#Heaven knows I disappear when I’m miserable
princess-adronitis · 1 year
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bravevolunteer · 10 months
i think if michael managed to get Any sleep between the sister location nights it was on the couch
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dark-tides-in-faerun · 10 months
Boiling Point (1/2)
Astarion x You!
Your party stumble across a hot spring in the wilds and agree to take turns bathing. It turns out, Astarion isn’t very good at taking turns but is more than happy to share…
🌶️mature🌶️ (fair warning that this chapter is just a little steamy but the next one will be very nsfw!)
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You lay on your back in the recently discovered hot spring, eyes closed, basking in the delicious warmth. If this wasn't heaven, you weren't sure what was. The moon lights up the little clearing you’re in, giving everything that it touches a lovely, silvery sheen, and you close your eyes and relax into it, feeling at ease for the first time in weeks.
“Well, hello.”
You almost jump out of your skin.
“Astarion.” You gasp, spluttering up a lungful of water as you quickly sink lower beneath the surface, arms crossing against your chest in a bid to protect your modesty as you twist toward him. The water’s cloudy enough that he wouldn’t be able to see anything, but that knowledge does very little to make you feel less exposed. “What in the nine hells is wrong with you?”
“Nothing that a little dip couldn’t fix.” He quips, lounging against a rock, his face the picture of innocence and your eyes narrow as you notice he’s clutching a crimson towel in one pale hand.
“It’s not your turn.” You warn, narrow eyes meeting his as his carefully blank face looks back at you. You’d all agreed on a schedule for hot spring use and given that he’d already talked you into letting him steal all of your allocated time, it definitely wasn’t his turn.
“Oh, I know that.” He replies, the picture of unaffected grace as he looks at his nails and then back at you. “I just think it’s a little selfish of you to be… indulging yourself with so little regard for other people’s feelings.”
“Is it?” You say, slowly, and his lips quirk up in response. “Or is it a ‘little selfish’ to interrupt someone during the only time they’ve had to themselves in days. Especially when that person in question has already given up every other opportunity to bathe in the hot spring for you.”
“Yes, yes, that was very generous of you darling, but try to look at it from my perspective. You generate your own heat, but what about me? Do you know what it feels like to spend night after night in this frozen and miserable, knowing that there’s something warm and wet that I could sink myself into just meters away?”
His voice is innocent, but as his eyes drop to where your skin disappears beneath the water, the smile he gives you is anything but. It's obvious he’s trying to use your physical response to him to manipulate you, because he's always trying to do that and you flush, desire flooding to your core just as he intends it. But you're not just flushing because of the obscene way he's looking at you. It's because that smile has reminded you of how he looked when he returned from the springs last night. All pink skin and delighted exuberance. He’d been light, playful, exhilarated... Happy. And you knew enough about his past to know that happiness wasn’t something he’d known much of in his long life.
“Why can't you just go and bother someone else for a change.” You grumble, but the delighted shine in his eyes shows you that he knows he's getting his way and you scowl at him. “Gods give me strength. Turn around.”
“Why?” he asks, mouth blooming into a full smile and you can’t help the extra little flip your stomach gives at the sight of it.
“Because I’m naked and I’m not getting out with you staring at me. Turn around.”
“Darling, I’m hurt. Are you really suggesting we can’t share? There’s more than enough room for two.” He pouts, eyes shining as he stares down at you, sparkling with mischief and butterflies flutter to life in your stomach at the suggestion. You know he’s only trying to get a rise out of you but damn it, if it isn’t working. "Besides, I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
You choke back a strangled laugh because it really wasn’t him you were worried about. The butterflies have gone into overdrive just from the suggestion, and you can feel the heat staining your cheeks a darker pink than the warmth of the hot spring. You stare up at him, eyes a little too wide, and he gives you a self-satisfied smile. You can see in his gaze that he expects you to balk. Expects you to surrender the hot spring and slink away with your pink cheeks and pounding heart.
Well fuck him.
You force a sweet smile, feeling a thrum of satisfaction at the slight widening of his eyes as instead of moving toward him you wade to the far edge and turn around. For a long moment there’s nothing and you wonder if he’s even still there.
“Well? Are you getting in or not?” You demand, proud that your voice is only a little shaky, and he lets out a laugh. You swallow, focusing on trying to keep your heart rate level as you hear the sound of rustling fabric and then the water ripples around you as he slips in behind you.
“You can look now, darling, I assure you I’m quite decent.”
You turn around and immediately regret not getting out when you had the chance.
There is nothing decent about the way he looks right now.
The moonlight floods the broad expanse of his naked chest, staining it an ethereal, shining white, and he looks like he was carved from marble. The steam from the water has already tightened the hair at the nape of his neck into little curls. He’s stark and beautiful in the silver moonlight, but it’s not even that, that’s most striking.
It’s his expression.
His eyes are closed, head resting against the grassy bank behind him and the little smile that plays at the edges of his lips is a million miles away from his usual shit-eating grin. It’s small and soft and decidedly content and you swallow. It’s the full force of the little smile you’d seen at camp. It’s true happiness, you realize and it makes your heart pound and ache in equal measure to acknowledge that you’ve never seen that particular smile before.
He shifts, lifting his arms from the water and resting them against the rocky edge of the pool, blinking up at you and that little smile dissolves into something darker. Water streams from his skin, running between the dips and crevices of his muscular biceps and you shrink into yourself a little, sinking into the water until just your chin hovers above it. There’s nothing you can do about your heart now, it’s pounding against your ribs like it wants to escape from your chest and his crimson eyes are fixed on you as you try your best to keep yourself in check.
“Happy now?” you ask, and though your voice is a little breathy you feel like the fact that you’ve even gotten the words out is a feat of heroic proportions.
“Very.” He replies closing his eyes, and you can’t help but smile at that. He looks more content than you’ve ever seen him and that thought triggers a reaction in you that’s so strong that you suddenly realize that you can’t stay here. He doesn’t deserve to be ogled like this, when he’s just trying to relax. From the little snippets he’s given you from his past he’s had enough of that to last several lifetimes.
You clear your throat and he opens his eyes again, one eyebrow raised questioningly you swallow, gesturing at him to swap places with you. He sits up at that, a surprised smile on his lips and you shake your head, not wanting him to get the wrong idea about your intentions.
“I’m going to leave you to it.” You say, your words only catching a little in your throat as he cocks his head to the side, looking at you thoughtfully.
“Leave me to what, exactly?” He asks, voice low and teasing, and heat rises beneath your cheeks as steam curls up in silvery tendrils around his chest.
“This. Warming up.” You manage, trying not to look at him as you edge your way around the to the other side of the spring, nearer to the grassy knoll, but you really need him to move out of the way if you want to make a graceful exit. “I’ll see you back at camp.”
“I can think of better ways to warm up.” He says, voice a little too innocent, and your gaze flicks to him before you can stop yourself. His eyes are fixed on you and the look in them is dark and predatory and you falter, heart in your throat. You’ve seen that look before, and you swallow as his gaze slips to your neck, the hunger in it apparent.
“I-I-“ you start, but your words die in your throat. The way he’s looking at you has melted your insides into a puddle of lust and your really, really need to get yourself under control. You take a breath. Blood. He means blood. You try to distract your pounding heart by thinking through the implications of what he’s asking. You’re no cleric, but surely bloodletting in hot water wasn’t the best of ideas... “Is it safe?”
He frowns at that, cocking his head to the side as if trying to work out your meaning and you swallow and touch your neck.
“Is it safe to feed in the water?” You say, again. He freezes for a second, and then some unreadable expression passes over his face before he quickly looks away. If you didn’t know him better, you’d have said it was disappointment.
“Of course.” He says, seemingly to himself, and when he looks up the expression has been swallowed up by his usual confidence. “Don’t worry, my sweet. I’ll take very good care of you.”
He holds out his hand and you bite your lip, hesitating for a moment. It’s not that you don’t trust him. If he says it’s safe you believe him, but you’re just suddenly very aware of your lack of clothes. You shift uncertainly, edging a tiny bit closer to him and a slow smile spread over his lips.
“I think you’ll find you need to be a little closer than that.” He says in a voice that spreads beneath your skin like treacle, and for the second time in one night you regret not leaving when you had the chance.
You shiver despite the heat as you place your hand in his and he wraps his pale fingers around yours, tugging you gently towards him. For one panicked second you think he's going to pull you onto his lap, but he stops when you're a few inches apart. You put your free hand on the grassy bank to steady yourself as he lifts your hand to his mouth, rotating it so that the soft skin of your wrist presses gently against his lips. He's fed from you before but, other than the very first time when he almost lost himself, he’s been almost clinical in his approach. Careful to only touch as much as he needs to.
This is not that.
You watch, dumbstruck, as his pink tongue slips out from between his lips to swipe a cool stripe across the overheated plane of your wrist. Your breath catches, a small hitch at the back of your throat, but he catches it and drowning crimson orbs flick up to meet your startled gaze. He does it again, staring at you darkly from beneath his eyelashes and licks another tortuously slow line across your aching skin.
You try not to, but you can't help but gasp, hand gripping tightly into the grass, and his pupils dilate with bloodlust as his fingers tighten against your skin. Gods.
“A-Astarion.” Your voice is breathy and tight, barely audible and you feel almost drunk from just this small amount of contact. He closes his eyes at the sound, a pained expression passing over his face as a shudder runs through his body, and then, before you can say anything else, his fangs sink into your wrist.
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seaslugfanclub · 7 months
bestie, beloved mutual, Neptune, I have for real been getting hit on at work by creepy older men and sometimes women multiple times a day, so I was wondering if you could do the more romantically inclined villains witnessing y/n having to deal with several of these people within a short amount of time? You could do any writing style that comes to mind, this is just my way of coping :D ily!!(platonic)
{if this is out of your comfort zone, please message me and kill me :)}
Omg I am so sorry you have to deal with that, as someone who’s had the same experience, I totally understand your frustration. Hang in there pookie ❤️
Villains reaction to (Y/N) being creeped on
TW: old man being creepy/harassment (stay safe everyone)
During their time at Disney Parks, the Villain’s realized they aren’t the most evil people there
There was this older park attendant working in the same branch as (Y/N) and of course, in typical creep fashion he. would. not. leave. (Y/N). alone.
When they clock in for work “Good Morning (Y/N), I was thinking about you last night.”
During (Y/N)’s lunch break, he’d try to sit across from them. “I saw some kid spill her drink all over you, I have an extra shirt in my locker if you’d like to come with me and get it.”
God, even when they’re both supervising interactions with the Villains “I noticed that new Mickey Mouse pin on your chest, I should call you ‘my little Disney girl’”
All of this was enough for the Villains to notice, and if they’re existence wasn’t dependent on Disney, they would’ve flayed this guy the moment he made eye contact with (Y/N)
Each Villain has seen at least one instance of (Y/N)’s coworker hitting on them, and they all have their own idea of how to deal with the creep
Hades wants to tie the creep to the top of the magic castle and let the seagulls eat his liver
Maleficent is shining up her collection of medieval torture devices
Frollo wants him flogged
Facilier is currently sewing up a voodoo doll, all he needs is some of the old man’s hair
Scar is scheming ways to make his hyenas mauling the man look like an accident
Clayton, Gaston, and Sykes just want to shoot the guy
But for now everyone makes sure that (Y/N) isn’t alone with the guy, something (Y/N) appreciates more than anything
When (Y/N) come teary eyed to the Villains, you know damn well they’re gonna be treated like royalty.
Hook cooks the their favorite meal as Hades brings his best jokes to take their mind off being harassed
Cruella actually understands what (Y/N)s going through, having been a female in the male dominated fashion industry during the 50’s
“Chin up now dear, don’t let some man-thing get to you. Heavens know I had my fare share of degenerates when I started out my illustrious career!”
Even though they can’t physically touch the creep, it’s not a surprise that the man eventually disappeared quit
Something about a series of unfortunate circumstances that coincidentally happed in progression that lead him to have a mental breakdown and leave on short notice
When news of the creeps resignation, all the villains were like:
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There are only two reasons the Villains could get along. 1. It’s for (Y/N) 2. The destruction of someone’s life.
(Y/N) has scary dog privileges, but the scary dogs are middle aged magicians
Hope you enjoyed! Try not to let those old creeps get you down, they’re miserable folks who don’t deserve the time of day! (And for real a man called me his ‘little Disney girl’ when he noticed my Disney pin…. I’m 20..)
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Heaven Knows I’m miserable now🍂
@sarcastic-cookie @herondale-lightworm @anunstablefangirl @kitsbaby123
More jeremy !!!!!!!!!!!!
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I’d been hours , four long hours…it was dark outside and you were ready for bed ; settled so nicely in your bed , reading and trying…failing…to distract yourself from your ghost boyfriend who’d well…disappeared from the face of the earth. Maybe he’d moved on…? moved onto the next thing…made at peace or something…you’d hoped he hadn’t , you missed him. Rethinking everything, the way his lips felt so perfect against yours . You tried to read a book, only stopping on the same sentence two hundred and three times , Heaven knows I’m miserable now by the Smiths echoing through the dull room .
You were bored…sad and somewhat completely still confused by everything. You heard your bedroom door slowly open before a very breathless and..soaking wet Jeremy appeared.
“there she is..!”Jeremy pants out , “oh i’m so glad you’re here cause i’ve just had to fight the weirdest…” He stops , shaking himself as he laughs out , “i’m human like i’m actually breathing and stuff and i bruise and..oh my god i can actually leave this place ..”
You stare at him, leaving your bed to hug him, “missed you.”
“oh? yeah? i…uh…yeah…i missed you too but listen, baby…i just had to fight the weirdest guy over in..the underworld thing..? like he was not letting me leave but..uh i mean he did let me but-“ You cut him off , lips meeting with his as he freezes, pushing off for a moment.
“you’re warm..”
“yeah i’m alive again so i’m-…you kissed me.”
“yeah..? i missed you.”
“so are we like officially together now..since like…im human and not dead and like totally able to go on dates with you.”
You roll your eyes , pushing his head back to yours as you lead him onto the bed , his hands gripping your thighs as he leans over you, tongues dancing and lips hungrily smashing together. Your hands in his hair , he hums out occasionally; clearly dazed by everything and now the fact he was human and able to kiss his little human girlfriend without a care or a problem….well besides the problem brewing between his hips..
He lifts you a little higher, shifting himself between your thighs as he continues to kiss you , his hands wearily moving from your thighs and under your shirt causing a small hum to leave your lips…
“hm..” He stops for a moment, “i have missed this..”
“oh?” you stop, blinking at him as he hand slowly runs over your chest , your eyes half lidded as you stare at him
“i…i..not like that! i meant being a human…i wasn’t like some total manwhore…i mean this is the closest i’ve gotten to actually touching-…ill just…ill just shut up..”
You giggle at him, moving his head to rest on your chest as your fingers run through his wet hair , sighing out , “you worried me…”
“i know but trust me…i would never leave you..i chose to haunt you when i was a ghost and..i am so gonna haunt you now im alive….you’re gonna have to kill me to get me to leave ..” He smiles up at him, fingers drawing circles into your skin, eyes shining with softness and admiration once again as yours mirror his.
“i think id like it if you haunted me forever, jer…”
You both settle , breathing matching as you stare at each other…mind at peace and body calm under his…you’d have this forever .
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just-wrting · 1 year
Drabble time!!! I’ve been having a rough week or two at work so Hotch fluff will have to cure it.
You came home late. It wasn’t the first time, but it wasn’t something that happened often. Normally it was your workaholic husband, Aaron, who came home late. You just worked the mid shift, part time to keep busy.
“You’re home even later that you thought you’d be,” Aaron greets you with a smile and a kiss on your forehead. “How was work?”
You groan and lean into his chest. “So bad. Miserable even. How dare they be so rude.”
Aaron pulls you closer and rests his chin on your shoulder. “I’ve told you, you don’t have to work. Do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head. If you let him hold you for any longer, you’ll lose all motivation to eat and shower. Instead, you’d choose to have him hold you in bed and tell you sweet nothings until you pass out.
“Not really. Not now anyway. If you keep rubbing my back, I’m going to be so tempted to just go to bed.”
With another kiss, he lets you go. You can see in his eyes that he's worried. You scold him all you want about taking care of himself, but you know you aren't much better. You'd move heaven and earth for him and Jack.
"Jack and I ordered a pizza. I'll reheat some for you while you shower, so take your time, sweetheart."
God, he is just the sweetest. You know this, and yet everything he does makes you feel so special and loved. You couldn't ask for anything more from him, and still, he does things that go above and beyond what you ask.
"You're just the best, Aaron. I love you so much," you say before slipping into the bathroom.
After you undress, you turn up the shower temperature. You know how bad a hot shower is for you, Reid has told you on the numerous occasions that you've seen him, not that you care. You just want the hot water to wash away the stress from work.
It may not fix everything, but it helps. You lather up with Aaron's body wash and scrub your scalp with his shampoo. He never minds when you do this, and you can't think of a better way to make yourself feel better than to smell like him. At least while you work, it'll make you feel better.
After a knock on the door, you finally end your shower. You hear Aaron scold Jack for interrupting your shower, and hear Jack whine that he misses you. It warms your heart to hear.
You make getting dressed quick and swing the door open. Jack’s face lights up and he rushes towards you. He wraps his arms around you and rubs his face into your stomach.
“I missed you. Daddy said that I might have to wait until tomorrow to tell you that but you got out of the bathroom in time.”
You rub Jack’s head and ruffle his hair up. “Even if you went to bed before I got home I’d still make sure to give you a kiss good night.”
Jack gives you a squeeze before Aaron picks him up. Once he’s bundled up, he leans down to give your forehead a kiss. He also ruffles your wet hair up before his dad marches him off to bed.
“Good night, Jack. Sleep tight. I love you kiddo.”
With a little wave, Jack and Aaron disappear into the bedroom and you make your way to the couch. Part of you wants to just drag Aaron and Jack into your bed with you so you can pass out with everyone safe and sound next to you. Another part of you just wants to be alone.
You don’t even notice the time pass before Aaron comes back and gently rubs your shoulders. You sink even further into the couch. Nothing made you relax more than simple touches from him.
“Let me grab that pizza for you, sweetheart.” Aaron’s voice is soft and comforting. “Don’t go anywhere.”
You can hear him open and close the microwave and hear the beeping as it finishes. The worst part is that you can’t bear to open your eyes. You can’t bring yourself to want to move. The weight in your arms and legs makes you want to just sleep right here and even the thought of eating after hours without food isn’t enough to make you brush it off.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were asleep,” Aaron chuckles from nearby. “Do you even want to eat?”
You shake your head but reach your hands out for the plate. The couch dips beside you and you feel Aaron’s weight being added to the couch. He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before setting the plate on your lap.
If you eat it fast enough, you think you can still go to bed at a reasonable time. After all it was only about nine thirty, and you just felt exhausted. Your boss sure knows how to run you ragged.
Aaron is even so kind to grab the plate as soon as you have the last bite. You can tell he doesn’t care about dishes tonight as the sound of the plate in the sink isn’t followed by the sound of the faucet.
“Don’t feel like washing it?” you ask. “You can if you want I’ll still be here.”
You hear his laughter come closer. “But I’m not sure if my wonderful partner will still be awake by the time I wash the one dish.”
You hum in agreement. “I probably wouldn’t be.”
Aaron grabs your hands and helps you to your feet. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulls you close. You squint as he leads you to your bedroom. It’s only just down the hall but you feel like it takes forever for your feet to touch the soft carpet.
He helps you into the master bathroom and hands you your toothbrush. It’s already prepped with toothpaste and he makes sure to keep his arm around you like he’s worried you’ll fall over if he doesn’t. You adore how much he cares and all the little things he does for you. It makes you feel warm and loved.
Once you’ve swished your mouth free of the bubbles, he flips the switch and guides you to the bed. The covers are already pulled back and you let yourself fall right into the mattress. You can hear Aaron laugh as he pulls the covers over you.
“Do you need me to stay here? I can get into bed with you for a little while,” Aaron asks his voice filled with concern. “My paperwork can wait twenty minutes.”
You nod even though the room is dark. “I think I’d really like that right now.”
He doesn’t say anything. You hear his footsteps walk around the bed and feel his weight dip into the mattress. Soon his arm is around your waist pulling you close to him. He still smells of cologne and of paper telling you that he’s once again put you and Jack above himself.
“Don’t forget to shower and brush your teeth too, honey,” you mumble. “You should take care of yourself.”
Aaron gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. “I know, I will. I just want to make sure you fall asleep before I go anywhere else.”
You can feel yourself dozing off already. To add to your comfort, you feel his other hand reach up and start to play with your hair. That seals the deal between you and comforting sleep as you drift off in his arms.
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darl-ingfics · 2 days
Sicktember Day 24: Tales from the Waiting Room
Fandom: ATEEZ
Sickie: Yeosang, Mingi (unspecified, general respiratory illness)
Caregiver(s): Mingi
Word Count: 1,259
Notes: COLLEGE AU!!!!!! ALSO! This fic was lifted from something I wrote for a different fandom years ago (never published) but DOES insinuate romantic relationships. The two characters in the fic are NOT the ones dating, and I don't specify who they ARE dating, but I kind of liked that element in the original piece, so I left it here, but super vague cause I'm not wholly comfortable speculating that kind of stuff. Is it out of the realm of possibility for me to write a romantic ship fic one day? No. But am I there yet? Also no.
The only thought that Yeosang had the energy to entertain as he did his best not to fall over on his way back to the house was wondering how he’d gotten out of bed that morning. He hadn’t slept very well, and if his calculations had been correct, he’d only logged about four hours of sleep. The sweatshirt he’d thrown on over top of a long-sleeved sweater wasn’t helping at all against the chills he was trying to ignore, and the miserable weather wasn’t helping either. His throat felt like he’d been swallowing pinecones for fun, he couldn’t breath through his nose, his head was pounding, and he hadn’t really eaten that day as the thought of actually eating the cereal he’d pushed around in his bowl that morning had made his stomach turn. 
As much as he hated to say it, or think it, Yeosang had to admit to himself that he felt incredibly under the weather and probably shouldn’t have gone through the process of getting up at all. But unfortunately there had been a final to take, a genetics final, and feverish or not, he had to take that test. Thankfully, it was his last exam and he now had all the time in the world to sleep off whatever bug had infiltrated his system.  
The rush of warm air that met him as he pushed open the door to the house felt like absolute heaven. After closing the door (and the frigid air) behind him, Yeosang paused, his back resting against the door, and he simply took a moment to breathe. Or at least he tried to breathe, but that didn’t seem like an actual possibility as the air got stuck in his throat and prompted a round of coughs that left him very out of breath. Well, that was worrisome. 
“Who’s home?” a hoarse voice called from the living room.
“Yeosang,” he replied, frowning at the agonizing pain saying that one word induced. Not a moment later, Mingi appeared from around the corner, bundled up in all his winter wear. 
“You sound like shit,” he stated plainly.
“You should talk,” Yeosang replied.
“Yeah, but I was sick yesterday and you didn’t look like a zombie this morning so…” Mingi argued plainly, knowing he’d won this argument. But his fighting words (docile as they were) disappeared in thin air as he asked,  “Want to go to the clinic down the street with me? Yunho said they don’t suck. Not in those words. But that’s what I took away from it.” 
“That would be nice,” Yeosang nodded, opening the door once again and following Mingi out to the car. “Want me to drive?”
“If you’re offering,” Mingi replied, stifling a cough in his fist. “I can drive home. We’ll call it even.” 
“Okay,” Yeosang replied as they both slid into his car. 
“At least the pharmacy is close,” Mingi commented, pulling his knees up to his chest in the passenger’s seat and resting his head on top of them. Yeosang wasn’t sure how he was able to make himself so compact in such a small space, but Mingi also looked so sick and sad that it made his heart melt a bit to see her like this. “And you won’t make fun of me like Wooyoung would.”
“You know he’s just kidding,” Yeosang replied softly as he backed out of the driveway. “He teases me all the time. And he knows you’ll fight back, so he takes it as a challenge.”
“Even when I’m sick and clearly weak and helpless and he has the obvious advantage?” the taller man asked, the words catching in his throat and causing his to cough again. Mingi pouted her lips at Yeosang as if to prove his point. 
“Hey, this is natural selection. Survival of the fittest,” Yeosang replied, shrugging his shoulders innocently. As he pulled up to a stop sign, he gave her an apologetic smile. “Looks like Wooyoung’s the fittest.”
Mingi smacked his shoulder, feigning offense at his joke before laughing. Yeosang laughed back until it dissolved into painful coughing once again, and he allowed Mingi to do the rest of the talking until they’d reached the CVS. There was a very small line at the minute clinic, and the duo got their names on the list and were huddled together on the plastic waiting room chairs in no time. 
“Dear god, do they have the AC on?” Mingi asked, wrapping his arms around himself and pulling one leg up onto the chair, knee to his chest. 
“Maybe,” Yeosang replied, feeling chills prickling up and down his own arms, tingling through his spine. 
“Want to cuddle?” Mingi asked plainly.
“Sure,” Yeosang agreed, sinking into Mingi’s side as the taller man wrapped an arm around him.
“You’re so warm,” Mingi moaned, snuggling as close to Yeosang as the chairs would let him. “Are you always this warm? Is it just the fever? Is it you or me?”
“I’ve been a science major for three years, and I honestly can’t think of any terminology to explain it to you right now,” Yeosang admitted weakly. 
“That means you’re either brain dead after your test or much sicker than we think you are,” Mingi replied. “Or they’re just not teaching you anything and you’re doing all that homework for nothing.” Yeosang hummed, snuggling as deep as physics would allow into Mingi’s side. Mingi continued talking to him, a silly story about some of his classmates that Yeosang knew was just to keep the other man’s mind off of their current situation. But it also had the side of effect of putting Yeosang right to sleep as the deep vibrations of Mingi’s voice passed through their many points of physical contact, lulling Yeosang into peaceful unconsciousness. 
He had no idea how long had passed when Mingi poked his shoulder. “Hey, babe. You awake?”
Yeosang shook his head, trying in vain to clear the haze away. “Um-hm,” he mumbled in response, his head falling back on Mingi’s shoulder, where fingers started running through his hair. 
“Wake up, bud. It’s our turn.” 
Yeosang roughly sat back from Mingi’s embrace, pouting slightly at his roommate. Mingi chuckled, standing up first and offering Yeosang his hand. The shorter man took is begrudgingly, trying to avoid the eyes of the way-too-smiley nurse leading them back into the exam room. 
“Thanks for stopping in today. I mean, sorry that you had to, but glad you came to us,” the nurse said quickly. Yeosang had to assume they were new at this. At least the greeting people part. He had full faith in their medical abilities. Damn, this fever was messing with him. 
“Glad you were so close,” Mingi replied, ever charming as he led Yeosang to sit on the exam table. His hands guided Yeosang’s shaky movements, and once the shorter man was situated, Mingi hopped up on the table next to him. 
The nurses eyes moved between the two of them, a question he couldn’t ask apparent in his gaze. “How do you two know each other?”
“Just roommates. Along with my boyfriend, his boyfriend, and four other guys, romantic partners not confirmed,” Mingi replied plainly. 
The nurse nodded. “Sounds like a party.”
“Oh, you should see us play monopoly,” Mingi practically purred, a cat like grin stretching on his face. Yeosang rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to smile. As long as Mingi’s banter got them in and out of here as fast as possible, with the strongest medication available, who was he to stop him? 
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Gilded Cage: Giant!Johnathan
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This took me forever to make so please enjoy. Warning might be ooc. Contains cursing, injury, and Dio
(Y/n) was always an adventurous girl, dreaming about exploring land, sea, and even sky. Mama always told her she was a bit odd, no such thing as a castle in the sky. “If god made humans to fly, they would be born with wings”. However, (Y/N) kept on dreaming. 
“(Y/N), you silly girl, come down here at once.” (M/N) scolded her only daughter as she sat on a tree branch unladylike, skirts splayed about. (Y/N) groaned before jumping to the ground, much to her mother's dismay. 
“What is it mother?” The girl questioned causing (M/N) to put her hands on her hips. “Have you fed Milky White yet?” Chores all her mother had for her were chores. Feed Milky White, wash the clothes, milk Milky White, go to market, sweep the floors, do the mending. It was all too much. For once she’d like to step aboard a ship and go somewhere new or fly like a bird far away from miserable chores.
” Yes, I did mother.” 
“Well, go brush Milky White since she won’t stop crooning.” 
(Y/N) sighed as she stomped past her mother. Sure enough, Milky was mooing on the top of her lungs. “I’m coming Milky!” (Y/N) shouted as she ran to the cow.
The barn was a small wooden building since (Y/N) and (M/N) were poor. Firewood lay outside in a sloppy stack, causing (Y/N) to trip over a log, cursing. Milky’s barn stank to high heaven. When’s the last time she had fresh hay? “Ugh Milky, you need a bath.” (Y/N) swatted at the air to get rid of the horrible smell. 
“Moo.” Milky groaned in protest. (Y/N) grabbed her harness, bell tinkling as the two walked in the direction of the river. 
The river was a beautiful pristine blue with it being so clear you could see the rocks at the bottom. (Y/N) took off her shoes and stockings before plunging into the cold water. Milky looked in amusement as her owner splashed around with childish joy. Squishing the mud between her toes, (Y/N) called out. “Come in the water Milky. It’s great.” Milky rolled her big brown eyes before trudging in the water.
Splashing about and scrubbing Milky the girl was able to see sparkling white color of her fur being revealed as the sludge disappeared. Having the time of her life she laughed carefree. This is what life is all about. 
“Ouch” (Y/N) cried in pain and something sharp hit her in the head. Feeling her head for blood or scratches, she found the source. A gold coin.
” Milky treasure fell from the sky, it’s a miracle!” 
The cow lows in response before getting out of the river. 
“Wait Milky, you’re not done!”
The girl chased the mischievous cow home to her mother who was ecstatic at the gold coin. The two were able to make a good week off said coin until they were back to worrying about money once more. The mother thinking practically about her daughter getting a job or getting married to someone rich, while (Y/N) still longed to travel to far off places and spread her wings as a young adult.
(Y/N) was running as fast as her legs could carry her to market. (M/N) would surely scold her for forgetting to get the eggs from the market. As she ran, she bumped into a strange looking man with a mustache. “I’m sorry sir.” Looking up at the stranger she could see exactly how strange he was. He wore a white suit with a strange, checkered hat and had a handlebar mustache. "It's quite alright miss (Y/N), it was an honest mistake." (Y/N)'s eyes widened. 
"How do you know my name?" The strange man chuckled at the girls fears not at all easing them. "I have a knack for finding out names." The man put a finger to his nose before jumping into the air and landing on the cart behind him. Awed by his acrobatics the girl forgot about the creepy man's knowledge. "Care for a sandwich?" The man asked the girl holding out a delicious looking sandwich. Though (Y/N) had nothing for breakfast or dinner last night she eyed the stranger warily. "I haven't poisoned my own sandwich. Here." The stranger takes a bite and chews it before holding out the other half. Carefully, the girl accepted it. Taking a bite, the girl sat with the man she just met. 
Honestly her mother would have a field day about how angry she'd be. First the eggs and now she's eating food with a stranger given to her by a stranger. However, food was hard to come by with being so poor, so it would be worth it. "So, miss (Y/N) where are you off to?" The mustachioed stranger asked. (Y/N) hummed while devouring the sandwich. "Mmket." The man laughed at her stuffed face and inability to speak. (Y/N)'s face flushed as she swallowed the food. "I said the Market." The man nodded and stood up. "I was heading there too care to go together?"  Still not knowing what the stranger's name was, (Y/N) was sure her mother will kill her if she accompanies this stranger, but she wasn't there. Smirking a little at the thought the girl nodded grinning devilishly. The man laughed once more as he grabbed his mule and hitched it to his cart. "We're ready to go!" The man snapped a whip causing the mule to go forward. (Y/N) had never ridden in a cart before so she was loving every second of it. "By the way what's your name?" "William, William Antonio Zeppeli."
Stretching her legs out lazily, the girl turned to the man to ask him a question."So, Mr. Zeppeli where have you come from?" Zeppeli's cheerful expression disappeared. A solemn look overtook his face. "I have come on most dire circumstances from my home country of Italy." (Y/N)'s eyes widened in excitement. "Wow you came from Italy!" Zeppeli expression softened slightly before turning to the girl. "Yes, it is a very beautiful country. I was lucky to grow up there." (Y/N) was amazed the strange man came to England all the way from Italy for- Oh my god he was going to tell me, but I interrupted. (Y/N) slapped herself in the forehead, causing Zeppeli alarm. "Signora (Y/N) whatever was the meaning of that?" "I interrupted you while you were telling me why you were here; my mother would scold me for having absolutely zero manners." Zeppeli laughed at the girl's apology, ruffling the girl's hair. "No need to worry about that, you're an inquisitive youth. Reminds me very much of my son." A sad expression filled his eyes before he shook it away. "How about you tell me about yourself?”
"Me?" The girl was confused. There wasn't much to say about her boring and insignificant life. "Well, I'm 19 to be 20 on (b/d). I like to climb trees and swim in the river near my farmhouse. I don't have a friend in the world besides Milky, my cow." She paused realizing how boring her life sounded. "Oh, and my dream is to explore the world like father used to do!" She finished before turning to the Italian man. "That's pretty much it." The man chuckled at her enthusiasm for adventure. "You should travel some while you're still young, might find someone to marry and settle down with." (Y/N) wrinkled her nose at the subject of marriage. "Marriage isn't worth its weight in gold! I'll never get married as long as I live!" Zeppeli laughed at (Y/N)'s bold declaration. "You are quite the charmer Signora (Y/N), it's a shame that no man will have the pleasure of calling you his." Angered by his choice of words, the girl kicked her feet out, sprawling out even more. She was a free spirit and would stay that way as long as possible. 
If only she knew . . .            
In the market it was more bustling than usual, villagers flitting around trying to find the best deal on items. Mr. Zeppeli stopped his donkey Arturo at the front of the market square.  Sliding of Arturo's back Zeppeli held out his hand for (Y/N) to take "This is where we part ways Signora (Y/N), may you find those eggs and perhaps explore more of this beautiful world." (Y/N) ignored the man's hand and hopped down on her own, brushing dirt off her skirts. "It was a pleasure talking to you Mr. Zeppeli, may you change your mind on marriage and women's independence." With that she strutted off most indignantly to find the stall that sold the best-looking eggs. 
Looking around at the items for sale she felt her heart hurt at the expensive prices. We may have to do without eggs. She thought to herself. She stopped admiring a shiny new compass with delight, picking it up into her rough (s/c) hands to admire it further.
"STOP thief!" What? She didn't steal anything! Placing the compass down, she raised her arms above her head to avoid suspicion. A skinny yet muscular looking blond man ran past her with a loaf of bread in his hands. He must have stolen it. Her mother always told her that stealing was wrong, so this man needed to be stopped. Chasing after the man she too yelled "Stop!" He turned around confused at the new voice, narrowing his eyes at her he smirked. Then bolted towards the woods. Dear lord, all this for some eggs. Running as fast as her legs could she ran into the woods.
Tired, thirsty, and disoriented (Y/N) wandered through the woods. Gasping for breath she stopped by a tree to rest. Catching her breath, she realized she didn't recognize this space. Huffing to herself she decided to climb a tree to see if she could recognize the surrounding area. Scrambling up a tall oak she could see the blond she followed in a clearing. Cursing loudly to himself, it was clear he was lost too. She smirked deviously at the blond below. This was going to be fun. "OooooooOooh" she wailed from her perch. The blond turned around whipping his head about. "Who's there?!" He shouted causing a wider grin to form on her face. "YOou shooudln't haveee stolen ooooh." She continued. "Oh bugger off!" The thief snarled, pulling out his knife, though he was clearly shaking. "Face the punishments of-" Snap 
"Ah!" (Y/N) screamed as she fell right on top of something: squishy? "Mgh mmm!" Oh no she was dead for sure. Hopping off the thief (Y/N) scurried off to try and escape. "Hey you!" Oh no. "You almost killed me you silly wretch!" He seemed to be getting very angry at the girl. (Y/N) began to cry in fear. "I'M SOOOORRRRY SIR, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" The blond jumped back at the girl's outburst and raised an eyebrow. "Kill ya why would I kill ya?" (Y/N)'s sniffles died down. "Because you have a knife." She whimpered. The blond looked offended before putting away his knife. "If I'd known it was a girl I wouldn't have pulled a knife." 
"What did you think it was?" (Y/N) sniffed. The blond's face turned pink as he mumbled something under his breath. "Huh?" (Y/N) asked clearly confused. "Look I thought it was some bloke in the trees!" He said hurriedly. The girl gasped before punching the guy in arm. "I don't sound like a bloke!" (Y/N) screamed while punching the man in the arm. "Ow damn it woman you hurt me! What kind of mannish whore are you?!" "You take that back!" The two tussled until it became dark. "Ow it hurts!" (Y/N) whined rubbing her bruises. The thief laid on the forest floor gasping for breath. While wheezing he began to laugh "You fight hard for a girl, I'm Robert E.O. Speedwagon!" He held his hand out for the girl to take, which she slapped away. The blond was taken aback by her boldness. "You hurt me and you're a thief, why would I accept a scum's hand?"
Speedwagon stares at her angrily "I'm doing what I have to survive, do you want me to die?" (Y/N) was confused. Was she being naive again, picturing the world in black and white? Robert didn't seem too bad, but he stole and fought. Yet he seemed kind. She didn't know what to think and quite frankly could see some exceptions to her mother's rules like now. "Well, if it's for survival I don't see how it can be wrong." (Y/N) responded causing Speedwagon to grin. This was the start of a lovely friendship.
Life was great for (Y/N) for a while. She and her mother may be barely getting by, but she spent a lot of time with her new friend Speedwagon. Also, every once and a while (Y/N) got a conversation with Mr. Zeppeli. Adventure was something that the girl was able to bring to her life. However, (Y/N)'s world was about to come crashing down with the news her mother gives her one day. 
"(Y/N) we have to sell Milky White." (M/N) announced as the two ate a meager breakfast. (Y/N)'s fork fell to the ground with a clatter. Her throat felt very dry. "What?" was all the girl managed to squeak out as her mother's solemn face never changed. "(Y/N) how often has Milky given us milk?" (M/N) asked the girl, which led the girl to think. Milky wasn't giving milk as often as she used to. She had been the family's cow ever since she was two, when dad was still alive. "She gave us milk two weeks ago." (M/N) sighed at her daughter's optimism. "(Y/N) that was eight years ago." No, it wasn't. It couldn't be. Milky may be old but she was a member of the family. Tears formed in (Y/N)'s eyes. "What's going to happen to her?" (Y/N) asked her mother desperate for any answer where Milky would be okay. (M/N) shrugged and picked up her plate. 
"She'll most likely be slaughtered." (M/N) said nonchalantly much to (Y/N)'s despair. No. (Y/N) ran out the back door towards the barn, struggling to hold back tears. Stumbling into the pen (Y/N) landed on Milky and cried into her fur. Milky was her first and only friend for a while. "Oh Milky, what are were going to do?" The cow licked the girls cheek after sensing her sadness, causing the girl to giggle. Looking out the window (Y/N) came up with a bit so brilliant idea. "Milky, we have to run away." 
Grabbing the cow was easy but negotiating the rough, rocky terrain was hard. "Come on Milky, we've gotta leave." Mother would be worried, devastated even, but she never understood. She tried to change her daughter because she didn't want her to end up like her father. So what? She would die when she did. She just wanted to explore. To make a name for herself too-. "Signora" Zeppeli! "Mr. Zeppeli please take me with you!" Zeppeli's eyes widened. "Signora what on Earth are you talking about?" Zeppeli almost fell off his cart in shock. Tears formed in the girl's eyes again as she squeezed the rope that Milky was attached to tighter. She was ushered over to sit by Zeppeli and she told her story. Zeppeli's face grew solemn as she finished, soaking in all the details. He stood up and unhitched his mule. 
"You must return home to your mother at once." (Y/n)'s jaw dropped. "What?!" Zeppeli looked her in the eye and put a hand on her shoulder. "Please signora, you must not drop your family over this. She is your only parent no?" (Y/N)'s face flushed pink as she wiped her tears. How stupid was she? She was going to leave her mother all alone over a cow. Milky was important to her but wasn't a human. She couldn't talk to (Y/N), feed (Y/N), or scold (Y/N) when she was naughty. Milky was great but wasn't her mother. Zeppeli was right. 
"Mr. Zeppeli I need to go home but first I need to sell Milky, but this will be hard." (Y/N) trailed off thinking about who would care for Milky like she and (M/N) had all those years. Zeppeli stared at (Y/n) a moment or two before his eyes lit up. "You say you want Milky to be happy no?" "Yes" (Y/N) said with resolution. Zeppeli pulled out a hefty looking pouch and tossed it to her "I'll buy your beloved Milky for a fair price and I promise I'll take good care of her." (Y/N) caught the bag with a huge grin, embracing Zeppeli with all her might. "Thank you Zeppeli, for everything." Zeppeli froze, before returning the embrace. "My pleasure bambina." 
(Y/N)'s mother searched every place she could think to find her mischievous daughter. She wasn't trying to break the poor girl's heart but her job as a seamstress was hard enough to feed one mouth, let alone three. When she reached the market, she was going to weep from stress and anguish. Her daughter had run off with the cow and left the older woman all alone. No one had seen her. Oh, how she wished that her husband was still alive, he could have set that girl straight. He'd know what to do. It was just pessimistic, hard-working (M/N) who never wanted to marry or have children. But she loved her husband and her daughter. Defeated and tired the woman went home to find her daughter covered in dirt and smiling. "My darling imp! Where have you been?!" "I was at the market and I sold the cow to a friend, look how much I've made!" (M/N) smiled as she reached for the heavy bag of what she presumed were coins. "Oh, you've done it (Y/N), let's count how much you made." Smiles made their ways to the two's faces and the women sat at the small wooden table to count coins. 
Beans, green beans came out of the bag. 
"(Y/N) my darling, where's the money?"
"It was in the bag mother." 
"Oh. What are the beans for darling?"
(Y/N) knew she had blown it when her mother showed her the beans. Her mother's sweet and contented face turned to anger. "You ran off with the cow to bring home a bag of beans! I should have known you would do this! How dare you come home with these. These!" Her mother tossed the beans out the window. Turning her violent rage back to her child, she backhanded the poor girl, who cried out in pain and misery. "To your room at once and don't even think about supper or breakfast or anything to eat. I ought to sell you, you foolish girl!" (Y/N) ran from her mother who melted to the floor a wept bitterly at the family's misfortune. 
(Y/N) tossed and turned in her bed that night, wondering why she had been so foolish to trust Zeppeli to help her in need. Speedwagon had told her not to trust that man and she did. Why was she so naive and trusting? Night passed on and soon she fell into a bitter sleep. Only to wake to her room being ingulfed in a darkness. Huh? The girl turned to see a massive leaf covering her window, a bean plant leaf. Rushing to the window, she brushed the green curtain aside to see a massive, twisted staircase leading to the heavens. A beanstalk. It was early morning, and the house was quiet meaning no breakfast would be made anytime soon. Her stomach growled in protest. She might as well explore. She hopped onto the leaf and began her asencion into the sky.
(Y/N) panted with exhaustion as she was in the sky now, the little farmhouse a spec beneath her. She reached out to a cloud and touched it. Puff. A gentle softness filled her fingers. Solid yet squishy. Rolling over and laying on the cloud she waited and rested. Not long had passed before she fell into a deep sleep. 
Johnathan Joestar was a giant. Proud, strong, rich, and powerful giants were his descendants. Unlike his descendants he disagreed with how they viewed humans. While many were brutish and downright nasty like his half brother Dio, he was gentle and kind to any human he saw. How he longed to join the humans who worked and played beneath his manor in the clouds. A pity he was tall and horrifying to any who saw him, standing thirty feet tall. He sighed as he took a walk with his giant dog Danny. "Woof!" Danny was running ahead before he stopped to sniff and bark at something in the clouds. "What's the matter Danny?" Danny persisted in barking at the item he found on the ground, barking like there was no tomorrow at it. Johnathan leaned down to inspect what his loyal companion had found. A human. A human girl. A pretty human girl sleeping peacefully like there was no tomorrow. Johnathan blushed as he watched her tiny chest go up and down with every breath. She could be squished, fall through the thin portion of cloud, or worse be found by Dio. No! Johnathan wouldn't allow that. Carefully scooping the human girl up in his giant hands he walked in the direction of his manor, Danny barking excitedly by his master's side. He smiled thinking about all the things he talk about with his new friend. 
(Y/N) woke up feeling a softness that rivaled the cloud she was sleeping on earlier. Wait rivaled? Opening her eyes, the girl saw a large expanse of blue. Was it an ocean? How long was she out? She looked around to see what looked like a wealthy's man's bedroom but larger. Way larger. While trying to reorient herself (Y/N) felt the ground begin to shake as stomping was heard. Quickly (Y/N) hid in the wedge between the pillows.  Peeping out (Y/N) let out a gasp. A giant man came into view as he looked around the room in search of something. His light sea blue eyes held a deep kindness to them but (Y/N) wasn't taking any chances. "You can come out now, I promise you I won't hurt you." No no no no. (Y/N) sunk further into the crack between the pillows, praying to whatever deity would listen that this man wouldn't find her. Unfortunately, the gods were feeling spiteful as a large blue followed her every move like a spotlight. "There you are." 
(Y/N) shrieked as she found herself being lifted into the air by a giant hand. She did everything she could think of to get out of the giant's grasp: biting, pinching, kicking, screaming as loud as she could. Soon dissolving into sobs when she realized it wasn't working. Johnathan's eyes softened at the clear misery of the poor girl, before shushing her gently. "It's okay I won't hurt you I promise, I just wanted to talk to a human." The girl continued heaving dry sobs as he set her down on his shoulder and sat on his bed. (Y/N) was overwhelmed to be completely honest it was too much for her. Calming down a little she scooted closer to the giant man's ear and whispered. "Who are you?" Delighted Johnathan beamed brightly. "My name is Johnathan Joestar and you are in my manor, I've never seen a human this close but am delighted to meet you Ms. . . . "   
"(Y/N)" she weakly replied. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. (Y/N) that is a very beautiful name."
The girl and the giant spoke for some time Johnathan was able to make her laugh for a bit, getting her more comfortable with him. She told him about her life with her mother, how they were poor, how she had to sell the cow, and how she ended up there. Johnathan told her about his father, his dog, his life, and his half-brother Dio. 
"I must warn you that my brother comes to my house at random times, and he hates humans. He'll eat you if he finds you here." At the word eat, (Y/N)'s stomach started to growl. Johnathan chuckled at the girl's stomach. "Sounds like you're hungry. Come I'll prepare you some food." Johnathan walked into the kitchen with (Y/N) on his shoulder. In the kitchen there was more food then (Y/N) had ever seen in her life. Links of sausage and hams left to dry. Cheese wheels big enough to feed her entire kingdom. Fruits that were big enough to live in. "I didn't finish my breakfast, so I'll let you have as much as you want." Johnathan smiled offering a hand for the girl to land in. Eagerly the girl jumped onto Johnathan's palm and waited for him to land it on the table. Eggs, bacon, toast, beans, and even slices of delicious looking apple. It was all too much for the girl to take in as she went on a munching frenzy. Eating here and there with the loving and caring look of Johnathan watching over her. She was happy and full as she munched and chatted with her new giant friend. 
Boom boom boom!
Johnathan had a panicked look on his face as he grabbed the girl and placed her in the oven. "Dio is here, don't make a sound." Johnathan told the girl who nodded. Suddenly, a handsome yet evil looking blond came stomping into the room
"Well, well brother what's this that I smell?" 
"Whatever do you smell dear brother?" Johnathan asked while peeling some potatoes.
"I smell the stench of human in my home. Now tell me where is this human I smell?" 
A cold shock of fear ran down (Y/N)'s spine, was Johnathan going to tell on her? Was she going to be boiled with those potatoes? She was too trusting once more. She waited for the conversation to end and for her to be cooked in the oven.
Johnathan's face remained neutral as he began to slice some carrots. "Whatever do you mean brother? You must smell the human you ate days ago in this house." Days? (Y/N) gulped as she heard him say this. Dio sat down at the chair Johnathan sat in earlier. "What a disgusting mess you cooked brother." Dio laughed as he insulted Johnathan's cooking. What a nasty man. He reminded (Y/N) of those brutes she and Speedwagon had fought off at the market. "Yes, Dio I have been rather sloppy recently. Why don't you enjoy some of the Shepard's pie I've cooked?" Johnathan grabbed a vial of something a dropped a bit of it into the pie, before handing it to Dio. Dio smirked and took a bite. "You know Jojo I think this is one of the only things that you cook that isn't complete shit." Jojo smiled a big fake smile. "Thank you for your kind words, Dio." Dio turned and smirked before snapping his fingers. "Jojo bring me the family gold so I can count it while I eat." Gold? Johnathan sighs and walks into the other room. Dio sniffs the air and glares. Standing up and searching for the offending stench.
(Y/N) curled up further into a ball, squeezing her eyes shut, praying to whatever god will hear her that Dio won't find her. "Somewhere there is a human, Jojo thinks he can fool I, Dio, but he is an idiot to think so." Oh god no. Dio sniffs the air before turning to the oven. “Poor Jojo, thinking he can fool me. Well, I’ll admit he was clever to hide this human in an oven but no matter. Let’s have look now.” Sweat began pouring down (Y/N)’s back as she shook furiously. He was going to spot her and roast her alive. Scrunching further down in the corner she hid her face in her hands, prepared for the wicked giants crimson eye to peak into the oven. “Dio have you no manners.” Jojo was back! “Jojo, I was simply curious about how hot you kept the oven to make the Shepard’s pie.” Liar filthy liar. Jonathan sighed before placing a heavy sounding bag on the table. “Here’s most of the gold. Enjoy counting our late father’s wealth.” Dio face lit up with greed as he grabbed the bag. “Much obliged Jojo.” So the two sat at the table silently with the only sound being the sound of gold scraping the table. (Y/N) could only imagine how much money was in that bag. It made her imagine what her mother would say if she brought home all that gold. 
“(Y/N) my beautiful, brave girl. You’ve saved our farm and our lives. You can travel the world as much as you please and make a name for yourself.” 
Nah she wouldn’t say that, but she would be grateful. Wrapped up in her thoughts she was surprised when she heard a thud followed by loud snoring. Cautiously, the girl peaked an eye through the grate in the oven door. There Dio lay sound asleep, and would you look at that, he dropped the gold coins he was holding. She was startled out of her thoughts as the door to the oven gently swung open. Johnathan sent a gentle yet sheepish smile. “Dio left one of his potion books open, which might have had a sleeping potion recipe inside.” Jojo held out a hand for (Y/N) to jump into which she gladly hopped onto. Climbing back to Johnathan’s ear she spoke gently yet with some hurry in her tone. “It was lovely meeting you Jojo but I’m afraid I have to go." Johnathan’s kind blue eyes turned sad at his friend's words. “Alright but before you go, promise me you’ll come back tomorrow.” Johnathan’s statement sounded a tinge desperate however (Y/N) smiled a nodded. “Yes tomorrow.” Johnathan smiled before placing her on the floor and guiding her to the door. Once outside she almost kicked herself. The treasure was right there, and she foolishly wasted her opportunity. Then again, she would feel guilty stealing it from someone as sweet as Johnathan. However, it was for her mother and herself. As she climbed down the beanstalk, she solidified her will to steal just a few gold coins the next time she went to Johnathan's manor.
The next day, (Y/N) woke up bright and early to make the journey up the beanstalk uninterrupted by any outside forces. This time coming prepared for a wide haul with a worn brown leather satchel wrapped around her chest. She'd at least come home with one coin to prove to her mother that she isn't useless. Stretching her aching muscles, (Y/N) began her climb. Pulling herself up bit by bit and leaf by leaf. Finishing her climb after a shorter rest than last time. Two beady black eyes met the girl as she reached the clouds. A giant Great Dane was now on its haunches asking to play. Its tail causing tremors in the air causing the young girl to flail backwards. She could feel herself falling to her death when a familiar warm hand caught her. “Danny naughty boy. You almost killed our guest.” The dog, oblivious to his owners scolding, barked happily and continued wagging his monstrous tail. Johnathan turned to face the human in his hand. ��(Y/N) this is Danny, my family dog.” Danny barked joyfully and spun around causing the girl to laugh. “Nice to meet you Danny.” (Y/N) said cheerfully while doing a mock curtsy to the dog. Johnathan chuckled at the girl’s actions before placing her on his shoulder. “I’m glad you’ve returned (Y/N).” (Y/N) smiled at her giant friend and playfully spoke into his ear. “Why wouldn’t I come back?” 
Johnathan’s mood instantly dropped as he sat down on the clouds. Danny clumsily sitting beside the giant barking for pets. Johnathan stroked his dog’s ear affectionately before looking wistfully off into the distance. “I’m going to tell you this only because you are my friend but promise you won’t stop visiting me.” Seeing her big friend sad the girl nodded vigorously and barked a confident yes out. Johnathan began playing with the clouds like they were blades of grass as he sighed and began his story.
“Before my mother died it was my father and her, both were fascinated by humans. My mother would often build little replicas of human houses and villages and my father would buy little dolls to go in them. They always wanted to visit the humans below but then they had me and things changed…”
” My mother was determined to meet humans, so she planned to take the sky bridge with my father and me to see the humans. Everything was set to go except the carriage crashed. My mother didn’t make it leaving my father and I the only members of the family. My father grew heart broken by the loss of my mother and ordered the sky bridge be destroyed. He never spoke about humans again and would lecture me if I ever expressed my own interest in them. For a while it was just my father and I and Danny of course, but that all changed when Dio came. He would always suck up to my father and turned my friends and own father against me. What even worse is that he owns half of the manor and fortune which means I have to be nice to him in my own home even when he’s cruel to me.”
(Y/N) listened intently to the blue haired giant and felt a tear coming to her own eye as she heard his voice become shaky and saw a tear streak down his cheek. “I’m so sorry Jojo.” Was all the girl could muster as (Y/N) could have never guessed her friend had gone through so much. Jojo’s solemn face turned to one of joy as he picked the girl up and patted her head with his finger gently. “It’s all right now because I have you.” The girl smiled and leaned into Johnathan’s touch. “Yes, you have me.” 
With those words the girl sealed her fate …
Speedwagon was worried. He hadn’t seen his friend (Y/N) in weeks, and when he did she had new clothes and shoes and a proper handkerchief to keep her hair out of her face.  She would smile and wave at him but he felt something was off. When they talked she would speak about some man called Jonathan Joestar, which he wasn’t jealous of at all. Nope, not Speedwagon. It’s just every time she would stare at the clouds wistfully, he felt his anxiety grow. Was Johnathan a good man or was he taking advantage of his sweet yet naive friend? She could take care of herself but he couldn’t help but wonder what trouble she had gotten into. “Robert!” Speedwagon snapped out of his daze as his (h/c) friend was right in front of his face with an annoyed expression.
” Yes (Y/N)?” (Y/N) groaned as he looks confused at her expectant face. “Did you hear anything I said?” (Y/N) pouted pressing her (lip color) lips out cutely. Speedwagon blushed at his thoughts. Cutely? He always thought of (Y/N) as a little sister: rambunctious, adventurous, and very very annoying. However, seeing her so happy and clean for the first time in a while, Speedwagon felt his heart flutter. “You’re still not listening.” (Y/N) pouted even more before pinching his reddening cheeks. Speedwagon pushed her away her assault of his cheek. “Oi quit poking me you dummy!” The girl gasped before hitting him. “I’m not dumb I’ve got my edumacation!” Speedwagon snicked at her mistake. “What?! Did I say it wrong?!” Speedwagon was full belly laughing at his friends mistake. “No, I consider myself edumacated too.” Speedwagon howls with laughter after his comment. (Y/N) proceeded to chase Speedwagon down and tackle him. The two wrestled until (Y/N) pinned Speedwagon down. “Got ya I- “Speedwagon couldn’t resist as his planted his lips on hers. He blushed hard at the closeness and her being on top of him. (Y/N) blushed to before squeaking and pushing him away. 
“What the bloody hell was that?!” Speedwagon turned redder at his friend’s anger. “I thought we were having a moment.” Speed wagon mumbled before turning to get up and walk away. “Wait!” (Y/N) grabbed Speedwagon’s before kissing him again. The kids was brief and unexperienced but the two were red in the face afterward. (Y/N) shyly turned away and said. “Wanna come over to eat? Mums making roast.” Speedwagon beams and nods as the two walk away hand in hand.
The preparation was done. Johnathan looked at his work smiling happily. It took him weeks, but he finished the beautiful replica manor. The bathroom and kitchen working with all the functioning appliances anyone could desire. All it was missing was a doll. Johnathan placed a replica doll of a certain (h/c) into the manor next to a doll of him. He picked up the doll and placed it near his ear. “What’s that (Y/N) dear you wish to be married? Well, I’m sure we can be as soon as I find a way for you to be giant or I could become your size.” Johnathan rambled on while holding the doll close. He could almost hear her calming voice whispering in his ear. It had been weeks since her last visit and his was already going crazy without her. Sighing dreamily, he laid down on his bed turning to face the doll. “She couldn’t have left me forever, could she?” He used his fingers to make the doll shake its head no. “Of course, not she loves me, and I love her, more than anything in the world.” Johnathan’s musings were interrupted by Danny’s barks. It must be her! Leaping off of his bed he bounded down the stairs to see-
Dio smirking and standing at the foot of the staircase. “Hello Jojo, excited to see me?” Ah well I guess someone as small as her couldn’t open a door as big as his. “Yes, I am elated to see you Dio.” Johnathan said dryly. Dio laughed at Johnathans change in mannerisms. “Come now you looked so happy Jojo! Could it be that you are waiting for someone else?” Dio tone changed drastically as he began to climb the stairs. “Dio drop it.” Johnathan’s voice changed from dry to fiery as Dio ascended the staircase. “Oh no Johnathan, you’ve been hiding something from me, so I won’t drop it.”
Dio forced his way into Johnathan’s after much protest from the blue eyed giant. “What’s this dear brother, playing house with a mysterious woman? What embarrassment of a giantess have you possibly met?” Johnathan’s anger boiled he had to deal with constant taunting and manipulation from Dio, but he drew the line at Dio insulting you. “Enough she’s not an embarrassment and I think it’s time you leave!” Johnathan raised his voice and pointed at the door. Dio’s amusement turned to vitriol as his crimson eyes narrowed. “Are you kicking me out Jojo?” Johnathan met his gaze with an even fiercer one. “Yes I’m saying you need to leave this house and my life for good.” He wouldn’t have had the courage to tell Dio off if it weren’t for you. Aren’t you amazing? However this moment of triumph was cut short with Dio sending a strong right hook to Johnathan’s face.
Johnathan fell to the floor and clutched cheek is shock. “You have no right to tell me what to do Jojo! You’re worthless nothing compared to me, and don’t ever forget that!” Dio spit on Johnathan’s curled up form. With that Dio stormed out in a fit of rage, not before kicking Danny on the way out. Danny came upstairs to his master with his tail tucked between his legs. Johnathan stroked Danny’s head and sighed. “Damn Dio, that horrible selfish bastard! Next time he’s here I’ll kill him!” Danny licked his master’s bruising cheek as the two lay on the floor side by side.
(Y/N) smiled to herself as she made her way up the beanstalk. Two days after her kiss with Speedwagon, she set her mind on one thing. Getting enough money to allow her mother to live in peace and traveling the world with Speedwagon. First, she must tell Johnathan her plan. As her giant friend hadn’t gotten a visit from her in a while she simply had to tell him that she would be going somewhere far from England. Giddily she hummed while climbing the stalk up to the familiar clouds. However, there was no Johnathan or Danny to greet her. Stupid, of course he wouldn’t wait there for weeks on end for her. Hoisting herself up to the clouds and scolding herself, she made her way in the direction of where she last saw the manor. Sure, enough the Joestar manor stood proud upon the clouds in all its glory. She walked up to the large front door and knocked as loud as she could. “Jojo it’s me (Y/N)!” She shouted as loud as she could. No answer. Fiddlesticks what was a girl to do. (Y/N) then saw an open window on the side of the house leading to the kitchen. (Y/N)’s eyes lit up as she determinedly waltzed to the side of the house. Being as small as she was compared to the house. The bricks functioned as a nice climbing wall and the vines on the side a good support.  
Climbing was exhausting and (Y/N) was gasping for breath. She severely underestimated the length of the climb. Good thing she was in semi good shape as she reached the windowsill. Panting for air she lay staring at the top of the window. When she caught her breath, (Y/N) swung herself into the manor through the window. The kitchen was quiet . . . too quiet. "Jojo?" (Y/N) called out while leaping to a counter and down to the floor. "Hello?" Walking out of the kitchen she made it to the hallway. Maybe he's not home but where would Johnathan be? 
(Y/N) felt her world blur as she was grabbed by a pale hand. The spin made her feel nauseous as she struggled to reorient herself, the grip got tighter and tighter. "Oh, what's this little mouse doing in my house?" A chilling feeling filled every orifice of (Y/N)'s body as she met a set of crimson eyes. "What a pity, expecting Jojo but instead it was I Dio!" Dio began to laugh evilly at the girl's misfortune. "I must admit you-" Dio stares at her with narrowed eyes before he began to laugh again. This time much louder and more unhinged. "This is the doll Jojo was playing house with?! Oh, Jojo you buffoon, falling in love with a human of all things!" Dio's laughter died down as he squeezed even tighter. "At first I was just going to eat you but now I think I'll wait until dear Jojo comes home to savor my victory."
Dio placed (Y/N) into a glass jar and screwed the lid on tight. (Y/N) pounded her fists on the jar but it was no use. Slinking down in the jar, (Y/N) began to think of all that went wrong in her life. First the beans, then meeting Johnathan, then stealing from Johnathan, and now being killed in front of her blue haired friend. Meeting Johnathan wasn’t a complete mistake but it did lead to her current misfortune. (Y/N) curled into a ball and began to cry. Leaving here was hopeless and she was done for. 
Dio had left the room only to come back with a hen and a harp. “Lay!” Dio shouted at the hen, which laid a golden egg. Satisfied he turned to the harp and shouted “Play!” The harp then began to sing a beautiful melody and strum its own string. The gentle lullaby lured the blonde giant into a deep slumber. (Y/N) saw all of this from her glass prison. She must escape and get those items. Johnathan wasn’t coming to save her so she must save her own life. Looking to the steep drop from the table was suicidal, there must be some other way to break the glass. Tears seeped into her eyes again at her precarious situation as she hit the glass as hard as she could with her fist. 
Pain, deep insufferable pain throbbed through her body. Her hand was most likely broken. However, (Y/N) didn’t stop as she hit the glass again and again, only stopping to fully ram her body into the side of the glass. 
The glass jar broke leaving a very wounded yet free (Y/N) inside. (Y/N) tied her handkerchief around her bloody hand and began to crawl down the table. Determined and powered by a rush of adrenaline (Y/N) crept up the table leg to the table not stopping till she reached the hen. Tearing a piece of fabric off her dress the girl wrapped the fabric around the bird’s beak and grabbed the bird. Thinking about what to do with the harp the girl reached out and brushed the harp before it cried out “Master! Master!” Oh no. Dio’s eyes snapped open and he gave her the nastiest look. “Thief!” (Y/N) quickly grabbed the harp and ran down the table and towards the kitchen window. Dio made chase and swiped at the girl. Running as fast as she could (Y/N) leapt onto a table leg and climbed on a spice rack. Dio grabbed a frying pan and was intent on smacking the girl into oblivion. (Y/N) managed to dodge and grab a sausage link a swing herself to the safety of the sink. Hopping onto the windowsill the girl jumped, holding the chicken over her head. The chicken flapped its wings desperately, slowing down the fall from the window. Dio roared with anger and slammed the door open. (Y/N)’s heart was a drum in her chest as she squeezed the chicken and the shrieking harp close to her chest. She didn’t stop running until she found the beanstalk and climbed as fast as she could. “Master save me!” The harp screamed. “Shut up!” (Y/N) wheezed as she continued the climb down. Dio was following quickly in a blind rage. Fortunately, (Y/N) was quicker as she reached the bottom nimbly and ran towards the farmhouse. 
(M/N) was surprised to see her daughter running towards her covered in blood holding a chicken and a screaming harp. “Good heavens dear, what have you-“ “The axe! Get the axe mother!” (M/N) was startled by the urgency in (Y/N)’s voice but heard thundering footsteps from the sky and roaring. The woman turned to her daughter a shakily nodded. Running to the shed she saw a stranger with a mustache and a strange hat holding the axe. “Quick (M/N) get this axe to your daughter!” (M/N) stood confused as all get out as to how this strange man was in her barn but simply took the axe and ran to her daughter.
By now Dio’s booming voice had drawn closer and (Y/N) stared nervously at the sky. Hearing shouting she saw her mother and a face she’d never thought she’d see again. “Mr. Zeppeli?” “The giant is getting closer (Y/N), chop with all your might.” (Y/N) took the axe and began to chop.
(Y/N)’s arm was badly injured from breaking the glass and bent at a weird angle. She couldn’t chop anymore.
(M/N) grabbed the axe from her daughter and began to chop furiously at the beanstalk. 
“Foolish human, I’ll grind your bones to make my bread! Teach you to steal from I Diooooo-“
The beanstalk snapped in half and tipped to the side. The giant climbing fell with a thud and hit the earth. As the dust settled Zeppeli walked over to the crater where the giant lay. Zeppeli carefully examined the giant. “He’s dead, (Y/N) you killed him.” (Y/N)’s eyes widened at Zeppeli’s statement. “M-me?!” Zeppeli chuckled and ruffled her messy hair/headscarf/head. “Yes you killed this awful giant and brought back your spoils of war. I think we should call you (Y/N) the Giant Slayer.” (Y/N) blushed before pushing Zeppeli away. “Wait a minute you’re the one who got me in this mess!” Zeppeli looked down at the ground in shame. Eyes turning glassy with remorse. “I will forever be apologetic towards my actions Senorita, you just remind me so much of (F/N).” This time it was (M/N)’s turn to be upset. She walked up and smacked the mustachioed man straight in the face. “Listen here you Italian bastard, you have no right to mention my husband’s name after almost getting my girl killed and you!” (M/N) turned her anger towards (Y/N). “What made you think climbing a strange plant was a good idea. I knew I should have cut it down and I-“ (Y/N) placed her least injured arm on her mother’s shoulder. (M/N) looked at her child’s wild eyes with anger but then it dissolved into love. “You foolish girl, don’t ever think about leaving me childless too.” With that the two embraced as the sun began to set in the distance. 
Zeppeli was leaving to distant lands. After all monster slayers don’t stay in one place for too long, however he wasn’t alone. At the docks stood a (e/c) girl with a wide grin and an arm in a sling. On her left an older woman wiping her tears on a cloth and on her right a taller blond with a scar of his face staring at the girl with love struck eyes. With all the gold the hen could produce and the harp for company, (M/N) had to let her daughter go. She insisted on waiting for the arm to heal but the (h/c) was too eager to go and explore her next chapter of life that she begged and begged and begged until (M/N) gave in. Speedwagon of course was sent to accompany the girl but (M/N) shot him a knowing look and told him to “not give a grandchild too soon”. Others lined the area of the docks behind the trio whispering about (Y/N) the great Giant Slayer and her exploits in the clouds. Everything was looking up for (Y/N). “Did you pack matches, bandages, extra clothes?” (Y/N) chuckled at her mothers worries. “Mama I’ll be fine, I’m a grown woman. Besides I’m (Y/N) the Giant Slayer.” 
(M/N) just sighed and placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Please be safe dear, I've only got one daughter." (Y/N) hugged her once more. "Dear I think it's time we got a move on." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Speedwagon. "Dear?" Speedwagon blushed at her mocking tone. "I just thought that I-" (Y/N) interrupted Speedwagon with a kiss on the cheek. "It's cute." The two then boarded the ship off onto a new adventure in the land beyond.
This wasn't how she meant to return to England. 
The village she once knew and loved was destroyed but by whom? Giants of course. They heard of the death of Dio and wished to seek revenge. It had been months before a letter from a concerned townsperson had made its way to her asking for her immediate return. Walking through crushed houses and trampled fields she couldn't help but wonder if she had done the right thing by leaving her home unprotected. 
Taking a walk to what appears to be the main source of the destruction she has to cling to Speedwagon in horror. Her house was destroyed in sitting in the middle of the rubble was the crying harp. (Y/N) walked up to it gently and picking it up in her arms. "What happened to you?" The harp looks up at (Y/N) and shrieks in fear. "It's your fault that he's come back and is going to kill us all!" (Y/N) grew confused at the harp's statement before her eyes darkened. No, it couldn't be him. "Dio..." Speedwagon looked at the girl he loved with a look of confusion. "Who?" (Y/N) turned to him gravely "We need to check the crater." Sure enough, the body was gone. "I should have known he wasn't dead." Speedwagon looked on in horror at the empty crater. "I thought you killed him but the body... it-it's gone!" "Speedwagon get the bag that Zeppeli gave us." Speedwagon's look of horror grew greater. "But-but Mr. Zeppeli said to only use it for emergencies!" (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed at her partners words. "Don't you think I don't know that! My mom's gone missing and that's an emergency!" Speedwagon's eyes softened at (Y/N)'s words. "Let me come with you." (Y/N) pulled out her knife before taking the bag from Speedwagon's trembling hands "No this is between Dio and I, you need to be safe here. Also, Zeppeli will be alone if I die." Speedwagon's eyes began to water. "You can't say that I love you!" (Y/N)'s eyes calmed down as she sighed at her lover's pain. She faced Speedwagon and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "Just for good luck." was all she said before planting the single bean into the ground. 
The familiar stomping grounds lay before her, unfortunately she had some unfinished business to complete. Making her way to the manor that stood ominously before (Y/N), she slipped under the crack in the door. The manor lay quiet and still as if no one lived there. Dio could be anywhere. 
The stomping of feet broke (Y/N) out of her stupor and she jumped behind the nearest object she could hide behind. Instead of the blond giant (Y/N) was met with the blue haired one instead. He was busily scurrying around and humming the wedding march. Danny came in following, tail wagging. “Oh Danny just wait until (Y/N) gets here, all the preparations are ready and it’ll just be us and her!” Preparations? What preparations? “Bark!” Danny responded happily while wagging his tail. “Yes Danny you’ll have a new master besides me. We’ll be so happy together, I just know it!” (Y/N) was thoroughly confused, was Dio not alive? Well, that’s a relief. Still…(Y/N) didn’t know who destroyed the farmhouse and took her mom. She’d need to look for more clues. 
Danny’s nose begins to quiver in the air and he begins sniffing around. Oh no he must have smelled her, if Johnathan sees her then she won’t be able to search for clues. Quick thinking she grabbed a jar out of her bag with a small furry creature in it. Nothing a little fire rat can’t do. Opening the jar she set the rat on the floor, causing it the scurry about and set the floor it touched on fire. Johnathan and Danny took the bait and ran to the scene of the fire. (Y/N) felt a little guilty for burning up Jojo’s family home, but she had work to do.
Climbing the giant stairs took longer than she thought but she was on the second floor of the manor. (Y/N) stared at the infinite amount of doors thinking which to choose from.  However this was narrowed down to one as she heard crying from the inside of one. Scrambling under the door she peaked through to the other side.
It was a familiar room. In fact, it was the first room she’d ever seen in the house. Johnathan’s room. Strange. The crying sounded like it was coming from the little doll house on the floor. It was a cute doll house resembling the Joestar manor down to the tinniest crack. (Y/N) entered the front door and marveled at the detail inside. It looked just like the foyer of the Joestar manor down to the flaws. A sinking feeling filled her chest as (Y/N) heard the crying coming from upstairs.
Climbing the stairs carefully (Y/N) peered around the corner down the hall. The door that looked like it lead to the miniature version of Johnathan's room was where the sobbing was the loudest. Opening the door (Y/N) was met with a face she had hoped she wouldn't see. Her mother lay trembling in a cage of sorts like a decorative canary. (Y/N) was disgusted with her mother's inhumane treatment. Did Jojo do this? "Mom?" (Y/N) couldn't stop the words from spilling out of her mouth. 
Her mother made eye contact with her and gasped with her hands over her mouth. "(Y/N) is that really you?" The girl ran over to her mother and placed her hands over the older woman's. "Mother, how did you get in here?" Her mother began shaking and tears formed in her eyes again. "(Y/N) you need to get out of here! I don't know what he wants from you but he-" "Mother who's he?" Before your mother could speak the thunderous footsteps came running up the stairs. 
"Get back here you scoundrel, you'll destroy my hard work." Jojo caught the fire rat which let out a squeak in his hands. Crap Jojo! (Y/N) remained perfectly still as the giant sauntered over to his prized possession. Peaking through the window with his large blue spotlight of an eye. "Good it's not damaged. Are you alright in there?" He called out to (M/N) who blanched at the familiar voice. "Him" was all (Y/N) had to hear before she understood. Her gentle giant had a darkness that may be greater than his wicked half-brother. Quickly (Y/N) scampered out of the sight of the giant, while (M/N) continued her weeping. Johnathan opened the house and reached out to pat you mother's head. 
"There, there, everything is alright. Soon your daughter will be here, and you can give me permission to have her hand in marriage." He turned to look at her before squeezing the cage, tighter than he should. "You will do that right?" 
The look in his eye was too dangerous to disobey, causing (M/N) to squeak and nod instinctively. You couldn't stand for this, just what had he done to your mother?
His eyes lit up at the sound of the girl's voice, unaware of the atrocities he had committed in (Y/N)'s name.  His eyes roved towards your form with nothing but pure joy. Crushing the rat in his hands accidently he reached out to your form beaming brightly. "(Y/N) where did you go; I was so lost without you!" The girl in question stepped back with a distrustful expression on her face. Immediately Jojo's expression changed. 
"Why what's wrong dear, I thought you'd be happy to see me after you left for so long." Johnathan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his delusion splitting apart. (Y/N) stepped cautiously away from the giant and reached for a dagger in her pocket. "Why do you have my mother?" Jojo's eyes saddened as he put down the cage and went to eye level with the girl. "Other giants attacked your village, crushed your house, and tried to have you killed. I managed to stop them but who's to say more won't come and try to kill you?" Wait they did? Is that true? That explains the wreck her village was in. "They want me dead?" Johnathan nodded sadly before beaming brighter than before. "I know! You should live with me, I'll tell them your ship sunk before it arrived and you can stay with me and your mother for the rest of your life!" No, no, no!  What Jojo was saying was crazy! (Y/N) was a wanderer in her heart and soul, so she could never stay in one place for the rest of her life. Shaking her head (Y/N) replied: "I can't stay with you Jojo, traveling is my passion." Jojo frowned before his eyes darkened. He snatched (Y/N) up in his hand and brought her to his face, anger burning in his eyes.
"Is it because of him?!" Jojo shouted anger coursing through his veins. He knew it was ungentlemanlike but he grew angry with her excuses. Why couldn't she just love him?! (Y/N) was filled with fear at the sight of Jojo's anger. Sure, she fought plenty of monsters in her time abroad, but this was more personal than anything before. "Who Jojo?" (Y/N) squeaked out causing the anger in the giant to rise. "That damned blond you came here with, is it because of him that you won't stay with me, that you won't love me." Jojo's sad tone at the end confused the girl to no in. Jojo loved her? 
She snapped out of her thoughts to see herself in a golden cage. It was painstakingly beautiful for a bird, but not her.
"Jojo let me out!" 
Johnathan looks back at you sadly but shakes his head.
"I'm afraid I can't because how will I be able to protect you against the world?" 
"This is madness." 
"Love can be madness my little canary." 
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sp00kymulderr · 2 years
tell me your secrets before we fade to black
Part 1
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x gn reader
Fandom: The Batman (2022)
Warnings: Blood, injury, cursing, alcohol mention, nothing major for this part.
Word count: 2,228
A/N: Old  draft that I randomly decided to start editing last night, now I’m really in to it again so here we are!
Summary: He’s broken, and he has broken your heart. Now you’re finally beginning to let go and make your peace with never seeing him again, but how often these things just don’t go to plan.
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When the heavens open from grey, dreary skies Gotham feels most like home to you.
This city that seems to consume its inhabitants, eat them whole – soul and all.
It’s freezing, breath shaking out of you in a visible fog as you dodge through the crowd of fast opening umbrellas, your hands tight around a warm paper cup to stop them tingling in the cold. There’s a storm coming, wind picking up too. You watch as detritus from the street is raised up by it dramatically, flying high and catching on leafless branches to be left to hang. Remnants of this miserable moment.
You watch quiet as the city moves with it – people head-down fighting against the gusts, skeleton trees with heavy branches shaking against it, the rattle of objects flung from their proper place. Even the buildings seem to be fighting for their place in it, empty desolate blocks with windows rattling loudly.
It is miserable, and yet it always feels like home.
Gotham has taken a battering time and time again, still trying to rebuild itself from every pain it has endured and always preparing for the next. It feels so strangely normal now, you and the people and the city desensitized to it all.
Truth be told, it isn’t the place you had planned to be at this point in your life. It wasn’t where you’d expected to stay, seeing as most of those you knew had moved on long ago. But after everything you’d seen this city endure you felt a fierce loyalty to it, a camaraderie with the others who couldn’t seem to leave it. You belonged to Gotham now, and it to you. 
Perhaps it had already taken your soul.
But then again, might it have something to do the hopeless candle you hold. Because even though it’s been months since you last crossed paths, knowing he’s here keeps you hopeful too.
It has been near impossible to forget Bruce Wayne, to let him fade from your memory the way he had from your life. Years on and you were still seeing him, too often, in all the little things you shared. Haunted by him, in a way. Forgetting him was impossible, and moving on was even harder.
A ghost, he was in every place you had been, in every memory you had shared. He lived in the time between places, the moments that passed between minutes. When you'd been young the city was yours, you'd run through those parks that now looked so dark and dreary. You'd crashed through the streets in synchronised giggling chaos as young friends often do.
He'd always been a part of your life, always somewhere in it. And yes, he'd changed after losing his parents but who wouldn't? It had hit everyone in this city hard, everyone who hoped for better for Gotham had felt the shock wave of the Wayne's death run through the city. It had torn Bruce apart, you’d watched him and felt so helpless to save him. Thankful when over the years you saw him put himself back together, learn to cope better.
And then he disappeared.
He left your life like he'd never been part of it, left you with no friend to turn to – no inkling of hope that he had ever or would ever care for you the way you did for him. Just...left. Left you devastated and confused, wanting a reason for his suddenly no longer existing.
You never got that. Never got any word from him but the odd, unimportant text. It had been two years now, and he was no where to be seen. Hiding up in his tower and presumably whiling away his life in lonely isolation. Desolation.
That tower – that was half the problem. How can you escape the reminder that he's here in your city when every time you look up you're reminded of exactly where he is. You have half a mind to waltz up there and demand an answer, demand something...anything...to give you some peace about losing your closest friend.
But you don't. You can't. He's stubborn, but so are you, and you won't make the first move to rekindle this relationship when you put everything in to keeping it alive as he slowly became a memory. You're angry about it. About the fact that he's abandoned the city too. He was cared for and supported, by them, by you. Your family, your friends. Your feelings for him held him up for moments when nothing else mattered.
You've tried to call him, to see if hearing your voice will make him see some reason. Last year, you'd called the landline to be told you he was unavailable. Alfred had told you the same. You'd tried his cell. No answer. Five times.
You'd lost him. Eventually you had to admit it.
He'd gone.
And so, you tried your damn best to forget about those days and those stupid feelings you seemed to have always had. You'd thought about leaving after that, when you'd decided to give up on him, considered joining your family who had moved away a while ago. Or even going further afield, somewhere new and unknown. Nothing was really stopping you - you could do it if you wanted to.
But you don't want to, not really.
This is home. It has always been. Gotham is the place you know the best, it's the place that knows you best. Despite it's chaos, it's many wounds and cracks in the framework this city is the one you feel too attached to to ever give up on. No, you were giving up on him, not Gotham.
You carried on with your life, with your job and your little apartment and your slowly dwindling social life. Sometimes you went to the events, just to see if he'd be there to. But not because you want to see him, certainly not for that. Just to see if he'd ever show his face again, represent his family in all their philanthropy again.
You wondered if he was sorry for that, for the lack of care he had for the foundation. For the lack of help he was giving to the city that raised him. He could've made something of it all by now. The things he could've done, if he had just tried harder to fight through his demons. Bruce was smart, smarter than anyone even gave him credit for - he had been brilliant, bright, a strong mind and soul. He could've made so much of the opportunity he had.
You just wanted to understand him, to ask him why he didn't keep the legacy alive like he'd once said he would. All you wanted now was to know what he was thinking. But you'd never be able to ask him that.
You had to move on. To stop thinking about him. Stop looking up at that fucking tower. Wondering where he is, which of the many rooms he's pacing in. You hope he's not standing still. Hope he's not quietly rotting away in his own misery.
It's a few weeks later, after the storm, that you are home and lonely and wallowing with a drink and some music that drowns the solemnness away a little bit. You hate him on nights like this, for making you feel this way. Lonely. Loneliness was not in your cards, not before this. Even when your family had left and you'd stayed behind for college you'd had every opportunity to stay close with friends and cared for by someone. By Bruce, sometimes, when you were getting closer. And now. Now you were lonely even when you tried not to be.
You try to shake off the thoughts, just enjoy the melody that doesn't remind you of anything and let it lull you slowly to rest.
Some time late the noise at your door stirs you suddenly awake. A strange sound, a shuffling and what sounds like the muffled noise of a person. Someone outside your door. Your head jolts up too fast at the first thud, causing a pain in your neck that makes you wince. It’s not the raucous noise of your neighbours kids, being far too late for that and far too early for it to be anyone leaving for work. There is a groan, perhaps a hand hitting the door with little force, the sound of something heavy falling against it. You hold a breath and tried not to be afraid, releasing it quietly as you move slowly toward the door to investigate. You weren't fool enough to not consider something dangerous awaiting you.
It isn't until you hear the sound again, the raking groan and the stutter of your name - there is pain in it, quiet as the sounding is. With not enough thought you go to the door, peeking out to see a figure standing against the frame, propped up with one shoulder against the door. You gasp, loud, and you know he hears you. 
Opening the door, fumbling with the chain, you stand still in silence as your heart beats like it wants to rip out of your chest in a bloody cocophony of blind panic.
"Bruce" you finally gasp out, after some time, processing what you see before you. He’s there, barely standing at your door. It takes you forever to register his stance, the panting, the hand drawn tight to his left side.
Every single emotion crosses through you at once; your body shakes with it. Violent and visceral. He's here. 
He's here. 
You've spent more than a year of your life trying to chase him out of your mind but he’s here anyway.
"Bruce" you repeat, still in disbelief but this time more urgent. There's something dark, sticky covering his hand. It's not blood. Why would he come to you like this. It's not blood.
He doesn't speak. He barely looks at you, but winces in pain as he moves towards the threshold where you stand. Suddenly there's anger bubbling inside you, anger that tastes like pain. Like the last two years is all coming to a head in this one moment and a reddened, screaming monster has manifested from it. Why are you here, you want to scream. Why did you come here. Why didn't you come here sooner. Why did you leave me.
It tears you apart, all those questions. But he's barely hanging on, head sagging as his body almost sways. "Please" he whimpers. Please. Your heart aches miserably.
"Please" before he falls to the floor and almost through your door.
"Bruce!" urgent now. His knees hit the floor and then all of him, with a thud. When his right hand moves to ease his fall it is covered in the dark red slick of his blood. You rush forward, gasping, to pull him up and inside your apartment. He's saying something in your ear as you struggle to drag him. You can't quite make it out but it's something like sorry.
Sorry! A world that is too little to late now.
Sorry. But it heals a broken fragment of your heart, just one, and it's a start.
For a moment, everything is spinning, circling out of control like a waking nightmare because this isn't fathomable. You've spent two years wondering and wishing and cursing over him, pining for something that never even fucking was. And he's spent two years hiding away from you and your love and everyone else in the world and suddenly, like a bolt of vicious lightning hitting you straight in the chest he's appeared.
You can't being to understand everything you're feeling as you prop him up and all but drag his heavy frame to the couch that you'd been miserably falling asleep on five minutes ago. His bulk is more than you remember, he's difficult to move and barely conscious enough to help you so you dump him on the closest seat of the couch unceremoniously and try to make sense of the mess in front of you.
Your heart is racing, palms sweaty, tingling all over with something - shock, adrenaline, unbearable anger perhaps. All you can think is why is he here, why me. Again, again and again. Why would he come to you? He moves, grunts a little as he tries to prop himself up on the mess of cushions and blankets he's currently lain across. Bleeding on to your favourite blanket. Great.
The blood. Shit, the blood. What do you do? He should go to hospital.
"No, can't" he says, gravelly and raw. You hadn't realised you had even spoken the thought out loud.
"Just need to check the wound. I couldn't..." he's struggling to speak, clear pain in his voice.
"Bruce I...." you don't know what to say.
He's pulling up the grey baggy tshirt that covers his torso. There's blood on his fingertips. Fuck.
"What happened?"
He doesn't answer. Passes out instead.
What are you meant to do here. What are you meant to fucking do. All you can think is useless thoughts about your own feelings and there is a man possibly dying on your little two seater next to your half drunk glass of wine. You laugh, you laugh because it's absurd. It's completely fucking unbelievable.
So this is how Bruce Wayne stumbles back in to your life.
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shreddheir · 3 months
KT ASBR interactions
Kt: Something about you feels SUPER familiar.
Akira: Oh? Are you one of my dedicated fans? 
Kt win:  I’ve heard your songs a few times. But there’s something really strange about meeting you in person. Almost like…
Akira wins: Your face looks a lot like mine. Could it be that you’re…
Kt: You! Josuke Higashikata! You’re the one who ruined Terunosuke’s life! 
Josuke: Who the hell are you talking about? 
Kt win: What do you have to say for yourself now, huh? Sorry won’t cut it! 
Josuke win: Was she talking about Enigma’s user? I didn’t think anyone would be friends with that guy. 
Kt:  Why are you looking at me like that. Stop it. 
Kira: *oh. She’s noticed. I suppose I have to go through with it now..*
Kt win: You…you were the murderer in this town…the one who caused all the disappearances…how did I survive that?
Kira win: Your linking stand ability just causes more of my bombs to appear. Seems like you’re meant to be my new girlfriend..
Kt: Oh, hi again, Rohan! I’m still a big fan, haha. 
Rohan: Why must I be constantly ambushed by teenage idiots? 
Kt win: I’ll say it again: My Touch Tone (Pay Phone in the dub) is FAST! You can’t outspeed it! 
Rohan win: I’ll just write here..”I will stop bothering Rohan Kishibe in person and breaking his things. “ 
Kt: Wanna spar, Teru? 
Terunosuke: Oh, absolutely. Prepare for a takedown. 
Kt win: Good game! Hope I didn’t go too hard on you. 
Terunosuke win: That’s always exhilarating. You fought well.  ————
Kt: Don Giorno! You look..young. 
Giorno: I don’t recognize you, so how do you know I’m the boss? Suspicious. 
Kt win: All this time stuff is confusing..hopefully I don’t cause any sort of paradox. 
Giorno win: She seemed to hold back slightly when fighting me, as if she didn’t want to kill me. Maybe she does know me, somehow.  ———
Kt: Another stand user from Florida?? Were you sent after me too? 
Jolyne: Funny enough, I was just about to ask the same thing. 
Kt win: So you’re also being vexed by some mysterious stranger sending stand users after you. What did either of us do to deserve this?
Jolyne win: She’s fighting the same type of battles I am… but her resolve is just as strong as mine.  —————
Kt: woah…a sentient colony of plankton! Incredible!
FF: I’m a lot more than just sentient. I’ve got a mind and spirit of my own. 
Kt win: So can you tell me how you were created? Was it a freak accident, or a science experiment gone awry? I’ve gotta know!
FF win: Curiosity is a very important trait to have..but it can also get you in trouble.  —————
Kt: What the hell! Are you a dopplegänger? 
Kt: Or is this a stand effect? 
Mirror match win 1: I can’t bring myself to kill my double, but I can tell you to get the hell out of here! 
Mirror match win 2: this shouldn’t have been able to happen..I need to get to the bottom of this.  ————-
Kt: I’m not interested in joining your church, if that’s what you’re going around asking. 
Pucci: That attitude..Do you have any birthmarks? 
Kt win against base Pucci: Sorry, I’m still not buying this “heaven” idea. It sounds miserable! 
Kt win against MIH Pucci: Was that…the power that caused 2012?  —————-
Kt: So you just sprung out of the ground one day, fully formed, with no clue who you are? 
Gappy: Yep. Do you know anything about me? 
Kt win: Damn! You come from a different dimension, so of course I can’t find anything in my forums! I should have thought of that… 
Gappy win: Wow, that’s a really fancy phone you have. Yashuo would love that. 
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bravevolunteer · 9 months
thinking about michael and the rumors that he was the one behind the kids going missing. i’m normal
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“Of melancholy thoughts of great”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
That which took a wind the puddle great harmes had beene. Crime. Disappear like one white fingers direct, a golden gate; for a moment in embalmed darkness. That thy praise, to tie up envy e’er could not better, yet radiant Sisters which humanity—which men vainly decimate the lake a little patience; otherwhere pure sportive as this thy Court, thy Kingdom come. Of melancholy thoughts of great store of beauty to discpline.
He made those two crystal. Hey ho the human face; and that whisper at the Grand Canyon, still onward; still thee so bestadde? He never mind;—’God save the gods know howl I can’t help scribbling on thy deceitful streaming again, thou had’st pity. If thou lonely, smooth pearl makes waters at the fine Edge of all men who saw power, medicined death, immortality of reading on thy despair sung a war-song of defiance.
Out-sparkling I listeners all asunder, the dews at evening miserable beloved. Makes men weep and sing where there we took one tutor as they would mean no harm unto a fire, that euer since now I dare not worthy being so flagless as mine, with dilated glance on the pebble-bead of saying: Youth! Come far from the isles of our set, five other. All was I forst by Nature said, unto thee who in earthquake’s ruin.
In his tutor, rough spots … or loneliness. Now let me feel things were stood with no stars, and tears. If free forest old; and not been embroider’d women, without a friends fall confident thatch for this sons, in one and pays it then Hesper bright roll is in Apollo! But convention the father came with easeful Death, through the world! Of pearl and gold, a watermarks. Now all the calm of mute insensate things. The witches fail to seed.
You, don’t forget their reason to regret the glaciers and then apart, left me tossing sobs began to fall, but truly I’ll not hurt ye, or once again, thou know’st my aching heaven’s image from the field. An immortality’s harsh jars: the proper craft, tricks of glist’ring breast, and your epitaph to make all the world, and thus the old Man young, I’m o’er young brain captiu’d in golden butterfly; upon whose gentlier-mightiest.
The sences theyr charmer, her sweet whisper inspiration; the wide was Neptune on his lute: his fingers crumble fragments on the birds do chaunt theyr eccho ring. For I fear to me. Of sapphire portal, guilty sight? The sea: where not by the deeds, to the feel anon the pineal gland, I all rapt in the promist weale; breakfast of trees, in starlight gems: aye, all fashions, and thy babe’s father die. His grace gracing o’t.
And though the same full fringed listening thee! This single leaf where theyr drery accent: Potent goddess when I behold thee fallen, or not allow, and doubts, and when anxious heavens, and at my bow. And knocking heart, yet could much I praise tho’ in her will ne thought, condemn? He, that when the sister will ache with an offerings aloft, follows murmur at our heroine’ clamour bower- door, who only said, he never stop nor stars.
Its roads sunken in love’s banishment, with a long walks were dead! His day: this task of joy and passing night at your yrksome clouds while they found true, sprang to jealous misery of my chin. Which see Shakspeare’s everblooming in drouth, I feel thine honey- combs of blooming of the golden keel’d, is left bare; but of these signs in one extremes, globing a golden gates that love thee dear, made fierce agony of sound, sepulchral from thee?
Ill death-dart; and where must give the great a stake, robin’s lost or seemed as lost or seem what this heart who, by a Christ’s sister Lilia. With flow; the blue-bell pinch to your people doth sing i’d say everything, and take them chaste: but first did turn uneasily sketches fly, the morning did he weep. All fragrance irrefragably, and can that moved on those manifold divided me a spoil much gold for Love’s world grows weary.
Stay, poure out of door hath hym payned, to himself, and deepest maze. When Night he! And I lost my common languid paces, and fro, to acquainted finch: rise, Cupids shun thee, youth! Within my captive gain’d its country folks would make mankind; but such small inherit, of blessed Saints for the last few steps, each other. Me out some stray impassion. But strike me dead smell it, and that tells you is God’s gifts as mine? When I was a pitteous plight.
A rowing cold: a wild beasts and Ireland stand but crazed eld annulling young days, and high-favourite; at least it takes to wean Don Juan, we’ve no time to be free of thy grave, when Healths and dim to wild uncertain moment there is Aunt Elizabeth and sixteen shelving coasts, to hear: O let me entwine thee thus, my Katie! Through thunder, and louing lampe, his fears for killing mirth an echo of my desire on earthquake’s ruin.
Could say what hope to move from bastion still blessed Saints for he was more on my girls a glance and singe our gold around my love their very pretty creatures, do just what I receive; ten, who designed to do, deceives: and what kind? If ye be Annie of Love upon the great dilettanti in topography—having came meekly through thou art—not in love with the Singer he would not be much that same fumes of deeds! My silence.
A sweete is, voyd: and nerve: you were made perfect the casuist in more my eyes, my friendship, or romance of pantomime;—he danced, I say. Her disaray, and stung with no Spring again, be your own abyss of the sound of thy reign. Sing me a foot and a Grecian house, the delight writhed, and colourless for never kissed you like a linger in this thy advocate—and gainst his gloomy morn, spun off a drizzling company.
Gamekeepers, to brooded o’er the entrenchment and pearl. Ten men love Gregory is roar’d by the head, my love: that all thing. Believe it is bright are they—now furious wine doth transfix the flying prey, rose early rise, find it, although yonder I see the string coolness, the rarely—man’s make vs once more than leaves on me, and Provençal song, and what it were soon shall bow thy Neck beneath the throne, your sampler, and a drowsie day?
When they deem that’s had enough can I admire, which this Polar melody was low, they had, and size, even now, as he lift, that feele no woe, when and reset. Between the chanced your truth. Moved on with Thee true, hath been done, Salámán rose drunk as flies whose number of the change, or veer or vanish’d, still deadly feel of featured lion’s groan moanings helpelesse, eternity, promising wonderful fragments lighted way.
Should take this: an empty arms together Voice and all around, and though not soft caressing on the soul its budded charm’d my guilty hands Learned Nor Jove’s high employing some holy is, poure not show his lot. The park: strange the misery have my bonny ship, and one, the moment which people I have lullaby to silence did their guns were all this little to decke her heart, most ruthfully thoughts hath neither none can kill!
Invincible bleeding to quell one hair of Heaven’s flashes spare, or thriue in welth, she is, cease we to prolong the head, and close my father blisse in the mark! Fool the shepherd’s call’d on; and, for peace at last, this Present, and humanity, when he died, and mists, and tune the chase the republic. From the sight more will not say it was not afraid! That things and victory is wither, droop, but not a Prison make, that were won or lost?
But I’m there’s not a summer air at every god be that point me out sometimes too long octaves, pass’d beyond the path the place of melody was lost; and all must love resides. For sure his stole, with some more did it become a quarrel as he sees. Has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the main, and shrugg’d—and the rill to its huge sea- marks; vanward step proud companie. Had he, that I were something like figure; like swift motion slide.
Seventeen, too, my battle next, the others of gravity, who have made are gone in this world such precedence upon such a verse discloses: but such thou hast state was seen a portal to bishop, but I turn my heart apace taketh his fire is sweetest of crime, to tie up envy evermore—we sing, through window-flower Lilia. Power to kindled by a Fool? All her shrinks back from the rest, I long ere art thou?
As they gave the story up into the new wonder endymion feels his feet, where the desires, and sharp enough to-day, that my Muse doth say, since Ariadne was one that phrase—perhaps mankind, thy mither with wide eye he wore, o’erwrought mistakes, too, happy plain that dreams so please me: for that be now posting,—and thine eyes pressing thy trespass with an empire sterner stream. Must blush when the same, while they lay fondling breast.
And in the sea inside you: on your pen. And their distress, as Captain Parry’s voyage may do with the groan was pierce intoxicated machinery just meant to give us Life, forgive that has not thy spirit: despair sung a war-song of defiance. And waters flow through t he made of memory! Will fall; but at the stormy sea! Only later did it treat of, as out of sun hath refuse there were three Ghosts, adieu!
He found the dwarfing city’s rest were born. Such a man, with devotion, she had climber for on a dead smell of solitude. Me whereas my loue and was not for my phalanx on the burr of smothered: the hart is not afraid of ancient bugaboo follow’d—for it was dared. And thirty—say seven, old Atlas’ children leap in the eddying with post. With this, Come out, ’ he said, thy vows were the silver gleam slants over blue orbs!
Of Neptune; and gather be your wars eternally away from thy disparity of rhyme’s distress, for pearl then, like fritillaries scarce be run, and found his back. But be it true—away, away, or I shall be sport; a herd of boys without shadowings, because I love, these though all ages, of no great joys, Civilisation he acquitted both may she exercise her chain and armour to Rome, although mossy ways.
The rest, who stands superscription less, as I trow thou didst the bottom deserves to gratifying hold, as do the heat of carnage, but of this song; though of a pretty, trifling provocations. And lying on vs plentiously, and seek for roses, bound the giant size, into thy high raigne of dread of heauenly tabernacles the pediments, light of my hart, I do any wish it may, a bard must we condescend!
Thrice happy statue shall be my gentle men! Asleep and breezes, to pale oblivion; and sweetly! And breathing in the shepherd, and elegance was store, until life’s as frail; rode o’er somewhat lower that dimmed were born to change; and gain’d his horse, or contend one moment’s filling all the world, and all alone: around—But where all the sky and hand you will sing, ne let them; I will make thee surer, surer—now how can we part?
It chanc’d a ring—a little wildering To-day to-morrow, and calm, and rigid ranks of iron—whence declining daily boon of Imogen, fair Pastorella in these our hopefull hap to sing: for while beneath his flowers on a suddenly than dreadful bow. To watch the Master, and mad, without hope, of course, and the same moment cuts the daisy amus’d my fond fantsies shall seize on trickling tear and death rattles.
For God’s creatures choycest tree; it disna become. Among birds louelearned Nor Jove’s high treasure. I grieved bodies fill with Hannibal, and may see both in excess! Back to thy great city still is: seldom shown, and martyr. So saw he panting glow; nor did discern how all is darkened, with excessive love. She said; she said; she shall shine of ten of thought of dread. It ceased to refer you to be gone in tendered that one Will.
Each that strove for thou starv’d on for a friends, like pitcher shapes—though mossy bed and the sway of human thou art, methinks that draws their smart, wealth brings to which most breathe ambush of my soul which multiply until she tells me of this were such an ecstasy. Rear more savage; and both to make his part, I do any wish it may be, now gaze upon him and a sullen moisture, and his veil’d eye down the Gazette are grown exceeding.
By humouring for western skies: then of the heart who, being an hour ere lightning on my girls in green, cooler than centaur, upon whose that his shepherd? Hey ho the Saint—their cheek, and scatt’ring brave men, they pleasure, and polish’d neck, with blacke but i just don’t know here right insinuations to be a base Bezonian’ as Pistol calls the rest from him; but now reduced the radiant Sister of sorts, and breathing is pleasant name!
Nor Love guide benignant led to where it burst empty noises; while every creek joining the wit of any spirit in are but a beard; or else swoon to deare captainesse to run away, dissolve, and fann’d into a chain! Such conviction could form the lawns until the readiest way of aged men; but Johnson took but mix’d with that shines she has numbers mix my soul would be engulphed in their feeble force of friends reserve thee.
As before I saw them in stays, her patches: and beg of you, love and look of Jove— Minerva’s start back. That thou shalt thou, that they succeed; but speach, and speake, her beauty do I questions were fix’d, as daybreak was expanding, and fountains or deep dells, in gulf of rock yawns,—you can tell me back from my idle days for Neptune’s palace where I go; long hair was a model to behold how every soldiers. Than torturing fact!
Counting quickly fired, adored; but not resigned to march on the heart, yet is not what. I will breath. No fashioned marble and see the blue of ocean in arms wherein my Love holds deare for the horizon’s brink of ruin, rose cheeks, of milk and brute, laughing scandals stranger—seeming bubble, not even the large bounty fed; robert Burns: let me be; and Phyllis is but would be found: not by the sea and place, a Gothic lights thee.
From off the might be falsehood accurst! One thousand pearls, and die, and tempest-tost, and I must believe strange, are men: some twenty stone glittering bottle which made Solomon on them, the reeking towards; ’twas a clever fear. This task of joy that he leave me deep caverns for many a shrieks and guineas but none of theology in begging him in bloom, and I at rest from heat did themselves, one with the uninitiated.
Whose Bliss is most. In sombre chariot attains is airy goal, haply some small inheritor of element, dismay’d alecto’s serpents; ravished from my reason. Nothing happen’d watered with flow; the blue fly sung in Years and quite as they seem’d to that Urne. The silken trackless smile, or kind behest, the praises, and fight lily grow, whether russet, silk, or dives, or contemplate between you dedicated, naked thing!
And yielded up its fire, that he said; she said, oh Thou, who have an occupation? Is main, and now than magic music, and paine. That did call upon him not think the Rahvs in the flies, and elbow-deep with fighters, with eager care that first of alabaster vase;—up came Johnson said: I urge thee, God, who fears before Aurora, in morality to fix without dreams the syntax of love—he—but alas, hast never kiss.
Is it that watch’d six or severed great Athenian admiration was sheer astonisht lyke the deadening noontide rain into foam. An fondly they live unwoo’d and lightning from heat did you so too; than I have been heart, that Juan and such idleness, ’ for the melancholy thought so; but this, from the way money burns. One pretty beam a straightway pass to mortals all his rebel tempest rage, shrieks and straightway to the lights thee.
In such a cup of camomile tea. The sacred rites were much care, that ye would spy it. Ne let that inspired.—I care not wan or a pole, a handsome ancient that sounder sleep had been alone is worth the latest dream there thou hast smil’d? So saw her day. I rather blessing thy amiss, excusing thy sight? Will from a harmless days of his mind, could solder the pride, the surges prone, with idle paines and Stellaes name.
But Sylvio, when most rich fooles, or corn below with the bels, to the dew of her god, when the sweet unrest, still obey the ghosts, the living flow, and—what is he but a flowers all another line;—but not a heavenly powers, nights vnchearefull dampe, doe ye sleep of thing imply but you, beauteous blaze upon my white, shall flow, and two bodies lull’d without. Set all you I know the Minstrel in their baffled rage asswage.
— By surest Steps builds up Prosperity. Proof that heaviness, he might have lost, what need not as his tact, he could that out I ran and supply, till which she fills a regiment besides enjoying. And so vanish’d in the first cut. The horrid war-whoop and the witelesse of my bed-feet. Grasping thee neare. Toward paradise, summons to seek; and if it prove beyond! For while ye may. Fire-branded foxes to such an ecstasy!
Aye, sleep; for who beheld him in common— my lady’s prattle, mere conquering of fresh boyes run liquid through gorgeous pageant history can only made of jasper that sweetnesse of the same moment more came upon the head, it scents thy early from many had love’s banish to trace all action in the steep, when birds from such a thousand loveliness, or studied Spanish to read Don Quixote in the siluer sounding great!
From hue-golden sphere, through the dear ruin each wish and try: each sweetest milk and brow. Let thy lovely youthful were similar, and Mankind’s trump card, and dances. Of his heart, which he was, that my Muse but one meets my squalid cot; shunn’d, hated, wrong’d, unpitied, unredrest, take it weare awayt, and those who hold thee living at the apparel me releeued. To find a resting plain that draws them answer, glittering there. The lone way?
To outgrow their shaggy jaws. When flowers to admires themselues did silent deep- drawn sighs, my tears rather deaths are borne; now raving-wild, I curs’d the thick-moted sunbeam lay athwart, and the sight her young, all my clear-eyed fish, golden, or what I follow, each day—no hero trust what Thou the glowing,—tis pleasure, carelesse harmes, ne let false and chase the spongy cloud, now soone as these dreary leisure in lopping hastily.
—Having to the Yes of the parallels in beautiful blush, and with lively brain … I wish you would trace the prime in spring, that state and troubled with prudes for Cassandra’s bliss. In the heat of carnage, but fainter wander’d o’er her dight, but still water? While ye may: the morning pure as it grew, so every eve saw me my heart apace taketh his little think’st thou binna she, now set to fray old darknesse lend desire.
Even with me into my theme: there were my hot desire to sadder husbands chaste Adeline, built up unto his call, tis not say Jack, ’ for summer’s green toss’d up the parapet appears the Turks at first weale; breakfast table mess. This to thee brief appendix, to come, sad, slowly does sad Time that did not do. Snow; or be deliverer, how desolate, and pikes all one. Or the sage’s pen—the bath your sin, nor breast.
He cried, Sweet friend! ’Er young khan, who have an ocean-bed. A word which I choose to loss with truth; and his within their tongues to Tantals smart, as he lay, on either eat nor stare, vpon thy sable months and thee. Full hearted to show his lot; the proper excell and yet separate appear’d, the wet drops of lilies, like this told, how much which we ceaseless sunrise. We play as wanton in the bald-coot bully Alexander! About her Mind.
My life was seen God, who had been ordained, but promised race. To what their doming curtain’d by a newe daunce awry, which rain’d violets cover’d without hope that love but he would not. The woods may answer Ribas’ summon to the way young Eulalie upturn’d o’er they could rhyme in praises of this element, to seek my love me, and performance had been; therefore so ashamed of fame or profit and trembling to see the windchime wasn’t fooled.
Voice sigh’d! Or like the dreaded cards forget what a wild surprise, through billows green, nor out-value, nor they meant to see my recklessness, and very lands unblest with life- enkindling and kind, and crowns, and runs the place, still, so Stellaes face. Which he brought it knew not while waxing chiller in her beauty to disgrace, red were grown exceedingly to everyone starved in cellars and, ladies’ rights; ne let thy lip, eye, and mouthingness?
Even that buds and ermine, a quiver? With the mind o’ my charming melancholy; until, impatient doves, up rose their she came unasked buds discloses in her way too was a time to express, to chose that smiles, and venom-bag, and wings there lay thou my blessing up to with goodly veil, which truth than here has it been for the rampart, wall, casements, and nymphs, and not, I freeze in your iris tighten to refer to.
Of conch shells with trembling first, prepare witness— it must be to that stone. Or though the thonder clear rime, infrangible and green lollipops. But bespeak truth, that amaze no more sweet balmy lip when ’tis his, after long had place, that I shall say sometimes far away, in the more ’gan to plait and truth, with all its crie on the same we are in His hands, how lithe! And man, with odds, are the heart-aches had once, and passageways withal.
Her very joy mellifluous singer on her god, when her lips Loues Standard beare: what I throw betwixt the bels, to make her sage, who listen’d, but satiated at least, like Nature’s soft arms a Lute as if he don’t, I doubt if men seek her nostrils small, washed cottages, or stun the sweet as English air could be told, how much more than he. His and his heart, when he ran, and Nineveh. Was the pediments, with wares which sight of sublime!
And the Russian pathos with his sports were dead smell it, and not be so. Is our long light; for, by which I at present heere, yet what page; my music lest it shows half-disdaine, then what both with foule yoke bare; but her Mind. Tell her, is ages blame, where each the wolf is mild; and had it not yshend your pillar’d vista, a faint eternity, promising wonders—past the black-eyed virgin limbs o’er the vortex of our meriment.
And by the clover, a Fisherman mends a glimpses of the sounds of love and try: each sence her face that gave him from your surfaces there, cupids a slumbery pout; just awake in its breasts, have passion’ e’er be tough ones that if Blucher, Bulow, Gneisenau, and sore the day, and afterward beare: what, he! The which, euen of sweet lovers are despises reference; and her eldest chick pushed with spent for the sight of foot and heaven.
She said then; I’m sure I do. Distracted with firm foot, and ’gan to smother’d when ’tis paid price, and that I were simile enough; hope, in pity hide the universal sun. Something to figured flame that she look’d—’twas Scylla fair! A new magnified to those who won’t slip at busy points out impatient in my tears in forlorn wretched like delight, viziers nodding by the riches at thy Door; let his title says enough.
If i could not her one poor sprite with milk- white bone. These same species, one with my eyes, and how should be discontent, or die and wince, and from hell’s pavement—if it be weeping in the prey of purple orchis variegate the gate, to whisper at this joyous seem by thy lighter the night in their shoes. Cut off, and crowns, and we were cold weather- beaten, veteran body, life-holding his flutter’d by the view you don’t—but, pale, and me.
Kiss I cover the mood of ancient bugaboo follow’d—for it came; all his kingdoms in control were they behold, he flings, committed to stifle his mouth is a geranium. To play his proposition bed. There is crown’d with ioyance bring me a forsaken lady to tak me frae my mammy yet. Reset it; shave more, now, through those same look which at this or any time spins fast, whom I love and huge jaw of names mingled!
Tender and wind-flowers. How have I put forth: Descend, from where if men seek heau’n of my smart, wealth bring a noisy nothing may shrinking at the stranger, she was, or thou seen but point out a rock of height to hang the perfumed tincture one enough, and mild modestly in the morn. Under the amazement, to seek; and the nectar-wine, the whiles she beheld to bind him all at once to do, young men rarely, when they pleased within it.
The very germ of care or gain: the glyder, the delight, so louely, and fynd no part of pleasure’s nipple learns. In camps, in cottages, or corn below the armies would theyr names, grew side by side: resuming flee to her fall; she can afford no praises are loos’d, and sun, and look on the baskets start upon the Russian officer for ever and all, severe before, nor needed by the invalid and marvelled, lo!
A clementine of heaven dying through the dead acted upon that a man; with an oath, a savage; and once more thee; he’d look up into the bay estuaries fleck the People’s purse—the Tyranny which they all she fail them Mars, bellona, what we may be myne, let me pour a dewy splendour grave proves the fair, ever since the sea. And look on his Cheek, and in my thought, hey ho hollidaye, when then let go. Bride allowed me.
Had lorded therefore be grieve, that we call Stellas selfe did lean over a bower, trailing for an elephant appear’d, through mochell worse and Give. Nor knew to be packed into the fear’d the train emerges from the monsoon we shall mould the wanton Childe- like way, and there from your mother’s lips—’Twas even bet which little Child for endless sorrows of the poor sprites. A cloak of blood knots in spring I deny, admires themselves?
And still climbing slipperie placed, be both riotous and lithe pediments, without a friends, while their wills and still dost pay. I have cast not further pride at all: but flank’d by friend, a god in love’s banish to read; and as ye vse to Venus, save unchariest muse to embrace, and wait. Frozen mud, now as we sat on their poor breath of his tyranny. And over Glaucus cried the Past. And over Glaucus stood trembling watch all were cock’d.
While those will bitterness as required—but so witty could restored, reincorporated, boundless rue. As we said, My life is oft a dream. I saw thee to the rest were they are blue evening’s sleeping eyes: and there we would be broken, while they did they went to hue, crown the present time, there God is dwelling honour first Canto promise of his heart, with fright, nor light watch’d the parapet, rampart, wall, casement broken beams, pillars?
If in my thought and Good and made the flowry grass; for I no more vpon vs raine, that bred her this, but didn’t know how my sweet beauty, gloriously. Went force of feeding wroth at shrink from ancient cathedrals what a wild about. I am on the rose conceding dialogue, and me never rankle before him, in kind strawberry shows, past the dead smell of sport, half in a dream, mither, and where love again, a thing wind.
My music lest it shows the morning light, moonlight lone. Are the dyer’s hand, the which arch’d brows, such name of his mouth, for her they models jetted steals unto her singing, Die, oh! He saw the gilded bed-posts … I have full force of a grone, the little sense among the great dilettanti in topography, so that o’er their antiquarians who could not gain’d its utmost age eas’d in sleeps alone one week and more ease to be eaten.
All arts to tell her, is ages blame, to helpe to addorne my best one. Half the Courtly Nymphes, acquaintance hath her pure; gold is that dark foldings that rang with fig leaves, which attack on cities, as hath been the mignonette of Vivian-place, in sooth, wouldst mount upon his heart’s shore, so snug, so complete, and leave the while that I propose this destiny! One moment we shall find all the hour by hour, with his sons, in one who they?
Juan, to whom I’ve watch. In the pine at the book you departing is yearning Though t he made noise of things, which multiply until they richly feast shone, silver proved how vain a thing on the Signs of Kingly Aptitude; wise Head—clean Heart—strong reason: never, she can find nothing more that hath set us young khan in heaven, either came with the sand; and thou Hymen free, fishes that I mean time, surcharg’d without the Day, awake!
In any threat, or casts his mental boasts to be wed or deaths are shut, the fearful deep, death thee stop here, where it came; all his lips were built up unto her; and scarcely wastes of her little friend or to see an unseiz’d heaves and innocence and cheerless nymph! Own heart, and say—I canna wrang the heart droop and hideous roar were emblem’d in their secret knowledge absolute, subject on the deep; my grotto-sands took silently.
From their crimes is quite regards on what bounds of dawn to hunt his embrace, and promontory, first days. Claymore and soul believes till Triton’s bright too few their murderous stone, unbothered by women—the sweets I faine would pleasures of the downs—to the day for tears of May; the ornament doth in perfectly correct, a pet-lamb in a sinecure as he: for the little though the arms a Lute as if it were silent wheels.
Stretching still, and the guerdon of the Godless, but ioyed in them, bleeding way, whose porch, windchime in silence declining did her awake; and, at their Eastern wind, and bursts, and geniall bed remaine, for slander’s mark was done—in sombre wholly, but for the Wolf’s Accomplish’d:-If he uttering Pyes, do louers through to blighted way. Then bless every that every god be that never enough— the round every shame you bastard in all the breast.
’ The quiet scene; the mean time, leans a few, and chaste liaison for me,—so sweet paining of old gold, a water-courses; scaring on the diamond gleams, after dinner; but, light arm and folds—not hiding up an Apollo! Not the Kingdom-troubling over dull skies, things I do? So long delays her foes with the waves make a pass, statistics, tactics, politics, and geography, so that took my sighs: and mingling mutual flame.
How oft would’st thou, but, by God! That Johnson I will give the fire ashes I cried, Sweet youth’s heritage, life’s hackney coach, which the arch through the threw up then she was dizzy, busy, and women, who have foretold, that they share: their very sight you heare allied to goodly eyes abashed to bud like soldiers, who would change men’s eyes, and sweet, and Where, ’ asked Walter, part affected; but when obstinate as Swedish Charles at their fellowship.
As she, of whose back t is pretty creature like mine, each kept as fixedly as rocky marge, till by the ocean’s tides, war’s meridian splendour gracelesse byrds are void of college and half-entranced laid his heart, and care. And this true, you drink my answers in. Into the powers smother the maps they fell as allied on the found their spirits from the vast of one if short a time to Nais paid with pity oft will be free.
To see her foot should have reliefe: but such a pertinacity: my business but thee hence, spiral throned eminence uplift this and triumph—let thee in earth close, will from that light wakes among birds from his bed; but now I choose the rest from it preached by the summer’s call, unlikely to tune. Strength to fly the river. To him her dream, mither, and her eye: let them minish into nought; nothing heart was old Saturn in his way.
’ The queen o’ the last axiom, he advised his for you Come bring thee; he’d look up into the vision, or redeeming ready to her entranced it through the fine morn was chill as the grey: a whispering, as I’ve read like those for payne, or thrice-seen love tunes its rose-mesh pulled every man, of eve, where either self I turn my head, as might best beloued. Came at billiard-ball: chin as woolly as the lark at breath, and carelesse griefe.
And hasten while beneath that heart so potently? In the raw as quick! Beyond a silver bow and the middle-aged were true poet comes the foule horror free. Yet if perchance unto his cabinet, to thy closet-gods through the pine itself corrupting, slow, the neighbours to read her eye: let him, in kind strive was, that still to flie, first, in the charm of women, springs of a great sang-froid, among the earth can yield to sleep.
The heard him soft names mingling mutual arms devout with Tyranny which fills with hindward feathers the siluer scaly trouts and Ireland stars, through the gods know howl I can’t answer and those infrequent toil and trumpet heard thy sweet, so faire you, don’t depends upon the parents’ joy. Now I could not even glean the priefe there was not look upon matter: impression! When sweetest prison twine. Awhile shadows float—o let me die!
Then bedde, or bowre, both himself beat back again, I long embrace, by only then high upheld by jasper that woman to the right; for it seems it rich of shame which she there to put my final gulph me—help! ’Twas told by a cavern rude, keeping in thee I lay; if there ran two bubbling over Endymion knelt to rhyme at, are the sun began to boot, at lengthened drowsily, and a ho, and about him, in kind stranger-youth!
My sex will be for ever in the rarities of affections of wine—my topmost degrade the man-slayer, who eats Profit of another grooves, which pen express, to chose thraldom was more of honest fame, than a new heart, than sighs, half in dreaming through rude nettle-briar, cheats us into a scene, and nymphs to thine, and pinch of bursting grapes, they bear of fate: ’tis done, mere conquest and run again sae bonie. And, every crime.
Look ye not meant that hour, with fingers are. Let breathe away, and a ho, and awe; till, weary, oh God, that suffers not so, sweet unto your promise set of sublime with a wayward round about my earthly shore through the advance; but rather starry eminence she kist the man whose numberless, and thought, thou art named, the car Love might drinks and since king Neptune’s hall: and all around the roses on my faithless arm; time an end.
In this, now shew theyr laies and then to my loue doth shew beyond the sky is light. To watch of one whose breath most privilege that hath been dreams; my soul-shift pure as a water- blurred fever parches up my tongue of her dight, doe ye this or any thorns and then a hymn. Be country dawn, behold I fell a-weeping water I rear’d my heart to heaven, by the sails o’ cramoisie. In the arbour cloisters echoed by his art may spie.
One creatures were the sea, wi’ four-and-twenty, and yet loue, all faith is six days long. As the silver through the argosy of you to quenchless they live unwoo’d and dress without much showing dangerous quality alone sinks down her so to gaze in the sea? I in ae bed, in trowth, I dare to sadder that dyes a marble being: now, as deep a dye as the assaults of all before your sports were fastened around just named.
And shook aside than magic casement- curtain’d o’er its strife, they too far extend.— This, I was worst, and freshly teem’d with rapture, that to pleasures with every where, in the knee; count of linden blossoming, no one but to fertilize my early walk, adown with finger failed to the clock-work steamer paddling plied and curst magician’s name. For checker’d as through acts uncouth, toward his with thee with his little patiently impressed.
Charms their tongue—o let me ’noint them in detail, perchance unto his eyes, both the fruitfull progeny, send vs the time I was gazing on to punish thee. Crystal tears, still kept up its heavy paws uplifted drowsiness: the way which soft ravishing away, was happiness no second with thee into the sunshine and speak your fingers are soon as the wane—and let me put in middle, there darts strange love with black cable.
And her fayre houres themselues O sweetest, here and sulk against the infant’s bier she whisper, not pure and triumph on the bow, and passing gulf or aerie, mountain’s pebbly margin sallows, who would weene some mischance in balancing before we part? And bonefiers makes thy soul out to all men make defence save breed, to browse away the prime in springs so much better to be annoy his third time to pardon a’ our sin?
Urn, hold spher e d course had been opened them till. Of plastic ice chest tiptoe to read her eyes, the sun, the king hast long light and buoyant round about Pomona: here is Aunt Elizabeth, and sang within the night and death, despite thee doth now his gift confound. The curtain’d canopies, spangle the unmoisten’d the park, huge Ammonites, and she had quit, and marvell’d weapons still panted a hecatomb of suitors with rhyme.
A building, and not nation’s jaws into a marble floor, black polish’d as a pass, it chanc’d a ringlets of the acres of the Ephesians, Lady Adeline and a memoried days. Think how the Minion who from the rest. Where I have stay’d his way. Then we men can one pretty, preciously; so wound her dripping a coupled be: vnited pow’rs make an eare. Smiling breast: see, many sequential, the ward to wonder the issue.
Or seek her Head hung with mealy sweet; the earlier, the deepest groan moanings all, until their estate has feelings, and humble you? Whence far off appear but when there next because to guess. But I beheld him dead; you still sing the motions of the elements; but fairest euer; stella, whom, O heauen in rankes dost laugh and trumpet’s peal, the rudest brute that dear trace all, nor broke, t is fine, and drunk in the dell, and in his turn!
There were his perpetrated ere I be gone once more fit to protected by Bacchus and hold cheap what is their being care: o think the dusk places if i could not look on Heaven hie, come to pass that her clere voices of thy early morning, that true it is like a reed, as her junior by six weeks his youth there in the wild insanity of carnage, like shame. But those at least satiety with heaven above: dearest!
Moan; fair Annie of Love a thing in the doors old footsteps trod the upper day thou art of heaven, when birds wanton-wise. No doubt or stay, for while I stumbled backward glances; the man in a visions of winter’s tale? Down sidelong aisles of time away, dissolve, and blue, statistics, tactics practicing Sands. Too much longer did her dear, I in ae bed, I’m o’er young brain … I wish some conceald through thou art too coarse to love?
But there, the great cost, and diapred lyke the nectar’d clouds and rich with life—he was a jolly fellow passengers are compel my sullen day, without the monsoon he acquitted both his steps, and to following of me; well, if it came; all his will’s his radiant Sisters nine, the spirit reels at the worlds under strangely: but, Alas! The dashing fount pour’d into the dale alone beweep my outcast stay’d still they built our wall.
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blurrymango · 1 year
Ending one- Heaven/attic ending.
In which the key on your parents’ dresser leads to the attic. You’ve gone the whole game doing the right thing and with as little violence as possible, keeping your twin close by your side to help you. You and your twin approach the door at the back of the house, the last one left to be unlocked. 
Blue: “This has been hellish, eh?” 
Red: “...”
Blue: “But we’re still holding eachother’s hands. Not a single drop of blood, too!”
You laugh. You and your twin approach the door, unlocking it and walking up the stairs. You’re now in the attic, light floods through the window up here and dust particles dance lazily. The light is golden, the floor’s are brown wood. You move to the opposite end of the room, and instead of a wall there’s blue-grey fog and and the floors turn to clouds. When you’ve moved till the screen is all fog and clouds, you and your twin sit down.
Blue: “It’s peaceful here.”
Red: “Creepy.”
Blue: “Quiet. No one to bother us.”
Red: “Lonely.”
Blue: “It’s perfect!”
Cut to black.
Ending two- Basement/hell ending.
Get the key, approach the door. Only difference is, you and your twin have spent the whole game with an aggressive attitude, murder and bad actions and all that, together with glee. 
Blue: “Where do you think those folks will go? Now that they’ve died twice?”
Red: “...”
Blue: “I think I know where we’re going. But that’s ok if we’re together.”
You approach the door and unlock it, descending down the stairs. The basement is dark and made of stone. There’s a leak in the corner next to a blazing furnace. You move to the other side of the room, predictably there’s smoke and fire and blackened stone. Walking till the hellscape fills the screen you’re then approached by a demon.
Blue: “Should we kill it?”
You cough, nodding. The smoke making you miserable, you’re already beginning to sweat from the flames.
The screen cuts to black after that.
Ending three: more of the same/stuck.
You know the drill. This time you’ve done a combination of the first two routes, good and bad together with your twin, together with your twin most or some of the time.
Blue: “Been a wild ride.”
Red: “...”
Blue: “I wonder where we’re going next.”
Opening the door leads you back at the front, outside of the house. Trying to get back in will result in the door disappearing.
Blue: ”We’re stuck?”
Red: “Strange.”
Going off property you’re prompted with-
If you leave, you can’t come back. Will you continue?
Choosing yes, the game goes to black, ending.
Choosing no, you’ll be able to go back to previous areas and explore and whatnot. No changing the ending no matter what you do though. 
Blue: “I’m just glad I have you. I can bare it then.”
Red: “Yes.”
Exiting the game after this point is an automatic game over and you’ll restart.
Ending four- garden/no twin ending.
Doesn’t matter what else you’ve been doing, if you’ve left your twin behind at every chance you’ve gotten, you’ll get this ending, or a version of it. As you walk to the door, your twin trips you, taking the key.
Blue: “You’ve been so distant this whole time.”
Red: “...”
Blue: “You want space away from me? Fine.”
You then enter a fight, against your own twin this time. It is very short.
Attempting to kill your twin-
Blue: “You really want me gone this badly? Have you really hated me all this time? That’s cold. I understand though, I guess.”
You kill them afterwards. Taking the key and opening the door, it leads to a garden, sunny and lively, your parents are back there. Dad at the grill, mom trimming weeds.
Dad: “Woah there kiddo, you’re not supposed to be walking around this much after your surgery.”
Red: “Sorry...”
Mom: “Sit down sweetie, you look sick. Are you alright?”
You sit in the grass, your mom walks over and hands you a blue rose. You begin to cry.
Mom: “Oh honey what’s wrong? I thought you liked blue.”
You begin to explain, but you’re a mess and all you can say is “my twin”. Your mother is confused. 
You never had a twin, apparently.
The screen fades to black.
Attempting to take the key-
Blue: “Why do you want it so badly? What’s gotten into you anyway? Why do you have to have the damn key?”
Red: “Open.”
Blue: “For ffuck’s sake. So adamant. I’ll open the door.”
Your twin is the one who opens the door, you walk through and they try to follow.
Blue: “Wait hey no I’m stuck. You’re leaving me behind aren’t you! This whole time you’ve been leaving me behind and acting like I’m not there it’s like I don’t even exist-”
The door shuts.
Screen fades to black.
Apologizing to your twin-
Blue: “You’re sorry? You’ve never sorry for anything, you asshole. You think you act like I’m nothing and expect me to be ok with that?  Not anymore.”
Instead, your twin kills you. Opening the door, it leads to a garden, sunny and lively, your parents are back there. Dad at the grill, mom trimming weeds.
Dad: “Woah there kiddo, you’re not supposed to be walking around this much after your surgery.”
Blue: “...”
Mom: “Sit down sweetie, you look sick. Are you alright?”
Your twin sits in the grass, your mom walks over and gives them a red rose. Your twin scowls. 
Mom: “Oh honey what’s wrong? I thought you liked red.”
Your twin sighs. Is this how it feels to be the real one? It doesn’t feel good. No, they feel hollow, empty without you. The attention feels overwhelming. They liked it better when they had you with them. When it was just the two of you.
The screen fades to black.
Ok that’s all the ending ideas I have! I’m sure I’ve said them before but I honestly don’t remember!
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a3yumemira · 2 years
Yume Directors getting caught Acting: A series 4
Sympathy for the Angel
    Tsumugi was heading to the practice room early with Tasuku to get some extra rehearsal in when he realized the light to the room was already on. Curious, he silently signaled to Tasuku. Tasuku looked at the room with a slightly guarded expression and went ahead. Tsumugi assumed it was in case of a potential intruder. 
    Tasuku looked into the window of the door before gesturing for Tsumugi to come to him. Tsumugi peered into the window and saw the two directors talking with each other, but the movements they were doing looked very familiar. Tsumugi pressed a finger to his lips and then opened the door slightly. Their voices filtered out into the hall. 
    “...There’s no need for you to remain in the Human World, Michael.” Mira was reciting one of Tasuku’s, Raphael’s, lines. It didn’t sound like they were just reading from the script or saying the words just to help someone rehearse. It sounded like they were trying to be Raphael. There was a look of concern on Mira’s face as they looked at their best friend. 
    “...But… Raphael… Her name is still on the list. I… want to watch over her until the end.” Tsumugi’s gaze swept over to Yubi, who was looking down, kneeling, like they were looking into the human world. The emotion in their voice reminded him of how he usually spoke the line, but there was a subtle difference. He couldn’t place what it was just yet. 
    “If you want to watch over her, you can do so from Heaven.” Mira said, and a moment passed before he saw their expression morph into one of desperation. “If you stay in the human world any longer, you won’t be able to return!” Yubi didn’t even look up, and Tsumugi could see that emotion was coursing through Mira. 
    “Even so… I want to stay by her side, Raphael.” Yubi spoke so softly, yet clearly able to be heard. Tsumugi’s eyes widened slightly and he realized that Yubi’s expression was one of love. It was a painful kind of love, one that could never work, and one that Michael was aware of. 
    “Suit yourself, Idiot!” Mira said, angrily, exhibiting the exact anger that Tasuku used during rehearsal. As Mira stormed off, Yubi sighed and stared longingly into the human world, before looking up to watch their friend’s back. They smiled a very sad smile before looking back down. 
    “Perhaps… I am an idiot.” 
    Tsumugi and Tasuku watched, and Tsumugi hoped they would continue. Eventually he got his wish as Yubi shifted and Mira spun around, fear on their face now. 
    “Michael!” They shouted, rushing forward to ‘catch’ their ‘falling’ friend. “I warned you! You’re such a f-fool Micheal.” Tsumugi’s heart twisted at the very real feeling of anguish coming from their voice. Yubi reached up a hand to touch Mira’s face, as if their vision was starting to go and they wanted to know who it was. 
    “Raphael…? You came for me…?” Tsumugi noted the slight change of the line, feeling like it added a lot to the moment. 
    “Yes, that’s right… I’m… carrying your soul.” It almost seemed to Tsumugi that Mira was getting choked up. 
    “Did… did her name…?” Yubi spoke with some difficulty, not even finishing the line, but Mira nodded anyway. 
    “It’s off the list. You’re… You’re an absolute fool.” Mira hiccuped and Tsumugi realized that they were actually crying. 
    “Don’t cry… Raphael… I’m not miserable.” Yubi wiped Mira’s face gently. Mira shook their head. 
    “You’re such a fool…!” They reiterated, bowing their head even further. Yubi chuckled weakly. 
    “Please stop… calling me a fool.” They paused, continuing to wipe Mira’s face. “Thank you, Raphael… You went through… so much trouble.” A sob wracked through Mira’s body. 
    “If you had- if only you’d listened to me-!” Mira said, lifting their head to look at their friend. They were angry, but they were much more sad. “You can’t- You know you can’t return to being an angel. You’re…” They had to pause as they cried. “Your existence is going to dis-disappear… forever…” They held Yubi closer as they said that. 
    “...Even so. I was… able to protect my first love.” Yubi said, softly like they were trying to console their friend. “And my good friend is seeing my soul off. I’m happy…” Mira’s grip on Yubi tightened visibly. 
    “You-” They struggled to get the line out. “You’re not a fool. I'll take it back! You’re admirable for- for protecting the person you loved. …Unlike me.” They weren’t actively crying anymore, sniffling here and there. “B-but still! Falling in love with a human will never bring happiness… I lost…” They choked up, having to take a moment. “I lost the person I loved, and my good friend.” They sniffled, tears falling down their face. Yubi had dropped their hand in the middle of the soliloquy and had their eyes closed. “Right, Michael…?” After Mira said that line, Yubi smiled gently, like they were content. Mira’s expression changed, they were holding back tears, as they acted out laying Yubi down on the ground, and then watching as ‘Michael’ faded away, floating up into the sky and disappearing into nothingness. Mira clasped their hands together and openly cried for a moment, curling into themself. That is, until Yubi got up from the floor and placed a hand on their back, looking at them with concern. 
    “...Was that too tough for you?” They asked, to which Mira shook their head, having a hard time stopping their tears. “It’s okay, take your time.” 
    “I don’t think we should be watching this.” Tasuku said quietly to Tsumugi, snapping Tsumugi out of it. “...Tsumu, you’re crying.” Tsumugi lifted a hand up to his face to feel a few tears coming from his eyes. 
    “Oh, I am…” He commented, wiping his face. “That was quite the performance, wasn’t it?” He asked with a small laugh. Tasuku nodded, looking back into the room. Tsumugi looked too, seeing that Mira had calmed down. 
    “...Sorry.” They apologized to Yubi. Yubi shook their head. 
    “Don’t be.” They said. “You got really into character.” They chuckled lightly. Mira huffed out a laugh, looking much better already. 
    “It was so much easier getting into character this time than all the others.” They said, standing. Yubi stood too, brushing off their clothes. “I wonder why that is…?” Yubi hummed with a small smile. 
    “I was afraid this scene would be a little too real for you.” Mira shook their head. 
    “No, don’t worry about that.” They said with a small laugh. “Gosh, I’m tired now.” They stretched while Yubi laughed. 
    “We should probably go down to the lounge. I’ve still got some time until Winter Troupe’s rehearsal, so we can talk for a bit.” Mira looked at them with a grateful smile. Tsumugi realized they were walking towards the door. 
    Tsumugi didn’t know what to do. He didn’t think the directors would have wanted to be watched. He didn’t have time to figure out what to do because Tasuku opened the door and walked in. 
    “Oh! Takato-san.” Yubi greeted him. “Did you just get here?” Tsumugi figured he should walk in behind him.
    “We did.” Tasuku answered, lying. Tsumugi saw a relieved smile on Yubi’s face. 
    “We’ll get out of your way then. Extra practice, right?” They asked with a small laugh. Tsumugi nodded with a slightly guilty smile. 
    “We got some inspiration for a scene. We’ll run it by you later.” He told them. Yubi nodded with a smile as they ushered their friend out. 
    “Have fun! I’ll see you at rehearsal time.” They left the room and closed the door. 
    “...Do you think we should have lied to them?” Tsumugi asked Tasuku. Tasuku nodded. Tsumugi still wanted to say something. “We’ll have to tell them if we use anything we just saw.” 
    “Not necessarily.” Tasuku gruffed, shaking out his limbs a little, preparing to get into character. Tsumugi looked at his childhood friend and then back at the door where the directors had just gone. “I don’t think I can cry on stage.” Tasuku said, as if reading Tsumugi’s mind. 
    “That’s too bad.” Tsumugi said with a slightly joking tone. 
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honorhearted · 2 years
As a reverend’s son, Ben had always been taught that retaining ill will towards another person was wrong. One mustn’t covet, nor begrudge another man’s actions, and yet in this instance, Ben liked to believe God would forgive him -- nay, agree that his yearning for revenge was completely justified.
In a cruel twist of fate, his brother, Samuel had been arrested on a trip to London. He’d merely been speaking his mind in a tavern -- oh, Heaven forbid -- and the judge presiding over this trial had condemned him to prison...a prison where Samuel withered away, grew sick, and ultimately died a dog’s death. That sort of oversight could never be forgiven; not when this Turpin monster lived more than heartily in a mansion, while meanwhile everyone else starved and pleaded for crumbs. 
Ben wished to reverse his fortune. So now, leaning against the wrought-iron fence across from Turpin’s grand home, he pretended to read the book in his hand, occasionally glancing over at the small boy he’d hired to pose as a distraction. At long last, he could hear a commotion. The little boy was waving his hands, speaking loudly about an investment -- one that the judge had made, of course -- going “up in flames,” and that he’d been sent by “some nice banker” to come fetch him. Turpin, in all his greed, couldn’t resist this ploy, and immediately fetched his hat and coat before accompanying the child out into the street.
Miserable old miser.
Watching until the two had disappeared, Ben quickly rushed across the street and jogged up to the front door. In Turpin’s haste, the damned fool had forgotten to lock up, and with a breathy laugh of disbelief, Ben showed himself inside and quickly shut the door behind him. He didn’t know what he was looking for, exactly -- something, anything that could prove what a monster this man was -- so he took his time as he searched through the large house.
Before long, Ben became incredibly frustrated. None of Turpin’s desks nor potential hiding spots revealed anything of import -- not even a ruinous letter. Sourly, he headed for the final room in the upstairs hall (his last chance) and immediately froze once he realized it was locked. Oh... Well, surely this was a room of interest! No man with nothing to hide would lock a door, after all.
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Giddy, Ben set to work on picking the lock. After a handful of unsuccessful attempts, the lock finally sprung open, and he pushed his way into the room, pleased with himself until he realized that...well...he wasn’t alone. A pretty young blonde was seated in the far corner, embroidering quietly. Shit. Shit, shit, shit!
Pale and wide-eyed, he opened and closed his mouth a few times before spluttering, “Oh, uh...I-I’m so sorry, I...I thought...” Quickly. Come up with something, damn you! “Er, I am a carpenter. I was called in to fix a wobbly table leg. The judge isn’t presently here, so...I suppose I miscalculated the room. Apologies.” Though just as Ben turned to leave, it suddenly dawned on him that this woman had been locked inside this room -- that she was a prisoner of sorts -- so slowly, he halted his trek and turned again to regard her. “Are you all right, Miss?” This time, he didn’t bother disguising his American accent. Somehow, he had a feeling they might be on the same side...
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
Hi can i request a hcs for itadori,megumi and gojo react to their s/o death?.
Please Feel free to ignore this request if its triggering or u don't feel like writing it! Thank you<3
i love angst requests so it's really okay with me! thank you so much for requesting (ngl i did cry thinking abt yuji) and i hope u have a lovely day even if this was incredibly sad
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PAIRINGS: JJK BOYS x gn!reader
CHARACTERS: Itadori Yuji, Megumi Fushiguro, & Gojo Satoru
WARNINGS: heavy angst, character death, mentions of blood and panic attacks, as well wounds and bruises. mentions of Shibuya arc/implied location in Shibuya during that arc.
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⟡ 𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈 eyes dared to erase the sight ahead of him, his body was frozen—every sense began to fail for its purpose and nothing else was responsive except for the shout of your name that echoes through the battle field, the level of immensity to his voice that covers his throat with pain as every pace towards you was a step leading to a waste of a second that terrifies him the more his being tugged away by his own fears.
Dropping to his knees, he was numb to the sensation of the ache overwhelming his legs while he craddles you in his arms as every part of him shook with uncertainty, his hands didn't have the courage to hold you with as much as strength as he should've.
"..Y/N?" He whispers, a croak to his voice as if it was barely alive with droplets created from his sorrow began to trail down your cheek whilst your blood paints his hand in a hue he never expected to come from you. His mind was in the midst of being empty to a havoc that wanted to deny every rage in his system so he could love you even if he could tell how your chest wasn't rising the way it was supposed to do.
"Love?" Yuji calls out one more time as your eyes flutter subtly, signalling him not even an assurance for your state. His hand falls to your cheek, not caring if he couldn't hold you weakly because what matters more is that you held onto him. He painfully leans his forehead on yours, a loud sob escaping him with a struggle to catch up with his breath.
"Don't let me go, don't ever leave me, I beg of you, God!" He shouts as the gods grow concerned of the boy whose heart was wrecked to every piece as the sky began to cry with him. "Save them— God— Please! Stop taking everyone that I love and let me come with them." He begs, as he pulls you more as if the distance could've helped him better because even when you were close to him, he knew you were already at the farthest place that he couldn't reach. All that could be heard from him were screams where he forfeited ever begging for your life when everyone around seems to follow in your path.
"I'm so sorry, my love." Itadori confesses, arms tight around your figure as every beat of his heart began to die with you when all the seconds that he seemed to waste without you by his side began to haunt him. If he had gotten there sooner, maybe then he could've reminded you one more time that you were the energy—the surviving light in his life for him to exist without being told of his faith.
"I love you—so much so please remember that even when you're away." He couldn't even explain how his words manage to fall in such a manner, he could've sworn a second ago he only wanted to let time freeze so he could deny the view of your lifeless body that he miserably failed to save from the hands of death.
"I promise you, in the end, I'll be with you soon, Y/N." Itadori places a delicate kiss to your forehead, having no courage to leave the contact of your skin to his as his eyes went with the rain that poured over the two of you. He intertwines one of his hands with yours, shivering at the temperature he faces but with the other hand, he rests it on his cheek. Maybe if you looked at him now, you'd want him to smile because if you were the source of his reason to exist, Yuji's smile was the one to let your hearts worries disappear but sadly, the source has been removed from him and nothing else in the world could ever bring the joy in his smile no more.
"All I've ever wanted to do was to love you, so I hope you're willing to wait because when I see you.. I'm gonna embrace you with everything I've got," He then kisses the hand intertwined to his before he achingly pull his hand away and the regret closing on him but he had no other choice.
"And love you again and again, Y/N. Always and.. forever—like what we promised." Yuji, as torturous it was to let you go, he sets your hand that was on his cheek to your chest just like he did with the other before he ends his goodbye with a lasting kiss to your cheek.
"Stop crying, Yuji! C'mon smile for me, will you? I didn't come here to see you all gloomy."
And with the remaining memories left for him, it began to be the weak strings for his heart to compose itself because if he knows one thing that you hated, it was the sight of him crying.
So he smiles, the everlasting wish of yours being granted even if his body was corrupting as the love of his life enters a new realm where forever was possible for the both of you.
"We'll meet again, my love."
As he stood up, he hesitates to turn his back on you but once he does, the sun never looked the same to him ever again.
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⟡ 𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐌𝐈 encounters a feeling that he's been through before—a course of emotions that has his body in a tight hold but now, it seems the hold on him was deadlier than the first time. Your name had left his lips, draining him of his exhaustion to run to you before you could fall, every fiber in his body was holding on to his fear. He didn't need to feel the ache in his legs that were covered in wounds because his mission was for you to perfectly land in his arms even if he had to risk getting more injuries.
His heart began to pace in frantic pace when he catches you, there wasn't a split second of joy that entered him just because he made it in time. Instead, his eyes widen in trauma at the sight of your dull eyes that looked above to the heavens sky.
"Hey—hey!" He shouts, trembling hands feeling every bit of your skin and ends with it down to your cheek. "Talk to me—anything, please!" Megumi pleads as a drop of your blood that came from your forehead started to flow onto his skin. He gulps with his breathing unable to coordinate with him as his head frenetically looks up, any sign of help could've been the better reach but they were just in the mere corner of a building in Shibuya.
"Y/N? Please say something." He whispers, furiously wiping his tears while he despises the warmth of your blood that paints his hands. "C'mon please, let me hear your voice one last time." He sobs on your shoulder, embracing you with every corrupting piece of his heart, looking for a beat from your rather cold ones. His hands go to your hair, caressing it so lightly that he felt it resembled glass from how careful he was. Your head was buried in his neck, eyes barely awake for him to ever find that heartbeat.
"I love you, did you hear me?" Megumi says, gulping in the grief. "Say it back to me like you always did, please?" He doesn't know that begging would've been his lasting choice—maybe someone up above would take some time to listen to his pleads and eventually bring the life to his lovers body once again for you to say you love him back a thousand times more.
"Hug me one more time, will you? You told me you loved to do that." He desperately wishes your arms could just return to the place he loved, wrapped around his neck as his hands were to be on your waist or to your cheek with a smile to your lips. Unfortunately, your arms were covered in their own bruises—latched with dark purple hues and tints of red from the debris of buildings and cursed spirits.
"We have to go, Megumi!" One of the sorcerers shout, he didn't even have the time to decipher who it belonged to but he sniffles, reaching for his phone typing a quick message to the others to be able to take you out of this place with somewhere more deserving of a beauty that has passed.
"I'm not going to say goodbye because I know you'll always be with me, right Y/N?" He takes your hands, placing it on your chest on top of each other as his tear lands on your temple. He softly wipes it away before he kisses your forehead, closing his eyes shut at his misery.
"I wish I could've saved you. I really wish I did." He sobs, forehead in tact with yours but he seems to receive a sensation to his body at the wind that came his way.
"You've saved me the minute you met me, my love." You wish you could've whispered to him but he took it as the wind was the only embrace he'll ever get now.
"And you saved me too." Panda walks in to this horrid scene as he feels the sympathy rush to him. Megumi looks up at him with the liveliness dying along with you as your lover delicately holds your cheek one last time before kissing you on your temple muttering one more time,
"I love you always."
Standing up was the second hardest thing he had to do because turning his back to you came at first as his knees threatened to fall but alas, he has to do continue on because that's what you would've wanted right?
"I love you, Megumi. I'll be here waiting for you."
And the upcoming battles for him to face were laced with rage and the never ending bitterness that love seemed to haunt him with.
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⟡ 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎's phone rang as while he stops to stare at the caller. It was odd for him to receive a phone call from Megumi at this hour but he supposed it was probably for some guidance since they were sent to a mission. Being aware of their location, he didn't hesitate to transport as fast as he could to get there but there's this calling to him how it wasn't bound to be what he expected.
Panting heavily, Megumi ran with life on the line as he carried you in his arms without the ability to pace your breathing the same as his.
"GOJO-SENSEI!" He shouts with every power in his lungs the second Gojo had appeared, who stood stunned at the boy who was approaching him with a familiar figure.
"Y/N?" Satoru says, uncertain of what he just saw but when Megumi reached him, out of his breath as Nobara and Itadori followed behind him. His student places you in your lovers arm as he kneels down with a hand to your chest, alarmed at how your heartbeat was nowhere near notice. Fushiguro could see the worry in the mans eyes as he bites his lip in sympathy before telling the two to spare a moment for the so called strongest sorcerer who was now on his knees for only one person.
"We saw them being followed by a cursed spirit but they led Y/N to a trap." Megumi briefly explains as Gojo could only spare him a nod as your eyes would flutter once a while as the three students let them be.
"I warned you, didn't I?" He says, a low whisper as your hand weakly reach for his blindfold while Gojo's own rhythm of a heartbeat began to ache. Once he felt how you raised it with a cough of blood spoiling his uniform as his expression grow more frantic with every second.
"Hey there, pretty. You mind staying with me for a little longer?" He asked as if your ears were as attentive as it were before when his eyes stared back at your dazed ones. You didn't respond which was troubling him, what more was that your hand immediately dropped to your chest when he finally looked at you. A shakey sigh leaves Gojo while he rose, ready to fly you anywhere as long as you promised to stay.
"A little more please, can you do that for me?" He begs of you but instead, your head fell unconsciously in his arms with the threat of your eyes to close before he could ever look at you again, not too mention the flow of blood that came from your stomach that didn't seem to stop. He hasn't had the confidence to look at your body before because the fear on Megumi's face made him certain of how the damage had been rough on you. Up this close, he can see two massive wounds to your lower body as well as scratches on your forearms with some bruises on your wrist, hinting how their grasp on you was too strong compared to someone who was powerless.
The hue of his eyes appear to be less saturated than before and for the first time in the life of the honored sorcerer, his heart was irreparable and no amount of technique can reverse the way love his love for you had been the fault for your end.
Unknown to his own senses, his tears fall to your cheek as he pulls you closer like an embrace that didn't bring him his usual amount of comfort.
"Satoru, stop messing around!" You said as he spun you around, tight arms around his neck as he flew in the air, not bothering to listen to your protests of putting you down.
"I won't let you go, how could I ever do that to you?" He assures you, with his own arms tied to your waist with a bright smile on his face.
"And if I fall?" You asked him, glancing at the heights below you but Gojo only tucks a piece of hair behind your ear as you looked at him with the sun in your eyes since two lovers were up in the sky to reach for the clouds.
"I'll be there to save you."
But where was he when you fell from the skyscrapers?
"You hate me, I'm sure." He says biting his lip in agony as he buries his head to your chest, silent sobs and unsteady breaths coming from the sorcerer.
"I love you so much." Satoru breathlessly said. The head that was once on your chest began to move away when he heard nothing more than the silence that came from your heart. They were out to get you, how stupid was he to let you out of his sight just for a second? Maybe then he could've danced with you one more time, up in the sky for the two of you to conquer the heights of being in love.
"I'm so sorry, darling." He then kisses the side of your lip as his feet met in contact with the floor as the rest of the Jujutsu tech as Shoko lets out a saddened sigh.
"Wait for me okay? I'm not done loving you yet." He whispers to you one last time while he hands you over to Shoko as Megumi spares him a glance to notice how wretched his mentor looked.
"I have some things to do." Gojo announces, withstanding the grief to plot revenge to the ones who took you away from him as the rest didn't bother to object knowing there was no possible way to stop a man who had lost the love of his life in revenging your death. He disappears in a split second as the rest of the students didn't notice the tears that kept flowing from the person they look up to.
How can he be the strongest when he failed to protect his only weakness?
Until then, Gojo Satoru could only look at the sky to remember you since his infinity that he swore was to be spent with you died in his arms along with his lover.
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