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kindheartedgummybears · 10 months
Guys what if I told you I-
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Not completely accurate but I had to make do XD
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
I like how everyone in my NDA sick comfort ship art pieces all have a different symptom for the sick one.
For my Kokobolt piece, Yuma has a cold
For my Viviakou piece, Vivia has a high fever
For my Clockmare piece, Halara has allergies
Also: All my faves are the victim :3
My top 5 faves go in order:
Yuma, Makoto, Halara, Vivia, Kurumi.
In conclusion:
they are all screwed 😈
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
I-If you're okay with it, uhhhh how would your AU guys react to accidentally hearing their s/o moaning their name while pleasuring themselves ?
HeheheHAHAHAA~! Under cut for suggestive content!
Macaw- He becomes a blueberry. He doesn't bring it up, but it's very, very clear he heard something as he has a hard time looking at them.
Lupo- A shudder runs through him, rattling his bones. He'd knock and ask oh so sweetly if his s/o needs anything.
Falcon- Oh he's knocking on the door right away and cooing and asking if s/o needs help~
Jackal- 'Darling, Why Are You Calling For Me When I Am Right Here~?'
Jay- Blushes, then nearly breaks down the door asking if they need 'saving'.
Fox- just fuckin DIES
Crow- Blushing and sitting outside the door, listening and fighting himself because soooo improper but s/o is calling HIS name HHHH-
Hound- teleports in and grins down at his s/o, purring and rumbling, going 'm'here darlin'~'.
Vulture- thump thump thump on the door. 'Little lamb... I can hear you... Smell you...~'
Hyena- 'Oh Sweet Sugar, I Hear You In There! Do You Want Me To Help? Or Shall I Enjoy Your Soothing Voice Calling For Me~?'
Robin- 'PET! How Dare You Not Invite Me To This, Yet Call My Name! Naughty Pets Like You Deserve Punishment~!'
Dingo- teleports in, and pushes his s/o back, purring. That's not how you make puppies, silly! You need *two* to make puppies, nyehahahaahaa...~
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mineralsandco · 1 month
𝘠𝘰, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯?
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thedumb1 · 5 months
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blitzy-blitzwing · 5 months
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It’s the only logical action left. :V
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tinadablackthorn · 25 days
ykw fuck it
if this post gets 5k notes then ill ask my social worker to get me therapy before school ends
school ends in ~2 weeks so good luck guys :)
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handmadecrybaby · 3 months
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okay but brucie wayne IS a single mom WHO DOES work two jobs who LOVES his kids and never stops!!! he has gentle hands AND a heart of a fighter!!! HE’S A SURVIVOR!!!
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crappycamille · 3 months
katsuki is always so careful when he fucks you.
it’s more about the fear of himself than is about you being fragile. he knows you’re strong, but it’s just, he becomes so… unhinged when it comes to you.
it’s the way you milk him, he thinks. it’s the way your creamy walls suck him in—aching to be filled by him— before he even has the chance to fully submerge his tip. he swears he gets high off your pussy.
it’s why he has to be careful.
he’s not fully conscious. he gets easily lost in that blissful yet oh-so desperate state… dangerously so. he doesn’t want to hurt his precious baby. so he’s careful. he tries his very best to control himself. for katsuki is a strong man and he knows how easily his baby bruises.
but you’re never one to make things easy on him, are you? he admires that about you most of the time, but you just don’t realize how dangerous you can be, do you?
you’re simply ignorant to it. yes, that’s it! you have to be. it’s the only explanation.
why else would you be taking katsuki’s hand in your own as he’s fucking you (carefully, of course). you’re desperately grasping to take control of his arm as he now has to shift his weight to keep his pace and position. he curiously obliges you. how could he not, especially when you’re this fucked out already.
you drag his hand up along your body until his hand is at the base of your throat. it’s when he feels your hands squeeze around his and a satisfied moan escapes your lips that he truly grasps what you’re doing. you want to be choked.
the realization has a guttural moan leaving his lips as he feels his balls tighten at your debaunched behavior. he picks up the pace, sloppily thrusting into your greedy cunt as the hand choking you grips you like no other.
he can’t control it. he’s squeezing so hard you’re sure there will be bruises to have to explain later. but you don’t care. you’re seeing stars right now. you both are.
warbly moans leave the both of you in harmonious bliss. katsuki swears you’ll be the death of him as he struggles to breathe by the sheer magnitude of his climax. but what does such a trivial matter like breathing mean to him? to either of you?
you’re both far too gone in the highly intoxicating drug that is love.
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kindheartedgummybears · 11 months
guys there's been just an onslaught of Jerin content today so I hereby declare July 20th Jerin day.
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galaxylover06 · 2 months
Fearless year of Shadow aye?
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zukkababey · 1 year
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teddybeartoji · 2 days
going to the beach with toji and kids for the first time ever. it's only the beginning of your relationship, it's all kind of new – toji doesn't know what's about to hit him. sure, he's seen you with megumi and tsumiki before, but this? this is something else.
not only is his heart doing flips at the sight of the big smiles and the loud bursts of laughter you're managing to pull out of his kids, you're also wearing a fucking bikini. he hasn't seen this much of you before – the furthest you've gone during the late hours of the nights are steamy, handsy makeouts. he did take your shirt off the last time he had you below him but then you were interrupted by the little spiky haired boy, sniffling about a bad dream. after grabbing a blanket to cover you up, toji rested his forehead against your warm skin, grumbling something under his breath before looking up at you with soft eyes. you weren't mad – quite the opposite; you ruffled his hair and cradled his face, a gentle smile splayed on your lips. you pressed a haste kiss to his nose and then ushered him off of you, whispering something about his adorable son. toji scoffed. and smiled to himself.
the bikini. is killing him. he doesn't know what to do with himself. the scene playing in front of him is heart-warming and he should only be thinking about that, but how can he? the material is barely covering anything and you just look so... fucking good.
sitting in the shade, toji let's his head loll back, his eyes closing as he rests his hand over his face with a groan. he can't do it anymore. he's doing brain exercises to not pop the hardest boner of his life and you are not making it any easier when you keep giving him the prettiest smiles. you're happy, the kids are happy – everything should be good, but no – here he is, suffering because his parter looks fucking amazing. the fact that this is even a problem is mind-baffling to him. he is a strong man, no person is going to get to him just by being beauti—
"could you pass me the water, please?"
you're out to get him, he's sure of it.
toji peeks from under his hand and he's immediately blinded by a devil in disguise. the sun shines from behind you like a halo and the grin on your lips reaches behind your ears. sweat coats your skin and it makes toji's mouth salivate. what the fuck are you doing to him? hands on your hips, you stare down at your boyfriend and you give him another second to collect himself before quirking up a brow.
"toji?" you sound like a siren, you're pulling him in with your silky smooth tone. "the water, please?"
the corners of your eyes crinkle as you smile and toji has never moved faster in his entire life. "right."
he reaches for the bottle in the cooler beside him and gives it to you while making sure to look at you in the eyes and nowhere else. it's unbelievably hard – especially when the water starts trickling from the corners of your mouth and down your neck. toji gulps before turning to look at his kids instead. gumi's brows are furrowed as he's building his sandcastle while miki is busy building hers. toji cracks a grin.
"they're so– fucking cute." you whisper when you curse, a playful smile on your lips as you gush about the kids.
you love them so much already and you're glad that they seem to be liking you a lot too. that makes toji very happy; when the kids ask about you when they haven't seen you in a few days, when you do the same – he knows you really might be the one. it's a big thing to say, to even think, but he can't help it. it simply seems... right.
the water bottle hangs in front of his face and he's pulled away from his thoughts again. he goes to grab it and when he does, your free hand reaches out to him. warm finger wrap around his wrist and he melts at the soft, gentle touch. "come play with us."
a groan bubbles from his throat but it couldn't be any further from an annoyed one – you're sweet and you're excited, you're pretty and you're patient; you always welcome him and the kids with open arms and a bright smile. she would've loved you.
he throws the bottle aside and wraps his own hand around your own. "ya wanna play or the kids wanna play?"
his raspy voice and the stupidly handsome smirk he gives you make butterflies bloom and dance in your stomach. he makes you giddy, he makes you happy.
"i wanna play." you tug at him. "and the kids wanna play."
he can't say no to his little blessings and he can't say no to you. maybe running around will help clear his mind from the mischievious thoughts in his head. he doubts it, but he's needs to try.
in one swift move, he pulls your hand to his mouth while pretending to bite you and his eyes fucking twinkle when he sees your cute surprised expression and hears your little gasp. there's a moment, a second of the most comfortable silence before the corners of your lips twitch and you yank away from his hold, booking it towards gumi and miki with a loud cackle as toji pushes off the chair and takes off after you with fast steps.
your cheeks hurt from laughing as you watch toji catch megumi; he lifts gumi up with just one hand while tsumiki tries to poke her dad in the ribs in order for him to let boy go. when he finally lets the kids go... you feel his eyes on you. adrenaline pumps in your veins and you feel like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. you can't stop grinning. he can't either. a pair of arms wrap around your middle and your feet are being lifted up above the ground before you can even react.
while the kids are doubled over, running and stumbling over their own feet, toji growls in your ear. "gotcha."
you will take the next step today. no snotty kid of his will cockblock him again – they will be tired from the day and you will be all his to take care of. he'll show you his appreciation for being so good to him and the kids, for being so kind. and so... fucking hot.
he presses a kiss to your jaw but cringes when gumi and miki dramatically scream 'ew' at him. you feel him getting even warmer, his cheeks heating up and you try to save him by shooing the kids with a laugh. toji is grateful. he's happy that you're here.
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mushtoons · 9 months
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new au where everything is the same except ice king is his own person now
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