#Healthy and greener plant
passionscapepteltd · 2 years
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"In Washington D.C., a sophisticated sewage treatment plant is turning the capital’s waste into a form of capital: living capital that is fertilizing the gardens of farms of the Mid-Atlantic region and saving vast quantities of resources.
Described by the workers’ there as a “resource recovery plant,” D.C. Water run a biogas plant and high-quality fertilizer production in the course of their dirty duty to ensure the city’s waste finds a safe endpoint.
The nation’s capital is exceptional at producing waste from the toilet bowls of the 2.2 million people who live, work, and commute through the city and its suburbs.
Reporting by Lina Zeldovich reveals that rather than trucking it all to a landfill, D.C. Water extract an awful lot of value from the capital crap, by looking at it as a resource to send through the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant, which uses a “thermal hydrolysis process” in which it is sterilized, broken down, and shipped off for processing into “Bloom,” a nitrogen-rich, slow-release fertilizer product. 
The other “Black Gold”
At their facility in southwest Washington, huge aeration tanks percolate the poo of everyone from tourists to the President. After it’s all fed into enormous pressure cookers where, under the gravity of six earth atmospheres and 300°F, the vast black sludge is rendered harmless.
Next this “Black Gold,” as Zeldovich described it, is pumped into massive bacterial-rich tanks where microbes breakdown large molecules like fats, proteins, and carbs into smaller components, shrinking the overall tonnage of sewage to 450 tons per day down from 1,100 at the start of the process.
This mass-micro-munching also produces methane, which when fed into an onsite turbine, generates a whopping 10 megawatts of green energy which can power 8,000 nearby homes. [Note: Natural gas (which is mostly methane) is definitely greener than coal and oil, but it still causes a significant amount of emissions and greenhouse gases.] The 450 tons of remaining waste from the D.C. feces are sent into another room where conveyor belts ring out excess fluid before feeding it through large rollers which squash it into small congregate chunks.
D.C. Water sends this to another company called Homestead Gardens for drying, aging, and packaging before it’s sold as Bloom.
“I grow everything with it, squashes, tomatoes, eggplants,” Bill Brower, one of the plant’s engineers, tells Zeldovich. “Everything grows great and tastes great,” he adds.
“And I’m not the only one who thinks so. We’ve heard from a lot of people that they’ve got the best response they’ve ever seen from the plants. Particularly with leafy greens because that nitrogen boost does well with leafy plants. And the plants seem to have fewer diseases and fewer pests around—probably because Bloom helps build healthy soils.”
While farms around the country are facing nutrient depletion in soils from over-farming, turning to synthetic fertilizers to make up the difference, introducing more such thermal hydrolysis plants could truly revolutionize the way humans look at their feces—as a way of restoring the country’s soils rather than polluting them. As Mike Rowe would say, it only takes a person who’s willing to get their hands dirty."
-via Good News Network, November 23, 2021
Note: You can buy this fertilizer yourself here!
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taichoushadow · 9 months
Never lost - Kim Taehyung
A/N: A cute fluff to start the year right. Absolutely dedicated to @taeandpuppies 💜
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The grass really did seem greener on this side and the flowers looked brighter than ever before. You huffed in amusement, resting your back against the tree you picked out as a perfect comfort place.
Stretching your arms above you, you let out a satisfied groan, happy you could sit down. Your gaze however was focused on the man crouched down a bit further down the path. It seemed like he was immerged by this one dandelion. Tilting his head from side to side and circling around it as if he was going to find some hidden gold in there.
He heard you laugh and turned his head around to raise an eyebrow and asked what made you laugh. You shrugged in response, following his movements as he stood up and stretched his own arms and legs before walking up to you.
''I am glad you find amusement in the fact that we are lost.'' Taehyung couldnt stop himself from smiling, making himself comfortable next to you. With a sigh, you looked up to see the sunlight filtering through the leaves and showing a beautiful blue sky mixed with the fresh green.
''I am never lost when I am with you.'' You answered honestly, propping your leg over his to make yourself even more comfortable. Taehyung did not answer and you were not expecting him too either You just wanted to let him know, he was actually all you needed. It may sound cliché and some would say that you should not depend on someone but in your own opinion, being able to depend on someone, having that someone you always can return to, seek refuge in. That's what it is all about, isn't it.
And with him, you never felt lost, even if you were here now, having walked past the same stream for the seventh time and that Taehyung finally did admit, you two actually were lost.
''Hey.'' You heard his quiet voice and felt the way his fingers wrapped around your arm, asking you for your attention in every way he could. You hummed, turning your gaze back to his, swallowing when you noticed the intense look in his eyes and your lips parted, wanting to ask what made him so serious, all of a sudden but he beat you to it, cradling his hand over your cheek, to guide his lips to yours, locking them in a sweet, tender kiss.
''I want to marry you.'' Taehyung just dropped the bomb like that, breathing on your cheek, hiding his face in the croock of your neck after uttering those words to you. He wrapped his arms around your middle, tucking himself closer to you. ''I truly want to drop down on one knee and pop the question.'' he continued. ''One day, I promise.''
The loud beating of your heart, surely was felt by him, as you nodded and squeaked out a yes as you pulled back to hold on to his shoulders and firmly answered him once again. ''Yes, yes please do.'' The smile you wore, made Taehyung break out in one himself and nodded. ''Yes ma'am.'' and saluted proudly.
''Come here.'' You laughed, squeezing his cheeks between your palms, planting a big firm kiss right where he loved it the most.
''To marry we need to get out of this forest though.'' This caused him to burst out in healthy laughter, falling down onto the grass to let himself go through the high of just being with you, whenever, wherever and you joined him with much pleasure.
''Or we could build just a home here.''
You might take him up on that offer.
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mercyraph · 1 year
Crowley has never thrown away a plant. For all his threats, he had never once put a plant into the shredder. All his "Good" plants reamined near the sunlight, and the "Bad" plants were either pawned off to his downstairs neighbours, or replanted somewhere in St. James.
Except for the two that sat lush on his bedroom window.
One was from the first batch of plants he ever brought to the flat. It was a shit batch, but this one was a beautiful one. It was tall and green and healthy, which was more that can be said about its 'batchmates'.
He should have known, honestly, to cluster it together with the bad ones was a bad idea. He got mad when it started showing yellow leaves, he threatened it, and all the other bad ones. None of them took it seriously until they heard the first hymn of the shredder and they were one plant less. Then they started getting better, healthier, greener.
But not this plant. It didn't tremble in fear under his scrutiny. It didn't hide from him. It stayed yellow; Tall, Yellow. Crowley didn't like that, he felt challenged by this plant. He gave it more demonstrations on what would happen if it didn't get its act together, taking the lesser plants into the shredding room. Still it didn't turn green.
So he took it to his room. He took a pair of scissors and began cutting away. He placed it on the windowsill.
"This is your last chance. Be good, or I'll keep cutting you until you're nothing but roots." he threatened the plant.
The second addition came much later from a really good batch. Crowley was much more knowledgeable on how to pick plants by then and he brought back the most impressive batch he had ever had. Or so he thought.
Crowley didn't notice it until after weeks, but one of the bulkier plants was going bad. Constantly.
Perhaps he never noticed because it always hid from him. Whenever he came to mist them all, it would be cowering behind the bigger and the greener ones. The plant amused Crowley, so much that he let it stay for longer. It never had spots, but its leaves were always slumped to the floor; it was green and saggy. It just sunk further into the floor everytime.
Crowley could tell too, the other plants didn't like it. Perhaps they thought it was unfair that the angel plant got to stay. Crowley thought it was getting crowded in there anyway, so he moved it in his room, beside the yellow plant.
The Yellow plant was still yellow. The Saggy plant stood taller now, although it still sagged sometimes. But they were alive and well. Crowley can let this ones slide.
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leeannsparksauthor · 1 year
A Touch of Green
A/N: Hello all, I’ve been replaying the Spider-Man games and now have Peter Parker brainrot because he’s just too freaking adorable. Anywho I was inspired by the dead plant in the opening scene and immediately thought, ‘oh this poor boy, he’s trying.’
Also I wrote this with game Peter in mind but you can really imagine any Peter you prefer, hope you enjoy!
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The plain truth is that Peter Parker couldn’t keep a plant alive to save his life.
It was a hard pill for him to swallow. For crying out loud the boy could make web bombs but couldn’t figure out how to keep a succulent thriving for more than a week. You couldn’t help but find it endearing, especially when he would text pictures of his poor neglected plants. Always captioned with ‘I don’t know what I did wrong!’ Usually followed with crying emoji, a pouting one if he was feeling super defeated. 
You remembered when he first moved into his apartment, he was so determined to brighten the place up. It’s just a tragedy that so many lives were lost in his endeavor. 
“Oooo Pete look at this one, it’s only two dollars,” you pointed to the Rattlesnake plant that had seen better days. It was a sad sight, brown leaves falling towards dry potted soil. 
“Uhm, yeah that’s a good price but it’s dead baby, don’t you want to get one of the greener ones?” He asked with his chin resting on your shoulder. One of the many things you loved about Peter was how openly affectionate he was. You sometimes wondered who was the more touch-starved out of the two of you. 
After placing a quick kiss on his cheek you leaned down to move away a few of the dying leaves to reveal healthy stems and the beginnings of new growth. “Well it’s not fully dead yet, it just needs some love and new soil. I think I could easily save this patient, Mr Parker.” Teasing each other came as naturally as breathing most days. 
“There’s not a doubt in my mind about that Doctor,” he said while picking up the pot to place it in your shared cart. You both still lived in separate apartments despite being together for almost two years now. It wasn’t like you hadn't discussed it before but the fear of change and the idea of sharing space caused the topic to be pushed to the back burner. You did ease his worries when you told him that there’s no one else you’d rather live with, it would just take some time, maybe once your lease was up for renewal this year you could both come back to it. “Ya know maybe I should pick up one too…”
His fingers were playfully slapped away from the potential victim. “No, no absolutely not, you are not killing another plant on my watch Pete.” 
“Awww now that’s just not fair babe, I swear I didn’t even miss a watering day on my last one!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the affronted look on his face. He’s just so naturally charming it hurts.
You pushed the cart over to where the bags of soil were placed before attempting to pick up the indoor plant mix. The action was immediately halted by Peter nudging you aside so that he could grab it instead, ever the gentleman, you thought wistfully. “Yeah and then you ended up overwatering it love. You drowned that poor plant!” 
“I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to water it every day…”
“It was on the care card Pete, did you even read it?” You knew damn well that he didn’t but boy was it fun to mess with him.
His hand came up to scratch the back of his neck, “I…may or may not have lost the card on the way up to the apartment that day.”
You patted his cheek lovingly, slight stubble underneath your fingertips. “What am I gonna do with you?”
“Love me, kiss me, smother me with affection. It’s honestly the only way I wanna go at this point.” You loved his smile, it was so boyish and warm and it just made everything seem right in the world.
“Oh I’ll smother you with something…”
“Oooo you promise?” His hand discreetly traced your ass, which if you could feel it was it really that discreet? He had always surprised you with how flirty he could be, you assumed that he was just full of blushing anxiety when you first met him.
“Head out of the gutter pretty boy, we still gotta do some grocery shopping for dinner.”
His long eyelashes batted themselves at you, “awww you think I’m pretty?”
You smiled at his ridiculousness, “yes, very pretty, now I’ve got chicken thawing in the fridge so what do you think? Should I do chicken fried rice, alfredo, or some chicken soup since it’s kinda chilly?” 
“Hmmm, decisions, decisions…” you could see him suddenly freeze, his spidey sense pumping the brakes on your outing. His phone dinged in his pocket and sirens could be heard in the distance. He gave you an extremely apologetic look, puppy dog eyes and everything. You would have hoped by now that he knew you understood. New York needed their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, even though they didn’t always deserve him. “I’m sorry baby…”
“It’s okay hero, but you still gotta choose which one I make cause I really don’t wanna decide.”
“Uhm, alfredo! I love you so much, I’ll call you later!” He smushed your cheeks together before placing a quick kiss on the fishlips he had created. He was such a goober, but you loved him for it. 
“I love you too.” Your eyes never left him as he weaved between the aisles before barreling out the door. Apologizing to multiple angry New Yorkers he bumped into along the way. You couldn’t help but laugh, thinking to yourself, there goes my boy, off to save the world.
Once you picked up some noodles, broccoli, mushrooms and ingredients to make the sauce you started to make the trek home. Paper bag in one arm and your new plant baby cradled in the other. 
The train was a little late, but what else was new honestly? Once you were seated you heard a notification ding on your phone automatically knowing that it was about Peter’s latest heroics. You told him a while ago that you had notifications set on your phone for all things Spider-Man. You just wanted to know that he was okay, and you were also amused by the ridiculous articles on Spider-Man’s love life. Apparently there was a robbery happening somewhere but there weren’t enough details released yet, you figured Pete would tell you about it later when he came by. Finally arriving at your apartment you leaned against the elevator wall, drained from the day but excited to work on the home tasks you had been mentally compiling throughout the afternoon. 
Your new plant was situated in front of the window. It was much shorter and greener then when it arrived due to cutting away all the dead leaves but now it was nestled in fresh soil and ready for another chance. You couldn’t help the smile that rested on your lips as you looked at all the green surrounding the window. Jeez I really have a problem don’t I, you thought to yourself. Currently the biggest plant in your apartment was your grandma’s pothos she gave you when you moved. Under her care it had thrived and you were heartbroken when it reacted badly on the trip to New York. Luckily she was a resilient one, and you think she could win first prize if she felt so inclined. 
As you gently traced the leaves your mind wandered to Peter which happened multiple times a day. It was like a light bulb went off in your head as you scrambled to reach the top of your fridge that housed multiple empty glass bottles. You knew exactly which one you were looking for and let out a pleased sigh when your fingers grabbed the neck of the bottle. After snipping off a stem from the pothos you gently placed it inside the glass that was now filled with water. The leaves rested over the lip and you couldn’t wait to give the small gift to Peter. I swear if he manages to kill this I’m going to have to take that boy to a botany class or something. 
You were letting the sauce simmer on the stove when Pete called you, his caller ID was a photo of him in his Spidey suit holding an armful of puppies that were up for adoption. He had swung by an event the agency had set up in central park and decided to stay to help all of the babies get adopted. He messaged you insisting that you had to come by and see all of the adorable dogs. Most of whom were adopted by the time you got there. You remembered having to play pretend and ask Spider-Man if you could take a picture of him with the puppies. 
“Yeah of course Ma’am!” He had said in his fake deep voice that he put on for show whenever he got nervous. 
“Hey baby everything okay,” you asked once the call was connected.
“Yup all good, just another bank robbery but it’s all cleaned up and I’m heading your way now.” You could hear the exertion in his voice, the tell-tale sign of him swinging through the city. 
The sauce spoon was tapped against the pan to get all of the excess off of it. “Let me guess it was the hamburglar again?”
“Yeah, the guy just doesn’t know when to quit.” The sounds of the city played in the background, cars honking and people calling out as Peter swung above them.
“Well it’s a good thing Spider-Man was there to save the day. I’m gonna start boiling the pasta so I’ll see you in a bit, we don’t need you hitting another building cause you were swinging on the phone.” You would never forget the day that he slammed into a fire escape because he was too excited to tell you about his promotion to pay attention.
“How dare you, I'm a safe swinger…wait no, that came out wrong.” You could practically hear the blush in his tone and it made you giggle.
“You better be safe while you’re swinging!” The declaration was said between laughter at his words. 
“Always am, love you bug!”
“Love you too baby.” You blew a quick kiss into the phone, waiting for his responding smooch before hanging up. 
He ended up climbing through your window about ten minutes later beating all of the rush traffic. As soon as his feet hit the floor he ripped off his mask and set it on the chair that was designated for his quick changes. “It smells amazing in here!” 
“It tastes even better!” You called over your shoulder as you scooped the noodles out of their pot to mix into the sauce. His chest was pressed against your back as he placed a total of three tiny kisses to your forehead. You turned your head so that you could meet his lips in a soft kiss, you were always so thankful when he came back unscathed, most nights weren’t like this.
“Mmmm, not as good as you though.” Ever the flatterer this guy.
You placed another quick peck on his lips, “that’s very true…oh I have a little something for you!”
“For me? You shouldn’t have!” He exclaimed with ten times the energy you would expect from someone who just stopped a bank robbery.
“It’s nothing too crazy but here…tada!” You showcased the little plant chilling in its water bath and you could see the confusion clear as day on Peter’s face.
He held up the bottle, inspecting the leaves like they were his greatest mystery. “I thought I wasn’t allowed to have plants anymore?”
“No, you're not allowed to kill any more plants, which should be incredibly hard to do with this one.”
“Oh I’m sure I’ll somehow find a way.” He seemed nervous, like he was actually afraid that he was gonna fuck this one up. 
You made a grand gesture towards the small plant. “No cause see, this, this right here, is your son Peter. You love him, you nurture him and best of all you leave him alone! He’s basically just propagating right now so he just stays in the water and he’ll keep growing. I will of course check on him everytime I come over to your place.”
He teasingly fanned himself like he was overcome by the news. “I really wasn’t expecting to become a dad today, this is just all so sudden…wait is this from your big guy in the corner?”
“Yes and kind of selfishly I hope that you think of me each time you look at it.”
“I’m already thinking of you all the time so no worries there. Hey, is this a bottle from Julia’s place down the street?” It was also the place where you guys had your first date and had since become your favorite shared restaurant.  
“What a keen eye you have there Mr Parker.”
His eyes seemed to gloss over with affection, adoration, admiration, and all of the a words that described love and happiness. “I love you.”
You gave that look right back to him tenfold. “I love you too, and because I love you I’m going to politely say that you stink and that you need a shower before dinner.”
“Yeah you can just feel the love in the room.”
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The Green Witch
Are you starting your Green Witch Research? Here is a Guide to Help you! 1st and most important, join facebook groups (or communities) that share your interest! The Witch's Garden Where The Grass Is Greener Is a green witch group ran by me, and some very close friends of mine!
Green Witch: Things to research: -Plant Correspondences -How to infuse Oils -How to Dry Herbs -Green Witch History -Medicinal Remedies
As this will be a week long Series (probably longer) I want to start with the Basic. What is a Green Witch? A green witch embraces nature by drawing on the energies from the earth. They feel a deep connection with Nature. They have an impressive collection of dried herbs and essential oils normally, (though it is not needed). They love walks, foraging, and just being outdoors! They attract animals and insects, and work mostly with the Earth Element. They live in harmony with the rhythms of Nature. Some keep a green and healthy diet, though it is not a rule. And most have a herbal journal! While these are things MOST green witches have or do, it is not every one. Witchcraft is different depending on the witch. This includes Green Witchcraft.
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Welcome back to weirdness central.
Papas at the grocery store!
-Has to hold onto the cart for his own safety while someone else (usually Imperator) shops
-Not trusted to make his own shopping decisions, he has to run it by everyone before he puts it in the cart
-"But it's on sale! We have to get it!"
-Avoids the pasta aisle like the plague- he'd rather have everything homemade.
-Not allowed to pay, either- doesn't hear the card reader screaming at him to take his card out
-King of budgeting
-Criticizes the caretaking of any plants in the store (steals leaves and flowers to grow at home)
-Tries to get healthy food but after much complaining from his family, relents to spend most of his time in the bread and pasta aisles- but he prefers get the ingredients to make food completely from scratch. Doesn't like dried pasta (thought the others adore it)
-Puts in earbuds to avoid overstimulation
-"You can only have one candy bar. Choose wisely."
-Hates it there. There are too many lights. Kids keep screaming. His feet hurt.
-Only buys the most expensive ingredients to cook with.
-Good luck getting him to buy anything for you. If you want what he considers to be "junk", you'll have to get it yourself.
-Refuses to go into an aisle if someone else is there
-Sensory Hell
-On the days he can manage it, he's decent at shopping. He tries to keep to the budget... but there are so many sales!
-If left to his own devices, will load the cart with junk food and ice cream.
-Wanders around the fruit area for a solid 10 minutes, at minimum
-Shamelessly buys loads of dried pasta, but will get fresh tomatoes and basil to make his own sauce
-Also sensory hell, but he manages it better than the rest. Headphones, sunglasses, gloves.
-Only picks the best produce, if there's a single spot on out of place then he refuses to get it. He gets greener bananas so everyone can have one at their preferred ripeness. He also gets plenty of fruits and veggies for his rats- baby spinach is their favorite.
-Refuses to take the ghouls with him. Solo shopper. Put what you want on the list and he'll consider it.
-Only buys expensive ice cream
-Don't tell anyone, but he will occasionally get a frozen pizza. Just for himself
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manishaasinfratecho · 3 months
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Breathe Easy, Plant A Tree!🌳🌲 .
Forests play a critical role in providing us with clean air, fresh water, and a healthy planet. This World Forest Day, let's commit to protecting our forests and planting trees for a greener future.🌳🌲👏
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sidhewrites · 4 months
Like! It’s important that we have deserts! It’s GOOD that we have them and we don’t need to make them green just because so many people live on a world ruled by Eurocentric ideals of “green grass lush forests are the only good signs of a healthy climate.” Deserts are supposed to be (relatively) brown.
How do you know that they’re supposed to exist in nature? because if they weren’t, they’d have been wiped out naturally and taken over by “greener” biomes. Different parts of the world have different climates and local plant and animal life has evolved specifically to survive there. Introducing foreign plants will not suddenly change the climate. Cacti will die if you over water them. Grass will die if you under water it. Different plants are supposed to be in different places. Stop bringing grass lawns where they don’t belong (the desert) and using up resources that shouldn’t be needed in that capacity anyway.
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stonesoupshop · 5 months
Leaf composter are ingenious tools for environmentally-conscious gardeners, offering a sustainable solution for managing autumn's bounty of fallen leaves. These handy devices allow you to effortlessly transform organic waste into nutrient-rich compost that can nourish your garden beds and potted plants throughout the year. By harnessing the natural process of decomposition, leaf composters break down leaves and other organic matter into a dark, crumbly substance known as "black gold," which is teeming with beneficial microorganisms and essential nutrients. With a leaf composter in your garden arsenal, you can reduce waste, improve soil health, and cultivate a thriving ecosystem right in your backyard. From compact tumblers to large-scale bins, there's a leaf composter to suit every garden size and composting need. Say goodbye to bagging up leaves for disposal and hello to a greener, more sustainable approach to gardening with a leaf composter.
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passionscapepteltd · 2 years
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game-trekker · 7 months
Organic Farming Mastery Gaide for Minecraft Enthusiasts
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Are you excited to level up your Minecraft farming game with organic techniques?
Let's dive into the world of sustainable agriculture within Minecraft and discover how it can revolutionize your gaming experience.
Embracing Organic Farming in Minecraft
Unveil the secrets of organic farming methods in Minecraft and unlock a whole new dimension of gameplay:
Sustainable Practices: Dive into virtual agriculture with eco-friendly methods.
Gameplay Enhancements: Experience a more immersive and rewarding gaming environment.
Challenges and Rewards: Embrace the journey of transitioning to organic farming for exciting gameplay twists.
Inspiration for Gamers: Showcase your successful farms to inspire others in the gaming community.
What Organic Farming Means in Minecraft
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In Minecraft, organic farming mirrors real-world sustainable practices, offering players a chance to create a greener and more engaging virtual world.
Implementing Organic Techniques
Discover essential organic farming strategies in Minecraft:
Crop Rotation: Maintain soil fertility and ward off pests by planting different crops successively.
Natural Fertilizers: Boost crop growth with compost and manure, skipping synthetic chemicals.
Pest Control: Keep your farm healthy using natural pest control methods like companion planting.
Environmental Impact of Organic Farming
By preserving biodiversity, improving soil health, and balancing ecosystems, organic farming in Minecraft positively impacts the virtual environment.
Transitioning to Organic Farming
Navigate the process of converting existing farms to organic practices:
Careful Planning: Gradually shift from conventional to organic methods for sustainable gameplay.
Challenges & Rewards: Overcome obstacles for a healthier virtual ecosystem and enriched gaming experience.
Elevating Your Farming Game
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Explore advanced techniques for a more sustainable virtual world:
Crop Breeding: Experiment with plant varieties for unique produce.
Renewable Energy: Power your farm with solar panels or wind turbines.
Livestock Practices: Ensure ethical animal husbandry practices for a well-rounded gameplay experience.
Showcasing Success in Organic Farming
Inspire others by highlighting successful organic farms within the Minecraft community, fostering innovation and eco-friendly solutions.
FAQs on Organic Farming in Minecraft
Get quick answers to common questions about efficient farming methods, starting an organic farm, benefits of organic farming, improving gameplay experience, and showcasing successful farms in Minecraft.
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jack-kellys · 2 years
and if we're going new aus ..... here's your inspo. go crazy
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ok so this is from ages ago and i only talked abt it in the discord and nowhere else oops. quick rundown of what this would've been:
jack is abandoned by his parents. they dump his little baby self in the woods to basically die! bummer
whats not a bummer is that the woods? raise him. the bushes offer food and sweet berries, the trees give him shelter and protection, the pond gives him water to drink, the grasses are soft and allow him to sleep.
jack becomes so attuned to his new home that the bushes and trees and grass and plants start talking to him. they love him, and want to keep caring for him, so they speak and he listens and learns since they are the only piece of this world that have ever treated him with adoration.
he begins to look like his new family, too– a little greener, with small leaves starting to grow off his ankles and what looks like the beginnings of bark protecting his shoulders, growing into his shoulders, his forearms. he smells like fresh pine and his hair is soft and thick and lush. haha clean and green and pretty
david jacobs grows up to be a environmental activist studying climate change and the like at a nearby university. he's sent to collect samples in the woods for his capstone research project. he's been there before. jack knows he's been there before. but never as deep. david's curious and scientific and wants answers.
he stumbles into jack, who........ is just a guy??? some guy with a hoodie, messy jeans, and a really attractive smile. and eyes. and personality. he says he lives nearby, and he shows davey around the woods.
they get to talking about keeping the woods healthy and safe and david easily starts launching into these action plans he has, how to get people involved, more people in the woods and keeping eyes on it so no one chops anything down, stuff like that.
jack's like hold up. people?? in our woods?? and david is like. yeah. the community. and jack's like. you mean the community that has consistently hurt the woods by having these houses and roads and continuing to live in them decade after decade after generation? and they argue and argue until david's like. ummm.....why are the roots in the ground moving?
and jack's like. oh, my bad. happens when i get mad. i just really don't want people in my home, davey, why would you suggest that?
and david's like. well... what would you do?
and jack smiles. he takes davey's hand, and suddenly davey isn't scared anymore. jack smells like pine and his smile is bright as the sun and davey follows him.
jack shows davey what would be the middle image in the far left column on jac's board he made for me. there's a few of these ummmm 'statues' in this clearing, and they're sort of beautiful and mystical and terrifying and david isn't sure how nature would've made something that looks so.. human?
and jack says. what i do is make friends that hurt my home a lot less.
and the last thing david remembers is how gentle jack's hands are, and how he's pretty sure that's a leaf growing out of his wrist.
anyway so yeah...this is why i'm taking fluff requests rn!
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goatboyalex · 9 months
Unlock the Secrets of Gardening: From Beginner to Pro
Gardening has actually always been a popular and also fulfilling hobby for people of all ages. Whether you have a small balcony or a spacious yard, growing a yard can bring immense joy as well as complete satisfaction. However where do you begin if you're a total amateur? Fear not, as this blog site message will certainly assist you with the basics of gardening and assist you come to be a pro in no time.From picking
the right plants for your environment and also soil problems to preparing the soil and growing strategies, we'll cover all the essentials. You'll discover the value of sunshine, watering, and also feeding, as well as exactly how to manage pests and also diseases successfully. Furthermore, we'll explore the art of pruning, appropriate plant treatment, and harvesting strategies. By the end of this short article, you'll feel confident in your capability to create a growing yard that will certainly be the envy of your neighborhood.Paragraph 2: Yet gardening is greater than just a hobby; it can also have many benefits for both your physical as well as psychological well-being. Did you know that spending quality time in nature and working with plants can lower stress and anxiety degrees as well as improve your mood? Gardening offers a sense of success and function as you see your initiatives transform into stunning flowers or plentiful harvests. It additionally uses an excellent means to remain energetic as well as healthy, as having a tendency to your yard entails activities like digging, weeding, as well as lifting.Moreover, horticulture permits you to link with the atmosphere and add to
sustainability. By growing your own fruits, vegetables, and also herbs, you can minimize your carbon impact and have a straight effect on your food usage. In addition, yards offer habitats for helpful bugs and birds, fostering biodiversity in urban locations. So, not just can you enjoy the fruits of your labor, however you'll likewise be doing your part in developing a greener as well as much healthier planet.In verdict, gardening is a terrific pastime with countless benefits for both individuals as well as the setting
. Whether you're starting from scrape or wanting to enhance your existing horticulture abilities, this article will outfit you with the expertise and also self-confidence to do well. So, get your gardening tools and also prepare yourself to unlock the secrets of horticulture!
Read more here https://ucangrowmushrooms.com
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homesickforthesonoran · 11 months
Open the Tricks of Horticulture: From Newbie to Pro
Gardening has actually constantly been a popular as well as satisfying leisure activity for people of all ages. Whether you have a small veranda or a sizable yard, growing a garden can bring tremendous delight and also contentment. Yet where do you start if you're a complete novice? Concern not, as this blog article will lead you through the basics of gardening and also aid you end up being a pro in no time.From choosing
the right plants for your climate and soil problems to preparing the soil and planting strategies, we'll cover all the fundamentals. You'll discover the significance of sunlight, watering, as well as fertilizing, as well as exactly how to regulate insects and also diseases properly. In addition, we'll look into the art of trimming, correct plant treatment, as well as harvesting strategies. By the end of this write-up, you'll feel positive in your capacity to develop a thriving garden that will be the envy of your neighborhood.Paragraph 2: But horticulture is more than simply a pastime; it can likewise have numerous advantages for both your physical and psychological health. Did you know that spending quality time in nature and working with plants can decrease stress and anxiety degrees and improve your mood? Horticulture supplies a sense of success and also objective as you see your initiatives transform into lovely blooms or abundant harvests. It additionally provides a wonderful means to remain energetic and also healthy, as often tending to your garden involves tasks like digging, weeding, and lifting.Moreover, gardening allows you to get in touch with the environment as well as add to
sustainability. By growing your own fruits, veggies, and also natural herbs, you can minimize your carbon impact as well as have a straight effect on your food intake. Furthermore, gardens give habitats for beneficial bugs and birds, promoting biodiversity in city locations. So, not only can you delight in the fruits of your labor, yet you'll likewise be doing your component in developing a greener and healthier planet.In final thought, horticulture is a wonderful leisure activity with many advantages for both individuals as well as the environment
. Whether you're beginning from scratch or wanting to boost your existing gardening abilities, this blog site article will certainly furnish you with the understanding and also self-confidence to do well. So, order your horticulture devices and also get prepared to open the keys of gardening!
Read more here https://ucangrowmushrooms.com
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cleanearthfunfacts · 1 year
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Title: Grow Your Own Paradise: Eco-Friendly Gardening Tips 🌱🌍💚 Entertaining Blog on Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Living, and Renewable Energy Solutions | Clean Earth Fun Facts
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your go-to source for entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! At Clean Earth Fun Facts, we believe that small actions can make a big difference, and one of the best ways to contribute to a sustainable future is through eco-friendly gardening. In this blog post, we'll explore the secrets of creating your own paradise right in your backyard using organic gardening techniques, companion planting strategies, and sustainable pest control methods. Get ready to transform your garden into a haven for both plants and local biodiversity!
Organic Gardening Techniques:
When it comes to nurturing your plants, why not take a natural approach? Organic gardening is all about harnessing the power of nature to support plant growth without the use of harmful chemicals. Start by composting your kitchen scraps and yard waste to create nutrient-rich soil. Incorporate natural fertilizers and soil amendments to provide essential nutrients for your plants. By using these organic techniques, you'll promote healthy growth while reducing the need for synthetic pesticides and herbicides that can harm the environment.
Companion Planting Strategies:
Did you know that certain plants have the ability to support each other's growth? Companion planting is a technique where specific plant combinations benefit one another. For example, planting marigolds alongside tomatoes can help repel harmful insects, while growing beans near corn provides natural nitrogen fixation for the soil. By implementing companion planting in your garden, you'll create a harmonious environment that maximizes plant health and minimizes pest problems.
Sustainable Pest Control Methods:
Maintaining a pest-free garden without resorting to toxic pesticides is not only better for the environment but also for your own well-being. Embrace sustainable pest control methods that work in harmony with nature. Encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings that feed on garden pests. Utilize physical barriers such as nets and fences to protect your plants. Additionally, you can create homemade natural remedies like garlic spray or soap solutions to deter pests. These eco-friendly alternatives will help you maintain a balanced ecosystem in your garden while protecting the delicate web of life.
Join the Movement:
By incorporating these eco-friendly gardening tips into your routine, you can play an active role in creating a greener and cleaner world. Not only will your garden flourish, but you'll also contribute to the overall well-being of our planet. Together, we can make a difference!
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In a world where environmental issues are becoming increasingly urgent, sustainable practices like eco-friendly gardening offer a glimmer of hope. By adopting organic gardening techniques, implementing companion planting strategies, and embracing sustainable pest control methods, you can create a beautiful garden that supports local biodiversity and promotes a healthier planet. Let's grow our own paradise and inspire others to do the same! Together, we can make a significant impact and leave a positive legacy for future generations.
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🌍 Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, where we bring you the most fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! 🌱 Our goal is to spread awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to take action towards a sustainable future. 🌍 Join us on this journey to learn, laugh and make a difference! 🌍
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Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate destination for all things green, sustainable, and eco-friendly! Join us as we explore environmental awareness, conservation, renewable energy, and more. Our channel promotes green living, sustainable practices, and the importance of biodiversity. Dive into a world of eco-consciousness and discover green initiatives, reduce your carbon footprint, and become an eco-warrior. Learn about sustainable fashion, wildlife conservation, and the latest green technologies. Let's make a positive environmental impact through education and advocacy. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for our planet. Subscribe now and join the Clean Earth Fun Facts community!
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