#Have to utilize my research if they want to even touch my topic
theworldiswhispering · 8 months
Love academia for being one specific freak holding up an entire subtopic of research
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scribe-of-hael · 4 months
Thundercracker HCs
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TC headcanon that follow nothing in particular of Canon and is as very bias to my own au where I build him up to be kinda different because him and Sky are very underdeveloped and utilized. LETS GO
•TC is more well kept, and organized , he is able to throw down but at the end of the day he cares about himself to keep his up keep
•He is the youngest of the trine and it kinda shows with how more optimistic and far more light hearted he is than his brothers
•TC had always has had a fascination with , what? You guessed it! Writing !
•Writing is TC'a passion, it was one of the focal points he was hooked on when agreeing to join the Decpticons was because of Megatron's writing for when it first started. He was touched to his very spark with Megatron's words. He learned very quickly how words and working could affect one another.
•he researches endlessly of writing, works, and genres. He prefers stories with happy ending but he is also about drama and some dark themes.
•He is also a photographer, he loves to take picture of his brothers, the scenery or even important moments. It has gotten him into trouble for stopping in the middle to capture the moment.
•His writings are important to him, it doenst matter if he feels or even if he's hurt he will take some time out of his day to write. Because he reads do much, if its niche knowledge or even history you want to know you come to TC.
•Try to keep him on topic he will jump aorund and get a bit carried away with rambling /pos
•TC had always questioned the Decepticons almost as soon as he joined , it only grew with time and the more worried he got, worried he got for his brothers Especially Starscream and Megatron's growing abuse towards him.
•He is definitely a kind spark, who wants to see the beauty in it all, which some bots call him soft amd weak for
•he more sensitive and emotional ,this can be both good and bad. He panics and is filled with paranoia. He tends to overthink and complicate things.
•just because he is kind. Do not mistake it for being weak. He is just as fierce as Star or Sky and honestly probably could be more unpredictable about what he will do. He can be just as scheming , clever and resourceful. He is a Decepticons for a reason.
•he is prone to outbursts of emotion, if it is anger its connected to his abilities. His sonic booms can become more powerful when emotional driven. Nothing like shattering brain modules when he decides to have the pulse of five sonic booms in half a millisecond.
•His frame is way more durable than the other two because of the constant subjection to his own sonic blasts. Its reinforced but also allows its self to vibrate to allow the sound to travel.
•Oh and he writes Erotica and is kinda a freak/pos
•He is Demi though, having taken little to no partners because he could never properly feel a connection depsite having a desire for a partner. While he wants someone he wants to truly have a deep and lasting connection
•he is nothing but in love with being in love which makes him prone to being vulnerable and easily taken advantage of in hopes of finding someone fo love, which Star and Sky (mostly) intervene to stop their brothers spark ache.
•TC also loves animals, that includes his dog Buster whomst he'd give his life for
•He adore human culture so DAMN much this bot is also obsessed with vintage items humans have made.
•He wear glasses despite not needing them because he thinks they make him look cooler/smarter
•TC's main thing is he writes stories and incorporates real people into characters. There are many stories you will find character eqiailants to bots he's encounter or events he has lived. You'll come to find writing isn't just his passion, but his cope for the war and even after it.
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skynapple · 4 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 4
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
Back in the present, new friends begin to reconnect. Pizza will be had.
“She…died.” He had said. The air hung around them, dust sparkling in the glow of the grow lights around the store.
Her stunned expression turned somber, crystalline eyes brimming with compassion. ”Oh my God, I'm so sorry. What..." Her sentence trailed off as she hesitated to ask.
It’s not that he’d wanted to bring up the subject so quickly, but he couldn’t help it. After years of being one of her closest friends, all he wanted to do was catch up, brimming with desire to share his happenstances. He was trying his best to keep it contained, remembering the fact that he had no right to expect immediate closeness with someone who was nearly a stranger.
"I was young. Brash. In love. Proposed after like, 6 months. I guess she was into that.” He shook his head, reminiscing. “She passed away before we got married. Car accident."
More like the Deepspace Portal event 30 years ago.
"But it was... humbling, and beautiful, being with her. She loved this little shop.” I wish you could have met her. She would have loved you. You would have gotten along so well.
"Philo...It means love. Because you loved her."
He nodded. The dirt he’d accidentally smeared on his brow began to irritate the skin, and he instinctually rubbed it again, making it worse. “Don’t worry about me. I’m ok. It was years ago now.” After so much time had passed, it was the truth.
Meanwhile she stood across him, only a little comforted, a light ache in her heart at the topic and slight embarrassment after being the one who initiated the conversational direction.
Seeing her expression and immediately wanting to comfort her, he smiled, "Trust me, she's looking after this place. I've had nothing but good luck here." His grin widened. "Even you walked in."
A season later, it was a warm spring day, with flower blossoms floating through the light breeze, adding a romantic touch to the environment, but the shop was closed, and Jeremiah had no idea what the weather looked like. There he sat in the secret back room of his shop, plugging away at research and data. Several chat windows were open - an entire network of Lightseekers utilizing adapted technology with the remains of what was with them from so long ago, still quite advanced compared to what earth contained me.
He’d instant messaged Xavier a few coordinates and some wanderer identification, paused to stare thoughtfully at his phone and added,
[Take care of her if she's with u.]
Seconds later, [Not coming.] was all he received in response.
Course not. Let me guess, ditched her. Again. He only thought it to himself, stretching his right shoulder. The hours had passed quickly, and he’d completely lost track of it all. When he finally stood, his knees cracked from lack of movement. Grogginess threatened to plague his mind. There was still so much to do.
A growl escaped his stomach. He grumbled. Not enough groceries for anything quick. Instant noodles for the 3rd day in a row? No. Delivery was too expensive when he was quite literally in a walkable downtown area. He grumbled once more, sleepily grabbed his keys, and headed out the door.
He ended up at a nearby pizza place and despite the noisy interior, found himself beginning to nod off as soon as he sat down at a booth in a far corner to await his order.
Unbeknownst to him, several minutes past. A warm hand on his shoulder stirred him, although it took him moment to get his bearings. He straightened, rubbing his eyes, straining to identify who the hand was connected to through his bleary state.
"Wow, birds of a feather." A familiar voice said.
What is she doing here?
"I wasn't sure if it was you, but then they must have called your name a dozen times. I grabbed your order for you."
She indicated to what she placed across him.
"Oh, sorry. Thanks."
"You ok?"
He rolled his neck, not entirely remembering the sequence that put him in the shop, and still processing her presence. Sleeping in public too? Now that was something he hoped Xavier never discovered. "Just pulled an all-nighter. I'm good."
"That's what Xavier said. Hah. You two really are similar.”
Ah, so they’re talking at least. That’s good.
Jeremiah picked up his slice, not minding that she was still sat next to him. "Did he also tell you he's headed to the no-hunt zone without you?” He prodded, half-curious, half-hoping that this would fall back on Xavier somehow.
Her flabbergasted expression rang genuine to him, making him chuckle. Got ‘em.
"You did not hear that from me."
She spent a minute texting Xavier, muttering to herself under her breath. Immediately after, his own phone lit up. He decided to not look at it.
"You gonna join him?" He said between chews. The restaurant seemed to pick up in business now, and he glanced non-chalant at the growing line. Distracted, he observed it.
She scowled, leaning her head on her hands, almost pouting. "I wasn't assigned like he was..." A sigh. "And today's my day off."
“The guy can handle himself, don't worry." A bubble of irritation rose through him, and he felt the fought the urge to roll his eyes. It was a habitual response, born from years and years of needing to reassure her. Of course she was like this cause he left her. She didn't have to try to sound so tough about it. "He'll return to you before you know it."
Except, this time, she only shrugged. "Yeah ok. You know he just does what he wants. Shows up when he wants. And hey, pizza or wanderers... tough choice but I think I made the right one." She nudged him with a free arm.
He felt himself smile tiredly. Despite still getting accustomed to the differences in her personality, he appreciated that it felt like he could be friends with her in this life too. He was beginning to look forward to the ways she surprised him. Just what was in that brain of hers?
"What are you doing after this?" She asked casually enough.
"Going to bed."
"Makes sense.” She stood finally, brushing a few long dark strands behind her ear and smiled warmly. "Well, I'll let you go. I'm meeting up with an old friend today. Don't wanna be late."
“Have fun. See ya.”
It not that he wasn’t thrilled to see her, it wasn’t even the tiredness in his brain, but the fact now that she was a little more playful, a little more curious, a lot more casual, he was struggling to wrap his head around it. There were moments when it felt very surreal being around her. The fluctuations in her tone, the way she pointed things out, obviously her appearance and the way her eyes were so expressive all stuck out to him.
It’s her, but it's… not. But it unmistakably is.
And yet it was a very comforting thing, being reunited after all this time. When he was around her, he felt a little more like his old self, an old self he’d nearly forgotten. He smiled to himself and finished his now cold pizza, a little amused at himself that she’d been the one to find him in this state. Memories of late nights in encampments, watching over each other through the long nights, chiding each other over small things, the bickering, the banter.
Fine, I missed you.
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jflashandclash · 5 months
Tales From Mount Othrys
Axel II: Into the Lion’s Maw
The masks’ thrum was alluring. Something brushed his knuckles—the edges of another pew? Axel startled, gripping the wood. When had he started walking forward? There was nothing between him and the altar now—no other pew to warn him that his legs had elected to go for the shiny, dangerous object before his brain agreed. 
Pax was as cautious as he was capable. “The Triple A Chimera helmets!” he squeaked and scrambled ahead of Axel.
“Ajax!” Axel growled, but knew he couldn’t stop him. Pax was right beside the altar, and Axel didn’t trust his legs to cooperate.
Alabaster sighed. “Ajax, we’re not calling it that.”
“Witch Boy, you might not be, but the rest of the world is in agreement.” Pax cracked his knuckles and reached for the bronze serpent helm. If he was willing to drink mysterious, glowing vials for Alabaster, he would definitely pick up a haunted artifact that screamed, “hex me, please.” 
Alabaster grinned darkly. “Mercedes has been fueling more of the Romans’ own rumors, the ones about a beast that can morph in and out of the Mist. Why not—”
“Hello, little Spy Master,” the voice was soft, harsh, and slithered from the helm in Pax’s fingers.
The helmet clanged onto the altar. Pax jumped backwards. “Cool creepy stuff!” he yelped.
Axel ground his nails deeper into the pew. “They talk?” He already had to worry about Jack and Matthias’ influence on Pax. Pax didn’t need more bad influences.
Alabaster nodded. “They each have their own unique sense of humor.”
Sense of humor? What could that mean from Alabaster of all people?
Pax paled, still staring at the bronze one in confusion. “Why’d it call me the Spy Master? I’m just an irresistibly adorable spy assistant.”
Hecate settled a calming hand on Pax’s shoulder. This time, her smile was sad. “These helms reveal potential futures if you chose to align with them.”
“Maybe you take over spying on the Greeks when Silena Beauregard finally betray us.” Alabaster rolled his eyes at his age-old complaint.
Pax brightened, “You mean, I could be Mercedes’ irresistibly—”
“—adorable partner? Not just her assistant?” The prospect thrilled Pax. Axel knew how desperate Pax was to impress Mercedes. Despite that, Pax glanced over at Axel. The Free Possessions Here vibe had spooked him, and he wanted to make sure it was safe.
Axel swallowed, willing his legs into a casual approach. The closer he came, the more he could make out the detail of the beautiful plumage, the worse the urge to touch that gorgeous gold. His fingers twitched back to the cigarette in his pocket. Otherwise, he’d grab the helm. “Kinda flashy for you, no subtle amulets?” his voice came out rougher than he wanted.
Alabaster rubbed the edge of the antler between his forefinger and thumb. “I believe you gave me lectures on the value of utilizing fear in battle, and then proved it during our fight for my lab. These forms will enhance that…” His hand shook. He was awaiting an answer for a question Pax hadn’t realized he’d asked. But Axel knew the gravity of this conversation. And with this topic of conversation, Axel worried how demigods, supposedly, could spy on others in their sleep.
If Axel hadn’t come to know Alabaster so well, he might not have noticed how unconfident the Witch Boy felt. He was paler than usual—worried. His voice was soft as he continued, “Daedalus won’t make Kronos a body. I’ve researched his myth and history. He worked under threat for too long. Kronos only needs one more soul before he reforms.” Alabaster glanced up at Axel. “Castellan’s getting desperate. Even more short tempered than usual. And paranoid. He turned away Kelly. He sent out souls into the labyrinth that aren’t coming back—”
The three of them winced. None had heard from Chris Rodriguez. Pax liked to pretend he was okay.
Alabaster’s expression hardened. His knuckles turned white on the edge of his helm. “He hit Mercedes.”
Pax froze. “He what?”
Axel clenched his jaw. Mercedes hadn’t given Luke a name for their leak yet. She couldn’t find that Di Angelo child that Luke so fanatically wanted. He went from saying they didn’t need a Spy Master to using her supposed incompetency as a scapegoat to Kronos.
“Yesterday. When I told you Mercedes wanted you in the laboratory…” Alabaster trailed off. Something uncharacteristic of him. He was usually so calculated with his words. “Both of you are…” He hesitated and glanced at his mother.
Hecate nodded at him in encouragement.
Pax clutched his stomach, like he was ready to use the new helmet as a barf bag.[1] Axel understood the nausea. Mercedes was the first person to show them kindness on the Princess Andromeda.
Alabaster closed his eyes to collect himself. He squeezed the horn of the boned helm once more before his gaze shifted back to Axel. “You’re not pledged to Kronos. You can’t. Both of you have befriended those in power: Castellan’s Scourge of New Rome, his Quiet Death. The Bearer of Flames owes Axel his freedom—” Axel felt dizzy as Alabaster listed their monikers: Jack, Flynn, Prometheus.
“You can just call them their names,” Pax said weakly. “Or give them more accurate names. He Who Wears Pink Pajamas.”
Alabaster glanced to Pax, betraying the slightest of smiles over the joke at Jack’s sleepwear. “Ajax, you’ve become Mercedes’ prized spy for New Rome. Even your silly band has marked the two of you as a minor celebrity with the monsters. And—and both of you have wormed yourselves into the good graces of the children of Hecate.”
Pax feigned some bravado, leaned towards Axel, and whispered loudly, “I think Alabaster just admitted to liking us.” He straightened and looked at Alabaster. “Alabaster, you could have just said you thought we were cool. Remember how we talked about needing to sound less like a super villain about to assassinate someone?”
Alabaster’s lip twitched.
Pax balked. “Are you a super villain about to assassinate someone?”
Alabaster and Axel exchanged a glance.
That was exactly what they were talking about.
If possible, Pax’s eyes widened further. “Axeeeellll,” he whined in a tattle. “Alabaster is talking about assassinating someone!”
Alabaster sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s Kronos, Ajax. Must I spell it out for you and any hostile gods that might be eavesdropping?”
“Nah, I’m illiterate.” Pax waved a hand. “It would only help the gods.” Axel could tell how desperately his brother wanted to look aloof about the situation.
Alabaster straightened to his full height. One hand lifted a vial out of his pocket. “I can’t do this alone. I need people I trust.”
“And if we refuse?” Axel asked, eyes trained on the vial. Something about this felt wrong. But, when was the last time things felt right? Despite everything, he could picture Luke’s easy smile, the way he coaxed Jack back after Calypso captured him.
And the look of hunger on his face when he wanted to interrogate Annabeth one-on-one.
Alabaster’s expression crumbled. “I have the River Lethe water on hand. You’ll never know you were asked. And, I will be down two friends.”
Tension curled the Mist into menacing figures in their peripheral. Hecate, Axel suddenly realized, had faded into the fog around them. 
Alabaster and Axel stared at each other. It felt like they were on opposite sides of disk that was balanced on a ball. One wrong move, both would topple. Was Alabaster trying to trick Axel into admitting treachery? Or was he reaching out to commit it with him? This felt like a trap, but Alabaster had never gotten along with Luke. But, what if Luke could still be brought back?
Pax glanced from his brother to his friend. He raised his hands in an unarmed gesture. “Guys, I know you’re both paranoid, but, like, we can all agree that Luke is a dick. He—” Pax quieted. He took a shuffled step closer to Alabaster. Tactically, Alabaster shouldn’t let Pax get that close until he had an answer. “He has been. H—he hit you… when we first got here.” The end of the sentence disappeared into a mumble. Pax slipped his fingers along Alabaster’s.
          Alabaster startled. His face rouged, but he didn’t withdraw. “You hadn’t even officially joined and you were already spying for Mercedes.”
          “Only unwittingly.” Pax’s smile was shy, impish. He pressed Alabaster’s hand, and vial, back into Alabaster’s pocket.
          Something about the interaction rang Axel’s Older Brother Alarm Bells. (And, besides, did Pax have a crush on Mercedes…?) But there was too much to process to consider it now. “And if Luke can be separated from Kronos?” Axel asked.
          Alabaster shrugged. “This will give us the tools to free him, whether through aid or death. We need him to win the war, but afterwards…”
          “I don’t want to kill Luke,” Pax said, “That would make Jack very sad. And he might resurrect him. And that could start the zombie virus—Ala, do you think we could make the zombie virus in Camp Half-Blood and New Rome and win that way?”
          “Well, we—” Alabaster raised an eyebrow at him. “Super powered zombies?”
          Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them. “Oh. I see your point. Bad idea.”
          Pax and Alabaster’s hands hadn’t come out of Alabaster’s pocket. Later, Axel decided.
          Right now, the helm thrummed in his ears. There were no coherent words, just dissonance—a presence felt by way of an increasing pressure around his skull. Did the others hear it? Did they feel it? Did theirs call to them so intensely?
          The eye sockets seemed to have eyes of their own, pits of blackness. Axel thought, for a stuttered heartbeat, that an iris shifted. Reflections off metal, he assured himself. Though he knew better. Maybe others could be tricked by the Mist. He could see through it. Something was inside the helmet. Something wanted out.
          “These grant us power,” Axel summarized. Placing a hand beside the helm made the cacophony inside his head near unbearable. 
          No wonder Alabaster asked them to meet in his mother’s realm. Having these in the laboratory felt dangerous. Too much for demigods. Axel had to wonder if Alabaster was just a mouthpiece? Maybe Hecate was doing what she was rumored to do: give another option. A tertiary option to Kronos or the Olympians.
          Axel searched the surreal jungle. She had to still be here. This was, presumably, her temple, and these were her godly gifts. Even with his true sight, all he could spot was wisps of her presence in the fog: the wave of some hair, the echo of a finger, the curve of fabric along her side, none in the same spot. An unsettling notion made Axel draw his shoulders back. She was the Mist itself. Millennia of entangling with its essence had left her nearly indistinguishable.
          “Hecate?” he called, “What is the catch? What are we trading?”
          She resolidified across the altar from Axel. “While you wear these, the past will become nothing more than just a dream, so that you may regain the ability to dream.” She lifted the feline helm to examine it. As she did, the air electrified. He felt something swishing behind him in tempestuous flicks—a tail? He didn’t look. She was trying to distract him.
          “These will harness your anger, your pain, your doubts, and your fear. They manifest it and they become it, so that you may hold it separately from your own identities. So you may don it and meld with it when it is most fitting.” Her emerald gaze lifted to Axel’s. “You are trading a piece of yourself, pieces that will become my little monsters, my children. You are trading control. You will no longer have unwanted intrusions, but they will become the intrusion when you don them. I’m powerless to change your fates…” She looked to each of them in turn. Her son. Pax. Axel. “But in the end, I’ll shelter you. After all, you are my child’s cherished friends.”
          Alabaster went red.
          Breaking her somber speech, Pax nudged Alabaster. “Your mom knows she doesn’t need to pay us to hang out with you, right?”
          Alabaster shot Pax a glare.
          Axel tried to picture what that would mean, to be able to dream again without screaming, to know internal peace. He clenched his jaw. This felt like a cheat. It felt like—
          “They will fail one day,” she said, as though reading his thoughts. “You’ll need to face your fears. But, not during this war. The delay will make it traumatic, especially for you, Jaguar Child. Melding with this will cause you pain.”[2]
          Axel swallowed. Hesitantly, he reached out. The cacophony intensified, screaming until—
          “Hello, Lieutenant of Kronos.”
          Everything siphoned into that voice. Tension eased out of Axel’s shoulders. Distractions faded. He meant to just brush the cool metal with the back of one knuckle, but it was cradled in his hands. Its weight felt right, comforting. The plumes were soft as they curled around his forearm, around the blades he kept strapped there.
          Lieutenant? Axel mused, Like Atlas? A smile curled along his lips. The Leader of Assault and Battery? Or the Sabotage Unit?
          Touching the feline etching made Axel feel lighter. The calm was intoxicating. Some people went to his father to fuel their opioid addictions. He wondered if this kind of relief was similar. 
          “Do you two need a room? Or, well, a tree to hide behind?” Pax asked. He tried to sound light.
Axel startled, glancing up at his brother. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. It must have been more than a few moments, as it had felt for Axel. Pax fidgeted with a satchel of something Alabaster must have given him to occupy his free hand. The one not in the Witch Boy’s pocket. Alabaster was examining Axel, expressionless. Axel ignored Pax, instead, giving Alabaster a crooked smile. “You’re not tricking me into taking a magical sleep med by throwing a rebellion, are you?”
Alabaster shrugged. “Is it working?”
          It was, but Axel didn’t want to admit that. The thought of falling asleep with this calm, all in the name of stopping a tyrant? Instead, he pointed out, “If these are going to alter how we fight and think through combat, we’ll have to test them in a controlled environment first.”
          Pax bounced on the heels of his feet. Alabaster merely nodded; he already would have planned for that.
          Axel’s fingers shook around the helm at the thought of putting it down. “Kronos will be suspicious if Luke tells him we have got specialized magic armor, if Kronos doesn’t just pull the memory out of his head.”
          “A memorandum for surviving the Roman’s raid on my laboratory,” Alabaster explained away.
          Pax rolled his eyes. Axel had to agree: Alabaster wasn’t known for being sentimental. That was an unlikely story.
          Axel considered other protests or objections. But, as he did, he realized there was no way he could put this helm down without trying it on. His gaze dropped down to the flicker of movement behind those blackened eye sockets.
          We have work to do, Lieutenant, the mask reminded him, as though they were already one.
          This wasn’t like signing up to fight Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. That hadn’t been a choice. Luke’s men were going to kill both of them if he hadn’t signed up. But this? Alabaster was treating Axel as an equal. He was giving him the tools to fight an encroaching evil, something that was devouring his other friend.
          “I’m in,” he said.
          A dark laugh echoed from the helm, something that felt strangely comforting.
          Axel looked up to find Alabaster smiling. The Witch Boy turned to Pax. “Ajax?” he asked.
          Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them. Everyone always assumed he would follow Axel’s lead in every decision. Axel appreciated that Alabaster wanted the three of them equally committed.
          Pax hesitated. He set the satchel in Alabaster’s pocket. Timidly, he reached for the serpentine helmet. This time, he didn’t drop it, cradling it like Axel held his. He gave Alabaster and Axel a goofy grin. “Triple A Chimera assemble! Do we get a secret handshake?!”
“No,” Alabaster said. After Pax pouted at him, his stern expression cracked, “But, the helmets do come with weasel kittens, now that you’ve accepted them.”
Alabaster was excellent at delivering deadpan humor; that hadn’t sounded like a joke. Before Axel could ask him to repeat himself, he heard the soft trilling sound from the plumes.
“No…” Axel mumbled in disbelief.
There, emerging from the thick feathers, was a tiny set of squinting, beady eyes. The whole critter was miniscule, certainly smaller than Axel’s palm. Lifting its head appeared to be too much for it, the snout bobbing around uncertainly as it sniffed. A pang hit Axel’s chest. He held the helm more delicately. This was even more fragile than his pet jaguar cub, Juana, had been.
Pax squealed with delight. “It’s a weasel! It’s a baby weasel! You got us baby weasels!?” He hopped around the altar with the helmet. It made Axel want to frantically rush over to assure no tiny weasels fell out.
Alabaster plucked a pure white one out of the ivory on his skull helm. He slipped the weasel into a breast pocket on his shirt. Alabaster often had various compartments on him for spell ingredients, but—
“And you got yourself an incubator shirt?!” Pax yelped with glee. He had separated his weasel from his helmet, set the helmet on the altar, and was cradling his weasel in both hands.
Leave it to Pax to ignore the All Powerful Magical Armor.
“Kits or pups,” Alabaster corrected. “They don’t need incubators, but they will need to be fed, socialized with each other, taught to hunt, and—”
Alabaster cut off when Pax went on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek. His complexion had just settled back into that of a vampire. He went bright red again, cleared his throat, took a step back, and pointedly avoided looking at Axel.
That “later” talk that Axel and Alabaster needed to have? It was going to happen as soon as the three of them were awake.
“And named,” Alabaster tried to make it sound like there hadn’t been a pause. “Th—they’re more than pets.” He swallowed, regaining composure. “Each is an extension of your helm’s power, playing to the strength of the owner. Nietzsche can store spell runes, acting as both a roving set of prepared spells and a conduit to set magic off at a greater distance.” The tiny white head poked out of Alabster’s pocket, slitted red eyes trained on the Pax brothers.
Axel extended a finger towards his tiny charge. When the weasel sensed him, it curled about his index finger, nipping vainly. Axel had to admit, he liked her. She had spunk.
“Who gets Honey and who gets Baller?” Pax bobbed to Axel’s side.
Axel’s tiny charge clung to his finger while nodding off to sleep. “Honey and--?” he asked.
“Hunahpu and Xbalanque! Duh!” Pax cheered.
Alabaster looked relieved at the shift in conversation. “Maya names?” he asked.
Axel nodded. “The hero twins.” The names of sorcerer warriors felt fitting for gifts from Hecate. Though, Axel doubted these two weasels could feign dismemberment, the way the ancient warriors and Hecate’s children could. Well, maybe Pax’s could. That would fit Pax’s style of combat.
Pax pointed to a clustered spot of fur on the back of Axel’s. “Yours has little rosettes.”
Axel nodded. “Mine shall be Hunnapuh then.”
Pax held his up, Lion King-style. “And this shall be Baller!”[3] he proclaimed with bravado.
The three boys got to enjoy something they rarely did these days: a peaceful moment in a safe place with no one watching but a caring mother. Pax demanded they put their weasels into a kit pile in his hands. Axel surveyed this carefully, but was relieved Pax seemed to have a natural knack for tending to the little ones.
Despite discovering the existence of Greek gods, being “adopted” by someone a few years older than he was, and being cast as the heartthrob in a monster-centric metal band, these gifts were some of the biggest surprises Axel had in the past two years. Alabaster had always been uncomfortable with shows of affection. Some people got each other burgers and French fries as signs of friendship. Others gave each other weapons of war.
All of them were smiling when the jungle shook. The quake’s ripple was so strong, Pax pitched onto one side. He cradled the weasel kits protectively to his chest with one hand while smacking the forest ground with the other floor to break his fall. Axel stumbled. Alabaster snagged the edges of the altar. “Mother--?” he called.
“Mount Tams,” she said from the fog of mist, “is under attack.”
Thank all of you for reading! Also, thank you to those of you that left comments in my last post. I promise, I’ll be responding as soon as I can. You rock and have made it worth while to get myself to post again! In the meantime, know you have Jack in an appreciative pile of moosh and gratitude! Stay tuned for, hopefully (>>’’) every other week updates!
[2] Pax, “Way to hit his kink, Hecate.”
[3] I recently read up that the hero twins were pronounced, “WAH-nuh-pwuh and shi-BAY-lan-kay.” But I think younger Axel would have been too insecure to call his lil one “Pooh,” so we’re sticking with the mispronunciated, butchering of Honey and Baller.
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iintotheunkncwn · 1 year
Here’s my whole stance on the James Gunn comment that’s recently come to light…
Now… a few things have come up since the infamous post from Henry Cavill as to why he’s not Supes anymore and whatnot. Some of it even from Gunn himself and I find it quite interesting.
To me, it sounds like he is trying to do some damage control because everyone is literally on his ass over the whole thing. And now that his future lineup is out there for people to see, even more people are on his ass for it. And honestly, his statements are very asshole-ish and I’m not about that shit.
So what you’re saying, Gunn, is you want a completely clean slate to start anew because it’s the future DC deserves. Okay, fine. I’m totally on board with that and I was in the very beginning. I truly believed and still do, that DC needed a whole new storyline. I wasn’t on board with getting rid of a fantastic cast (not including Ezra, and I’ll get to that in a minute). I’m still not happy with it but it is what it is and from the looks of it Gunn doesn’t care what the fans are screaming about so, here we are.
He (Gunn) says that ‘he never fired Henry, Henry was never casted’. Let’s clarify that Henry, indeed, was not hired BY GUNN. Henry was under the old regime and was fucked with. I’m aware that in my old post when everything happened, not only did I blame WB, I also blamed Gunn. But I now realize in light of things it wasn’t Gunn’s fault per se, but WB’s for being dicks to Henry and the way they did him dirty. Unfortunately, Henry got the shit end of the stick here and it really fucking sucks and I’m still mad about it.
NOW. Here is where I still dislike Gunn. Remember I mentioned Ezra earlier? Well here is my gripe with Gunn in this whole thing. You say you want a clean slate, start anew for a new era of superhero films, yet you keep an incredibly problematic man in your arsenal and on top of that, are allowing others within the Snyderverse to potentially keep their jobs as the characters they portrayed. Excuse me but…tell me how this makes ANY sense. I don’t give two shits if the film Ezra is in sets up your line of films. Scrap it like you’ve scrapped everything else with ease. Or edit Ezra out and put someone else in his place. Idk, work that movie magic however you want, but Ezra should not be utilized in any way for a multitude of reasons that a majority of people already know about.
Also, Jason, Gal, Duhwayne and Zachery are still able to keep their roles for potential future projects…when you wanted a clean slate and move away from what was already set up with the Snyderverse. And, yet again, Henry is cut out and gets the shit end of the stick for no reason other than ‘he is not right for this Superman’. Basically, Gunn in his own roundabout way, also screwed Henry from what I’m seeing on my end.
So tell me…how is anything I’ve touched base on, making any sense? Someone please explain this to me because my brain can’t wrap itself around this bit of info.
IF YOU WANT A CLEAN SLATE, GET RID OF EVERYONE WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS, GUNN. Rip that patched bandaid off with one clean swipe and let it be the end of an era to really start over like you’re claiming you want. What’s happening so far just makes everyone (WB, Gunn and Safran) look like even bigger idiots and the future of their films bleak AF. I’m not remotely excited for any of it, personally. The new lineup that was released yesterday is not making me jump for joy in any way or hold out hope for a franchise I have loved for years, and that is WB and Gunn/Safran’s doing.
If you read this far, thanks for coming to my TedTalk / rant. Also, please know that these are things that I personally feel and have observed, and are based on things I’ve read. Please go research things for yourself so you may form your own personal opinion, and if anyone would like to discuss this topic like adults without insults and the like, I am happy to do so. Problematic behavior in the comments / reblogs will not be replied to.
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prince-tulip · 1 year
The struggles with touch and sex in general with people is something i envy of those who can seemingly have no real issues with it. Its so difficult. Im uncomfortable always but certain people can partake in it just fine. Idk if its because of bpd or what.
Its definitely something im only able to do if i have genuine connection with someone, i could not just cause i think someone is attractive and maybe that just means im demisexual? But i definitely still need to find someone attractive of course as well but if theres no personality connection than it just doesnt work but on the other side i definitely knows theres also times where i feel repulsed by sex and etc and im not sure where that comes from cause i can also flip and become extremely hyper sexual, which makes me uncomfortable usually due to impulsive nature of that, never really able to find that middle ground and i really try too.
As of lately ive come to really believe sex and love making is something sacred and is really is the union of two people, basically sex is marriage and for me despite urges and desires, i know that i prefer to view and proceed with that in mind, it must be genuine and not rushed in any certain situation and it's always been like that for me but with the pressures of society and the need for validation and seeing how others can just do it, ive always felt like i was obligated to because the other person wants to or that i must in order to just have fun or live your life and enjoy pleasure or to "increase your body count" or to be a "Man" or to move on from someone or to whatever the case and i feel I've truly only have had sex with people i genuinely care for and connect with but i know ive found myself in situations where its like "uh i guess most people would have sex right now" to where id rather sit multiple feet away then have sex which makes for a awkward time.
I know ive been working on separating sex, passion, love, lust, romance and even porn(porn can be triggering for the healing heart and body imo)
Ive been really looking into monogamous relationships, enm relationshipss, poly relationships, asexual relationships etc looking at them and understanding them more and finding what's best for me and my future, just so many variables that play into them. I don't know where to start and due to shifting self image and just bpd in general, its very difficult to keep a clear head in researching everything.
Plus with bpd we tend to have a favorite person and if we are engaging in sex with them we get incredibly attached and can feel comfortable sexually for once, to where if we lost that person, its basically cutting us off from the one feeling we understood in that realm of intimacy, making it very difficult to move on and very difficult to experience new friends, relationships and finding love again causing trauma from touch and sex and etc
So knowing all that ive had to really become so aware of these topics over the years and figure out what to utilize to my own personal benefit to the betterment of my life
-late night thoughts
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world-cinema-research · 2 months
Moonlight (2016)
By: Christian Lavarello (THE 112C-01)
I chose the movie Moonlight directed by Barry Jenkins and released in 2016 which tells the story of Chiron through three distinct stages of his life. Chiron is an African American boy growing up in a poor neighborhood of Miami alongside his drug addict mother while struggling with his sexuality and being bullied in school. I remember when I first watched this movie, I felt sorry for Chiron, the main character of this film, and wanted to help him because he was a child who did not have a supportive mother, no friends, was bullied and was lost without anyone to depend on so I thought it would be a good film to write about.  
Barry Jenkins is an American filmmaker, writer, and producer who was known for creating lyrical, empathetic films that center on Black characters. After making his filmmaking debut with the short film My Josephine (2003), he directed his first feature film Medicine for Melancholy (2008) for which he received an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best First Feature. His early work experience included employment as a production assistant at Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Studios. 
After conducting historical research, on this film, it was interesting to find out the director is a straight black man who took the script from the play ““In Moonlight Black Boys Look Bue” by Tarell Alvin McCraney, who tells the story of a gay black man and did an incredible job tuning in with his empathetic and compassion as an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. This idea of compassion and empathy as a heterosexual man directing a movie of a gay black main character made me realize that this film was not just about Chiron struggling with his sexuality; however, this was the vehicle the director utilized to be able to speak to the idea that any sexuality regardless of sexual preference can struggle with masculinity and not just target one audience in particular. A quote from the film in which Kevin asks Chiron, “who is you, Chiron?” and Chiron replies, “I’m me man. I ain’t trying to be nothing else” and this is the pinnacle of Chiron’s pursuit of self and his exploration towards masculinity and its simplicity.  
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Although not as profitable as other popular films, Moonlight grossed over $65 million worldwide with $28 million in the United States and Canada and $38 million worldwide versus a budget of roughly $4 million. Being that the plot of the film was controversial for portraying a black queer, lower-class man who often is never the main character of a conventional movie, the film received high ratings overall and numerous positive reviews. The film did have some limitations that prevented younger audience from watching it given its “R” rating and sensitive issues it touched on, but most importantly I believe that a lot of individuals might not have been open to watching the film based on the trailer or plot. The director did an excellent job not only artistically, however also by relying on the famous play that the movie was based on to increase a return on investment.  
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Overall, my interpretation of the film has changed after conducting research on historical events during this time and reading reviews from the film that made me aware of certain factors I had not considered while I watched the film for the first time. I believe the most important observation was to find out that all characters in this film were all black and the plot touched on sensitive sociocultural topics that are not discussed frequently all while the fatal use of force by police in America began to be a focus on the news and the public. Aside from the historical events and interpretation of the director’s message, I thought it was a great film and would recommend others watch it.  
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goetzjpvis · 5 months
1/22/24 "Momotaro and the Divine Warriors" JPT 3702
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Momotaro and the divine warriors is a great example of what I would consider effective propaganda!
I went into this viewing with no prior knowledge, and was subsequently blindsided by the cute, fuzzy, animals on my screen that I did not even realize I was watching a WW2 naval propaganda film. The story follows members of the Japanese Naval Academy and their prospective animal friends and family through wartime, showcasing these cuddly creatures alongside highly realistic artillery and mechanistic visuals. My first hint during this watchalong was the scene in which Santa (a naval officer's little brother) fell into a river; the animals used their (particularly well-curated) teamwork skills to rescue Santa and his brother. I thought about how I generally often hear comments on Japan's collectivistic culture (from those who are not at all versed in Japanese studies), but was dissatisfied with that idea as the sole factor for this scene's creation. Was this scene produced to simply teach children to be good at teamwork? After further research, I had discovered that Momotaro was the first feature length animated film in all of Japan! And the kicker- it was commissioned on behalf of the Japanese Navy. These teamwork excersizes were displayed as a positive attribute of the animals because the government wanted Japanese children to be able to use these values for themselves as they grew up in order to benefit their nation! It's very similar to what we have in American children's cartoons, where we often use little stories to educate children on telling the truth and staying loyal to friends. Why use cute animals, though? I recalled Hokusai's frolicking animals. Cartoon animals have an intrinsically cute and silly appeal, which is acknowledged worldwide. It tends to take the seriousness out of situations and give them a more lighthearted tone. Disney's Mickey Mouse, Nagano's Chiikawa, and Soyuzmultfilm's Nu Pogodi all use animals to convey their messages and themes. Simply put: Lessons learned are not nearly as fun and cute when a human teaches them! In a way, it also distracts from the story, so children can passively absorb its messages. But then why, if cute animals were used, did the film utilize realistic imagery for its warships? Today's reading, Otsuka's "Unholy Alliance" touches on this topic, but does not explain the phenomenon. I hypothesize that it may be the way the movie tries to explain such topics to children- to introduce the realistic figures alongside anthropomorphized animals as a way to simultaneously comfort them?
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guzsdaily · 7 months
[A little taste of] The joy of Linux
Day 25 - Nov 30th, 12.023
This is a little premise for a post that I hope to do in the future to talk more about the topic. But for the time being, this is a "little preview" on how I utilize my Operating System (OS), Linux, daily and how I think it is has more advantages outside just development work.
Pomodoro timer
If you read the last entry of the daily journal, you remember that I was in need of some sort of pomodoro timer. I already tried researching for
one some time ago, but never found one that satisfied me. Most of the ones you find for Linux use outdated technology, look, or don't integrate easily with your environment. I have one installed on my cellphone, however I completely forgot about it yesterday, and now it's too late to go back. And I wanted one just to remember myself to take a break or so, with sound and notification when the time finishes.
So I researched again for pomodoro timers on Linux, and seeing one of the results, a concept returned to my mind: creating a timer just using the terminal and Bash.
The result was this video:
And seeing the code that she used, I was impressed:
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Link to the original code
I know that if you don't know how to code it is complete gibberish, but you can deny that it is small and simple, and just a ctrl+c ctrl+v away of using. That is what took to have a simple pomodoro time in your system. No installation, no term of services, no privacy policy checkbox, no login, no setup. Just create one file, paste it, run it, and you're good to go.
That's what I love when about using Linux, you can easily create your own tools. Or just copy, paste, and tweak some things if you don't know how to code or basic scripting (which to be honest, you should, even on Windows, but that's a talk for the future).
Bash everywhere
"But what is bash?", well, in simple words for someone who doesn't know how to code, it is a simple programming language that you can run from your terminal or turn into an executable to run when you click the file. It comes built-in in every Linux system, and macOS too, I think. And in simple terms, it just lets you automate some boring things like opening apps, moving files, etc. and run commands.
"That's it?", yes. "So why it is so special?", well, again it comes built-in, so you don't need to install anything, and it can run any command that there is on Linux. And when you match some bash scripts and the extensive list of Linux commands and CLI tools… you can pretty much automate everything and run it from one command.
And that's what I did. As an example, with bash I created some scripts that enable me to switch environments with just one command:
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I unfortunately can't record both screens, but in summary, what this command does:
Close active windows from current environment;
Opens programs for the new environment;
Changes the look of the OS, wallpaper, etc.;
And in the case of the coding environment: opens the browser for preview, browser for documentation and text editor.
And I still plan to in the future add the feature of opening software from the past session in each environment, so I can continue my work from where I left.
All of it was written in pure bash, no dependencies outside what already is in my [customized] operating system. And just a note: I changed the system that handles the programs window (the Window Manager), to one that I can navigate completely with the keyboard and remove the distraction to make it the most clean possible. On Linux, you can pretty much remove the entire OS part by part that it doesn't't care or stops you.
And the pomodoro timer?
Well, I customized it a little to be more in touch with my OS and also add custom sounds for it. But again, I just use one command for it:
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That's it, it just opens another terminal where the timer runs and when it finishes and the bar is at 100%, the terminal closes and a sound is played and a notification sent.
If you want the code I probably will post in my @guzscode showing it better, but if you want it now, here is my dot files and the pomodoro timer script. I still want to add some things to it, like sending notifications to my phone when the timer finishes and things like that.
I hope that this shows at least one of the things that I like about Linux, and how I think it lets you do a lot more than you could in other OSes.
Today's artists & creative things
Album: Herói do Futuro - by O Grilo I already recommended a music from this album, but I now listened to it more, and it's a bop. To be honest, I don't have a lot of opinion about it, I like the guitar and style in general. It is just good, y'know?
Copyright (c) 2023-present Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello <[email protected]>
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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5 Best On-line Project Management Programs For Accidental Project Managers
We also look at adjustments to project management as how organisations work change and the tasks within them. There are well-known institutes and online portals out there, like the Project Management Institute , that goal to offer world-class education and certifications to aspiring professionals. Once you get a certification from a reliable institute, you become certified to showcase your expertise to corporations all round the world. No actual necessities; nonetheless, some primary information about project management as a topic could be preferable. The Project Management Professional certification is among the tier-1 certifications a project manager can hope for.
Advance your project management profession by masking the core and particular competencies required throughout all areas of project management and show your capability in delivering tasks. All free on-line certificate programs at Oxford Home Study Centre are one hundred pc free of charge from begin to finish. There is no enrolment fee, all research aids are provided via our online studying platform and all of our programs are self-paced for total flexibility. You don’t need an MBA to become a project supervisor, however if you wish to work your approach to the executive stage, then an MBA might be extra useful than a PMP. Of course, an MBA is costlier and requires larger time dedication, so relying on your career objectives, a PMP may be sufficient.
The modules are one of the best strategic and business studying I even have undertaken, vastly overtaking my earlier studies each inside and outdoors South Africa. I extremely advocate Cranefield for every senior government official. I am scripting this letter to strongly suggest The Draughting Academy for your future research course. I myself enrolled with the The Draughting Academy again in 2013 at the Sandton campus and should say that I was not disappointed in any respect about the course they offered.
PRINCE2 could be tailor-made to quite so much of roles and trade sectors and is out there in 18 languages, so it’s adaptable to a learner’s private and skilled needs. Plus, once one becomes certified in PRINCE2 Foundation, it never expires. Delegates who efficiently full the PPM and comply with the associated assessment criteria are awarded certificates of completion by the University of Pretoria.
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Resource allocation and management is discussed at length in Module 12, with a look at the varied different sorts of assets the project manager has access to and control over. Typical business possession fashions and hierarchical buildings are also examined. Strategic time management as a contributor to profitable initiatives is mentioned within the fifth module, which provides a variety of practical pointers for making higher use of obtainable time.
Here you will clarify how your organisation meets the standards for accreditation. An APM Accreditation logo to make use of on all relevant promotional material. A copy of the assessor’s report, to use for additional development of your programme. Your application shall be despatched to an assessor who will assess whether or not it meets the requirements of accreditation. An online ‘site visit’ will be arranged to clarify any outstanding issues. Students on accredited tutorial programs are eligible free of charge APMStudent Membership, providing entry to APMevents.
Content Writer at Capterra, sharing insights about customer expertise, CRM, and project management. Work cited in publications corresponding to Getfullyfunded and Proofhub. This online coaching course is complete and designed to cover the key matters listed beneath the course curriculum section below.
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lazychaoscollector · 2 years
Get This Report on How To Become A Real Estate Agent In Oregon
Among the very first questions new Realtors have for me is always 'just how much money will I make in my first year?' and in order to address that concern, you need to understand how Property Agents generate income. Just how much commissions you make in your very first year as a Realtor will be totally depending on you and just how much organization you're able to produce. Your gross earnings is different than your earnings, so make certain you're tracking your expenditures. The guidance listed below is from 17 Veteran market leaders who provide ideas on how to construct your service when you're beginning out.
What is the typical rate of offered homes in your area? How numerous houses will you require to offer in order to reach your wanted commissions? Also, how much will you have to spend to reach that number? Knowing your crucial company metrics and keeping an eye on where your money is going will assist you survive your first year in property! This article is for first-year Realty Agents, whether you're 6 months in and still searching for your first offer OR you just got your license in the mail. The intent of the following Real estate agents who contributed to this article is to assist those who are seeking help/advice.
Without a doubt, the top thing I would inform myself if I was able to turn-back the clock to my first year in this industry is to end up being an online regional community property specialist as rapidly as possible. Not only does this aid new representatives discover all the inventory in their local markets however it also gets them acquainted with driving through all the subdivisions and communities. If you understand what is offered and have seen the areas first hand, you can a lot more easily help customers who are either not sure precisely what they are looking for or even aid those who have done their online research and have a good concept where they wish to live.
When others are chasing after the next glossy real estate "thing", often the best strategy is to return to the online fundamentals and become the definitive source for all things realty in your area (How to get real estate license). I believe that success is based upon a combination of multiple things that a person does on a consistent basis. Property representatives are known to use multiple hats all the time and to boot strap themselves more frequently than More help one might picture. Therefore I found this topic to be one of the most important questions that we need to ask ourselves not just in the first year of remaining in genuine estate, but every day when we open for service.
People like to handle people who can really reveal that they care about them. We live in hectic times and we tend to streamline a lot of jobs to become more efficient. Remaining in touch with your clients can not be changed even by the best technological tools or by another person. If you desire that client to be loyal and helpful to you, you will need to discover the time to appreciate them. Looking back, I want I would have trusted my impulses, instead of listening to everything my brokerage was teaching me. There are SEVERAL ways to run your organization, generate new service, and handle your database.
If you like to talk on the phone and network all the time, then those methods may work for you. I'm not that kind of individual though. I would hate to have a Realtor contacting me all the time, especially when I'm not even in the market for a house. I understood if I was that way, other individuals were also. The skills required to help house purchasers and sellers successfully purchase and offer property have nothing to do with networking all day. You can create new company in numerous ways utilizing the internet without troubling anyone. I was discouraged from this when I entered into the service.
Examine This Report about Which Combines Google Maps With Real Estate Data
I worked open houses, made daily calls to my database, and concentrated on my "sphere". I nearly went out of organization in the very first year. I chose that if I was going to go out of company, I was going to do it my way. I quit my expensive brokerage and began dealing with a 100% commission brokerage ($ 199 fee per transaction). I then started concentrating on internet leads and my service hasn't stopped growing since then. I now have my own brokerage and work with representatives who like to do things in a different way than the old-fashioned approaches. So, if I could go back in time and give myself some guidance, I would inform myself to ignore individuals who have been doing the very same thing for years and start being innovative online.
The very first thing individuals need to comprehend about property it this: Being an agent is not a career. You are beginning a company. You're becoming a business owner. This is VERY different than having a job or entering into a kind right to use timeshare of work where wages, benefits, and 9/5 exists. Here's what it implies to be a realty agent: Since those are the 2 greatest things you need to concentrate on, here are some ideas for assisting you begin in realty. Pointer 1) Understand how numerous leads equivalent your financial objectives You require to know how much earnings you want to make.
I made you an Earnings & Lead Calculator here with Google Sheets. Take this, and find out your objectives like this: What you'll right away comprehend is the actions you need to take to strike your desired income. There will be no guessing whatsoever! This is really crucial. The average agent will be afriad of failure. Or hedge their entire success on that one deal going through next week (Which combines google maps with real estate data). Do not be those representatives! Utilize the law of averages to your benefit and comprehend that if you produce enough leads, the earnings will follow. Idea 2) Quantify Your Lead Sources The 2nd sheet on that spreadsheet I shared above will assist you measure where your leads are coming from.
This sheet will assist you find out where you will produce what leads from. And hold you accountable for generating them. Idea 3) You're an organization owner now. Here's what that indicates: Finally, being a realty company owner is considerably various than having a typical career. This means: * When there are problems, individuals call you. It does not matter the time of day. This exists for the first year till you work with individuals to answer those calls for you. * Your commission check does not equivalent your take-home pay. You need to invest that cash back into business and list building sources (What can you do with a real estate license).
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spadesurvey · 2 years
Best Practices for Conducting B2B Quantitative Surveys
The panel responds to business-related surveys to assist in information gathering, problem solving, and long-term industry insight.Let’s discuss how B2B panels can be used for market research for your company.
Here’s the Audience view on best practice in conducting B2B surveys yourself.
#1.Clearly define your business objective
Ask yourself the following questions:
What are my goals for the survey?
How will I use the information that results from the survey?
What specific information do I need to reach these goals?
Then, put your goals and motivations into a brief statement and include any specific details you’ll need to succeed in achieving them.
These information objectives’ sequencing and wording are unimportant. At this point, being thorough is the only objective.
#2. Specify the sample size and target audience in detail:
B2B decision-making is frequently complicated because it often involves several people. Consider which roles to ask about in the survey.
Usually, you want to get in touch with the people who ultimately decide whether or not to purchase the research’s target product category.
Consider the variety of organisations you would like to respond in a similar manner. For instance, you might have chosen to concentrate on any US SMB.
The interviews must be representative of the US SMB population in order for the research to be useful. That would entail make sure there is a mix of various sectors and size segments.
Decide how many interviews are necessary after defining the target audience. The results will be statistically more reliable the more interviews there are.
However, the target audience might be so small that conducting a large number of interviews would require extremely high budgets. Increase the number of interviews as much as you can, but be sensible about what is practical.
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#3. Decide on the survey methodology
Surveys for B2B market research can be completed over the phone, online (on a laptop or mobile device), or in person.
In B2B research, face-to-face surveys are frequently unrealistic unless you’re conducting interviews at a significant conference or event.
Even then, this is only true if the study is focused on that particular event or if the target audience as a whole is likely to attend. Otherwise, the participants will favour those who will be present.
Online surveys frequently prove to be a very economical method for conducting quantitative research. They are typically easy to set up and carry out.
They aren’t always attainable or realistic, though. There are times when conducting surveys over the phone is necessary (also called CATI).
The design of the questionnaire should take into account the dynamics of each approach. Online surveys, for instance, can use a variety of question types but typically need to have shorter questions (e.g., conjoint exercises are possible).
4. Choose your reward strategy for the target audience.
B2B decision-makers are a limited resource, especially when the study concentrates on people who hold senior or specialised positions.
They are scarce, but that’s not the only issue. It can be difficult to win over decision-makers’ support. They are shielded by gatekeepers, have a finite amount of time, and are more interested in expanding their business than conducting research.
However, if you employ the proper strategy, you can encourage B2B respondents to participate in the study.
People buy from people in the majority of B2B markets, and buyers and sellers typically have positive interactions. Utilizing this connection is the most potent inducement available.
Interrogating a decision-curiosity maker’s is another effective soft incentive. Decision-makers are more likely to consider participating if the research topic or method sounds interesting.
Because B2B respondents have limited time, it’s critical to stress that the time they do invest in the research will pay off in the long run. We advise highlighting how involvement in research will benefit them, their employer, or both through innovations or service improvements.
In our experience, a combination of soft and hard incentives works best when trying to persuade time-constrained decision-makers to take part in research.
#5.Create the questionnaire structure
Writing surveys calls for two distinct abilities:
Detail-oriented writing is required when creating survey questions and responses.
However, if the questionnaire structure is flawed, even well-written questions are useless. Respondents might lose interest in the survey if the order of the questions causes them confusion.
These are distinct abilities that draw on various cognitive processes. No one can do both well at the same time, and few people are able to do both well. Writing questions necessitates such attention to detail that questionnaire authors lose sight of the overall structure’s big picture.
Your ability to successfully complete both tasks is increased when you approach each skill as a separate step. It also enables you to speak with coworkers who might excel in each skill. As an illustration, you request that a coworker with exceptional attention to detail review the question’s wording.
#6. Write the questions
You must create the actual questions once you are familiar with the structure of the questionnaire. When doing so, make sure to avoid common mistakes:
Avoid leading questions. Check your question wording frequently to make sure you are not unintentionally or knowingly leading respondents to a specific answer.
Remove ‘double-barrelled’ questions. Bad surveys frequently ask participants to provide feedback on multiple items with a single response.
Avoid the overly complicated survey question. Although the survey is intended for B2B decision-makers, a typical consumer should be able to understand the questions. This means that to prevent any jargon misunderstandings, the language used should be straightforward.
Avoid repetitive questions. Similar to lengthy questions, repetitive questions may drive respondents away from the survey. Repeated survey questions can also irritate respondents and produce unreliable results. Imagine, for instance, that two questions in an online survey are nearly identical, but one word has been changed. In this case, the survey may contain an error because the respondent might believe that the questions are identical.
Don’t ask for too much personal information. It makes sense that B2B decision-makers are reluctant to divulge sensitive information about their company. There is a limit to how much information respondents are willing to share, even if you can assure them that the survey is genuine. Therefore, if you request too much sensitive information, they will withdraw.
#7. Pilot the survey
Sending the survey to friendly clients or coworkers is advised. Keep it as straightforward as you can; you can just send a draught in the format you’re using (e.g., Word).
You can steer clear of errors like the ones mentioned above thanks to their advice. It will also give you a good idea of how long it will actually take respondents to finish the survey.
#8. Launch and manage the survey
There are typically five ways to start a survey in B2B research:
Sending it via email – This strategy is cost-free and lets you choose who takes part in the survey. The popularity of your brand and the quality of your bond with the email contacts will both affect the response rate.
Calling respondents – This strategy is comparable to email distribution. It gives participants choice, and the response rate is influenced by how well-established the connections are with those on the list.
Buying respondents through a panel this strategy appears to work well in theory. Since participants in the research have already agreed to participate, you usually know in advance how many responses you will receive.
Embedding the survey in a website or newsletter -By placing the study in front of a potential respondent when they are close to the brand or product category covered by the questions, you may be able to collect responses.
#9. Process and analyse the results
Once a survey is comprehensive, the temptation is to start immediately doing analysis and building a report.
The possibility is to begin analysis and report-building as soon as a survey is finished.
However, this might result in poor-quality research reports:
Before you begin analysing the data, you must format and check it; otherwise, you will be referring to inaccurate or incomplete data.
Before you begin writing the report, you must analyse the data and determine the story. By doing this, you can prevent the narrative from being unclear or the report from being overly lengthy.
Start by looking at your data. You are looking for the following:
People who haven’t adequately responded to all the questions
People who “flat-lined,” or finished the survey too quickly by simply answering the questions without giving them much thought
Those whose responses are illogical, such as those who claim to have never heard of Brand X while also declaring it to be their preferred brand. Nevertheless, mistakes do happen. You probably shouldn’t have permitted that combination in the questionnaire.
Spade Survey is a B2B market research and B2B survey firm located in India. Our market research company has conducted many B2B studies across the country with a variety of industries.Contact our team to receive a quote for a market research project Email-id:[email protected].
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bfpnola · 2 years
hi there! i was wondering if you're okay with white people sending in questions? i'm heavily considering being involved as much as possible in my local blm organization next year since i'm taking a gap year before college so i was wondering if i could ask some questions as i'd appreciate advice from people more used to advocacy! if you don't want me to send questions that's totally fine and thank you for reading this!
anyone is welcome to send in questions!
as for advice, hm… such a broad range of topics to touch on, but here are the first things that come to mind:
one: be prepared to socialize and make connections. a large part of advocacy is networking and using the platforms you create through said networking to amplify marginalized voices. that’s about impossible without reaching out to at least a few people! that can be done through social media, of course, but even better? try your local community! if you’re lucky, there’s bound to be pre-existing mutual aid networks, a trash nothing group, a community fridge, a culture club at school, volunteer organizations, and so on. and if not, then try starting one with other community members!
two: be prepared to make mistakes and be wrong! sometimes we are going to overstep, say or do the wrong thing, accidentally offend, and so on. fear and anxiety will tell us to just shut up in order to please everyone but reality is, the only way we can make change is to speak up, and sometimes… we say the wrong thing. all that we can do next is do the proper research required in order to avoid such mistakes in the future. that can look like listening to podcasts, reading novels, or even interviewing members of whatever community is being affected.
three: resources! try your best to find a wide array of perspectives and resources to refer to throughout your entire lifespan. the education never stops. no community is a monolith, so as long as you are doing advocacy work, be prepared to collect multiple perspectives on any given topic and from there create your own educated judgement. (emphasis on collecting those perspectives first rather than just blindly making a judgement based on surface-level information!!)
four: be aware that nuanced takes are common. the real world is complex, rarely ever black and white. while there are plenty of definitively right and wrong actions in the sphere of human rights (ex. enslavement is wrong in any circumstance), not every situation is so clear-cut. this comes back, once again, to researching and truly utilizing those resources so you can see the bigger picture and all of its tiny details!
if you have more specific questions, feel free to send them in and i’ll answer them whenever i can. happy mardi gras and have a great rest of your day/night!
— reaux (she/they)
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Hello there! I’m currently writing a story that takes place in the future, around 2120, and one of the points (but not really touched upon, mostly bc I feel it's not my place to do so) is that Hawaii is an independent nation. One of the main characters is a Hawaiian scientist, along with her mother, and I gave them both (researched) Hawaiian names. But my question is, how do you feel I should handle this point? JSYK, I’m white (southern european), not Hawaiian.
Hawaii as an independent nation in future
In navigating a very complicated history like that of Native Hawaiians, it is important to ask yourself if you can accurately communicate the nuances of the difficulties Kanaka Maoli face. Especially considering you want to have the Kingdom of Hawai'i regain sovereignty in your story, I would recommend you do further research on the illegal annexation and the history surrounding the end of Hawaiian sovereignty.
As of right now, I do not think you should write this character. As someone who is a part of the Kanaka Maoli community, I don't feel that you fully grasp the severity of the topic and the relevance of it to modern times, as Kanaka Maoli are still fighting for sovereignty to this day. 
- Ren
Echoing Ren, you would need to ponder not only what sovereignty means, but also the geopolitical implications of restoring sovereignty. 
What would have to change about the way our world operates and how nation-states interact with each other not only for sovereignty to be restored but also preserved? 
How did the United States of America benefit from annexation? 
Who are the other stakeholders on a global scale? 
Why does the occupation of Hawai’i continue to this day? 
I don’t think you can dodge addressing such a critical part of the setting, and if you don’t feel it’s your place to do so, then it is probably not your place to utilize this setting.   
- Marika
Also, just speaking more broadly: If you have restored sovereignty to one place the US is illegally occupying, why have you not mentioned the hundreds of other territories the US is illegally occupying? Both abroad (the number of places the US military has de facto rule) and domestically (Indigenous peoples). 
Why just the US? Why just Hawai’i? When and how did it happen? 
Does the United States still even exist, or has it returned to a collection of sovereign Native peoples? 
What about Canada? The rest of the Americas (Central and South)? 
Does France no longer control a third of Africa? 
The list, sadly, goes on. A long, long way (I am not getting into Asian political dynamics here, but they exist).
I realize this is likely far outside of the scope you were originally asking, but if I, a North American Indigenous Person, were to read that Hawai’i was independent but Canada still existed, I would be yanked right out of the story because the greater implications of colonialism haven’t been addressed and the author just had one pet issue they were trying to champion, without understanding any of the broad-reaching colonialism of North America.
Hearing news stories about Hawai’i’s struggles and deciding “oh, I’ll fix this and return the land to them, this is respectful, it’s in the future so I’ll handwave it” is easy and feels like a quick thing to show you want to respect an unfairly colonized power. But actually genuinely returning land is hard, and most groups who have been fighting for sovereignty have been doing so for centuries already. As Marika said, you have to ask yourself what changed to allow this to even happen, and stay this way.
Until you’re ready to fully look at the concept of nations as they exist now, from why they hoard land to why they colonize, you’re not ready to write a setting where colonized people finally won.
~ Mod Lesya
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years
first time dads!haikyuu pt. 1
note: here’s part one? i wrote this headcanon for daichi, kuroo, and oikawa ^-^ um i kinda went off i am having a major thing for domesticity rn i'm sorry but let me know if you’d like a second part! or leave me a request for anything you’d like to read here! my reqs are open, and if you have any questions about what i write, check it out here
mentions/topics: pregnancy, domesticity, timeskip, female reader insert
part two (iwaizumi, suna, the miya twins)
part three (tsukki, akaashi, yams, kenma)
☀︎—daichi sawamura 
one word: prepared
from the day you surprised him with the pregnancy test, he’s been preparing for this maybe he started even before that but he’s just eager ok
expect daichi to utilize any and all resources he can get his hands on
parenting books and birthing classes and pestering colleagues and relatives for advice
he’s super thorough and wants to cater to your every need during pregnancy 
always a little on edge and nervous but won’t show it because he wants you to be able to fully rely on him emotionally and physically i love this man
his favorite part (after bringing home his baby ofc) was setting up the nursery
he literally stared at the crib and closet full of smol onesies for an hour with major uwu eyes because the man is just so excited <33
and when the day comes,
daichi is calmly but quickly ushering you to the car while he single handedly carries the bulky hospital bag (which he definitely helped you overpack months in advance)
he’s cool and collected and clear minded because the man has read too many books and watched too many videos on how labor progresses
after guiding you through a rough and long labor with deep breathing techniques
he finally catches the first sight of his baby,,
and he’s super teary eyed and overwhelmed with all the emotions he tried to suppress while preparing for his baby’s arrival
but his dad instincts majorly kick in and he’s counting the baby’s fingers and toes and asking the doctor questions and keeping an eye on the nurses who hold his whole world in their hands
during skin-to-skin, daichi can’t stop touching the baby’s little fingers and toes and cooing softly (incredibly soft daichi is a rare sight)
but still, the sight of daichi holding his baby against his chest is like none other - it looks like he was waiting his whole life for this moment because he was uwuwuwu
after returning home,
daichi is super super extra tender with you
he knows (from research and now experience) the emotional and physical toll it takes on your body, 
paternity leave is an unspoken necessity for daichi 
changing diapers? he’s on it. burping the baby? he’s on it. checking on the baby in the dead of night? he’s on it.
daichi wants to do whatever helps you recover the fastest
and he’s just so so soft and sweet to you and it’s just UGHHHH
dad daichi is best daichi
☀︎—tetsuro kuroo
for a nerd, the poor boy is kinda slow and he doesn’t realize that you’ve been leaving him hints for about a week now
when he said kenma was the brain, he meant it
it’s only when you leave your positive pregnancy test blatantly next to the bathroom sink one night 
he finds it and he’s jumping and pumping his fists in the air like an idiot
it’s the cutest moment when he comes sprinting out of the bathroom with his hands flailing in the air and his face plastered with the biggest smile
but he lets his excitement die down as he pulls you into a soft hug and kisses the top of your head 
he’ll murmur softly with his chin resting on your head,,
“how long have you known?”
“tetsu, i’ve known for more than a week, and i’ve been trying to tell you for more than a week too...” PFFFFT
but now that he knows, he can’t be separated from your side
like, if you thought he was affectionate before, soon-to-be dad kuroo is triple that
he can’t stand to see you in discomfort, and he feels helpless seeing you struggle with morning sickness among other symptoms
so he does his absolute best to help quell your discomfort with his affection
he’ll massage your sore back and your swollen feet and try to adjust to any cuddling position that helps you sleep better
he’s also trying your cravings with you and he’s overly eager to go clothing shopping for the baby
kuroo wants to make the experience good for you, so he picks up cooking and cleaning duty as often as he can 
kuroo in an apron is now a normal sight to see
and when your due date arrives,
it’s the middle of the night when your water breaks,
and kuroo leaps out of bed when he hears you whimper and tug on his shirt
he knows how anxious you are, and he channels as much calm energy as he can to help you relax
he’s big on positive affirmations, from the drive to the hospital to the labor process
“baby, you’re doing so good, okay?”
“you can do it, i know you can.”
BIG uwu
but it really hurts him to see you in pain, and he’s trying to do anything and everything when you experience contractions
but after all of the contractions and pain and anxiety, he finally gets to see the baby rest on your chest
silent tears of joy fall from his eyes, and he’s leaning over the both of you, planting gentle kisses on your hair
when he’s reaching out to touch his baby’s smol hands,
the baby’s whole hand wraps around his pointer finger and he’s so smitten
dad kuroo nearly passes out
at home, he’s super encouraging to you, and he’s always reassuring and praising you for working tirelessly
he didn’t know he could experience more love in his life than he already has
but now he knows he can with his new little family<3333
☀︎—tōru oikawa
he’s literally so overjoyed and excited
like he picked you up and spun you around and peppered you with kisses after you first shared the news
after the first trimester passes, oikawa’s the type to tell everyone (who will listen) that he’s going to be a dad
like,, he’s picking you up weird craving foods or something and the cashier couldn’t care less but he’s like
“yeah, it’s for my baby momma” <3333 LMAO i’m just kidding he doesn’t say this... exactly
he’s also obsessed with your baby bump
like obsessed
he always absentmindedly rests his hand beneath your bump and caresses it tenderly
majorly freaks out when he feels a kick
kisses your bump almost more than you (i said almost because if you pout at him after, he’ll kiss your lips twice more ahhh)
i bet he definitely tried to plan some corny halloween costume involving your bump
it’s not all easygoing sometimes though,,
oikawa lays awake sometimes at night and he’s super anxious and insecure about being a dad
but one glance at your peaceful sleeping face
and he feels so reassured and lucky to have you as a partner
the day your water breaks, oikawa literally gets a superhuman adrenaline rush lol
like he’s yeeting things into the car on top of your already well-packed hospital bag because he just wants to be sure everything goes smoothly
“tōru we don’t need the yoga ball-”
he’s definitely a little more nervous and frazzled than you are and he’s not the best at hiding it
but you think it’s funny and cute to see him like this
and after hours of labor,
it honestly looks more like oikawa gave birth LMAO
his eyes are kinda wild and his hair is so disheveled and his clothes are crinkled from trying to cuddle and comfort you in the hospital bed
but he’s overwhelmed with a range of emotions
he’s definitely doing his ugly cry until he gets the chance to hold his baby
his heart stops for a moment and he swears that time stops too
the love in oikawa’s eyes is undeniable, and he promises right then and there that he’d do anything for this little bundle of joy
after bringing the baby home,
oikawa’s glued to the baby monitor if he’s not physically with his baby
but when he’s settled into bed with you after the baby’s asleep, you can hear him mumble incoherently about how happy he is
and it’s true
his eyes literally shine with joy now that he has two loves of his life
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dangcrprone · 3 years
Tumblr media
i. in the beginning. 
“then you look back at me, and suddenly i'm helpless oh, look at those eyes and the sky's the limit i'm helpless, down for the count and i'm drownin' i am so into you”
FALLING SLOWLY. glen hansard & markéta irglová. MELT. mystery jets. I ALWAYS KNEW. the vaccines. STUCK ON YOU. new politics. CRUSH. mandy moore. THAT WAY. tate mcrae. LIKE OR LIKE LIKE. miniature tigers. A DAYDREAM AWAY. all time low. RUIN THE FRIENDSHIP. demi lovato. BAD IDEAS. tessa violet. I THINK HE KNOWS. taylor swift. KISS THE GIRL (COVER). jonathan young. CRAVE YOU. flight facilities & giselle. CRUSH. tessa violet. MAKE ME LIKE YOU. gwen stafani. JUST A FRIEND TO YOU. meghan trainor. TEENAGER IN LOVE. madison beer. BUTTERFLIES. kacey musgraves. MELTING. kali uchis. CAN’T BLAME A GIRL FOR TRYING. sabrina carpenter. ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN. dodie. HELPLESS. original broadway cast of hamilton.
somewhere in Coolsville, approximately eleven years ago...
It was another case. Calling it a case when it was really just a weird occurrence that a group of barely-teenagers were investigating was a bit of a stretch, but the four of them (five, including Scooby, too) took their meddling very seriously. Which was how they currently ended up in an abandoned factory in Coolsville, rumored to have its deceased owner still haunting the grounds, leading to no other ownership since his passing. There were more details, but Daphne, at just fourteen, was a bit distracted during the research phase of their investigation, writing more variations of “Mrs. Daphne Blake-Jones” in her journal than actual notable facts relating to the alleged ghost. 
While the young girl was pretty sure the boy at the center of her crush wasn’t aware, Daphne couldn’t say the same for the rest of the group. It didn’t take a genius to figure out her admiration of their group’s leader, and unfortunately for Daphne, her best friend was actually a genius. 
It probably didn’t help that the teenager did spend a fair amount of time bringing the conversation topic back around to Freddy if she could. But she just couldn’t help it. 
He was brave, always leading the group when they didn’t know what lied ahead. He was so smart; he could think of creative ideas for traps even in the most impromptu situations. And no matter how many times she found herself in the damsel in distress role, she knew Freddy would always come to her rescue. 
He was practically her own knight in shining armor. 
Lost in the fantasyland of her puppy dog crush, Daphne let a longing sigh escape her, mindlessly, which made Freddy turn from where he was putting the finishing touches on his trap to capture the factory’s ghost, tilting his head as he asked, “Did you say something, Daph?” 
With pink cheeks, she shook her head ‘no,’ while he put one last piece together. “That’s set now all we have to do is wa-” Freddy was cut off by footsteps that sounded near. 
“Do you think it’s Shaggy or Velma?” Daphne asked worriedly, knowing the answer wasn’t going to be a good one. 
“No, they’re supposed to be leading Mr. Hyde’s ghost here.”
As the two shared a glance, she said, “I don’t think he needs to be lead....” 
Quick to action, Freddy grabbed Daphne’s hand, and she reasoned her heart beating strongly in her chest was just for fear of the ghost. Dragging her into the utility closet nearby, the two heard nothing but their own breathing as they waited for the footsteps to pass. 
After a minute of nothing, Daphne attempted to turn to Freddy in the dark, instead knocking into him a bit, her clumsiness showing itself at the most inopportune times. He braced himself with a hand on her shoulder, and it was then that their close proximity fully dawned on her. Maybe the lack of visibility gave her a bit of confidence, finally, as she softly asked, “Freddy?”
He almost sounded a bit unsure as he answered, “Yeah?” which was strange because he was always so sure, so confident. It was hard for Daphne to imagine anything making him hesitant. 
She finally had the perfect moment and couldn’t let it pass by. If she could just get the words out of her mouth before chickening out. How was she able to walk into haunted houses with her chin held high but was struggling now?
“Will you...be my first kiss?” 
Her voice was barely above a whisper, and the silence that followed was deafening. God, she was so stupid. Why would he ever want to kiss her? They were clearly just friends, and now she had just gone and ruined it al-
Her internal panic was cut short by Freddy kissing her. It was the most amazing feeling she had ever felt--better than any rom com she had ever watched implied it would be. But before she could even truly believe that it was really happening, there was a crash outside the closet, leading the two to jerk apart instantly, the blonde recognizing the noise. 
“He’s caught in the trap!” Freddy exclaimed excitedly as he went to check the trap, while Daphne silently raised her fingers to her lips, a grin forming on them. 
For the rest of the day, everyone thought Daphne had a huge smile on her face for how they successfully caught the ‘ghost’ of Mr. Hyde (who really just turned out just to be his son who didn’t want the property sold). 
She had other reasons to smile. 
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