#He knows I love purple 😉
fancycolours · 2 years
💜 My Darlin’ Dear, Robert 💜
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writingoddess1125 · 6 months
Secret perverted things the Old Men do to their S/O
Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk x GNReader
⚠️ Warnings: ⚠️ Sexual Themes, Masterbation, Perverted shit-
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Whisper dirty things + Secret hand
• You damn near jumping out of your skin when you feel a sly hand grab a hand full of your ass so discreetly it makes you bright red.
• Mihawk isn't one to ge openly romantic unless you have been with him a very long time and he's head over heels. However he does have his dirty habits-
• This man is a whisper dirty talker- he knows he's smooth with it and uses it to rile you up to the best of his abilies-
• You'll he talking to another person about something random and he will walk past and you hear him whisper-
• "I can't wait to see you cum later- Slut"
• Rendering you stuttering and trying not to make a fool of yourself.
• Loves to inappropriately touch you in inconvenient times since he's a turn on.
• It being tapping the small of your back, rubbing a hand down your side, Grabbing your waist or even giving a slight squeeze to the back of your neck.
• IT DRIVES HIM WILD! Especially your micro reactions.
• Will defiently fuck you with his fingers in a public place and whisper dirty things to you about staying quiet.
• "Keep down love, unless you want them all yo hear you~"
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Groping + Biting/Hickies
• You'd had to spend hours either covering the deep purple hickies or wear warmer clothes to hide it better.
• Shanks is a absolute secret pervert- He loves to do down dirty shit when no one is expecting it from him.
• For you, he loves to bite you all over!
• He relishes in knowing your walking around with his markings all over your body. From your neck, back, shoulder, stomach and especially on and between your thighs.
• "Like my personal peice of art~" He'd whisper before Sinking his teeth deeper into your skin and adoring your moans.
• He just gives a toothy grin however when he sees you walking around with a scarf or patchy makeup.
• But his favorite is to grope you-
• "S-Shanks-" You'd whimper out as his hand was carefully placed between your legs massaging your sex with a skilled hand
• Is a bit more of a private person so will keep his habit behind closed doors or in sneaky ways-
• Like using blankets or close physical affection to sneak a grab at you and chuckle at your reaction.
• "Something wrong?~" While his thick fingers grush against your most sensitive areas.
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Looking up clothes + Panty sniffer
• Now Buggy is the least sneaky out of the trio-
• Is the type to float his head around for the perfect moment. Seeing you bending over to get a nice look at your ass- especially in those tight circus costumes 😉
• It's a cross between poor skill and also not caring enough to be truly sneaky.
• His worse thing is being a underwear sniffer. He's got a big nos for a reason and it's to take in your salivating scent.
• Is it gross?- Absolutely
• Does he care? Hell no!
• You start to figure this out when going through his coat and pulling out a pair of your underwear.
• "What the hell!?" You scream and glare at your Captian who is Grinning at you.
• "What? It's my favorite scent" He cackled put like the crazy clown he is. Ge will go as far as he float his hand to you and literally take your underwear off WHILE YOURE STILL WEARING THEM!
• You bend over to pick something up?- He appears right behind you hips pressed to you ass as casually as possible.
• "Buggy?- Uhhh what's this?"
• "Just saying Hi~" While grinding his hips against your ass.
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mermaidgirl30 · 4 months
✨Daddy’s Best Friend, Mr. Miller Pt 3: October Surprises and Secrets Slurred ✨
dbf! Joel Miller x fem! reader
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Series Masterlist
-Pairing: Joel x fem! reader
-Rating: Explicit (18+ Only MDNI)
-Word Count: 13.2k
- Tags: Porn with Plot, dbf! Joel, fingering, oral, face riding, dirty talk, dom! Joel, (reader is 25, Joel is mid 40’s)
- Chapter Summary: Your relationship gets more heated with a lot more intimacy going on between you and Joel, but will you finally get caught?
- A/N: I love this series so much and can’t wait to bring you more filthy scenes between these two 🤭 Sorry not sorry this chapter is so long, it’s worth it 😉 Reblogs are appreciated and I always love seeing your comments ❤️
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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October rushes through Austin as the cool, autumn breeze whisks through your soft curls. The campus is buzzing with focused, anxious students who rush to get last minute papers and assignments in for midterms. You have been diligent and already turned in your law papers, so you’re now free of midterm anxiety, unlike the other students in your classes.
The historic, massive library is filled up with laptops splayed all over tables and empty Starbucks coffee cups that sit next to their cramped hands that struggle to keep writing in notebooks. Sunlight beams through the stained-glass windows as you pass through the library, making your way out into the cold to go find your car somewhere in the mix of all the campus traffic.
As you open the library doors, you get a shot of cold air that blows right through your purple cardigan, and you wrap it around yourself to try to keep the chill from seeping down into your bones. When you cross campus, your mind wonders to Joel and how much you want to see his handsome face right now. The thought of his massive hands cupping your chin and those pretty coffee colored eyes staring down at you make you shiver with anticipation.
Joel, Joel, Joel. He’s always on your mind, never letting a minute pass without him there. You both can’t leave each other alone, not able to go a day without speaking to one another. He always asks if you have plans after school or when your shift gets over at the coffee shop off Main Street. It’s almost like you’re a normal couple. Almost. There’s just that itch behind your ear that’s always buzzing when you’re with him. That loud, annoying ringing in your ears that reminds you that you’re sneaking around your parents, mostly your dad. You honestly have no idea how he would react to the news, so you’d hide it for as long as you could. Your mom might take it lighter, but your dad. He might actually lose it, and you do not want to see that happen.
When you get to your shining Nissan Rouge and hear the click of the unlocked door, you jump in and slam the door shut, throwing your belongings over in the passenger seat. As you put the silver key in the ignition and turn, it barely hums to life and then dies again. The glowing orange check engine light blinks in front of you, and you pound your hands on the sleek steering wheel.
“No, fuck! Please, work for me,” you beg as you turn the key and try again, praying for a miracle. The engine spurts out a pathetic, muffled sound and then magically starts up as the car hums to life once again. “Oh, thank God,” you sigh as you wipe the sweat from your forehead.
Joel. He’d know what to do. You pull out your phone and dial Joel’s number in a hurry, trying to keep your patience as you tap your nails on the black steering wheel. Joel picks up on the third ring.
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he drawls into the phone, his voice sounding like thick honey and sinking its way down into the pit of your stomach where warmth spreads.
“Hi, handsome,” you respond, a small smile spreading quickly over your face as the sound of his deep voice automatically soothes you.
“How was school? You get all your essays turned in? I don’t even have to ask, you already did. Didn’t you?” he asks with the sound of a light, raspy laugh on the end of the line.
“Just got them in today, actually,” you smile.
“Look at you gettin’ them in early. Such a smart girl, aren’t ya?” he purrs, making you bite your lip in response to the audible praise.
“Mhm,” you hum, your voice suddenly turning shaky as you look at the glowing engine light that warns you you shouldn’t be driving the car right now. Joel notices your shift in tone and responds with an edge to his voice.
“Everything alright, darlin’?” he asks concerned. It gives you goosebumps the way he’s always so protective, so careful of you.
“Umm-I’m fine, it’s just my car. My check engine light came on just now, and a few minutes ago I couldn’t even get it to start,” you respond back carefully with furrowed brows.
“Oh, shit. That ain’t good. You need a ride home? I can come get you-”
You cut him off and shake your head. “No, no. You’re at work, and my car came back on.”
“Darlin’, I don’t care that I’m at work. I don’t want ya drivin’ if it ain’t safe,” he says with a serious tone. You can tell he’s getting worked up, the way his breath falters and his sighs come out deep and clipped.
“Joel, really. I’m not that far from campus. I can make it home. Promise,” you respond with a more lighthearted response, hoping that Joel will settle with that answer.
“I don’t know if-”
You cut him off again. “Really, it’s fine. I’ll make it home,” you push.
You hear a long sigh and you can visually see him running his thick fingers through his patchy salt and pepper scruff. The vision of it makes warmth spread against your thighs as you squeeze your legs shut tight. “Fine, but I’m lookin’ at your car tomorrow and fixin’ it. S’not safe for you to be drivin’ it with your check engine light on,” he says with a raspy huff.
“Oh, you’re gonna fix it for me?” you ask with a stupid grin planted on your face.
“Mhm, gonna try my damn hardest to,” he replies as he clears his throat.
“And what do I owe you for your services, Mr. Miller?” you ask in a flirtatious voice.
You hear his low chuckle in the receiver, and it makes you giggle in response. “You don’t owe me nothin’, sweetheart. Just wanna make sure you’re safe,” he says with a light laugh. The sound makes your heart pound against your chest. Sweetheart. Safe. The words nearly take you out. He’s such a gentleman.
“Alright,” you say with a giggle. “I guess I’ll let you get back to work,” you sigh, not wanting to hang up on the handsome man that has your heart beating erratically for those gorgeous honey brown eyes.
“You be careful goin’ home, darlin’. Text me as soon as you make it there. I mean it,” he says with a serious, clipped tone.
“I promise,” you say back in a non serious tone.
“Okay. Well, I’ll talk to you later, beautiful. Remember, as soon as you get home,” he reminds you with a knowing tone in his voice.
“You got it. I’ll talk to you later,” you slur into the phone.
“Alright. Bye, gorgeous.” With that he hangs up the phone as you hear the line click dead. You throw your phone in the passenger seat and turn up the radio as Breaking Benjamin blares through the loud speakers. You nod your head to the beat and start to drive off, praying the car gets you there in one piece.
The glowing check engine light stays on the entire drive home, but you make it back safely. You park the car in the hooded garage and turn off the engine, letting it sit idle in the cool room. Whenever you make it through the door, you run straight into your dad as he almost spills his hot coffee all over his pressed white shirt.
“Shit, sorry dad! Didn’t see you there,” you apologize with frantic hands that steady the coffee cup in his hand.
“Careful now, I have a Zoom meeting in five minutes!” he sighs with the hint of agitation in his voice.
“Sorry, dad,” you apologize again.
Before you head to your room, you turn and tell your dad about your messed up car. “Oh, dad, before I forget to tell you. Joel’s coming over tomorrow to take a look at my car. The check engine light came on, and he’s gonna try to fix it for me,” you say lightly.
“Why didn’t you just ask me first? I could’ve taken a look. You sure asked Joel pretty quick there,” he says with his eyebrow raised and the hint of suspicion in there.
You gulp and try not to let your widening eyes give you away. “Oh, uhhh. I just thought you’d be too busy to take a look at it, and you know how good he is with fixing cars,” you shrug innocently.
“And you thought he’d be less busy than me tomorrow?” he asks with the tic of his jaw and wondering eyes staring questionably at you.
Your heart is in your chest and you feel the faint drops of sweat forming on your forehead. “I mean, I just didn’t want to bother you is all. Figured once I told you then you’d just tell me to ask Joel anyways,” you lie with a straight face, keeping your composure together.
He looks at you a few seconds and then nods, face relaxing a little. “Yeah, you’re definitely right, hun. That’s exactly what I would’ve done. Alright, well I need to hop on this call, so I’ll see you later.”
He turns into the direction of his office and you round the corner into the entryway and relax against the wall, breathing out a long sigh of relief. That was close. Too close for comfort.
You head up the stairs and back into your bedroom filled with lilac walls and scents of vanilla and citrus hanging in the air. Apartments. You need to find an apartment and fast.
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The air is stuffy and hot in the garage, even though the autumn breeze blows gently outside as it carries red and golden leaves across the driveway. You’re wearing a light blue hoodie and cut off black denim shorts while you sit atop the wooden workbench in your garage. You gently kick your dangling legs off the side of the workbench and stare at the most gorgeous man working on your car. Joel Miller.
You watch the way he picks apart every single wire and car part he can get his hands on. His tousled dark curls sit slicked back against the top of his head by sweat that cakes his forehead, his grey t-shirt bunches around his thick arms every time he flexes and reaches under the hood, and his hands stay covered in grease and dirt from tearing apart your car piece by piece.
You can’t help but gawk at how ridiculously hot he is right now, can’t help the way you bite your lower lip seductively and run your tongue across the bottom of your lip in hopes to get a taste of him. You start to wonder what it’d be like to be bent over the hood of your car while he takes you from the back, start to imagine how good it’d feel to have his thick cock between your slick center as he fucks you senseless into oblivion. Can’t help the burning need in between your thighs as you squeeze your legs together and choke down a moan as slick starts to pool in the center of your lacy underwear.
“You alright there, darlin’?” he asks with concern hinting in his voice as he washes his hands in the garage sink, stepping closer to you as he wipes his hands off on a bunched up rag. “You look a little flushed there,” he says as he steps in front of you, just a few inches from meeting your knees.
“Umm, yeah. I’m fine. Just got a little hot, I guess,” you gasp out, nervously panting as your jaw drops open.
He slides up to you and stops right in front of your thighs, locking his knees up with yours as his t-shirt sticks against his broad chest and bulging biceps. You can’t help but stare at him and his pretty brown eyes with flecks of gold that sneak out and catch you unawarely. You want to run your fingers through his messy greying hair, want to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him until you taste every single part of him as you unravel yourself around him.
“Why don’t you close your jaw, sweetheart. Gonna start drooling if you keep it up,” he smirks as he cups your chin and helps you close. You swallow away all the heat and try to calm yourself as he stands before you, but you can’t. He’s too much, too fucking much.
“Sorry, couldn’t help it,” you say flirtatiously as you bat your long eyelashes at him, feeling your blush paint the edges of your cheeks crimson.
“You gonna tell me what you were thinkin’ about?” he asks with the tic of his jaw, leaning his weight against the bench as his hand gently brushes your hip.
“I was just thinking how hot you looked leaning over the hood of my car. And your messy curls, how I want to run my fingers through them right about now,” you smile as he leans against you, taking his other hand and placing it against the top of your thigh as he gently runs his rough hand down to your knee.
“Oh, yeah? S’that right?” he laughs as he takes his other hand and pushes your thighs apart, stepping in between them as he runs calloused fingers up and down your smooth skin, turning your breaths ragged from the heat of his massive hands on you.
“Mhm,” you choke out, already worked up from his light flirting and the weight of his thick fingers on you.
“What else were ya thinkin’ about, hmmm?” he hums out, his eyes growing darker by the second.
“I was thinking…” you start as you run your fingers through his damp curls, making him groan as your nails scrape lightly against his scalp. “How good it’d feel if you fucked me on the hood of my car,” you purr, whispering into his ear seductively. You feel the bulge in his jeans already starting to form, feel how turned on he’s getting at the thought of you spread wide open for him on the top of your car.
“Christ, baby. Such a dirty girl, aren’t ya? Wantin’ me to fuck you senseless while I make you cum all over my cock. That’s what you want, ain’t it? To make you scream my name while I make you cum again and again and again…”
His voice lowers with a growl as he wraps his hands around your hips and drags you forward, ending right on the edge of the workbench as your legs clench around his back, his hands moving over the denim of your shorts as he snakes a hand up under the material, finding your soaked lace absolutely ruined for him.
You choke out a moan as he dips his fingers under your lace, slowly spreading your folds as his thumb finds your clit and circles you meticulously, stifling another moan out of you as you dig your fingers into his back and wrap your legs tighter around him.
“So fuckin’ wet for me, sweetheart. Such a good girl. Always ready for me. Always so needy, ain’t that right?” he smirks as he continues circling you, making your heels dig into his back as you slide a hand through his messy curls and drop your lips to the shell of his ear. Ragged moans leave your lips as he pushes two fingers inside your dripping hole while his thumb continues dancing over your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“Feels so good, daddy,” you pant, biting down on his earlobe as you hold in a loud moan while he circles you faster, getting you all worked up over him. You hear the sloshing noises of your wetness and his fingers pumping in and out of you, and it’s so fucking hot that more slick slides down your center as you start to come apart around him. You’re so close, almost there already.
“That’s right, baby. Daddy’s gonna make it all better,” he coos, curling up his fingers inside you as he hits the spongy part of your walls that elicit another moan deep into his ear as your toes curl in your Converse.
“Joellll,” you whine into his ear, dragging your fingers against the curls that sit matted to the back of his neck.
“What is it, baby? Can’t handle daddy’s fingers, huh?” he teases as his lips ghost across yours effortlessly. “Tell daddy what you want,” he smirks, speeding up the shift of his thumb against your aching clit.
“Want you…. oh, God,” you moan as he curls his fingers inside you nice and slow, moving them up further as you latch around him tighter.
“Go on, finish your sentence,” he smirks with clenched teeth as he works you over nice and thoroughly.
“Want you to fuck me,” you whine against the shell of his ear.
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Can’t fuck you here, sweetheart. Don’t want your father findin’ you with my cock buried deep in that wet pussy now, do ya?”
You whine out as your breathing becomes hard to control, tattered moans filling his ear like a choir of angels. “No, don’t want that,” you gasp out, your fingers tangled in knots against the back of his soft t-shirt. “I want you though. Want you so fucking bad,” you groan as he continues building slick around his thick fingers.
“Wanna put this hard cock inside that pretty pussy of yours. Wanna fuck you so hard over this bench right now that you won’t be able to stand for the rest of the night. Wanna cum inside that drippin’ pussy while you moan my name as I take you from the back,” he growls as he fucks his fingers up inside you deeper, hitting the spongy area again and again as you feel your orgasm about to take flight.
“Want you to moan my name so loud when I make you cum that everyone in the neighborhood knows just who you belong to,” he growls with clenched teeth as he presses down harder on your clit, rubbing it in just the right area that you feel yourself start to spill. You feel the white hot heat start to take over as your eyes roll back and you clench up against his fingers that continuously curl up inside you.
“Joel, I’m… I’m coming,” you moan as you bite down on the scruff of his jaw, feeling your orgasm wash over you as you close your eyes and bite back your moan as you let him have it.
“That’s it, baby. Such a good fuckin’ girl. So good for me,” he praises as you take a few seconds to come out of your blissed out daze, his fingers gently releasing out of you as he brings them up to his mouth and sucks, staring at you with blown out pupils. Your eyes go wide as you watch him drink down your cum, humming to himself as he licks them clean.
“Taste s’good, darlin’. Can never get enough of you,” he purrs as he pulls your drenched underwear back over your cunt and straightens your shorts out again. You grab the back of his neck and pull him toward you, planting your lips over his as the taste of sweat, black coffee, and you enter your mouth. He wraps his hands around your hips and slithers his tongue into your mouth, letting you taste all of him as his senses envelop you, sweat and all.
Before you can get lost in him anymore, you hear the jostle of the doorknob and the squeaking hinges as the garage door starts to open. Joel jumps back out of your reach and grabs the bottle of synthetic oil off the back of the shelf, drawing his dark eyes away from you as you compose yourself with a quick breath and legs that clash together.
Your dad looks up at you with concerned eyes and purses his lips. “Honey, you feeling okay? Your face is all flushed and your eyes are so wide they look bloodshot.”
Your blood runs cold as you gulp down your nerves and flick your eyes over to Joel, watching as he stares at your idle car as he runs a hand nervously up the back of his neck. “I’m okay, dad. Just got a little too hot is all,” you say as you fan yourself with your hand, trying to get rid of the flush of your crimson cheeks.
“Oh, sorry about that sweetie. Want me to get you a bottle of water?” he asks with a gentle nod your way.
“Yeah. Thanks, dad.”
“Alright, honey. Be back in a minute.” He turns to Joel and slaps him on the back in a way that best friends only do. “How’s the car looking? Figure out what’s wrong?” he asks as he looks around the open hood of the car.
Joel loosens the top of the oil and sets it down beside the front wheel. “Yeah, there seemed to be some loose wires that got tangled around each other. I fixed ‘em. The serpentine belt looks to be pretty worn out, so I can stop at the hardware store tomorrow and get a new one. Should be an easy fix. And the car needs an oil change, so I’ll get that done real quick. Then it should be good to drive smoothly,” he says as he plays with the used towel in his hands.
“I can’t thank you enough for doing this, Joel. You sure do take care of my little girl,” he smiles in thanks.
Joel smiles back and chuckles. “Anything for your daughter, George. I always got her back.” He turns your direction and winks at you secretly, making your cheeks turn bright red at the secret meaning behind his words.
“You’re a good man, Joel Miller. Maybe one of these days I can get you to go on a date with one of Claire’s friends. Trust me, some of her friends already drool over you. Should ask one of them out. Could use a woman around the house. Maybe get you laid one of these days,” he teases as he claps a strong hand over Joel’s back.
Joel’s fists clench and his lips twitch at the mention of dating other women. You won’t lie, you feel a heavy weight against your chest and the tinge of jealousy runs hot down your throat. Joel would do no such thing. Mine.
“Nah, man. Thanks for the offer though. I’m good,” he responds. A breath you had been holding blows out, the wave of jealousy washing away as soon as he says the words.
“You sure? Wouldn’t hurt to at least have a night in with one of them. How long has it been, huh?”
“Dad!” you say forcefully, making both of them look your direction as you dig your nails into the wood, jaw locked into place. “Water?” you ask as you raise your eyebrows.
“Right, sorry. Be back in a minute.” With that he races back inside and slams the door shut.
“So, my dad’s trying to hook you up with one of my mom’s friends?” you ask with a raised eyebrow, mostly joking around with him.
“Don’t worry, darlin’. Already have my best girl right here,” he nods your way, curling his lips into a crooked smile. You can’t help but smile back at him and melt at his words. My best girl.
“That’s right. I’m your girl,” you say possessively.
“Damn straight you are,” he smirks, making butterflies flit through your stomach.
Your dad comes back with a cold bottle of water and leaves the two of you alone again, closing the door to go answer a phone call. As you let the fresh water quench your thirst, you watch Joel meander his way under your car, taking his time to change your oil out. You watch his soft t-shirt lift up just a tad, exposing thick dark hair that trails underneath the waistband of his jeans.
It takes everything in you not to go over and straddle him as he works, slipping your hand underneath his jeans as you pull his hard cock out and go down on him, taking him in your mouth nice and slow as you make his ropes of cum slide down the back of your throat. You hold back the temptation, knowing you can’t do that here. Not when your dad’s lurking around the corner of the house.
You sigh and watch him work, making light conversation with him as he puts the cap back on and crawls out from underneath the car. Grease stains his grey t-shirt, and he has a smudge of grease across his nose.
“Joel, come here. You’re a mess,” you giggle as you grab a towel from the metal shelf and jump down off the workbench, going over to stand in front of him. You wipe off the grease from his nose and wipe off his hands next, making sure you get off as much as you can.
“Baby, I could’ve done that,” he smiles as he grabs the towel from you, wiping off what he can from his ruined shirt.
“It’s fine, I wanted to help,” you shrug.
He looks at the grease stain on his finger for a second then back up at you, mischief written all over those hazy brown eyes.
You back up against the wall and raise an eyebrow. “What are you planning, Miller?” you ask suspiciously, holding in a laugh as you see the playful smirk pulling at his lips.
“Me, planning? Never,” he scoffs, the smirk planting firmly against the corners of his mouth. In a flash he cages you against the wall with his thick arms and smears some grease on your jawline. Your eyes go wide as he does it.
“Joel!” you whine as you push against his chest playfully. “That’s not funny,” you say as a giddy laugh escapes your throat.
“It ain’t funny, huh? Then why are you laughing?” he asks as a deep chuckle ruptures from his chest.
“Get it off, now,” you demand playfully as you try to grab the used tan towel from him. He grabs it back from you.
“I got it, I got it,” he laughs as he uses the pristine end of the towel to clean off the grease from your jawline. When he promises he got it, he throws the towel up on the workbench as you reel him in for a kiss. His lips are soft, plush, and they taste like Joel.
“Oh, that reminds me. I got somethin’ for ya,” he says as he breaks the kiss, digging around the back pocket of his dark faded jeans.
“You got me something?” you ask with a surprised lilt to your voice.
“Mhm,” he hums as he grabs his leather wallet and opens it up, digging around to find what he’s looking for.
“What’s the occasion?” you ask curiously, watching him dig around excitedly as his thick fingers push around old receipts and folded up papers.
“Don’t have to be an occasion to get ya somethin’, darlin’,” he chuckles. “But this is kind of an early birthday present, since your birthday’s next month.” He finally finds what he’s looking for and pulls out two tickets that have a matte gloss covering both sides. You flip them over and your eyes go wide at what the tickets say. Two general admission tickets to see Ghost at the Moody Center on November fourteenth sit carefully in your hands. You gulp back tears as you stand frozen in awe as you stare at the glossy tickets.
“Joel…” you gasp out, your eyes probably as wide as an owl right now.
“Thought you’d like ‘em. I know how much you’ve wanted to see ‘em for a long time. Took me a while to find out when they were gonna come to town, so I jumped at the chance when I saw ‘em post new tour dates. And Breaking Benjamin is gonna be their opener. I know how much you like them too and…”
You jump into his arms and wrap your hands around his neck as you thank him over and over again for the best gift ever. You grab his shirt and pull him in for a long kiss as you run your hands through his tousled curls. When you break the kiss, you stand back to look at him in his pretty face as your arms stay wrapped around his neck.
“You’re gonna take me to go see Ghost?” you ask sweetly with big eyes that water faintly.
“I’m gonna take ya to see Ghost,” he nods with a crooked smile as he looks down at you with brown doe eyes that you want to sink right into as they swallow you whole.
You pull him in for another long hug as his strong arms wrap around your waist. “You’re the sweetest, Joel,” you say as you plant your lips on his cheek, staying in his embrace for as long as you can.
“Anything for my girl,” he smiles as he cups your chin, bringing his lips down on yours again. When he pulls back, he keeps his calloused thumb trailing against your jawline, making you dizzy with lovesick thoughts.
“Hey, what’re you doin’ for Halloween?” he asks as he keeps his coffee eyes focused on you, his thumb trailing light circles across your cheekbone.
“I didn’t really have any plans. Sometimes my friends will drag me out to the bars or we’ll find a Halloween party to go to. How come?” you ask, eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“Umm well, you wanna come over to my place? We could watch some scary movies, make some popcorn, order a pizza. I know how much you like those classic horror movies. Would be nice to have some company,” he smiles shyly as the corners of his mouth rise up into a crooked grin. He’s perfect, so perfect.
“Joel Miller asking me to watch scary movies? You don’t even really like them,” you laugh as you hang around his neck, his left hand digging deeper into the side of your hip.
“Yeah, well. You rub off on me a lot. And besides, anything to make my girl happy. I jus’ like spending time with you is all, darlin’,” he drawls, his eyes glistening with flecks of light and dark brown mixing together to make a pretty coffee color. His crooked smile makes a dimple press against his cheek, and the lines against his eyes crinkle into complete warmth that fills the hard lines in his face. You think he’s the prettiest man you’ve ever seen in your life. Because he is.
“Joel… you leave me speechless. Truly. I’m so, so lucky to have you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted,” you gush to him as you rest your forehead against his.
“No, darlin’. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”
You stifle out a laugh and bring your lips down slowly over his, this kiss more slow and romantic than all the other ones. Who would’ve thought you and Joel Miller would’ve ever been a thing? But here you are. Completely and utterly wrapped up in each other, and you just can’t get enough.
You hear the jiggle of the door handle and see the door opening fast into the garage. You jump out of Joel’s grasp and take a few steps back, separating the distance between him even though it’s getting harder to act like the two of you aren’t completely crazy for each other. You’re out of breath, still dizzy from all the emotions of the last few minutes with Joel. And he looks the same, pupils dilated and a flushed face as he looks up at your father.
Your father stops and puts on his glasses to take a closer look. “Joel, you feeling okay? Your face is flushed too. You good?” he asks as he hands Joel a water.
“Yeah. Just got up too fast from under the car. Should be fine,” he nods as he flicks his eyes over to you, the look of affection returning to his brown doe eyes you can’t get enough of.
“Alright, well dinner’s ready if you wanna stay. She made chicken enchiladas tonight, so pretty sure you’ll wanna stay,” he laughs.
“Sure, wouldn’t miss those,” Joel nods as your dad smiles back at him.
“Well, come on. Come and get it while it’s hot.” Your dad turns toward the door and goes through, leaving it open for you and Joel to follow.
Joel takes your hand in his discreetly and leads you through, rubbing the pad of his calloused thumb against the back of your hand, making you feel all tingly and giddy inside. Before he drops your hand, he brushes your knuckles with his lips and places a slow kiss against the back of your hand. You blush on the spot and smile up at him as he returns one back, and then he drops your hand as he walks into the light of the dining room.
Fuck. You have it bad for Joel Miller and you’re falling fast. Very fast.
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Halloween Night
You spend the entirety of the afternoon getting ready for your night in with Joel. You shower, douse yourself in Victoria’s Secret Bombshell perfume, and pick out the perfect Halloween costume to wear. You go with a short black mini dress that barely grazes your thighs, the long sleeves hanging off your shoulder that leave your neck and the tops of your shoulders exposed to the cool air.
You carefully fix your hair into loose spiral curls and secure a long pink bow in the back of your silky hair. You apply shimmery pink eyeshadow to the hoods of your eyelids, draw perfect cat eyes with liquid eyeliner, and purse your lips after applying the shiny pink lip gloss. After slipping on a pair of black heels, you look at yourself in the full length mirror and grab the pair of fuzzy black cat ears as you top off your costume. Joel’s going to lose his mind when he sees you in this getup.
After nervously driving over to his house, you now stand on the front of his porch and wait for him to come open the door after you ring the doorbell. You pull on your sleeves, your legs shaking as the cold evening wind hits your bare legs. After a few seconds he opens the door and pulls it back.
“Hey, sweetheart. You…” His voice cuts off as his brown eyes go wide as he lets out a low whistle, slowly taking in your figure from head to toe.
You twirl around slowly for him, letting him see all of you and watch him fall apart. “Trick r treat,” you smirk. “Gonna give me something sweet to eat?” you purr, batting your dark lashes up at him sweetly.
You hear him curse quietly under his breath and watch him rake his hand slowly over his patchy beard. “Goddamn, darlin’. Such a pretty little kitty cat. And that dress, fuck,” he bites out as he gazes his dark eyes over your long legs. “Prettiest girl that ever stood in my doorway, that’s for sure. C’mere,” he calls as he grabs your waist and pulls you into his broad chest, pressing his lips against yours as you chase the taste of his black coffee scent you so desperately love.
When you pull away you click your tongue at him. “Thought you were supposed to have a costume on today?” you say with a raised brow, playfully pushing at his chest.
“This is my costume,” he replies with an amused expression on his face.
Your eyes trail down him slowly. He wears a Halloween black t-shirt, an open red flannel, and dark blue jeans that form against his muscular thighs. You shake your head and pull off your cat ears, placing them over his tousled dark curls as you position it to balance on his head perfectly.
You laugh as you take in the big, strong man with the fluffy cat ears on. “There. Now you have a costume on,” you giggle as he just shakes his head and pulls you inside while he shuts the door behind him.
“Funny, very funny,” he chuckles, a dimple forming against his cheek which makes you only melt more for him. “Wanna take ‘em back now?”
“Nope,” you shake your head, holding a laugh in as you watch him examine his face in the mirror, sighing as he takes in the fuzzy ears atop his head.
“I look ridiculous,” he groans, crossing his arms over his chest as his biceps pull at the red flannel, making you anxious to curl up against them on the couch.
“No, you’re adorable,” you respond, lingering your hand against his soft t-shirt as you curl your hand around it.
“Don’t think so, darlin’. That’s all you. You gorgeous girl,” he says with a low drawl, his caramel eyes honing in as he backs you up against the wooden staircase, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. Before he leans in, the front door twists open and he pulls away from you in a hurry, putting as much distance between the two of you before Sarah walks in.
Your eyes grow wide as you weren’t expecting her to be here tonight. Sarah gasps as her eyes flick from you to Joel, clearly confused on what’s going on. Her long curls fall over her shoulders as she stands in a Cowboys jersey and black yoga pants with war paint smeared across her cheeks.
She says your name with questions ringing in her tone. “What are you doing here? On Halloween? Shouldn’t you be at a party or something?” she asks as she looks over your outfit carefully, her eyes going over to Joel as she takes in the cat ears that sit perched atop his head.
“Uh dad, why are you wearing those?” she asks as a giggle sounds loudly across the lit up hall.
He throws the ears off and hands them back to you, running a hand through his messy curls as he works to stay composed. “Don’t worry about it,” he says defensively. “And she came over so I could work on her car,” he confirms.
“But you just fixed her car a few days ago?” she says with raised brows, her eyes flicking back and forth between you and him.
“Uhhh yeah. But the light came back on this morning, so I brought it over. Joel said he could take a look real quick. I was just about to head back out. Shouldn’t take too long,” you say with a calm, collected demeanor, giving nothing away.
She eyes you both suspiciously and finally nods. “Okay then. Whatever you say,” she rolls her eyes. “But anyways, look at you! That outfit is so hot, my dad would never let me wear anything like that,” she pouts, crossing her arms over the orange jersey as it scrunches up underneath her.
“Maybe when you’re thirty,” he teases. She just shakes her head and sticks her tongue out at him. He chuckles out a deep laugh in response.
“Whateverrrrr,” she drawls out. She turns back to you and beams her pearly white smile as her curls bounce up and down as she moves. “Bet you’ve got all the boys wrapped around your finger in that outfit,” she smirks out. Joel’s eyes grow a shade darker as he focuses on you, trying his best not to say a word in response.
“Oh, I don’t know about that. Maybe just one,” you smirk, your eyes flicking over to his brown irises as you face Sarah again, careful not to give anything away.
“Oooooo you have a boyfriend? Why haven’t I met him? Is he cute? Is he a good kisser?!” she yells excitedly as she hounds you for information.
“Sarah!” Joel warns, telling her to calm down as his eyes narrow over her.
“Sorry,” she whines, giving you a small smile as you return one to her.
“What are you doin’ back here? Thought you were goin’ to your friend’s to go trick r treatin’?” he asks with raised brows, hands on his hips as his jaw clenches up.
“I am. Just forgot to grab my purse,” she says as she reaches around you and grabs her purple over the shoulder purse and heads back to the door. “Alright, heading back out. Guess I’ll see you sometime soon?” she asks as she looks over at you behind her shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m sure you will,” you nod her way, waving a quick goodbye to her.
“Sarah?” Joel calls before she heads out the door.
“Yeah?” she asks before closing the door.
“Not too late, alright?” Joel says with his brows furrowed together.
“Yeah, be back before midnight,” she promises.
“Sarah?” he calls out again, making her groan at the name.
“Love you,” he says softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his face relaxes into happiness.
She smiles gently and nods. “Love you too, dad.” With that she closes the door and runs off to the burgundy Cadillac that awaits her out front.
You can’t help but smile at Joel, butterflies flitting through your stomach as you take in his soft side. He’s always so careful and gentle with Sarah, always telling her how much he loves her. He’s such a softie, and you can’t help but fall for him even more as you watch him.
“What?” he asks as he snakes his arms around your waist, backing you up against the stairwell again.
“You’re such a softie,” you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck while you run your fingers through the scruff on his neck.
“Only for Sarah and you,” he grins, dropping his lips down to yours as you drink him in again, feeling every surface of his plush lips against yours.
He breaks the kiss after a few seconds and pulls you into the living room. “C’mon. I’ll get the movie started then I’ll call in a pizza for us. Pepperoni?” he asks as he leads you over to the cream colored couch and sits you down against the soft cushions.
“Pepperoni,” you nod. He turns on the tv and pulls his phone out, heading into the kitchen as he calls Pizza Hut and places an order to be delivered to the house.
You take in your surroundings of the darkened room. Vanilla candles sit sprawled against the glass coffee table, the large display of the tv glows in the near distance as the menu comes up for the movie Scream. You hear Joel in the other room hang up the phone as he places it down on the counter.
“You want some popcorn, baby?” he asks from the other room, his voice carrying into the living room like a song you want to put on repeat.
“Mhm and a Dr. Pepper, please,” you call back.
“I gotcha, baby. Be right there.”
When the popcorn is done popping and the cans of soda are taken out of the fridge, he joins you on the couch and places one hand on your thigh as the other one presses play on the remote, making the movie hum to life as the beginning titles show across the lit up screen.
You take a sip of Dr. Pepper and pop some popcorn into your mouth as the buttery taste slides down your throat conveniently. You curl your legs onto the couch and fold yourself against Joel, letting your arms wrap around him as his arm flexes behind you. He pulls you tight to his side as his hand runs gently up and down your arm, causing your body to fully relax against him as you breathe in his cologne and woodsy scent. He smells like a piece of heaven, your piece of heaven.
He takes a drink of his Dr. Pepper and places it on the coffee table, leaning back into you as he adjusts himself into the back of the cushions and lays a soft kiss against the top of your head, making you melt beneath him.
When the scene of Ghostface asking Casey what her favorite scary movie is comes up, Joel mimics his voice and asks you the same thing in a more southern, non scary tone. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” he asks mysteriously as you giggle into his chest.
“You should know this one,” you answer back, eyes flicking up to his as he looks you over carefully before responding.
“Halloween,” he answers automatically.
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner,” you yell out, pulling a laugh from deep within his chest as you hear it rumble against your ear.
“Knew it,” he says proudly. “And what’s mine?”
You lay your head in his lap and look up at him, deep brown eyes staring down at you as he awaits your answer. He’s so pretty that it physically hurts. “Joel, The Lord of the Rings does not count as a scary movie,” you laugh out as he smiles down at you.
“Sure it does. It has spiders, orcs, dark themes.”
You push his chest playfully. “It’s fantasy. This is a scary movie,” you remark as you point to the tv, watching Ghostface chase his victim across the yard.
“Yeah, well. Still,” he vocalizes with a sigh. “Would you watch all of ‘em with me?” he asks faintly, his chocolate eyes glazing down to yours.
You turn to him and nod. “Of course I would. I’d watch amything with you,” you reply with a smile.
The corners of his lips curl up into a soft smile and he leans down and kisses you without holding back at all. He tangles his fingers in your curls and you open your mouth up, allowing him to slide his tongue into your mouth as he finds your tongue, dancing around as you drink down the taste of him slowly, passionately.
One hand slides down to your thigh as he grazes calloused fingers up and down your inner thigh, making you breathe heavier as he bites at your lower lip, heating up the room as the two of you start to get lost in each other. His hand reaches up, up, gently sliding the edge of your dress up your thigh, working his way nice and slow to where he wants to be. To your aching center that yearns for his touch.
Before he can make it any further, the doorbell rings, forcing the two of you apart as you lift up off his lap. He sighs as he pushes off the couch, muttering something under his breath that sounds like a complaint of interrupting him when he was busy with you. You giggle at his ramblings and wait till he comes back.
You hear the exchange of pizza and money and can smell the fresh cheese and pepperoni that wafts through the air of the dark living room. After another minute, Joel comes in and sets the pizza on the coffee table, telling you to eat up. You grab a slice and take a bite, letting the warm goodness fill your stomach as you set your eyes on the movie again, trying to keep focus on that instead of the handsome menace of a man that sits next to you.
“So, what’s so attractive about a killer that wears a mask? I don’t get it. With all the viral videos of masked men goin’ around, I don’t get the fuss. I even catch Sarah’s friends talking ‘bout it sometimes.” Joel shakes his head and takes another bite out of his pepperoni slice.
You giggle in response. “I don’t know. Guess that’s kind of a part of the dark romance culture now and can be kinda thrilling? A masked man in the bedroom. I mean, I get why they like it. It’s just something new and intriguing, a little dangerous, exciting even…” You stop there, not wanting to give away that you too might have a mask kink.
“Oh, is that right?” Joel smirks deviously, one of his eyebrows rising higher as he looks directly at you. “You into that shit, too?” he asks curiously as he takes his last bite, lapping his tongue along his lower lip and wiping away the last evidence of red sauce from his mouth. You try your best not to bite your lip, wanting to lick every single scrap of sauce off him slowly.
“I mean, I get the hype. Guess it would be kind of hot,” you blush, looking down at your lap to hide the crimson of your cheeks.
“I knew it,” he says as he claps a big hand on his thigh in knowing. “So you’re saying if I ever bought one of those dumb masks, you’d want me to wear it in the bedroom?” he asks as his eyebrows go up curiously while his hand digs into the back of the couch forcefully.
“I think I’d just prefer to see your handsome face, Joel. Besides, I don’t see you doing that anyways,” you laugh and hit him playfully in the shoulder.
“You’re right, darlin’. Don’t think I’d do that either,” he chuckles.
“But,” you lean into his chest and press your glossy lips to the shell of his ear seductively. “Think I’d let you put me in some handcuffs though,” you purr out as you tug on his earlobe and pull back with a sly smirk on your face.
You see the way his pupils expand and the way his chest rises and falls deeper as the blood flows thicker in the veins of his neck. You see the way he adjusts himself on the couch and clears his raspy throat. You started something, and now he’ll have to finish it.
You smile to yourself triumphantly and turn to face the tv, scooting up to the edge as you reach for your Dr. Pepper and take a refreshing sip, setting it back down on the glass coffee table when you’re done.
You hear Joel’s voice come out raspy and deep behind you. “Is that right, sweetheart? You’d let me handcuff those pretty wrists to my headboard?”
You squirm on the edge of the couch and press your legs together, feeling the heat start in your center like a volcano that’s about to rupture. “Mhmm,” you hum out carefully, trying to suppress a moan from coming out of your throat.
“Hmmm.” He leans over and presses his lips against the shell of your ear, his hot breath breathing down your neck and making you feel things you can’t control. “Think I need to go buy a pair of handcuffs then, sweetheart. Show you all the ways I can make you cum while you’re tied to my bed. What do ya think of that, huh? Sounds… erotic as hell,” he whispers darkly in your ear, leaving you panting for more as you keep your eyes focused on the movie on the big screen, watching Ghostface run down the stairs after his next victim mercilessly. He presses a gentle kiss against your cheek and scoots back into the couch, leaving you breathless and wanting.
Just when you think he’s done teasing you, he starts playing with your pink ribbon and runs his hands through your long waves, making your heartbeat gallop like the hooves of a racing Clydesdale against his touch.
“Such a pretty pink ribbon in your hair, baby,” he teases, starting to tug on your hair harder now as he pulls lightly on the curls.
“Mhm, it is,” you reply with a breath held.
“You know I love when you do your hair like this, in these curls. So long and soft to the touch. Can easily do this.” He tugs your head back and pushes you down into the couch. Your hands grip the side of the couch while your ass is up in the air, exposing all for Joel to see.
You feel his hands raise your skirt up to your hips, exposing the meaty flesh of your ass as you feel the cool air brush against the backs of your bare thighs. You hear Joel hum out in approval as he fixes his massive hands over your ass, one hand trailing down as his fingers brush the soaked material of your lace which makes a groan escape your lips.
“White lace, huh? Looks s’good on you, sweetheart. Already so wet for me, ain’t ya? Look at you drip, so fuckin’ wet, baby. Goddamn,” he whistles as he takes his thumb and trails a long line down your center, gathering more slick against the material. You whine out and he chuckles lightly.
“S’right, baby. Gonna make you really whine in a minute,” he murmurs as he slides the wet lace down your legs, gently unclasping your black heels and dropping them to the floor as he unhooks the lace from around your ankles and disposes them on the ground, leaving you completely bare for him to look at.
He slides his calloused thumb over your wetness, and you shiver with need. “Joel, please,” you beg, another whine purring out of you as you feel the pad of his thumb ghost across your clit, leaving you with a pent up cry in your chest.
“What do ya need, baby? Tell me,” he asks, barely touching your folds with the tops of his fingertips which makes you clench up over nothing.
“Need your fingers, your mouth,” you beg, your voice high-pitched from want. With need.
“That so, darlin’?” he teases as he spreads your folds with the tips of his index and middle finger, sliding them up until you can feel them pressed against your clit, drawing slow, meticulous circles as you hear the wetness gathering on his fingers.
“Oh, fuck,” you moan as you dig your fingers into the side of the couch, clawing your light pink fingernails as a way to get ahold of yourself before you’re lost into a sea of lust.
“S’right, sweetheart. I know exactly what you need,” he coos.
Before he takes it any further, he drops his hand from your center and lays back against the couch, leaving you out of breath and waiting. “Why’d you stop?” you whine as you turn in the direction he’s in and see him smirking up at you with trouble written all over his face.
“C’mere,” he calls as he curls his index finger in his direction, beckoning you to come over to him.
You look questionably at him and raise a brow. “What?” you ask as you slowly scoot your legs over his, dropping down on his hips carefully.
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Not there, sweetheart. Up here,” he smirks as he points to his face. Your eyes go wide at the meaning.
“You want me to…” you trail off, unable to finish your sentence.
“S’right. Want you to sit on my face. C’mon now,” he smirks, a devilish grin taking over his face as his eyes grow dark. He places his hands on your hips as he slides you up his broad chest, stopping just before you get to his neck. You pause right there, blushing as all of a sudden you get extremely nervous.
“Joel…” you choke out, unable to finish your sentence.
“Don’t be shy, baby,” he says gently, lifting your dress above your hips as it exposes your bareness for him. He drags his eyes down your center and licks his lips, his eyes blown out as you feel his breath pick up beneath his chest. “Such a pretty pussy, baby. Drippin’ and screamin’ my name,” he groans as his eyes devour you in full. “C’mon now. Sit on my face,” he demands.
You gulp and scoot your hips up, hovering just above his mouth as you stay there, nervous and turned on at the same time.
“I didn’t say hover, sweetheart. I said sit,” he demands, digging his hands into your hips as he tries to lower you down, but you hold back, afraid to crush him.
“But won’t I crush you?” you ask with your breath caught in your throat.
“The only thing that’s gonna crush me is if you don’t sit the fuck down and ride on my face. Now sit!” he growls as he forces your weight down on top of him, the curls above your mound sitting atop his curved nose as he breathes you in deeply.
He inhales your savoury scent and drags his rough tongue all the way from your dripping hole to the tops of your folds, catching the end of your clit as you whine out with need.
“Goddamn, baby. Taste and smell s’good, darlin’. Hold on tight. Not gonna stop till I make you cum all over my face, not gonna stop till you moan my name, not gonna stop till you’re all mine,” he growls as he hooks his arms around your thighs and dives back in.
He slowly drags his tongue over all of you, slotting himself between your folds and lapping meticulous circles around your puffy clit. You feel more slick spill out of you and feel him take your bundle of nerves into his mouth, sucking and slurping as every single nerve ending comes alive against his mouth. When he releases, he shoves his tongue into your wet hole, plunging into your core as you vibrate and fall apart against him.
You twist your fingers into his tousled curls and moan his name with a lull, lost in complete bliss as he works his tongue up and down up and down, making the room foggy with the smell of your arousal and the loud moans you’re giving him. “Joellll, fuck,” you moan as you pull at his hair, sliding yourself up and down his mouth as you ride his face exactly like he wants you to.
He groans at your movements, groans at the way you tug on his curls as his tongue works and works to make you fall apart around him. He slaps your ass hard and digs his nails into your thighs as he speeds up his hot tongue.
He’s pulling, sucking, munching at your clit as you feel the building orgasm. You feel it start in your spine, sliding down to rest in the pit of your stomach as you’re almost there, feel it about to take flight as your toes curl and your fingers slip deeper into his wild locks. He knows you’re close, knows exactly what he’s doing. He can’t speak, too far gone in pleasuring you with his mouth, too deep with sucking your throbbing bundle of nerves again and again as his nail beds prod into your flesh.
He loves to feel you come apart, loves to taste your arousal drip down his throat, loves to hear you moan and thrive while you’re about to come undone, and loves when you pull his hair and moan his name while he has his way with you.
You grind your pussy against his mouth, feel how soaked you’re getting him, and it just makes you that much closer to spilling yourself all over him. You feel him groan against your folds, hear him practically whisper the words into your ear as he licks and sucks you repeatedly into his drooling mouth.
Atta girl. There ya go.
Say my name, sweetheart.
C’mon. Give it to me. That’s a good fuckin’ girl.
He pulls your throbbing clit into his mouth and sucks hard, setting off every single nerve ending in your body. He sucks nice and slow and you feel yourself fall apart right there on his hot tongue. You roll your hips and feel the heat slide down your body as you clench over nothing and spill yourself all over his mouth, hearing his groan as he laps up all your slick while you fist his hair roughly through your fingers.
You take a minute to let your panting die out and wait for your body to come back down to earth after your intense face riding orgasm. When you slide back to rest on his chest, you see just how drenched and glistening his mouth and beard are from all your slick and cum. And fuck is it hot.
He smiles up at you as he catches his breath, his blown out pupils relaxing into pure brown warmth as he watches you with admiration on his face. It’s probably the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen in your entire life.
“Rode me s’good, baby. Love the taste of you,” he hums, his crows feet crinkling up at the corners of his eyes as you get lost in those pools of warm honey.
“Yeah, well, I have an excellent instructor with an experienced tongue,” you purr, winking down at him with a big smile pulling at the corners of your mouth.
He chuckles and responds, “Always happy to put my tongue to good use. Especially for you.”
You bite your lower lip and grin down at him, completely entranced by him. You’re so lucky, so fucking lucky. The luckiest girl in the world.
You shift off him and start to turn the other way as you move your legs away from his chest. Before you can crawl to the other side of the couch, he grabs your calves and pulls you back toward him. “Now where do you think you’re goin’, sweetheart?” he asks with an edge to his voice.
“Huh? What do you mean?” you ask as his large hands wrap around your ankles, pulling you back up to him as he tangles you around the roots of him, firmly planting you to his chest.
“M’not done with you yet, baby girl. You’re gonna give me another one,” he purrs, his deep voice thundering out of his chest like a bear ready to attack.
“Another one? But I’m… I’m so sensitive and…”
He shuts you up quick. “No, you’re not too sensitive. I know what you can handle, and you’re gonna fuckin’ take it like the good girl I know you are,” he growls as he drags you back up to him, hovering just over the edge of his mouth as you feel his hot breath connect with your wetness that’s already dripping for him again.
He wraps his strong arms around your hips and tugs you down where your folds are connecting with his plush lips, and the feeling is already overwhelming. But you need it, need him. You suck in a breath as he licks a long stripe up the entirety of you and you moan out for more.
“Need you so bad, daddy. Please,” you beg, digging your hands into the thighs of his dark jeans as your nails embed in him.
“I’m gonna give it to ya, sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna lick every inch of that pretty pussy,” he purrs as he licks another stripe up your folds, spreading you out to devour your needy clit.
You groan out and dig into his jeans, needing something to latch onto. When you open your eyes and look down, you see his bulge pressed against the thick fabric of his jeans, begging to be released.
You take your hand and grab around his thickness, working him through the denim of his pants. You hear him groan under your touch and bite your lip at the idea that dances through your mind. You’re going to sixty-nine with him. This is what’s going to send you over the edge.
You carefully unzip his zipper and free his bulging erection, taking him in your hand as you see the precum release from his slit and lap over the edges of his tip, working your hand nice and slow over him to spread the precum over his entirety.
His skin’s soft in your hand as you slide it back and forth over his large length, feeling the thick veins that spider around him that end just underneath the tip of his head. His head is red and swollen and screaming for you to taste him, and you’re happy to oblige.
Just as you meet your lips at his head and slide your tongue across his drenched tip, he shutters underneath you and lifts your hips just enough to speak as you feel the salty precum slide down your throat all hot and bubbly like.
“Fuck, baby. What’re you doin’?” he says with clenched teeth as you squeeze his cock, gliding your hand up and down his shaft as you turn to face him, smirking down at him with a devilish grin forming on your lips.
“What do you mean what am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? We’re sixty-nining,” you purr, licking your lower lip as you watch his pupils blow out into big black pits.
“Sixty-nine, is that right? You’re a dirty girl, kitty cat,” he smirks as he takes his index and middle fingers and pushes them inside you nice and slow, curling his fingers up to hit that spongy soft spot that makes you clench up against him and moan out slowly.
“That’s right, right there. That feel good?” he asks as you bite your lip and nod at him, choking out another moan as he curls his fingers higher, setting a wildlife throughout your entire core.
“Yes, daddy. Feels incredible,” you groan as you rock against his fingers, letting your own hand twist up and down his hard, wet length in your hand. You want to taste him, now.
“Fuckin’ sixty-nine. And with the prettiest girl in the world? Shit, baby. You’ve got me wrapped around your finger like that pretty pink bow in your hair,” he says with a gentle laugh that sounds a little like unbelief in his voice.
You giggle out a laugh as you stare at him as he smiles up at you between your legs. “Got you wrapped around my finger, do I?”
“Mhm, that’s right, sweetheart. All mine,” he says with a crooked grin curling up over his lips, sending your heart into overdrive.
“All yours,” you confirm with a soft smile.
He takes a minute to look at you, warm eyes focused on your face softly. Then his eyes shift into something dark and carnal as he brings you back down to his mouth.
“Well, go on, darlin’. I’ll take care of this needy pussy while you show me how good you can suck my cock,” he smirks, letting his fingers release from you as he wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you down on him again. You choke out a moan as his tongue presses deep into your folds and up your dripping hole.
You focus back on his hard cock in front of you and go back down, circling his head as you lap up his salty precum and then dive down on him, taking his long length in your mouth as your hand slides up and down him slowly, savouring his taste on your tongue.
You take him as far in your mouth as you can, making sure you hit the back of your throat and choke on him while tears spill down your face as you take him deep in your throat over and over again.
You hear his moans fill the room as his tongue circles your clit, hearing your own moans get washed out by the sound of you gagging on his thick cock as your spit drips down his length and into the coarse hairs that cover his base.
The wet, sticky, messy sounds of Joel eating you out and the gagging sounds of you deep throating his massive cock again and again mix together, forming a wet, harmonious melody that reverberates off each other. It causes more slick to slide down your center as he licks and sucks and pulls on your needy clit. It’s too much, too fucking hot. This is the best, most intimate thing you’ve ever done. But you have a feeling this won’t be the end of it because he’ll want more, you’ll want more. It’s only going to get hotter, more primal, more possessive as you continue.
Joel Miller may be a fucking menace, but you’re no better. You’re a temptress spinning your web as you trap him, seducing him to you, pulling him and making him yours. Both of you wrapping each other into a complete tangle until both of you are completely, irrevocably bound to one another. Just like a moth to a flame, you’re pulled to him as he is to you. Two hearts beating wildly for the other just the same.
The room is hot and sticky as both of you get lost in each other’s ecstasy. Moans echoing off the walls as you both are close to orgasm, both so fucking high off each other that you never want to come down. You just want to stay where your bodies are panting in sweat as you continuously get lost in each other’s bliss and euphoria. You’ve never experienced a high quite like this before. Never experienced anything ever like this. It’s just you and Joel, two bodies completely consumed in the other with no plans of ever slipping away from each other. It’s just Joel.
Joel, Joel, Joel.
You start to clench up, feel your walls fluttering as they’re about to spill, feel the way he sucks your clit into his giving mouth as his tongue travels up the entirety of you, covering you in his own spit and drool. And it’s so fucking hot.
“C’mon, baby girl. Give it to me. Cum for me. Wanna feel it,” he groans as he pulls your clit into his mouth and sucks hard. And that’s when you come apart for him, that’s when you feel yourself let go.
You release your lips from his cock and feel a string of drool fall from your lips and attach to the tip of his head, thinking of nothing as you throw back your head back and moan his name as it echoes across the room. “Joellllll, fuck,” you moan as you release white hot liquid all over his mouth. He’s greedy and takes it all, licking you clean as you hear his mouth drink you up, leaving nothing behind.
You rub up and down his cock faster, feeling him stiffen underneath you as his breath goes shallow. Ragged moans leave his chest as he grips your thighs tight and moans out your name slowly.
“Oh fuck, oh shit,” he slurs as you lap at his tip, teasing him before you take him again.
“That’s it, daddy. Go on and cum for me. Wanna take you all in my mouth,” you purr as you wrap your mouth around him again, bobbing up and down as you deep throat him, hearing the gagging noises that send him over the edge. He’s right there, just on the edge. You go down again and hold your mouth there as you take him deep, feeling your throat constrict around his thick cock.
“Baby, m’gonna… gonna cum… oh, fuck,” he moans as you feel thick ropes of cum hit the back of your throat, swallowing his large load down as the salty, delicious taste dances down your tastebuds.
You work over his length nice and slow, not stopping till he’s finished cumming. And just when you think he’s done, he surprises you and pours out more inside your mouth.
You see his hand shoot to his sweaty forehead as he grabs at his messy curls, see his eyes roll back as he moans your name again and again. It sounds like music to your ears, something angelic and addictive sinking into your soul at just the sound of him cumming. It’s your sanctuary, your favorite tune in the world. And you’d never get enough of it, never.
When he’s finished sending his spend down your throat, you slowly release your mouth from him as drool cakes your chin. His cock is so messy with spit and drool that you blush at the job you just did on him.
You feel his chest heave up and down underneath you, his breathing gradually slowing down little by little. You take a second to catch your own breath, gulping down breaths of fresh air that smells like him. There’s something beautiful in the rhythm of both of your breaths in sync. It’s almost like you share the same heartbeat, something so intimate about it that you can’t even shake the euphoric feeling. It’s the best thing you’ve ever experienced. He’s the best thing. Joel is.
After a few minutes he helps you sit up as he pulls his briefs and jeans back up over his softening cock. When he sits up, he grabs your lace panties from the floor and pulls them up over your legs, securing them back into place over your overstimulated pussy. He pulls down your dress over your thighs and lays back down against the couch, bringing you down with him.
You sink into his side and wrap an arm around his chest as he cradles you in his arms gently. He takes his hand and runs it up and down your arm, leaving goosebumps over every square inch of skin he marks as his own. And this feels right, all of this feels right. He feels right.
He presses a kiss against your forehead and showers you with the perfect aftercare cuddles. He’s so good, the absolute best at aftercare. It’s always been your favorite ever since the first time he did it with you in this very living room that you sit in now. Joel Miller might be dominant in the bedroom, but he’s a big softie underneath it all. He’s the perfect combination of rough around the edges and pure honey everywhere else.
“Did s’good for me, sweetheart. Always do s’good for me,” he purrs as he places another gentle kiss over your forehead. “My perfect girl,” he whispers, and you can’t help but smile at the words. My perfect girl.
“Mhm, your perfect girl,” you whisper back as you snuggle into him more, sinking into his chest as his soft t-shirt scrapes along your jawline.
“I like the sound of that,” he laughs, his raspy chuckle that sounds like a symphony of guitars in your ear.
“Me too,” you whisper back.
As the movie comes to an end, Joel grabs the controller and puts on Halloween as you hear the theme song play from the speakers. He relaxes his arm back down around you and pulls you closer to where your cheek is nestled in the crook of his neck as he takes his other hand and runs his fingers through your waves. And this might be your favorite thing ever. Being in his arms. You never want him to let go. Never ever.
You feel yourself start to slip into unconsciousness, feel yourself relax into him as the darkness pulls you under. You don’t know when, you don’t know how, but after a few minutes of cuddling you and Joel fall asleep, wrapped in each other’s warmth as sleep takes you down fast.
And then something happens, something unexpected and unwelcome.
After what seems like hours of sleep, you’re woken up to the harsh lights of the living room being turned on. You jolt awake and sit up, blinking a few times to get your eyes situated to the fluorescent lights above. Joel rubs his eyes and follows your lead, adjusting to being woken up from a deep sleep. Your jaw drops when you see who’s standing in the corner of the room. Sarah.
Oh, fuck.
“I knew it, I knew!” she jumps up and down as her long curls bounce up and down along with her, a big smile spread across her face as she can’t seem to keep her excitement down.
“Shit,” Joel mutters under his breath as your eyes go wide in panic. You try to speak but you can’t. You’re frozen, not knowing what to do or say. You’ve been caught red handed.
“I knew it all along! This is so exciting! You and dad? Oh my God, I’m a genius,” she squeals as she jumps again.
“Sarah! Calm down,” Joel warns as his eyes narrow slightly. Sarah stops jumping but continues beaming at the both of you. You feel like your heart is about to come out of your throat. Your dad. What if she tells your dad?
“Sarah, you’re not gonna tell my parents are you? They’d kill me,” you rush out with your breathing uncontrolled. It feels like you're about to throw up with the knot that’s in your stomach. Joel notices your panic immediately and does what he can to calm you down.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” he urges as he cups your chin and turns you toward him, his deep brown eyes almost calming you down. Almost. “She’s not gonna tell them. Right, Sarah?” he asks as he turns to her, giving her that knowing look.
She imitates her lips being a zipper and acts like she zips them tight. “My lips are sealed. Promise,” she nods as she looks back and forth between the two of you, your anxiety slowly calming down at the confirmation.
“See? She won’t say a word. It’s gonna be okay, darlin’,” he confirms as he soothes you over, one hand rubbing your thigh to calm you down. You nod in acceptance.
Sarah calls your name and you look up. “I’ve noticed the way dad’s looked at you for a while now. Been wondering when he was going to make a move,” she laughs, shaking her head. “He’s liked you for a long time, even if he never told me. I could see it in his eyes.”
You just look over at Joel and smile at him. “Yeah, I’ve liked him for a long time, too,” you say quietly. Joel meets your eyes and smiles at you, the corners of his lips curling up to form those perfect dimples again.
“This is so cute, I think I’m gonna throw up,” she says as she claps her hands together.
“Alright, alright. Go on up and go to bed, it’s past your bedtime,” he says as he points at the clock that says five past midnight.
“Okay,” she groans. “Night, love birds,” she sings as she leaves the room and heads up the stairs.
“You sure she won’t say anything?” you ask nervously, anxiety still swirling through your gut.
“If there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s keeping secrets. So, think we’re safe,” he confirms as you blow out a breath you had been holding.
“That’s a relief. I guess she was bound to find out at some point, right?”
“Yeah, guess you’re right,” he says as he nods his head. His calloused thumb shifts against your jawline and he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You lean into him and get lost in his scent, in his abundance of warmth. When you hear the creak of the stairs, you pull apart from his lips fast.
Joel leans over the couch annoyed and peeks up at the stairs. “Sarah?” he asks in a deep voice, warning her to stop spying.
“Uhh, yeah?” she asks nervously.
“Bed. Now,” he growls. She obeys and runs up the stairs, not wasting a second of time. He sighs in annoyance. “She’s never gonna let me live this down,” he groans.
“Hey,” you say as you grab his hand and entangle your fingers in his. “I’ll be right there with you through it.”
He rasps out a chuckle and looks you in the eyes, calm brown eyes returning to look at you. “You want me to take you home? I can drop your car off tomorrow.”
You shake your head no. “Can I stay here tonight? Don’t really want to go home. I’d rather stay with you.”
“‘Course, sweetheart. You always have a place here.” He pushes a curl behind your ear and pulls you back in, planting his lips against yours as a warm wave of peace and serenity cloud your mind.
“C’mon. Let’s get you up to bed.” He pulls you up and picks you up bridal style as you squeal out and wrap your arms around his neck. You kiss his cheek and tuck your head against the crook of his neck as he carries you up the stairs. And somehow you know it’ll be okay. Things will turn out okay because you’re with Joel.
So when he pulls you tight against him under the sheets and you're wrapped in his t-shirt with his arms around you, you know you’re in good hands. Nothing can ruin what you and Joel have. Not even your dad. Joel has your whole heart and nothing can change that now.
Tags: @amyispxnk @janaispunk @blueseastorm @joelmillersblog @joelalorian @heartstoptrying @littlevenicebitch69 @getitoutofmymindwrites @akah565 @keylimebeag @dugiioh @laurrrra @untamedheart81 @roostersforevergirl @itsokbbygrl @pedrostories
Part 4
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430 notes · View notes
sofs16 · 8 months
spill your guts!
charles x singer!reader
fc: olivia rodrigo 🫀
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liked by charles_leclerc, taylorswift, and 13,493,191 others
yn two days and guts is yours to have💞🪄💌💟
view all 188,694 comments
yn.updated cant wait! 💜💜💜
ariana_2000 whore
⤷ theynroom stfu
⤷ ariana_2000 she literally gets a new boyfriend every month and writes an album about them 😂
september 6, 2023
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liked by charlesss__16, and 1,191 others ynvroom youre joking. YOURE ACTUALLY JOE KING. view all 68 comments
charles.updated what’s happening?
september 7, 2023
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liked by yn, carlossainz55, and 4,559,606 others
charles_leclerc Beautiful night at the @ ferrari Gala in New York! Congratulations on the amazing performance @yn 😉❤️
view all 87,585 comments
yn Thank you!!!💜💜💜
[liked by charles_leclerc]
september 7, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,272,282 others
yn grazie for having me @ ferrari! the people here got to a hear the album a day early haha🪄 (didn’t get a photo with my favorite drivers but got a photo of them in a non stalker way..)
view all 436,474 comments
charles_leclerc Oh no, next time! I would have loved to take a photo with you! [ COMMENT DELETED ! ]
charles_leclerc Oh no, maybe next time:) We would have loved to meet you!
⤷ yn definitely! hope to maybe see you guys at japan gp;)
september 7, 2023
━ charles_leclerc has sent you a dm!
Charles Leclerc
You are going to the Japan GP?
Yes!!! Failed to get paddock tix though:(
Charles Leclerc
If you would like, I have extra tickets😄
ooo no thank you, i wouldn’t want to be a hassle😭
Charles Leclerc
It’s no hassle at all! No one will be using them anyways.
are you 100% sure?
Charles Leclerc
1000% sure, is this a yes?
seen 4 minutes ago
Charles Leclerc
Sorry i was jumping around my living room.. YES!
Charles Leclerc
Haha anytime! I did not know you were that interested in F1
truth be told, i’ve been watching it for over a decade like i remember you in f3 2015😭
Charles Leclerc
Oh no🤦‍♂️
it’s okay, just an inchident 😁
Charles Leclerc
No one will let me live this down, yes?
Yes 💌
delivered 20s ago
listen, i really enjoyed talking to you but sadly i have to cut it short since i have this listening party for the album. thank you sooooo much for the paddock tickets and ill see you in a week:))
Charles Leclerc
I will be (re) listening to the album! See you:)
[ yn reacted with ❤️‍🩹]
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,697,697 others
yn 😭guts😭is😭out😭
view all 2,282,696 comments
charles_leclerc INSANE! 💜❤️
[liked by yn]
⤷charles1616 oh my god?
taylorswift Amazing, showstopping, splendid, and all that! [liked by yn] carlossainz55 Want to write a song about chilis 🌶️ next time?
⤷ yn done. francisca.cgomez you’re hot.
⤷ yn wait 🤭🤭🤭🤭
september 8, 2023
tokyo, japan
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,239,448 others yn 🇯🇵
• “get him back!” broke biggest streaming song in the world in one day (22 MILLION?????)
• guts broke biggest streaming album in the uk ???
• top 10 in billboards is all guts ??? how is life real??? thank you everyone ❤️❤️💜
view all 2,383,595 comments
ynvroom did she just try to sneak in a f1 garage pic. L4NDOS she’s hot in the last slide and knows it
scuderiaferrari ❤️💜
charles_leclerc Congrats! 🍾
⤷ yn champagne is for podium, sharl
⤷ charles_leclerc My bad…
⤷f3rarri55 so we’re never getting champagne? september 15, 2023
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liked by yn, and 4,383,292 others
charles_leclerc P2! 🍾Thank you! We did the best we could today❤️
view all 821,119 comments
yn LETS GOOOOOO!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾
[ liked by charles_leclerc]
september 18, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
view all 1,111 comments
september 18, 2023
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[ slides 1 and 9 of 9 ]
liked by charles_leclerc, yn, and 2,118,282 others
pierregasly Japan dumppp
view all 1,149,383 comments
[ pierregasly deleted the 3rd slide! ]
september 26, 2023
monte carlo, monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 6,282, 383 others
yn beautiful place
view all 1,393,101 comments
chhgasly oh she’s confirmed wag.
yndata not this being her first post non promo post in 2 months😭
⤷ chayn.updates after the 4 “yn seen in paddock/ferrari garage” mentions 😭
conangray i wonder what’s interesting in monaco
carlossainz55 Whose camera is that? Its nice
carlossainz55 What camera is that? It’s nice november 29, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,118,119 others
charles_leclerc Back home!
view all 632,382 comments
november 30, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,696,697 others
yn YNDUMPSTERS ITS BEEN A WHILE BUT CHARLES FUCKING ACCDEITANLY STAINED MY TS CARDIGAN WHILE DOING CAR THINGS AND I NEARLY CRIED. now that i think of it im happy because it’s stained with him and i love him tho🤷🏻‍♀️ im freezing someone get me a sauna
view all 12,282,595 comments
charles_leclerc Though most likely unintentional to post here, this is the sweetest and most chaotic thing someone has ever said about me. I love you too
charlesyn111 STOP “it’s stained with him” LEAVE ME BE
pierregasly Who might be in this dump account…
⤷ landonorris YOU’RE IN IT?
⤷ carlossainz55 Been in there for 3 months papaya…
december 23, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,796 others
december 24, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 19,595,282 others
yn well.
i kinda fucked up how we were supposed to share our love with the world but now that it’s out there, charles and only charles has my heart, forever.
i wrote a song when i was 15 about having a dream guy and losing him because life isn’t always so kind. though charles showed me that isn’t always true. to the man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world, you are the 1.
“the 1” out now on all platforms 💜💌🏩❗️
view all 2,272,292 comments
charles_leclerc Proudest of you, Amour! Je t’aime💜
maxverstappen1 du du du du du Max Verstappen is better / kidding.
⤷ yn ngl… yeah.
ynsline “if my wishes came true, it wouldve been u” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
december 24, 2023
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liked by yn, and 7,363,722 others
charles_leclerc Spilling my guts, I love my girl! 💜
Happt anniversary @yn 😘 view all 3,226,112 comments
yncharles 3 years and charles is still WHIPPED!
yn mwahhhhh loveu babe
⤷ landonorris Ew
⤷ yn me when i see u
⤷ landonorris wow
⤷ yn jk loveu lando no rizz
carlossainz55 Why does she not age. ⤷ charles_leclerc My pretty girl 💜
november 30, 2025
charles_leclerc instagram story :
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840 notes · View notes
violentnewmarley · 11 months
Needing your touch.
Bill Kaulitz (2007) x fem!reader <3 (freaky deaky)
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I’m not a writer and this is basically all just for fun so if my grammar and vocab are bad just ignore it + I didn’t proof read💔 these pics? I’m screaming.
Warnings/content: smut (18+) Sub!bill,Dom!reader,handj0b? Idk,0ral (male receiving),slight degrading,praising, mommy kink😁😇,bondage,marking.that’s all I think-?
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• Bill teases reader and makes jokes about how easily they submit too him. but your quick to remind him that he can be very needy too😈
Thank you @billkaulitzsmic for requesting :)
shivers move up your body as you feel bills cold fingers caressing your thigh. you we’re out for late breakfast with the band, Nothing fancy just the hotels brunch. bill was usually more reserved in public, especially in the mornings. so him touching your thigh under the table was different. He could see your nervous expression and leaned down to your ear, his voice soft “i love how flustered you get.” you look back up, making eye contact and rolling your eyes. "okay bill, sure."
Bill always acted like that when he wanted sexual attention, it was his way of trying to pretend he wasn’t needy for your touch, and you knew just the way to get him to stop.
(idk ur at the hotel room now cuz I’m to lazy to write a good transition 😘)
you gently shove bill onto the bed and crawl ontop of him, sitting on his lap and kissing his lips. (He’s leaning back slightly, just to make it easier for you to imagine 🙄)
you start pushing up his shirt, hands rubbing up and down his chest. "off" he nods his head and puts up his arms allowing you to slide of his shirt. you begin kissing down his torso - leaving soft purple bruises. you gently nip and bite on his skin, making his whimpers turn into soft moans.
"Touch me please, I need you."
"be patient baby, or i wont" usually bill is the one who takes his time just to tease you. But you right now wanted to take your time reminding him of how easily he submits to you.
You kiss back up his body until your lips meet again. His hands go from your neck to your hips holding your body down. moving it against his, trying to get any friction he can. “move your hands or im tying them up bill” you mumble, not breaking the kiss.
You give him a few more seconds to listen but he doesn’t, he only presses harder. you move your lips to his jaw- then his ear. “Hands up.”
he whines but listens to you. Lifting his hands off of your body bringing them above his head. You sit up more, looking down at your pretty boy, he was looking up at you with desperation in his eyes and a pout on his lip.
“Mommy I’m sorry, I-“ you shush him before he can finish his sentence and kiss his lips quickly, reaching into the back pocket of your jeans. you had placed a handkerchief inside of it prior, knowing this would probably end up happening. (Bill likes it dw😉)
You sit up on your knees leaning over bill, tying the handkerchief around his wrists to the headboard. He stares at your cleavage as you do so- and you notice. he stares at you shamelessly as you sit back down, taking off your shirt and bra. he stares at your chest wanting to do nothing but touch your body.
you move your hand to his pants and unbuckle his belt and jeans. you slide your hand underneath the denim and start to palm his hard cock (😟😔) your other hand holding his chin. “your going to be good and let me use you... Right baby?” he nods quickly.
as you stare into his eyes you notice they how quickly they wonder from your eyes, lips, down to your tits (that lowkey doesn’t make sense sorry😭) “you would be able to touch me if you listened. but did you?” Bill shakes his head “no mommy” he stutters at his words feeling himself about to cum. you move your hand off of his cock. making him beg. “n-no- don't stop- pl-lease”
Very quickly, you shimmy down the bed, pulling down his jeans and boxers, revealing his throbbing schlong. (IM SO SORRY YALL I COULDNT HELP MYSELF💀)
you run your tongue up his member, and bills back arches at the feeling, making him gasp. you put his cock in your mouth, tongue swirling around his over sensitized tip, making sure to take your time teasing him. he attempts at bucking his hips up into your mouth but you push them back down and pull your head away, “Do you want me to make you feel good or not billy.”
“m- Sorry I’ll be good I promise” “Good boy.” You bring your mouth back down, flattening your tongue against him. This time you wanted to make sure he felt good. (he’s still ur pookie remember😘🙄)
You pumped up and down with your hands as you continued sucking him off. his moans quickly got louder as he began to release, his semen (🤮) going down your throat. Usually you would stop but you didn’t. His body shook as you started sucking harder and moving your hands at an even faster pace. he arched his back and whined - feeling overstimulated.
you lifted up your head and pulled up his bottoms. sitting back on his lap as he looked up at you breathing and panting heavily. you reach over and untie his hands letting them down, interlocking your fingers with his.
quickly- you Begin to place gentle kisses all over bills face, then press your forehead up against his, still waiting for him to catch his breath.
"I thought i was the one who gets flustered easily?"
“Be quiet y/n” Bill whispers, as you hold eachother laughing.
(this endings lowkey ass but wtv🌚)
HIII tysm for reading this far down LOL. idk how good this post is tbh I think it might be my worst so far but wtv😔 sorry @billkauitzsmic if this isn’t what you wanted, I was trying to switch it up kinda? So I hope it doesn’t bother you that it’s male reviving😵‍💫
oh and btw I don’t respond to the questions themselves cuz I it looks unaesthetic and kinda bothers me💀😝
💟@fishinaband @mikalame
523 notes · View notes
sehodreams · 5 months
this isn’t really an MTL but riize reaction to you tryna be the dom? or reader tryna be bratty and them just not having it the rest is up to you 😉
Hi babe, sorry for taking so much time answering this one, thank you so much for your patience 🥹😭
TW and Tags: bratty!reader, sexual content, MDNI, orgasm denial, spanking, marks, teasing, Dom!Riize (?).
Eunseok would immediately put you in your place, do you think that since he lets you do whatever you want most of the time you can treat him like that? Oh no princess, learn your limits. He loves to spoil you and treat you like the most precious little thing he has ever seen, because for him you are that, but you can't just go and talk back to him or disobey him, he doesn't like that, so he'll make it clear in case you haven't noticed, and he'll do it exactly where you're the most vulnerable at, his bed. Forget about cumming the next nights, he won't give you what you want until you're crying, begging and apologizing, he can't spoil you anymore until you understand that between the two of you, at the end, he's the one in control, and you, as his little doll, have to think twice before you make him mad.
Shotaro and Sungchan are nice, sometimes too nice, and you could've gotten the idea that they'll never get angry at you doesn't matter what you do, but if you ever lie, doesn't matter how little it is, and they discover it, you better get ready for what's about to come, because they're the nicest people you could ever know until you push their buttons, and when that unusual occasion comes, you'll get punished like you deserve. They're the kind that want to talk about it first, because you're two adults and you can use your words, but if they see you won't listen to them and realize what you did was wrong, prepare to get spanked until your eyes are tearing and you can't look at their faces of how embarrassed you feel after they finish with you, because if you don't get it with their words, they'll make sure you do it with their hands against your skin, and in Sungchan's case, he'd be extra hard with you, leaving more marks beside the palm of his hand on your ass, perhaps purple spots on your wrists and thighs from you trying to escape his grip, little reminders of your mistake to never repeat them again.
Sohee and Anton don't get easily fed up, you'd have to do something extremely unacceptable for them to think that's it, like publicly embarrassing them, saying things they didn't want others to hear, or don't treating them right in front of their friends, something so disgraceful to the two of you that they'll have to excuse themselves and leave, and then, when you were completely alone, they'll say how disappointed they are, but don't worry, they'll make you get your act together again, if you couldn't do something as simple as being a decent person in front of others, they'll have to teach you how to be one, so not only you'll get punished after each incident, pushing you down the bed and leaving the good boy act behind, no smiles or giggles and soft caressings anymore, using the strength they haven't showed you before, making you cry with each touch, in the future, before going out together, they'll always tease you, feeling your pussy with their fingers and leaving you all hot and desperate, "if you do well today, when we come back you'll get what you need".
Seunghan likes jokes, he enjoys them, but he doesn't like to be offended, he wants to laugh with you, not to be laughed at, so if you start teasing him too much, soon he'll show you your place again, with his hand around your throat and that cheeky grin in his face, when you're in his room, he'll make you the joke until you can't help but cry and apologize for acting like that, "look at you, you say my cock is so small no one else would like it? Come on, you can't even take half of it, let's see if you laugh again after I finish with you tonight"
Wonbin loves a bratty reader, he would create useless rules and would ask more things from you just to have the opportunity of punishing you more often, he's always waiting for you to act up so he can treat you like he wants, and he would do everything the other boys do as much as he can, like teasing and overstimulating you, enjoying your crying face whenever you're taking him, and he'd also laugh at you and leave little (but multiple) marks on your body, he lives for the sound of your broken voice apologizing when he's fucking you and then the embarrassed expression you have when you see the mess you've done after he finishes with you, he can't wait for your next mistake to use you and make you cockdrunk again.
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thesirencult · 8 months
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Discussing your feminine's general aura and characteristics. Friendly for both men and girls/theys who like girls. You can also pick it to see how your aura is as a feminine ❤️
Book your reading by sending me a private message xoxo S.
Pile 1
7 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 10 of swords
Your DF has the aura of a sweet herbal witch. She lives in her little cabin in the woods and like a fairy she works on perfecting her craft. Greens and purples look great on her.
This is a slow and steady energy. This is someone who loves taking their time. She loves learning and implementing her skills. Making coffee becomes a daily ritual and same goes as washing the dishes.
Her attention to detail is immaculate and that can drive you crazy sometimes but you know that with all that good comes some bad. Very well presented, you can take her anywhere and all eyes will be on her. Very earthy, stable and focused on building a foundation for all things practical before she jumps onto commitment.
Her steady "working on myself" attitude stems from getting backstabbed one too many times. She knows that she has to build herself up and after that all her dreams will manifest. She is into self development and may love going through that tag on Tumblr. She may even be a blogger herself.
She is investing in herself and doesn't shy away from learning about accounting or law. Nothing will stand on her way to that cute fairy cottage *aggressive cute walk* 😉.
Pile 2
9 of pentacles, queen of swords, the magician
Whoever has this DF as a counterpart or has that aura, WOW. Miss Independent. A handful. We love seeing that *sprinkle, sprinkle* here. CEO. That's C-Suite energy!
This woman is someone powerful and dominant. Like a race horse you will always bet on because you KNOW, it will always come first 😉 (pun intended). She works very very hard for what she wants and similar to pile 1 she can be in accounting, finance and law. Good with numbers and her hands. I bet she has a dirty sense of humour.
From the first moment you see her you will know she is the real deal. Others blend in the background while she power walks in the room. Penetrating stare and red bottom high heels, her allure is different. She doesn't have to show dominance, others feel that she is the boss. Mami energy. Ferocious when someone comes for her loved ones. She could even be in law enforcement.
Red and brown. Symbolising high energy that's still grounded and serious. Do not cross her.
Pile 3
King Of Swords, Knight Of Wands, Ace Of Swords
Now, this one? A handful ! Try to tie her down. You just can't. A brat.
This person is very fluid. They don't care about terms and conditions. They are highly intelligent and her mind walks a thin line between spirituality and logic. The most unconventional, they will find a solution no one sees yet it's right in front of them. Highly intellectual and well versed in philosophy and math.
This reminds of a movie with James Franco where he played a start up founder who was into spirituality. A crazy genius. A party is a party and they will be there.
Partying in Ibiza? They've done that. Phuket for a Muay Thai Camp? That did that last year! Eiffel tower to try a croissant with pistachio filling? They just got back yesterday and guess what? They hate pistachios.
This person is the type to run a start up company focused on clean energy and when shit hits the fun they will call an astrologer and ask for recommendations. They respect everyone. They will listen to your mom and dad when they talk about their days and take mental notes of great ideas. They know great ideas come from the most unconventional places and fields.
Pile 4
Page Of Cups, Page Of Swords, The Fool (5 Of Swords + 8 Of Swords + 5 Of Pentacles flew out)
This can be my age difference pile. They will run you to the ground lol.
This is someone with lots of mental capacity. You ask them about World War II and they will tell you how Nazis and Churchill used astrology and why the war happened and after 5 hours you will be listening to them about Ancient Mesopotamia. "How did we get here?" You will think.
Well, it doesn't matter cause you love listening to their voice and their warm heartfelt laugh. They look innocent and pure and even if they try to intimidate you you will let them think they can but in reality they look like a cinnamon roll and they are a cinnamon roll. Their life was not the best and they have lots of trust issues. They may look innocent but their eyes hide a painful past. Like a kitten thrown out and left out in the cold they feel lost and unappreciated.
You listening to them means the world and you will be shocked at how appreciative they are and how loving with you. They are very romantic and they may have great expectations and daydreams about their love life.
I get that you might start off as friends and meet in a very random way on a daily run or while getting groceries or a tire changed. You will immediately fall in love with them and they will seem like they don't suspect a thing. Let me tell you, they know, they are just too scared to show their feelings and until you grab them and kiss em you won't know how much passion is brewing underneath this innocent and clever facade. They might turn into pile number 2 in a few years lol.
Ready for everything, you will always be a warm embrace and their home when they come back from exploration. You will love how they yawn while reading a book and how they stretch when they wake up showing revealing their tummy. They are cute to you, even if everyone else sees them differently, that's how you view them. They might be a black mysterious cat but you think of them as a tired little kitten waiting for a safe home that will accept them as they are.
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bloodyymaryyy · 14 days
Language lessons
Grid x greek driver reader
Part 1 / masterlist
Side note : okay this is short only because my phone doesn't want to work properly at times and freezes and yeah I lost the 2 first drafts and then I give up and wrote a little one because fuck me dude! The exams are going a bit good I think so...for anyone wondering also wade don't be a ghost reader 🙏 please any feedback is appreciated 🙏❤️
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Learning languages was always fun for her she loved communicating with people in their native languages and so she started learning from her teenage years, picking up phrases, sentences, words and expressions from local in every country she was traveling to almost every other week.
Growing up with next to zero friends, not knowing how to make any, always getting separated for being the only Greek driver in any grid either f4, f3, f2 it all changed when she joined f1, first making friends with max which was most expected because they were teammates in red bull and then one by one the other drivers jointed them and formed a huge friend group and having fun with each other on and off the track.
The once shy and socially awkward girl became a woman that simply didn't care, never again the doormat for anyone
The dialogues will be coloured : max is the blue, Liam is the pink, yuki is the orange, Checo will be the green and y/n will be the purple
She was called once again that she had to make another video with the boys except for Danny which was replaced by Liam (😉get it?) in the video
The English speaking driver starting the intro which is made by Liam and he started saying " hello we are here naming different f1 parts in different languages...."
Liam : steering wheel
Max : stuur
Checo : volante
Yuki starting a conversation with Checo "volante?" "Yeah you too? We have some common words although you don't think..." "Hantaru " ah very close " max added and laughter went around the group
Yuki :Hantaru
Y/n : τιμόνι
Liam : track
Max : circuit
Checo : circuito
" How are you saying it?" " Track" " you don't say circuito?" no"
Yuki : track
Y/n : πίστα
Once she said that they looked at her weird and she got confused and asked " what?" " no nothing it's just weird I don't know why" said Liam
Liam : tire
Max : band " band? I never learned that?"
Checo : ilanta " I haven't learned that either! What am I learning?!" " I don't know we can talk about it later tho said Checo"
Yuki : taiya
Y/n : ρόδα " that sounds nice! Max repeated the word again and y/n laught
Liam : Radio
Max : radio
Checo : radio
Yuki : musen." nah man you ruined it! Fuck "
Y/n : ράδιο
See? We could have a perfect streakkkk" y/ n said while dragging out the word and softly pouted and but as soon as it came it left nd her face returned back to normal
Liam :seat belt
Max : gordel
Checo : ginturón
Yuki : shitoberuto
Y/n :ζώνη
Liam : race suit
Max : racepak
Checo : traje
Yuki : tsunagi
Y/n : oh... It's for some reason long but I will say αγωνιστική στολή or στολή only which is kinda weird because the costume is the same... In the Greek language you have words with many meanings I don't know if you have them but yeah.
The end (probably)
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 6 months
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✧Summary~your best friend lets your curiosity take over once again. (Continuation of day 9😉)
✧Warnings~ kuru play, brief mentions of y/n, edging(kinda), lo’ almost cums untouched, and I think that’s it. Lmk if I missed anything, enjoy love<33
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It was just you and lo’ak today, he was sitting snuggly between your thighs while you were getting some work done. And occasionally he’d turn his head and nip or kiss your thighs, making you squeeze your thighs around his head tightly to get him to stop. Not like he cared though, your thighs were heaven in his eyes.
But ever since that one night when Neteyam and Lo’ak let your curiosity get the better of you they’ve been a lot more protective and clingy with you.
They’d come to the lab every morning just to wake you up and see you before they had to get to their duties. They’d carry you around everywhere, touch you wayy more than they ever did before, and bring you little gifts they found on their hunts. And let’s not forget the not so subtle times that you’d catch them rubbing their arm or hand against your body, scenting you.
You pause your work to glance down at the gorgeous Navi between your thighs, letting your hand glide down and tangle in his braids. A satisfied purr coming from him.
You rub all along his scalp, eventually getting to the base of his kuru. You stop moving your hand to see if he reacts to the subtle touch, but all you got from him was a slight flick of his ear.
“Can I touch your kuru?” You ask politely, not wanting to cross any boundaries with him. Since you knew how sensitive their kurus were.
His ears twitch at the question, turning around to see if you were serious. But once he sees that on your features he smiles softly, “yeah go ahead baby, just be gentle.” He says as he turns back around so you can continue exploring.
Your stomach is fluttering with butterflies, the opportunity to do something that none of the other scientists have ever had making you giddy as ever.
Cautiously, you move your hand to the base again. Letting your fingers glide up and down it. It’s thick and a little heavy in your hands. But most of all it was so smooth. Almost like it was freshly braided when you know it’s been like that for as long as you’ve known him.
His breath hitches at the feeling of your soft hands touching his kuru so gently, shifting in his seat slightly to ignore the growing throbbing in his loincloth. You fail to notice this though, continuing with your little experiment.
You run your hand down the length of it slowly, making him sit up a little so you can get to the very end of it.
Picking up the end of his kuru, you stare at it completely fascinated by the tendrils flailing around. Desperately searching for something to cling onto.
A deep blush covers his face, feeling so flustered by the unusual touch.
You look at him to see if he’s uncomfortable at all, but all you see is his ears pinned flat against his skull and his shoulders rising and falling rapidly from his uneven breathing.
“Do you want me to stop?” You ask softly, slowly putting his kuru down until he turns around and grabs your hand. “N-no. You can keep going mama.” He says breathily, looking at you genuinely.
You study his face for a moment, taking in the deep purple blush on his cheeks and the needy look in his eyes. But nevertheless, you continue with your journey on his body.
The tendrils on the end of his kuru fly around even more rapidly, mindlessly making you reach out towards it with your finger. Tendrils wrapping around your finger tightly, making lo’ak yelp shoot up immediately.
“Fuck! I’m sorry! I didn’t know that was gonna happen!” You frantically say, trying to tug your finger away from his kuru. The tugging and pulling makes him shudder and bite his lip to suppress a loud whimper. “Y/n..s-stop moving.” He orders lowly, trying his hardest to not cum right then and there.
You follow his order immediately, stopping your harsh movements. He turns around almost immediately after that, detaching your finger from his kuru quickly.
You look at him apologetically, playing with your fingers anxiously. “Lo’ak I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just-“ “Baby, it’s ok. Honestly.” He coos, his baritone soothing your nerves.
“But if you feel that bad..” he pauses to stand up swiftly, making you notice the huge bulge in his loincloth that was now right infront of you. “You can make it up to me.”
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A/N~ no way we’re almost towards the end of kinkmas? (Even tho I still gotta post day 5😤) this was such a good experience for my first writing event, and I definitely can’t wait to do more as time goes on<33 big thank you to @neteyamsyawntu for hosting this event and making it a thing in the first place🩷🩷 love u girlie🥹🩷 stay safe and hydrated bbys🩷
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @plooto @alexxie @somedays-i-just-feel-bad-bitch @rihnnx @koalalafications @marcelruizboba @km-ffluv @urlocalgayblueberry @hotdsworld @blue-slxt @skywonder @tallulah477 @zafrinaxyz @erenjeagerwifee @xylianasblog @xoxopinkluvr
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poppadom0912 · 8 months
Together (VIII)
Warnings: Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injuries, abuse, kidnappings, shootings, swearing and scary men.
Summary: Getting out only gets harder and Will doesn't know how much longer he can go.
A/N: I initially wrote the beginning of this chapter really graphically with a butt ton of violence but then I was like, maybe I should be nice but then I sat and really thought about it. So, my final decision coincides with a decent amount of violence, but the details will be sparse because I don’t want to scare you lot because that’s what loving writers do, you know. I hope you enjoy and love this chapter just as much as I do because guess what, this series will be done at around chapter ten or so, I haven’t decided yet. 😉
Previous Chapter / Series Masterlist / Next Chapter
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So much had happened but what Will took from the experience was either: he majorly hurt two men, or he killed two men, either or. But he wasn’t sticking around to find out.
Will forced you to close your eyes and not look, he didn’t want you to see anything just in case it went wrong, and you ended up witnessing him get hurt which you surprisingly hadn’t so far.
The pocketknife had gone through the first man’s chest, and he currently lay immobile on the floor with blood pouring out his chest like no tomorrow while the second man had two bullet holes in him while he lay besides his accomplice, one near his kidney and the other somewhere around his collarbone. The sight should’ve made Will feel sick, but he didn’t and that’s what made him feel guilty.
“You can open your eyes now.” Will whispered to you, clearing his throat when he heard the coarseness of his voice. “Nearly there I promise.”
Will only heard you hum in reply and just as he was going to assume the worst, you started talking to him.
“Are you okay?”
Will took a second to answer you. He wasn’t the best when it came to violence, he knew just enough for sufficient self-defence and against two men who had most definitely been in crime for a long time, he was bound to come out unsuccessful. 
Blowing out a puff of air, Will gently set you down so your back was leaning against the painted wall. Making sure you were as comfortable as could be in your current form, Will pulled away and fell to his knees ungracefully.
Just as you were going to ask any more questions, Will peeled off his shirt that had already been covered in grime, sweat and blood to reveal not one but two gaping wounds in his torso.
The sight made you sick.
One of them was fresh while the other looked older, the blood not pouring out like the other. The older looking one was more towards his lower torso, you weren’t a professional, but you would say it was around his pelvis/kidney area while the newer addition was making itself comfortable at his ribcage; you didn’t need to be a professional to know that.
Sucking in through his teeth, Will screw his eyes shut as he tore the bottom half of his shirt. Ripping the ruined fabric into two, he tightly wrapped it around his bloody wounds, grinding his teeth as he did so. But just as he was tying it to prevent any more blood loss, the blood started soaking through his blue shirt, the colour changing to a dark purple of sorts.
Your hazy state had been semi-cured seeing Will bleeding. You had a slight suspicion he’d been hurt but not to this degree. You knew none of this was your fault, but you couldn’t help feeling guilty. Will had been selfless and helped you and Jay, leaving nothing for himself in favour for you two.
Gosh, you could already hear Jay’s anguish once he found out what Will did.
“Will! What on earth-“ You started but were interrupted by said man who only tightened the makeshift bandage and shakily stood to his feet. He looked over the dizziness and how he swayed slightly once he got up, along with ignoring the trickles of blood trailing down.
He looked on the verge of passing out which was very likely, but the man was as stubborn as a mule.
“Come on, give me your arms.” Will said, clearing his throat again as he gestured to you. “And don’t tell me you can walk, don’t give me that shit because we both know that you very well can’t.”
You closed your mouth, your words dying as he spoke. Your brothers still read you so easily.
Will winced as he hoisted you onto his back. Even in his weakened state and with you weighing as light as anything, he still struggled.
“Let’s get out of here.”
And Will remained true to his words. Navigating through the halls of the warehouse, you both remained as quite as mice, avoiding any men dressed in black at every turn. It wasn’t easy, at one point you nearly blacked out for a reason you couldn’t explain, and Will’s steps faltered every once in a while.
For the first time since being kidnapped, you let yourself feel hopeful.
Everything had been going smoothly aside from the two men who previously shot Will. But it seems that their unconscious bodies had been found because soon enough Will was cursing under his breath causing you to look ahead at what he saw.
And the rest of it all became just a blur.
Will took the brunt of it all.
It felt like an entire lifetime had passed before it was all over with. Everything merged together. You were aware that they’d gotten to you too and you were aware that Will was still begging for you to be left untouched, and for once they listened.
When the room suddenly became silent, you felt it safe enough to open your eyes. But god, if you would’ve known what you were going to see, you would’ve remained blind for the rest of time.
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
Breathing heavily, Will groaned as he shifted himself, trying his best to sit up or at least lean against the wall.
It seemed that time permitted you something because you found some strength in you to crawl towards him, your ears prickling with tears at the gruesome sight of Will's worn and torn body.
Despite you enduring hours upon hours of torture, Will had taken almost the exact same under thirty minutes and eighteen seconds; you counted it yourself, hoping it could get your mind off of the violence happening several feet away from you.
Everything had been taken away from Will during his struggling, making it now impossible to leave. But even if that was a choice, escaping would no longer take priority anymore; survival would.
And survival was all that could be focused on.
Shifting onto your knees, you winced at the pain from all the pressure being put onto your bones. Will was ready to refute, moving his hand to push you away but you pathetically smacked it back, claiming you would rest once you fully looked him over.
And it wasn’t a very happy sight.
Will wasn’t fully able to comprehend the pain his body was going through. It felt like everything was burning and when he saw you, your distraught face only made him feel worse. Everything he did to protect you only brought you more pain and at this point, there wasn’t much he could do anymore to help.
The plan had completely backfired now, even if you wanted to you couldn’t try because the four objects that were meant to be your saving grace only pushed you two closer to your demise. They’d been taken away and now, both of you were stuck in a different room, freezing yourselves into hypothermia and all hope completely lost.
But, with the constant reminder that Jay was on his way, things weren’t looking as dull as they once were.
With that in mind, you let Will guide you through tearing his shirt off and tightly wrapping around his bleeding wounds, trying not to notice how it barely made a difference. Helping him took all the remaining energy out of you, so at Will’s insistence, you sat back besides him, both your body warmth being the only thing keeping you awake.
The rise and fall of Will’s body put you at a little ease along with his soft murmurs that distracted both of you from everything else. It probably wasn’t the right moment, but it felt calming, the familiarity of it all pulled your eyelids shut and before you could notice, you were gone to the world.
Ever since Will called Jay, time was suddenly moving in slow-motion, simply refusing to go any faster for nobodies’ sake.
Jay wasn’t as religious as he used to be, growing up he was, and Will still had some belief in him, but Jay lost it after some time. But if praying and doing a little extra repenting meant having his siblings back with him where they belong, then Jay would do that and more.
Once in the car, Trudy made sure Jay called Voight letting him know what they were doing and where they were going. Voight said not to do anything rash, but Jay couldn’t make any promises.
Trudy drove as Jay called in backup because as Trudy said, ‘I’m going to need help holding you back.’ Jay didn’t say anything, only rolling his eyes as nerves suddenly flooded his system.
Hearing Will’s voice after so long shocked him. He longed to hear it after being separate for so long but over the phone, Will sounded bad. He sounded tired but relieved to be calling him yet underneath all of that, Jay could hear a tinge of pain.
Jay was itching to call him back, the unknown phone number sat on his recent calls, and he was inclined to press it and hear Will’s voice again. The conscious and practical voice in the back of his mind was smacking his upside the head for thinking so irrationally. He was a detective for goodness sake, he knew better.
As the car slowed down, Jay broke out of his reverie and looked out the window, his eyes catching sight of an inhabited warehouse with a company logo and name printed neatly on the front. It easily blended in with the rest of the road, camouflaging into the environment better than some drug fronts.
However, there was one big thing that gave it away and it brought a smirk to Jay’s scabbed lips.
Without having to wait too long, backup soon arrived, an entourage of officers, two swat teams and an ambulance ready on standby. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Sylvie and Violet waiting patiently with tense faces.
Jay called the firehouse too after calling the team. According to the paramedic in charge, the rest of the house were out on a call that was going to last at least another hour and there was no way Kelly was going to get out. So for now, the two paramedics would suffice.
He almost forgot how close everyone at 51 were, practically family the lot of them were and that was their sister trapped inside. This was as personal as things could get.
With an encouraging and affirmative nod from the SWAT team leader, Jay watched as the metal door was pried off by Kevin before wasting no more time and rushed into the building.
On his person he had two guns, one in a holster and the other in hand, identical to the long guns every swat officer held in their arms.
Jay was armed with them, pure determination and drive. He'd be damned if he was leaving this building without you and Will, he refused to leave here without the only people that made the rest of this worth it.
Jay refused to fail, he refused to leave empty handed. If he did so, then did he even deserve to leave here anyways?
Before Jay's thoughts could swindle further, the first of many gunshots went off and soon, the loud pops drowned out his thundering heart.
Series Masterlist:
@mads-weasley @sowrongitslottie @elite4cekalyma @senjoritanana @hufflepuff-blackwidow @mrspeacem1nusone @kmc1989 @goth-cowgirl-03 @daggersquadphantom @photographerkaiya0306 @jamie0515 @samanthavitale @iamasimpingh0e @lanea-1 @swidkid
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mknae-jongho · 9 months
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Reader x hard dom! Seonghwa
Smut | MDNI
| 1.3k words |
you've been suffering from lower back & thigh pain but your Husband knows exactly how to make you feel better
very gentle and hard dom!hwa, married relationship, daddy kink, pet names (babygirl, angel), making out, oral (f), fingering (f), praising, edging, pussy eating, dacryphilia, sweet after care
Disclaimer: NOT sexualizing any members, this is for entertainment purposes only‼️‼️ Im new to this so pls let me know if you enjoy it 😉
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You hear a knock on your bedroom door. you look up in pain and see your sweet husband seonghwa shirtless and grey sweatpants. You bit your lip softly as you looked down to his hardcore abs.
“you okay baby, where are you hurting at??” he asked you with a smirk
“My lower back and my thigh” you sigh in pain
The night before your back pain, you and seonghwa had a long and rough night which lead you to the situation your in now.
You saw your husband walk towards you to the dresser that’s beside your bed and pull out body oil. He got on the bed and told you to remove your clothes. You got out the bed slowly with a limp and removed your clothes like he told you too.
“ Beautiful” seonghwa said quietly while trying to hide his boner but you noticed it and smiled.
You slowly got back in bed & he told you to lay on your stomach.
“lay on your stomach for me love.” he said softy & you listened.
You felt him move on top of you as he put oil on his hand and rubbed your back softly.
“mhh” you moaned softly
“oh my gosh seonghwa feels so good” you moaned again
“feels good??” your hubby asked with a smirk on his face
“YESS” moaned loudly as you felt him move up your shoulders with his thumb going in a circular motion.
“Ahh shit da- baby” you tried to cut yourself off but seonghwa noticed.
You felt him lean down a little til you felt his boner on your thigh as he whispered into your ear.
“daddy’s making you feel good?” he asked as you felt his hand goin lower and lower til he begins rubbing you butt with a smirk on his face that you couldn’t see.
You moaned “yess.”
He slowly went down to massaged your thigh til you felt him slowly move to your pussy and rubbed your clit. you put your head in the covers to quiet down yours moans. he pulled your head up by blue hair ( you’re hair is dyed).
“ let me hear you beautiful moans” he said before he flip you over onto you back to see your face.
He spread your legs wider and made contact with your pussy just to see it drippin wet.
“fuck, your so wet already & daddy barely did anything.” he said before slipping two fingers into you.
You moaned loudly as he began kissing your neck leaving dark purple marks.
He started moving his fingers faster into you as you get louder. “daddy i need you now. i want your dick in me.”
He started kissing you harshly and fingering you faster and harder as you opened your mouth a silent moans came out and he took it as a sign to slip his tongue inside leaving a sloppy make-out. “patience sweetie, i’m just getting started.”
He then kissed down your body to your chest, your breast, you belly and licked your belly piercing all the way down to your pussy eating you out harshly.
sucking on your clit while fingering you hard you moaned loudly and grabbed onto his blond locs. you gripped hardly trying to pull him off. “ wait hwa- too much.”
He grabbed your wrist pinning your hands down on your belly.
“do you want a punishment?” he said looking up at you.
“im sor- ohh my gosh hwa!!” he thrusts into you hard and deep. when did he get undressed.
“fuck y/n. so tight ahh.” your moans mixed with his sounded amazing to him.
“mmh shii- FUCK hwa!!” your legs started shaking as you felt yourself dripping down wetting the sheets. He went even deeper when he put your legs on his shoulder.
“i’m gonna cum ahh.” you moaned
he pulled out and stared at you before he flipped you over on soggy style manhandling you, he then rubbed himself on your slit teasing you making you whine.
“daddy please.” you said looking back at him.
“please what babygirl.” he said pulling away from you.
“please fuck me daddy i was so close. Please baby.” you said making a sad face
“ okay angel, only because you asked nicely.” he then push into you slowly still teasing you a little.
“daddy please go fas- Ahh fuck” he started moving at a nunhuman pace knocking the wind out of you.
“ fuck baby, fucked you last night and your still so tight.” he grabbed you by the throat making it hard for you to breathe. he pulled you towards him making your back touch his chest. he began kissing on your neck before pushing you back down pushing your face into the covers.
“i’m close babygirl f-fuck.” you felt his dick twitch inside of you as you felt a coil tighten in your belly letting you know your close.
“i’m close too hwa ahh fuck.” you cried out, he pulled your head back so he can see you and noticed tear running down your face.
“fuck y/n, f-fucking you s-soo good your c-crying mhh.” he bit his lip. after he said that you feel about to explode.
“shit y/n.” he looked down and see you squirting everywhere on his stomach and down both of your legs.
“i’m cumm-ohh.” his lips making the “o” face as you felt his cum milking deep inside of you.
he thrust slowly riding out y’all high. he slowly pulled out and payed beside you.
“you okay angel.” he stared at you with a smile on his face like he didn’t just fucked you up.
“yes i’m okay hwa, even tho i asked for a massage, i’m not complaining tho.”
“haha, i’ll go run us a warm bath with rose petals and candles okay??” he said kissing your lips between each word
“okay, i love you hwa”
“i love you more.” he said with a smile and getting up after leaving you alone
“ahhh.” you said looking at the ceiling smiling thinking about what just happened.
“i love my man.”
THE END!! I hope you guys enjoy, more coming soon. leave a request of who/what you wanna see. Ateez only since it’s an ateez fan acc.💋💕. love yaal byee !
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nattinatalia · 10 months
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, claybornharlow, and 7,556,345 others
yourusername Miss Mia Harlow made me add in some purple in my hair and I’m not mad about it. Her and her daddy’s favorite color 💜
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jackharlow 😍😍😍
jackharlow godayumn my wife is sexy as hell 🤤
yourusername ☺️
jackharlow let me put another baby inside you
yourusername Absolutely not, we can practice though 😉
druski you two are probably sitting next to each other commenting on here when you can literally say it face to face 🙄 we don’t need to witness y’all being annoying.
jackharlow She’s working dumbass.
druski Damn your hot piece of wife is working and you’re not with her? Okay, proceed on flirting on here.
yourusername 😭😭😭
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Liked by mamamaggie, yourusername, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, and 8,567,345 others
jackharlow All little man wanted to do was buy his momma some flowers.
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yourusername 🥺 My sweet boy.
yourusername He learns from the best, thank you for raising him how to be a loving and caring little man. I love you 💜
mamamaggie That’s my grandson 😍
urbanwyatt When EZ starts buying flowers for his crushes, he’ll forget all about y/n
jackharlow Don’t worry baby, he’ll forever be mommas boy.
yourusername He better 🤞🏼
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Liked by mamamaggie, yourusername, jackharlow, yourbestiename, urbanwyatt and 2,300 others
claybornharlow Mia is over for the weekend and she demanded we bake pizzas 🍕 whatever my niece wants, she gets.
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jackharlow 😂😂😂 She has you wrapped around her finger.
claybornharlow Calm down, you’re just the same.
jackharlow No lies were told, I’m a yes man when it comes to my wife and children.
druski damn no shame at all
jackharlow Happy family, happy life. Simple as that.
cozane Why does her pizza look different from the one you were eating? 😭
claybornharlow Because she wanted a challenge, who’s pizza comes out better. The difference is, I didn’t call for help, she did 🙄
yourusername She didn’t call for help, she called to check in 🤭
claybornharlow Yeah and during the checking in you kept telling her what to do. So not fair.
jackharlow 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mia knows how to play us all.
mamamaggie She really does, she’s your daughter after all.
yourusername LMAOO
mamamaggie That you my son, are as slick and sassy as they come, and your daughter is exactly like you.
jackharlow & I take pride on that 🥰🥰
Liked by urbanwyatt, yourusername, jackharlow, neelamthadhani, claybornharlow, champagnepapi, and 7,986,345 others
djdrama It was only a matter of time and that time is now!!!!!!!!! Jack is always a beast when it comes to his craft, working with Y/N made me realize how much they both balance each other out. This joint album is out of this world, never before seen and I can’t wait till you all listen to the finished product, for now, here’s a snippet of two songs…
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yourusername I’m shyyyyy but excited 😜
claybornharlow Can we spoil something?
djdrama MORE?????? Sure why not???
jackharlow 👀
claybornharlow I may or may not have produced two tracks in this album.
yourusername These Harlow men are out of this planet 💪🏼 😎
urbanwyatt 🔥 🔥 🔥
yourbestiename Oh man, I’m hyped!!!!!! I know you two are gonna kill it.
cozane 💣 💣 💣
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, cozane, selenosunni, and 7,345,976 others
jackharlow Nothing could ever top this ❤️
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yourusername 🥺❤️ we love you
urbanwyatt I can vouch for that, nothing beats your family.
cozane not Mia leaving the crust of the bread on the side 😭😭😭
jackharlow She got that from you 🙄
yourusername “uncle avatar says it’s nasty so I don’t like it.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ thanks for that Copey
cozane Anytime 🤣🤣🤣
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, cozane, yourbestiename, selenosunni, and 9,246,984 others
yourusername When you see me, know my man is always besides me, and when you see him, know that’s mine 🫀🤞🏼
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jackharlow For life 🤞🏼💜
yourusername & Beyond that 🥰
druski Mark your territory, let them girls know.
yourusername You play too damn much 😭
urbanwyatt My parents
yourbestiename I love this team 💪🏼 get it mama
djdrama 🔥 🔥 🔥
champagnepapi Ok so drop the album already
jackharlow 🔜 💿
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff
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teyamsgrl · 11 months
folded ✧ jake sully
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❗️ MDNI ❗️
here is my first sub!jake fic and i am quite excited to say the least 😉 i've wanted to do sub jake for sooooo long but always found myself falling into the dom!jake trap lol but here we are enjoy all you horny individuals 🥴
°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, sub!jake, dom!reader, jealous!reader, mommy kink (sub!jake has a mommy kink nobody can change my mind), dirty talk, tying up, oral m receiving, reverse cowgirl, THIS MAN LOVES ASS - tìyawn: love
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it was difficult to not be attracted to jake; you as his mate knew this very well. despite this fact, it didn't stop the burn of jealousy that made your cheeks turn a purple hue when other omatikaya women would surround him the second he dropped in after a successful fight against the rda. they flocked to him like a magnet, touching the scrapes on his body and toying with the few braids that dangled in front of his face. you weren't threatened by the other women, but more so irritated by jake's cocky remarks and smirk as he interacted with them, purposely pushing your buttons for the hell of it.
you weaved through the many omatikaya as the war party returned, vibrant chatter filling your ears. you could hear jake's deep chuckle from afar, tilting your head to see the usual women huddled around him. you scoffed lightly when he winked at one of the women, another one of them trailing to a large scrape on his abs. he knew what he was doing to you. you nudged your way around people, reaching jake and his circle of groupies. you grabbed his large bicep once you got past the women, squeezing firmly. "ma'jake, let us go home. i need to clean you up" you had to hold back your eye roll when one of the women spoke up, "i can clean you up, jake! i am training well and-" "his mate will take care of him, thanks" you bit back the small hiss that was desperate to escape your mouth, deciding to be the bigger person and drag jake to your hut.
"how was your day, babygirl?" he asks as you clean his scrape gently with a cloth, your cheeks still warm from the earlier occurrence. "fine" you state, placing the cloth on the table and standing to your full height. "just fine? what's up?" he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close and flush against him. "what's up? i don't know... your fans seemed pretty eager today" he sighs at your response before gulping as he catches your sharp gaze. "you know what you were doing, letting them touch you and compliment you, makes me possessive..." you growl the sentence out softly, tracing a finger along his bottom lip. "you like making me jealous? you like that i have to come over and drag you away, don't you?" he nods under your stare, eyes big and amber. "tell me you like it, tìyawn. tell me" "i like it, mommy..." there it was. jake folded. "mhmmm, good. i'd say good boy, but i don't think you've been very good, have you?" he shakes his head, tsk leaving your mouth, "n-no, i've been bad..." you hum and push him to his knees, circling around him after. "you have been, which is why, unfortunately, i have to tie your hands" you pout tauntingly, snatching a length of rope from the basket on your table. "mommy, but-" "no buts" you crouch behind him and bind his wrists with the rope, tugging gently to ensure it was tight enough. his whimper was quiet, but audible enough for you to know he was getting restless already.
"what is it? so desperate and all i've done is tie you up" he can hear the smirk in your voice, cock twitching underneath his loincloth. "is something restricting you?" you saunter in front of him, studying the way his chest heaves and his eyes glimmer with need. you place a hand on his sternum, tail flittering as you urge him to lie on his back. once he is flat you crawl in between his legs, gripping the waistband of his loincloth and toying with it. "please" he whines, hips jerking upwards at the mere touch to the very cloth housing his already stiff cock. you giggle at jake, hands pressing his hips down, "now, i'm gonna need you to beg harder than that if you want mommy's hand, let alone her mouth or pussy..." you lick over his v-line, awaiting a response. "mommy.. mommy please.. i'll be good i promise, you've already tied me up. please please, i'll be your good boy i just need you i want your mouth, and- and your pussy, oh please" the whimpery tone of his voice makes you squeeze your thighs together momentarily, lifting your head from his toned stomach. "that's my good boy.." you whisper, hands moving from their place on his hips to remove his loincloth, cock bouncing out and precum dripping down the shaft. you smirk at the sight, catching jake's gaze before dipping your head down, kitten licking the tip ever so slightly.
he whines loudly at the touch, dying for more. "awwww baby..." you giggle, engulfing his tip in your mouth. his ears press against his head, moan escaping instantly as you begin to sink further, his entire length slowly making it's way into your mouth. "fuck- fuck, so good.." he whimpers while you bob up and down, spit coating his cock. you continue sucking him, one hand trailing to fiddle with his balls, his hips twitching as you massage them teasingly. "mommy- sensitive- no" this makes you squeeze them more, rolling them in your hand. he whimpers and arches his back at the sensation, shiver crawling up his body. you pull off of him with a pop, line of spit connecting your lip to his tip. you move to stand up, removing your loincloth as you tower over jake. you watch him lick his lips, craning his neck to look at your backside. an airy chuckle escapes as you watch his attempts to look at your round ass, turning so your back is now facing him. he groans softly, squirming around due to his bound wrists. "do you wanna touch it? wanna squeeze?" you bring your hands back to grab your own ass, "wanna spank?" you bring your hand down on yourself, hand print visible for a split second. "let me touch, please let me!" he whines below you, still writhing around. "baby, that squirming is not going to do anything, plus i'm not untying you" you straddle his hips, pussy floating over his aching and deep blue cock. "all you get to do-" you angle yourself properly over him, tip aligned with your hole perfectly.
"is watch" you breathe out as you fully sink down, cock filling you up entirely and nudging your cervix. "jesus-" jake groans, head leaning back onto the floor of your hut. you moan faintly as you start to bounce, steadying yourself with your hands on his knees. "that's it, such a pretty cock all for me, isn't that right?" you mewl, ass clapping down onto jake as you ride him vigorously, his head spinning at the sight and feeling. his moans are filling the room, mumbled and jumbled words thrown in the mix on occasion. "are you pussy drunk, baby? can barely speak.." you breathily state, rolling your hips. pussy drunk was a term jake had taught you, and now you use it to your advantage in situations like these. "mhmmmm!" he whines, eyes rolling into his head. all you could do was giggle and moan back, legs like jelly as you milk his cock with your drenched pussy. you took note of how his hips began jerking and his back started arching, his impending orgasm on a fast track. you dragged a hand up to circle your clit sloppily, walls tightening on his shaft. "mommy- cum-" is all he's able to spit out, pleasure clouding all of his brain as you pull his orgasm out with each movement. he's groaning loudly as his cum paints your insides, your orgasm occurring at the same time, your legs quivering around his hips.
you lean forward after you cum, breathing heavily as his cock slips out. once stable, you help jake sit up and undo his wrists, bringing them to your lips and gingerly kissing them. he smiles drunkenly at you, reaching to hold your face. "how are you, tìyawn?" you inquire and brush a hand into his hair, his forehead coming to rest against yours. "tired but good, you?" he grazes his nose against yours, "same" you giggle and peck his lips, nuzzling into his neck after. he croons and wraps his arms securely around your waist, falling onto his back once again with you atop him.
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ninebluehearts · 1 year
agent whiskey would go WILD for a chubby/plus size gf pLEEAAAASEEEE tell me im not the only one who thinks that
Anon, this made me go feral- you're definitely not the only one, my love!! All bodies are beautiful, but let's be honest. Everyone has a preference. And Whiskey? Oh, you know he likes his women THICC 💅
Idk if this is an ask or just a shared opinion, but I'm making hcs- Idc loves 💗😩
(MDNI 💀😉)
Listen, Kingsmen missions can be lengthy and tiring. The man travels around whipping people's ass's all day. Literally. So, he loves coming home to you sitting on the couch, legs open and blanket waiting for him. He always plops down on the cushion next to you and dramatically falls into your open arms and legs, rubbing his head against your belly as his hands slide under your thighs to hold you as close as possible. "Missed you, sugar.. Gosh, couldn't sleep a wink all week without my favorite pillow." He'd mumble, already half asleep. You'd roll your eyes with a smile on your face, draping a blanket over him as he drifted off to sleep.
Summer is Jack's favorite season purely because you always wear those cute little sun dresses that hugged your curves perfectly. He was especially fond of this one little black dress you owned that had mini purple flowers all over and a built-in corset. You liked to tighten it more in the middle to accentuate your natural hourglass frame, which made Jack give you constant hugs from behind, obsessed with the way his hands fit along the dip of your waist and flared as they ran over your hips.
Listen, face riding was something you and Jack both thoroughly enjoyed, but it always made you super nervous no matter how many times Jack tried to tell you that he was more than willing to suffocate for your pleasure- Once, as you were about to gently lower your yourself onto his face, Jack hollered out, "Tell my mama I died a happy man!" and then wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you down onto his face without hesitation...
People are assholes; there isn't anything anyone can really do about it. You know this and so does Jack. That doesn't stop him from teaching them to mind their manners when they make a snarky remark about your weight- After all, manners maketh man.
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maidragoste · 5 months
anyway I have Daemon dadgirl planned because HBO robbed us 😤
Girl not only that, but also Daemon being a malewife and not with Rhaenyra, but with Laena his second wife.
In the books, unlike in the show, Daemon marries Laena without needing to ruin her reputation, but winning her hand by killing her drunk bethrothed.
Daemon marries her and they spend years travelling, HE WAS LOYAL AS HELL, HE LOOKED HAPPY AND CONTENT, and when the twins were born, Daemon brought them and Laena at court and BEGGED to his brother who was angry for his second marriage, to legitimate his daughters.
These moments of humanity that demonstrate Daemon can be decent were cut off in favour of Daemyra or Daemon hate(look he's not my fave as well butttt me and some fans that don't love Daemon are there like: "why? With these few moments they will make him a morally grey character)
Writers were spurred by Daemon hate or racism😑(Laena and Elia get behind me! Also you too Nettles) and they say Laena and Daemon's relationship wasn't as passionate as Daemyra.
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If you make the twins Baela and Rhaena sea dragon's daughters, I can see Rhaena being so insecure because her egg didn't hatch, believing she's a bastard, plus Daemon is being a negligent ass and sea dragon! Reader is there for blood.
Because baby is aware how it feels being judged.
Sea!dragon reader(her faceclaim is so beautiful *holds her gently*) was considered less Targaryen, especially by the good king misogynistic Jaehaerys, because of her black hair and dark purple eyes.
Then her egg, gifted by king Viserys to mend he and Rhaenys' relationship, hatched and it was the best day of her life.
Laena, PLS, let her live, let her have children! And not with Harwin but with a velaryon! cousin, then we have Laenor is living the best life and be like to his father:
"No need for me to marry father😉"
Laenor is the rich and "single" uncle that everyone loves.
Rhaenyra and Harwin marry and have the strong boys🤭 and she and Alicent makes up after a while.
I totally agree with you, those moments of Daemon with his family showed his humanity and I HATE that the show didn't include that.
I'm not POC so the truth is at first I didn't realize the racism in the show until I started reading analysis and everything changed for me. I honestly don't understand the point of making the Velaryon POC and then treating them like this
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Now talking about Rhaena as the daughter of Daemon and Sea Dragon
Nooo baby Rhaena thinking she's a bastard because her egg didn't hatch 😭 Sea Dragon would be heartbroken to see her baby so insecure 🥺
Sea Dragon barely sees any sign of Daemon being negligent towards Rhaena and is ready to put an end to it. She is not going to tolerate her daughter being treated differently for not having a dragon.
I can see Jaehaerys treating Sea Dragon differently but at the same time it seems strange to me because her mother was also a Velaryon so perhaps it would make more sense for him to treat her differently because she is the daughter of Rhaenys and not Viserys. Like I can see the little Sea Dragon struggling to get Jaehaerys' attention while Rhaenyra doesn't even have to try.
Now I imagine Daemon and Sea Dragon roasting Jaehaerys while drinking wine lol
It had never occurred to me about Viserys giving a dragon egg to Sea Dragon but now that you mention it I LOVE IT.
I plan for Laena to have children and they will not be with Harwin. Still I can't promise if she will live and Rhaenyra will marry Harwin instead of Laenor. Sorry but for now I plan to continue having war hahaha
but who knows maybe later I'll change my mind and if I do everything fluff and happy
Thank you for writing to me and I hope you are well 🥰🥰💖
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thiswaytwoinfinity · 1 year
just be a prick • jamie tartt x fem! reader
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In honor of the season finale of Ted Lasso (because I refuse to let go of my beloved himbos), here’s a little story I wrote about everyone’s favorite scorer 😉
Warnings: smut (oral, f receiving; protected piv) so 18+ ONLY, canon-typical cursing, no use of y/n, Jamie being Jamie
Also the pic in the graphic is just for aesthetics and not indicative of reader’s appearance; no physical description is included.
The worst thing about Jamie Tartt isn’t that he’s a prick. 
You knew he was a prick before you even met him. It was one of those fundamental facts of life, one of those things that was so intrinsically part of being a human that you didn’t need to question it. The sky is blue, two plus two equals four and Jamie Tartt is a massive prick. 
Teachers may as well add it to their lesson plans, alongside phonics and multiplication tables. 
It was the first thing you thought as you watched his over-the-top goal celebrations week after week. It rang through your head, clear as day, when he offered to buy you a drink at that ridiculous, super-trendy club your friends insisted was the best place for girls’ night.
And it was the annoying thought that stayed in the back of your mind when he had you pressed up against the wall outside the bathrooms, those bright eyes sparkling with mischief while colored lights danced across his cheekbones. 
His reputation made you feel comfortable, in a way. You could flirt with him, kiss him, let him take you home, content with the knowledge that this was what he did, that it was all in good fun and there were no feelings involved that could possibly get hurt. Jamie was an asshole, a cocky, self-absorbed pretty boy looking for a good time — and you were fine with that.
No, the worst thing about Jamie Tartt is that he isn’t always a prick. 
He was charming and funny when he flirted with you at the club, effectively distracting you from the sight of your flatmate making out with Isaac in the VIP booth next to you. He surprised you by remembering details from the stories you told, by waiting for you to nod your consent at him before he kissed you, by wordlessly draping his jacket around your shoulders to keep you warm on the short walk from the club’s back door to where his car was waiting. 
Jamie’s hand is hot on your lower back as he guides you into the house, your cheeks warm from a night of drinking and laughing and flirting.
You expect him to be all over you immediately, wanting to get to the main event right away, but instead he offers you a drink and gets back to the story he was telling you in the car about something Colin did at practice that made Roy’s face turn nearly purple with rage. You’re doing your best to follow along with the story — Jamie’s terrible Welsh accent and his impression of Roy’s gruffness would normally have you in stitches — but you’re distracted by the way he runs his fingers up and down your arm, almost absent-mindedly as he talks. 
His fingertips are leaving fireworks all over your skin, goosebumps following in their wake like your body already misses his touch. 
You let out a shuddering breath and Jamie smirks, the absolute prick. He knows exactly what he’s doing to you. “Y’alright, love?” he asks, his voice dropping down an octave and making your toes curl in your stilettos. 
“You gonna kiss me again, or what, Tartt?” you fire back, voice sounding steady despite your entire body wanting to melt into a puddle on his obnoxiously expensive kitchen floor. Jamie’s eyebrow raises and his arm wraps around your waist, tugging you closer to him before his face melts into the smuggest smile you’ve ever seen. It’s a miracle you don’t roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, babe?” he teases, lips ghosting over yours. “You that desperate for it?” 
“Jamie …” You’re attempting to tease him back but his name comes out high-pitched, like a whine, and that infuriating grin widens for a millisecond before his mouth is on yours. 
And god, he even kisses like a prick, licking into your mouth with the same confidence he has on the pitch as his fingers tighten on your waist. Jamie’s teeth nip at your lip and you let out a moan, your hand flying away from the counter that was keeping you upright in order to wrap around his neck and pull your entire body flush to his. 
Your head is spinning, sparks exploding behind your eyes and by the time Jamie pulls away to breathe you’re beginning to wonder if you had him wrong this whole time. There’s still a ghost of a smile on his lips as he drags them along your jaw, across your cheek, to suck at that spot behind your ear that makes you moan. “Thassit, yeah?” he murmurs against your neck, “That’s what you were looking for?” 
“Fuck you,” you huff out, eyelids fluttering closed as he continues to tease you. 
“Trying to, love,” Jamie responds, pulling back to cup your jaw so that you have to look him in the eye as he winks at you. His thumb caresses your skin, and for a second there, you almost forget that this is Richmond superstar Jamie Tartt — it’s just you and Jamie, the gorgeous guy who chatted you up during a night out. You’re tempted to succumb to the thought, to pretend that this is more than just a hookup and there’s the potential for something more here. 
It’s a dangerous thought. 
You tangle your fingers in Jamie’s ridiculously highlighted hair and tug his mouth back to yours, shoving any of those stupid, romantic ideas in your head aside in favor of feeling. You can indulge in what-ifs tomorrow — for now, what matters is losing yourself in this moment and letting his touch chase away anything that could distract you from this beautiful, absurd man.
A soft moan escapes from his mouth and you just kiss him deeper, pull him closer to chase that noise out once more. 
You have no idea when — or frankly even, how — Jamie managed to get you into his room with your dress on his floor, but you’re not complaining, not when he’s got that self-satisfied smile back on his face as he uses his teeth to tug your panties down. 
“You’re a fucking menace,” you say with a laugh and, oh, apparently Jamie takes that as a challenge because he stops showing off and practically tears that scrap of lace off of you before diving in between your legs like a man on a mission.
“Fuck, Jamie. Oh my god,” you moan as he works his tongue with the kind of passion he normally reserves for game days. He laps and sucks at your core and your back arches up from the bed; Jamie works a finger inside your wet heat and crooks them just right and there’s nothing left in your mind other than a litany of JamieJamieJamiefuckyesJamie.
“Shit, right there … don’t stop, please,” you babble, moaning and whimpering when Jamie begins sucking at your clit just as he adds a second finger to join the first. He flicks his tongue against that sensitive nub, pressing his fingers right into that perfect spot inside you that causes another wave of wetness to gush out of you. 
Your thighs are shaking, hips moving against his mouth and Jamie fucking Tartt is smirking as he eats you out and it’s so obnoxious but goddamn it’s so hot and you’re coming, jaw dropped open in a silent scream as your vision whites out for a second. His fingers work you through your orgasm as he coos at you, that Mancunian accent stronger than normal as he tells you how “fucking sexy you look right now, falling apart for me.” 
“What the fuck?” you pant, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. “Oh my god …” 
“S’ good, yeah?” Jamie asks, sliding his fingers out of you before popping them in his mouth and sucking them clean. You lift your head up just enough to roll your eyes at him before flopping back down onto the bed. 
“Yes, it was fucking good, you fucking prick. That was … I’ve never — “ 
“Oh?” he cuts you off, one eyebrow raised as that cocky grin spreads across his face. His chin is shiny with your arousal and you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of complimenting him, but he clearly knows that he just blew your mind. Jamie crawls his way up your body and leans in, bumping his nose against yours as he brags, “I just like to make people happy.” 
“Shut up,” you whisper against his lips, licking into his infuriating mouth. The taste of yourself is prominent on his tongue, along with the faintest hint of the vanilla vodka he drank at the club and the smugness that has been driving you crazy all night. 
You’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, braced for the moment that Jamie goes full-on prick and selfishly puts his own pleasure above everything else.
But just like he surprised you at the bar and in his kitchen, by going down on you so enthusiastically, he surprises you by taking his time with you, drawing out two more orgasms with his fingers and his hips before his thrusts begin to get frantic and sloppy. 
“Fuck, yeah, babe, you feel so good … so tight and warm,” Jamie babbles, his face pressed against your throat, hands gripping yours on the pillow above your head. “So fucking good, been doin’ me head in, driving me insane since I first saw you.” He lets go of your hands and slides his down your body, before wrapping them around your plush thighs and pulling, bending your legs at the knees and pressing them up towards your chest. 
“Jamie, Jamie … Jesus, fuck, right there,” you whine, and he flashes a smile at you once more before he feels you clench around him with pleasure and his eyes fall shut. “So good Jamie, your cock feels so good. Pleasepleaseplease.” 
“Yeah, you want it babe? You want to feel me lose it? Want me to come for ya?” 
There’s something about hearing Jamie say such dirty things in that fucking accent that makes you feral and your head tosses back and forth on the pillow. One hand works its way back into his hair and you tug at the longer strands at the back of his head, making him keen and pound into you harder. 
“Thassit, baby, yeah,” he chants. “‘M coming, gonna come for you, fuck … fuck.” With one, two more deep thrusts, Jamie lets go, spilling into the condom as his arms give out and he flops down on top of you. You can feel your walls fluttering around him where he rests inside you and he lets out one last little whimper.
You’ve never felt more like a goddess in your life. 
Later, after he finally pulls out and disappears into his en suite to discard the condom, Jamie surprises you once more by gently cleaning you up and settling back into bed with you, chatting about the match Richmond has against Tottenham later this week. His fingers are drawing lazy patterns along your skin, lulling you into a sense of comfort as you cuddle up in his fluffy duvet.
You’re waiting for the awkward moment when you’ll have to get dressed and call an Uber before slinking out of his house in the early hours of the morning — but it never comes. Instead, the two of you talk and banter until your eyelids get too heavy to stay open and you drift off with Jamie’s arm wrapped loosely around your waist. 
When you wake up the next morning (far too early, in your opinion, but Jamie says he usually gets up at 4 to train), he makes you coffee in his obnoxiously expensive Nespresso machine. You flirt with him some more as you stumble back into your heels and wait for a car to arrive. Jamie walks you to the door in nothing but his briefs and kisses you so intensely that the driver actually tuts when you slide into the car, cheeks flushed and a smile firmly affixed to your face. 
He texts you later that day, a cheeky message asking to see you again soon with an appalling amount of emojis and as you feel your face heat up again, it finally hits you. 
The worst thing about Jamie Tartt is that you could very easily fall in love with him. 
Pls don’t delete my story readmore
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