#Hans zimmer
boredintjqueen · 4 months
You know when a book is so good it feels like watching a movie? Dune: Part 2 was so good it felt like reading a book. I love how much care was taken in introducing us to fremen culture and their beliefs.
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Just a little detail I thought was kinda neat, but one of the last tracks on the Part Two soundtrack is titled "Only I Will Remain" (if I'm not mistaken, it's the first track that starts playing over the credits), which obviously refers to the litany against fear and all that jazz, but it also perfectly describes where Paul is by the end of this story. Yes, he has conquered his fear of the prophecy, but he is also completely alone. Chani leaves, Irulan isn't someone he loves or trusts in any capacity, his relationship with Jessica is clearly fractured, Alia still isn't born yet, and he even says that the Fremen are all now followers rather than friends. He has no one. He's won, and yet he's lost. There's no triumph, no real victory. It just blows my mind the love that both Denis and Hans have for this story, and the way they understood the complexities and brought them to life in all the little details.
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viejospellejos · 1 year
Pure talent
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how the soundtrack of Dune part two helped build Paul and Chani's love story
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A Time of Quiet Between the Storms
what we hear: The music is building slowly. Very slowly. You can hear the sand dancing all around it. The wind blowing. There is a melody that sounds like hope. There are some whispers in the background. It all sounds like as if something is glowing. The layers keep adding up until the hopeful melody is all you can hear, building with harmonies, with such a bright sound you can almost see the sun if you close your eyes listening to it. It is somehow deeply sad and hopeful at the same time. Drums are added which elevates the music to a level that altogether feels epic.
what we see: Nothing is safe. None of them knows what their future holds, whether they will find safety or not, what tomorrow is going to bring. They are trying to find their ways in whatever is left of their world. These tiny moments together are all they have. Outside of these moments all there is are fights, tears and loss. The pressure of his future would break him if it wasn't for her. But there's the miracle of somehow finding each other throughout all this. Getting to know each other day by day. With small gestures like glances and touches and smiles building up. Finding safety in each other. Building trust. Falling in love.
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Kiss the Ring
what we hear: A sizzle. Harmony. The melody slowly returning. The same glowing, beautiful melody of hope. Carrying their world. Their moments. Their love. Their fate. It builds quickly, instrument by instrument. until it feels monumental once again, even louder than before- but another layer appears, and it is bittersweet. Sounds like victory. Vocals are added and there is a piercing high note in the background that is ominous. It is their melody still, but there is no "them" anymore. Heartbeats. Beating faster. What was once theirs is now no more. The music stops on a high and shatters all at once, just like her world did.
what we see: He won everything he wanted. There are obstacles and battles left to fight still but so far he has everything. Feyd-Rautha is dead, the Emperor is on his knees in front of him. The whole world is his to have. But in order for him to get all this he had to give her up. Give Chani's love up. Let her go. He chose his head instead of his heart to not be weak like his father was- even if it broke him. He knows all that already before she does. But she realizes it in just a second. Even in the last moment, where it's all said and done, he turns to take one last look at her. They look into each other's eyes and say nothing but say everything at the same time.
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tomdayaland · 4 months
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Zendaya with Hans Zimmer.
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emahriel · 7 months
Dragon Age LP hidden track titled "D'read Koda", composed by Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe. Potentially a Dragon Age: Dreadwolf soundtrack (source)
EDIT: I suppose it's Dragon Age: The Veilguard now
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starxcxboy · 7 months
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— Dune: Part One (2021), directed by Denis Villeneuve, based on the novel by Frank Herbert.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Listen. I don't make the rules. If a movie is directed by Christopher Nolan and/or scored by Hans Zimmer, it slaps like 90 percent of the time
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thesolarangel · 11 months
Here are some of my favorite soundtracks. Choose one or tell me in the tags which one I should definitely listen to!
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chalamet-chalamet · 4 months
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These are sweet photos (IG: hanszimmer) ✨
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blogthebooklover · 3 months
Planet of the Apes Playlists
I got bored, and made these for fun. Edit: I've included more playlists.
Noa's playlist was one of the hardest to make. 😅
Proximus Caesar
Ngl, he was the easiest one for making a playlist, lol 😂 😂😂. Aaaand I just realized I gave him a lot of Disturbed songs, too. Should they be Proxi's "theme" band?
Mae's playlist was also hard to make. 😅
POTA Fan Playlist
A mix of different songs that remind me of Planet of the Apes. I definitely made this after the teaser trailer dropped.
Mae x Noa
Why yes, I did cave in and made a somewhat romantic playlist for Mae and Noa. 😅🥰💖
Forget what I said about Mae and Noa. THIS MFer was the hardest to find songs!!!!
A new playlist, guys!!! This time for Koba! (And why is it that the two angry bonobos were the easiest to find songs for? But I digress)
Finally! I made a playlist for Raka! He was also hard to find songs for.
Ngl, she was also one of the hardest to find songs for. I found out that she and Noa might have crushes on each other. Some of the songs featured are about longing for someone that the other person can't have (I'm an absolute SUCKER for these types of songs, especially in musicals).
I think "Friend Like Me" is perfect for Anaya.
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velvet-vox · 22 days
Why Po from Kung Fu Panda and N from Murder Drones are the exact same character: an analysis of Po's and N's low empathy.
If there is one thing that unites the Murder Drones fanbase and the Kung Fu Panda fanbase is the misinterpretation of their male lead character traits.
More specifically, the two fandoms in their fan works tend to leave out or outright forget one of the most interesting aspects of their characterization:
Their low empathy
So, today, I'm going to explain to you the difference between being kind and being empathetic, why both N and Po are only the former and not the latter, what are their similarities and how said similarities makes the other more interesting, and why it's ok and totally fine for someone to have low empathy as it doesn't make you a monster by definition (well, that's the case at least for Po; sorry N, but you committed genocide).
Let's get right in.
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1. Defining kindness and empathy
For starters, I'm going to define the difference between kindness and empathy, as the two terms are often used interchangeably when in reality they are nothing alike. So:
A kind person, is someone who goes out of their way to commit an act of good towards the other, usually said act gets expressed in a physical way (hugs, gifts, favours etc) or a psychological way (pep talks, encouragement, comfort words etc).
An empathetic person, is someone who understands the pain and struggles of the others on an emotional level without necessarily having experienced it before and can relate to them through said connection even if they don't necessarily act upon it.
I'm a kind person, but I'm not an empathetic one. I always go out of the way to not inconvenience the people around me, and I even go out of my way to buy expensive gifts and surprise the people I care about the most, but I don't necessarily feel anything intense when they are present in my life nor do I really relate to their struggles and losses.
I wouldn't define myself as a Po or an N since I'm more on the introverted side of the low empaths, but I can use my extensive knowledge on the matter to demonstrate these next two points:
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2. Demonstrating that N has low empathy
I expect this to be easier than Po, since despite the Murder Drones fandom being younger than the KFP one, I assume that most people would believe you if you told them that N is rather unemphatic, because when you really start to think about it for more than one second, you'll realise that N doesn't really feel directly bad for the people he killed, he more so feels remorseful for his past actions and uncomfortable whenever he inconveniences the drones who are still alive through his murderous nature.
In the pilot episode, he kills an entire room full of people and almost kills Uzi as well, and when it's time to apologise? He says that he's sorry for ruining their card game and making Uzi have an awkward moment with her dad. You know... aside from this being a horror comedy show with a tinge of romance, Murder Drones doesn't really make N feel awful for the horrible atrocities he commits, instead makes N feel sorry for the down to earth annoyances he produces.
There are many other examples of his uncaring nature towards life: the death of Uzi's classmates, both by his, Doll's and V's hands, his increasing anger towards V caused more by the fact that she kept secrets rather than her attitude towards the murders, and the speed at which he reacted to Beau and Tessa.
Despite his happy go lucky attitude and gentle treatment of others, N doesn't feel the need to cope with his murders that V and Uzi have (at least on the surface). V couldn't cope with her murderous actions, so instead she created this killer psycho girl persona that enjoys the thrill of death, while Uzi had an entire mental breakdown after taking out half of his classroom and needed N to calm her down.
N's main motivation throughout the season is being useful to the company and his friends, and more often than not this goal involves him being a violent killer to everybody who threatens the wellbeing and happiness of his owners.
N's lack of empathy isn't a flaw that he can overcome like Uzi's ego and V's insecurities, but rather an innate character trait that he has to live with for the rest of his life, and that's ok; after all, the show doesn't punish him for being unable to relate to other people's deaths and traumas, but instead punishes him for being submissive and following orders unapologetically; a flaw that he shares with J.
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3. Demonstrating that Po has low empathy
And now, it's time for the hardest sell. Many of you up until this point might have been thinking: "How the hell did he even think about comparing Po from Kung Fu Panda to N from Murder Drones, they are from two completely different franchises with a distinct difference in tone between the two" but trust me, once I came up with the comparison, I was unable to not see it, so I had to write this article.
Much like N, Po has a happy go lucky attitude towards his fights, and uses humour to his advantage and to the disadvantage of his enemies. But don't let his cuddly appearance fool you in the same way pandas fool people in real life and Kung Fu Panda 1 fooled audiences when it first released: behind Po's childlike wonder for martial arts (which is already a red flag, if you think about it, it's similar to Lizzie's passion for murderous women) there's a strong, unyielding warrior who was ready from day one to do the necessary things to keep the Valley of Peace safe.
Don't believe me? Then just look at the photo above; the execution of Tai Lung is definitely the first thing that comes to mind when everyone thinks of Po lacking compassion, for obvious reasons, but there are way more than that: at the beginning of the second movie when Shifu receives the letter informing him that Master Rhino was executed by Lord Shen's weapon, Po is super enthusiastic about Rhino's legendary status right up until Shifu drops the truth bomb on him and reveals that he was killed, and Po's reaction is to instinctively reiterate one of his previous statements, and then moves on from it immediately without any second thoughts. That's not normal, right?
A minor portion of KFP2's conflict is Po's inability to see how much his dad did for him, a struggle overcome only by the end of it. Po, despite loving his dad dearly, is unable to personally relate to all of the things that he did for him, so he puts him off until he can find the answers that he seeks.
Side note: this is what makes their reunion at the end of the movie so impactful for me, I also tend to emotionally neglect people by accident, and when I realise it I go out of my way to make it up to them, like Po who comes back with a lot of ingredients that his dad doesn't need just to let him know that he cares even if he doesn't show it in a normal manner.
The only time in the trilogy where Po's lack of empathy becomes a noticeable problem for him, is in Kung Fu Panda 3, where, after his biological dad tells him that he lied to him in order to make him come to the village, Po, who clearly can't relate to his struggle and barely knew him for a day, immediately rejects him, going as far as to say that he lost him.
Other minor examples are his treatment of the Furious Five, especially the scene in KFP1 where he enters Crane's room and doesn't immediately realise the problem.
4. And now, with that out of the way, it's time to confront the two and explain why their similarities make the other more interesting
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When comparing the two, the thing that comes to mind immediately is that Po has a lot less emotional baggage than N, and while that doesn't mean that Po doesn't have trauma (insert Po finds the truth from John Powell and Hans Zimmer), it means that Po compared to N has lived a pretty stable life; while N instead has never been fully safe from harm since he is a robot.
Po feels like a version of N that was not as scarred from tragedy and backstabbed as the other; Po, at least in the movies, doesn't have someone who takes advantage of his kind nature to trick him into committing something bad, while N instead suffers consistently from other people abusing his kindness and trusting nature and more often than not ends up almost dead.
While Po throughout the trilogy struggles to find who he is, who he was, and who he's meant to be, N throughout the show struggles with a worse version of that same concept by lacking self worth, which culminates in his blind thrust.
Po, thanks to his dad, has an internalised moral compass that helps him decide on his own what is right and what is wrong despite lacking empathy, while N never had anybody to explain morality to him, aside from his programming and maybe Tessa, so instead he just goes along with what anybody tells him to do, since he can't directly relate to the pain of others.
That's why comparing the two is so fascinating to me: in many ways, Po and N are each other's foil, because they are so similar in terms of personality and fandom portrayal; they are both genuinely kind individuals, but while one of them had the care and support he needed to become his best self, the other still struggles to find an healthy support system aside from Uzi.
5. Low empathy doesn't make you a monster
A lot of fans tend to dumb down their characters to just kind, sweet and innocent, despite the fact that in the actual canon works they have willingly and intentionally killed people; the general terror, it seems, is the idea that just because they have committed crimes before and they lack the societal traits that make a person traditionally good, then suddenly they are horrible people and you are glorifying violence.
But that's not the case; a lot of the mental conditions stigmatized by society, like sadism, sociopathy, BPD, are just that: conditions. They don't indicate that a person is inherently more good than the other, nor do they indicate that someone is more at risk of becoming evil than the other.
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It's who you choose to be.
I hope this post gave both fandoms the insight they needed to write about these two characters properly.
You don't need to be afraid of not having the same personality type as most other individuals, we are all different people yet we all deserve to live in this world equally.
Don't you ever forget.
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medievalthymes · 2 years
every time i hear the cornfield chase track from interstellar i have an out of body experience. like hans fucking zimmer. you crazy bastard. you absolute goat. you’ve done it again.
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juliaandthephantoms · 3 months
The best part of Netflix' Damsel was definitely the score.
Hans Zimmer fucks.
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insanityclause · 4 months
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LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 14: (L to R) Hans Zimmer, Dina de Luca, Tanya Lapointe, Director Denis Villeneuve, Misan Harriman, Tom Hiddleston and Actress Zawe Ashton attend the BFI Chairman's dinner where Christopher Nolan was awarded a BFI Fellowship at The Rosewood Hotel on February 14, 2024 in London, England. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for BFI)
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redskull199987 · 3 months
Guess who finally watched Dune Part II :D
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Ya'll, this movie sigle-handedly made me realize again just how much I love movies. It was so fucking awesome. Every littel Part about it
Let's start with the acting. And Oh boy, Every single actor and actress did their job perfectly. Everything felt so real. The Moment Paul drank the Water of Life??? You could literally see how he changed, how he embraced the fact that he is the Lissan Al-Gaib, the acting was literally perfect. And then there is freaking Austin Butler
This man has portrayed Feyd-Rautha so perfectly. When I read the Book, that was literally how I imagined him, it was awesome
Talking of Feyd-Rautha, the fight scene between him and Paul??? It was so good, my jaw literallly dropped when I saw it. The moment they stabbed each other being a reference to Part I where Gurney and Paul trained together, just chefs kiss.
Also, hear me out on Lady Jessica. I was so exited to see her become the Sayyadina. That transition from being a loving Mother to an Almost cult-like religous leader that pushes Paul into a direction of her wishes. It was portrayed beautifully. Let alone her character and Costume design. It was breathtaking.
Another thing that really blew my mind again, was the Soundtrack. Seriously, who let Hans Zimmer cook this hard?? The Soundtrack was literally one of the reasons I was so exited for Part II and was not dissapointed.
Let's also not forget the Scene where Paul rode on Shai Hulud for the first time. My jaw was literally on the Floor the entire Time. That was also one of the scenes, I was most exited for and man, I wanted to stand up and clap after it because it was so fucking awesome. The fact alone that the Fremen ride on the Sandworms has me giddy like a little kid.
And of course, the End, the beginning of the holy war. I must admit, I have not read past the first Book yet, but I am most exited to start now and I really hope that the Franchise gets continued. The final scenes just had so much power in them, you could almost feel the tension in the air, with Paul becoming the Emporer and leading the Fremen into battle. It was just mind-blowing.
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