#Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home
angelkarafilli · 9 months
Absolute History:Death By Wallpaper: The Hidden Killers In The Victorian Home 
Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home (2013): In a genuine horror story, Suzannah Lipscomb reveals the lethal products, gadgets and conveniences that lurked in every room of the Victorian home and shows how they were unmasked.
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itskattkm · 4 months
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I put a spell on you
Based on a request: I just read your baby fever thing and thought it was really cute. I liked how Wednesday slowly began to tolerate the idea of a child with R.
This doesn't have to be a contribution if anons of request, but could you do a short where R and Wednesday actually talk about having a kid, getting a surrogate or whatever voodoo magic the Addams family has, and then just having a heart to heart on it?
Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader
Warnings: cheesy, short smut, GiP, ritual, spell, family plans, Wednesday turning into a softy, sloppy writing, not really proof read
A/N: here it is my dear anon. Sorry for the long wait and I think it turned out way longer than I planned. Hope you enjoy it. More request are open :)
You and Wednesday had been a couple for a few years now. You two met back then in Nevermore Academy where she basically saved the whole city. You both became a couple after tiny stolen moments between the two of you. Never would you have considered that Wednesday saw you as one of her friends. You always kept your distance but you were there if your friends needed you. So in the end you became a more important person in her second case then you actually planned and one thing came to another.
Years passed Wednesday became a well known writer but also solved the craziest crimes and caught the darkest killers just for fun. You were home in the big Victorian house you had bought with her once you two got married and moved out of the apartment you lived once’s. Wednesday was currently in her writing time. Something she still held onto. Even more after she really became a writer.
You walked slowly into her office. Hearing the sounds of her typewriter bitten one letter after another as she was working focused on her next novel.
“You’re planing to stay up all night?” You asked softly. Approaching her from behind. Looking over her shoulder and watching the words she kept hitting into the typewriter. "Mhm." Wednesday answered without looking up. "I can't get my last chapter just right." She typed a little longer. "Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee, querida mio?"
You hesitated but the fact she called you “her love” made her monotone voice sound so much softer. It was giving you some chills. After all she was Wednesday Addams. It was hard being her girlfriend sometimes but the little affection and hidden hints she gave you from time to time, they were your everything. So you made your way to the kitchen and made her an espresso with three shots as she liked or well… preferred. As you came back with the coffee and placed it on her table. Looking at her your face slightly flashed by the dimmed light in the room.
"Thank you... love" Wednesday smiled - literally her unique and rare Wednesday smile "I appreciate it. Really." She took a sip of the coffee.
"What would you do without me, hm?" She asked in her typical ironic and dry manner.
She typed some more. You chuckled about that dry joke, you should have been the one to ask her that. She wasn’t in the position to do that. Your chuckled died down in the new silence and Wednesday went back to writing. Hesitant you tried to start a conversation, ignoring how fast your heart was pushing suddenly and hoping she wouldn’t see the heat in your face. You knew her writing time was important. You may were her wife so Wednesday didn’t go hard on you when you interrupted her but still. It made you feel nervous some times.
“Wednesday can we talk?” you managed to whisper. She stopped typing for a moment and looked up, her dark eyes looking right through your soul. She was silent for a very long time before asking "Talk about what?".
began slowly and carefully “It’s been a while we had time to talk or do something together and I was thinking about something we talked about some time ago…”
Wednesday said nothing for an instant. She was silent. But then she put down the cup she had been holding as you talked.
She let her hands rest on her lap, turning fully in her chair to look at you.
"Yeah? What is it? What is it you want to say, my dear?" Wednesday asked in a very soft, comforting voice. She was clearly open to anything you might want to say. You sighed loud like you were holding so much back inside of you and took a chair nearby before sitting down beside her.
“We talked once about having kids….” My throat tightening as soon as those words left my mouth.
Wednesday blinked at the word 'kids'. She was silent for a long moment before she answered. "Yes. We did talk about that. I remember." Wednesday said very carefully. "Kids? You want children?" Wednesday asked, her voice was very low. “Well…” no more words left you as you got more nervous now. Slightly intimidated by her as mostly.
“Well… we have or jobs. Our house. We’ve been together for six years and married for two. I…” you shrugged your shoulders feeling almost dizzy, not sure what to say. How to make your point.
“I don’t Wanne wait to long Wednesday” you said softly, almost scared. Like you didn’t knew if it was okay to say this or even talk about this. But you knew you felt the urge too… maybe it was something in your nature. Your body saying that you were ready or maybe you were so madly in love with that woman that you wanted little versions of you both.
Wednesday leaned back in her chair again. She was quiet for a very long time. You waited patiently for her to say something but she only blinked. Wednesday looked at you "I'm afraid we can't have kids." Wednesday said in a very serious tone. "No children. At all. Ever." Wednesday repeated. She looked you in the eyes, her face expressionless. You leaned back as well and nodded your mind turning immediately into an auto pilot mode. But you had to admit That this was your fear as well. After all you both were woman, how was that supposed to work? For sure there were ways but deep down you knew that adoption wasn’t an option in the Addams family. Or anything else at all. You stayed calm on your face a wide understanding smile, but truth was you couldn’t hide the sadness you were sure that the smile made it even more obvious that this was going right through your heart. More than you wanted to admit.
Wednesday took your hand while you were silent avoiding her gaze, nodding and still smiling. "I know. You'd make such a great mother." She paused.
"We'll have a great life together, querida mio. I promise." Wednesday said reassuringly. "But no children. Okay? Are you okay with that, my dear? I know how much this means to you." Wednesday asked, looking at you. Her face showed genuine compassion.
You kept nodding, feeling like one of those dogs with a jiggling head for the car.
“yeah…” your voice near to break. You caressed her hand before getting up without looking at her. “Goodnight then… don’t work too long okay?” You added and left to your shared bedroom. Wednesday watched you leave. She couldn't say any more but she wanted to say something. When your bedroom door was shut she went back to work. She tried to write something again - but she couldn't. Instead she put the coffee cup aside and got up. Walking to your bedroom. She opened the door and went in quietly - slowly closing the door behind her.
You were already lying in bed holding yourself together. Staying quite. Pretending to be asleep. Wednesday sat down on the edge of your bed. "You're not asleep, my dear." Wednesday said. Her voice was very soft, that kind of soft that made you feel goosebumps all over your body but not this time. She laid a hand hesitant on your leg.
"I'm sorry for tonight." Wednesday said slowly. She hesitated for a while but then she leaned over you. Slowly she touched your neck and began to rub it in circles. Wednesday was calm and patient. She wanted to make you feel better. You were moving slight signaling that you didn’t felt like it now and wanted to be alone.
"Let me make you feel better." Wednesday said. "Please, Y/N. Let me help you." Wednesday spoke quietly and almost shy.
She went on to lightly and slowly rub away your worries on your back until you could feel her gentle touch. Wednesday was doing anything she could to make you feel comfortable again. She was trying to say sorry with her affection.
“Just leave it…” the words left you numb.
Wednesday didn't answer - she just kept rubbing your shoulder and neck for a little more while. Knowing you loved being touched on your neck. It always made you calm down, managed to make you feel better after nightmares. Wednesday wanted to show you how much she meant her apology. She wanted you to trust and love her again cause she felt like you didn’t wanted to feel anything of that at all right now. But she also didn't want to pressure you. "I'm sorry." Wednesday said again. She hesitated. "I love you." Wednesday whispered.
Her words having so much power over you. You felt conflicted. A tear rolled down your eye. She couldn’t see cause your back was facing her as u stayed quiet and tried to sleep or at least act like you were sleeping. Wednesday noticed that you weren't asleep. She could tell that you were tearing up. She wanted to keep you calm. So Wednesday laid down beside you and spooned you. Held you. She stroked your arm to comfort you. She wanted to keep you from falling apart because she knew how hard you could be to yourself sometimes.
The next day you woke up before Wednesday. You got changed, prepared breakfast. Today you wanted to visit her family since her younger bother Pugsley was celebrating his engagement. Wich meant you needed to go to the Addams mansion and would be part of the big family reunion. Wednesday woke up shortly after you, seeing you already got ready for today.
"You didn't need to cook me breakfast." Wednesday said slowly.
“It’s literally the only thing I’m actually good at…” you said trying to joke but you didn’t laughed or smiled. She hesitated. "Thank you, my dear." A genuinely smile on her cold lips.
"I'm sorry for last night..." Wednesday said in a very quiet tone and added after a short time "I love you, sweetheart.”
“Let’s not talk about that” you whispered and sounded colder then you meant to
You gave her a small kiss on the cheek.
“Now hurry… we’ll be late” you added.
"Okay." Wednesday whispered back.
She did get ready, quickly brushing her hair and putting on clothes to look good, appropriate for the family and mostly for you. "Let's go." Wednesday said, trying to push everything away for today. But the thought of yesterday wasn't gone. But she wanted to push it away for today. After a while Lurch came and picked you both up. You were sitting in the back of the car. Not really talking. When you made it to her family’s mansion you were greeted by her father Gomez and mother Morticia with much love as usual. Your parents in law. You loved them as much as your own, maybe even more. Let’s be for real.
Wednesday stayed quiet as she held you close to her. She may wasn’t a person for physical touch but you were different. And after moments like yesterday Wednesday felt weak. Addicted or cursed. Cause she couldn’t face seeing you like that. So those were moments where she longed for physical touch with you. She felt her black heart pound harder, happy that her parents gave you the same love and affection, you deserved it, you were family now. But Wednesday still felt a little out of place. She felt like she was the odd one out today more than usual - in her own family. She still couldn't shake off the feeling about yesterday's talk.
Inside of the Addams mansion you looked for Pugsley and his fiancé Mary. As soon as your eyes found them, you had a genuine smile for the first time since last nights events. You greeted them and wished them the best, having slight small talk and all.
After a while you found yourself with the rest of the Addams family and more in the big dinning hall. All different types of creatures and human beings. Outcasts and normies. They were all celebrating the engagement of her brother with Mary. But you could feel that it wouldn’t take long till people would start asking you and Wednesday dozen questions.
Right now you were talking with her grandma. Wednesday was happy about the engagement even tho no one could see it in her dead pan eyes. She was still silent. She stayed by your side. For the whole time, her family and their guests had their eyes on you.
You were the only one who noticed that Wednesday didn't really wanted to talk. Like most of the time. She didn't wanted to engage in conversations. She just sat by your side her mind a mess.
But it was nothing new, you were always the talk active at events while Wednesday kept being her anti social self. She surely did the usual deadly pranks with her brother and talked a lot with her uncle fester. But yeah. It was actually normal. But today Wednesday stayed with you the whole time. She was almost clingy. A very rare thing. She didn't want to go anywhere without you. She was always by your side, but at the same time - she still was in silence. She answered some questions directed to her but she looked very uncomfortable with everyone giving her the looks. And you felt this. You didn't need words to know how Wednesday felt right now. It pained your heart for her but also you didn’t wanted to feel anything right now cause you knew why.
“So y/n… when can we see the breed of you two?” Said Wednesdays grandma and you immediately froze. You weren’t sure if this was a joke or just a coincidence. So you smiled weak and left Wednesday and her grandma alone, finding a fake excuse to leave the conversation. Walking out of the mansion to be alone.
Wednesday suddenly turned red. Wich was even more rare than her smiling. Not because she felt embarrassed but because she saw how you felt about her grandma's question. Wednesday was always afraid of family questions. Of others asking about babies and families. Because she knew that it was something that she could never offer to anyone. Wednesday never knew how to react when someone mentioned children. Wednesday stayed silent and looked after you, hoping for anything that could make it better - for you. She looked away completly when she couldn't answer the question after you left.
Mortica had her eyes on the two of you the whole night and saw what happened, so she approached Wednesday and her grandma asking “Everything alright? Why did y/n leave?.”
"I just..." Wednesday started to speak - trying to stay calm. She tried to find something that would make everything okay. "Grandmother... She just asked us something... I couldn’t answer." Wednesday said very nervously. She still looked away in shame. She tried to stay calm. She was ashamed that she was the reason of all of this. She was ashamed because she couldn't give you the family you deserved. Morticia looked confused at her daughter and then at her mother in law “What was it about?” Asked Morticia even tho she already knew the answer.
"She... She asked..." Wednesday said shyly. "... She asked why we didn't have any children yet..." Wednesday replied as silent as possible for a second. Wednesday kept her avoiding the gaze of her mother and grandmother. Wednesdays mother tilted her head she didn’t saw the problem in that “And?.”
"Well... There isn't going to be any children..." Wednesday said softly. She looked up, still a little quiet and nervous. "We can't have any." Wednesday repeated, now more seriously. Morticia smiled wide she understood what the problem was.
Hesitant she touched Wednesdays shoulder without really touching it and said “My dear death trap… you know you can. You’re an Addams. And you’re my daughter. You have the powers of witch craft. You can have children with y/n… it’s not a problem at all that you both are women”
Wednesday froze for a moment. Her eyes went wide and she blushed. This wasn't what she expected at all and for the first time she felt actually dumb, dumb for not thinking about this herself. She suddenly felt shy to tell her mother more about your relationship. She looked at her mom again, still quiet. "W-What..??.." Wednesday said in confusion. Wednesdays grandma laughed “You didn’t considered to use a ritual?” She asked like it was the most normal thing. "A ritual? No... I never thought about that..." Wednesday said. She blushed even more and looked away. Her heart was racing. She couldn't believe it.
Wednesdays mother smiled genuine
“There are rituals that make it possible for you two to have your very own child…”
She sighed with a loving smile on her lips and looked around. “You should look for your wife and have a talk…” she added.
Wednesday looked up at her mother in awe. No. With respect. She couldn't believe what her mother had said. Could a ritual actually make it possible for you to have children? Wednesday was speechless.
She excused herself and made her way to the Addams library trying to find this ritual. She didn't took too long. Very quickly she found a small book. It had been written almost a century ago but it was exactly what she was searching for. Wednesday put the book in her bag but she could already hear the doors open behind her. She went silent. She was very nervous. The book could change everything...
“There she is my favorite niece!” said Fester with big eyes, electricity sparkling out of his fingertips and greeted Wednesday. She looked at uncle Fester and immediately tried to hide the book deeper in her bag and acted cool. "H-Hi..." Wednesday said softly but nervously. She was freaking out inside - and even a little bit scared. She didn’t wanted to talk with her family about you and hers problems in marriage or well… bed. But she wouldn’t consider it as a problem in bed. In bed was everything more than fine.
“Where’s y/n? I haven’t seen her since a while” asked Fester. "Uhm- she went to get some fresh air for a moment. She's outside." Wednesday answered, trying to seem unreadable. "She'll be back soon..." she hoped. She wasn’t sure were you were but she saw you leaving the mansion.
Fester looked at Wednesday with a knowing cheeky smile and said “She’s at the Addams graveyard”. Wednesday realized that uncle Fester knew. How long was she already outside? How long did she take to find the old book? Wednesday tried to say something but just nodded. She tried to find the right words. She tried to be careful with her words. “Uncle Fester... You know pretty much about spells and rituals, right?" She still tried to stay calm.
“Is this about something specific?” He said teasing and gave Wednesday a wink while chuckling. She blushed for a second. She couldn't believe that he knew - but he knew the whole time... Wednesday looked at him. Her eyes told everything. Even without her speaking he already knew everything about her relationship and how she felt. "Uncle Fester - I need you help." Wednesday said quietly. Fester smiled wider. "I... I found an old book..." Wednesday said. She looked down. "Its about a ritual that could help us to have a child..." Wednesday said while looking back at Fester. Wednesday was nervous. She really hoped that he could help her.
Fester looked at the book she pulled out of her bag and nodded
“That’s right… but the one you have is a way more newer ritual. I don’t know if it works as good as the old one”. He walked towards the shelves and picked up a way smaller one and much older one.
“This one. Will defiantly work.
One of our family members used it once. How do you think was vetter it born?” He laughed. “With that ritual… anyone can have children…” he added. Wednesday was shocked. She didn't thought of that - but it was possible now. It was possible that they could have a child. It was the one thing she wanted to hear right now. She blushed and looked at Fester in awe. She finally smiled but still was stunned. She looked down to the ground and nodded. "I need to speak with y/n... I'll let her know." Wednesday said softly. She turned around to go back to you and find you.
Wednesday left the library and went back to you. Finally she took this one step. She went outside, smiling at you with a small glow to her face. "I'm back dear." Wednesday said.
She looked around and saw there was nobody around, it was just both of you.
She approached you with confidence and put her hand on your cheek. "I have good news..." you were surprised to see her. But kept avoiding her eyes as you watched the family gathering from afar through the windows of the mansion. Now that no one could hear her she finally had the courage to say it. "I have a plan... A ritual that could make it possible for us to have children. I found the book and asked uncle Fester to confirm it. He said that it would work." Wednesday tried to give you a smile but she was still too scared to actually look at you. She was afraid of your reaction. She was afraid she couldn't make you happy with this.
Your heart skipped a beat and your face felt hot you looked at her shocked and asked “what?”
"We can have a child.... I just spoke to Uncle Fester about it..." Wednesday looked at you. Her voice was still shaking but she hoped that you was happy - like her. "I know this is important to you - but..." Wednesday paused for a second and looked down.
"Do you want that... Do you want this..?" Wednesday asked quietly. You were stunned and speechless and said confused “You talked with fester about this?”. Wednesday nodded quickly. "Yes... I talked to him about this... I had to... And... We can make this work. We can have a family." Wednesday said with a nervous smile.
One of those rare smiles she wouldn’t give everyone. That showed her beautiful dimples. That made you weak. You looked down not sure what to feel. You weren’t sure if she did find a way to make this possibly for us or just to make you happy…
Wednesday noticed your reaction. "If you don't want this... I understand..." Wednesday said softly. She looked at you. Her eyes showed her worry unsure what to say now. “No! It’s just…” I began with teary eyes “You gave me hope for one year. And when I asked you yesterday you said it will be something that will never happen and be something you can’t give me and now your coming and tell me about a ritual?”
"I know..." Wednesday said silently. She tried to get even closer than she already was. Wednesday put a hand under your chin and raised your head. She looked at you straight in the eyes and smiled softly.
"I was wrong yesterday... I just... I was scared to talk to you about this. I didn't want to give you hope in case it wouldn't work. No. Thats not true. I was dumb. I didn’t think so far… That's why I said that.... But Fester gave me the book... I... I think we can really do this. It's a miracle but I believe in it... Do you?"
A sigh escaped you and you rested your forehead on yours with closed eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks “Do you?” I whispered weak. Wednesday's heart started to beat even faster. She tried to wipe your tears away. "Yes... We can... I believe it..." Wednesday said softly. She put her other hand behind your head. She looked at you very deeply. "I think we can make this work, I do." Wednesday whispered back and smiled again. You looked at her
“You really want this? And you don’t do this just because of me? I need to know if you want this as well as how much as I want this Wednesday” I said softly looking at my wife.
"I want us to have a family." Wednesday said confidently and took your hands. She looked directly in your eyes as she repeated herself. "I want us to have a family that is complete. With you - with us. It really is important to me." Wednesday said honestly. Her eyes showed no doubt of what she just said. Wednesday was sure this was the right decision. “There’s no going back…” I whispered looking deep into your eyes. Wednesday smiled gently and kissed your forehead. She was still very close to you.
"It is the right decision..." Wednesday said. She looked into your eyes again with a small smile on her face. She pulled you a little bit closer and pressed you against her. "I guess we have some work to do... Now..." Wednesday said and smiled at you again. Wednesday was nervous but she felt confident in her decision and the fact that there was no way back now.
A true smiled filled with happiness came on your lips. You pulled her closer saying “I love you…” She hugged you. And you felt her heart beating under your chest. Her breath smelled sweet and she held you tighter.
She still smiled but her eyes looked a little bit like she still had something to say.
Your heart beat faster. Wednesday was beautiful, wonderful and caring just like you always had loved in moments like this. She was perfect - like everything about her.
Her braids were falling on both sides to the side of her face. She was wearing her dark lipstick and she was so... mesmerizing. She always had been. This feeling was perfect. This moment was perfect. You two were perfect for each other.
She looked down for a second and smiled again. She then slowly pulled you closer and kissed you. But not like something quick and without much emotion. She kissed you soft and slow like you had never been kissed before. Wednesday put her arms around you. You both were close and she looked at you. You could see that she was not scared anymore. She kissed you again and whispered quietly as she did.
"I love you y/n..." Wednesday said and slowly broke the kiss. Your hearts were beating like never before.
You drove back home pretty fast after that.
Now you were sitting at the end of your bed and watched Wednesday looking through the book. You felt nervous as she showed you the book with the ritual. “So how does it work?” You asked as you were already only in your underwear and wore a slight silk black gown on top.
"It's an old ritual..." Wednesday begann.
She opened the book and looked at you explaining the rituals step by step.
"The ritual takes approximately two hours... We're doing everything that is written down here. After that you need to drink a potion to confirm the ritual. And than..." Wednesday closed the book.
"It happens." Wednesday said. She put the book down, looked at you.
"Are you ready querida mio?" She asked shyly. “Two hours?” I asked shy
“What are we doing those two hours?” The answer was pretty clear but you were still to stunned to believe it.
Wednesday didn't even answer. She just blushed a little bit, a light smirk at the corner if her lips. She came closer to you and started to kiss you. She gave you her whole attention. She took your hands and put them on her body. Her cheeks were a little red but her lips were still dark.
She smiled evil and kissed you again.
She gave you her whole attention, everything in her was only for you - right now.
You breathed heavy and melted right into her. Kissing her back. The candles around you two that had been placed in a circle, were making this so much more intimate then it already was. It was the most incredible moment of her life. This moment - right here. With her girl. With y/n. She kissed you, she held you close, she touched you. You were so close together - so beautiful. The candles around the room put your faces in a romantic light and gave you a romantic but also spooky atmosphere. Your hair looked so soft and beautiful. You were so incredibly beautiful. The book with the rituals lay open nearby. She had prepared everything for this moment.
She finally could have everything with her girl and You felt pure joy.
“What about the potion?” You whispered between kisses your hands on her waist. Wednesday laughed softly. She couldn't help but smile "You'll drink it in the last moment..." Wednesday said softly. She was still holding you close and was still touching your body with a soft hand that got a little bit warmer. She was in a very good mood. She smiled the way she rarely did had, with a dark and sexy hint. But today - everything was different. Everything was so much more tense… in a good way. Almost like in the night of your first or well second time. The one you both started exploring each other way more than usual.
"It's still so unreal... That we really are going to have a family." Wednesday said and kissed you again. She kissed you so soft that you didn't even felt it at first. But with every passing minute, the kiss became harder. Bruising your lips. Tight grips around your body. The hunger was there and so much more.
You breathed heavier and was lying now on the pentagram you two had to draw before on the floor. Wednesday held you very close on the pentagram. You were laying down and felt her breath against your lips. Everything about this moment was so magical. So wonderful. And it was really just the beginning. She gently kissed you over your cheeks and jaw. Then she looked you in the eyes and kissed you heavy on the lips. She put her hands on your hips and pulled you closer to herself. In her eyes was passion and lust. The way she was breathing made it look like she was starving. Starving to touch and feel you.
You held each other so close. You wanted this so much. You felt her hair and her arms and she didn't stop kissing you. Wednesday was so amazing and you wanted everything from her right now.
The lights from the candles put you in a beautiful light. It was the right atmosphere and the right time. The room was filled with love and happiness.
It was just you and her. It was just Wednesday and y/n. A wonderful moment together. The most precious moment.
She leaned over you. Her skin was soft. Her hair was shining in the light of the candles. She smelled like a deadly flower her smell driving you to another world and then she started to kiss you again. Her body was so close and so soft against yours. You felt the heat of your bodies and you felt the love you both shared even stronger as her hands gripped tight your hips and thighs.
You didn't want to miss even a single second of this moment. And Wednesday didn't let you. She kissed you - touched you - caressed you. She was completely yours right now. A heavy breath of pleasure escaped your throat as her fingers pressed into your thigh. Wednesday wasn't shy to show her attraction. She put her arms on your waist and pressed you harder into the floor. She kissed you even harder and longer. You could feel how close her body was with yours. Wednesday smiled in pleasure. She was enjoying it. Everything about this moment was good. Everything about this moment was perfect.
Your hand moved around her neck as you gripped it tight. Your tongue licking her lower lip before you moved it inside to meet hers.
The kiss was more passionate than ever. Heat was rising between you both. You could feel your need growing. Every touch and kiss sended electric waves right between your legs. Suddenly Wednesday turned around and pulled you on top of her.
Now that you were on top of her you kissed her neck. Your hands caressing her thigh’s while your teeth hovered over her pulse.
Wednesday skin turned more and more into color. She looked at your hands and the kiss was still soft. It only got more intimate. Wednesday kissed you back - not just on the face - but everywhere around your neck. Wednesday was hungry and lovely at the same time. Your touch made her feel warm. She put her hands around your hip and pulled you even closer to her. Her legs were now completely wrapped around yours.
You gasped when you felt something between the two of you down there.
Eyes looking down to see a big bulge in her underwear.
“Is this part of the ritual?” You asked nervous and felt so much more turned on now. Wednesday grinned devilish. She didn't answer right away. She took her time to think about what she said next. Your hands were still on her hips and she moved them a little bit closer. She could feel how you reacted to her right now. You were excited. Wednesday was not surprised. She was excited too - because of this moment and because she could see your reaction.
She looked at you and whispered seductive.
"In the ritual there is one part where we... We need us to be very close... It's very important..."
“Yeah I know but i didn’t knew that the ritual and spell would give you a dick for that…” I said honestly and felt your hardness against my probably soaked slip.
Wednesday kept that sexy evil grin. Your reaction and this moment were so hot. She liked what she saw.
"The ritual has a few different parts in it..... But it's nothing strange. Nothing that wasn't planned." Wednesday said softly and kept a smile on her whole face.
She was so nervous and so excited at the same time but somehow managed to keep it cool. "I guess we can start the next part now... Can we?" Wednesday asked, but you could see that she really wanted it.
You grinned and leaned back down over her.
Grabbing tight her chin as you pulled her in a fierce kiss.
Wednesday was overwhelmed. The kiss was deep and passionate. She bucked her hips. Her hands were running over your hips and your back. Her erection was almost painful by now. It was defiantly a different experience to be intimate with you like that. To feel the effect you had on her, to see how much control you had over her.
She did not want this moment to be over. Wednesday wanted to be with you like that. Forever.
You became more confident and curious so you started grinding your hips into her hardness, to see how good the spell actually worked.
Wednesday was breathless.
She didn't speak a single word. She just kissed you back softly. The spell worked perfectly. She felt it.
Wednesday was almost panting. She put her hands tighter on your hips and pulled until she felt that you were right over her. She wasn’t nervous anymore. She was completely comfortable with you in this position. And she liked what she saw. And what you did to her.
“If there’s a way to use this part of the spell again… then we have to do this way more often” you said heavy against her lips as you kept moving against her erection.
Wednesday was completely overwhelmed. The spell worked better and better. Wednesday's breath was heavy. She did not know what to say. But she did not speak. She didn't want to stop what was happening right now.
Wednesday moved herself more and more in a motion with you. She kept kissing you and she did not stop. She couldn’t. You kissed her deep and turned both of you around cause you wanted her to be on top while you would do this. Wednesday didn't say anything. She followed your move. Your body was now laying under hers. She was completely yours right now. A moan escaped you. Wednesday was blushing. She knew it was the spell - she also knew that it was working perfect. And she was so happy.
She started to kiss down from your neck to other areas with hot open mouthed kisses . She was moving herself and wanted to make you happy - make y/n happy now. Every single muscle in her body felt alive now. The spell made her feel so excited. Wednesday was yours now. She was yours forever - she wanted this. She would never ever let you go - and she meant it from the bottom of her heart. She knew your souls were bonded for this and every other life. Always meant to be together in this and every other world.
Wednesday was so happy. You were everything she wanted. No. needed in her life. You were her wife. She was ready - and she wanted you to realize that she would give you everything you wanted, needed and wished for right now. You were everything to her. All of you.
Wednesday took control of the situation - with a spell and a few words. She was in a completely other world. She didn't want to speak. She wanted to keep kissing you. And she did. She tried all different places.
Wednesday was kissing you all over your face again. She took her hands away of your back and started taking of your slip. And she didn't stop kissing you. Instead she gave you love bites. All over your neck, collarbone and chest. Within seconds both of you were naked.
Hands and fingers roaming other each others body. Wednesday breathed lower and slower as she looked into your eyes for a short moment before kissing you long.
While doing that she positioned herself at your entrance. She knew exactly what to do since you both used a strap on regularly. Almost… regularly. But this was so much better. It made her feel everything. It gave her the full experience. She wanted to slap herself for being so dumb and never considering to use spells for things like that.
The words “my dear you’re so wet…” were on the tip of her tongue but she had always been a bit shy when it came to dirty talk. So she kept the words in her mind and started moving herself into you.
Meeting your tight walls, made her almost moan right away. “Deeper…” you said heavy and she did as you wished. Stretching you out and filling you completly with her dick.
Wednesday started to move slow with deep thrusts first but became faster in a short time. She moved her hips in different styles and tried different kinds of movements.
"Y/n... You are so beautiful..." Wednesday said in between short breaths that were hitting against your neck.
She tried to be as soft as possible - but that was hard. She usually liked being a bit rough. She knew you liked that too under special circumstances and something was telling her that you wanted it rough now.
You started moaning
Your nails deep in her back as you said breathless “I love you querida mio…”
Wednesday was breathing heavy as she heard you moan.
"I love you too querida mio..." Wednesday was kissing your neck again. And then your chest and everywhere else. Wednesday wasn't stopping. She was doing this perfect.
The room was so filled with love. The candles made this moment beautiful.
Everything about you - from your face to your body - you were so beautiful.
Everything about this moment was perfect and Wednesday could feel it coming. She didn't even try to hold it anymore. She didn't say a single word.
She was holding you tight and she knew she could finally let go.
She let all the pleasure come over her and she felt complete as you both reached the peak. Wednesday took a deep breath. Her body was shaking right now. She was still on top of you - her whole body breathing a little bit faster. She didn't move her head and she just kept kissing you.
She didn't want to stop now. This moment was perfect. You panted holding gently her cheek as you kissed her back asking “The potion?”.
Wednesday wasn't talking but she smiled. Her eyes glowed up in love and she kissed you back. "Yes... We are almost done... We just need one more spell..." Wednesday whispered and kissed you again.
Her eyes and her smile was full of love now. She held your cheek again and you could feel that she wanted to be right here. With you. Forever. Finally you both could have your very own family. “So what’s the next step then?” You asked. Wednesday didn't say anything. She kissed you again. For a long and soft kiss.
"The next spell is the ritual of the union. I need you to read it for me and then we will be done...." Wednesday whispered.
She was shy again and she didn't move her mouth.
"Just say the words I write down for you on the paper...." Wednesday whispered and gave you a piece of paper.
"Do you trust me?" Wednesday asked.
You nodded and Was feeling excited and with full hope. Hoping you both could have your own family. Hoping you would be pregnant after this. Wednesday climbed off you and gave you the piece of paper and started to smile.
"Okay dear I will write down the words of the spell now." Wednesday sat down beside you. She didn't say anything. She just wrote. It did not take long and she looked into your eyes with love and gave you the paper back.
"Read it loudly and I will listen. Say those words for me... Together we will be united..." Wednesday whispered. You nodded and started reading it out loud.
"Now the spell of union. In the name of true love I cast this spell over us. I call forth the power of all love rituals, spells, potions, incantations and sacrifices. May the love of two souls be forever united in this life and the next. I bind our souls together forever. You feel me. I know. And that is why I know this is meant to be. Let our love remain unbreakable and create something more. And last forever more."
Wednesday watched you and listened.
You chuckled after reading this
“This actually sounds like a second vow… and not like something we can have a baby with” memories of your first night together after the wedding came back. "I know... It's my little surprise..." Wednesday whispered. A devilish grin on her lips and kissed you again. She wanted this moment very much to be like on your wedding night. She wanted this night to be special and romantic. And it was. You kissed her back and after that, you drank the potion for the ritual, coming slowly to an end.
"The potion works slowly. It takes a little bit of time. It's good that we still have time for a little bit more… fun. I don't want this night to end."
Wednesday layed there - next to you - her arm wrapped around you as she caressed you back. You looked at the time “So I guess we need to go another round? Only one from two hours passed from the ritual” a slight teasing tone in your voice.
Wednesday kissed your cheek and laughed. "Yes... we need another round."
She moved your lips with hers slowly again.
"I can't think of anything else right now than just being with you... and giving you so much pleasure..." Wednesday whispered her lips on your pulse. She tried to make this moment last as long as possible. The potion was still working very slowly so she used the time she had right now to her advantage...
“Do you think it will work?” You asked softly
The fact that the ritual and spell actually gave her a dick to do this made you still scared that it wouldn’t work. Wednesday moved a bit closer to you. She looked you deep in your eyes and she smiled. She kept kissing you but after a while she whispered.
"We won't know until it's done. But I would say - it will work. The spell is working so it's just a matter of time." Wednesday had no doubt that you would be happy. In her eyes the union spell would work and everything would be fine. Your love would be there - and would last forever and most importantly… would create something beautiful. With the best parts of you both. "I love you so much... You are everything to me... You are the most beautiful woman ever..." Wednesday whispered and kissed you so passionately.
Your whole body was full of goosebumps and you felt like this should have always been the way. This was destiny. Wednesday was your girl and you would never let her go now.
You saw your whole life before your eyes together. In your head you saw that everything was right now. The feeling was more than perfect. “I love you Wednesday Addams” you whispered caressing her cheek and lower lip with your thumb. Wednesday was breathing heavily now as she kissed you again. She moved her hand up and down your chest as she kissed you again right now. She whispered softly.
"I love you so much. You make so much sense to me. Everything feels right with you. We are two people, we are together forever. This is our life right now. I am so thankful that we have each other..."
One week passed after the events of the ritual and spell you both were back in the usual routine. She was working on her book and cases and while you did your work as a video editor as usual from home. Wednesday finished her current case and looked on the clock. In about half an hour she would get a call from her office and then she could finally be done with work for today. Wednesday looked at y/n’s picture on her phone and smiled. It was perfect. Wednesday was now waiting to get this call and then she could get home and see you.
She still had in her mind the feelings of the ritual from a week ago. She just could not stop thinking about it. It was perfect and it would be her new every evening memory now. Wednesday was driving home now and was excited to see y/n. In less than 10 minutes she would be there and she could finally see if her wife had maybe some great news. While she was driving you were walking down the house up and down. Nervous about the test and excited at the same time.
Wednesday finally came home and saw you waiting. Wednesday gave you a long kiss and hugged you short. "Was your day alright my dear?" Wednesday asked as she let herself go. “Yeah querida mio” I said happy and kissed you long before pulling away. “So… let’s check what the pregnancy test says… I know it’s early but it’s still a spell so maybe… who knows…”
"Yes y/n. let's check it now." Wednesday took the pregnancy test that y/n was holding in her hands. Wednesday looked at it as she saw that it was positive.
"We did it... We are having a baby." Wednesday kissed you passionately and was so happy. Adrenaline and excitement rushing through her like never before. She couldn't even tell how happy she was right now. You did it. Your love produced a life.
Love produces life - and that was incredible. Wednesday was so full of love she couldn't stop thinking about you and the baby right now. You were speechless. And had tears of relive in your eyes “it worked?!”
Wednesday was smiling and kissed her passionately again. She was so happy.
She started to cry even a little bit. "Yes querida mio it worked. It really did!
We have a baby on our way. I love you so much." You smiled with slight tears and kissed her back deeply “Why didn’t you come up with the ritual earlier?” You said chuckling.
It's been a few months and the months were flying by. You were pregnant and your belly was getting bigger and bigger. "I'm so excited about being a mother..." Wednesday whispered to you.
Everything was perfect right now. They had each other. They had their baby. And they had their spell. It worked perfectly. The ultimate ritual of true love. I chuckled
“It’s weird to see you being all affectionate and a softy. If someone would see you like that they wouldn’t believe it”
Wednesday was touching your belly now. You were sitting in the kitchen now together.
"It feels weird for me too. It does not feel real to talk so openly about emotions. But this is our baby. And it does not matter how others see us if they see us being in love.
The whole world could look at us and laugh, but we don't need to care. We love each other and we are now having a baby. The proof is in your belly now dear. Besides that. I’ll kill everyone who dares to look weird or say something" Wednesday smiled evil. It was still so weird to see her smiling all the time. And being way more softer than she truly was. But you were happy that you were the one who had that effect on her. And you were excited to see how both of you would raise the child. You hoped it would be a Addams like the others.
"Our baby will be dark and unique as an Addams. Maybe a bit scary but very smart. Just like us." Wednesday said with a proud smirk making you chuckle “well I hope”.
"I hope so too. But I think we are having a really smart and dark child for sure. At least if he is a little bit like me I'm satisfied." Wednesday said as she kissed your stomach. She was so happy. Everything was perfect right now. “He?” I said teasing
Then I added “I hope he will be just like you. So I don’t have to worry that much about the baby, cause I know it can handle everything by himself”
Wednesday smiled. "Yes. A boy would be nice. It's a little bit more fitting for an Addams child." Wednesday added with a little grin on her face.
"Just think how good he will look in his own little funeral suit. He will be adorable." Wednesday laughed a little bit as she said the last thing. She loved your little teasing and she loved that you could have fun. It meant so much to her. You laughed about this and shook your head it was so typical for her. But I was actually surprised that she wanted a boy. You always thought she was pulled to powerful woman and stuff like that cause she was one herself.
“Tell me more about what you imagine our child to be like…” you said peacefully. Wednesday smiled and took your hand and kissed it.
"Dark. Smart. Funny. A bit weird and maybe a bit scary. But very lovable. Just like us." Wednesday said as she kissed your hand and looked in your eyes.
She imagined it to be a beautiful child. Wednesday really didn't have a preference between a boy or girl.
In her imagination the child would fit perfectly into their little Addams family.
More months passed and you both were lying in bed now. Wednesday had her hand gently on you belly that was now way much bigger.
"She is active. I can feel it." Wednesday said smiling. You smiled watching her touch your belly and observe the movements of your baby girl. It turned out that it wasn’t going to be a boy. But none of you cared about that. The important thing was to have a healthy baby. "She is so active. I can't even believe it. But I also love it... Our little girl is going to be here so soon. I'm already so happy that she is growing more and more every day. I just love her so very much already." Wednesday said as she kissed your belly. The baby was moving a lot. Wednesday could feel her more and more every minute.
Time flew by faster and soon you found yourself with her in the hospital after giving birth. Wednesday held their daughter close and she looked at you.
"I will always take care of our little girl...
She is so beautiful. I am so glad that we are good mothers. What should we call our little girl?" Wednesday said as she kissed their daughter and then look at you.
You could finally name your little girl. A child made out of pure love and dedication. Their Addams child. They could not have asked for anything better. You looked at both at them thinking about names that would fit an Addams and the miracle it self. "There is Pandora, Persephone, Calypso...
I know these are unusual. Do you have any ideas? Maybe some dark or even Latin names?" Wednesday asked.
It was always important to Wednesday to have a strange and powerful, old fashioned but dark and mysterious name. Just like a true Addams. Something special. “What about Dahlia?” You asked.
It was her favorite flower and crime story.
In your opinion the crime was to much but the flower was perfect.
Daliah Addams.
Wednesday smiled.
"I'm really happy with that name. She is going to be quite a powerful woman like us." Wednesday said and looked at you.
"I want her to grow up with strong characters. To have confidence and love. But also to be able to have power and to use it." Wednesday said smiling.
She did not know where she took those strong feelings from. It was just a sudden feeling that she now wanted all that for their little Daliah.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
141 Prompts (and a reference list of other prompt lists)
A mix of normal/standard AUs and a few Funky Ones. Send one or more characters and a prompt, and maybe you'll get a drabble!
I needed to break them up due to post limitations, but any one of these can theoretically be used for (almost) any other dynamic. The numbers do reset, though, so if you send one to a person, be sure to include either the section or the prompt!
Reminder: You send prompts to people in the ask box, not through replies.
Met at the Gym
Niche Academic Field AU
Food-based Small Business Owner and their New Regular
Author and Editor
Mystery Author and Serial Killer
Cosplayer and Creator of the series they're cosplaying from (author, actor, whatever)
Made out while in costume at a Halloween Party
Renaissance Playwright/Artist/Artisan/Creator and their Wealthy Patron
One Night Stand but the next morning you learn it's your CEO's kid
Bodyguard AU
Whoops I accidentally became a Sugar Baby
Whoops I accidentally fell in love with the sex worker I've been involved with (OnlyFans, exotic dancer, full-service, whatever)
Rich person pretends to be poor, secures a date with actual working-class person
Celebrity Romance
Con Artist and the person who saw through their grift
We each don't speak the other's language, but we both speak Klingon or Ancient Greek or Latin or something so we're making do
Sexy Repairman
Hot Single Parent and babysitter/nanny
Pilot and Flight Attendant
Model and Designer
Accidental Pregnancy
Fake Dating
Fake Married
Marriage of Convenience
Green Card Marriage
Arranged Marriage
Age Difference Marriage
Mistaken for Cheating
Casanova in Love
Only One Bed
The Perfect Student/Citizen and the one with a motorcycle and tattoos and piercings (and a heart of gold)
"My parents are out of town, you up?"
Just saw an ex at an event, started making out with the hottest person in arm's reach and now we're dating?
There's a ghost here and I'm going to date it
Assassins after the same target
Regency Romance
Late Victorian Dueling Detectives
Silent film stars
Alien and astronaut
Reincarnation AU
Soulmate AU: Matching Marks
Soulmate AU: First Words
Soulmate AU: Timers
Vampire and Hunter
Demon and Angel
Eldritch Being and the person they are being SO normal about
Omegaverse, but it's not Alpha Male/Omega Male
Hallmark Film AU
Disney Princess Film AU
Accidental Baby Acquisition
Take your kid to work day
Promoted to Parent
Child coming out to the parents
Parent coming out to the kids
Overprotective older sibling
Overprotective parent
Overprotective kid/younger sibling
My ex had a kid without telling me, now they're dead and the kid I didn't know about came to me (AKA The Game Plan AU)
Just received custody of my nibling(s), because their parent/my sibling is dead/in jail/just got drafted/is otherwise busy
Adopted the Antichrist
Changeling Custody Battle
Death of a distant/estranged relative resulted in a Big Inheritance
Secret/Lost/Delayed Heir (Princess Diaries AU)
Military Brat
Bonding with the stepparent
Evil stepparent
Family Small Business (restaurant, dry cleaners, bookstore, library, etc)
Mom died and now dad's lost his mind and turned into a supervillain
Mom died and now we need to bring her back to life hashtag necromancy
A parent died and now the kids are following an Inherited Map From Generations Past to find some old treasure hidden behind a stupid number of riddles
That one kid at the reunion that greets everyone with flying tackles
Backyard gardening
Building flat pack furniture with The Kids
Taking a grandparent out from the nursing home to hang out for the day
Heirlooms for the wedding
Accidentally texted the wrong number
Roommates accidentally adopt a cat
A friend needs to sleep on the couch
Trying to be polite about the terrible meal a loved one cooked
Planning a Baby Shower
Planning a Bachelor/ette Party
Wedding planner and client
(Consoling someone who was) Left at the Altar
(Consoling someone who was) Cheated on
Just won the lottery
Ascended to godhood
Emergency Room Meeting
Maid/Janitor/Cleaner who witnessed something illegal
Private Investigator
Vigilante and rescued victim
Need some help hiding the body
"I would kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you."
One bets the other to do some parkour
One begs the other to not do some parkour
Lab Partners
Heist Team
Snowed in together/Hurricane Party/Other Weather Isolation
Custom Couturier
My best friend just got turned into a baby
My best friend just got turned into a pet
Just hit a stranger with my car oh my god please be okay why the FUCK do people have their brights on
Seeing your best friend's ex at an event and making a Scene about it
Just saw an ex at an event and started having a panic attack, and you pulled me aside to calm me down, are we best friends now?
Genderswap AU
Trans AU
Role Swap AU
Can't wear my glasses (lost, damaged, at a bath house where they'd fog up, whatever) and you need to lead me around
Karaoke Party
Someone on a horrible date needs an extraction
One just walked in on the other with an arm stuck in the vending machine that ate their money
Social Media AU
Frat/Sorority Party
Met Gala
Library AU
Museum AU
Teachers AU
Reality Competition Show AU
Dance AU
Newspaper/Journalism AU
Winter Holiday
Summer Holiday
Road Trip AU
1950s Diner
Film Noir AU
Dropped Into the Real World
Historical War AU [Asker can specify]
Wingfic AU
Daemon AU
Robot/Android AU
Pirate AU
Everyone is some kind of monster
Zombie Apocalypse
Mermaid AU
Vampires and werewolves AU
Fairy Tale AU
Magical School AU
Time Travel
Time Loop
And here they are as individual sections if you'd rather have a shorter post to reblog:
50 Romance Prompts
26 Family Prompts
37 Platonic/Gen Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
If this list doesn't work for you... try one of these! I've got a lot of AUs in my tags, and a lot of the above was cherry-picked from existing lists.
(That said, a lot of the lists do riff off of each other; I'm not exactly going to cite every instance of a soulmate AU.)
It's broken up vaguely thematically, but mostly due to post limits wrt character count, link quantity, etc.
Big List of AUs
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Fanfic Trope Meme - not actually a prompt meme, but could be used as one
GUESS WHO LOVES AUS - biggest list of AUs holy shit guys
Nearly 200 writing prompts
390 Prompts!!!!
50 A Softer World Prompts
One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’
A (horribly cliched) au + a pairing
Arranged Marriage Prompts
Arranged Marriage Starters
Soulmate au prompts
Soulmate AU Masterlist (yes, a different one)
Just two besties who like to fool around with each other
Imagine your OTP- Things I’ve said to my SO
Fluff Meme: Cuddles Edition
Meet ugly
Have some AUs as if there aren’t enough on your dash already
Romance Tropes
Dialogue Prompts
A ship and one of these
A pairing and a number
A pairing and a line of dialogue
"I love you" Dialogue Prompt List
A number and a pairing - Kisses
A pairing and a line of dialogue - Fluffy
A pairing and a line of dialogue - Angsty
Valentine's Day Starters
I Hate Valentine’s Day Starters
Dangerous Loyalty RP Starters
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Angst/Fluff Prompt List
Angsty otp AUs
Smut Sentence Starters (18+)
Nonsexual acts of Intimacy
Sharing A Bed Starters
Character(s) and a letter
Characters and a prompt
Two characters or more and a prompt
Mini prompt list
Writing Prompts
Writing Prompts (longer)
Weird Words Prompt List
Friendship starter sentences!
Platonic/Friendship Sentence Starters
Protective Big Brother / Friend Starters
Ridiculous Sentence Prompts
sentence starters inspired by bdylanhollis on tiktok
bad idea starters
Dialogue Prompts
WRITING PROMPTS - Dialogue prompts
Drabble Challenge! - Dialogue prompts
Prompt List - Dialogue prompts
Four Word Prompts
Five word prompts
Deep-Ass Starters
Offensive Sentence Starters
Angst/Fluff Prompt List MVPs
Angst/Fluff Prompt List Part 4
Angst/Fluff Prompt List #7
Angst/Fluff Prompt List #9
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
“Secretly we all love angst” Sentence Starters
Angsty Sentence Starters
Super Angsty Starters
Potential angst starters
Angst lines prompt
Unrequited love starters
Bittersweet reunion rp starters
Illness-Based rp Starters
Whump Dialogue Prompts Pt. 1
Whump Dialogue Prompts Pt. 2
‘Mulan’ quote starters
'Buffy’ quote starters
'Inuyasha' quote starters
Deadpool (2016) Sentence Starters
Death of a Bachelor Starters
Halloween prompts
Mermaid au sentence starters
Weird Humans Writing Prompts
Assassin AUs
Ninja/Assassin Sentence Starters
Villain or Hero Edition
Interaction Meme (more for art than writing)
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study-with-aura · 8 months
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Friday, January 26, 2024
It's the weekend, and my two best friends are staying the night tonight! We have our cookie booth early in the morning, so we all agreed that it would be easier to stay at my house since it's closest to the store we're selling at. One of my friends, we'll call her H, is in ballet with me, same level, so she'll come home with me from that. Then my other friend, we'll call her E, her mom is going to drop her off at my house around 9pm since that's about when H and I will get back from ballet. Senior sleepover! I can't wait!
H and I have known each other since we were in first grade and were Daisies together, and E joined us for Brownies in second grade, so we've been friends for forever it feels like. I don't know what I would do without them honestly. We've been through everything together.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed finding sides in similar polygons + learned about perimeters and areas of similar polygons + practice
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 7-9 vocabulary + sent biography assignment to my mom for grading (100/100) + read the news
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + read my sentences in Spanish out loud to my dad (30/30)
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 17-18
World History - Watched 38 minutes of Hidden Killers season 1 episode 1 + worked on a chart showing the issues with invention risks in Victorian homes
Biology with Lab - Read over ecology key terms + read over project guidelines + chose my endangered animal project (saola because they're nicknamed Asian unicorns and are unbelievably cute but hardly ever seen in the wild, so hopefully I'll find enough information)
PE/Health I - Read a health article about synthetic biology and its use in treating disease and super powering cells
Foundations - Read more on obedience + wrote down all the different pictures I saw in a line image within one minute (helps with creativity) + finished up my speech and editing
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - None today (It was already assigned)
CLEP - Watched Module 7.0-7.3 lecture videos + completed Module 7 reading "Europe: A.D. 1800-1901" sections 4.33.1-
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 81-114 of They’re Watching You by Chelsea Ichaso
Chores - Dusted my bedroom, my bathroom, and the study + laundered my bedding
Activities of the Day:
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that I did not live during the Victorian age because all of the risks leading to so many injuries and deaths were unbelievable!
Quote of the Day:
We can’t begin to learn until we admit how much we don’t know.
-A Thousand Pieces of You, Claudia Gray
🎧Impromptu pour piano, op. 49 - Louise Farrenc
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legofanguy · 27 days
TMNT Victorian AU
A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Victorian AU for @augustwritingchallenge event AU August 2024 day 26 Victoria Era. I know that it would be wrong to add a fifth turtle to the usual four men team, but I found a way to work around Venus name by making Splinter got the name ideas from a book on the Renaissance.
New York City has been slowly become the America's version of London after the horrors of the Civil War during this era known as the Victorian Era, with many coming to move into the city to make a living in the great city, despite the increase in crime. There are rumors that begins to formed in the city of five green creatures that walk like men but they disappear into the night like ninja of Japanese legends. The public worry these green creatures as break ins of factories begins to increase, threating the jobs of workers.
On a nice day in the city and inside a building, April O'Neil watched as her boss Baxter Stockman, a African American inventor, said to a board of businessmen, "Gentlemen, this city is starting to have a rat problem, and I, Baxter Stockman, hold the answer to that problem." Placing a strange knee high machine with a head with sharp teeth and two legs on the table, Baxter said to the businessmen, "I give you the Mouser. My assistant April O'Neil will aid me in showing you how its works." April bring in the mouse maze and the rat on the table and Baxter turn on the Mouser, which let out a machined meow as it goes after the rat, chewing through the maze walls with its steel jaws, until its caught it, to the shock of the businessmen. After turning off the Mouser, Baxter said to the businessmen, "The Mouser is the perfect rat killer as you can see, gentlemen, but this lone Mouser couldn't deal with our city rat problem by itself, so I wish to buy one of your factories to build a unit of Mousers to deal with the rats. Do you gentlemen agree?" and the businessmen look at each around with worry that they would cut the usual work of their steels to make sure killer machines.
April and Baxter left the building with the red hair woman saying to her boss, "I guess that they has not chosen yet, Mr. Stockman." and a upset Baxter said, "Oh, they will, Mrs. O'Neil. They will accept me. I will be among the greatest men of science in the history books with my Mousers. Mark my words, Mrs. O'Neil." Baxter said as he start to leave, "I must return to my office for some time. I think you should head home yourself." and April nod her head to Baxter and head home.
As April enter the poor neighborhood where she lived, a group of men with purple tattoos of dragons walk in front of her and their leader said with a smile, "Hey there, leader. Are you lost? Why don't you come with me and the boys?" and the scared April said, "Sorry, I must get going." and try to leave before one of them grab her arm. "Don't you go anywhere unless we said so." said the man holding April and she realized the danger she is in as the men drag her to a alley. Just then, the man holding April got hit by a stick and the user, hidden in the shadows, said to him, "Leave the lady alone, buddy." The other criminals see the light of steel as four ninja figures surrounded them with the leader saying, "I don't know who you are, but this is Purple Dragon territory, and no one mess with us." The Purple Dragons try to attack only for the five ninjas to defeat them along with using their weapons to disarm them, and soon round up the defeated criminals in a pile and their leader said, "I'm sure we should leave them for the police to pick them up." April walk up to the ninjas and said to them, "Thank you." and one of them turn and step forward to the sunlight, revealing the ninja to be a anthro female turtle wearing a white headband and a pair of tessen on her hands whose said to April, "You are welcome." April was shocked and said, "Y-Y... You are not human...." before she faint and the other ninjas, whose are anthro turtles with differenent colored headbands and different weapons, walk up to April and the turtle in blue said, "She has seen us. We have to bring her to Master Splinter."
As April wake up, she find herself in somekind of underground lair and ask herself, "Where am I?" and see the five turtles sitting at a table as the turtles wearing a orange handband said, "Hey, she is awake. Can we keep her?" and a older male voice said, "No, Michelangelo. She is our guest here." The five turtles then said, "Hai, sensai." and April see a anthro gray fur rat in a purple kimono with a walking stick come out of a room, which shock her, while he said to her, "Greetings, young one. Don't be afraid. My name is Splinter, and me and my children are friendly. We brought you here because of both the attack on you and that my daughter Venus has made us be seen by a outsider. We have to bring you here for our safety." April ask Splinter, "How could you be what you are?" and Splinter answer, "I support I will tell the story of a young man from Japan named Hamato Yoshi, whose story is linked to ours."
Hamato Yoshi was a member of a clan of ninjas known as the Foot and he was one of their top members, but Yoshi want to fix the corruption of his home. When Japan open their ports to the outside world, Yoshi saw it as a chance and ask for the Foot Clan to work with the outside world, but the Foot Clan leader refuse and their son, a prideful man named Oroku Sawaki, call Yoshi a fool, which set Yoshi in a fit of rage that he injured Sawaki. For this dishonored attack, Yoshi was exile to America, where he move to New York City and live in the sewers with his five baby turtles that he keep as pets and the local rats. One day, when Yoshi went out with his pet turtles, he saw a pair of strange men threating a old man and Yoshi rush to stop them. During the fight, Yoshi kick a strange jar of ooze on himself and the turtles out of one of the men hands and it begins to changed them. That ooze appear to changed animals and humans into what they last touch, with the baby turtles becoming the five that you see before you, while Yoshi, whose last touch a nearby rat, was changed into a humanoid rat.
April said to Splinter, "So Hamato Yoshi was.... you." and the turtle in the red headband said, "Look you got figure it out." Splinter continue his story, "After I managed to bring us to my home in the sewers, I understood that the surface world wouldn't accepted us, so I retrain my new body in the ways of the martial arts and ninja, which catch the turtles' interest and so I choose to teach them as well. Soon, with a book on your Renaissance that I owned to make me understand your culture, I give them each names." and point his walking stick to the turtle wearing a blue headband and have two swords on his back, "Leonardo, master of the twin katanas, and leader of his siblings." Splinter then point to the turtle wearing a purple headband and with the stick in his back, "Dontaello, master of the bo and a genius in heart. He has been taken in by your steelworks that he bring in scraps home." and Splinter then point to the turtle wearing a red headband, "Raphael, master of the sai." The turtle with the orange headband said, "Raphael seen himself cool but he can be rude at times." and Raphael said, "Don't make me hit you, Mikey." while Splinter said, "That is Michelangelo, master of the nunchaku. As the younger of his siblings, Michelangelo is mostly not all there." Splinter then said as he point to the turtle with the white headband, "Finally, there is Venus, master of the tessen, and the one whose allow herself to be seen by you." and April said to Venus, "You are the only girl here." which made Venus nod.
As April stay with the turtles, Leonard soon come with food and news paper, saying to his family, "You are not going to believe this." and show it, which April reads, "Scientist Baxter Stockman goes missing!" and April said in shock, "Mr. Stockman! He was building a new machine yesterday! Someone must have kidnap him for that machine!" and Dontaello said, "Maybe whosever is stealing those steelworks factories must have been getting metal to build copies of that machine.
In the cover of night, April and the five turtles exit the sewers and the turtles use the rooftops to head to Baxter's house, as April follows.
Checking out Baxter's place, Mikey ask, "Who do you think want this Sickman..." before she corrected him, "Stockman." and Mikey continue, "Anyway, are aliens behind this?" and Leo said to his younger brother, "I don't think it was aliens, Michelangelo. I find a clue to who it could be." showing a note that read a address.
April and the five turtles arrived at the factory where the address would be and the red hair woman was quite surprised that there seen to be a factory working at night. She and the turtles peek into a window and see Baxter working with a man as they oversee the building of a army of Mousers, and Baxter said out loud, "I must thank you for the stolen metal, Mr. Krang! With this factory, I will build my Mousers and use them against those that mock me, destroying New York in the progress if it come to it!" shocking April that Baxter is plotting to destroy the city.
The turtles clash into the factory and Leo said to Baxter, "It's over, Stockman!" and the shocked Baxter said, "What in the name of science are you?" while Mr. Krang said, "Those are turtles. Mutant Ninjas I must add. Well, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." and Mikey said to Krang, "Hey, that is a good name of our group." Baxter said to the Turtles, "My Mousers will end you, turtles!" and a horde of Mousers come toward the turtles, whose turn their weapons since the Mousers are machines.
The turtles escape as the factory blow up as well Mr. Krang and Baxter escaping as well.
Back in their lair, April and the turtles tell their story to Splinter and he said to them, "I see... at least you did well tonight, my students. Still, I think destiny set us on a path, for I overhear the two men whose was respond for us said that they work with one named Krang." The turtles were shocked and Leo ask, "Is Krang behind what we are?" and Splinter reply, "We don't have the whole story, Leonardo, but we must try to protect this city from the shadows, my students. I think April would like to join us." and April reply, "Sure. I can see if I can also get a job as a reporter so I can get the scoop on any crime."
Meanwhile, Krang take Baxter to a strange base and said to him as Krang start to take off his coat, "Your factory loss cost me dearly, Mr. Stockman, thanks to those turtles. Now..." showing a brain like creature in his torso, the creature said in Krang's voice, "Let us discuss business face to face, Mr. Stockman."
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Can you recommend any documentaries that inspire your works?
I have a play list because my old computer didn't have much storage but I went to go pull it up and 90% of the videos have been removed so rest in fucking pieces. So here are the ones I remember off the top of my head, sometimes mentioning the fic they inspired.
General sort of disclaimer, most of these are pretty dated and the list is more euro-centric than I'd like it to be because I tend to rewatch the same ten documentaries over and over and over because they're a comfort thing from when I was a kid. A lot of them were already old when I first watched them lmao. So these are not as nuanced or as wide ranging as they should be and some absolutely have problematic content so take them all with a grain of salt and fact check as you go.
Hockey: A People's History is one of my favourite series of all time. Half the reason I head-canon Matt as being an absolute nutcase on the ice.
Canada: A People's History is another long, pretty in-depth but dated series.
There was a series from BBC called "The Celts" that came out before I was born that I'm very fond of. It's really dated in a lot of ways. The fic about Brittania's death is largely inspired episode 4 of that with "From Camelot to Christ."
The Great War. This one is fucking ancient, from 1964 and 1965 but its got a very calm sort of cadence too it I'm very fond of but its very much a product of its time.
The entirety of the American Experience series from PBS has largely shaped my writing of Alfred. A lot of them are available here too.
Lost World of the Ancient Maya from Nat Geo is a little over excitable but really good.
The Great Inca Rebellion from NOVA is pretty good.
Hidden Killers of the Tudor Home, Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home P1 and P2 and Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home have formed a lot of my headcanons that kind of sit in the background of my fics more than are the center of them? But they give a good glimpse at what daily life was like and just how goddamn dangerous it was.
The Yellow Fever fic was inspired by this from PBS.
Francis Prior's King Arthur's Britain has a stupid title but its got a lot of good archaeological history.
History of Food from here is a really good one.
And thats it.
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thedeadleafs · 10 months
The Many Reasons Why You Wouldn't Survive Living In Victorian England | Hidden Killers | Timeline
While the Victorians confronted the challenges of ruling an empire, perhaps the most dangerous environment they faced was in their own homes. Householders lapped up the latest products, gadgets and conveniences, but in an era with no health and safety standards they were unwittingly turning their homes into hazardous death traps.
In a genuine horror story, Dr Suzannah Lipscomb reveals the killers that lurked in every room of the Victorian home and shows how they were unmasked. What new innovation killed thousands of babies? And what turned the domestic haven into a ticking time bomb?
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honorarycassowary · 1 year
things I read/watched this week
Southern Cross vol. 1 by Becky Cloonan, Andy Belanger, and Lee Loughridge
sci-fi comic about a woman travelling by spaceship to Titan, where her sister has been murdered, in hopes of getting answers
gorgeous art and coloring work, and I’m always down for a science fiction + eldritch horrors story. I didn’t click with the protagonist, though, and the way she interacted with other characters felt very streamlined for the sake of plot convenience.
apparently it got cancelled midway through the final story arc, so I’m not continuing this. It was a decent enough source of entertainment for something I bought for $2 secondhand.
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
I was vaguely aware that there was a sequel TV show to the original series and this week I was consumed with the need to watch it. It’s good! The expansion from ~4 minutes to ~22 minutes is smooth, and the artistic and comedic styles are retained without getting dull.
I really enjoy the felt puppetry/stop-motion style.
My fave episode was definitely Transport. The growing desperation of Red Guy trying to escape and the surreal ending were excellent.
If you liked this, I’d also recommend watching An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It
Hidden Killers of the [Tudor/Victorian/Edwardian/Post-War] Home
it’s a documentary series ~4 hours in length, all about deadly household appliances throughout history! It’s fascinating. Did you know chimneys can explode if not ventilated and cleaned properly? Do you know how horrifically unsafe early electrical installations were?
It’s not all gore and horror - all installments highlight social and technological change and how those factors play into the ways people die at home.
The only downside is that I want More. What about the hidden killers of the Georgian home? Or hidden killers in other cultures? I really like looking at historical everyday life and its up and downs.
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wetleavesandfeathers · 6 months
Books I Read in 2023
"Why Fish Don't Exist" by Lulu Miller
"Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble" by Daniel Lyons
"Lab Rats: How Silicon Valley Made Work Miserable for the Rest of Us" by Daniel Lyons
"Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington" by James Kirchick
"Token Black Girl" by Danielle Prescod
"The Geography of Nowhere" by James Howard Kunstler
"Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II" by Liza Mundy
"The Devian's War: The Homosexual vs. The United States of America" by Eric Cervini
"The Family Next Door: The Heartbreaking Imprisonment of the Thirteen Turpin Siblings and their Extraordinary Rescue" by John Glatt
"Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation" by Kristin Kobes Du Mez
"Cults: Inside the World's Most Notorious Groups and Understanding the People Who Joined Them" by Max Cutler
"Raw Dog: The Naked Truth About Hot Dogs" by Jamie Loftus
"The Domestic Revolution: How the Introduction of Coal into Victorian Homes Changed Everything" by Ruth Goodman
"How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England" by Ruth Goodman
"What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat" by Aubrey Gordon
"'You Just Need to Lose Weight' and 19 Other Myths About Fat People" by Aubrey Gordon
"Hollywood's Children: An Inside Account of the Child Star Era" by Diana Serra Cary
"Wild Things: The Joy of Reading Children's Literature as an Adult" by Bruce Handy
"The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation" by Cory Doctorow
"What Moves the Dead" by T Kingfisher
"Illuminations" by T Kingfisher
"Can't Spell Treason Without Tea" by Rebecca Thorne
"Coffee, Milk and Spider Silk" by Coyote JM Edwards
"Legends & Lattes" by Travis Baldree
"Unbury the Bones" by Coyote JM Edwards
"Chase: The Boy Who Hid" by Z Jeffries
"Encore in Death" by J. D. Robb
"Escape from Incel Island" by Margaret Killjoy
"The Bookshop and the Barbarian" by Morgan Stang
"A House With Good Bones" by T Kingfisher
"Sorcery & Scones" by S. R. Meadows
"Humans Wanted" edited by Vivian Caethe
"Parable of the Sower" by Octavia Butler
"A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeline L'Engle
"Boneless" by Coyote JM Edwards
"Red White and Royal Blue" by Casey McQuiston
"Toad Words" by T Kingfisher
"Camp Damascus" by Chuck Tingle
"The Halcyon Fairy Book" by T Kingfisher
"Jackalope Wives and Other Stories" by T Kingfisher
"A Killer's Game" by Isabella Maldonado
"Payback in Death" by J. D. Robb
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44gamez · 8 months
New Xbox games — February 5 to February 11
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Xbox gamers might want to shuffle their backlogs round as soon as extra as 15 new Xbox video games launch throughout Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox One, and PC subsequent week. Though it's quieter subsequent week when it comes to massive releases, there are nonetheless a few attention-grabbing video games on the best way. February 8 sees the releases of The Inquisitor, Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Journey, and Cannibal Abduction.This is a breakdown of all the pieces coming to the world of Xbox subsequent week. Tell us which of those you are planning on selecting up within the feedback!February 6Alisa Developer's Lower — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneStep into the golden age of horror-themed action-adventure video games as you enter the footwear of Alisa, a royal agent tasked with monitoring a wished prison - who finds herself transported and trapped inside an odd Victorian mansion haunted by unusual mechanoid dolls. This developer's reduce is the definitive model of the hit, critically acclaimed ALISA.Sydney Hunter And The Curse Of The Mayan — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneOn this pixel-perfect homage to the traditional motion platformers, you play as Sydney Hunter - an explorer who will get trapped inside a Mayan pyramid whereas he is out exploring! February 7Dungeonoid 2 Awakening — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneBust blocks in your path to victory in an adventurous mashup of nostalgic recreation genres!Traditional dungeon crawling will get a block-busting twist in Dungeonoid 2 Awakening, a top-down journey introduced in retro pixel artwork type! On this style mashup, you’ll decide from 4 role-playing lessons, every with their very own distinctive stats and particular ability, then set off on a quest to beat evil by controlling a floating platform to deflect a magical orb into targets alongside the best way.Transfer the platform left or proper on the backside of the display and bounce the orb to maintain it in play. Let the orb fly previous you, and also you’ll lose a coronary heart. However fret not, by destroying partitions, gravestones, enemies and extra together with your orb, you’ll trigger power-ups and modifiers to drop in the direction of your platform, a few of which could heal you, some may shrink you, some may energize your orb for stronger assaults or produce other results! Cost your particular assault to unleash significantly efficient spells and assaults in opposition to massive blocky bosses earlier than they carry your journey to an finish!February 8Cannibal Abduction — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneCannibal Abduction tells the skin-crawling story of Henry’s try at escaping the home of a cannibalistic household earlier than he turns into dinner. After embarking on a weekend getaway in his father’s automobile, Henry’s plans take an surprising flip when the automobile breaks down in a distant space, resulting in a fateful encounter with a suspiciously useful native. BONUS: Should you’re nonetheless alive afterwards, break into an deserted submit workplace for scrap as Adam in The Night time of the Scissors! All the pieces is yours for the taking, however the snipper has different plans for you. From horror grasp Tomás Esconjaureguy, comes two twisted tales of terror! This thrilling VHS-styled low-poly survival horror pack is a must have for any slasher fans. With cat and mouse type gameplay and lightweight puzzles, keep away from the killers in any respect prices through the use of the shadows or hiding spots. Be alert although, staying hidden will not at all times be sufficient to flee. Are you able to survive, or will you be a part of the ranks of those that have failed? Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Journey — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneDiscover and collect assets. Farm the land, craft instruments and kit, construct your base or a comfortable house - Ikonei Island is yours to find! Befriend magical creatures and struggle monsters with your pals or journey solo! Invector: Rhythm Galaxy — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneFrom Warner Music and the acclaimed indie recreation studio, Howdy There Video games, Invector: Rhythm Galaxy invitations gamers to embark on a musical journey via the universe to expertise a brand new option to play and interact with the songs they love. Soar via vibrant celestial landscapes completely synched to the beat of chart-topping hits from a few of at this time’s largest stars, together with Charlie Puth, PinkPantheress, Fifty Fifty, and plenty of extra. Put your subsequent sofa occasion into hyperdrive by competing in opposition to family and friends in heart-racing native multiplayer motion, or grow to be a solo maestro by mastering the rhythm of 40 songs in a fascinating single-player mode. And with an eclectic mixture of music and a spread of ability ranges to select from, everybody’s in a position to be a part of within the enjoyable! Mustache In Hell — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneMustache in Hell is a comical twin stick motion recreation. You and your mustache should battle hordes of enemies, acquire loot, improve weapons and tackle huge bosses.John Mustache is a tough-as-nails police officer. After some disquieting goals, he finds himself awake in an odd place and should make an surprising cope with the Grim Reaper to regain management of his life. The Inquisitor — Xbox Sequence X|SJesus didn't die on the cross, however got here down and unleashed vengeance on all of the nonbelievers. 1500 years later, a military of Inquisitors brutally implement the religion. On this darkish fantasy journey you resolve intricate instances and unveil abysmal secrets and techniques as Inquisitor Mordimer Madderdin.February 9Deathly Harmful — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneLethal and equally harmful — that’s our anonymous hero, who swore an oath to conquer all of the evildoers of this fantasy land! Armed with scythe and two computerized pistols, he'll tolerate nobody who stands in his manner.DD is a brand new twin-stick motion with excessive emphasis on dynamic fight, roguelike components and neat pixel artwork type. This recreation provides you actually hordes of enemies and totally different instruments to eliminate them. Cartoonish violence has by no means been so enjoyable earlier than — belief us, you gonna love capturing these pesky spiders and skeletons!Alternative of Life: Center Ages 2 — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox One Jubilee — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox OneSoar and spin via Jubilee’s precision platforming. No upgrades, no powerups, simply you, gems to gather, and animals to rescue in your option to freedom!Management:Override — Xbox Sequence X|S, Xbox One Prisonela DX — Xbox Sequence X|S
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The Tales of Bayun — Xbox Sequence X|S Manitas Kitchen — Xbox Sequence X|SConvey collectively a gaggle of dinosaurs with extraordinary abilities to make up one of the best kitchen brigade the world has ever seen. All underneath the supervision of a really impolite and really tiny boss.Uncover new recipes As you progress via the story and full goals, Trexito will bear in mind recipes from his culinary faculty. Get the components and acquire the recipes.Cook dinner like solely a dinosaur can How does an Ankylosaurus knead dough? Why does a Triceratops want a flamethrower? A Pterodactyl that can't fly? Use their unimaginable abilities to prepare dinner sooner and higher!Be careful for the competitors You arrive within the kitchen and... damaged counter tops? Cheese on the ground? Watch out for your rivals, as a result of they will not make it straightforward for you...Uncover Alpadino's secret Alpadino is aware of greater than you suppose and hides a not-so-fun secret. Uncover what his true mission is behind Trexito's new pizzeria, and perhaps... you may simply find yourself lined in cheese. Source link Read the full article
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lucyfashion2 · 9 months
Medicine in the Victorian era
The Victorian view of illness and ways of treating them is something that has always been a personal interest of mine, as well as the dangers hidden within their homes which was a place meant for peace and sanctuary.
Every Victorian home had hidden killers. Poisoning was a high risk as it was found almost everywhere within a victorian home. From lead, found in wallpaper and paint which poisoned the air, to arsenic in medicines. People boiled alive from the heaters beneath their bathtubs which would scald them to death and even by toilets which were still in a developing stage due to early plumbing.
Even areas of fashion would cause harm. For example, the corset would be worn so tight that remains of a woman's liver show her ribs to have been pushed into it and left a deep imprint.
The Victorian era interests me greatly as it was a time of innovation and experimentation which proved to be highly damaging to the average person due to their knowledge. It is due to them that the world has become what it is today.
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eggcatsreads · 1 year
January Reading Wrap-Up
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Favorite Read of the Month:
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (GR review)
Oct. 11th, 1943—A British spy plane crashes in Nazi-occupied France. Its pilot and passenger are best friends. One of the girls has a chance at survival. The other has lost the game before it's barely begun.
Code Name Verity is the heart-wrenching story of a woman captured by the Gestapo as a Nazi spy - and her confession.
I HIGHLY recommend going into this book blind, without looking at ANY spoilers as I guarantee you will not see everything that's going on. This is also a book that really lends to a re-read, which is what this was for me. I had read this book last year, and even still this was still a top read for me - despite knowing what was going to happen. This book has a lot of hidden clues throughout that you only really catch on a re-read, but absolutely do not spoil the book for yourself. Trust me.
The beginning portion of this book can be very slow and seem to drag on for a while. Believe me when I say you need to push past it and finish to the end. Once the second section of this novel starts it's a whirlwind and everything you thought you understood for the first part is suddenly turned on it's head.
Other Five Star Reads:
Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham (GR review)
The story of Chernobyl is more complex, more human, and more terrifying than the Soviet myth. A harrowing and compelling narrative which brings the 1986 disaster to life through the eyes of the men and women who witnessed it firsthand.
I highly suggest this read if you have ever been interested in the Chernobyl disaster and wanted a nonfiction book that brought it to life, and also explained nuclear physics in a way that even non-nuclear physicists could understand. I mostly listened to this through audiobook, and there were times I was glad I was working alone because my jaw literally dropped and I gasped and reacted out loud to what was going on.
The Gathering Dark: An Anthology of Folk Horror by Multi
Hauntings, and a variety of horrifying secrets, lurk in the places we once called home. These stories shed a harsh light on the scariest tales we grew up with.
What it says on the tin. An anthology of horror stories by various authors (many of which I personally love their other works). If you like horror, especially creeping gothic horror, check out these stories. It's a quick read, and a fun way to bring some spice into your life without the commitment.
Rest of Books Read Under the Cut:
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Radium Girls by Kate Moore
The inspiring young women exposed to the "wonder" substance of radium, and their awe-inspiring strength in the face of almost impossible circumstances. Their courage and tenacity led to life-changing regulations, research into nuclear bombing, and ultimately saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Superheavy by Kit Chapman (GR review)
An in-depth look at how synthetic elements are discovered, why they matter and where they will take us. From the Cold War nuclear race to the present day, scientists have stretched the periodic table to 118 elements.
Mr. Humble and Dr. Butcher by Brandy Schillace
In the early days of the Cold War, a spirit of desperate scientific rivalry birthed a different kind of space not the race to outer space that we all know, but a race to master the inner space of the human body.
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
The Shape of Darkness by Laura Purcell
As the age of the photograph dawns in Victorian Bath, silhouette artist Agnes is struggling to keep her business afloat. But then one of her clients is murdered shortly after sitting for Agnes, and then another, and another... Why is the killer seemingly targeting her business?
The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff
Twelve women were sent to Occupied Europe as couriers and radio operators to aid the resistance, but they never returned home, their fates a mystery. 
Plastic Fantastic by Eugenie Samuel Reich
This is the story of wunderkind physicist Jan Hendrik Schön who faked the discovery of a new superconductor made from plastic.
The Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston
Since the days of conquistador Hernán Cortés, rumors have circulated about a lost city of immense wealth hidden somewhere in the Honduran interior, called the White City or the Lost City of the Monkey God.
Rating: ⭐⭐
White Horse by Erika T. Wurth
Haunted by visions of her mother and hunted by this mysterious creature, Kari must search for what happened to her mother all those years ago. 
All my reviews and opinions are my own, and if you liked something I didn't that's great! My rating system is super subjective (like all of them are) and I definitely don't like books others do, and that's fine since we're not all the same person, lol.
My ratings are generally:
5 stars: Books I enjoyed the entire time I read them. I had fun, it was exciting, and I wanted to continue reading. Many times, the difference between a 4 and 5 star read to me is simply the Vibes. If I had fun reading the book, or was really invested, I'll give it 5 stars even if it's not objectively That Great of a Book. If the Vibes say so, they say so.
4 stars: Great book, but there was simply something that didn't fully connect with me or there were a few slow spots. ALSO many of the debuts I read I tend to rate 4 stars, since they're a new author and I don't want to rate too harshly. 4 stars is my safe rating when I can't fully commit to a 5 stars, but it either wasn't "bad" enough or I don't want to be mean enough to rate anything lower.
3 stars: Run-of-the-mill. Nothing surprising. Book was read, but I could handle having not read it. If "Ehhh?" with a waving hand was a book.
2 stars: I disliked something about this book, and at times I may have finished it because I had already invested this much time into it. This book might have made me angry with something the author chose to do or include, but it never quite reached the spite reading stage.
1 star: I finished this book out of spite. If I could fight it in an alleyway I would. I wish I could bring back the tree that died to make this book so it could fight the author personally for doing this to it.
Books read so far this year: 11
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You know ... considering all this:
The arcitic suddenly doesen’t look all that scary anymore ...
Just saying ... 
Ship ahoi ... I’ gona go and turn in to an icicle ...
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roseunspindle · 6 years
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What I watched in June 2018
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study-with-aura · 8 months
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Monday, January 29, 2024
Today was a very busy day again. When is it not? I also had a lot of writing notes today! I enjoyed volunteering at the library again. There are a few of us who are there every week, which is nice. Sometimes we have a new person join us because they need community service hours for school. I'm using my service hours mostly for Girl Scouts, but I think even if I didn't need the hours for rewards, I would try to volunteer as often as possible. I very much enjoy it!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed arc measures + reviewed circumference + learned to find arc length + practice + challenge problems + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Copied Unit 16 vocabulary + reviewed plurals and possessives + quiz (90%) + quiz (100%) + read chapters 5-6 of Emma by Jane Austen + read about use of language in class discussion notes
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + listened to a story in Spanish
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 19-20
World History - Watched the rest of Hidden Killers: The Victorian Home + completed intervention/risk chart + completed Industrial Revolution project
Biology with Lab - Read about ecology and the biosphere + watched lecture video reviewing biotic and abiotic factors + read about scientific names + completed biosphere study guide questions
Foundations - Read more on obedience + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + finished editing speech and my visual aid
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - None today (It was already assigned)
CLEP - Completed Module 8 reading “European Imperialism and Nationalism”
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 146-245 of They’re Watching You by Chelsea Ichaso and finished the book
Chores - Cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Volunteered for two hours at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for my family and everything they do for me.
Quote of the Day:
What’s the point of having a voice if you’re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn’t be?
-The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
🎧Chants du Rhin (Songs Without Words) - Georges Bizet
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cosmo112 · 2 years
My obsessive House Mates are dead?!
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Yandere Ghost DSMP x Reader
TW: unnerving content, mentions of death, just overall Spook!
You lived alone. In your Great Grand parents Home. Basically a very very Victorian style house. 
Did I tell you your GrandParents where killers? :/ yeah uh. That’s kinda important. You inherited the house because it was in both wills that YOU specifically get the house, and when you where younger you and your Grandparents made a code.
You hummed at your desk trying to read said code, it was music notes, the house was absolutely cleaned out. So no hints there even if they where carved into the walls. Everything was patched, and cleaned, and basically brand new.
You shoved the desk away and got up and started making some food. You hissed at the sudden cold and checked the AC. It was running fine, and a hot day in summer so maybe just chills from the floors? You sighed and finished some basic leftovers from a burger place. 
I shuffled down back into the office and groaned looking at the paper. You looked again and gasped. 
“Look under the Stairs.” 
I got up and ran to the stairs and grabbed the old note in HUMAN WRITING THIS TIME! I recognized Grandpa’s Writing. 
“Knock 3 times on the basement, the door will unlock.” 
I walked to the locked basement, not even the police could get in here. I knocked three times and the door slid open. I walked down the stairs, and called the Chief’s Number to tell ask for a clean up and search. 
I turned on the light and froze. I heard the cops and ran up the stairs and the door slammed shut. I looked back at the translucent male with glowing Brownish eyes with a phantom Green glow. 
He was clearly British, with curly brown hair and charming glasses. Light passed through him as his corpse sat there rotting. The police knocked 3 times as he let go of my leg and vanished into the vase. 
The steps came down as the police gently helped me up. “I unscrambled the note, and it lead me to the rotten smell down there. My grandparents wanted me to find his body. Which makes me wonder if there’s more.” You said at the table, your Lawyer nodded. 
“Their Body cam shows that their telling the truth officer Jorden.” I perked, “you guys where recording me?!” The officer sighed, “yes Y/n. We had to to get more out of the house, it’s been live streaming, our guys already took out the cameras but please report anymore hidden bodies.” 
You sighed and sat back down. You nodded as your Lawyer drove you home after the lengthy Interview, you looked out the window. “Y/n be safe please?” You laughed “of course Alex. You too.” You walked inside and was tackled. 
The Ghostly Brit held you to the wall, a dark look on his face. “You. You, why didn’t you report me? Just my body? How did you find me! Your related to them why did they kill me!” He hissed slamming you back into the wall making your head spin. 
“Uhhhgggh.” You groaned as he let you go apologizing. “Your quite bi-polar, and I have no clue for any of those questions. I’m- I’ve gotta lay down.” You mumbled as he followed. 
You tried slamming the door on him go change but he melted through and looked at you with puppy eyes. You waved him away as he just snarled suddenly. “Fine I don’t wanna hang out with you either.” He vanished and your light flickered. 
“I’M CHANGING YOU IDIOT!” You yelled and hoped he heard you as you changed.
He appeared again as you slipped on your shirt and hugged you. “I’m wilbur! Wilbur Soot! You must be Y/n L/n! Oh your Grandma spoke about you so much after I died you sounded wonderful and nothing like them! I’ve been alone for a looooong time.” 
He nuzzled into your side as you sighed and laid down. You felt him get bigger? Lankier? And hugged you from behind and spooned you. 
You huffed and tossed the blankets over yourself lazily and fell asleep. You can deal with your Ghostly Roomate later. Right? Not like there’s anymore. . Right?
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TAGGIESSSS WEHEHEHEHE ask to be tagged these guys just like my writing I think :/
@nightmare-sam @kasumi-prenami @i-tradio @aike-dbunny
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