#He brings joy to his brothers--but can also *drag* them
ravensonravens · 7 months
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"He had two brands of smile: the one that was preceded by a shy dip of his chin, a dimple, and then BAM, smile. And the one that teased for a moment before BAM, an infectious laugh."
Matthew charmed me RIGHT away, and he's SO fun to cosplay. 😭 A ray of sunshine and a playful, sassy dream of a boy. ☀️💖
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Dear K, you've been spoiling us haven't you? First with all your incredible worlds you've been sharing the last days and now this celebrations - congratulations 🎉🎉 I hope the joy of writing never leaves you! I would like to request
9. "Forget I ever said that" with Tommy with a sprinkle of tone-surprise on top
I hope you have fun and can't wait to see what you come up with! Xx
Val!! Thank SO much for your incredibly kind words!! You’ve been such a big supporter and dear friend of mine! I added some surprise into this, but I’m not sure if it’s how you wanted. A post I’d seen on here about this possibility came into mind and I decided to write it out. I hope you like it. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k celebration — find other stories here!
Good With Horses
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: drinking, smoking, language, brief mention of drug dealing
Word Count: 903
Summary: Tommy lets a secret slip while he and (Y/N) have a chat about his youngest brother.
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“I bet Pol’s spoke to ya,” Tommy started as he entered the front sitting room, where (Y/N) was relaxing on one of the couches.
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed at his statement, and she watched him as he walked to where the decanters are shelved so that he could grab one and a glass to bring over to where she was sitting. She doesn’t say anything, just watches as he pours himself a glass of whiskey so that he can immediately tip it back. The huffed groan that left his lips after he set the glass down tells her he’s had a long day.
“About what?” she decides to ask him, her brows still furrowed.
Tommy takes a moment to go about lighting himself a cigarette, and he doesn’t speak until after he’d taken a deep drag. “What Finn’s been up to,” he answered, sitting back against the chair as he finally looked at to her.
“She didn’t say anything to me about that,” (Y/N) shook her head, a bit of confusion present on her face now.
A scoff leaves Tommy’s lips and he shakes his head before voicing his thoughts: “she just about ripped my ear off with it earlier.” Rolling his eyes up to the ceiling before he took another drag from the cigarette.
“What’s he done?” she questioned, wanting to know what was going on.
“He’s been off dealing snow. She said that Moss saw him out with some of the junior Blinders.”
“The Blinders you’ve told him he needs to be a part of?” she raised her eyebrows.
“Yeah, but I haven’t told him that he needs to be out dealing with them,” he clarified, his eyebrows raised as he let his frustration seep through. “He doesn’t need to be dealing…he isn’t one of the fucking foot soldiers.”
“I don’t know what to say, Tommy…”
“I need to find something else for him to do,” he sighed, pressing his fingers to the bridge his nose in hopes to alleviate some of the pressure he was feeling. “I can’t have Pol constantly breathin’ down my neck about it.”
(Y/N) pursed her lips in a thin line as she began thinking of some possibilities that could work for Finn, since it seemed like that was the direction this conversation was heading.
“He can work at the tracks,” she proposed an idea.
“No,” he immediately shot it down.
“Why not?”
“Can’t have him around that side of things. Pol wants him to stay in Birmingham,” he gave the reason.
“He’s just barely sixteen, Tom…what sides of this business should he be able to work around? Maybe it’s not the place for him.”
“He’s gotta stay doing something,” he shot down her idea of having him step away completely. “Needs to be put to work,” he mumbled then, sitting up to rest his elbows on his thighs as he hung his head.
Silence settled around them for a few moments, both being consumed by their thoughts. (Y/N) was the one to speak first: “what if you put him at the yard with Uncle Charlie and Curly?” she suggested, her statement making Tommy look up again. The look of intrigue that flashed in his eyes made her continue. “He could help them with deliveries and also with the horses they have there,” she gave more of an explanation.
“He’ll stick with the horses…I won’t have him messing with the deliveries,” Tommy added his own thoughts to her idea. (Y/N) nodded her head in agreement.
“He’s good with horses, isn’t he?” she asked the question - that should have preceded her suggestion - after wracking her brain and trying to think of any memories that she had of Finn on a horse.
“He’s a Shelby…course he’s good with horses,” he answered, an undertone of pride present in his voice. “He’s a better rider than any of us I think,” he mused after a few moments passed.
(Y/N) couldn’t stop her lips from twisting up into a smile as she heard her husband’s statement. Never did she think that he’d admit the fact that someone in his family could be a better horseman than he was. She was certainly surprised by the admission.
“Hey…” Tommy started, the sound of his voice making (Y/N) look at him again. He took the cigarette out from between his lips and gestured it towards her, his index finger pointing in her direction; his eyebrows raised. “Forget I ever said that,” he insisted, his eyes locked onto hers.
(Y/N) pursed her lips together in hopes that her smile wouldn’t grow any larger, but she was betrayed. A giggle bubbled up passed her lips as she looked down at her lap, hoping that her look of surprise would disappear.
“Eh?” he checked with her when she didn’t respond right away.
She tried to put on as straight a face as possible as she looked up at him again. “I will,” she agreed with a nod.
Tommy nodded in response to her, relaxing back into the chair again. “He’ll work with the horses then,” he settled the matter, his eyes shutting for the first time that day.
The grin reappeared on (Y/N)’s face as she looked over at her relaxing husband. She’d most definitely be telling Polly, Esme, and Ada what he’d just admitted the next time the ladies got together.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @youtifulsunshinelixfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @iambored24601 @shaddixlife
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byunpum · 1 year
Can I ask for a side story of dad!Tsu-tey, like he and Neytiri and Jake have to do important adult stuff with the new clan they are in leaving the kids do their own thing
And the Omiatkaya kids are with reader who is making lunch with the spice they have with them to cook and Tistreya, Amoung, and Rotxo, try forest people food and it turns out that it's quite spicy as it's a delicacy
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Y/n daughter x sully family x Metkayina kids
Warning: None, Domestic moments, ao'nung being drama queen
Note: This would be like an alternate part to tsu'tey's "i can be a better father" series. You can read it HERE.
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Lo'ak had dragged his entire group of friends, including his brothers. Ao'nung, rotxo and tsireya were trailing behind the group of boys. They were proudly talking about their half-sister's culinary skills. "I know you're going to love it, Y/N is the best at making stew" lo'ak was excited. You had told him the day before, that you had collected everything to make his favorite dish. The metkayina kids were also excited, according to what their friends had told him this food was different from the ones they ate, which was something very tasty. 'Majestic;' as tuk said, as she jumped up and down with joy as they got closer to your marui.
The way to your marui was a bit further, as it was inside the jungle of one of the islands of the metkayina clan. So practically everyone was running. You were left alone, as your father had to go on a trip with Jake. So you were left alone with spider, and you had invited your siblings to have dinner at your home today. In the distance you can hear the voices of the group of friends. "We're here!!!" says neteyam, pushing lo'ak out of the way and entering the marui before anyone else. You laugh, watching as they were arguing over who was going to eat first. Meanwhile you were wiggling, and putting the last ingredients in. "Hey…calm down…there's food for everyone" you scold him, seeing how behind them you recognized three familiar faces. You say hello too, they looked a little shy. But you calm them down, telling them that they were practically family, that they were more than welcome.
All the boys sat down, waiting for the food to be ready. As they all talked and joked. They could smell it, the rich smell coming out of the pot. After a while, the food was ready. You bring out the plates, nice plates that you had brought from your old home. Handmade jars made by your father, perfect for when you made your stew. You hand everyone their respective plate, the metkayina boys were surprised to see the color and the rich smell coming out of this food. Tsireya watched as her friends were already beginning to eat. "Y/N this is delicious…thank you" says kiri, as she continued to eat.
"You're welcome…mmm I hope you like it. I want you to be honest with me, and tell me what you thought?" you speak, watching as ao'nung began to eat. Followed by roxto and tsireya. After the first bite, ao'nung started coughing but calmed down. Trying to calm down, as he watched your eyes widen in concern. "Everything okay?" you ask him. "Yes, yes…it's very …. yummy," ao'nung says coughing. Meanwhile tsireya, was eating quietly as was rotxo.
Rotxo was next to you, eating all the stew on his plate. This was not the first time he had eaten some of your food, but it was the first time he had eaten this dish. "Y/n this is delicious" says Rotxo, wagging his tail from side to side in happiness. You laugh a little, and shift your gaze. It looked so pretty.
"Y/N one question…what's that stuff at the end, it's like it stings, but it's delicious?" asks tsireya, the girl was excited about the food, it was something so new to her. She had never eaten anything like it. It was a very spicy dish.
"That's spicy…it's something special that Y/N puts in it," said neteyam. Meanwhile, ao'nung was still eating, but the more he ate the more red he was getting. But still, everyone ate every last drop of the stew. You start picking up the containers, everyone looked normal except for ao'nung who looked a little sick. He looked a little uncomfortable, and his face was red. You reach over, and touch his shoulder.
"Ao'nung are you okay?" you ask, watching as your friend fake a smile, but you could see his painful facial expressions. "Did something happen with the food?" you ask. "No…it was - delicious, it's just that I" ao'nung puts his hand to his stomach, you could hear the crunching sounds his stomach was making. As it is he twisted in pain. "You're not well…I think the spicy sauce made you sick" kiri says, as other guys came over to see what was wrong with their friend. "No…I'm fine, don't worry" speaks ao'nung, trying to hold back a mouthful of vomit.
"I think we should see mom" tsireya says, moving closer to her brother. Helping him up from the floor. Everyone was worried, because he was getting worse very fast. "Yes…come on, come on" you help tsireya carry ao'nung. The poor boy was trying to keep his balance.
"I think these tanks will last for about 5 months" tsu'tey says. Jake, neytiri and tsu'tey had set out from the morning on a quick trip to the camp in the hallelujah mountains. They were going to get some supplies, like oxygen for spider and Y/N. And find out if there was any new news. "Yes…I think up to 8 months." Says jake helping tsu'tey carry the oxygen tanks to his marui. When they arrived, they noticed that no one was there, and there was a mess of dirty dishes and cooking utensils. As if someone had walked past them, as if someone had left in a hurry.
Both men put down their oxygen tanks, and look at each other in confusion. Tsu'tey was already getting nervous. Just before either of them could speak, neytiri rushes into the marui. "Tsu'tey come…Y/N is in trouble" says neytiri. Tsu'tey runs out, behind neytiri and jake follows them. What could have happened, you were not a girl who made trouble. The group of friends arrived where he had indicated to neytiri. Tsu'tey saw how Y/N was at the entrance of Ronal's marui, next to her was spider. He was holding his sister's hand, and neteyam was in front of her calming her down. He could see how nervous she was.
The group of friends approached the boys. " Dad!!!" you whimper, running to hug your father. Tsu'tey hugs you back, patting your high back. " Dad…. I swear I didn't do anything!!!" you were a little agitated, neteyam walks over to his uncle. Like the big brother he was, he was going to clear the whole thing up. "Teyam, what happened?" asks Jake. Looking at his children cautiously, lo'ak was at his brother's side. Meanwhile spider, was still holding your hand. "I can explain everything…" speaks lo'ak. But his father makes a grimace for him to keep silent.
"Dad… Y/N prepared something to eat for all of us and we invited the guys. But the food that Y/N made was spicy. and apparently that was very bad for ao'nung. Ronal yelled at us, and made Y/N feel very bad" neteyam tries to explain everything that happened. Meanwhile you were trying to hold back your tears, it was the first time in your life that someone yelled at you the way Ronal did. You had never experienced a bad treatment from an elder. That hurt you, you were a very well-behaved, kind girl. You were obedient, and you hardly ever got into trouble. And now you felt very guilty.
"Dad…he was very bad. He even vomited blood, and it was my fault" you were trying to sound calm, but your crying voice was creeping in. " Sweetheart this is not your problem, you didn't do anything…calm down" tsu'tey tries to reassure you. Jake walks over to you, and strokes your hair. "Y/N I'm going to talk to ronal…you take it easy. Go with your dad to your home and rest" jake speaks, walking away to enter ronal's marui.
Tsu'tey tries to comfort you some more. He then asks neteyam as a favor to take his sister home. All your brothers take you to their marui. While Tsu'tey and Neytiri accompany Jake. No one was going to be yelling at his daughter, while tsu'tey tried to defend you. Jake tried to calm him down, they didn't want to get kicked out of the clan. The boy's stomach was pretty badly hurt, so what had happened had been very serious. But it was not justifiable the bad treatment that Ronal had given you. After discussing for a while, and making all things clear. Everyone went home.
Later in the evening, you were calmer. Your brothers had stayed with you. Then the rest of the family arrived. Tsu'tey prepared something to eat, so that everyone would calm down. Even Neytiri was comforting you, she felt that you did not deserve this bad treatment. And for such a simple thing, it was not your fault that the boy was so weak in the stomach. After dinner, everyone went home. Spider had gone to bed early, while tsu'tey was finishing a basket he would use to hunt fish. Meanwhile you, you wanted to go apologize to ao'nung.
"Hey, where are you going?" asks tsu'tey as he watches you walk out of the marui. "I'm going to walk for a while…I want to clear my head" you speak. Your father just gives you a smile, and keeps working.
You had to apologize to ao'nung. You felt guilty, after all you were the one who made that meal. Poor thing, he must feel terrible. After a while, you arrive at the marui of tsireya and her family. You were afraid that Ronal might see you and yell at you again. But to your good fortune, only tsireya is there. The girl sees you at the entrance, you had your arms crossed.
"Hey!!!" says tsireya in a low voice, approaching you. "Hey…how are you?" she asks you.
"I'm fine…. I came to check on ao'nung. I didn't get a chance to see him" you speak, lowering your head expecting tsireya to be upset with you. But you feel her take your hand, and begin to guide you to where ao'nung is supposed to be. "He's better…tired. But he's going to be fine" the girl says dragging you along with her. You are surprised at how big her marui is, it is very beautiful. You can see ao'nung lying on the ground, on a kind of makeshift bed. He was half awake, moving his face to see what his sister was doing.
"Hello" you speak softly trying not to make him uncomfortable. Ao'nung laughs, and you raise your hand a little. Waving at you foolishly, and making a sign for you to approach him. "Y/N you're here" he speaks, you could tell he was still in pain. You sit next to him, watching tsireya walk away, to do other things. "I want to apologize…I didn't mean for you to get like this" you try to apologize. But you hear a giggle coming from ao'nung. "You're silly!!!" the boy teases you. You give him a pinch on the shoulder, and he yelps in pain but doesn't stop laughing.
"I know it wasn't your fault, I'm just a giant baby….I should be the one apologizing" ao'nung stops talking, and takes your hand. To give it a squeeze and stroke the top of your hand with his thumb. "She shouldn't have yelled at you like that…it was unfair. I apologize sincerely, on behalf of this family and the clan. You are an honorable member, and I know you would never hurt anyone…least of all me, would you?" ao'nung went from a very touching speech, to being flirtatious in seconds. Winking at you, while seeing that you're blushing. " Yah, get off me…. idiot" you whine. Pulling further away from him, sticking out your tongue.
The two of you stay silent for a couple of seconds, until you move over and adjust one of ao'nung's curls. to lift you off the ground. "Well I'm glad you're okay…mmm tomorrow I'll make you a drink perfect for these things" you speak, as you see ao'nung's eyes widen. "Really…it's very good" you joke.
"I'll eat and drink whatever you give me…I don't mind. But only if you prepare it" he winks at you again. You look away, ignoring him. If he was right, he was still the same stupid as always. But even dumber and weaker.
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quipxotic · 4 months
OK I’ll play. What insecurity visions could Matt torture Bell’s Hells with? Ideas under the cut for length and also trigger warnings for general trauma and awfulness because, after all, it's emotional torture and manipulation:
What can we guess from what we've seen of the first vision?
Well, Chet saw himself as a child murderer/werewolf version of the big bad wolf, so clearly these visions don't have to be based in reality. They just have to be emotionally resonant.
I suspect a lot of the things we all think should be in the visions because they're commonly discussed among fans, won't be. The players are all aware of those issues and Matt knows that, so if the point is to catch them by surprise, he'll have to try other things. I mean, would anyone have had Chet murdering children on their bingo card before s3e97?
I'll still include the obvious stuff in the list below because my silly brain won't move on to thinking about other options until I have those out of the way.
Another thing, that vision both played on Chet's fears and a soft spot for Travis, so we shouldn't be surprised if the other visions also have dual targets.
The visions could target issues and events that happened before the group met to add to the confusion about whether they're real or not.
Regardless how far the visions are from reality, they have the power to convince their target that they're real.
What visions might we get for each member of Bell's Hells?
His abandonment by his family, maybe showing what he fears might have happened to them.
The possibility of passing along his curse to his friends or other innocent people.
How little he was able to help in the fight that killed FCG, i.e. the curse he embraced to give himself the power to do more and be more actually not being enough to protect the people he loves.
Being old and either dying without leaving his mark or dying alone, abandoned, and forgotten.
Losing his ability to create using wood or maybe create anything period.
Delilah, of course. There’s a lot of ways that trauma could be flavored but my guess is a vision of the children of Whitestone dead at Laudna's hands thanks to Delilah's influence.
Seeing herself hanging her friends on the Sun Tree.
A rehashing of Bor’Dor's death and her doing something similar to all her friends or other people close to them. Keyleth perhaps?
Imogen rejecting her, but maybe not over something obvious like Delilah. Maybe something more integral to Laudna herself like her stunted maturity? Maybe showing Laudna a version of her life where she's trapped in place but everyone else gets to grow, change, and live fully rounded adult lives.
Betrayal from within the group. I’d guess Imogen and Team Issylra would feature highly in that if it happens.
We already know that the visions will target the fate of Cyrus, taking the slant that Dorian never let Cyrus take responsibility for his mistakes while simultaneously dragging his brother into the consequences of his own mistakes.
Opal losing herself to the Spider Queen and how he could have saved her by taking the crown himself.
Dorian’s cowardice (whether real or imagined) and tendency to run away from problems/complications is probably too obvious, but it could still be pretty juicy to explore.
The potential destruction of the Silken Squall due to the changes in magic and both he and Cyrus not being there.
Alternatively he could see a life in his home where he’s forced to abandon all the elements of himself and his travels that bring him joy. A future of soulless work and obligation, alone and without the outlet of honest self-expression even in your private hours would crack a lot of people.
She thinks she is going to be fine but I don't think so. Like we saw with Chet, the visions don’t have to be based in reality to cause harm
She has some abandonment issues from her parents. I wonder if, rather than taking that head-on, the spin will be around her parents “selling” her to Morri for a favor.
The possibility of her father hurting or killing everyone she loves to try to exalt her.
Do people really love her for herself or for who she was manufactured to be? How much trust can she put in their love? Does Nana love her or does she just see Fearne as a useful card to play in her long game of manipulating fate?
Dark mirror Fearne could show up here, but I doubt it since we just had her a few episodes ago.
Fearne has struggled with understanding death. How would she react if all of her friends were gone or turned against her?
The most obvious is Liliana/Laudna not loving her enough to choose her over opportunities for power or control.
The call of Predathos and being fated to surrender herself to it.
Watching Laudna lose herself to the point of committing horrors and having to decide whether to fight her or watch others suffer.
Failing at her mission and facing the consequences of all the death and suffering Predathos could cause.
The death of FCG and that, towards the end of the last Otohan fight, Imogen chose to play dead rather than continue fighting.
The deaths of his husband and father-in-law seem pretty likely but surely Orym/Liam would expect that? Maybe having Will and Derrig guilting Orym about his feelings about Dorian? It doesn't matter that in reality they'd both be happy for him to love again, just that Orym feels he doesn't have the right to want that.
Having to follow through on Keyleth’s order to kill Bell’s Hells if they become a threat.
Choosing not to kill Bell's Hells and dealing with what he fears Keyleth and his family would think about that.
Seeing Whitestone and Zephrah destroyed and Keyleth and Vox Machina killed because he failed to stop Delilah from taking over Laudna.
Something from their Issylra trip. Maybe the assault on the temple? Maybe something to do with Bor'Dor?
Just the idea that he'll never be good enough to save the people he cares about, perhaps featuring FCG, Will, Derrig, and Eshteross.
Becoming someone hard and cold, delighting in his fighting abilities for their own sake. Basically, becoming Otohan.
A lot of abandonment issues in Bell's Hells, and Ashton is maybe the worst of the bunch in that area. His vision could be facing his parents and the Nobodies as they tell him how worthless and disappointing he is? Not smart enough. Not charming or kind enough to make real friendships or keep anyone close. Why would anyone want to be around them for long?
But also maybe they're too much? Too angry, too emotional, too violent, too soft. They're both too overwhelming and too reckless. They can't be trusted with fragile things, like other people's lives (featuring FCG, Laudna, and Fearne for extra pain).
I don't think Ashton is jealous in the way a lot of fans try to make them out to be, but I do think they're insecure in their relationships. So he wouldn't begrudge Fearne her poly relationships but might wonder if there's still room for them in all that? They're glad Dorian is back, but does that mean his close relationship with Orym will be discarded now it's no longer needed to help fill that void? Are they only a convenient, temporary fix that their loved ones use until something better comes along?
Maybe something about Issylra, either Hearthdell and Abaddina or what happened to the Hishari?
Shard-gate, round 2?
Rightfully Essek should also be here, but I don't have the background knowledge to do that well, so I'll leave that to the C2 fans.
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Forgetting the end of the third part of second chance, all of it just made me feel so sad for Lucien. Someone needs to write something about Lucien being brought to Helion way younger, like as a child or something.
Look at me turning into Vanseera and Helion blog and all this time I thought I didn't have it in me. Also, I think I was supposed to make it better but I might just made it worse... upsie...
warning: blood, beating, child birth, all the warnings that come with Beron.
Live, Licien, live
The wind was so harsh. So cold. So bitter. Rarely were the nights in autumn so cold but it seemed like the world had been suffering today alongside Eris. Maybe it was his father's bitterness that followed him. Maybe it was his ever-seeing eyes, that now lashed at him for disobeying. He was supposed to be in the training hall, kicking and slashing at his other brothers. But he couldn't not after today. Not when he had watched the horrors of it for some time now.
How long can one neglect the inner voice? Shouting and clawing at you that it was all wrong. That this was not how the world worked. Couldn't be. His father had been wrong. Real power couldn't lay in the joy of making others suffer. Beg. Bleed beneath your feet. Eris had already done so many things wrong. Had given in to his father's cruel demand. Out of fear of dying himself, had bled others dry. But he never forgot their faces. He could name every single soul he sent to the other world. But this time. This time he couldn't sit still.
Eris's mother had given birth a couple of hours ago. Yet from the moment the pregnancy was announced, Eris felt that something was off. Beron valued his litter. The fighting dogs his wife provided. Eris had watched her go through childbearing multiple times and his father's hands would soften when the swell in her stomach rounded. Yet this time she was offered a cell. A bucket. Beatings. Water if she was lucky. And Eris had never been more confused. Was Beron suddenly against having more sons?
He tried to raise the question to his father. It wasn't in a pleading way, he approached it as a future high lord and yet the furry that left his father the moment Eris spoke his mother's name. The beating had been like no other. Eris hadn't even crowded out of the throne room after. Just laid there hoping that his body would heal a little and then he'll drag himself out. But that was more than enough for him. The baby growing wasn't Beron's. That was clear.
So Eris slipped into the cell as often as he could. He still couldn't properly feed his mother because someone would notice but he kept the food as nutritious as possible. Enough to keep them both alive, to help the baby grow and his mother go through labor. He had bribed the guards who had been ordered to beat her. Eris couldn't stop them fully because his father came down here almost every day to watch his wife fade away. But enough to keep the kicks and slashes away from her bump and breasts, enough to soften the blows.
Eris had pleaded for days for her to tell him the truth. Tell him who the father was so that he could hold onto something. Know why the furry in his father burned so hard. She said nothing, "Not your burden to carry", she said day after day. Until she went into labor. Way too early. Way too fast. The beating that night had done the trick. Even her body had given up on growing that innocent soul within her.
Eris had found her in a pool of blood, panting, gritting her teeth. Pleading with the gods to not let this happen. To let her keep him within her womb just a bit longer. But fate was cruel. It had laughed at his mother that night. No one came to help her. The cell doors had been locked tight the moment her screams echoed through the basement. Eris knew that this was another way of making her pay. Having her die like a rat there while bringing a bastard into this world.
Just Eris had learned parts of the house no one besides him knew off. He had dragged buckets of water there in a hurry, blankets. Did he know what he was doing? No. But his mother was there. The one source of decency. The only reason why he wasn't like his father. So at that moment, he didn't care what he had to do, he was going to fight for them if they refused to. He was going to try and save them.
Of course, his mother had tried to usher him away. Beginning to let her be in her shame. Let Mother Nature do her thing but Eris was unmoved. He crotched next to her. Pushing heaps of blankets behind her and beneath her back. "You'll get yourself killed", she sobbed, watching as he wetted the cloth to soothe the dizziness she was feeling, "Go, before his blade slashes your throat". But her words did little to inflict fear in Eris. He braced his hands on her legs, just as he had seen the healers do many times. Their eyes met and he could tell that something in his mouth had shifted.
Eris heard her scream even here. Even as he ran across the dark forest. At times the wind sounded just like her. No longer like his father. It sounded as if she was crying for her two boys. Her two sons who still had hope of keeping their hearts untarnished. Eris wished he could erase the image of her lifeless body, though. Wished he could have frozen the smile that brushed her features when Eris brought the baby closer to him, pressing his palm over his mouth, to drown out the sobs. And then in the blink of an eye, she was gone. Just a pile of broken limbs and a pool of blood. Eris had talked one more glance before he fled. Maybe they were going to assume she just died like this with the baby instead her. Just bled to death. He hoped they would. For everyone's sake.
The baby inside his arms let out a cry. A cry Eris wished he could have let out as well. Lucien. His mother had whispered the name before she went. Little Lucien. Eris only held the boy closer. Not even hours in this world and he was already fighting toughest battles. But Eris was going to make it better. He was going to save him. He could feel the baby squirming against his chest, feeling the little tears that fell onto his skin, "You'll live, you'll get to live. Live, Lucien, live", Eris muttered over and over as he rushed.
It only dawned on him how this all might look when he was standing right outside Helion's castle. The guards had pointed their weapons at him and here was Eris Vanserra, trembling like a leaf with a screaming baby in his arms, "I need to see him", he pleaded, "Let me see Helion". But no one wanted to listen and no one would have if not Helion himself had heard the commotion and the sobs.
"What's all of this", he had roared, making the guards stagger back. It's only when the red hair came into his view did he halt himself. That same color of hair Helion had kissed so many times on his lover. But it couldn't be her. There was no way for her to leave just like that. It's the panic. The smell of her. The smell of blood. That made him order everyone away as he pushed Eris through the gates.
Eris only managed to make it through into the hall before his legs bucked and he sank to the floor. "Boy, what's all of this? What's going on?", Helion demanded, yet it wasn't anything like the way Beron demanded. Helion had still left him a choice to refuse to answer. Eris didn't trust his words. Not just yet. Not after everything that happened tonight. He pulled his cloak off, pushed the side of his shirt aside, and pulled back the messily wrapped fabric.
Helion's eyes had grown big as he inhaled sharply. Eris could tell that he understood what this meant. That he hadn't expected it. But he knew what this baby was. "Yours", Eris crocked out. Letting the high lord reach out, to pull the baby out of his arms. "Mother died", those words made Helion's body shake, jaw clenching. But he only held onto the crying babe stronger, "Mother died but Lucien lives. Keep him alive Helion. Keep him alive".
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wonderingpanda · 1 month
MM/Tales Mikey and his S/O. being "improv bf and ballet gf"?
Improvisational Ballerina
Tottmnt!Mikey x Ballerina!Reader
Ok, I had no idea if that post was going to get out there but it did so that’ll you guys! I have 3 other request to work on at the moment and I love them all so thank you, keep it coming! I tried to stick to clichés mostly as I really wasn’t sure how to write this but I hope I did well so please, enjoy!
You and Mikey first met in dance
It seemed like a fun elective and most of his improv friends were doing it so he figured, why not?
Upon entering the classroom, you were one of the first people he noticed
You were just sitting there, doing some personal stretches before warm-up, and all he could think was
“Damn, that girl can bend like spaghetti! Or pizza I guess. Mmmm I love pizza. Shoot, now I’m craving pizza! With a golden crust and gooey, delicious cheese…”
“Mikey! We’re about to start dude.” He was so deep into his own thoughts his friend had to snap him out of it. Wouldn’t be the first time either
“Oh yeah totally, I’ll be right there.” And as he moved to go find a spot, he couldn’t help but notice you gazing over in his direction. Interesting… very interesting
As time went by he kept being drawn to you. He noticed you in the halls, at lunch, but most of the time he’d be caught looking over at you during dance
Eventually, the class had to split into groups and each work on a group piece to present. Turns out, you guys had quite a few mutual friends and ended up being dragged into the same group together
Mikey, ever the extrovert, immediately took the opportunity to introduce himself and you guys got to talking
He found out you were mainly there to do ballet. Also contemporary (as that was the main focus of the class) but mainly ballet
Also apparently the school has a dance team, sick!
He did get to hear all about the ballet classes you take out of school and all the pain joy that rehearsal brings
In all honesty, you love it, it just requires a lot of physical strength
From that day onwards, you guys kept talking and hanging in class, then out of class, then out of school
It was awesome and Mikey couldn’t be happier, he had found a new close friend
As you two hung out more, some feelings started to grow
Nothing really changed much but close contact like high-fives and hugs became increasingly heart-racing
Even sitting next to each other was enough to raise your heart rates
Also villains might of seen you two hanging out every now and then so there may have been some kidnappery that left you in need of saving
But it’s fine, you’re fine
Everything’s fine
It was actually after one of those daring rescues that he finally asked you out, after an attack on the school
He had originally planned to do a dance with your friends and make it a big gesture
But after that fight, he didn’t want to take any chances and possibly leave it too late
So, once everyone was safe and everything, he immediately ran to you
Y/n! Are you hurt or anything? Don’t worry Mikey, I’m fine. Okay cos I kind of have something to ask you. Sure, what is it? Will you go out with me?
He said it, straight up just like that
You said yes, obviously, but it wasn’t your answer he was super worried about
He just wanted the chance to let you know how he felt
And so, you two were quickly recognised as a couple around school
A theatre kid and a ballet kid, two performers each with unique styles that somehow mixed perfectly
Now, you had known who Mikey and his brothers were long before you two even first talked
I mean, the whole school knew about them; it wasn’t any big secret
But you’d never really talked to them in-person before not until they started teasing Mikey about his crush on you
Then they had to help save you and from there friendship was inevitable
Seriously, you can’t just ignore someone after they’ve helped save you… multiple times
And believe me, it doesn’t matter that you two were dating now, they still loved teasing Mikey about it
So sometimes you had to take extra measures to ensure payback was efficient
But don’t worry they still have their shells on, for now
However, there was one close friend of Mikey’s whom you struggled to get comfortable with
While I hate to say it, you and April didn’t get along easily
Being a ballet kid sometimes came with a bad rep and for someone like April, who had been picked on by so many people (including the ballet kids), trust wasn’t always easy to instil in others
You did manage to become friends though. Yes, some of the ballet people you hung out with weren’t the best and yes, you may have laughed along with their cruel jokes to try and fit in but that was the past
Also, surprisingly, April is super forgiving and chill so everything’s good between you two now
As for how you and Mikey are as an actual couple, well…
There’s running through halls
MIKEY, DROP THE GLITTER BOMB! But Donnie made it just for meeee! That doesn’t-no-stop-get back here you turd! TURD!? What kind of an insult is that! Mikey! Catch me if you can!
Crying to movies
Why’d they have to kill the dog! I don’t know. I loved that little guy. *sniffle* I-I know *simultaneous sobbing*
Mikey teaching you improv
So the idea is we go around in a circle and keep a steady rhythm. And you keep that rhythm by using hand gestures and yelling ‘wah’? Exactly! Ok… just wondering, how does this relate to improv? I don’t know. I guess it’s cos it makes you think on the spot. Right.
And you teaching Mikey ballet
Come on, stretch! Ahhh! Stretch! I-I can’t! Yes you can! Now STRETCH! Aaaoooww!!!
Oh, and sometimes you have to be a bit strict with him
Mikey loves chaos and has been raised on it but you’ve been taught to follow the rules so much that not doing so almost seems terrifying
So if, on the odd occasion, Mikey is trying to hide something from you it’s ok
He’s not cheating, just breaking the law
He loves attending your concerts and follows no laws of theatre etiquette which can be embarrassing but also adorable
You, on the other hand, found it almost life-changing to go to one of Mikey’s improv nights
The audience interaction and goofy scenes made it all so thrilling and exciting
And while you do have friends who had been doing improv for ages, you’d never actually attended one of the shows before
But your bf is the exception, forever and always
You still haven’t met his dad as you refuse to enter the sewers and Splinter still struggles with coming out in broad daylight
And your parents are yet to hear of your relationship as you have no idea how they’d feel about you dating a mutant turtle
They do, of course, know of your friendship but perhaps you’ll wait a bit before breaking the news that it’s a little more now
And the shots they’d make you take just for kissing him, the thought is draining
Besides, it can’t be that dangerous to kiss a turtle… can it?
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And don’t worry, I didn’t forget about the precious mutanimals
They know of you but you are yet to meet, you’ll talk eventually though
Overall, your relationship is messy, chaotic, thrilling and partially secretive
But it feels right
I hope I did good. Also, I’m an ex-ballet kid and a current theatre kid so I found this hilarious to write. And I do mean ex-ballet kid, I haven’t done proper classes in years so apologies if I got some stuff wrong. Anyway, as usual, please have a lovely day/night wherever you are!✨
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ninapi · 2 years
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Premise: Rintarou unexpectedly meets the girl of his dreams through an online game and he does his best to find this mysterious girl in the real world and keep her for good.
Word Count: 3289
Note: Hello, my beautiful dumplings. Welcome to my Suna miniseries, huhuhu. This will be a short story (4 chapters lol sorry, that’s my definition of short 🙃 sometimes I wonder how people write complete stories under 800 words, I just cant-), while I prepare for my new big series. Some high school drama, no multiple endings or routes just one~ Smooches for all of you.
Warning: Mild spoilers, if you’re up to date with the anime you’ll be just fine.
Chapter 1: Not so bad.
Suna Rintarou was by no means enjoying his second year of high school. Summer weather was definitely not his favorite, always tough on him, but the agony was even worse this year. He was tired, not just physically but mentally, the toll of dealing not only with his own sense of failure but also his teammates who were gravely disappointed of not being able to give their captain the satisfaction of going to the finals and bring victory to their school in his last year on the team.
It hasn’t been long since Inarizaki lost to Karasuno, which meant the practice schedule has increased not only in frequency but also in intensity. Days were very long and every single muscle in Suna’s body hurt. He was really looking forward to the holiday weekend, meaning he would have an extra day to rest.
His classmates were raving about this new online game that had recently come out and was very popular. They had plans to play together during the weekend and advance into one of the heaviest of dungeons before classes resumed, but their plan came to a sudden stop, the twins were being dragged by their mother into a family wedding across the country and they wouldn’t be able to join the team.
The boys were devastated, whining men heard all over the class. They were really counting on the Miya power to beat the hell out of the dungeon boss, help was needed desperately.
¨Hey Suna, I know you said you didn’t like the gameplay you watched the other day but can you please join our team? Without Osamu in our side we are doomed.¨ Suna heaved a deep sigh, collapsing on top of his desk. ¨Am I your last option? Can’t you find someone who really wants to play this? I’m so tired, I was planning on staying in bed all weekend.¨ Osamu pulled him back up, giving him a stern look, ¨Come on, help your mates. I wish I could stay and beat them up but there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s just for this weekend, we’ll be back for the next and continue where you left off.¨ he really didn’t want to do this, but if he didn’t agree to it they wouldn’t shut up until he did, ¨Fine, text me the link. I’ll be there after dinner.¨ the boys were smothering him with hugs and trying to kiss off his face in joy, making him grimace as he shook them all off and went back to sleep on his very comfy desk. The thought of finally resting this weekend turning into nothing but a sad memory.
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
The guys added him to a group chat and everything was ready for the first quest. 
His sister tied his hair up at the front in a tiny ponytail so he would look like some of those cute game-streamers she watches, not caring if her brother needed it or not with his hairstyle. He was beyond annoyed with life in general, why do people not leave him alone, even his sister was now conspiring to destroy his peaceful long holiday weekend, ¨Curse those damn twins. It’s all their fault.¨ he was grumbling under his breath while putting his headset on and going in the game to create his character.
¨Alright guys, let’s go level up first, stay in this area and let’s meet up at the bottom of the hill when you reach level 20, then we’ll move in to the forest.¨ they all hummed in acknowledgement, breaking the group. Suna went off to chase some slimes and smaller monsters, hating his life every second of it, the game had a very cute looking art style and it was just not his jam at all. He found it hilarious though that the toughest guys in his class were all hunting cute rabbits and crying over it out loud and in their shared group chat space, so he made sure to screenshot some of those moments, posting them in his account and tagging all his playmates. He had to get something out of this torture, at least he could make fun of them for a while.
His character stopped moving and it turned into a pixel block, ¨Guys, is the game acting up or is it just mine?¨ he could only hear static coming through his headset and some of the guys were posting on the chat that the game kicked them out and they were rebooting their pc, so he just stayed there waiting for the rest to go back in. His character was still a bit glitchy but it was moving now. Then all of the sudden he heard a very loud screech pressed to his left ear, and he was positive that it was not human. ¨Oh my god, sausage! What are you doing to my poor headset? Leave it alone!!¨ saying he was confused was an understatement, all the players in his team were dudes, ¨Ehm, hi?¨ the line went quiet but he wasn’t hearing any more static, just some shuffling on the other side, ¨Who’s this?¨ you were sitting on your chair now, the fluff ball being kicked out of your room for good. ¨Uhm, Rintarou? How about you? Did the guys call you over? I didn’t hear anything about any girl joining our party.¨ Rintarou? What- you were just chatting with your girlfriends when your cat jumped on you and stole your headset, there was no Rintarou in that group, ¨I'm (Y/N). Are you Miyuki’s boyfriend?¨ Miyuki? Was there a Miyuki in his class? It was possible, not like he knows everybody but this was all so confusing, ¨Nope, definitely not that Rintarou. So you are not with the guys either? How did you get into the group? The game didn’t say someone new joined the party.¨ 
You were so confused, you could see your actual party on the screen and on the side chat but you couldn’t hear them talk, just this random guy, ¨Did your game get glitchy too? Maybe that’s how you ended up in my party.¨ he moved his character around, looking for you, but he was completely alone in the area, some of the guys still complaining about the game not letting them in through his phone. ¨Well, I mean yes. It did get glitchy but I can still see my girls playing on my screen, could it be just the audio that got crossed over somehow?¨ it was so weird, none of the girls even noticed your absence, you said you were having some troubles with your headset and so they just continued killing monsters, ¨Yeah, I don’t see you around me either, so I guess it’s just the audio getting messy. Hold on, Imma log out and see if that resets us back to normal.¨ you nodded even if he couldn’t see you. ¨Ugh, what the hell. The logout button is gone. How about you, do you see it?¨ you were checking everywhere in your screen, it was definitely not where it usually is, ¨It’s gone for me too. I bet it’s just still glitchy and will go back to normal in a bit, if it’s fine with you, we could just keep playing like this until the game fixes itself?¨ he was already back to killing slimes, way over level 20 by now and his classmates were still gone, ¨Yeah, fine with me.¨ 
Both of you continued doing your thing in complete silence, so much so that Suna forgot you were still there and started mumbling curses quietly, he was being targeted by larger monsters now and was still on his own, he didn’t know much about this game and he was loosing HP fast, ¨What’s wrong?¨ your soft voice startled him, his ears flushing bright red in embarrassment, ¨Sorry, I forgot you were still there. Just being attacked by inferno wolves, don’t know how to kill them, today is my first day playing this.¨ you chuckled quietly, he was kindda cute, those were very easy to kill lesser monsters, ¨Just jump on them and stomp hard.¨ he did as instructed, killing one instantly, ¨Oh wow that was easy, thanks. Are you like a guild master or something?¨ that made you smile, you were right, he was cute. ¨Nothing of the sort, just been playing this for longer. Let me know if you need more help, I know my fair share of tricks.¨ 
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
He was about to just ‘x’ out the game since the logout button was still gone, it was 9:30 and none of the guys were able to log back in, the game refusing to accept them, it was a waste of time, he didn’t even want to play this ridiculous game, the happy tune coming out of it was driving him insane at this point, that was until he heard your quiet giggles, it made him curious. They started soft, he almost thought he’d imagined it, but they grew louder each second and without realizing it, he was smiling, ¨What is it?¨ he wasn’t going to say anything but he just needed to know what was causing the cute fit of giggles on the other side, or he wasn’t going to be able to sleep in peace. ¨You heard that? Oh no, so embarrassing. Sorry, my cat, he is crazy you see. Earlier he was chewing on my headset so I kicked him out, but he got out of the house and got back into my room climbing all the way to the window, he’s like a ninja! And was nuzzling my tummy just now, I’m very ticklish.¨ was it normal for such a story to be this cute? Since when does he find cat ninjas cute? Why does he feel the need to tickle an unknown woman-
¨Was that sausage?¨ he chuckled evilly, wanting to continue the conversation, ¨Oh GOD, you heard that too? This game is like boycotting my life, I’m telling you. But yes, that’s sausage. He’s very heavy and of a brownish tone so he kindda looks like one, that’s why we named him that.¨ it’s not like he was interested in cats, but this was way better than killing blue pixel blobs, ¨It’s kay, I find names like that fun, I really don’t like when people name their pets, I don’t know Steve or something,¨ that caused you to laugh loud and clear, getting stabbed by a monster in the process, which made you just laugh even more, ¨Steve? What? Who would name their cat Steve?¨ you let your character bleed to death and were now hugging one of your pillows while sipping on some juice you had left, getting comfy on your chair. ¨Believe it or not, I’ve seen things, specially since I got in my current school volleyball team, there you see crazy, crazy stuff.¨ so he played volleyball…you’re nowhere near athletic but damn, he sounded like an interesting individual. The night was nothing like what you expected it to be, it was getting better every second.
Time surely flies when you’re actually having fun. He got some fruit jelly out and was chewing on it while speaking, needing some extra sugar to stay awake longer, ¨Are you eating fruit jelly?¨ he sits up right away, making sure his cam was actually off, ¨How do you know? Is this game livestreaming now or-?¨ you wished, ¨Hahaha no, it’s just that they make this sound, you know what I mean? Like when you suck the jelly out? I know I’m weird, I’m so sorry.¨ was he making sucking sounds just now? Why was he blushing? He didn’t know his favorite snack made suggestive sounds, well, that was embarrassing, he didn’t do that on purpose, ¨Ugh, well yeah you got me there, I’m eating fruit jelly. But I don’t think you’re that weird. Just a bit.¨ now you were the one blushing, it was fun talking to him, you've been talking about everything and nothing in particular at the same time for the last couple of hours and it was nearly midnight now. ¨Hey, is your game still glitchy? My chara is like dead now but still let’s me talk to you, I think there’s something really wrong with this game today.¨ his character was sitting down on a daisy field, enjoying his life as much as his owner, no monsters in sight, but the logout button was still not available, ¨Yeah, well I’m not dead, but things look the same, my mates were also complaining because the game kicked them out and didn’t let them back in.¨ he actually lied to his classmates and told them he was going to bed like twenty minutes ago but he just wasn’t capable of telling you how tired he actually was, ¨Hm, yeah I don’t think it’s going to let us sign out tonight, should we leave it open and just go to bed? It’s getting late and even if there’s no school tomorrow we should probably get going.¨ so you were in school too, your voice sounded right about his age but he didn’t know how to ask without sounding like a creepy old man, ¨Yeah I was thinking of going to bed too but sausage wouldn’t let us go.¨ us, huh? you smiled bashfully, playing with the headset cord, ¨Sausage is like that, I think he likes to hear your voice.¨ oh boy, was he smitten, he didn’t know much about you or what you looked like even but he wanted more of this, whatever that was, ¨Well then that means we gotta keep talking so he can hear it some more, maybe then he won’t eat your headset.¨ he could hear your giggles once more, they were creating a hole in his stomach, pretty sure it was eating itself out at your cuteness, he just wanted to continue hearing them, people never laughs at his comments, this was a first you actually thought he was funny, ¨We should. Do you think if we just don’t close the game it would stay like this? I mean like the audio and all…? Maybe we could talk some more tomorrow.¨ were you asking him on a date? That was a date, definitely. ¨Yeah I can do that, anything for sausage’s sake.¨ you were both grinning at the screen like idiots, not wanting to leave, ¨Then, since it’s the weekend how about we come back in the morning? Oh wait no, here in Miyagi the holidays are important, I gotta go to the shrine early, but how about after lunch?¨ he was so tired that even getting up by lunch time seemed like a task, but he would gladly lose sleep for this, ¨Yup, can do. See you tomorrow, sausage girl.¨ both of you left the pc on and went to bed, the smile on both of your faces causing your cheeks to hurt. 
He was cute, you’ve never had so much fun talking with a guy before, it all felt so natural like if you were talking with your best friend, like if you’ve known him since forever. You wondered if asking for his number would be too bold, he was funny and you just wanted to talk to him some more, maybe even meet him one day. Just thinking about it was making you feel giddy, your legs kicking on your bed as you squealed against your pillow, trying your best to quiet down your excitement and not wake your mother up.
Suna was on his bed thinking the very same thing, would it be weird to ask for your number? You were complete strangers, but that’s how people make friends, right? Not weird at all. He rarely had intentions of talking with any girl but talking to you tonight has been the highlight of his year and he wasn’t exaggerating. He didn’t even know he could laugh this much, Suna just couldn’t wait anymore, he was sure he wanted this to continue and with new resolution, he went to sleep, hoping noon would come fast, so he could ask for your number and maybe, hopefully, get to see you even if it was just through his phone, he just needed to put a face to this bubbly feeling inside his chest.
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When he woke up the following morning he noticed his pc was off, this causing him to go into panic mode, what happened? He made sure it would stay on all night-
¨MOOOOM, why is my pc off? Did you touch it?¨ he was pissed, anything but that, not the pc. ¨What? No I didn’t. I think we lost power for a bit earlier, your dad was trying to fix the oven and was messing with the power box.¨ that explains it but it wasn’t less aggravating, would he even be able to go in the game again or would he be kicked out like his mates.
He turned it back on as fast as he could, going in the game, but luck wasn’t on his side, two of his classmates were already in leveling up on his screen. He grabbed his headset and literally screamed on the mic, ¨(Y/N), please tell me you are there.¨ but he could hear very manly snorts on the other side, crushing his heart ¨Who’s (Y/N)? Your girlfriend, Suna?¨ he just couldn’t deal with them right now. He rebooted his pc in hopes of getting the line back up to yours, but when he did, he saw a notification pop up on his screen, ¨We apologize for all the troubles caused last night, as an apology, we’ve sent 100 diamonds and 2 HP refills into your inbox.¨ 
No, this couldn’t be happening. They fixed it overnight. He hadn’t ask you for your number yet, that’s what he was going to do as soon as he heard your beautiful voice.
You were fixing your make up, silly thing to do since he couldn’t even see you, but it was definitely a date. You got your headset on with a bright smile on your face as you saw your screen moving, the game still playing on the background, ¨Morning, Mr. Sausage. Got a nice sleep?¨ your friends were beyond shocked, ¨Mr.Sausage? (Y/N) are you talking to your cat again? I think you need to go out some more.¨ Miyuki? No, no, no, no, why??? Where was he? What happened? You didn’t turn the game off, he should still be there! ¨Yeah…did they fix the game? I can hear you guys just fine now.¨ you were seriously hoping he was just late and would jump in the conversation any second now, ¨Mhm, they gave us some dias, check your inbox. You can buy the sword you wanted with that!¨ Stupid sword, you didn’t want it anymore, not if that meant not being able to talk to him again. ¨Sorry guys, I…I’m login out for the day.¨ without another word you just closed your laptop and collapsed face first onto your bed, life sucked.
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Tuesday couldn’t come faster for Suna, he just ran over to the class next door almost clashing with the wall, ¨ATSUMU! I need your help.¨ the eldest twin glared at him with intensity, couldn’t he see what time was it? Why would someone ask for a favor so early in the morning ? He was barely awake after getting up at four to jog. ¨Tell me later, maybe during lunch break when I can actually listen to you.¨
He threw his bag on the floor and went over to the tired setter, shaking him lightly, ¨Please, only you can help me.¨ what could be this important? He looked over at the middle blocker giving him a dirty angry look, but he was sporting a not so fashionable pair of bags under his eyes, even his skin tone was a bit off, was he not supposed to rest for three days? This made him reconsider his actions, ¨What is it? Stop shaking me, dammit!¨ he sat down on the chair in front of his desk, serious mode on, ¨You have the phone number of the Karasuno setter right?¨ huh? this was definitely not worth the while, he went back to sleep on his desk, ¨Atsumu please! I need you to ask him something, please I’ll beg if you want me to.¨ he’s never seen him this desperate, ¨kay, I think I do, yeah he should be on the group chat. What do you need from him?¨ he was pulling out his phone, ready to rely the message and hopefully go back to sleep, ¨Can you ask him if he knows a girl named (Y/N)¨ a girl? This was unexpectedly interesting. ¨(Y/N) what? Is she from Karasuno?¨ he was punching the message out, waiting on the details, ¨Well I don’t know, all I know is her first name and that she lives in Miyagi, she goes to school there and is possibly around our age.¨ Atsumu couldn’t believe what he was hearing, talk about dumb teammates, ¨You do know Miyagi is a prefecture, right? Not a city. How many schools are there even in Miyagi? Why would Tobio-kun know her? You are being stupid, Suna.¨ he was deleting the message, shaking his head, ¨No, no, please just ask him. I know he probably won’t know her but is my only chance, please. I won’t bother you again if he says he doesn’t know…¨ the setter sighed, sending the ambiguous message out, this was really silly, but he could see how desperate his friend was, and he just wouldn’t let him sleep ever if he didn’t comply. 
To their surprise, Kageyama replied almost immediately, ¨I don’t, but I’ll ask around.¨ Atsumu showed him his screen and the small smile that painted his features left the setter breathless, so he can smile-
¨Thanks, please let me know if he says anything else.¨ he would find you, no matter what.
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf
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t1oui · 6 months
the first room draco malfoy sleeps in after inheriting malfoy manor is the one he shares with astoria.
it's further from scorpius's room than he likes, but it's the biggest and has the nicest windows, and they make do. it's the room with the big walk-in closet and the window seat where astoria spends hours reading, both to herself and out loud for her family.
it's the room where draco finds his wife and son playing board games - both magical and muggle - together at the end of the day. he doesn't know much about the muggle things, and neither does astoria, but it's always fun to figure them out.
this room is the one with the big king-sized bed that holds all three malfoys on nights when scorpius has bad dreams, or even those where he simply wanted more time with his parents.
it's the room that draco takes for granted.
the second room, the one he moves to after astoria's death, is across the hall from his son. it's small and cramped, previously more of a closet than a bedroom. it's a perfect place for a broken heart.
the bed is smaller, a queen, but it still fits scorpius on the nights when they need to have a cry together. the wardrobe in the corner is tiny, but draco's clothes never took up much space anyway. the floor doesn't have enough space for draco and scorpius to stretch out on the infrequent nights scorpius pokes his head in with a chess board, so instead of games, all the room sees is tears. that's okay, draco thinks. he deserves it.
beginning in their eighth year, blaise and pansy had some sort of friends with benefits arrangement. draco never truly understood it, nor did he try to, but the whole thing came crashing down when scorpius was ten and pansy arrived at the manor in a state after finding out she was pregnant.
leilani grows up alongside scorpius, a younger sister of sorts who adores her "older brother" more than anything. pansy and blaise are both busy with work at the ministry, but pansy - a journalist - has far less structure than office worker blaise, which leaves him as the one to bring leliani over the most often.
draco can't pinpoint the moment their friendship turns into something more. he can only remember not feeling anything other than joy the first time they kissed, underneath a mistletoe during scorpius's seventh year. he can also remember pansy storming into the room right after and yelling "i knew it" before tackling them into a hug.
the third and final bedroom draco sleeps in is the one with blaise in it. it's just next door to his first room, where his first bed is collecting dust as it has been since astoria's final night in it. this room is slightly smaller, and its closet took a bit of charming to fit all of their clothes, but it feels perfect. not better than his room with astoria, not worse, just different. draco wouldn't want it any other way.
leilani gets the room across the hall, which is huge - almost bigger than scorpius's - and very fancy and perfect for spoiling her in. scorpius is twenty by the time there's a new ring on draco's left hand, and he drags albus potter all around his childhood home by one hand while a ten-year-old leilani takes hold of the other.
"i bet she's a gryffindor," draco whisper-shouts as he stands between blaise and pansy to watch. pansy gags.
"she was raised by three slytherins," pansy says. "there's no way, right?"
"scorp was a ravenclaw," blaise points out.
a year later, two weeks after scorpius's wedding and the night of leilani's first day at hogwarts, they get their answer.
"they have always been close," pansy says with a frown.
"i told you so," blaise replies, grinning as he pulls draco in with one arm and pansy in with the other.
the bed in draco and blaise's room is still a queen, the same size as the one in draco's second bedroom, but it fits three adults just fine.
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crawlspacefics · 7 months
The perspective of Makoami as parents is still something I absolutely adore, so that leads me to ask. What kind of mother do you think Ami would be when paired with Mako?
Who's the 'fun' mom? Who's the mom Miki would be more likely to show a failed grade? Or the mom who would reinforce more etiquette? Or watch a TV show with him?
I'd just love to hear more about them, you don't have to answer those questions to a tea.
Love your stuff as always 💖
Thank you.
Thank you for asking! I always like to talk about my girls and how I see their lives playing out. 😁
I think Ami and Makoto have a really good balance as parents. Makoto takes the stricter role, but just because I think she'd choose to be a stay-at-home parent so she's with him the most. Plus, she's going to wind up with a 7-year-old, a toddler, and an infant. She needs a schedule and some order just to keep her sanity! 🤣 But where Makoto teaches Miki how to bake or tend a garden, Ami teaches him why it works like that. Makoto teaches him to block when he takes a swing, Ami teaches him the physics behind the moves. Makoto keeps the homework schedule, but Ami helps answer the hard questions. Ami may even bring in the whiteboard (one for each kid as they get old enough to write) so they can leave messages for each other like she did with her mom.
Ami is definitely the more lenient parent in this scenario. I think it would come partly from her feeling some guilt for being away so much with work, and partly from her never wanting Miki to feel like the odd child out after the other two (who are biologically related to Ami and look A LOT like her mom's side of the family) come along. So when Makoto is making him eat all his vegetables, Ami is secretly passing him pieces of chocolate under the table. Ami probably also has a really hard time letting the timer run when he's in time-out. Miki's eyes may be blue, but he looks like a tiny Makoto and when he pouts at her... he just has her totally wrapped around his pinky finger. Makoto teases her about this. LOL. In Miki's early years, reading time is probably Ami's textbooks. But when he gets a little older, she's going to teach him the absolute joy of reading a novel in a bubble bath. They go used book shopping together so if he drops them in the water, he doesn't feel as bad about it.
Makoto isn't all rules and vegetables, though! She's always going to be a bit nervous when she doesn't have her eyes on Miki, but she isn't a helicopter parent. She teaches him to be independent while watching from just enough distance that she can easily intervene. She makes sure the kids wash their feet and stick to bedtime, but she also gets down on the floor and pretends to be the monster so they can play Sailor Senshi in the costumes she made for them. When Miki asks how his baby brother got there, Makoto happily hands him off to Ami so she can pull out "the book" and stumble 😳 through the biology lessons. But the second he turns 13, Makoto pulls out the box of condoms and the cucumber for the practical lessons, because while she will NEVER use the word mistake where Miki is concerned, she wants him to be better prepared than she was.
But don't forget the others! There's a bit of communal raising of children going on here. Miki wants to know how to talk to a girl? He contemplates Uncle Haruka but quickly realizes Aunt Minako is the best source. First time he's embarrassed by a bad grade? Aunt Usagi, because she makes him feel better and then drags him home to Ami and just lays it out like it's no big deal. Not like that one time Usagi got a 22 on her math test, and if Ami could help her fix that enough to pass entrance exams, she can fix Miki's 63 no problem! He wants to go to the anime convention with his friends? Go see Aunt Rei for the latest fandom cosplay trends! She'll hook him and his friends up with the best group cosplay ideas and make sure they have exactly what they need for autographs.
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inkstainedheartbeats · 3 months
Learning to Be Loved
What’s this? That little Tommy thing now has a name? It does indeed! It also has a part Two! Slight content warning for spousal abuse. Please enjoy!~
Steve looks good. Hair a little longer than he remembers, wearing a scarf around his neck. Tommy spots the plastic curve of a hearing aid that experience has taught him to keep an eye out for. The Omega in front of him blinks slowly.
“Tommy? What are… are those kids!?”
Tommy grins shyly, rubbing his hands over the top of the twin’s heads. Needing the grounding feeling of their hair under his hands.
“Yeah. Mine, obviously.”
While only Bellamy inherited his hair, they all inherited his freckles. His little Bell, always more outgoing than her sister, waves at Steve. Fingers wiggling excitedly even as she sticks close to Joy’s side.
“The little red haired menace is Bellamy, the older two are Amity and Joy.”
Joy steps even closer to Tommy, dragging Bellamy with her as she tries to burrow into his leg. Amity scowls, her green eyes dark and watchful. She’s too young for her secondary to be obvious but Tommy thinks there’s a good chance she’s going to be an Alpha.
“Jesus, Tommy.”
He wonders what’s got Steve saying that. Him dropping in? The fading bruise on his cheek?
The obvious tan line where he’d been wearing a cast not even two days ago? Or the fact that he has not one but three kids when he swore he never wanted any? His grin turns rueful.
“Sorry to just drop in but I wanted the girls to meet their only uncle.”
In a daze Steve lets them in. The entryway of his house is cluttered, cleats and sneakers mixing with what his father would call ‘girly’ shoes. There’s various sports equipment and nerd books scattered around in clumps. It’s lived in. Nothing Lloyd would have allowed. Nothing their parents would have let them get away with. Tommy loves it. Loves that Steve got to have it.
“My kids are in the backyard, if yours want to join?”
Bellamy only needs to see Tommy incline his head before she’s dragging a reluctant Amity down the hall, listening to Steve’s directions on how to get out there. Leaving just Steve, Tommy and Joy standing there. Joy who clings to him like a limpet. Joy who climbs into his lap the moment he sits down in an even more lived in living room. It’s quiet but not uncomfortable.
“How old are you, Joy?” Steve asks. He’s rifling through a candy bowl.
Joy doesn’t answer. Just turns so that she can bury her face into whatever part of Tommy she can reach. He hates himself, hates how long he stayed. But they’re out now, he has to remember that. He left. Absent-mindedly he checks to make sure that her hearing aids are still in her ears.
“She’s eight, and so is Amity.”
Amity who should be wearing glasses. Who needs glasses, he makes a mental note to see if Mr Clifford still runs the optometrist. If so he may need to go to the next town over for glasses.
“And Bellamy?”
“Bell’s five.”
Small talk is had. They talk around why Tommy is here. Never actually touching the reason. Tommy wants to. Wants to apologize. But the words keep getting stuck. It’s like when he broke up with Carol. The words he wanted to say refusing to budge until after he’d hurt her. Little snores clue Tommy into the fact that Joy has fallen asleep. He probably shouldn’t let her nap. But… maybe she deserves some rest if she wants it.
“I meant it, ya know. You’re the only brother I have. The only one I ever talked about.”
TJ, Tate and Tucker will never know about the girls if Tommy has any say in the matter. An impossible dream, of course, here in Hawkins. But the Omega wants to dream. Steve smiles at him, small but real.
“I’d love it if I could bring them around. Won’t blame you if you-“
“Of course you can. You staying around long or is this just a stop.”
Tommy has an apartment here. Small, three bedrooms. Almost more than he can afford but he’s also got a job lined up at Family Video. Hawkins always was stuck in the past. He wants to lay down roots.
“Staying. Hopefully. I want to stay.”
Steve’s standing in front of him, knees cracking as the other Omega squats down in front of him. Hand brushes the bruise.
“The one who gave you this?”
“Out of the picture… hopefully.”
Steve nods.
“If he comes back, let me know.”
“Aaaaaw Stevie.”
It’s easier after that. A stampede of kids interrupting at lunch time. Tommy’s not sure how many kids are in that rush and how many are Steve’s but Steve has always had too big of a heart.
“I’m sorry,” Tommy says as he leaving, Bellamy talking Joy’s ear off to the point it looks like Joy is going to take her hearing aids out, Amity sticking close.
“For Nancy, Billy. All of it. It wasn’t right. We, I, was an asshole. Took me some time but I learned.”
Steve pulls him in for a hug.
“I’m sorry too. For not being there to help.”
“Wasn’t your job to give me a knock on the head, Stevie. Just like it wasn’t Carol’s.”
“You going to go see her?”
Tommy nods. Carol and her sisters are on the list. He thinks the sight of the girls will keep her from tearing him a new one.
“Glad you’re back.”
He’s not sure he’s glad to be back. He’s heard about things that happened after he left. The mall fire. Billy almost dying. The town fucking splitting. Hawkins is cursed, Tommy knows that, but it’s also the closest thing he has to a home. He’s not sure he’s making the right choice as walks up the stairs, three little girls following like ducks. His father is still alive. Still here. He opens the door to their new apartment. Bare, no furniture, no knickknacks. The kitchen is empty. He’s going to have to go to Melvads before the night is over. He’s not sure as he unloads the car of bags. Little Will Byers isn’t the only one who died and came back. Heard tales that Barb Holland also pulled a miraculous rebirth after the town cracked open. He’s not sure until Joy and Amity are gleefully talking about how to split the master bedroom. Until Bellamy says that her room is perfect for the hammock bed she “always” wanted. Maybe this won’t be so terrible.
Am I still undecided on how many kids to give Steve? Yes. Am I going to have to choose before I start working on the next bit? Also yes. Do I want Wayne Munson to own the apartment building Tommy now lives in? Maybe. @busyheadkeepbreathing part two is here~ (if you want me to not tag you let me know~)
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
We put him through the wringer, but the cat is a clinger. It's time to take the keys and let out the fluff please. Can we get some comforting headcannons for New York? :)
[this was terrible I am sorry]
I suppose the baby can have a break <3
So- NY falls and/or stumbles a lot, so anybody he’s close to is literally ALWAYS ready to catch or grab him whether he knows/likes it or not
He has like- the most adorable zoned-out face ever- it just screams *no thoughts. only baby. can do no wrong*
Florida put catnip in his coffee once (this has happened more than once-) and they ended up with a playful-then-cuddly NY
whenever he’s REALLY sleepy, he will have a slight Dutch accent present in his voice.
And if someone’s trying to get him up whilst he’s sleeping, he’ll just make grumbly little angy kitten noises
He can and will climb on everything and he’s good at it too. One of his favorite places to chill is at the top of this GIANT tree that is in the backyard of the statehouse. He’s dragged his brothers up there against their wills on multiple occasions.
^that tree also happens to be where he runs to if he’s being chased by one of his brothers. And it’s usually Mass that is chasing him, but Mass can’t climb trees. So he calls either one of the other brothers, or he calls Texas or someone that CAN climb up and get York. The poor baby TnT
It brings him a ton of joy whenever an animal walks into the room. Even if it means he gets tackled and attacked with kisses by NJ’s dogs (Mar is a boxer, and Murrie is a German shepherd) <3. He will giggle and smile the entire time and the hearts of anyone watching will melt instantly.
speaking of him giggling- this mf has like- the cutest damn laugh EVER- his brothers and friends will do literally anything to hear it-
a lot of the stuffed animals he has have weird teeth marks on them cuz he would always bite them for some reason-
Okay- so apparently the guy (Keith David) that sung “Friends On The Other Side” (from Princess and the Frog) so- I can picture NY randomly noticing that Loui is a tad bit…. Off I guess. And it happens to be a karaoke night, so he sings “Friends On The Other Side” perfectly and can’t help but smile when Loui’s face lights up with happiness cuz Princess and The Frog is his fav Disney princess movie 😭😭
It’s pretty much canon at this point that York steals his older brothers’ clothes and they’re always big on him despite him being the tallest right? Kk.
he doodles on literally any piece of paper he has with him, even some of his state work will have little doodles of cats riding skateboards in the corner.
this boy has most definitely dragged his brothers outside if it had snowed overnight and there was a bunch of snow on the ground, and his brothers are fine with it at this point. Why? Cuz they’ll get a rare phenomenon known as a Cold Cuddly Yorkie after.
York has 100% walked into one of his brother’s rooms, stood in the doorway, knocked something over, and just ran away while they’re like- "👁️👄👁️💢"
his brothers will bug him while he is laying on the ground or something by wiggling their finger above his face just to see him paw at them like a cat
due to the cultural diversity in his state, I like to believe that York speaks several languages and has very little to no struggle in switching from language to language, tho he speaks Dutch and Italian the best.
York is one of the jumpiest people you’ll ever meet and he gets jumpscared so easily. Sometimes one of his brothers or friends will come up behind him and grab his sides to scare him
Pls let him infodump 🙏 he will tolerate you for all of eternity. Trust 🙏🙏🙏
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
[She essentially spends the last few weeks bedridden from tiredness, bored out of her mind while her mate paces their home like a guard dog.]
...ReboundedHeroes at least have a proper home.
Fruittiedads are on the Journey, what are they gonna do when the time comes?
...would be a bad time for Tripitaka AND Liang to be kidnapped, I can tell ya that.
referencing the ReboundedHeroes having twins post.
Yeah the second they all find out about Zhanshi being pregananant, no more adventuring too far from Flower Fruit/Huaguo Mountain. And if they have to journey somewhere to fix some chaos, then Dasheng is straight up summoning his clouds and zipping over furiously. He has to be convinced to dispel Zhanshi's cloud and/or to stop carrying her whenever they have to leave the cave/home.
As for the Fruitiedads? Its a lot more hectic. Odds are they make arrangements with a certain sworn bull brother, and windy sister-in-law for them to crash at their place when the time comes, but rarely is anything that easy for them...
Smokey, looking around frantically: "Where's Master and Macaque!?" Reborn!Pigsy: "They can't be far! I gave them the rope..." Reborn!Sandy, running in frantically: "A rabbit spirit swooped in and stole Master, and the Macaque got dragged along with him!" Smokey: *glaring at Pigsy* Reborn!Pigsy: "It was a good idea at the time, ok!?"
By the time the Reborn crew are able to calm Smokey down enough to form a plan (+organize the Demon Bull couple for some babysitting), they start to notice an odd change in the weather...
The whole of India experiences an omnious black fog that intensifies the closer you are to the royal palace. Smokey and the gang (plus Red Child cus Xiao Qi was going and they wanted to follow) immediately identifies it at Liang's shadow powers acting up and zone in on the location. When they get to where Reborn!Tripitaka/Xuanzang and Liang are being kept, it's obvious that the shadow monkey has gone into labor. The whole gang *freaks* out.
Chang'e the goddess herself has to be contacted to prevent Smokey from cooking up some rabbit stew in his anger at the Jade Rabbit Spirit for putting his pregnant mate in such a stressful situation. Taiyin Xingjun is also summoned as in canon, and gets a wide-eyed look on her face when she recognises the white-furred monkey demon, and quickly leaves without saying a word.
Pigsy: "What put the fire in her pants?" Liang, groaning angirly: "Because she's technically my mother." The gang: "WHAT?!" The celestial wolf children, mumbling: "I thought that was obvious..." "Yeah, moon theme."
Unexpectedly its little Xiao Qi and his firey best-friend who summons enough magic to transport Liang towards a safe haven... a divine looking-monastery a little further west of their location.
Tripitaka, suddenly light-bodied: "Is this the Thunderclap Monastery!?!" Liang, gripping Tripitaka's hand harder: "Not important right now!" Red Child: "I'm so sorry, I panickied tried to bring you to Lady Guanyin directly! I thought she was on the Southern seas island!" Xiao Qi, clasps hands in prayer: "I pray the buddha forgives us for taking a short cut in this circumstance."
Smokey and the rest catch up quickly, and the two monkey twins end up being born in the presence of some very startled but helpful arhats and bodhisattvas. As Red accidentally confirmed, Guanyin is there and is nearly laughing at the turn of events. She quickly summons a bed and supplies so that Liang can be comfortable for the last leg of labor.
The twins are tiny fuzzy brown-furred things that make their parents let out sobbing relieved breaths at the sight of them. The present elder siblings kissing their bama and little siblings' faces in joy/pride. The monks of the monastery are just *starstruck* at the sight of the adoable babies born in their temple. Pigsy tries desperately to hide his sniffling, Sandy doesn't. Ao Lie just flies/trots around the temple in delight.
Smokey and Liang are in their own little world, and barely take notice of the Buddha himself manifesting to hand over the Sutras. Xiao Qi just buzzing with excitement the whole time.
Back on earth, The five stone-fruit-monkey babies staying with "Auntie and Uncle" (Princess Iron Fan and Demon Bull King) make a joyous chirping song. The wind informing them that not only has their youngest siblings have been born, but that Baba and their Uncles have finally reached their destination! The Demon Bull couple just shrug and think the little guys got the zoomies.
The twins get the names Lìzhī/荔枝 (lychee) and Hǎizǎo/海枣 (date), to keep with the fruity name theme.
The gang are allowed to transport Liang and the kiddos back to the Demon Bull Palace for recovery, but Guanyin explains that they still have to make the way to Chang'an to deliver the sutras. Xiao Qi loudly makes a point of saying that he asked the Buddha about the White River Turtle, so they have to visit the turtle and tell him. Red Child begs his parents to let them join in the return trip, wanting to continue travelling with Xiao Qi as long as possible.
Smokey and Liang cling to eachother for hours, just beaming with the knowledge that the Journey is coming to an end. And soon their little army of monkey princes and princesses will need to be properly introduced to the Stalwarts XD
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meganechan05 · 11 months
Someone on Twitter has been feeding to the fire that is my Evil Clone KingOhger idea 😂
Specifically the HimeRita portion so I'll probably be talking more about their clones in this post.
I'll start off with the guys first to get them out of the way.
Gira's Tyrant Shtick is real for his Clone. He actually uses it against Gira in a far more threatening way that scares him as it would remind him of Racles's tyranny. He also makes Gira question why he even continues using his Tyrant Persona when the people of Shugoddom already know he's a good guy.
Evil!Yanma takes his yankii personality to a whole other level and actually takes his "I'm the Best" as is by stepping over everyone compared to Yanma who views his people and fellow Kings as equals. He finds joy tormenting Shiokara and the Hacker Gang since he finds them inferior to him, taunting Yanma in the process at how his goals and views on others contradict each other ("I'm the Best" vs no social hierarchy in his country).
Kaguragi's Clone is much more terrifying to him on a deeper level. He's more open about his manipulation and will more often than not call Kaguragi out on his. "You'd say you'd dirty your hands for your people. Yet you were so willing to put your sister in possible danger by having her in Shugoddom soil for your plans? ...You say she wholeheartedly agrees, but would a loving brother who would take sole responsibility for the safety of his country drag his dear little sister into the fray?" (Think Iroki's taunt in the movie but at a much more deeper level. The Clones do know about the originals' deepest insecurities so...)
Jeramie's Clone would have way too much fun taunting Jeramie. He would put on theatrics when explaining all of Jeramie's insecurities to him. How he was only just a boy when his mother died and his powers sealed, giving him more survivor's guilt than he already does. How his vision for a bright future clouded his judgment which caused his writing to cause the 2000 year long misunderstanding. How such clouded judgement makes him unaware of the issues of those around him. How he has finally made friends with the Kings but know he will only outlive them due to his biology.
Evil!Himeno currently seems very cut and dry when it comes to how she takes Himeno's selfishness to a dangerous level. But I know for a fact that she would very much use it against Himeno. "If you were truly selfish. If you really are the best doctor in world. Wouldn't you have done it? Bring Mama and Papa back? Have your family back in your life? If you can heal people, why not try to resurrect the dead? A much better version than what Grodie can do. Wouldn't that be nice?" Or in a situation where she does kidnap Rita and turn them into a doll. "I can turn them into a puppet, you know? They're so stubborn. Wouldn't it be easier if you could just control them so you don't have to use word games to get them to agree?"
Evil!Rita is just outright terrifying (at least to me). Not bounded by Absolute Neutrality while having the memories and thoughts of the original. Not held back by the idea of "the law protects the people" or providing fairness even in a fight. Fighting style can also use underhanded tactics befitting of a country of (ex-)convicts. They call Rita a hypocrite for being impartial but holds bias for Moffun. Being impartial yet open themself up to Morfonia and their fellow Kings (especially Himeno). Question why they're so willing to be selfless when no one has ever reached a hand out to them for 15 years. Question why they endure suffering alone for the sake of Neutrality and the safety of others when no one would bat an eye for their efforts. Why Karras took the risk of making a mere child her retainer and heir. Why Karras and Shiron would make them King without thinking about the consequences of the effects it would have on the child's mental health with no support system ("perhaps they just didn't care as much as you think"). Why they always push their feelings aside to help the others when it's clear they were suffering inside yet never show it.
Stuff like that...
Now for HimeRita, I feel like if their friendship ever turns into a relationship, this story would only make the issue with the Clones worse.
Evil!Rita is emotive to a point where you can't really tell if it really is Rita's clone or just what people think Rita would be if they weren't bound by Absolute Neutrality. So it wouldn't be a surprise if they took advantage of hidden feelings. Same for Evil!Himeno.
There could be a point where the two would drop hints of HimeRita's feelings for one another and taunt them for it once the two have a look on their faces that point they've put the pieces together.
"Oh? You never noticed? How sad. Well. Not like it would ever get anywhere considering how Rittan over there is."
"Doubt they even know they even have those feelings in the first place."
The two would try to talk about it later in private which makes it very awkward and confusing for the both of them as neither even realized their feelings were more than just friendship. They would have a heart-to-heart discussion about it and even discuss their worries for anything that would happen in the future once they can talk more easily without the fear of the clones intercepting.
Only once they were able to agree on that, the two are captured and taken to different locations by the other's clone (according to said clones' plans). Both having extremely unsettling 1-on-1 conversations to mock and drive wedges between them or give them heartbreak. Maybe even have Evil!Rita tempt Himeno with the opportunity of being able to show Rita requited affection through the clone by taunting her of how Rita would never allow themself to return her feelings for the sake of work. Evil!Himeno would taunt Rita by mocking them and putting on the waterworks, questioning why they're so picky on making exceptions to Neutrality when others before them had no problems breaking Neutrality for love.
Putting the two in a tight spot with no one to help them.
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nucleargnocchi · 10 months
In defense of Despicable Me 3
It has taken me FOREVER to get to this and I can no longer find the ask but! @squidsandthings, to answer your question of what's up with Despicable Me 3, the plain truth of it is that it is simply the pinnacle of film. Most people think it's a classic case of a company wringing every drop of profit they can from a movie that saw commercial success, dragging it out further and further with each sequel until the plot is so attenuated you can barely see it, the concept is so inane you lose brain cells watching it, and the characters are so two-dimensional they are undoubtably relatives of Stanley. But I say it's cinema at its finest. I will try to make this short, but brevity is nigh impossible when extolling the virtues of Despicable Me 3.
To start, Gru is the morally gray anti-hero this generation needs: an ingenius villain with something to prove (he has mommy issues), yet a tender family man at heart. He yearns for his past life, for the thrill of heists and gadgets and gizmos, but recognizes that he now has joys and responsibilities (the gorls) and must struggle to tame his nostalgia.
Dru, Gru's long-lost twin brother with the most luscious blond hair you've ever seen, is the hot to Gru's cold, the high to his low, the piliferously well-endowed to his follically challenged. Dru has all the charisma and charm that Gru lacks, but he is bumbling and incompetent when it comes to heisting. Yet, despite it all, he desperately wants to follow in his (and Gru's) recently deceased father's legacy of villainy, to make him posthumously proud.
The gorls are growing up: Margo receives a proposal from a boy with limp cheese and a pig, Edith remains surly yet reveals her caring nature as she accompanies Agnes to find a unicorn, and Agnes herself remains a paragon of hope and childlike wonder despite learning that unicorns aren't real, choosing to embrace a one-horned goat in what is possibly a biblical allusion to finding the beauty in imperfection. All the while, the gorls are figuring out what a relationship with their step-mom Lucy looks like, and Lucy in turn is learning what it means to be a mother.
The minions, upset with the dangerous labor conditions (Dr. Nefario was accidentally frozen in carbonite) and unfulfilling work (not evil), decide to unionize in a powerful example of proletariat uprising. Unfortunately, they later get imprisoned for stealing pizza after enthralling fictional and real-life audience members alike by performing a spectacular impromptu rendition of the Major-general's Song on a live singing competition. They then stage a jailbreak like the radical prison abolitionists they are and find their way back to continue a life of crime with Dru.
With such a star-studded cast of characters, you'd think there would be no way to steal the spotlight, but the antagonist, Balthazar Bratt, manages to outshine them all. Bratt is nuanced and realistic with a tragic, compelling backstory (teenage acne) who clings to a delusion of fame after his TV show as a child actor was canceled. He is stylish and funky, bringing all the best parts of the '80s back to life with his superior sense of fashion (I mean, who else can pull off spiky purple shoulderpads and not look monstrous?), immense bravery (he sports a spiky, gleaming mullet despite his large bald patch), and multipurpose choice of weaponry (keytar that emits waves of sonic energy strong enough to blow not just your socks, but all of your clothes off to the tune of Van Halen's "Jump").
In all, Despicable Me 3 is undoubtably a cinematic masterpiece through and through.
Also, it's an inside joke with my cousin that I've taken waaaay too far.
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avida-heidia-5 · 9 months
I was tagged by @twinkodium. This was a lot of fun! Thanks for the tag! 😊
Star Sign:
Aries. 🐏 (I don’t believe in zodiac signs and their supposed meanings. I just know I’m an Aries as I was born on 22nd March. 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Favourite Holiday:
Easter! 🐰🥚🌸 Because chocolate. I’m ADDICTED to the stuff! 🍫 Also, Spring is one of my favourite seasons. I just love seeing nature come back to life and seeing more wildlife more often after a long winter period. It brings me so much joy every single time. 😌
Last Meal:
I’ve just eaten homemade toad-in-the-hole for linner (dinner at lunchtime). It was deeeeelicious! 🤤😋
Current Favourite Musician:
Depeche Mode. I fell in love with them ever since they released their latest album Memento Mori (2023). I pretty much binged the whole of their discography on Spotify last year out of sheer curiosity and I’ve now become strangely obsessed with them as a result. I’ve recently learned that fans of DM are called “Devotees”, soooo yeah. I’m a Devotee now! Whoopsie! 🌹🎹
Last Music Listened To:
Meet Me In The Woods by Lord Huron. I like me a good folk rock song to keep me going. This song was just so pleasant to listen to. Plus, it’s very catchy. I couldn’t get it out of my head after listening to it.
Last Movie Watched:
I watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) with my parents on Netflix a couple of weeks ago. For those who don’t know, it’s an anthology film of sorts containing many different stories centred around the Wild West. My dad recommended it to me as he likes watching films made by the Coen Brothers. I don’t have a lot to say about it other than I really enjoyed it. I’m a film buff and I usually have a lot to say about the films I’ve just seen, so having that happen to me was really odd. 🤔
Last TV Show Watched:
I don’t watch a lot of TV and I don’t keep up to date with any shows, so I don’t know if what I’ve put down counts.
I recently finished watching the Fernando (2020–) docuseries on Amazon Prime and I loved it. 🤩 It’s mainly about Fernando Alonso and the many adventures he got up to during his 2-year retirement from F1. It’s really interesting!
Last Book/Fic Finished:
The last book I read was The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum and the last fic I read was a Chalex fic called I Can Feel The Sun On You by mintchocolatechip97.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned:
The book I abandoned quite swiftly was a Dave Grohl autobiography my uncle and auntie got me for Christmas. I was never a Foo Fighters listener and I’m not a Foo Fighters fan. I still have no idea why they thought I’d like it. Sorry to the people who like them, they’re just not for me. 🙁
Currently Reading:
A Pocketful Of Happiness by Richard E. Grant. It’s such a sweet, tender, and heartbreaking autobiography that highlights how he got into acting and how he met and fell in love with his acting coach Joan Washington. ❤️
Last Thing Researched for Writing/Art/Hyperfixation:
“sebastian vettel mark webber 2010 monaco”. Just seeing pictures of these two smiling and hugging each other makes me smile. 🥰 I was also psyching myself up for this week’s F1 Watch Party on Discord, which, funnily enough, will be streaming the 2010 Monaco Grand Prix this Sunday. I can’t wait!!!! 🏎️💨🏁
Favourite Fandom Online Memory:
I love making friends through their interests in the fandom. The F1 community is massive, so it was easy for me to make friends online and in person as a result. I can feel comfortable being weird around them and in turn they can feel comfortable being weird around me. 🥰🥰🥰
Favourite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence:
I used to love the Merlin fandom when it was popular. I still do, but not as strongly as I used to.
Favourite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big “Fandom” But You Wish It Did:
Hmmm, this is a tough question. I’m not fussed with how popular my fandom choices are. If I had to choose one though, I’d say The Beatles. I think a lot of RPFs about certain bands and singers don’t get as much attention as, say, Formula 1 or Super Mario or Supernatural do.
Tempting Project You’re Trying To Rein In/Don’t Have Time For:
I really want to post some more fanfics on AO3, make some more banners on InShot, and do some video editing and gif making on CapCut, but I’m incredibly slow at doing all of them because college work keeps getting in the way of my plans. 😵‍💫 I hardly have enough free time to do any of them. Don’t worry though, I haven’t abandoned them altogether. I will get them done eventually! 🤞🏻
I tag the following peeps: @kaossbells, @hurricane-heatt, @racingliners, @formulaes5, and @wanderingblindly. Feel free to participate if you’d like to. No pressure obviously. 😊
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 10 months
Halsin's Daughter Headcannons PT4: Past in the Underdark / ✨️Mommy Issues✨️ and Life in Baulder's Gate
‼️‼️‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Depression, Abuse, SA, Violence, etc. I'm talking like Game of Thrones style shit so Minors DNI. Consider this NSFW‼️‼️‼️
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AN: So yeah we're on part 4 now and you might be asking "Why do this?" If you want the truth; I am going through it right now, and this is currently the only thing bringing me joy. Let's just say that the semi colon tattoo I have wants to turn into a period. I also really just think this character (cannon or not) is relatable (to me at least).
✨️yes yes, very sad. ANYWAYS: All posts relating to Halsin's Daughter can be found here ✨️
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Past in the Underdark:
As stated in the previous posts, her past in the underdark was rough.
She was the bastard child of Halsin and a drow noble - she was treated as a novelty object (just like her father)
The was the maid servant in her house; cooked, cleaned, scrubbed the toilets
Not only that, but she was basically a toy to her siblings. She was expected to entertain them as their mother was too busy to mind them (All of her siblings are her half siblings, who are full noble blood)
Her sisters, being jealous of her looks, would cut her hair in her sleep and smear makeup on her face. They would cut holes in her clothes. She was basically the barbie doll that you used to abuse and then toss in the bottom of the toy box.
Her worst abuser was her older brother. "Little rabbit" he would call her. This was because "You are a creature who's only purpose is to satisfy a hunger or a need for others. You were born to die. "
He is a fucking psychopath - he got a thrill out of chasing her around the underdark and hunting her for funsies.
He knew exactly where she would be hiding and would scrape the tip of his sword on the ground for her to hear
His favorite thing to do was to chase her down to mere exhaustion - to where he could see her heart beat out of her chest.
When she turned into a teenager is when he started S assaulting her. He thought she was a fun thing for him and his friends to play with at parties.
He would practice his knife play on her, pinning her down and slowly cutting pieces of her clothes off, nicking and cutting here and there.
Her mother would exclaim "Don't cut her face! We need her face in perfect condition"
She was a drow noble and I imagine that the houses and loyalties and land, etc. was all like an episode of Game of Thrones
As soon as he mother saw how beautifully she grew, she started treating her like a doll. She would dress her just as extravagantly as her sisters and sell her body to gain favors.
If HD ever defied her mother, she would have her son beat her, strip her naked in front of his friends to humiliate her, etc.
One day; during an important galla, she was serving drinks when she accidently spilt wine on a guest. The man was furious and smacked her so hard she fell backwards.
Her mother had her brother drag her out by her hair and pull her into a private room to be punished.
Being the sadistic psychopath that he is, he pushes her against the wall by her throat and starts ripping her dress off of her.
Every other time this happened, she just closed her eyes and waited for it to be over. She was so numb and hollow on the inside it didn't matter.
HOWEVER. This time, it was different. She felt a surge of pure unbridled rage go through her. A bright flash. Suddenly, she's a VERY LARGE black cave bear.
She claws her brother down - he's on the ground screaming. The guards have been alerted.
She barrels through everyone and runs as fast as she can and doesn't look back. She doesn't know exactly how many people she tore apart and killed - she just knows that she can't ever go back.
She runs and runs until she makes it to the overworld. When she sees the sun for the first time and feels the grass beneath her feet, something in her awakens. This is where she is supposed to be.
Life in Baulder's Gate:
When she gets to Baulder's Gate she is fucking pitiful.
She doesn't know shit about fuck, shes starving, she looks like she's been pushed off a cliff and rolled down a mountain
She's only just figured out how to wildshape and currently she can only turn into a raven and a cat
She doesn't even know how she turned into the bear to begin with
She's just walking down the street when she suddenly gets ran over by Mol and Arabella
They're running from an angry dragon born
HD just picks up the textbook that Arabella was carrying and nails him right in the head - he falls over and is out cold
Arabella and Mol just stare at her - how tf did this little thing slam a textbook THAT HARD
HD not knowing what to say just says "I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do and I just panicked!"
From then on out - Mol and Arabella show her the ropes. They get really close.
Mol shows her the ins and outs of the city
Arabella teaches her how to read and write
For years the 3 are a power team and sucessfully help the guild out with many missions
HD begins to feel confident - she uses her looks to charm people/ she'll even charm men into their bed chambers and then slit their throats before they event touch her (only if she has to and it's part of the mission)
All is well until one day - HD just snaps. The three are on a mission where they just need to snatch important documents and go.
The plan is simple - HD seduces the patrons of the party, Arabella is to keep an eye out and cast invisibility on Mol while she grabs the documents
HD looks out in the crowd and freezes. There in the corner of the room - face scarred - is her older half brother is smirking at her
She wildshapes into a bear and loses it. It takes Mol and Arabella a good 10 - 15 minutes to calm her down while everyone at the party is screaming.
Arabella casts a mist while they make their escape.
They manage to grab what they needed but Mol and Arabella are worried about HD.
HD has been able to successfully wildshape into a wolf, a panther, a cat, and a crow - but never has she been able to back into the bear again
Mol mentions an Archdruid named Halsin who could be able to help her and teach her the way of the druid in order to calm the beast
HD mentions that she has very vague memories of her mother keeping a bear in their cellar, and sometimes she would go down there, and in place of the bear was a man who would wittled small animals. She recalls him being very kind to her - she makes the connection and asks whether or not that man could have been a druid as well.
Arabella agrees that it could possibly be a druid and suggests they make the journey back to Last Light Inn
Mol agrees - after all, they could use a new adventure
Okay that's all I have for tonight <3 sorry it was super dark this time, but I would think that Halsin's daughter wouldn't have a past made of rainbows and sunshine. I think in the next one I may get more into Halsin and his relationship with her.
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