy - "I get enough of him riding my damn ass during fucking winter, NO GODSDAMNED WAY." And his brothers very sensibly refused to let him stay in court longer than absolutely necessary because, uh, they've MET Lambert and they know exactly how badly it would go. So he gets rescue duty by default. At least the princess will be happy to get to Ard Carraigh and away from him. They send Jaskier with him to try to temper some of his, uh, Lambert-ness.)
Anyway! Lambert and Jaskier arrive at the tumbledown castle guarded by a dragon, and Jaskier is immediately like "oh how wonderful! How majestic! Look at that wingspan!" And Lambert is like "...remember how we're here to fight the bastard? We have to GET PAST HIM to rescue whatever noble bint got stuck out here."
Jaskier pouts.
Villentretenmerth finds all this terribly amusing, especially since he recognizes a witcher when he sees one. So he sticks his nose in their camp and asks (rumbles) "what makes you think that even a witcher can defeat the greatest and oldest of dragonkind?"
So Jaskier introduces them - as dramatically and fancily as possible - and states that they are here to rescue the princess.
Milena creeps out from Villentretenmerth's wing. "We are the daughters of the Duke de Roggeven, and there are three of us. I hope you will still take us home?"
Villentretenmerth sighs. This girl. Always getting underfoot. "I will let you take the ladies with you - but you must convince them to leave freely. If they refuse - now or later - I will take them back."
"He sent THREE girls to some remote fucking castle? Fucker. Yeah, I'll take you all. Jask, let's find 'em and get out of here."
So Milena leads them up to the tallest tower where her sisters spend their day. I can't decide if I want Marta to do the whole "sleeping beauty waiting for a kiss" thing (assuming that JASKIER is her princely rescuer and Lambert is just there as a guard.) If she does, she'll get a rude surprise when Lambert shakes her awake and tells her to pack anything she's taking with her, they're LEAVING.
So the guys get the ladies and lead them out - pretending to ignore the hissing and squabbling that said ladies are doing behind the men's backs - and are unhappily surprised AGAIN because not only are their rescuer(s) NOT a prince and his retinue, they don't even have HORSES.
The dragons, of course, are watching this with amusement...and no little relief at getting rid of Miss Complainer the Eldest.
I'm gonna say it takes less than two days for Marta and Lambert to have a truly nasty fight. She wants a horse. A private carriage, really, but she'll SETTLE for a horse. Purebred, obviously. And fashionable new dresses, and BATHS, and food cooked in an actual KITCHEN, and a private bedroom from sundown to sunrise, and...
Lambert is just like "look lady, I don't get any reward until I deliver you, I don't have the coin for any of that, and I wouldn't waste on stupid fucking luxuries if I did."
This does not go over well. At all. There are very angry words shouted about his lack of preparation, decorum, breeding, proper dress...the list is endless.
Lambert gives exactly zero shits.
Milena is watching the fight with interest - she finds him FASCINATING - and Marika is mostly trying to stay out of it. She agrees with Marta on most of the points - their tower-castle was reasonably comfortable, certainly more so than this long hike back to civilization - but also, freedom.
If only they were returning home instead of to a strange country...
Which is about when Villentretenmerth - as the human Borsch - walks into their camp, accompanied by the three dragon woman who have been tending to the sisters. "Marchionesses. Wolf. Bard. I warned you I would take the ladies back if they wished to leave your company."
"The TOWER is better than staying with this BARBARIAN," Marta sniffs. "And Father arranged for marriages for Marika and I already!"
(She knows she gets the crown prince - and she knows that Kaedwen's king is a murderous asshole. Being queen doesn't count if she's not alive to enjoy it...and she won't have allies there to help her plot regicide. She's ambitious, not stupid.)
Somehow, it works out that Borsch and his friends take Marta and Marika back while Lambert and Jaskier continue to Kaedwen with Milena. There is ABSOLUTELY a scene where Lambert is out hunting when bandits try to attack the supposedly unguarded noblewoman and bard, and Milena thoroughly kicks their ass.
Lambert runs back just in time to be HELLA aroused impressed at Milena. Jaskier is already composing an ode to her.
They arrive at Ard Carraigh. Stuck up knights send for the king, who pretends he's a decent person long enough to carry Milena off on a fancy horse. Half an hour later, just as Lambert is moping about losing his new friend, his brothers arrive and go "quick, where's the lady? We have to get out her out of here!"
A very confusing but short explanation-argument later, Eskel and Geralt are chasing after Lambert as he storms the royal palace BY HIMSELF, because like hell will he leave Milena to that monster!
The confrontation is absolutely the most dramatic thing Ard Carraigh has seen in decades, with the witchers storming in just after Milena is crowned but before she can kiss her new husband...
...whom Lambert immediately punches in the face. "HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE YOU KILLED?!? HOW MANY, ASSHOLE? Did you even bother to COUNT THEM?"
Everyone gasps. Eskel and Geralt keep the guards back with drawn swords.
"NO MORE! I *WILL NOT* let you murder Milena for your sick fucking games!"
The king tries to splutter something, but Lambert takes his head off before he can get it out.
And then the sun sets.
And Milena...changes.
Scars from her training with the dragons, greater muscles than any noblewoman should have, and her eyes...
She shrieks - not at the king's death or the witchers' violence, but at her own secret coming out. She's hidden it for so long, and so carefully...she'll never survive this. The Kaedweni court will turn her out, if they don't execute her with her (very briefly) husband -
And then Lambert takes her hand.
"Milena? Are you...okay? Did they hurt you? What happened?"
"I'm CURSED! My sisters and I are cursed - for years now!"
He looks at her. "Y'look fine to me. It suits you."
"I wouldn't lie to you. Never have, never will. And I think you look - good. Really good. The dress is kinda silly - "
Milena giggles. She thought the same thing, when her maids were lacing and buttoning her into the massive thing.
"But YOU are gorgeous. Always have been."
"You still like me? Even..."
"As mutated and scarred up as I am? I'd have to be a fool not to. You're the bravest, strongest, most amazing woman I've ever met."
And she kisses him. She has to, can't hold it back.
(Cue the curse breaking - and leaving her as a witcher.)
Obviously there's cleanup, but Milena IS the queen, and is suddenly betrothed to the man who killed the murderous previous king - so it works out.
And then Villentretenmerth comes back.
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d-andilion · 1 year
sing me a tragedy
(geraskier, E, canon compliant, blood origin spoilers, getting together, angst with a happy ending, vague and handwavy smut, it barely counts tbh, 2.6k)
read on ao3
Hidden in the underground, far from the beaten path, Geralt watches his bard whip a crowd of humanity’s most despised into a beer-fueled frenzy. Not to earn their supper or their lodgings this time; the elf who owns this worn but well-loved waystation refused to accept coin for either after what the Sandpiper did for her grandson, seeing the boy on a ship to her arms. Right now, Jaskier plays because their fellow patrons chanted his name until he obliged. 
Geralt has to admit that Jaskier has more than proven himself as a travel companion these past few weeks. Since leaving the safety of Kaer Morhen, Ciri in Yennefer’s care for the season, finding places to keep their heads low has been a challenge. A challenge, at least, among humans. The Sandpiper, however, has won great favor with elves, dwarves, halflings, and just about every other intelligent species on the Continent. In their carefully concealed taverns and speakeasies, Jaskier is received like royalty.
“Sing loud and proud
The Song of the Seven
Be you halfling or gnome,
Or Dwarven or Elven”
This song is a new one. In fairness, most of Jaskier’s tunes are new to Geralt these days. Jaskier hasn’t abandoned his older repertoire, but he avoids large swathes of it to ward off any unwelcome attention. This one, though, feels different than the other additions to Jaskier’s catalog since their parting. More heroics than heartbreak, and a fiery call to action that sets it apart from his typical drama and sensation.
So much about Jaskier is different than Geralt remembers, his songs being the least of it. A few years is nothing in the grand scheme of their history, even less compared to all the years Geralt has lived, but it feels as though decades have slipped between his fingers. So many things have changed, things that Geralt didn’t realize he’d come to see as fixtures in his world until they disappeared, some of them forever. 
There’s the lute, for one thing. Jaskier has been cagey about how exactly a brand new elven lute came to be in his possession after the first one was destroyed against the side of his head, but it plays as beautifully for him as Filavandrel’s ever did. It’s nearly identical in style, too, with dark wood and golden patterns etched into it. Anyone who didn’t spend half a lifetime watching Jaskier’s long fingers dance along the strings would never be able to tell that this lute’s pattern of markings is different from its predecessor’s.
There’s the outfit, too. The waistcoat is similar enough to patterns and styles that Jaskier has worn before, but the hat and jacket make him look like a third-rate imitation of a storybook pirate. It’s nothing at all like the bright-colored matching ensembles he used to wear, though it’s nearly as impractical if not more so. Geralt honestly can’t tell if he hates it because it’s ridiculous or because it doesn’t fit into the gallery of bold greens and soft blues and glaring reds that roll through his mind when he thinks of his bard.
And there’s the bard himself, of course. Not really Geralt’s anymore if he ever was. He’s still loud and dramatic and filled to the brim with useless romantic notions about what the world is or ought to be. But there’s something lurking underneath it all now, something harder and fiercer behind his eyes than anything Geralt has seen in him before. The harshness of a man who’s seen the senseless death and darkness of war. The bitterness of one who’s been left behind and expects to be again.
There’s none of that in him when he performs, though. Or else he hides it far more efficiently. Even to Geralt’s honed eye, Jaskier exudes only joy when he sings.
“No oppressor can hide them
Carry their glories and rise!”
Jaskier finishes with a roaring flourish and the crowd chants his words back to him twice as loud. This Song of the Seven may be more popular than Toss a coin ever was. Geralt has never seen an audience warm so quickly to a new tune, much less poor folk in a war-torn country. These people need hope now more than anything.
The barkeep pushes a pair of ales at Jaskier as he passes by and refuses to take a cent for them despite Jaskier’s best efforts. He finally gives up when she threatens him with a broom, turning to Geralt’s dark corner of the room. 
“That’s new,” says Geralt as Jaskier sits down, passing a stein to his side of the table.
Jaskier crooks an eyebrow at him and smirks. “I’m surprised you noticed.”
Geralt doesn’t know what to say to that. Before, he might not have thought twice about teasing so light as that, but this, too, has changed. Sometimes there’s banter and sometimes there are digs from that snarl of discontent that still rears up between them, and Geralt can never really be sure which he’s getting.
Jaskier takes pity on him, smiling easily. “It came from a story I heard in Temeria,” he says. “There’s a bard in it, you know. And a witcher.”
He looks for a moment like he means to say more, but then the corner of his mouth twists sharply and he snaps it shut with an audible click. Jaskier smiles again, this time cruel and close-lipped. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he says.
Before Geralt can think of anything to say, any comfort or correction to whatever it is he’s done wrong this time, Jaskier stands up and flees to a nearby table of dwarves. He doesn’t look back.
An hour or so later, the revelry dies down and the bar room clears out but for a few stragglers. Jaskier is among them, across the room now from Geralt at an empty table with a drink Geralt knows is almost completely full. Geralt watched the bard carefully while he made round after round of the room, soaking up the occupants’ stories and sharing his own entirely fabricated ones. Half a dozen rounds were shoved into Jaskier’s hands, and he took them gratefully with bright smiles, but he abandoned them just as quickly when their givers were occupied.
When Geralt found Jaskier in Oxenfurt, he couldn’t be parted from a bottle for his life. Now his drinking comes and goes. Some days he dulls his senses with wine from dusk till dawn. Some days are like this: feigning all the trappings of a man in his cups without downing more than a mouthful. 
Geralt leaves his own stein half-full with a few coins beside it and turns for Jaskier’s table. Another Geralt might have left his friend to sulk, but that Geralt wouldn’t have used the word ‘friend’ to describe Jaskier, not even in his head. This one is trying to make amends, still, all these many months later. 
If Jaskier hears him coming, he doesn’t show it. Geralt sits on the bench beside him, facing out towards the room with his back against the table, and Jaskier doesn’t give him so much as a glance. Their shoulders just barely brush.
“Tell me your story,” says Geralt. “About the bard and the witcher.”
Jaskier fixes him with a confused frown. “It doesn’t—”
“Tell me anyway.”
Geralt watches Jaskier watch him through a long, pregnant pause. Blue eyes, still so bright in the low light, search Geralt’s face and he can’t tell whether they find what they’re looking for or not. Either way, Jaskier huffs a humorless laugh to himself and speaks.
“It was a long time ago, just before the Conjunction.”
Jaskier pauses again like he’s waiting for Geralt to correct him. There were no witchers before the Conjunction; there was no need for them. Geralt doesn’t say so, though. Instead, he waits patiently for Jaskier to continue.
“The witcher was a warrior,” he says. “A protector, wrongfully exiled for defiling a princess.”
Jaskier eyes Geralt again, warier this time. Geralt feels that twist in his gut the way he always does, but he doesn’t interrupt.
“The bard was a runaway, fleeing a life that was chosen for her.” Jaskier grins at that, small and wistful. “Fate brought them together, but they chose to walk side by side.”
It’s not a pretty story, exactly, but it’s the kind of story that has always caught Jaskier’s attention. A ragtag group of heroes, an indomitable foe, magic, monsters, and romance to tie it all together. It might even be true for all Geralt knows. The way Jaskier tells it, his voice soft and his phrases unembellished, so unlike his usual way of weaving tales, makes the whole thing almost believable. They’ve all seen stranger things.
Geralt doesn’t miss the shift in the air around Jaskier when he talks about the Lark and her witcher. His heart beats just the slightest bit faster and his scent deepens imperceptibly to anyone who doesn’t know it better than their own. Geralt isn’t blind to his own reaction either, the heaviness in his chest that grows and grows.
Contrary to popular belief, Geralt isn’t stupid. It’s not that he doesn’t know how much he wants Jaskier. The depths of that desire plunge too deep to go unnoticed, and it has holed up inside him for so long, he doesn’t know who he would be without it. It’s not that he doesn’t know how Jaskier feels either. The bard isn’t subtle and he has never insulted either of their intelligence by pretending to be.
What Geralt doesn’t know has never been the problem. It’s what he does know. And what he knows, has always known, is that acting on his wants would be a singularly terrible idea.
But that was before. Before Geralt’s own Child Surprise foretold the end of the world and all of them with it. Before he landed with his own feet in another sphere of demons and monsters beyond his wildest imaginings. Before all of them wound up tangled in a war with nightmares, more terrifying than any foolish mistake, hidden around every corner.
Before Geralt knew what it felt like to lose Jaskier. And before he knew with crushing certainty that to have done so without ever knowing what it felt like to have Jaskier, really have him, is worse than any fear Geralt has ever felt.
“She killed him, in the end, to end his suffering,” says Jaskier softly.
“Not a very happy story,” Geralt replies.
“Some of the best stories are tragedies. It’s romantic.”
Geralt frowns. “But he dies at the end.”
Jaskier smiles miserably. “I think you and I both know that love doesn’t always have a happy ending.”
That plucks something sharp in Geralt’s chest, something that twists at the bitter shadow in Jaskier’s eyes. Fuck it, Geralt thinks, fuck all of it. He takes Jaskier's chin between his thumb and his forefinger and kisses him before good sense can frighten either of them away again. 
There’s a gut-wrenching fraction of a second where Jaskier’s mouth is still against Geralt’s, but within the same heartbeat, he’s kissing back and back and back. Jaskier’s hand curls around Geralt’s wrist, holding himself in place as if Geralt would ever let him go now. His lips part for Geralt’s tongue with a soft groan and he tastes like his last sip of ale. Geralt feels drunk on it, on Jaskier, the plush warmth of his mouth, and the scent of his growing arousal filling Geralt’s nose. 
The harsh scrape of chair legs on a wooden floor startles them apart. Geralt’s head snaps up to find the barkeep straightening her stools, eyes focused downward but a knowing grin on her lips.
When he turns back, Jaskier hasn’t pulled away but his uneasy expression says that the thought is playing on his mind. He looks at Geralt like he’s waiting to be pushed away, even as he clutches Geralt’s wrist. Geralt pulls Jaskier back to him, fingers still cradling the bard’s chin, until their noses brush. 
“What are you doing?” Jaskier asks and his hot breath rolls over Geralt’s lips carrying the taste of his mouth to Geralt’s tongue, and even that faint echo makes Geralt’s heart stutter.
“Kicking off another tragedy, I expect.”
Jaskier pushes their foreheads together. “You can still stop this one.”
“No,” says Geralt and it feels like surrender. “No, I can’t.”
The small hearth in their room is dark and cold when they stumble inside. Geralt can see well enough to guide them both, but he tears himself away from Jaskier’s hungry kisses to light the fire. When it’s finally ablaze and he turns to find the bard sprawled out on their bed, discarding the last of his clothing, Geralt is glad he took the time. 
Even if only in the dim red light, cast over with long and flickering shadows, he wants to see this.
This—miles of bare skin, calloused and scarred in places it wasn’t when last Geralt laid eyes on it, and quivering as he presses his lips to every place he should have been there to protect. Jaskier is so warm to touch, so much warmer than Geralt, his emphatically human heart hammering away in his chest for both of them.
This—achingly familiar hands with long fingers and soft palms, gliding over the shine of sweat on Geralt’s chest and his arms and his back. Jaskier is so gentle with his touches, as though Geralt could break beneath them, as though Jaskier would ever break him even if he could. But then Geralt touches just so and nails bite into his skin and he longs to see their matching bruises side by side. 
This—a hungry mouth that kisses wherever it can and urges Geralt to give, to take. Every graze of his fingers, his lips, his tongue, draws the sweetest sounds. Jaskier is so liberal with his voice, utterly without shame as he tells Geralt exactly what he needs and how good he feels, as he begs him to touch me darling, there, again, more, more, please, please, please…
Every sense, every synapse, every nerve is straining to capture this moment because if their world ends tomorrow, Geralt wants his last memory to be the way Jaskier clings to him, sings to him, as he pushes inside.
Each second stretches into a thousand and disappears in an instant all at once. An eternity is lived in the space between each of Jaskier’s gorgeous moans and breathless cries, but too soon, Geralt feels himself hurtling over the edge. He comes with Jaskier’s name on his lips and the hot burn of tears behind his eyes.
They lie there, silent but for their breath, while their sweat dries and the fire burns to embers. Geralt fits himself to Jaskier’s back, a knee between his, an arm circling his waist, and his face tucked into the crook of Jaskier’s neck. The bard reaches back to tangle his fingers in Geralt’s hair and begins to hum an unfamiliar tune.
“That’s new,” Geralt rumbles, muffled by Jaskier’s skin.
Jaskier hums in agreement. “I think it’s about a bard and a witcher.”
Geralt takes a few long, slow breaths before he replies. “Another tragedy?”
Jaskier presses the tips of his fingers against Geralt’s scalp and massages along the back of his head until he finds a spot he discovered years ago while scrubbing drowner brains from Geralt’s hair, the one that elicits a sound very near purring. Geralt no longer expects an answer, but he gets one after his eyes have long fallen shut, whispered into the gathering darkness.
“Not this time.”
my masterlist
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ghostlytoms · 2 months
i made the witcher family in bg3 so here’s little facts about them because i’m insane! (appearances are based off both the game and the show)
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starting off with the best! ciri my love.
she’s a cleric of selûné that is in fact a dark urge. i just felt like the dark urge fits her a lot and will be something she has to reject. her dream visitor is calanthe.
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next up the witcher himself, geralt of rivia.
(act like the absolute talisman is a witcher medallion)
he’s a human paladin (oath breaker). his oath was oath of revenge, which he inevitably breaks to protect Ciri. his dream visitor is visenna at the beginning of the game!
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and of course the beautiful mage, yennefer of vengerberg.
she is a half-elf sorcerer (with a bit of draconic bloodline in fire because i wanted it.) she’s my favorite i love the way she turned out (i’m in love with anya chalotra.) her dream visitor is tissaia.
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and finally, the wonderful bard, Jaskier.
he’s my least favorite looking, as none of the faces match him in the slightest. i couldn’t get him to look like dandelion in the game or show which was upsetting but i digress. he’s a bard (of course) and has his trusty lute, always. his dream visitor is priscilla!
i had so much fun with them. i had to put my two hyperfixations together at some point so here it is!
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Sue Cash is the reincarnation of Jaskier
You are catching me on a rare moment. So I am a bit nonsensical, sorry 😅
I rewatched the D&D game video recently (always a joy) and it appeared to me, quite funnily, that they were similarities with the characters of Sue and Jaskier. But that's even more apparent since season 3.
So here is my nonsense :
She is probably pansexual
Sue wants to have sex with all the bards of the group 😅. Two are male. One is half elf. And the third is a female Kenku, so she is a bird lady 😁
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And she has big breast that turns heads 😅
Even one of the male bard of the group, who crushes on Sue, have a slight Radovid reaction 😅
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Later to a npc.
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Bonus : Sue drinks a lot and has been heartbroken in the past. She tries to seduce awkwardly 😅.
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
Here's an idea for a fic: Jaskier is a part elf with pointy ears, but he mostly hides them from the world. During his childhood, his mother, an elf, married his father and brought him into the world before she died during childbirth. His father then married his very human stepmother, through which he could conceive his human siblings. The result was that Jaskier was the only one with pointed ears out of all of them. As a result, his ears were taught to be an embarrassment to him by his parents and everyone else around him. Eventually, as a consequence, he began to feel that he was too human to be considered an elf but not human enough to be considered a human simultaneously.
There was a time when Jaskier could make his ears look round due to the glamour contained within the ring that he lost after the mountain broke up. Therefore, Jaskier needed to grow his hair long to cover the tips of his ears with it.
It was Yennefer who first encouraged Jaskier to embrace his elf side. As a result of their shared feelings of not belonging, they became close and formed a bond.
It was Geralt, however, who did the most to get Jaskier to embrace his elf sides once he reached Kear Morhen. Brushing Jaskier hair out of his face to show Jaskier pointed ears.
Making sure to Jaskier tell Jaskier he was beautiful. No matter if he is an elf or a human.
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thenightling · 4 months
The Witcher plot explained for non-fans:
In a fantasy world that resembles medieval Poland, there are professional monster hunters who are (mostly male) witches trained and mutated (magically modified to be semi-immortal) since childhood for the job. They are called Witchers.
A Witcher named Geralt becomes friends with a feminine bard named Jaskier (Dandelion in the English language novels and video games), and falls in love with a half-elf sorceress named Yennefer. The trio form a weird family unit.
Geralt accidentally invokes "Law of Surprise" (a sort of destiny spell) in front of a pregnant princess which ultimately leads to him adopting her orphaned daughter, Ciri, twelve-years-later. So you have Geralt, Jaskier, and Yennefer raising a child together.
And though there are political intrigues to try to ensnare and use Ciri, she ultimately grows up to be a Witcher too.
The Witcher in media:
Started as a book series from Poland
Adapted into a short lived Polish TV series
Became a popular video game series
Was adapted into comic books with new stories.
Became a successful American-made TV series for Netflix (currently four seasons)
A prequel series by Netflix (The Witcher: Blood Origin)
Two Netflix spin-off shows in the works (One called The Witcher: Rats)
And two animated movies: The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, and The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep (to be released later this year).
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
(edit: now an actual fic! part 1 part 2 ao3)
hhhhhh ok but now i’m thinking about banshee!jaskier, which means i’m actually thinking about half-siren/half-banshee!jaskier like that one fic (that i lost and totally forgot the name of- does anyone know which one i’m talking about? he had 2 moms but he was raised by his siren mom even though her family shunned her for mating with a banshee, and the reveal scene was geralt/yen/ciri getting captured by cahir’s army and jask going full Creature and just fucking slaughtering all of them, and rescuing them covered in scales and drenched in blood and that was how geralt learned he wasn’t human? anyway it was so fucking good someone pls tell me if u remember the name 😭**)
(**edit tysm anon fic is here)
but ANYWAY i’m thinking about half-siren/half-banshee!jaskier whose powers are a mix of both, so his Song foretells death instead of luring people to it, and i’m only thinking in Vibes right now but something about the lyric “this here is not singing, i’m just screaming in tune” has hooked in my brain and won’t let go
jask with a complicated relationship to music bc he loves stories and he wants to tell them but he keeps feeling that tug at the back of his throat to change the tune when he’s singing to an audience and makes eye contact with someone Doomed, jask who hates the taste of death and tries to go without singing but denying both sides of his instincts like that hurts and denying his passion hurts differently and there’s just no way for him to not be in pain, so he chooses to sing knowing what it will bring
jask who follows geralt around because at least in a witcher’s wake he won’t be suspected as the bringer of death as much, until he realizes that geralt hates it just as much as he does and that’s when he starts to fall in love, because finally he found someone who understands that feeling, that “something awful is going to happen to you and you want me to save you but i can’t always” feeling
OH jask who learns to hone his powers to lure people away from their deaths! because he knows when they’re coming and he can sing people where he wants them to go and he starts saving lives OH OH jaskier who uses that instinct as the Sandpiper! who starts stepping in when he can feel a Song in the back of his throat for an elf, who puts himself between them and death and sings them away to safety!! anskskjdjsks jask who first discovered he could do that when he tasted geralt’s Song and almost went fully feral from how much he needed that Not To Happen
ough welcome to another fic i’ll probably never write why is my brain Like This
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etdraconis · 4 months
Updated Muse List
Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Araini
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Varric Tethras
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Rowan Theirin
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Gabriel Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
Greek Mythology
Percy Jackson/Riordan Verse
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace (potentially)
Percy Jackson
Piper McClean (potentially)
Will Solace
Leo Valdez (potentially)
Elaine Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Lucian Vanserra
Crescent City
Hunt Athalar
Ruhn Danaan
Danika Fendyr
Ithan Holstrom
Bryce Quinlan
Throne of Glass
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Nikolai Lantsov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik
Good Omens
Zodiac Academy
Geraldine Grus
Lance Orion
Max Rigel
Darcy Vega
Tory Vega
Fourth Wing
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Sloane Maori
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Bridgerton (Both Show and Book Based)
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gwendolyn Sinclair (OC)
Kendall Sinclair (OC)
Alexander Thorne (OC)
Charlotte Thorne (OC)
Lillian Thorne (OC)
Sebastian Thorne (OC)
William Thorne (OC)
Other Book Muses
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Venderberg
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Talon Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Hyun-Soo Joly (medical student)
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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