piowasthere · 2 months
2020 dnf just dropped
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if he's talking none-sense, then- that's Lunar. it's Lunar talking.
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tiniinbookland · 3 months
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ex-dsmp-fan friend just sent me this 💀
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Some parts of the United States are hitting temperatures "too hot for safe fan use" twice as often as they did decades ago, new research shows. Analyzing hourly weather data from the past 20 years and between 1950 and 1969, Luke Parsons, a climate scientist at Duke University, and colleagues found that more US residents are being exposed more often to temperatures that are too hot for electric fans to cool people down – and might even be dangerous. "We find that the geographic extent of temperatures too high for safe fan use is expanding, and the number of safe hours is decreasing," Parsons and colleagues explain in their published paper. "In particularly hot locations, most afternoon hours during the hottest months of the year can exceed [safe] thresholds," they add.
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you-need-not-apply · 10 months
Hello everyone, this sounds bad right? Its about to sound worse.
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The hottest ever recorded temperature on earth was 56.7 degrees Celsius or 134 degrees Fahrenheit
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This beats it by 1.8 degrees Celsius
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This will keep occurring in higher and higher numbers for longer periods of time until we do something about it.
Climate change will cause more and more extreme weather events to occur at a higher frequency. This is not normal, this is not natural. This is human caused.
Please, for the love of what-ever-you-want, please educate yourself, spread awareness, do what you can to help and stay safe.
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adastra-sf · 4 months
Climate change-driven heatwaves threaten millions
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Extreme record-breaking heat leads to severe crises across the world.
Already in 2024, from Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria in the West; to Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and the Philippines in the East; large regions of Asia are experiencing temperatures well above 40°C (104°F) for days on end.
The heatwave has been particularly difficult for people living in refugee camps and informal housing, as well as for unhoused people and outdoor workers.
Using the Heat Index Calculator, at that temperature and a relative humidity of 50%, residents see a heat index of 55°C (131°F) - a temperature level humans cannot long survive:
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In February, the southern coastal zone of West Africa also experienced abnormal early-season heat. A combination of high temperatures and humid air resulted in average heat index values of about 50°C (122°F) - the danger level, associated with a high risk of heat cramps and heat exhaustion.
Locally, temperatures entered the extreme danger level associated with high risk of heat stroke, with values up to 60°C (140°F):
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Even here at Ad Astra's HQ in Kansas, last summer we saw several days with high temperatures of 102°F (39°C) at 57% humidity, resulting in a heat index of 133°F (56°C):
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Of course, the major difference in survivability in Kansas versus some of the places suffering extreme heat right now is that air-conditioning abounds here. Those who live somewhere that faces extreme heat but can escape it indoors are a lot more likely to survive, but a person who lives somewhere without such life-saving gear faces not just discomfort, but heat stroke and even death.
This includes unhoused and poor people here in the wealthier parts of the world, who often do not have access to indoor refuge from the heat.
About 15% of US residents live below the poverty line. Many low-wage earners work outside in construction or landscaping, exposed to the ravages of heat. Many do not own an air conditioner, and those who do might need to budget their body's recovery from heat against cost to purchase and run cooling equipment. Because heat stress is cumulative, when they go to work the next day, they’re more likely to suffer from heat illness.
Bad as that is, for those living on the street, heatwaves are merciless killers. Around the country, heat contributes to some 1,500 deaths annually, and advocates estimate about half of those people are homeless. In general, unhoused people are 200 times more likely to die from heat-related causes than sheltered individuals.
For example, in 2022, a record 425 people died from heat in the greater Phoenix metro area. Of the 320 deaths for which the victim’s living situation is known, more than half (178) were homeless. In 2023, Texans experienced the hottest summer since 2011, with an average temperature of 85.3°F (30°C) degrees between June and the end of August. Some cities in Texas experienced more than 40 days of 100°F (38°C) or higher weather. This extreme heat led to 334 heat-related deaths, the highest number in Texas history and twice as many as in 2011.
The Pacific Northwest of Canada and the USA suffered an extreme heat event in June, 2021, during which 619 people died. Many locations broke all-time temperature records by more than 5°C, with a new record-high temperature of 49.6°C (121°F). This is a region ill-suited to such weather, and despite having relatively high wealth compared to much of the world, many homes and businesses there do not have air-conditioning due to a history of much lower temperatures.
Heatwaves are arguably the deadliest type of extreme weather event because of their wide impact. While heatwave death tolls are often underreported, hundreds of deaths from the February heatwave were reported in the affected countries, including Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
Extreme heat also has a powerful impact on agriculture, causing crop damage and reduced yields. It also impacts education, with holidays having to be extended and schools closing, affecting millions of students - in Delhi, India, schools shut early this week for summer when temperatures soared to 47°C (117°F) at dangerous humidity levels:
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At 70°C (157°F !), humans simply cannot function and face imminent death, especially when humidity is high. This is the notion of "heat index," a derivative of "wet-bulb temperature."
Though now mostly calculated using heat and humidity readings, wet-bulb temperature was originally measured by putting a wet cloth over a thermometer and exposing it to the air.
This allowed it to measure how quickly the water evaporated off the cloth, representing sweat evaporating off skin.
The theorized human survival limit has long been 35°C (95°F) wet-bulb temperature, based on 35°C dry heat at 100% humidity - or 46°C (115°F) at 50% humidity. To test this limit, researchers at Pennsylvania State University measured the core temperatures of young, healthy people inside a heat chamber.
They found that participants reached their "critical environmental limit" - when their body could not stop the core temperature from continuing to rise – at 30.6°C wet bulb temperature, well below what was previously theorized. That web-bulb temperature parallels a 47°C (117°F) heat index.
​The team estimates that it takes between 5-7 hours before such conditions reach "really, really dangerous core temperatures."
On March 5, 2024, Hong Kong saw temperatures of 27°C (80°F) with 100% humidity, which results in a heat index of 32.2°C (90°F) - seemingly not so bad until considering it's higher than the critical wet-bulb temperature. Also, if you watch the video, imagine the long-term effects of water accumulating in residences, such as dangerous mold.
We are witnessing the effects of climate change right now, all around the world, and rising temperatures are just the most-obvious (what we used to call "global warming"). Many, many other side-effects of climate change are beginning to plague us or headed our way soon, and will affect us all.
Unfortunately, those most affected - and those being hit the hardest right now - are people most vulnerable to heatwaves. With climate crises increasing in both intensity and frequency, and poverty at dangerous levels, we face a rapidly rising, worldwide crisis.
We must recognize the climate crisis as an international emergency and treat it as such. So much time, creative energy, resources, and life is wasted in war and the pursuit of profit or power - consider how much good could come from re-allocating those resources to ensuring a future for Earthlings, instead.
(Expect to see a "Science into Fiction" workshop on climate change coming soon - SF writers have a particular responsibility to address such important topics of change and global consequence.)
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cloudyclay · 1 month
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Imagine cuddling your best friend and your cat. That's some good nap time.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Number of days projected to exceed potentially deadly heat levels per year by 2100
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none-of-these-days · 14 days
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beginning / prev / next
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ghostboygaming · 2 years
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If you this is how you found out then good. I hope to have made you suffer.
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theftshrubbery · 1 year
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road shimmer wigglin’ the vision
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starsarefire824 · 5 days
wasn’t expecting the max stuff 😭 but yeah I do agree it’s okay to have him explore his sexuality like you said. he isn’t tied down right now and whatever’s going on with him and will at the moment well..it’s new, they’re both horny boys exploring themselves.
no one's ever expecting the "max" stuff in my fics lmao. but i don't think i've ever really been shy about my madwheeler love. buah!
But yes! I agree. Mike literally having a sexual thought about a girl in this or attraction or tension doesn't mean that the Will stuff isn't real or isn't the main focus/story. It doesn't mean he's any less "queer" ahem, attracted to/wants to be with Will. But besides that. No, Mike is single in this fic. He starts off trying to get El back (and still is in some ways in my opinion) while falling into this crazy thing with Will, which excites him and turns him on, and is also the most confusing thing he's ever felt. Because the whole dynamic of their friendship has shifted into something completely different. It's new and it's scary and it's going to take him a minute to come to terms with that, as well as the fact that he's attracted to/in love with his best friend. And not ONLY that, but also that he likes seeing Will when he's feminine presenting. Like that's a lot to take in all at once.
I do think people are reading into the Madwheeler here a little too hard, tho. There were like 5 asks in my inbox within 10 minutes. I also think people will like the next chapter that continues with Mike and trying the lipstick. <3
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phir-milenge · 3 months
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inspired by this meme by QueerSatanic
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dudja · 3 months
Me During This Heatwave: #horrorstories #heatwave #nightmareonelmst #elmstreet #freddy #part2 #memes
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
​Modelling found that increasing tree cover to 30 percent would shave off 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.7 degrees Fahrenheit) locally, on average, during hot summer months, they reported in The Lancet.
​Of the 6,700 premature deaths attributed to higher temperatures in 93 European cities during 2015, one-third could have been prevented, according to the findings.
​Currently, just under 15 percent of urban environments in Europe, on average, are covered by some kind of foliage.
​The study is the first to project the number of premature deaths due to higher temperatures in cities that could be prevented by additional tree cover, said lead author Tamara Iungman, a researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal).
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snowaltposts · 2 years
this week, a hot new bombshell enters the villa
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With 2023 officially the worst wildfire season in Canadian history, the federal government is warning that the fire risk will remain very high across the country for the rest of the summer.
"Drought conditions, when coupled with above-normal temperatures across most of the country, means that the risk of fire activity is going to remain very high throughout the majority of the summer," Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair told a media briefing Thursday.
Although the wildfire risk is expected to ease slightly in August, Blair said it will remain high in the North, Western Canada, Ontario and Western Quebec.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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