#Higher Intervention
Higher Intervention: Aemond x FemReader (House of the Dragon x Sandman fanfic) Part 6
Disclaimer: This is a fanwork to show appreciation for the intellectual properties used. I also haven't read Fire and Blood and most if not all that I know is from the TV show.
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Gif by veinereastath
Premise: Alys Velaryon, older twin sister of Jace Velaryon is the only member among Rhaenyra's children whom Aemond cannot completely hate. As their love story progresses, a newer and larger threat complicates things and reveals discoveries that neither the greens or the blacks had ever imagined.
AN/CW: PLEASE READ THIS FIRST! This chapter contains some torture scenes that are not suitable for all audiences. I did my best not to be too graphic to the point of it being gory and mainly focused on the feelings being experienced. Having said that I'm not entirely sure if it will be your cup of tea so if you see this " XXX " This means that this is the start of the torture part and it ends with seeing this sign again. I made sure it was still fine for readers who wants to skip the torture scenes.
Anyway other CWs include: Suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self-harm, and various forms of abuse including physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. A mention of sexual objectification as a punishment.
If you wish to read the previous parts (which I recommend you do if you haven't read them yet):
Part 1 / Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5
Taglist (comment down below if you want to be included): @winxschester @memento-mora @mxrgodsstuff
Also tagging:
@lady-phasma @aemonds-war-crime @adderess @princeaemonds because some of their ideas of Aemond have undoubtedly influenced my work.
First, the confession.
After meeting with the contacts provided to work out the possible logistics and implementation of your proposed counsel as well as making sure some clarifications were addressed, you made your way to the place that filled you with dread for what you are about to do. Vereena and Kayla had made sure you had a full stomach filled with your favorite foods in your chambers. Both of them know what is to come and that you won't be able to eat good quality food for awhile. How Kayla was able to convince the Yi Ti delegation to give you another roasted duck in the way they did it was beyond your understanding. You also return to your father his guards who have served you well, although a part of you knows that he will probably still send them to keep an eye on what you're doing.
"What do you wish to confess child?"
The septon looks at you with no judgment, or at least that's what he believes he is doing.
You sit beside him as you pour your heart out.
You need to believe in this for this to work.
Believe that the things you now confess are going to be yours now.
On your soul.
On your being.
Your confession and your repentance must have worked. You were guided to a room in the dormitory of sinners. Since your clothes were already quite plain you didn't need to change into the garb that they would have repentant sinners change into. You were given simple yet hearty meals. It wouldn't help any of them if the Targaryen they were going to publicly punish would be dead before they made their point.
But you didn't miss the look of sadistic delights among the members of the Faith militant as you surrendered yourself to them.
Second, the penance.
This in itself is divided into several different parts.
The first part of this was admitting your sins to the parties you've wronged. According to the Faith militant the more humiliating the experience is, the more pure the process of purification is for the repentant sinner.
You weren't surprised when from their Cloister Sept they wash and bathe you in preparation for your penance.
"You just need to say your sins and to apologize to every person you have offended child." Says the Septa who was braiding your hair so that it will be out of the way. After braiding it she ties your hair into a bun. You were given a clue of what they have in store for you once your penance in court was concluded. You were allowed to have one last time of full rest before your suffering would begin. One last hearty meal before you began your journey walking towards the Red Keep from the Cloister Sept. On foot this took several days, with you at the center while you were surrounded by Septons, Septas and laypeople. You recall how you once travelled this road by carriage, and now you and the Faith militant are now travelling by foot. You all would rest in every Sept that was planned out along the way. They choose to suffer with you as they believe that their sins would also be purified along with your suffering.
You finally arrive at the entrance of the Red Keep. The guards were initially hesitant to allow non-nobility who were not part of the staff to enter. But then they see you at the center. It was only then that they were comfortable allowing your group to enter.
You and your group enters the court room. The last time you made a dramatic entrance in court was in your first few days have when you assisted your grandfather in intervening in the Driftmark trial.
And now as you enter again - the king is now on the Iron Throne. A lot healthier and much more mobile than he was last time. Still old and at risk for impending death, but there's no denying that he was a lot better than he was previously. Same as before, the blacks and the greens were on their respective sides. And once again everyone was staring at you. In particular both sets of your siblings, Aegon, Helaena, Ser Cole, Lord Larys Strong, and of course Aemond.
"What is the meaning of this?!" The King angrily says the moment you meet his eyes from where you were.
"Why do you have my granddaughter in shackles before me?!"
"Your grace." The lead septon says with two armed members of the Faith Militant on either side. He takes his time until some of the chatter has died down. With his back to you, your guess is that he must be revelling in his new found power at having you in his mercy.
"We are the Faith Militant. We are the armed forces of the Seven and no one wishes our wrath upon them. Need I remind you that Maegor only won our uprising against the crown by sheer luck?"
"Untrue septon! Do you forget septon that my family has dragons at our disposal?"
"To execute your own granddaughter - for the sins she has done against you? Why not? After all maybe we can now finally test if dragonfire is truly purifying." At the mention of you possibly dying the King calms down reluctantly. But you can see that your father's hand hovering over his sword or dagger. Aemond's expression is unreadable but you wager that he is doing his best to not act impulsively.
"May I remind you your grace, that this is not a matter of politics but a matter of faith. Right now if any of us are harmed by any of your guards, family, or courtiers, then that is a sign of religious persecution. Something that you don't want if we, the Faith Militant would continue tolerating the kind of marriages your family thrives on." And this was the final nail as the King and everyone begins to realize who exactly has the power this time. Both factions are involved in strategic incestuous marriages and neither side can afford to have those marriages be declared invalid.
"Aren't you lot disbanded? Or so that's what I hear since your defeat by Maegor."
"Only as an independent group. But we are still very much in the service of the Seven Prince Daemon." The lead Septa says as she tugs on the chains of your shackles as she goes behind you in facing your father. He snorts in amusement as he continues glaring at the Septa behind you.
"Yet even now you hide behind my daughter. Release my daughter and I'll forget you were even in my presence."
"Prince Daemon, she came to us."
"It doesn't matter, whatever she has done should be sorted from within my family. Not in a faith that is more than ready to punish any strange women."
"This is part of her penance Prince -" Your father draws his sword aiming for the Septa behind you but was deflected by one of the armed members who are with you.
"Daemon! Brother stand down."
"Rhaenyra and I married under the traditions of Old Valyria. We are not under these shits who say they have authority."
"If you don't want us to consider your marriage illicit you will put your sword down." The lead septon says as calmly as he can.
"No, let him draw his sword." You feel yourself pushed forward till your father's sword is almost touching your skin.
"If he wants to draw blood, then it should be the blood of his own stepdaughter. Every suffering she survives is a step closer to her purification." You try to calm yourself as your father's sword is close to your neck. You do your best not to look scared or cry.
But your father notices your expression. He notices the feelings you tried to hide.
And it was only then that he stands down and withdraws his sword safely away from your skin.
"Alys Velaryon is not here as a Princess. She is here as a repentant sinner - here to confess to you the crimes as part of her journey towards purification. We of the Faith Militant have decided to bring her here before you today since everyone she has committed an offense against would be present. Once she has finished her confession of sins she shall begin her actual purification on front of everyone." The lead septon then tugs on your chains as he forces you to walk on front of the King, and the main members of both factions.
"It's time to confess before your victims, sinner." With one last tug, you were made to kneel before everyone.
"I, Alys Velaryon, confess to the following offenses before his grace, the King, and all who hear me today." You take a breath before you begin what may be the most difficult part of it all.
But you need to believe they are yours.
These sins are now yours to claim.
And to suffer for.
"First, with the assistance of Larys Strong, I raped Ser Criston Cole in his sleep. Second, it is I who told Aemond of Vhagar no longer having a rider. Third, once he has claimed Vhagar when he was on his high after claiming Vhagar - it is I who punched him after he called me and my siblings bastards. It is I who slashed his face and made him lose his eye. It was I who betrayed him and ended our friendship in Driftmark."
"What in the Sevens is she doing?"
"Does she really expect us to believe this?"
"I don't entirely understand what she's doing."
"Whatever it is, things are going to get interesting."
"She was practically skin and bones when she emerged from Ser Cole's room. I have a hard time believing she's the one who forced herself on him."
"We all know this is bullshit - why is she claiming to have done these things?"
"Alys - granddaughter why? Why are you doing this to yourself?" At the sight of the King's face you decide to mix as much of the truth that would blend in with your confession.
"Because - because you have failed to solve this infighting!" You couldn't help the tears that are beginning to gather on your eyes. This was too important to suddenly ignore it through your tears.
"You have only tried solving the symptoms of the problem, not the problem itself. And the moment you die this infighting will become a civil war forcing our family to kill each other. And I am too weak and tired to let this go on any longer!" You breath back in some of your mucus that was threatening to pour out along with your tears.
"When Ser Cole called me a witch for exercising control over any man drawn to me, it began my reflection and realization that I was the source of the problem. I am a fraud! I am not a princess! I am only a bastard whore who deserves the worst treatment for tearing this family apart because of my sins." You straighten your back as you slowly stood up and met the King's worried eyes.
"And so I went to the Faith Militant to finally pour out my guilt and to seek repentance. Through their education I know now if I survive this purification, I will be nothing more than a slave to serve whomever master they sell me to. I am already ruined, and they are placing me back on the path of repentance."
There were more gasps and more comments but you couldn't bother. You could feel every single eye from both factions judging you.
"Well done sinner."
"Ouh." A choker made of thorns was placed on your neck from behind. You could feel the thorns piercing your skin little by little.
"Take her to the gallows. Now begins her next stage of purification."
"Wait - what's going to happen to her?" You hear Luce ask as you feel yourself dragged and pushed out.
"Oh just the standard torture methods -" You weren't able to hear beyond that as you were dragged to the gallows area. On the journey there you feel yourself being slapped, spitted on, and your plain clothes were being torn apart. What remains is your shift underneath your clothes
Before you knew it you were on the gallows. Gathered on front of the crowd.
And someone was pushing your head in a deep bucket of water.
"But I am -"
Underwater again.
"Claim your faults"
"I do."
Suffocation again.
"Suffer for your salvation."
You weren't able to respond. Your head was back in underwater. You weren't sure how many times more you were dunked.
Probably because you were brought back to the present when you felt the first sting of the whip on your bare back.
You just realized as another whip hits your back that your hands were now shackled around a wooden post. Your shift was sliced or torn open to reveal your back.
"Ah" You try to hold back from saying any sound. The thorns around your neck pressing against your skin by being pressed against the post was painful enough.
"Um." The stings become even more painful as they became faster and multiple people began to participate in injuring your back.
At some point you looked down and noticed some tiny streams of blood flowing down your chest. Probably from some of the thorns now piercing your skin.
Your mind began to numb as the whipping...were they even using whips?...Became more severe as they move to your sides. Maybe it was your own way of making sure you could endure this first part of the suffering. It was only when they had stopped because it was getting dark and rain was starting to fall down, that you realized that you had been crying out in pain. You could taste your own tears, and your throat felt dry from exhaustion.
Members of the Faith Militant then splash your back with salt water. You could feel the sting from the high concentration of salt in it. Then they unshackle you briefly only to move you into another contraption.
After the first part of your punishment was finished. Or so it seemed. The members of the Faith Militant now shackled you - this time from behind - around a metal post. The metal post had the seven pointed star in your head area. It's points mockingly acting as some sort of crown surrounding your head. If earlier the thorns were piercing the front of your neck, this time you had to be careful not to lean against the post. There seemed to be not much thorns compared to the front of the choker but if you could help it you would reduce the amount of suffering you currently had to endure - after all there was only more to come when you went back to the cloistered sept.
"It appears that the Seven has now blessed us with an incoming storm filled with lightning and thunder!" The lead septon cries out as you feel some of the pain that you've endured from earlier creep into your muscles.
"We have shackled the sinner into the symbol of the Seven! This is her first divine test! If the Seven spares her from being struck by lightning and thunder, she shall proceed to walk back to our cloister sept for her 30 days of solitude. And if she manages to survive those 30 days, then we shall give Prince Aemond the chance to remove her left eye for the offense she has caused him. And then she shall be given as a slave to Ser Criston Cole!"
The storm pours stronger and everyone else quickly go in search for shelter. If this is how the Seven or any divine being decides that you should die then so be it. You were too exhausted and in pain to even attempt to control the incoming lightning that was headed your way.
"If anyone out there can hear me - if you wish me to die, then smite me quickly!"
More rain, and now you hear the thunder. The sky was now dark and black with only the fires through the windows giving any sense of light amidst the continuing heavy downpour that was making things worse to see through.
"I'm too tired...I'm not strong...I'm too weak to be strong...to any being out there - end my misery...smite me in my sleep as I hang...as I hang from this post."
You feel the thorns prick against the underside of your chin as you surrender yourself to the whims of the thunderstorm.
You weren't able to enter into your dream bedroom nor play with Gregory or meet with the Sandman and his lovely wife.
Instead you had a dreamless sleep. Funny how you were also too exhausted to dream after the events of the day.
If you died now. Perhaps this was the best way.
After all you've already said your piece to everyone involved in the infighting. If you were to be the first casualty...
You just hope that the White Worm would keep her promise about being the one to make your proposed solution come true.
"Princess?" A soft voice slowly awakens you from whatever rest you had given yourself.
"Ser Arari?"
"It is about to be dawn. Quickly open your mouth. Drink some warm water." He guides you as you drink from his cup. As you slowly become more awake, you notice that he was not alone.
"My lady, here have some food. This porridge is still really warm. Priestess Kara made it herself when she and the other Holy women noticed the rain was ending."
"Don't worry Lady Alys, the three of us had made sure that none of the Faith Militant noticed our presence." Ser Ion says as he rubs salve over your wounds.
"Bu - but why?"
"My lady, we all know of the suffering you are about to endure. Allow us to help you alleviate some of it while we still can."
"That was really brave of you my lady." Your heart feels like breaking as Ser Kormy gives you a reassuring smile from under his hood.
"You are one of the strongest people I know. And what you have done really proves it."
"The acolyte is right. Dramatic? Yes, but sometimes dramatic measures needed to be taken for the point to be heard."
"I'm still rather upset that you didn't even attempt to at least guide the lightning away from you." You do your best to give him a sad smile.
"I'm sorry - I feel so exhausted to try and do it. And you've always said it's better to stay safe than to accidentally guide the lightning towards yourself."
"...It pains me to hear you say those words."
"What words Ser Arari?"
"That you're sorry."
"My colleague, at least this time she's saying it to something she has actually done."
"Or rather hasn't done. Oh I'm sorry lady Alys - I didn't mean -"
"It's fine Ser Kormy. I'm as fine as I can be."
"Oh Princess...your cries of pain as they dunked and whipped you had put a pain in our hearts."
"Why won't you let us help you? Or if not us then why not your allies in court?" Ser Ion asks in a mix of pain, anger, and sadness.
"Be - because...it is necessary...that I do this alone...there is no...other way for them...for them to -" You coughed heavily as all three of them looked at you in despair.
"Thank you, you three. But...I...need...to do this."
There was a reluctance in all of their ends to leave you. But after making sure that you ate enough and drank enough, they left as quickly as they came.
And that's when the sun rose.
And you were unshackled from the metal post with the seven pointed star.
Only for your next task to carry it on your own as you walked on foot to the way back to the cloister sept.
"Stop this." Aemond tries demanding the lead septon.
"Your highness, as a devout member of the Faith, surely you must know that this is necessary for her purification."
"I also know that the Faith highly promotes the truth. And the truth is that she is innocent of all the sins she has admitted to yesterday." You hear his tone become even more dangerous, but from what you can tell with the lead septon's back to you - Aemond was starting to get frustrated.
"And even if she were - she still bears so much guilt. Trust me your highness, we have all heavily evaluated her and all agree that this is the appropriate penance for her purification." Of course the Faith Militant wouldn't let you go. Now that you were under their power they will take this opportunity to sadistically release all their rage against your family. You were a bastard, a woman, accused of witchcraft, and most important of all - you did not have a dragon. Of all the members of your family who could've been placed in their power to abuse, you were the best one they could have hoped for. Someone with little to no power to retaliate against them.
The lead septon moves to order your unshackling before Aemond tries once again.
"Does the Faith not also prize forgiveness?"
"Of course it does your highness."
"Then as the alleged victim of one of her offenses, I forgive her from her sin against me." He does not let the septon's eyes out of his gaze.
"I forgive her for any sins she has done against me. She has suffered enough. She already has my forgiveness, let her go." There was a pause.
"Your highness..."
"Let her go, I will personally make sure she makes amends for all of her sins. She does not deserve this septon."
"... Your highness..."
Another long pause.
"...You are merely another member of the Faith. You may have power over the next ruler, the lands, or the skies with you and your dragons. But we, the Faith Militant, have the power over souls and over things the Sept alone cannot do. True, you may have forgiven her. But unless the High Septon himself intervenes - neither you nor any member of your family has power over her purification. She is after all the cause of your infighting."
You could only guess that his frustration now showed on his face as the metal post was placed on your back as you began your long walk from the gallows to the cloister sept. Members of the Faith Militant kept a close distance. To make sure that nobody helped you carry the metal post; and to make sure that if any of your relatives decided to use their dragon against them, their positions would guarantee that any dragonfire aimed at them would also kill you too.
After several days of walking while carrying the metal post, eating the bare minimum meal that they've given you to ensure you don't die along the way, and of sleeping on the floor - your group was now back in the cloister sept.
Just a little more...
Just put the metal post on the altar...
"An applause for a task well done!" You were numb to the applause given by those around you. You were too exhausted to really appreciate it anyways. The metal post was somewhat bearable. But after being food deprived, sleep deprived, and pain induced for several days, you were surprised that you were able to make it.
"In celebration of her first major penance, she shall be given a heavier meal to prepare for the next stage of purification."
The meal it turned out didn't matter so much. It was probably one of the last sources of relief before they placed you in an entirely different room.
This room was painted white all around. The window was high enough that you couldn't reach it, but also small enough to only allow air flow to pass in the room. There was no bed, only a hay mattress with reed mats on the floor. The walls were close together - not allowing for much room to move around except perhaps to walk towards the chamber pots. One for urine, one for feces.
And nothing else.
"This room is especially designed for reflection sinner." The septa says as she removes the braids she has previously made.
"No distractions. Just thoughts and reflection. Now hold still."
She then begins cutting off your beautiful long hair.
"This is to remove your sin of vanity. After all, it would simply get in the way of your purification now in your 30 days of solitude." Maybe vainness was a sin of yours after all. Your heart breaks everytime you feel your head getting lighter. Today was the second day of your 30 days.
The next time you were brought out of your room it was about the fifth day in your thirty days.
This time they removed the thorn choker they had placed on you.
What brief relief.
And after making sure the wounds made by the thorns were cleaned and treated.
The relief ended.
"May this suffering purify her!" Someone said as they lay you on your back with your arms outstretched and your legs spread apart.
And you had to maintain that for what seemed like hours on end. If you moved, they would place it back into position. You knew when it was over because then they would make you stand before escorting you to your room of reflection as they call it.
You lost the count of when you were on your days in your 30 days of solitude. They made sure to only bring you out of your room rather sparingly. You weren't sure if you were just becoming insane at the loss of anything to do while you were just kept in your room. Even meals and hygiene washes became another chance of simply having something to do apart from your thoughts.
Your penance through stillness has evolved. This time instead of your arms outstretched, you were to keep your arms straight above you as you held various sacred objects of the Faith. Once again for hours on end. On the good side, it meant that you didn't have to be in your room as much. On the bad side, it meant more active torture from the Faith Militant.
You don't know which you preferred more. A room alone with your thoughts without anything to do and no one - not even the beings you've met in your dreams - to talk to; or actively suffering as the Faith Militant take sadistic delight in it. You pretend not to know that some of them were pleasuring themselves on the sides as they watch you struggle to endure your suffering. But even they cannot hide the smell of their sex and their releases from your senses.
Soon it evolved once again.
This time it was placing needles under every toenail as your arms struggled to keep their strength and rigidness of carrying whatever object they have you carry for that day. You thought you knew how painful needles were since you would occasionally prick yourself while doing needle work with Rhaena or Helaena. But it was an entirely different and much more painful experience when needles would be jammed underneath your toenails.
You really tried hard not to cry.
And soon because of your reactions - a lot of them you couldn't control - if there was something that they didn't like, whether it was how your tears began running from your eyes or if they didn't like your expression or how you reacted - your torturers would now quickly remove any object you were holding, stretch your arms wide, and insert needles under every fingernail.
You had to endure these things for hours on end.
You don't know how much time has passed before the lead septon had a special set of tools that was being prepared in the fire of your torture room.
"And now to remind you of the power of the Seven, we shall now place on you their star on your body." Your eyes widen, someone starts saying a prayer as you were forcefully made to lie on your back. They immediately close your legs and settle your feet on the table.
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, by placing your star on her body, purify her foul sins and save her from the Seven Hells."
It began with your left foot. On the space between your toes and the joint where your leg and your foot meets. They had to hold you down, but allowed you to cry and scream in agony. All the while repeating the same statement over and over again.
"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, by placing your star on her body, purify her foul sins and save her from the Seven Hells."
Then it was your right foot.
Then the leftside of your hip.
Then the right.
Then your left hand inside your palm.
Then the right.
Then finally you were made to sit up.
To be branded on the back of your neck.
The only benefit you could see was that at least now you had something new to think and ponder about as you stay in the mental shackles of your room.
Whenever you rested in between your sessions of suffering you believe you have begun to lose your mind.
Perhaps they have slipped in something hallucinogenic in the food and drink they gave you to make sure you were alive for the next session.
But as you allowed your mind to rest from your waking suffering, you began to notice figures of those familiar to you.
"You've done well Alys." Says the figure of your mother. It was her voice, her mannerisms.
But it was not her.
"Trust your instincts." Says the figure of Ser Ion, nodding towards you as you notice that he and the figure of your mother have the same aura.
"You're noticing the clues fast." The figure of your father, Daemon, smirks and gives a nod to the figure of your mother.
"What else did you think?" The figure of Aemond retorts as he crosses his arms. His sword and dagger sheathed and yet something told you that he was ready for a fight at any time.
"You all vastly underestimate her."
"Including Alys herself." The figure of the Prophetess Agnes appears, judging both you and everyone else.
"And you warrior -" Aemond's figure then turns to face Agnes.
"You think yourself exempt? Only she had the balls to allow this suffering to happen to her."
"Quite true." The figure of Vereena responds gently as she appears beside Agnes.
"And yet she calls herself too weak to be considered someone strong."
Your mother, your father, Ser Ion who teaches about Balerion who was a blacksmith and inventor, Aemond who was the best swordsman among the greens...
Then the Prophetess Agnes, the eldest among the Holy Women, and Vereena, your handmaiden...
"Are you the Seven?"
"Yes" You turn around and there was the androgynous hooded figure of the Stranger. Even the Stranger's voice is neither male or female.
"Am I hallucinating? Is this a dream?"
"We are in between the state of being awake and the state of you falling into deep sleep." Says the crone through Agnes.
"Don't worry, we have asked permission from the Sandman to meet you like this." Vereena, or rather the maiden adds.
"Alys dear." Your mother - the mother moves forward and gently holds your face in her hands.
"I am so sorry that you have to suffer like this from my followers."
"Our rather uncritical, hypocritical and fanatic followers. This was not what we had in mind when the Faith Militant was formed."
"There's no use dwelling on that, Great Father, none of us, not the Sandman, not his wife, or any of us in the divine realm can interfere with the free will of mortals." Ser Ion - the Smith says in hidden retort.
"Then why did you want to meet with me? Was it just so I have proof that you exist?"
"Our meeting is to assure you that you are where you are meant to be." Vereena says.
"Your suffering is about to end soon." The Stranger says ominously.
"Your sacrifice has inspired many things to happen. You'll find out soon, but do not lose hope Alys."
"Yes, just what the warrior has said. You are starting to remember who you are. You are far more than what you think you are."
"Don't spoil the surprise Great Mother." Agnes warns as your mother chuckles.
"Now rest. We shall see you soon. The Sandman will be peeved if we keep you from sleep any longer than necessary."
"Easy for you to say Maiden." Your father scoffs, and soon they all fade away and you once again enter into a dreamless sleep.
Your next encounter with the seven was when your torture first introduced the needles to be included in your torment.
You could still feel the pain from their new torture toys as you lay down on the mattress on the ground. They didn't give you much for supper. Just some soup and water. You were still famished and also exhausted as the only thing you feel like doing is laying yourself to rest.
Once again, they meet you in a state between deep sleep and being awake.
"You are still sleeping, just lightly." Says the Maiden, in the form of Vereena.
"If I am only lightly sleeping, then why don't I wake at the sound of something that would alarm me?"
"You're sleeping deeper than what would ordinarily be considered light. But you are not yet in the state of deep sleep. Which is why you initially thought you were hallucinating."
"Sometimes I believe I still am Ser Ion - I mean, Smith." He chuckles at this. It was trying to mimic Ser Ion's laugh but you couldn't point out why there's something odd about it.
"To be fair the Smith is currently in the form of another being."
"Another being Great Mother?" You ask.
"You'll find out in time." Answered the Great father as he settles himself beside the Great mother.
"May I ask you all - why are you doing this? Helping me? Reassuring me that I'm not going insane?" You couldn't see all seven but you can feel all their eyes on you.
"We made a promise to both the Sandman and his wife to protect you while you are in this world." The warrior using Aemond's form and voice says as he goes closer to you until your gazes meet as he lowers himself to your level.
"Or at least to do our best to protect and help you without interfering with free will." The warrior says softly, his gaze infinitely more softer than you've ever seen on the actual Aemond.
You were confused.
By now you know that you must have been close with both the Sandman and his wife. After all they reintroduced you to Gregory. It was clear that they care for you and are watching over you even now.
"I know they care about me, and I probably care about them. But why would they be so concerned about my life here? I'm just a strange mortal who has developed powers that no one else in Westeros has. And even if they happen to be secret Targaryen powers, of all people why do I have to be the one to inherit them?"
The warrior, the smith, and the father chuckles. The mother, the maiden, and the crone exchange knowing looks.
"I'm afraid we cannot answer that." The stranger goes closer to you. Oddly you can feel an aura of gentleness from the androgynous being.
"You do not know it yet, but you already have the answers you seek. If we told you now it would only cause more harm than good."
"We understand your impatience to know." The Great mother says as she walks towards you. The warrior making room for her to hold your hands.
"And if it were up to us - and many beings who have been watching over you - we would have already told you. But if we did, you wouldn't be able to grow."
"To do that would be to mess with Destiny!" The crone adds to the mother's comment.
"To mess with Destiny is to make the path harder and more difficult." The crone says ominously.
"And none of us -"
"Not we, the Seven -"
"The Sandman -"
"His wife -"
"And even Destiny -"
"None of us -"
"Want that for you."
Then all the seven merged into one androgynous being. You could only see the silhouette of a human body, the light emanating from the form prevented you from seeing any specific details beyond the silhouette.
"There are other beings who already seek to harm you. Both mortal and divine. Which is why you must trust yourself to find the answers you seek on your own." The being's voice is a combination of all the voices you've heard by being in various forms that were familiar to you. With the Stranger's voice being the lead voice to make everything clearer.
"Is my only choice to wait for the memories to comeback? Is there no other way?"
"Allow yourself to dream once again. You know by now that it's easier for you to remember in the world of dreams."
"I find myself too exhausted and too frightened to dream while I am here."
"Then allow me to assist you. I shall make sure you are allowed a full night to dream and a full night to rest."
"But - but what if the Faith Militant forces me to wake up in the middle of it all? After all you cannot interfere with free will."
"True, but I can still exercise my influence over my devotees...Perhaps it is about time I enlighten them on a few things. And don't underestimate the Sandman's ability too."
You give the being of the Seven a nod as you feel him guide you. Soon enough you feel the presence of the Sandman as you also feel yourself relax even more.
You see him on front of you in what appears to be a garden.
"Thank you Septimus."
"You're welcome Sandman." The Sandman says as you take his hand.
"I shall see you later Alys." The being then fades away.
"One of the Seven's many names. They adopted it whenever they choose to appear as a singular merged being. The name simply means 'Seven' or 'the Seventh' in an existing language. But enough of that - how are you? Truly?"
It was in seeing the care and concerned in his eyes that you find yourself breaking down. You couldn't help but simply cry heavily on his shoulder as he embraces you and rubs on your back.
"I'm - I'm - I'm so sorry ...that I'm..."
"It's fine. Release everything you feel inside."
For awhile it seemed all you did was sob on his shoulder as he rubbed your back and gently rocked you to soothe you as you released your sobs.
When you calmed down and released him from your embrace in his hands was a napkin and a large crystal goblet filled with the bubbly water.
"Do you...Do you think I've taken it too far? By allowing myself to suffer at the hands of the Faith Militant and claiming many of my family's sins as my own...Is it too much?" You ask him as you take occasional sips from the large crystal goblet. The bubbly water refreshing you.
"I think that you made the choice that you believed would solve the problems that you see are emerging. And with the limited information that you have and the limited options given the recent circumstances surrounding your kidnapping...it was the choice that was the most promising." A part of you wishes Gregory would appear, but you're also too exhausted to do anything but pet him. Besides you need an outsider's perspectives on your journey so far.
"Is it worth it? Was my suffering worth it? Or was all the pain just done to me in vain?"
"Alys." His voice was soothing as he offers you his shoulder once again. This time you lay your head sidewards.
"If it's any consolation, my wife and I experienced our own kind of suffering watching what they were doing to you...And yet knowing that we cannot intervene...However only you can tell me if your voluntary suffering was worth it."
"But I'm still stuck, here in this place of suffering. And I have no idea if my pain has any effect beyond the Faith Militant abusing me sadistically. I am now an outlet for their wrath and ill will towards my family."
"I may be able to give you some encouragement if those are your worries."
"Oh? How?" You turn to face him, his eyes still gentle but his voice had a hint of authority.
"I cannot tell you the details - but know that there are discussions now made among various influential authorities."
"On what?" He remains silent.
"That's already a sufficient hint for you to not lose hope. You're beginning to awaken, it won't be long now. You're doing very well." You awaken, finding yourself well rested for the first time in a long time.
The next timeyou encounter the seven was after you were branded with the star of the seven in seven areas of your body. Or rather it wasn't an encounter in the present time. It was an encounter with them in a memory. A memory which felt too odd to be real, but it had the same familiarity as your other memories that you've experienced so far.
"Are you ready?" You ask the same merged androgynous form. It was early morning and the sun had just risen up. The merged form that the Sandman has called Septimus, nods at you and before your eyes the form divides itself into seven spheres of floating energy. You feel yourself gathering energy and making it flow to the seven floating shperes. Slowly but ever surely, as they get more of the energy you were guiding towards them, all seven spheres slowly mold into humanoid figures. It was hard work, this process taking several days, but by the time the sun sets on the seventh day of you essentially feeding energy to the seven figures, they were now fully formed aspects of what once was one. All seven of them were now able to to move independently, yet connected from each other,
"Oh thank you, thank you so much!" The figure of themaiden cries, but nearly stumbles before the figure of the smith caught her before she fell to the ground.
"Careful Maiden. You're still a new being; made from the thoughts and beliefs of the people here in the Andal Hills. You all must take the time to practice moving as people do. Adjust yourselves to -"
You feel something move in your pocket of your dress.
"Excuse me for a moment." You go outside away from their presence. Not for the sake of privacy - they were still divine beings who had better hearing than any mortal even if you had guided life force energy in their separate aspects - but rather to be able to check the item moving rapidly.
You take out what appears to be a bronze circular brooch. Inside the circle was a cross and two lines diagonally placed. All of them meeting at the center.
The sign of the crossroads.
You instantly knew who was trying to call you.
The memory ends before it was revealed. But you had a feeling of dread, that it was about to lead to something horrible.
Some time after you've experienced that memory, you were brought before the lead septon of your torment. Or purification as they say. According to him and other members responsible for your "Purification", they've decided to give you an option on how to proceed.
Or rather it's an illusion of choice.
"You want me to become a sex slave?!"
"One of your sins is for the rape of one of the Kingsguard. It's only fair that since you did not value your virtue and gave in to your lust, we believe the most adequate way to purify you and show you the error of your ways is to be in relieving others."
"What's wrong with my penance so far?"
"You are not yet adequately broken sinner. If you choose to accept being in service for the next two weeks we won't give you as a slave to Ser Cole anymore upon your last day. Surely you would think this is an opportunity that must be taken." You hear the soft chuckles of the Faith Militant surrounding you.
So this was their plan?
To break you through torture just to violate you sexually under the delusion of purification.
You see it all now.
You may have never been with a man but this isn't how you would want your first experience to be.
"I refuse."
"I had a feeling you were going to say that. We'll be adding 40 more days to your purification here."
"But - But you said that it will only last for 30 days -"
"That was before we found out that you are not yet truly broken."
"And how do you expect to tell the public that?"
"The public and your family have all forgotten about you by now. Why do you think that no one has intervened on your behalf sinner? Even they agree that you are better off here than in court."
You were dragged back into your room.
For awhile you are simply left to your room, your imagination taunting yourself at what they may possibly have in store. What seemed like days later, they brought you again to your room of torture.
Here once you laid back they place a piece of cloth to cover your entire face. And then they slowly dripped water - or at least you assume it was water - on to the cloth.
Before you knew it you found yourself suffocating.
"Accept the offer, and you shall be free before you know it."
Don't lose hope
People kept telling you mysteriously to not lose hope. The Priestess Kara, the Sandman, the mysterious being who spoke through Ser Kormy...they all kept emphasizing not to lose hope.
Not to give up.
You weren't sure how you were able to do it, but you managed to survive each suffocating session.
And soon they started to feed you something strange. Probably drugs mixed in with the food that they gave you. You were more than sure that your imagination wasn't this crazy or vivid within the blank walls of your room.
Soon they made sure that you were in a state of high vividness and you took in even more of whatever they were feeding you. It made the sessions even worse.
But still you would not give in.
You would not lose hope.
You would rather have the Stranger take you than to serve their sexual needs with the excuse that you were purifying yourself. Better to die a virgin then.
Your hallucinations got even worse as time goes on.
It was tricky trying to distinguish what was your imagination and what was hallucinations mentally choking you.
All this within the confines of the blank walls.
You don't want to lose hope but you were exhausted.
"Given how she is, it's possible she could expire any day now."
"Isn't the food and the drugs helping?"
"The drugs absorbed quickly because of how little she has taken food. She only takes liquids now." You hear them when they think you are asleep. Strangely nowadays you find yourself too exhausted to even sleep right away.
You began to notice how serious it is when they begin sending the confessor septon to you. Him dressed in all black with a black hood concealing his face.
"Why black?"
"It's because the Stranger may claim you anyday now. You have become too fragile for any active forms of purification."
"Is it because my body now rejects any food other than soup?"
"Perhaps sinner."
He was one of the more gentler confessors. They would change who got to be your last confessor everyday. Their times unpredictable but they always came in a black hood covering their faces.
Your mind was too tired and too drugged on whatever substance they keep feeding you till now. It was too exhausting to remember the various different voices. They were all different and yet so the same.
You don't know how long you've been here anymore. It must be longer than 30 days. Or maybe it only seemed to be longer than 30 days.
You don't want to give up hope.
But you also want it to end.
All your supernatural experiences seemed to tell you that if you didn't immediately remember your much needed memories, everything might come back after you die.
If that's the case then maybe you should at least prepare. You feel yourself going colder each day.
You decide to make a confession to whomever comes to you next. The Seven had promised you, the Sandman, and his wife, their protection of you. Surely they could understand why you did what you've done. You weren't going to force your death - you couldn't even intentionally harm yourself. But if you were to die, at least you told someone everything.
You were not giving up hope.
There's a chance that your confessor could somehow contribute to whatever the White Worm has in mind.
Have faith, have hope.
Once again you find yourself struggling to sleep. Finding many thoughts in your head and too exhausted to simply sink into a deep slumber. They must have increased the dosage of the drugs because you find your mind numb, and your mental images even more vivid than before.
A black hooded figure once again enters your room.
There was something different about him from your other confessors.
The way the figure moves with both strength and remorse.
Now you understand.
"Have you come to be my final confessor Stranger?" Who else could it have been? The being of the Seven did promise to see you later.
This must be your time.
"Alys?" Strange, the voice sounded really similar to Aemond's. Why switch up forms now?
"I see you want me to be comfortable with what you are about to do. And so now you appear before me in a form that pleases me." How ironically fitting that the Stranger is going to take you in Aemond's form.
You cared for him.
You aren't sure if this is called love.
You weren't even sure if this was infatuation or lust.
But since there is no point in running away from the inevitable...you may not know what name to place on your feelings, but you cared for him deeply.
If only the two of you were born in different circumstances.
"Alys, its me-"
"I know Stranger, but there's no point in hiding what you are about to do. Please Stranger, before you take me to be judged by the Great father. Please hear my last confession before you take me. And please, for my dying wish...please take me in my sleep. I'm so tired and exhausted, I want it to be as painless as possible. At least in my sleep...in my dreams, I could be free to who I am. Even though I don't quite know what that is yet."
The Stranger pauses.
"...Very well, what is your last confession?"
Slowly yet surely you pour out everything that had been plaguing your heart and mind.
"Then why? Why did you choose this? This suffering for the sins that are not yours?" Odd, there was something in the Stranger's voice. A mix of sadness, anger, frustration, and pain.
"Because they were all hurt by those sins. No one was going to do anything to solve the problems. Instead they let it foster until that hurt makes them inflict the hurt on others. Everyone, including my own mother, has too much pride and ego to have a heart to heart talk. I know how messy these kinds of talks are, but we are born into a system wherein there is too much at stake. And it seems only I - all I want is to not have bloodshed. I don't need them to be friends, but I want a solution that will stop the dispute without killing anyone."
"...Some people say that would be too good to come true." You couldn't help but smile at this.
"My father has already said that. Even Aemond, the one whose form you are in has the same sentiments. But if dreamers are powerless, then why were we spared from the Doom of Valyria because of a dream? Why did Nymeria become the ruler of Dorne with only a dream along with her army? Without the ability to dream of better things...better changes...then we resign ourselves to only being satisfied with far less than we deserve."
"Then don't you think that even you deserve better?"
"Of course, but just as the White Worm says, everything worth doing has always some risk. If this is to be my last few moments then I'm happy that the people will remember me for being the ultimate traitor who was the source of the family infighting. After all what else could unite people of all kinds than a common enemy? I already know that by claiming those sins as my own, both factions and everyone at court wishes me to suffer and die. All I'm doing is simply giving everyone what they want."
"And what makes you think that this is what they want?"
"Simple, through my solution, my brothers would be released from my mother's schemes of using them for positions they don't even want...my -" You cough a few times before resuming.
"My uncle, Aegon, would be free from a postion he doesn't want without having to flee to Essos or to die. My own mother and Aemond will be forced to be tested which of them would be a better ruler - and this will hopefully put an end to the dispute. Because whomever becomes the victor will have the people by their side, not just the disputable whims of the King. Of course not all would be satisfied - which is why whomever loses shall still have a permanent place in the counsel to keep the balance."
You take a heavy breath as you feel yourself getting colder.
"I know it's idealistic. It will probably never be implemented. And yet even now I can't afford to lose either hope or faith. It's the only way I see that gives the opportunity for those who don't want to rule to step aside; for those who wants to rule to assert themselves; and for them to be vetted by the people they will rule over. After all Aemond has been doing his best to prepare to rule, but has simply never had the opportunity."
Your eyes start to close.
"It...it seems that is all the breath...I have for a...a last confession...but you and...and the other Seven...probably already know ... my own thoughts and feelings..."
You feel the Stranger move to take your hands.
Funny how warm they are.
"You can take me now...thank you for listening Stranger."
You feel someone move to carry you, vaguely hear shouts, and someone else who touched your hands.
The Stranger feels so warm as you are cradled like a baby.
You then succumb to the darkness of rest.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: DON'T WORRY SHE'S NOT DEAD! She's just knocked out into a coma. You'll see in the next chapter:
1.) If it isn't obvious already, I took a lot of inspiration from the Passion of Jesus Christ (out of season I know. In a few days its supposedly the celebration of his birth - never thought my culturally forced Catholic education would be used this way but here we are). In some ways I reversed the order of the Passion by having the "Cruxifiction" part be done first and to aggravate it by making her carry the metal post to the place where she would be "purified";
2.) Some of the tortures used are a mix and match of real life medieval torture of alleged witches during the Spanish Inquisition era. I stayed away from any genital related tortures because that was personally too much for me;
3.) I know the Faith Militant was only revived during the GOT time of events and they are disbanded during the Dance of Dragons. How I decided to write it is that they are only legally disbanded but unofficially and in practice they are still very much present and the main branch of the Faith just ignore what they're doing since they benefit from having them as both the more radical branch and as their unofficial armed forces/torturers. And since they are also still angry at the Targaryens, the moment Alys goes to them they are going to milk that opportunity as much as they can;
4.) I was really excited to write this part because it was one of the first scenes or parts that was in my head when my real life friends and I were discussing what would be a challenge or a situation that could not be solved by Aemond's overcompensating in his mind, and abilities. And as @aemonds-war-crime has already pointed out, Aemond is just as devout as Alicent to the Faith of the Seven. Having a branch of the Faith actively torturing and only seeing him as not a Prince but simply another member of the Faith would force him to seek another way of helping Alys;
5.) At first I was wondering how to introduce the Seven to Alys, but then I recalled someone say how sometimes deities adapt the forms of people you love or are familiar with in order to make you comfortable or to get the point across. Also by having an aspect of the Seven adapt to the form of Aemond it also allows her to confess to Aemond while thinking he is the Stranger who has come to take her and end her life (I mean in a way she has died, but its not physical);
6.) If you're wondering why I didn't allow her to confess her feelings for him, it's because her feelings play a role later. But if it helps, Aemond is starting to suspect both his own and how she feels for him; and
7.) For the bronze brooch featured in the memory with the Seven- imagine an asterisk inside of a circled border. That is essentially what it is 😅; and
8.) I got the name "Septimus" from Stardust (Yes I know another Neil Gaiman property).
Don't be afraid to comment.
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dreamproxyaesthetics · 4 months
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We must go now...remember your training
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maydaydiaz · 21 days
announcing you’re not posting any more bts instead of just not posting anymore….oh we were definitely right about something
29 notes · View notes
smolycule · 5 months
anyone complaining that tommy was “too passive aggressive” or whatever with his story have not seen the comment sections of any of the instagram posts about season 2. he made an instagram story because most of the INSTAGRAM comments were just excessively negative, MANY of them saying it’s not worth consuming at all due to it being only audio. aside from a few genuine criticisms about accessibility issues, a lot of it is people just being fucking assholes. tommy was completely justified in how he responded to these rude comments, pointing out how they put a lot of work into it regardless of the format it’s in. maybe if these ppl actually enjoyed the story they wouldnt immediately write off a new season of it simply because it’s being told in a different way idk!
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hoodiedeer · 4 months
man. for 1.4 seconds i had the thought "what if i played the first game i tested this pc on 10 years ago for a bit before i stop using it and switch to the new one that would be nice". and then i remembered that game is offline and unplayable LOL
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hay-389 · 1 year
Now that Ao3 is down I have no choice but to actually go to bed on time…😭
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ao3gingerswag · 1 year
Hey this is just a pro tip for anyone going into childcare or teaching. If u get ur certification for birth to grade 2 students with disabilities. Everyone wants u carnally.
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eelmachine · 2 years
i love animals that will eat their own babies or siblings cos its so awesome. theres not enough room in this ecosystem to sustain both of us beyond this moment so i will eat you to maintain balance. i know they dont think that way but its how nature just works i s'pose. terratorial boundries too that maintain a perfect amount of area for 1 apex preditor to live cos if there was 2 or 3 the ecosystem would b decimated.
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Chapters: 40/40 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Augusta Longbottom & Tom Riddle, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley, Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Petunia Evans Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Dudley Dursley, Original Characters, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Molly Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott Additional Tags: Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, I just Hate Dumbledore ok?, Slytherin Harry, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Violence IS an Option, Smart Harry Potter, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Graphic Description, graphic description of violence, Past Child Abuse Summary:
What happens when Harry Potter learns that magic is real, and he contacts the only magic person his aunt can remember?
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
I've got to be saved from destruction — I can't even say that I want to be, but somehow I must be, and I can't do it myself, and you can't do it either. I need supernatural help. Not that I really believe it's supernatural or there is any supernatural. But perhaps there is help somewhere, some force, some power.
Iris Murdoch, from The Book and the Brotherhood
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Higher intervention: Aemond x FemReader (House of the Dragon x Sandman fanfic) Part 1
Disclaimer: This is a fanwork to show appreciation for the intellectual properties used. I also haven't read Fire and Blood and most if not all that I know is from the TV show.
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Gif by queenage
Premise: Alys Velaryon, older twin sister of Jace Velaryon is the only member among Rhaenyra's children whom Aemond cannot completely hate. As their love story progresses, a newer and larger threat complicates things and reveals discoveries that neither the greens or the blacks had ever imagined.
So this is a spin-off on my main fanfic Beautiful Anomaly which is concluding soon. I personally don't consider this a spoiler for the conclusion of Beautiful Anomaly (since it's more of a manner of "how" than "if"). I personally consider this a standalone story since the story takes place in the distant future of Beautiful Anomaly. For those waiting on Part 8 it's coming out soon. I just need to release this from my mind so that Aemond can relax in my little piece of the dreaming realm.
Taglist (comment down below if you want to be included): @winxschester @memento-mora
Also tagging: @rinadragomir I know you're team black, but I really want to know if I wrote them in character 😅
The stars had decided to shine their light to a wanderer. Though he did not need it, he can do just fine whether he was taking his slow travel in their presence or in the presence of the sun. Chained to himself is the book which contained the universe itself, and all the possibilities explored in such universe. A subsection of this book contained details of the Dance of Dragons in a small dimension. The results of which lead to the deaths that only brought further downfall.
After such details, was the details of an experimentation that tested the extent of change and free will. An experiment that he must initiate for the benefit of all involved and to satiate his curiosity. Would this make any real substantial change to such that would occur? Nevertheless he is as dutiful as he ever was. Ever the observer, never the participant. Participants are only ever so focused on what is directly within their reach and influence. And it is from an observer such as himself that he must watch such experiment to its completion.
And as the book stated, this experiment would only help in developing her power.
"Take your time." He speaks from his hooded self towards you.
"You are only in the beginning of your development." You can't help but feel your heart throb in a mixture of fear and curiosity.
"Everything will come to pass, everything in its right time."
You open your eyes.
You feel bewildered.
Glancing at the window you could see that it was dawn and the sun had just started to appear.
This dream was the clearest it had ever been and you didn't know what to make of it.
"Alys?" Your mother enters concerned. Her blonde hair was still frizzy from just having awakened. You were frightened for your new sibling in her belly and she shouldn't be rushing by your side when your sibling in her womb was making it difficult for her till his or her birth.
"I'm fine mother, just another odd dream."
"The same one with the hooded figure with a book chained to himself?" She takes a seat at the edge of your bed close to you.
"Yes, but this time it seems like he was speaking to me. He was saying something. About taking my time and everything will fall into place."
"Well" your mother puts both hands on each side of your head. You lean in to her touch and it always had a calming effect on you.
"Perhaps your dreams are trying to tell you to not worry so much on what you're going to do in the future."
"I just want to make you proud mother." You take a breath as you fell her thumbs massage the sides of your head.
"I feel like compared to Jace and Luke I'm the most useless one. My dragon egg hasn't hatched while theirs didn't take long to hatch."
"Alys dear." She wiped a tear that began falling from your eye. You hadn't noticed that you began crying.
"Listen to me. Just because our family prides ourselves with our connection to the dragons, that doesn't mean you are useless or any less important just because you don't have a dragon to ride." Seeing the doubt in your face she sighs and sits closer to you.
"My mother, the late queen Aemma didn't have a dragon. And yet she is one of the reasons why I am the person who I am now. Don't think yourself as so insignificant just because you feel you are lacking in something others have. Alright?"
"Yes, mother." She leans in and kisses your forehead as she helps you to get ready even though you have a handmaid to do it for you and your mother should be practicing more care. She was now in her ninth month and your sibling could begin to appear any day now.
You decide to spend your time in the library. Trying to find anything that could explain who the hooded figure in your dream was. The closest thing that you found was that it might be the Stranger. The aspect mose closely associated with death and the unknown. But none of the texts had stated anything about a book chained to his hand.
"AAH." You only realized that you had bumped your head when you felt the pain. And from what it appears your surprise companion also suffered the same consequence.
"Oh I'm so sorry Aemond. You startled me."
"I can feel that." He groaned as he has a hand on his head. But after a few moments of discomfort your eyes met with smiles on both of your faces.
"What are you reading in this part of the library anyway? It's so far from the window and there are barely any nearby torches or candles."
"You know me, I don't want go too far from where the books are placed. It's not my fault that the librarian chooses to store the books I need in this area."
"Yes but your eyes will regret that."
"Oh leave me alone. Are you going to join me or have you come just to annoy me out of my task?"
"And what task is that?" Aemond grabs a chair and a candelabra from a nearby table adding much needed light to your reading space.
"I woke up with the dream again."
"The vague hooded figure?"
"Yes, but this time it was a lot clearer. Last night my dream showed that he has a large book chained to him. He was a man. And it seemed like he was telling me something."
"What did he say?"
"I can't remember his exact words but he was telling me that everything will happen in its right time and that I was just in the beginning of something. That's all I can remember."
"Hmm, have you tried reading up on the stranger?" This was one of the things that you liked about Aemond. For all the time you found yourself a fellow outcast in the Targaryen family. No dragon, and having to find some other way to compensate. It was times like these that you appreciated his observant nature.
"I've already did but none of the texts mention about a book chained to his person."
"Maybe that part was a result of your imagination."
"If that's the case then what could the stranger be trying to tell me? Why would he tell me that everything will happen at the right time or that this is just the beginning of something-"
"Alys, sometimes dreams are just dreams nothing more."
"And yet Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys came here with dragons and a dream. How is this any different?" He raises an eyebrow before you hear a long whistle.
"My my aren't the two of you getting comfortable." Aegon chuckles mockingly as he leans against the edge of the book case. It was only then that you realized just how close your face was to Aemond's. Any sudden movement may cause your heads to clash again if you weren't careful.
"Brother." He says coldly. And it was then you knew it was time to return the books in their respective places.
"Oh don't stop on my account. I think its adorable that the only two people without a dragon are so close with each other."
"Your mother didn't approve of my mother's proposal." You say as a matter of fact as you return another book in its place. Frankly you were relieved that you didn't have to marry Aegon despite both of you being the eldest of your families.
You hear him snort.
"No offense to you Alys, but I prefer my women to be more developed than you are. A kid like you couldn't keep up with me."
"Considering what you like to do fun, I'm glad I don't have to lower my standards and make myself more stupid." You hear Aemond beside you holding back his laughter and tried to disguise it as a cough.
Aegon rolls his eyes as he leaves the two of you alone.
"You didn't have to do that for me."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I did that for myself." You say lightheartedly but by the way Aemond was smiling you could tell he was nevertheless thankful.
"Then let me make sure I keep up with your standards by bringing you to your room." He places the last book back on the shelf as you blow out the flame from the candles he brought to the table. He holds out his arm to you which you take as the two of you semi-skipped exiting the library.
"So are we going take the ordinary way or your way?" Aemond gives you a smirk as he leads you into one of the many hidden passage ways. He takes your hand before the two of you begin running and laughing as you travel through the various routes of the hidden passages.
You finally reach your room, out of breath but with smiles on both of your faces.
"This is...where...I'll...say goodbye."
"Take...a...breath first. Hoo it's always fun travelling with you going to my room."
You both managed to calm down enough for both of you to say your goodbyes.
"Thank you for being with me today."
"Thank you for insulting my brother." You share one last smile with each other as he makes his way to his room and as you finally enter yours.
Had you known this was going to be among the last carefree memories before everything became so complicated, you would've done more with him.
First came the news that your biological father, Harwin Strong has died in a fire in Harrenhal. You don't know how long you've known, but for the sake of your mother you simply refuse to say anything about it and if you were asked if you were looking forward to being a Queen in your own right after your mother, you would simply say that the future is uncertain and that you needed to survive childbirth first. In truth while you did want to serve the people, you've felt that a part of you wasn't meant for the throne. Not because of the questionable nature of your parentage but for the lack of desire to engage in the politics at court. If you had it your way, you secretly hoped a third party would just be blessed by divinity and become the ruler. That way no more infighting will need to happen, and the pressure that the Iron Throne would have on this new ruler would be motivation enough for them to do a good job. You didn't like the taste of not being able to directly help people. Otto Hightower would always say that whatever he has done was for the sake of the realm. But you find it difficult to believe it when the people themselves weren't asked and all of his moves in court just simply seemed like a prideful powergrab.
Second a new development within you has occurred. It started by accident. You were simply by your window in Dragonstone when you found yourself sneezing. A spark came out along with your spittle, startling and frightening you. After calming yourself down you returned to your High Valyrian writing exercises but eventually noticed that the candle flame was following the movements of your hand as you write each sentence. You stop for awhile.
"Kelis" you say towards the flame as you direct your attention towards it. Testing to see if it did anything, you begin writing again.
It didn't work.
You were getting stressed and worried about how to make the flame stop following your hand when your brother Jace informed you through the door that it was time to sleep. You hoped your reply was loud enough for him to hear you and not enter. Your heart is relieved when you hear his footsteps fading away.
"How do I get you to stop?" You ask frustratingly. You couldn't risk any accident happening while you were asleep. Leaving an open flame as you slept was out of the question.
Giving up, you blow the candle's flame out before going to bed.
After that incident you were even more careful around fire. And you also had more motivation to carry around a napkin in case you found yourself coughing or sneezing. Less for propriety and manners but more to conceal the possible sparks that could exit you. It was already bad enough that people stared at you because of your evident illegitimacy in yours and your sibling's looks despite your father figure, Laenor Velaryon claiming that you were his true born children. You did not want to accidentally hurt somebody from the powers that it seemed you were beginning to develop.
In spite of the obvious drawbacks, there was actually a benefit to your abilities.
Whenever your brothers would end up with injuries from their training, you worked alongside the maester in healing their injuries. Like with how you first encountered your first two abilities, you didn't notice it happening right underneath your nose. You were healing your twin Jace, as he has a nasty swelling that was going to make him wince for a while. You decided to gently massage the nearby area close to the swelling. Whenever your mother did it for you it always made you feel better, it couldn't hurt to try. The maester was close by treating Lucerys, so if something went wrong you could simply ask him.
As you massaged the area, you began to feel his blood circulation slowly increase. Not to a noticeable degree, it was only later that you've realized what you actually did, but it definitely was a little bit faster than how it previously was going. It was only when the day after the day following that did the Maester did a checkup and was pleasantly surprised that the swelling has significantly reduced.
"My lord Jacearys you must have good health or good luck for the swelling to have been reduced by this much."
"It's all thanks to Alys. She's getting better at massaging people. Not like our mother yet but Alys is close."
"I appreciate that Jace." You roll your eyes in mild annoyance as he laughs at your reply. You turn to face away from him as you hide your shock.
You decide to test it upon yourself later that evening if it really was your newfound powers or if it's just your delusions. Placing your fingers on your non-dominant arm you begin gently massaging. Soon you could feel the energy in your blood, and an idea of how your pulse is currently beating. You make different movements with your fingers as you experiment with controlling the pace of how your blood circulates and towards which areas of your body. This energy, this force that helps you live, you're not sure what exactly to call it yet.
Had you known this ability would soon become very useful in your visit to Driftmark for an aunt that you barely know, you would have read more books about healing, and spent more time learning from the Maester how to heal injuries.
The incident that broke your heart and had widened the discord in your family.
You and Aemond didn't spend much time together in the funeral. He didn't know what to say to you. Your father, sir Harwin, was no more. How secretly you weren't mourning for the stranger that was your relative whom you barely knew, but for the father whom you have lost. The father whose only sin was to sleep with your mother but was a good man. When you were scared that your mother could die giving birth to Lucerys, and your father Laenor was with his own lover, he spoke to you of how no matter what happens, he will protect you. And how you've been a good daughter to your mother. Your mother was a woman with the blood of the dragon in her veins.
"If she survived giving birth to you and Jace, she could survive this." He says comfortingly to you as you cry in his shoulder as your mother screams out in pain.
And now he was gone.
You know your mother is powerful woman but you've never felt more scared in your life. Knowing the whispers at court, you were already aware of some people who are interested in you ending up dead simply because of your parentage, what you symbolized, or any other reason that was simply beyond your control to change.
And those things have now caused you pain in your bond with Aemond.
You could tell he was more distant than normal. He had always been dutiful to his role as a prince. But he still gave you looks of sympathy.
Not much words were exchanged between the two of you. You don't remember what you really said, but you vaguely remember offering to come to his room later to show him of your discoveries about yourself. He only nodded and told you that it'll have to be late in the evening since there was something he had to do. His last words to you was to make sure to awaken later and not turn your nap into a deep sleep. You were notorious for being a deep sleeper the moment your eyes closed. There were plenty of times when you fell asleep on his shoulder and he would need to shake you awake or ask for assistance in carrying you to your room.
"Maybe that's why you have vivid dreams." He once teased when you were still in King's Landing.
You were still uncertain if your deep sleep that evening served to your detriment or benefit.
You find yourself waking when the moon was full and the night was at its darkest. But as you grabbed your dark cloak, you were startled to see and hear a lot of people still awake. The atmosphere was tense and everyone was gathered around the main hall. You decide to hide yourself in an alcove that still allowed you to listen to what was going on.
That was until people began exiting the hall and you were nearly trampled as you hid in your cloak. Until ser Erryk found you and was able to protect you from getting injured. You know it was ser Erryk because you could see the black corded necklace on his neck. You don't recall who exactly gave him a necklace with a simple sigil of protection. His twin has always fancied something a little more bold and showed of his pride in serving the King's family. But ser Erryk was satisfied with a simple corded necklace.
"Ser Erryk what's going on?"
"Lady Alys what are you doing here? You could've been injured."
"I was going to meet with Aemond." You notice how tense his face has become.
"I don't think that's a wise thing to do my Lady."
"But why? What happened." He looks around before he brings you into a hidden corner and kneels down to meet your eyes.
"It's all a mess, but I will do my best to explain what has happened."
And it was through him that you've learnt that Aemond has claimed Vhagar and got into a squabble with Rhaena. Baella joined in to protect her sister. Aemond in the heat of the moment called Jace and Lucerys bastards, and the squabble resulted into Lucerys slicing Aemond's eye.
"It's true my lady. And just now the Queen has asked for an eye from your brother in exchange for blinding Aemond in one eye. She even ordered ser Criston Cole to do so. And when he was prevented from doing so, the Queen took matters into her own hands and using the King's blade attempted to do so. Your mother held her back with an injury on her hand."
"Oh no, but I need to see Aemond."
"My lady, it's safer if you return to your chambers. The Kingsguards who are allied with the greens are not so friendly to anyone from the blacks now."
"That's why I'm wearing a cloak ser Erryk, but it's important that I need to -"
"It's okay ser Erryk." You turn to face Aemond who was standing nearby. In a cloak of his own hiding his hair.
"I would like to speak with her alone ser Erryk. I won't hurt her."
"Very well my Prince." He moves to give enough distance for the two of you to talk but close enough to intervene if anything should happen.
"You just woke up." The hidden meaning hurt you. And you feel yourself beginning to cry.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to do anything." He sighs and walks to you in the deep alcove. He was like the stranger coming for your death with the torches flaming behind him. And maybe it was a death of some kind. A death of your childhood together.
"Alys, this is goodbye."
"But why? It's our families who are quarrelling."
"You know how I feel about your brothers."
"I also know how you feel about my parentage but why does it have to end between us?"
"Ah Alys don't you get it? Unless you switch sides and support my brother's claim for the throne it's not going to work between us."
"That's your mother talking."
"It's the truth."
"Does she hate me? Even though all I've ever done was to spend my days with you?" You begin to stutter as you can't hold back your tears anymore.
"She hates your mother, and I know you love her very much."
"Another thing we have in common."
"Alys, you're not making this any easier." He begins to raise his voice a little but even you could see him begin to cry from his remaining right eye. At this moment you wished that the two of you had been born under different circumstances. No interfamily politics, no possibly deadly assassinations, just the two of you together.
"May I see it?"
He walks toward you as you gently reach out and touch his face. Careful not to touch the stitches. You clearly couldn't try massaging it but you use the brief time you have to do your best to use the energy in his blood to reduce the swelling.
"It's gone for good. You must think me hideous now."
"Everyone is hideous when they are hurt." You feel rather than see him wince at your comment. You do your best to be as gentle yet as efficient as possible.
"Are you going to force me to hate you when I let you go?"
"I cannot force you to do anything. I'm telling you things you are blind to when you are around me."
"Are you going to hate me now?" He has no reply but simply bows his head down.
"If only you were born as my sister. If only you were born to anyone but them."
"But I'm not. What sin have I committed against you to hate me so?" No answer.
"It's getting late, we depart as soon as possible away from Driftmark." He pulls you in for one last hug before he reluctantly pulls away and runs to his room.
And that was when you truly began to weep.
For days, you acted like you were in mourning. You gave your brothers the silent treatment to satisfy some arbitrary punishment from your end. They have your mother to scold and punish them. You have your silence.
But even you can't stay mad at them for long. No matter how much time you spent with Aemond, all of you were still children. And they were simply only doing what they thought was right. You are still uncertain if what Aemond did was right or wrong, but the results of that squabble made everything so much more worse.
In your period of silence, you find a what appears to be a prayer book. Not for the faith of the seven but rather for some of the Gods of Old Valyria. It being an old book, which was hidden away in a part of Dragonstone, you decide to take it to further your studies in High Valyrian. You were not yet fluent in the language but it was better to start somewhere than not starting at all.
As you progressed in your studies you began learning more about the mere scraps of Old Valyria's religion. Merexes, the Goddess of marriage, protection, mothers and women. In the Old Valyrian religion she was prayed for protection and defensive strategies of war. Her spouse, was the God of the Heavens, aggressive warfare, rulership, and men. His name was lost to time. Their son, the God of fire, volcanoes, warfare of all kinds, mining, and blacksmithing was Balerion. From the texts it suggests that he was a rather popular God despite having no wife or main consort. Dragons were his sacred animal, and was said to have been responsible for Dragons being able to bond with people at all.
If there is anyone who could help you understand and manage how to use your powers it must be him. The God with seven faces condemns any type of magical ability (or so the Septas and the Septons claim) and so you doubt that he would be useful for what you need to do.
A week after your sixteenth nameday, was your first prayer to Balerion. You decide to do it in the common tongue since you weren't confident in your abilities in High Valyrian just yet. And besides, if he's a God surely he will be able to understand your intent at the very least.
First part, state the aspects of the God you feel the most important for your request:
"Balerion of the fire;
Balerion of the volcanoes;
Balerion the creator of weapons through the divine forges"
Second, state your plea:
"I have abilities that I do not know how to control, I do not have anyone else to turn to."
Third, state why you need the God specifically:
"Your domain is fueled by the most sacred of energy that has brought both enlightenment and destruction. You are knowledgeable in the nuances of such energy."
Fourth, what do you plan to do should this happen:
"Help me, Great Balerion, whose sacred animal is the Dragon. Help me, and I will help your people in whatever I can."
Fifth, saying farewell:
"Consider my plea, Great Balerion, thank you for hearing me."
You spoke this prayer as much as you practically can. Which meant at least once a week. But it seems your prayers are not answered. Nothing has happened except self-exploration and secretly testing your abilities when no one is around. Your faith begins to waver and soon you forget your weekly prayer. Life goes on and before you knew it, you begin to simply control yourself through brief meditation. The maesters have given you a small time glass which was sufficient enough to help be mindful of the thoughts you have and the powers you possess. It turns out this had allowed you to at least have safe control over your hidden powers and prevented them from having another accident.
At least that is what you hoped.
Around this time you've also began having even more vivid dreams that didn't make sense. There was an air of familiarity, like you've known these people for a long time. You resided in a grand castle, grander than the Red Keep or any of the castles you have seen in person. The front door was guarded by what appeared to be a dragon, a griffin, and a winged horse of some kind. You recall reading and talking in an everlasting library close to the throne room. How you seem to instinctually know this is a mystery to you.
Speaking of mysteries, sometimes you find yourself spending time with a man dressed in all black. You could sense he had incredible power over this world and everyone at least paid him respects as he passed by. Sometimes he alone was with you, and other times a beautiful woman with long wavy raven hair, beautiful deep brown eyes, and a voluptuous body, dressed in white with ever shifting patterns and colors that just seemed to make her even more beautiful, accompanied him to keep you company. Her necklace appeared to have a pendant of crow skull. And on his finger was a rose ring. You don't know why these things seemed significant but it seemed so. You are guessing she must be his wife since the way they are in each other's company reminds you of Corlys and Rhaenys. One of the few married couples who had a successful marriage.
"It will rush towards you." You recall her saying assuredly.
"When it does, just focus on your breath and what you have been doing for awhile. Otherwise you might get lost in it."
"Get lost in what?"
"You will find out soon Alys." The man says in a surprisingly gentle way.
It was one of the few things that you could still recall the moment you've awakened. You're not sure if this is Balerion's answer to your prayers. But you were thankful that you have at least someone among the divinity saying that you were doing well and to just keep it up.
Soon you recieve word from your mother and stepfather that you would be returning to King's landing. There was contention over Lucerys' position as heir to driftmark. Vaemond Velaryon seeks to claim that he has a better right over Driftmark than Lucerys and allegedly wishes to keep Driftmark within the Velaryon family.
"If he wants to keep it within the Velaryon family, why is he not petitioning on behalf of Baela and Rhaena?"
"Good point, you should tell Rhaena to say that. But nevertheless it is because he wants to embarass Lucerys and your mother." Your stepfather replies as you make your preparations to enter court.
"Father, I think Alys should be the one to make that statement. She's next in line after stepmother."
"No Rhaena this is something you should do."
"Alys, if you want to support Lucerys and make sure that Driftmark doesn't go to the greens, then you should make the statement."
"And I've told everyone in our eighteenth name day that I have no plans on actually ruling and so the next in line is Jace because I don't want to be involved in court politics." You find yourself catching your breath after you quickly try to convince Rhaena that you shouldn't be involved at all.
"It's a little too late for that I'm afraid. You'll have to learn to play it whether you like it or not." Your stepfather says, his tone one of gloom. He could tell you didn't want to do anything with courtly life and yet you have to.
"Is it too late for me too runaway to Essos?"
"I'm not sure you'll like it in Essos. You haven't developed anything that could help you survive there."
"But you'll love Pentos. They have an unfamiliar worship from either the Gods of Old Valyria and the Faith of the seven, but I'm sure you'll love it there."
"Pentos is an exception Rhaena."
"We still have our home there father, how about we ride there after all the court affairs have been resolved."
"Rhaena I don't have a dragon."
"You could ride with me."
"Rhaena, Morning is not yet ready for two riders."
"It's okay Rhaena." You finally reassure her that a dragon ride to Pentos was appreciated but is not feasible at the moment.
You wonder how Aemond has changed. Does he hate you now and now plans and assists in your murder? You at the very least know that Lucerys is in danger whenever he is in Aemond's presence.
And you couldn't help but sympathize with both of them.
You arrive at King's landing and the first place you've decided to go to once you've settled in you decide to go to the library. You began looking for any books concerning the Gods of Old Valyria. Particularly Balerion, maybe you've done something wrong that he has decided not to answer your prayers.
"An interest in Balerion the dragon?" You look up to see a man who seemed only a little bit older than you. Black haired with a bit of a stubble. He was attractive, his body (from what you can tell), was at the best midpoint between muscular and lean, his shoulders broad, and his hands big. Unsurprisingly he was at least a foot taller than you.
"Oh no, I am more interested in his namesake, the God Balerion. I've only heard and read about Balerion the dragon but not whom Balerion the God was."
"Oh? Quite the curiosity you have in exploring other religions when the God of the Seven is almost hounded on us here daily." You couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"Let's just say I find the God of the Seven to be lacking in sympathy for who I am. And so I am striving to learn more about Balerion who might be able to help me. I'm sorry but I don't know your name good ser." He laughs and you couldn't help but feel your heart beating.
"I have many names. But you may call me Ion."
"A bit unusual for a name."
"I am someone unusual, around these parts at least."
"I see, where are you from and how did you end up in King's landing?"
"Do you have time? I might be stealing you from your duties here my lady."
"I do, as long as I don't miss dinner with my family I should be fine."
"And what may I call you? I would be at a loss if I did not know your name."
"Alys Velaryon ser Ion."
You two find a table and from your conversation you learn that he is a scholar and a warrior of some sort. He wasn't planning on joining the Kingsguard and yet he is not a sellsword. He was in the Red keep to meet the person who has acquired his services.
"You say you are not a sellsword and yet you are here to meet the person who has need of your services."
"My lady Alys I never mentioned that my services are that of a warrior. I am here in my capacity as a teacher for someone who had felt lonely for awhile."
You didn't know why this had touched you deep in your heart. The conversation ended there, but the two of you agree to meet again as he escorts you to your room to prepare for a dinner with your family.
"How will I know what hour you are available?" He smiles at you with a tenderness you never knew you were somehow missing. Almost as if you were being blessed just by gazing into his eyes.
"Trust me my lady. I will know when you are there." And then he leaves.
"Made a new friend?" Your mother asks as she sees you about to enter in your room.
"Maybe." You say coyly as you enter your chambers and you see your mother smiling at you with a knowing look.
Your days were filled with conversations with him to your surprise. A part of you was saddened that you haven't met Aemond yet. Or any of the main members of the Green faction. They may have seen you around but you may have been blind to them. Ion was there and had become your main escort around the Red Keep. You've learned that his interest in Old Valyria was about his heritage as well as his family. It was only up close that you noticed his eyes were a lighter shade of brown. In certain ways it was almost as if there was a hidden fire in the shade of his pupils.
Your conversations somehow was stirred toward the direction of how the Gods of Old Valyria may have wielded their power in their respective domains.
"They simply are. Merexes is the defense measure because her domain is to protect women, mothers, and the family. Balerion at his core is the fire that wields, that warms, and destroys. The Gods simply are, along with all their complexities of each."
"Ser Ion, may I ask your opinion...do you think Balerion did not answer my prayers because I am an unusual mortal?"
"Lady Alys, I believe he did not answer your prayers in the way that you expect. From what you have told me you have prayed to him to be able to control your powers. But underneath that, what you really are also seeking is a solution that would solve the divide and discord in your family and thus setting you free to be yourself. As you are, without judgment." You feel another shard once again pierce your heart as you feel the truth has been laid out on front of you.
"...You say that the Gods simply are?"
"Yes, even the God of the seven simply is. Even though the faith likes to exaggerate every now and then."
"Do you think, that it could work for someone like me? To simply be?" It was hurting you not to be able to tell him of your powers but you also don't know if he's secretly going to use this against you. Apart from Helaena by personality alone you are aware that there were talks of how unusual you are since you did not actively force your way into having a dragon. You were rather dull and someone who would rather spend her days in the library, in the beach, or in the garden.
"Yes, just see the parts of yourself in the abilities you wield. That is how I believe the Gods control their powers. It is why your mother is so admirable in my eyes. She may practice restraint and has to temper down and play the games of courtly affairs. But she simply is herself."
"Oh, thank you so much Ser Ion. You have no idea how much that has enlightened me. Oh I hope I haven't stolen you from the person you were bound to meet." He chuckles and you can't help but lighten up with what he says next.
"You're welcome, you haven't stolen me from anyone. You cannot steal what was never theirs in the first place. And you are more than worth any meeting I have had this far."
That evening, you decide to accompany your mother as she visits your grandfather in the evening. Tomorrow was the day of the trial, and if it was to be run by the hand, it would inevitably be decided in favor of Vaemond. Without your grandfather's help, you and your siblings by ser Harwin are doomed to be condemned in court. This was going to be your first visit to him, and from what you now see, his condition is worse.
"Hello grandfather, it's me Alys." You say as you sit on his right side and taking his hand. You allow your mother to take the side that was uncovered. As your mother pleads and talks with him, you do your own secret work by focusing on the energy that still exists within the blood. Compared to what you have experienced, this was far slower and it was closer to getting stagnant. You'll have to be gentle, otherwise you may accidentally start a war without even having met Aemond.
"Simply be." You tell yourself as you somehow give some of your energy into him. Encouraging blood circulation to areas that are crucial for him living.
"May I stay with him longer mother? This is the first time I've seen him."
"Of course darling. I trust you can find your way to your room?"
"Yes mother."
She leaves you as you go to his uncovered side and repeat what you have done. No one escapes death, but the least you could do is to delay your grandfather's death long enough for him to help your mother tomorrow. Slowly and ever surely as you gently introduce more energy into his blood, his breathing begins to be more normal than it was earlier. His pulse now at a healthy rate than the dangerously slow speed it was in.
That must be enough for now. If he can make it through the night, then you'll just repeat what you've done tonight to give him more strength to be able to assist in the trial.
You make your way to the Sedan that was adequate enough for you to lay your head as you began to sleep and restore your own energy.
You awaken not long after your grandfather begins to call for you.
"Ah Ahlys, you are still here?" His voice was much more clearer now than when your mother was talking with him.
"Yes grandfather I am here."
"Help me child. We need to go."
"Grandfather slow down." You immediately catch him before he fell over trying to stand up.
"Do you remember what my mother?"
"Something about a trial. Am I right child?"
"Yes you are grandfather."
"Then help me dress. Don't alert the servants, I'll dress simply. Your mother needs me."
"We all do grandfather."
You proceeded to help him dress, and to fasten his mask and delivered to him his cane. At first you thought you were ready to leave when he stopped you before you could help him out the door.
"Alys, go to the chest over there. Change into the violet dress."
"We don't have time for that grandfather."
"We do. It's important I...I want everyone to know that I want peace, and I need someone to represent that. It was your grandmother's favorite dress, and I just couldn't bear to part with it till now. Plea-please-"
"...Okay grandfather." You say as you make him sit as you quickly change behind the dressing screen. Putting it on now, you realize why it may have been grandmother Aemma's favorite. It was easy to put on while still being regal without being too grand. You arrange your hair in a simple half bun secured by the hairstick that accompanied the dress. Allowing your face to be seen while also allowing your own wavy hair to flow naturally.
The two of you make your way to the throne room. You pray to Balerion or whomever God or Goddess is listening that neither of you were too late. The Kingsguard offered to assist him but he refused them all and told them that you helping him was more than enough.
You were now on front of the doors. You hear some loud voices. You felt nervous, but your mother needed you. You take a breath before opening the doors.
Everyone turned to look at you. Otto Hightower was standing on front of the Iron Throne. Now is not the time to lose focus.
"And who might you be? We are currently in the middle of a trial and we would appreciate it if there be no more interruptions."
"I am a granddaughter helping her grandfather." You didn't pay attention to the startled gasps as you turn around and immediately assist in helping your grandfather walk straight towards the Iron Throne.
"That's Alys Velaryon?"
"Seven help me."
"I am starting to understand why Rhaenyra and Daemon didn't want her to be seen."
"I wonder what Aegon feels now that she has made her appearance."
"Oh I think we all know the real person we should be making that inquiry to."
"I wonder if they have already met in private, they were incredibly close before the incident at Driftmark."
"I can't read his expression, maybe he doesn't care about her anymore."
You block out anymore gossips that you inevitably heard and focus on helping your grandfather take his place on the Iron Throne.
"I will be sitting today Otto." He says before taking your hand as you help him. Along the way his crown falls and he nearly fell over reaching for it had you not had a steady hand and was insistent that he be seated first. From your periphery you see Daemon reach for the crown and reverently places it back on your grandfather's head. Once that was done, you turn to make your way down, but your grandfather stops you.
"Alys dear, please stay by my side. It'll be easier than having to come back here just to assist me."
"Very well your grace." He was acting as the King now and you carefully step to the side and turn to face the crowd for the first time.
It was also your first time seeing him.
Who else would have an eyepatch if not Aemond.
From where you were standing, he now towers over his siblings. And has now grown into a man.
Your gazes meet.
You couldn't tell what he was feeling. Maybe it's the distance or maybe it's because he has learned to hide how he feels. Both are reasonable.
"Before we begin, I'd like to say that my granddaughter Alys looks beautiful in the violet gown she is wearing. Wouldn't you agree Rhaenyra?"
"Yes your grace she looks quite wonderful. It fits her quite well."
"And do you remember this dress?"
"It was my mother's favorite dress." You could see Alicent's eyes widen.
"Aemma has always said that violet was the appropriate color for peace. It's a product of talented dyers and artisans to make such a vibrant color. And it is because of this cooperation that clothing in this color was almost always the best. To Aemma it proved that it was possible to rise above pettiness and to actually achieve what was best for the realm. I feel like this needed to be a reminder to everyone."
A figure in the distant corner of the room caught your attention. But you couldn't be too obvious as to who it might probably be. You fix your gaze straight ahead as you use your periphery to see who it was.
Ser Ion looked relaxed in his hidden corner. You may not be able to see his expression, but you felt reassured that what you were doing was right.
At the same time you could also feel Aemond gaze at you. You feel your blood rush. You're uncertain if it was because he has any ill will to you or maybe it was just out of curiosity.
Either way, you're bound to find out soon enough.
Before puberty.
Aegon: I am so glad I'm not marrying Alys, she's a dragonless twit like you.
Aemond: Leave her alone she's my best friend.
After puberty.
Aegon: FUCK she could've been my wife? Mother why did you reject the proposal?
Aemond: Leave her the fuck alone she's mine.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this. I'm wondering if any of you have caught the seeds to the main conflict. Please leave comments or feedback. Thank you :)
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s1mpl3sp0ng3 · 1 year
why is it so hard to find ethical true crime content that doesn't like... serve as a vehicle for a content creator or err on the side of making extreme light of someone's personal tragedy
i do not want to watch people do their makeup or eat a disgusting amount of food while discussing a brutal double homicide nor do i want to see clickbait thumbnails about someone's kidnapped child
i also don't want over-sensationalized and borderline fetishistic shit like whatever the fuck netflix is doing with bundy and dahmer
just like. holy shit. show some respect
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mxrisacoulter · 2 years
hey bestie 💕💕💕
42: Total Dissasociation - Interlude - Bastille Lyric: idk it doesn't even have lyrics lol 'When I'm dreaming tonight I can be anyone'
send me a number from 1 - 100 and I’ll give you a song from my Top 100 and either a lyric that’s about you or my favourite lyric from the song
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isthisjackie · 2 months
I feel completely worn out and exhausted from this last week. Like I feel nauseous and my whole body hurts, and I’m trying to do this homework that should literally be SO fucking easy but my brain just won’t do it
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, the Colombian city is driving down temperatures — and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades.
In the face of a rapidly heating planet, the City of Eternal Spring — nicknamed so thanks to its year-round temperate climate — has found a way to keep its cool.
Previously, Medellín had undergone years of rapid urban expansion, which led to a severe urban heat island effect — raising temperatures in the city to significantly higher than in the surrounding suburban and rural areas. Roads and other concrete infrastructure absorb and maintain the sun’s heat for much longer than green infrastructure.
“Medellín grew at the expense of green spaces and vegetation,” says Pilar Vargas, a forest engineer working for City Hall. “We built and built and built. There wasn’t a lot of thought about the impact on the climate. It became obvious that had to change.”
Efforts began in 2016 under Medellín’s then mayor, Federico Gutiérrez (who, after completing one term in 2019, was re-elected at the end of 2023). The city launched a new approach to its urban development — one that focused on people and plants.
The $16.3 million initiative led to the creation of 30 Green Corridors along the city’s roads and waterways, improving or producing more than 70 hectares of green space, which includes 20 kilometers of shaded routes with cycle lanes and pedestrian paths.
These plant and tree-filled spaces — which connect all sorts of green areas such as the curb strips, squares, parks, vertical gardens, sidewalks, and even some of the seven hills that surround the city — produce fresh, cooling air in the face of urban heat. The corridors are also designed to mimic a natural forest with levels of low, medium and high plants, including native and tropical plants, bamboo grasses and palm trees.
Heat-trapping infrastructure like metro stations and bridges has also been greened as part of the project and government buildings have been adorned with green roofs and vertical gardens to beat the heat. The first of those was installed at Medellín’s City Hall, where nearly 100,000 plants and 12 species span the 1,810 square meter surface.
“It’s like urban acupuncture,” says Paula Zapata, advisor for Medellín at C40 Cities, a global network of about 100 of the world’s leading mayors. “The city is making these small interventions that together act to make a big impact.”
At the launch of the project, 120,000 individual plants and 12,500 trees were added to roads and parks across the city. By 2021, the figure had reached 2.5 million plants and 880,000 trees. Each has been carefully chosen to maximize their impact.
“The technical team thought a lot about the species used. They selected endemic ones that have a functional use,” explains Zapata.
The 72 species of plants and trees selected provide food for wildlife, help biodiversity to spread and fight air pollution. A study, for example, identified Mangifera indica as the best among six plant species found in Medellín at absorbing PM2.5 pollution — particulate matter that can cause asthma, bronchitis and heart disease — and surviving in polluted areas due to its “biochemical and biological mechanisms.”
And the urban planting continues to this day.
The groundwork is carried out by 150 citizen-gardeners like Pineda, who come from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds, with the support of 15 specialized forest engineers. Pineda is now the leader of a team of seven other gardeners who attend to corridors all across the city, shifting depending on the current priorities...
“I’m completely in favor of the corridors,” says [Victoria Perez, another citizen-gardener], who grew up in a poor suburb in the city of 2.5 million people. “It really improves the quality of life here.”
Wilmar Jesus, a 48-year-old Afro-Colombian farmer on his first day of the job, is pleased about the project’s possibilities for his own future. “I want to learn more and become better,” he says. “This gives me the opportunity to advance myself.”
The project’s wider impacts are like a breath of fresh air. Medellín’s temperatures fell by 2°C in the first three years of the program, and officials expect a further decrease of 4 to 5C over the next few decades, even taking into account climate change. In turn, City Hall says this will minimize the need for energy-intensive air conditioning...
In addition, the project has had a significant impact on air pollution. Between 2016 and 2019, the level of PM2.5 fell significantly, and in turn the city’s morbidity rate from acute respiratory infections decreased from 159.8 to 95.3 per 1,000 people [Note: That means the city's rate of people getting sick with lung/throat/respiratory infections.]
There’s also been a 34.6 percent rise in cycling in the city, likely due to the new bike paths built for the project, and biodiversity studies show that wildlife is coming back — one sample of five Green Corridors identified 30 different species of butterfly.
Other cities are already taking note. Bogotá and Barranquilla have adopted similar plans, among other Colombian cities, and last year São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America, began expanding its corridors after launching them in 2022.
“For sure, Green Corridors could work in many other places,” says Zapata."
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, March 4, 2024
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aria0fgold · 7 months
That's enough sims for the day, I feel like I just dismantled my brain playing this supposed family type game that's around 20 years old. How did this happen bro, it's SIMS.
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