#Henry fisher
reddgoosie · 2 months
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I find their designs so pretty (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
But it's sad that this mod cannot be downloaded :(
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killemwithkawaii · 7 months
Do u think Sal has to shave his face under his prosthetic?
Well, to answer this question, let us consider:
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>Henry has one hell of a beard, and since Sal takes after him quite a bit, I think it's safe to say that he's genetically predispositioned to have some thick fuzz on his face from the moment he hit puberty (as for his head, I guess we'll never know if Sal inherited Henrys receding hairline, too... 😬)
>Hair doesn't grow on scar tissue, so Sals facial hair would be patchy at best, and any deep divots, bumps or ridges caused by his scarring might make shaving a tedious challenge...
>Letting his hair grow wild would probably be pretty uncomfortable too though- it would hold in extra heat, rub against his prosthetic, possibly get caught in buckles or seams, peak out the edges and breathing holes, and, if he's prone to drooling or dribbling and isn't super on top of cleaning his beard after meals, he'd risk harboring bacteria, or at least being more greasy and smelly than he'd be otherwise (the poor guy already has to smell his own breath and sweat constantly, I think he'd prefer not to add his lunch leftovers to the mix) sooo... sounds like the chore of shaving might be worth it?
>However, with how thick Sals hair is and how delicate his facial skin probably is, he might be prone to irritation and ingrown hairs (and nicking himself) if he tries to get a clean shave with a traditional razor...
>So, my answer is:
Sal most likely keeps his facial hair trimmed very short using an electric razor with a guard (and now im gonna be Thinking About It) 🪒✅
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ponybedazzle · 2 months
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does anybody still care about sallyface ? abh this is kenneth, diane, and henry but younger
just for the sillies
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anartistinahat · 1 year
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Silly goofy
(their names is
Sally Fisher, Sal Face.
Henry Fisher is Helen Fisher
Diana Fisher is Daniel Fisher)
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forty-five-shots · 5 months
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Yeah. Trans masc / male / FTM headcanons for Sal
🏳️‍⚧️ from a Sal kin
- Preferred Binding method is trans tape
- Chose the name Sal because his mother gave him the nickname “salmon” growing up
- Henry had issues coming to terms with it at first but now he’s very supportive with a few mistakes
- Oversized T shirts or hoodies when he can’t bind
- Larry was the very first person to find out, his response was the same to finding out Sals “mask” was a prosthetic
- Ashley found out second but was the most supportive person ever (trans ash trans ash trans ash)
- Travis fr couldn’t tell Sal was AFAB at all in highschool and by the time they were adults he didn’t give a shit
(Travis Phelps being oblivious to the existence of queer people that aren’t gay men trope where )
- People tried to use the name “Sally/Sallyface” with him to hurt him but he literally just ran with it
- T4T Ashley x Sal canon 💪
- Got top surgery as an adult but not bottom surgery
- Started testosterone around 16
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Oh, this was dad’s and Lisa’s wedding!
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They were so happy. We all were. I’m still sad about my mom… but I’m glad it was Lisa. I’m glad my dad’s happy. Mom would be, too. I decided to wear a piece of her, since she couldn’t be there herself.
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fruitcakebro · 6 months
Doctor: I have good news and bad news about your wife and son's conditons.
Henry Fisher: Well... Good news first, I need some hope here.
Doctor: Your son can go to Thestral Meet-and-greets now!
Doctor: Yeah there's really no good news. We think your kid is going to live though.
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my-hyperfixation-blog · 6 months
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I think he looked a lot like his mom
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Henry Fisher: Guess what I’m about to get.
Phryne: On my nerves.
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ashlinxsloves · 1 month
Sal: My mom died when I was little so whenever someone jokes about fucking my dad I’ll pretend to be really sincere and say some shit like “Glad to see he’s moving on, my mom’s death hit him pretty hard.” Then watch them absolutely fumble trying to figure out a response to that statement.
Sal: Update, he got a new partner I can no longer make the joke.
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sfbunnie · 2 years
Sorry I haven’t posted much in awhile! I’ve been working on a SF animatic for a few weeks now and it’s finally DONE!!
A little snippet hehe
Here’s the full link!! I hope you enjoy it :DD
Song - Therefore You and Me (Covered by Eve)
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Fic up for adoption
I have a fic idea that I wrote the first chapter of but I know I’ll never finish it and I really want to see it written
premise, (if your going to write this please follow the original idea I had)
Semi dark fic TW blood self harm hallucinations dissociation possible suicide attempt suicidal thoughts
Sally face except all the supernatural stuff is a delusion sal created to cope with the trauma of a dog attack that killed his mom and disfigured him and an abusive alcoholic father. Set in about the end of Sally face but their still 16-17 and Larry attempts suicide but survives. Sal thinks hes dead tho and to cope he hallucinates Larry’s ghost and all the stuff that leads him to killing the entire Addison apartment. He tries but does not kill them (come on he’s a child are you telling me none fought back) preferable Lisa stopped him after checking up on him because Larry is concerned about him because he was talking about how he was a ghost and how they had to kill the red eyed demon a game they played when they were younger. The police get called and He gets sent to the hospital for a phyce evaluation and gets diagnosed with psychosis. at this point sal thinks that he has killed everyone in Addison apartment and believes that the hospital is jail. The rest of the story is a road to recovery where he slowly reconnects with the outside work with various complications including possible eating disorder or refusing to eat because he thinks he’s dead or because he thinks he killed everyone. I can’t write but I am so exited at the possibility someone will write this I have so many more ideas tell me if you like this one (Also no Lisa x henry she’s to good for him)
Also autistic sal fisher because seeing my comfort characters with autism makes me happy stim
can be sallary but no sal Travis and has to be hurt/COMFORT
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Does anyone else think 'saving' Phryne's parents from divorce is a super weird ending to the show, given the whole text is about independent women.
Let the poor woman divorce Henry Fisher. Nobody deserves him. Don't fly him to England to inflict him on his wife!
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thatonewatching · 1 year
Church boy-The move
My father and I approached the dingy apartments. Whoever thought that neon green would be a good color to paint the windows on a rusty red brick building should have their career ended. 
Abolished, even.
I'd take it that far.
A warm hand on my shoulder yanked me out of my trance as it pulled me closer. "I think this is good for us, don't you? It'll be a nice change of pace." my father asked. "Yep, sure do." I muttered in agreement, not wanting to disturb what he thought was peace. "Good to hear!" he chuckled, squeezing my shoulder before letting go and letting his hand fall to his side. 
I held my hands open in front of him and he knowingly searched his pocket before an audible "Ah ha!" was heard and then the sound of keys being placed into my hand. "Thanks, Dad. See ya in a few." I called out, sprinting up to the brown door and pushing it open. 
The smell could only be described as a 'must'. It was forced into my nose as I walked into the lobby of the apartment. I walked past silver mailboxes all huddled together on the wall and a bulletin board with flyers and papers for things I didn't bother reading. 
I looked down the brown hallway and just sighed. I noticed the elevator and started making my way over. Pressing the up button, I waited for the metal door to slide open. Once they did, I stepped in and pressed for the fourth floor. I remember that we lived in 402 because my dad recited it to me the whole ride. 
The elevator's ding shook me out of my little zone as it stopped on my floor. I stepped out as the doors slid open just enough for me to slip past, I didn't want to wait for them to fully open. Stepping out, the same smell greeted me, and I subconsciously flinched at the wretched smell. 
"Yuck..." I muttered, walking down the hall and to my door. "401...402!" I thought, pulling out my keys and fiddling with them before finding the correct one. I unlocked the door and was immediately sent into a coughing fit. After swatting away what I could, I took in the interior of our new home. 
I could only see part of the living room, basically, just the parts of the room that the light from the hallway would allow me to. Anyways, I walked in and flicked on the light. It was bigger than I'd imagined. I shut the door behind me and locked it for extra measure. 
The couch was assembled and so was the coffee table. The box with the TV sat next to it. I entered the room nearest the door. It had my dad's desk and computer along with his bed next occupying the farthest wall. 
This was my dad's room. 
I exited and walked to the next bedroom, assuming that one had to be mine. I guessed correctly because my bedframe, TV, and table were already in there. At least my bed was assembled so I'd have somewhere to sleep. 
I threw myself onto the mattress, sighing as my back hit the soft material. "Nice..." I muttered, spotting the box full of my posters. 
*Time Skip*
Dad had come up to the apartment a half hour after me. I decorated the walls with my posters, put my clothes up and put my bedsheets on, also filling my bed with covers and pillows with a very important stuffed animal. One my mother had given me when I was younger.
Gizmo was laying on my made bed, all snuggled up and cute. "Fuckin' meatball..." I muttered, rolling my eyes at the obnoxiously loud but cute purring that emanated from the ball of fur. An agitated meow replied, and I smiled again. 
Setting my alarm clock, I unbuckled my mask and sat it on the windowsill. I slid my shirt off and accidentally looked in the mirror. My heart ached as a scarred face stared back. Those baby blue eyes that always seemed to be brighter than last time...
I put on an oversized shirt and some shorts. Flicking my lamp on and turning the overhead light off, I stared at my legs and feet. On my thighs, little white lines covered them down to my knees. Those were the scars of nights when I only had myself to get through them. I had nobody to help. 
No friends.
No mother.
No father.
Just me. 
I wanted to forget but the scars made that very difficult, damn near impossible. 
I popped my eye out and sat it next to my bed in the glass of water I had collected much earlier. With a 'plop!', the glass eye was now sitting at the bottom of my cup. It always made me giggle. "Septic eye." I thought, smirking to myself.
When I was younger, my dad would call me his little Cyclops because I always destroyed the little Lego cities he and I would build. The nickname stopped after the incident. Guess my dad never thought his son would actually be a Cyclops, did he?
Guess I'm just full of surprises! 
I sighed again and took down my bushy hair from its two pigtails, allowing it to fall to my shoulders. Only for a moment, though. I quickly collected it again and threw it into a tight, messy ponytail. 
After hours of tossing and turning, my alarm beeped loudly, and I sat up. The bed was comfortable, but I didn't have time to dawdle. The school was waiting and so was my dad. I knew he'd be awake to make sure I got up before my first day. He always did on the first day. Always had to make sure.
"I can't keep doing this..." I scolded myself for another sleepless night. Grabbing my eye from the solution, I popped it into place and moved it, so it looked like a normal one. I brushed out my shoulder-length blue hair and threw it into two twin pigtails. 
I looked in my mirror and jokingly did two little finger guns, knowing I truly hated how I looked, Humor sometimes helped. 
I grabbed a black, turtlenecked sweater and some rusty-red ripped jeans, and the deep blue Converse I wore everywhere. I grabbed my prosthetic and slid it over my face. Buckling it, I made sure it wasn't lopsided and then I moved my hair, so it wasn't all mushy and gross like under the mask was. 
"Alrighty, I don't stink so..." I said, smirking. "Guess no shower since I'm already dressed!" I finished. I left my room after giving Gizmo a few loving pats and scratches. As I had said earlier, my father would be waiting for me. 
And he was.
At the table, reading his newspaper and drinking coffee that he got at the gas station. "Hey, Dad." I greeted, making my way to the fridge to grab water. "Morin' Sal!" my dad way too enthusiastically responded. "What? What's up with you?" I asked. "Nothing, just excited for your first day again. Feels like yesterday that we put you in kindergarten." he responded, smiling sweetly. 
"Dad, stop. You do this every year." I said, rolling my eyes. "I know, I know. It's just hard, seeing my young man grow up so fast." my father said, jokingly wiping underneath his eyes. "Whatever, I get it. I'm growing!" I continued. "If I'm getting so old then why am I still 5'2?" I rhetorically ask, knowing my dad is still going to answer. 
"Just genes, accept it, Sal."
"Oh god, I'm leaving. I need to get going anyways."
"See ya! And be careful!" 
"I will! Love you."
"Love you, too."
(originally posted May 13th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - The move - Wattpad
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Every once in a while, my dad’ll take me out for a guys day, even let me skip school sometimes. We have these really cheesy T-shirts that say “Father Fisher” and “Son Fisher” that we wear out to arcades and movies and stuff. It’s fun, especially since I don’t get to see him a lot.
The Fisher jokes are killing me, though. I made the mistake of watching The Matrix with him after Larry and I went (it’s a GOOD MOVIE).
That damn kissing scene came on. It would have been fine, if the old fart didn’t have to go;
“there’s a million fish in the sea. Someday, you’ll have someone like that. You know why?”
“Because I’m a Fisher.”
“Alright, dad.”
We got kicked out of the theater after that.
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✭ concept is not mine! I can’t find the original Tumblr user who came up with this joke. ✭
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I've been drawing Sally Face Characters on this. I did my best even though it didn't turn out how I wanted. If anybody has a Sally Face Character for me to draw on one of these then don't hesitate to tell me what character and which one!! : )
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