#Headcanons: Ozpin
livestosave · 1 year
25. Ozpin and Ironwood
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Headcanon questions: 25. does your muse recognize their faults, or do they have trouble with self-reflection?
Excuse me while I go have a really hard laugh and also panic, lol. And I say that because this is a great question, but I already know some folks won't like my answer, for either of these tired men.
Both Ozpin and James are actually self-critical to a fault. They would struggle far more to tell you good things about themselves than bad. They would find more flaws in their characters than virtues.
Ozpin is a mess of contradictions about himself: over-cautious but confident, too laid-back but too controlling, is a hypocrite (not for that reason though), plans too much and too little...the list goes on.
James on the other hand tends to underestimate himself. He wouldn't say he's a bad person, or that he has any specific Critical Flaws (except perhaps that he is too stubborn, too protective, and never doing enough), but he doesn't tend to find anything particularly outstanding about himself either. He wouldn't agree with most compliments he's been paid, and he tends to find himself very average, in general.
But neither of them has issues with self-reflection in the sense that they struggle to see where they may be at fault. They are each more likely to blame themselves or some flaw of their being for something than to blame someone else.
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epic-arc · 3 months
Last Survivor Au
Well, I came here to comment on more headcanons about the ''sole survivor'' au and that I can help @howlingday with the plot or ideas, I hope you like it guys. I'm going to start with history and events for characters and to finish psychologically, so look at the sky and welcome to this infinite tsukuyomi
History and Events:
Well for the death of the rwby and (j)npr teams and I believe that cardin's team died, that would count as 11 deaths in something that was just to present the school and test the qualities of the students. With this death count, Beacon and Ozpin would gain a bad reputation from other kingdoms and give themselves to the people of Vale, thereby potentially accelerating certain events that take place in volumes 1 to 3.
With Blake's death in this universe, many events that happen with White Fang that are explored in this volume and in the 4th would be faster, but in a bad sense, with Blake's death, Adam could use her as an example to gain more trust between the faunus.
Ironwood looking at this death count could end up giving Ozpin a slight scolding but it would help him with more protection in the kingdom and speeding up the introduction of penny. Coming back in the white fang trope because of this the introduction of sun would also be faster than in canon.
Jaune would probably take practical classes or be forced to spend some time because of his psychology. Maybe he would gain a slight fame among the other students but nothing exaggerated, It's maybe because of the events I mentioned ozpin could try to form a team between Jaune Sun and Penny, Probably at first Jaune might think it's a bad idea but I'll do that leave it with @howlingday .
Characters that appear in future volumes like Oscar I can only see them in the future, because following the canon Oscar wouldn't have a reason to enter Beancon other than Ozpin, but maybe we can change that in this universe like Ozpin launching more opportunities for kingdoms for people who want to be hunters to join beacon.
I commented about Jaune gaining fame, He would have a fan of being the only survivor but it would be something like a curse, Everywhere he goes people recognize him as the only survivor, Newspapers try to interview him to discuss more about the case of the 11 deaths but he always refuses
We know that Jaune is one of the characters with a bad psychology but there are two characters who butt heads, Winter and Tai. Winter being the older sister who believed that her younger sister was strong for the world to respond with the news of her death, Tai is a former hunter who lost his wife and was abandoned by another, having to take care of his daughters alone with his teammate, He trusted that the two were strong and then heard the tragic news of their death,
Ozpin gained another weight on his back because in his vision because of his trust and irresponsibility he caused the death of potential hunters and one of the people who contained a power that could help in his greatest objective, And perhaps he killed one of the last people who had silver eyes.
Jaune after the incident would get a call from his family and they would talk and probably in free time Jaune would travel to visit them to help with his psychological issue, And I believe that Penny and Sun could be a company that would help Jaune to improve.
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strqyr · 2 months
headcanon time: orphaned when she was about 12yo, summer was picked up by an member of the inner circle and brought to beacon for her own safety. there, she quickly became known as 'the ghost of beacon', a nickname given to her by students who, for the most of part, only ever saw as a fleeting sight of her white cloak as a proof of her existence.
instead of attending a combat school, summer stayed in the safety of beacon and trained there, either having made sundered rose in preparation of training before her family was killed, or making it at beacon. around this time is also when she met and befriended ozpin, who himself had just recently became the next host of ozma and went through his own studies to obtain a huntsman license to pave his way to become the headmaster of beacon one day. due to this little coincidence, summer knew / suspected more before ozpin eventually told the truth to team strq.
(in a way, her old nickname is more apt than ever with summer, believed to be dead, 'haunting' beacon once more.)
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kraviolis · 1 year
*clings onto any and all characters who show both subtle or explicit signs of plurality from all of my various interests and hyperfixations consistently throughout my entire life* no no its all a coincidence im just fascinated with the concept i certainly dont relate to it haha
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I am 100% sure that Ozpin would LOVE bugsnax
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oknovember · 1 year
between the two major interpretations of how Jaune managed to sneak into Beacon, I think I definitely prefer “Jaune is legitimately talented at forgery or knows a guy who is” to “Ozpin saw right through him but thought letting him in would be funny.”
I mean, it’s arguably canon that Ozpin plays fast and loose with his students’ lives, but him letting Jaune in on a lark doesn’t seem to jive with what we’ve seen of him as a long-term strategist. It definitely feels like a remnant of pre-V3 fanon when everything was a little more tongue-in-cheek. I don’t think the version of Ozpin we’ve been shown would let a totally unprepared student into his academy just to watch the spectacle.
By contrast, Jaune either being actually good at faking documents or having the wherewithal to make a contact who does fits with what we already know about him. He’s a skilled planner and strategist who’s not above breaking the law/defying authority when it suits him (see stealing an Atlesian airship). Plus, establishing that his fake transcripts were legitimately convincing gives him a cool moment at the start and makes Beacon-era Jaune less of a total zero, which I like.
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justrandom9 · 2 months
Maria: Hey kid, mind companying this old fossil in these dire times, and watch this marvelous sun rise with me, while it's still peaceful, before the witch comes here.
Ozcar: Oh maria! Of course.
Maria: What a life time this is, I was a girl, when the great war ended, now pass my prime, I'm still alive and kicking with you youngsters, just to witness another War coming.
I'm sorry for bringing down the mood, you don't want to listen to an old lady yapping.
Ozcar: I'm actual OLDER then you
Maria:(Laughs) Glad to hear your sense of humor isn't dead because I--(saw Ozcar somber smile), you are, aren't you, that far between you two huh?,... well then I feel much better knowing I'm not the fossil here anymore, but looking young and full of enegy... No fair by the way.
We must look like insect to you and her.
Ozcar:(Inventer oz, ALL past life times, Fathers, Mothers incarnations, parents of silver eyes watched maria) "I" think you are all Giants!
Maria:... Thanks young gramps.
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kidpickarus · 1 year
happy pride from beacon academy !!! they’re transgender. to me
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also don’t ask about the timeline i also have no idea <3
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captain-crackship · 11 months
RG King is also Dadpin King
Video credit: Mari Makes Stuff
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mantispire · 11 months
For the rwby ships ask; what are some of your headcanons for Ozqrow?👀
Hii... to be honest I don't actually have a massive amount of a 'timeline' or anything for them since we don't really know too much about either of them / their time at Beacon / etc etc so this will mostly be small things I can think of... I'm not super good at giant lists of headcanons but if you wanted to know about something specific you can ask too...
-Qrow isn't a 'fancy dates' kind of person, but he'll occasionally take Ozpin and they'll go somewhere nice. Being a famous huntsman and the headmaster of Beacon they rarely have to pay for dinner but they tip to make up for it.
-They're pretty non-physically-affectionate. Not a lot of kisses or hugs or hand-holding except in private. Both of them are very guarded from one another for a multitude of reasons ... but the long eye contact and brief nose bumps speak 1000 words....
-They have a LOT of really complex dynamics I think that make their love very deep and baffling -- even to someone that has 'lived' so many times -- and Ozpin's identity and soul-splitting adds even more to his own reservation about his love for Qrow... they have also both been through such an intense amount of everything that their love is such a solace and they are very deeply in love with one another, to the point of a degree of co-dependency on both sides. I think they would give the world for one another..
-Qrow being a bird and sitting down on Ozpin's desk during a sunny day and preening. And Ozpin is like haha oh Qrow stop > __ < .. !! and Qrow is like I love to make him laugh.
Okay I hope this sufficed... thank you for reading.
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livestosave · 1 year
6. Qrow, 14. Clover, 9. Goodkind, 4. Glynda (asking for a friend :] ), 8. Ironwood, 13. Oobleck, 29. Ozpin, 25. Oscar,
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(You started with the birb, so you get the birb's answer banner lol)
Oooh these are all really great questions! Let's see....
Qrow, 6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is? The cop-out answer for the first is definitely Ozpin, but it's true. That said, maybe a surprising answer is Taiyang. In both cases, he reserves the right not to follow the advice, but he will always listen to it. What he does after is generally up to his own whims. Who doesn't he take advice from ever? Salem and her crew. Honestly, probably Lionheart mostly. Raven to a much lesser degree. He loves his sister, but any advice she has for him is usually not applicable to his life. Usually.
Clover, 14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any? Hm. Clover definitely believes that people can have guilty pleasures, though in general he doesn't believe most of them should be guilty. He thinks that guilt probably arises from an inability to accept a part of themselves, which creates shame. He might use the phrase himself, for short-hand sake, but he doesn't really have 'guilty' pleasures, just pleasures that others would find less boy scout-y than his general demeanor implies. But he doesn't have any guilt or shame about them.
Goodkind, 9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)? Absolutely. While it's not something he would admit openly, Alfred has always been very empathetic to those objects people discard. Even when he's an old man with severe mobility issues, it's not uncommon for him to kneel down and pick up a dropped book, and talk to it comfortingly, as if it were a wounded puppy. Given his history, inanimate and non-sentient objects were....safe. If he threw something in a fit of rage, he was certainly not above apologizing to the object and trying to fix it.
Glynda, 4. Do they look good in red? It depends heavily on the shade of red. Something too bright and intense near her face can make her look flushed (or so she feels), but darker reds or reds further from her face can definitely look good on her.
Ironwood, 8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them? Highly depends on the day and the puzzle! On a good day, most puzzles will intrigue him, and he'll work at it in spare time until he eventually figures it out. But on bad ones he can be impatient and easily frustrated, and those days he'll usually just set the puzzle aside to handle later. If it's a puzzle he has to solve for duty reasons, then he'll try and take a break and come back to it.
Oobleck, 13. Name one thing their parents taught them. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
Ozpin, 29. What recurring dreams do they have? He only has one himself, and it's very...vague. It's changed over the years, some of the specifics have evolved as he's gotten older. He's always at Beacon. Sometimes as a student, sometimes he's Headmaster. He can hear laughter, and warm voices. Sometimes his team, others his old teachers. He makes his way down the hall, and into a room that doesn't exist in beacon proper. It's all warm light. He cannot find the source of the voices, but the room echoes with warm laughter. He cannot see anyone else, but he knows they are there. He's not alone. Not here.
Oscar, 25. Safety or possibility? Possibility. While Oscar is nervous, and anxious, he would rather take a risk for a better world than guarantee his safety. That's what heroes do, right?
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ninjasofl0v3 · 7 months
which male characters have a rape victim kink and which ones have a rapist kink?
🦋 content!: rape kink.
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rape victim kink: marrow, bolin, ozpin, whitley.
rapist kink: roman, qrow, clover, ren, rhodes.
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bafflement · 1 year
/sideeyes Qrow's symbol [And Raven's...]
Did anyone else notice that Raven's symbol has a clock in the wing, and Qrow's has a gear? Oz's symbol is a gear and his whole... thing, is based around time for, well... reasons. Teams are four members strong, but there's an exception, the Atlas arc and Ironwood's Ace Operatives. But... what if they had a form to guide them?
Because I can very much imagine a set of teenagers at Beacon, all seventeen-ish, meeting during the whole 'lets throw people off a cliff' and going to yell at their headmaster. Only to discover a fifth teen. Oz might have silver hair at that point... but he's still so terrifyingly young. None of them can quite believe a kid their age is the headmaster and Oz, blushing, can only shrug and blame Vale's council. If Summer is anything like early season Ruby, she hears that and thinks 'new friend!' and, since she's the leader, the others go along with it. Qrow and Raven are kinda sceptical, but Oz is so happy to be seen as his actual age, even the Branwen twins can't deny that sweet smile and the desperation in those too old eyes.
So he trains with them when he can slip away, five teens just allowed to actually be teenagers without Ozma's mystical bullshit getting in the way [much]. But they can never do it openly. Oz might be as much a teenager as the rest of them, but he's also been fighting Grimm since he was fourteen, the experience he gained from the collective Ozcarnations enough to make him a legend in his own right. Oz is very much a full Huntsman, for all that the ethics of that are iffy, it's still less iffy than those council idiots giving him Beacon.
So. Officially, team ST[O]RQ has four members, just like any other. But then? Then they get told to pick symbols to represent themselves. There's no way for them to register all five, colors or symbols... but by then Oz has granted the twins flight. So Taiyang picks a flaming heart, divided as though into wings of his own in tribute to their silent fifth member. Qrow chooses a gear to go inside his wing symbol, an echo of Oz without being obvious. He hopes. The gear is commented on several times over his time as a Huntsman, Qrow has certain regrets. Raven, whose favorite fairytale growing up was the infinite man and is rather sus, adds a clock to her wing symbol. Hey, Oz... she has suspicions. Maybe tell her? Nah? Okay then... that'll never backfire on you.
So the team forms. A white rose for Summer, a golden spread heart for Tai, a black wing with a clock in it for Raven and a red wing with Oz's gear in it for Qrow. He adds a second gear, hoping to be less obvious, but that doesn't really succeed either... hey Qrow, you can be a bit too adorable at times.
So yeah. Team STRQ probably consisted of five teenagers, each trying to find their place in the world. Summer's silver eyes would normally have been the major issue. Except, of course, that Ozpin is by then at least part Ozma. And magic in Remnant, of either variant, complicates things. Together? No wonder team STRQ is famous this long after it broke up...
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autumnsorbet · 1 year
I head cannons that oz had siblings a older brother and a twin sister his brother passed away and his sister was killed by Salem caz she had silver eyes
and he had a nice and nephew but sent them away n to hiding some were and never talk to them after that sadly caz he had to be the next oz and fight Salem
Also oz a long time ago made a rule for himself that if he reincarnates into someone new and that person is alive at the same time as family members the past life have they shouldn't interact so it won't get weird and hurt even more after the merge
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armenianwriterman · 1 year
I have this very stupid headcanon that in one of his past lives, Ozma was killed in some sort of ridiculous Rube Goldberg-esque accident and that he spent the first few weeks of his new life not talking to his host because he was so mortified. I have no reason to believe this nor does it have any effect on Oz’s character, I just think it’s kinda funny.
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 months
Hello thank you for answering my last question I asked you I love it when you do long post and long answers
I wanted to give a reply to something you mentioned in the post
I've never seen Doctor who but that is something I've wanted to happen for a long while now since getting into RWBY and realizing that Oscar and Oz pin are my favorites
Is that I hope they would somehow maybe get separated maybe somehow the others could get Oscar to the tree like maybe a leaf from the ever after got stuck on their clothes or maybe there's a leaf attached to Ruby that she doesn't know about after getting turned into a tree in the ever after and they make Oscar some ever after tea and he
ascends from remnant to the tree in the ever after and then he and us come back to remnant to help with the final fight that is something I hope for cuz at the end of it all I'll just be sad with with whoever we lose because I really like both of them so much and I can't imagine Oscar without ozpin
But since Oscar's story is also the Little Prince and I believe that Oz is supposed to represent the pilot in his life at some point they are supposed to separate but maybe
if we're lucky that means they'll just separate as people and us and will get a body somehow
I was actually hoping while they were in Atlas that that Oscar would maybe take up engineering and make ozpin a body
I saw you mentioned in a post that you hoped Oscar would maybe doing apprenticeship under Penny's dad
I was hoping for something like that too and have it where Oscar makes Android kind of like penny and he makes it for oz so he could maybe use the staff to separate himself from ozpin that could maybe still happen but I don't know there are still other Atlas research facilities that could be used to make another Penny or even another Android like person similar to Penny who runs off Aura but instead of Aura they just put another soul into it
Oz/ozpin soul
These are just my thoughts on it and the hopes I have for the future when it comes to what's going to go down with the merge mainly just them separating cuz that's something I know I would just love to see happen cuz I want to see them interact with each other in person not as the same person 😄
Hello again Autumn. You are most welcome m’fam. Happy to hear that you liked my last response post and thanking you in advance for giving me an open opportunity to further discuss the Oscar the Sorceror’s Apprentice Pinehead headcanon concept I tossed into the Pinehead ether.
Happy to hear you liked the idea and also shared similar sentiments and ideas.
For me, Oscar going to the Tree in the Ever After is actually the whole reason I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that the concept of Oz and Oscar being separated is a possibility.
Back when V8 first dropped and we got the whole scene of Penny being turned into a human through the power of the Relic of Creation, I made a post expressing that the writers basically opened the gateways for Oscar to do something similar.
If Team RWBY could use the Relic of Creation to basically turn their former comrade who was a living robotic puppet into a real girl with a beating heart and everything; then there should be nothing on Remnant that could stop Oscar from doing something similar.
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If the Ever After and the Tree are to never ever return to the main RWBY narrative or rather, if Oscar Pine is to never be fated to cross paths with the Blacksmith of the Tree then surely, as an already established alternative, Oscar should AT LEAST be able to use the Relic of Creation to ask Ambrosious to separate his soul from Oz’s, splitting the two apart and therefore granting Oz(ma) his own form. Possibly his own original form that he never regained from the Brother Gods.
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If Ambrosious could turn Penny into a human girl then there shouldn’t be anything stopping him from freeing Oscar from the Merge by splitting him away from Oz(ma). It’s literally the same principle as Penny. Taking an living being that has a soul but not a true real body of their own and granting them said body. Instead of Ambrosious turning a robot girl into a human girl, he could have the very creatively challenging new project of separating a person with two souls into two separate beings with their own individual identities.
The only drawback of a potential split between the two souls is Ambrosious not being knowledgeable enough on either Ozma or Oscar to differentiate which soul is which. That and the fact that I doubt Ambrosious will be able to undo Ozma’s curse. He is technically a creation of the Brother Gods no different than man. So there is a chance for both Oscar and Oz(ma) to be cursed with immortality.
So in a nutshell, given that the Merge was already happening at such an accelerated rate, I can’t see the Split happening without side effects.
So basically what I’m saying here is that I can more likely see a very similar scenario to Penny back in V8 with Oscar in V10. Meaning I can see our heroes desperately needing to seek out reclaiming the Staff of Creation to use it to save Oscar from the Merge.
But unlike with Penny, saving Oscar with the Staff of Creation came with potential risks that could prove detrimental to both souls. There was always the chance for Team JNR_RWBY to do more harm to Oscar even though the Split was actually meant to help him, now that I think about it.
It is for this reason why I can actually more see the Split being a wicked idea of Salem. I can picture Salem once again kidnapping Oscar and using the Staff of Creation to force poor Ambrosious to split the two souls apart.
The last time Oscar was Salem’s prisoner, she failed with him since he and Oz were a united front that worked together to free themselves by sowing seeds of doubt in Salem’s more apprehensive members like Hazel and Emerald. I can definitely see Salem not making the same mistake twice so this time she destroys the very thing that made Oscar and Oz a formidable unit---their union.
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I can see Salem forcibly splitting Oscar and Oz apart---practically yanking the two souls out of Oscar’s now soulless corpse and holding them both at her mercy.
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And to add more salt to this wounding theory, I can even picture Salem torturing Oscar’s fragile soul, threatening to “kill” him first if Oz(ma) didn’t reveal to her the location of the last Relic----the Relic of Choice.
Yes, I can definitely more see Salem doing something like this.
Causing a Split as a way to simultaneously kill them both Oscar and Oz(ma) and put a permanent end to the cycle.
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I can see this possibility just as much as I can see the possibility of this ending two different ways, neither in Salem’s favour.
Either Salem induces a Split between Oscar and Oz(ma) and the whole ordeal results with the souls finally becoming one with Oscar completing the Merge but being recognizably different from past incarnations in the cycle, at least to Salem because he is noticeably stronger.
Basically picture Oscar having a Wanda becomes the Scarlet Witch infront of Agatha in Wandavision moment but with Salem. Pardon if you haven’t seen Wandavision either, by the way.
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I’m gonna call this Pinehead possibility --- Oscar Becomes the Gold Sorcerer as my interpretation of Oscar completing the Merge and becoming a great and powerful wizard who is like Ozpin/Ozma, but not quite, as Oscar once boldly put it.
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And of course, you know already that my alternative to this is my idea for a Oscar the Sorcerer's Apprentice Pinehead possibility:
Salem uses the Staff of Creation to induce the Split but it doesn’t work out in her favour because it results in Oscar and Oz(ma) becoming two separate beings, both now equally great and powerful since Oscar can now use magic just as competently as Ozma.
And after all this happens, Oscar basically becomes new Ozma’s apprentice, being trained by him in the ways of magic and more importantly, being a second major problem for Salem due to his growing mastery of the mystic arts.
Y’know come to think of it, this is exactly what happened in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special. The villain of the story shoots the Doctor with a weapon that was meant to kill him but instead of generating like he always did, the Doctor instead undergoes a bi-generation for the first time in Who history where he splits apart into two Doctors. A rather humiliating issue for the villain since he basically doubled his own Doctor problem.
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That being said, I too would very much like a somewhat similar “Ha-ha. Teehee. Bitch you thought” kind of comeuppance for Salem where instead of permanently killing her ex-husband turned mortal enemy and his new “young face”, she instead unintentionally brings her said ex-husband back to life with him not only recovering his younger, devilishly attractive form---the SAME form she originally first fell in love with.
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But now, that same young protegee of said ex-husband has inherited some of his magic and his combat skills as a result of Salem trying to kill them both via Split so now Salem has twice the problems she had before.
And for the final whammy, said fully revived great and powerful ex-husband and his equally great and powerful young protegee are gonna team up with their gaggle of friends to kick Salem’s grimm mummy ass, inclusive of the silver-eyed wild card who’s got a huge stickler for Salem since y’know, she might have killed her mom or caused her disappearance (that is still up in the air). Either way, things would not be good for Salem if something like that were to happen to her.
Between these two possibilities, now I really want the Split to become a real thing to happen for V10.
I want Oz(ma) to be revived into his own immortal body, completely separate from Oscar.
I want to have Oz(ma) and Oscar be split apart instead of merging together.
And, most importantly of all, I want all of this to happen because Salem tried to initially kill Oscar and Oz via a Split only for it to backfire on her big time because it would be the most hilarious “F*** you!” moment to Salem.
I mean, implications aside, I don’t hate Salem at all. I actually quite like her a lot as a villain character. However who am I to resist a potentially juicy humbling moment like this for Salem?
After all the wins she’s been having for the past few seasons, what’s funnier than a major big bad villain unintentionally reviving their greatest arch nemesis and creating double the problems they had with them before AFTER trying to kill them for good? I mean c’mon!
It’s such a picture perfect “SCREW OVER THE VILLAIN” moment by RWBY standards that I now wholeheartedly want this to happen in the canon. It may not happen ever but humour me. This would be pretty darn good if it actually happened canonically.
I would scream if Salem tried to kill Oscar and Oz(ma) permanently and it instead grants them the freedom they both desired. Forget the Tree.
Give me Salem tries to kill Oscar/Oz with the Staff of Creation and it instead splits the two apart with both Oscar and a now fully revived and still very much immortal Ozma retaining their magical powers and combat skills.
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That’s my new headcanon.
And if I wish to further define the “catch” with this Split. Obviously, like I mentioned, I would want the Split to come with certain amenities like:
Both souls retain their original memories and individual identities.
Both souls retain shared combat knowledge and magical abilities inherited from Ozma. Only Oscar’s control of his magic is better than Ozma’s since, while Ozma chooses to use his Long Memory as a conduit to channel his magic through, Oscar fights freehand (like Salem).
So right away, both souls have different combat styles despite sharing the same level of magic.
I say this because I really, really like the idea of Oscar using magic freehand.
The Long Memory is Ozma’s weapon. He is the soul with the real attachment to the cane since it’s been his fateful weapon since his very first life. Oscar only inherited it as the current life. From the few times Oscar has used magic canonically, he’s been shown to possess good control of it without needing the cane.
So let him go all Doctor Strange on everyone and be conjuring magical shit with his bare hands. It’ll be totally badass and Oscar deserves to be a badass on his own at this point. I totally would wanna see that. As a Pinehead, wouldn’t you?
Perhaps both Oscar and Ozma can even retain some of each other’s shared memories and mannerisms. Like for example, Oscar still carries himself and shares the same speech mannerisms as Ozma while Ozma could still instinctively read and often even feel Oscar’s emotions as if they were his own as a result of sharing a body with him for so long.
In terms of looks in respect to New Ozma: At first I thought it would be cool if Ozma looked exactly like Diggs---his first life after he was first revived. I wanted this look in particular since this is the form Ozma shared the most time with Salem. They even started a family together and had four children. So for me, this face holds the most significance to Salem outside of Ozma’s original form because unlike that form, Salem had a life with this one.
Original Ozma only had promised adventures and hard days where Salem had to watch her beloved slowly succumb to an incurable illness not even the god-given power of magic could heal him from.
First life Ozma or Diggs, as I dubbed him, was Salem’s partner in life. Her lover. Her husband. The father of her children and the king of the new world empire they built together.
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If Ozma were to be revived, I can picture his new design being an amalgamation of his original face and his first reincarnation’s. I can picture new Ozma with similar features to his first life---tall, confident, strong and handsome with dark skin. But his hair will still be an unkept mess of fluffy white hair, just like Diggs but in a similar style to his original form or perhaps Ozpin’s.
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And perhaps as a result of the Split and a way to have Oscar rub off on him physically, new Ozma could also have hazel eyes. Only his are not as green as Oscar’s. More light brown with green flecks. I think I can see that working better.
And of course, if new Ozma were to have a distinct voice, I would naturally envision him being voiced by none other than Mr. Shannon Mcormick himself. Not only did Shannon voice Ozpin as fans know but he also voiced Diggs---Ozma’s first reincarnation. The version of Ozma who was Salem’s partner. So it’s practically perfect.
So basically new Ozma will be very very much a fusion of the two versions of him who spent the most time with Salem. A time when he was deeply in love with her.
And y’know what? A part of me is even willing to believe that deep down Ozma still loves Salem unconditionally. After all this time and after everything she’s put him through throughout the life times, I think he still very much loves her. He still loves the woman he saved from the lonely tower and fell in love with.
You really expect me to believe that this man doesn’t still love Salem? May I remind folks that this is the same man that first said no to the God of Light when he was first propositioned to become humanity’s saviour. It’s very telling when you remember that Ozma only agreed to return to Remnant because it provided him a sliver of a chance to reunite with the woman he once loved and still loved.
Remember finding Salem was Ozma’s first priority once reincarnating. Not uniting humanity like Light asked him to. Light asked Ozma to ignore Salem and focus on humanity but Ozma did not listen. He did the opposite and only remembered his mission after he realized that him being with Salem did not align with his mission to the Gods.
There is so much left to dissect from Ozma and Salem’s former relationship.
Salem once asked her beloved Ozma, through Oscar, about why he kept coming back. And again, I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that the reason Ozma keeps coming back outside of his whole curse thing is because there is a lingering part of him that still loves Salem and wishes to save her again, this time from herself, much like he did in his first life. That’s my theory on that and another reason as to why I want a Split to happen instead of a Merge.
A Split provides an opportunity to deeper explore Ozma’s connection to Salem. Learn more about her from Ozma’s perspective beyond what we glimpsed in the Lost Fable episode and beyond what was teased lightly in Fairy tales from Remnant.  
Not to mention that a Split is a chance to (potentially) explore a (potential) romance for Oscar to have with Ruby (as the true rose in his little prince story) and highlight how that paralleles with Ozma’s love story with Salem, especially now that he was fully revived but still immortal; unable to fully move on until he united humanity and stopped his former beloved for good.
Genuinely, I actually really liked Ozma’s love story with Salem and given what I know about their shared story, I’m beginning to think a possible fitting end for their story would be if our heroes succeed in uniting humanity against Salem and that pleases the Gods enough for them to return to live amongst humanity like they said they would; making Remnant whole again.
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So first we had First Remnant when the Gods first shared the world with humanity that was destroyed by the God of Darkness following humanity’s betrayal of the Gods at the hands of Salem.
Then we had current Remnant, which was New Remnant, without the Gods and finally there will be Remnant Third Genesis or Remnant Gen III, for short, when the former four kingdoms are probably living under one united nation situated in what used to be Vacuo and the Gods return with Salem no longer a major problem.
As for Ozma and Salem, instead of “moving on” in the after life---both Ozma and Salem are essentially given a proper third chance at a life together. I mean third time’s the charm as the saying goes, right? Salem is back to her old self, no longer the Mother of the Grimm, corrupted by darkness and wanting to destroy the world.
Her and Ozma are now free of their immortality curses, able to live a brand new life together in Remnant Gen III raising a new generation of their children together.
Probably not the fan favourite ending for Ozma and Salem but this is what I’d personally think would be a good ending for them. Either they get to move on together in the after life after the Gods’ Return or they get to share one last life together happily ever after.
So even if Ozma died before Salem again, this time she wouldn’t have to grieve for him alone as a young widow because a) she would have had the luxury of a longer, much happier life with Ozma where they actually grew old together and b) she would have the support, comfort and company of the many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren she and Ozma bore together.
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I think that would be a rather sweet ending to Salem and Ozma’s love story. I mean it works for this squiggle meister. How about you or ya’ll reading?
So yeah, these are examples of things I can see from a Split between Oscar and Ozma. I can go on and on about this but I’ll stop here for now XD Don’t want this response post to be too long otherwise we’ll be here for as a long as Salem has been alive.
~LMS (2024)
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