#Highend Nomu
uniiscorny · 10 months
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Happy birthday Tensei! 💙
Uni and Hoodie celebrating with Tensei~ 💙 I adore them so much 🥰
Set in @hotpotatopotat's Shiggy-Endeavor Agency AU. (Find it in this thread))
If anyone is wondering, Hoodie wrote "てんせい おめでとう" which means "Congratulations, Tensei". He is still learning hiraganas at this point, and he drew his favourite thing, a tomato 💕
Uni is proud of him~ 😊
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smh0217 · 4 years
Who had the better fight in My Hero Academia season 4?
100% Deku vs Overhaul
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Or Endeavour vs The Highend Nomu?
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imikah098 · 3 years
Since there's lack of Tokoyami stuff currently in the manga I'm gonna make a crack theory. (Manga spoiler alert)
I like to think Tokoyami has a relation to nomu. Most of the evidence comes from their designs. Mainly dark shadow:
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Comparing Kurogiri (since he's a nomu) and Dark Shadow, the most similar thing about the two is the dark design and more importantly the eyes. Both eyes are yellow.
Also another thing is eyeline. Dark shadow also has eyeline. Most visible was during his berserk mode and the ragnarok move.
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We also can see the eyeline when Tokoyami wears dark shadow:
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I'm emphasizing the eyeline part a lot because most of the nomu, mainly on highend nomu have these.
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So what I'm theorizing is I think dark shadow could be a high-end nomu.
Also I need to point out what Fatgum said:
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It could be meant that dark shadow is really strong compared to most villain fatgum caught with his fat. Nomu also have enhance strength. Which could answer why dark shadow is very powerful.
So that's the end my crack theory. In short I think Tokoyami and Dark shadow has something related to the nomu and this theory is just me being bored from the lack of tokoyami stuff.
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cyberrat · 2 years
It just viscerally hit me again that Enji was so fucking beat up after his fight with the Highend Nomu that he got his butt wiped and cock handled by some random lucky nurses that had him all helpless and for themselves 😩👌👌👌👌💦💦💦
Peak horny
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
DPTAM x Noumu All Might au
ooooooOOooh I like this idea. All Might being a highend nomu would be such a good twist on this au! Is he a traitor Nomu trying to get revenge on AfO after tricking Nana into giving him her quirk? Is he being controlled by AfO with some shred of his original humanity peeking out every once and a while as he tries his best to comfort Izuku after the horrid things he does? Was he made by an OfA wielder to fight against AfO? All of these are fun ideas. 
Speaking of which, would getting OfA from a Nomu!All Might make Izuku kinda,,, nomu like? Like, mostly in aesthetics with his hair turning dark and smokey, his fingertips staining darker and darker every time he does above and beyond with OfA, his eyes flashing gold when he uses his quirk and then one day just never changing back? Because suspected Nomu! and or Suspected traitor would be so juicy considering it's All Might thats the monster.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
I'll play your ask game♡ favorite hero and favorite villain, and top 5 episodes and top 5 characters from BNHA~
Hey Chaos ♥ Thanks for sending in an ask. I wasn't sure if it was just my blog or if everyone's felt like Tumblr has slowed down a bit. I miss how active it used to be.
Favorite Hero: Best Jeanist Favorite Villain: Kurogiri
Top 5 Characters
1. Todoroki 2. Hawks 3. Bakugo 4. Monoma 5. Tokoyami
Top 5 Episodes (this was tough)
1. Bakugo vs. Uraraka 2. All Might vs. AFO 3. Endeavor vs. highend nomu 4. Class 1A vs 1B (Momo's group vs. Kendo's Group) 5. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki vs. Ending
Come play the ask game!
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sleepybutwriting · 4 years
Headcanons for: “My Hero Academia”
Young Hero gets turned into a Nomu
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader | All Might x Reader | Endeavor x Reader | Hawks x Reader
Request: “I hope you don't feel pressured writing any yph hc's! We just really love your writing style, and your blog in general! But if its not to much, could i request angsty hc's yph almost turns into a nomu but they're saved by their totally official dads/brother (Hawks, Aizawa, Toshi, Endeavour) -Anonynous”
Note: I don’t feel pressured at all, I love doing these requests for you guys. I had to change it up because of the other requests I got for this.
[Part One]
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They could tell something was off about this Nomu from the beginning. It wasn’t like the other brain dead ones like they had fought before, but it wasn't like HighEnd either. This one was more self-aware.
Every time it got close to getting a hit in, it would almost, restrain itself from hitting as hard as it could. There were definitely a few close calls, but for the most part, this nomu acted as if it was struggling to hold back
They didn’t realize why until they heard it call out to them, in a voice that was distorted, but still recognizable. It was yours. 
All men stopped in their tracks as they realized what had happened to you.
That immediately stopped them from trying to harm you and more so of trying to restrain you
They’ll start beating themselves up before they’ll blame you for anything
“Why couldn't we get here sooner?” “What do we do now?” “How could we let this happen?”
Once you’re restrained, they’ll have you locked up so you won’t be able to hurt yourself, as well as anyone else, so they can focus on fixing this and returning you back to normal.
They won’t want to use Eri right away. Afraid that the cons may outweigh the pros, but if they really were out of options they would give it a go.
It’s Eri who has the final say so, eager to help in anyway she can.
Aizawa would be there the entire time, ready to cancel in an instant so neither of you are injured
They want you back of course, but your safety is their number one priority.
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kidhawks · 4 years
I think my current favorite thing is how Dabi was like, "Eh, well we've got an army, Ujiko-san stalking us, over 300,000 members, and Skeptic's microdevices. Plenty of stuff to keep Hawks busy, the heck is he gonna do." And then Hawks just, *proceeds to kill Twice, leak confidential info, screw up Dabi's plans, cause a raid turned full-blown war, find out Shigaraki and Ujiko's location, allow the means for the heroes (read: Mirko) to go feral at a bunch of Highend Nomu. (+)
*indirectly cause stuff to happen, keep Jeanist alive so he's able to skydive majestically and restrain Machia, find out all the League's backstories and the Compress tea, (that no one on the planet, not even Hori knows) while somehow, staying alive knowing Dabi's secret redacted elusiveness.* Like c'mon, you really gotta love that xD
hawks @ lov
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really though what was dabi thinking when he let hawks in knowing he was a spy 😭😭 DUDE!! hawks fucked so much up for the mla... he’s literally the key player in the fact that this arc is even happening.... dabi my boy i have to question your intentions. hawks worked his way so deep undercover that he single handedly fooled everyone but dabi and proceeded to destroy the mla from within. makes me think that dabi to an extent was duped by hawks’ fool act.... at least enough that dabi didn’t actually expect shit to go so drastically south from one (1) imposter bird
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class1akids · 4 years
Chapter 276 - Thoughts
Short summary of the chapter:
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My absolute favourite thing is that some days on a battlefield stacked with incredible powers, the MVP is the guy who refuses to blink and his human Visine teammate.  
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I’ve always believed that Aizawa was one of the greatest out there, and it feels incredible to be vindicated. 
My second most favourite thing is Deku and Bakugou sweeping in to save Aizawa, and remembering all the times he was their hero. And for Bakugou that’s the moment when Aizawa believed not in his strength or quirk, but the moral goodness of his character. Aizawa that day saved Katsuki’s soul a little bit. And I love how Bakugou (both of them?) yells “it’s our turn!” - because it doesn’t matter so much who All Might was pointing at in Kamino, but rather, who decides to put themselves in the narrative. Go, Gremlin!
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Otherwise, I can’t decide who is the bigger troll - Horikoshi or Shigaraki?
Horikoshi for giving us lots of Origin Trio family pics (poor them, they’ll soon watch live again, won’t they?) What the hell with that “Katsuki Memory” album - this is 100% a prank... Also, you give us all the Todorokis, except the Todoroki we all want to see? What the heck??
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Never hire All Might as a babysitter, as he watches a large-scale terrorist attack live with a 6-year old who has a flimsy grip on her highly dangerous quirk.
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Eri’s horn seems smaller now though which means either:
1. She’s trained and can safely control her power (meaning Aizawa can lose his quirk - yuck)
2. He may have used her stored-up power and we may get a surprise appearance from someone who can go through Shigaraki’s decay without being hurt - would be nice.
OK, so back to our battlefield. The heroes’ plan is solid - erase Shiggy’s quirks, catch him high up in the air and deal max damage. Endeavor’s sidekick Kido kind of sets the trajectory, and learning from Hood Endeavor combines Hell Spider with Prominence Burn, which looks really cool, 
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and apparently hurts a little?
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OK, so we learn that even without quirks Shigaraki is near All Might level, which makes the whole taking him out a lot more complicated. 
Also while everyone alive is fighting for their lives with everything they got, Shigaraki is trolling them, behaving like he’s in a pro-wrestling competition, shit-talking his opponents. It’s very very disrespectful, but also more than a little bit funny. He gives me serious Joker vibes here. 
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Also, I’m a little bit mad Ryukyu got knocked out so quickly, I was really hoping she’d get some good action. 
In the meantime, Gran Torino drops off Baku-Deku nearby and after cursory introductions (yeah, he already knows about Kacchan) helpfully explains the situation:
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He also doesn’t mince words about the worst case scenario - Deku losing OFA. 
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Oh yeah, the nomus are back, because it didn’t go already bad enough for the heroes, and apparently Shigaraki can choose not to decay them and has an app on his phone “activate nomus - kill everyone” - yep, the heroes should break his phone. 
Also, they are only nearly high-end, which means that they are the perfect solo-material for our boys (and girls) to see their current strength level. It also means that Nomu Best Jeanist and Bakugou’s hero name is back in play! 
So for all his bravado, Shigaraki did lose an arm to Endeavor’s attack, so he goes after Eraserhead, because it’s more fun with all the quirks. It’s really emotional how Aizawa decides to live for his students. Also, lol he remember Bakugou and Deku from the quirk assessment test!
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Thinking of his class as the pieces of a puzzle that fit together (and Shinsou is there!!!!)
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Wham! Deku races Gran Torino to tackle Shigaraki (I bet the old guy wishes that he could tie him on a leash), because worst case scenario? hiding? who? Not Deku - I guess he jumped to 45% speed here.  
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I really hope Bakugou can produce smokeless explosions, because it would be a pity if Aizawa lost Shiggy from his line of sight. 
So let’s see - chapter end:
Shigaraki is being tackled by Deku, Bakugou and Gran Torino. Endeavor and Ryukyu shouldn’t be too far behind, and they also have Rocklock there and Native. Aizawa hasn’t blinked in a long time, and if he does now, he’s set to lose some students.
Two nearly high-ends are heading to Aizawa’s location.
The heroes heading to the scene are being held up by the rest of the nearly highends. 
The Dekusquad is either back evacuating or followed the heroes heading towards Shigaraki. 
We don’t know what’s going on in the mansion side or when Machia may show up (i think he’s being held up by the Lurkers and the mansion team students)
Other chapters
I’ve been dying to know Burnin’s quirk. Looks like a big fire whip. (Fits her personality).
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uniiscorny · 1 year
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Birthday gift for @hotpotatopotat! 🥳🥔
There is a lot going on and there is a lot to be unpacked here and I love every bit of it, I hope you do too! 🥰
Thank you for all your stories with Retrograde Tenko (Shigaraki), Dabi, Hoodie, Rev and Angel! 💕
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*screen shots Hawks and Shigarakis texts about y/n*
*posts screenshot on every Hawks fan page and all over twitter*
This y’all no. 2 hero? Trash! Absolute garbage. Someone call the League and tell them I want to borrow a HighEnd Nomu real quick. 🤬👊🏽 Hawks deserves to be castrated and ripped into pieces
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lumimochi · 3 years
people who were mad at fuyumi during the highend nomu v. endeavor fight & endeavor internship arc:
it's so annoying how she keeps trying to force shouto and natsuo to be around endeavor. she's such an abuse apologist. she really sucks 🙄
fuyumi in 302:
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those same people:
well why is she apologizing? it was never her fault anyway. hori sucks at writing 🙄
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cheshiresartblog · 4 years
how are aizawa and shirakumo doing in the nomu mic au?
Honestly, often times I have Nomu Mic, aka Raiu, having “died” alongside Oboro, so you have a two for the price of one situation going on, with Hizashi getting lucky in the sense that his intelligence was valued enough by AFO and the Doctor that he wasn’t made into a Highend Nomu instead. So you have him being partly Tomura’s guardian alongside Kurogiri, though he’s more like an uncle than another father. He mostly works on the support gear needed for LOV. 
But anyways, because of Raiu being there Kurogiri, aka Oboro, retains a bit more of Oboro’s personality besides the caring parts (aka you have more of a...mischievous Kurogiri). 
Shouta though. Oh...that poor guy lost two people at once. While there are versions of the au where he still becomes a hero, but I’m leaning towards him being kicked out of heroics due to an incident that happened where he snapped at a fellow student who decided to make a snide comment about Oboro and Hizashi. He’s...not doing well at all regardless of what version it is. 
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
I just watched the season finale -- so scroll if you dont want spoilers and dont have the spoiler tag blocked -- and while I would love to be a true shouto stan and say that every second he showed up and had lines I bursted (because I mean its true) its not even what im focused on.
im not an endeavor hater, im not an endeavor fan. honestly im somewhere in the middle. hes fucked up majorly throughout his lifetime and maybe you dont think he deserves this character redemption or maybe you do, but you can not say how bones made that final showdown was everything. fuck I’ll even go on the record to say that this endeavor versus highend nomu was better than all mights versus one for all in camino.
the last episode was untouchable so far, the voices, the music, the fucking animation. i had to remind myself that i knew what was going to happen and yet the entire fucking time i thought somehow endeavor was going to lose. it left me wanting so much more and crushed me knowing that ill have to wait until season five. 
so to hori, bones and everyone who went in season four, thank you so very much for blessing us with this... season five, you can’t come soon enough.
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makeste · 4 years
Makeste, I don't know if you watch the anime but oh boy the season 4 ending and op was wild. We see some of Hawks and Endeavor, the latter doing his after defeating the Highend Nomu pose. We see Hawks blindfolded and training as a child, some Miruko being awesome. Fuyumi and Natsuo, that one manga page with baby Shouto starting school, and we see some of baby Aizawa and Mic and Shirakumo!!! Little Tamaki, Mirio, middle school Toga, and Fatgum, just everyone and foreshadowing everywhere.
I do watch it and I am so fucking hyped that the Basement arc is finally over and we’re moving onto the Baby-Sitter’s Club and BAND AUUUUUU arcs, anon, you have no idea. :D :D :DDDD
and yessss the new OP and ED are by far my favorites. like no contest. holy shit. if I may gush for a moment, here are some highlights:
these two silhouettes which sure do look familiar!
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1-A getting ready for the festival!!! so exciteddd
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HE HEARD YOU WERE TALKIN’ SHIT… and it hurt his feelings. :/ now he’s gonna murder you all with sound or some shit. that’ll learn you
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the amount of Kacchan and Shouto angst in this op is frankly breathtaking. imagine watching this as an anime-only and wondering WHAT THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO OUR BOYS TO MAKE THEM SO ANGSTY and being on the edge of your seat, only to eventually find out it’s just Kacchan yelling about playing drums, and Shouto shouting at a TV screen. though to be fair I am sort of downplaying both of those scenes a little bit. but anyway the point is that the anime is totally milking these next 2-3 arcs for all they’re worth and I am 100% ON BOARD. GOOD JOB ANIMATORS YOU KNOW WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT
Deku’s shorts are surprisingly short in that scene. you know the one. and why is he even wearing shorts to begin with, it’s like October already. smh. boys
the amount of Jirou in this op is just stellar. perfection. pure love
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again, completely and utterly misleading about the amount of angst we will actually have in this arc. BUT DAMNED IF I’M NOT ENJOYING THIS ANYWAY
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I’m just leaving this screenshot here for reasons
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Iida furiously playing the ocarina was all I needed in life. now I’m set. well that and Kouda playing the ukulele. so now I’m double set. life is good.
and then the ending with all of the things that you said! yesssss. they really went and put Shirafuckingkumo in there and everything. and young All Might winning the sports festival! and Fatgum was apparently friends with that one teacher from Shiketsu! not to mention more Gentle and La Brava. and all the Todoroki stuff oh god. I’m so hyped they confirmed that we’re getting the Endeavorhawks arc before the season ends.
and then that last scene with the young Kacchan and Deku standing side by side, and Kacchan facing away from the camera until we finally cut to the Ground Beta versions of them, and he and Deku are finally facing the same way, both on the same page. both looking forward. but meanwhile All Might still stands alone in the background. my god
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I didn’t ask for all this poignant symbolism you guys, but fine, I WILL ACCEPT IT. THANK YOU STUDIO BONES. it’s good. I like it.
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vs-redemption · 3 years
Call me highend nomu because it's hot as a plus ultra prominence burn in my room right now
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