#Here lies the fics dom never finished
xxwritemeastoryxx · 2 years
WIP Purge
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Where my untouched and forgotten work in progress goes to the trash bin. But before they meet their demise, I figured I'd show you what is being tossed and give my thoughts on them before they never see the sunshine again.
However, if in the future a part of me feels like I can go back to it, this is the post where it will be saved. Unless tumblr eats my tags and I never find it again after this is posted.
ANYWAYS! From what I can tell, no major warnings are needed for what is below the cut. Please note that this is in fact a very long post filled with commentary that is either ramblings, me occasionly giving thoughts in bold mid wip to address things, and so on.
This is mostly for you guys to see what could have been as well as some comedy. If you have any thoughts on these, please feel free to comment on them. I really want to know what you guys think.
Have fun! And thank you for participating in this purge.
Eyes On Me
If I'm not mistaken this had been a request that just fell through the cracks before I had my breakdown. This one was from when I first started attempting to write for MCU characters. I tried going back and rereading and replanning this fic, but everything I tried to do didn't work. So it sat there unfinished. Maybe one day I'll come back and give Druig another try.
I need you to come back to me.
The words may have been rushed and loud to anyone that had been close by but to Y/N she couldn’t even hear them. Her mind blocking out the words in one way or another. Images flashed before her eyes. Ones that she’d hardly recognized but felt oh so familiar to her.
I don’t want to hurt you. Come back.
The words were muffled in comparison to the chaos that echoed within Y/N’s ears. The screams of the scared and injured only gripped the hold on Y/N tighter that it felt like she couldn’t breathe. Death and destruction louder than the calming words that were being attempted to bring her back from the madness that was consuming her.
What Y/N didn’t know was (What didn't she know?!?! Cause I sure as hell don't remember lmao. )
“She’s struggling.” He said as he shook his head. “One moment she’s fine and she can fight it off, but in the next it’s like-” He couldn’t find the right words to explain the battle Y/N would lose with herself. Druig’s mind only comes up with the smallest comparison to Thena that very night in Tenochtitlan.
“As if she is stuck in between the past and the present.” Gilgamesh said with a nod in understanding. “You grow worried with how long she’ll be able to fight it off before you’re fighting her to come back to you.” His eyes landed on Thena as she brought a glass up to her lips and took a drink. “Some days it is as easy as telling her a few words, and other days it takes a while to break through to her.”
They both watched as Y/N and Thena began to toss their heads back in laughter at whatever was said in their conversation. The details were unknown to the men, but it was something that had actually brought a smile to both of their faces. The two women had been close before they all had gone their separate ways.
Thena only ever laughed that hard when Y/N was around. And it was only ever Thena that could ever get Y/N to be still for longer than five minutes. Though over time Y/N had been able to adapt and be content with boredom, it was then that both Druig and Gilgamesh had seen how calm Y/N was.
“What caused it?” Gilgamesh asked a moment later.
“We take trips when she needs them.” Druig began. “Staying in one spot gets to her at times. She chose the destination not knowing what to expect, it had been centuries since she had last visited. When we arrived, we were met with war among the civilians. She killed ten humans before I was able to get through to her.”
I REALLY REALLY loved the relationship between the reader and Thena. I really wanted that sibling relationship between them, and it just sucks that my brain refuses to make this fic work.
Untitled Shower Thoughts
Legit, if you looked at the doc name it's what the name of it is. I had an idea mid-shower for this particular scene but for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was for. But it was going to be angsty apparently. I don't even know what character was supposed to be used for this one either.
"What changed?"
There was a time that I felt peace with you by my side. I never went without and you showed me what it was like to be loved. But it wasn't me who changed. " She shook her head slightly. "You left. Maybe not physically but you weren't here with me. Together, I longed for the peace we had, the longing hurt. And the days you were on a mission, I felt peace."
For a moment she believed that as she said the words there would be some kind of ache in her chest. Some guilt at falling out of love for him. Some anger at him for leaving as he always did, even when she asked him to stay. All she felt was as if she was talking to an old friend she hadn't seen in a while. He may not have admitted to himself, but Y/N knew he has left long before she even began to feel lonely.
All I know was this was supposed to be a request that I couldn't bring myself to finish before I did a 'reset.' It was going to be one of those 'Everyone lives in the Avengers Tower' fics and I cant remember what it was that made me not want to finish it. Maybe it was the fact that in my notes for this, that this was supposed to be tooth rotting fluff and the tooth rotting stuff I couldn't get my brain to focus on.
When Y/N first officially met Loki, she had just returned from a mission she had been on for the last few weeks. Just like many had, she had witnessed the events of New York first hand. While she hadn’t fought him face to face like some of the others, she had been happy to see the man in cuffs and being taken back to Asgard. And when the news began to spread that the Asgardian would be returning to New York, she was against it. An agreement had been made and she wasn’t the only one who shared the same views.
By the time she returned, the team had already gone through the motions of being on standby for Loki’s arrival. He and Thor had taken up residency on one of the floors of Avengers Tower for a whole week before Y/N returned. And when she met the God of Mischief….
{Insert details things} (What details cause none of it is happening)
In the end, Y/N left with tears of frustration in her eyes. Minutes after leaving the room she volunteered herself for the next mission even though she had just gotten back. Anything to put some space between them after an interaction like that one.
Months had come and gone with Y/N doing what she could to avoid Loki. While at first it had been out of anger and hatred, now it had been mostly for the sake of giving him whatever space he needed. To allow him to adjust to a life not only on Earth, but working to be a part of the Avengers.
Y/N knew this wasn’t easy for anyone. Not when there was an occasional throwing New York in Loki’s face from time to time. Most of the Avengers were on high alert with Loki around. And when he was put on missions, chaos usually ensued when some of them felt as though they couldn’t turn their backs on him. Even Y/N had been guilty of doing the same when they first started going on missions together.
It wasn’t until their next mission together that something seemed to change between the two.
When Y/N woke up in the med bay, she wasn't surprised to see the familiar faces of Natasha or even Steve talking as they sat beside her bed. What she had been surprised by was Loki standing by the entryway to her little sectioned off room. There was a look of relief on his face as he watched her eyes open and watched as her eyes focused on him. He gave her a slight nod of his head before turning and walking away.
“How long have I been out?” She asked a moment later as she ran her hand along her forehead. There was an echo of an ache that was currently making it’s presence known the longer she was awake.
“Almost two weeks.” Steve said as he leaned forward in his chair.
“We weren’t sure how much longer we could take you not being around.” Natasha said jokingly as she laid out the blanket on top of Y/N. “Some more than others couldn’t leave your side.”
“That someone being you?” Y/N asked as she looked over at Natasha with a small smile pulling at her lips.
Natasha chuckled. “Someone actually has me beat.” She noted before looking towards the entryway.
While Loki wasn’t there anymore, Y/N knew exactly who Natasha had been talking about. If she hadn’t seen Loki there when she first woke up, she wasn’t sure if she’d believe what Natasha was telling her.
Y/N’s eyebrow raised slightly. “Really?”
“He only leaves your side when someone else comes to visit you.” Steve added. “I’ll admit when he carried you in, we weren’t exactly accepting of the idea.”
“We had no idea what was going on after your coms went out
I really wish I had finished this one. But I also think the lack of interaction with my Loki fics just depresses me and I think that's a reason that I've kind of stopped writing things for him. Bummer I know.
Untitled Elijah Fluff
Apparently I can't finish the fluffy things my brain tries to come up with.
For the first time in quite some time, things had been quiet. Threats didn’t come and go as frequently or there was no need to be constantly looking over their shoulders for something that may or may not be coming after them. And for once The Mikaelson family could easily let their guard down and actually enjoy life.
Klaus, Hope and Hayley had found themselves on a family trip across Europe. All of it as educational as they could make it while letting Hope take in other parts of the world. A chance for her to grow and learn things that only HaYley or Klaus could teach her as the hybrids they were.
As for the rest of the Mikaelsons, they stayed put in New Orleans in hopes of making the city better. A chance to unite the factions and make the city thrive in a way that it never had before. And it was working for the most part. Even they knew that not everything would run smoothly while attempting to make things better.Nothing ever more than they could handle in the process. Not when the leaders of the factions were moving to make the same peace the Mikaelsons wanted.
Y/N and Elijah had been lounging in the study. Each of them with a book in their hands. While Elijah was catching up on his reading, Y/N had been reading a grimoire that had been passed down to her. It had been the first time she had actually sat down and went through it.
There was a time Y/N had believed her family had lost the grimoire years before she had become of age. After facing their last threat, Y/N found it among the ruins of her family home. It took her some time before she actually decided to crack open the book and peek at the pages. But once she had, she didn’t regret it.
The pages had been filled with spells and details that she hadn’t believed were possible. Spells such as these ones should be hoped to keep out of the wrong hands. And as she flipped through the pages, she would seal the page with a spell making it only visible to those with the best intentions of using the spell.
But in the last hour, her eyes had been glued to a spell that occupied one of the pages. The design on the page had been intricate. Words covered the page in a language she wasn’t sure she could even pronounce, let alone read in that moment. But it was the images that were drawn on the page that held her attention.
Vines grew up along the page towards the top of it. A handful of seeds drawn as if it had been the one to drop the seeds into the ground that allowed the vines to grow and thrive. Intertwined in the vines had a few different images of life.
Y/N stared at the spell in front of her. She must have read and reread it several times since she had found it. Her eyebrows furrowed as she translated on the page for the millionth time trying to make sure she had in fact translated the spell correctly.
With each word that came out the same each time, excitement rose within her. For each word that had gotten her mind to click in the correct order, it made her heart race. And when she got to the very last word, a gasp passed her lips at the realization of what she found.
"What is it?" Elijah asked from across the room.
He had been watching her for the last several minutes. He had watched as she had been so focused on the page in front of her that she hadn't even heard him speak to her moments before. With every tilt of her head and every purse of her lips as she worked on it.
Y/N's head shot up at his words. The first time she registered his voice in a while. She could see the curious look on Elijah's face and all she could do was smile at him. She couldn't even make the words form that were wanting to be said. She didn't know how to say them without getting anyone's hopes up.
Not with this. Not with the potential to bring a new life into the world. Where loopholes can be had. Someone in her family was crazy enough to do it. She just needed someone other than the love of her life to be the first one to hear it.
She gave him a smile as she got up from her seat, the book closing with her pointer finger holding its place. She walked over to him, before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"I promise to explain later." She said before standing straight. "I just need to talk to your sister before anything."
"Freya isn't here." He said with a raised brow as he watched her begin to turn and walk out of their study.
"I never said I needed Freya." She said as she looked over her shoulder at him before leaving the room altogether.
Elijah shook his head and chuckled as he heard her feet pick up as she rushed to find Rebekah. As she did, there was a flicker of hope that ignited within him. If this was the spell he believed it to be, things would surely change around there for the better.
This fic had notes to be a song fic to Taylor Swift. But I have no idea where the hell I was going with this fic. I think reader was supposed to have her memories compelled away and the familiarity of things was supposed to trigger something to remembering her first night meeting Elijah. But once again, I can't get my brain to want to come back to this one.
"You seem rather uninterested to be here." The voice was familiar in a way that Y/N couldn't help but turn around rather quickly, her drink almost spilling over the rim as she turned.
The moment she had turned, there was no recognition of the person who spoke moments before. Even as her eyes wandered over the man before her in the three-piece suit. His brown eyes took in her appearance just as she had, but there was a gleam in his eyes that had screamed at Y/N that he was familiar with her. As if he knew her more intimately than she believed.
She quickly shook the thoughts from her head, before giving him a small smile. "Unfortunately any time I'm dragged to an event such as this one, I tend to grow bored with it halfway through the night. Attend one and you've seen all of them."
That caused a small smirk to pull at the man's lips. The smirk itself had caused something to stir within Y/N, but the source of it all was still buried deep within her. Something that she was questioning more as the minutes passed.
"And what of our hosts?" He asked curiously as he tucked one hand into his pant’s pocket. "I'm sure they'd be worried if a benefactor such as yourself was uninterested in this get-together."
"The Salvatores have the city's best interest at heart." Y/N knew that was a lie. She knew that it was the farthest from the truth. That this party was nothing more than to reach into the deep pockets of the benefactors of the city to ensure their organization was continuously thriving. "My continuous contributions don't mean they are aiming to please their guests once boredom strikes."
The smirk tugged at his lips for another brief moment before it left his lips altogether. The way her heartbeat had quickened had told him she was lying. Even if it was the tiniest of lies, he rather enjoyed that she even disliked the Salvatores' actions in their business.
"What if I could persuade you to turn your contributions to another organization that pull\ their efforts towards what the vampires of the community actually want?" His eyes never left hers as he said the words.
As she took in the words, they held familiarity, as if they had this exact conversation before. A small smirk had pulled at her lips. "And how do you intend to persuade me?"
He chuckled before his attention had been caught by the change of music playing. He tilted his head towards the dance floor before holding his hand out to her. Her eyebrow raised as she observed his hand.
"Give me this dance to provide all the information you need to make a decision. And if you decide to hear more, we can take our conversation elsewhere."
After a moment, she nodded her head before placing her hand in his. "One dance. You better start talking."
A small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he began to lead her towards the dancefloor. Once a spot had been occupied, he spun Y/N before bringing her towards him and taking her free hand.
Untitled Mafia based Series
Let me tell you. I really wanted to dive into another Series with Elijah. But the amount of Series I had going on with that man was bad at the time. So I kind of put it on the back burner and then it never got finished. Maybe one day.
Y/N’s fingers were quickly tapping away on her keyboard. Her eyes watched as each word formed on the screen, making sure there had been no mistakes. The sooner she got this story done, the sooner she could leave the office and go pick up Elijah from the airport. While his flight wasn't due to land for several hours, she was anxious and excited for him to come home.
(Insert the shit ton of space that was in between things)
Y/N leaned against the door frame looking into the study. She watched as Elijah read a book as he sat in his favorite chair. A smile played on her lips just watching him sitting there. They had been through a lot recently and seeing him relaxed for the first time in a while was a nice sight. “Hey.” She said to get his attention.
Elijah looked up from the book, a smile growing on his face as he saw her. “Hey.” He responded back. He closed his book and placed it on the stand by his chair before standing up. “Is everything alright?”
She smiled and entered the room walking towards him. “Everything is fine.” She said with a nod as she stopped right in front of him. “Actually I'd say everything is perfect.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “You are home, we are safe, and we are together.”
Even though Y/N's words made him smile. She was wrong. There was still plenty of dangers that lurked in the shadows. Many of them were on the brink of making their moves and Elijah knew it was only a matter of time before he had to leave Y/N again. In fact it was just a few short days away. A sigh passed his lips as he ran his hand through her hair. “I won't be home for long.” He admitted.
“But your brother can handle this.” Y/N said shaking her head. “You just got back.” Her voice broke at the end.
“I know I did.” Elijah said knowing that his departure would make things worse for Y/N. “But Klaus isn't going to be able to do this on his own.”
Y/N shook her head again as tears began to fill her eyes. “I can't bare the thought of you being shot at again. You were supposed to come home and stay home.”
“I have to do this, Y/N/N” He said placing his hands on her cheeks hoping he could get her to understand. “This is the last time. We take out the Salvatores once and for all and then we will be able to live in peace.”
“What's to stop anyone from picking up where they left off?” Y/N asked worried. “Nothing will change if you do this.”
“Nothing will change if we don't do anything.” Elijah shook his head. “It won't stop. They killed Henrik and attempted to kill me all because Klaus went after one of their properties. What will happen if we leave them be?” Elijah couldn't even think of the possibilities but her had to get Y/N to understand. “If we don't do this now, what is to stop them from coming after the rest of my siblings or even you?” He shook the images from his head as he moved one hand away from her cheek. “I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you.”
Y/N looked down at her feet for a moment before looking back at him. She didn't want to tell him like this. She didn't want to say it just because he was leaving but he needed to know. “It wouldn't just be me anymore that you'd have to worry about.”
“What do you mean?” Elijah asked with a raised brow.
“I hoped that I'd be able to tell you with us celebrating you were home and staying home,” she sighed slightly. “but you need to know before you leave again. I'm pregnant.”
“Y/N is pregnant?” Klaus asked as he looked at Elijah.
Elijah nodded. “She was hoping to tell me with a private celebration that I'd be staying home. Instead we started arguing and in the middle of it, she told me.”
“And you wish to be with her instead of being here.” Klaus noted.
“Of course I would.” Elijah said with a nod. “She kept it to herself for a month while I had been recovering in hopes that after everything I had been through it would help keep me from coming back “
“And yet you wanted to come back and help me handle things.” Klaus sighed. “You do realize if they find out about her pregnancy they could use that against us.”
“You think I don't know that? That is all I have thought about since she had told me. Word of this gets to them and it will be her they take next. This child is the next generation for us.”
“An heir to our Kingdom.” Klaus noted. “The Salvatores won't take kindly knowing that.”
“Precisely why I asked her to go stay with her parents. If she is out of the country until this over she'll be safe.”
Klaus shook his head. “Sending her to England doesn't make this go away.”
“No but keeping her out of their grasps for now is all I need.
“How is that wife of yours?” Damon asked as he sat across from Elijah. “I heard she was in England. Is there already trouble in paradise?’
“She is visiting family.” Elijah noted. “We are fine. I would have joined her on her visit but there was business to attend to.”
“Right.” Damon said as he smirked a little. “I only ask because my cousin saw her out while she was visiting as well.” The words alone had caused Elijah to stiffen. “She seemed rather upset about something. not to mention my cousin also mentioned she saw Y/N and her mother walk into a maternity store.”
“You know women these days.” Klaus said hoping to give Elijah a moment to collect his thoughts before doing something he'd regret. “They like to imagine what it would be like by walking through stores.”
My notes had a lot of details. Such as how this would begin along with how Elijah had gotten injured. Yet any time I went back an read through to try and get my brain going, nothing helped.
First of all I have no idea how this one hasn't been done, because I absolutely love soulmate AUs. And this is whereit makes me a bit sad that I couldn't finish this one.
"It's her isn't it?" Rebekah said as she came to stand beside Klaus.
Klaus had never taken his eyes off of the woman. His head nodded in confirmation. "It is."
"Then why aren't you down there introducing yourself to her?" She asked. "The last time she had been reincarnated you let her go without so much as a word to her."
Klaus looked over at his sister. "And she lived a long and happy life. The first one she's had in all of the times she'd been reborn. I can't risk it."
"We will keep her safe." Rebekah tried. She knew how much Klaus had wanted to be with his soulmate. But the world was cruel in the ways that Klaus had lost her time and time again.
"Have you forgotten that it always by yours or even our brothers' hands that she dies?" His eyes narrowed at her before returning to looking down at the street.
The woman had stopped at booth with dozens of boquets of flowers. Klaus watched as her eyes looked over the arrangements before a small smile pulled at her lips. Klaus knew exactly what her favorite and a small smile of his own formed as he watched her grab them and pay the vendor.
"This time will be different." She said placing her hand on Klaus's shoulder. "We wont interfere, we wont even speak with her."
"The last time that happened, our brother used her to prove a point." Klaus noted, not taking his eyes off the woman.
"Kol is in a different country, he wouldn't be able to play his games." She wanted to try anything. They were all fortunate to have their soulmates in their life, except for Klaus.
"No." He shook his head. "She'll live a full life this time around just as she had previously."
Untitled Crossover fic
I always love challenges, trust me, I really do and I was ready to take this one full on. But I couldn't figure out how to make this one work. And that also makes me sad. So have a bit of a fic that would have been interesting but will never happen.
Her heart felt like it was hitting aginst her ribs as it beat quickly. The blade of the knife only centimeters away from her neck. Dean hesitating the moment she stepped in the way. She watched as her brother glared at her.
"What the hell are you doing?" Dean's voice raised as he dropped his arm, ensuring the knife was away from her.
"Stopping you." She said as heart calmed in the slightest. But she didn't dare relax. Not right now, not when she needed to make things better.
"Move, Y/N." His voice held finality. He had expected his sister to move out of the way and let him finish this. The fact that she had stepped in moments before his blade would have come in contact with the vampire's neck made his blood boil.
She was protecting the vampire that stood behind her. And it proved to him every horrible thought that had been going through his mind the last several weeks when he couldn't get ahold of her. How vague she was on the phone when she finally did answer.
Y/N should have known better. She knew she shouldn't have kept this from any of them for so long. She should have been honest from the beginning. Not the quick and vague text she sent to her brothers or the vague answers she gave Elijah about her family. But she had pictured doing things differently and this wasn't it.
"I'm not moving." She said as she stayed in her place. Even as Elijah attempted to pull her a step or two back to give the hunter some space, she refused to move. "Let it go, Dean. There's no one to fight here"
Even as she said the words, her eyes shifted over to Sam who had just entered the room. There was a look of confusion on his face as he took in the situation.
"You should listen to her." Elijah's voice was calm. If anything, Y/N could pick up on the slight annoyance in his words.
Untitled Bucky fic
Yeah I have no idea where this one was going. I don't even know what the whole plot was for this. My notes have nothing.
"Trouble in Paradise?"
Y/N shook her head quickly and looked over at Sam. "Um, quite possibly. Bucky has been-" She let out a sigh. "He's closed himself off again and I can't seem to get him to open up this time."
Untitled who knows what.
My brain comes up with ideas but there's some pieces missing apparently because IDK who the reader is gonna be pissed at in this one.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do anymore.” Y/N’s voice raised a little more as she raised her finger towards him. “I made the decision to do this. Maybe next time you’ll actually listen to me.”
Thank you for reading the purge. Remember any comments or thoughts on this would be welcomed. Would you have read these fics? Was I crazy for even thinking of the idea? Or are we glad this is going into the trash?
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subskz · 5 months
Hey! New anon here, I was wondering if you could write a quick smut on making sub ot8 skz squirt? Dom!fem reader is preferred please<3
hihi, welcome! ^_^ i’ve actually written fics abt this for chan, lino, and felix which you can read here!! i also just finished writing one for binnie, it’ll be up soon 🙏 i might eventually write abt the rest of the boys squirting but for now here’s a quick thought abt hyune since i have an idea for him~
and thank you so much, i’m happy you enjoy it! <3
i can see hyune being interested in trying gauze stimulation (where you soak gauze in lube/lotion and rub it along his glans to create a pleasurable friction) he’s a little bit of a masochist and his body is super reactive, so he’d be curious to know what it feels like to have the rough material dragging along a spot as sensitive as the head of his dick. and as exepcted he’s insanely weak for it. the moment you drape the cloth over his tip and start rolling it with your palm he’s gasping so loud, throwing his hand over his mouth and trying not to shrink away from the new sensation bc it feels so good—too good, he can’t take more than a little bit at a time. it gets harder for him to control his body the more the stimulation builds up and before you know it, he’s writhing in the sheets, trying to escape from the gauze and rut into it at the same time. he’d go extra crazy if you spread out the fabric as thin as possible and pulled it back and forth directly over his tip. the pleasure is so intense it aches, the contrast of the rough fibers and slick lube creates the perfect amount of discomfort and relief to make him absolutely dizzy
we all know how vocal hyune is so you’d be in for a show of loud, filthy moan after moan that he can’t even think to be embarrassed abt in the moment. he just throws his head back against the pillows and lets himself get swallowed up by the feeling. when he’s close, his moans get more and more broken until he’s whimpering with every drag of ur hand, maybe even tearing up bc he’s so overwhelmed and the pleasure just keeps coming. all he can manage to get out is “please, please, please” but poor hyune doesn’t even know whether he’s begging you to let him cum or begging you to slow down so he’ll last longer. in the back of his hazy mind he registers that the coil tightening in his abdomen feels a lot stronger than usual, and he tries to warn you that something’s coming, but it just comes out as another slurred whine when he’s this breathless and disoriented with a mouth full of drool. his hips stutter into the gauze and he cums hard, so hard that the fluid spurts through the material and completely drenches it with his release
you can see his stomach muscles clenching in a wild rhythm, and the sob he lets out makes your spine tingle, so high-pitched and shaky like borderline scream because he’s never felt something so intense before. it’s a super passionate reaction even by hyune’s standards. he’s way too dazed to realize what’s happened at first, he lies there panting beautifully in a wreck of what he thinks is just his own sweat and cum in the bunched up sheets, but as you pull the soaked gauze off his dick you realize that was not a normal orgasm. he flinches when he feels a few drops dribble down his hypersensitive cock and thighs, and when he blinks his dreamy eyes open he sees you holding up the dripping cloth to show him the mess he made. he gives a full-body shudder when you squeeze out the gauze and splatter his release all over his chest and stomach like your own personal canvas <3
poor baby would be a little to exhausted to even feel ashamed abt what he just did in the moment, but once he comes back to his senses he’s a humiliated mess. you can’t bring it up around him for days afterwards bc he’d immediately go beet red and put his head in his hands with a cute, mortified groan until you stop teasing him. but make no mistake he loved every bit of it, just remembering the instance gets heat pooling in his abdomen. he would become a little obsessed with trying to squirt again afterwards, it makes his heart flutter like nothing else to know that you can have that effect on his body and make him cum in ways he didn’t even know he was capable of. he falls deep into subspace when it happens and there’s always such a cute disconnect in how filthy he gets for you vs. how shy is abt it later
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Pride Pocket14--Her Discipline Is So Profound
Kink belongs at Pride and as an ace person I’m personally sick of people using my existence to try and push it out, so this year I’m dedicating my Pride Pockets to Kink.
Anyway my favorite headcanon for Natasha is that she's actually a great matchmaker but couldn't tell if people were honestly interested in her if her life depended on it. Pepper and Tony have been flirting with her for months and assume her not picking up on it is her just trying to let them down gently. They figure that even if she's not interested in them romantically she might at least do them the favor of Domming Tony because you don't have to be romantically involved to enter into a Dom/Sub relationship. (Natasha has been thirsting after them since she went undercover at Stark Industries so she was saying yes before Pepper could finish asking.) You can also find this fic on AO3 (here). Look out for under the cut!
Pepper avoided going on long trips as a rule. She hated being away from home, never being able to stay in one place long enough to get a decent amount of rest, and she hated being away from Tony especially. She said half of it was because she preferred Tony there to deal with the more misogynist business partners and the other half was because Tony gave the best foot rubs, better than any spa she’d been to. Tony could go with her for a few days, hit a couple meetings, but he tried not to be gone from New York for very long in case of villains attacking. He expressed regret at not being able to help Pepper more on the overseas trips, despite not being CEO anymore.
Natasha was now aware that those were all fucking lies. Pepper was used to not getting much rest, and she preferred getting all the travel done in one go so she didn’t have to worry about flying in and out several times. She was perfectly capable of making men wish she’d just cut off their balls instead of crushing them in business. Tony still hated meetings and avoided them at all cost, even if he had mentioned that he enjoyed watching the shareholders cower in terror when Pepper went on a tirade. The only thing that was true was that Tony was excellent at foot rubs, which Natasha knew from experience. No, the real reason that Pepper hated long trips was because apparently, she didn’t want to miss the opportunity to fuck Tony stupid.
Well, that wasn’t quite true. Natasha mentally went over the schedule Pepper had handed to her with the order to burn after reading; sometimes it was once every few weeks, and sometimes it was three times a week. It depended how busy their schedule was and how close Stark Industries was to releasing a new product. ‘How on edge Tony is,’ Pepper had notated. She’d block out the last three hours of the workday to work from home, and then block out several more as confidential work meetings. The next day, she and Tony would return to work in person, bright eyed and bushy-tailed, for lack of a better description, and get more work done than they had in the previous days leading up to it.
Those three plus hours were spent keeping Tony so fucked out and tired that his brain finally got a chance to shut off, and Pepper was worried enough about Tony going without it for a month that she’d approached Natasha about filling in for her while she was gone. She wanted someone there to see to him personally. ‘You’ve got the air of a Dom to you,’ she’d said, and then had invited Natasha up to their home office during one of their blocked-out days to show her the ropes when she had hastily agreed. She’d been attracted to them ever since she’d infiltrated the company while Tony was dying. She wasn’t going to give up the chance they were offering her.
Natasha took a deep breath as she approached the door to their home office. She’d been invited, but she still felt like she was intruding, even if JARVIS had pleasantly greeted her when she’d stepped onto the elevator. She’d notified Pepper that she was going to come that day, and Pepper had replied that that was fine, but don’t tell Tony. ‘Tony knows you agreed and that you’re coming; he just doesn’t know when,’ Pepper had said. She’d assured Natasha that Tony was okay with not knowing each and every detail, but it still made Natasha feel a little wrong-footed, not having spoken to him about it.
She knocked. Heard Pepper answer with a clipped, no-nonsense ‘enter.’ Took another breath, let it out slowly, then turned the knob and stepped inside, quickly closing the door behind her.
Natasha quickly catalogued the room. It looked like a regular office, on the fancier side maybe. A couple of leather sitting chairs beside a coffee table; a wet bar with an espresso machine and a bowl of fruit on the counter, a little fridge built into the cabinets; a wall of books and filing cabinets, some of which she recognized as copies from their offices in the business part of the tower; and in the center of the room, a large oak desk, where Pepper was typing away at a keyboard, blue screen floating in front of her. Natasha took a moment to stare. Pepper looked as perfectly put together as she always did, but for her suit jacket hung on the coat rack near another door which Natasha assumed led to a bathroom. Her blouse was unbuttoned to just under her bra, the front placket spread to show off the way the black lace cupped her breasts. Natasha’s eyes were drawn back to Pepper’s jacket on the coat rack, and for a moment, she couldn’t understand why.
Then she realized that Tony’s suit was hung up next to it in its entirety—slacks carefully folded over the bottom of the hanger, jacket tucked over the buttoned shirt. She glanced down, swallowing thickly when she realized Tony’s shoes were placed neatly below the hanger, his entire outfit on display. His entire outfit not on his body.
“You can come closer, Natasha. I’m not going to bite,” Pepper said, amused.
Natasha looked back at her and wondered if she was blushing. She couldn’t tell. Usually, she was more collected than this. But then, that was before she was in a room with someone that she actually wanted to have sex with. Two people? Tony must be here somewhere. Naked.
It was only when she stepped closer that she heard a soft moan and a wet, slurping noise. Her eyes darted to the desk in front of Pepper. It was a large desk. Certainly large enough for a man to kneel under. For Tony to kneel under.
Pepper smirked at her, finally taking her hands off the keyboard. “So you’re taking us up on the offer then?”
Natasha managed a nod in lieu of speaking, imagination already conjuring up the picture Tony must be making, naked under the desk, moaning in obvious enjoyment as he—loudly—ate Pepper out. She took a moment to be offended that Pepper looked as put-together and perfect as always, then decided she was impressed instead. She had still been typing away at her computer when Natasha had walked in. Stark men might be made of iron, but Pepper was made of sharp steel.
Pepper dropped one hand into her lap, muscles in her arm straining as she tugged, and the quiet of the room was cut through by a needy whine. “We have a guest,” Pepper told Tony sternly, an edge to her voice that she usually didn’t have that sent a trail of heat down Natasha’s spine. Pepper seemed to notice, because she tipped her head back, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
Natasha took it as the invitation it was, trying to be as casual as possible as she circled the desk to look down into the foot-well. She couldn’t help the way her breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of Tony’s face, pupils blown wide, lips red and swollen. His face was wet from his cheekbones down to his chin, a thin strand of saliva strung between his bottom lip and Pepper’s sticky thigh. Pepper had her hand curled tight in Tony’s hair, and it looked like the only thing holding him up, balanced on his knees with his arms tied behind his back with what looked like the tie he'd been wearing earlier.
“You promised to make a good impression if Natasha decided to consider our offer,” Pepper said, voice firm.
Tony swallowed back half of another needy whine, licking his lips. He tipped his head to press one side of his face into Pepper’s thigh, the tips of his ears beginning to go red.
“We can salvage this. Women are rarely offended to see men are happy to give head,” Pepper told him, just a little kindness creeping into her tone, before she pushed her chair back to give him room to lean forward, splayed out on his knees and shoulders, apparently too horny to even hold his own weight up.
Natasha watched as Pepper reached for a remote control she hadn’t noticed sitting at the side of the desk beside her cup of coffee. Pepper took a moment to look Tony over, considering, then thumbed over one of the buttons.
Tony let out a noise as if he’d been punched in the gut, pressing his forehead to the floor with a guttural noise that just barely covered the new sound of buzzing. His hips twitched, then began rolling helplessly, which allowed Natasha to catch sight of the flange of a plug nestled snugly outside his hole. A vibrator. Turned up to highest setting from zero, Natasha figured, impressed.
Pepper stood, taking a moment to pull her skirt back down. “Let me give you the tour so you can make an informed decision,” she said, stepping over Tony as if he wasn’t already twitching and whimpering at her feet.
Natasha would have been content to say yes so long as she got to watch Tony come, but she figured if she was going to be taking care of him for her, it was best to let Pepper show her the ropes. Tony had specific needs, after all—it was why Pepper had felt the need to reach out to her.
Pepper led her back to the door she’d come through, knocking her fingers against the jamb as she turned back to her. “This door is biometrically sealed. We’ve instituted a temporary allowance for you, otherwise it’ll only open for me or Tony. JARVIS scanned you on the way from the elevator, and then the doorknob read your prints and tested your sweat for your DNA. I don’t have to tell you how disastrous this could be for Tony and Stark Industries as a whole if this got out,” she added, steel in her voice again.
“Of course,” Natasha agreed. She’d never tell anyone, but it was nice to be threatened, somehow. It showed her how much Pepper cared. “It’s weird that it also reads my DNA, but I’ll come to terms with that on my own time.”
“Thanks,” Pepper said, smiling a little. Then her expression went stern again. “The scene starts as soon as you enter, so any discussion you want to have about it, you have to have outside. In person, preferably, but over encrypted messages in a pinch.” She knocked her knuckles against the door again. “As soon as you pass through this door, the outside world ceases to exist. When he’s in here, Tony isn’t Iron Man, your teammate, or your friend. He’s a business mogul who needs to be put in his place. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”
“If I had problems with Iron Man in the field, or I was mad at Tony for eating the last of my cereal, that’s a problem to take up with him literally anywhere but on your floor,” Natasha surmised.
“Right,” Pepper agreed seriously. “And if I hear you didn’t follow this one rule especially, I’ll kill you. This is his only other safe space besides the workshop. I won’t have it become unsafe even by accident.”
Natasha opened her mouth, then closed it, considering. She didn’t want to come across as too blasé about it. Finally, she said, “I won’t disappoint you.”
Pepper took a moment to just look at her, eyes searching. Then she said, “I never doubted it, but I wanted to be upfront. Tony needs to feel safe.”
“Of course,” Natasha agreed.
Pepper took a moment to offer her another smile, then turned, mask back in place as she walked over to the window. “This is just the projection of a window. JARVIS can control it to make it seem as if time is passing faster or slower than it actually is, but if you want to do that, you have to let Tony know that upfront. He hates to be disoriented, so if he leaves the scene thinking more or less time has passed and it hasn’t, he gets distressed, which I don’t have to explain has consequences when he’s already recovering from the scene.” She twisted the blinds, and the evening sun quickly faded to dusk before flickering back to light. “At the end of the scene, the projector and screen go back into the ceiling, and expose the actual window. The screen is showing afternoon sun because we had a late start today and Tony wanted to see more sunlight.”
“Okay,” Natasha said, trying not to sound too awed. She doubted she’d get a chance to make use of it, but it was good to know.
Pepper motioned at the wet bar. “There are water bottles in the fridge, for immediately after the scene ends. I like Tony to drink at least one bottle before he leaves the room. There’s also snacks, but he’s usually too wrung out to eat until about an hour after. You can help yourself, of course.” She began back toward the desk, motioning at the coat rack and door. “Bathroom’s through there, but it’s not as luxurious as our en suite, so I suggest you get Tony to that one. More shower heads, and JARVIS knows Tony’s heat preferences.” She pointed at the coat rack. “Tony takes off his clothes as soon as he enters the room. Make sure he hangs them nicely.”
Natasha let her eyes trail over the suit again. “Seems like you’ve got a well-oiled machine,” she offered cautiously, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, I’ve had years to train him,” Pepper said with a shrug, turning her attention back to the desk. She walked over and pulled the chair out further, away from the immediate perimeter of the desk, then came to a stop in front of Tony, where he was still desperately trying to chase his orgasm on the floor, hips shaking as he rutted the air in front of him, cheek pressed into the wood as he panted for air. She motioned at Tony fondly. “I mean, he wasn’t this obedient when we first started.”
“I bet,” Natasha had to agree. Tony was combative on the best of days. She could imagine that Pepper had her hands full getting him to submit to her completely.
Pepper grabbed the remote control again and hit the power button, ignoring the way Tony howled in dismay, hips stuttering to a stop without the vibrations to chase. “I can’t show Natasha all of your toys if you’re in the way,” she said, unimpressed, when Tony looked up at her with wet, pleading eyes. She hit a button on the side of the desk, which made the blue screen disappear with a faint ‘fzzt’ and the keyboard to flip to inside the desk through what looked like a trap door. Then she reached down to grab under his arms and lift him up onto shaky legs. “Come on.”
“Please,” Tony managed, then grunted as she turned him and shoved him down, so he was splayed across the top of the desk.
Pepper gave him a swat on the right cheek to quiet him, and Natasha couldn’t help but marvel at the way his ass jiggled from the contact. She blushed a little when she noticed Pepper watching her, clearing her throat.
Pepper shot her an amused smirk before she turned her attention back to Tony, grabbing his hair so he whimpered as she tugged his head back. “Don’t worry. You’ll get to come. I just need to show Natasha our setup.”
Tony whined again, even managed another whimpered “please,” but Pepper just used her grip on his hair to shove his head back down with a faint thump.
Pepper shook her head, exasperated, as she pulled her hand free, then turned to reach for the bottom drawer on the left to pull it open. “In here are the suction dildos and plugs. I like to attach the dildos to the desk or the floor nearby so I can keep an eye on him while I work. The plugs go in if I plan on using his mouth first, so I don’t have to worry about prep halfway through, but use your own judgment in your own scene, of course.”
Natasha doubted she would even pretend to get any work done as she looked through the array of sizes. If Tony was going to fuck himself on one of the dildos, she wanted to take in the full picture, watching his muscles strain and his face go slack as he tried to chase his pleasure. The plugs didn’t conjure up as much arousal, but as she glanced back at Tony’s twitching body, the flange of a plug sticking out, she could see the merit in having him already prepared. “Okay,” she said, instead of ‘how do you have the constitutional fortitude to work during any of this oh my god.’
Pepper closed the bottom drawer and opened the top one. “These are all his various gags. Some are better than others at keeping him quiet, obviously,” she added as Natasha picked through the file hangers to examine them. “My personal favorite for when I need him quiet for phone calls is the penis gag, but you can experiment if you like. There's also some rope in the bottom of the drawer for tying him, which you might need as he learns you’re in charge, but I’ve found I don’t need to use them anymore. He knows I’ll put him where I want him.”
“Yeah,” Natasha agreed, hoping she didn’t sound too hoarse as she remembered how casually Pepper had manhandled Tony onto the desk. She wondered if it was some residual Extremis, but she didn’t really care to ask, because the outcome would be the same—Pepper would still be hot as she moved Tony where she wanted him, and Tony would still be hot as he allowed it. She placed a ring gag back into the drawer carefully and turned her attention to the drawers on the other side of the desk.
Pepper gave Tony another slap on the other cheek as she turned to face it, apparently just to let him know that she hadn’t forgotten about him, and he whimpered helplessly when she ended it with the one smack. She opened the top drawer on the other side. “This is all of our lube. We restock it regularly. We don’t keep it long enough for it to expire,” she added smugly.
“Oh my god,” Natasha said faintly, because it was… quite a lot of lube. Several different small bottles surrounded one large bottle with a pump in it. She tried not to think of why it would be used so liberally and failed as Tony’s body twitched toward Pepper with the explanation, as if the mention of lube might mean it was going to be used on him imminently.
“Some of it’s flavored,” Pepper offered, apparently mistaking her crippling horniness as confusion. “Some of it’s not. Sometimes I have a plan for it and sometimes I just grab whatever’s closest. Tony doesn’t have a preference so long as it’s used liberally. He’s not into that type of pain,” she added firmly.
“Neither am I,” Natasha admitted. She herself hated sex when she wasn’t wet enough. She couldn’t imagine it being any more comfortable for him.
Pepper nodded in approval, shutting the top drawer and opening the bottom one instead. “This is where I keep all my strap-on dildos. I keep an extra harness in here, but Tony prefers it if I just wear mine under my clothes. You don’t have to, obviously,” she added with a shrug, as if Natasha wasn’t getting parched at the idea of her wearing a harness under her skirt that very minute. “You’re in charge, not Tony. I just like catering to him with certain things.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Natasha choked out, hoping she sounded halfway normal and sincerely doubting it. She lifted her fist to her mouth and cleared her throat before adding, “So he likes when you wear clothes, then?”
“He likes the added shame it brings to the power imbalance, that he’s undressed and I’m fully clothed,” Pepper replied with another shrug. She glanced down at her open shirt when Natasha raised an eyebrow, then let out a huff of amusement. “Mostly clothed. I’ll just pull my skirt up, too, and then pull it down when I’m finished. He finds it insanely hot.”
“I’m sure I have some suitable skirts,” Natasha said, instead of agreeing that it was insanely hot. This was supposed to be for Tony, not for her.
Pepper hummed, raising an eyebrow at her in amusement, so she figured she wasn’t doing a very good job at looking as unaffected as she wanted. “Each drawer has additional biometric locks, but it also has a physical key.” She reached into her breast pocket and pulled a tiny key out. Instead of handing it to her, though, she placed it on the small of Tony’s back, and he froze, muscles taut as he tried not to move, lest he dislodge it. “The drawers must remain locked outside of the scene unless you’re restocking or cleaning the toys. I am the only other person with a key. Not even Tony has one. If you take this, even just for the duration of my trip, you’re promising to take care of Tony for me.”
Natasha looked down at the key, deciding not to do either of them the disservice of simply and eagerly picking it up. Tony was watching her out of the corner of his eye, body stiff with nerves. She couldn’t imagine putting herself in the same position of vulnerability, even with the promise of Pepper crushing anyone who tried to use it against her under one of her heels. Finally, very deliberately, she reached out, taking the key between her thumb and index finger. “I assume this is to stay on my person so long as I’m in possession of it,” she said, holding it up, and watched with interest as Tony sagged in relief with a soft moan.
“I keep mine on a chain around my neck,” Pepper replied, which was answer enough. She turned to begin looking through the still-open drawer, her free hand coming to rest on Tony’s back where the key had been. “He likes to see it. I like to see him enjoying himself. It works out.”
Natasha took a step closer to watch as Pepper picked up different dildos and considered the weight of them in her hand, how easily her fingers went around the girth. “I think you should tell me what else he enjoys, just so I don’t have to start from scratch.” Tony was skittish and she didn’t want to put him on edge, she didn’t say, but she knew Pepper, at least, would understand. Tony might, later, when he wasn’t arching his back into Pepper’s touch and drooling on the desk, but she wasn’t too worried about it. If there was anyone who knew what Tony liked, it was Pepper.
“Well, me, personally,” Pepper began, then paused thoughtfully, hefting up another dildo and rolling her wrist to test the weight. She looked at Natasha with a stern expression again. “Tony doesn’t like to be called stupid, or have old arguments thrown in his face. If he misbehaves during a scene, it’s for that scene. It never carries into the next one.”
“Understood,” Natasha said, nodding. It was good information to have. And even when Tony made what she thought were stupid decisions, she could understand his logic, even if she didn't agree with it. He wasn’t a stupid man, and she didn’t know if she could bring herself to call him that even if she was angry. Foolish, certainly, or nearsighted, but never stupid.
“What he does like is to be reminded of is how slutty he is,” Pepper continued, lifting her hand from Tony’s back to grab his hair and tug his head back again. She smirked when he whined in response, hands twisting uselessly against the tie around his wrists, but she quickly let go again, and Tony’s breath heaved in his chest as he laid his head back down, body shaking with desire. “I don’t use his dick often. He likes to have all his power taken away, and penetration is part of that. So I remind him that he’s only as good as his holes.”
Natasha couldn’t help the startled breath she sucked in as Tony whined again, face flushing, but he still shoved his ass up toward Pepper obediently at her words, as if talking about his holes meant she wanted visible submission at the end of the word. She rewarded him by grabbing the flange still sticking out of his ass and twisting it. The noise Tony made in response was caught halfway between a gasp and a cry of pleasure, and he tried to arch his hips back to urge her to do it again. He fell limp with a sob when she ignored his silent plea, instead releasing the plug to give his ass another slap.
“He’s got a sweet mouth,” Pepper continued, and Natasha swallowed thickly when she remembered how blissed out Tony had looked between her thighs before she’d pulled away. “He enjoys eating me out. He’d do it the entire scene, if I let him.” She grimaced a little at the thought. Natasha raised an eyebrow in confusion, but she shook her head in a clear, ‘tell you about it later.’ She decided the dildo she was holding was apparently the one she wanted to use and gave Tony another smack on the ass before she stepped back to roll her skirt up and show off that she was, indeed, wearing a black leather strap-on harness beneath it and nothing else. It was beautiful against her pale skin. “But he looks just as good with my dildo in his mouth, too. So sweet for me, eyes all wet and pleading, throat working to take what I give him. He’s the perfect cock sucker, and I’m only sorry I don’t have a real one for him, because he’d look so good with cum all over his face.”
Tony whined again, hips shifting upward needily, as if to urge her to hurry. Pepper ignored him, instead going at the same steady, meticulous pace to make sure the dildo was on securely, so it wouldn't come loose as she used it on him. Natasha wondered how much of it was because she was actually that careful and how much was that she wanted to show off to her just how cock-hungry Tony actually was.
“His ass is insatiable too,” Pepper added, finally giving him the attention he desired in the form of one last slap across his left cheek that had him moaning plaintively. She gave the dildo one final tug, just to make sure it was on securely, then reached out to grab a cheek in each hand and spread them, so Natasha had a clear view of the plug’s flange disappearing into his pink hole. “Part of the reason I plug him for later is for ease, but a lot of it is also just that he likes to be stuffed full as much as possible. It always gives me ammunition to remind him how slutty he is and how nice I am to indulge him with it.”
“I can see why,” Natasha admitted, because as Pepper wrapped her fingers around the flange again and began to pull the plug out, the way Tony’s hole stretched around it was absolutely obscene.
Pepper let out an amused huff. “Yeah, well. He can come as many times as he can for all I care. You don’t necessarily have to follow that rule, of course. I’m sure he could use learning some restraint. I just like fucking him past orgasm to remind him that just because he might think he’s done, I’m the one who decides when he’s actually finished.” She pulled the plug out the rest of the way, a trickle of lube leaking from Tony’s hole with the motion. She dropped the plug on the desk carelessly, and Tony’s whole body jerked at the sound, shuddering, though whether with surprise or suspense, Natasha couldn’t tell.
Pepper spread Tony’s cheeks again, stepping in closer so she could slide the head of the dildo between them, gathering up the lube along the underside of it before she pressed the head to his twitching hole. “I used to call his asshole a pussy or cunt, when I was first training him up,” she added, and Tony whimpered as her hips paused there, thighs straining up uselessly to try and take in more of the dildo, apparently too eager and horny to even hear her anymore. “You know, all that locker room talk these male CEOs have about fucking their secretaries. Wanted Tony to know that here, with me fucking his ass, he was in the same position as all those secretaries he might have heard about. He liked it back then, but at this point, I’ve trained him so well that it doesn’t really have the same effect as it did before. Now he just accepts it.”
Natasha circled to the other side of the desk when she noticed Pepper had pulled out and was rubbing the dildo to try and pick up more lube from between his cheeks. She pulled the lube drawer open, holding a bottle up at random, and opened it and poured some over the dildo when Pepper nodded, looking relieved. It smelled like cherries, she thought, clicking the cap closed again. She bet Tony would look really good, sucking cherry lube off a strap-on.
“You could probably get him blushing about calling it a pussy, though,” Pepper mused, rubbing the dildo between his cheeks again to spread the lube around. “He’s going to push boundaries that first week. He’ll think he has the upper hand because you’re new. You’ll be under him in the company hierarchy. He’ll think he can convince you to be easier on him.” She looked up Natasha, making direct eye contact with her as she added, “He’ll be wrong, of course,” before she jerked her hips forward, sinking the dildo in halfway in one go.
Tony wailed, back arching, as if trying to move away from the intrusion. Pepper slid her hands from his cheeks to his hips, lifting them so his feet no longer had enough purchase on the floor to move away, and jerked him back onto the dildo so a couple more inches shoved into him, helpless to resist. Tony sobbed out an overwhelmed ‘Pepper,’ but she ignored him, apparently deciding to show Natasha exactly what she meant by ‘he might think he’s done, but I’m the one who decides when he’s finished.’ She rocked her hips forward until they were flush with Tony’s ass, then bent forward, fisting his hair in one hand and bracing herself on the desk with the other as she rolled her hips in a slow, grinding motion that made Tony gasp with every press inside.
Natasha couldn’t help but circle the desk a little further, until she had a better view of Tony’s face. His mouth was gaping open, and she was certain he’d start drooling again soon, eyelids fluttering in an effort to stay open even as he sank back into Pepper’s steady rhythm. His pupils were blown so wide she doubted he could even see her there, watching him, observing as Pepper expertly worked him over until he was the drooling, pathetic slut she expected him to be for her, pushing his hips up against her grip to meet every one of Pepper’s thrusts.
“They have applicators, you know,” she said after a moment.
Pepper looked up from watching Tony pant into the desktop, raising an eyebrow. “Applicators? For what?”
“Coming,” Natasha replied. “There are dildos with cum applicators. You could absolutely see Tony with cum all over his face.” She motioned at where Pepper was still methodically grinding her strap-on into Tony. “Or cream pie his ass. I can send you some links.”
“I want to say I’m surprised, but then, you probably wouldn’t be surprised that this isn’t the extent of our bedroom toys either,” Pepper sighed, then tightened her grip on Tony’s hair until he whimpered plaintively. She leaned in, purring, “How does that sound, Tony? How would you like me coming in your ass, huh? Prove that you’re so hungry to be split open by my cock that you’d be dripping for hours afterward?”
Tony let out a groan as if it was punched out of him, eyes rolling back in his head, hips stuttering against her own inexorable fucking. Every muscle in his body went taut with another moan, and then he sagged against the desktop, boneless, unable to do anything but let out soft, wounded noises as Pepper continued her unyielding thrusts, driving his hips into the sharp edge of the desk with every roll of her hips. His body was pliant and supple beneath hers, taking every thrust willingly, as if it was all he ever wanted, being used by Pepper even after he orgasmed, until she decided she was done.
Natasha had already thought of some ideas to try while Tony was in her care. She hoped that Tony was just as bratty as Pepper had said he would be the first few times, to give her the excuse of being a little rougher than Pepper was being. She wondered if the clothes thing was a hard and fast rule or if there was some wiggle room she could take advantage of. She wanted to tie Tony up, get him into a state of only mild undress, and then spank him into submission and ride his face to really drive home who was going to be boss while Pepper was gone. Only after Tony cried uncle would she finally, graciously let him earn his way back into her good graces by using his mouth to please her. After that, she could focus on keeping his slutty holes filled.
She watched Pepper fuck into him a little bit longer, letting the ideas marinate, before she remembered the face Pepper had made about Tony eating her out the entire scene. She looked up at Pepper, frowning. “Why did you make a face over Tony eating you out?”
“Natasha, I was fucking chafed,” Pepper answered immediately. She didn’t slow her thrusts at all, though, as she added, “I was sore for days. He bruised my clit by suckling on it. I’m pretty sure I was dehydrated by the time I finally got the wherewithal to force him to stop. You don’t understand, Natasha,” she said grimly. “Tony literally would have kept going if I hadn’t stopped him. And I think he would have come eventually on his own, too.”
“Jesus Christ,” Natasha said, flabbergasted, as she looked down at Tony’s slack face again. She fought the urge to shield herself with her hands. Tony couldn’t fucking see her anyway. But the words ‘bruised my clit’ and ‘chafed’ made her want to protect herself, even as she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be on the receiving end of Tony’s laser focus. He was a man who threw himself into every job thoroughly, after all.
“My only suggestion is to start small and work your way up instead of thinking, you know, I’m gonna see how long Tony does this before he complains,” Pepper added, apparently reading the wonder in her gaze at Tony. “Tony doesn’t fucking complain about eating pussy. Which is sexy. But I had to put a pad soaked in aloe between my legs for a week.”
Natasha was going to invest in aloe regardless, because she could admit, at least to herself, that she couldn’t hear ‘Tony won’t stop eating you out until you tell him to’ and believe it completely. “How long do you usually fuck him after his orgasm?” she asked, instead of telling her so.
Pepper shrugged. “Until I’m tired. But I’ve gotten real, real good at fucking him, so that could be a while.”
Natasha tried not to whimper at the mental image that information caused her, but she figured it didn’t work when Pepper let out a throaty chuckle. She figured she couldn’t be at fault for it. Both Tony and Pepper were two of the world’s sexiest people. It wasn’t her fault that she had eyes.
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skeletalgalore · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader oneshot
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Eddie is a bit of an apologetic softie at first, Fem!Reader is more angry - Angst to fluff to smut, I guess? So minors dni for the naughty content 👀 Set in a timeline where Vecna and The Upside Down are just D&D stories for the kids and Hellfire, and Eddie has actually graduated from Hawkins High. '86 indeed, baby! No use of Y/N or OC names, just in you in the third person.
word length: 4.8k
CW: bad language (I mean, is it an Eddie fic with no swearing?), smoking, drug use mention, dirty talk, heavy petting, foreplay and protected sex (always wrap it up!) - f receiving & m receiving, dom!Eddie I guess a lil bit?
"You got a light?"
You were leaning against the fire escape door on your break at the local convenience store, just sparking up a cigarette when you looked up at the voice speaking at you. You held out your Zippo at Eddie who walked over, leaned into the flame, and lit the cigarette between his lips. You clicked the lid closed and slid the silver lighter into your jacket pocket. Eddie brushed past you and sat down on the wall next to the fire escape. He looked at you with puppy dog eyes and patted the space on the wall next to him. Taking a long drag and exhaling, you gave a small nod and silently accepted his invitation to join Eddie.
"What brings you here, Eddie?"
He seemed to shift uncomfortably in his place, unsure of what to say.
"Just driving by, thought I'd pop in and say hi," he lied through his teeth. "I know you said it's boring as tits on Thursday nights, sooo I thought I'd come over,"
"Uh-huh, sure," you exhaled and flicked the ash from the end of your cigarette. "C'mon, man, why are you really here?"
Eddie took a long drag. His feet dangled only a couple of inches away from the floor and he didn't take his gaze off his sneakers when speaking to you.
"I... I just wanted to say I'm sorry," he sighed. "I was an ass. An absolute fuckin' ass. I didn't mean to upset you at all,"
"Well, you did. And I'm more than upset. I'm fucking pissed, Eddie. I have never been so humiliated in my life. What were you thinking?"
You could tell that stung. Eddie picked at the loose threads in his ripped jeans, not sure as to where he should start.
"Honestly, I wasn't thinking. And it's only after I said what I said that I realised it was too late. I want to make it up to you. Please. I hate seeing my best friend like this. Especially when it's because of me,"
You could hear the pain in Eddie's voice. He did sound remorseful. There was a painful silence between the pair of you as you both tried to think of what to say next. All you could hear was the sound of you both taking drags of your cigs, flicking away the ash, and the breeze making the shop sign creak around the corner.
If anxiety was a person, it would definitely be Eddie at this moment. He finally lifted up his head to look at you.
"Okay. You can make it up to me,"
He breathed a sigh of relief, a small smile spreading across his face. He jumped down from the wall, put out his cigarette, and stood in front of you.
"Before you tell me what it is I need to do to make up for our thousand years of friendship, can I just please have a hug? Fuck man, I've been eating myself up about this for a couple of weeks and I've been a nervous wreck thinking that you wouldn't even speak to me any more and I've been biting my nails to shit 'cause I'm thinking the worse and--"
You cut him off by giving Eddie a big bear hug. His arms wrap around you softly and then begins to tighten his grip around you, as if he is scared of losing you again. He leans his head into your neck slightly, getting a small smell of your perfume. You pull away from the hug and hold his hands lightly.
"You can start making it up to me by giving me a lift home after my shift tonight, alright? I finish in about half hour if you wanna hang about for me,"
You could see Eddie's eyes glisten a little from tears in his eyes, which he quickly rubbed away.
"Yeah, sure. I need to pick up a couple of snacks and another 6-pack anyway. See you inside?"
"Yeah, see you inside," you squeezed his hand softly and watched him walk to the front of the store. You took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair before making your way back inside through the fire escape door.
Eddie was roaming the aisles already when you got back behind the counter, arms filled with Cheetos and pretzels, and a 6-pack of beer hanging from two of his fingers. You smiled to yourself as you could see it was his usual choice.
'And if I remember correctly, he's gonna walk down the candy aisle and fight an internal battle - Sour Patch Kids or Whoppers? And he'll always do the same thing...'
Eddie approached you at the counter and placed everything down.
"Couldn't pick between them again, huh?" you smiled at him.
"Look, one day I'll choose one for definite but until then, I get both. Both is good anyway, sweetheart. Get more snack choices during the munchies," he flashed you a cheesy grin. He also asked for another pack of smokes as you rung up his items on the till.
Your boss came out five or so minutes later to let you finish your shift early - 'You've done a helluva load of overtime lately, get yourself home' - so you walked to the van with Eddie. You both hopped in and he drove back to the trailer park where you both stayed.
You were just about to hop out of the van and thank him for the lift home before he stopped you.
"Do you wanna come inside? Maybe watch a couple of films with a joint like we used to?" he asked softly. His voice quivered slightly, scared of rejection.
You thought about it for a moment and you could instantly see the dread on Eddie's face for even asking. The falling out had clearly eaten him up badly.
"Just lemme get changed and I'll be over in ten, 'kay?"
You saw him breathe a sigh of relief and he nodded at your question. You both got out of the van, he went into his trailer and you into yours. You slipped out of your work uniform and into some comfy clothes which was usually a band t-shirt and some leggings. After a quick refresh in the bathroom, you headed towards Eddie's trailer where you could see him waiting for you at the door.
"After you, milady," he bowed as he held the door open for you. You laughed at his gesture and planted yourself on the sofa, making yourself at home.
"No Wayne tonight?" you asked. Eddie's uncle Wayne was always so sweet and had kept an eye on you when your parents were out of town when you were younger.
"Nah, the old man's working the night shift. Probably won't be back until like 8am," he replied passing you a beer he'd opened for you. "Look, I just wanna apologise again. I really hate how much I upset and embarrassed you. These past couple of weeks without my best friend were the absolute worst in the world and I don't ever want to go through that again. I'm so sorry,"
Eddie had sat with you on the sofa and held your hand tight during his apology.
"I missed you too, Eddie. It felt really weird not hanging out with you all the time, y'know? I accept your apology, just... Don't do it again," you winked at him and he playfully punched your arm to break the tension. "Right, so what's tonight cinema showing at Munson Movies?"
"I got A Nightmare on Elm Street to watch this weekend," he ran to put the tape into the VCR and turned on the TV. He grabbed his beer and sat next to you on the sofa, almost throwing himself into your lap. He pressed play on the remote and got comfy. You'd already made yourself comfortable in your usual spot on the sofa - curled up into the corner, cuddling one of the cushions, and one of the blankets covering up your lower half.
About 20 minutes into the film, Eddie reached into his discarded battle jacket for his joint. After lighting it and taking a couple of tokes, he passed it to you.
"It's not a strong one, don't worry," he said whilst exhaling. "I purposely didn't use my strongest stuff 'cause I knew I'd be watching a scary movie tonight. Didn't need to make myself any more paranoid than I already am,"
"One, two, Freddy's coming for you..." you teased. He playfully hit your arm in response.
He scooted over closer to you so that he was leaning against you, so you put the blanket you had over the pair of you instead. He took the joint from your fingers and lifted his arm up to place around you, signalling you to scoot into a cuddle. It was normal practice for the pair of you.
You'd been best friends since kids and grown up together in the trailer park, been through all the shit he had with his parents and hid him in your bed fort when things were going awry at home. When his parents were no longer on the scene and Wayne stepped up to keep an eye on Eddie, you stood by his side when he got bullied for being different from the rest. He took a bit of a darker path than you at one point and got heavily into drugs and alcohol, and began selling weed and pills in high school. He never forced you to do any of it. You never wanted to try the hardcore stuff, but Eddie offered you weed one night when you had a really bad week at high school. So you made it a little bit of a tradition to share a joint together over a movie at his place.
You felt at ease. Things seemed to be back to normality. A slight high, a good film, beer, snacks, and good company. You ended up resting your head against Eddie's shoulder and he instinctively rested his head on top of yours. His arm that wrapped around your shoulders had slipped down slightly and his hand rested on your side, his fingers stroking up and down lightly. You let out a small content sigh.
"This is nice," you whispered.
"Yeah," Eddie whispered in response. "I've missed this,"
There was a small pause and you could suddenly feel some tension, but didn't know if it was good or bad. A little bit of fight-or-flight kicked in.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked. You sat up to face him, nervous as hell.
"Y-Yeah, sure,"
"Okay... Firstly I just wanted to apologise again for what seems like the hundredth time. I don't actually think I can apologise enough, really. But if I don't say this now I think I might regret it for the rest of my life,"
"Eddie, you're making me nervous. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay," he then cleared his throat. "So, we've been friends for like, forever, right? And I was scared to say this 'cause we did fall out before and I don't want another fall out. But for a long time now, I think I've come to realise I have feelings for you. You've been there for me every step of the way during my shitshow of a life and never turned your back on me. And when we had that argument and we didn't see or speak to each other these last few weeks, it really put into perspective for me... I can't see my life going anywhere without you by my side. I like you, sweetheart. Really fuckin' like you,"
You were blushing hard. You never thought you'd hear Eddie say anything like this.
"So what I wanted to ask you was... If... If you felt the same way at all? About... Me. And it's okay if you don't, like I'd totally get why. I can be a bit of a fuckin' douche and arrogant and--"
"I do,"
The room fell silent. The movie had finished and all that could be heard was the static coming from the TV. I don't think either of you could believe what you said.
"I do feel the same, Eddie. I just didn't want to say anything 'cause I was so worried about ruining what we had. I like doing this with you and I don't want to be away from you again. So yeah, I really fuckin' like you too,"
You were holding each other's hands at this point, staring into each other's glossy eyes. Eddie's thumb rubbed the back of your hand and you couldn't tell if it was to soothe you or him at this point. You let go of one of Eddie's hands to cup one side of his face, stroking your thumb across his cheek to catch a falling tear. He then lunged at you and held you in a tight embrace. Both of you couldn't keep back the tears now.
"Don't leave me again please, baby," he spoke against your shoulder.
"I won't, I'm here. Always," you whispered back to him, placing a soft kiss against his temple.
You both pulled out of the embrace to look at each other, only to realise your faces were only inches apart. There was a slight hesitation at first but Eddie made the first move and leaned in for a kiss.
His lips were soft just like you imagined, and a lot more gentle than you had originally thought. He placed his hands on your waist, rubbing up and down your sides. You mirrored his loving touch by placing both your hands on either side of his face, helping to deepen the kiss. Eddie slid his tongue across your bottom lip, silently asking permission to get a taste.
You both wanted, no, needed to be closer to each other. You adjusted yourself on the sofa so you could climb into Eddie's lap and straddle him, wrapping your legs behind him. He let out a shallow breath as you wrapped tightly around him, so it was his turn to mirror you by wrapping his arms around your body to hold it closer to his.
Things started to get a bit more frantic as hands roamed over each other's bodies, up t-shirts and gripping onto skin for dear life. You slowly began to grind your hips up against Eddie's, shocking the guy and making him release an unexpected soft moan. This made you smirk and want to hear him moan again.
"Huh, we playing that game?" he flashed a devilish grin. "I see,"
He bucked his hips up towards you this time which in turn made you make an almost identical noise. He laughed and then began to kiss your neck, and you couldn't stop the gasps escaping your throat. Hearing you like this sent Eddie wild. He seemed to find every perfect spot that made you moan with pleasure and grind more against him, feeling himself grow beneath you. You ran your hands up his t-shirt and gripped onto his shoulders, your nails making small indentations in his skin.
He kissed further down your neck to your collarbone, and all of a sudden licked all the way up to your ear, giving your lobe a quick suck and a small nip between his teeth. Your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head and you let out a noise that checked all of Eddie's boxes. You dragged your nails down his back in response, leaving red stripes from top to bottom.
He grabbed your hips and laid you on your back, your legs still wrapped around his waist. You began grabbing the hem of t-shirt and lifting it up.
"Take it off," you demanded.
"Magic word?" Eddie cooed as he kept holding the material down.
"Fuckin' take it off, please,"
"Good girl,"
'Good girl'... That made your stomach do back flips.
He lifted his t-shirt over his head and threw it over where his denim cut-off jacket lay. His tattoos were now fully on display and you traced them lightly with your fingertips. But you weren't distracted for long as Eddie swept back in for another deep kiss. His hips bucked into yours as you got back into grinding on one another. His soft lips left yours again to leave a trail of kisses back down your neck and collarbone. His hands had gone under your t-shirt and he was holding your bare waist.
"You can take mine off if you'd like,"
"I'd love to, sweetheart," and with one swift move, your t-shirt was off and with the ever-building collection of clothes. Eddie's eyes lit up as he realised you being in your comfy clothes meant you didn't wear a bra under your t-shirt.
His lips continued down from your collarbone to your chest, leaving a soft trail of little kisses as he went. He cupped your breast in one hand and licked your hard nipple in small circles. Soft little moans left your agape mouth which only spurred Eddie on. He began to suck your nipples with tiny intervals where he'd quickly give them a nip between his teeth, making you release short, sharp gasps. Once he was done, he continued to leave a trail of kisses down your body and stopped at the waistband of your leggings.
"May I?" he asked in a whisper. You nodded. "No, I need to hear you say it. May I take them off?"
You gulped at his demand.
"You can take them off,"
He took no time in doing as he was told and pulled down your leggings to expose your underwear. Again, discarding the clothing over his shoulder to the pile. He leaned back to take a full view of you. There you were, sprawled naked on his sofa in just your lace black panties... Just for him. You grabbed his hand and pulled him back down for some more kisses. You loved the feeling of his bare chest against yours.
He moved down to your hips, laying out his kiss trail from bellybutton to one hip to the other and down to the material covering you. He scooted further down the couch so he could get a better angle.
"Look at you, aren't you a dark horse?" he kissed the material that covered your entrance. "Do you wear sexy underwear like this all the time?"
He tried sucking at your clit through your pants. The thin material was the only barrier between you and his tongue.
"Please, Eddie," you pleaded at him, hips gyrating against his face. "I need you to taste me,"
"Seeing as you asked so nicely..." Eddie slowly pulled down the lace, exposing your lips which were already getting nice and slick from his teasing. "Just for me,"
He gave your slit a lick from your entrance all the way up to your clit, a manner of noises came from you which only fuelled Eddie's fire. He paid attention to your clit by running circles around it with his tongue, and slowly started to trace his fingers at your entrance. Every so often, he would suck lightly on your clit and made you squirm with pleasure. Eddie had eventually slid two of his fingers inside you in a slight 'come hither' position, setting a rhythm that he kept his tongue with too.
You had run your hands into Eddie's hair to help keep him in place. Every single second of this moment was perfect and you didn't want him to move away from his position. You heard and felt him moan whilst eating you out and the vibrations against your clit sent shivers down your spine.
"Fuck, Eddie, can you moan down there again? It felt so good," you asked between gasps.
He did as he was told and showed his appreciation to your cunt by lapping it up and moaning between sucks, thrusting his fingers at a good pace. He began to pick up speed as your moaning was a sure fire way of telling him you were close to the edge. Both of your moaning went back and forth until you felt yourself release. You let go of the tight grip you had on Eddie's hair, bringing your hands up to move your own hair out of your face. Eddie came up from between your legs, giving a kiss to the inside of your thighs. He wiped your essence away from his lips before coming to give you a big kiss.
"Don't think you don't get anything in return, baby," you purred as you tried to roll Eddie onto his back. He laughed at your attempt to move him, so he rolled himself into the same position you had yourself in. He still had his jeans on, so you went for the handcuff belt buckle and unfastened it. You pulled them off to expose him in a very similar situation he had you in. Eddie laid there naked apart from his plaid boxers.
"Shame," you began to say. He looked at you with a puzzled look. "I was expecting to see you in some sexy black lace panties too,"
He laughed and tried to hide his blushing cheeks. You straddled Eddie for a little bit, tongues dancing together in your mouths, before making your way down to his waist. You placed light kisses down his happy trail, making his hips buck slightly with how gentle you were being. When you got to the boxers, you kissed just above the waistband and palmed his bulge at the same time. A raspy moan escaped his lips. You smirked, loving that it was your turn in control.
"How much do you want my mouth around your cock?" you asked, voice thick with lust. Your face was inches away from his crotch and you looked at him with absolute desire. He was speechless with the sudden change in tone.
"Fuck, baby, so bad," he muttered.
"Louder," you demanded. "I can't hear you. How much?"
"I want you to suck my cock so bad, baby, please,"
You pulled down his boxers to expose him. His cock bobbed slightly from being released from the material. The head was already red and glistened slightly from the small beads of pre-cum which had already escaped. You took one last look up at Eddie before taking him in your mouth.
His head hit the cushion behind him, a large moan escaping his lips and his eyes had rolled to the back of his head. You hadn't even taken in that much of him, but Eddie had been dreaming of this moment for a long time and it was so much better than what he had hoped. You swirled your tongue around his tip and flicked the slit at the end, and you kept doing that every so often to take a break from taking all of him in your mouth. He was getting close so you decided to take him out your mouth and rub your hand up and down his shaft.
"C'mon, baby, are you gonna come for me?" you laced on the sweetness thick. You began to pick up pace.
"Yeah, fuck," his breath hitched as he tried to speak, and he unbuckled beneath you, spilling across your hand and moaning out your name.
You sat upright to see Eddie come back to Earth from his orgasm and you came to the sudden realisation of the mess on your hand. He seemed to clock it at the same time, reached over for his t-shirt, and gave it you.
"It's fine, I'll wash it," he shrugged. You cleaned your hand and his cock off with the top and threw it away from the other clothes. "Come with me,"
He stood up, grabbed your hand, and led you into his bedroom. He pushed you against his door ferociously, his kisses big and messy. You matched the energy as you wanted more of him and you wanted it now. It was clear Eddie felt the same way. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, still kissing you with such passion, and placed you onto his bed. He reached into his bedside table and put a condom on.
"You ready, baby?" he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss.
He placed himself at the entrance between your slit and pushed himself in gently, small moans coming from both of you. Eddie built up a pace that was just right and not too quick as you were both still quite excited from what just happened in the living room. You didn't care.
"Eddie, please, make me come again. You made me feel so good," you begged him.
"Not so fast, sweetheart," Eddie replied with a devilish grin. "Good things come to those who wait. You're gonna wait like a good girl, aren't you?"
"Fuck, yes, Eddie. I'm a good girl," you moaned in reply. You would complain normally, but this teasing was doing wonders for you.
Eddie kept the same pace up, and you began to play with your nipples. The view of you pleasuring yourself whilst he fucked you began to make him unwind. He couldn't tease you any longer, hell, it was like he was teasing himself at this rate with the slow and steady pace. He began to thrust faster and harder, moans falling out of each other's mouths. Eddie slipped his hand between the pair of you and began to rub circles against your clit. You threw your head back in ecstasy, the sensation becoming almost overwhelming. He managed to lean forward towards you a bit for a second taste of your nipples, sucking and rolling his tongue around them. You leaned forward to him for a sloppy, but passionate kiss.
"Eddie, I'm so close again," you whimpered.
His curls draped over your chest as he was still making work of your nipples. You began to grip onto his arms, getting closer to the edge.
"Eddie, please," you began to unravel. "Please make me come, baby, I'm so close,"
He loved hearing you plead for him. He detached himself away from your chest and he fucked you hard and fast. His hands gripping onto your waist and yours holding onto his forearms, your knuckles turning white.
Eddie was getting close to the edge too. His rhythm buckled slightly as he was reaching the end. He placed one of his hands on the bed just by your shoulder, gripping the sheets tightly in his fist. His face was close to yours again. His fringe slightly sticking to his forehead and curls hanging inches from your cheeks. You moved your hands around to hold his back, nails digging in slightly, trying to keep him close to you.
"C'mon, sweetheart, you can come for me now," he cooed in your ear. "I wanna hear you,"
Fuck. Your hips bucked and back arched. Head thrown back into the pillow again. It felt like the Fourth of July. Gripping onto Eddie's back for dear life and knuckles turning white, you moan his name loudly, coming hard. He wasn't too long to follow suit, thrusting hard with each moan and his body was shaking. Eddie moaned your name one last time as he reached his climax.
He moved to lay next to you in bed, both of you out of breath. You both turned your heads to look at each other. A small pause. Then you both let out a laugh.
"I didn't realise you were such a potty-mouth," he joked.
You rolled onto your side to look at him properly.
"And I didn't realise how dominating you were in the bedroom," you joked back.
"They don't call me a Dungeon Master for no reason, sweetheart," he winked at you.
Eddie pushed himself up off the bed to clean himself up and passed you a towel to do the same. As you went to the bathroom, Eddie quickly ran into the living room to pick up the discarded items of clothing and threw them on the floor at the bottom of his bed.
The pair of you climbed back into bed under the duvet, curled up against Eddie's chest. He stroked your hair as you concentrated on the rhythm of his breathing.
"God, if falling out with you leads to this every time, then I take back what I said earlier," Eddie joked. You laughed and elbowed him in the ribs. "I'm kidding... I did mean what I said to you though,"
"I know," you looked up at Eddie, moving small strands away from his face. "I do really fuckin' like you, too,"
You shared a soft and content smile with each other. You placed your head back on his chest and he continued to stroke your hair until you both eventually drift off to sleep.
Absolutely smitten.
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applepi00 · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by @chubsthehamster
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Bungou Stray Dogs, Haikyuu, and Trigun lately, but if you go back far enough in my fic career you’d find Hetalia, Black Butler, Doctor Who, Soul Eater, and who knows what else I’ve forgotten.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
First Scar, Rough Nights, Last Young Renegade, Wish You Were Here, and Time Enough.
However if we ask instead what my favourites are it would have to be:
All My Love (Bungou Stray Dogs, fem soukoku, boarding school au, soulmate au but a bit to the left)
When the Sun Goes Black (Bungou Stray Dogs, soukoku, canon divergence, the one where Corruption leaves Chuuya blind)
this masterpiece will (tear you apart), (BSD, soukoku, canon divergence, the one where Dazai gets kidnapped and traipses through alternate realities)
Wish You Were Here, (BSD, soukoku, the one that splits from canon after Dead Apple and Chuuya wrestles with Arahabaki in his psyche. Yes I’m aware Arahabaki isn’t canonically sentient or sapient but look I wrote this before we knew that for sure and also it’s a fun concept)
and Where is your heart in all this, Nicholas? (Trigun, Vashwood kinda, the one with attempts at a dom/sub thing, attempts at care taking, and absolutely no attempts at real communication on what anyone actually needs or wants.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, always! I love the community aspect of sharing things online and I absolutely adore when people talk to me about the things I’m already vibrating over.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhhhh probably Home With You since it’s about a twenty year old dying of a degenerative disease but to be fair most of my work is angsty and picking an angstiest is likely up to interpretation and perspective. (In other words let me know which one you would call my saddest if you have an opinion!)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
See I don’t really do happy endings in much of a traditional sense, but I’m gonna say Perfect Disaster. They get their shit figured out in that one!
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not any that I recall!
9. Do you write smut?
Not this year I haven’t but generally yes I do!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, haven’t touched crossovers in any sense really since I was twelve, they just never really were my jam.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Technically yes. However it was never posted anywhere and I would massively overhaul it if I ever did try to get it out publicly.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I feel like I’m obligated to say soukoku lol, who else has taken up seven years of my life?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Let’s be honest, probably the other two parts of Tell Me Pretty Lies. My sister wants the Kuroo/Akaashi fic but it just was not working when I tried it and it’s been years now since I’ve written haikyuu.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Internal dialogue I think! Thought processes and poetics, I think there’s often nice bits of cadence and rhythm to my work!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot. I very rarely plot out fully and more often than not write without any plan at all, or only a vague outline of one. So anything requiring heavy lining up is often not there as much as I’d like. I’m a very go with the flow sort of person when it comes to the specifics in fics (which is funny because I can control everything in fic, but the only time I plan and plot consistently is in ttrpgs when I have to guess at what my friends will do)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If you do it well it’s a tool, if you do it badly you seem a fool. I use it on occasion, and I use it often in live play roleplaying, but time and place and reason.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was Black Butler back on ye old Wattpad but my sister insists it was Inuyasha since my “original fiction” as a kid was heavily ripping off my favourite anime at the time of writing it.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Answered kinda above but honestly I’m really still so fond of When the Sun Goes Black, and All My Love/Nothing Ever Counts. I feel like my prose was just really very good in those!
Tagging: @feralrookie @macavitykitsune @valoniel @doomedblade @blindblossom @nautilusopus and anyone else that wants to
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zalia · 2 years
Fanfic Self-Rec Challenge!
I got tagged by @anneapocalypse​ to rec 5 of my own fics! Forged in Wrath and Ruin (Destiny) - EMBRACE ME, LIGHTBEARER, AND BE A GOD OF DEATH. When Osiris never returns from investigating Xivu Arath and Hive activity on the Tangled Shore, Saint takes it upon himself to find him. There is a threat growing on the Shore, turning people into monsters that think only of bloodshed. Saint finds himself working with a young Lightbearer loaned to him by the Spider to unravel this insidious darkness, and hopefully recover Osiris before he is lost.
[This one is forever going to be special to me because *damn* first multi-chapter fic I ever finished! Most plotty fic I ever finished! I am so damn proud of it and still wrangling the sequel which is uh... longer ^^;]
Falcon’s Chase (Destiny) - “He has eyes for you, Osiris,” Felwinter says. Saint has been bringing Osiris food and little gifts, but this is surely something that Saint does for everyone, or maybe a sign that the Titan pities him. Or perhaps a sign that Osiris is allowing his fear to overwhelm his judgement. [First time writing Felwinter, and starting to really poke into the idea of Osiris as neurodivergent and doing an actual get-together fic!] The Erotic Adventures series (The Magnus Archives) - Sex, Jonathan Sims had decided a long time ago, was confusing. This obviously meant that further research was required. During the course of that research he has managed to acquire one (1) boyfriend (Martin, who he adores), one (1) play partner-slash-dom-slash-relationship counsellor (Elias, smug but extremely competent and discreet, with high standards), and a rather good way of making his brain be quiet for longer than a few minutes. Now Martin is staying over at his house, Elias has invited them both to dinner, and Peter thinks it's all rather amusing. [My 50K 3-part epic exploration of asexuality and BDSM which is extremely personal and important to me.] Advanced Memetics (Destiny) - You’d always expected the end to come in a flash of blinding revelation. Instead it begins with... nothing really. A song that hums at the back of your skull, as the red flowers and leaves begin to lap at the walls of the Last City. [Sometimes I just want to write what I call ‘weird experimental theatre’ fics. This is one of them. Written very soon after Witch Queen came out - so much of the imagery and lore in it was incredibly evocative.] A Matter Of Trust (Destiny) - It had been Osiris's Light that had taken him to Mercury, all those years ago. It makes a twisted sort of sense that it is the Darkness that brings him to the frigid wastes and ruins of Europa. He had never thought of himself as someone who sought power, and yet here he is, seeking out the pyramid and the Darkness that lies within it. [Written during Season of the Haunted. Everyone gets therapy! I also got really invested in the friendship between Eris and Osiris - especially now Osiris is Ghostless.]
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sstan-hoe · 2 years
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑪𝒊𝒕𝒚
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — lloyd hansen x fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — he loved you that night, you didn’t want that night to end but it had to after all he was your mission and you had to finish it…right?
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 — SMUT, minors dni, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, dom!lloyd hansen, cream pie, nipple play, dirty talk, degrading kink, light choking and kinda cum eating if you squint
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — okay, okay, first time writing lloyd hansen and it is smut which we know I suck at but people seem to like it. this one is over 3k words and idk if I made a good lloyd or not, @georgiapeach30513 you judge haha, reblog and comment! follow @sstanhoe-updates to get notifications everytime I post!!!! and I feel like all of my fics can have part twos but I never do them so who cares
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There he was sitting at the bar wearing a light blue almost white cashmere polo shirt, it had a diamond shaped pattern. The collar and buttons were a beautiful navy blue which reached through all the diamonds.
In his right hand a glass of scotch and his pinkie was adorned by a silver ring while his left wrist held a simple yet expensive watch. The man wore simple black trousers that fitted perfectly with his top.
The hair was combed back with enough gel to make it look natural and his was almost shaved clean except the moustache under his nose. It wasn’t for everyone, but it suited him.
All in all, he looked classy yet extravagant.
That man is Lloyd Hansen one of the deadliest – if not the most – assassin the world has ever seen.
But that brought him a lot of enemies that wanted him dead including your boss.
‘Hansen is a man, and a man can’t resist a pretty little thing like you, seduce him then kill him’, those were the exact words your boss said to you.
You wanted to improve his words. Even though he was a man he was still dangerous and could probably – definitely – kill you with his dick still in your vagina.
Taking a deep breath, you strode towards the bar with confidence.
“One Sex on the Beach please,” a smirk sneaked on Lloyd’s lips as heard your voice.
He saw you before you even saw him. Outside the bar wearing a black bodycon dress that hugged your figure perfectly and pushed up your breasts along with black Louboutin with their signature red sole.
Your wrist was embellished my a silver bracelet that matched you necklace and hoop earrings with the intention of looking elegant which you accomplished.
Unlike him though you only dressed like this for tonight and Lloyd knew that.
The assassin also knew that your boss set you up to kill him and he had to admit you weren’t bad at your job and tonight he wanted to find out how good.
By far Lloyd learned that you were able to hack his system – which he realized though and gave you false information – and trace him. Well, he wanted you to but still didn’t make it easy for you.
The only thing missing was your combat and will to kill, but he would find out soon.
“Is anyone sitting here?” you questioned him with a smile. “The seat is all yours,” he answered politely with a hint of dryness.
Not letting it phase you, you half turned to him and put your arms in front of you pushing up your cleavage.
“Why is a handsome man like you sitting all alone here?” his face turned to you after you began speaking. A small smirk sneaked on his lips, “I always thought this was a line men used.”
“Well but it did get your attention, so I guess it works,” you gave him a satisfied look, “however you didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m here for a work trip sunshine…now what drove you here?” a pet name was already a good direction.
“Loneliness…my boy- ex-boyfriend cheated on me with one of his co-worker’s and I caught him in the act,” you lied swirling the liquid in you glass around. To make the story more believable you let out a hurt sigh.
“But I guess it’s my fault. When we had sex, I couldn’t even have an orgasm and I wasn’t really present the last few month, I was too busy with work.”
Okay that wasn’t even a complete lie, you were busy with work and because of that you didn’t have time to do it yourself and your actual ex-boyfriend couldn’t make you come which to be honest was part of the reason you left him.
A chuckle came from Lloyd’s side as he listened to you. “Sunshine, I don’t think it was your fault you couldn’t get an orgasm and that ex of yours could’ve just done it himself.”
“Are you sure? There nothing wrong with me?” you looked up at him through your lashes.
This may be a cheap move, but you could really use an orgasm and that man next to you looked like a god.
Maybe you could kill him after you had your orgasm…that would prevent you from possibly having to give him head and getting his cum all over your face. You hated it when your ex-boyfriend would force you onto your knees to cover your face with his seed.
“No, sunshine and I can convince you from the oppisite,” he held out his hand while he spoke, “I got this big empty suit, and I could use some company.”
“Oh, with pleasure.” Lloyd gently pulled you up from your seat and led you to the elevator.
His right hand travelled down the small of your back around your waist pulling you against him. You giggled at his action although you didn’t know if that was in character or you.
The moment you stepped inside that elevator your back was pressed against the wall.
Llyod’s pressed his lips on yours without hesitation you kissed him back. Your lips glided over each other smoothly, his felt soft and warm.
His hands went down to your thighs and in one go he lifted you up causing you to gasp which gave Lloyd the chance to slide his tounge inside your mouth. Your hands grasped his shoulders for support.
The sound of the elevator didn’t stop the two of you instead Lloyd deepened the kiss.
You really thought that man couldn’t get any hotter and then he carried you effortlessly to his room.
He set you down gently and let his hands trail up your body coming to a halt on your neck. Lloyd slowed the kiss down ending it with a teasing bite on your lip. “Let’s get down to business sunshine,” he whispered against your lips.
You felt hot and the kiss left you wanting more. Never in your life have you been kissed like that, it made you feel special.
In a swift motion Lloyd had you in the room on the king-sized bed which was oh so comfortable.
Laying back you propped yourself on the elbows. Wanting to kick your heels of the assassin stopped you, “nah sunshine those stay on.”
Instead, you angled your legs and spread them apart revealing your naked cunt.
“Sunshine what a bad girl you are…” Lloyd shook his head before getting on his knees in front of the bed. He took your ankles to dragging you to the edge licking his lips.
You felt his hands move back to your thighs, they were so big and rough yet so gently and soft at the same time. With his hands Lloyd pushed the fabric of your dress up to get a better look at your pussy.
Then his hands on your thighs tightened, blunt nails dug into your flesh. The man lifted his head, “look at me.” You looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes and then…he kissed down to your pulsing vagina.
He kissed the bud of your core receiving a whine from you, “please.”
Lloyd did nothing but giving you pouty lips mocking you. He enjoyed the fact that he had you needy for him in a matter of minutes.
With his hands holding your thighs in place you didn’t have much room to move, but one thing you could do. You closed your knees around Lloyd’s head keeping him right in front of your heat.
You looked him deep in the eyes tightening your knees behind his head.
“You’re an eager one huh. You want it sunshine?” he sucked the inside of your thigh intending to leave a hickey, “then beg for it slut.”
The feeling of his wet, warm tounge smoothing your skin made a quite moan leave your lips.
“Please, please eat my pussy, pretty please?” you looked at him with pleading eyes. Lloyd licked his lips as he stared at you hungrily. His eyes left yours and went to your dripping core, “is that all for me? wet like bitch in heat.”
His moustache grazed over your bundle of nerves, the sensation made your legs twitch.
Only a second later he latched onto your pussy, tounge diving into your leaking hole, licking, moving up and down. You let a pornographic moan go as Lloyd nudged your clit with his sinful tounge.
His right hand left your thigh and sneaked around to your core, two of his finger entered you without warning while his tounge kept devouring your clit.
Lloyd curled, moved his fingers inside of you hitting that spot and together his actions made you feel pure euphoria. “You’re already so tight around my fingers sunshine…imagine how you feel wrapped around my big fat cock.”
At his words you squeezed your pussy together causing Lloyd to groan, “I will make you come harder than you ever did before and then, then imma fuck you till you can’t walk sunshine on every surface in this room like the little slut you are.”
That god’s forsaken man dirty mouth, “oh sunshine you can barley take my fingers…how will you be able to take my cock?”
You cried out in pleasure, “fuck Lloyd!” His voice turned you and worked you closer to your release. “Say my name – louder,” the assassin loved the way you called for him. Your mouth opened but only a pathetic came past as a knot was forming your stomache ready to explode.
His movements slowed and he lifted his head catching your eyes, “I know you’re close sunshine, but until you do as I say you won’t come…”
Lloyd pumped his fingers at a torturous pace keeping on the edge of your orgasm.
“Lloyd!” you screamed as loud as possible which to be honest wasn’t very loud. “Sunshine…I get this icky feeling that there is something missing,” he said acting as if he was thinking.
Once again, he curled his fingers inside you hitting the spot. It gave the knot another nudge but not enough to tip off. “Lloyd, please let me cum…please, please!” A satisfied grin spread across his lips.
“Cum, cum for me pretty sunshine,” he picked up his pace adding his sinful tounge again. Your walls clutched his fingers, thighs shaking violently and the knot in your stomache exploded, breath knocked out of you lungs, “Lloyd!” You eyes rolled in the back of your head while Lloyd fingered you through your orgasm.
You were out of breath as you came down from your high, your thoughts were all over the place.
But as Lloyd hands left your heat and felt your thighs up it hit you like a truck. The mission, you had to kill the man who just gave you the most powerful orgasm you ever had. Now or never, you thought.
Your legs were already in the right place however you closed them around his head as hard as you could now. With momentum you pushed Lloyd over.
The fact that his moustache landed right on your sensitive clit caused a moan from you.
“Oh god,” you whispered to yourself. You got what you wanted now on to kill him. “little slut is still so eager for my mouth?” His face was covered with your pussy giving him no real chance to see what you were doing.
You pulled a knife from your bra wanting to stab him in the arm first that would cause a distraction and then you could aim for the chest.
Lifting your arm, you stabbed into his arm or at least you thought. Lloyd was quick enough to catch your wrist with his other hand right before you could hit him.
In a swift motion he turned the tables back around. The knife fell from your hand in shock as he pinned you back down. Your eyes widen while he only looked at with a smirk and something that you couldn’t quite make out.
“Really sunshine? You just used me for an orgasm?” that bastard was mocking you and then he whispered your name, “I expected better from you.”
A short hint of fright passed through your expression, “what? Did you really think you could kill me this easily? Sunshine, I did my research and just a tip your first mistake was calling me by my name cuz I never gave you mine…”
You wanted to smack yourself for that small but fatal mistake. You were so lost in the moment that you forgot what was happening.
“I’ve seen you fight, seen what you can do.” You put on a glare at his words, “what are you trying to do?” “Well, you own me an orgasm.”
He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants pulling out his cock. Your eyes skipped down to his hard member, he was thick and at least 6 and a half inch long. Veiny and rock hard. “You know I gotta admit I was already hard for you when you walked in that bar but trying to kill me? That just made me harder.”
“Then I hope you like this,” you said before lifting your knee and pushing it in his ass.
His body fell over your while he tried to catch himself, he let go of your wrists. You rolled him over once again however this time there was no bed anymore causing both you to fall to the ground.
Quickly you tried to stand up, that was when a gun catched your eyes on the nightstand. You were almost standing when Lloyd grabbed your waist pulling you back down right on his cock. Both of you groaned at the feeling. You squeezed him, he filled you perfectly.
“God, you’re so tight sunshine.” His head fell back on the ground as he bucked his hips up.
You hated and loved how good he felt inside of you. Lloyd gripped your hips moving you with his rhythm. You needed more now moving up and down his cock by yourself.
“Let’s find out how much you can take,” Lloyd said flipping you over, your back hit the ground and his cock hit deep inside you at the new position. Moaning you put your hands on his shoulders, “take it off, take that fucking polo off.”
With a grin he let go of you and pulled his polo over his head revealing his naked chest.
Your mouth watered at the sight of his perfectly sculpted chest, he looked like I god. You fingers traced over his toned chest, “you’re beautiful,” you whispered.
Lloyd’s grin turned into a smirk only then you realized what you just said.
You hand clasped over your mouth in regret. The man over you shook his head taking your hand and interlacing his fingers with yours, “believe me if I didn’t think you were the most beautiful woman, I’d ever seen you wouldn’t be under me and alive.”
For anyone else this might have sounded sick, but you grabbed his neck pulling him into a searing kiss. He gently bit your lip making you open your mouth, Lloyd turned the kiss from passionate to dirty as he gave you an open-mouthed kiss.
Then you squeezed his cock with your walls at the feeling, he growled and began pounding in your pussy with all his strength.
Lloyd felt the need to play with something, so he took his hand from yours to rip your dress open as the other one was occupied holding himself over you.
You didn’t care you only wanted him.
You cried out, gasping, moaning into his mouth. Arms holding onto his should leaving red scratch mark. “I love the sounds you make when I fuck you,” he muttered.
Everytime, he snapped his hips against yours you could make out slap sounds from his balls hitting your ass, “look at me, be a good girl and look at me.” You looked up, you saw his tensed face that lead you to believe he was about to come.
His hand kneaded your breast, thumb circling your hardened nipple but without giving you time to prepare – not that you ever could – he put his head down latching on to your nipple. His tounge felt cold stimulating your nipple.
Your hand travelled from his shoulder into his hair pulling hard on the light brown hair as he bit down on your nipple.
“Milk me dry sunshine, come on…” closing your walls around him once again you arched your back.
“You love this, don’t you? You love it when I degrade you. Let me hear how much you love it.” Your moans grew louder and louder, “cum for me you little slut and then you’re gonna milk me and take every drop I give you!”
The familiar knot that formed in your stomache snapped with a loud shout of Lloyd’s name, throwing your head back as your thoughts were consumed by the blissful feeling in your veins.
You squeezed around him while pulling at his hair, scratching his scalp with your nails, you felt his cock twitch in your cunt and then he filled you with his seed.
Lloyd continued fucking you, “yes fill me up, please Lloyd.”
He let go with a groan, there hand that previously played with your breast moved to your throat pressing slightly down.
As told, you milked every drop of him. Slowly he withdrew himself from your hole. His cock was covered in a mixture of his and your come. With a grin he watched his come leak from your hole before pushing it back in, “We can't let anything go to waste now can we?”
He pulled his fingers back out, they were now too covered in cum. Lloyd lifted them to his mouth, licking them clean, making a delighted noise.
“We taste amazing sunshine, wanna try?” You nodded weakly, he dipped down to kiss you.
You could taste the light salty note on his tongue as she thought with yours over dominance.
“We really do taste amazing,” you giggled after pulling apart, still in the post-sex bliss.
Lloyd removed himself from above you, not thinking you tried to stand up but your knees buckled almost in. The assassin teasingly shook his head and picked you up in bridal style, “told you I'd fuck you until you can't walk.”
He laid you down on the king-sized bed which you realized was very comfortable. You watched him walk to the bathroom to get a wet cloth.
Coming back he was only in his boxers, cock tucked back in.
Gently cleaned you up, sometimes your thigh would twitch when he touched your sensitive skin. After he was finished he helped you out of your dress and stripped off your shoes before laying down next to you and pulling the comforter on top.
You wrapped your arm around his middle, and laid your head on his chest while he put his arm around your shoulders to pull you close.
“I still have to kill you, you know,” you mumbled with closed eyes.
Lloyd chuckled in return, “you could try or come and work for me.” Confused, you opened your eyes looking up at him.
“I have to kill you, I can't work for you.”
“Killing me the first time didn't work, there are no second chances,” he shrugged, although he would probably give you as many chances as you need.
Playfully you hit his chest, “you try killing someone after you just had an orgasm.” “I could kill you right now…”
For once it was your turn to smirk, “no, no you can't, if you wanted you would have already done it.” Your fingers traced patterns over his chest.
“That's quite an assumption there, sunshine.”
“If you really did your research you would know I'm a good judge of character,” you smiled to yourself as you felt Lloyd caress your back. “Well then I guess you just have to trust me not kill you in your sleep or…”
“Or I work for you? I can't, my boss would have my head.”
“If you work for me then no one and I mean no one will hurt you.”
You cocked a brow, “not even you? I don't know anything about you besides what I got from files or other people. What is this for you?”
At the beginning of the night Lloyd had two ways this would go; fuck you and kill you or fuck you and make you work for him. But questions like this were in neither of them an option.
“You’re a great addition for my team and the best fuck I had in years, I may haven't really seen you in action besides on tape. I mean come on were you already so fucked out that–,” Lloyd couldn't finish that sentence as he got hit by you on his shoulder.
“Ouch, what I'm saying is. I wanna see where this goes,” he fake pouted and gently took you chin between his fingers, “why is your face so small?” he suddenly asked.
“Shut it Donkey Kong, I will work for you now sleep,” a last chuckle came from Lloyd before you completely drifted off.
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onlyyvette · 2 years
Playing With The Demon Brothers(Beel)♡
NSFW Minors dni
Warnings: DOM/TOP reader, SUB/BOTTOM character, implied amab reader but could be read as afab reader with a squirting strap, cock cage use, feminization, Beel's cock is referred to as a clit, housewife Beel, edging, oral fixation, dumbification, praise, self-degradation, heavy degradation, probably ooc Beel but yolo ig, this is very long
Word Count: 4,381
A/n: So...I lied. I ended up making the Beel fic instead of the Mammon fic because I had a better idea for Beel compared to Mammon. Now that I'm think about it, I'm just going to write for the brothers in a random order because I'll be able to post quicker than if I write for a character that I'm less motivated about.
Sorry for all the Mammon lovers that were waiting for his, but I just didn't have enough creativity
Also, this was too goddamn long...pretty sure it's my longest fic. I hope you guys are fine with that!
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You and Beel have a wonderful relationship.
While Beel may seem stoic and uncaring, he isn't like that in reality.
Truly, he was one of the sweetest people, or demons, that you had ever met. That's what made you fall in love with him.
Now here you are. You're married to Beel and in a very happy relationship. Sure, you have your differences, but that's what helps you two get along and learn about each other.
One of his favorite parts about your relationship, is how much you take care of him as your sweet house wife<3
As your cute wife, Beel stays home, cleaning and cooking, making sure that the house will be to your liking
Though when Beel cooks, he'll have to order food for himself multiple times so that he doesn't eat the food that he's making for you
Beel would definitely be an obedient wife that would always listen to what you say but he gets too excited once in a while and starts to disobey you
Especially when you lock his clit in a cage
He can't stand it! He'll try to be a good girl and not touch himself, but it gets so hard that he almost always caves in
And when you two fuck while he's in his cage, he gets much more needier, leading to him disobeying you without even realizing it
Luckily though, you'll always be a good spouse and punish Beel properly like your he deserves!!!
"Bye Beel," you call out from the doorway, making sure your shoes were completely on before leaving. Right when you were about to make your exit, you could feel Beel's arms wrap around you in a tight hug. "Sorry Beel, how could I forget?" you turn around and give him a kiss. It seemed like a little thing, but Beel could never enjoy his day without you when you didn't give him a goodbye kiss. Breaking away from the kiss, you leaned into his ear. "And make sure to keep your hands away from your clit. I know it's caged, but we don't want you getting distracted during your work now, do we?" Beel nodded his head quickly, trying to kiss you again. "Ah ah," you gently pushed him away. "I need to go to work. Now be a good girl and wait for me, okay?"
Beel whined, but understood, watching you leave the house. He locked the door and turned away to do his chores. Usually, he would go about doing his chores, first fixing your beds and washing the sheets, cleaning and sweeping the floors, etc. This time though, it was harder for him to stay focused. Beel could feel his dick, his clit throbbing in its cage. I need to stay focused, Beel thought. If I touch myself now, Y/n would punish me...
Taking a deep breath, Beel continued with his chores, but with some difficulty. He was able to finish fixing your rooms and sweeping the floors, but the feeling of his poor clit locked up in his cage was causing him trouble. Sometimes, Beel would have to slow down his movements or stop completely because of how sensitive his clit was
Despite his problems, he finally finished cleaning and started cooking. He had sent a text earlier, asking you what you wanted him to make for dinner. You said that some steak would be good. Now of course Beel wasn't going to just make you steak! What kind of wife would he be if he didn't add in a dessert? He put on his apron, grabbed his ingredients, and got to work.
While he started making the sauce for the steak, Beel ordered some food to make sure that he wouldn't eat any of your dinner too early. While he waited for the food to arrive, he continued making the sauce and moved on to preparing the sauce. You would be so proud of him! Beel felt especially happy, thinking about how you would praise him for making such a great dinner for you.
Beel moved around the kitchen with a little smile on his face while thinking about you. He was so deep in his thoughts that he accidentally ran into the counter corner...crotch first. Usually, he would yelp in pain because that would hurt like a bitch, and try to numb the pain. Not this time though. This time, he let out a long, suppressed moan. His clit throbbed intensely in its cage, begging for its release. Beel shivered, trying to gain his composure, but it was too hard. All he could think of was feeling that pleasure that went through his clit. Slowly but surely, he started humping the corner, wanting to pleasure himself.
Completely lost in the feeling, Beel humps the kitchen counter, despite the fact that he wouldn't be able to get any release from it. He let out choked out whimpers, his tongue starting to loll out of his mouth. He kept thinking of you, letting him hump you with his useless clit like he was humping the counter. All Beel could think of was how you'd give him so much pleasure, degrading and praising him to the point his mind breaks.
Right when Beel was about to completely forget what he was doing, his phone went off. A bit dazed, Beel stopped humping the table and slowly turned to his phone to see who was calling him. It was Y/n! Beel hurried over to his phone, trying to recompose himself to be able to talk to you. Despite trying to calm himself down, he couldn't help feeling excited to hear your voice.
"Hey Beel," you greeted him cheerily. "What are you doing right now? Are you making dinner?"
"Yeah...I'm making steak, like you wanted me to."
You let out a giggle. "Really? All I said was that I was craving some steak. I didn't expect you to take it so seriously!
"Anyway, keep up the good work. And," you continued with a mischievous tone. "Be a good girl and don't touch yourself. You haven't, right?"
Beel's eyes widened. "Uh...n-no, I didn't touch myself...Like a good girl." He ended the sentence with his voice trembling. Beel already felt like a mess just from you calling him "good girl", and affirming that he was a good girl- your good girl- made him absolutely weak in the knees.
"Good job Beel. Bye~"
After you hung up the phone, Beel immediately got back to work. During the whole time he was in the kitchen, he couldn't stop thinking about your phone call. How you called him a "good girl", and told him "good job"; it was just replaying in his head. Still though, the fact that he lied to you about not touching himself was gnawing at the back of his mind. He could just not tell you that he was trying to get himself off. You would punish him for sure. Instead, he just let those thoughts sit in the back of his mind, trying not to let them bother him.
Beel had finished with everything, the steak and the strawberry cake he baked. It took time and a lot of ordered food to keep him away from the dinner he was making, but it was finally finished. He set the table very nicely, arranging all the food, plates, and silverware to look appetizing. Beel looked at the clock and realized that it was much later than he expected. Thankfully, you would be back soon.
As Beel waited for you, he started feeling really needy again. He could feel his sensitive clit twitch in his cage, begging to be let out. Not yet, he thought to himself. I have to wait for Y/n to come back.
Despite waiting a while longer, Beel couldn't help it anymore. HE was getting too horny. Luckily, you were merciful in these situations. You knew that Beel could get very needy when home alone, so you gave him a toy to play with. Beel got up and made his way to your shared room. He got out some keys from the closet and opened a drawer at the very bottom.
When Beel opened up the drawer, his mouth watered a bit at the sight. Multiple dildos, all of long lengths and different textures and colors came into his view. Vibrators of different shapes, a few cock cages---Beel had to stop himself from grabbing anything in sight right then and there. Instead, he took a deep breath, and chose one specific dildo.
It was an average looking dildo, if you ignored how big it was. The dildo was smooth and purple. Despite it looking pretty average, it was one of the dildos Beel was attached to because it somehow reminded him of you.
Beel removed the dildo from the drawer, closing and locking it up again. He moved toward the bed, holding the dildo close to his chest. Sitting on the bed, he began to insert the toy into his mouth, taking it in nearly to the hilt. Beel closed his eyes, drooling over the toy a little. You would always let Beel deepthroat one of your collection of dildos when he was feeling too needy, considering how much of an oral fixation you knew he had. He was grateful that you'd pity him enough to let him at least pleasure himself this way.
Beel kept taking the large toy all the way to the back of his throat, small moans causing the dildo to vibrate a bit. When the dildo hit the back of his throat, Beel let out a long groan, his eyes closing.
…Y/n...please come home soon...
Beel kept on thinking about you, how your cock would fill him up nicely. He would just love for you to shove your dick in his mouth, no hesitation. He loves it when you treat him like an object. Besides, shouldn't a good housewife serve their husband?
"M-mhhnn~" Beel kept shoving the toy down his throat, basically thrusting it in like an actual dick would. He could feel his poor clit aching in his cage, wanting some sort of pleasuring feeling. Beel squeezed his thighs together, attempting to create some friction on his clit. Beads of sweat started forming on his face, and tears started pricking at his eyes. It wasn't because of the dildo that was hitting the back of his throat constantly. It was because he missed you!
Every time you would leave and Beel became too horny, he would always think of you, just you. He thought of how you would fuck his throat, maybe praise him for taking it so well, or degrading him for being so eager to suck cock. Either way, he would love what you'd tell him no matter what. If Beel could, he would probably just suck your dick for hours on end just---
*Click click*
Beel immediately stopped what he was doing, directing his attention towards the door. There it was.
"Hey, Beel? I'm home! What did you cook for me?"
Beel hurriedly put the dildo back in the drawer and quickly left the room. Your eyes scanned the house a bit for your wife when all of a sudden you found him barreling towards you. Beel's strong arms wrapped you up in a tight hold, burying his head into the crook of your neck.
"Woah! Be careful Beel, you could have knocked me over," you said with a smile. "How have you been?" Beel just nuzzled his head further into your shoulder. "Y/n, I missed you...It feels like you've been gone for so long."
"I've missed you too, Beel," You said, wrapping your arms around him. "But first, let's go sit down and eat. I've been waiting to taste your food." You let go of Beel and head over to the dining room, Beel following right behind you.
You took a seat at the dinner table, Beel squirming a bit in the seat aside from you. "Damn, Beel, you really outdid yourself today," you said, approval filling your eyes as you scanned the food on the dinner table. "And a cake too! I'm grateful to have you in my life."
Despite Beel nodding his head along with what you were saying, his mind was elsewhere. He still couldn't stop thinking about how horny he was. Beel wanted something to fill him up completely, make him feel full, all giddy on the feeling.
As you were eating your food, you could see out of the corner of your eyes how Beel was looking at you with a lustful look in his eyes. "Um, Y/n..." Beel's sudden words cut through the short silence. "I have something to tell you."
"Go ahead," you said with your mouth still a bit full. Beel squeezed his thighs together, looking down at his lap. "While you were gone...I ended up pleasuring myself." You continued to focus on your food. "Go on," you said without looking up.
Beel shifted even more as his face began to redden. "While I was cooking, right before you called me. I bumped into the counter and it really stimulated me...I ended up rubbing myself on the counter."
"But," Beel said suddenly. "It really wasn't on purpose! I just ran into it and it felt really good...please don't punish me," Beel finished with a whine. You continued to act unbothered as Beel begged for your forgiveness.
"So," you started, taking a sip of your drink. "You were touching yourself without my permission. No wonder your voice sounded so breathy on the phone." Suddenly, you looked up at Beel straight in the eyes. "What you mean to say is, that you were pleasuring yourself without my permission. Just rubbing your dirty clit wherever you please? Isn't this exactly why I put that cage on you?"
Beel squirmed even more in his seat, starting to pant as he felt his body start to heat up. "And to think I even praised you for not touching yourself. I think that you deserve a punishment...don't you agree?" you said, swirling your drink around in its cup.
"I'm sorr---"
"I asked you something, Beel."
"I...I deserve my punishment. I haven't been a good wife today," Beel muttered with a shaky voice. "Good job," you cooed with a smile. "Also, you've been staring at me with an awful hungry look on your face," you said to Beel. "Do you have something you want to tell me?"
Beel froze. There were so many things he wanted to tell you! Like how he missed you, how you thought of his cooking, how you were going to treat him in bed...but he knew what answer you were looking for.
"I-I want you to..." Beel started off with a shaky voice, his panting becoming more obvious. "I want you to touch me! Please, I want to cum so badly," he begged, reaching down to his groin. "Now why should I let you cum," you inquired. "You already attempted to pleasure yourself without my permission, and now you're still trying to get release from your pathetic clit?" Beel nodded quickly, his body becoming hotter, the cage on his clit feeling smaller than ever.
"Okay then. I'll fuck you." Beel's face lit up. "But," you continued with one finger up. "I'll only let you out of your cage if you can satisfy me well enough. Now be a good wife and get the lube in our room, 'kay? I'll be in the living room. And make sure all of your clothes are off when you come back" Beel quickly got up from the table and headed for your room, tripping a bit on the way there.
Finally! You were finally going to fuck him! Beel found the lube and quickly undressed himself before going back to the living room. "There you are Beel," you called out enthusiastically. You were now lounged on the couch. "And here I was thinking you were never going to come. Are you just going to stand there?"
Beel made his way over to you, his movements stiff. You eyed him up and down. You absolutely loved Beel's body. His tanned skin, muscular thighs and biceps, his huge tits, grabbable waist, you can go on forever. You loved admiring Beel's body and Beel loved it when you did that too. He adored the attention you gave him. It made him feel like he had all your attention.
"Beel," you said in a relaxed tone. "Kneel down in front of me real quick." Beel complied, shifting himself into a more comfortable position. "Oh Beel," you whispered, holding Beel by the face. "Why did you have to go and disobey me? I really wanted to reward you today."
Beel nuzzled into your hand, holding it with his own. "I'm sorry," he said, giving you a pitiful look. "Well what's done is done. Now Beel, I want you to watch me very closely." Beel nodded and pulled himself away from you, looking up at you with an expectant look in his eyes.
You took off your clothing, revealing your hard dick, the one that Beel was so head over heels for. You grabbed the lube that Beel had given you and squirted it all over your cock. Beel watched as you spread the lube all over your length, his mouth watering. As you continued jerking yourself off, Beel kept leaning in closer, his mouth opening as if he were waiting for you to fill it up with your cum.
As you felt yourself nearing your climax, Beel opened his mouth wider, as if he knew already. Suddenly, you stopped right before you came. "Haa...just so you know Beel, you won't be able to swallow my cum. This is just one part of your punishment~" Beel whined, grabbing onto your leg. "W-wait, please! Please...I want your cum inside me!" You pushed Beel off gently. "We already went over this, Beel. This is a part of your punishment."
Instead of giving up, Beel grabbed your hand and started sucking your fingers. Beel made quite the display, swirling his tongue around your digits, taking them deep into his throat, making all those erotic sounds that were so mesmerizing. Beel looked up at you with watery, half-lidded eyes. Eyes that were just begging you to wreck him right then and there.
It took you all of your self control to not flip him over right there. Before you knew it, you cock was semi-hard just from Beel's lewd act. "Beel," you said with a cold voice, removing your fingers from his mouth, a small popping sound being heard when Beel's lips left your hand. Beel had a foggy look on his face, as if he didn't completely comprehend what you were telling him.
"Beel," you repeated, pulling him into your lap, having him face you. "I thought you would have at least some control. What are you doing, acting like some eager whore? I thought I trained you better than that." Beel pressed his body against you as he let out such pathetic noises from his mouth. "I'm sorry Y/n...I just can't take this cage anymore," Beel whined. "I wanna cum, please," he pleaded. grinding himself onto you.
"No." Your voice was firm as you grabbed Beel by the hair. "I don't know what's gotten into you today Beel. You've always been such a good girl, a good wife for me." He avoided your gaze. Honestly, even Beel didn't understand himself. Usually, he would rarely get punished. Even when he did get that once in a while punishment, he never acted out during it up until now.
"But if you want to be treated like some kind of common whore, so be it," you said, pulling Beel by his hair and pressing your lips against his. Beel happily moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth as your tongue slipped in. As your tongue explored Beel's mouth, you grabbed the lube and spread it all over your fingers. You held Beel by the chin and gently pushed him away, breaking the kiss. He whined when he felt you pull away but was cut short when you harshly bit his nipple, causing him to squeal.
As you sucked on Beel's nipples, your fingers worked their way to his twitching rim. Beel let out a small gasp at the feeling, then began to grind down on you, holding your head closer to his chest. Your fingers began to enter Beel's hole, spreading him open for you.
"Hahh, ahh! Mhnn, Y/n! More...ngh!" You knew what Beel meant when he asked for more. He wanted you to press on that sensitive spot inside of him, abuse it to the point where he cums so hard he needs a few moments to get himself together. But that wasn't the plan today.
Instead of pushing on Beel's prostate, you continued to finger him, only focused on opening him up and not pleasuring him. "A-ahh! Y-y/n, your tongue...your fingers-MMhhngh! I wanna cum! O-oh-angh!" Oh right. You had forgotten that you had him in his cage somehow. Even though you knew you weren't going to allow Beel to cum, you had forgotten that his nipples were so sensitive that he could even climax just from you playing with them. And here you were, sucking on them like there was no tomorrow.
"Even better," you said while tugging on Beel's nipple even harder. "Now you can't cum no matter what." Beel kept on moaning, tears starting to well up in his eyes as he begged for release. "HaahNGHH! Y/n! Please-Ungh, nnhh," Beel couldn't take it anymore, and you hadn't even started fucking him. "Stop begging, Beel. Let's just get this punishment over with and maybe I'll let you cum."
You swiftly took your fingers out of Beel and stopped suckingg on his chest. "On the floor, Beel. All fours." Beel was quick to follow your orders, getting down on the floor on his hands and knees, his body trembling from previous pleasure. You positioned yourself behind Beel, grabbing his ass. He whimpered softly as continued to massage his rear, feeling up his thighs and spreading his rim.
Once you finally got bored of groping him, you gave him a little smack before pulling his hips up and getting yourself into position. Finally, you thought. I already edged myself once for the sake of this punishment. Lining yourself up to Beel's entrance, your hand kept a firm grip on his hips. They're going to do it! Y/n's finally going t- any thoughts that occupied Beel's head were gone the moment you thrusted into him.
"U-UNGhh--ghkk..." Beel choked on his own spit as he finally felt your cock enter him. You hadn't been merciful when thrusting into him. Instead of slowly easing into him like you usually did, you harshly thrusted your entire length inside of him, knocking the breath out of him.
"Unghh...So...big.." Beel could hardly make a proper sentence. He could feel your dick pressing on his sweet spot and stretching his stomach out. He felt so full! Every single spot inside of him felt so full of your cock that he could hardly take it! Just as Beel was still making an attempt to pull himself together, you began to thrust into him.
Your pace was rough and unforgiving, nothing kind about it. You kept such a tight grip on Beel's hips that you knew there would be a bruise soon enough. Beel, on the other hand, could barely even think. All he could focus on was how your cock kept on pistoning in and out of him. His eyes were rolled back into his head and mouth was stuck in an "o" shape as he tried to find something to hold onto. He was going to break!
It hadn't even been five minutes yet and Beel felt an upcoming orgasm. "Haahnngh, Y/N! ANnnhH! I-I'm gonna...Ohh, UMNNGGGHH♡" Beel knew for sure that he was going to cum soon, and your unrelenting pace would only aid his upcoming orgasm.
Right when he felt himself about to cum, you stopped fucking into him. "Just so you know, Beel, I still haven't unlocked your cage. You're not going to be getting any orgasms tonight," you said with a devilish grin. "N-no~Pleashe, I'll do anything! I jush wanna cum~" Beel slurred, not able to get his sentence out of his mouth properly. "Well that's too bad Beel~," you mocked him, picking up your pace again. "You're not going to cum, and it's final."
Beel's sobs and choked moans filled the room as the two of you continued to go at it. Beel knew that should have already cum sometime ago, but the cage on his clit wouldn't let him! His clit desperately throbbed from within its cage, begging to be released. "Y/n...GhhKKH! I-I- Hannghh♡ Please- let me-" Beel attempted to plead with you, but his voice kept on being interrupted by his pathetic moans.
"What is it, Beel? Speak up, I couldn't hear you very well," you say in a condenscending tone. You lean down and get close to Beel's ear. "You shouldn't even worry your pretty little head about cumming. I locked your dumb clit up so that you could just give up on the idea of ever cumming." Without warning, you harshly pulled Beel's hair as he let out an involuntary moan. "If you hadn't been a stupid slut that only cares about getting his upcoming orgasm, this wouldn't have happened. Yet here you are, moaning like a cheap whore. I'm sure you love this, don't you, Beel?"
"Yes! I love it! A-anghh, mhhnNNH! I'm your whore! M-my stupid clit doesn't deserve to-O-OHH! To cum!" Beel cried out with a dumb, fucked out grin on his face. "Just a stupid slut! Your stupid slut! Hah-OHH♡ GhiiIIKKH, uhnnHHN!" Beel had completely accepted his role in life. He was just meant to be a sweet housewife, all kind and gentle, waiting for his spouse to come home and fuck his brains out! You both knew that hee would be your slut, and your slut only♡
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nateezfics · 3 years
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♔ PAIRING — hongjoong x reader
♔ GENRE — smut, vampire au, fem!reader, vampire!hongjoong, dom!hongjoong, sub!reader
♔ WARNINGS — mentions of blood, blood drinking/blood play, smut, unprotected sex, rough sex, biting, oral (f receiving), sexual acts in the shower, thigh riding, foul language/dirty talk
♔ WORD COUNT — 8.6k
♔ SUMMARY — mr. kim is as alluring as he is mysterious, and what lies beneath his gentlemanly demeanor is nothing short of a monster of the darkest kind. inviting him into your arms could mean your demise, but your desire for him is insatiable. they always did say the forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest…
♔ FIC PLAYLIST — honey and blood by mira, haunted by beyoncé (michael diamond remix), forbidden fruit by hallway swimmers
(cover made by the ever wonderful and talented @aveateez )
The hallway was vast and dark, the blackness almost consuming like an endless void. The only light you were offered was the small glimmers coming from the lights that lined the wall. They were dim, and did little to help you see much in front of you, but you were grateful for the light nonetheless. You relied mostly on your newfound familiarity of this large mansion to guide you, your hand outstretched to trace the wall as you walked.
This place always had an eerie atmosphere about it, but at night it seemed to come alive. The large estate was unsettling, mostly because it was vacant save for two people, but over the last few weeks it grew to be your home.
The closer you got to your destination, the more you felt nerves coil around your limbs all the way to your finger tips. Your heart was erratic, steps slow, and breath ragged and uneven. There was a voice in the back of your mind that was screaming at you to turn around, to head back to your room and forget this.
But you couldn’t forget this, couldn’t let go of this curiosity about the very man who owned this place, the same man you worked for.
Mr. Kim.
Working for Mr. Kim was…interesting, to say the least. Your role here was pretty simple — upkeep the manner and fulfill tasks as requested by Mr. Kim. You were a maid. You cleaned. You ran errands. Not an unusual job. But it wasn’t the job itself, it was him.
Mr. Kim was an enigmatic man. He was plenty polite enough, and kind. A perfect gentleman. He had treated you well since the first day you came here to work. Though, from the moment you laid eyes on him, you felt like there was something else to him…something dark.
Your skin prickled any time he was near you. Something you learned very quickly on was that he had an aura unlike anything you’d ever witnessed. His presence filled a room, left no space, consumed everything that was near him, including you. You were hyper aware of him, his presence clinging to you like a second skin. You’d never met someone who made you feel this way, so…overwhelmed.
But his aura was alluring, too, and it seemed like you were magnetized to him. All you wanted was to know him more, to learn him. He had a charisma about him that was hard to overlook, that intrigued you. Attracted you. Despite how his presence seemed to push at you, it seemed to draw you in, too, making it hard to know exactly what to feel about him.
There were many habits of his that struck you as odd. People tended to have a few quirks here and there, but Mr. Kim was way more than just a little peculiar.
He never slept. He was always up, always stowed away in his office. You very rarely ran into him during the day while you did your duties. The only times you ever saw him were when he summoned you, or when you were starting and finishing your day. But he was there, in his office, at his desk doing only god knew what. When you arose in the morning, he was there. When you retired for the evening, you could still find him at his desk.
He didn’t eat. He never requested you to make him food, though you always kept the kitchen stocked with groceries. You assumed that maybe he ate while you were unaware, and maybe he just didn’t have much of an appetite. But you tried to feed him, to make him meals, just to know that was actually eating, but he always declined you with a polite smile and statement about having already had a meal.
The most striking thing about him was his appearance. He was beyond beautiful, his looks almost unreal. Unnatural. He was captivating, and you couldn’t ignore the way he always appeared well kept, always wearing nicely tailored and expensive looking suits, his hair always slicked back and not a strand out of place. He liked to wear glasses a lot, and you couldn’t deny that the man was hot and easy on the eyes. You liked to sneak glances at him in the times he ushered you into his office for something. But one night allowed you a closer look at him and you realized there was something off about him. You were in his office, putting away some of his paperwork — which he gave clear instruction to not look too closely at — and he’d removed his glasses. You managed to take a peek at him while he wasn’t aware, and your position was rather close, close enough that you were able to notice how pale he was. His skin seemed to be muted, a grey hue casting over him as if he was sickly. There was tint of discoloration under his eyes, like he hadn’t slept in days. Or years.
You halted in place when you finally stood before the one place in this whole estate that you’d yet to see — Mr. Kim’s room. He was hardly ever in it, this you knew, because he was constantly in his office. There probably wasn’t much to clean considering the lack of use, but regardless, you were given orders to never go in there. He made that very clear to you on your first day, and you were so intimidated that the thought of ever coming anywhere close to it made you anxious.
But now you were curious, intrigued. There was something off about him, a secret lying underneath the surface just waiting to be uncovered. The truth gnawed at you, but you pushed it away because there was no way that it could’ve been true. You wanted to find out, to understand.
You twisted the knob and the door creaked as it opened. The wood groaned as you pushed the door further, and you froze at the loud sound. Mr. Kim was in his office which was located in the opposite wing, but still, the sound made you worry.
You felt guilty in a way. He’d given you everything when you needed it — work and place to stay. You’d lost everything before coming here, at an all time low, and Mr. Kim had allowed you this job. It was like you were betraying him, but your intrigue overrode anything else.
The first thing you noticed about the room was that it was huge.
And dusty. Your nose burned as you fought the urge to sneeze.
You pushed further into the large room, eyes unsure what to take in first. The bed in the center was massive, like a bed for a king, a canopy hovering above it and draping it in maroon satin. Everything in this room had a red tint, which was different than the rest of the estate’s monochrome color scheme. There was other furnishings in the room — a dresser, tables, lamps, and lounging chairs. It all looked so expensive despite being disused. He obviously never used the bed, or any of the furniture for that matter, the duvet’s red color muted due to the layer of dust.
You noticed double doors which you could’ve only imagined lead to a balcony. There was another doorway, which you expected to be his closet. It was cracked open, like he’d been in it at some point recently.
You realized with a start that there wasn’t a single mirror in this room. Odd. How did he get ready and dressed without mirrors? The absence of this common item unsettled you, and the thought you tried to shun away resurfaced again. You pushed it down and made your way to what you thought was his closet. You passed through its threshold only to be met with tall racks lined with suits and other items of clothing. Yes, definitely his closet. You took a moment to appreciate his choice in fashion, all of the suits being designer and certainly way beyond your price range. The closet was deep, and you kept walking until there were no more suits to admire.
What you saw before you made your blood run cold.
Inside the expansive closet, the backside was lined with multiple containers, and inside was the unmistakable crimson liquid of life — blood.
Realization overwhelmed you, so many thoughts swirling in your head you began to grow dizzy. You felt sick, so incredibly unwell at this discovery.
No sleep. No food. Unnaturally beautiful and pale. Strong, consuming aura. No need of mirrors.
The truth was manifested in a singular word and it was loud inside your head, ringing and echoing until it grew unbearable. It was at the tip of your tongue, all you had to do was whisper it, as if doing so would solidify it all, would somehow ease the storm in your mind.
Your body froze just as chills ran up your spine. Your heart stopped at the sound of that voice, his voice, and you suddenly felt like your life was destined to end right then and there.
You felt him behind you, your skin alert and prickling at his closeness. “Did you find everything you were looking for, miss (y/n)?” His voice was low, a threat.
You shouldn’t have looked at him. If you were scared before, you were absolutely terrified at the sight that met you when you turned around. You gasped, breath leaving you.
There he was, in all his vampire glory, glowering at you like he was ready to attack. His eyes were a fiery, piercing red, dark veins protruding around them, and fangs on full display. Long gone was your gentlemanly boss, instead you were now faced with a monster of the most frightening kind.
He was on you before you could even blink.
Your back was met with the containers, and you winced at the contact. His hands were above you on either side of your head, trapping you in and forcing to look into his glowing eyes.
The whole world was frozen in time. All you could process was fear, and the fact that he was very well capable of taking your life.
“I believe I gave you instructions not to be in here,” he spoke, voice low and menacing. “Did I not?”
You shook your head frantically. “Yes sir! I’m sorry—”
“I am quite fond of you,” Mr. Kim interrupted, face so impossibly close to yours that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. His aura was all around, air charged and heavy. “So I will let you off with a warning. Do not disobey my orders again, do you understand?”
It took you a moment to find your voice, relief filling you like a flood. You visibly sagged when he removed himself from you. “Yes sir. I understand.”
He transformed back into the man you were use to seeing, his eyes now a deep black instead of a fluorescent red. The black veins that lined his eyes disappeared and his fangs retracted. His handsome face was returned to normal, back to the one you saw every morning and every night. But now he looked different to you, and you didn’t know if you’d look at him quite the same again. “Good. Now return to your room. I expect you fully functional in the morning.”
Your legs were sluggish as your body still reeled with adrenaline. You brushed passed him, head down as you ignored the way his heavy gaze bore into you, skin taught and prickled. You were just about to take a step out of the closet when you heard him call your name. You didn’t dare ignore him, and just as you pivoted to look at him, his hand gripped at your jaw. It wasn’t a painful grip, but it was firm enough that you couldn’t look anywhere else but him even if you tried.
His touch was frigid. His features were stony, lips pressed in a hard line. “You will not be so reckless again.”
The or else that silently trailed his words was loud and clear. “Yes, sir.” He smiled at you sweetly, the same polite smile he always offered you, as his hand dropped from your face, as if he didn’t just make a clear threat on your life.
He allowed you to turn and leave with no further interruptions this time. You bolted towards your room, making it across the estate in record time.
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You didn’t see Mr. Kim for a while after that night.
You were relieved. You were still shaken, the thought of how your life could’ve ended there in that closet still at the forefront of your mind. You replayed the image of him, eyes aflame and fangs drawn, and it never went away. Even at night when you tried to sleep, that memory was there.
You could’ve ran away. Found a different job. Get as far from him as possible. But where would you have gone? You had no family to turn to, no other home to flee to. Your life very much rested in Mr. Kim’s hands, and though you didn’t want to admit it, he was like your salvation. With him, you had food to eat and a roof over your head.
He could’ve taken your life, yes, but other than that night in his closet, he’d never once threatened you. Him, a vampire, a bloodthirsty monster who preyed on human blood, never harmed you. Even when he discovered you in his room, even when he trapped you against those containers, he never laid a hand on you. For months now you’d been sleeping in the same house as a vampire, yet he’d not once taken advantage of you.
You tried to remind yourself that just because he hadn’t, didn’t mean he wouldn’t have. Especially now that you knew who — what — he really was. You were a liability to him now, a loose end he might one day have to do away with in order to preserve himself. You weren’t planning on telling anyone, too scared of the consequences, but it was very clear that one step in the wrong direction could be your last.
When you finally did see him again, it was while you organized his office. It’d been a solid two weeks since the incident, two weeks since you’d been in his office to tidy up. The place was a chaos of papers and books, and you had to fight the urge to groan when you first stepped in.
You allowed yourself to release a small sigh as you pushed a book into its place on the shelf, a stack of more books cradled in your arm. For the life of you you couldn’t understand why he needed so many books and why he couldn’t have put them back himself once he was done. Oh well, it was something for you to do, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, being back in his presence was relieving. Maybe this meant he wasn’t mad at you anymore, and maybe this meant you didn’t have to walk on eggshells.
If you were to be transparent, you missed seeing him to some degree the past two weeks. Odd to say about the man who threatened your life, but seeing him every day and the small little chats you had with him had become a constant part of your life. You didn’t realize how fond of him you’d grown until you were away from him. It was a puzzling feeling, he himself was puzzling to you. You shouldn’t have missed him in any way, but yet…
You felt eyes on you. You turned to find that he was watching you, and you could’ve sworn you saw a flicker of red just as your eyes met his. “I would like to apologize, miss (y/n).”
Confusion settled over you. “Sir?”
Mr. Kim smiled at you. Your face must’ve looked ridiculous, confusion twisted on your features. “I would like to apologize for my actions that night in my room.”
You sucked in a breath, mind replaying the memory. It still felt so recent like it’d just happened mere moments ago. “Oh,” you said lamely, at a loss for what to say. Why was he apologizing? You were the one that snuck in there. “Sir, you shouldn’t be the one apologizing. It was me that—”
“I understand,” he interrupted. His lips lifted in a small smirk. “You humans are curious little things I’ve come to notice.”
You didn’t know why, but the look on his face and his words had you blushing. You faced the shelf and busied yourself with the other books.
Mr. Kim continued. “You must understand why I would’ve acted that way, even to you.”
You did. Vampires were considered legends, myths, amounting to nothing more than scary stories and plots for books and movies. That was why it was so hard for you to admit what he was, even after weeks of being surrounded by tell tale signs. His kind wasn’t supposed to be real. If word traveled that vampires were very real, chaos would’ve ensued, and you were sure the vampires didn’t want humans in their business. “Yes.”
When you looked at him again, his eyes had never left you. “I don’t want to hurt you.” You understood this, but you also understood his underlying meaning.
I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.
For all his polite smiles and gentlemanly gestures, he was still a vampire. He still fed on human blood. Being near him was a risk to your life if one day he’d slip and lose control or if you did something against his wishes again. “I know,” you replied to him, voice soft. “I promise. Your secret is safe with me.”
He nodded, eyes still holding yours in a locked gaze. Your stomach flipped when another smile appeared on his face, but this time, it felt genuine.
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You had no idea what this man did in those two weeks alone in his office, but somehow, he’d managed to undo any organizing you’d ever done.
Days after your return back to his office, when he’d apologized, you were going back more than you normally would’ve been because of the messy state of his work space. Usually it was a stop into his office in the morning to greet him, and another in the evening to put away the papers and books he’d used during the day, and to receive his permission to end your shift.
But a chaos of paperwork and old books surrounded him, and you were itching to clean it all up. You’d done so much to get his office tidy and efficient, and now it was just a mess. If he wasn’t your boss and a scary vampire, you would’ve given him a piece of your mind. Instead, you stood on your tip toes as you put each book back in its rightful spot.
Mr. Kim was at his desk behind you. His presence still had you feeling on edge, but it wasn’t necessarily a feeling you hated. His presence commanded attention, respect. Authority hummed around him like electricity. He was hard to ignore, your body always hyper aware of him, especially when his eyes landed on you.
You heard him move, and you turned over your shoulder to watch him as he stood from his desk. Your gaze followed him as he made his way towards the shelf where you were. He scanned the array of books and folders, hand raised as his index finger traced the spines as if to help him find what he was looking for. He wasn’t paying you any mind, but you couldn’t help but linger on the sight of him. Mr. Kim was striking, a fact that was never once lost on you, and despite his pale, lifeless skin, he was still breathtaking. Tonight, he was dressed down, suit jacket off and tossed over his chair. His sleeves were rolled to his elbow, allowing you to see more of his skin. His hair was roused and glasses lazily placed on the bridge of his straight nose. He was clad in black trousers that hugged him just right, and you felt heat on your face when your eyes slipped to ogle his rear end.
“I would tell you to take a picture for keepsake, but vampires aren’t really photogenic.” His voice broke your concentration, eyes snapping back to his face. He was still looking towards the shelf, but his lips were turned in a smug smirk.
If it were possible, your cheeks would’ve melted off your face from embarrassment. You just got caught checking out your boss. How fucking great. Your mouth opened and then clammed shut.
Mr. Kim leveled his gaze on you, and it was nothing short of amused. “Is there something you must tell me?”
You floundered for a moment, much to his obvious enjoyment. You cleared your throat. “Put that back when you’re done,” you blurted. You swallowed. “Please.”
He looked at the folder full of papers that he’d just pulled out and grinned. It was a wicked smile that had your heart drumming in your chest. “I’ll remember that.”
You were thankful when he went back to his desk, but it wasn’t like it helped much. The man was everywhere in this room all at once, stuck on your skin. The image of his smirk and the amused gleam in his eyes replayed in your head. He looked unbelievably attractive with that smugness on his face but you tried to expel the thought of him away.
It seemed like life was against you tonight, because just when you were about to put the final book away in its place at a high shelf, your body extending to its fullest to aid you, the book slipped. It hurtled down towards your face so quickly you didn’t have time to react. But the sharp impact of a hardback book never met your face. Your eyes opened, gazing at the book in confusion before realizing that it was currently being held above you, a hand having reached out to catch it.
You didn’t feel any body heat from him, but electricity ran up your spine and your skin tingled at his closeness. You felt his presence behind you in every pore, every inch. You gulped when you felt his breath on your ear.
“That was a close one,” Mr. Kim whispered in your ear, voice caressing your skin and making you shiver. “Would’ve hated for that pretty face of yours to be hurt.”
You were in a compromising position. You were trapped between a bookshelf and a vampire, and yet, you didn’t hate it. You turned around, his body backing up enough to give you space to do so. He was still close, just like he was that night he cornered you in his closet, but this time your heart wasn’t beating in fear. His eyes weren’t his usual obsidian, instead they were illuminated in a soft red hue. They weren’t bright like you’d seen them, but instead like the soft embers of a dying fire. His scent surrounded you, fogging your brain. “Thank you.”
His lips, which now you were able to see were plush and full, formed a small smile. “Of course.”
Your eyes never left his. The small space between you was charged and thick. You’d never felt like this with him, never feeling this much tension.
But the tension snapped when he pulled himself away from you, book in hand. Mr. Kim offered you a smile, but it wasn’t genuine or full of amusement. “Goodnight, miss (y/n). I’ll see you in the morning.”
You found yourself later that night in bed, unable to sleep. Thoughts of his closeness, of that look in his gleaming eyes, the smell of him all keeping you awake and forbidding you to sleep.
He had been so close to you. You could’ve reached out and touched him. And what scared you, was that you wanted to do just that.
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There was some entity that wanted to mess with you, because after that night in his office, more little mishaps kept happening. You became clumsy, always tripping. You kept dropping books and misplacing paperwork. All of this happened when you were near him. It was as if your body no longer knew how to function around him.
And then it happened. You made the biggest mistake anyone could’ve made in the presence of a vampire.
You cut yourself.
It was an accident. You had a stack of papers in your hands, and a few strays sheets slipped. You reflexively reach out to catch them before they could hit the ground, and the edge of one glided against two of your fingers, slicing open the skin.
You cursed under your breath at the pain, urgency filling you to the brim when you saw crimson begin to leak from the fine cut. Both of your fingers were now bleeding, gushing uncontrollably all from just a small paper cut. Just as soon as the first droplet hit the floor, the entire atmosphere in the room went cold as ice, rigid and eerily quiet.
All you heard was the rush of your pulse in your ears. Breathing was suddenly a hard task to manage as you felt your body stiffen. Your eyes shot over to Mr. Kim, who currently was like a statue in his seat. You knew he sensed it, smelled it.
You were frightful in that moment. Would he lose control? Would the smell of your blood drive him so mad that he’d be sent into a frenzy?
Was this when you would reach your end?
You shook when he stood from his desk. He sauntered over to you, steps slow and measured, eyes now aflame in a searing red. He looked every bit like the predator his kind had been made to seem. He was a terrifying sight to behold, and yet, you couldn’t move to run away. You were rooted in place, still as a statue as he grew closer. A breath caught in your throat when his hand reached out for your wounded one, his touch frozen.
Mr. Kim lifted your hand to his face and all you could do was stare, watching as he brought your two fingers to his mouth. You gasped when he enveloped your digits in his mouth, lips closing around them until they were submerged entirely. His mouth was cold, and so was his tongue as he lapped at your fingers. His eyes never left yours as he suckled on your fingers, and suddenly the energy in the room wasn’t one of fear, but something else entirely.
This moment felt erotic, sensual, and intimate. Your heart was like a hummingbird in your chest as you fixated on the way your fingers disappeared between his plush lips. Strings of electricity ran from your fingers all the way down your arm. What you expected to feel was horror, but what you felt instead was need coiling in your lower belly. You bit your lip to suppress the sudden need to moan. Your fingers in his mouth and him lapping at your blood shouldn’t have felt this good, this right.
Mr. Kim released your fingers. The blood was done, instead they were now wet with his saliva. You brought them close to your face, astonished at how the bleeding stopped, and the wound was gone.
He healed you. Your mind reeled with the new found knowledge of the ability of vampires. “You…you healed me.”
He nodded. “The saliva of a vampire has healing properties, should we so allow it.” He said it so matter-of-fact, like it wasn’t a big deal, but it was. It was to you. Not only did he remain complete composure in the presence of your blood, he even decided to heal your paper cut.
It was mind boggling, but what was strange was the way you enjoyed his touch, relished in the feeling of his tongue gliding along your fingers.
You met his gaze again, and your heart leaped at the way he stared at you. He was intense, and his aura was twining around your limbs, and all you wanted to do was lose yourself in him. Mr. Kim was like honey and blood — alluring, addictive, tantalizing yet dangerous and so very much the thing you shouldn’t have wanted. You should’ve ran away from him. It would’ve been for the better. He was still a threat to you, and as long as you were near him, you wouldn’t ever be able to let your guard down completely.
But you were like a moth to a flame, like a fly to Venus flytrap. You were being sucked in, and you weren’t really putting up a fight.
It happened before you were even aware. Your body moved on its own accord, closing the space between the two of you. You saw the way the gleam of his eyes flared just as you began to inch your way closer. The first touch of your lips to his was experimental, withheld. His lips were cold against yours but soft and plush and just like you’d imagined them to be. He was stock still, unmoving and rigid. When he didn’t kiss you back, you pulled away, suddenly feeling shame rise in you. “Mr. Kim, I’m sor—”
The words died in the air, swallowed up by his mouth when he kissed you, lips securely on yours. His hand latched onto the back of your neck to keep you in place. You gasped, and he swallowed up that sound too as he deepened the kiss, mouth slotting against your hungrily.
You kissed him back with fervor, but he easily dominated the embrace. He was domineering and authoritative, controlling the pace of the kiss, but you didn’t complain. Your body melted into his, hands gripping onto the lapels of his suit, allowing him to do as he wished. You moaned when he nipped at your bottom lip, and he took your moment of surprise to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Mr. Kim smirked against you at your small noise. You were incredibly pliant just from his kiss alone, body molding into his. He could’ve so easily taken over you, and you would’ve let him. His mouth left yours to travel down your jaw, down your neck.
Your pulse was drumming underneath your skin. It was so reckless to allow his mouth so close to such a sensitive part of you where one bite and he could’ve drained you of every ounce of blood. But you didn’t care, all you cared about was the way his cool lips felt against your heated skin.
His tongue flattened over your rushing pulse, and he could practically taste your the blood there. The flavor of your blood still lingered on his tongue, and oh how badly he wanted to sink his teeth into your flesh, to intoxicate himself on your sweetness, to drain you until he had his fill, to —
He pushed you away like you somehow offended him, like you burned him. Your eyes were wide in confusion, chest rising and falling from the intensity of the moment. “Mr. Kim?”
He turned from you. “Miss (y/n), it’d be best if you retired for the night.” His voice was flat and clipped.
You were confused, and even a little hurt. Had you done something wrong? “Mr. Kim, did I do something wrong —”
“Do not linger here a moment longer. Leave me, now!”
You winced at the venom in his voice. You waited a beat longer, mind spiraling, and when silence stretched on, you made your exit from his office.
You didn’t catch the way his eyes watched after you.
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The water was hot on your skin, and you sighed as it cascaded down your body, easing your tense muscles. You were thankful for many of the commodities in your little living space, the shower and modern plumbing being at the top of the list.
Thoughts from earlier swam in your head, and you tried to push them away, to think about anything other than him.
But you couldn’t.
You couldn’t unsee his small, genuine smiles. Couldn’t expel the vision of his perfect lips turned up in a smirk, amusement playing in his gaze.
Couldn’t forget when he saved you from the falling book, your body between his and the bookshelf, his front against your back, his aura ensnaring you and etching under your skin.
You tried and failed to stop reminiscing about his eyes as they stared into yours, your fingers wrapped by his mouth, your blood on his tongue while he contained his control. The way he healed your paper cut.
There was no way you couldn’t relive that kiss. The taste of him, his lips, his tongue, still lingered. The way it felt to have him so close. He was so cold but you felt so warm with him near.
Desire for him was in your bloodstream like a drug, and your body quaked with overwhelming need.
You stuck your face under the running water to break up your thoughts. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to have these desires for your boss, much less a vampire. He was kind, polite, merciful, and had yet to hurt you, but he was so dangerous. You knew better. You knew what kind of risk having him in your arms could put you in.
You were human, a mortal. He was neither of those. He was undead, immortal, supernatural. You two weren’t ever supposed to collide this way. Humans would always be just prey to his kind, and you should’ve understood that and left. What if one day he decided he wasn’t going to show mercy when you messed up? What if he got carried away and took too much from you?
Even if it wasn’t intentional, he could’ve still harmed you.
It was a good thing he pushed you away, though it bruised your pride. It was for the best, you tried to reason with yourself.
Maybe it was your desire clouding your judgement, but you found that you didn’t care about anything expect for his cool touch, his lips, his taste, his whole being. You wanted the untold pleasure you knew he could give you. Consequences be damned.
You didn’t realize that you’d said his name, calling for him under the stream of water. It was in the next heartbeat that you felt that familiar strong presence filling every little inch of space within your bathroom. You felt him before you saw him, but you were still startled when the curtains of your shower were pushed aside abruptly, revealing the very man himself. You jolted, a small shriek falling from your mouth. You were quick to cover what you could of yourself, but at this point, you knew he’d seen it all. “Mr. Kim? What are you doing here?”
He ignored you. He stepped into the shower until he was underneath the flow of water, this action making you collide with the wall. His suit was soaking rapidly, and you wondered what on earth he could’ve been thinking behind those bright eyes of his. “I sensed you.”
Hm? He what? “You…sensed me?”
You noticed his Adam’s apple bob up and down in his throat as he swallowed. He was now standing there fully soaked. You couldn’t help the way the sight made you clamp your thighs together. “Your need, want, desire. The way you spoke my name. I could hear your heart pumping in your chest, like it was calling for me. Your scent. Everything. I sensed it.”
You wondered how he could sense all of that, but you didn’t question him. He was, after all, a vampire. You’d learned that he was capable of many things. You knew why he was here, but you couldn’t help but still ask, just because you wanted to hear him say it. Earlier he had pushed you away, and now he was in the shower with you. “What are you doing here?”
Mr. Kim swallowed again. You didn’t think it possible, but he grew even closer to you, his nose brushing yours and body trapping you against the shower wall. Your arms that were folded over your chest pressed into his torso. His eyes were like dying embers again, and somehow, the faint glow eased you. “I tried to ignore you. I tried to keep my cool, to remain professional. But you made it impossible.”
At your stunned silence, he continued.
“I could so easily hurt you, (y/n),” he uttered, voice barely above a whisper. You were reminded of the time in his office when he told you he didn’t want to hurt you. You believed him fully in that moment, his conviction swimming in his eyes. “I can’t hold back, I can’t deny my nature. I cant guarantee you won’t be harmed. But if you say it, say that you want me, I won’t stop.”
You thought back to the kiss when he’d pushed you away. He was trying to be considerate of you, knowing what could happen once the two of you went too far. Desire pumped within you tenfold, and all you wanted was to pull him into you, to resume the kiss that ended way too soon. “I want it.” Your voice was drowned by the streaming water.
Mr. Kim pushed into you, prying open your legs with his hands. You gasped at the coolness of his touch on your hot skin, air trapping inside your throat when his knee wedged itself between your thighs. Your eyes shot to see his face and you could see him struggling to maintain his composure. You moaned when he rocked your hips, heat gliding over his thigh. Your head fell backwards, and he took the opportunity to press his mouth against your ear. “I need you to say it, (y/n). I need to know that you understand.”
Your mind, which had already been foggy from your own thoughts, was beginning to slip. You hissed when he pulled your sex against him even further, his thigh so tight against you that you felt the taught muscle there.
“Say it, or I’ll leave.”
Desperation clawed away at you, and reflexively your hands reached to grasp at his biceps as if to keep him in place, as if you could even attempt to overpower him. “I want you! Please, sir, I need you!”
Your voice rang inside the shower, and your words snapped the rest of his control, the gentlemanly wall he’d constructed crumpling within an instant. His mouth was overwhelming yours within a heartbeat, and you moaned as he seemed to breathe in your air right from your lungs. One of his hands grasped the side of your neck, thumb angling your jaw upwards to allow him to take complete control of the kiss. Of you.
Bliss erupted like fireworks underneath your skin as he urged your hips back and forth, heat dragging over the soaked fabric of his trousers. You cursed against his lips, and he swallowed it up, kissing you like he couldn’t begin to get enough of you. You couldn’t get enough of him either.
“Do you even realize how sweet your scent is?” His voice was like a sensual caress, grazing your skin and making you shiver. “How hard it was for me to hold back when you were near me? It took every bit of my power when I tasted the blood from your fingers not to consume you whole, right there in my office.”
Oh. His words shot straight to your core, and if his pants weren’t already soaked form the shower, they would’ve been from the arousal that gushed from your hole. You tugged at his arms, pleasure running rampant within your veins. “Consume me now. Right here.”
A guttural groan tore from his throat. Mr. Kim’s hand wrapped around your throat, your pulse thudding under his touch. His eyes bore into yours like a warning. “You’ll want to be careful saying things like that.”
There was a threat in his words, but rather than feeling scared, you felt like a fire had been set aflame within you. “Fuck being careful.”
This made him chuckle. The sound was sensual, and it made your pussy pulse against his thigh. He was so beyond attractive, especially like this, his lips pulled tight in a grin, pearly teeth on full display. Eyes burning red. Fully clothed and completely wet because he was literally standing your shower. Thigh pressed against your sex. Hair roused.
You were awfully close to your climax, walls throbbing and muscles tensed. You clawed at him desperately while your hips began to grow sloppy. “Mr. Kim, I’m so close! So close!”
His mouth was at your ear, whispering sinful words to urge you over the edge. He was like the little devil that sat on your shoulder. “Cum for me.”
Oh, you did. Bliss erupted throughout your body, spreading like a wildfire from your core all the way to your toes. You held onto his arms as you rode out your high on his leg, voice loud enough to echo inside the small space of the shower. “Fuck.”
Mr. Kim held your chin in in hand, a sinister smile on his lips. “Oh, I plan to.” The room was suddenly just a blur, your body lurching forward so fast that you went dizzy. The next thing you knew, your back was hitting your mattress, naked and drenched body on your dry bed.
You landed not so gracefully, but he seemed to appreciate the sight. Your wet hair spilled around your head, arms lazily at your sides, and legs spread wide open for him. You watched his every move while staying completely still.
Mr. Kim stood at the edge of the bed between your knees. His eyes traveled up and down your body, stopping at your breasts before lowering to the wet, swollen sex between your legs. His finger tips tickled your thighs. “Your heart is beating so fast. Oh, if you could only hear how your blood is rushing inside your veins.”
His fingers mapped your slick skin as if he was tracing all the little veins and arteries under your flesh. You wondered if he could only sense them, or if he could see them, too, as they splayed throughout your body. You watched with bated breath as he lowered to his knees before you, and the sight of a powerful vampire bowing between your legs was a sight you’d keep with you forever.
His mouth dragged along your inner thigh, his eyes never leaving yours. “Your blood is so tasty, I can’t wait to taste your dripping cunt.”
You mewled as he began to nip and suck at the flesh of your thighs, mouth switching back and forth between each one as he inched closer to your heat. Though, when you felt something sharp graze you, you gasped.
“Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy my fangs on you,” Mr. Kim teased. You shook your head. It was quite the opposite.
You whimpered as he continued to tease you with his teeth. He was so close to where you needed him. You bucked your hips in front of his face, a small whine spilling from your lips.
He cooed, but the sound was so condescending. “Do you know how to say please?”
Heat seared on your cheeks. You gulped. “Please.”
“Please, what?” He was evil. Pure evil.
“Please, I want to cum on your tongue.”
Your back arched right off the mattress when his cold lips captured your clit. Your fists coiled in the sheets tight at the surge of pleasure.
He sucked, pulling his head back and dragging your sensitive bud with his teeth. The action made your thighs shiver at either side of his head. When his tongue licked a long stripe up your folds, the both of you groaned. “I don’t know what tastes better — your blood or your sweet cunt.”
God, his words. They were so sinful, feeding your desire like feeding wood to a fire. Your core pulsed against his lips. His tongue was so heavenly despite him being a creature of the night, the wet muscle gliding through your folds and making you quiver.
He was eating you like he was starved. He ravished you. “I could lose myself in the way you taste,” he said, voice reverberating against your core. You moaned. “I want to taste your cum.”
Fuck, you were so close. “Ah, please, make me cum again, sir. Please.” You grasped at his hair desperately, tugging on his silky strands hard enough to pull a growl from him.
His aura transformed into something darker then, like your words awoke the beat that lied within. He fucked you with his tongue, wet muscle diving in and out of your slick folds. A hand raised to press his thumb into your clit, and his touch had stars erupting in your vision.
This orgasm was stronger than the first. Your noises were unhinged as the pleasure surged in your body. Your toes curled and your hands pulled at his hair as your body succumbed to the euphoria. “Oh, god!”
Mr. Kim snickered as he lapped up your wetness. “God? Hmm, I think I’d much rather you call me Sir.”
He stood to his feet, and you noticed the bulge in his pants. You ogled him, unable to look away from the hardness that lied underneath the fabric. “Like what you see?”
You nodded. You’d much rather see him without his suit, though.
As if he read your thoughts, Mr. Kim began to undress. You were grateful for every new inch of exposed skin, core growing wetter as you gazed upon his perfect body. When he was before you fully naked, you cursed. He was otherworldly. Not a single imperfection on his his skin to be found. And his cock…
Oh, fuck. His cock was big, and thick, and your core throbbed with need to be full of it, but you weren’t certain it’d fit.
You didn’t get to admire his girth any longer because in the next moment you were being flipped into your stomach, face smooshed into the sheets. His hands gripped your hips.
“Ass up.” You did as he instructed and raised your ass into the air with his help. You heard him groan as his palms massaged your ass.
You didn’t even get a warning before he plunged into you. Your muscles tensed at the sudden stretch of him, your breath coming out in short pants. You cried out when he sheathed himself fully inside you, your walls stretched so taught around his thickness. With a low groan, he began to thrust into you deep and hard, not waiting for you to adjust fully.
You were so damn full. It was both immense pleasure and pain. You’d never taken someone his size before. “Ah! Sir! Too much! Too much!” Your head was pulled backwards. You hissed in blissful agony.
Mr. Kim’s breath billowed against your ear. “Take it.” His voice was deep and thick with authority. He was very much a dominant force, and that fact manifested in the way he was taking you from behind mercilessly, cock ramming in and out of your cunt. “You said you wanted this, wanted me. So take what I give you.”
Your body was like jelly and if it hadn’t been for his grip on your hair keeping you up, your face would’ve fallen into the sheets. Unhinged and sinful noises spilled from your throat as he fucked you. He was filling you with so much pleasure it was almost unbearable, mind shutting down.
“Your cunt is damn tight,” Mr. Kim grunted, pelvis smacking into your ass in powerful thrusts. “You’re squeezing my cock so good.”
He was deep. Impossibly so. He filled you to the brim, but your core was gorging itself on him, and leaking all around him. Your arousal dripped from where you were joined, and added a wet squelch to go along with the sounds of your moans. “So full…”
He chuckled into your ear. “Mmh, you like it don’t you?” At your whimper, he smirked in triumph. “How bad do you want to fall apart on my cock?”
Shouts of “yes!” and pleas of “more!” filled the air as you began to grow crazy with pleasure. He was happy to oblige you, thrusts picking up in speed. His cock abused that sweet spot inside you, battering your insides with a force that had the whole bed quaking.
“Cum.” It was one word, but it was the right one, his simple command making your third orgasm rip through your body with a power that had you trembling. Your blood was pumping like a raging river under your skin, and it was too hard to resist the urge to taste you any longer.
Blinding pleasure morphed into breathtaking pain at the dip of his fangs into the flesh of your neck. Your body tensed and convulsed, threatening to buckle, but an arm around your middle kept you upright.
Mr. Kim moaned at the rush of your crimson life on his tongue. You were delectable, intoxicating, and so very sweet, as if your blood was made up of honey. Your taste was addicting, one that he could drink forever and never tire of. He released himself inside you, the tightness of your cunt and flavor of your blood enough to send him over the edge.
You didn’t register if you were screaming, or if any sound was coming out at all. All you knew was that your blood was draining from you rapidly, body weakening with each passing second. Your vision was fading, limbs now growing limp, and all you could do was hang in his arms like a rag doll.
You attempted to speak his name, but no sound came from you.
The next thing you knew, everything was black as you slipped into unconsciousness.
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You woke with a start, body launching from the bed as a gasp ripped from your throat. You were dizzy, and the room was dark, but you caught the sight of a silhouette at the window. “M-Mr. Kim?” Your voice was soft and hoarse.
The man in question stepped closer so you could see him better. He was dressed again, but not in his suit from earlier. “I’m glad to see you’re awake.” There was a sense of relief in his voice.
You blacked out. He drank from you, and almost took too much. You didn’t feel scared, or nervous, because that was the risk, and he warned you of that. And you agreed.
But you didn’t die. And he didn’t kill you. He didn’t take too much, though he came close. He stopped himself.
“You were able to stop yourself,” you spoke into the dark. He was watching you, his eyes now his normal black like cooled charcoal.
“Barely,” he admitted. “I’m sorry I lost control.”
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. I knew the risk.”
Mr. Kim smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed. There was a beat of silence before spoke again. “I’m relieving you of your job, starting tomorrow when you wake.”
You went still. “What?”
“I ask that you remain here, with me, but just not as my maid.”
You sighed in relief. “If I won’t be your maid, then what will I be?”
Mr. Kim chuckled. “We’ll figure it out as we go along.”
He was giving you a choice. Leave, or stay. And staying with him revealed a not so certain future, but you were curious to see where things went. “Okay, Mr. Kim.”
“Hongjoong,” he corrected. You smiled.
Tag list: @couchpotatoaniki @kisaraginami @shingisimp @ainaatiny @hongshines @ruwaidahmulla​ @dani41 (lmk if you’d like to be added to the list)
1K notes · View notes
Summary: Din, without telling you, took a dangerous job and leaves you alone in the middle of the night, locking you inside the ship. In the weeks he’s gone you have enough time to plan his punishment. A man dressed in metal should know better than to provoke you. Once he made his way back, a few well placed but powerful Magnets leave Din at your mercy.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem. Reader
Wordcount: 2.8k
Rating: E for Explicit; Minors dni
Warnings: smut (oral; f receiving, fingering, female masturbation), use of magnets as restraints, hint of breeding kink, fem-dom ish
A/N: Beskar is magnetic and the Reader is very bendy in this fic. It is fiction after all lol This came all from a thot. Thank you to @the-scandalorian for being a big help and betaing this baby.
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You knew he was looking at you.
You had barely turned around when you heard the hiss of the ramp lowering while you were making something for dinner? Lunch? You didn’t know. It was always dark outside, so you had lost all sense of time.
You had been stuck on this tiny ship on this planet for almost three weeks.Three long weeks, most of which you had spent locked on this ship because Din had made sure to exhaust you the night before he left without telling you, not giving you a chance to argue against him locking you inside.
He had been gone for hours when you finally woke up and found yourself alone and furious, because Din had lied to you.
Now he was back, and you could hear him.
How he stomped onto the ship.
How he dragged the heavy bounty towards the carbonite chamber.
How he activated the carbonite chamber.
Then, you heard him sigh and walk back to where you were.
You finished making your food in silence before you picked it up and turned around. You looked him over once to make sure he wasn’t injured in any way.
“You’re mad,” he said.
“Why would I be mad? Because you fucked me into oblivion and then left me even though you said you wouldn’t go after that bounty? Or because you locked me on the ship like a child and I couldn’t get out? Or because you didn't check back in with me or answer your com in the entire 23 days you left me here?”
“I’m…” he began, but you shook your head and held your hand up.
“Just get us off this god forsaken planet,” you grumbled as you walked past him and into your shared cabin, slipping the door closed behind you. Moments later, you heard the engine of the ship roar to life.
Were you being childish and dramatic? Of course you were.
You were also hurt that he lied to you. You had spent the last three weeks worried that something had happened to Din.
You hadn’t been angry from the beginning. He had told you he would go out on a hunt. He didn’t tell you, he would lock you onto the ship, so yeah you weren’t happy about it. But you knew he had his reasons. His biggest goal was to keep you safe not matter what.
But then three days in there was a holo from Greef Karga, thanking Mando for taking the puck of a bounty that apparently had been on the run for years, leaving no hunter coming after it alive. Even Greef told Din to be careful. Once you saw the holo and looked into the bounty you were scared for him. Scared that something would happen to Din.
You had tried to contact him via the com link, but he had never once answered you.
The bounty he had gone after had been on the run for almost three years. Every hunter who had ever accepted their puck was killed. You never told Din what to do—that wasn’t how the two of you worked. You both had slipped into this relationship without really intending for it to happen, but you made a good team. It was a boring story, really. He needed a mechanic, and you needed a place to sleep and a ride to Tatooine.
The rest was history.
And not once had you shared how worried you were every time he went out on a hunt—mostly because he always came back to you in one piece, and he was damn good at what he did.
You had never asked him not to take a puck.
The fact that you had said your vows only a week before all of this went down, that you had only been able to see the face of the man you loved one time before he left might have also been a big part in why you were mad.
But three weeks was a long time to be alone with your thoughts. And it was certainly enough time to plan a little revenge that would hopefully teach Din a lesson.
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It was a little later when the ship was in hyperspace that you made your way into the cockpit to put your little revenge in motion.
You lingered in the door of the cockpit.
“I’m sorry,” he said. He was sitting in his pilot's chair, his helmet already off, but he hadn’t turned around towards you. “I should have told you, and I shouldn’t have left you without saying goodbye.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you agreed with him. You walked over, standing behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.
“And I only locked you onto the ship because the planet wasn’t safe. I know you can take care of yourself but.. I wouldn’t have been able to focus on the bounty,” he explained, putting his hand on top of yours on his shoulder. He had already taken off his gloves too.
“You could also just… have not gone after the bounty, you know?” you sighed.
“It was good money.”
“Money doesn’t matter when you’re dead.”
“But I’m not.”
“This time,” you hissed, and he turned his head to look up to you, eyes widening when he found you completely naked. “Three weeks alone is a long time to think, Din. At first I was angry, furious even. I was also worried about you. Because even though you’re an idiot, you’re my idiot. And I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said, and you gave him a small smile.
“But you know what? Three weeks is just enough time to plan a little revenge on you. A lesson to teach you that you never fucking lie to me again, Din Djarin.” You smiled sweetly at him before you rounded the pilot’s seat and pressed a button.
Din’s posture changed immediately as the magnets came to life. His arms, legs and back stuck to the pilot's chair. He tilted his head as he looked down at his hands, trying to move his arms but failing. His muscles fighting against the invisible restraints.
“Never leave a mechanic alone on a ship when you’re wearing a full suit of Beskar my love.”
“Magnets,” he sighed, and you grinned.
“Very powerful magnets. Built them myself with the leftover parts we picked up on our stop on Nevarro,” you winked.
He sighed. “I guess I deserve that.”
“I think so too.”
“What-what are you gonna do with me?” he asked, and you slowly took a step towards him, straddling one of his legs.
“First, I’m going to ride your thigh to make myself cum. Then you are going to make me cum with your mouth. And then… I’m going to make myself cum on my fingers while sitting in your lap, and all you can do is watch.”
He groaned.
“You need to earn back your privilege of fucking my pussy, Din,” you whispered as you began to move on his thigh, your cunt slowly moving over his Beskar plate. His eyes were roaming all over your body, and you saw his hands twitch, just out of reach from your ass. His arms fighting to move closer to you but failing.
“So, you better think of how you can make it up to me,” you hummed, your hands on his shoulder as you moved on his thigh. You bit your lip as you rolled your hips.
“Fuck,” Din groaned, and you closed your eyes, throwing your head back as you chased your orgasm.
“Touched myself every night while you were gone…” you sighed, breathing deeply. “Thought about riding you until… fuck until you got me pregnant…” you took one hand off of his shoulder to run it up your stomach, cupping one of your breasts. You opened your eyes as you came with a silent cry. You leaned down and kissed Din hard, sucking his bottom lip in between your teeth before you let go. He whimpered as he looked up at you, and you breathed calmly.
“Mesh’la.. Please let me touch you…” he whined, and you grinned, leaning in as if to kiss him again. His eyes never left your lips, frustrated when you stopped just before your lips would have touched his.
“You will…” you grinned before you got off of his thigh. You tilted your head. Yes, what you planned next would probably be better if he’d be able to hold you, but you weren’t giving him that satisfaction. Instead you put your left foot on the seat next to his thigh, giving him a full view of your wet pussy.
You looked him down, seeing the unmistakable and very impressive bulge pressing against his pants. A part of you almost felt sorry for using him like this. Almost.
“Fuck, you’re so wet…” he groaned, his eyes focused on your pussy.
“Could have fucked this pussy everyday if you would have stayed with me,” you hummed. You pushed yourself off the ground so you were balancing on the chair on one foot before you hooked one leg over the back of his pilot's chair, bringing your pussy just out of reach from him. You looked down at him between your legs, as your hands pushed into his hair.
He growled, the seat shaking a little as he tried to move.
“Make me cum, Din,” you whispered, before you pushed your hips forward and his tongue was licking into you. You moaned, letting go of his hair to grab the back of the pilot’s seat to steady yourself. Din groaned against you as he moved his head, his tongue licking up your juices, his nose deliciously rubbing over your clit. He hummed against you, and you moaned quietly, while you moved your pussy against his mouth.
A part of you was regretting having Din restrained, wanting his hands to help hold you up as he ate you out like a man starved. Maker, why was he so good at this?
“Fuuck…” you moaned, one of your hands pulling at his hair as you continued to hold on to the chair.
“Cum, riduur,” he hummed against you, and even if you wanted to fight it, you couldn’t. He sucked your clit between his lips, flicking it with his tongue, and that was all it took for you to cry out in pleasure while he groaned against you, licking you through your orgasm.
“Maker, I missed your tongue…” you sighed, looking down at him. His brown eyes were looking up at you, his hair a mess from the way you had been pulling at it. You released your grip on the chair, unhooking your leg from behind the seat and bringing it down onto the seat next to his thigh as you bent down to kiss him. He moaned, parting his lips for you as your tongue dove into his mouth, tasting yourself.
“Please…” he whimpered against your lips.
“Please what?” you whispered against his lips, kissing down his jaw.
“I’m sorry… Please let me be inside of you…”
“You’re sorry?” you asked, looking at him
“So sorry. Please…”
You looked into his eyes, seeing that he meant it. And a part of you wanted to release him. To feel him deep inside of you.
But another part wanted to find out just what all this teasing would bring you in the end, once you did release him.
You carefully stepped down from the seat, leaning with your ass against the control panel. You took a moment to just take him in, his face glistening from your arousal, his eyes big and wild as he looked at you. You sucked your bottom lip in as you saw how big his bulge was, and you decided to have a little mercy on him. Taking a step closer, you slowly unzipped his pants, his cock almost springing out as soon as the zipper was down.
“Yes.. Maker… Thank you…” he whispered, out of breath.
His cock was painfully hard, the tip almost purple, and you couldn’t stop yourself as you swiped your finger over the tip to gather some of the precum and brought it to your lips.
“Mhh… I think it’s time for you to watch me make myself cum on my fingers,” you said, and he shook his head. You could see how much he was fighting against the invisible restraints (damn, you did a really good job with those magnets), his knuckles white from the way he was holding to the armrests.
“Once I’m free…” he growled.
“Maybe I’ll just keep you like that here…” you smiled as you took a step towards him, straddling his legs, careful to leave enough space so you weren’t touching his cock in any way. “My personal Mandalorian sex toy…” you smiled wider, and he groaned.
“Please let me touch you,” Din begged.
“No,” you breathed, before you began to run your hands all over your body. You didn’t even know if it would be possible to make yourself cum a third time without him touching you but it was a nice game and you wanted to play it until the end.
“You like these tits?” you asked, your hands massaging them softly, pulling a little on your nipples. He nodded, his eyes following your every move. When you glanced down, you could see his cock twitch between you.
“Mmmm, yes I know you do. Bet you wish you could suck on them right now…” you continued. You let one hand slowly run down your stomach, your other hand still playing with your breast. Your hand wandered down until you were brushing over your damp curls going deeper until you reached your slick folds.
“Fuck, I’m so wet…” you almost chuckled.
“I can hear it…” Din said, and you bit your lip as you began to rub circles over your clit, the cockpit filling with the slick noise of you touching yourself.
“Shit… I don’t know if I can cum again…” you sighed, and Din nodded.
“I know you can… Keep rubbing that clit and look at me…” he rasped, and you swallowed as you held eye contact.
“Now push two fingers inside of you while you keep massaging your tits…” he said, and you felt a shiver run up your spine as he told you what to do.
“Din…” you whimpered.
“Fuck.. Yes… I know… Maker, I wish… Wish that I had stayed with you. Would have woken you up every morning with my tongue between your legs… You like that, don’t you?” he asked, and you bit your bottom lip as you nodded. “I’m so close and you haven’t even touched me… You’re so fucking beautiful. My wife…” he continued, and you added a third finger inside of yourself as you moved your fingers, mirroring what Din would do if he were free.
“Want you to cum deep inside me…” you moaned quietly as you felt the familiar feeling of your orgasm approaching. “Want you to fuck me until I can’t walk…” you whined. “Want you to know what you’re missing the next time you leave me in your bed…”
“I will never do that ever again…” he promised. “Now cum for me…” he said, and against all odds you did, crying out his name as you rode out your orgasm.
“So fucking beautiful…” you heard Din hum, and you closed the distance between you, kissing him hard. He groaned against your lips, and you parted from his lips, feeling his still very hard cock against your stomach.
“You didn’t cum…”
“You said you wanted me to cum inside of you,” he said, narrowing his eyes.
“I did, didn’t I?” you smirked. Slowly, your legs feeling like jelly you got up from his lap, stretching your muscles.
“How long until we are in Nevarro?” you asked as you looked at him.
“At least 40 hours.”
“Autopilot is on?” you asked, and he nodded. “If you ever lie to me or leave me like that, I will make sure you will regret it for the rest of your life,” you warned.
“I think I learned my lesson.”
“Good,” you nodded, reaching behind you, your fingers hovering over the button that would deactivate the magnets.
“Then I think you should spend the next 40 hours trying to get your wife pregnant, Din,” you hummed. He looked at you with hungry eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing, and you pushed the button that deactivated the magnets and ran out of the cockpit.
You didn’t even make it to the door before he had you flipped around and pressed against it, pulling your legs around his waist, his lips on yours before he pushed into you for the first of many, many times before you would arrive in Nevarro.
Definitely pregnant.
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hintsofhoney · 3 years
Damon F*cking Salvatore
Pairing(s): Dom!Damon Salvatore x F!Sub!Reader
Summary: Damon shows you what happens when you act like a little spoiled brat.
Tags: 18+, spanking, dom/sub dynamic, punishment, sir kink, (vampire) biting, rough sex, light bondage, light choking, edging, oral (female receiving)
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: This is my TVD writing debut, the title is because Damon makes me absolutely feral and I just ugh. This fic was entirely inspired by that scene where Damon goes, “You’re acting like a little spoiled brat, you know that?” because I became unhinged after hearing him say that. Also would like to dedicate this fic to @treat-winchesterswith-kindness, who held a knife to my throat until I finished this. Also huge shout out to @superfanficnatural who helped me figure out where to go with this (and beta’d like half of it) because I was stuck on it for quite a while. You two little Damon-loving whores are the reason this fic got done. GIF is mine. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!
You can also read me on Ao3!
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“Y/N, you better let me in right the fuck now.”
“Fuck off, Damon!” you yelled, slamming the door in his face as you stormed up the stairs to your bedroom. You thanked whatever Gods were watching over you today for the fact that your roommate wasn’t home right now. You loved her dearly, and she was one of the main reasons that you had not yet let Damon – or any other vampire, for that matter – into the house. You weren’t going to be the one to introduce her to that world. You slammed your bedroom door, making sure Damon could hear it from all the way outside on the porch, where you were positive that he was still standing. You could almost hear him, daring you to slam another door and face the consequences of throwing a tantrum. You didn’t care. Dating a vampire was hard, but dating a vampire who was Damon Salvatore – you couldn’t think of anything harder. Damon Salvatore with his stupid God complex and stupid cockiness and dominance and smirk and face and – ugh. 
He consumed you. Every thought in your mind was just Damon, Damon, Damon. And you were fine with that, usually, until you wanted nothing more than to feel angry with him and all your mind would allow you to do was think about how you wanted him to rail you into next week. You let yourself fall onto your bed and grab the nearest pillow, putting it over your mouth to muffle a frustrated scream. Damon fucking Salvatore. Damn him. You knew you would have to face him again at some point, and while part of you was looking forward to it, you had never defied him like this before. Damon had explicitly told you not to wander off into vamp territory by yourself. “They’re dangerous and they will hurt you to try and get to me. Do not go in there alone, do you understand me?” Those were his exact words when you asked about a local bar in town. Apparently, it was vamp central. Well, no one was going to tell you what to do; not even Damon fucking Salvatore. So, being the defiant little brat that you were… guess where Damon had caught you earlier today? You knew you’d be in for it whenever you saw him again; if there’s one thing that Damon cares about, it’s you... and putting yourself in danger just because he deliberately told you not to? Whatever was in store for you, you had it coming.
Damon turned around as he heard a car pull up into your driveway. A smirk tugged at his lips as he realized that your roommate had just gotten home, and she would have no problem letting him in.
“Damon?” she asked, as she clicked the lock button on her car keys and made her way up the front porch steps. “What are you doing out here?”
“Oh, um, I’m here to pick up Y/N for a date but I think she fell asleep,” he lied. “She’s not picking up her phone and I don’t have a key.”
Your roommate chuckled as she pulled out her house keys from her purse and jingled them in front of him, willing him to step aside. “No keys yet, huh? Haven’t the two of you been together long enough?”
“Yeah, you would think,” Damon huffed, as he watched her open the door.
“Alright, come on in, she’s probably upstairs. I actually have to go again, I’m just here because I forgot some papers that I needed for work,” she explained, stepping aside to let Damon through the threshold before closing the door behind him.
“Guess I got lucky, then,” Damon smiled.
“Guess so. See you later, Damon,” your roommate replied, heading to the kitchen to fetch the things that she needed.
You opened your eyes and threw the pillow off of your face as you heard your roommate’s voice downstairs.
“Alright, come on in, she’s probably upstairs.”
Fuck. No, no, no, no, no, you thought to yourself, quickly getting up off your bed and nearing your door, trying to listen for the one voice you needed to hear to confirm your suspicions. You heard a muffled sentence in your roommate’s voice, and then a, ‘Guess I got lucky, then,’ in a voice that was unmistakably Damon’s. Your stomach turned. Despite all your efforts, he made his way into the house. Dammit. You heard footsteps make their way up the stairs and you felt your heart begin to beat out of your chest. Your breath hitched as you watched the door handle turn, and you took a few steps back. The door creaked open, and there he was, a perfect smirk on his perfect lips as he made his way into your room and closed the door behind him gently.
“Damon –,” you began, but he cut you off by placing a finger to his lips, signaling for you to be quiet for a minute. You could tell that he was listening for your roommate, and once the both of you heard the front door shut about a minute later, you were pressed up against the bedroom wall in no time. Damon had you pinned in between his arms, on hand on either side of your shoulders, his face inches away from yours.
“You are acting like a little spoiled brat, you know that?” he hissed.
“Damon –”
“Ah, ah. Save it. Why the hell did you go in there, hm?”
“Because you told me not to,” you whispered, knowing your reasoning would only piss him off more.
“Excuse me?” he asked, as if he was making sure that he had heard you correctly. “What the fuck did you just say?”
“I went in because you told me not to,” you said a little louder; there was absolutely no point in lying about it. You were screwed either way; might as well push all his buttons while you could.
Damon raised his eyebrows at you in disbelief. In one quick blur, Damon was sitting on the edge of your bed, and you were trapped between his legs, bent over his knee.
“Damon!” you exclaimed, squirming as he held you in between his thighs.
“You better stop fucking squirming or I’ll just start off with the belt, how’s that sound?” he asked, pulling your dress up and resting his hand on your ass. You stilled immediately. “That’s what I thought,” he huffed, delivering a firm smack to your ass and drawing a yelp from your lips. “So, just to make sure I’m understanding you correctly,” SMACK, “you went into a bar,” SMACK, “that I told you not to go into,” SMACK, “because it’s filled with vampires,” SMACK, “and you went in anyway just because I told you not to?” SMACK. You nodded your head, trying to focus on anything but the stinging swats being delivered to your ass. You still had a thin layer of cotton separating your bare skin from Damon’s palm, but you knew that it wasn’t going to be there much longer. Damon wrapped his left hand in your hair and yanked your head up as he leaned in close to your ear. “Use your fucking words,” he demanded in a whisper. His hot breath sent chills down your spine.
“Yes, sir,” you replied, your voice a little unsteady as you tried to quell the growing heat in between your thighs. You knew Damon wasn’t going to let you cum tonight. Hell, Damon probably wasn’t going to let you cum for weeks, knowing him. You had crossed the line this time, and you knew it.
“Mind telling me exactly what the hell was going through your mind when you thought it’d be a good idea to not only deliberately disobey me, but put yourself in danger, too?” he hissed, his hand still wrapped in your hair. The grip he had on it was starting to hurt your scalp.
You bit back a smile before speaking your next words. You knew you were on thin fucking ice with Damon already, but you couldn’t help it. The brat in you loved to push him over the edge; even if it meant that you wouldn’t be able to walk or sit for weeks. “Just thought it’d be funny,” you shrugged, as if absolutely none of this was bothering you.
“Oh, so that’s the game we’re playing today, is it?” Damon huffed. You nodded to the best of your ability, his grip in your hair making it hard to move your head at all. “Yeah, let’s see if you still think it’s funny in a few minutes. Stand up,” Damon commanded, releasing his grasp on your hair. You quickly obeyed, excitement settling in the pit of your stomach as you came up to stand between his legs. “Strip,” he ordered. You did as you were told, grabbing the hem of your dress and pulling it over your head, watching Damon’s jaw twitch as he realized that you had decided to opt out of wearing a bra today. Damon didn’t wait for you to get to your panties, pulling them down himself in one swift motion instead. The heat in your core was rising rapidly, dispersing throughout your body in a shiver as you kept eye contact with Damon, who was standing up from his seat on the bed. He towered above you, seeming taller than usual, a mix of anger and hunger in his eyes. He wasted no time grabbing you by your biceps before spinning you around in one quick blur, and before you could even process what was happening, you were laying on the bed while Damon was hovering only inches above you. His knee was pressed up against your core, and you knew that there’d be a wet spot on the denim of his jeans if he were to pull away. Damon was breathing heavily as he studied your face and body while holding your hands up above your head by your wrists. He was deciding what to do with you next, and you took the opportunity to move your hips a little, attempting to feel some friction on your core. You whimpered when Damon pulled his knee back a few inches and grabbed under your chin in one of his hands, his fingernails digging crescent moons into your cheeks. “Is there a reason you’re being so fucking disobedient or are you just trying to piss me off, Y/N?” he growled. You smiled through his grasp, wanting to push him as far as you could. You knew he’d never truly hurt you, and today you were in a mood to push all his buttons.
“The latter,” you sassed. Damon smirked in disbelief before climbing off of you and speeding around the room in a blur. Within seconds you were tied to the bed frame, your arms above your head and your legs spread open wide. You brought your head up from your pillow, trying to get a better look at Damon who was standing at the foot of your bed, one arm crossed over his chest while he stroked his chin with his thumb and pointer finger with the other.
“So, here’s what’s gonna happen,” he began, his voice much calmer now. It wasn’t a regular calm, though. No, it was more of an angry calm. It was the tone Damon got right before he was about to lose his shit with someone, and it didn’t necessarily scare you, but it was definitely deterring you from continuing your little bratty display. For now, at least. “I’m gonna eat you out to my heart’s content, and then I’m going to fuck you until you’re begging me to cum. And because you’re being a little brat, you’re not going to get to. I’d spank you some more first but I know you like that, don’t you?” he smirked, as he crawled onto the mattress. “Not sure that putting you over my knee again would be much of a punishment,” he continued, his hungry eyes never leaving yours as he knelt down, his mouth coming to hover above your core, “considering how fucking wet it’s already made you.” You could feel his breath on your clit, and you wanted so badly to buck your hips up to meet his lips but you decided against it, not wanting to test the waters anymore for the time being. Damon licked a stripe up your folds, drawing a moan from you. “Maybe I’ll go back to spanking you after I’m finished down here, since you like it so fuckin’ much. That can be your reward, because you’re sure as hell not cumming tonight,” he said with one last smirk. Damon wasted no time diving into your core, running his tongue between your folds and lapping up all your juices before he began alternating between flicking his tongue against your clit and sucking. It wasn’t until he pushed two fingers inside you that you let out a gasp, instinctively bucking your hips at the sudden action. As Damon pumped his fingers into you, he continued the ministrations with his tongue, forcing you closer and closer to an edge that you weren’t allowed to go over.
“Damon,” you breathed, “I-I’m gonna –”
“No, you’re not,” he growled, his words allowing you a short break from his tongue, but it was one long enough to where you were able to back away from the edge of your release a little bit. However, it only lasted a few seconds before Damon resumed the assault on your sensitive clit. You tried to think of anything else as he continued to bring you to the edge only to bring you back down; over and over and over again.
“Damon, please!” You screamed out in one last attempt to convince him to stop. The pleasure was becoming unbearable, and you were starting to get painfully sensitive.
Damon stopped and looked up at you from in between your legs. “I told you I was going to eat you out until I feel like stopping. I don’t feel like stopping yet. So I suggest you shut your pretty little mouth and take it before I decide to keep you here all day; and trust me, I’ll have way more fun with that than you will,” he said, his tone serious and commanding, yet calm at the same time. You closed your eyes and laid your head back down on your pillow, bracing yourself for the next round of Damon’s tongue.
Your mind was elsewhere when you finally felt him stop, the sound of his belt buckle coming undone bringing you back to reality. You weren’t sure how long he’d been going down on you, but now that you had brought your mind back to the present all you could feel was the pulsing in your clit and the juices leaking out of you. You had to think about something else to keep yourself from cumming; Damon had edged you so many times before that you had learned to keep your orgasm at bay if you really needed to. It helped in situations like this; you didn’t even want to think about what would happen to you if you came. You had pissed Damon off enough today. You watched as he untied your legs from each bedpost before crawling onto the bed in between them. He grabbed the undersides of your thighs, pushing them up and spreading you wide open for him. Moving one of his hands to grip the base of his cock, he ran it through your wet folds, gathering your juices before pushing into you without warning. You let out a moan as he entered you, your pussy stretching around him with ease due to how wet you were.
“Fuck, you feel that, baby? You feel how fuckin’ wet you are for me?” Damon asked, slowly thrusting in and out of you. You nodded, unable to speak from how good he felt inside you. “Fuckin’ answer me,” he growled, moving his hand to wrap around your throat as he began to pound into you a little harder.
“Y-yes, sir,” you whined, your voice shaking from Damon’s continuous thrusts. You felt a release building up inside you quickly, the coil in your abdomen threatening to snap for real this time after being wound up God knows how many times. “Please, fuck – please can I cum!?” you begged, as Damon’s cock hit your sweet spot over and over again.
“Cute. You think you’re going to get to cum tonight after what a brat you’ve been? I’ve already told you that’s not happening,” Damon hissed, his grip on your throat tightening ever so slightly as he rammed into you harder and faster. He leaned over you, his pelvis now grinding up against your oversensitive clit with each thrust. Damon dipped his head to whisper in your ear. “Today, you’re all mine, Y/N, and I’m going to use you however I see fit.”
You nodded to the best of your ability, feeling Damon’s thumb stroke the pulse point on your neck. You knew what he was thinking, what he wanted. You also knew that his bites were always the thing that pushed you over the edge. You were tired of holding back; you needed to cum, and you didn’t care what the consequences were. You were desperate for a release. “Go ahead, I w-won’t cum, I promise,” you lied, encouraging Damon to take what he wanted. He knew what his bites did to you too, almost always using them to his advantage as one final push to get you over the edge.
“You better not,” Damon warned, before titling your head to the side and exposing your neck to him. A split second later you felt his teeth sink into your skin, and then you felt the blood rushing through your body, the friction against your core, Damon’s cock hitting the back of your walls. You felt everything at once, and you couldn’t hold it back anymore; it was too intense. The dam inside you broke, and you convulsed under Damon as you let your orgasm flow through you. Your pussy clenched around Damon’s cock as he continued to thrust into you; his pace much harder and faster now. Once you had mostly stilled, Damon pulled away from your neck, tisking you as he continued to thrust, soft grunts escaping him as he felt your cunt contract around him. “I should have known you were going to do that,” he smirked, “but I can’t be too mad; you taste so much better when you’re cumming.”
Licking the blood from his lips, Damon gripped your throat again, using it as leverage before he began mercilessly pounding into you. Your vision blurred as the coil inside you started to tighten again, his cock hitting all the right parts of you, hard and fast. The sound of skin slapping on skin and animalistic grunts and moans filled the room as Damon’s thrusts became sloppier, and within a few more seconds you could feel warm ropes of cum coat your inner walls. You watched as he threw his head back, a string of ‘fuck’s falling from his lips as he emptied out inside you. He stayed there for a moment, his face one of absolute bliss, before he looked down at you. “You weren’t thinking of cumming again, were you?” he teased, the tone of his voice letting you know that he already knew the answer to that question, and he also found it quite amusing that you didn’t get to. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out; you were absolutely spent. Damon leaned over and untied your wrists, before pulling out of you slowly. He watched as his cum leaked out of you, smirking at the sight. “God, I just want to fuck you and fill you up again and again,” he said, more to himself than to you, but you felt his words go straight to your core anyway. “It’s just too damn bad you decided to go ahead and cum,” he continued, as he made his way off the end of the bed and grabbed you by your ankles, “because I would’ve kept fucking you,” he flipped one of your legs over the other in one swift motion, forcing you to turn onto your stomach, a yelp escaping your lips, “but now we’re just going to go ahead and repeat this process all over again,” you heard the clinking of metal as he went to retrieve his belt from the floor and you knew you were in for it, “until you learn that I don’t tolerate,” SMACK, you hissed as the leather strap came in contact with your bare ass, “disobedient,” SMACK, “little,” SMACK, “brats.”
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bullshxtvixen · 4 years
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Pairing: Bokuto x Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Song: Put It On Me - Matt Maeson 
Warnings: 18+, Coercion(dubcon themes), size kink, cream pie, virginity kink, corruption kink, rough sex, spitting, spanking, light choking, light assplay(I couldn’t help myself), dom!bokuto(he’s kind of an ass oops).
A/N: So uh, it’s finally here…My first fic in two months and i’m ngl, i’ve been dreading posting for so long, but i tried to give you guys something good for my return, so please let me know what you think and go easy on me, i’m a little rusty sksks. However, this is a gift for @thekraziesreside because she drew me them most amazing Kenma x Me icon and i needed to pay her back somehow!!
Shoutout to my amazing friends @deathcab4daddy​, @dymphnasprose​ and @spicykzumeknma​, who i’m sure are sick of beta reading this by now and having me freaking out about posting it. Thank you for all your grammar corrections that I will probably never learn from, I love you all
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“I-I’m a virgin.”
The words slip from your tongue before you can stop them.
The large hands that had been tracing the contours of your body stilled. You had to stop yourself from flinching when his intense golden stare shot to your face.
“What…” He let the word trail off, a well-practised mask of surprise coming into place on his features.
It was second nature to him now, letting his face morph into whatever expression he needed it to at a moments notice. No one ever suspected the friendly Ace of being anything other than a good guy, and really, he wasn’t a bad guy. No, he just relished in taking the innocence of unsuspecting women who easily fell into his trap.
Like you.
“I’m a virgin, Kou.” Even though you were straddling him, you still had to look up to meet his eyes. 
With the tips of your ears burning, you moved to get off of his lap as if you could escape from your embarrassing confession. You couldn’t believe you’d openly admitted you were an inexperienced virgin to the guy you’d only just met a week ago.  A mutual friend had introduced the two of you, and you’d quickly fallen for his ‘nice guy’ act.
You hadn’t even put a foot on the floor before you were pulled back and thrown into the pillows. The weight of Bokuto’s body was quick to settle on top of you, pressing you down into the plush mattress. 
“What are y-” before you could finish your sentence, your wrists were pinned above your head, rendering your arms useless in his firm grip. The muscles in your abdomen tightened at his rough treatment, and you couldn’t stop the small gasp that fell from your lip. Turning your head to the side, you tried in vain to hide your flustered expression.
Bokuto felt his cock twitch in the grey sweats that hung low on his hips.
The innocent ones were always the most responsive. He fought off a grin as the thought crossed his mind.
“Did you really think I was going to let you get away after telling me something like that?” He growled, warm breath ghosting over your face and across your neck. He watched with a glint in his eyes as you shivered under him. 
Oh, he was going to enjoy this.
“Do you know what that means, little bird?”
Your heart raced at the nickname.
Could he make you sing for him?
Certain he could hear your heartbeat fluttering like a hummingbird's wings in your chest, you silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. The mortification you felt was palpable in the space between you.
Bokuto thought it was cute how bashful you were, so unsure and unwilling to show him your real feelings, even though your body told him everything he needed to know. Still, he’d have you voicing your innermost desires sooner or later- it was only a matter of time.
“Well?” He pressed, not allowing you to dwell on your thoughts any longer. He didn’t want to have to put in too much effort to break you.
Your voice was small and unsure when you answered him, eyes looking anywhere but his direction, “No.” 
He was so close, closer than any man had ever been before. The proximity made it hard to think straight as the warmth of his body seeped into your bones, and his masculine scent invaded your senses. 
It was almost stifling.
His tongue darted out, licking a wet strip up the side of your exposed neck before pressing a soft kiss just below your ear. He felt you shiver beneath him before pulling back and watching a deep blush journey down to your chest. It was so pure...He couldn’t wait to be the one to defile your virtue.
Gently grasping your chin between his thumb and index finger, he turned your face until you had no option but to meet his simmering gaze. 
Begrudgingly, you looked up at the man looming over you and found he was already observing your flustered expression. He stared so openly and without shame that you began to squirm under him.
Bokuto saw your blush deepen further and wondered what you’d look like when he eased his cock inside your virgin hole.
Would your eyes roll into the back of your head? Would your nails imbed themselves in his back? Or maybe you’d simply cry out in pain and pleasure as he ripped through your innocence?
All kinds of scenarios whirled around in his brain, sending his mind into overdrive. 
Unconsciously, he ground the head of his cock against your clothed slit and was rewarded when he heard your sharp intake of breath. 
Heat pooled in his groin. 
It was such a pretty sound. He wanted more, and he didn’t need to feel the slick collecting in the crotch of your underwear to know your feelings mirrored his.
His smile was predatory as he answered.
“It means that I’ll be the first person to fill your tight little pussy up with cum. I’ll stretch your walls around my cock and pump you so full that it’ll be dripping out of you for days.” 
The lewd words fell from his mouth with ease, and you found yourself shifting as your body all of a sudden became too warm as if the temperature in the room had spiked, but you knew it was his words alone that had caused your reaction.
You hated how easily he affected you.
“I bet you want me to corrupt your sweet little body, don’t you?” He already knew the answer.
Your body responded of its own accord, turning into putty beneath him. Your hips rolled against his as your back arched off the bed at the feeling of his cock nudging against your clit. The knot in your stomach tightened. 
The grip on your wrists tightened. Bokuto took a few steadying breaths, struggling to hold himself back. You seemed so tiny and fragile as you lay beneath his brawny form, and he was scared he would break you if he gave in to his own desires too soon.
Maybe that’s what you wanted. The sadistic voice in the back of his mind purred. 
“I- I don’t know.” Your voice wavered as you answered him honestly. Doubt had begun to gnaw at your gut. Waiting didn’t seem like the worst idea- there was no rush, after all.
He closed his eyes for a split second to hide the annoyance that no doubt flickered through them. When he reopened them, he became the personification of a bird of prey, and you were his next meal.
Your mouth became dry as you lied entrapped by his stare.
“Come on, I can make you feel good.” As if he was digging his talons in to prevent your escape, he rolled his hips against yours once more, making sure that his cock rubbed firmly over your swelling clit. The side of his mouth quirked up when a tentative moan left your parted lips. 
“That’s it, you like that, don’t you? You want me to make you feel good, don’t you, little bird?” another roll of his hips, and he watched the doubt dissolve away for now.
“Koutarou...please.” Your voice was small, uncertain as you begged. 
You didn’t know what you were begging for, you just knew he could give it to you, whatever it was.
Golden eyes flashed at the way your voice was saturated with need. For a moment he thought that maybe you weren’t a virgin, but instead, a succubus, come to steal his soul. 
He would let you.
The weight of his body left yours, and in seconds, you were stripped of all of your clothing, which was thrown haphazardly around the room. His soon followed.
Eager eyes drank in the sight of your naked body before him. Your skin was so beautiful and unmarred by another person, so enticing and begging for his touch. Soon you would be littered in his marks as he lay claim to your body, inside and out.
Growing self-conscious under his prolonged stare, you tried in vain to cover your most intimate parts.
“There’s no use trying to hide from me. I’m going to become well-acquainted with your body by the time I’m done with you.”
A gasp escaped your lips when his fingers reached down and ghosted over your folds. A groan left him when he felt just how wet you were.
“Well, looks like someone’s already dripping at the thought of being ruined by my cock- isn’t that cute?” Though his tone was mocking, his words still sent excitement trickling down your spine.
Spreading your lips, he circled a thick finger around your twitching entrance, smiling devilishly when you whined for him. Through heavy-lidded eyes, he witnessed your jaw go slack as he eased the first finger past the slick opening, surprised when he was met with little resistance. 
Soon he was able to work himself knuckle-deep, and your walls fluttered around him in welcome.
Such a slutty pussy for someone so untouched. 
“You’re so tight, baby. Your pussy’s sucking my finger in so nicely; I bet you’re going to feel amazing when I stuff my cock inside.”
You groaned as his fingers started to move within your previously untainted walls. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling like you’d feared it would be- it was almost like a welcoming pressure had settled deep within you. 
“Kou… more.” 
A chuckle met your ears in line with his warm lips brushing against your pubic bone, “Your wish is my command.”
When the second finger was added, the discomfort became evident on your face. He didn’t pause his movements; instead, their pace increased as pain and pleasure fought for dominance at the apex of your thighs.
“That’s it, you can do it. The pain will stop soon,” At that moment he chose to curl his fingers and press them against the spongy spot deep within your sopping cunt. The pain dulled and was overshadowed by pleasure as he played with your body as if it were an instrument he was fine-tuning. 
“Ah- fuck, I-” Your breathing accelerated as the pressure in the pit of your stomach began to increase . Your hips started to buck up off the bed when his thumb joined his ministrations and began working tight circles against your clit. Sparks of excitement like nothing you’d felt before shot through your veins. Stringing thoughts together became almost impossible.
If this was what his fingers could do, you weren’t sure you’d be able to remain sane once his cock entered you.
“There it is,” he cooed, fingertips rubbing against the same spot, this time with a little more vigour, “God, you look so beautiful with my fingers inside you, you’re drenching them, baby.”
A thick fog came over your mind as they stroked and stretched your walls, creating a pressure in your abdomen that threatened to overflow at any second. It almost scared you, and yet, you couldn’t prevent your hips from desperately grinding down against his hand.
“More,” you cried, your breaths beginning to come out in pants.
The wet squelching sounds of your pussy filled the room as his hand became a blur between your thighs. The sound only added to your arousal.
When your legs began to quake, he lowered his head and added his mouth to the mix, suckling skillfully at your puffy clit. His lips were cool as they attached themselves to your heated skin, the difference in temperature causing a prolonged whine to leave you.
His tongue swirled around the sensitive nub, his fingers working your insides, coiling, stroking and stretching until the pressure that had been steadily rising in your stomach finally exploded within your body. It erupted from your core, spreading through you like wildfire.
Your hands found hair, pulling and twisting the soft locks as you came hard around his fingers. He moaned at the flash of pain in his scalp- causing his own desire to heighten. Your walls pulsed as he continued to curl his fingers against your g-spot. 
“Yes, yes, yes! Fuck, Kou, fuck, oh god, oh god!” Your cries of delight were music to Bokuto’s ears. It excited him so much that he couldn’t help but gently rut his hips into the mattress. His cock was painfully hard now, and precum leaked freely from his swelling tip. He needed to be inside you soon or he’d lose his mind.
Pulling his fingers from your pussy, you watched through half-lidded eyes as he brought them to his mouth and began to eagerly lap at them. 
“Koutarou…That was....” Your brain was still riding its high, unable to give you an end to your sentence.
He pulled his hand from his mouth, “I told you I’d make you feel good. Now, before I fuck your brains out, why don’t you see how good you taste?”
The musky smell of your arousal filled your nostrils as he brought his fingers to your lips.
“Open.” It wasn’t a request.
At your hesitance, he quirked a brow, “I promise you taste amazing. Now, open.”
You obeyed, still riding the endorphin high he’d pulled from your body. Because of this, you didn’t even notice that he’d reached over and pressed record on his phone that was propped up on the nightstand. He’d made sure to angle it so the camera pointed directly at your face.
He found people were much more...compliant... if he had video footage he could use against them in the event that they changed their minds.
With a grin, he placed the two fingers he’d had knuckle deep in your cunt against your tongue.
The tart taste of your release was quick to spread over your tastebuds. His eyes darkened when you began to swirl your tongue around his fingers, lightly sucking on them until they were completely clean of your arousal. 
It was so erotic that you found it hard to maintain eye contact. 
He released a shaky breath before pulling his fingers from your mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’.
“You’re a little minx, you know that?” He teased, allowing one of his hands to come to rest next to your head while the other reached between your bodies. Taking his length in his hand, he watched a mix of anticipation and fear come over your features when you looked down.
Your audible gulp was heard in the silence that followed.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected, but this was beyond anything your mind had come up with. Even though you’d never had sex before, you knew he was big. His cock was thick and heavy where it hung between his legs. Veins ran along the sides of his shaft, the largest one snaking directly down the centre before splitting in two near the swollen head. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would feel like having something so big inside your body.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Your voice wavered, doe-eyes shining with fear as they met his.
He acknowledged your fear with a condescending sneer, “Oh, little bird, you really think you have a choice?” he nodded towards the nightstand.
The blood in your veins turned icy, and your body began to tremble as you lay eyes on the phone, screen open and recording.
Breathing became difficult as panic rose in your chest. You’d been so naive. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“It’s been recording for the last couple of minutes. Now,” his rough fingers came to rest against the sides of your throat, squeezing lightly as he brought his face just inches from yours, “you can either behave, and this will feel amazing for both of us, or you can be a brat, and the only person this is going to be fun for is me. Not to mention, I’ll send the video around to every person you know, including your boss.” 
At the mention of your boss, your whole body deflated. He had you right where he wanted you. While the thought of your friends and family seeing the video was mortifying, you couldn’t risk losing your job. Your virginity was a small price to pay to make sure the video stayed hidden.
Anger bloomed in your chest as you leered up at the spiky-haired man, but you had no fight in you. It was useless to even try.
“If I do this, you’ll make it go away?” You tried to make your voice sound confident, but it cracked at the end.
He couldn’t stop the smile from creeping onto his face when he realised you were giving in, “Of course- no one else will ever see it.”
He watched the internal battle going on behind your mind before your eyes hardened.
“Fine, so be it. I’ll play your sick game.” You spat, what else did you have to lose?
Bokuto’s eyes widened when you reached down and removed his hand from his length before replacing it with your own. It was softer than you’d imagined, yet firm at the same time. Like steel encased in velvet. 
“You like the feeling of my cock, baby? It’ll feel even better when I'm balls deep inside you. You’ll be my little slut and take it all like a good girl, won’t you?”
The man above you let out a rumbling moan from deep within his chest when your fingers flexed around him, head falling against your chest. Your wavering hands felt so small as they struggled to circle his impressive girth. It again reminded him of the size difference between the two of you.
Your eyes darted between him and the phone. He took the hint and reached over, turning the phone off and laying it flat against the nightstand.
He turned back to you with a smug smirk. 
You wanted to slap the look right off his face, but violence would probably result in the video being circulated faster.
Resigning yourself to your fate, you dipped the head of the thick muscle between your folds. Your slick coated it instantly. Lining him up with your entrance, you waited for him to meet your gaze. When he did, he saw the hatred burning in them. It made his cock throb in your palm.
When he pressed his hips forward, all at once, the air left your body as heat flooded your core.
Bokuto studied your face intently, drinking in the way your pupils dilated and your mouth dropped open into a silent moan. If he could burn one image into his mind, it was your face at that moment as he stole the last remnants of your innocence from you.
“Hng-fuck...it feels...s-so-” Your hands blindly grasped at his broad shoulders, seeking some kind of anchor as the burning feeling of his cock threatening to split you open sent your mind into a frenzy.
“So what, baby?” He cooed, body tense above you. “How does it feel? Come on, little bird, use your words.”
Nails dug into his shoulder blades as he worked himself into you. Hissing out a breath, he savoured the way your lower muscles clenched around his girth before relaxing, only to repeat the motion moments later, pulling him deeper into your heated sheath.
“So full. So so full, so fucking good.” You whimpered, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. It was a fullness, unlike anything you’d ever felt before. Every nerve in your body had come to life, and a familiar heat began to pool in your lower body once again. Bokuto’s control began to slip, and he soon realised he was trembling above you in an effort to hold back. Heat was surging through his own body, clouding his mind and bringing him closer to his climax. If he didn’t move soon...
“Ah, fuck, I need…” He couldn’t finish the rest of his sentence, his mind was lost to the beast you’d unleashed inside of him. With a harsh snap of his hips, he sheathed the rest of his cock inside your wet heat.
A scream ripped from your throat as your poor cunt was suddenly filled to the brim with the Ace’s cock. His hips lay flush against yours as he bottomed out inside you, the plush head of his length kissing your cervix. He stretched your body in such a sinful way that for a second, you forgot how to breathe. 
Even though you never wanted anything to do with him and the thought of him being inside you made you feel sick, you couldn’t stop your body’s natural reaction to him.
On instinct, your legs wrapped around his hips, heels pressing against his ass. You didn’t know where your confidence had come from, and in your lust-driven craze, you didn’t care. In fact, it was almost as if a switch had been flicked in your mind. All you knew was that you craved him.
“Shit, you’re choking my cock with that sweet little pussy. Fuck.”
“Koutarou...move. Please.” You panted, cutting him off, “I need you to move, now.”
The heels of your feet dug into his ass while you simultaneously rolled your hips into his. The movement sent flares of desire straight to your core.
Bokuto didn’t need to be told twice.
The first few of his thrusts were short and practised as if he was testing whether or not your body could handle him. When he was met with mewls and whimpers, he couldn’t stop himself from picking up his pace and slamming mercilessly into your greedy pussy. 
The pressure you’d experienced before started to build once again, only this time it felt more intense, almost out of control as you writhed beneath him.
There were many ways you’d imagined losing your virginity; slow, soft, romantic sex with someone you’d known for years; gentle caresses and stolen kisses beneath a slither of moonlight as your lover whispered loving words into your ear.
This was nothing like that. 
Bokuto’s thrusts were bruising, unforgiving, and the power behind each one jolted your entire body. He was animalistic as he fucked into you.
This wasn’t love-making. This was rough, hard fucking, and you found yourself growing intoxicated as you were forced to drink in every sensation he was pulling from you. 
He’d been wrong before, you weren’t like the other girls at all. They’d all cried and begged for him to go easy. But you, you thrived on him using your body, even savoured the feeling of being fucked like a whore.
The realisation made his head spin. If you liked being fucked like a whore, he was happy to oblige.
A strangled cry echoed through the room when his teeth latched onto the sensitive skin of your nipple. His hot tongue swirled around the pebbled nub, sending bolts of desire splintering through you as the pressure inside you bubbled up and threatened to explode at any moment.
His mouth left you all too soon.
“Such a good girl. You’re taking my cock so well. Who knew a virgin could be such a dirty little slut? I bet you’re loving this, being used like a cocksleeve.” The words left his mouth in a rush as if he’d forget them if he didn’t get them out fast enough. 
Leaning back, he hooked his arms beneath your knees, still continuing his assault on your cunt. He couldn’t help but reach around and press a hand on your stomach. Desire stirred in his groin when he felt himself moving beneath his palm. 
“Fuck, that’s so hot. I’m practically in your stomach…” His words died off when he felt your walls begin to spasm.
“Kou, I’m- fuck- I’m going to cum.”
No, he wouldn’t let you cum just yet, it was too soon. He knew if he drew it out much longer, you’d be too sore for another round, but he wanted- no, he needed- to test just how far he could corrupt you.
Without thinking, he leant over your body and allowed a string of his saliva to slowly drip from his mouth. It gave you enough time to move if it was too much for you.
You didn’t move. No, instead you eagerly stuck your tongue out and waited for his spit to drip onto it, like a puppy begging for a treat.
When you swallowed it with a smirk on your face, he finally lost all semblance of control.
You weren’t entirely sure what happened next, but next thing you knew, you were stomach-down on the bed.
The sound of impact as Bokuto’s hand met the supple flesh of your ass rang in your ears. You barely had time to register the searing heat blooming across your rear before he brought his hand down again on the opposite side.
“Get that fucking ass in the air.” 
Bringing your knees under you and sticking your ass out as much as you could, you waited for his next move as your orgasm began to dwindle.
Bokuto bit his lip as he watched you present yourself to him, puffy lips glistening in the dim light.
Gripping your hip with one hand, he used the other to give your ass a few slaps with his length before realigning himself with your entrance. You were so wet and stretched so well that with a harsh snap of his hips, his entire length was buried deep in you with no resistance.
“Fuck!” Your voice was hoarse as you cried out from being stuffed with his cock again.
The angle this new position set had his cock dragging along your walls, caressing them as he fucked into your heat. The new pace he set was brutal as he chased his own high.
Skin against skin became the only sound in the room as his weighty balls slapped against your clit- each time the coil in your stomach tightened.
Your body stiffened when you heard him spit, followed by the feel of moisture coming into contact at the top of your ass.
He’d been lost in his mind as he watched your puffy slit suck in his length, and when his eyes travelled up to the puckered hole just above, he couldn’t help himself.
“Don’t worry,” He spread the spit around your pucker with his thumb before gently applying pressure, “I’ll ruin this hole next time, little bird. But first, I want you to get an idea of just how good I can be to you.”
When his thumb slipped past the tight ring of muscle, your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
A sense of euphoria settled deep within you as you lay there and let the Ace pound into you with reckless abandon.
Bokuto became drunk on the cries he was sure you didn’t even realise were falling from your mouth as drool pooled beneath your cheek and turned the bedsheets a darker shade.
It wouldn’t be long now. He could feel his balls tightening as heat spread through his body. Not to mention, your legs had started to quiver with the first signs of your release.
“You ready to come for me again, baby?” His hips never faltered from the harsh pace he’d set.
“I can’t...too much...fuck.”
He found it almost endearing that you thought you had a choice. 
“Wrong answer.”
You didn’t think it was possible for him to fuck you any harder, but a last burst of energy had him pistoning his hips into you with such force that you had to reach above your head and press a shakey hand against the headboard to stop your body from jolting forward.
Your body couldn’t take much more stimulation and seconds later you cried out your release into the mattress.
Your first orgasm was nothing compared to the pure ecstasy you felt in those following moments as you came hard around the thick muscle still pumping into your aching walls.
Stars flashed across your vision as your toes curled, and your hands blindly clawed at the mattress. It was as if you’d been washed out to sea in an ocean of bliss, and you had no choice but to ride the waves crashing through you.
Bokuto’s thrust became sporadic until finally, his body went taut behind you, balls tightening as he emptied his seed into your spasming walls. 
His cum was warm as it splashed against your cervix, staining every inch of your insides with the thick fluid.
White noise rang in your ears as your body rode out its chemical high.
Bokuto pulled his thumb and cock from your holes once his balls were empty. Once removed, your body collapsed to the side, exhausted.
Bokuto’s own energy was about to run out, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your twitching cunt. His cum had started to dribble out from between your swollen lips in a steady stream of white.
Instinct had him reaching out and pressing as much of it back into your body as he could. He ignored the weak cries that the action coaxed from your mouth as his fingers brushed against tender flesh.
He’d fucked you raw. 
You’d be sore for days after this. Hell, a dull ache had settled in his own muscles.
With a groan, he used the last of his energy to scoop your thoroughly fucked body off the bed and carry you the short distance to the bathroom. Placing you gingerly down into the toilet seat, he only let go when he was sure you weren’t going to fall face-first onto the cold tile floor.
Grabbing a small cloth, he made quick work of rubbing the musky smell of sex from your body before jumping into the shower and ridding himself of the thin layer of sweat sticking to him. The warm water felt amazing against his skin, and suddenly, tiredness came over him. All of his limbs felt heavy as if weights had been attached to them. He’d definitely been rougher than he meant to- fucking never usually took this much out of him.
You’d been so lost in your after-sex daze that he almost jumped out of his skin when you finally spoke.
“So...When can we go again?” Your voice was far more lucid than he’d expected. It seemed in your daze you’d forgotten your hatred towards him. He knew some gentle persuasion was all it would take to unlock your inner animal.
Raising a brow, he turned to see a sly smile creep onto your face as you sat naked on his toilet. 
You at least had the decency to blush at your request.
“I mean...that’s if you want to. Oh, and you’d better delete that video or I’ll rip your cock off and shove it down your throat.”
He thought you might just be a succubus after all.
THERE IT IS!! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK<3 Likes/Reblogs/Comments are always appreciated and mean more than you realise ^.^
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Lavender Lace
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Pairings: Tom Holland x Femdom!Reader
Summary: Edging Tom (no plot whatsoever which is super rare here cause I’m a slut for plot)
Warnings: Edging (male receiving), unprotected sex (because it’s a fic and there is no pregnancy or STD’s unless I say lol), Dom!Reader-Sub!Tom, Creampie, Cockwarming, Reader doesn’t cum (sorry)
Word Count: 1860
A/N: I wrote most of this on my phone so I’m sorry if there are any words that autocorrect changed. I looked through and changed the ones I saw but just in case I missed any, my apologies!
Part 2 out now!
Tom lied on the bed, hands tied up above his head to the bed frame. His beautiful body was on full display against the sheets, small freckles adorning his taut skin. A glistening layer of sweat made every dip and rise of his body shine deliciously, his defined muscles exaggerated by the light shining off it. His chest heaved up and down as he attempted to calm himself down yet again and his biceps flexed as he pulled against his restraints. “Fuck! Please, please please…” His voice was broken and desperate- but not quite desperate enough.
“Awe, Tommy. You’re doing so well,” you cooed, rubbing your hand lovingly across his firm thigh, “But I think you can go a little longer.“
Tom groaned in frustration, his cock already painfully hard and leaking precum. He hissed and bucked up into your hand when your hand went back down to pump his impressive length. Your hand glided up and down, adding a twist at the top around the tip. “Please-”
You stopped your movement but kept your hand still on his member, shaking your head, “No cumming until I say.” You chided, voice gentle in stark contrast to the torture you’d been putting him through for the last hour. Tom’s hips bucked upwards again, desperate for release, making you chuckle, “Look at you. So handsome. So desperate.” After a few moments, his breathing calmed down and your fingers circled feather light across his pelvis and down over his thighs, “Let’s get you a little more desperate.”
Tom shook his head, “I need to cum. Please, please let me!”
You almost felt bad for your boyfriend. He looked almost in pain and you really did want to please him more than anything but you also knew that he loved this torture. If he really wanted you to stop, he only had to say the safe word. That weird simple little word had yet to leave his lips, which meant the fun could go on, guilt free.
Your middle finger circled his tip, so agonizingly light that he couldn’t tell if you were there or his brain was just creating sensations to cope with the torture. “Just a few more, love. Think of how good it will feel when you finally get to cum.” With that, you licked a long, slow stripe up the underside of his length before taking only his tip into your mouth and swirling your tongue, lapping up the abundant pre-cum that had been practically pouring out at this point.
Tom pulled at his hand restraints aggressively, “Agh!” He almost screamed out as you brought him to the edge yet again with only small kitten licks to his tip while you stroked his shift with your hand. Tom was so painfully close, it only took mere seconds before he was crying out again.
“I’m gonna cum!” He warned and you took your hand off completely, causing him to cry out. You crawled up his body, kissing a line up along the way. You made sure that his cock rubbed through the valley of your breasts, concealed by a lacey lavender push up bra that did wonders for your chest. When you made your way to his lips, you straddled his waist, just above where he needed you most, and kissed his lips.
“What number was that?” You whispered lightly into his ear.
His eyes opened to find yours only mere inches away and he could have cried. You looked beautiful. Sultry, sexy, confident. Tom, on the other hand, appeared to be a few seconds from tears. His big beautiful chocolate eyes were practically black, pupils blown so wide they nearly overwhelmed his entire irises. His brown curls stuck to his forehead from where he’d attempted to desperately bury his head in the pillows. “Nine.” Tom managed barely, only able to focus on the intense pressure between his legs.
You kissed him again, lifting yourself off him just enough to move the thin fabric of your thong aside before sitting back down, his length sliding between your slick folds as you rocked your hips.
“Fuck!” He hissed out, eyes screwed shut. He had already been so close that this alone almost sent him over the edge.
Your nails scratched lightly over his chest as your ground on him. You moaned a little when his head bumped your clit as he passed through your folds, so close to finally being inside you. “You’ve been such a good boy, Tommy. Where do you want to cum?” You asked, reaching over his head to untie the scarf you’d had him bound by. Immediately, his hands were on your hips.
He timidly asked, “Inside you?” Even after all these years together and the fact you were on birth control, it was still a request he felt weird making.
You smiled against his skin as you licked up his neck, still moving your hips against him, “You can cum inside me when I hit ten, understand?”
“I don’t think I’ll make it. I’m already s-so close.” Tom stuttered when he felt the tip of his cock finally slide into your warmth.
You squeezed your walls around him, just to torture him a little more, “You’re gonna have to, love. If you cum before I say, I’m gonna have to stop and ruin it.”
A genuine look of fear ran through Tom’s eyes and you knew he’d behave for you. He wanted this - nay, needed this - so badly. You began to bounce on his length, his cock rubbing against every wonderful spot inside you. Your hands came to your breasts, palming them through the thick fabric of your bra. “One.”
Tom’s hands struggled to stay on your hips, knowing you might edge him longer if he stepped out of line, “Let me touch you.” He begged and you only nodded, reaching for his hands and placing them on your breasts. He pulled the fabric down and raked his nails gently over your nipples, making you breathe out in pleasure.
“Two,” You moaned out, “Three.” You kept bouncing and you could feel him twitch inside you. “Four. Five.”
“I’m not gonna make it. I’m so close.” Tom was almost crying, legs struggling to stay still as he used every ounce of willpower to not let go here and no. He was so close, all it would take was a millisecond of losing concentration to snap.
You slowed down and just sat on him yet again, not moving but clenching your walls around his aching member and he audibly whined, “You’re gonna make it or I’m gonna get off and leave you writhing on the bed. Then you can watch while I finish myself off. That what you want?”
He shook his head aggressively, his hands moving back down to your hips to keep you in place, “No, no, no! I’ll make it to ten!” You noted the movement of his hands and maybe if he hadn’t been so well behaved all this time, you would have punished him a little more for trying to take control but you could see in his eyes how painfully desperate he was, how hard he was trying to be good. You wouldn’t punish him for it - this time.
“Good.” You began to swivel your hips, just like you knew he loved it and he threw his head back into the pillows, eyes shut tight as he struggled to keep his composure. “Six. Seven.” You reached down and ran your thumb gently across his cheek where an actual tear slid down, still moving on his cock, still drawing this out, “Eyes open, love.” Tom struggled to comply, knowing that one of the only things keeping him from busting right this second was trying to take his mind anywhere but this situation. Seeing you looking so damn sexy bouncing on his cock was sure to send him over. But he managed to pry his lids open and lock eyes with your blown out orbs. You bit your lip and smiled, “You’re doing such a good job. Eight.”
“Shit!” A broken moan tumbled from his lips as he flexed every muscle in his body to keep it at bay. He was gonna snap and there was nothing he could do about it, especially at this painfully slow pace you’d been counting at.
Tom’s heart raced as he waited for that last number, that last bit of permission before you would let him finally release. He didn’t think he’d ever been this painfully hard and it made him look back at every other time he ever thought he had blue balls and smack his past self. He had no idea what it was like to be this achingly close. “Please, please-”
“Ten. Cum for me baby.” You finally allowed, raking your fingers down his body, making sure to graze over his nipples.
The orgasm hit him like a semi, crashing into across his body hard and fast the very moment you permitted it. “Agh! Fucking hell!”! He was nearly sobbing, his hands squeezing tightly into your hips and bouncing you up and down at just the right pace. Again, something you let slide. He had just been so good for you, he deserved it. His seed shot deep into you, warm and overflowing and waves of pleasure just kept coming. Tom didn’t think he’d ever cum this hard or long in his life, himself surprised when more and more hot ribbons seemed to just. Keep. coming.
Finally, he slowed down, arms slackening weakly against your thighs as he came down from his high. He was still sheathed inside you, his seed leaking out around his cock, down his cock and along your inner thighs. You had never been so full and you didn’t want it to end. You leaned forward, coming to lay on his chest, head in the crook of his neck. When you moved, your walls instinctively fluttered around his sensitive cock and Tom hissed, his grip suddenly tightening on you as the stimulation became too much.
Once you had positioned yourself comfortably on his chest, he wrapped an arm around your body, rubbing large stripes up and down your side. You twirled his hair in your fingers and listened to his wrecked breathing with a bit of pride knowing you made him feel this good. “You did so good for me, Tommy.”
He sighed heavily, “Thank you.” You giggled a little, knowing his brain was still moving a little slow. He wasn’t thanking you for the compliment- he was thanking you for finally letting him cum.
“Wasn’t too much?” You asked, hoping you didn’t go overboard. Logically, you knew he’d use the safe word if it was too much but you just wanted to be sure you hadn’t gotten a little too lost in the power.
Tom shook his head with a chuckle, pulling you closer into his body, hissing yet again when your heat shifted around his overstimulated softening length. “Just right. Any more and I might have died, though.”
You both laughed at his joke before you cooed in his ear, “Oh, love, you can take it. We’ll just have to break your record next time.”
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champagne problems (part 1)
here's my first part of my modern no magic "champagne problems" singer-songwriter quarantine thomastair AU! happy birthday to @foxglove-airmid even though I don't think it's your birthday where you live anymore (and I still haven't posted zia's birthday fic, it'll happen I swear)!
no content warnings for this part (besides maybe quarantine), but future parts will include discussions of mental illness, substance abuse, and a suicide attempt
obviously, the song alastair "wrote" in the fic is not mine, it's by taylor swift! and a few of the lyrics have been changed!
Masterlist | AO3
Thomas breathed out a sigh of relief as he lugged his suitcase up onto the fifth floor landing.
“‘Ere we are,” Piers announced as he unlocked the door.
Thomas was utterly exhausted, such was the result of taking a redeye flight across the Atlantic during a global pandemic, but any idea of rest that he’d had was interrupted when he heard the sound of piano flood the apartment.
“Ah, sorry about that,” Piers nodded, “One of my flatmates, the walls are paper thin. He can’t record at the studio right now, but he’s trying to finish his EP, so it’s been a bit noisier around here. He’ll take a break soon, hopefully.”
Thomas shook his head. “It’s no problem. Thank you, again, for allowing me to stay here. I’ll be looking for my own place as soon as the quarantine is up.”
“Of course. You’ve got the couch as long as you need it. Couldn’t just hang you out to dry, could I? Although, you did pick a god awful time to move to the city, if I do say so myself.”
Thomas sat down on the couch and tried to make himself comfortable. It was more comfortable than the flight or the airport, at least. “I know… I considered postponing the move, but the visa was so difficult to get, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity. They say this will all blow over in a couple of weeks, but borders are closing and I heard talk of them suspending all pending visa applications. I didn't know how long it would be if I waited, if the job was even still here for me at all.” Although at first entrance, the music had seemed to be a nuisance, it now comforted him. It wasn’t bad at all, in fact, it quite reminded him of the days Alastair’s playing had filled their flat…
“Where did you say you were working again? At a record company?”
“Yeah. I’m just doing pretty basic stuff for now, but if I ever do want to record my own music, I’ve got to start somewhere.”
“Hm,” Piers said, gesturing to the room the music was coming from. “Perhaps you’ll get on with him well, then. Would you like some tea?”
Thomas nodded and Piers went to start the teapot. Piers continued, “Though I suppose he's more of the tortured artist type. Very reserved, quite prickly. I didn't even meet him until a couple weeks after I moved in here because he was off in some psychiatric hospital.” Thomas shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He was never one for gossip. “My other roommate’s nice, though, I think you’ll like him. He-”
“How did you end up in New York, again? I don’t think I ever asked.”
Piers dove into the subject change quite readily, explaining his uni - or college - years in New York City and his decision to stay afterwards. Thomas had tuned most of it out, truthfully. It wasn’t that he was trying to be rude, but he was rather exhausted, and Piers was wearing thin on his patience.
As the kettle started to whine, Thomas heard the musician begin to sing, and he froze. It sounded so much like Alastair. But it couldn't be, could it? With over 8 million people living in the city, he would not end up in Alastair's apartment by accident. His Alastair was certainly reserved and prickly, but it wasn't possible. It must be like all those times he thought he saw him on a street he'd never walked or heard his laugh in a café he'd never been to. Just his mind, tricking him. Even if he knew that voice so well, despite not hearing it in so long.
“It’s quite good, isn’t it? His first single just dropped.” Piers asked, bringing over his cup of tea. He hadn’t realized it, but he’d been staring intently at the door.
Thomas took the cup. “Hm? Yeah, I guess. Thanks.”
“You should look it up. It’s called “champagne problems” by Simurgh. That’s spelled- Well, it should come up.”
The name Simurgh sounded familiar, but Thomas couldn’t put his finger on where he knew it from. At Piers’ insistence, he pulled out his phone and brought up the song. As he skimmed through the first few lines, a cold feeling settled in his stomach.
“You booked the night train for a reason So you could sit there in this hurt Bustling crowds or silent sleepers You're not sure which is worse”
“Simurgh,” Thomas realized.
“Yeah, I think it’s Arabic or something.”
It took Thomas a moment to process that Piers was responding to him. “It’s Persian.” He was certain that Alastair would have some very stern words to say if he heard Piers confusing the two, actually. Thomas had admittedly let his Farsi skills deteriorate quite a bit since the breakup, but he was fairly certain the name came from the Shahnameh. There was no doubt in Thomas’ mind now: he was staying in Alastair’s apartment, and Alastair’s first single was about one of the most painful days in Thomas’ life. “I, er, I used to study it.”
“Oh, yes, that’s right!” Piers launched into a tangent that Thomas tuned out as he read through the rest of the page.
“Because I dropped your hand while dancing Left you out there standing Crestfallen on the landing Champagne problems”
“Thomas? Are you alright?”
He realized then that his hand was trembling so badly that his tea nearly spilled. He used his other hand to steady it. “Oh, uh, yes, I’m just tired.”
“Perhaps you should rest. I can ask Alastair to quiet down for a while-”
“No!” he exclaimed rather too forcefully. “No, that’s not necessary. I’d just rather not talk, if that’s alright.”
Piers nodded.
Thomas kept reading.
“Your mom's ring in your pocket My picture in your wallet Your heart was glass, I dropped it Champagne problems”
Of all the songs, why did he release the one about him? Why was it about a memory still so painful in Thomas’ heart, all of these years later? He remembered it so well, standing there, alone, shattered into a million pieces.
“You told your family for a reason You couldn't keep it in Your sister splashed out on the bottle Now no one's celebrating”
He was fairly certain that Barbara had been more excited than even he was, confident that Alastair would accept, and so very proud of her baby brother, all grown up. She’d been furious when it fell apart, but it was her who stood with him during the aftermath, who boarded him onto a train to Edinburgh to visit Eugenia when he couldn’t stand to be in the same city as him any longer, who went through his phone, blocking all of Alastair’s accounts so that he could obsess over him no longer, who comforted him as he wept and held him as he picked the pieces of himself back up again.
And all the more sour was the memory in light of her death.
“Dom Pérignon, you brought it No crowd of friends applauded Your hometown skeptics called it Champagne problems”
He looked up at Piers, who had fortunately become enthralled with something on his phone and was no longer paying Thomas any mind. He lifted the teacup gingerly to his lips, but he felt far too sick to take a drink.
“You had a speech, you're speechless Love slipped beyond your reaches And I couldn't give a reason Champagne problems”
A reason, that’s all Thomas had wanted. Just any explanation. He understood if they were moving too fast, or perhaps he’d misread something, but he just didn’t understand it.
Why? Why can’t you tell me why? I deserve an explanation, Alastair. Please, anything.
I… I’m sorry, Thomas.
Stop it! Stop apologizing! We can just go home and pretend this never happened, please, forget about all of it, it was a stupid idea-
Thomas, stop. I shouldn’t’ve… This was a mistake. I’m sorry I didn’t see that sooner.
That was the moment Thomas felt his heart stop beating.
“Your Midas touch on the Chevy door November flush and your flannel cure "This dorm was once a madhouse" I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me" How evergreen, our group of friends Don't think we'll say that word again And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls That we once walked through”
Despite the nearly two decades Thomas had spent in London before Alastair, it was never the same without him. He saw him everywhere he went, despite knowing he was thousands of miles away. After graduating uni that May, he accepted a spot at a graduate program in Spain and didn’t look back.
“One for the money, two for the show I never was ready so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you "You’re the only one I want by my side, What a shame you’re fucked in the head," you said”
Those were the words that haunted Thomas’ nightmares, even now.
It’s you! It’s only you for me! It was always going to be you! But I can see now that I was never going to be enough for you, you and your secrets and walls and your lies. It’s a shame… it’s a shame you’re so fucked in the head, Alastair. You’ll never truly love anyone, will you? You’re not physically capable of it.
Alastair hadn’t responded. Thomas had wanted a rise out of him, any reaction at all, despite knowing how lethal and volatile Alastair could become when provoked. But there was nothing. Not a flicker of anything in his steeled expression. He’d simply looked down, apologized again for any pain that he’d caused, and left.
That was the last time they’d spoken.
Thomas and his sister left for Edinburgh that night, and when he’d returned to London, Alastair was gone.
“Well, you'll find the real thing instead Who'll patch up your tapestry that I shred And hold your hand while dancing Never leave you standing Crestfallen on the landing With champagne problems”
Thomas couldn’t imagine giving his heart to anyone again, not now and certainly not then. He’d dated in Madrid, but it had always stayed casual. He’d made sure of it. He could see now that he and Alastair had gotten together quickly, moved in together quickly, done all of it very quickly. After all, he’d fallen hard and fast. He gave all of himself to Alastair, and he’d nearly lost all of himself in the process.
“Your mom's ring in your pocket New picture in your wallet You won't remember all my Champagne problems
“You won't remember all my Champagne problems”
Now, he wondered what the rest of the story was. He’d convinced himself that Alastair had never loved him, that he was heartless and cruel, though he’d known that wasn’t true. Could Alastair have written this song if he’d never truly loved him? Perhaps he was a sociopath.
Thomas felt like he should run. Like he should pick up his bag and dart out of the apartment before Alastair could notice him, find some hotel somewhere with undoubtedly extraordinary high rates and just pretend like this never happened. He could get back on a plane and go back home to his parents and delete his phone browser history and pretend like this was all just a bad dream. But he could not move.
He didn’t know how many minutes had passed before Alastair’s door opened. He looked up with a start.
“Thomas,” Alastair breathed. He stood wide eyed, flushed.
“Do you two already know each other then?” Piers asked.
There was a moment of silence before Thomas cleared his throat. “We used to,” he said, looking down.
“I, er, I forgot that your friend was coming today,” Alastair told Piers. “It’s quite a long journey from London, you should have told me, I would have been quieter.”
Thomas considered correcting him for a moment, but decided not to. “Don’t worry about it. I heard you had your first big release. Congratulations.”
Alastair gave an awkward nod. “Thank you. Right, well, I’ll just…” He rushed over to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of water from the fridge. “I’ll try to be a bit quieter.”
“Don’t- It’s fine, really. In fact, I’m sure there’s some hotel in the area I can stay at for now, actually-”
“Well, don’t leave on my account,” Alastair interrupted. “We agreed to let you stay here, and the city’s a bloody mess right now. I’ll stay out of your hair, Thomas.”
Thomas only nodded as Alastair disappeared back behind his bedroom door.
Thanks for reading! Taglist (ask to be +/-): @stxr-thxif @chaos-and-starlight @zosiaenrique @lifewouldbebetteronmars @littlx-songbxrd @dianasarrow @eugeniaslongsword @bookswitchcraftandcats @jamesherondaleofficial @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @livingformyself @anarmorofwords @foxglove-airmid @writeforjordelia @sapphic-in @jem-nasium @fortheloveofthecarstairs @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @shadowrunner2000 @thewarthatsavedmylife @fair-childd @itsjusta-j-really
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nessinborderland · 4 years
Be Mine (09)
Pairing: Niragi x Reader / Chishiya x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Omegaverse
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You were able to stay unbounded throughout your life. You didn’t want an Alpha; you didn’t need one. You would rather die than to give yourself to some random male. But the man that saved your life thinks differently.
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drama, Developing Relationship, Past Abuse, Scars, Death, Blood and Gore, Animal Death, Trauma, Bath Sex, Blood and Injury, Oral Sex, Dom/sub Undertones, Feelings
Notes: Here it is, the so awaited bonding chapter! A lot of you will probably be disappointed with the result, but I personally love it. Also, I have decided to write "What if reader bonded with X" when I finish this fic, so fear not. Also, would like to thank everyone that has left a heart, comment or reblog; ya'll mean a lot to me. Yes, even you, silent readers <3 Hope you enjoy :)
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You wake up to burning pain. 
It's so unbelievably painful that you almost fall off the bed as you struggle to stay still. This is so much stronger than any other heat you've had before. This is agony. Your hand is at your core before you're even fully conscious, fingers already inside as you try to ease some of the pain. It does nothing but add to the burning sensation.
You take a deep breath, cunt squeezing around your own fingers when you smell him. You open your eyes to look at Niragi, still unconscious beside you. He gives out such an alluring and delicious scent that you feel yourself both salivating and getting wetter. You're on top of him in seconds; you need him inside you as soon as possible, you need him to knot in you, to bond with you.
No. What are you doing? He's unconscious. You can't.
Is with a huge amount of struggle that you're able to step away from his sleeping form. You stumble to the bathroom, turning the shower on as you rip your clothes off you. You're so unbelievably hot that it almost feels like you're on fire. The kind of fire that only an Alpha can pull out.
You scream when the cold water hits your burning skin, but keep yourself under its stream. You need to control yourself, you need to get some illusion of power over you. You can’t let it take over you. You can’t let it consume you. 
But it hurts so much.
You fall to your knees as you go back to touching yourself, legs open as you thrust three fingers inside you, the other hand rubbing your clit. But it does nothing to help, and you almost sob from desperation. You need something, someone, that can make it stop.
He's an Alpha, and he's conscious. He can help you.
If you go to him you'll be bonded and then there's nothing you can do. That's what you keep saying to yourself over and over and over. You can't bond with him, but part of you wishes that he would just burst through Niragi's bedroom door.
The other is terrified that he will. 
Time goes by where you do nothing but cry and masturbate, forcing yourself to stay still and not do anything that you’ll regret later. It’s a constant fight with your wolf, and she’s desperate to win the war. It’s so unbelievably painful that you keep standing up to go find Chishiya or, even worse, just take Niragi’s unconscious body. But you hold on; you have to, for as long as it takes.
You smell him before you see him. His scent alone makes you moan. You stare wide-eyed at the bathroom door, jumping to your feet when it opens.
Chishiya stands there.
He looks the most out of control you have ever seen him. Wide yellow eyes, pupils so big they almost look black; body shaking uncontrollably, sweat sticking hair to his face and neck; shirtless, a visible bulge in his swim shorts.
He looks like everything you’ve ever wanted.
He throws himself at you before either of you can say anything, kissing and rubbing his crotch against your core as he presses you against the shower tiles. You let him, arms pulling him closer. He feels so good, so right, exactly what you need. Your wolf trembles with anticipation.
"Alpha... Alpha…" you beg, licking his neck. He feels so good against you. You need more. You need him to ravish you, to consume you, to make you his. "Please, Alpha, it hurts." 
When he finally thrusts inside you, it feels like bliss. It's such a fantastic sensation that you feel yourself coming immediately, cunt clenching around him as you scream his name. That doesn't stop his ruthless shoves, cock stretching you and filling you to the brim as he mates you under the cold stream of water. His teeth graze your neck and you shiver, moaning his name as he keeps fucking you through your orgasm. You beg him to bite you, to mark you, but his teeth never break the skin. His mouth goes to your ear, biting the earlobe with a light chuckle.
“I told you I was going to–”
And then he falls to the ground, almost taking you with him. You look up to see Niragi, gun in hand as he stares at you. He still looks pale, but there’s a feverish, animal-like look in his eyes that makes you gasp and squeeze your thighs together. He points the gun at Chishiya, before turning it around and hitting the other man's skull, time and time again. He only stops when you throw yourself at him, wet body pressed against his, hands pulling his head down for a kiss. He drops the gun then, arms going around you as he takes you to the bed. You say his name over and over, begging him to fill you.
And he does.
Oh, he does. If Chishiya felt unbelievably amazing, Niragi feels out of this world. 
You fall on the bed in a mess of tangled limbs, his body on top of yours as he enters you. You whine against his mouth, chanting his name as he thrusts in and out of you at a pace he never used before. Your arms and legs surround him, pulling him closer, deeper. You want him to take you, all of you. He moans in unison with you, kissing you as roughly as he fucks you. 
“Mine...mine...mine,” he repeats in time with his thrusts. His hands grip your thighs, folding you in half as he shoves himself in you, over and over. You’re coming not long after, lips on his neck as you beg again to be bitten, to be marked. He doesn’t slow down his pace, keeping it hard and fast.
You yelp when he suddenly stops, turning you on your belly and shoving himself back inside you. His pelvis slaps against your ass with each shove, making you see stars as the new position allows him to fuck you deeper. You feel so full, so unbelievably filled to the brim. You want more. You tilt your hips further up, allowing him to go so deep inside you that it hurts. But you enjoy the pain, enjoy the stretch, enjoy everything your Alpha is giving you.
One of the hands gripping your hips slides up your back with surprising carefulness, fingertips barely touching your scars. You gasp when that hand goes around your neck with barely any pressure, before pulling you flat against his chest. He doesn’t stop fucking you even then, mouth now glued to your neck and marking spot.
Then it happens.
You can’t contain the gasping moan that leaves your body when his sharp fangs break the skin at the base of your neck. It’s like you go blind for a moment, and you can’t feel anything but him. In your body, in your mind, in your soul. All around you, there’s him; nothing else matters.
You can’t really describe what happens next.
It’s like you’re him. But he’s also you. You’re one and the same. Your mind is stormed with emotions, memories, and thoughts that are not your own. Is nothing like the first time he bit you. Before, it was like you got a small taste of what he was feeling at the moment. But this is like... your souls are connected. His fears, his pain, his happy moments, his regrets, his mistakes. The good and the bad; they’re not a secret to you anymore. What was once a sealed diary is now an open book. You feel like laughing, screaming, and crying, all at the same time.
You hear his surprised gasp as he undoubtedly feels what you feel, your memories going through his mind like a slideshow. You let him take over your soul, and he lets you take over his. There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore; no one will be able to understand you as much as he does, and the same applies to him.
No more secrets.
Then you feel it; the knot. Your first reaction is to try to move away from the odd stretching sensation inside you, but Niragi’s hands force you to stay still, a growl forming in his chest as he sinks his teeth further into your skin. So you freeze, gripping his hair as he knots in you. It’s a mix of pain and pleasure; you want to make him stop as much as you want to tell him to keep going. He stays still as he keeps filling you up with cum, the swollen knot at the base of his cock making it impossible for any of it to go to waste.
“You’re mine now,” he says with a grunt, “My Omega.”
And then you're both collapsing on the bed, gasping for breath. His arms hug you as he rolls to the side, making you wince as he pulls you with him. You lay there, his heartbeat in your ear, his warmth all around you, and his knot inside you.
Is bliss. Is what you were born to do. Everything is as it should be.
“I wonder what would happen if I killed you right now and took her for myself…” Chishiya’s voice makes both of you freeze. 
Niragi’s arms tighten around you, and he growls a warning as Chishiya gets in your line of sight. He’s dressed in his swim shorts again, white hair wet with water and blood, as he lazily walks to your side of the bed. In his hand, there’s Niragi’s sniper rifle.
“Get out!” Niragi orders. Chishiya makes no mention of it, ignoring the man as he crouches, locking eyes with your mate before looking at you. You can’t exactly decipher his expression; he doesn’t look mad or disappointed. He looks...curious?
“So,” he says in a soft tone that makes your stomach curl with uneasiness. “What does it feel like to be bonded for life?”
“Give me five minutes and I’ll let you know,” Niragi says, fangs exposed. He tries to move, stopping immediately as you cry out from the pain; you’re still connected, after all. You gasp when Chishiya stands straight, pointing the gun in the other man’s direction. You close your eyes as Niragi covers your head, expecting a gunshot. However, nothing happens. “You better fucking leave, or I swear I’m going to kill you as soon as I’m able to,” Niragi says through gritted teeth. You can feel his fear, his rage, his almost desperation to keep you safe when someone else clearly has the upper hand.
You open your eyes when Chishiya huffs out a laugh. His expression doesn’t change as he leans the gun against the bedside table before going back to his previously crouching position.
“Do you know what happens with Omegas after a broken bond?” he asks. Not to you; he almost acts like you’re not there. “They go insane.” he says, a smirk pulling at his lips, “The pain of losing their Alpha is so unbearable that most of them commit suicide. That or they become an outcast, more beast than human.”
Even mentioning broken bonds is considered taboo; it’s not something that any wolf talks about like it’s nothing. The mere thought of it makes you want to scream. And here he is, an Alpha, mentioning it like he’s talking about the weather. The threat is clear to you and Niragi, though. Very clear.
You wonder for a moment if he’s insane. 
“Stop the games, Chishiya.” you gulp when his eyes lock on you, something flashing in the yellow of his iris, “Please, just...go away.". He leans his head to the side like he’s analyzing you, before standing up again.
“I just want you to keep in mind that bonding with a broken Omega would be more of a burden to me than anything,” he says with a shrug, walking towards the door, “That doesn’t mean I won’t try it, though.” he says over his shoulder, “We’ll see. Enjoy your honeymoon.” 
When he finally leaves is like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You release the breath you didn’t even know you were holding, squeezing Niragi’s hand in yours and he kisses your neck.
“He’s not going to hurt you,” he promises in your ear. Horrible thoughts of losing your mate immediately take over your mind. You don’t know what you can expect from Chishiya; not really. He’s an enigma, and it scares you. Would he be capable of committing such an atrocity? You have little doubt about it.
This is the Borderlands; who’s going to stop him?
“I don’t worry about me…” you whisper, turning your head to look him in the eyes. You cradle his cheek, and he kisses your palm. “I don’t think he makes threats in vain.”
Niragi sighs. “That’s not something I want you to worry about,” he says. You don’t say anything; you don’t have anything to say. So you kiss him, lips hungry against his.
The kiss escalates to a point where you don’t even notice that the knot disappeared, moaning in his mouth as he moves again in and out of you. He fucks you much slower but with as much passion as before. You can’t even call it fucking; mating just feels like something else entirely. It’s a sensation that both you and your wolf crave to experience, again and again, until he’s knotted inside you, your name on his lips.
And that’s what you do countless times; until day turns into night and you’re both so tired that even keeping your eyes open feels like a Herculean task. So you sleep in each other’s arms, with no more pain or doubt inside you; not the usual one, at least.
Your rational side knows that this is far from being a fairy tale; it’s not even a romance. But that is not something that you’re willing to think about, right now.
For now, you can pretend that you’re madly in love with a good man, in a country that is not going to kill you, with people that don’t concern you.
For now, you can lie to yourself.
Next Chapter
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mzmezzler · 4 years
Darling Boy - Jinyoung x Fem!Reader
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shortlist: crossdressing, humiliation, sub!Jinyoung, dom!reader, Jinyoung in a maid outfit, role play, degradation, mistress kink, minor food kink (it’s just passing a drink before and during a kiss)minor cock stepping, strap sucking.
word count: 2k
summary: I can’t fake out a summary, this is just late Valentine’s porn with a semblance of plot.
a/n: Let’s give it up to the only fic I wrote in its entirety not at work! No,but why tf did this take so long. I was at it all day writing and rewriting and i barely like it.... Anyway @foenixs really helped me pick some integral parts of this fic, hope you like it!
Any and all feedback is appreciated :)
Turning to you from his side in the bed, Jinyoung looks at you expectantly, “Y/N” Humming in response, you turn your head slightly from where it’s trained to the book in your hands to show you’re listening. “What do you want for Valentine’s day?” He asks. 
Turning a page you sigh, “I’d love to see your perky ass in a skirt maybe.” You pause to settle on the idea. “Yeah, and maybe you could go about being completely oblivious, instead of your usual act cause I need a break having to deal with your-” Jinyoung cuts you off with a scoff. “Sounds like you don’t want me at all, I have to be my authentic self for you.” He replies, finishing his words with a sarcastic drawl. Setting your book down on the nightstand, and shifting your front towards him, you offer him an unamused look. “You know what I mean.” 
Smirking to himself, Jinyoung rolls his eyes, “What if I don’t?” His smugness was just one thing he knew he had over you, it was an integral part of the push and pull of your relationship in and out of bed. It took long enough for you to realize that the relationship between the two of you was even evolving since neither of you noticed the consistent bickering more times than not laced with an odd sense of longing.
However, for once, you’d like something easy. Just the version of Jinyoung that would slide easily into things without a fight, you both knew he could, but in his words “it wasn’t as fun”. 
“What’s the point of asking me what I want then?” You ask. Stumped he pouts to himself, “You know I was just teasing.” 
Still maintaining your blank stare, Jinyoung rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Knowing that’s the sign he was finally done you leaned onto him, snuggling into his die.
 “So do you want to hear what I really want?” 
By the night of Valentine’s the scene was set.
Lounging on the sofa of your living room in a robe, you enjoy a glass of wine and a novel while snuggled in your favorite cover. Sipping from your glass, the drink swirls in the amber glow of the low lights. Settling around the basen, and reflecting the glow of nearby candles. The living room seemed to be ripped out of a Hallmark movie, if it weren’t for the insistent sound of wet bristles scrubbing against the kitchen tile.
Swinging an arm around the back of the sofa and craning your neck towards the sound, you see a bundle of white tulle bobbing with every stroke. At the center of the mess of fabric was Jinyoung's bum wiggling in his haste. It was a glorious sight, drinking in the man in his costume, working like your little maid. Faced away from you, you drink in the sight of his skirt and the white panties stretched across his ass. Lined with white and black fabrics down to the garters holding up his stockings, you can only take another long sip of your wine. 
You hear small grunts and a sigh as Jinyoung sits back on his knees. Suddenly turning towards you with a small smile, he wipes the sweat from his brow. With the full outfit on display, you take notice of how the dress hugs his waist and is subtly cinched by the ties of the apron that lies along his front. There’s a knowing glint in his eyes, but still, he kneels across the room from you to be ogled under your hungry gaze. Squirming in his place he stutters “Mistress, I’ve finished cleaning”
 “Come here darling” You reply, motioning towards the spot in front of the sofa. 
Getting onto his hands and knees, Jinyoung never breaks the heated stare between the two of you as he crawls across the floor. You could now see the pink flush painting his face, an adorable touch to the obscene picture the man put on. Untying your robe, you reveal a lingerie set of your own. Almost contrasting the frills of Jinyoung's costume you opted for a crisp red, matching the strap nestled tight onto your groin. Jinyoung's pace falters at your unveiling, seemingly taking you in as you did before.
Now kneeling between your legs, you caress Jinyoung’s face and smile as his eyes flutter shut at the affection. Moving your hand to tilt his chin up you press your thumb into the man’s mouth. Jinyoung drops his mouth open at your intrusion, licking at the finger. Swirling your thumb over his tongue, you both stare at each other with heavy eyes. 
Removing the finger from the man’s mouth,  a trail of spit follows. Jinyoung whines out at the emptiness, and before he could pout for more you slip your foot underneath his skirt. The hitch in his breath quickly becomes a deep groan as you press the ball of your foot onto his half hard bulge. Snickering at his reaction you grip his chin and dig your heel in harder, “You know what I won’t take any brattiness today. You’re supposed to be my darling boy for once.” You take a long drag from the wine glass and set it down on the coffee table. 
Swallowing most of what's in your mouth you tip back Jinyoung's head, "And you're supposed to obey and take what I give." Ghosting your mouth over his, you trace his lips with yours before opening your mouth to drip wine into the Jinyoung’s mouth. Gasping at the sudden flow of the drink into his mouth, Jinyoung gulps the wine heavily. With a hand on his chin, and the other running over his styled hair.
As the flow stops, you both pant into each other’s mouths before meeting in a wet kiss.
The facade almost fades as the kiss turns suffocating, gripping Jinyoung’s hair and pulling away a string of spit still binds you too together. 
With a dazed look on his face, Jinyoung looks up at you with slightly parted lips, whether they were reddened more by the wine or your assault didn’t matter. Cooing at the sight, you loosen your grip, only to clench your fist in his hair making him groan out. “Are we going to be good then love” Blinking the moisture from his eyes Jinyoung nods, “Yes mistress, I’ll be good.”
You widen your legs and move to fully take off your robe, "Then make yourself useful."  
Jinyoung parts his mouth and lays his tongue flat against your inner thigh, tracing up to your groin he goes nose around the base of the strap. Opening his mouth to lick at the head he opts to put on a show for you, knowing that you can’t feel his motions. 
“You always looked so pretty while sucking my cock” You were smirking, head tilted while the man writhed under his maid outfit. You could see it in the way his thighs clench and twitch while he moves to wrap his lips around the tip. “You look like a doll, pretty lips, wide eyes, and all” Running a hand through his hair you grip at the strands and push the man further down your shaft, successfully making him gag. Moving him to slowly fuck his mouth, Jinyoung moans at the intrusion. The vibrations shake your skin while Jinyoung drinks in the burn now nestled in his throat.
“It feels good to be used like a whore doesn’t it?” You smirk.
Popping off of your member with a gasp Jinyoung looks up at you with wide eyes , “More Mistress...please" Narrowing your eyes, you chuckle at his desperation, “I need to prep you love” 
Jinyoung wipes the spit from his chin and pipes up again,  “I-i did that myself, Mistress." The needy look in his wide eyes is enrapturing as he stutters out his reply, " I did it in the shower before I got ready, thinking about you." 
Imagining Jinyoung under the steaming water of a shower working his fingers into himself, panting out to deaf ears is enough to make you freeze and stare at him with a heavy gaze. He's half defiled in his dress with garters askew and his apron slightly wrinkled with a few drops of wine staining the previously pristine white. You can see his bugle warping the fabric with every heavy breath, it's obscene.
"You don't know what you do to me." You say. Moving onto the floor, you press your lips against Jinyoung's while pushing him onto the ground. Sliding on top of him you cage your arms around his face and look down the man. 
Lying flat against the floor, Jinyoung’s hair is completely undone and spread out in wild tufts.
“You’re so beautiful like this Jinyoung, spread out for me and hard under your panties like my little whore.” You pause to move your hand under his skirt to prove your point. He was hard and leaking through the lace, gripping onto his erection you smile softly at the hard jerk he gives at your touch. 
Leaning down to bite at his ear you chuckle, “Do you want me to make it hurt baby?” 
Jinyoung nods slowly.
Pulling at the lace panties you unfasten the garters and slip the fabric down to the man’s thighs, “Can you hold your legs up for me baby.” 
Wrapping his arms around his thighs, Jinyoung’s legs hang above him as you toy with his wet hole. Plunging in one of your fingers, it slides in with no resistance and only results in a whine from the man below you. 
Giving a sharp spank to the side of his ass, “Don’t get cute now. I’ll leave you right here leaking all over the carpet so you can clean it up after you finish rutting against my leg.”
“I’m sorry mistress” Jinyoung moaned out.
 “I don’t have to fuck you, but this is for me.” You press. 
Lining up your cock with Jinyoung’s entrance, you slap your strap against his hole.
Pushing into the man, you groan at how easy the slide was as you bottom out in him. Wrapping your arms around Jinyoung’s legs you start to thrust into him slowly, building up a grueling pace that would punch out the filthiest moans from your lover. 
Pulling the panties past his knees you part the man’s legs to wrap them around your waist. You change the angle of your thrusts, groaning at the twisted look on his face, “How does it feel Jinyoungie, to be used like my darling whore on the floor of our living room, does it get you off knowing this is how you really are?”
Deepening your thrusts, you move a hand between you to fist Jinyoung’s own dick. He hisses at the sudden attention, crying out as you start to pump his cock in time with your thrusts. 
Jinyoung is a mess under you, drool once again running down his chin while faint whimpers are punched out of him. His eyes are heavy with tears as he holds his skirt up for you.
Suddenly squeezing his eyes shut he stills and cums with a shout, spilling onto the frills of his skirt. 
Sitting back against the sofa, you let your head rest on the edge as you catch your breath. “Thank you for this love.” You pant. Looking over at Jinyoung, he seems to be in the same state having shifted to lie his whole body flat on the floor. Running a hand through his sweaty hair he chuckles, “Happy Valentines Y/N”
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