#He cares easily and quickly but actually letting his guard down is harder
cryingyetcourageous · 8 months
Who would you consider your best friend? (ic)
Best friend? Ah... That would be Peter! I know it sounds weird to be best friends with a kid, but he's like a little brother to me. I love him very much and I try to visit as often as I can. Though, maybe being like brothers disqualifies him from a "friend" role. Family and friends are different things. But, that also means I can't say Liet and Eesti. Um... Hm.
See, it's questions like this that make me wish I didn't keep to myself so much. I wasn't exactly in a position to be making friends with people for a long time, and now that I can spend time with whoever I want... I want to mostly hang out with my houseplants.
If anyone wants to be my best friend, let me know? No requirements: you just have to be comfortable with me using you as the answer for this question.
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soriseerakyra · 9 months
TW: Sick child, and bodily fluids
He is so small and so pale. You don’t remember the last time you’ve seen anyone that gray, let alone a child. A gray cast to his skin makes the rosiness of his cheeks stand out, even in the warm orange light of the room.
You feel childish, stupid even. Not only because you are peeking into a clearly private moment. But also, because five minutes ago you sat in the foyer of your date’s home, heel tapping in annoyance.
You were so sure of yourself too. It had been just another time that he was going to cancel you. Even worse, you were waiting in his home, and he hadn’t even bothered to come down and greet you when you arrived. Alfred did, with worried eyes and a solemn frown. Irritation had flashed down your spine so quickly that you didn’t even bother to question the look on the man's face, sure that he would simply give you another excuse on behalf of his employer.  The first few times you’d communicated with the man he had seemed just as annoyed as you were with Bruce.  But he didn’t commiserate with you tonight, and now you can see why there was a touch of worry on his brow.
Your date was on his knees, large shoulders hunched in exhaustion next to the small pale boy. His large hands gripped the boys’ smaller ones. Kneeling next to the bed it is a bit absurd how much larger he is than the boy. And yet he feels small. Almost broken.
His normally teasing blue eyes are sunken, with dark circles and harsh lines marring his face like paint. You know that look, the look of a parent in distress. Your mother often had the same one when you would get sick.
You knew about the boy, though he was mentioned more by rumor than his actual father. You understood that though, the need for someone in his position to protect his son. The gossip rags had cruelly stated that he had only taken the boy in out of pity and you had imagined that put a bitter taste in Bruce’s mouth. You weren’t surprised how hesitant he felt about introducing to the boy to you.
A strained huff turns your attention back to the small frame quivering in the bed. His breath seems stilted for a moment, a pause that goes on too long for his father.
“Dick?” The man questions as he shakes the boy’s hands slightly.
Then the boy, Dick, begins to cough. The harshness of it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It’s a deep, raspy sound, one that shouldn’t be able to come out of a body that small. You can hear the spasms of his lungs as air tries to force its way out of his mouth.
Bruce moves to soothe the boy, a hand laying on his chest for comfort, an attempt to make the delirious child aware of his presence. But that’s all he can seem to do. His mouth turned down in a frown and his eyes were wide with a panic. It dawns on you that he has no idea how to help a sick child.
The coughs show no signs of slowing down, if anything, the hacking seems to get worse. And the feeling broiling in your stomach coaxes you into motion.
You can’t just watch.
You palm the door, slamming it open much harder than you mean to. The noise causes both bodies to startle, but only one pair of eyes rises to meet yours. The large man is on his feet quicker than you can blink.
He looks at you with wide eyes and clenched fists. He looks like a predator, caught off guard in his own home. His blue eyes are black as he looks you up and down. It takes little more than a second for him to recognize you and for his hackles to recede.
“Excuse me,” you say pushing your way between him and the boy.
Bruce is surprisingly easy to move as if he is easily surrendering to your authority on the matter.
You take your place next to the boy quickly.
“Hi Dick,” you start with a friendly tone, you don’t want to scare the boy. Although you doubt it, he cares at the moment.
He can only pause from his coughs for a second. Long enough for him to squint one baby blue eye open at you in greeting. It’s closed almost immediately after, as strained coughs once again wrack his tiny frame.
“Can you put your hands above your head for me,” your voice is firm and gentle. In the back of your mind, you briefly realize how much you are mimicking your mother’s dulcet tones; you aren’t even sure how you’re doing it.
The boy responds. Small arms rise above his head, bent at the elbows, one pinker than the other from having been under the warmth of his comforter.
Your hand finds his back and you rub a soothing circle before beginning to pat rhythmically.
“What are you doing?” Bruce asks from the corner of the room.
You acknowledge him with a small sharp glance, but your face relaxes when you take in the worried furrow of his brow.
“Got to loosen the mucus, otherwise he won’t be able to breathe.”
You are careful not to hit the boy too hard, the idea of even the hint of a red mark on his skin makes you shudder, but better than him not being able to breathe.
“Does he have asthma?” You probe.
“I don’t think so.”
“Has he been sick like this before?”
“I don’t know.”
Your eye twitches with annoyance and you bite the tip of your tongue to keep from making your feelings known. You can feel the worry dripping off Bruce in waves, that usually composed steady tone of his not wavering, but he has an unmistakably worried look in his eye. Even if he did know that boy’s medical history, he probably wasn’t in the right state of mind to recall it.
“Can you get him some tea, with honey and lemon, please? You try to be polite about it, but your tone conveys an order rather than a request.
He hesitates, again. Eyes flickering from between you and the boy once again. And then something changes. As if he’s resigned himself to the fact that, at the moment he can’t help. He gives you a nod, his eyes no longer clouded with fear but with a newfound trust. Trust in you.
“And some mentholatum or Vicks if you have it.”
If he has questions, he doesn’t ask them.
In the next seconds, you are left alone in a room with a boy you barely know, and one you aren’t even sure knows who you are.
Time passes slowly, every second feeling longer than it should as the boy shakes in your arms, and you continue to hit his back.
Finally, the cough changes. It becomes less dry, and more heaving. Your eyes find a box of tissues on the nightstand. The moment you press the cloth to his mouth he begins to heave into your palm. You suppress your slightly disgusted shudder as warm sticky liquid is coughed into your hand.
“It’s okay,” you soothe both you and the boy. Dick’s arms come down as he hacks more into each successive tissue offered up to him.
It’s not long until both the cough and the boy are exhausted.
It’s at this moment that Alfred comes in. He pushes a small rolling tray that has a small kettle, spoon, and cup. Honey and lemon are placed in small dishes on the side.
He looks at the pair of you. The boy collapsed on your chest and you with a small awkward but proud smile on your face. You can see a small outline of a wistful smile on his face.
“Anything else, ma’am?” The butler asks as he pushes the cart next to you.
“No, thank you.  I think we are alright for right now, Alfred.”
Something twinkles in his eye, and leaves you with the child, like it was only natural for you to be there.
He feels odd, childish even. He was snooping in his own house. But he needs a moment to collect himself. On the way home from the nearest drug store he had been dreading coming back to the manor and hearing the echoes of a miserable sick child tumble through the house. Instead, he returned to a home at peace. And as he picked through the bedroom door, he could only hear the soft sounds of breathing.
Dick, his son he must remind himself, is pressed to her side, head resting on her chest. Like some kind of painting. His mouth is open making soft noises, nose is too stuffy to breathe properly. She too is resting eyes closed as she rests her back against the headboard, her nails raking through the boy’s dark hair soothingly.
It’s absurd, how fitting she looks there, how fittingly they look together. She’d removed her strappy heels, stretched the form-fitting skirt of her gold dress to its limit to make Dick more comfortable, and her perfectly coifed hair had fallen slightly flat; small streaks of sweat dried at her hairline.
Something alerts her to his presence, and her eyes open sharp, the sternness only seems to accentuate their beauty. Her lips are pulled down in a slightly disappointed pouting frown, as if she knows that he’s been standing there.
A heat runs through him.
She looks at him expectantly.
“You, have it?” She asked arm outstretched, presupposing his answer.
He rustles in the small bag that he got from the store. Nearly fumbling for the right box. He’s slightly embarrassed that he can’t immediately produce what she’s asked for. He’d gone overboard in the store, buying all the cold medicines that he could get his hand on. So much so that he almost forgot the cream she asked for.
“Open it for me?”
He does as she asks and is ready to plop the jar in her hand, but he stops. He can see the cogs in her head turning as she looks at him with examining eyes.
“Sit on the other side,” she commands.
And almost reflexively he does as she asks. His weight causes the mattress to dip slightly, and the boy shifts slightly in her arms, straining to keep himself in nestled into her. She takes it in stride, pulling Dick closer to her so he can be comfortable.
“You’re going to rub it on his back, we lay him down, then rub it on his chest.”
“It’ll help?” He questions. He hates how unsure he sounds. Earlier he tried his best to hide it, but the long hours of worry have made his resolve shake. This worry is a type of ache he’s never experienced before and he’s still in the midst of training himself to beat down the feeling and get himself to think rationally.
“It’ll help.” She assures with a chuckle. The looking in her eyes is gentle, and her soft hand guides him to administer the slightly tingling balm to the boy's back.
Bruce’s heart flutters.
The deed is done. The tiny boy in your arms is medicated, rubbed down, and fast asleep.
The only problem now is that you are trapped.
The tight embrace of a sleeping sick nine-year-old has you chained to the bed and this strange situation.
And you weren’t the only one leashed to this child’s bed. Every so often Bruce’s hand would come up and rub the child’s back, as if he was checking that he was still stable. While he wasn’t locked in the vice-like grip of his son he was just as attached to the mattress as you were.
“He’ll want to thank you,” he murmurs, breaking the warm silence that had settled over the room. “He’ll be a little embarrassed, but he won’t let you go without saying thank you.”
“It doesn’t look like he’s planning on letting me go anyway,” You quip.
You both share a chuckle.
“I should find a way to get going, though.” You didn’t wear a watch, but your internal clock was telling you that it was very late into the night, bordering on morning. You weren’t sure just how long the pair of you had been watching the boy.
“You could stay,”
“I don’t know-.”
“Here with us.”
The statements are smushed together between you, each cutting the other off before you can form a complete thought. Nervous energies smashing against each other. Both knew, that if you stayed that night, something would fundamentally change.  Not that it already hadn’t, his son was clinging to you like you were his lifeline.
Your mouth turns dry, underneath Bruce’s stormy gaze. There is a certainty there you had never seen before, at least not when it came to you. When he could make your dates, he was always attentive, but never present and committed. A distance in his eyes that you didn’t know how to close. It’s gone now.
“If you want to,” he adds.
Only for your benefit, you are sure. And for a moment you’re stuck. Wondering to yourself if this is something that you want. The commitment and consideration of feelings of not just the pair of you but the small child whose soft snores are ringing in your ears. And as sudden as it seems, you can’t deny the warmth that’s resonating through your form at the thought of the three of you eating breakfast together.
“I’d like that.”
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randomlyblues · 3 months
Yandere!Zane X Librarian!Reader
Part 1
CW:Mention of kidnapping not beta read 1.3k word count
You were on a cloud, melted into the soft fabrics, you didn't want to leave. After stirring a bit in your bed, the memories from the day before made you realize that you weren't home and this isn't your bed. The fabrics were made of the finest, it reeked of luxury. You quickly snapped up from the bed you were once relaxed in. "Good you're awake, you would have been useless to me dead," the mask man responsible for the position you are in at the moment spoke, calmly flipping a page from the book he purchased from you. The High Priest stayed by your side as you slept for the day, watching as you slept soundly while he wished the pillow you held was him. He made sure to put the guard that knocked you hard in the dungeon, he asked for them to knock you unconscious, not harm you.
 Zane didn't bother looking up at you as you slowly began to get off of the soft bed. “Hey, I’m sorry we must have gotten off on the wrong foot, I didn’t mean to offend you especially with that jok-” Zane raised his hand as a way to silence you. Your voice was laced with fear, a nice way to boost this powerful man’s already huge ego. “ Please, I am not easily wounded with jokes about myself, I am aware of the rumor said about me,” he spoke nonchalantly but also with power, still not looking up from his book. “Besides, my goal is to have you alive, you have knowledge.” 
“Believe me High Priest, I have nothing of use to you, I have never left Phoenix drop–”
“It's no use lying to me,” the masked man finally looked at you, his ice cold gaze can drive anyone to the deep end, “ You are originally from Pikoro village, traveled with your father who was a traveling merchant. Your mother dying from a mysterious illness leaving your father having to take care of you when you were the age of ten; soon he succumbed to the same illness as your mother. Later you found Phoenix Drop and have been there for about five years.”
After knocking you out, Zane took it upon himself to ask about you before his departure from the village. He was lucky that Phoenix Drop was pathetically trusting, and also lucky that farmer Brandon didn’t know how to shut up. If he wasn’t looking for information he would have had that man killed. Zane stood up from the comfort of the chair and towered over you, he stood as if he was proud about all the information he memorized about you. His eye looked back and forth to yours, trying to decipher your reaction. He was trying to see if you were proud of him, he was actually looking for your approval.
Your mouth hanged open in shock, soon your face distorted into disgust. “ Oh…wow… that’s actually very disturbing.”
Zane’s confidence was immediately crushed. Him? Disturbing? The guard must have hit you harder than he thought. He kept a mental note for that guard to get lashes as he is finished talking with you. “It’s called being informed,” the High Priest shut his book, causing you to jump at the sudden noise. “Now I will not tolerate any lying, I’ll let this one slide because you are slow as well as me having a certain…liking towards you.” He hesitated on the last of his words but non the less stayed standing and settled his book down on the desk next to the bed.  
Before you even got the chance to say anything about his confession Zane continued on, “That being said, don’t even think about using that knowledge against me, even if it would hurt me, I would have to punish you.” Zane held his hand out, causing you to walk back, your wide eyed expression caused him to stop. His hand turned into a fist and he walked out of the room with a slam of the door.
So many questions ran through your mind, especially the main one. Why me? You knew that Zane was serious about what he said, even if he does have some…romantic feelings towards you, you are not immune to his cruelty. “First, to find a way out, if it has been a day or a few that means we aren't far away. We can’t possibly be in O’khasis.”
Opening the door with a creak, the hallways were strangely empty with multiple doors. “An inn? “I’ve never been in an inn with fancy bedding,” continuing down the hall you notice fancy works of art on the walls, most with Lady Irene. Going down the staircase, the front desk was vacant, if there wasn’t a fancy room, you would have thought that this was abandoned. 
This was too easy. You looked through the curtained windows and saw O’khasis guards standing post in front of the building. Moving to the back, more guards. At every exit it seemed there were guards. “Great, this means I must take things into my own hands…Perfect just great,” you started patting yourself to see if they took your knife and they did even the one in your boot, “My Irene he thought of everything.” Sighing, you started to see if there was anything heavy you can at least knock them unconscious or start some ruckus. The nearest thing was a chair, it looked ancient, calling for you to take it out of its misery. “Worth a shot, as long as I can get as far as I can to know where I’m at.” 
With the backdoor being locked, you broke it off and pushed your way out and didn’t think twice and swang without looking. The guard fell to the ground with a thud.
 “Wow.. That easy? I feel insulted,” making sure the guard was unconscious, you started to loot him to see if he would have at least any money on him. “Score! This would last me for a damn good while!”
Crap. Running as fast as you could, you took notice of the village and realized that this was Meteli. Thank Irene I’m not that far from Phoenix Dop! 
Hearing the guards gaining speed, you decided to hide in the woods and waited for them to pass you. After a while, you continued to run towards the docks, hoping you remembered the way. Thanking yourself for staying in Meteli for a year or else you would’ve gotten lost. It was a nice town, besides the crazy chicken Shaman that was near. The trees guided the path as if nature was cheering you on. Seeing the glistening water, you laughed. Your breath was already getting ragged, legs yelling at you to stop, the side of your ribs felt like knives were poking at you. That couldn’t  stop you, it was there right there.
A boat was already there, wasn’t this such a lucky day. The grin that had just started to take place soon faded as you made eye contact with a certain piercing blue eye. Stopping where you were, you took deep breaths and glared at him. 
Zane knew blood was on his hands that he'd never be able to wash off. He glared at his darling, if you wanted to play cat and mouse. He would. There was nowhere for you to run and you knew that. He looked as you started to get surrounded. Zane nodded at his guards to obtain you. He ignored your cries and how you started thrashing at his guards as he got closer to you, face to face. 
“ I warned you–” Silence. Wet saliva slid down his face. He couldn’t believe it, you actually spat on his face. He started laughing while wiping away the spit. Your eyes were filled with fiery, face with a sly smirk. Zane couldn’t help but love that expression, that is for him, only for him. The hatred you have for him, the passion. 
“Guards, throw her into the dungeon on the ship, I think my pet got too comfortable.”
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buckyalpine · 2 years
yknow the rule. every time bucket makes an appearance to wreck unnecessary havoc on the population, we need to see simp!bucky as financial compensation for the emotional damage done.
- gossip girl xoxo
Can’t keep his hands off you
18 + minors dni
LMAAOO whenever he gets out of his cage, we shove him back in there and avoid eye contact. Now back to our simpy baby, which he is 100% I didn’t plan on making it this long either, I was going to just write like 3 simple sentences and now look. Also I did two versions, subby and our sexy dom
What would ACTUALLY happen at a party is he would never leave your side. His arm is always around your waist and if someone gets to close, he’s pulling you to his side so they don’t try to come near you.
Doting on you the entire night.
“You want a drink baby?”
“Are you hungry”
There’s only so many places can sit; he takes a seat on the couch that’s full and you’re about to sit on the arm rest but no.
“Come here doll” he pulls you to sit on his lap, kissing and holding you. Both men and women alike are seething. You’ve gotten some dirty looks cause the handsome super soldier won’t even look at them twice. The guys are just as mad they can’t have you, esp not with bucky guarding you constantly.
(Taking this moment to give you 2 versions)
Subby bucky
You shift to adjust yourself on his lap, your eyes growing wide when you feel…
You turn to look at him and he’s engaged in a conversation with Steve sitting beside him but you definitely felt…
He grips your hips to keep you from moving, coming down to whisper in your ear.
“You gotta stop baby…”
You smirk at him shifting on his lap again and he lets out a whimper, hiding his face in your neck.
“Y/n, I can’t”
“Can’t what baby”
“M’so hard” his voice is a strained whisper, his cheeks are flushed. You get up and take his hand, leading him through the crowd to a closet. His eyes grow wide when you drop to your knees, his cock throbbing and leaking. He doesn’t last long, cumming within seconds, chanting your name when you palm and squeeze his balls while sucking he’s sensitive head.
He’s not leaving till he returns the favour. He drops to his knees, hitching your thigh on his shoulder. His face is buried in your pussy, moaning and whining at how wet you are. Tugging his cock while sucking your clit. And he’s addicted to you so even after you’ve reached your high, he’s still licking and sucking.
“Too much baby, so sensitive” you cry out but he doesn’t stop. He softens his tongue and lips, but he’s still gently suckling your sensitive nub, drinking up everything you have to give him and-
Dom bucky.
He grips your hips to keep you from squirming. You gasp when you feel it pressing into you harder, he adjusts himself, pushing himself right against your ass.
“You better stop baby” you bite your lip, teasingly grinding against him, his eyes darkening because you both know where this is going.
“So needy princess. You gonna be a good girl baby, take care of daddy?”
You nod and that’s all it takes, he has you over his shoulder, his wide frame easily making his way through the crowd. He doesn’t bother with a closet.
He finds an empty hall that anyone can walk through, it’s far enough it probably wouldn’t happen but there’s still a chance.
He has one had over your mouth while he rails you from behind,
“So. Fucking. Good” his teeth are gritted, cock throbbing, the sound of voices are approaching so you both have to finish quick. He knows your close, he can feel it. “T-together baby, cum with me y/n, fuck, cum, cum baby”
You let out a high pitched muffled whine while he empties himself into you, quickly tucking his cock in and shielding you with his body while some people walk by.
Your both a panting mess and that was hot but now he needs more, he scoops you in his arms to have his way with you all night.
Seeing bucky toss you over his shoulder and carry you out is all they need to know, and bucky has the most smug cocky smirk hearing the team whistle and scream while you hide your face
“Put a baby super soldier in her”
“I think they have a breeding so that’s probably gonna happen”
“Why the hell do you know this”
“The sound proof walls are not as sound proof as you think”
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist​ @emmabarnes @bethyruth   @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen   @ashenc-blog   @buckybarnessimpp  @potatothots @goldylions   @high-functioning-lokipath  @morganemorganite-blog @peaches1958 @kingfleury @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82   @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @samfreakingwinchester
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autumn-solitude · 10 months
1000ish word snippet of a wip with the dynamic I'm aiming for between Killer and Cross (in a modern au setting).
In which Cross is rudely awoken by his bodyguard and Killer takes the opportunity to take a nice cozy nap on top of his surly client:
Cross woke with a start, tank soaked with sweat that followed the imagined threat from his nightmares. Reality sank in and his magic flared immediately in response to an actual threat.
Someone was in the room with him.
Cross acted on the impulse of the sudden danger, lashing out without any thought apart from 'eliminate the threat'.
The blue bone attacks from his attacker were swifter, jamming through each of Cross’ humeri, ulna and radius. Just as quickly, a sharp blade lightly slid up along the front of each of Cross' cervical vertebrae, dipping between each one to flick sensitive magic, until the flat of the knife tapped beneath Cross’ jawbone to tilt his skull back.
White eye lights blazed in irritation up at the empty black sockets with liquid hate dripping down from them (and splattering onto his face) above a bemused toothy grin.
“Good mornin', sleeping beauty.” The blade pressed harder but didn’t draw any marrow as the grin Killer wore tugged wider, the empty sockets squinted up in glee. “I coulda already offed you three times before you woke up. You slippin' up on me, Mr. ‘I-can-take-care-of-myself’?"
Killer was a fucking menace; how did he ever become a bodyguard when he pulled stunts like this?
“Couldn’t help but notice you helped all your neighbors out with fixing up their places and all but then do a shit job keeping this place locked up tight.” Killer added, shaking his head as if disappointed. The knife blade kept Cross' skull tipped back. “So I got ya new locks for your front door, bedroom and the windows. Oh, and some boards for when you need to block the doors or windows when I ain't round. Aaaand, I added some audio mics around the place and one cam near the front door, in case you decide to sleep through possibly being killed or abducted, and I gotta come rescue your burly ass.”
“That’s not in your job description.” Cross pointed out, discreetly shifting the lower half of his body, only to find that Killer had his legs pinned with his own. "And I'm not burly. S'just the magic." Cross found that Killer had one arm braced on his chest while the other held the knife to his throat. Killer looked like he was having the time of his life harassing the monster he was supposed to be guarding.
“It isn’t part of my job, but let’s call it an investment to your continued well-being.” Killer agreed too easily as he moved the knife away and shimmied backward, so he was perched on Cross’ lap. A leer appeared as Killer looked Cross over. “And nah. You're a big guy even without the summoned magic. By the way, nice pajamas. Didn’t know that your man tits could be contained like that without the fabric tearing. 'specially with it soaked in sweat. You gonna change that?”
“I get hot at night.” Cross defended his tight tank top that currently hugged his ribcage and defined the magic formed beneath. He declined to comment on exchanging the sweat drenched one for a new one with how intent Killer's gaze currently was.
“I’ll agree with the ‘hot’ part.” Killer said distractedly as he tucked his knife away somewhere.
“What do you want from me, for the 'upgrades' to the apartment?” Cross asked grudgingly, tensing when he saw Killer's leer deepen.
“Oh, not much.” Killer said, still smiling that infuriating grin. “Just this.” The target soul hovering over his chest went to an inverted heart as he shuffled back. Then, without warning, Killer sprawled himself across Cross’ body, soul pressing into Cross as Killer face-planted directly into the other’s chest. “Mmm, nice cushioning you got here, Crossy.”
“Get off.” Cross demanded, acutely aware of the way Killer’s soul trapped between them hummed with delight. Cross' battered soul was a traitor as it contently thrummed in return to the other soul's closeness.
The blue attacks vanished.
Killer let out an obnoxious snoring noise.
“Shh. You asked what I wanted; this is it. I’m taking my payment by burying my face into your warm man tits despite the magic sweat-soaked tank top and getting a bit of shuteye before dealing with your self-destructive bullshit.”
“It’s magical padding, you ass!” Cross retorted hotly; he was not blushing. He was not blushing.
"Is that what they're calling it now?"
"You don't have to have your ecto summoned, but it sure is comfy."
"I'm burring off some excess magic since you don't want me going to the gym as often as I normally do!" Cross grumbled; he should shove Killer off of him.
“Mmm, if this is the outcome, then maybe you should work out less." Killer sighed into Cross' chest. "You're so nice and toasty.”
“That’s my name.” Killer drawled as he nuzzled his face further in to enjoy the warm magic beneath the tank top, sighing happily. “Don’t wear it out till I've gotten to take you out for a celebratory ‘hey, you didn’t die’ drink. For now, I'm gonna take that nap." Smug bastard did exactly as he said and dozed off cuddled on top of Cross.
A short silence passed.
"Do you want me to leave?" A sudden question, as Killer's body tensed as if to move.
Cross hesitated, then really listened to Killer's soul as it beat between them.
"I am going back to sleep." Cross said, sockets closing. "Try not to kill me."
"Heh. Sure thing, Crossy."
Cross quietly listened again to Killer's soul.
The time that followed gave Cross time to think of his life choices that led him to this point. To where it landed him with Killer as his appointed bodyguard for witness protection for an upcoming trial. All the while, both he and the actually now asleep Killer both knew perfectly well that Cross was more than capable of freeing himself once the blue attacks had vanished.
But Killer knew Cross was lonely, and Cross knew that Killer had trouble lowering his guard for long enough to get any decent sleep.
Cross couldn't help but feel that this wasn't going to end well. He didn't sleep the rest of that night. Instead, Cross guarded the slumbering Killer's sleep, since he was aware that Killer was doing his best to prevent Cross from getting himself killed.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
TPRG Ch.9: Training
Word Count: 1225
     “Are you sure you still want to learn sword fighting, Princess? Either way, your father will still probably insist that we remain as your royal guard.” Sabo asked, holding 2 wooden swords as you pulled on a pair of leather gloves to help protect your hands from calluses. 
     “Yes I’m sure! I’ve been trying to learn how to sword fight since I was little, now that I don’t have some old hag hovering over me telling me what I can and can’t do, I’m going to learn! Besides, the only people who are going to know are the four of us. Are you going to go against my, the princess’s, orders and tell anyone?” you asked, giving him a hard look, making the blond want to chuckle. You might be the princess, but your attempts to intimidate him worked about as well as a kitten trying to hiss at a large dog. 
     “Alright, but don’t cry when you’re covered in bruises.” Ace said with a grin, taking one of the swords. 
     “I’m tougher than I look! You’ll have to try harder than that.” you challenged. 
     “Wait, I thought we weren’t actually fighting her today. You said we were just going to show her some of the basics to see where we needed to start.” Luffy protested, making both boys sigh in exasperation.
     “Way to ruin the fun, Luffy. We were teasing her, making her think we were actually sword fighting today. An untrained princess against the 3 greatest knights in the kingdom? Of course she wouldn’t stand a chance, but we wanted to see her sweat a little.” Ace said, his shoulders sagging as he gave Luffy a displeased look.
     “Well you failed, even without Luffy saying something, you’re not going to get me to panic that easily.” you said defiantly. Sabo chuckled as he handed the other wooden sword out to you, unable to help the smirk that crossed his lips. You were so different from other princesses and he loved it.
     “I have better form and technique, Ace hits harder and is faster to strike, Luffy is chaotic and wild. This is how we’re going to train you. I’m going to show you the basics, show you techniques, the best ways to strike, all the official shit. Ace and I will both show you how to implement it, he’ll also show you how to think quickly. Luffy will teach you how to think on your feet, how to fight against an opponent you don’t expect.” Sabo explained as you nodded in understanding, “That being said, don’t think for a moment that I can’t strike quickly or that Luffy can’t show you some damned good techniques. These are just what we’re better at.” he added as you nodded again. 
     Breathing hard, your arms felt like jelly. Sabo had been showing you techniques for the better part of 2 hours, frequently correcting stances, before making you practice strikes.
     “Alright, let’s stop for today, you look like you’re about to collapse.” Sabo said, surprised when you did, indeed, falter. Ace quickly catching you, his arm around your waist as he held you upright.
     “Careful, Princess. Were we too hard on you today?” Ace asked, helping you over to one of the couches and helping you sit down.
     “No, no I need you to be hard on me! I have a lot of catching up to do! I’ll accept that I’ll never be as good as you three, but I still need to get as good as possible as fast as possible. I won’t be some weak, defenseless princess!” you said, letting your entire body go lax as you caught your breath. 
     “I doubt you’re weak and defenseless even without sword fighting, but we’ll do our best.” Sabo said with a smile as he hid the swords away.
     “Don’t worry, Y/n. You’ll be the best sword fighting princess in no time! You won’t even need our help.” Luffy said encouragingly.
     “Thanks, Lu. I appreciate the support. I’m sure that only Sir Garp would be as good a teacher as you three.” you said with a grin.
     “Yeah, but Gramps is really mean. He’d hit you a lot.” Luffy said, the three boys cringing as they thought about the training the man had put them through. 
     “I doubt the old man would be as rough on her as he was on us, but Luffy’s right, the man needs to learn the definition of going easy.” Ace agreed.
     “Then it’s best that I’m learning from you.” you said with a small smile, letting yourself slide down the couch until you were laying down, “I’m just gonna… rest for a bit.” you said, exhaustion quickly taking hold of you as you fell asleep. Though it might be more accurate to say you passed out, the three boys amused by how quickly you fell into dreamland. 
     “Come on, princesses shouldn’t sleep on the couch.” Sabo said softly, picking you up and moving you to your bed.
     “Wait, if princesses shouldn’t sleep on the couch then where did she sleep when we woke up in her bed?” Luffy asked, making Sabo sigh.
     “I said ‘shouldn’t’, Luffy. Not that she doesn’t.” Sabo said, tucking you in before closing the doors to your bed chambers.
     “So we’re really teaching her how to fight then? Isn’t the king gonna be kinda pissed?” Ace asked, flopping down on one of the couches, “I thought you didn’t want to be executed.” 
     “I don’t, but as the future ruler of the kingdom, she’s allowed to order us around within reason. If the king gets mad, I can merely tell him that it was an order from her. Our orders from him were, first and foremost, to protect his daughter. We weren’t instructed to ignore her own orders. This means that the only orders that supersede hers are the king’s. He can’t actually do anything to us without seeming like an unfair ruler.” Sabo explained, sitting on the couch you’d been on just moments ago, “and to be honest, he doesn’t seem like an unfair man. He knows about her sneaking out, after all. He didn’t kill us for that, we should, at very least, not be killed for teaching her sword fighting. Worst case scenario, he banishes us.” 
     “I’d like to not be banished!” Luffy said, sitting in his usual chair.
     “Eh, I could go stay with Pops, they’ve said I’m always welcome there. I’m an honorary son of King Edward Newgate.” Ace said proudly.
     “Luffy, I’m sure King Shanks would take you in. As for me, I have a group working to liberate kingdoms from tyrants.” Sabo said, his brothers nodding in understanding. 
     “Then we’re fine. I mean, I’d still prefer not to be banished, but at least we won’t die.” Ace said with a grin.
     “I’m hungry, do you think we can get the maids to bring us food?” Luffy asked, Ace and Sabo’s stomach rumbling as if in response.
     “Well we can’t protect the princess on an empty stomach.” Sabo said with a grin.
     “And she’s asleep so we can’t leave here.” Ace added, knowing exactly where Sabo was going with this, both boys hurrying to get up to call the maids. Luffy might be the one whining for food most often, but that didn’t mean Ace and Sabo didn’t eat plenty as well. 
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devillichtactics · 2 years
Trollhunters: Reunion
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not my gif
Word count: 2174
Just a one-shot on Jim reuniting with his friends after being stuck in the Darklands, with a tiny dash of angst.
While sitting in his cell, Jim was waiting anxiously. Time had lost its meaning in the dark corner of the Darklands. 
With Gunmar fixated on breaking his will and thus his armour, only to kill him mere seconds later, Jim wasn’t sure how long he could take it. He trusted his friends wholeheartedly and knew they would do anything in their might to get him out of this dreadful place. But the exhaustion, malnourishment and constant aching of his entire body was making it harder to keep going. Nomura’s words weren’t helping either. Her hopelessness became more his own, for sure when the guards kept making their appearances to take him to these horrid fights Gunmar had in store for him. 
Which was more often than not lately.
At least Nomura’s stories kept him distracted. But with her gone, taken just minutes ago, he was once again alone with only his own thoughts and a few stones to kill the time. 
Standing up every now and then to retrieve said stones he threw at the wall hurt more and more. He was tired. Maybe if he could just close his eyes for a second, but sleep came not as easily as before with the constant anxiety of the guards returning for himself.
He wondered how much pain Nomura would return with this time. Jim knew she never tried to let him in on her injuries for his sake but her strained and rugged breathing paired with the occasional moan betrayed her. 
She was sweet to him, much more so than he would’ve expected. It was nice. He knew she pitied him; a young boy all alone in one of the most terrifying places to exist. And normally he would’ve hated it. In this case, though, it was perhaps one of the only things to keep him going. 
And now she was being hurt again, probably even more so than usual for helping him with his last fight again.
So much pain, chaos, loss. And for what?
He always felt like it was his fault. His times alone made him think of scenarios in which the amulet had chosen a troll instead of him, a human. Perhaps things would’ve gone better. At least none of his friends would’ve gotten hurt in the process. That was at least the reason he decided to travel into the Darklands alone, but how much he missed them. They always did everything together, but now? 
Now he was alone in a dark cell, ready to face his death every day over and over again, waiting for them to come and rescue him. Risking their own lives again.
When would it stop? 
To keep himself from dwelling too long on these kinds of thoughts, his hand reach again to one of the stones next to him. Only this time it was not laying on the ground but given to him by a gnome.
A simple ‘thank you’ left his mouth while taking it from the tiny creature. Then the wheels in his head started turning and in a swift motion his head shot back to the gnome while he realised that-
“Chompsky!” he shouted excitedly, before quickly lowering his voice.
“What are you doing here?”
Chompsky started frantically talking and pointing his hands at the entrance of the prison like room.
No way.
No way that his friends were here. That they actually managed to travel through the Darklands and came to rescue him. Saving him from his fate. Jim quickly shot up, which would’ve hurt but his excitement pushed all the pain away.
“You don’t mean that-“ his head turned a few times, to the gnome and back to the entrance, in complete disbelieve.
“Toby?” he said quietly, carefully. “Claire?” He heard footsteps coming off the stairs and the sound had never been more pleasing to his ears. He realized he was finally going to see his friends again. So now he started shouting excitedly. 
“Tobes! Claire! I’m down here!”
Careful not to touch the bars to keep him inside his cell he stuck his head through, and when he finally saw his friends entering the room, he felt better than he had in a long time.
It has been such a long time since she had seen him, and gearing his voice made her anxious. So long in the Darklands. That can’t be good for anyone. She hated the fact that he’d had to go through this alone, all this terror. And that to save her baby brother.
At times she felt guilty; Guilty because he went in for her, guilty about how he felt he had to do this alone. Guilty, because she only got Enrique out last time the bridge had been opened, and not Jim himself.
Why did he feel like he had to go alone? Didn’t he trust his friends? Jim had always called all of them Trollhunters, not just himself. They were a team, weren’t they? So why did he go in after her brother alone?
She felt guilty because she felt some anger towards him for that.
But hearing his voice shout her name, excitedly, almost desperately, all doubt flew out the window. She nudged Toby down the stairs while she herself ran as fast as she could.
And there he was.
“Jimbo!” Toby shouted at his best friend, ready to fly in his arms.
“Watch out! You can’t touch these things.” Jim said, but then he carefully sticked his head through one of the openings to hug Toby. Being in kind of an awkward position didn’t matter at the moment. All that did was that they’d finally found each other, and the hug was long and sweet.
When Claire finally stepped forward, all she could do was sigh with a smile plastered on her face. How she had missed this boy. Hugging him had never felt this good. At the moment she wished she never had to let him go and judging by the way Jim wrapped his arms around Claire, almost clinging to her, it was safe to say he felt the same.
But then it was time to let go and talk about a plan of action. Jim, Toby and Claire may finally be reunited again, but Jim was still locked in a cage and all three of them still found themselves in the Darklands. 
Only when she let go, Claire realized she had yet to have a good look at the boy in front of her, and now that she did, her hand shot to her mouth.
She knew his time in the Darklands could not have been a joyful time. Claire herself had yet to spend half an hour in the dreadful place and already knew she was never going to set another foot in here.
But looking at Jim, he-
Covered in bruises and gashes. His face had sunken in, and his complexion had taken on a grey-ish colour compared to the rosy cheeks she remembered. His hair was matted and not as straight as it used to be. Even his eyes seemed to have sunken deeper into his head with dark bags beneath them. And that was just his face. 
Claire knew the armour had probably taken most of the hits to his body, but she didn’t even want to think about how his body look without it. 
“What have they done to you.” She said in a hushed tone, hand still hovering over her mouth. Looking at Toby she could see he’d also had time to take in Jim’s appearance and a sad look crossed his face. 
“It’s fine, you guys are here.” Was all Jim said with a sweet but tired smile on his face.
It was definitely time to get him out of here. But, of course, for them it never worked right away. When they didn’t get his to open and they heard heavy footsteps nearing, an anxious look crossed on Jim’s face.
“Hide! Guys, you must get out of here!” He whispered with a slight tremble in his voice. She and Toby tried once again to turn the ’key’ get him out, but time was running out. So, they hid in a neighbouring cell just in time for the Gumm-Gumms to see them. 
The terror in Jim’s voice was heart-breaking to hear when they dragged him out again and Claire wished it was something she never had to hear again. 
This sweet and innocent boy, and they had tried everything in their might to break him. 
The way out of the Darklands had not been an easy one, but when Toby saw his friends falling down into the grass and finally enjoy the sun, he knew it had been worth it.
Seeing Jim down there had been the absolute worse. The boy he’d known for ages, broken down in a dark corner. Dare he say it, but even risking Gunmar’s escape was not enough to make him regret his decision. For Jim? He would do it over in a heartbeat. 
After Jim had the proper chance to reunite with everyone, Toby knew it was time for them to go home. Looking at Jim, though, he figured it was probably best if he had a chance to clean up a bit before going home to his mother. Dr. L was amazing, but being as worried as she was, sending Jim home in this state probably wouldn’t be the best idea. 
While Toby had been posing as Jim for the last couple of weeks, he had been looking like a pre-Darklands Jim. Not the shell of his former self he looked like now. He knew that Jim going home with bruises, cuts, and way too skinny for Toby’s liking, would probably give Dr. L a heart attack. 
But before Toby could offer anything, aaarrrgghh beat him to it. 
“Jim smell bad.”
Everyone laughed and Jim himself scratched sheepishly on the back of his head. 
“Yeah, you guys have no idea how much I’ve missed a hot shower. Tobes,” he said, “can I maybe take a shower at your place before going home?”
Toby hated that he was going to be the one to break the news to Jim that he probably had to stay a little while. He knew how badly his friend wanted to go home, see his mother, lay in his own bed, but they had appearances to uphold. 
“You know you can Jimbo, but don’t you think you have to stay with me a little longer? I don’t think Dr. L would like it if you suddenly turned up like-“
He didn’t know what to say, and judging by the other’s faces, they didn’t know either. They were probably thinking the same thing, but no one really wanted to say anything. To tell your best friend, boyfriend, or someone you saw as a son after he’d spent weeks on his own in the Darklands that he couldn’t go home yet because the damage had been so grave was no fun for anyone. 
The silence that followed was long and awkward, until Jim finally said: “You’re probably right.”
A sad look crossed his face and Toby hated seeing him like this. It had to be said, though. At Toby’s house, Jim would be able to regain his strength and get back to his old self. Toby knew his nana wouldn’t mind and, being as blind as she was, she wouldn’t notice any difference in Jim’s appearance. 
“You can stay with me for a couple of days, nana won’t mind. And I’ll just pretend to be you for a little while longer. It’ll be fine.” He said, stepping a bit closer to Jim while putting his hand on his shoulder. But after doing so, Toby was almost ready to cry. Because even if Jim was still wearing his armour, a slight tremor came from his body as soon as Toby touched him, and in that moment, Toby knew it would probably take his friend a little longer to heal from his ordeal in the Darklands than he originally thought, both mentally and physically. 
Blinky seemed to have noticed this as well, and he stepped forward, ready to, probably, say one of his little courageous speeches. 
“It doesn’t make you less a Trollhunter nor a hero to take some time to rest, master Jim. Use your time, and soon enough you’ll be reunited with your mother, stronger than ever.”
“Thanks, Blinky.”
After saying their goodbyes, everyone returned home, Jim with Toby.
“You can stay in my room; I’ll get an extra mattress. We’ll be roommates for a while. It’ll be great, don’t worry. With all the food my nana makes you’ll feel better in no-time.”
“Thanks, Tobes, I really appreciate it. And not just this but saving me from the Darklands as well.” He responded, looking down at Toby with nothing but admiration. 
“Of course, you didn’t think we’d leave you there on your own now, did you?”
A smile creeped its way onto Jim’s face.
“I never doubted you for a second.”
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
𝑨 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔(?). 𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒊 & 𝑾𝒚𝒂𝒕𝒕.
   “What are the Witches mad about now?” Head deep in paperwork, practically drowning, Hiroki’s normal average day was interrupted by the most unsuspecting guest. Wyatt never visits, much less for actual business related ventures and not just bitching at him. The document he had been reading over was placed aside under a paperweight and his undivided attention had been turned toward his friend. Or, well, who he considered a friend. 
   “There’s some sort of black, giant cat, thing lurking the streets in the middle of the night chewing on people.” 
   “Chewing on people? Like–little nibbles and innocent cat bites?” 
   “Try full on consumption.” Wyatt corrected, sighing as he looked down at his nails. “They came bitching to me at the bar about it. Like I’m supposed to do something about it.” Well, he is, it’s his job. He is literally paid to report these concerns to Hiroki or take care of the problem himself. Which was unadvised, he would rather have a report given to him so he can talk about it with the others. If anything, he would ask Luka to keep an eye out for this thing. Hopefully it’s not a shapeshifter gone rogue. 
   “Alright well, I’m out then.” 
   Hiroki blinked and snapped his gaze up toward Wyatt, standing from his desk and reaching over it to catch a corner of the other’s jacket. Grasping it tightly he gave the jacket a tug and tried to keep Wyatt from rushing off like someone set him on fire. “Where are you going? You never visit. Why don’t we just have some tea and we can talk. How’s–life? The bar?” Why is this harder as an adult? When they were little he could talk easily about whatever was on his mind or whatever their mutual interests were with each other. 
   Instead, now he had Wyatt glaring at his hand as if it offended him and then turning his electric blue eyes over toward Hiroki. They didn’t seem to hold any affection for him anymore. Any affection for anyone. Still, he sat back down in the chair and Hiroki followed suit, dropping his hands into his lap. “Bar’s doing well, I work, I go home, I sleep and I repeat. What the hell else do you want to know?” 
   “This isn’t an interrogation, you don’t have to treat it like one.” Wyatt constantly made Hiroki want to pull his hair out, this was no exception. 
   “Isn’t it? It’s not like you actually care, you probably keep tabs on me just so I don’t get in the way.” Which–no. He kept a few tabs on Wyatt so that they make sure he doesn’t just up and vanish again. Which he felt was fair and all he did was have the guards let him know if something was up. 
   Hiroki rubbed at his forehead and gave a sigh. “Look, when you vanished–” 
   “When my family was massacred.” 
   Teeth clenched, jaw clicking, he took a breath and spoke. “When you vanished we had looked everywhere for you. A lot of shit had happened at once.” The carefully collected control over his temper was rapidly spiraling out of control. “And I get it. The shit that probably happened to you was really bad, it’s not like you’ll tell anyone, but you’re not the only person who suffered, Wyatt. You’re not the only person who struggled.” 
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   Tempers rising, emotions spirling, it was quickly becoming a very loud and a very heated conversation. The guards stationed outside the office would share brief, worrying looks, before sending someone off to fetch a neutral party to try and mediate the problem. In the office, Wyatt blinked at Hiroki as if he was a moron. “Struggled. You’re going to diminish what happened to my family, as going through a struggle. My mother, who begged for the life of her children, bound in a witches circle, struggled before being shot to death?” 
   Poor choice of words on his part, however Wyatt was very much missing the point of what he said. “Evelyn was a great person, Wyatt, and my mother cherished her friendship very deeply.” 
   “If your mother gave a shit about mine she wouldn’t have dragged her into that mess in the first place!” 
   “Your mother wanted and agreed to be a part of the Court!” 
   At this point they were both standing and shouting at each other over Hiroki’s desk, Wyatt’s hands clenched at his side and Hiroki’s gripping the edge of his desk. Wyatt was contemplating punching Hiroki in the face but was fairly certain that might get him arrested and possibly charged with treason. 
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   “Your mother was proud to hold the position that she did, a position you make a mockery of. Not to mention your blatant disrespect for the craft that your mother worked hard to harness and progress. The greatest Witch in History is what the textbooks label her now and look at what her son has become. Her only living legacy. He spends his time trying to find better ways to get people drunk with magic!” 
   A low blow, one that hits Wyatt deep. He can feel the way it twists his heart, the way his hands tremble briefly before he clenches them hard enough to dig his nails into his palms. Pain quickly turns to anger, heated by the conversation and the ever heated conversation. A twisted and cruel smile pulls on his lips as he picks he shakes his head and bores his gaze into Hiroki’s own. “At least I have a legacy to follow. Yours is built on the blood and suffering of the people your family has subjugated for years.” 
   There’s a crack beneath Hiroki’s hands before the desk completely shattered, the briefest slip in control over his magic causing him to snap and explode the desk beneath him. The shattered remains of wood scattered everywhere, sharp pieces digging into their cheeks and ripping their clothes in small places. Hiroki stood in the remains, hands fisted tightly at his side while Wyatt picked pieces from his hair. 
   “And I’m so glad you managed to learn control over your fucking shit temper while I was gone.” 
   “Get out!”
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coraphoenix · 2 years
I need part 2 of the hannix exes drabble please 😭😍
Hey anon! Thanks for your patience. I had a rough couple of days, so this took longer than expected. But it's here now!! Hope you enjoy :D
Natasha isn’t sure why it’s harder to shake off the weird mix of anger and hurt and nauseating mess of emotions this time around. The feeling clings to her as she marches her way back to her off-base house, clings to her still as she sheds her uniform and hops in the shower. Letting the past slide off her is usually as easily done as the water sluicing down her skin and into the drain.
Except Jake Seresin isn’t just the past. He’s a past and a present and a probable future if they both stay the best, always rotating around one another in mind-numbing circles of impossible missions. But that’s not what irks her, and she knows it.
Natasha sets her forehead on the cold tiles and breathes in deep, willing the tears she can feel springing to her eyes to just dissipate like steam. She feels like a fool. For all her bravado and her impeccable instincts, she hadn’t seen Jake coming.
Jake with his infuriating grins and indestructible ego, worming his way into her life despite her best intentions because as disciplined Natasha—Phoenix—is, she’s got a heart like everyone else, just more guarded, more hidden.
Now her heart squeezes in her chest as the beginnings of a sob make it up her throat and past her lips before she clamps her mouth shut and sucks in lungfuls of air through her nose. She won’t cry, not over him of all people.
The heat of the water is like a warm embrace around her, and she stands upright once more, allowing it to smother her a little. But then her muscles begin to ache from the long day, and she shifts to autopilot—she huffs a quiet laugh as the word flashes in her mind—lathering shampoo into her hair, scrubbing down her skin.
By the time she exits the steamed up bathroom, Natasha feels a lot more clear headed. Top Gun. The mission. She’s here because she’s one of the best. So what if the matters of the heart continue to elude her.
She slips into her pajamas, a functional pair of shorts and a shirt, and pads her way to the kitchen for a cup of water when she hears them—a series of short knocks. They make her want to take that cup and throw the water in the person’s face. She knows these knocks.
“Phoenix,” Hangman’s voice comes through the door, muffled but distinctly his. “I know you don’t want to talk, but can I please get just five minutes? You can time me if you want ‘cause I know you’re all technical like that.”
There’s a quiet shuffling outside the door, and relief floods her for a moment. Let him leave. That relief is quickly replaced by amusement-laced horror though.
“No matter what I say, I know there isn’t much I can do to make you forgive me,” he says. “What I did was pretty shitty, I’ll admit. But I miss you so much. I’ve missed you for longer than I care to admit. Your presence in every room, the way you would find me in every space. All the conversations we had whenever we could get a chance to slip away. Your hair on the rare mornings I woke up next to you, how soft you can–”
She wrenched the door open. “Inside,” she said sharply before her neighbors could hear anything else.
There’s a grin on Hangman’s face, but it lacks his usual snark. He actually looks a little rough if she focuses on his face. He stops as she walks to him, and then he’s gazing into her eyes, his own holding so much sorrow, she’s tempted to look away.
“I’m sorry,” he says again.
Natasha takes a deep breath, filtering through all her reply options. “You’ve said that,” she says. “But I trusted you, Jake. I let you in. I trusted you when I didn’t trust many people, you know that. And you knew what it meant to me, and you still jeopardized my chances for no reason other than your ego.”
“That was messed up,” he says. “I admit it. I was young and stupid and I didn’t think it would really affect you. I know…I know it has now.”
Something swoops inside Natasha’s chest, and she blinks again. "I think I'm past the professional loss," she says. "I just don't think we should do this again, Jake. Let's not try."
He takes a step closer until she can smell the faint cologne on his uniform. "And if it still happens?"
"Then it's fate," she says. "I don't question fate."
He stares at her for a moment longer, gaze soft as he takes her in. He brings a hand up, cupping her face gently, thumb tracing a line on her cheekbone before he lowers his arm and walks back out.
And Natasha stands where he left her, heart still reeling as her front door clicks shut behind him.
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hii! I'd like to request for gen, ryusui, and senku (senku only if it's too much 😅 i didn't see anything for a max amount of characters in the rules, so i apologize if it is) with an s/o that gets dizzy/headaches a lot? like wether it'd be from standing up too quickly or doing a bit too much physical activity, thank you nd have a nice day!
hi anon! thank you for your request! this was entertaining to write as someone who gets dizzy frequently haha (some are more directed for pre stone world, hope thats okay!).
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He’s conflicted on how to feel about your frequent dizziness and headaches.
There are times when you catch him off guard complaining about being dizzy, such as when you get up from your seat and waver for a second, having to steady yourself, and he’ll peel his eyes away from his work for a brief second to look up at you in confusion. “You alright?”
When you give him a thumbs up and sigh, his lips turn slightly upward upon realizing you had just stood up too fast. The slightly clumsy walk you make out the door is just a tad bit amusing.
But there are times where he’s genuinely concerned, such as when the pounding in your head is so severe that you can barely move your head. 
When your headaches are especially hard to deal with, he’ll bring you a tall glass of water with some pain relief medicine and try to create as peaceful an atmosphere as he can. 
He’ll tell you to try some massages and show you some pressure points that help lessen the pain.
Buuut for the most part, he knows you can deal with your more minor headaches quite well, and he knows you have a habit of dramatizing how bad they are, which just annoys him.
You’ll groan about how much pain you’re in and he’ll roll his eyes and brush you off, knowing that you’re capable of taking care of yourself but also not wanting to intensify any of the pain. 
Something he can definitely relate to, however, is getting dizzy/headaches over doing any sort of physical activity. 
Though it takes you overexerting yourself to get a headache, HE is weak as a flea, and so give him like fifteen minutes and he’s done. 
Then the both of you are stumbling and trying to ease the raging pain in your heads.
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Dude actually gets stressed quite a lot.
It’s really easy for you to amuse yourself by over exaggerating your headache pains because he falls for it so easily.
Once he sees you smirking and suppressing your laughter though, he quickly loses any sympathy he had for you, turning around and walking away which only makes you laugh harder.
But when you aren’t faking, he’s genuinely doing his best to help you out.
As a former magician who probably did tons of dramatic performances with lots of lights and cheering, he definitely has experience with severe headaches.
Like Senku, Gen probably teaches you a bunch of massages and pressure points that are helpful to alleviate the pain.
He’s more than happy to do some form of relaxing meditation with you! Beneficial for the both of you and you get to spend some time together. He especially likes to do this as a form of winding down after doing some physical activity. 
He’ll let you lean your head against his arm or on his shoulder, sometimes he’ll gently move your head into his lap so you’re laying down and does the massages for you.
If you find yourself getting dizzy on hot days while moving around and doing some tasks, Gen’ll invite you to sit beside him under a tree or on a log where he’ll use his overcoat to help shield you from the sun. 
(he smirks proudly when you cuddle close to him when he does so). 
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A bit more formal with his remedies.
Provides you with a variety of different essential oils (rubs and rollers for when you’re dizzy, a whole DIFFUSER for headaches).
Might suggest acupuncture and would get Francois to do it for you if you were willing to give it a try.
Gets you a ton of vitamin supplements to try to reduce how frequently you get your headaches, but accidentally goes a bit overboard when showing them all to you (you take one or two though.)
Makes you a bunch of different teas and provides lots of water.
When your headaches or dizziness are especially awful, such as after doing some physical activity, he’ll run a rag under hot/cold water and place it on your forehead, moving it around your face and down to your neck after an amount of time.
Also the type to suggest you try yoga or some guided meditation, even going so far as to set up a space for you to do it with a mat, dimmed lights and non-scented candles. 
I mean hey, he grew up living a luxurious lifestyle, there’s a good chance he had assistants that used to treat his headaches this way. 
He’s pretty much grown immune to seasickness, but if you find yourself dizzy or getting headaches while traveling on board the Perseus, he’ll set up a little space for you to relax and does his best to steer clear of any unnecessary obstacles that might make your dizziness worse. 
Overall just really considerate and mindful of how you’re prone to dizziness and headaches.
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katherynshoward · 3 years
𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞; { 𝐝.𝐦. 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 }
SYNOPSIS; you catch draco eyeing pansy parkinson at a party despite him insisting he has no eyes for her. no one likes a liar. all characters are aged up to 20 in their 6th year and it’s the early 2000s. i repeat, there are NO underage characters in this. hogwarts functions as a college.
RESTRICTIONS; 18+ only. i don’t consent to minors viewing this content.
WARNINGS; smut, edging, bondage, name-calling, degradation, blow jobs, hand jobs, rough sex, size kink, sex toys, alcohol, drugs
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The night was growing old, but yours was far from over. Three drinks down and another in your grasp, you could feel the effects of intoxication overwhelming you by now. You were never much of a drinker, but this was a Slytherin party. It would be considered nearly an insult to not finish what was supplied. And as much as it was a Slytherin gathering, it was also your birthday celebration. Of course, the birthday girl was expected to indulge in the night more than anyone. You felt special as this event was already contesting with one of the better Gryffindor House parties of the year.
You hadn’t expected your boyfriend to make an appearance this evening. He thought himself above parties as his arrogance would lead him to believe. Yet when Draco emerged from the men’s dormitories so late into the festivities, Theodore Nott could be heard howling his excitement and rooting Draco on. The young man quickly thrusted a drink into Draco’s hand and began urging him to ‘loosen up’ over several other hoarse voices that were worn out from yelling over the music. You turned away and smiled to yourself, taking another sip from your goblet.
The commotion over Draco’s appearance would draw more attention to him than he cared to receive. If he was truly here to enjoy himself, it was unlikely he would ever partake again after the spectacle Theo put on. 
But by Draco’s protest you could faintly hear, it became obvious Draco did not come to celebrate. He was irate. A soft tap on your shoulder a moment later alerted you and you spun back around.
“Break this up. It’s four in the morning.” He said.
“Don’t be a party pooper.” You frowned. “I see you have a drink. I think Nott was on the right idea.”
“I’m tired. Silencing charms aren’t working.”
“One drink and I’ll break it up. For me? You may even thank me later.” You winked and Draco subtly rolled his eyes.
Pushing his free hand into his pocket, he began drinking away at his beverage and walked away. You sniggered to yourself, bemused by your own wit. You were the only person in the world Draco would yield to at this point and it felt vigorous. Knowing you had the solidity to command Draco by sex appeal alone. He could hardly resist how tempting you were and obeyed without resistance.
You knew you would marry him one day.
It could have been predictable Draco was a lightweight and Nott gave him a particularly strong drink. Theo himself was a heavy partier and could take as many drinks as a 7 foot three hundred and fifty pound man and still feel fine enough to play beer pong efficiently. Draco was never the type to drink or engage in any kind of activity involving impairment. He seemed to think it stunted his magic. Something he wasn’t keen on for reasons you couldn’t identify. But after thirty minutes had passed, Draco was visibly impaired. He was trying to conceal it which only made it more obvious.
You purposely hid yourself away when he came looking for you, having held up his half of the deal. You giggled with another Slytherin girl, watching as Draco was clearly looking for you without much success. Yet when his eyes fell onto Pansy Parkinson, his gaze seemed to act a little too familiar with her. His eyes rested on her backside, lingering far too long to be an accident. You shot a look of malice to the girl beside you. She looked at you and shrugged her shoulders.
When you looked back at Draco, he was now observing his surroundings to make sure no one saw that. He was still aware enough to be mindful of consequences. It occurred to you then that he wasn’t that drunk. That excuse wouldn’t hold to defend his wandering eyes.
You’d have to remind him that his eyes were meant only for you.
Walking towards him, his eyes widened a bit as though you startled him. But he quickly relaxed again.
“I was looking for you.” He held the goblet upside down, showing there was nothing left in it.
“How do I know you didn’t just dump it?” You said.
He huffed out a vexed sigh.
“Maybe you should have been watching me if that was a concern.”
“I was watching you. I saw everything.” You smirked and quickly flicked your eyes towards Pansy.
Draco began massaging the bridge of his nose in a visually exasperated gesture. How he would dig himself out of this one, he seemed unsure. You crossed your arms over your chest and smiled.
“Fine. I’ll just deal with it.” He grimaced and nearly began walking away.
“Excuse me. You think I’d let you off the hook that easily?” You half chuckled. “I catch you burning holes into Pansy’s arse with your eyes and you think you can just go about your night?”
“I’m sorry, darling. Truly, I feel a bit fuzzy.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I mean, honestly. You know how I feel towards Parkinson. That was highly uncharacteristic of me. I do only have eyes for you.”
“Prove it.” You challenged him.
“What do you want?” He sounded skeptical.
“Hm, it depends. Whatever might satisfy me.”
As you said this, you wrapped his tie around your hand and pulled him closer to you. Your lips met with his. He did taste like alcohol. You knew he wasn’t a cheater, you just wanted to give him a hard time. He was the most fun to peeve of anyone as he always took everything so seriously.
Maybe if he made it less fun, he wouldn’t always be at the butt end of every joke.
You used your tongue to part his lips and leaned in closer to him, pressing your chest into his as you stood on the tips of your toes to better level yourself with him. He was still taller, but Draco leaned down into you to deepen the surprisingly erotic moment. Which was also unlike him. A benefit of the drink.
He pressed one hand gently against the nape of your back, traveling lower until his hand would rest directly over the curve where your back met your ass. He pulled you closer into him with the same hand and returned your kiss tenfold. Your pussy began throbbing already, taking you a little off guard. Draco never kissed you in such a venereal way to elicit this kind of response from your body. Maybe you would encourage him to drink a little more. He was more relaxed. Even the devil’s lettuce could do him some favors.
Draco typically preferred to keep this intimacy between the two of you. But now, the heat of his breath and the way he pressed his pelvis into you signaled that for once, he was a bit looser. You loved every moment of it. Of course, he still pulled away from you first with dazed eyes.
“You can show me your proof in the dormitory. If I broke up this party now, we wouldn’t have our privacy. Would we?” You stared up at him with big eyes.
Draco swallowed hard and modestly nodded, setting the goblet down on a table beside him.
You signaled for him to follow you by gesturing your head forward. When you took a left up the stairs, you made sure to sway your hips more than usual with each step. Halfway up the set of stairs, you glanced back to see if his attention was fixated where you intended. Just as you hoped, his watchful gaze was lingering on the curvature of your hips and bottom. He looked up at you. You bent forward a little to expose more of your panties beneath your skirt and continued up the stairs.
“Like the view?” You joked, giggling a little.
Though you couldn’t see him, your mind’s eye already pictured Draco shaking his head to himself.
You reached the room you shared with a few other girls first and pulled him inside by his collar, slamming the door behind him by shoving him into the door with such force, the foundation shook. You pressed yourself into him and sunk into his lips with ardent force. Draco forcibly grabbed onto your buttocks, squeezing hard. You pushed his hands away and planted a firm smack on his cheek that cause his hair to fall over his face. It actually looked better that way. 
A soft breathy chuckle escaped your lips and Draco quickly grabbed hold of your wrists, making you spin around so that your back was now pressed against him. He pushed you onto the nearest bed and mounted you, grinding himself against you. You could feel him growing harder with each passing moment.
“Watch it, Malfoy. You’re biting off more than you can chew.” You warned him, already having an idea of how this wanted to go.
He began undressing himself quickly, getting rid of his button up shirt and tie first. You could hear him fumbling with his buckle now.
“Try me.” He sounded almost angry, but in a lustful way.
As he always did, he placed two fingers into your mouth to pull your head back while he unzipped his trousers. But this time, you bit down. He hissed and pulled away. You promptly kicked him away while he was distracted and reached for your wand in your waistband.
“Accio!” A chair came hurling towards you.
With another flick of your wand, you pushed Draco into the chair and acted quickly to bind his hands behind him with a temporary binding hex.
“What exactly are you doing here?” He sounded annoyed again and you laughed.
“What satisfies me.”
You shrugged and got up. Getting on your knees in front of him, you took his belt off for him and teasingly snapped it in front of him. You got back up and tied his hands behind the chair, careful to not cut off any circulation. But to be certain it would be difficult for him to escape, you placed a sticky charm on the belt.
“Too tight?” You asked, peeking your head over his shoulder.
Much to your surprise, he chuckled and shook his head.
“I didn’t know you were into bondage.” He observed. “You know your knots. It’s not too tight.”
“Maybe next time, I’ll let you tie me up. But I think you deserve this.”
You circled back around in front of him.
“Now, your punishment. You can’t touch me. Or yourself.”
“That’s it?” He asked.
“Oh, love. I’m not going to make this easy. Not even a little.”
His eyes narrowed on you and you returned the same look. You used your wand again to lock the door behind him and began circling around him. First, you traced your fingertips along his clavicle. He felt hot from the alcohol around his neck. His head followed you, looking around to the other side when you emerged from behind him. Casually, you ran your hand over his hair before grabbing a fistful and snapping his head back to expose his adam’s apple. You placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Safe word is baboons.” You whispered against him.
“That bad?” He asked with a smile. “I might act out again.”
Again, you placed another firm smack on his other cheek. He was aroused by this as you noted his pants move a little.
“Don’t be a pig. If you want something, you don’t resort to childish antics. You take them like a man.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He snarled back when you brought his head forward and let go of his hair roughly.
You walked away and positioned yourself in front of the bed. Still turned away from him, you began to strip off your skirt first. He loved your ass the most. The creaking of the chair told you he was either shifting uncomfortably or already attempting to work himself out of his restraints. You made sure to struggle with getting the skirt past the girth of your thick bottom, bending over slightly to make it appear even bigger. Draco sighed at the sight of your panties finally peaking through. A designer pair he bought you as part of an early birthday gift a week ago. Again, the chair creaked. Your skirt finally hit the floor.
You took no time to remove your top, already braless. Turning around to face him, he immediately looked at your breasts
“You weren’t wearing a bra?” Draco quickly observed.
“What? You must hate the idea of other men looking at my hard nipples. Don’t you? Maybe I wanted them to stare. It’s my birthday, after all.”
You shrugged and sat on the bed, which made your thighs appear wider. Relaxing onto your elbows, you kept your eyes on Draco who remained just as fixated on your figure.
“They know better.” Draco said, referring to the men of his house having a certain moral code. Specifically when it came to significant others and staring.
“You didn’t.” You retorted, a little pleased with your quick response that would have angered him. It’s not like he could do anything now.
You lifted your legs up to gently pulled off your panties and wiggled them up your legs, removing them from your ankles. Now your slit was exposed to Draco. Teasingly, you opened your legs before quickly shutting them again with a laugh of mockery. He angled himself down slightly, almost as if to get a better look.
“I can tell you want to touch me already and I’ve barely started.” You swung your panties around your pointer finger before slingshotting it at Draco. “This is gonna be fun.”
“You have no idea.” He said.
You propped your heels up on the bed while keeping balance on your elbows to make sure he was still watching you. But it seemed as though he couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. With your legs now spread open, you used one hand to trail gently down your navel to meet with your nether lips. Draco squirmed again, this time flexing his arms. He was maneuvering an attempt to escape. But the sticky charm he was unaware of would make that process much more difficult. Slowly, you began massaging yourself where your clit would be while he watched. His pants appeared to subtly move again.
Draco groaned out.
“Are you already about to cum in your trousers?” You giggled out.
“My pants are killing me. It’s — I’m hard.”
“Obviously. Maybe you shouldn’t wear such tight pants all the time. Although I do like how it accentuates your bulge.”
“What? People can see that?”
You tossed your head back and laughed. Getting up from the bed, you quickly moved onto his lap to straddle him. The heat between your legs caused him to tense even more. Draco tossed his head back and gently groaned again, already physically quelled by the influence of your tempting body. He was going to be easy to break. Only to you.
Your slit met with the outline of his erection. You began grinding against it and Draco’s breathing sped up, growing deeper with each breath. He was now squeezing his eyes shut, attempting to calm his arousal. It would be embarrassing to cum now.
“Are you alright, love? If you say pretty please, I might be kind and let you out of these painful restraints.”
Draco nodded, his eyes still shut tight.
“Please, for the love of god. I’m fucking dying.”
You got back up off his lap and spread his legs apart sensually, running your hands up and down his thighs. This elicited another involuntary response from his body. Close up, you could see his v line flex with the straining of his abdomen. It was arousing you now. The heaving of his chest and the outline of his neck tightening. Observing how his body naturally responded to you without sex was extremely lubricious. Inciting sexual desire in you. Your nipples were now painfully hard in a satisfying way.
You finished unzipping and unbuttoning his pants, slowly pulling him out of his boxers. It was true, he was completely solid. He was enjoying this even more than you were. The thought started to make you wet.
“Wow, you’re kind of a whore.” You smiled up at him, resting your hand around the base of his cock. “You love being tied up and helpless, don’t you?”
“You better hope you tied this belt tight enough.” He warned.
“Or what?” You teased, licking up his shaft. His arms moved again to release himself.
Draco snapped his head back up now to look directly down on you.
“I will fuck the absolute shit out of you.” He pressed through gritted teeth.
“I’d like to see you try.” You smiled up at him and winked, starting to squeeze the base of his cock as you moved up and down with your hand.
Using your other hand, you began massaging deeply into his pelvis while jerking him off. You used a little spit to lubricate him which only seemed to deepen his arousal. You began speeding up in slow increments, using your hand to stimulate the area beneath the head of his cock every time you moved up. He leaned back into the chair once again, somewhat straightening out his body. Again, he was attempting to get out.
Now moving fast, you focused your attention closer to his head. Every time you felt him contract in your hand, you’d let go. This frustrated him visibly.
“Fuck you.” He mumbled out a few times.
With this, you began using your mouth to stimulate the base of his cock while still jerking his head. Draco moved up in a sharp movement that told you he was now close. When you felt that familiar pulsating sensation, you immediately pulled away and walked off.
“You fucking bitch.” He breathed out heavily.
“You love me.” You cooed out while looking through your panty drawer.
“And you’re so god damn lucky I do.”
“Ah, here it is. I think I’ll go first. And then you. I’m not done with you” You pulled out a vibrating toy.
It was a simple muggle toy and relatively small, but it was effective. Of course, there were many magical toys, but you somehow preferred these ones. With five different settings based on speed and frequency, you really couldn’t go wrong with these little guys. They were simplistic and nearly comforting.
You positioned yourself back on the bed the same way you had before, certain Draco could see everything. You switched on the middle vibrational setting and moved it gently against your clit. Immediately, you gasped out before relaxing into it. It was slightly cold due to the make of it, but your warmth would immediately change that and it would become comfortable.
This time, you didn’t care to watch Draco. You were far more invested in pleasing yourself now. Making yourself cum while leaving him high and dry would be the sweetest punishment. Laying your head back onto the bed and closing your eyes, you began using your other hand to insert two fingers inside of you and stimulate your g spot by curling your fingers up while the vibration of your toy continued to hum against your clit.
You heard something, although you figured it was merely Draco once again enjoying himself too much. That was fine. If he could cum without being touched, it wasn’t as though you could prevent that. You squirmed beneath your toy, feeling heat rising in your core.
Time passed, although you weren’t sure how much. But you could now see the horizon turning a deep blue color and morning was almost upon you. And with each passing moment, you felt yourself getting closer. Your abdomen tightened and small little shocks throughout your body indicated you were now closer than ever. Easing into your climax, you cried out with ecstasy. And even though the quivers of your orgasm pulsing through your body were intense, they weren’t enough to satisfy you the way Draco’s cock did.
You wondered if he was worth quenching that thirst right now. But remembering how he could slide into you as though you were made for him, there was no second guessing. You needed him inside of you.
Slowly, you got back up and looked at Draco who was still hard, his large cock resting against his abdomen. It twitched slightly when you looked at him and your lips pulled up into half of a grin.
“Shall I go again or is it your turn?”
“I quite enjoyed the show.” Draco said.
You began walking back towards him and tossed the vibrator into the air a few times, catching it each time it fell back down. When you knelt in front of Draco again, he visibly tensed.
“I think we should try the strongest setting. What do you think?” You asked him while holding up the toy for him to see.
“I guess that would depend on what you already believe I deserve.” He let out a breathy chuckle. “I would think you’ve already made up your mind.”
“You know me so well.”
Switching the setting up to the highest vibrational speed with a fast frequency, you didn’t hesitant to trace the vibrator up his shaft and tease it around his tip. This was exactly the response you had been yearning for. Draco nearly cried out which was an accomplishment in and of itself. While his body leaned away from it, his pelvis gravitated into the touch of the vibrator. His body was communicating all green lights and his words didn’t protest.
He fucking loved it.
All you could think of now was having him inside of you. Watching him break beneath the weight of his carnal lust was so painfully arousing, you could feel your wetness traveling down your thigh. It was becoming more torture for you to refrain from having him. His legs were tensing so hard, the muscle in them was now clearly visible. He was practically shaking now.
This was all for you. Not Pansy. Not anybody. He was yours.
You angled the vibrator against his shaft and began sucking on just the tip of his cock. Again, a few subtle whimpers escaped his lips as he was attempting to control himself. You swirled your tongue around this part of him, focusing again on the area just beneath the tip where it met with the rest of his cock. He was absolutely reeling with the intoxication of you.
And just as you had hoped, you finally felt his hand close around your neck. He had worked himself out.
Knowing what was to come, you let go of the vibrator. Not a moment of hesitation and Draco had one hand wrapped around your neck and the other, tangled roughly in your hair. He began fucking your face, forcing you to gag on him as you took his full length down your throat. You wondered if this is where he would decidedly cum. Mentally, you’d prepare yourself for the warm liquid that always caught you a bit off guard.
You braced yourself on his legs, feeling him invest a lot of strength into using your mouth. He was raging with lust and that was just how you wanted him. It was difficult to get him this way, but when he was, it was all you ever wanted.
He pulled you off of his cock by your hair and smacked your face more gently than the treatment you recently subjected him to. But he knew you loved being treated this way. It just took effort to be able to get him to act upon it. 
He lifted you to your feet and quickly picked you up, throwing you onto the bed. It took you a moment to gather yourself, the impact startling you. But when you did, you were feeling pain from your arousal. You needed him to fuck you. And it seemed that was what he was readying to do.
“I already warned you I would fuck you silly if I got out. So now we can see who the whore is.”
Lifting you back up, he forced you into a straddling position against him as he held you up by your ass. He didn’t hesitate to start slamming his erect cock into your pussy that was already dripping wet. Your preparation had made this part simple. It felt as though you were already gaping, ready to receive him. And just as promised, he fucked you mercilessly.
You cried his name out loudly, assuring anyone in close proximity would know Draco was pounding into you. The clapping of your thighs against him also presented loud enough to issue a noise complaint.
Holding onto him to keep yourself supported up, you bit into his shoulder to stifle your cries that only grew louder. The way he felt inside you was perfect. Your pussy fit over his cock like a glove and the slight curve of him made it so he scraped frequently against the nerve endings of your g-spot. It wouldn’t take long to make you see stars this way.
The way his strength was able to hold the full weight of your body while simultaneously fucking you meant you were now his to do with as he pleased. You were completely at his disposal. He was much stronger, taller and more agile. The only advantage you had over him previously was having him tied up. And he even managed to undo those difficult binds.
Again, he pulled you off of him and set you back down on the bed. Quickly, he removed the rest of his trousers and climbed on top of your trembling body. He placed an endearing kiss on your forehead and wiped tears away on both of your cheeks. You often cried with overstimulation and now was a perfect example.
“Now, I’m going to fill you up and I don’t ever want to hear you doubt my devotion to you ever again.” He spoke gently, seeming to mock what was to come.
“No woman in this world can hold a candle to the riches of your sweet cunt.”
“Then take it.” You taunted him through a few shallow breaths.
He flipped you over onto your stomach and angled you so that your ass was now in the air. You could hear him pump himself a few times before thrusting his cock back inside of you. Gasping out, you grabbed hold of the bed sheets and took all of him into you.
Draco loved this position because he could feel you deeper. On the seldom occasion he would cum inside of you, he preferred to be as deep as possible. Sometimes, due to his length, he would go a little too far. But he had more recently acquainted himself with a healthy medium he was able to maintain. You also felt more of every inch in this position. And because of leverage, he could move much faster and harder. This was perfect for the times either of you wanted rough sex as simple as it was.
Each thrust was mind numbingly pleasurable. Draco eventually placed his hand over your head to keep you against the mattress. The precise angle felt better for both of you. But the idea that he only did this for his own pleasure made you wetter. It was the idea of your only purpose here being to please him. You loved it.
Your core tightened when you felt that familiar sensation that indicated Draco was ready to cum. His hips tensed and jerked more upwards while his cock would start pulsating. And when you felt his warm liquid fill you up, you nearly cried with elation. It was your favorite place for him to cum. You had been on birth control for awhile and never risked pregnancy, but the thought of him claiming you in such an intimate way made you happier than words could say. You sighed out when he pulled out of you, quickly followed by his cum dripping from your cunt. Quietly, you let your body collapse onto the bed. It was a good thing this was your bed. Your roommates may not have taken kindly to all the body fluid on their sheets.
Draco laid himself down behind you and hugged you close to him, burying his nose into your shoulder. You began caressing his soft cheek with your knuckles.
“I love you. I love only you.” He whispered.
His arm moved up between your breasts so that his hand could cradle your chin. Despite his callouses, he had the most gentle touch you had ever known.
“I just hope you’re prepared to be my wife once we graduate.”
With large eyes, you gazed back onto him with a soft smile.
A loud knock on the door alerted both of you.
“Draco, lad! We know you’re in there fuckin’ the lovely birthday gal, but there’s been a bit of an accident, mate!” Theo’s voice sounded through the door. “I think someone stopped up all the toilets and it’s leaking from the pipes when anyone tries to flush!”
“It’s your fault, you prick.” Blaise could now be heard talking to Theo.
“Shut it, bell end.” Theo whispered back. “I’d really appreciate if ya could help me out, friend!”
“You better go handle that.” You joked at Draco as he rolled his eyes.
Draco started getting up and fetched his clothes with sophisticated poise.
“I don’t suppose this is over?” He asked you while pulling his boxers and trousers back on.
You shook your head with a coy grin.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
My Protective Demon and Me: How to Live with Your Overly-Protective Hellspawn!
So you've bagged yourself a demon, huh? Well, there are many great benefits to dating the otherworldly creatures of Hell, including increased power, longevity, and security! We can assure you that your demon boyfriend wants nothing more than to keep you safe, dear human, but this can be a new experience for the uninitiated. Never fear, because we have put together this guide to help you navigate the relationship you've just signed your soul into! My Protective Demon and Me is an instructional tool for your new demonic partnership, designed to introduce you to the protective tendencies of Seven Rulers of Hell. Listen to our advice, and you won't be left wondering why your boyfriend insists on carrying you down the stairs or loses his mind when you're injured by paper!
(Warnings: Possessive Behaviors, Implied PTSD, Yandere-ish)
Now, there's no kind way to say this, but Lucifer will think of you as small, weak, and helpless on most days. We promise it's not quite as insulting as it sounds because to him, that just makes you cuter.
Because he thinks you're so pathetic, he will want to provide for you in all sorts of ways. This includes security.
Lucifer's approach to keeping you safe is a little indirect, and it may sound a tad… invasive, but that's only because he's not able to be with you in person as often as he'd like.
He uses familiars spread across the Devildom to keep an eye on you during the day. Don't fret; these familiars aren't there to tell him about your every waking breath. Just monitor you and report back to him if something's amiss.
If there's an alert, he will drop everything to be sure that you're alright. The second he knows something's wrong, he'll be right with you within a minute, Diavolo be damned. 
He may try to play it off as he just happened to be in the area if others are around, but in truth, he'd use magic to recall himself to your side. 
Speaking of magic… Again, since he can't be with you as much as he wants, you may begin to notice your body getting stronger to a certain degree over your time with him. Is he secretly using magical means to strengthen your bones or make your skin harder to tear? He will never say, so best not ask.
Potential threats against you are dealt with discreetly, mostly under the guise of safeguarding the exchange program for Diavolo. No offenders will ever make it to the castle dungeon, though, as Lucifer tends to finish them off on sight... We recommend that you make yourself scarce during these times. Torture is such a nasty thing to witness...
Lucifer would like to believe that, in being with him, you're the safest that you could possibly be, but he always worries about what danger you're in while he's busy with work. A part of him blames his lack of vigilance over Lilith for her downfall, and he has strained to recover a sense of security over his loved ones ever since... Though he may come across as overbearing, just know he only watches you that closely because he couldn't bear to lose you.
If you've won over Mammon's heart, then he's going to guard you as fiercely as a dragon does its treasure. But be warned because this can lead to confrontation...
Mammon will see himself as your bodyguard of sorts, so he'll try to be around you at all hours of the day. He'll start by making excuses like he needs study help, but after a while, he'll just hope you come to accept him as a constant fixture in your life and don't question his hovering.
He will stick very close to you in public, particularly when among other demons. He's the second strongest of his brothers, so this alone should deter most threats but don't be surprised if you see him scan the room you're in from time to time.
Take care not to hurt yourself around Mammon because he has yet to fully process how fragile the human body is. He may panic upon seeing you hurt (and he's not the most helpful when he's panicking…).
Should you get hurt when Mammon is near, you may see his protective instincts spike considerably. He will offer to carry heavy packages, refuse to let you handle sharp objects, and hold out a hand to steer you around tight corners.
Do not threat, this added level of attention is only temporary. Remind Mammon that accidents are a part of human life, and you can get yourself through them as the species normally does. 
If someone actually tries to hurt you, we advise you to stay calm and focus on getting harmed as little as possible. Unfortunately, there will be no good way to talk Mammon out of fighting in your defense. It's best to focus on minimizing the damage to yourself and staying alive until help can be brought to you.
Mammon does this not to look down on you, but because he loves you so deeply, he's devastated any time he sees you hurt. Be patient with him, and he will learn to draw back his fear to a more appropriate level. Always know, though, that he worries about you constantly, so try not to give his demonic heart too many palpitations - yes?
Levi is in some ways more chill than his brothers, and in others far more extreme depending on the location you find yourselves in.
If you are in his room (which you will be a lot), then he will be very relaxed. As far as he's concerned, you are in his domain and thus perfectly safe. There's no need to worry about you getting hurt or stumbling upon any rivals.
If you are together in the outside world, however, he will be very on edge. You are the most important individual in his life, so any possibility of you leaving him by death or by choice is not acceptable.
He will try his damnedest to steer you away from large crowds or packed spaces because he will be terrified of losing you in the chaos. Being in any public place where he can't see you will drive his anxiety through the roof. His imagination is quite active, and his mind is always against him.
If you are with his brothers, then he will be particularly tense. He acknowledges both their capacity to drag you into dangerous shenanigans AND steal away your affections, neither of which are options he'd like to pursue.
He will rarely let you be alone with his brothers without express permission, and even then, he has likely shot a threat to them about minding your safety (and your relationship) beforehand. As he is third strongest, only Mammon and Lucifer would ignore his "requests" but only to a point. It's a terrible mess whenever he summons Lotan in the House…
If someone else hurts you retribution will be swift (and bordering on lethal) because he's far more worried about getting back to making sure you're alright. He won't have his Henry dying on his watch, after all.
If you happen to hurt yourself, expect him to stow you away in his room for even longer than usual. Your accidental demise is a recurring fear of his, so he will need a great deal of reassurance that you are still with him and not quite at death's door just yet (yes, even if you get a papercut).
Leviathan is so protective of you because he feels like he has the most to lose if you died/left. He interacts with so few people that having even one show him patience is a game-changer. He would have the hardest time moving on should your presence ever leave him, so protecting you is the best thing he can do to protect himself from that pain in the future.
Satan's protective nature is less overt than the others, but in many ways, it's more… intense.
He's more familiar than the others with the fragility of human bodies thanks to many years of casual study. Thus, he has bulked up his knowledge of your species in earnest to help keep you safe.
What we mean to say is, fear not, you're now dating a doctor. He may not have an M.D. to his name, but he's pretty damn close.
He will want to know about any slight inconvenience you may be experiencing, from a slight headache all the way to broken bones. He prefers to diagnose your problem quickly then use any combination of magic or medicine to heal your ailments. You will rarely struggle with ongoing discomfort again!
That being said, he can be quite pushy. There will be no, "I'll just sleep it off" with him. If it can be fixed, he will fix it. Your patience be damned.
If you somehow manage to hurt yourself… He will be disappointed, but he will not deny you assistance. He will lecture you if he sees you doing potentially reckless activities, though, because it's his (self-imposed) job to patch you up afterward.
It should really go without saying that most demons know better than to hurt someone he loves. He may not be the strongest of his brothers, but he is among the least merciful, and that does make a difference.
If, for whatever reason, one actually does manage to harm you, then you have an important choice to make. Do you allow him to act on his anger or be the one to show mercy when he will not? If you'd like to be charitable, please consult our helpful material, How to Calm Your Demon Boyfriend: Tame Demons, Save Lives.
At his core, Satan worries about his demonic side because he knows how easily his Wrath can take over. So he does his best to circumvent these destructive tendencies with nurturing ones. He may come off like a worrywart, but helping you is just as much an assurance to him as it is a service to you. He's not destined to hurt you. He can heal you instead.
Asmo is a free-spirited individual who would like to afford you the same freedom that he enjoys… but he knows very well how fragile the human body is. He's had many human lovers over the years, so he's very familiar with your limitations.
However, he's also aware of how capable you can be despite your perceived weaknesses (he's been friends with Solomon for years, after all).
Unfortunately, this won't stop him from worrying about your safety entirely. It's nothing personal, we assure you. He simply wants to be sure the love of his life can be with him for as long as possible.
Asmo shows his protectiveness most when confronted. He's far more worried about some demonic lowlife taking advantage of you than he is you falling off a step ladder. He understands that accidents will happen and that most are ultimately harmless, but other people? They can do you far more harm.
Due to his disposition and rank, most demons won't take his claim to you seriously. This is to their folly. Though he may not be physically strong as his elder brothers or even Beel, what he lacks in raw power he makes up for in deception.
Like Mammon and Levi, Asmo will want to be close to you out in public, but he will come across as far more relaxed than those two. This is partly due to his more developed confidence and because it makes it easier for him to charm potential threats into leaving you alone. Things are taken care of quickly after that.
Should you get injured well… Asmo will not be much help for anything aside from getting you to someone who actually can. He'd likely panic worse than Mammon, so do your best to remain calm and assure him that you will be fine after a little assistance.
His treatment of you post-injury won't differ much from how it usually is, because again, he knows that when there's a human involved - it's bound to happen.
Asmo's fear of others, both tragically and ironically, stems from his sin itself. Though he always tries to champion his partners' consent, he knows more than anyone that others can let their Lust drive them mad... His worst nightmare is letting you fall victim to one of those monsters because, frankly, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if that ever were to happen.
Beel is protection incarnate. This is something he's been doing long before you met and will likely continue to do until the end of his days. Protecting those he loves is in his nature.
That being said, this means is you are dating the equivalent of a demon-shaped Doberman Pinscher, loving and loyal to you and an absolute nightmare to your enemies.
Though he doesn't feel quite the same need to hang off you as Mammon might, Beel's protection can be likened to something like a hired-bodyguard. Close, but not too close, and always vigilant almost to a territorial degree.
If someone Beel doesn't like approaches you, he may growl at them. We would recommend you heed his warning. Beel is generally a good judge of character, and if something strikes him as off, then there may be cause for concern.
Fortunately for you, Beel does not jump to conclusions nor confrontation very often. Though he may act intimidating, he won't make any moves unless given an "Okay" from you beforehand.
This, however, does NOT apply if someone actually hurts you in any way. Though he may seem sweet and wholesome, please remember, he is a demon and the demon of Gluttony at that. Someone will be eaten for their transgressions, but he would rather you not watch if possible.
Truthfully, what will scare Beel far more than possible attackers are injuries in and of themselves. He has what basic first aid is afforded to anyone who plays sports but is nowhere near qualified to save you from something life-threatening... Should you become injured or sick, it would devastate him that he can no longer take care of you. He may even be at risk of a small breakdown as a result.
The events of Celestial War have perhaps taken their heaviest toll on Beel. Whether it's true or not, he carries a lot of the blame for what happened on his shoulders... The idea of going through something like that again, but now with you, scares him more than anything. Please remember, under that kind exterior lies dormant wounds that will likely remain unhealed long after you're gone...
Belphegor is a strange case because, in some respects, he is one of the most possessive of the brothers... But he's also the least overtly protective.
Part of it is, yes, his inherent laziness. Following you around all day would be quite a hassle. He also can't expect you to stay in bed with him 24/7 (not that he lets that stop him from trying). Even setting up complex background machinations to keep an eye on you would be too much work...
But that doesn't mean that he leaves you alone entirely. If there is one thing that Belphegor tries to shield you from, it's his brothers. For possessive reasons, yes, but also as a form of protection.
Belphie is acutely aware of how often his brothers' shenanigans can lead to disaster. As such, he'll try to drag you out of their problems as much as possible.
It's not lost on him that the events that lead to your first demise were all due your penchant for meddling in his brothers' affairs. So in his eyes, a fairly simple and effective way to keep you out of trouble would be to keep you from them as much as possible.
As far as injuries go… "He dislikes seeing you hurt" is the least complicated way of putting things. Seeing you with major injuries obviously triggers some uncomfortable and unwanted memories for him, as it would for you. However, his emotions quickly get muddled up in it...
The sudden combination of fear, panic, shame, and anger can strike him at once and leave him in a frozen or vulnerable state... Painful for sure, but also not helpful in that situation. Minor injuries, thankfully, do not cause this reaction.
If you're injured and Belphegor appears to be going through trauma, we recommend calling for assistance from someone nearby or a different brother if possible (Satan would be a good option). Once you're stable, Belphegor will be relaxed somewhat but may need some cuddling.
Even with his lazy attitude, Belphegor does care for you and will try to keep you safe in his own way.  He may hide the intensity of his emotions behind a veil of apathy, but they run so strong that they can be paralyzing. Never doubt that he does love you, and try your best to be there for him when things become difficult...
More from the How-To series in Masterlist 1.0; More recent HCs in Masterlist 2.0
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devilmaywrite · 3 years
Hi, I love your writing style 🥺 Can I request something post DMC5? Dante, Vergil and Nero go out on a mission, Nero is seriously hurts and Dante witnesses first hand Vergil's stoic mask breaking
thank you <3 and you sure can!
 It’s been a pretty standard hunt, Dante figures. Get a call from a client, kill a few low-grade demons, and then he’s on his way. Vergil and Nero tagged along after hearing the client exaggerate the amount of demons that were actually in the area. Or at least, Dante thinks they were exaggerating. It certainly seems they were when they quickly clear the area, not seeing any so-called “infestation”. He’s the first to deem it safe to leave, though Vergil seems the least convinced out of the three. Dante figures he’s having a gut feeling or just trying to spite him, but he doesn’t let his guard completely down. Vergil trails behind him and Nero, the Yamato still in hand as he looks around intently. 
  Dante slows as he begins to hear the low humming of a Fury somewhere behind him. So maybe the client wasn’t being over-dramatic. The three of them just couldn’t actually see what the issue was. Vergil stops behind them so Dante does the same, laying a hand on his sword. Nero does the same. 
  Vergil is the first to be attacked, though he’s quick to counterattack and takes the Fury down with grace. Dante is next, easily dodging the attack. Though Nero doesn’t seem to be as lucky. Dante isn’t paying much attention, focusing on the onslaught of demons. But he does catch a glimpse of Vergil’s facial expression, which does catch his attention. 
  He’s looking at Nero, his expression conflicted but clearly distressed. He likely asking himself if he helps Nero or deals with the demons at hand. Dante figures it’s just paternal instinct until he hears his nephew scream. 
  That definitely catches his attention. 
  Vergil’s expression is one of pain and regret. It’s a scream he’s probably heard before, a scream that he’s caused when he took Nero’s arm. Dante wasn’t there that day but he can imagine the deja vu that his brother is experiencing. Dante spares a glance towards Nero, finding that he’s still trying to fight but is clearly in no condition to. A Fury got him good, it seems as Dante looks at the slashes all across his torso. They’re deep but he’ll heal, if he can get out of there. He likely won’t without help. Though Dante is still trying to plan out how exactly he’s going to help with so many demons on his ass. 
  Vergil is much quicker to react, slashing through demons like there was no tomorrow. The flashes of blue across the battlefield tells Dante that Vergil’s doppleganger is out, temporarily doubling his efficiency. He’s messier with his kills, a sense of urgency clearly overriding anything else he was thinking about. The demons are cleared out in record time, his doppleganger helping Dante clear out his little hoard. Vergil’s quick to reach his son, though he’s clearly unsure how to approach him. 
  His doppleganger does the work for him, approaching Nero and whimpering quietly. Dante’s a little surprised at that but no one’s more surprised than Vergil when his doppleganger sweeps Nero up into its arms. 
  It’s quiet for a moment before Dante is laughing while Nero and Vergil are yelling, both clearly irritated with the situation at hand. 
  “Stop this at once!” Vergil shouts, getting ready to slash it away though he can’t hide the tint of red that paint his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 
  Dante is laughing like a maniac while Nero is demanding to be put down. Vergil’s doppleganger doesn’t relent and instead rubs its face against Nero’s, swinging him around. Vergil is quick to chop it in half, narrowly avoiding his son. 
  Nero doesn’t say anything, brushing himself off as his wounds quickly begin to close. He scratches at his nose, almost as embarrassed as his father. Vergil stands there, not moving a muscle and simply stares Dante down as he continues to laugh. 
  “What is so funny, Dante?” Vergil asks, deciding to direct his irritation towards his brother. 
  “Oh, nothing,” Dante says, wiping a tear away as his laughter begins to die down. “Just your papa bear instincts coming out when you try so hard to act like you don’t care.” 
  “What makes you think I don’t care about Nero?” Vergil is clearly a little hurt by the statement. 
  “Never said you didn’t, he’s your kid after all. Just think it’s funny that you act so stoic when we can all see right through you.” 
  Nero is quicker to come up with a rebuttal than his father. “Yeah, laugh it up, old man. What the hell were you doing when all that was going down?” 
  “Hmm, Vergil seemed to have it handled. I was just observing.” 
  Nero shakes his head at that, throwing up his arms in exasperation before turning to leave. Dante doesn’t bother stopping him, instead opting to bother his brother further. 
  “That was sweet, Verg, really. I’m sure the kid appreciates it, just won’t say anything. But maybe try telling him how you feel about him, knowing that stuff works wonders I’ve heard.” 
  “I… suppose you’re right. Something to work on then.” 
  Dante snorts at that as they begin to walk towards the RV. “You already got a mile-long list.” 
  Dante expects his brother to come back with a snide remark, but is surprised when Vergil just says, “I’m well aware of that. I’m going to work harder.” 
  Dante raises his eyebrows but decides not to push the matter further. 
  “I look forward to seein’ it, brother.”
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aalbedo · 3 years
injured!tartaglia x reader (part 2)
part two of this
request: Hello I absolutely loved your one shot of Tartaglia helping an injured reader sdjgksjfkf if you don't mind I'd like to request a part 2 where reader asks him the story behind that big scar he pointed out? Maybe reader finds HIM injured and returns the favor and asks about his other scars while they treat his wounds?? Ahaha reader's just like "fuck I can't just leave you here to bleed out but don't you dare think this means I care for you or anything" lmao
format: two-parter (again, read part one first)
ship: tartaglia x reader
tags: fluff, reader is the traveler-ish (a completely separate character from aether and lumine, but still the traveler, does that make sense?), author forgets basic wound care halfway into the fic
warnings: blood, mildly graphic depiction of injury, stitches and needles
words: 3027
notes: hey so uhhhhhhhh i kinda went off the rails with this one, i didn't really follow the prompt in some points since uh... the part about the stories behind the scars... i kinda forgot about that... or like... eh you'll see, anyway, - banner still fucked up it will be fixed i prommy
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Despite the high number of hilichurl camps, abyss mages, fatui agents, ruin hunters and ruin guards, Lisha was still one of your favorite places to explore, it was full of treasure chests to open, sweet flowers to pick and ore to mine. Plus, the atmosphere managed to still be peaceful, the open fields where the sun would shine uninterrupted for hours and hours on end were your favorite place to sit down and bask in the sunlight.
Your leg was still recovering from the tough hit you had taken a few weeks prior, which meant that you had to take more breaks while adventuring. Not that you would complain, taking breaks, putting some numbing cream on your wound, eating some reinvigorating food and drinking fresh water was just as satisfying as exploring.
After resting for about half an hour, you decided to get up, careful not to put any pressure on your injured leg. You threw your bag over your shoulder and walked north-west, towards the road to the chasm.
In the distance, you started hearing sounds of fighting, and as you got closer to them, you could see a tall figure fighting not one, but two separate ruin hunters, with a bow. It was too far away to see the person’s face, but you had half an idea of who it could be.
Then, out of nowhere, a bright purple flash, and in less than a second the ruin hunters were both on the ground, completely destroyed. Yep, it’s Tartaglia.
You thought about turning away and changing your direction before he could see you. You had already reluctantly thanked him for helping you that day, as well as paying for your medication out of his own pocket, but you still felt like you owed him a favor that you really did not want to fulfill. He was still the guy that almost destroyed Liyue, and made you fight for your life, despite everything.
Until you saw him fall to his knees, and as he turned to face your direction you could see his chest covered in blood.
You acted on instinct, ignoring your brain telling you to leave him alone, that he could tend to his own wounds, and you sprinted towards him. He may be an asshole, but you just want to avoid him, not leave him to die.
He was resting his back on a wall, head thrown back. Even from far away, you could see that he was breathing heavily. That same backpack you had seen on him the day he helped you was now sitting next to him, his left hand already rummaging through it.
His head shot up, he had definitely heard you coming towards him, his eyes widened as you kneeled down right in front of him and got a better look at his condition. You could see a cut crossing his chest, from his right shoulder to the middle of his torso, right over his heart. His grey coat was soaked in blood, as it pooled on the bend of his hips and slid down to the ground.
“So you do care about me.” he broke the silence, struggling to talk through heavy breaths and groans. He was completely out of breath, covered in blood, definitely in pain, and all he could think about was joking.
“I don’t. Just because I hate you, it doesn’t mean I want to see you dead.” You didn’t have time to get mad at him. “Also - I owe you a favor, I guess.” The only thought in your head was to help him, so you did not think twice before quickly unbuttoning his coat and undercoat and moving them out of the way.
You got a look at his chest and through the blood you could see several other scars, most of them looked years old, a few of them looked pretty large, carving his chest and abdomen. You wondered if his entire body looked like this, and why his face didn’t.
“Like what you see?” he joked again, his voice sounded hoarse, strained, very clearly struggling to talk. You sighed, couldn’t he just shut up for a minute?
You turned to your own bag to pull out anything you might need to help him. Potions, numbing cream and even a stitching kit laid next to you. You had bought the kit after that day, and started learning how to stitch wounds.
“No,” you dismissed him again. He whined quietly, you weren’t sure if it was because of your response or the wound.
All of the sudden, you felt… fear? Fear of what? Him passing out? And anger, at the fact that he wasn’t taking the situation as seriously as you were. He could easily die from this wound and all he was doing was making jokes.
You quickly started cleaning the blood with a cloth in one hand, while holding a bottle of antiseptic potion in your left, ready to pour it on top of the cut. You were being quick, passing your hand over his chest as fast as you could, trying to gather all the blood while avoiding the open skin, but there was so much of it that in mere seconds the cloth was soaked and completely useless.
You looked up at him and he was staring at the ground, his eyes completely unfocused. “Childe,” you called him and he squeezed his eyes closed, “try to stay awake.”
“Easy to say,” he muttered. At least he was awake.
You threw away the bloody cloth, and poured the antiseptic potion directly on his scar with no warning. Despite knowing that you were just helping him, a wave of guilt washed over you as you heard him cry out from the pain and throw his head back, wincing again when he hit the wall.
Half a bottle of potion and another clean cloth drenched in blood later, the wound had completely stopped bleeding, and you finally breathed out all the tension you were holding in your body.
His face, and body, were completely pale from the blood loss. His mouth was agape, eyelids half closed - looking at you, he sighed, barely letting any air out. You glared back, but by the way his head was positioned, you couldn’t help but look at his lips, the way they moved slightly every time he breathed out, they seemed so… soft, sweet. You brushed aside a thought that had snaked into your brain. His mouth curled up and he barked a laugh, but he stopped immediately and groaned again. Had he noticed that you were looking?
“Don’t laugh, it’ll hurt you,” you reminded him as you threw away the second blood drenched cloth.
“Sure,” he replied, voice still strained. “Whatever you say.”
You find a third cloth, the only clean one you had left, used some water from your bottle to make it damp and used it to wash your hands.
“Don’t talk either,” you looked at him as you opened a small glass jar containing numbing cream. “What were you thinking, being here alone and fighting two ruin guards?” He opened his mouth. “Don’t answer, you’ll tell me later.”
“I was just collecting some debts when those two attacked me.” He groaned again.
“I said, don’t talk if it hurts.” You made it clear from your tone that you were annoyed at the way that he was acting.
You dipped a couple of fingers into the cream, and hesitated before placing your bare hand on his chest, carefully placing the cream around the wound, so that he would not feel pain when you would be stitching it closed. As you got a better look at the cut, you noticed how the skin had been basically mangled, it looked like it would not be an easy recovery.
“You look like you know what you’re doing,” he pointed out, before groaning again. You were starting to wish you had taped his mouth with something.
“Because I know what I’m doing, I’m not an idiot. And you’re making me regret helping you, just shut up already.”
“Make me.”
Your hand froze over his skin. You moved your eyes back up to him, trying to decipher his expression. Was that an invitation, or just teasing? He hadn’t even tried to put on a smug face, his expression just looked tired and worn out, which made it even harder to decipher.
The longer you looked at him, the weirder it would get, you would have to do something before it got awkward and that thought from earlier slammed back into your head.
You wanted to wish you had run the other way, but the truth was that you were glad you hadn’t. Maybe it was all of the tension you had accumulated while seeing all that blood flow out of him, maybe it was the heavy lidded look he was giving you, but you placed your clean hand on the side of his face, cupping his cheek. His eyes widened, mouth parted ready to say something, but, before he could, your lips were on his.
The kiss was fast, you pulled back almost immediately and averted his gaze right away. You could feel him staring at you as you put your hand back into the jar and picked up some more cream.
“I didn’t think you would actually-” he didn’t finish the sentence.
You quickly caught a glimpse of his expression before focusing on taking care of the wound. You contained a laugh as you saw him look absolutely dumbfounded and flustered, he had seriously been rendered completely speechless by what could barely be considered a kiss. If he hadn’t lost that much blood that day, his cheeks would definitely be red.
Honestly, you couldn’t believe what had happened either. You couldn’t believe you had even done it. You could’ve just laughed it off and kept medicating him in silence. But you were glad that you didn’t.
Neither of you uttered a word for a while, and even though the atmosphere wasn’t explicitly awkward, you wished he would say something. After a thick layer of numbing cream and several minutes of silence, you finally gathered the courage to look back at him. He was clearly pretending to look away, as if he hadn’t spent the entire time looking at you working.
“Is the pain gone? Can I stitch it now?” Your voice came out unexpectedly soft. You touched the skin around the wound, waiting to get a reaction from him.
His head snapped back to face you, and he nodded. “Can’t feel a thing,” he said as he touched his own chest. “I can stitch it though, if you wa- Ah!” He lifted his right arm, the injured one, and immediately stopped mid-air, “fuck- shit, not this,” he almost yelled.
“You ripped a tendon.” You gently took his right arm, putting it back down for him, and looked at his shoulder. “I’ll stitch it, don’t worry - I’ve learned.”
He didn’t say anything, and you took it as permission. You opened the kit you had bought at Bubu pharmacy weeks prior: recurved needle, thread and tweezers. You could feel Tartaglia’s gaze on you as you struggled passing the thread through the needle, but in the end you managed to do it.
As you hovered over the wound, your gaze fell on a large scar, the one that would normally be visible from over his coat on his neck, and it went down over the left side of his body down until his hip. It looked pretty old, but it was still very visible.
“Can I ask you… how did you get that?”
You pointed at the scar with your pinkie and slightly traced over it, “this scar, what happened?”
He followed your finger with his gaze, and kept his eyes on the scar even as you moved back to the still open wound. “Oh, that?” You passed the needle through the skin and pulled it out on the other side. “I was 14.”
You saw some blood trickle from the cut as you carefully pulled the thread and passed the needle through one more time. By the way he had spoken, you felt like he was going to continue talking, so you didn’t interrupt.
“Uhm, when I was 14, I-” you heard him pass his tongue over his lips, “the Abyss, you know.” You nodded quietly as you passed the needle through a few more times.
“You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to,” you reassured him, you knew that it was a pretty sensitive topic, or at least you imagined it would be. You stitched a few more loops with ease, getting progressively more comfortable with what you were doing.
“It’s fine, I- I was in-” his voice was starting to shake the slightest bit, but you noticed the change of tone in his voice.
You finally reached the end, and you cut the thread, tying it tightly at the end. You put the needle and the tweezers back into their container.
“I had to fight this… huge- and when-” once you looked up at him, you realized how lost in thought he was, looking at his scar, unable to take his eyes off it, he was probably getting some flashbacks. “I-” his voice cracked, his lower lip trembled ever so slightly, and you could not bear it anymore. Without even thinking about it, you grabbed the side of his face and dragged him in for an actual, proper kiss.
He fell right into it and reciprocated immediately, placing his left hand on the side of your waist. It was sweet, and tender, and you got a better feel of what his lips were like: just as soft as they looked.
You pulled back first once again, and as you got to look at his surprised face, eyebrows raised and everything, your mind started racing. You had just kissed not just a Fatui, not just a Harbinger, but the Harbinger that had tried to kill you, that manipulated you and that nearly destroyed Liyue for the second time. And he was sitting in front of you looking like an idiot.
You couldn’t figure out what you were feeling, but there was something going on deep in your chest, and stomach.
“This doesn’t mean anything,” you quickly clarified before he could say anything. “Neither of them do, they were just to shut you up.”
“Were they?” he asked. And just like that, he came full circle back to the false smugness.
You really, really did not want to think about the weird feeling that was growing in your stomach. “Look at what I got from Baizhu.” From your bag, you pulled out a thick strip made out of cotton and a small vial full of Slime concentrate.
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“What do they mean to you?” you bit back, waiting to see if he would face the question himself, or back out like a hypocrite.
“What did you get from Baizhu?”
You both chuckled, and you noticed his bare chest rising and falling back down as he laughed. “He said it’s a new type of bandaging, you use slime concentrate to stick it to the skin.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t love the sound of that, actually.”
“I was skeptical too the first time I tried it, but trust me - it’s much more comfortable.” You heard him sigh in defeat as you already spread some of the slime condensate over the strip, and set down the half empty vial. “It won’t hurt.”
“Do you promise?”
He looked into your eyes with a relaxed expression, you looked right back. “I promise,” you replied with a kind smile, before turning your attention to the strip and stuck it over the wound, carefully placing it so that it would cover the entire cut.
“All done,” you said as you started getting up, but you felt a hand grabbing your arm, another one grabbing the side of your face, and tugging you back down, and before you could realize it your lips were once again on Tartaglia’s.
You couldn’t help but reciprocate the kiss, his lips were still soft, and at that point you felt like you could get used to them. The kiss was exactly as gentle as the one before, you could feel your fluttering in your chest as Tartaglia’s thumb started gently rubbing your cheekbone.
He pulled back first this time, and as you opened your eyes back you could see a wide smile on his face.
“Sending me mixed signals, huh?” you pointed out.
“I told you, I never had anything against you personally,” he said as he put his clothes back on, trying to fix them as much as possible, despite the very clear cut on his chest and the blood covering them completely.
“I’m gonna need some time before I’ll believe that.” You got up and reached down a hand for him to get up. “You’re gonna need to prove it to me.”
He grabbed it with his non-injured hand and stood up beside you. “While you take your time, care to walk me to Bubu pharmacy, so I can buy some of these sticky bandages?” he asked, a wide smile still on his face.
“Sure,” you simply replied, picking up both of your back and tossing them over your shoulder.
You watched him move his injured arm slightly, to figure out how much he could move it. Unsurprisingly, not much.
He hummed. “I’m gonna have to take some time off from duty, hopefully they won’t kill me for it,” he said in a joking manner, but you could sense that he wasn’t kidding about the killing part.
“Well,” as you both started walking back to the harbor, you got an idea, “you could use the time off to show me that you truly don’t hate me.”
“Like what?” You could feel his gaze on you.
“Like, we could go out for dinner,” you suggested, keeping your eyes in front of you. “In a completely neutral way, and then see what happens from there.”
“Sounds good.”
“It’s a plan, then.”
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weirdthinkingdragon · 3 years
Welcome To The Family (6/???)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / here
Yandere EraserMic household x reader
Fun fact- Tadao was a sudden decision I made up on the spot after chapter 3 and wasn’t expecting to really make him a character other than a mentioned person with a mold/fungus quirk. I did though, and already love him as an OC more than I should. Oops. 
It might be a long while before the next chapter. I think I may have drained myself a bit from focusing on this story so much. 
Warnings- swearing, slight coercion I think? Not really sure but better safe than sorry. 
I promise the darker stuff is coming soon. 
I wake up to someone calling me. Hitoshi? Why is he calling me at… 9 in the morning? Come on dude, I want to sleep more for dinner tonight. My fault for hanging out with Tadao a bit later last night than usual. He’s started walking with me to our apartment for the past few days. I wonder why we haven’t hung out until now. Meanwhile, Ryo and I seemed to drift apart. They refuse to even look at me now when I saw them last night. 
Ugh, might as well answer it. “Hey, Hitoshi. You need something?” I tiredly slur from just waking up. 
“Sorry for waking you…” Apologized the familiar voice of Eri. Wait, Eri? Why does she have Hitoshi’s phone? The wonder why she has his phone wakes me up a bit more. 
“Oh, hey, Eri. Is something wrong?” A slight panic enters me in the possibility something bad could have happened to one of the guys. “Wait, is everyone okay?” 
“We’re good. Just wanted to talk a bit with you before tonight.” Pipes up the familiar voice of Hitoshi in the background. 
Relief floods me. “That’s good. What about?” 
“Our dads!” Eri cheerfully informs. 
My eyes narrow in confusion. “What about them?” 
“What do you think of them?” Hitoshi asks. Huh? Why does this need to be talked about now? Maybe because more likely than not the two adults are asleep, and won’t hear the conversation? 
I’m too tired to be filtered right now, so whatever comes to mind is whatever is going to be said. “They’re… An interesting two, to say the least. Hizashi seems like someone I can rely on to cheer me up pretty easily if I’m ever down, and after that day Shouta was sick, I realize Shouta’s secretly a lot more caring than he lets on. Still wouldn’t want to pi- anger him.” Ugh, it’s too early. I nearly just swore with Eri there! Well, saying “piss him off” wouldn’t have been that bad, but she needs to keep that innocence at least for a while yet. 
Hitoshi laughs, probably catching on with what I almost said. “Seen it first-hand with his class. Can’t say I recommend it either.”
“What about looks?” Eri suddenly asks, catching me off-guard. What do their looks have to do with anything? They’re also a married couple, so whatever I think is invalid anyways. 
“Well, had this weird thought of wondering what Hizashi would look like with his hair fully down when we went to the festival, but that’s really not something that I need to tell him. It’s something I probably shouldn’t be wondering in the first place.”
“What’s the problem in wondering that? It’s just hair.” 
“Says the one who always looks like he stuck his head out a car window and hair decided to stay that way.” 
“Can’t argue with that.” 
I go back onto the topic. “Otherwise, I’m not really sure what to talk about with them. It’s their choices of what they wear. Though it IS pretty funny imagining Hizashi forcing Shouta to wear something he normally wouldn’t.”
“It’s happened more than once before.” 
I tiredly let out a laugh. “I believe it.”  
“Daddy made him wear a dress!” 
An almost inhuman sound comes out of me at the thought of Shouta deeply frowning with a strapless hot pink dress forced onto him, and the only reason he does it is Hizashi would probably keep pestering him otherwise. 
“Maybe sometime we could get him to do it again with you here. It’s quite a thing to see.” 
“Oh, really? How did he not kill you for laughing?”
“He almost did,” he replies jokingly. 
“If he tries to attack me when I’m there, you’re taking the blow.” I joke back. 
He goes silent for a moment. “He wouldn’t dare. If he did, he’d have an angry little girl scolding him.”
“What? You know I’m right.” 
“Anyway, want to tell them what you’ll wear?”
“No! It’s a surprise!”
“Right back at you two,” I inform the slightly bickering duo.
We both hung up after a bit more of talking about tonight. I could swear there was someone talking in the background for a second, but I brushed it off as the T.V. Eri was probably watching something earlier and forgot to lower the volume. 
After playing on my computer for a while since it’s close to my bed, I decided to just get up and get ready. There are not many fancy things I have, so it’s quite limited on what to wear. Hopefully, they don’t mind if it’s a bit more casual than fancy. There’s plenty of time to shop for something, but I’m honestly too lazy to go anywhere. Just something of my favorite color and slightly more fancy than my daily clothes should work. 
I have to dig much deeper into my closet to find said clothing from not wearing it too often. 
One of my favorite color is grabbed. Nope, that’s not it. 
I move a few more. Wait, there it is! I move a few more pieces of clothing and grab it, pulling it out. Hopefully, it still fits. Welp, time to try. I take off my pajamas. 
Like a glove. Perfect! 
Just to make sure there are no new forgotten holes or something, I look at myself in my body mirror. Huh, I actually look pretty good in this! I might have to wear it more often. Something feels like it’s missing though. Maybe a ring or something would help? 
I look over to the select few rings I have, including the forgotten one Ryo gave me. My heart slightly twinges at remembering they gave it as a best friends type of ring years ago. A ring with real blue topaz fitting my middle finger. 
Might as well wear it. I slip it on and decide to leave my room, though they won’t be here for a while yet. Maybe Tadao will be around. 
My body instinctively starts looking around for the familiar- oh, not again. Does he LIKE sleeping on the floor in the hall or something? I walk up to his sleeping form. I gently nudge him to move with my foot. 
He groans, and curls his head deeper onto his arm, also bringing his legs up so he’s a ball. “Come on dude, I know your quirk is related to mold and all, but you’re not supposed to BECOME it.” 
“I am one with the floor… I shall be the floor…” He mumbles, probably sleep talking.  
I nudge him harder, making him open his eyes to look up at me. “Heyyy Y/N. What time is it?” He sluggishly asks. 
I check my phone. “Already half-past noon.” 
That got his attention. Both of his eyes snapped open as he shot to sit up. He grabs his rather cracked phone and looks at it. There are a few messages on the screen without him unlocking it. They’re impossible to read as he seems frantic after looking at them. “Already!? Man, I gotta get ready! I’ll be late for work!” 
I don’t even get the chance to ask him anything since he gets to his feet and sprints off past my door, probably to his. 
Glancing at Ryo’s door, the thought of checking on them arises. No, they’re deciding on acting out like this. Crawling to them could only continue this childish way again at some point. Ugh, what to do now though? It will be boring to just sit around for the next few hours. The park could be good for a few hours. 
The villains around though? Nah. Welp, more computer time.
Familiar brown hair in the corner of my eye catches my attention before returning to my door. It’s the woman that glared at me with Hizashi at the studio. What’s she doing around here? Never saw her around before, and she doesn’t exactly strike me as the type to like parties. Funny if she’s attracted to Hizashi like he told me. 
She keeps her glare on me as she… Knocks on Ryo’s door? Oh hell no. There’s no way Ryo is hanging out with someone like that. I’m proven wrong though as Ryo opens the door and pulls them in without looking at me. 
I- What? What’s going on lately?
Also, okay, what the ever-loving fuck Ryo!? 
Calm down, give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the woman hasn’t told Ryo anything about my work, and maybe it can just be a sudden meeting they did at one point, and it’s an opposites attract type of friendship. After all, I haven’t really been around. They were bound to try to find someone else to hang out with I suppose. Should this be a concern to bring up with Hizashi and Shouta though? 
I stand there still staring at Ryo’s door and blink confusedly. They couldn’t have found anyone better to hang out with? Even a villain would have been better than her in my opinion. Sure, more trouble from me being around two- basically three- heroes could arise, but I’d be willing to keep that kind of secret for them. But this? This gives me a bad feeling.
What if she’s the reason Ryo is acting so odd? 
Next Sunday will be the day to get some answers from them. If they will talk to me, that is. 
Time seems to slip by while being on my computer. My phone notifies me of a text message. I look at it to see it’s from Hizashi. 
“Hitoshi’s coming in to get ya! We’re waiting!” My eyes widen noticing it’s already past six at night. 
I try to text him ASAP to not let Hitoshi come in. They won’t be happy with my living place. “That will be fine, call him off. I’ll be out shortly.” 
“Too late! Sorry!” 
I sigh. He doesn’t even know which one mine is! I put my computer away and quickly left. Looking left and right, there’s familiar purple hair far down on the right. Obviously, it’s Hitoshi. He is staring with great disgust at the peeling walls and ripped-up flooring.  Oh boy, it’s probably a disaster with what is about to happen in the vehicle now. 
The hallway is rather dimly lit now, making it slightly hard to see, but it’s easy to tell he’s wearing a suit matching his eye color. I’m feeling pretty underdressed now. 
“Hey, Hitoshi. You could have waited outside. Uh… You probably should have no offense.” 
He glares at a piece of wall that falls off onto the floor. “How do you live in this?” 
I shrug. “Eh, you get used to it,” I noticed his frustrated expression. He’s about to ask me why I don’t move or something since I clearly could with my pay. “And before you say anything, I rather like it here. It’s where a lot of my closest friends are.”   
His eyes narrow at me. “You could still visit instead of living here.” 
Someone jumps upstairs, making the place shake, and a piece of the ceiling on this level chips off and falls next to the wall piece on the floor. 
“That’s new,” I comment. It’s true, the ceiling has never fallen before. Makes me wonder when this whole building is going to collapse. Bit worried for my friends here now.
Hitoshi looks at me like I just told him the world is going to end tomorrow. 
I start walking to the exit, having Hitoshi follow behind me too closely for my taste. Makes sense if he’s doing it for my protection, but he obviously doesn’t know these people as I do. He almost could be felt against my back. “You mind standing back a bit? You’re rather close.”
He does, but just barely. 
It doesn't take long for us to get to the vehicle. Just like before, I get in the center and hug Eri. The slight light in the car makes it hard to see her dress, but I'm pretty sure it's a bright silverish blue. The light wasn't on long enough to notice the two up front. 
They do seem to notice Hitoshi in a slightly on edge type of way. For the moment the light was on. 
"What's wrong, little hypno-man?" 
"Their apartment is not fitting to live in."
"What?" Hizashi's tone almost drastically changes. I'm glad I can't see them right now. I focus on the scenery past Hitoshi to try ignoring the growing unease of him whistleblowing to them. 
"It's falling apart. A part of the wall fell to the floor. The inside is much worse than the outside." 
"Why are you still living there? You can easily move with the money we give you." Shouta pipes up. 
"Because I like living there. It's a walking distance from your place, and all my friends are there."
"You could visit them some other time if you moved. We'd pay a bus for you if needed." 
"Exactly! Or I could drive ya to our place! It wouldn't be a problem, and it would give me a little somethin' to do while the grump wakes up in the morning!" 
I don't feel comfortable at the thought of having to rely on them like that. They're already so busy themselves, it really wouldn't be fair to them despite what they say. 
“Uh… no. Thanks for the offer, but my place is good for now.”
The air is rather tense, telling me that they want to push more on the subject, but decide not to for now. 
I decided to bring up what happened earlier.  “Remember that bad woman from before?”
“You mean Chiyo?” Shouta spits her name with such hate, someone would think he’d murder her if he could. Hizashi must have told him about our meeting in his studio. Wait, Isn’t that a first name?
As if reading my mind, Hizashi answers for Shouta. “She doesn’t deserve the respect of last name. What about her?” 
“I discovered today she might be hanging out with one of my closest friends that doesn’t seem to be too happy with me lately. Isn’t it a bit of a concern she might tell them that I babysit for you guys?” 
“That’s confidential information. Like it was said to you before you started, you can’t tell anyone our identities. They can get into serious trouble if they do, and they signed a contract accepting they wouldn’t.” Shouta replies. 
“That’s good to know.” I say, sounding relieved. They could be told how Ryo thinks they’re bad parents for me babysitting so often, but that’s something that probably doesn’t need to be brought up. Especially if she can’t tell Ryo about it. 
Hizashi pulls up and parks in front of the restaurant we must be dining in. wait- fuck, I’ve heard of this place. It’s one of the most expensive restaurants around here! We exit and enter the restaurant. The first thing I noticed was how well-dressed the two men were. Shouta was wearing a navy blue suit, white undershirt, and a light brown tie. Oddly, he’s also wearing glasses. When did he need glasses? 
Hizashi was wearing a cream-colored suit with a dark grey undershirt and a tie matching his eye color. Looking at the four of them and the others around, I am… severely underdressed. Doesn’t feel much better with everyone that stares at me from their tables for a moment. 
Wait- Hizashi’s. Hair. Is. Fully. Down. I whip my head towards Hitoshi and glare in betrayal. 
He notices with a smirk, and puts his hands in front of himself in mock-defense. “Don’t look at me. He was there then, just didn’t speak.” 
My eyes narrow. “So it really WASN’T the T.V.” Seriously though!? That’s so embarrassing! He must have heard everything! 
Him and Hizashi chuckle at me, making me feel worse.
A woman comes up from the counter. “Please tell me the name of your reservation.” 
“The Aizawa’s.” Um… I’m not exactly a part of this family? Well, it does make sense though I guess just to do a last name. Hizashi smirks at Shouta while he glares in return. 
“Right this way please.” She starts to lead the five of us to a table farther in the back. The enormous chandeliers overhead from the really tall ceiling are slightly intimidating if I’m to be honest. Each crystal is taller than Hizashi from the top of his hair in his hero costume to his feet. 
The white and gold walls of the place give a surprisingly calming type of effect. It’s rather cool in here as well. Probably to help combat the ones who wear layers of clothes to be more fancy or something.  
“You couldn’t have chosen anything else?” Shouta hisses quietly enough for the woman not to hear, but I’m close enough that I can. I’m right between them from behind while Hitoshi and Eri are behind me. I can swear Hitoshi keeps trying to nudge me forward closer to them. 
“Aw, don’t worry ‘bout it babe! Besides, you and I both know you’re known much less than me! This way they won’t know us!” He leans even closer to Shouta. “And don’t deny it, you know you like the thought of me bein’ called an Aizawa~” 
I can see red start to cover the side of Shouta’s face even though he tries his best to hide and prevent it. Ha! Now he’s the one to be embarrassed! 
I let out a chuckle, making Hizashi turn and give me a toothy grin. 
We get to a table with booth seats. The color of them is surprisingly similar to Eri’s dress. 
I go to sit with Hitoshi and Eri, but like before, Hizashi grabs my wrist and has me sit between him and Shouta. Why do you keep doing this to me dude!? Shouta is on my right by the wall with Hizashi on my left by the opening. 
Eri is sitting by the wall with Hitoshi by the opening in front of us. I didn’t notice before, but her dress has some candy apple red jewels the shape of diamonds, adorning the dress even more than it already was. Must be new since it’s never been seen by me before.  
… I don’t like the closeness of the two men beside me again. Saying it is uncomfortable is an understatement. A difference than before is the heat of their thighs radiating through their pants onto mine. 
The woman hands us menus. “Someone will be here to take your orders shortly.” 
I try to brush them off while looking at the menu. 
“Hey Y/N, are ya datin’ anyone?” 
“Maybe.” They don’t need to know I’m not. 
“That’s a yes or no question.” Shouta states with slight annoyance. He must have forgotten I told him I’m not the day he was sick.  
“They better not be a villain. We’d hate to have to do something to you and them. Better be honest, you’re not looking the best right now.” Hitoshi accuses. 
What the heck Hitoshi!? You’re just going to turn on me like this!? Why I ought to come over there and smack the back of your head myself! 
My saving grace as the waiter comes- Tadao!? This is where he works!? He comes up to our table with a notepad in front of him. "Hello, I’m Ito, and I’ll be your waiter for tonight. What can I get you started with?” 
“Tadao, you work here?” 
His head snaps up from the notepad, and looks at me. “Oh hey, Y/N!” His face becomes a smirk. “What happened to calling me glowstick?” 
“Well, you’re not really glowing right now in this light, are you?”
“Ha, you got me there.” 
The three men look between us with some look I don’t really understand. 
“Ya know each other?” 
“You could say we’re close.” Tadao informs. They grow rather deep frowns at the news.
He clears his throat and brings his notepad up. “What drinks could I start you guys with?” We each tell him our drinks and he writes them down. “All right, drinks coming right up!” He leaves to go get them. 
“He’s one of the reasons I don’t move out of my apartment. Especially now. We’ve become really close recently.” 
“You should stay away from him. He seems like bad news.” Hitoshi informs. 
??? huh? “Why, do you know he has a villain record or something?” 
“He could be using you. Stay away from him or we might have to make sure he doesn’t do anything.” 
Okay, THAT pisses me off. “First of all, you guys can’t tell me who I can and can’t hang out with outside of babysitting hours. Second of all, I’d really appreciate it if you guys could be less judging of him, because he has never done anything even slightly villainous whenever we met.” My slightly edged tone makes them back off the topic. I wanted to add third of all being he walks with me at night to our apartment place, but that seems like a bad idea if their reaction is this so far. 
It grows awkwardly silent between us all for a moment. Maybe I should have kept the others to myself too, but damn it, they need to have more respect for my decisions they were never a part of, and have no need to be a part of. 
Tadao comes with our drinks. He places them down, and Hizashi immediately takes a big drink of his.
“Here you guys go, and one drink for one special person.” He jokingly winks at me. 
I roll my eyes in response. “Sometimes I truly wonder if I hate you.” I tease.
He rolls his eyes in return. “Admit it, you know you love me.”
Hizashi chokes on his drink. I don’t help him from still being a bit upset. He should be fine anyways after a bit. 
He does, and is able to manage keeping his quirk down as well. 
“Do I?” I question teasingly. 
The three men glare at him. Sheesh, what’s their problem? 
He seems rather uncomfortable by it and leaves in a rush immediately after taking our orders. After I almost had a heart attack from the beyond insane prices, of course. Even the cheapest thing is over half the money I’m given a day for babysitting. 
I’m getting pretty upset with these guys right now. Starting to wonder if they got hit with some odd quirk again or something. 
That calms me down a bit since it would kind of make sense that’s why they’re acting odd. How long will it last though? Better not be long. I don’t know if I can handle them like this without losing my mind. 
“Hey, Y/N. We have something for you,” Hitoshi pipes up, and nods towards Hizashi. 
“Right!” He reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a… necklace? It has my favorite type of jewel in it, encased behind and around the edges with what looks like real gold. A different shine is on it, like something is covering the gold to prevent it from easily being destroyed by weather or wear. The shape is in a rather large teardrop. It looks custom-made as well. Never seen anything even close to what this looks like before. 
“It’s a gift!” Eri cheerfully chimes in.
“That she helped us pick for you.” Shouta informs. 
Please don’t tell me it’s authentic. It looks real though. I can’t even begin to imagine the price of what it must have cost to create it if it is real. “I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this! It feels too much like I’m just using you guys if I do!” 
The three of them frown. Even Eri seems a bit disappointed. 
Eri asking me my favorite jewel kind of makes sense now, but why would they want to give this to me? 
“C’mon, let’s put it on ya!” He hands it over to Hitoshi and stands up, pulling me to stand up with him. Hitoshi stands as well. 
“Did you guys not hear me? I- I can’t accept it!” 
Hizashi shakes his head. “Don’t be so worried, dear little lovesong! We want you to have it! Ya can’t just say no, we spent too much for it to go to waste now!” 
Hitoshi goes behind me with the necklace and is able to put it on while I’m still rather reluctant to accept such a gift.
Eri’s eyes almost seem to sparkle when the clasp gets shut on it. “You look amazing!”  
I freeze in my tracks to notice everyone is staring at us yet again. This time with slightly different reactions. A couple of them seem to be with envy, making me want to shrivel up and hide in a hole, and others seem to be appreciative I have something more expensive than my clothes now or something.  
At least Shouta seems to give me mercy by pulling me back down in the booth and glaring at them all in such a way that they all stop staring. I’m feeling a bit like a ragdoll at this point. 
Hitoshi joins him, making sure they truly stop. The glare combined of those two could probably curdle the blood of All Might himself. 
The restaurant seems to grow quiet between all of us. 
I decide to escape by using the bathroom. Hizashi didn’t have time to sit back down before it was necessary. “Stay here, it won’t take me long.” They still seem reluctant to let me go alone. 
Getting to the bathrooms, I didn’t have to go, just wanted to get out of the stares and whispers for a little bit. Despite the men’s glares, of course there was still going to be gossip of someone in here who looks so out of place. 
“Hey, Y/N, be careful around them, alright? They’re pretty strange.” Pipes up the familiar voice of Tadao behind me. 
I play dumb. He probably shouldn’t know I know they must have been hit with some kind of quirk. “How do you know? They could just be being cautious since their children are with.”
“I admit, I did watch you a bit at the festival. More so the men you were with when they came. Something about them isn’t... “ He seems to be struggling with figuring out how to explain it. “It’s wrong. I just can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Again, just be careful, alright?” 
I just nod and enter the bathroom. 
A bit after cooling off, I go back to the dinner table, them all still waiting and chatting about school. Well, Shouta being nearly silent as usual. Hizashi quickly stands up to let me sit between them again. Ugh, I really don’t want to. 
Yet I do, just to be kind. The least I can do is sit through this since they went through the effort of such a gift, even though to me it seems highly unnecessary. 
Tadao comes with our food not much later with a secret frown on his face. He’s smiling, but I’ve learned him well enough by now it’s worry he has instead of a cheerful personality. It slightly drops to reveal his true emotions when he notices the guys glaring at him yet again. He doesn’t say a word, just drops all of the food off and leaves. 
This feels like a really ruined dinner, even though this food is incredibly good. The atmosphere has definitely become shit. I seem to be the only one to notice. Hizashi looks over towards me and gives me another grin, not giving much comfort. What’s worse is every time I stop for a moment and rest my hand on my lap, Shouta seems to try to grab it. It led me to just keeping the utensil for my dinner in my hand. 
I’ll have to apologize to Tadao for their behavior tomorrow. Easier said than done since I still can’t exactly tell him who they are. Cursed contract. 
@dabi-s-whore, @angelicblackwolf, @fuegy-fuegy   
Double fun fact- Did you know slapping someone’s back if they’re choking is actually worse than letting them try to get it out themselves, especially if it’s food? The food can actually get lodged deeper in their throat at the impact. Huh, First Aid is quite interesting.
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sofijaeger · 3 years
hey, it's my first time doing any request so i'm little embarrassed but i'm excited too!! i love your writing so much<33 i had this in my mind for a while
Eren's s/o kissing his palms/hands or the spots where he usually bites his hand when he's about to transform
it can be anything(like drabble/headcanons etc. i hope you get me😭) once again I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM!!
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that is so frickin adorable STOP I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN🥺 you can always request things to me, i’m not sure how soon i’ll get onto them but i will try my best and i love hearing from you!
okay i’m actually really proud of this one haha! the drabble will take place during the reclaim of shiganshina arc if that’s alright, and psa i scared myself writing a certain line because i had no clue how i was going to proceed after implying a major death LMAO. i think you’ll know what line i’m taking about but don’t worry nothing happens lol.
warnings: angst... IM SORRY🥲
words: 1.1k
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kissing vow ~ eren x reader
Dawn quickly rose over the well-known territory. The part of land that was whispered upon for years ever since its fall, and a place strangely familiar to all your ears and hearts even if you hadn’t traveled there yourself. After the trip into the midnight wilderness you had arrived for a mission far greater than any other, and it was clear there were no visible signs of doubt from anyone.
Except for of course, the young boy with more pressure on his chest than anyone, one you cared for very dearly who’d call almost every shot with his actions. He was frightened beyond compare, so as the last few squads stood atop Wall Maria, urgently waiting for any signal, Eren was practically pissing himself right then and there. He had returned, devised a plan with all the leading commanders in just a few days, and was now preparing to risk his life for his homeland and people. There was no moment of rest for him or any of you. Besides the constant worry of succeeding the mission this very well may be the last time any of you see each other again.
You shout out his last name, once, twice, as he was too far in his own head to hear your first call and jog to him, gripping your delicate fingers over his shoulders. In the years you’ve spent together as scouts those small releases of tension-touching had become a clear sign you wanted each other’s attention, and you both caught onto the gesture quite quickly. Eren softened his eyes in your presence to notion just how focused he was on you. His subconscious would always allow his gaze to wander to you and what you had to say, he felt calmer that way.
“I already see you getting all inside your head, I thought talking about this on the journey here would be enough for you?” you whisper, leaning your head a little closer in attempt to understand what possibly was rumbling through his mind now.
“What if we lose”
“I can’t bear to see us all lose! If we waited a little longer, a few more days, maybe we could have advised a plan that wouldn’t risk half the corps’ lives!” He tangled his hand in his hair, gripping the shaggy strands already coming loose from the stress he overdrove himself into. Your hands soften against the thick cloth of his cape, frowning at the few tears pricking his eyelids.
“Er, you’re more than welcome to cry to me later, just not now.” you chuckle.
“How are you so sure there’ll be a later y/n.”
You mouth opens before you can process your words, watching his cheek crane over to rest on the back of your hand that still lay against his collar. Here was humanity’s savior more worried than everyone minutes before call, but that you were perfectly fine with. This side to him was all the more proof that he was human, no matter what people labeled his being as.
“How am I sure? Bold of you to question my predictions Jaeger.” you exaggerate, placing your hands on your hips in a sneer. “I’m certain i’ll come back alive, and why? Because your protecting me with ever passionate fiber in your body, just as you will everyone else. You’re fighting for our justice against these monsters, the ones with no mind or cause. You have a cause to fight Eren and you have a heart too, a damn big one if I do say so myself. It’s the reason we support you with in the entireties of our own.”
With that, you intertwine your fingers around his right thumb, softly calloused to the touch he notes time and time again, and place it in front of your mouth to kiss. His body tenses at the feeling, but his eyes widen when he realizes where exactly you’ve placed it, your trust in him, where you’ve unknowingly hinted your years of growing affection for the boy in the heap of a split second.
Over the bitten scars littered down his radial.
He looks at you in confirmation of what he thinks it meant, and smiles into those fierce doe eyes of yours. A genuine emotion he hasn’t felt in months through grieving and loss, but could so easily melt into again with you.
So yes, he held a dangerous power, but it was all his. Something his true self was a part of that no one should ever neglect, and he found all the support he needed within the soldier right before him.
“Knock em dead Ren, do your best for everyone who’s lived and who will continue to. None of us would be standing here without you, so your presence alone is precious to us...
...We all believe in you, I believe in you.”
You guide his palm to your cheek, nuzzling into its claminess. As he engraves the plush feeling of his fingertips to your skin, a green smoke signal is fired.
And even when Eren was positive not everyone could be saved, he was reminded the ones following the biggest goals in the end would persevere and care for each other just as you had for him. He was confident you’d all succeed that way.
Like Armin now does over Commander Erwin,
Or little Gabi rather than Sasha, no matter what unjust brainwashing she believes.
But him or you, who would risk their own life caring for whom they loved most?
That was one thing he never wanted to find out.
Now he slouches in a rotten, stoned cell, contemplating what could’ve changed if only he had tried a little harder, or had this all been fate from the start?
His hand resting in his lap catches his glance, peering down at the bite marks still evident across his thumb. Surely if the marks he made as a teen persisted your kiss would too.
He slowly brings his hand up, cautious of any guards mistaking the move for another transformation, and presses his lips against the same spot you had. He closes his eyes at the warmth, sensing it was still emitting from your own lingering touch years ago. Unfortunately there had been no more little kisses, subtle clues of affection from either of you ever since. He liked those hints he really did, but now he was sure you stood a few floors above him, devising a plan to put an end to his scheme rather than caring over his emotions.
Weren’t you the one who told him to keep going though?
Perhaps if he had told you his motives beforehand rather than keeping them inside. How he appreciated every act of tenderness you gave him, more than anything he’s experienced before, how all this time he’s fought on this battlefield people called the world, for you and everyone else. Maybe then you’d stay out of his way and let him succeed, but his actions had no time for feelings or explanations. The freedom he desperately searched for in the future held no care for the past.
Yet he could never lie to himself and think you didn’t love him still, even after all this time. And Eren couldn’t deny anything about his own feelings for you, it’s what kept him going.
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