#He's like “do you need the lead to give an umbrella? I can handle it”
This guy, giving girls umbrellas:
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d3stinyist1red · 17 days
out of everyone on yandere town, yan cowboy is definitely my favourite <3
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yan cowboy who wants you to ride him badly
yan cowboy who first meets you when you stumble upon his farm, literally the cows were gonna jump ur ass until he popped up
"hey there, sweets! What'cha doin' around here?" He asks, looking at you with a tilted head as he pat the cow's head. "U-uh, sorry i just-" you got interrupted by the cowboy laughing at ya.
"ma, why do you seem so nervous? It's alright!" He said grinning down at you, he wraps an arm around your shoulder and introduces himself.
yan cowboy who is now ur buddy, talking to you every second of his fucking day like damn lil bro chill
yan cowboy who you began seeing everyday, coincidences piling up. No matter where you went, he was there, lingering just at the edge of your vision.
yan cowboy who wants you to ride with him and his horse everyday, holding onto your waist as he leads the horse on where to go, your back to his front, slowly rubbing himself against you.
yan cowboy who is a possessive and jealous freak. Any interaction you have with others, specifically other men, makes his jaw clench and his eyes narrow. He might not say anything at first, but you’ll notice how quiet he has gotten.
yan cowboy who confronts you about the man you were hanging out with earliar
"Hey darlin', what was that man tellin' you? Why were you talkin' to him? Do you think hes better than me? Sweets, im sorry. Darlin' lets talk about this, okay?"
"boy i literally just asked him wheres the nearest wingstop"
"why? are you hungry? Because I have some meat for you could eat-"
yan cowboy who makes you the center of his world, if you dont talk to him hes GONNA AND WILL have a bad day, grumpy and pissed off until you talk to him
yan cowboy who has a garden his mother owns, and always gives you flowers, your favorite ones
yan cowboy who literally every woman wants bc hes fine asf, strong, and BRO HES SWEET TOO LIKE HELLO??? but he only needs you. Whenever hes talking with another woman, he always drifts his eyes away from her to try to find you, not paying attention to whatever the woman was saying
yan cowboy who literallys gets so hard whenever he sees you bend down to get some strawberries you planted, already knowing he was gonna fist himself inside his car
yan cowboy who always gives you handwritten notes
"hello n/n! I might not be able to see you today because of my mother telling me ive been slacking off since ive been leaving early from farming. But darling, you know I can't stay away from you for so long! I need to see you! Anyway baby, I left you some cash, treat yourself, aight babes? - Your lovely cowboy <3"
yan cowboy who sees you growing some plants in the hot sun and immediatly panics, he runs over to you with an umbrella. A UMBRELLA BRO
"darlin'! Its so hot out here for you to be outside! Come inside, love!"
"bro ive only been outside for 3 minutes"
"3 minutes too long! Now cmon and rest! Ill do the work, lovely!"
yan cowboy who helps you when you barely started growing plants and stuff, guiding you with his hands ontop of yours, his chin on your shoulder.
yan cowboy who sees you carrying a heavy bale of hay, and immediately scolds you
You wipe the sweat from your brow as you lift the bale of hay, determined to carry your weight on the farm. Your cowboy always helps you with everything like bro i could be independent too hoe. You’ve seen him do this like a thousand times, and you’re confident you can handle it too bc ur a bad bitch period
But before you can take more than a few steps, a shadow falls over you, and you feel a firm hand on your arm. You glance up, and lowkey you were scared it was gonna be schoolboy69 lowkey but nah their infront of you was your cowboy, eyes narrowed in a mix of worry and frustration. He was practically glaring at you, mad that you picked up something without his help, even if you picked up something as heavy as a bag of cookies he would be mad and see red like alpha dawg sigma 4000
“What do you think you’re doin’, darlin’?” His voice is low, but you still heard the irritation in his voice.
“I’m just helping out,” you say, trying to brush it off as no big deal. “It’s just a bale of hay, I'll can handle it.” You said shrugging, about to walk past him until you felt the heavy hay get off your shoulders in a quick manner.
that lil bitch took the hay and walked away but not before blowing u a kiss and saying "i love u n/n, get ready for tonight bc imma need u to blow my back OUT-"
yan cowboy who always is complimenting you, doesnt even matter if your in ur christmas pjs from 2016 he will say "id lowkey eat you out in that"
yan cowboy who is ur obsessed boy who luvs you more than he should<3
yan cowboy who is ur such cowboy who couldnt be more lucky to have you with him! <333
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sabo-has-my-heart · 3 months
Heyy how are you Hope you're doing well and have some food and drink water you need it🫶
So about the request i was wondering if you would be able to make a modern au i am not really sure if you write modern au but if you don't want to make it modern au it's totally fine
It's a scenario with marco adopting a girl (maybe 10-11) who's tomboyish and making her his daughter and basically the whitebeard pirates being whitebeard company (if you write modern au) with pops as the ceo of course and them being a huge family. (I swear they are really family i want what they have💞)
i can imagine izo telling everyone you people can't handle a girl there need's to be a bit of feminine only for the girl to run away cause she found him intimidating but at the end they bond.
Also please can you include the ASL trio as if they are a part of the whitebeard family
I personally had this idea for so long and thought a lot about it that's why i want to see it come to life thank you so much for this chance🥹
Love ya
Hello my dear! So yes, I do write modern AUs, lol. Sorry I didn't get this out sooner, life has been... a pain. BUT! it's out! I hope it's alright, I had a hard time wrapping up the ending. In any case, enjoy!
Warnings: Platonic WBP x Reader, platonic ASL x reader, female!Reader
Word Count: 1450
     Looking down at the little girl in front of him, Marco could feel his heart aching. He couldn’t imagine she was more than 10, 11 tops, but here she was, huddling under what little shelter she could find, trying to stay out of the rain. Walking in over to her, he held his umbrella out a little, covering her as well as he kneeled down. Looking up at him, e/c eyes looked up at him in curiosity and… was it… fear? 
     “What are you doing out here, little one? Surely you have somewhere you can go to escape the rain.” he asked softly, reaching out and placing his hand on her head. The little girl simply shook her head, looking down at the ground sadly. Marco’s expression twisted into a troubled one as he stared at her for a moment, “Come with me. I’ll get you out of this rain and get you something to eat, you look hungry.” Marco offered, holding his hand out for the little girl. She timidly looked down at his hand before looking up at him. He looked like a kind man, nothing like those who sought to kidnap her or hurt her. Tentatively, she took his hand, allowing him to lead her away.
     That had been 4 months ago. After taking her to the office with him, she’d immediately stolen the hearts of all the divisions, though it was a toss up as to if HR loved her more or R&D. No, no, neither of those were correct. The ones who loved her most were Marco and the company’s owner, Edward ‘Whitebeard’ Newgate. It hadn’t taken a lot to adopt the girl, once she’d finally been willing enough to give them a name and her previous orphanage. None of them had known much about her, but it was clear that she was a little cautious, something that none of them had much cared for. She was far too young to be this distrustful of people.
     Sitting in his office, Marco smiled as he watched his new daughter play in the, now renovated, room next door. The very instant the adoption papers had been signed, Pops had begun renovating what had once been an office next to Marco’s, turning it into a playroom of sorts for her so that when she wasn’t at school, the entire building could come and fawn over her instead of leaving her with a daycare, something they had all been vehemently against. Crawling into one of the human sized hamster tunnels, she was immediately off once more, ruffling the new dress Izo had gotten her. The man would sigh, but leave it be. So long as she was happy, it seemed that the rest of the office was as well.
     Hearing his office door slam open, Marco couldn’t help but jump, looking up to see a familiar straw hat and smile.
     “Is Y/n in here? Ace said she was in here!” Luffy asked excitedly, running towards the door to the playroom before Marco could answer. Even though the boy was a good 7 years older than her, he seemed to be her closest friend, the two of them often getting lost in the tunnels together as they ‘adventured’ across the building, the human hamster tunnels winding through almost all of the offices of the upper two floors.
     “Luffy! Get back here! You made a promise to Ace and I! Homework first then Y/n!” Sabo shouted, running into Marco’s office soon after and joining Luffy in the tunnels. The older blond could only laugh as Sabo chased after Luffy and Luffy chased after Y/n. Pops had taken Ace in after the death of the boy’s parents, being Ace’s godfather. Roger and Pops might have been rival companies, but contrary to what the press often said, had been surprisingly good friends. Sabo had been taken in after Ace, Pops filing for custody against Sabo’s parents after a fire left the boy with horrible burn scars. The one he wasn’t sure of, however, was Luffy. The boy had his own home, perhaps not the most attentive father, but a good man. His grandfather had found a… nanny to take care of him from time to time, yet the boy had still wound up with Ace and Sabo more often than not. Still, it seemed to be for the best since Luffy and Y/n got along, so he couldn’t be upset. 
     Another bang made Marco jump, seeing Ace and Izo in his doorway.
     “Marco! Did Luffy and Sabo come this way? Sabo called me saying that he was chasing Luffy and they were headed this way!” Ace asked, making the man smile.
     “In the tunnels, best of luck, don’t forget to take off your shoes.” Marco said, gesturing towards the tunnels, the black haired young man soon darting after his brothers.
     “She’s in the tunnels again?! But… but I just got her that dress!” Izo said with a sigh, looking down rather dejectedly, making Marco laugh.
     “And she loves it… when it isn’t hindering her ability to move.” Marco said, thinking to this morning when he had her put it on for school. He wasn’t lying, she’d been rather happy with the dress, finding that it wasn’t too restrictive, it was comfortable, and it was cute.
     “I haven’t even gotten to see her in it. By later today, it’ll probably be too covered in dirt and scuff marks. How is she supposed to learn to be feminine when she spends all her time around Ace, Sabo, and Luffy!” Izo grumbled, tucking a strand of loose hair back.
     “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Once she warms up to you more, you’ll no doubt be able to dress her up as much as you’d like.” Marco said with a comforting smile as the man in front of him sighed in defeat.
     “I don’t know why she doesn’t like me, Marco. I’ve tried being nice to her, but she always runs behind someone else.” Izo lamented, crossing his arms as he stood in the doorway.
     “It’s because of your first meeting. You pushed everyone aside to meet her, carrying a dress. She figured that anyone that can push away that many people so easily while managing not to rip a dress was terrifying.” Marco said with a chuckle. Izo sighed and nodded, his shoulders sagging as he leaned against the doorframe.
     “I suppose you have a point. Everyone here is rather tall, aren’t they? Well… tell her there’s some mochi in the fridge for her. It’s a recipe I learned from Toki.” Izo said, turning to leave.
     “You… made me mochi?” a small voice called out, drawing Izo’s attention to the glass playroom doors. Izo smiled gently as he looked at her, nodding.
     “Yes. Your favorite, in fact. Marco told me what you like, so I thought you might enjoy some in the form of mochi.” Izo said softly, his heart melting at her smile.
     “Thank you, Mister Izo. I’m… I’m sorry about getting your dress dirty.” she said, moving to dust the front of her dress off as if that would help.
     “It’s alright, little one. How about you and I go shopping one of these days. I’ll buy you something we can both agree on.” Izo said, feeling himself becoming putty for the little girl. Much like the others, he’d already adored her, but Marco was pretty sure she could get Izo to kill for her with that little smile alone. 
     “Y/n, why don’t you go with Izo now to get that mochi. You can eat it while you finish up the other half of that homework.” Marco suggested, watching Izo smile at the idea of her going with him to get the mochi. Looking down at her dress, her brow furrowed as she once more attempted to wipe the scuff marks out of the knees.
     “Don’t worry, little one, I’ll get you something better when we go shopping.” Izo said softly, giving her a warm smile. Almost as if a switch flipped, Y/n was smiling at him and running over, happily taking his hand as he led her away. Marco smiled and sighed softly, watching his daughter walk towards the break room. Even as Luffy ran out of the play area, Sabo and Ace hot on his heels, he couldn’t help but find himself feeling content. The company had always been a family to him; chaotic, loud, and messy, but a family, and seeing his daughter warming up to Izo, playing with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, and often seeing her with Pops, he couldn’t help but feel more and more like a real family. Even if the family was the entire company.
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simplesoup · 7 days
Caught in his web 🕸️
Pro hero Sero x GN!Reader (Spider-Man but with tape? 🤷) |it’s a bit more spicy 🌶️ |
You were a normal person working a 9 to 5 at a restaurant the pay wasn’t great, hell it wasn’t even good but it was the only thing keeping you a float in you tiny apartment
Though you complained and moped you were at least thankful sure it was rough and you were just barely getting by but it was something!
you were trying! And you had the bare necessities running water, food, a roof over your head and a bed what more could you need?
you had just graduated and were looking for another job yes sleep was important but… so was money… and you had graduated college so you’d might as well look for somewhere you could use that degree… and if the world was on your side it would pay more and you could eventually quit serving drinks….
You huffed as you looked out at the street outside the dinner it was pouring rain… of course it was… you pulled your hood over you head looking at your coworkers and waving before stepping out into the freezing rain
if only you had un umbrella but you didn’t need one! You weren’t a wimp you could handle a little rain it wouldn’t kill you…
walking down through the more sketchy part of town was the only part that scared you about getting home but long as you kept your head down you’d be fine
or so you thought….
a man approached you you didn’t know him or recognize him so you kept walking only to realize he was following you panic immediately washed over you.
what that hell were you suppose to do!? You couldn’t just lead him back to your place you were living on your own the door with a simple lock definitely wouldn’t hold up against this guy… you took different paths trying to verify he was in fact following you and it wasn’t in your damn head.
You saw an opportunity and took it climbing up the side of a building using a fire escape as your way out… why? I don’t know!? You were desperate!
you thought you were smart until you realized you had just cornered yourself new panic set in as he started following after you climbing the ladder “LEAVE ME ALONE!” You yelled thinking that would scare him off of course… it didn’t. You backed up to the edge of the building as he walked closer trying to touch you
“Oo dose kitty have claws~? Let’s see”
you let out a ear bleeding scream as you fell plunging from the side of the building this was it… you were dead…
“Hey you wanna stop screaming and open your eyes?” You felt warm suddenly…. You were probably just bleeding out…. Laying there in a puddle of your own blood…. What a sad way to go….
was that a voice?….
your eyes snapped open to see the cutest guy you had ever seen… black hair tied back black obsidian eyes and a big smile. Were you in heaven?
“Hey? Snap out of it your alright…”
he swung around holding you tight to his chest taking you to a safer area
“Has the shock worn off yet?”
“W-what!?- yes!- yes it has sorry!-… I-i um yeah sorry…..” you shook your head trying to relax… you were alive and safe in his arms
“Sorry I didn’t step in sooner you were moving around so much and I didn’t wanna give myself away”
you weren’t really listening after a near death experience you were looking at life in a whole different way. If you were gonna make a huge change… it would start with kissing this random man that saved your life.. you didn’t know his name… and you haven’t even thanked him yet…. But a kiss would suffice? Right?
kissing in the rain couldn’t get much better then this…
“Damn… what happened to taken someone on a date first?” He grinned before pulling you into another kiss
“I’m uh Sero! How about I get you somewhere a bit more safe? You can thank me more later yeah?” He teased as he started making his way back to his own place “hold on tight it’s gonna get a bit rough”
you felt like you were in a movie your prince was taking you away without even knowing your damn name once at his place you were shocked it was nice!
But you didn’t really get much time to look around as clothing was being stripped and kisses that lead down to the bedroom were a hole new and welcomed distraction
“Your in my web now~ let’s make to most of it~”
Spiders clung onto their prey and babies you weren’t going anywhere for a long while so guess you’re gonna have to properly introduce yourself later..
pet names will suffice for now~
and get comfortable because your about to get tied up in every angle possible~
(Mmk yay or nay? Please give me characters you wanna see! Give me ideas I can write dirtier but I need inspiration! )
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claresedwards · 8 months
As promised...what would you pick as your top five eclare scenes? If you could change or erase just one or two eclare plotlines, what would they be? And name three major character traits Eli and Clare have in common and three major differences in their personalities :) Have fun!
Ooh thank you 😊
My top 5 Eclare scenes
1. The scene where Eli and Clare on the stage he tells her he loves her and she's like "Forever and Always" as Florence and the machine plays and that lighting as they make out oh my gosh!!
2. When Clare is at the hospital, she calls Eli because how scared she is scared she has cancer, and Eli always shows up for her emotions in that scene :(
3. At the party in Come As You Are when they reunite outside on the bench Eli lets Clare take the lead which showed how mature they are and how they know they can be together again no matter what
4. When in Umbrella, which I love, how they both have a stroyline which intertwined but especially my favourite when Eli is at Clare's house and they are on the sofa Eli's hand shaking as he spills his feelings and Clare being so young she comforts him shows him she's here for him
5. Again at Clare's house (that boy loves his soulmate's house apparently), it's in building up a mystery when Eli has no idea what he going to do since the short was a mess but then Clare sits him down she tells him she believes in him even if he doesn't know it yet
If I could change a plot or stroyline definitely the whole baby drama everything about the love triangle Drew shouldn't even been involved thatcwas a mess and Eli would never cheat so I guess anything season 13/14 erase and I would maybe have Clare always knew the baby was Eli's maybe an abortion stroyline would've been interesting and hasn't been done since Manny (At that point obviously Lola too) however Give Me One Reason remains the most heartbreaking for Eclare.
3 character triats they have in common
1. Creative especially when it comes to writing there's a reason they started as English partners
2. Passionate they both really passionate about their goals Eli wants to be aspiring director and with his love for Clare! Clare with wanting to be the best in journalism she wants to change the world for the better also her love for Eli too
3. Accepting, Ifeel since they both have different beliefs Clare's a Christian (Open minded) and Eli atheist they never judged or forced their beliefs also they're both accepted Adam when Adam came out as FTM transgender which will always make me happy
The difference in personalities I feel may be how they handle conflict like Eli has got into actual fights punching people where Clare knows how to use words and knows how to stand up for herself when needed to.
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slifarianhawk · 1 year
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Chapter 23: His Tracks
When I woke up there was no sign of Albert. He did say he had some work to attend to. That was just like him but I smiled standing up from my bed. One thought raced through my mind. I had Albert back.
"Oh now," I said rubbing my inner thighs and noticing several bruises over my creamy skin.
Next thing I know I felt someone pull me into an embrace. The familiar scent of leather filled my nostrils. A small kiss was planted on my cheek.
"How did you sleep my lotus?" Wesker asked spinning me around to face him.
"I slept well for the first time in years my darling Albert."
"Come, get dressed and I will make us some delectable crepes with mulberries your favorite." He said stepping from behind me.
He was wearing a light blue dress shirt and tan slacks. his signature shades covering his flaming eyes and his trench coat draped over his shoulder. The light was dim outside it was maybe six AM.
"There's no need for I can make breakfast. I said stepping into the kitchen of my suite. To my surprise, the table is already set. Two cloches on the table are sitting next to each other.
I heard a small chuckle, "I will always be a few steps ahead my dear lotus." He spoke pulling me into a kiss.
I quickly zipped back into my bedroom, changing into a tight-fitting grey blouse and black dress pants. I placed my com choker on my neck and stepped back into the main portion of my suite.
"As gorgeous as ever dearheart," Wesker said pulling out the chair for me.
I sat down and started to eat. The sweet berries melding with the creamy melted butter over a savory crepe with Brie, I forgot just how much of an amazing cook Albert was.
"My darling lotus I want to know more about how you found me I made sure to cover my tracks. Yet you still found me." He stated sitting down across from me his hands folded underneath his chin.
"Does the name Sliverdax ring any bells?" I inquired.
"That was the agent name of Jack Krauser when he was in SOCOM before he became my spy on the Los Iluminados." Wesker said slightly perplexed, "Why do you ask dearheart?"
"He was the first in my line to track you down, the UN had me find him. Mainly due to the fact he was the one who abducted Ashley Graham. However, what the UN didn't know is Sergei had a file on him because he was a spy for you. I reviewed and headed out as Alistar Lancaster for the first time."
Speaking with wesker about finding him was causing him some mild intrigue. I walked him through each step of tracking him down. How I was there in Spain with at the same time as an agent Kennedy.
"So your Claire's sister? The one who worked for Umbrella?" Leon asked with a slight glare.
"I was pardoned because the t virus and g virus vaccines were my products not to mention I was Umbrella's captive since the raccoon city incident. I get it if you don't trust me but we are partners on this mission and I'm going to make sure to get my target. Not to seem callous Agent Kennedy but it's my first time back in the field after my recovery and I don't want to fuck it up."
"That's understandable alright I'll give you a shot."
"Thank you, Agent Kennedy." We split up after the village he headed towards the church near the lake and I quickly headed towards the nearby trails leading away from the village.
When I next saw Agent Leon it was in the castle next to my target in a knife fight I quickly jumped from my ledge and landed beside Leon as he was drawing his gun.
"Didn't I teach you that knives are faster rookie?" Krauser said pulling his knife to Leon's throat.
"And don't you know major that two is better than one?" I quipped pulling out three long needles coated in a paralytic agent.
"So you the other bitch running around causing me problems." He said in a sneering tone.
"Better than the bitch in the red dress at least. Leon go tend to Luis, I'll handle this. I threw the coated needles and he blocked two. The third one pierced a massive scar on his arm.
"No chance you're doing this alone T," Leon said launching at Krauser with his knife landing four good swings on him.
Krauser jumped back and repositioned himself into a defense position, "Agent T? They couldn't even dignify who you are with a decent code name."
"They don't need to all that matters is that Pheonix Corps gets its first arrest and that Albert Wesker losses a knight from his chess board," I smirk noticing he started to lose his grip on his knife.
"Tell me where your boss is and I'll arrest you and let you live," I said throwing two more sedative needles both hit their marks then.......BANG.
Luis had shot at Krauser and he bolted. He stumbled a bit as he ran and I took after him. Leon called after me but his cry fell on deaf ears.
{Flashback end}
"I ran after him. When I caught up we fought but I mentioned how I knew the strength you were providing wasn't enough that he longed for more. That piqued his interest. He said that if I could give him more strength than you why not join him? Why work for the government? I told him I was with Phoenix Corps, not the government. He fled and I didn't catch him in time Agent Kennedy killed him. He told me on his dying breath that Ada Wong was the one I wanted and that he had no contact with you till his mission was complete." I said placing my plate in the sink as Albert walked up behind me.
"That was when she betrayed me then. Did she give you the dominant plaga then?" I sensed his anger starting to seethe.
"No, my beloved, she led me to nowhere it was my digging into Sergei's files that lead me somewhere. it led me to Spencer."
"Spencer? Not the triple agent I had planted in the BSAA or the agents in Willpharma? Spencer is how you found me?" He asked turning me around to face his burning golden eyes.
"Spencer pointed me to Tricell. Then everything just clicked love. I tracked a man named Irving selling the t vaccine made by willpharma. When I went to Harperville and when I found a biohazard, I mobilized the Pheonix Corps." I said stroking his firm jawline," They found the g virus sample collected in Harperville for sale on the black market. that was that I went to where the Tricell was most recently dispatched and I ended up in Kijuju. it was luck though I found you."
I heard him chuckle as strong arms wrap around my frame, "do not sell yourself short my dear lotus, I did not make my self easy to find. You and your sources are impeccable. You truly are an asset and the best part is you are my wife."
There was a knock at my door.
"Sigh always work to be done am I right." I walked over to the door leaving Albert's embrace.
Steve was at the door frazzled looking.
"Tabitha is Wesker with you we have a problem."
"I am here Steven what problem is there?" Albert asked.
"Excella is here."
Hey everyone slifarianhawk here wishing you a happy weekend sorry for taking so long but here's an up date for yea so enjoy some soft! Wesker
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eviltiddyproductions · 3 months
Continued thoughts on Midnight Romance in Hagwon
because the re blogging got tired and confusing.
i know we need a little bit of conflict and we’re seeing how #passionate but i hope things don’t snowball for that student who had that one question with two answers. teachers sometimes are so stuck in their ways that any question on their checking or paper setting and they’ll be after you like a blood hound! trust me!
people in my country are so used to the idea that if you send your paper for rechecking you better be prepared for WAR, because they might give you the 2 marks you need but they’ll look for 10 marks to deduct 👎 they take it as a personal offense when it’s just human to make a mistake….
like our female lead going to bat for her student is real but babes these are treacherous waters…
help that teacher just dead ass looked at her like this when she explained the comprehension answer 😑
lmao why is the teacher so offended 😭 to be fair tuition teachers and teachers are always beefing (despite many doing both the jobs)
lmao now the spectacled loser is just getting angry 💀👎 apparently setting a paper is serious business but a student trying to get a vital point in an exam is cheating.
gag him queen! idgaf
now he’s seething because she said the question is old. before this he was trying to taunt her by saying that she was bad at her job for not being able to predict this question. drama!!!
what a fucking loser… grabbing her by the shoulder over a question paper. move queen, I’ll handle this
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she’s still going when it genuinely looks like he’s going to hit her. honestly I want her to hit this mf with her bag.
her putting a pain relief patch :(
wi ja hoon looking good and not being a second lead, i won soooooo bad
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wait has he liked her since he was 13…. (edit! I think she taught him when he was 19-20, i won 🙏 i had gotten confused by some 8th grade stuff that they were talking about)
knew as soon as she mumbled that he was going to show up 😂
she’s got his name saved as her pride and she glows like the sun, love her soooo bad
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third wi ja hoon drama (for me) where he’s in love with someone older, love that. although the teacher and ex student thing is a new territory for me, idk how i feel about it just yet.
i hope the teacher who tried to practically hit seo hye jin (our female lead) doesn’t do anything drastic….
also went on MDL to check her name and why are people saying this show is hot garbage omg don’t do this to me. to be fair me and that site rarely agree so we move 🙏
her showing up to those restaurants where they can get closed door rooms is crazy after what he pulled 😭 only public places with people who lay hands on you !!! and with company
why does this apology feel like it’s coming with a MAJOR but
knew it lmao. the drums in the bgm are deeply unserious.
allll of this over a question. I know as a teacher, a private tutor showing up to your school telling you that you made a mistake can be annoying. you see this in South Asia as well, the teacher is right, students value the tuition classes more than the school but babes why are you talking about going to WAR 😭
he wants to go to war for teachers but this is just an ego battle. that apology was so fake.
cowboy shoot out music in the bgm and our lead just left. girl he’s weird af but i wish we sniffed something. we don’t know what he’s planning!
directors at these tuition places are greedy as hell. (my source?! crash course in romance 🤪)
lmao the conversation between the two characters taking the teacher test was actually so chill and respectful. I was waiting for the shoe to drop but it was amicable.
lmfaoooo not hye jin lurking around to see him complete the exam
the other language instructor shooting her shot, gotta take tips
mr. yoon for the tap on the wrong shoulder thing, aww
her with her big ass red umbrella is giving
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he looks so adorable like a wet puppy 😭
lmaooo just realised even jun ho’s dad is a staple in the ahn pan seok universe. a dad in all 3! (recently saw him on atypical family)
my sister trying her best to ensure he keeps a good job when he’s already left it
him saying his love life isn’t any of her business made me bust out laughing bc he’s going to be a menace in hers isn’t he 💀
one thing I love about this creator is that everyone in his shows looks so real. the actors are gorgeous yes, breathtaking. but the way they dress, the way their hair is done, it’s all so natural.
standing under an umbrella under as rain pours down, faces like 3 inches away from each other, he’s asking her to address him as an instructor with the biggest smirk 😂😂😂
that was an abrupt finish lmao give me more
a subway sponsorship, can’t wait for them to eat a dry ass sandwich soon 😭
well this was fun ❤️ let’s do another
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andmyvape · 1 year
Talking to the shrinks I have has me really supporting the idea that label diagnosis has an unfortunate backfire in the way that the way we tend to view boxes and labels causes people to misunderstand that being under a certain umbrella does not at all lead to homogeneity
My new therapist doesn't like to approach care from the perspective of "treating bpd", not because he doesn't believe in it or thinks it's bad or dumb shit like that but specifically because of the people that come to him terrified that they'll be diagnosed with "bad person disorder"
Let's leave aside for a moment the sheer absurdity of people somehow being "diagnosable" as "bad people" when that's not even what these diagnoses MEAN because I'll get Distracted
Also he doesn't actually DO diagnoses he's not here to judge you he literally just wants you to be happy and safe like everyone deserves
My therapist won't focus on these young adults with bpd in that specific label, he does what he can to give the patients he sees resources and methods of coping with things like emotional regulation, impulse control, and ptsd causing them to have a hard time forming stable attachments. The thing is that these are not "bpd only symptoms" this is shit you'll find all over the human condition and for so many different reasons. These patients aren't "bad people trying to be good" they're PEOPLE trying to get through a crazy ass world with their own baggage and reactions
Or take adhd and bipolar for example. I got misdiagnosed with the latter, the former label has symptoms that much better fit my specific pathology. Bipolar medication never helped anywhere near as much as the adhd medication. But it's not like the bipolar medication didn't do anything at all, and while in part I think being on not quite the right meds so long did things to my brain, it's not like there's some bipolar or adhd virus that you can test positive for and take a medication that specifically targets bipolar or adhd cells. The medications regularly prescribed for a specific "diagnosis" are given because they have a tendency of helping people with their own tendencies. That's at least part of why there's so many medications for one "diagnosis", the treatment of symptoms and not the thing causing the symptoms itself. So if a medication calms a person down that needs calming down, even if it's not "the right medication" or "the right diagnosis". It's never that cut and dry, what I've found works best is identifying a specific issue I'm having, trying things that tend to help people that tend toward similar traits or issues, as long as they don't negatively affect whatever equilibrium I've got going on
And this goes beyond psychiatric conditions that the mainstream focuses on, or even psychological conditions at all. If someone has pain in their joints and arthritis stretches help, then it's worth identifying if arthritis is the cause to see what can be done, but maybe it isn't arthritis, that doesn't mean you can't do the stress. One person could have the approximate same back injury as another person and go through a different set of symptoms, struggles, recovery efforts, and so on. The misconception that all conditions can be treated in neatly divided and specific ways seems to lead to "Well I have this condition that's like yours and I did this and I'm fine so it's your fault". I understand the logic if you think that your blown ACL is the exact same as my blown ACL, but just because heat worked miracles on yours doesn't mean mine isn't also blown for being exacerbated by heat and eased by cooling packs instead
There's so many examples to be listed but the gist of what I'm seeing in advancing medical care, both physical and psychiatric, is that if you can't make the cause of the symptoms stop being an issue, there is no one right way to have or handle various conditions that plague humankind. All that matters is that you alleviate the pain in the way that does the least damage to you and to the people around you. And I think that's a beautiful component of human nature, that we can do that for each other! I like that I'm seeing things go from "how can we make you fit under the umbrella?" to "how can we make you as an individual have a more fulfilling existence?" There's no one right way to do anything or be anything or not be anything, and I like that I'm seeing people trending more toward that effort in making life worth living instead of living a life deemed worth living
Find a way to cope for now, help those around you do the same, life can be so much less horrible, you can HAVE that, a remedy can come from surprising sources and that's the sheer beauty of life
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fleurywiththesave · 7 months
hi, still doing the mini fics? how about #10? :DD
(i am not capable of leaving this kind of conflict completely unresolved)
10. things you said that made me feel like shit
“Jesus, Matthew, sometimes you’re really fucking annoying.”
It’s like someone dumped a bucket of cold water on his head. Matthew grasps for words, longing for a sharp retort, but he can’t find any. He hears Leon draw in a breath like he’s about to apologize, but Matthew can’t handle that right now.
“I have to go,” he mumbles, hanging up before things can go anywhere else. He’d sat down on the edge of the bed when he first called Leon. Now he flops back and covers his eyes with his arm, like that’ll be enough to stave off tears. Yeah, right.
Maybe he should have known better than to call. He just thought it might help – he likes being able to vent to Leon when something’s going wrong. And it’s not like the Oilers are doing badly, on the whole. Not as well as the Panthers, sure, but they’re sitting pretty comfortably in a playoff berth. It was a shitty game, not the end of their season. He didn’t expect Leon to snap at him.
And he knows that Leon wasn’t actually trying to be so barbed. He knows, really. But…Matthew’s been up against that kind of reputation for years. He doesn’t actually want his hockey legacy to be defined primarily by how much of a pest he can be, and he certainly doesn’t want the people he lets close to think of him that way. It’s not like he actually tries to be annoying, except sometimes when Brady is acting like a dumbass.
Shit, was he being really fucking annoying? Maybe he missed something that Leon said or did, wasn’t paying attention to the signs that he needed to back off. He should have waited. He should have let Leon come to him, or followed his lead when he started to get upset. He should have said he was sorry. Now Matthew’s fucked things up and he couldn’t even manage to finish the conversation. Way to go, Tkachuk.
He’s not sure how long he stays right where he is, watching the shadows on the walls shift, but when his phone rings, his muscles feel stiff as he reaches out to pick it up. He’s already panicking a little, trying to figure out what to say, when he sees that it’s not Leon calling. It’s Taryn.
“You should call him back, Matty,” she says, instead of hello.
“He knows he screwed up, but he doesn’t want to ‘bother you’” Matthew can almost hear her air quotes, no doubt accompanied by an eye roll. “You should call him back and give him a chance to apologize.”
“Oh my god,” Taryn huffs. “You two really are made for each other. Call Leon.” And then she hangs up. His little sister hangs up on him. Matthew is so not getting her that stupid jacket she wants for her birthday.
Nevertheless, he learned a long time ago that if Taryn says he should do something, it usually means he should, so he calls Leon, even though he still doesn’t know what he’s supposed to say.
“Baby,” Leon breathes out the second he answers. “Fuck, Matthew, I’m sorry.” Once again, Matthew is grasping for words. Leon must realize that, because he keeps going.
“I was so out of line. I didn’t–I never should have said that, I feel awful. I’m so, so sorry.”
“But…” Matthew’s found his voice again, about damn time. “Is that what you think?”
“Am I—am I too annoying?” It’s hard to ask. He’s afraid of Leon’s answer.
“No,” Leon says, so immediately and forcefully that it’s kind of startling. “No, baby, never. The game was annoying and the goddamn media is annoying and I took it out on you.”
“I didn’t mean to make things worse,” says Matthew miserably.
“You didn’t.” Leon’s voice is strained. Matthew hasn’t heard him like that very often, but it usually happens when he’s trying not to get too emotional. “I was just in a lousy mood. You’re always the person I want to talk to when things suck. You know that, right?” Matthew doesn’t answer.
“Matty. It’s annoying when you don’t refill the Brita pitcher. It's annoying when you use the car umbrella and then leave it in the house instead of putting it back in the car. You are not annoying. I was an ass. And I love you, and I'm sorry.”
Matthew allows himself a small smile at that one. He is really bad about refilling the Brita pitcher.
“Okay?” Leon sounds intensely relieved.
“Yeah.” It’s not like Matthew’s never said something he regretted after a crappy post-game media scrum. “Now talk to me about that missed call in the third.” Leon is off immediately. Matthew lies down again, feeling considerably lighter this time, and lets Leon’s voice wash over him.
Maybe he will get Taryn that stupid jacket after all.
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xutokawa · 4 years
aahh the s/o finding scratch marks is fulfilling my angst needs 😭🤚🏽 could u maybe do one with bokuto & suna 🥺 i love your writing so much!! xx
pairings: suna x reader, bokuto x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating
wc: 2.3k
» masterlist
a/n: thank you for your support! I tried adding more plot to it this time hehe. breaking bokuto’s heart broke mine bro :( hope you like it! also TYSM GUYS FOR 200 FOLLOWERS FDJSKF i love every single one of yu :D <3 mwah mwah mwah
atsumu and oikawa ver.
osamu and iwazumi ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
akaashi and hinata ver.
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“Rin, hand me the soy sauce,” you asked, not looking up from the dish you were stir frying.
“Get it yourself,” Suna teased back. Rolling your eyes, you stuck out your hand. Laughing, Suna came up behind you, placing the bottle of soy sauce in your hands before wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands snuck under your shirt, laying on your bare stomach. You leaned back into his chest, sighing contently. The two of you rarely had time together anymore. While you were burying yourself in your work in hopes for a promotion, Suna was busy with practices that extended throughout the whole day. Both of you were exhausted by the time you came home to your apartment together, unable to muster the energy to do anything except fall asleep in each other’s arms.
“Mmm, you smell good,” Suna said, taking a deep breath into your neck.
“I think that’s the fried rice you’re smelling,” you joked back. Butterflies stormed your stomach as Suna’s hands gently massaged your sides. Even after living with the middle blocker for three years, he never failed to make you feel like a crushing high school student. Suddenly, Suna’s gentle hands grew antsy, teasingly tickling your sides. Jumping, you tell him, “Rin, stop! I’m going to spill something!”
“I think I’ll keep going,” Suna teased back, his hands continuing to tickle you. With one poke to your side, your entire body jerked, causing the soy sauce in your hand to fling into the air, and onto Suna’s shirt.
“Y/n! I really liked this shirt!” Suna whined. 
“That’s your fault, baby. I told you to stop,” you shrugged, laughing at his expression.
“Whatever, I’m going to go change,” Suna pouted, turning away.
As you finished cooking, you went into your shared bedroom to tell Suna dinner was ready. You were stopped in your tracks, however, when you saw his changing form. Back to you, long scratch marks ran down the length of his back. Scratches that were not put there by you. 
“R-rin, what is this?” You asked, voice beginning to waver.
Suna spun around, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.
“Y/n! Why didn’t you knock?” Suna nervously asked, rushing to push his t-shirt over his head, “It’s nothing, babe, just uh, got in a fight!”
“Are you sure it was a fight? Or was it a late night in someone else's bed?” You asked accusingly, brows furrowing. Would your Suna cheat on you? You had felt pretty secure about your relationship before now, never having a reason to doubt your trust in your boyfriend. Yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to make excuses for the lines raked down his back. 
Pain and guilt flashed across Suna’s eyes, and that’s when you knew. You were wrong to believe you gave him everything he needed in a relationship.
“Look, y/n, we can figure this out, just let me-” Suna began.
“Please, stop,” you choked out, eyes welling up with tears. The middle blocker felt his heart shatter watching you back away from him as if he were a plague. 
“No, you don’t understand! I can’t lose you like this,” Suna said, walking towards you, wanting nothing more than to pull you in his arms and wipe your tears away. He stopped in his tracks, however, when you flinched away from his touch, hatred flickering in your eyes. At that moment, Suna felt like the scum of the earth.
“Please, get away from me. Get out of this room, get out of this apartment! I don’t need your excuses,” You said, voice raising. When you finally looked up to meet Suna’s eyes, you found nothing but despair and regret. 
“No! I won’t leave you, y/n! You don’t understand how much I need-” Suna started.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Rintarou,” you scoffed. The pain in Suna’s chest grew at the use of his full name.
“I-it’s Rin. You always call me Rin. Please, call me Rin,” Suna pleaded, voice beginning to shake, “Stop distancing yourself from me. I’m your Rin. Please, don’t leave. I’m so sorry, let me make it up to you!”
“You’re a pathetic piece of shit, Rintarou! Cheating on me and then begging for me to stay and forgive you? Tell me, what was your plan? Did you just want a quick fuck one night? Or did you plan to keep cheating on me for the rest of our relationship?” You angrily walked towards him. Suna watched as the love you once held in your eyes for him turned into agony. He felt himself crumple knowing he was the sole cause of your anger and hurt.
“No! It was a mistake! Please, let me make it up to you,” Suna reached for your hands, desperate to have you with him.
“The only mistake that was made here was me trusting you,” You said, spinning around as you headed for the door. Suna physically flinched at your words, hurt and shame flooding his body. Panic filled his mind at the sound of your keys jingling and the sound of you putting on your shoes.
“Wait! Y/n, where are you going? Please don’t leave, it’s not safe for you to go out right now. Just stay and let us talk about it,” Suna pleaded, walking up behind you.
“I’d rather be anywhere but here with you right now,” you coldly replied, reaching out for the door handle. Suna rushed to stop you from turning the knob.
“Please, y/n, I can’t handle you leaving me,” Suna whispered.
“Just leave it, Suna. No amount of begging or love can fix my trust for you,” you replied, back towards his sobbing figure. Suna finally fell to his knees in defeat as you walked out of the apartment, knowing he lost you forever.
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“Ugh, I’m so ready to just relax,” you sighed out, dramatically splaying your arms across the center console in your fiancé’s car. A tingle ran up your spine at the sound of Bokuto chuckling from beside you, not taking his eyes off the road. You could never get used to his laugh, no matter how many times you’ve heard it.
“I know, baby. You deserve it,” Bokuto replied, taking one hand off the steering wheel to place on your thigh, giving a light squeeze. The two of you had been insanely busy the month leading up to this trip. From your boss’ unrelenting demands at work to your family’s constant nagging and opinions on your wedding decorations, the two of you just needed to catch a break. So, when Bokuto brought up the idea of a weekend beach trip, you immediately agreed, jumping up and down in excitement.
The beaming sun immediately warmed your skin as you stepped out of the car. Warmth spread through your body as you glanced back at Bokuto as he started pulling out your stuff from the trunk, looking up to flash you his smile you had fallen in love with ages ago. 
“You go on ahead and find a spot for us, I’ll follow in a second,” Bokuto called out to you. Giving a thumbs up, you started towards the gleaming ocean, excitement filling your body as you felt the sand beneath your feet. Finally, choosing a spot, you unfolded your beach chair, spreading your towel across the top. A smile settled on your face as you laid down, sunglasses shielding your eyes from the harsh rays. Your eyes drifted closed, the sounds of waves crashing and children giggling putting you in a serene state.
Bokuto chuckled at your appearance before setting up his own beach chair next to you, situating a beach umbrella between the two chairs. He felt his heart speed up as he gazed at your relaxing figure, wanting nothing more than to cover your face in kisses. The spiker felt so much love for you, so he felt nothing but confusion as to how he woke up in another person’s bed two nights ago, naked. His adoration for you was replaced with guilt. Bokuto still hadn’t figured out how to approach the situation, how to tell you without you breaking off the engagement. He wanted nothing more than to watch you walk down the aisle in a few months, than to have children running around the two of you as you prepared dinner, than to grow old with you by his side. Bokuto was still unsure of what happened that night to cause him to slip out of a random person’s apartment in his clothes from the previous night.
The spiker was shook from his thoughts at the sound of your voice. 
“Are you going into the water?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah, I think I will just to cool off,” Bokuto replied, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Okay, I’ll join you in a bit, I just want to lay for a little longer,” you replied to him, closing your eyes again.
“Okay, baby. Take your time,” Bokuto said, placing a kiss on your forehead before starting towards the water. You giggled as you watched your fiancé run towards the ocean. Your laughter quickly died, however, once you saw his back.
Your eyes widen with a mixture of shock and confusion, racking your brain for an explanation for the long, red strips that lined your fiance's back, but, no matter how hard you thought, nothing came up. The past month had been too hectic for the two of you to ever get close to intimate. Tears began pricking your eyes as the realization that Bokuto had cheated on you settled in your mind. 
Does he know he has scratch marks on his back? Is this his subtle way of telling me he wants to end this? That I wasn’t enough for him?
As soon as Bokuto hit the ocean, the salty water stung his back. His initial confusion as to where the pain came from was quickly replaced with realization. He shot up at the water, turning to watch you get up from your seat. 
Maybe they didn’t see, he hoped. His hopes, however, were quickly crushed as his heart dropped to his feet. You began to gather your things, rummaging through Bokuto’s belongings until you found the keys to his car.
Panicking, Bokuto ran out of the ocean as fast as he could, cursing at the water for resisting his movements. He watched helplessly as you began walking back towards the parking lot. You saw. You saw the scratch marks, and now you were leaving Bokuto. The spiker’s worst nightmares were turning into a reality right in front of his eyes.
The dull shouting of your name from down the beach sounded in your ears. You ignored Bokuto’s incessant calls for you, the ache in your heart overpowering every emotion you were feeling. 
Bokuto ran through the sand as fast as he could, hoping to catch up to you before you left his life forever. His lungs and legs were screaming, but the pain was nothing compared to the pain of you leaving. Panic rose in his eyes as he watched you get into the driver's seat, starting the engine to his car. 
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you took a shaky breath, a weak attempt to try and calm your heart. You looked down at your engagement ring, memories of that night flashing through your mind, forcing another sob to rack your body knowing that your memories now meant nothing. Banging on the car window startled you as you looked up to find a panicked Bokuto. His frantic words were muffled as you watched him desperately attempt to stop you from leaving. 
“Please, y/n, roll down the window. Let me explain, please,” Bokuto blabbered, “Y/n, please don’t leave me, you have to let me explain. I love you! I want to marry you, and you only!”
Anger surged through your body as you scoffed at his words. Rage blinded your thoughts at the mention of your impending marriage. How dare he tell you he wants to get married after cheating on you? Your brain didn’t have time to process your movements as you pulled your ring off your left hand. You watched as a glimmer of hope flickered in Bokuto’s eyes as you began to roll down the window, only to have his eyes widen in pain and shock as you handed him your engagement ring.
“You’re really a piece of shit, Bokuto. You know that?” Tears began welling up in the spiker’s eyes as he stared at the piece of metal that laid in his hands. 
“No, y/n, please. Give me your hand, please,” Bokuto frantically pleaded, reaching for your hand. The ring in his hand belonged nowhere else except your ring finger. 
“Just stop, Bokuto, you’ve already ruined everything,” you scoffed out. As his eyes met yours, he was met with a whirlwind of hurt, shame, and pity. That’s when he realized. To you, he was pathetic. The love and adoration that made your eyes shine brighter than the sun was now replaced with hatred and pain, making them burn greater than the depths of hell.
Bokuto’s heart shattered into pieces knowing you would never love him the same, knowing he broke your trust. 
“I-,” Bokuto paused, unsure of what else he could say to get you back.
“I’m sorry, y/n” the man in front of you choked out. Bokuto felt helpless as he watched you roll up your window and drive away from him, leaving him in shattered pieces.
That night, when Bokuto finally returned to his shared apartment, the reality of the situation hit him. The empty aura filling the space that he used to share with you was all it took for Bokuto to fall onto his knees, becoming a shell of his former self. You were gone.
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
I am so completely enamored with Danny as jons ex and I would be forever in your debt if you finished that
i wasn't expecting people to like this idea so much, its definitely one of my weirder ones xD since im not sure when i'll get around to actually finishing it (if ever) you can have a very rough chunk of it instead. you'll have to forgive any mistakes, im not up to editing it.
In a surprising show of athleticism, Jon ducks under Sasha’s chair before the specter of his past manages to see him.
Sasha swears at the action, backing up in her chair and peering down at Jon in bafflement. “What on Earth are you doing, Jon?”
Instead of answering her question, he backs up even further, tucking his feet out of sight. He thinks Sasha’s umbrella must be under here, and judging from the sharp point currently jabbing at his thigh, he probably broke it. “Is he still there?” he hisses, tilting his head to avoid bashing it into the desk.
“That- that man!”
A pause. “Tall, dark and handsome?”
Jon’s turn to pause. “I suppose you might call him that,” he replies stiffly. And it’s true. The man, from Jon’s brief, panicked glimpses, is at least six foot, with thick, dark hair and a bright grin.
And he looks exactly like Jon’s ex, Danny Stoker.
He’d done an almost comical double-take after a cursory glance; at first he’d thought Danny was the new hire, but this man was more angular, like a sharper, leaner version of his ex. So no, it couldn’t be him.
That didn’t stop him from diving under the nearest object, ergo Sasha’s desk. Not the wisest of decisions, considering his throbbing side, but he’s never been known for grace under pressure.
He’s not exactly sure why this fight or flight mode’s been activated- he and Danny had parted on fairly good terms, each recognizing that although they cared about the other, they simply weren’t compatible in the long term. They’d dated for a little over six months when Jon was a freshman, and he’d fallen hard.
Danny had been his first real relationship, and Jon was shocked that someone like him even looked his way. Impossibly handsome, incredibly fit, desired and envied in equal measure, and he dated scrawny, shy, insecure Jonathan Sims; the rumor mill went wild. They’d met at a party, and not even a good one. In a brief moment of liquid courage, Jon managed to insert himself into a group and fit in one snarky joke that sent Danny into stitches, the rest of the partygoers following his lead. For one second, Jon felt like he truly fit in, like he was someone worth knowing.
Danny had a way of making someone feel special. Big, romantic gestures, surprising him after class, taking him on little expeditions beyond campus. Jon didn’t drive, still doesn’t, and Danny wanted to show him the world outside of their privileged little campus.
But, like all of Jon’s relationships, it came to an end. Jon wasn’t ready for such overwhelming affection (didn’t think he deserved it, quite frankly), and Danny needed someone who could handle his fast-paced lifestyle. Jon was not that man. They broke up amicably, even if Jon shed a few tears in private, saw each other on campus a few times. Danny tried to reach out more than once, just as friends, but Jon’s never been able to handle more than one relationship at a time, and by then he’d met Georgie.
But now it seems the past is unavoidable, and standing near the circulation desk. Well, now walking in his direction, if the steady footsteps were any indication. Jon’s heart begins to hammer in his chest as it hits him that he is, in fact, hiding under a desk because a man who sort of looks like his ex is in his general vicinity. Coward.
“‘Lo!” God, even the voice is similar, if not as deep. “Tim Stoker. Reporting for duty.”
Stoker. Tim Stoker. Jon startles, slamming his head against the desk with a yelp.
Somewhere in his spiraling thoughts and throbbing head he remembers- Danny had a brother. An older brother that he adored. This must be the famous Tim- Danny made him out to be a saint, and though Jon never met him, he felt some fondness via Danny’s descriptions. But Tim’s going to have no fondness for him, especially considering Jon’s current position, hiding in pain under his coworkers desk.
“Pleased to meet you!” Sasha chirps, very clearly amused by the situation. “I’m Sasha James. And this-” she tugs at one of Jon’s legs, dragging him a few inches into sight. Jon buries his head in his hands and wishes he were invisible. “-is Jonathan Sims. We’ll be training you.”
“Excellent.” Tim’s voice holds the same good humor Danny’s always did, and sends a pang of nostalgia through his chest. “Er, you alright down there?”
“Yes,” Jon responds robotically, scrambling to his feet and standing behind Sasha’s chair, unwilling to meet the man’s eyes, lest he be drawn in. “I- uh, lost a pen. P-Probably left it in the copy room, I’ll just be going...there.” With that incredible performance, he fled.
And only tripped once on the way out.
So Jon’s kind of cute.
Tim doesn’t normally go for tiny disgruntled academics, but Jonathan Sims is an interesting fellow. He’s got a reputation for being the ‘problem child’ of the Research Department, awkward and prickly and always available with a snide word. He wields his books and files like a little suit of armor, and the only person he’s seen him open up to is Sasha. Besides their little conversations, Jon is all work and no play.
Except with Tim.
Sasha says she’s never seen anything like it, with one of her secret little smiles. Jon’s always staring. Usually, the man can’t hold eye contact to save his life, but he’ll spend full minutes looking at Tim when he thinks he can’t see. The first few times, Tim would turn around and smile, but that practically sent the man into convulsions, dropping his papers and jumping out of sight like a spooked cat. It was funny the first few times, but Tim pitied him enough to ignore it now. He hopes Jon enjoys the view.
God forbid he ask the guy a question. Jon will look around the room, as if waiting for someone else to answer, when it’s clearly directed at him. He’ll blush and stammer his way through every explanation, keeping a wide berth of at least two feet between them. Even when Tim wants him to look at his screen, he’ll squint from far away. Tim starting to think he smells bad, or has some sort of communicable disease unbeknownst to him.
“It’s not that,” Sasha assures him, again with that unreadable smile. “Trust me.”
Time to try something else.
He prints out his latest follow up, a rather elaborate statement regarding mistaken identities and absolutely nothing supernatural. He knows Jon prefers to look at things on paper, as screens ‘trigger his migraines’ if Tim understood his mumbles. Maybe if he can engage with him on familiar territory for the both of them, he’ll be able to hold a conversation. Tim specifically requested his help on this one.
“If you could just look it over, make sure everything’s up to snuff, that’d be great,” Tim says to the top of Jon’s head, as the man refuses to lift his own to meet his gaze. “You know how Dr. Walker is. Always-”
“Finding mistakes where there are none? I’m familiar with her methods,” Jon snorts, and Tim feels like he’s getting somewhere. A whole sentence! With classic Jonathan Sims snark! “I-I can give it a look. I’m rather busy, but -”
“Take your time,” Tim says with a dismissive wave of the hand. “I finished a bit early, so I don’t need it for a few days yet. Don’t want to put you out.”
“You’re not.” Jon meets his eyes for about ten seconds before ducking his head back down.
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horanghaes-gaze · 3 years
Hii if you write for gong yoo can you please do a fluff alphabet ?
Word count: 4,033
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Notes: Sorry this took a bit but I hope you like it! <33
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o?
I think that he likes to do things like taking walks in the park and sharing an umbrella together when it rains. Or going to random pet stores to look at the cats and petting them and sneaking them some treats. He would also like to cook at home with you, making dinner as much of a joint effort as possible. This means that you would also go grocery shopping together, playfully bickering about whether you need a certain ingredient or not. And as you walk to check out he tells you to put your favorite snack back on the shelf, knowing you tried to put it in the cart without him knowing even though he always knows.
Beauty - What do they think is most beautiful on their s/o and themselves?
I think that he's a simple man, he just likes your face. He finds everything about your face beautiful. Every little facial feature of yours makes you you and he finds all of them beautiful, just like the rest of you. And on him, I'd say he likes his shoulders as they are broad. He likes being bigger than you, as he wants to protect you and hold you. He also likes that you can just lay your head on them and fall asleep or watch a movie together on the couch.
Comfort - How they would comfort their s/o during hard times
He seems like a more quiet comforter. He'd just hold you, or give you space, whatever you needed at that moment. But even if you insisted on just wanting to be alone, he'd still be watching you from afar. He'd make sure you're eating enough and getting enough water and rest. He'd make sure to coincidentally get all of your comfort foods like ice cream, cookies, the snack you always try to sneak in the cart, etc. If you did want him nearby, he'd be the best at listening and holding your hand as you spoke or just hugging you. His shoulder is always yours to cry on and a sign that he'll always be there.
Dreams - What do they picture their future with their s/o to be like?
He wants to live in a cozy apartment with just you and two cats at most, maybe three if you could convince him. Mornings spent together in bed and just talking with each other about everything and nothing. Still having a date night every once in a while even if you've been together for years, probably a fancy dinner and a night drive. As I mentioned earlier, you'd live with at least one cat, so you two would most likely adopt one together or more than one if you guys think you can handle it.
Equal - Who wears the pants in the relationship?
Probably an even split, to be honest, he doesn't want to be the one calling the shots all the time but at the same time doesn't want the shots to be called for him either. I'd say that you two have a relationship that is very based on communication so it depends on the situation who would have more control. If it was something like meeting your friends, he'd let you take control and listen to whatever you had to say. But if it was regarding visiting him on set, he'd be a bit more in control as this was his workplace.
Fight - What are fights like with them?
Fights rarely occur in your relationship, most of them about work most likely. You two have a very calm relationship, or at least he is very calm. Most of the time, you two can talk out your disagreements and move on afterward. But when things escalate more and lead to a full-on argument, you both need time to cool down. Although you'd prefer not to go to bed angry, if things couldn't be worked out before bed, he'd always offer to be the one on the couch. If you were too upset to talk to him, he'd simply just take his pillow, grab a blanket, and go to the couch, wanting you to be more comfortable in bed despite arguing. Making up would be as soon as you both have calmed down and are ready to talk. Once things have been talked out, he'd most likely hug you and apologize, saying that he hated fighting with you.
Gratitude - How do they show their gratitude? Do they notice what their s/o does for them?
I think that he'd say a simple thank you every time you did something for him. And if it took him longer to notice, he'd probably do something in return for you like taking an extra laundry day or getting you lunch. If it was something like making him a coffee in the morning or packing a lunch for him, he'd notice right away and give you a quick kiss. But if it was something a little less obvious, it might take him some time to notice, but when he does, he will try his best to show that he's thankful. Overall, he's just very thankful that you're in his life at all, so he tries to let you know that as much as possible.
Honesty - Do they have any secrets or do they share?
I doubt that he tries to keep secrets from you, but he might forget to tell you something since he's had a life full of experiences. Sometimes, there's been no situation for him to tell you something so he just doesn't tell you. It's not that he's hiding it, it's just that if it's not relevant, he won't say it. But if it was something really serious, he'd probably try to sit you down and tell you as soon as he notices things are getting serious between you two. And he'd be as honest as possible to you, telling you anything he thought you should know. Regarding you, he'd appreciate it if you tried to have that same level of honesty. You two would trust each other, probably knowing the passcodes to the other's phone. Not to snoop, but just in case one needs to look something up or if their phone wasn't on them.
Inspiration - Does their s/o change them in some way?
I think that he'd be more aware of things that could relate to you. Like if he went to the mall and saw a shirt that he knew would look nice on you, he'd get it for you. Or if he went out and passed your favorite cafe, he'd get something for you. He would come home earlier, knowing you'd be waiting for him or coming home from work. So when he's out with some friends, he'd want to start heading home at 10-11 pm at the latest. But while he's out, he'd also text you and call you every hour or so since he'd want you to do the same when you're out, just to know that you're safe. Since he's quite tall, he would start putting things slightly lower for you so that you didn't have trouble reaching it. He'd also make sure that he always has an extra clean shirt for you since he knows you like wearing his clothes, also having hair ties and such for if you need it.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they react when they are jealous?
I think that he gets jealous when your attention is on someone else for too long. He just wants to hold your hand or back hug you, but you're too busy talking to this person so it'd be awkward if he just started hugging you in the middle of your conversation. He wouldn't necessarily get jealous of other people flirting with you or anything, he knows that you're his and he's yours. He would get upset if they went too far though, but would also know that that's on the person, not you. He'd be fine with you having male friends as he knows that you know what boundaries are okay. Overall, he trusts you and just wants your attention :(
Kiss - Anything about kisses and kissing
He's probably a good kisser. After all the dramas he's acted in, and given his age, he's had to have experience and I think that he's learned from those experiences. He knows how to give a nice kiss and loves kissing you. He especially likes it when you give him pecks because it makes him so smiley and giddy on the inside and out, a huge smile breaking out on his face when you do. His favorite place to kiss you is your lips and shoulders, your lips because again, he likes kissing you, and your shoulders because of your height difference. Plus, he likes back hugging you so it's the perfect position to give your shoulders kisses. Or in the morning, he'll wake you up by trailing kisses from your shoulders to your neck. Your first kiss would probably be in the moment, not really being super planned out. It would just happen when the time was right. He was meeting you for a date and when you walked up to him in front of the restaurant, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and gave you a quick kiss, not even realizing it. And neither did you, kissing him back and going inside for dinner. It just felt right, and you both didn't notice until the end of the date when he dropped you off, kissing you goodbye.
Love Confession - Who confessed and how
I think that you would have to confess first. This is because I feel like he wouldn't realize that you were more than a friend until you confess. He wouldn't really think that the things he did for you were things that friends don't normally do. Like letting you wear his jackets or getting you gifts just because it "made him think of you". He thought that these were things that friends do, and you're his friend, a special friend is all. But when you confess, he realizes that no, you were not just a friend to him. And as for how you confessed, it was fairly straightforward. You two were at a cafe together, having a brunch, when you told him that you needed to tell him something. He listened closely, hearing how serious you sounded. You were nervous but still managed to say something along the lines of "I like you" or "I have feelings for you". He'd take a few seconds to process what you had said, just sitting there in silence, but you were freaking out, thinking that you made things awkward and that you had assumed wrong and he didn't like you back. But after he processed, he gave you a smile and said that he felt the same. After that, you two planned out your first date and the rest was history.
Marriage - Do they picture marrying their s/o? How do they propose? What is married life like?
Honestly, I don't think so. I think that although yes, he'd like a stable relationship, marriage isn't necessarily on his mind or priorities right now. It would take being in a relationship with you for a very long time for him to finally think of marrying you. I'm talking like 7-10 years, not just 2-5 years. This is because he's said it himself that he feels like he's too immature for marriage and that it's not really in his plans for life. But if he ever does propose and marry you, it would all be very romantic but personal. He'd propose during one of your walks in the park, the dark night sky above you. He would opt for just wrapping his arms around you from behind and showing you the ring while quietly asking "will you marry me?" instead of getting on one knee. And the wedding would be a small one, only close friends and family attending, a very warm atmosphere in the environment. Since you two have been together for so long, married life would be the same as before, not much changing besides now being husband and wife along with the rings that you both keep forgetting to wear for the first few months of marriage.
Nicknames - What nicknames are used and the story behind them
I think that he would be a classic with nicknames, calling you things like "honey" or "darling". But other nicknames would be "mom", "tiny", and "my barista". He would refer to you as "mom" to the cats, and he would be "dad" of course, the two of you being happy cat parents. "Tiny" would be from your height difference and how small you are to him. He mostly calls you this when you're wearing his clothes or are cuddling with him which makes you look extra small. And every morning he says "thank you, my barista" as you hand him his cup of coffee. I feel like he would just like you calling him anything that made him yours. Things such as "mine" or "my love".
On cloud nine - What are they like when in love?
Everyone around the two of you can clearly tell that he is absolutely head over heels for you. The mere mention of your name made him smile as the thought of you made him the happiest. He wants to share every moment with you, always talking about how you would react if you were there. At stores, he would get you anything that he thought you would like, asking his friends if they think you'd like it. If it was your birthday, everyone around him would be hearing about it for weeks as he wanted to plan out the perfect birthday for you. He'd ask for gift ideas, cake flavors, whether or not he should do a party, all of the stops. Anytime you're mentioned, he feels his cheeks warm up ever so slightly, not too noticeable, but still there. He simply adores you, and anyone with two eyes can see that very clearly.
PDA - How comfortable are they with it? What are their shows of affection?
He would be fine with whatever you're okay with, although he'd stray away from doing too much. The most he's willing to do in public would be long hugs and kisses that last a couple of seconds. But if you were more shy and wanted to keep these things to yourself, he would just follow along with whatever you're comfortable with. He'd always be holding your hand though, wanting to have some form of contact with you because he liked it and so that you don't get lost. He would also always give you a hello and goodbye kiss, even if it was just a peck, he wants to greet you with love and leave you with love too.
Quirk - Something random in their relationship
Sometimes, you both just don't interact much with each other. One of you might sleep on the couch or just sleep further apart if you both stay in bed. It's not because you're fighting or upset but simply because you just need me time. And when one of you is taking that me time, the other understands and lets them have that time to themselves, knowing that once it's over, you'll be better than ever. It doesn't happen often, maybe once every few months, but as a person, you just need some time to yourself so that is what this is. And afterward, everything just goes back to normal, with no awkward tension at all because like I said, you both understand that time alone is important.
Romance - Are they romantic? How much? What they would do to be romantic?
I think that he would be very romantic for special occasions such as your anniversary or valentine's day. Or when he wants to surprise you with a nice dinner if you've been working extra hard at work lately. But on a normal basis, I think that he tries to make being at home comfortable for you, knowing that work is stressful. He'd do things like making sure the shower/bath is ready for you or just making sure the house is heated up or air-conditioned. He would also always make sure to cuddle you and give you anything you need to be able to relax at home. Occasionally, he would run a bath for you both with some wine, not anything sexual, just so you can both unwind and have some quality time together.
Support - How do they show their support?
He's very supportive of you, giving you encouragement in whatever you wanted to do. If you are currently in college and have classes, he would do his best to help you study for your tests. On test days, he always made sure to slip a sticky note on your laptop, saying things like "I believe in you!" or "You're the smartest person I know". And if you didn't do as well as you'd hoped, he would still encourage you, saying he saw how hard you worked and that other people struggled too so you're not alone. And for work, he'd try to pack you lunch sometimes or have lunch with you if he could. If you had a presentation for work, he would let you practice on him and tell you if you needed to change anything. And whatever you want to do in life, he is your number one supporter. He's your cheerleader, always giving you thumbs up for whatever you do. And when you fall, he's always there to hug you and help you get back up again.
Thrill - Do they like to try new things? Or do they prefer a routine?
For the most part, he likes to have a routine that you guys stick to. He just likes to know that there is a certain way that things are done and just wants to be organized in that sense. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't like taking risks. If you wanted to try something, then he would try it for you, and vice versa. You mostly try out new things for dates to make it more fun. You guys have pictures in your apartment hung up of you traveling or doing something and whenever a guest sees and asks about it, you two share the story with smiles and laughs. In conclusion, you guys like trying new things, but not in a spontaneous way, wanting to plan it out.
Understanding - How good are they at understanding their s/o?
He is a very good listener which means that he takes in everything you say and feel very easily. I mentioned earlier that his shoulder is yours to cry on and that is true in every sense. If you need to cry, he'll get the tissues, if something that happened at work annoyed you, he's there to share your annoyance. No matter the situation, he is the person that you can always go to for help or just to hear you out. However, he is not afraid to point out if you are wrong, it's not that he wants to blame you, but in life, if a person is at fault, they need to be held accountable. So even if he understands your point of view, if you also did some wrong, he will tell you that you and the other both had faults in the situation.
Values - What do they need in a relationship to make it work?
He needs trust, support, love, and respect. In a relationship, he needs to trust his significant other. After all, you can't make a relationship work without trust. He can't be in a relationship where he's constantly thinking that you're keeping secrets or doing something without him knowing. He needs to also know that you support him as his career in acting is something that requires a lot of support from others. He supports you in whatever endeavors you choose to do and he wants you to do the same for him and his acting career as it is something that he is passionate about. Love is a given as that is what a romantic relationship is for. He is in a relationship with you to love you and to also receive love from you. And lastly, respect. He will respect you and your decisions no matter what and he expects you to do the same. You are two adults after all, so respect is a must.
Wildcard - A quick fluff
The morning sun shined through your curtains in the early summer morning. The bed was warm and the both of you were in each other's arms. You had yet to wake up, still sleeping peacefully with your head on his chest. He quietly stirred awake, his arms instinctively holding you tighter. His eyes finally opened all the way, now fully awake. Kissing the top of your head, he admired your features. From your cute bed head to every line and curve of your face, you were a sight for sore eyes. I could stay like this forever he thought. "Do I have to keep pretending to sleep or will you give me a real kiss?" you spoke up, eyes still closed. He let out a small laugh, giving you the kiss you had been waiting for. "Good morning to you too, honey", his morning voice sent shivers down your spine. "I could go for some waffles" you suggested. "I could go make some just for you."
Xoxo - Are they affectionate?
He is definitely affectionate. He likes to hug you and have you in his arms. He wants you to know that he loves you so very much and that you are one of the most important people in his life. He tells you that he loves you every day when he wakes up and every night before going to bed. Honestly, he just likes to cuddle you and give you kisses because it's what you deserve.
Yearning - How do they handle being apart from their s/o?
I think that he would be sad if he isn't able to be with you. He would try to call and text you as much as possible, wanting to have the most contact you could have while apart. Other people around him can tell that the happiness on his face isn't as present as it was before you left. They can also tell that he isn't in as high spirits, longing looks on his face as he waits for a text or call from you. The bed simply doesn't feel the same without you there, feeling too big and empty. The coffee didn't taste the same either, the way you made it is perfectly tuned to his taste. When you two are finally reunited, the smile on his face returns once again and he pulls you into the tightest hug you've ever felt.
Zeal - How much are they willing to do for the relationship? What have they done?
He is willing to do a lot for you. Always willing to give you whatever you need or want. When he's in love, he goes all-in or not in at all. He wants you to know that he is committed and completely in love with you. He's done many things for you such as getting you a new laptop after your old one broke despite you saying you could save up on your own for a new one. He even skipped out on an award show to see you graduate, even if that meant having someone else accept his award. The proud smile he wore on his face that day is one that you will always remember. As for that award he won, someone from his company accepted the award and read out the speech he wrote, the trophy now sits on one of your shelves at home next to your diploma.
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urlkssknt · 3 years
loving can be easy
warnings!! nsfw!! mature content
dad!johnny x wife!reader
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the sun shone brightly, casting a warmth that was almost unbearable with its rays. johnny sat at the table that was accompanied with a large umbrella, trying to stay hidden from the blazing sun, much to his dismay, from spending the past week in the sun, a golden glow had accompanied his skin. to compliment his new tan, his wife dressed him up in a white silk button up and black trousers. the sleeves of the shirt were short, just long enough to tease the muscle he was hiding underneath. mentally, johnny thanked jaehyun for forcing him to attend a gym, the time spent there feeling all gross and sweaty paid off when johnny caught his wife ogling him whenever she thought he wasn’t looking. sat by the older man's side, with a book also in his hands, was his son jacob. he had grown tired from playing with his baby sister with the sun blaring down on them and went to seek peace and refuge, in the form of his dad. they had both sat in silence, enjoying the quiet and calm atmosphere.
as the two boys were reading, a little further from them, out of earshot but still in eyesight, was y/n and chunhwa. intentionally, y/n had matched the colour of her dress to her husband's shirt. her soft white dress stopped at her knees and gave a perfect view of her collar bones and slender neck, free of any markings. y/n held her daughter's hand as they both tried to find the prettiest flowers to make a bouquet from. so far they had been successful.
"i'm tired," the four year old groaned as her skin felt sticky with sweat. y/n chuckled before lifting her daughter into her arms.
"let's go back to daddy and jake, hmm?" y/n watched as chunhwa rested her small head against her shoulder. the hot weather had taken a toll on both of the kids. sweetly, y/n caressed her daughter's back.
within a few minutes they had reached the cobblestone path that lead them to the table that johnny and jake were occupying. the sight of her older brother caused chunhwa to stir, wanting to be put down so she could run to him. in her childish eyes, there was no one more perfect than her older brother. chunhwa ran to him as fast as her small little legs could.
"don't run!" jacob said with a scowl, the action didn't go unnoticed by his dad, before scooting in his chair to make room for his sister. jacob began to speak softer at the feeling of johnny’s intense stares, "you could have fell." chunhwa didn't mind getting told off by her brother because it meant he was paying attention to her, just like her dad would pay attention to her mum.
although, there were four chairs spread around the circular table, johnny found himself gesturing for his wife to sit with him. he tucked his chair out slightly, scraping against the gravel on the floor, and held his hands out for her to join him on his lap. johnny always had to have his wife within his arms whenever she was near, she was like an enigma.
"did you find any nice flowers?" johnny asked as he rested his arms around y/n's waist, bringing her close to him as he possibly could. y/n nodded as she chose a single pink flower, from the bunch that were collected, and rested it on johnny’s ear. as sweet as sickeningly possible, johnny smiled at his wife before pressing a chaste kiss to the side of her head.
as soon as the sun began to set, the family of four moved indoors, where the air conditioning was blasting and they were collecting all the items of the second home. johnny had originally planned to buy the cottage they were residing in as a birthday gift for y/n but somehow his father beat him to it and offered it as a wedding gift, claiming that it was all his mother's idea.
despite the heat, the two children were able to fall asleep peacefully in their individual bedrooms, even though it took everything out of y/n to get chunhwa used to sleeping in her own bed. having zero energy left, y/n sighed as she collapsed onto the bed, johnny snorting from beside her. "get your cute ass up, we have bags to pack." he said from his seat on the floor, surrounded by clothes.
"john, i'm so tired," y/n rolled over on the bed to get closer to her husband's side, "can we not just do this tomorrow morning?" with one glance at her exhausted expression, johnny sighed as he left the clothing articles on the floor and joined y/n on the bed. he slipped an arm under her head as the other rested against her waist, rubbing small circles on her hip. y/n let out a content hum as she began to close her eyes.
johnny couldn't suppress the desire to hold her face, his warm hand leaving her hip and caressing her cheeks with his thumb. it had been so long since they had a moment where it was solely just the two of them; no work, no kids, nothing.
“you better not complain in the morning,” johnny began to pepper his wife’s face with kisses, showering her with attention. y/n's eyes fluttered open as she was about to say something to defend herself. however, her husband saw it was an opportunity to kiss her senseless. his hand moved down to cup her jaw as he slowly but deeply kissed her, making her loose all senses. y/n's fingers crushed the silk material of his shirt as she grasped onto his chest.
"the kid's are asleep," she breathed as johnny had pulled back for a moment. only for him to shift their positions, y/n was no longer on her side but lead on her back, staring up at him with full blown eyes. she fought to let out a groan as he unbuttoned his shirt off of him, only to expose his bare torso to her. within the next few seconds, johnny clambered over her again, lips attached with hers, hands trailing down her body leaving a hot burning trail in it's midst. he had nestled himself sweetly between her thighs, a position that they hadn't been in a long time. his lips began to trail down south, teeth grazing against her neck, biting at her skin every so often, before softly kissing her clothed stomach. "how about we make baby number three, hmm?" the idea of her stomach swelling with his child, had increasingly become too much for him to handle. johnny looked up at his wife, the dark look of lust dancing in his eyes. "i'll fuck you on this bed till you become pregnant with my baby," the whispers of his lewd words in y/n's ears left her biting her lip to conceal her moans, it didn't help that johnny’s wandering hands were dipped under her dress, so close to where she needed him most. he could see from her heaving chest and the desire burning in her eyes, that she needed this as badly as he did.
“come on mommy, don’t you want me to fill you up?” johnny’s fingers slipped past her soaked underwear, pressing just the tips of his fingers against her clit. the other hand squeezed the flesh of her soft breast, perfectly accommodating to the size of his palm. y/n whimpered at the sensations, red heat flushing her cheeks. “of course you do,” johnny scoffed at his wife’s face, so desperate for him, “you’re such a slut for me that you already gave me two kids.”
"i swear to god johnny seo, if you don't touch me you won't be having anymore kids," the demanding tone of y/n's voice didn't sit well with johnny’s fat ego and she knew it wouldn't, it would only rile him up. johnny aggressively smashed his lips against hers as a way to shut his wife up. there was no longer any sense of sweetness, just pure desire. he let out a small groan at the feeling of fingers brushing against his bulge, as y/n hurriedly began to unbuckle his designer belt and push his slacks down. a harsh curse was muttered under johnny’s breath as y/n groped his length.
the pair rid themselves of all articles of clothing, leaving them bare in each other’s presence and wandering hands. johnny’s lips found his partner’s once again, kissing with such intensity that he stole all her oxygen. y/n moans were swallowed by johnny as he quickly eased himself into her warm cunt. no matter how often they indulged in each other, the tightness of y/n’s cunt never differed, even after birthing his children.
slowly, johnny began to rock his hips into y/n’s, not being able to stay still in her warmth for long. “you won’t leave this bed till your pregnant, do you understand?” his demand was met with the sound of his wife moaning in agreement under him. johnny smirked, his face full of pride. he had barely touched y/n yet she was already drunk off his ministrations.
johnny knew his wife’s body like the back of his hand. he knew where to tickle to make y/n a giggling mess. he knew where the scar, from when she fell over trying to chase after him, was on her knee. he also knew where to touch to give his wife the most pleasurable orgasm, that would leave her senseless.
one hand fisted into the bedsheets to hold himself whilst johnny’s other hand rubbed small circles against y/n’s sensitive and swollen clit, her walls clenched in response to the overbearing pleasure.
“right there john,” y/n managed to mewl out, she was too afraid that if she said anything more her children might wake up. the last thing either of them wanted was for one of their kids to walk in on them.
johnny lowered himself till he was near y/n’s ear, “ah, did mommy forget what to call me?” despite her disgust at the title, johnny knew that his wife loved it, he could practically feel the effect it had on her and her throbbing walls.
“d-daddy...” y/n threw her head back at the feeling of her husband kissing along her chest, eager to leave marks in the form of multiple blooming bruises. y/n gasped at the feeling of johnny’s lips around her breast, he lightly tugged at her nipple, eliciting a cry from his wife.
the bedroom was quiet, y/n and johnny trying their best to keep their volume at a minimal level. johnny let out a guttural groan when he felt his wife’s cunt spasming around his dick. he was so close. his thrusts became sloppier before completely stilling as his cum filled the walls of flesh. exhaustion slowly began to overcome the man, soft hot breath falling between his wife’s neck.
“i hope we have another boy,” johnny’s voice was low. having no more strength, his body draped over y/n’s, crushing her under him so the poor woman couldn’t leave him, not that she ever would. y/n raked the dark locks of her husband’s soft hair between her fingers. a soft smile falling on her face when she noticed johnny leaning into her touch ever so slightly.
“what do you think about twins?”
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
Helloooo~ can i request nagito X fem!reader who take a lead, like she always protect him or carried him like bride when he sick or injured or...after she being a top when doing seggs(when he cant walk after reader put a toy) sorry^^;...hehehe not really nsfw but i want in romantic ways because i like female be a lead♡♡... i hope you like this idea and i don't mind if you want to make scenario or headcanons... i love reading your post!!♡♡♡
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A/n: Heya! Thank you for requesting! I hope you like this fanfic. I had no clue what to write so I began improvising. Again, thank you for your request! Hope you have a great day!
Thank you for being patient! I was thinking of some scenarios fit for this request (and I got sick- but I think I’m ok now!)
Oh and I almost forgot to tell you, this happens when everyone’s not dead yet and.. Killing game. Yeah. Hope it’s alright for you.
There's also a bonus part-
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Title: “I’ll always be by your side.”
Pairing: Nagito Komaeda x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Warnings: some grammar errors, (In the bonus part, mentions of bruises and being tied up)
Genre: Fluff, a bit of angst in the bonus part,
Y/n- your name,
Reader: Female
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Komaeda yawned as he turned around the bed, his face facing yours. He stared at you with a small smile. “Good morning my hope..” He murmured, giving you a kiss before snuggling you.
You gave a small groan before hugging him a bit tighter. You slowly gained consciousness and opened your eyes. “Good mornin’ Nagito..” You greeted, your tone slightly in a whisper. “Had a good night's sleep?” You asked. You felt him nod as he backed away a bit. “How about you?”
“It’s always a good night when I’m with you.” You answered. Komaeda chuckled before trying to sit up, but failed when you pulled him down to you. “Come on, we got to eat with the others.” He tried to reason, but not resisting your hug.
“Let them.. I don’t care.”
So you and Komaeda stayed like that for a few minutes. When the morning announcement came, you both ignored it and continued to stay in you and Komaeda’s comfort zones.
You were almost drifting to sleep with Komaeda again when...
“Hey Lovebirds! Wake up! The morning announcement was announced a few minutes ago! Get your butts out of the beds and let’s eat!” A male voice shouted from the other side of the door.
“Don’t shout at them Kazuichi! They might be sleeping.” A female voice whisper-yelled at Kazuichi. “Sorry..”
One of the two knocked on the door and the female said “Y/n? Komaeda? Are you there? We’re going to eat and we’d like you two to join.”
“Maybe they-”
“Alright! Alright.. We’re up. We’ll join soon.” You answered.
“Great! We’ll see you both in the restaurant!” The female voice chirped before leaving with Kazuichi.
Komaeda stood up and walked to the closet, and began changing. His back facing you. You looked away for a minute before looking back. He was changing his shirt, now shirtless. You grinned and walked towards Komaeda.
Komaeda heard shuffling from the bed, telling him you're either standing up or just still sleepy. You wrapped your arms around Komaeda and kissed his neck. Komaeda let out a giggle as you continued to kiss his neck playfully.
Soon after, you finally stopped and unwrapped your arms around him, letting him continue to change.
Once he was finally done, you changed your clothes and began walking with Komaeda. Hands intertwined.
You both arrived in the restaurant and were met with Koizumi. “Good morning Y/n! Komaeda! Why were you two late again? Didn’t Byakuya tell you to never be late?” Koizumi greeted as she sat on a chair, you and Komaeda right across her.
“I wanted to sleep in.. Anyways, where are the others?”
“Them? Oh, they left a few minutes ago. After they ate, they just left. Well, Byakuya told me to wait for you guys and tell you not to-”
As you and Koizumi talked, Komaeda slowly ate his food, lovingly staring at you. Seeing as you smile and make cute faces that Komaeda adores so much.
After eating, You, Komaeda, and Koizumi bid goodbyes as Koizumi separated from you and Komaeda, telling you that “I promised that I’d hang out with Hiyoko for the day. See you guys later!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You and Komaeda were walking through the beach when you saw a frisbee coming Komaeda’s way. Out of instinct, you pushed Komaeda out of the way. The frisbee avoided Komaeda but hit your arm.
You hissed in pain and held the part of the arm that hurted. Once the pain lessened, you checked the arm to see that nothing bad happened.
Two people, mainly Akane and Nekumaru, ran towards you. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry- uhh.. Woman.?” Akane apologized, forgetting your name. “It’s Y/n..” You deadpanned, temporarily forgetting the pain. Komaeda walked to the frisbee and took it then gave it to Nekumaru, thanking him in return.
“ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” Nekomaru asked loudly, making you slightly flinch at the volume. “I’m alright, I’m alright.” You answered. “WE’RE VERY SORRY WE-”
You interrupted him and exclaimed “It’s fine! Don’t worry. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” You glanced at Komaeda, seeing him next to you, looking at you in worry. “Aight then.. See ya later girly and white haired dude! Sorry!” Akane said before running off, with Nekomaru following behind.
Komaeda gently held the arm that was hit with a frisbee and blamed himself. “Ah I’m so sorry Y/n! My luck’s getting worse. It’s my fault you got hurt. I should’ve gotten hit.”
You took your arm out of Komaeda’s hands and cupped his face. You and Komaeda stared at each other before kissing for a short while. “Komaeda. Don’t blame yourself. Please.”
You pecked his lips again. “Are you hurt?” You asked him. “But I should be the one-”
“Are you hurt, Nagito?” You asked again. He shook his head ‘no’ and you smiled. “Good. I took the hit for you just to protect you Nagito. You almost got hit with a frisbee. I wouldn’t want something bad for you to happen. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Komaeda was silent. He couldn’t open his mouth, but even if he did, Komaeda couldn’t find the words he wanted to tell you. So instead, he hugged you. You hugged back, giving him a little squeeze. “Let’s go back to the dorms and cuddle, yea?”
Komaeda hummed in agreement then yelped as you carried him bridal style to the dorms. Worried, Komaeda asked you if he’s heavy and to put him down if so. “Your light as a feather. Nagito. Don’t worry.”
As you sped up the pace making you jog with you holding Komaeda bridal style. Komaeda looked at you worryingly, so you slowed down a bit to his preferred speed. You and Komaeda laughed happily since you both were having fun.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You gently placed Komaeda down on the bed with you lying beside him. As you were spooning him (You were the big spoon while he was the small spoon), he began to move a bit then held your hand that was near him then gave it a small kiss.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You were in your room with Komaeda hugging you from the side as you two were talking to one another. Out of the blue, your stomach growled. Komaeda chuckled as you looked away sheepishly with a blush on your face.
“Are you hungry, Angel? Do you want me to buy some snacks for you?” You nodded embarrassed. Komaeda chuckled again and gave you a kiss on the forehead. “No need to be embarrassed, Y/n. I’m just going to buy food for you.” He said while he sat up from the bed, looking at you.
“Can I come with you?” You asked, hoping you would join.
He shook his head ‘no’ to your dismay. “It’s alright, my hope. I can do this by myself. I don’t want to tire you. You seem tired.” You pouted, a bit disappointed. Komaeda reassured you that he’ll be fine, so you finally agreed. You stopped pouting then rolled over the bed.
“Would you want me to buy your favorite snacks and drink?” Komaeda asked as he was walking towards the door. “Yes please.”
“Alright.. I’ll be back soon, Love.” Komaeda bid goodbye before leaving you all alone in the room.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You waited for what felt like hours. You kept turning left and right on the bed bored. No one to talk to. Nothing to entertain you. ‘I guess a small nap wouldn’t hurt..’ You thought before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Or that’s what you thought.
You opened your eyes in frustration that you couldn’t sleep either. “Great... Now I can’t sleep. And I'm bored!” You shouted. You slightly jumped when you heard a drop from the roof.
Soon after, more and more rain drops started to fall down and you immediately knew it was raining. You stood up and walked towards the door, opening it and stepping outside the room. The rain was heard louder. You sat on the room floor, and your legs outside. You bring your legs closer to your chest and wrapped your arms around it. Resting your head on your knee, you watched the rain falling from the sky as you waited for Komaeda worryingly.
“Y/n?” You heard faintly. You thought it was your imagination and ignored it. But you heard it again but more clearly. “Y/n!” ‘Komaeda?’ You murmured as you looked around your surroundings confused.
You stared at a figure that was slowly growing in your vision. The more you stared at the figure, the more you recognized the figure as Komaeda. In panic, you immediately went inside the room and found (Coincidentally) an umbrella. You went outside, opened the umbrella, and ran towards Komaeda.
“Nagito! You’re soaked! Hurry, let’s go inside.” You quickly dragged Komaeda inside the room in panic. You made him sit on your bed, not caring if it got wet, and gave him clothes to wear. You looked away and found a blanket while he changed.
Once he was done, you gave him the blanket, which he gratefully took, and wrapped it around himself. While you were placing the wet clothes somewhere, Komaeda said. “Why are you protective? I don’t mind but I don’t deserve it.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt, Nagito. I wouldn’t want you to just.. I love you alright? You worry me sometimes.”
Komaeda softly smiled. He started to stand up but you stopped him before he did. “Sit down. I’ll take care of you.” You took a bath towel and began drying his hair with it. “I love you too, Y/n.”
Your heart fluttered. ‘You’ll be the death of me if you continue being cute! Not like I hate it though...’ You smiled. “Oh. I almost forgot. Here.” Komaeda moved and grabbed a bag and gave it to you. You took it and opened the bag. Inside contained your favorite snacks and drinks.
Your smile widened as you tackled Komaeda to the floor. “Thank you!” You began kissing all over his face. He smiled as he relished the moment. Every time he was near you, he felt bad. He felt like he was inferior. But every time you show your affection, his worries always goes away. He felt safe with you.
Your moment was immediately interrupted when Komaeda sneezed. You gasped, carrying Komaeda to the bed. You went around the room to get anything you needed for Komaeda, medicine, water, etc. Then gave it to Komaeda.
“You could’ve hid under a roof and waited there till the rain ended y’know?” You told him. Komaeda looked at you and smiled. “I know. But I was near here. You saw me remember? Plus, I didn’t want you to starve.”
You looked at him lovingly then gave him a short but passionate kiss, to his dismay and relief.
“Thank you. Love.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
[Warnings: Komaeda getting tied up by Kazuichi and Nekumaru(This is before the killing game starts- just saying.), mentions of bruises, ]
You were walking around the island without Komaeda. You wanted to hang out with Komaeda but he wasn’t in his dorm. “Where could he be?” You murmured, slightly confused and worried. Is he alright?
You saw Kazuichi walking from the Rocketpunch market with a rope in hand. “Kazuichi!” You called, hoping that he knew where Komaeda was. Kazuichi jumped at someone calling him, clearly surprised. When he noticed you, he immediately put the rope behind his back. “O-oh hey Y/n! Didn’t see you there. Heh. Oh hey, Where’s Komaeda?”
“That’s what I was going to ask you... So you didn’t see him either?” Your smile faltered. “A-ah.. I-I think he might be in the... Uh.. His room! Yeah! Did you check?”
“I did. But he wasn’t there.” You sulked.
“No need to sulk Y/n! He might be somewhere on the island that you haven’t seen yet. The island is huge after all.” That seemed to make you determined again. You nodded then bit him goodbye.
A few minutes had passed when you finally went to the last place you haven’t gone yet, The hotel’s old building. As you went into the dining room, or what you think it is. It was pretty dark, you went near the wall and began finding the light switch. Internally celebrating when you finally found it then flipping it on.
“Oh, you guys are back already- Huh?”
You turned to the source of the sound and gasped. It was-
You kneeled in front of him and began untying him from the rope. “Are you alright? What happened? Who did this?” You began asking him questions while checking if he had injuries, to your distress, there were bruises..
“I’m fine, Y/n. Thank you for finding me. I thought I would be here for a while.” He smiled as he took the now loose rope around him and tossed it somewhere. “Who did this to you?” You asked sternly, your face filled with anger.
Komaeda was taken aback by your behaviour. “A-ah. W-well..” He stuttered. “Who did this? Tell me Nagito.”
Komaeda went silent, staring at you innocently and worryingly. You noticed then began taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.
“Ah sorry.. I’m just angry that someone would do this to you.” You apologized.
“Don’t worry, Y/n. It happens sometimes.”
“No it doesn’t.. Rarely. Now please tell me who did this to you.”
“It was Kazuichi and Nekomaru-”
“So it was them huh?” Your face darkened once more. You rounded up your fists when you remembered that Kazuichi was holding a rope earlier. “Y/n. Try to control your anger. Calm down..” Komaeda tried to help you calm down.
“Why? Why did they do this to you? I know you didn’t do anything right?” You asked him, wanting comfort and affirmation from Komaeda. You cupped his face and caressed his cheek while you waited for his answer.
He told you his opinion and that you shouldn't take everything he said seriously because he might be incorrect. Komaeda kissed you then pulled away a minute after. You both rested your forehead against each other as you stared at his eyes, not looking away.
“Thank you, My angel. I don’t know what I could do without you.” Komaeda said.
You sent him a small smile and murmured to his ear “I’ll always be by your side.”.
You then backed away and stood up, giving Komaeda a hand. “Now, let’s treat your bruises now alright?” Komaeda nodded, then took your hand to stand up. He yelped when you carried him bridal style. “Are you alright?” Komaeda nodded again. “Okay, hold on tight. I wouldn’t want you to fall.”
He rested his head on your chest and smiled as he slowly drifted off to sleep. You smiled as you glanced at him.
“Good night Nagito.” You murmured.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
E/n: I hope this was to your liking, My mind went blank when I tried to think of some good scenarios.
Gosh this was like- 2400+ words. Ngl when I read it again, it’s not as bad as I thought.
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roscgcld · 4 years
GOJO SATORU || ends of the earth
request: can i request a scenario where Gojo and non-shaman!F!reader are on their first date, and they visit the beach to watch the sunset, and gojo suggests they head near the water to dip their feet in for bit because why not? turns out f!reader has a phobia of the ocean due to an incident when she was younger, which is a shocker bc f!reader appears to be very confident and fearless and independent . at first, gojo finds this sorta funny, but after seeing the severity of her fear, he tries to help her conquer her it. she climbs his back as he heads towards the shallow end of the ocean, just where the oceans crashes on the shore (after a lot of convincing on gojo’s part). 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕 just something really fluffy while showing the goofy side of gojo, and his soft and considerate side! thank you!!!!
note: honestly, i love this idea honestly cx this is so cute - i can see gojo doing this for his lover if she is scared cx it’s very fluffy and such a fun thing to write for c: also I changed it so that they are both dating for awhile, since i struggled a lot writing it the other way around lol cx but i think this isn’t that bad??? so i hope you don’t mind~
pronouns: she/her
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The smell of the ocean was the first thing that hit your senses once you got out of your car, glancing over at your boyfriend to see him smiling widely at the sight of the quiet beach before you two. Today will be the first time in awhile that you get to see your boyfriend, with him busy being a sorcerer fighting curses across Japan. Because of this, you two decided that a date was in order.
Hence why you two found yourselves at a beach after you two made some simple picnic food to eat. “God, I can’t remember the last time I saw a beach.”
“Don’t make yourself sound so old.” You said with a soft smile as you grabbed the beach mat whilst he grabbed the basket with the food you prepared, Gojo just giving you a cheeky smile in response as he lowered his sunglasses a little, revealing his beautiful glowing blue eyes over the round rims of his sunglasses. “You love me regardless.” Was his simple response, to which you just raise an eyebrow at him before you locked the car behind the both of you. “I’ll let you think that’s the case then.”
Ignoring his dramatic gasp, you made your way down the entrance of the beach, walking down the steps leading towards the sandy beach. If you were being honest, if you had a choice, you wouldn’t have chosen the beach to have your date at. When you were younger, a huge wave had swept you out to sea once; and if it wasn’t for a nearby surfer who heard your mother’s cries for help, you would have drowned. Ever since then, you had never stepped a foot into the ocean anymore.
However, you’ve never told your boyfriend this fact. Maybe it was because it didn’t come up, or maybe it’s because you were embarrassed - but you’ve never told him that you had an insane fear of the ocean. Hence why now, while you watched him try to pick the best spot to have a nice picnic by the beach together, you were trying to not show how nervous and awkward you were as you stood on the warm sand. 
You had wanted to say something to him about the beach, but when you saw how excited he got at the idea to visit somewhere as simple as a beach, the words got stuck in your mouth. Since you weren’t in swimwear, you had decided that there was no harm just sitting on the coast. So, you swallowed you anxieties and walked towards your excited boyfriend, helping him set the beach mat down before you two settle down on the slightly rough and scratchy surface of the beach mat. 
Soon the food was unwrapped and you two were laughing and joking with one another as you slowly went through the sandwiches you made from home. Besides the simple cold cut sandwiches, there was also the strawberry sando that Gojo had begged for you to make earlier. “See, isn’t this nice?” Gojo grinned as he looked over at you, dressed in a simple shirt and a pair of shorts, his skin seeming to glow underneath the slowly setting sun in the horizon. You could barely take your eyes away from how gorgeous and effortless he looks just sitting there, eating his sandwich.
You swear it wasn’t fair how perfect he was.
“You say this when you drag me away from work to cuddle you on the couch.” You commented back with a soft grin as you raised the chilled bottle of milk tea you had purchased at the petrol station when you were filling up on petrol. Gojo hums at the memory as he grins over at you, grabbing a tissue to wipe his mouth clean. “Princcess, you should know how much I enjoy spending any time I can with you.” He said with an innocent shrug, to which you just smiled at him warmly, knowing that underneath the teasing tone was him telling you the truth.
It made your heart warm, but you didn’t miss the chance to tease him a little. “And here I thought Mr Playboy Gojo will never settle down.” You tossed back teasingly, remember how Ieiri had mentioned that you had somehow managed to tame the flirtatious and womaniser Gojo when you first met his long time friend and co worker. Gojo just grins before he leans over to peck your lips softly, causing a light flush to travel up to your cheeks at how spontaneous that kiss was. 
“Well, what idiot would let such an amazing woman slip through his fingers?”
His words caused your blush to deepen as you reached over to push his face away from yours, trying to hide your blush behind your free hand as he laughs and kisses your palm gently. With that the both of you returned to your food, slowly making your way through the rest of it. Then sunset had started to paint the beach in an array of beautiful colours just as you were packing up the rest of your cutlery. 
Gojo tosses the tissues back into the basket as his sapphire blue eyes now on full display as he enjoys the sunset. “Princess, leave the basket for a bit.” He suddenly said as he looks over at you, causing you to pause as you tighten the bottle of half finished milk tea in your hands. “I want to walk along the water for a bit, the water looks extra nice today. And if I had an extra pair of clothes, I would have jumped in awhile go.” He ranted as he got up, dusting his shorts off; and somehow completely not noticing how you froze in fear at the idea of going to the water.
At first Gojo didn’t notice that you didn’t up with him until he was half way towards the shore when he realised that you aren’t behind him. Looking back curiously, he noticed how you seem to be frozen on the beach mat. “Hello? Earth to Y/N?” He called back to you with a confused frown, which only deepen when he realised that you looked too pale for his liking. At first he had no idea what was wrong with you until something clicked in his head, causing him to frown even more.
When Gojo firs met you, he admired the fact that you were fearless. You do not have Cursed Energy, yet you are able to see Curses - which was how Gojo saved you from becoming the next target of a Second Grade Curse. Well, when he got there you were handling yourself well - smacking the monster like Second Grade with your frilly pink umbrella, yelling at how it should ‘keep your disgustingly slimy and wet hands off my clean sweats’ while you assaulted the poor Curse. You weren’t doing much damage, yet at the same time the Curse was completely terrified of you to actually make a move.
Gojo actually watched for a few moments before going over to help you, asking how were you planning to exorcise the curse with your pink umbrella. Only to barely dodge you smacking his head with it. It was that moment when he knew you were the one though. 
So you can’t blame him at how confused he was at to why someone who is brave enough to attack a Curse without a weapon looked terrified of the lightly crashing waves of the ocean. “Hey.”
Your eyes snapped towards a pair of glowing blue eyes, blinking rapidly as you tried to calm you slightly erratic breathing. However, you can never hide from your observant boyfriend, who frowns even more before he takes your shaking hands in his. “Y/N, are you afraid of the ocean?” He asked you in a soft voice, to which you just made a face before quietly looking away, as if you didn’t want to answer his question. Yet that alone gave him the answer he needed to know. “Princess, why didn’t you tell me? We could have went somewhere else if you are scared.”
Immediately your eyes looked over at his for a moment before looking down at your lap once more. “I just...you looked so happy, asking to come to the beach.” You mumble quietly, trying to take your hands back from his so you can fumble with your fingers out of habit. Gojo stopped that, squeezing your fingers between his as he tries to catches you gaze; realises that you were actively avoiding it. Eventually he lets your hands go in favour of cupping your face in his hands, forcing your eyes to look up at him.
 “Y/N...you should never force yourself to do something you’re not comfortable with.” Gojo mumbles softly with a frown, to which you just bite your lip before you glanced away from his ever knowing eyes - knowing that deep down he was right. “You should never put yourself through something you’re not comfortable with, even if it’s for me.” He mumbles with a soft frown, to which you just let out a soft but shaky sigh, leaning forward to bury your face into his chest. 
“But you always do so much for me..” 
For a moment there was just silence before you felt Gojo nudging the side of your face with his nose, causing you to look up at him with nervous eyes. “I’ve got an idea.” He commented with a soft smile, something that was rare for you to see on his face as well. This caused you to raise a curious eyebrow as he grinned softly, an eyebrow raised as well. “Why don’t we try and overcome your fear together?”
It took a lot of convincing, and a lot of whines and blushes on your end before you agreed to get on his back. His plan? He plans to walk towards the end of the ocean with you on his back. He promises that he wasn’t going to drop you, and if he did, he’ll buy you bubble tea from the bubble tea store near your apartment. However, it took him giving you puppy eyes before you allowed him to turn your back to him; wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders tightly as you buried your tensed face into his neck.
The soft rumble of Gojo’s chuckle caused you to blush hard, gently kicking your foot out in frustration at him seeming to laugh at you as he started to walk towards the shore. “Cutie.” You heard him mumble softly, which had your heart skipping a beat once more and the blush on your cheeks to darken. 
A few more steps and soon you heard the sound of the waves gently crashing onto the shore, causing a shiver of fear to slice through you as you tighten your grip around your boyfriend. “Loosen up, princess. You’re about to choke me.” Gojo said with an amused tone in his voice as he took another step forward, his feet resting on the wet sand beneath them as he tosses you an amused smirk. “We can definitely play tonight if you want.”
His words caused you to blush hard as you pulled your face out of his neck to glare at him murderously, only to be distracted by the crashing waves that were around you. Immediately you clammed up once more as you buried your face back into his neck once more; your entire body shaking from the fear. This cause Gojo’s teasing words to stop at the tip of his tongue as he tighten his grip on your legs, feeling bad that you looked so scared of the ocean. “We can go back if you want.”
At first you thought about it before you shook your head slowly, taking a few deep breaths to calm your pounding heart. “You sure, princess?” Gojo asks you in a calm yet soft tone, waiting for you to give him another nod before he smiles softly. “Alright. I’ll just stand here. You can look up when you’re ready.” He said simply, letting you know that he was just going to just stand here until you’re ready to look up.
It took awhile, but slowly you inched your eyes up to look up at the horizon before you. Only to have your breath taken away at the sight of the sun now setting at the horizon, the warm sunlight panting the world in an array of pinks, oranges, yellows and reds. You watched in awe at how the soft waves seem to reflect the sunset perfectly, creating a beautiful scene before you. The fear you felt inside slowly started to melt away as you watch the scene before you in awe, entrance by something as beautiful as a sunset by the ocean.
You were so distracted that you didn’t notice how Gojo was watching you over his shoulder, love and adoration practically oozing from his very person as he tighten his protective grip around your legs. It was this moment that he vowed that no matter what, he is going to protect you with his entire person.
That you were worth going to the ends of the earth for. Because you are his everything. 
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
ᴸᵒᵛᵉ ᴬᵍᵃⁱⁿ
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Pairing - Baekhyun x fem reader -> exes to lovers | Genre - Angst, fluff | warnings - none | taglist - @twancingyunhoe @trashlord-007 @tiddy-boys | synopsis - when Baekhyun and you broke things off a year ago, it felt alright, but you came to the painful realization that nobody could ever replace him or love you like he did | word count - 2.1k | thanks to @tiddy-boys for beta-reading ♡
It's days like these, rain hitting the window in harsh taps and angry wind blowing, when the nostalgia hits the hardest. After all, you were always one to dwell on the past. It's just what you do. 
Every day felt the same after the two of you broke things off. You don't even remember why exactly you even ended it in the first place. The pain still sits deep, coming to haunt you when you least expect it. 
Rainy days like those just trigger the nostalgia, the memories and bygone feelings. 
It's 12pm when you check your phone, yet you're still laying in bed. The lack of motivation due to this sudden wave of sadness is something you're not experiencing for the first time. 
And it's killing you slowly. These feelings are eating you up from the inside out. 
Without even realizing, tears are running down your cheeks in even, salty streams. 
"Why am I even crying…" You mumble and lift your arm to cover your face, trying to make it stop. "God, I'm so pathetic" 
You try to manage to stop your tears, wrist harshly rubbing your eyes. After a minute or so, you succeed in stopping them. 
instead pick up your phone, unlocking it and opening Instagram. 
One peek won't hurt, right…? 
His name at the top of your searches seems to be mocking you as you hover your finger above it. Should you really do it? What if he found someone new and his profile is filled with couple pictures? Or what if he feels nothing and is glad to be alone? What if, what if, what if…
"Fuck it" you hiss and tap on his username, his profile popping up after a brief second of loading the page. 
He… hasn't posted anything for a few months, his last post being from October last year. 
Oh for fucks sake… is this a good sign or not? It could mean he's been seeing someone new, but it could also mean he's just been living his life like usual. 
So many possibilities, yet no resolution seems to be in sight. 
"This is so annoying, oh my gooood" You groan and smack your head into your pillow, laying sprawled out like a star with an annoyed pout on your face. 
"It's been a god damn year," You grumble, "why do I still feel like this?" 
The sound of your fist hitting the mattress of your bed is dull, not the way you wanted it to sound. "I hate this, UGHH" The frustration in your voice is for sure loud and clear, accentuated well by the 'ugh'. 
This whole situation is stressing you out. "I need a shower.." You mumble, absent-minded, as you fling the covers back and swing your legs over the edge of your bed. 
Despite the gloomy weather, you decided to take a walk outside. The rain still hasn't let up, droplets of it occasionally hitting your face. 
"Why is it so cold today? It's already spring…" You mumble quietly to yourself, eyes strictly trained on the path in front of your feet and head held low. 
You're so lost in your thoughts, you don't see the person headed your way. 
And apparently, the person doesn't seem to notice you as well. So your shoulders collide and you stumble, umbrella falling out of your hand and fast quick steps to regain your balance. 
"I'm so sorry! Are you al-" The man rushes to apologize, but his words get stuck in his throat as he takes in who he just, quite literally, stumbled into. 
Rain has hit you mercilessly, soaking you from head to toe within seconds as you stand there, paralyzed. "Baek…Baekhyun?" 
His eyes are wide and mouth slightly open in shock as he doesn't know what to say or do. 
He hasn't seen or talked to you in at least nine or ten months for sure. What is he even supposed to say? "Yeah… it's- it's surely been a while" he dumbly answers. "Ah! Your umbrella!" Baekhyun rushes to pick it up and hold it over your figure. 
But the damage is already done. 
You're shivering, dripping with water but still you've a tiny smile on your lips at the sight of him. 
You delicately take hold of the handle, fingers gently enclosing around the man's hand. 
He doesn't move to let go, just standing there and staring into your eyes. "I-" 
You cut him off by mistake with a sneeze, the cold creeping in deep. It feels like your bones might freeze, grasp around both Baekhyun's hand and the handle of your umbrella tightening, muscles contracting to desperately stay warm. "S-Sorry for interrupting you" You say, teeth clattering and eyes averting. 
"No no don't worry about it!" He insists, "but we should get you home, your hand is cold as ice, Y/N" 
"Ah… you're right" You nod and he flashes you a warm smile. 
"Do you still live in the same apartment or did you move?" Baekhyun asks, back to being concerned about your wellbeing now. 
"I- I still live in the same place" You reply, your free hand holding onto your jacket for warmth, but in vain. 
"That's too far away, my place is way closer" He objects and gently pulls you along, "come on, let's get you freshened up before you really get sick" 
You only manage an awkward nod and let him lead you along, a surprisingly pleasant silence engulfing you two. 
Baekhyun unlocks the door to his apartment and firstly puts both of your umbrellas away, taking off his wet shoes in the process and you follow along. 
"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom" He says and you tag after him. 
He opens the door, turns on the light and quickly pulls out two towels for you. "You can just use my shampoo, I don't have anything suitable here for you, sor-" 
"Thank you" you break his rambling. "You wouldn't need to do this, so thank you" 
Baekhyun smiles softly, although his eyes tell a different story. "I'll bring you some clothes in a bit, okay?" 
"Mhm" you nod and give him a curt bow before he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. 
You waste no time in stepping out of your soaked clothes and into the shower. 
You set the water to a nice warm temperature and rinse off the cold first, feeling relieved. 
Then there's a knock. "Hey Y/N, I'm putting some clothes on top of the washing machine for you now" he announces before opening the door, doing as he said and then leaving just as quickly as he came. 
"Still the considerate guy he always was…" You mumble with a sad smile, old memories coming back to haunt your mind with sweet images of the two of you. Him always knocking before he'd enter a room you would be in to announce himself. 
You loved that about him, he was always mindful of others and you're happy to see it hasn't changed at all. 
You finished quickly and put on the clothes he gave you. Some boxers and a way too big on you, black shirt. You dried your hair as best as you could with the towel he gave you and made sure you don't look like a lion by patting down your hair a bit. 
"Baekhyun?" You timidly call out after opening the door a bit. 
"Yeah?" He replies and you hear his footsteps approach. "What is it?" 
"Uhm- Where to put my wet clothes?" You ask. 
"Oh- Hold on, I'll put them in the washing machine" He says with big eyes and opens the machine for you to put them in. "I'll dry them after they're washed so you can change back, alright?" 
You nod quickly and thank him quietly. He opens the machine and you put your clothes inside, him doing the rest. 
"So, uh-" 
"Do you want some water?" He quickly asks, ears flaring red as he avoids your eyes. 
"Sure" you squeak back and follow him into the kitchen. He gets a glass out of a cupboard and fills it with water before handing it to you. 
You nip at the liquid as Baekhyun leans against the countertop adjacent to you, eyes taking in your figure. 
He missed seeing you in his clothes, you always looked so good in them. He just missed you in general. 
The reason why the two of you broke up a year ago? 
Baekhyun remembers it all too well. 
It was a work related thing actually. The two of you worked in different shifts and barely saw each other, yet alone had time for any couple stuff. 
Free days? Spent alone or arguing about never seeing each other. 
And at one point you had said to just break up. In that moment Baekhyun felt like he was hit by lightning, body stiff and eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he heard. Baekhyun felt anxiety cursing through his veins as his brain processed your words.
You had told him that you wouldn't hate him, but that your situation at that time just didn't allow any dating. The two of you never had hard feelings about the outcome, but it was hard to suddenly go back to being alone. 
And now you're here, in his apartment, wearing his clothes and smelling just like him. He can't believe this is happening. 
"Uhm, so" You speak up after setting the glass down on the other counter behind you. Your hands come up to grab the surface besides your waist and you avoid the man's eyes. 
"Yes?" Baekhyun can't help the hopeful hint in his voice as he urges you to continue your thoughts. 
"How has life been for you?" 
A chuckle escaped his lips at your question, shoulders jumping up and down in the process before he answered. "It's been rather boring but nice, if you get what I mean? I found a different job and work from home now" 
You nod quietly, "I've also found a new job and my shifts are less hectic" 
"Have you… found someone new?" 
You halt at his inquiry, gears in your mind temporarily stopping and he seems to take the lacking answer the wrong way. A frown pulls at his normally friendly and soft expression, making him look grumpy and bothered. "I see" 
"No, no! I- I haven't found anyone!" You quickly say, "I just… I couldn't move on" 
His expression changes to a sad smile, although he's kind of glad you're still somehow his. "Me neither" 
You scoff lightly, a cheeky smirk suddenly on your face. "No wonder, nobody could put up with your annoying ass anyway" 
"Hey!" He exclaims in shock. 
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" You insist, holding your stomach and laughing. "You're bearable most of the time" 
"That doesn't make it any better!" Baekhyun whines and you laugh out loud, hand flying up to cover your mouth. 
"Still the cocky little girl you've always been" He fires back and you snort. 
"Like you're one to talk" You roll your eyes at him and he exhales through his nose. 
His hands grab you by the collar of his shirt you're wearing and unexpectedly pull you into him. You squeal, hands shooting up to brace against his broad chest and you look up to be met by his cocky smile. "You never knew when to stop, no change at all there" he playfully nags. 
"Shut up" You weakly fight back. 
Baekhyun chuckles and you feel the rumble drumming against the palms of your hands. "How come you haven't moved on?" 
You lower your head, hands fumbling with his shirt. "Well… I came to the conclusion that just nobody could replace you. Nobody could love me like you did…" You mumble against his chest and Baekhyun feels a smile creeping up on his face. 
"I felt the same" He whispers back and his arms move to pull you into him more by your waist. 
After hearing that, you look back up at him with big eyes. "Really?" 
He nods and flashes you a bright smile. "Even though we fought a lot and barely had time for each other, I never stopped loving you" 
"Shut up" You almost whimper and move your hands to pull him closer by the back of his neck, lips meeting in the middle. 
Baekhyun's eyes almost fell out of their sockets before he came to his senses. 
One of his hands found its place on the back of your head as he moved his lips against yours with fervor. He greedily breathes you in, not wanting this to end as moves his mouth against yours. 
You shiver when his tongue meets yours and that's when you draw the line… for now. 
He chases after you for a second and you chuckle, dazed eyes meeting yours. "Slow down tiger" you say and peck the corner of his mouth. 
"Okay, okay" He smiles and pulls you in for a hug, "will you let me love you again?" 
"You bet" 
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