#Harringrove oneshot
accio-motivation · 9 months
'I'm not a queer', Steve thinks when Billy pushes his cock all the way inside.
He's not a queer because before he met Billy he has not even kissed another guy and he has always enjoyed having sex with girls. Right now he's just experimenting, it's nothing serious. And he can still say that he didn't like it afterwards.
After Billy made him moan like a pornstar and beg for his cock like a cheap whore.
But Steve doesn't like it.
Doesn't like the way Billy's grinning down at him right now, all smug and hot, sweaty curls sticking to his forehead.
He looks like an angel and Steve doesn't like it, so he grabs him by the nape of his neck and pulls him down for a kiss. Just so he doesn't have to see Billy like this anymore.
Because Steve's not a queer.
He doesn't like it when Billy hits that one spot inside of him, that makes his eyes roll back in his head. He doesn't like that the feeling of being stretched open on Billy's cock makes him squirm and whine because he feels so full. So complete.
But he hates Billy, actually.
Hates him so much that he's leaving ugly red scratch marks on his tanned back, that will look absolutely terrible tomorrow morning when he has to go back to the public pool.
Hates him so much that he's burying his fingernails in the flesh of Billy's hips which will surely leave half-moon shaped marks. Because he wants to keep Billy close. Wants his dick even deeper inside of him. Wants Billy to fuck him harder.
And Billy does.
He presses one more kiss to Steve's open mouth before he straightens his back. He grabs Steve's thighs, spreads his legs even wider and increases the pace of his thrusts. Steve moans, in protests of course, and grabs the bedsheets with both hands, because Billy fucks like an animal and Steve thinks he's going to pass out.
He doesn't like it when Billy calls him his 'good boy'. Doesn't like how warm it makes him feel. Doesn't like it when Billy tells him how pretty he looks right now. How well he's taking his cock. How perfect he is for him.
Steve's going to come like that.
Billy hasn't even touched his dick yet but he's going to come. Can feel his orgasm on the tip of his tongue.
He reaches out and puts a hand on Billy's left pec. He lets his hand travel down to Billy's toned stomach where he can feel his muscles working under the warm skin.
Steve's not into guys but Billy keeps hitting that one spot perfectly and fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!!
He moans Billy's name.
Says a few things he's not proud of. Does a few things he's going to regret for the rest of his life.
And when he comes, it's hot and loud and intense.
It makes Billy groan. Makes him slam his cock so deep inside, Steve thinks he can feel it in his throat. And then he feels something warm filling him up and it makes his already spent cock twitch.
Steve doesn't like it when Billy pulls out and he suddenly feels a kind of emptiness he has never felt before.
He doesn't like the feeling of cum dripping down his thighs. Billy's cum.
He flops down on the bed next to Steve. Breathing heavily. One arm covering half of his face.
He looks as tired as Steve feels.
Steve isn't a queer and he doesn't like Billy but he doesn't say anything when Billy's drifting off to sleep in his bed. Doesn't wake him up. Doesn't kick him out.
He grabs the blanket to cover both of their naked bodies. Has to move closer to Billy, so they both fit, he tells himself. So close that his head is resting on Billy's chest.
Billy's heart's beating fast. Like he ran a marathon. Steve wonders if his own heart is beating as rapidly when Billy carefully puts an arm around him, keeping him close.
He doesn't really care because he doesn't like Billy. And he doesn't like guys. Not in that way, at least.
And maybe that's alright.
He doesn't have to be queer to enjoy another person's warmth. Doesn't have to be queer to like being held. Doesn't have to be queer to like the feeling of Billy's soft cock against his thigh.
Okay, maybe he's a little queer.
Just a bit.
Just for Billy.
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gttinyprincess · 1 year
Willing pt 2
Vampire! Billy, blood bank! Male reader, blood bank! Steve
Summary: the reader is ill and unable to help Billy quench his thirst. Lucky for the vampire, Steve decides to offer some help...
The air is crisp when Billy steps out of his blue Camaro.
Dropping his cigarette onto the ground, he crushes it beneath the heel of his boot.
He eyes the house as he makes his way up the stone path. He's been here a handful of times, but usually they met up at his place. But with no response to his calls this morning the blonde took it to mean they were meeting at (Y/N)'s.
It's his feeding day after all.
The hunger claws at his stomach as he raps his knuckles against the white wooden door. The thought of fresh warm sweet blood has him running his tongue across his teeth, the canines are already starting to length at the thought.
He can almost feel (Y/N)'s body leaning into him, exhausted and clinging to him. Not that he's here for that, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to the contact even just a little bit.
The door begins to crack open and Billy lets an easy going grin grace his lips, only for it to drop a few moments later.
It's not (Y/N) who opens the door.
Steve looks just as puzzled to see him as "Hargrove?" He raises a brow in confusion. "Harrington" the blonde eyes him from head to toe. "Where's (Y/N)?" What are you doing here? "He's resting" Steve's eyes shift to the living room entrance and then back.
After a moment or so Steve steps back, gesturing for Billy to come inside. Not that he'd need to be welcomed, (Y/N) had invited him in months ago. If he wanted to get in, he could. Steve wouldn't be able to stop him.
Crossing the threshold, he makes for the living room able to hear a heartbeat within the room. The sight he finds is pitiful to say the least. (Y/N) is huddled up on the couch, wrapped in multiple blankets. The human looks fatigued when he moves his head to acknowledge the new person in the room, his nose is rubbed red raw and his eyes have heavy bags beneath them.
"You look like shit" (Y/N) laughs, quickly dissolving into a coughing fit. Billy moves to sit beside the teen as he hunches over, sputtering into his fist. He throws an arm over the boy's shoulder in silent comfort as Steve makes his way into the room, planting himself on the couch opposite.
(Y/N) leans back against the couch and Billy follows him with his arm still wrapped around the boy. "Not to be rude. But why are you here?" The human asks, leaning his head to look up at him. "It's Saturday" he replies simply as if that explains his intentions and with the way (Y/N)'s eyes widen, it seems it does. "Oh Billy" he sits up, the blonde's arm falling from his back as he shifts to look back at him "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot" he apologizes but Billy waves him off.
"Relax, you're clearly sick" the vampire shrugs. Placing a flat palm to (Y/N)'s chest, he easily pushes the teen back against the couch "I can figure something else out" he can't wait any longer to feed, he needs to satisfy his hunger today if he wants to stave off the hunger side effects.
"You said you'd stop feeding on random people now that you have me" Billy would snort at the sight of the pouting jock before him if he wasn't so distracted with his thoughts. "But I don't have you currently. You're already exhausted, I'm not risking making you feel any worse"
(Y/N)'s face falls and Billy knows he's no doubt feeling guilty. With a huff he leans against the teen "I'll be fine, don't worry.  You can't help being ill, it's natural for mortals" he tries to comfort his friend.
He looks ready to argue back but another voice takes hold of the vampire's attention "why not bite me?"
Billy's eyes snap to the brunette opposite them, Steve has his hands clasped together as he leans his elbows on his thighs. He looks just as suprised at his words as they are, as if that was a thought that wasn't supposed to leave his mouth. "What?" Billy isn't sure who asked but Steve is looking away from them, flustered. "I said why not feed on me?" He shrugs "(Y/N) is too sick to help out, but I'm perfectly healthy" he explains himself, glancing between the two.
Billy is a little stunned to say the least. He and Harrington aren't exactly the most civil to each other, though their rivalry had calmed down since he found out Billy's secret.
Still, he had never expected this.
For the ex-king to offer himself up like this.
Billy's mouth practically waters at the thought of sinking his teeth into the brunette's jugular. Harrington had always smelled good, made the vampire damn thirsty when they played against each other on the court. His heart pumping faster with the quick movements, that sweet smell flooding the gym.
Billy is quick to put on his typical smug look, a smirk stretching across his lips. "Well now, isn't that nice of you" he chuckles standing up.
He watches the human squirm ever so slightly as he stalks towards the couch. He can hear his heartbeat pick up. No matter how hard Steve tries to keep up his brave face, his heart gives him away easily.
Billy offers a hand to him, his mind replaying the time he had 'helped' Harrington up on the court. To his surprise Steve takes his hand with no hesitation, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet.
Billy is aware that (Y/N) is watching them closely. He's worried Billy will be too rough, he knows that, but he needs to have some trust in the vampire. He's not planning on hurting the ex-king.
"You sure you want to do this?" The smirk is gone and suddenly Steve is staring Billy in the eyes. The latter now dead serious, their hands still clasped between them. It's odd behaviour and slightly unsettling. The brunette nods "I'm sure" he says dropping Billy's hand "let's get this over with" he swallows his nerves.
It seems that's all Billy needs to make his move. A large strong hand grips Steve's bicep whilst the other moves to push the underside of the man's chin up. "Move your head like this" he says, instructing the teen to give him more access to his throat which he does willingly. "Perfect" he mumbles eyeing the smooth skin of Steve's throat, those tiny moles dotting his neck. Two in particular look ironically like fang marks, much to Billy's amusement.
"Last chance to back out, pretty boy..." he warns, smoothing a thumb across the two moles. "Not backing out" the jock retorts. His heartbeat is like a Jackhammer in his chest, tempting the vampire with each beat.
Billy noses along the skin, mouth skimming the soft flesh before he pauses. He presses his fangs into the skin, hearing Steve inhale sharply as he anticipates the bite. As much as he'd love to tease the boy, he's hungry and the blood rushing through his veins is calling to him. Billy pulls him close as he bites down on the soft pulse point beating beneath his lips.
Steve gasps gripping at Billy's shirt and bicep "Jesus!" The pain is quick and sharp, it then melts into an almost indescribable sensation. He feels so light, as if he's floating. Steve sighs, relaxing into Billy's strong grip as he drinks deeply. When had the blonde moved to cup the back of his head and wrap an arm around his waist. He's not sure, all he can seem to focus on are Billy's lips as they suck at the puncture wound he'd made on the boy's neck. Lapping at the skin like a hungry wolf.
It feels as if Billy is trying to devour him completely.
Billy hums and groans as he enjoys his meal. Steve is a feast fit, ironically, for a king. So dense and heady, he could happily drink the sweet saccharine for the rest of his undead life.
His brain whispers to him, planting thoughts in his mind, selfish, sick, greedy thoughts.
There's nothing stopping him from draining Steve dry.
Consume him entirely.
Every last drop.
He's felt this before. He knows how tempting the thoughts are. How convincing they can be.
Steve's vision blurs. He's pretty sure if Billy wasn't holding him up right now, he'd fall to his knees. "Billy?" He groans, patting the vampire's shoulder. He gets no response, no acknowledgement that he had even been heard. The hand on his waist tightens as if trying to pull him even closer. "Billy?" Once again no response. His head spins and suddenly he's not so sure he's going to survive this Hargrove encounter.
"Billy!" (Y/N) snaps followed by an aggressive coughing fit, but it seems to do the trick. Billy pulls back panting, head tilted back, eyes staring up unblinking at the ceiling. The vampire is in complete bliss as he savours the taste of his meal. "Fuck" he breathes, a grin slowly breaking out onto his lips. "Looks like you've got competition, (Y/N)" Billy chuckles, finally making eye contact with Steve as he licks the crimson from his lips in a slow swipe.
"Who'd have known you'd taste so good?" Billy leans back in and Steve braces for another bite which never comes. Instead the blonde cleans up the blood smeared across the man's throat. "Relax" Billy mumbles as he laps at his bite "I'm sealing the bite" he explains watching the skin stitch itself together.
After deeming his job done, Billy moves to lock his hands behind Steve's back "jump" he commands. Steve furrows his brows in confusion where his cheek presses into Billy's shoulder. He doesn't want to jump, he wants to sleep. "What?" He slurs. "Jump up and wrap your legs around me" Billy repeats, adding on another instruction. Steve whines his complaints but still follows the order, hoping up to wrap himself around the man like an overgrown koala.
Billy spins on his heel making his way back towards the couch (Y/N) has remained glued to, though his eyes had remained on the two the entire time. Billy is careful as he drops Steve onto the couch beside the other boy, the jock immediately leaning into his friend.
"How are you feeling?" (Y/N) asks as he wraps his blanket around them both. Steve scrunches his face, his eyes are closed. He clearly wants to sleep now. But he'll have to wait a little bit longer, he needs to eat. "Fluffy..." he replies after a few minutes of thought, his features smoothing out. (Y/N) wheezes a laugh almost doubling over "okay now I get why you tease me after a feed" he grins at Billy who smirks, arms crossed over his chest as he looks the two cozy humans over.
Steve looks high.
After his giggle fit (Y/N) composed himself "how are you doing?" He asks the vampire. Still focused on his friend's wellbeing even when he himself looks, and probably feels, halfway to death's door. "I feel fucking great" he grins "definitely gonna be full for awhile" he reassures and (Y/N) smiles softly "I'm glad."
"Right, well. Back in a second, I'll make him a snack" Billy tossles (Y/N)'s hair, the boy complaining that he already looks like crap and now his hair looks it too, he transitions to smoothing the hair back out. And if it's only to be able to run his fingers through the soft hair, well then no one else has to know.
In the end Billy ended up making them all a sandwich each, deciding that he needed proof his sick human wasn't skipping meals due to his dicky belly. Once the plates are clear and Steve's had a couple of gulps of coke, they finally let him rest closely followed by (Y/N).
Steve lays with his head pressed against Billy's chest, listening to his heartbeat. The dull thud is slower than that of his own at a resting rate but he supposed that it's just a vampire thing. (Y/N) has his arms wrapped around Steve's waist, spooning the older boy. He presses his face into the back of the brunett's neck, his own hair hiding his face.
No doubt Harrington will be waking up with more than just Billy's saliva on his neck, with the way (Y/N)'s mouth is hanging open.
Billy allows himself to relax into the fabric couch, a hand finding its way into (Y/N)'s hair whilst the other strokes Steve's back.
The three doze on the couch that morning, just resting and basking in the comfort of another person's hold.
The day had been eventful to say the least.
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Been neglecting this acct for posting lately sorry! But I got an idea today as I’m stuck baby sitting my three nephews and they don’t have an ac and it got to the 90s aaand my middle nephew has a habit of taking screens off so we had to child lock all the windows so they were barley open an inch.
My point being. I got inspired in my heat induced crashes thru the day and one of rn as they’re finally are all asleep and I’m sitting on the couch dying (I opened their windows once they fell asleep) but I got the idea..
Okay so it’s for Billy being a prideful little fucker, he gets kicked out of Neils in a heated argument when he finds some mags he was hiding that were gay. “Shouldn’t have been goin thru my room in the first place”-
“This is MY room MY house- blah blah blah- DONT LIKE IT LEAVE F-“
And he does buuut it’s close to summer aaaand he didn’t have money saved up so maybe he has no place to sleep but his car and then the dead of Summer comes and he ends up with heat stroke or something around Steve and because Steve’s a trained lifeguard too, of course he knows proper measures and takes them. Helps him out, to which Billy is grateful but embarrassed about.
“Musta jus been low blood sugar or somethin.. mixed with the heat”
“Low blood sugar?.. if you have issues with that sort of thing you should keep something on you-“
“Ugh- no, I don’t- I just- well- never mind, thanks”
“Well then, what do you mean”
“Forget it, I don’t wanna get into it all, and of all people, with you. I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one day”
“How is getting heat stroke embarrassing- or low blood sugar for that matter” Steve laughs
Billy hums, “iwknow.. just is.”
“Well, it shouldn’t be..” Steve adds not knowing what to say (was he trying to comfort Billy, even?..)
Billy only swallows, awkwardly, sighing, still lost to the heat, feeling sleepy, too much so to feel anything else as he lets his head just rest to the side on the head rest. Looking up to Steve.
“Come on, man.. what’s up? You good?” Steve asks, a little concerned, cause Billy still wasn’t lookin great.
Billy thinks for a moment, or, well, pauses as his head thrums, before he sighs again. “Got kicked out. Haven’t had enough money for gas let alone food or a motel for some damn ac.”
“Oh.. I see.” Steve says “well…. Fuck, that sucks, I’m sorry to hear that.”
Billy rocks his head to turn away from him and forward for the sake of comfort.
Steve gulps, muttering to himself a quick “fuck me- can’t believe-“…. He clears his throat, speaking up, “ugh.. listen, man, if- if you need a place to stay for a while my parents are out of town for business trips a lot- wouldn’t even notice. Ac, food.. a guest bed.. I mean, no pressure, I’m jus sayin-“
“Fuck- Harrington, y-you serious?!.. “ he asks finding energy to perk up at this.
“Well.. yeah, I mean, I’m not a dick.. i can’t just leave ya like this.. so-“
“Y- hell yeah! Fuck man- you- wow- really?.. thank you! I’ll find a place to stay w-“
“It’s not even that serious, dude.. really.. it’ll be nice actually, to not teeter between the silence of being alone or rager parties.. so.. yeah, jus follow me” he taps the top of the car and turns to go to his own.
(Ima maybe write a one shot with this idk lol I always lose the posts tbh)
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loveswrites · 1 year
Alive Poly Harringrove x reader
Poly! Billy x Reader x Steve
Time it took me: Probably around 4 hours while watching a movie and cooking dinner.
Word Count: 1614
I wrote this for me but I wanted to post it so here you go my loves! <3
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"I don't want you to go." Billy said firmly.
"Wait what? You need me, you can't win this without me! Eleven can't win without me. She's not strong enough." You said, shaking your head.
"No you're not going!" Billy yelled, making you jump.
"Billy, you know she's right.. We need her, El can't do this without her." Steve said, running his hands through his hair. His eyes were slightly glossy and red. 
There was a new force of evil running through the veins of Hawkins. It was stronger than anything you've ever fought before. El has lost multiple times to it and so have you. The group has started to call it Vecna. You've had dreams about it, you've had visions about it. You've seen each and every outcome of this battle. 
You've seen them fail. 
You've seen you lose Yourself and everyone you love and care about. 
Billy.. Steve.. El.. Max.. everyone. That was your power. The gang Nicknamed you the fortune Teller or fortune cookie. You can see the future of everything and everyone. Every decision they make you can see their life path and purpose switch. Rather the ending is good or bad you can see it all. But you can’t necessarily tell them what happens or you lose sight of that person's path of life.
When you and El escaped from the lab you both were frightened to death. Both were scared of getting caught and taken back to Dr Brenner. You two were his favorites. And from your visions you knew he would stop at nothing to get you both back until he was dead. His ending was always the same. So much that you stopped looking for a different ending.
 He chose his life.
 And he chose his path.
You were a year older than El. You knew a lot more about life than she did. Only things from your vision though. You still knew very little. But that didn't stop you from immediately having a crush on Steve when you first saw him. You liked everything about him. From his big head of hair to his try hard charm. He liked you as well but he felt like the age gap was too much. Though you already knew that you saw the vision. You would always tell him small things about his future that you were sure would happen just to freak him out. 
Anytime Steve would talk about a girl or having another crush you'd always shrug it off and say "I don't know why you're so pressed about it, we're all gonna end up together anyways. You just have to wait for Billy" Each time he and everyone else would ask "Who's Billy?" "What are you talking about??" They all questioned you until Billy came into town a few months later.
When Mike,Lucas and Dustin came fussing about MadMax all you could do was smile. when they asked you why you said "Billy's here." They would tease you about having an imaginary boyfriend until they saw that Billy was MadMax's brother. 
"That's impossible." Lucas said.
"It's like she's a wizard! No guys hear me out-" Dustin yelled in excitement.
"No, that's crazy!" Mike screeched.
That was until you met Billy. He was busy yelling at Steve about something you can't remember about what. You walked into the room and when his eyes landed on you his eyes softened and his voice lower. The rest of the gang was there, staring at the scene unfolding in front of them.
"Hello Billy." You said softly, smiling at him.
"Do I know you pretty girl?" He questioned softly, frowning his eyebrows.
"You feel that flutter in your chest? It's a sign that you already know me Billy. You've felt it for a couple of days haven't you?" You said walking closer to him. As you did Steve backed up a little from Billy's grip.
"How did you know that?" He whispered tilting his head.
"You shouldn't fight with Steve like that. We'll be together, all three of us. I wouldn't want any fighting when I'm around. It's a headache." You finally made your way to Billy. Bringing your hand up to his check you tucked his hair behind his ear. To which he leaned his head into your hold. 
"Who are you?" He questioned.
"You already know."
Approximately 2 months later from that day You, Steve and Billy started dating.  It was very bumpy in the beginning. Steve and Billy fought a lot no matter if it was about you or not. But you always were the only one to be able to break them up and for them to just kiss and make up like big boys. 
Everyone was shocked when you three started dating besides El. She knew your visions were always real. Soon after everyone did too. Whenever you didn't want to do something and you were adamant about not going somewhere. They all knew something bad would happen so they all would just stick with you. The group has grown to trust your judgment. To the point they would ask you pointless questions about their day to day life.
"Can I go to the grocery store?" Joyce asked, holding onto her purse looking at you. 
"Yeah? Why wouldn't you be able to?” You questioned.
“Just checking.” Joyce said, walking away with a soft smile.
“Is this going to be a good brush for my hair or am I just wasting my time?” Steve asked, holding up a brush for you to see.
“Your hair will tangle up easier.” You said as Billy tightened his hold on your waist.
“Damn it.” Steve said, walking to put the brush down.
“Is Mike ever going to pay me back?” Lucas said, running up to you panting out of breath.
“Most likely not.” You said shrugging, flipping the page of the magazine you were holding.
“I told you! I knew it!” Lucas yelled to Mike.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about! She doesn’t know what I’m gonna do in the future!” Mike screeched out.
“Like hell she does!” Dustin yelled out.
“You’ll die! I can’t let that happen.” Billy said, shaking his head. 
He started to pace the room. A sign that you’ve learned that he does when he's scared or nervous. You're sure he's feeling all of those things right now. Billy is way more protective over you than Steve is. Steve will be protective over you till a certain extent. Billy will protect you to his death. He refuses to let anyone hurt you. Even himself. 
“Way to throw good vibes in the air.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“I’m not fucking around right now Harrington!” Billy said pushing Steve a little too hard to your liking.
“Billy, I will be fine. But I can’t sit around and watch you all die knowing I could have tried.” You said without even thinking.
“All of us?” Robin questioned.
“Oh great. Just great! She’s confirmed our death and you guys still want to go?!” Eddie said, jumping up from the sofa. 
“We’re gonna die..” Nancy said, looking down.
“I- It’s a path but it’s not the only one! Billy I have to go or else it will be the only path. As much as you love me I can’t let that happen. I would never be the same. They’re my family.” You said keeping eye contact with Billy. His eyes were facing the ground. His eyes kept moving like they were searching for something but you know it was his attempts to keep his tears in. 
“I- I..” Billy struggled to say. You walked closer to him with your head tilted a little.
“Billy, I have to go.”
“I can’t lose you. You're all I have. I can’t live a life without you.” Billy said lowly. His voice cracked a little but you heard him perfectly fine.
“You won’t lose me. I promise. And I’m not all you have.. You have Steve.” You said promising and in attempts to make him feel better.
Billy let out a bitter laugh.
“We fight like dogs.” He huffed out.
“Because you love each other just as much as you both love me. Just in your own ways.” You said softly grabbing his billy lifting it up slightly so you could see better. Wiping his tears you kissed his lips softly. 
“We're going to be okay. I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” Billy and Steve said at the same time making them look at each other as Steve moved closer.
“Pinky promise.” You answered softly, smiling.
Steve kissed your forehead and brung the three of you into a small group hug. You all felt each other relax in each other's hold. With this you saw their life paths change. They’d stick together no matter what happened tonight and that was all you needed. If there was a sacrifice that had to be made, Your two lover boys would have each other's backs to the end.
“So are we still going?” Eddie asked, making you three break away from the group hug.
“Yeah we are.” You said nodding. 
“And are we all going to live?” Erica questioned.
“If that’s what you call it.” You said starting to walk away.
“Wait what?! What do you mean by that?!” Eddie screamed.
“Oh hell.”
“That’s it! We're doomed!” Dustin said.
This would be one hell of a fight and all you knew was One of you was not walking away from it alive. And you would be damned if it was one of them.
There all you have.
And no one was going to take them from you.
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justhere4thevibez · 4 months
still on hiatus, but I've been a busy bee! enjoy this continuation of my series recipe box! can be read as a standalone. (also my first real foray into harringrove territory!)
It's Too Cliché
Billy looked up from the stack of mail he was sorting through as Chrissy pitched through the front door of their apartment and threw herself onto the couch next to him.
“I can’t do it,” she moaned. “I can’t fucking do it.”
She rolled over just enough to look up at him with her pitiful blue eyes.
A tornado in a bottle. That was how Billy had always thought of her. Self-contained and beautiful, but if she got shook up just right… fucking watch out. And right now she looked all kinds of shook up.
He set aside the rest of the mail. Ads and bills, nothing that couldn’t be looked at later. Nothing to the ticking time bomb that was a percolating Chrissy.
“Can’t do what?” he asked lazily.
“He—he loves me,” she said, covering her eyes. “He said so. And I can’t—I can’t—”
She shook her head and launched herself off the couch to pace back and forth across the fluffy pink rug she’d insisted they needed to brighten up the apartment. Billy hated it with a burning passion, but it certainly was bright.
“You can’t say it back.”
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muttzguttz · 11 months
^to read this on wattpad^
Drive In
steve and billy go to the drive-in, but billy gets bored and now steve can't focus on the movie. wonder why?
word count: 1173
steve couldn't believe it.
he couldn't believe that he agreed to go out with billy hargrove again. so there he was in the passenger seat of billy's camaro, watching back to the future at the drive-in theater.
they had been "seeing" each other for a while now, if that's what you want to call it. friends with benefits, except minus the friend part. secretly meeting up in the boys locker room, steve's house when his dad wasn't home, basically anywhere billy felt like it. steve had no clue where and how these hook ups started, but he had no plan on ending them either. billy had him wrapped around his finger.
steve had already seen back to the future once when he and robin snuck into the theater and watched it after their shift ended, but he just couldn't say no to that pretty face of billy's. he wasn't all that interested in watching it again, in fact, he could barely pay attention the first time. steve leaned his head back against the car seat and looked over at billy, who noticed almost immediately.
"what? not like the movie?" billy asked as he sat the bag of popcorn he had in his hands on the dashboard.
"wha- no, no, no it's not that, i just-" steve stumbled over his words, not wanting to tell the truth, but billy cut him off.
"don't worry, i'm a little bored too," billy grinned and reached his hand over to rest on steve's lower thigh, just above his knee. steve looked down at his hand and his face grew hot, but he quickly turned away before billy could see the red in his cheeks. this happened quite often, but he would never let billy know he made him blush or steve would never hear the end of it.
"just watch the movie man," steve tried to keep his cool. billy just chuckled and turned back to looking at the movie screen through the windshield.
only a few minutes had passed before billy slid his hand further up the denim of steve's jeans, firmly grasping the middle of his thigh. billy glided his palm up until it stopped right below his crotch, rubbing the inside of his thigh with his thumb. it wasn't long until steve could feel his pants tighten.
billy's hand found its way to steve's growing erection, squeezing lightly and drawing a gasp out of him. then he began palming steve through his pants, who started to squirm under his touch.
"hey, hey! what're you doing?" steve spat out in a whisper, gently grabbing ahold of billy's wrist. "we're in public!"
"it doesn't look like you're complaining stevie," billy said mockingly as he motioned down to steve's hard dick with his eyes, giving it another squeeze.
"billy, i-" he looked around from his opened window at all the other cars and then back to billy. "i can hear the people next to us chewing their popcorn!"
billy chuckled to himself, then leaned forward bc and rolled all of the windows up in the camaro. he looked back at harrington with a smug smile. "quick fix, babe."
steve didn't even have time to speak before billy's hands were back on him. with no hesitation, steve's pants were unzipped and he was pulled out of his boxers. the amount of precum he was dripping was almost embarrassing, but he didn't care. all steve cared about was billy's lips on his dick.
he grabbed billy by the back of the neck and smashed their lips together. more warmth traveled to his crotch when billy's tongue glided against his bottom lip, then sucking it in between his teeth. he pumped steve's cock with his fist, whose groans were muffled in billy's mouth.
billy pulled back from the kiss with a lustful grin to look at steve, who was breathless. he rearranged himself to lean across the middle console and put his face above steve's lap. then billy's lips were on steve's throbbing dick. a rush of tingling sensation exploded through his body as billy's hot tongue licked a slow stripe from the bottom of his shaft, all the way to the tip.
steve let out a deep moan as billy took his cock into his mouth. first he only swirled his tongue around the tip, then sucking it. billy pulled back, making an audible pop as steve's dick sprung out of his mouth, before completely engulfing it almost entirely.
the warmth was so good it was almost overwhelming. steve reached to grab a fistful of curls and bucked his hips up into billy's mouth. as he bobbed his head up and down, billy made eye contact into steve's brown eyes.
so hot, steve thought. eye contact almost made him bust immediately, but there was no way he was going to give billy that kind of satisfaction.
steve's grip on billy's blonde curls tightened as he pushed his head further into his hips. this caused billy to gently scrape his teeth against his dick. it was the perfect mixture of pain and pleasure that almost pushed him over the edge, causing steve to let out a whine.
billy wrapped his hand around the base of steve's cock and continued to bob his head, sucking his cheeks in to create suction.
"fuck," steve bit his lip and groaned, "yeah, just like that."
he was so, so close.
billy kept going, speeding up his hand movements and sucking a little harder.
it was too good, steve couldn't take it anymore. he tugged on billy's curls as he came into his mouth with hot spurts. steve's whole body tightened and his eyes rolled back while this euphoric feeling overcame him.
"bill- ah," steve moaned, shaking with pleasure.
billy slowly pulled his dick out of his mouth, saliva and steve's sticky cum dripping off the tip of his tongue.
he looked up at the beautiful mess he made of steve; face flushed and panting heavily with his mouth open. billy grinned and kissed steve, letting him get a taste of how good he is.
with one hand zipping his pants back up, billy used the other to caress steve's face and tuck his hair behind his face. he leaned in and whispered in steve's ear, billy's raspy voice and hot breath making him shiver.
"fuck the rest of the movie. how about we take this back to your house?"
steve agreed almost too eagerly.
hiii baes
i hope you guys enjoyed this little addition to this. not proofread so my apologies for any mistakes (this was also pretty rushed so my bad lol)
once again, comment any ideas or requests!!
tysm for reading, ily guys<33 mwah
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genderflu1dwh0r · 11 months
Neil had found out that Billy was gay, he walked in on Steve kissing him and taking his tank top off. Neil yelled, pounding his fists into Billy. Steve tackled him and wrestled him on the ground. Billy watched in horror.
Neil wasn't as strong as Steve, he was older and hadn't had a true fight in awhile. He would always beat Billy without any pushback. Billy wouldn't fight back, he couldn't. He was scared. Steve had Neil pinned, yelling in his face, he wasn't going to let someone hurt his baby. Not ever.
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: No warnings except smut Category: M/M Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Original male character Tags: Tattoos, Harringrove, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Boys Kissing, Gay Sex, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Billy Hargrove Redemption Words: 1538
Summary: Steve gives Billy a special gift for their 10th anniversary.
Authors note: This is my entry to @harringroveson-bingo 2022, Round 1, C3: Tattoos
Steve looked at the drawings on the tattoo parlor's wall.
"See anything you like?" the tattooist asked.
"Um...not really."
"I can draw you a piece if you want. You can't get it today though, you have to wait for a few days."
"I'm afraid I don't have the time. I have to get it today or not at all."
"Ok. My clients aren't usually in that much of a hurry. So, what is so urgent that you want it done right now?"
"It's a gift to someone. For an anniversary."
"Tattoo on your skin as a gift to someone else? Are you sure you want to do that? These babies are permanent and in most cases outlast the relationship."
"Well, I want it to be small and in a place that no one else can see but me and them. And I don't want a name. Something cute."
The artist nodded. "Alright. So, what might the place be? Because there are some limitations on those areas."
Steve pointed to his hip.
"On the hip or closer to your bellybutton?"
Steve blushed.
The tattooist understood Steve's unintentional hint. "So, closer to there? Son, that's a delicate area. I can do a piece there, but only if you can take it."
Steve pursed his lips. "Can I try it first? How it feels?"
The tattooist sighed. "It's either I do it or I don't. If you can't take it you'll have a speck of a tattoo in your skin forever in any case. But you have to either take it or leave it."
Steve nodded. "Ok. So, uh, I want it to be hidden unless I...you know...take off all my clothes."
"Can do. So, what picture do you want me to do?"
Steve told him.
The tattooist thought for a while. Then he went to the backroom and came soon back with a folder. "I have this one picture I drew for a client a while ago. They decided not to have the tattoo in the end, so it's available and no one else has it." After browsing through the folder, he found what he was looking for and handed Steve the picture. "It's simple and I can make it small. Would that work?"
Steve smiled. "It's perfect."
“Hey, I’m home!” Steve shouted after he closed the door to his and Billy’s house. It was small, but it was all theirs, had been for the last five years. And today was their tenth anniversary.
“Yeah,” came a tired groan from the bedroom.
After a while Steve sat on the bed next to Billy and leaned over him to kiss his neck. “Hey, firecracker, time to wake up. It’s already afternoon.”
“It’s Saturday,” Billy mumbled after a while.
“Yeah, but not just any Saturday.”
“Don’t tell me you don’t remember what day it is today.”
“You woke me up literally a minute ago. Give me some slack.”
Steve laughed and curled around Billy as a big spoon, pulling Billy against him and hugging him. “Happy anniversary babe.”
“Oh, right,” Billy said. “Shit.” He kissed Steve’s palm, and turned around smiling. “Happy anniversary. What was it...ten?”
Steve grinned and set his forehead against Billy’s. “You remember something at least.”
“How could I not?” he said. Then his smile faltered a little. He didn’t want to think about how it all started, not really. After he woke up in the sterile white of a hospital, hurting all over all the fucking time. But Steve had been there since the faithful day, by his side, hoping that he would wake up even though the doctors hadn’t really given him much hope. He’d been there when no one else than he and Max had even really cared if he lived or died. And when Steve had come to stay with him after work, day after day, eventually they’d started to talk about deeper things, happy and sad things, regrets and all, and Steve being there became really important to him too. That Steve really cared what happened to him, cared that he’d get better and heal when he didn't matter to the rest of the world. “I remember the day vividly. You suddenly deciding...”
“It wasn’t ‘suddenly’. I’d spend almost three months by your side and thought it was time to get it over with because I knew you wanted it too. Even when you hadn't said it with..."
Billy put his finger on Steve's mouth to silence him. "As I was saying, you sitting on the bed, telling me to scoot over, and leaning in to kiss me. Even though I was a pathetic mess.”
“You weren’t pathetic or a mess,” Steve said softly, pushing a strand of hair behind Billy’s ear. “You were healing. And you were beautiful. Just like you are now.”
Billy smiled and kissed Steve, and Steve returned it the way he always did. Pulling Billy closer and kissing him breathless. The kisses heated up quickly, and soon they were all small bites of lips and tongues lapping against each other.
Steve pushed Billy on his back and underneath him, and because Billy always slept naked, he had easy access to his whole body. He trailed small kisses down from Billy’s neck to his chest. He gently kissed each and every scar on Billy’s body as he moved lower, making Billy let out deep sighs each time for the area around the scars remained more sensitive than the rest of his skin.
Steve kissed his way down the trail of tiny blond curls on Billy’s abdomen, meeting his erect cock. “I have a gift for you,” he said, brushing his cheek against it as he kissed his way lower on Billy’s groin and to the very base of the hard-on.
“Is it this?" Billy asked and moaned when Steve took his balls into his hand and kissed his way up towards the tip on the front of Billy's cock.
“Nope," Steve said, raising his gaze up to meet Billy’s. After licking the salty pre-cum away from the tip he continued: “Well, I guess this could be a prelude to it’s unwrapping.”
“Mhmm,” Billy groaned as Steve took his cock into his mouth, pushing his tongue against the front of it as he took it deeper. “Please unwrap this first.”
Steve kneaded Billy's balls in his hand while he lazily moved his mouth back and forth on his cock.
After a while Billy started to take deeper breaths and put his hands on Steve's head to control his pace. When he got closer to his orgasm, he started to gently fuck Steve's mouth in addition, and moaned loudly when he came. He took deep breaths as he kept Steve’s head in place and thrust in his mouth until he was fully spent.
When Billy let go, Steve looked up at him and swallowed his cum, wiping the corners of his mouth with a finger and licking it to savor it all.
“So, what’s the gift?” Billy asked when Steve laid next to him.
Billy got up to lean on his elbow and looked at Steve. “Where is it?”
Steve grinned. “Somewhere only you can see it.”
“Oh,” Billy said and a mischievous smile painted his face. “Back or front?”
“Find out,” Steve said and opened his belt buckle.
Billy kissed Steve hungrily, getting aroused again by tasting himself on his mouth, and didn’t spend too much time to wander down to Steve’s groin. When Steve winced, Billy froze.
“What did I do?” he asked concerned.
“Uh, I didn’t expect it to be that, um, sensitive.”
Billy let out a breath. “What have you done, naughty boy?” he said slowly with a smirk.
Steve smiled. “Go ahead, unwrap it,” he urged.
Billy pulled Steve’s slacks off of him, throwing them on the floor.
“Be gentle, it’s fresh,” Steve said.
Billy pulled carefully Steve’s boxers down a little, first just on the right side. When he didn’t see anything there, he pulled them off, and moved Steve’s cock to see what was hidden on the other side of it. His jaw dropped open. “Oh princess...” he whispered, “it’s pretty.” He moved his hand gently over the plastic wrapping that protected a small tattoo of a tiara. “You got it for me?”
“Yeah, just for you to see.”
Billy had to swallow to control the lump that suddenly swell in his throat. “Babe, this is the best gift anyone has ever given me.”
"There's just one but," Steve said. "I think we need to keep it to blowjobs on my part for a while. It’s too sensitive for anything else. And the tattooist told me to keep it very clean for a few weeks before it heals properly.”
“I don’t mind. I already love to just look at it. And seeing it while giving you a head...” Billy said licking his lips, “I'm sure I won’t ever get tired of it.”
"Maybe you want to get one on this side too?" Steve asked. "For me to look at while..."
"Don't get greedy, princess," Billy interrupted Steve, "you already got one."
Steve grinned. "Well, ok, 'Bad Boy' written on right above your buttocks is kinda nice to look at..."
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prettybillycore · 2 years
prettybillycore’s masterlist 2024
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my fics are also on ao3 (the links below are mostly to corresponding tumblr posts, but a few posts weren't reachable so they are ao3 links). hope you enjoy your stay, check the reblogs for even more of my fanfics that didn't fit in this post <3
✮ symbol key ✮ 〈 ♡ 〉 fan favorite || 〈 ❤ 〉 author favorite
✮ peaky blinders ✮
〈 thomas shelby 〉 ❤  for tommy  ✦ x original character ✦ rating: teen (series) a girl in the men of letters  ✦ x reader ✦ rating: mature (18+)
✮ stranger things ✮
〈 billy hargrove 〉 shot through the heart ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen (series) you never shut up about steve ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen  you are not a burden, billy hargrove ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen ♡ finally safe ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen  out of love ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen ♡ ❤ you're gorgeous, doll ✦ x gn!reader ✦ rating: teen cigarettes and strawberries ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen not such a stranger ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen with me around, you're always safe ✦ x gn!reader ✦ rating: teen 〈 steve harrington 〉 broken hearted for halloween; and every holiday after ✦ x oc ✦ rating: teen all I want (for christmas) is you ✦ x oc ✦ rating: teen robin the matchmaker ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen feels like home ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen free ice cream hour ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen  every part of you ✦ x reader ✦ rating teen
〈 polycules 〉 we love you just the way you are ✦ rating: gen ✦ harringrove x reader stranger things have happened in hawkins ✦ harringroveson x reader ✦ part one  ✦ part two ✦ part three ✦ part four (final) we can all be a little less lonely ✦ harringrove x reader ✦ part one  ❤ ✦ part two (mature)
✮ detroit: become human ✮
〈 connor | rk800 〉 please don't die again ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen were ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen don’t date vampires ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
✮ marvel cinematic universe ✮
〈 general/no pairing/multiple 〉 how you met the avengers ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen the moment they realize they have feelings for you ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen first date with the avengers ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen 〈 bucky barnes 〉 ♡ ❤ doll, I'm yours ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen long term effects of the blip ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen 〈 steve rogers 〉 dating captain american while being a SHIELD agent would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen being tony stark's sister and crushing on captain america would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 loki 〉 nightmares ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen mistakes were made ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen untrustworthy x reader ✦ rating: teen mistletoe ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen i can't believe you just said that ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen what the avengers think of you dating loki ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen dating loki while being tony's sister would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen 〈 peter parker 〉 falling down ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen dating peter parker would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen peter parker asking you to homecoming would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen peter parker crushing on you while being tony's daughter would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen dating peter parker while being tony's daughter would include ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
✮ criminal minds ✮
〈 spencer reid 〉 in love with forensics and the genius ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen coffee, british accents, and jealousy ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen little gibbs is dating the genius  ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen cuddles ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen golden heart ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen too old for you ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen it's a boy ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen they probably won't like me ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen charm bracelet ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen
✮ supernatural ✮
〈 sam winchester 〉  welcome to the family ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 dean winchester 〉  what was grandpa like? ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen tell me i'm lying ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen the handgun in the '54 chevy bel air ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 castiel 〉 will be here for you  ✦ x reader ✦ rating: teen 〈 jack kline 〉 help me out ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 destiel 〉 unlucky love ✦ character x character ✦ rating: gen
✮ anime ✮
〈 general/no pairing/multiple 〉 opposing sides ✦ rating: gen haikyuu boys as your older brother ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen haikyuu boys with an s/o who has ezcema ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen haikyuu boys with an s/o who is bullied ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen haikyuu boys with an s/o who has depression ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen haikyuu boys helping with an unaccepting parent ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen haikyuu boys comforting their s/o with a rough home life ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 kageyama tobio 〉 ❤ king of the court and queen of the rink ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 sugawara koushi 〉 ❤ on top of the world ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 nishinoya yu 〉 music to my ears ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen always here for you ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
〈 hinata shouyo 〉 perfection is the ace ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen hinata with an s/o that is slightly taller than him ✦ x reader ✦ rating: gen
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sadhours · 1 month
harringrove oneshots
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* indicates smut
gay fight club*
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doodles-dearest · 1 year
day 6 for @harringroveweek and i decided to do an angsty oneshot this time :)
warning its uh. its pretty dark. bit of gore but its mostly implied. 930 words, enjoy :)
"C'mere before I hurt."
The words echoed through his ears repeatedly, melodically, a simple rhythm repeating, thudding, drilling into Steve's skull.
It'd been days now, days of that phrase circling his mind, he was unable to get away from it.
And for days he knew the voice was familiar, knew he'd met who the voice belonged to.
He shot up in bed at three in the morning, it finally clicked who it was.
Before he knew it he was outside, running, running to Billy's grave. He didn't know why. He didn't even remember putting on clothes or going outside. All he knew was he had to go to Billy.
He saw the grave, dusty and grimy; he didn't remember it looking so aged before. He then noticed the vines, those certainly weren't there before, and the gravestone looked almost raised, as if the vines were holding it up higher. Steve squinted– yes, yes that's exactly what they were doing. He went to kneel in front of it for a closer look, only to step back when he noticed how hollow the ground felt. It was like the soil from all but the top layer had been removed, almost like an air bubble.
The vines began to twitch like tentacles, raising the stone higher, all the way out of the ground, bits of dirt and soil sticking to their slimy wet surface.
"What the hell?" Steve muttered, trudging back before realising that that was as far as he could go. His body wouldn't allow him to leave.
The earth air bubble started to convulse, straining upwards; something or someone was trying to burst out.
Steve reached for his walkie talkie, praying someone would be awake for him to call, but realised with anguish that he'd forgotten it at home, in its place was his nail bat. Why the hell did he think to bring his nail bat but not his damn walkie?
That's when it burst out.
A demogorgon, dirt and mud splattered onto it, screeching and roaring with its teeth sharp as nails, dripping thick saliva as it reared its head into the air.
Then it stopped.
Its petals folded in, revealing not a demogorgon face, but Billy's.
Billy panted and bent over, dry heaving and cursing due to the pain.
Steve watched in horror.
Billy was alive. And he was a demogorgon. Does that really mean he was alive? It couldn't, surely. The demogorgon was alive, sure, but Billy himself? No chance.
He didn't get chance to think of anything more, as he was distracted by Billy (the demogorgon? Billygorgon? Demobilly? Billy would do for now.) grabbing him by the shoulders.
"You heard." He whispered with shock. "It worked, you heard, you heard me."
Steve managed a startled squeak in return, he didn't have chance to ask how the hell Billy communicated with him. A dead man walking stood before him.
"And the nail bat… God you're an angel Stevie, you know that?"
"Stevie–" Steve repeated. It was funny how one simple nickname shot him back to the past, back to before it all went wrong. Back to the nights getting egregiously high together, back to the shared microwave dinners, the movie nights they insisted weren't dates but would always end in hesitant kisses and warm hugs as they fell asleep in eachothers arms.
Billy caught the way Steve's eyes glazed over in reminiscence.
"Steve… Fuck. Fuck I'm so sorry for what I'm making you do but I'm… I'm not me. Not really, and I really won't be in however long it takes for me to stop fighting this... thing."
"What– what do you mean?" Steve managed to splutter out, his brain still jumbled.
"Vecna… He… He turned me into a thing before he died, I don't–"
Billy smiled, and Steve wished so badly he could kiss him, kiss those beautiful lips and feel Billy's warmth again.
"Look at you." He said. "Still so fucking smart, even if you think you're not."
"Billy, I–"
"Stop, don't… don't call me that. It'll make it more difficult for you."
"Make what more difficult?"
Billy looked down at his nail bat.
Steve's eyes widened at the implication. "No. No way."
"You have to. If you don't I'll hurt everyone, I'll hurt you, I'll hurt… I'll hurt Max." His voice broke as he said his sister's name, full of regret for all he did to her in life.
"C'mere before I hurt." It made sense now. Billy wanted Steve to kill him before he ended up slaughtering the entire town.
"Why can't you just hold out on it, fight against the urges?" Steve knew he couldn't, he was stalling. He was not going to kill his boyfriend.
"You know I can't do that long term, Steve, I've only got so long until all I become is a demogorgon with human skin on it."
Steve looked into his eyes, those icy blue eyes that could keep him still and calm for so long way back when. He'd seen those eyes cry, seen them bruised, seen them full of love and fear, but now… Now they were mostly empty, empty other than pure, pure fear. Billy didn't want to hurt anyone again.
Demogorgon Billy was so alike to normal Billy despite his insistence they weren't the same. His cadence in his speech, his posture, his big calloused hands, the fear in his eyes, the way he could draw Steve in with the sweetest of smiles.
He screamed the same too, as Steve's bat hit him;
A rhythmic pattern, hitting in melodies of 6 beats.
"C'mere before I hurt."
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gttinyprincess · 2 years
No one:
Me taking my sweetass time to write a bite scene:
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Sneak peek maybe soon...?
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Could you do harringrove?
Maybe they've been dating and Steve offers to wash Billy's car.
Steve washes it but Billy was watching the whole time and Steve's a brat and teases Billy so Billy has to put Steve in his place?
Idk. Brat Taming is a kink and it seems like both of them would have it but Steve being the brat because hes a rich boy.
This is why I love you 😂💅🏽
Kinktober day 2
Brat Tamer
[Steve Harrington X Billy Hargrove] Wet, Hot, and sticky.
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Billy’s pov:
I watched Steve from the garage, I was painting some stuff up and fixing thing. I soon lost my focus on Steve and back on my desk.
I sighed and watched back later on and there he was shirtless, sticky and soaped up. God he was sexy. I felt myself get hard in my pants.
He swung his hips around and drizzled the sponge on himself. “Oh no… I got all wet.” He pouted. “Oh well.” He washed the car, looking over an batting his eyes.
“Billy could you give me a towel?~” He bit his lip. “Yeah yeah.” I laughed and grabbed him a towel walking to him. He rubbed up my chest. “Im all done I think..” he swung his hips around and rubbed up against my hard on.
“What are you doing?” I growled in his ear. “I’m being good and washing your car.” he teases. I rolled my eyes and yanked him inside by his arm. “Get those pants off. Now.” I commanded, watching Steve’s eyes fill with excitement.
“No.” He stood there. “I’m not doing anything.” He crossed his arms. I quickly yanked him down as I sat. He fell over my knee. “You wanna try that again?” He pouted and still said no. “Steve.. Steve, Steve..” I clicked my tongue. “Tsk tsk..” I slapped his ass hard, being rough.
Steves pov:
I was being a brat to Billy and saying no. All of a sudden I felt his hand on my ass. My face turned red as I muffled a moan. Holy shit.. he was punishing me. He smacked my ass again. “Oh..” I let out a softer moan. “You enjoying this?” He asked down.
“No.” I quickly added. “Sure love, sure.” He quickly pulled me up and got my pants off. He kissed me roughly. “Your my slut. Do you hear me?” He asked. I nodded slowly as Billy started to get his own clothes off.
“God, out there being a whore. Shaking your ass in front of the neighbors in a skimpy ass pair of shorts and no shirt.” He grabbed my hips and pulled me close.
“Mm.. yeah yours.” I mumbled. I can’t believe I’m little Billy Hargrove do this to me. He pumping himself with lubricator and lubricated me. “Shit that’s cold.” He laughed down at me. “Cold?”
“Yeah.” I nodded. “Hey, tell me if at any point you want me to stop. Tell me to stop.” He added as he thrusted deep inside of me. I felt his tip hit my spot. He wasn’t even fully in.
His curve fit perfectly in me, filling me up. I let out a small groan. “Oh my god!” I grabbed the sheets. “Fuck your tight. My little whore, huh? Tight for me?” He thrusted in and out slowly “Fuck yes right for you just fuck me!” I gasp out needing.
3rd person:
That’s all Billy needed. He now grabbed Steve hips and roughly thrusted into him. He pounded him relentlessly, his name falling free from Steve’s mouth.
Steves head was clouded with lust. “You already cockdrunk?“ Hargrove asked with a cocky tone.
“I-I don’t think so…” Steve moaned out. “Still confident are we? Well then.” He hit Steves spot causing small curse words to fall from his lips. “Holy shit!” He groaned.
“I’m close Billy! I’m close.” He whined out. “Cum for me slut, cum for me.” Billy nipped his neck. Steve came immediately after Billy let it slip. Billy was soon after. Steves chest was coated with cum.
“Holy.. holy shit I’m sorry.” He whined. “Your sorry for what?” Billy asked confused. He grabbed a rag and cleaned Steve up. “For being a brat.” He smirked. “I like when your a brat because we have sex like this.” He rubbed his side.
“Well thank you.” Steve smiled widely. “Okay babe I’m gonna make you something to eat and let you get some rest okay?” Billy got dressed in some boxers. “Okay.” Steve gave him a soft kiss.
‘Definitely test Hargrove.’ Steve smirked. This wasn’t the last time they were gonna do this.
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muttzguttz · 2 years
read this on wattpad^
Tight Little Shorts
top!billy & bottom!steve
steve wears tight shorts to basketball practice and billy can't control himself in the locker room .
word count: 1386
the door swings close after the last of the boys left the locker room. steve is still running his fingers through his hair, lathering the shampoo into suds. he always spends at least forty five minutes just taking a shower after basketball practice. he can't help it though, he likes the hot water and the steam.
as he is rinsing out the last remaining bubbles in his hair, the locker room door bursts open again.
someone probably just forgot something, he thinks to himself, keeping his eyes shut.
a few minutes past and whoever it was never left, so he opens his eyes. it was none other than billy hargrove stripping himself of his shirt. billy's eyes rose from the floor to steve's face.
"hey, harrington," billy says with a grin on his face, taking his time as he undresses himself.
steve rolls his eyes, continuing to wash his body with his hands.
they don't talk much, steve spends most of the time trying to avoid billy, avoid the fights. there's some bickering here and there though, when billy can't keep his mouth shut. it's usually something about steve's playing ability, his hair, anything really. billy will do anything to rile steve up.
billy walks over to the shower beside steve's, completely ignoring the other spaced out showers across the room. he turns the nozzle on with his eyes still on harrington. steve opens his eyes again.
"what do you want?" steve looks at billy, clearly not understanding why the blonde chose to be this close to him with perfectly fine showers on the other side of the room.
billy slides his tongue across the bottom of his top teeth, looking at steve's lips. "you know, those shorts you were wearing fit you really well."
steve half laughed, half scoffed and goes back to washing himself, "oh yeah? you wanna borrow 'em or something?"
billy shook his head.
"oh no, no, they look way better on you. they really," hargrove steps closer and slides his hand along steve's lower back, "hug your curves."
steve jumps at the touch and brings his hand up to billy's chest to keep his distance. "what the hell are you doing man?"
"i never knew you had such a nice ass, harrington." billy grins and lowers his touch to grab a handful of steve's ass, drawing a hitched breath from him.
"what the fuck, hargrove?" steve spits out, pushing on billy's chest and barely knocking him back. billy only takes double the steps forward, backing steve into the lockers next to the showers.
steve didn't want to admit it, but he's always found the blonde attractive. especially with his curls soaking wet and sticking to his forehead. he didn't hate that billy was touching him. he actually liked it, but there's no way he'd ever let anyone know he enjoyed having the hands of another man on him.
the grip billy had on steve's ass firms and he brings his other hand up to his waist. billy lowers his head to steve's shoulders and licks one hot stripe up the crook of his neck to his ear. "i couldn't stop staring. even now, i can't stop thinking about it," he whispers in steve's ear.
steve breathes in sharply and squeezes on billy's toned shoulders. his breath gets heavier as billy lazily kisses his way down to steve's pink nipple. shivers sent down his spine when billy's hot tongue licks over it.
billy's mouth is wrapped around it, tongue flattened over the skin and then sucking. small needles of pleasure makes steve grab a fistful of billy's thick, wet curls. the sensation was something he has never felt before, new and warm and so good. it felt so good and made steve want more. he tilts his head back against the wall and let out a breath that wasn't too far away from being a moan.
"damn, harrington, you're just like a bitch," billy chuckles out, still with that annoyingly charming, shit eating grin on his face.
"for fucks sake, just shut up," steve lightly pulling the mess of curls in his fist and looks down at billy, before shoving his face back into his chest. billy smirks and goes back to work.
billy's hands roam back up to steve's waist, reeling him in closer and their hips meet. steve groans when his dick grazes against hargrove's thigh. he is hard, but billy is hard too.
"fuck," steve gasps, bucks his hips, and billy groans at the touch and grinds forward.
using his hair again, steve pulls billy's face up to his again, and smashes their lips together. steve whimpers into billy's mouth as he shoves his knee further between his legs, pressing more into his dick. steve ruts forward, he can't help it.
billy pulls away just barely and laughs, "yeah, you like that pretty boy?"
steve admits his defeat and nods, eyes shut and head knocking against the metal of the lockers. he reaches down and guide's billy's hand to his throbbing dick.
"impatient, are we?" billy wraps his fingers around steve's cock and gently squeezes. steve chokes out a moan and his grip in billy's hair tightens, pulling slightly.
then billy is tugging on steve's dick, already leaking with precum, thumb rubbing the tip and spreading the sticky liquid around with every upstroke. steve was almost embarrassed to like this as much as he did, but he wasn't gonna let that stop him from enjoying himself. billy uses his other hand to grab steve's and put it on his own hard on.
they are both jerking the other off, breathing heavy and groaning into each other's mouths. billy quickens his strokes, eyes open and staring at steve, watching him slowly losing himself with his touch. steve can almost barely keep touching billy, too lost in his own pleasure. hargrove notices this and uses his free hand to tighten around steve's working wrist, not letting him lose the pace.
"don't you dare fucking stop," billy growls in between kisses, "you hear me harrington?" steve groans in response and billy's hand makes its way back to his waist, roughly squeezing his curves.
with each quick stroke, steve felt like he was going crazy, hips bucking into billy's hand. god, it feels so fucking good. billy somehow knew just what to do to make steve go crazy. pleasure pooling in his stomach, he was so close. steve throws his face into billy's neck, gasping as the sensation grew stronger.
"billy, fuck that feels so good please-" steve rambles on, words just flowing out of his mouth without thinking. billy groans into steve's ear as they both grow closer to orgasm together, grinding into eachother's moving hands.
"are you gonna cum for me, princess?" billy's low voice rings through steve's ear, sending him over the edge. steve lets out a breathy moan as he loses himself completely, his orgasm hitting him hard and he cums in thick and hot spurts all over billy's hand. billy follows in suit a few seconds after, cursing into steve's ear.
the two stand there for a moment, sweaty bodies pressed together, panting, and chests heaving up and down. billy's the first to pull away, backing up into the still-running water and letting the water run back through his curls. steve does the same and they both quickly wash themselves off in silence.
billy twists his nozzle off and shakes the water out of his hair, stepping away to put his pants back. "guess i'll see ya later then, pretty boy."
"..yeah, see you later."
"and harrington," billy slips his shirt over his head.
"what?" steve slaps the nozzle off and looks at billy.
billy grins with a hint of tongue and steve shivers. "you should wear those shorts more often." he winks while sliding a cigarette between his lips and throws the locker room open, leaving like he hadn't just manhandled steve against the lockers.
and steve stands there in disbelief, speechless, not even sure if that even happened.
that was rough omg i wrote it at 3am so if there’s any in-corrections im sorry lmao. it’s also been a while since i’ve written so there’s that
ily guys mwah
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loveswrites · 1 year
What Do You Wanna See?
What should I write about? I need Idea's of what you guys would wanna see. I'm up for a challenge, so i'll tell you guys what I like. I'm a fluff lover I feel like there's barely any ever fluff available anymore or if there ever was so I'm going to create it.
Who/ What I'll write for?
Stranger Things
Twilight / Also The Volturi
Scream (1996)
John Wick
American psycho (Patrick Bateman)
Chucky ( Charles lee ray )
Timothee Chalamet
The Black Phone
Joker ( leto Jared )
The Original's / TVDU
Plus More+ (Especially if I haven't seen it you could give me a deeper description and background on the character and I'll see what I can do!)
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Cat in Heat
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con Category: M/M Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Oral Sex, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Exhibitionism, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Boys Kissing, Non-Consensual Turns Consensual, Non-consensual Exhibitionism, Harringrove
Summary: Steve tries to find a way to ease Billy's neverending lust, but it comes with a price. A juicy one.
Author notes: This is my fourth entry to @harringroveson-bingo 2022, Round 1, A2: Oral sex. Note that the work includes non-consentual sex and non-concentual exhibitionism. Please move on if this kind of content disturbs you.
Another basketball practice, another day being teased by Billy throughout it. Steve liked it - and hated it. Because Billy just wouldn’t stop.
Steve definitely hadn’t known what he had gotten himself into when he started dating Billy. He was annoying at best at school, but whenever they were together alone, he was like a cat in heat at first. Sure, he was nice and gentle if Steve so wanted, but getting him to chill without having sex was just not gonna happen. Billy had so much energy, created by all kinds of negative feelings and experiences old and new built up inside, that when he could let his guard down, it all poured on Steve, and sex was Billy’s preferred choice of releasing it.
Steve had suggested that they’d taken a run in the woods, or gone swimming - though it was getting a bit chilly for that - or done any physical activities other than sex. They’d tried but it had just made Billy crave sex more.
Now, Steve liked to have sex with Billy. A lot. They had a perfect dynamic for it, him wanting to be on top and Billy wanting to submit when he felt safe, and Billy’s willingness to do anything Steve wanted - aaand Billy being the right size to give extra kicks for Steve.
And Steve really liked Billy. He was abrasive when they were at school or around other people, but in private the sharp angles settled, and he was molten wax in Steve's hands. And Steve got to be his caring and protective self with Billy, because it made him feel safe.
But at some point Steve started to feel like he was a sex toy. He had the stamina and eagerness, sure, but slowly he had started to understand why Nancy hadn’t been so eager to have sex on every date. Having it too much took something away from their budding relationship.
“Billy?” Steve asked when they were laying on his bed after having yet another session of very satisfying sex. “Steve?” “Have you ever thought of having sex in a way that might double the release of energy for you at once?” “What do you mean?” “I don’t know, something that might give you even more kicks out of it?” “More? You want more?” Billy asked chuckling incredulously. “No. I don’t want more, I want less. No. That’s not correct. I want the same amount - less often. Sometimes I just would like to talk with you instead of having sex.” “But we do talk.” “We do. After having sex.” “Doesn’t that count?”
Steve sighed, and turned on his side, leaning to his elbow, to look at Billy. “I liked the date at the fair. I know we can’t go on dates like that often, even though the kids agreed to come as a disguise whenever we want to have a date like that again, but we had fun without having sex - and I really liked it. I like having sex with you, but it’s not all I want from you. In addition to the lower head, I want the insides of this upper head of yours, too,” he said, tapping Billy’s forehead with his index finger. “I’d like to have just that sometimes.”
Billy frowned. “I haven’t ever had to think about that. Everyone’s always been very happy with my wantings.” “I’m not everyone, remember?” Steve murmured. “To get some, you have to give some.” Billy thought for a moment. He bit his lower lip, and turned on his side to face Steve. “I do have something I’d like to try. But I don’t know if you’re up for it.” “I assure you, I’m up for pretty much anything if it keeps your sex drive at bay little better.” “Uh...It might not be so if you’d know what it was.” “Ok...Does it involve other bodily fluids than cum?” “No!” “Ok, then I’m cool with it.” “Without me telling you what it is?” “Uh...Ok, why not. Just hit me with it when you feel like it.” Billy looked at Steve now with a serious expression. “Are you absolutely and positively sure?” “Yeah. Absolutely.” Billy chuckled. “Ok then.”
So - they were at the basketball practice. Steve was once again starting to get very frustrated and antsy with Billy, who was on his skin whenever Steve had the ball. The frustration broke out for Steve him being more physical towards everyone else in the game, and he didn’t like it. When there was a break in the game, Steve walked to Billy, and hit him on his arm with his fist, quite hard too. “Cut it, Hargrove! I’m this full of your bullshit,” Steve hissed keeping his hand way above his head to demonstrate the level of his frustration. Billy grinned the wide shit eating grin Steve had gotten so used to over the months in practices. Billy didn’t waste time on saying anything, instead he pushed Steve, who fell on the floor from the force of it. “Alright you two! Out, now!” the coach exasperated. “I won’t tolerate that here. We’ll talk about it tomorrow when you’re both calmed down a little.”
Steve walked out of the court, Billy close in tow. Steve could feel Billy’s eyes on his back, getting ready to unleash insults once they got into the locker rooms. “What the actual fuck was that?” Steve asked when he opened his locker door to get rid of his sweaty clothes and get his towel. Billy didn’t answer, he grabbed his towel from his locker, and just had a smug grin on his face when he walked by Steve towards the showers. Steve shook his head taking a deep sigh, and followed Billy.
Steve was so annoyed with Billy that he went into a single shower stall. He didn’t even want to see the fucker right now. Suddenly Billy barged in, took Steve’s head in his hands, and kissed him. Not in a nice, gentle and subtle way, but hard and messy, full of tongue and moans. Steve wasn’t ready for it, and in fact, couldn’t have wanted it less at the moment. So he tried to push Billy away. But Billy was determined, and pushed Steve against the tiled wall, pinning him against it, and kept kissing him despite Steve’s tries, albeit pretty weak, to push him away. Steve felt his cock totally betraying his wants to refuse Billy’s determination, and after a while of Billy's eager persuasion he gave in. Which in turn made Billy push himself against him even harder and moaning louder.
Then Steve remembered where they were. “Billy, stop!” he managed to gasp in between kisses. “Not here!”
“You wanted me to have the kind of sex with you that would drain me better of my drive, remember?” Billy whispered. “This is me doing exactly that.” Steve’s eyes widened and he looked at Billy in horror. “You want to get caught doing it in here?” “Well, I don’t want to get caught, but there’s a chance of it. That’s the point.” Billy put his finger on Steve’s mouth to silence him and grinned. “So, you have to be very quiet boy now.”
Steve tried to lean to the tile wall even harder as Billy kneeled down in front of him, keeping his eyes on Steve’s the whole time. When he was on his knees, he looked at Steve’s very hard cock, and licked his lips. Steve closed his eyes, his heartbeats thundering in his ears, scared shitless - but also aroused like he’d never been before.
When Steve felt Billy cup his balls in his hand squeezing them gently, and then licking the length of his cock from bottom to the slit and tip, that was already dripping with precum, he couldn’t help a whimper escape his mouth. “Shhh, quiet!” Billy whispered, squeezing Steve’s balls a bit tighter. Having his family jewels held so tightly made Steve submit without further noise.
Billy licked the slit again, teasing the rim of the hole, and ran his tongue around the whole tip, slowly. Steve let out gasp, and deep breaths came out of him in the rhythm Billy teased him. Finally he glanced down, and his gaze was met with Billy looking up at him with a wicked smile. Billy chuckled quietly with the eye contact as if he’d been waiting for it before proceeding to take the whole tip into his mouth. Steve melted at the gentle way Billy pushed his tongue against his cock as he took it into his mouth, slowly working its way in deeper, relaxing his throat more on each down move of his head to accommodate it in full. Steve put his hand on Billy’s head, and tucked his hair. Billy let out a muffled whimper, and Steve guided his up and down moves gently with his hand on the back of Billy’s head, feeling the glorious pressure starting to build up in his groin.
That’s when Steve heard voices from the locker room, and froze his hand, making Billy stop too.
Billy had Steve almost in full in his mouth, and of all things, he let out a muffled laugh. Steve let go of Billy's hair and glared down at him. “Get off me,” he pleaded quietly. But Billy shook his head slightly, and returned to work, and Steve couldn’t do anything else but to give in into the bliss that was Billy’s mouth on him. Now Billy was faster, tightening his grip on Steve’s balls, pushing his tongue tighter against the cock, and putting his other hand on Steve’s ass to pull him closer.
Steve realized, that Billy was going to make him come while their teammates were in the locker room. Or worse – in the showers just a few feet away. And him coming wouldn’t take long anymore. “I’m...” Steve whispered as quietly as he could, knowing Billy would get his drift. Billy let go of Steve’s ass, and took his own cock in his hand, and started jacking it at a furious pace.
Steve heard the showers being turned on, and almost instantly with them, he came. He'd never come so hard so quietly. Billy’s load flew on his shin a moment later with Billy letting out a small muffled groan.
Billy let go, and Steve looked down, gasping of pleasure when he saw his own cum dripping from the corner of Billy’s mouth on his chin. “Swallow it,” Steve whispered, and Billy licked what he could of the cum from his chin, and did just that.
Billy got up and leaned on Steve, both of them listening for any voices that would tell them where the others were. More voices came closer, and more showers were turned on. After a time that had felt like eternity, last voices vanished from the shower room and into the locker room.
Some time later Billy stepped out of the shower as if he’d been in there alone, leaving Steve to hide in the corner that wasn’t visible straight from the shower space. “It’s clear,” Billy shouted to Steve once everyone else was gone.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Steve exasperated as he walked to his locker. “That’s the last time we did that!” “You liked it, don’t deny it! I could feel it!” Billy laughed. “Well, can we at least now talk tonight and not have sex as the first thing?” Steve asked. Billy glanced at him and grinned. “Maybe. We’ll see.” “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Steve sighed, but then shook his head with a laughter. ”The things I do for you...”
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