feelingautistic · 21 days
Pride Month Special
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Happy Pride Month to my shark enthusiasts across the LGBTQ+ spectrum! Since June is Pride Month, I thought I'd discuss the common view that being LGBTQ+ 'goes against nature' by talking about...being LGBTQ+ in nature.
In nature, sex typically serves the singular purpose of reproduction. Therefore, many animals don't engage in long-term mating like humans, instead breeding with many members of their species to spread their genes to as many offspring as possible. By this logic, same-sex relationships/mating in animals should be an unusual behaviour as the animal takes on the same costs to energy and overall fitness without the benefit of producing offspring.
That being said, over 1500 animal species have been observed engaging in same-sex sexual behaviour, many of which are marine animals. Male guppies have been observed flashing sexual displays at other males, male dolphins have been observed forming long-lasting sexual relationships with other males, female cleaner wrasses will perform the male courting rituals towards other females in the absence of males etc.
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Particularly in marine animals, gender can be quite ambiguous too, with marine invertebrates commonly being hermaphrodites, capable of producing both male and female reproductive gametes (typically both sperm and eggs) which, as a result, have no distinguishable genders. Examples include coral, limpets and mangrove rivulus.
Not to mention, there are 500 fish that are known to be sequential hermaphrodites meaning they can change from being one sex to the other when necessary (for example, if the males in a population are wiped out, being able to have females become males is an excellent survival strategy). Many of you will already know that clownfish share this trait but wrasses, groupers and some gobies are also able to change their gender.
Humans changing gender and sexual orientation 'against the rules of nature' is not a reason to dismiss the idea as impossible or ridiculous. That being said, we can see that humans are not outliers in this area anyway and, without even considering land animals nor plants, we can see plenty of examples of the LGBTQ+ spectrum occurring naturally. So let's respect everyone's gender identity and sexual orientation :)
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tragediambulante · 2 months
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Sleeping Hermaphroditus, II century D.C
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respect-the-locals · 4 months
🐠 Daily Fish Fact: 🐠
The Snowflake Moray Eel, along with other species of morays, have pharyngeal jaws, which are a second set of jaws located in the throat or pharynx. This species is an unconfirmed hermaphrodite, but there have been records that they are able to change sex during their lifetime. Snowflake morays are also scale-less, secreting a mucus over their skin that allows for easy maneuverability in and around holes in their environment.
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wolven91 · 2 months
Introducing; The Hyenids
Warren rubbed at his wrists.
Despite being out of the cuffs for over an hour now, he could still feel them compressing his wrists until the bones grinded against one another. When the draconian merchant, or rather kidnapper and slaver, had turned on the bright lights and blinded him, he’d expected his torture to continue.
The young man still remembered the words that made his blood run cold.
“We’ll take ‘im.” Declared the looming shadow that had the comparatively tiny human shrinking away, despite his arms still being latched to the wall of the merchant’s vessel.
But that was an hour ago and his new ‘owner’ had appeared to collect their purchase.
It was a towering hunched creature, with a dark brown mohawk that ran from the top of it’s head, up and over the hunch before disappearing beneath it’s armour. It grinned wickedly with dangerous looking fangs. To Warren’s eyes, it’s body was a sea of scars and overdeveloped muscle. He took a guess that she was female based on the cleavage, but she looked as if she could tear a book in half with ease.
She grabbed ahold of his elbow and roughly led him away, a whimper escaped him.
This thing was massive, easily ten feet tall and all claws, teeth and muscle. At least the merchant had left him alone. What did this thing want?!
The march was brisk and silent as the grave. Warren focused on his feet, keeping his head low and doing everything he could not to burst into tears and beg them to let him go, to not hurt him. To just leave him alone.
The others had horror stories that they told one another when it was quiet and they were supposed to be asleep. Warren didn’t have any to add, he was a ‘new’ acquisition, was what the draconian had said. They’d taken him from a market place. One moment of needing to step away from the crowd and large, scaled hands had grabbed him.
“Boss!” Shouted a new voice, a brief glance upwards and Warren saw a new creature, similar in appearance to his current captor, but different enough to tell them apart.
“Since when we slavers? The crew ain’t ‘appy ‘bout this! Boss, *I* ain’t ‘appy ‘bout this.” Urged the newcomer, obviously pointing a clawed, meaty finger as Warren. He just kept his head down, the less they knew he was there, the less likely something bad would happen to him.
“We ain’t slavers.” The one holding warren retorted, before releasing the smaller human with a small shove forwards that felt like freight train had just tapped him. Warren stumbled forward into the oversized hands of the newest arrival, who just held him in place.
“I’ll get us away, n’ send a signal to the clan, n’ track the tracer I’ve dumped on their ship. Ain’t nobody ‘round ‘ere gonna’ be able to afford the rest of ‘em. We got a good few weeks to raid that asshole…” Explained the large canine-like creature. They weren’t canids, not by a long shot, but that was the only specie that they even remotely resembled.  The one now holding Warren grunted with a nod, satisfied with the leader’s words.
“And get this’un somethin’ t’ eat. Damn thing’s gonna’ turn inside out by the looks of ‘im.” She ordered, jabbing a finger warren’s way.
Without warning or any say in the matter, Warren was bodily lifted and thrown over the shoulder of the newcomer and carried away as the, seemingly, leader of the crew closed up the ramp and marched off before the human lost sight of her.
Shortly afterwards, he was brought into what could have only been a canteen. It was messy, old food stains had long since dried and were flaking off the walls and floor. The whole room was alive with similar looking creatures. Some wore armour, others; jumpsuits, some wore nothing at all. It was only because of this, Warren mentally realised that he may have been off on his guess of genders with these creatures.
They all sported chests that would make any man blush, but when his eyes naturally were drawn down the ‘nude’ creatures, he found that every one also sported significant endowments between their legs too. The whole room’s eyes were on him, the lights over head played with their gaze, some of their pupil turning reflective as they stared at him.
“’Ey! We ain’t slavin’! The boss has gone mad if their thinkin’ we’re gonna’ accept this!” Called one, which got the crowd to murmur and agree, their large heads bobbing in agreement. Warren could only glance around, petrified at the room full of at least thirty or forty dangerous looking creatures. Spikes and piercings adorned them. Some had weapons in their hands, from crude clubs to sharpened blades. They all had the posture of those who weren’t afraid. Neither for themselves nor to get what they wanted.
Raiders? Marauders? Although, based off what he’d heard, Warren couldn’t confidently pin ‘slaver’ to them. The one carrying him shouted back to the room, rather than addressing the one that spoke.
“We ain’t slavers! This un’ was all we could get our hands on.” She jostled the young man roughly as she spoke, punctuating her words. “The clan are comin’ to free the others by the tracker Boss snuck on the slaver’s ship.” She explained as she made her way to the far end of the canteen although Warren couldn’t see where she was going. He lay there, draped over her shoulder, his arms laying against the inch thick fur that was surprising soft, even with the diamond hard muscles that rippled underneath.
“So what that’un?” Shouted another voice on the other side of the room to the original that spoke. The one that carried him grunted.
“Hungry. Is wha’ he is. Get ‘im some food!” She demanded before Warren was once more lifted and brought down, placed on the floor at the feet of all these strange creatures. The one that carried him turned away and began to leave, Warren wanted to sprint after her… him? Them. Instead he remained rooted to the spot until they had left and the whole hall turned in unison at him.
He came very close to pissing himself in fear at the sight of an entire pack of giant bipedal hyenas all staring at him, some licking their chops with lines of spittle dangling down...
== 0 ==
Twenty minutes later, Warren had the fattest, largest steak he had ever seen sat on a large flat piece of metal still sizzling in front of him. It was easily an inch thick and wider than his whole torso. The idea he could eat all of this was a joke, but his growling stomach promised a good attempt.
The crew found it hilarious that he wouldn’t just pick up the meat and eat it, but one rather friendly Hyenid, as he found out what they were called, had taken out a gigantic bowie knife from their belt and sliced it into much smaller chunks. His fingers were greasy with fats, oils, salts and herbs that the chef had cooked it in. It tasted like the best steak Warren had ever eaten. Whether that was from his hunger or their skill, he didn’t care.
“So, you can’t smell?” Asked one, reaching over to touch Warren’s face and nose, only to have the same bowie knife that had cut his steak to appear, blade pointed towards the speaker, right between her fingers. The overprotective Hyenid shoved the knife towards the hand which had the speaker retract their hand, or risk the webbing between their fingers get sliced open.
“He eats first.” The wielder of the knife grumbled before shaking the bench Warren was sat on as she heavily sat down. They scooted forwards until their massive legs were touching his hips and their body was only inches away from his shoulder. He could feel her fur tickling him.
Warren chewed quickly and swallowed.
“I can smell, just not to the same degree as you guys… or many species.” He admitted, each of the creatures, still crowding him, but hanging on his every word.
“He’s tiny.” Whispered one, far too loudly.
“Is he one of the crew?” Asked another.
“What’s ‘is species called again?”
“I’m a hu-.”
“A ‘ooman!” Shouted one near to his back, obviously having heard him the first time, but talking over him now.
The crowd ‘aahed’ . It was weird being the centre of attention, and whilst they obviously had no personal boundaries, what with the overprotective Hyenid leaning forward and very obviously sniffing the young man, they weren’t the worst set of aliens he’d met before.
Being picked up like a sack of potatoes and having no manners was certainly not a deal breaker.
“Ey! Question!” Called another, Warren having long since given up trying to figure out names.
“What?” Called another.
“Where’s he sleepin’ tonight?”
The room went suddenly quiet, only broken by the loud anxious gulp as Warren swallowed a half-chewed chunk of meat and broke into a nervous sweat, now that all eyes were on him again.
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bethanythebogwitch · 12 days
Wet Beast Wednesday: California Sheephead Wrasse
A lot of people through history and the modern day have an overly simplistic view about sex, both in the sense of biological sex (that is, what gametes something produces) and sex as in the act of mating. A lot of people think that sex is just a strict binary between males and females, but nature is far more diverse and varied than that (even in humans. Intersex people do exist after all). Today I'm showcasing one of the animals that completely goes against the alleged sex binary: the California Sheephead Wrasse. And yes, this is a pride post.
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(Image: a male California Sheephead Wrasse in a tank in the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is a large fish with a bulbous head. The head and tail are black, midsection is pink, and the belly and chin are white. End ID)
The California Sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher) is a large fish in the Wrasse family of Labridae. They are sexually dimorphic, with the males and females appearing distinct from each other in size, shape, and color. Males are larger than females, reaching up to 91 cm (3 ft) and 16 kg (35 lbs), though there is quite a bit of size variation based on food availability. They have flatter faces than females thanks to a bulbous bump on the forehead. This lump is the namesake of the fish, since it allegedly make it look like it has a sheep's head. I personally don't see it at all. Males have black heads and tails with a white chin and underbelly and pink midsection Females are smaller and colored silvery to a dull pink all over except for their white chins and underbellies. There isn't really a maximum size or weight for females for reasons I'll get into later. The fish have large canine teeth that protrude from the mouth and modified throat bones that form a grinding apparatus called the throat plate.
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(Image: a female California Sheephead. It has a less bulbous head than the male and is a pale pink all over, except for the white belly and chin. End ID)
Sheepheads, like many wrasses, are sequential hermaphrodites. A sequential hermaphrodite can transition between sexes during its life (as opposed to a simultaneous hermaphrodite, who can produce both sperm and eggs at the same time). Every California Sheephead is born female and some will become male later in life, making them protogynous. Protogyny is the most common form of hermaphroditism in fish, with over 75% of known sequentially hermaphroditic fish species being protogynous. This transition is a one-way process, males will not turn back into females. The transition is triggered by a number of factors, primarily size and the local availability of males. If there are not enough males in the area, the largest female will transition to male to fill the role. This transition takes between 2 weeks and a few months depending on availability of food and other conditions (temperature seems to play a role) and the fish will be capable of producing sperm before fully assuming the male morphology.
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(Image a male and female Sheephead swimming next to each other. The female is roughly half the size of the male. End ID)
During mating season (July-September), males will pick a territory and claim all nearby females as mates. A younger male without a territory may challenge an alpha male to try to claim his territory. These fights are often resolved with threat posturing, but if neither male backs down, they will fight with biting and raking teeth against the opponent. During mating season, females will release batches of 375,000 eggs almost daily for males to fertilize. During this time, the alpha male will patrol his territory to mate as much as possible while chasing off smaller males who may attempt to sneakily fertilize some of his female's eggs. The larvae are planktonic for their first 34-78 days, and will sink as they grow. Juveniles have a different coloration to the adults. They are orange, with a white stripe running down the body and dark spots on the fins. The average maximum age of a California Sheephead is 21 years, but the oldest individual on record was 53 at the time of capture.
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(Image: a juvenile Sheephead. It is a small, orange fish with a white stripe running from eye to tail and black spots on the pelvic, anal, dorsal, and tail fins. End ID)
The California Sheephead lives on rocky reefs and kelp forests from southern California to the Baja peninsula and Gulf of California. They prefer shallow water between 3 and 30 meters (10 - 100 ft) deep, though males will occasionally venture deeper. Sheepheads are predators that hunt hard-bodies invertebrates including urchins, shelled molluscs, and crabs. Juveniles hunt smaller prey such as sponges, bryozoans, and barnacles. The protruding canines give the fish a better grip when trying to pry food off of rocks. They crush the hard shells of the prey with sharp teeth before swallowing. The shells are then further ground down by the throat plates. Smaller individuals have been known to break open urchins too large to bit by picking them up and hammering them into rocks. Sheepheads play an important role in kelp forest ecosystems by keeping urchin populations down. Urchins eat kelp and without predators keeping their numbers in check, can reduce kelp forests to urchin barrens. Sheepheads are known to have a high site fidelity, meaning they will return to the same places over and over. They will maintains a sleeping spot (usually a crevice they can hide in or rock they can hide under) and return to the same places to hunt. They are diurnal and return to their sleeping spots at night to avoid predators.
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(Image: a male Sheephead trying to pick up a sea urchin with tis mouth. End ID)
California Sheephead Wrasses are classified as vulnerable to extinction by the IUCN. Their primary threat is overfishing. The Sheepheads have been commercially fished since the 1800s and their numbers have dropped. The hermaphroditic nature of the species actually makes things worse. Commercial fishers are incentivized to catch the largest fish and the largest Sheepheads are the males and females that are likely to transition to male. Unlike with other species, there aren't small males around to make up for the loss of large males to fishing since the small fish are the females. The loss of males and the largest females (who are the ones most likely to transition to male) means there aren't enough males around during mating season to keep the population high enough. The introduction of marine protected areas and fishing regulations have helped the population recover. The loss of the Sheepheads is a big deal since they're one of the species doing the most to keep the kelp forests healthy by eating urchins. Natural predators of the Sheepheads include sharks, sea lions, and giant sea bass.
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(Image: a fisherman holding a male Sheephead on a boat. The large canines of the fish are particularly visible. End ID)
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jareckiworld · 7 months
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Minoru Nakahara (1893-1990)—Hermaphrodite of Nature [oil, canvas, 1947]
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aesthetic-otd · 8 months
Today's aesthetic is hermaphroditus
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groovyfags · 8 months
Happy Intersex awareness day! I found this a bit ago, but here is the entire collection of Hermaphrodites With Attitude, an intersex newsletter that ran starting in 1994 until 2005.
The newsletter features intersex people from all over talking about their lives. There is a lot focused on the medical treatment of intersex people at the time, but there is also information about rallies and protests, news, and people talking about their lives!
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2001hz · 2 years
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Mana Models x Takato Yamamoto: 'Fermentation of a Hermaphrodite' 3D Collaboration Figure (2018)
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twst-simp · 4 months
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I will say nothing more
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burningvelvet · 1 year
“A woman’s face with nature’s own hand painted / Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion”
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Lines from the poem Sonnet 20 by William Shakespeare (1609) one of his texts most noted for the theme of sexual ambiguity, and the sculpture Sleeping Hermaphroditus, an Imperial Roman copy of a Hellenistic original by Polycles (circa. 155 BC) rediscovered during the early 1600s and subsequently accented with a marble pillow sculpted by Bernini in 1620; now housed in The Louvre, Paris.
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jadwiga-abremovic · 8 months
"WhY ShOuLd InTerseX PeOple Be In The Acronym"
Well, for one thing, "preventing lesbianism" is still a reason why doctors do clitorectomies on newborns.
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respect-the-locals · 5 months
��� Daily Fish Fact: 🐠
The Asian Sheepshead Wrasse is one of the largest species of wrasse, native to the western Pacific Ocean. It is a hermaphroditic species, meaning that it has both male and female organs which allows it to change its sex. All Sheepshead are born female and as they grow older, eventually will change sex.
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triclitch · 21 days
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(Click of better Rez)
I desperately wanna see these babies in the next game 😭
Interaction based off a short story I wrote years ago 💀
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This is gonna be a long ass chain 😭
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arainmorn-art · 2 months
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Yeah, I'm nostalgic. Yes, I decided to show my old comics x) A little known fact about me is that I'm also a Morrowind fan. Not Oblivion, not Skyrim, not The Elder Scrolls as a whole, but Morrowind specifically. Who understood the Molag Bal reference, good for you x)
In late 2015, I participated in a canceled zine based on the TES comics. In a week, I drew this comic about Nerevar and Vivek's quiet evening (no script, no storyboard, because I was a rushing moron). When I was reading Vivek's 36 lessons, the phrase that he's a "magical hermaphrodite" inspired me to draw him as, well, an androgynous elf with boobs x) The subject of hermaphrodites and androgynity really inspired me at the time. Oh, and Nerevar being a guardian for a little Vivec, hnnnnnnnnn. It makes his final even more painful x') It also amazes me that I draw the same character types years after years. Gosh.
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picturesquepalette · 10 months
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distinguished gentleman
markers and colored pencils on cardboard
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