#Herbalife Ways
justloseweightn1 · 2 years
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What is the safest weight loss injection? One of the most common questions I get about weight loss is “what is the safest way to lose weight?” Many people are…
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sierrathesimmer · 1 year
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Here's a functional fitness gym. This lot type is set as Gym and comes with many different fitness equipment, smoothie bar, locker room and crossfit area. Make sure to tag my socials below if you use the build in any way! Happy Simming!
Lot Size - 30 x 30 (San Myshuno)
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DL [Patreon] Public Release - 4/16
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Fit Box Set (custom sign, check-in desk, lockers) by blvcklifesimz.
Crossfit "Reborn" Fitness Equipment Set + Fitness CC Set by syboulette.
Herbalife Set (protein powder, snacks + menu) by yourdorkbrains.
Functional "Let's Get Fit Mod Pack" fitness equipment by cepzid.
Functional Protein Shakes Blender by somik-severinka + Functional Fruit Smoothies & Shakes Blender by @icemunmun.
Thank you to all the cc creators for making this build possible!
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spicyraeman · 3 months
i always default to jaeheira as the older wise warrior type, but i also just rescued minthara for the first time and she’s kinda giving mlm mom right now. like, the absolute left her with a garage full of fast fashion leggings she can’t unload and she’s trying to sell me on her new thing, the herbalife thing.
i think I remember you posting some lae’zel/jaheira art right around the time I started following. or am i mixing you up with someone else?
Yeah, feel like wise was the wrong word choice here, think I was going more for experienced but couldn't think of it at the time. But Jaheira still definitely fits the bill for that, just a way different vibe from Minthara who's got that mean dominant older woman thing going that I tend to see projected onto Lae'zel more often. And mlm mom is such a funny interpretation of her character lmao
Also yea, I did post a couple jaheira/lae'zel things a while back
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treason-and-plot · 1 year
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“Do you like your dinner, Dad?” asks Henrietta. “I helped Apollo cook it. I’m very, very good at cooking, you know!”
“I’m sure you are, Princess,” says Roy while Henrietta’s sisters make scoffing noises and roll their eyes. Why anyone would prefer to eat slices of pale, insipid veal over a juicy piece of rib-eye steak is beyond Roy’s comprehension. He supposes the dish that’s in front of him could have been a lot worse, though- it could have been served with a mushroom sauce. One should always be grateful for small mercies.
“Hey, guess what?” he says, looking around the table. “Something really exciting happened today!”
Violet smiles at him.
“I got Harrison Steiner a six-figure sponsorship deal with Herbalife!” Roy says. Violet’s smile stiffens.
“Who’s Harrison Steiner?” says Joanna.
“He plays soccer with the Bridgeport Eels,” says Angus.
“That’s right, Son,” says Roy. “He’s only just turned eighteen, and already the world's his oyster. All thanks to my business acumen, expert negotiating tactics and extensive networking skills!”
“He’s also super-fast, has incredible mastery of the ball and is a machine when it comes to kicking goals,” says Angus.
“Well, okay, that too,” shrugs Roy.
“Actually, that’s not our only exciting news,” says Violet, putting down her knife and fork. “Would you like to tell everyone what else happened today, Roy?”
“Why don’t you tell them?" says Roy, stabbing at his veal. “Seeing as you were the one lucky enough to receive the phone call.”
“Okay,” says Violet. “This afternoon the people who are looking after your mother rang me, and they said we’re all allowed to go and visit her tomorrow! Isn’t that fantastic?”
The girls exchange glances.
“What’s wrong?” says Roy.
“We don’t want to go to a mental hospital,” says Alexandra. “It sounds scary.”
“It’s not a hospital, it’s a treatment facility,” says Violet. “It’s a lovely old country house surrounded by beautiful lawns and oak trees. Your father’s been there to visit people lots of times, haven’t you Roy?”
“Yeah, that’s right. In fact, your own Grandma's been a patient there!” says Roy. “As well as Freddie and at least a dozen more of my clients. You know, they should name a wing after me after all the business I’ve sent their way. Or at least offer me some type of discount. But instead they can't even offer me the courtesy of a phone call. Anyway, to answer your question, Alex, it’s not a scary place at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.” He hate-chews his last sliver of veal and pushes his chair back. “I don’t mean to break up the party, but I’ve got to go and see Anya soon, so can you all cut the chit-chat and eat a bit quicker so we can fit in a game of kicky bag or something before I have to race off?”
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theolsentimes · 1 year
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GQ Magazine, 2002
CW: It's kind of disgusting. It's a window to the way female starlets were viewed and treated prior to the era of online presence, even at fifteen.
"They're normal girls who lead normal lives," said Robert Thorne about the Olsen twins he helped create. "They have friends who are fat, short, dumpy. The only difference between them and the other girls is next year they're buying a jet." Thorne is the force - a sort of manager/agent/marketer - behind the $500 million industry that is the Olsen Twins. [...] They are a living, breathing brand. And they have Robert Thorne to thank. Actually, he does a fairly good job of thanking himself: "The thing I want to say, it's very important, they brought nothing to table except popularity and charisma, and I brought marketing and really phenomenal deal-marketing." At 47, Thorne only has a thin hash of hair in an unusual place - on the middle of his forehead. It stitches its way across his brow like an old scar. He used to be the Olsen family lawyer. Now he works almost exclusively on all things Mary-Kate and Ashley. He spends a lot of time pacing his 12th floor office in Century City - you can see the green Herbalife sign flickering down on him - brainstorming and jangling his coins. As soon as he gets an idea, no matter how small, he flings the door open and shouts it out into the hallway, "A coke!" Or if he sees something that besmirches Mary-Kate and Ashley's honor, he's on the phone. "Hello? Hi, Brian. I just saw a movie, a teen-snowboarder movie, yesterday, Out Cold, and at the end this guy has a certain part of his anatomy hurt- there's two of 'em. Ok, his 'thing' gets caught in a jacuzzi- and he walks into a bar that night kind of dragging, and says,'Gee, my Mary-Kate and Ashley are really hurting'... Now, is that ok?" Jill Zimmerman walked in, the twins' 32 year old ex-nanny, a blond in a slit denim skirt chewing on a salad. Zimmerman has gone from au pair to executive of the company. She controls the girls' shopping (they live to shop!) and school schedule. What's unusual is that the two directly deal with the girls, not through their parents, who have divorced and share custody of the children. The twins live in San Fernando Valley, but in a larger sense their home is in Century City. The company has become their family and little Mary-Kate and Ashley are growing up in it. What the twins have evolved into- or what their particular talent is, is another question. Their talent is almost beside the point now - a confection of teen identity, something poached from their puberty and increasingly indistinguishable from it. I asked Thorne and Zimmerman if they agreed that the girls are now selling early teen sexuality. "They're attractive," said Thorne, "and more and more boys are buying their movies because they're hot looking, but there's nothing sexual about their content. It's scintilling because of beauty, because of sexy dress, but they don't overdo it." "They won't," said Zimmerman. But it's obvious: They're the object of horndog jokes in Maxim and on Howerd Stern. "What are you going to do?" said Zimmerman.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 8 months
The MLM hack list
Alright. So there are a bunch of MLM diet companies that make a shitload of money of of us and yet our obesity rates in developed countries are thru the freaking roof.
How many times have you gotten the messages on Facebook, Instagram or whatever and it's like: Hey girl, haven't seen you since high school, let's get coffee... OR... they just post the precopied message & ask about your goals, & proceed to add a flurry of hyperpositive social media messages, like my friend recently did to me.
Did anyone in high school like you? Not me! Do that screams danger from the start. I was horrendously bullied in elementary school. I was gone to a parochial school for a couple years so the only reason that I avoided constant bullying in high school was because... they forgot who I was.
Here are some ideas I stole from various companies, cheaper:
Herbalife: this company's stuff works, for 2 reasons- you replace 2 out of 3 meals with shakes. However, alot of people are not successful if they make their shakes at home and if they add in all the snack bars. People do, however, lose weight if they get their shakes from a "nutrition" shop. Why? Because they blend those shakes super thick with a metric shitton of ice & I think alot of them add sf pudding, which enhances the thickness. Also, you get an iced tea, normally with added fiber. So the answer is- you have 2 drinks that take a long time to finish AND give you added caffeine & fiber. So? Just do it at home: keep your shake calories low, make it extra large & thicker than a snicker, & follow with a caffeinated tea & add fiber to it. I like the herbalife brand but I order it off Amazon so I don't have to get the whole shpeel. Now brand has "prebiotic fiber" that is cheaper. There is also benefiber from Walmart. It is cheap, so why not?
Beachbody: you don't need to spend a billion dollars on protein shakes or meal replacement shakes. I do, however, love some of their workout systems.
Tai Slim: this company's great idea was the chocolate gluccomannon chews, I just didn't know ot at the time. I have tried to order it but have been unable to so maybe they don't make it any more. So my hack would be- the chocolate calcium chews, some gluccomannon tablets, & a large glass of water.
Modere: this company was all over tik tok & reels for awhile, while the reps were trying to schlep people into this scheme. The Golden Child was the liquid CLA chocolate, probably because it tastes like a chocolatey treat while it is actually a CLA supplement. CLA can be purchased at almost any health food store, way cheaper.
Plexus: the pink drink. More research needed on this, but I think it is just a fiber drink. Hack: gluccomannon powder & a Starburst all pink flavor packet.
Most of these companies often sell an associated "fat burner:" often something with caffeine, ecgc from green tea, etc. You can get something similar at a health food store for a fraction of the price. If you want something fancy, there is Ember from the Ambrosia Collective. Use the Google. MFINGCOO is a discount code that I think still works, but it isn't mine.
Buy In for then"tribe:" Weight watchers (not an MLM, just a diet culture sales supergiant but they still somehow acquire affiliates, idk if that qualifies as a True MLM), beachbody, herbalife are pretty cultish in nature-- they rope you into a bunch of meetings, calls, and online groups. If someone calls you to ask why you weren'tat Power Hour, you may have bought into a cult! It works by reprogramming certain thought & behavior patterns..... Basically a bunch of people are sharing ideas regularly and getting involved in their cultish antics.& promoting it on social media. (Example: OMG have you tried the new WW/herbalife/beachbody PROTEIN BAR?? Only $15 for 4!! What a deal! LINK IN MY BIO) You can do this on your own by finding your own people. You can get your own seminars by watching a lot of youtube. Anything that focuses on reprogramming you to cook at home and eat primarily whole foods will probably work. Join free groups. Disregard anything outside of what works for you ( I have to ignore a lot of dessert recipes because they cause bingeing for me).
Lipozene: pretty sure this is just gluccomannon. You can find gluccomannon tablets way cheaper at a health food store. Walmart also was carrying a generic version.
Hydroxycut: pretty sure the active ingredient here is HCA? I don't have a bottle currently to look. But isn't HCA just garcinia? So much cheaper at a health food store. I personally cannot take hydroxycut, it makes me RAGE. I like, get upset and freak out at work, so I don't even think I am willing to try it again.
It works: I think the skinny coffee would be comparable to the "slim coffee," which was cheaper but seemed to be chromium. You can just pick up a chromium supplement... & seriously, you can just drink coffee. Don't add calories to it.
Apple cider vinegar gummies: Just take shots of apple cider vinegar. You can buy a gallon at walmart, it will last a long time. Play with shot recipes, you can do good girl moonshine (ala Trim Healthy Mamma), & use it liberally for dressing recipes.
L-Glutamine: don't remember the company, but this is available at more health food stores, not for $100 a container.
Maybe I have bought so much shit so you don't have it. Is there an MLM company I missed? 🤔 let me know and I will check it out for future posts.
Remember- whatever you do, stay safe. Research your shit. Focus on your daily habits and remember that what you are eating outweighs almost any supplement you could buy. Eat whole food, walk, have an exercise routine & stop expecting a 30 day result for a body that took you 40 years (or whatever) to create.
I definitely don't think the ozempic trend is worth the cost, but if there is no other way for you & you have the money, it is worth a shot. Just don't expect your insurance to pay for it. Many insurance companies are currently not covering it, and I don't really know if they should consider it.
Surgery? If there is no other way and you want to, go for it.
The way that these things work though, is by changing what you are eating. Period. These are all systems to change what you ingest and you can change what you eat for free.
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I am still on Nomorbidity & Alkemi from the Ambrosia Collective. I have not found suitable replacements for them but I am also not looking hard, they have a reasonable price point to me.
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Edited: To reword, as WW is a diet culture vulture, not quite an MLM. Just a big money making company.
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play-now-my-lord · 2 years
The fundamental problem with tiktok as a mental health information platform is not the misinformation per se - doing research on medical conditions through the Internet has always required a strong bullshit filter and willingness to evaluate claims that strangers make. People lying or talking out their ass isn't the thing that worries me. It doesn't even terribly worry me that the audience skews very young and is thus kinda credulous - that's always been a problem the Internet has had. No, the problem I have is that for reasons I don't fully understand - I don't know if the culture is just hostile to it or if the app itself isn't made to accomodate it, and frankly it doesn't super matter which - it's trivial to present con artistry as garden-variety misinformation there. Like, if someone is telling me that some medicine will help me out of a misguided belief it helped them, or out of spite, it's gonna be, while not exactly trivial anymore to validity-check that, not super challenging. On the other hand, if they're selling some sugar pills for my medical problems for fifty a pop, they're capable of being way slicker about it than they are anywhere else. I worry not so much about the liars or even the charlatans as I do about predatory businesses. On basically every level where it matters, you are increasingly presented with an epistemic quandary - you can Trust The Science (and frankly if you don't have chronic health problems you have no fucking idea how useless, reactionary, and subject to overt corruption The Science is, especially in the US) or you can check out the open mic at an Herbalife convention in the slim hope someone there isn't trying to specifically sell you Herbalife. No middle ground. You can develop critical faculties to make the Herbalife convention less dangerously useless but that takes years, and that's the approximate lifespan of any given modern app's ecosystem.
I'm talking about mental and chronic health and Tiktok here, but the same problem is really present in politics, journalism, etc, and apply to Tumblr and Twitter and Facebook as well. (I single out Tiktok because as a purely outside observer it seems like the single place where people talk most freely in bad faith, but they do that everywhere with varying degrees of success.) Your information sources are either transparently useless and corrupt official channels or Some Guy who, odds are, is working directly or indirectly for a marketing firm or afloat on an MLM grift and not obligated to disclose that by anything or anyone.
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alanshemper · 10 months
The current issue of Vanity Fair has a profile of William Ackman, the billionaire hedge fund manager who’s trying to bring down Herbalife. Ackman’s friends and enemies call him Bill; I know him as Billy.
You see, Billy Ackman and I grew up together in Chappaqua, New York. He was a year ahead of me in school. Our families went to the same synagogue. I knew his parents, and his older sister and my sister were in the same class. We weren’t friends, and he never made much of an impression on me. He was smart, but in the way many kids in Chappaqua were smart: he got good grades, obsessed about college, went to Harvard.
You see, Ackman is one of those guys for whom phrases like “smartest guy in the room” mean something. That’s a phrase I’ve been thinking about of late. I know smart people, but their minds are so various and incommensurate, it’d be impossible to rank them according to intelligence. They’re all smart, but in different ways: one sees deeply, one sees quickly, one sees things no one else sees.
But Ackman operates in a world—and it’s not just Wall Street; you can also find it in DC, the media, the law, and some parts of academia—where rankings of this sort mean something. They have to: no matter what the endeavor, someone always has to come out on top or in first. Whether it’s the most money, the biggest house, or the fastest cyclist.
10 March 2013
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anti-mlm-rambles · 10 months
Book Review: Ponzinomics
I highly recommend Ponzinomics: The Untold Story of Multi-Level Marketing by Robert L Fitzpatrick if you are at all interested in the history of MLM companies. This book goes into great detail about the history of the industry and the companies that started it all. Perhaps an excessive amount of detail in places. There was a chapter in which Fitzpatrick talks about all the previous business ventures of one of the founders of Nutralite, the first MLM company, and there were moments where I thought it was more information than was strictly needed. Still, you can't deny he was thorough.
Fitzpatrick talks about the founding of Nutralite and Amway, and the early lawsuits that shut down companies like Holiday Magic but left Amway untouched. He describes the earlier concepts that were built on to form the business model of MLMs, including ways direct sales were compensated in other companies the key players were involved in, and some fascinating stories about chain letters that I knew nothing about prior to reading this book.
Fitzpatrick also covers the short sale of Herbalife stock by Bill Ackman and the investigations into Herbalife and legal cases against them. He talks about the incident and its aftermath. There was also a lot of information about the ties between the MLM industry and the US government. I was aware of some of the connections, but I had no idea it was so pervasive.
Early on in the book, there is a great explanation of the pyramid structure, including mathematical proof that, no matter how big the pyramid grows, the majority of people will always lose money - because the way the pyramid grows means that the majority will always be on the bottom. It's laid out in a clear, easy to understand manner. He also points out something I hadn't considered but which makes sense, around the loss rates. Those that talk about MLMs often bring up the studies into how the majority of people lose money, but Fitzpatrick postulates that the loss rates are actually even worse than the terrible stats would suggest, because the income disclosure numbers are generally measured year-by-year. The people at the top who are making money tend to be stable, staying in the company because they've found success, but the people at the bottom are in a state of constant churn, with new ones being recruited and old ones leaving because they kept losing money. This means if you look at it over a longer period, the number of people who lose money may be actually greater than the numbers the annual income statements give. Which is horrifying.
The book does touch on the MLM industry today, but it's first and foremost a history of the industry. There is a lot of plainly laid out information covered in a fairly academic manner, but in a way that can be easily consumed by a reader. I
In a lot of ways, the book feels impersonal. It talks about the people involved in the history of the industry, but doesn't really talk about the people who get hurt. It's not a book of anecdotes or sob stories from the victims of MLM companies, but it sheds light on where these companies came from. Some of the information, I was already somewhat familiar with, but other parts were new to me and it was very interesting to see how the pyramid recruiting structure evolved from earlier concepts and to find out more about the people who invented it.
Fitzpatrick is definitely thorough. The book isn't the most fun I've read on the subject of MLMs but it's packed full of interesting information, and I would definitely recommend it if you want a thorough grounding in the history of the industry. Four stars.
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arcann · 11 months
modern au where gaius falls for emet-selch's pyramid scheme
Taigat listening to gaius rant about star wars and how good the PT is and how shit the series turned out to be without understanding a single word: I want to fuck this guy so bad it's making me look stupid
Taigat when gaius offers him some herbalife bs and how they too can become filthy rich in a totally legal and fair way: i changed my mind i have to fight this guy behind a walmart
And then taigat beats up like 5 guys behind the walmart and emet selch has final boss music (modern au version) (shb nightcore)
Azem and Venat are there and they hit him with their handbags.
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Wheatley is mlm but in the multi level marketing kind of way
He tries to sell you Herbalife
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herbalife11 · 18 days
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Achieve Your Goals with Herbalife Weight Management Products
Take control of your health with Herbalife Weight Management solutions. Our comprehensive product range includes protein shakes, supplements, and personalized nutrition plans that are designed to support your weight loss or maintenance goals. Made with premium ingredients and backed by scientific research, Herbalife products are trusted by millions worldwide. Our commitment to exceptional service ensures you have the support you need every step of the way. Navigate our easy-to-use website, enjoy fast shipping, and connect with our customer support team for any inquiries. Start your journey towards optimal health with Herbalife today, and experience the difference quality nutrition can make.
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politemagic · 28 days
5 Female celebrity crushes
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
oop def got distracted playing bg3 last night and forgot about this ask game.
5 Female celebrity crushes
in no particular order: Rhea Ripley, Zendaya, Ayo Edebiri, Florence Pugh, Kate Siegel
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
i would loooooove to go do the LOTR tour in New Zealand!!!! mr. politemagic and i are hoping to be able to do that as an anniversary trip one day.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
not necessarily a fact, more a range of knowledge, but when i was in college i did a completely useless deep dive into these "Nutrition" places i was seeing pop up everywhere. they're all like "[CITY NAME] Nutrition" "Peace Love Nutrition" etc. a lot of people i knew were OBSESSED with the "loaded teas" that they sold and i was curious as to what it actually was. it's basically a storefront MLM (borderline pyramid scheme) for the company Herbalife. i know way too much about these stores.
thank you for the ask my darling <3 ask game
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trendtrackershq · 28 days
What Are the Latest Developments in the Gelatin Capsule Market? 5 Key Trends You Need to Know
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The Gelatin Capsule Market is evolving rapidly, influenced by several emerging trends and innovations. As the demand for dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals continues to grow, recent developments in the industry are shaping the future of gelatin capsules. This article explores the latest news and trends in the gelatin capsule market, highlighting five key developments that are making waves in 2024.
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/gelatin-capsule-market/request-sample
1. What Are the New Innovations in Gelatin Capsule Technology?
Recent advancements in gelatin capsule technology are setting new standards for the industry.
Advanced Encapsulation Technologies: One of the most notable innovations is the development of advanced encapsulation technologies. Companies like Capsugel (now part of Lonza) and Qualicaps are leading the way with new technologies that improve the stability and release profiles of gelatin capsules. These innovations include techniques like dual-release capsules and customized-release formulations, which enhance the delivery of active ingredients and improve patient compliance.
Vegan and Vegetarian Alternatives: In response to the growing demand for plant-based products, there has been a surge in the development of vegan and vegetarian capsule options. Companies such as Herbalife and Nature’s Way have introduced capsules made from plant-derived materials like hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and pullulan. These alternatives cater to consumers with dietary restrictions and preferences, expanding the market for gelatin capsules.
Nano-Technology Integration: The integration of nanotechnology into gelatin capsule formulations is another exciting development. Nanoparticles can enhance the bioavailability and efficacy of active ingredients. This technology is particularly beneficial for delivering poorly soluble compounds and improving therapeutic outcomes.
These technological advancements are revolutionizing the gelatin capsule market, offering new solutions and meeting evolving consumer needs.
2. How Are Regulatory Changes Impacting the Gelatin Capsule Market?
Recent regulatory changes are influencing the gelatin capsule market by setting new standards and requirements.
New Regulations for Dietary Supplements: In response to the growing market for dietary supplements, regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have introduced stricter regulations for supplement manufacturers. These regulations focus on ensuring the safety, efficacy, and labeling of dietary supplements, which impacts the gelatin capsule market by requiring higher quality and transparency in product formulations.
Sustainability Regulations: There is increasing regulatory pressure on the environmental impact of packaging materials, including gelatin capsules. Governments and environmental organizations are pushing for more sustainable practices, leading to the development of eco-friendly capsule options. Companies are now exploring biodegradable and compostable capsule materials to comply with new regulations and meet consumer demand for sustainable products.
These regulatory changes are shaping the gelatin capsule market by driving innovation and ensuring that products meet higher standards of safety and sustainability.
3. What Are the Latest Market Trends Driving Growth in the Gelatin Capsule Industry?
Several key market trends are contributing to the growth of the gelatin capsule industry.
Increased Consumer Demand for Personalized Nutrition: The trend towards personalized nutrition is driving demand for custom-formulated supplements. Consumers are seeking products tailored to their individual health needs and preferences, which is fueling the growth of gelatin capsules as they can be customized to deliver specific nutrient profiles and dosages.
Rising Popularity of Functional Foods: The popularity of functional foods—products that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition—is also boosting the demand for gelatin capsules. Functional foods often contain bioactive compounds that require precise delivery systems, making gelatin capsules an ideal choice for encapsulating these ingredients.
Growth in the Aging Population: The aging global population is contributing to the increased use of dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals, including those delivered in gelatin capsules. As older adults seek products to support their health and manage age-related conditions, the demand for gelatin capsules is rising.
These market trends are driving growth in the gelatin capsule industry, creating new opportunities and expanding the application of capsules across various sectors.
4. Who Are the Major Players and New Entrants in the Gelatin Capsule Market?
The gelatin capsule market is characterized by the presence of major industry players as well as new entrants making an impact.
Leading Companies: Established companies such as Lonza, Capsugel, and Qualicaps continue to be dominant players in the gelatin capsule market. These companies are known for their extensive product portfolios, technological innovations, and global reach. They are actively investing in research and development to maintain their competitive edge.
Emerging Startups: New entrants in the market, including startups focused on sustainable and vegan capsules, are gaining traction. Companies like ACG Worldwide and Natural Capsules are introducing innovative solutions that cater to niche markets and address specific consumer demands.
Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations and partnerships between gelatin capsule manufacturers and health product companies are also shaping the market. For example, Lonza’s partnership with various supplement brands helps in developing customized solutions that align with the latest industry trends.
The presence of both major players and new entrants is driving competition and innovation in the gelatin capsule market, contributing to its dynamic growth.
5. What Challenges Are Facing the Gelatin Capsule Market in 2024?
Despite its growth, the gelatin capsule market faces several challenges that need to be addressed.
Sourcing and Sustainability Issues: The sourcing of gelatin, primarily derived from animal collagen, poses sustainability and ethical concerns. The market is under pressure to find alternative sources and develop sustainable solutions to address these issues. The shift towards plant-based and biodegradable capsules is a response to these challenges.
Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape for dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals can be challenging for gelatin capsule manufacturers. Compliance with varying regulations across different regions requires significant resources and expertise.
Market Saturation: The gelatin capsule market is becoming increasingly saturated, with numerous players offering similar products. Differentiating products and maintaining competitive pricing while meeting high quality standards are ongoing challenges for companies in the industry.
Addressing these challenges is crucial for sustaining growth and ensuring the long-term success of the gelatin capsule market.
The gelatin capsule market is experiencing significant changes and developments in 2024, driven by technological innovations, regulatory updates, market trends, and the activities of key industry players. As the demand for personalized nutrition, functional foods, and sustainable products continues to rise, gelatin capsules are evolving to meet these needs. While challenges remain, the ongoing advancements and dynamic market conditions highlight the potential for continued growth and innovation in the gelatin capsule industry. Keeping abreast of these developments is essential for stakeholders looking to navigate and succeed in this rapidly changing market.
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ananya5400 · 1 month
Dietary Supplements Market Overview, Top Manufactures, Size, Growth Analysis, and Forecast – 2028
The global dietary supplements market is projected to grow from USD 167.5 billion in 2023 to USD 239.4 billion in 2028, at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period. The growth in the dietary supplement industry is being driven by several key factors, including the aging population, a shift from pharmaceuticals to nutraceuticals, amino acids, and protein supplements, as preventive healthcare becomes a priority. The rise of personalized nutrition is also playing a significant role in this growth. Consumers are increasingly focusing on self-directed care, motivated by trends in personal health, weight management, and overall well-being. The personal care market has undergone significant changes in recent years, with more consumers turning to weight management and protein supplements to manage lifestyle-related disorders. In many regions, inadequate protein intake has led to a growing demand for amino acids and protein supplements. Additionally, unhealthy eating habits and improper lifestyles have prompted a significant number of consumers to seek weight management supplements to address obesity and overweight issues.
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Top Dietary Supplements Companies
Key players in this market include Nestle (Switzerland), Abbott (US), Amway Corp (US), Pfizer Inc. (US), ADM (US), International Flavors Fragrance (US), Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd (Japan), Glanbia PLC (Ireland), GSK PLC. (UK), Bayer AG (Germany), Herbalife International of America, Inc. (US), Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc (US), Bionova (Canada), ArkoPharma (France), American Health (US), Pure Encapsulation (US), HH Group (Hong Kong), Nu Skin (US), Power Gummies (India), Biomedical Research Laboratories (US), HealthKart (India), NutriScience Corporation (US), Nature's Essentials (US), and Life Extension (US).
Dietary Supplements Market Trends
Growing Consumer Awareness and Focus on Health: There has been an increasing awareness among consumers about the importance of maintaining good health and preventing health issues. This awareness has translated into a growing demand for dietary supplements as people seek convenient ways to complement their diets and address specific health concerns.
Preventive Healthcare and Wellness: Many consumers are shifting their focus from treating illnesses to preventing them. This has led to a rise in the consumption of dietary supplements that claim to support overall wellness, boost immunity, and promote longevity.
Plant-Based and Natural Ingredients: There has been a noticeable trend towards plant-based and natural ingredients in dietary supplements. Consumers are seeking products that align with their preferences for clean labels, sustainability, and a perceived connection to nature.
Personalization and Customization: The one-size-fits-all approach is giving way to personalized and customized solutions. Companies are increasingly offering tailored supplements based on individual health needs, genetic factors, and lifestyle choices.
E-commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Sales: The rise of e-commerce has significantly impacted the distribution of dietary supplements. Many consumers prefer the convenience of online shopping, and this trend is expected to continue. Additionally, some brands have adopted direct-to-consumer models, bypassing traditional retail channels.The sports nutrition function segment is projected to grow at the highest rate during the forecast period. Many sports nutrition supplements available today include multivitamins, branched-chain amino acids (leucine), omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, glutamine, beta-alanine, beetroot, and green tea extract, each of which provides different performance benefits. In general, all humans require an adequate amount of macro and micronutrients. However, due to extreme exertion athletes need to monitor their food intake. Sports nutrition supplements provide them with all the required nutrients, which is why this category is projected to grow fastly in the dietary supplements market.
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What factors are driving the rapid growth of the sports nutrition function segment in the market?
Many sports nutrition supplements available today include multivitamins, branched-chain amino acids (leucine), omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, glutamine, beta-alanine, beetroot, and green tea extract, each of which provides different performance benefits. In general, all humans require an adequate amount of macro and micronutrients. However, due to extreme exertion athletes need to monitor their food intake. Sports nutrition supplements provide them with all the required nutrients, which is why this category is projected to grow Fastly in the dietary supplements market.
North America dominates the dietary supplements market share.
The North American nutrition and supplements market holds the largest share and is projected to grow further. The region's population has become increasingly health-conscious, incorporating dietary supplements into their daily routines to enhance overall health and manage weight. Due to poor dietary habits, such as a preference for junk and processed foods lacking in nutrients, lifestyle-related disorders like diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure are prevalent. This has driven the demand for supplements. Additionally, the rise in veganism and the shift towards less processed foods have further fueled the use of dietary supplements to address nutritional gaps. South Africa also presents a promising market for dietary supplements, both in production and consumption, as the region faces widespread malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies. Together, these factors contribute to the growth of the global dietary supplements market.
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essarairsystems · 2 months
Gummies Manufacturers In India
Title: Exploring the Vibrant World of Gummies Manufacturing in India
The world of confectionery is evolving rapidly, with gummies emerging as a popular choice among consumers of all ages. From their chewy texture to a variety of flavors, gummies are not just a treat but also a means to deliver vitamins and supplements in an enjoyable form. In India, the gummies manufacturing industry has witnessed significant growth, driven by changing consumer preferences, advancements in technology, and a growing emphasis on health and wellness. In this blog, we’ll delve into the key aspects of gummies manufacturing in India, including market trends, prominent manufacturers, and future prospects.
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The Growing Popularity of Gummies in India
In recent years, gummies have transitioned from being a simple confectionery to a versatile product. They now come in various forms such as vitamin gummies, herbal supplements, and even functional foods targeting specific health concerns. This transformation is largely attributed to the increasing awareness of health and wellness, particularly among the younger generation.
Health Consciousness: As more people seek healthier lifestyle choices, gummies have become an appealing option for incorporating vitamins and supplements into daily routines. Their palatability makes them an attractive alternative to traditional pills and capsules.
Flavor Variety: The variety of flavors available in gummies makes them a favorite among children and adults alike. This broad spectrum of options allows manufacturers to cater to diverse consumer preferences.
Convenience: Gummies offer a convenient way to consume supplements on the go. Their portability and ease of consumption contribute to their growing popularity.
Key Players in the Indian Gummies Manufacturing Industry
India’s gummies manufacturing sector is burgeoning, with several key players shaping its landscape. These manufacturers range from established pharmaceutical companies to specialized confectionery producers. Here are some of the prominent names:
Patanjali Ayurved Ltd.: Known for its Ayurvedic products, Patanjali has ventured into the gummies market, focusing on herbal and health-oriented gummies. Their approach combines traditional wellness concepts with modern manufacturing techniques.
MediVeda Pharmaceuticals: MediVeda is a notable player in the sector, specializing in health and dietary supplements. Their range includes gummy vitamins and other functional gummies designed to support various aspects of health.
Haleon (Formerly GSK Consumer Healthcare): Haleon, a global healthcare leader, operates in India with a focus on health supplements, including gummies. Their products are well-regarded for their quality and effectiveness.
Sami Labs Ltd.: Sami Labs, known for its innovation in the nutraceutical space, has embraced the gummy format to offer a range of dietary supplements. Their commitment to research and quality is evident in their product offerings.
Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.: Herbalife, an international nutrition company, has established a strong presence in India with its range of health and wellness products, including gummies designed to support nutritional needs.
Manufacturing Process: From Concept to Consumer
The manufacturing process for gummies involves several key stages, each critical to ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the final product. Here’s a brief overview of the typical process:
Formulation: The initial stage involves formulating the gummy recipe, including the choice of ingredients such as gelatin, pectin, or agar for the gelling agent, as well as flavorings, colorings, and active ingredients like vitamins or herbal extracts.
Mixing: Ingredients are mixed in precise proportions to create a homogeneous gel-like substance. This step often involves high-shear mixing to ensure a uniform texture.
Molding: The gummy mixture is poured into molds that shape the gummies. This can be done using traditional gelatin molds or modern automated machinery for higher precision and efficiency.
Cooling and Setting: Once molded, the gummies are cooled to allow them to set. This can involve chilling or air-drying processes, depending on the formulation and desired texture.
Coating: Some gummies are coated with sugar, sour powder, or other coatings to enhance flavor and appearance. This step also helps in preserving the gummies and preventing them from sticking together.
Packaging: The final stage involves packaging the gummies in a way that maintains their freshness and quality. This includes selecting appropriate packaging materials and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
Regulatory Framework and Quality Standards
In India, the manufacturing of gummies is regulated by several bodies, including the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). Compliance with these regulations is crucial for ensuring product safety and efficacy.
FSSAI: The FSSAI sets standards for food products, including gummies. Manufacturers must adhere to guidelines regarding ingredient quality, labeling, and health claims.
CDSCO: For gummies that fall under the category of dietary supplements or pharmaceuticals, adherence to CDSCO regulations is necessary. This includes maintaining Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and conducting necessary safety and efficacy tests.
Future Trends and Opportunities
The gummies manufacturing industry in India is poised for significant growth, driven by several emerging trends:
Innovation in Formulations: Manufacturers are exploring innovative formulations, including plant-based gummies and those with added functional benefits like probiotics or adaptogens.
Personalization: There is a growing trend towards personalized nutrition, where gummies can be tailored to individual health needs based on genetic, lifestyle, or health data.
Sustainability: As environmental concerns become more prominent, there is a push towards sustainable manufacturing practices and eco-friendly packaging solutions.
Expanding Market Reach: With increasing awareness and demand, there is an opportunity for manufacturers to expand their reach not just within India but also in international markets.
The gummies manufacturing industry in India is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, marked by innovation, diverse offerings, and a growing emphasis on health and wellness. With established players and new entrants continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, the future of gummies in India looks promising. As consumer preferences continue to evolve, manufacturers who adapt to these changes while maintaining high standards of quality and safety will likely lead the way in this vibrant industry. Whether you’re a consumer seeking a tasty way to boost your health or an industry professional looking to explore new opportunities, the world of gummies offers exciting possibilities for all.
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