#Hire Classical Guitars
spacelazarwolf · 11 months
seriously cannot express to y’all how much testosterone has changed my life. the biggest hesitancy for me in starting t was the fact that i would have to deal with my voice changing. i'm a professional classical singer, have been paid to sing title roles, so my voice was my life. the thought of "losing" it, of putting my entire career and my entire life's work at risk, was very overwhelming.
but now? i sing more than i ever have before. i sing more because i love my voice now. i even love it when it sounds like shit. my pre t voice made me self conscious, it was never good enough, i hated the way it sounded, and it made singing a chore. but because i had good pre t training, that has carried over as my voice changes and i am repeatedly shocked by how fucking good i sound. it's not even done changing! i want to sing at synagogue now. i want to pick up my guitar and sing folk songs or piyyutim for my friends. i want to do concerts with colleagues and learn how to play more instruments and get involved because i finally feel like i am me and i sound like me.
i was told when i started t that my voice would be "ruined", that i would never have the same control i did before, that it would just never be as good as it was before, that i would never be hired or be able to find work. and that could not be more wrong. i am still getting paid to sing professionally, in fact people are more excited about my voice now. there is spirit in my voice now. there is warmth and happiness and soul that there could never have been before. and i would do it again in a heartbeat.
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thepettymachine · 2 months
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Wandering Souls Challenge for TS3
Heeey so I made another challenge. Might be the last one I ever make who knows. But I got inspired by the Postcard Legacy for TS4 and made something similar but not similar to it. It took a minute to make but I hope you enjoy
Wandering Souls Challenge is a 10 generation legacy challenge where you go through multiple jobs and careers with story elements involved. This is a challenge if you don't wanna do just one career all of your sims life and don't mind moving around + mild drama but not soul shattering.
Tag: "wandering souls challenge" or "@" me
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I didn't really make any but don't feel obligated to do everything as an objective. Somethings you probably aren't going to get to everything and that's okay. If you do everything congratulations, if you don't move on.
I have no designated way to play this (ex: what town do you recommend in playing with this), I'm giving the player what they want to do within the confines of this challenge. It's your sandbox not mine.
You do have some optional goals for extra fun if you choose to do so.
Have fun
Carry On Wayward Son
When you were young, you didn’t take anything as serious as your music. Your obsession with the chords became as necessary as breathing and you’ll do anything but sell your soul to the industry. But as you grew older and had a family, you wish for more structure with your music in hopes for it to reach the people that desperately need to hear it. So you find an indie record company and work with them because your artistic freedom is still the forefront of why you’re doing all of this. Plus feeding your family and paying the bills. 
Start by making money through collecting tips while working part time jobs
Half way through your YA years, you try a Singing career or being part of a band but it doesn’t work out
As an adult, you enter into the Music career for more structure and to reach a larger fanbase
Pick a branch between classical or rock
Your lover/(s) must be all creative types like you (artist, sculptor, architect, musician, street artist, etc)
You encourage your children to also pursue the arts
Master all 4 instruments (guitar, bass, piano, and drums)
Get at least 3 tattoos somewhere on your body
2. Jeffrey Jeffrey Simzos
If the Grinch and Scrooge had a love child, it would be you. You couldn’t really get behind your parent’s idealistic dreams about music and art, it felt unstable and unrealistic to you. You want wealth and power at your fingertips and anyone at your beck and call. Whether its through a wealthy spouse, your boss, the corporate ladder, or getting into politics, you will reach the top. For there is no redemption arc and no grace to be given for Greed has already devoured the remnants of your dead beating heart.
Have bake sales as a child and dislike any attempts at the arts
Join the Business career
Be enemies with all of your coworkers
Go from a small house/apartment to a big mansion/house
Be the owner of multiple businesses around town + an additional home
Marry a rich sim you definitely married for money
Have at least one child with the butler or maid you hired
You become more power hungry so you join Politics after reaching level 8 of Business career
Steal campaign funds 
Your kids must be the top of their class, no exceptions (straight A’s, no skipping school, be apart of a club) or they are sent to boarding school
You are not close with any of your children
Optional: woohoo your boss
3. Yes Chef
Because excellence was required of you as a child, you tend to have a strong work ethic and unrealistic expectations for yourself and others while despising what you had to endure in your upbringing. The one good thing out of it was discovering your love of cooking. Cooking was a way for you to escape your worries and as an adult you desire to be a chef, going against everything your parents raised you with. You started from the bottom and found your way all the way at the top as head chef. But something is missing and so you explore other cultures and find new excitement in  nectar making. You figure when you retire, you wanna spend the rest of your days being a nectar maker on a giant farm in the countryside.
Start at the diner for the first half of your career, then move over to the bistro for the second half
Bartend for bars at night for extra income
Read every recipe and learn all the fancy drinks
Master Cooking & Mixology
Marry your childhood friend or high school friend you haven’t seen in years
Cook your spouse and children their favorites meals at least once
At the top of your career, you get bored and visit travel other cultures for their cuisine (go to France, Egypt, and China to learn their food recipes)
Get inspired by nectar making 
When becoming an Elder, move to the countryside, retire as a chef, and become a self employed nectar farmer. 
4. Country Roads, Take Me Home
You’ve always found interest in nature as a kid and instead of wanting to be in the comfy suburbs or stargazing the city’s skylines.You even had a knack for bringing stray animals into your home but they always seemed to run away when you left for school (according to your parents). That’s why instead of working a typical 9-5, you fulfill your childhood dream of being on a farm and working with your bare hands. Building a life you always dreamed of yet will work hard to maintain. There’s no sleeping in for this dreamer.
As a child you were part of the scouts
Live on a farm or ranch
Work as a self employed gardener
Master the Fishing, Gardening, and/or Riding skill
Adopt 2 strays (horse, dog or cat)
Marry your helper on the farm or Marry a townie that loves the outdoors/animal lover trait
Wake up in the early hours of the day
Have a big family cause free child labor
Raise a horse from baby to elder 
Optional: Own a cow plant 
Optional: Win the highest horse competition (racing or jumping)
5. He was #1
You’ve always had an interest in the outdoors but sports was your passion and you’re very good at it. So good, you were being scouted by agents who hoped to take you to the pros and have your name chanted by the thousands. Your dream did come true but another did not. You’re a closeted hopeless romantic who always wished to find their soulmate and have a family, but being a professional athlete with a recognizable face has made it difficult for you to find true authentic love. What will it take for you to find love and will you have to choose between your two greatest loves or can they both coexist together for your sake.
Enjoy your outdoor activities (playing ball, going to the pool, camping, etc) once a week
Find love through online dating 
Go on 3 dates with a person before committing 
Host a big wedding party and bachelor/bachelorette party and if possible, ask your partners parents for their blessing
Master the Athletic skill
Become a stay at home parent when you reach level 6  of the sports career
After a sports injury that takes you out of the field. You find yourself recovering and unemployed and decide to take care of your children while deciding your next move. 
You realize you want to be a sports agent so you go back to college as an adult and get your physical education degree 
Reach level 10 of Jock social group. 
Join the Sports Agent career
Gain the Eternally Faithful Moodlet
6. You Blinded Me with Science:
Curiosity killed the cat or in your case it just made you curiouser. You couldn’t keep your hands still and always have to be tinkering with something. So much so that you lost your beloved job at the science lab because you kept goofing around with some scrap from the town’s junkyard during company hours. No worries, you just decided to go all in with being a self made inventor and creating gizmos and gadgets the world has never seen before. Except one day, you find a mysterious device you’ve never seen before and upon activating it, you end up in the future. There are alot more prettier machines than the ones you’ve been messing around with and you sorta take one home with you. Oh well what’s the worst that can happen. 
Start out in the Science career but get fired after reaching lvl 3 in inventing and join the Inventor self employed career 
You spend your weekends messing around in the town's junkyard and blowing stuff up for your experiments. The neighbors even catch you dumpster diving around town 
Marry someone just as eccentric and quirky as you (ex: eccentric, neurotic, insane, socially awkward, slob, etc)
Master the handiness and inventing skills
Create all inventions, including a simbot
Make some of your children through the Time Machine (past: child - YA/ future: elder, you can age down if you wish) 
All your children’s traits have to be randomized
Optional: Go into the future and obtain all the gadgets to bring them back home to the present 
Optional: You even bring back home a plumbot and learn how to take care of one
Optional: Leave the Inventor career and present and work in the Astronomy career in the future.
7. Who You Gonna Call?
This generation can be played in two different ways. The choice is up to you. (Also double heirs can be accepted for this gen)
Super Skeptic Route:
The question you’ve always asked yourself was “Are Ghosts Real?” You believed in the supernatural, the horror stories, and the abduction of Bella Goth and was hoping to find evidence in the graveyards. But alas you could never find your ghosts and your dreams were crushed. Now as an adult, you’ve become a skeptic and believe it all to be a charade and try to speak sense into the “sheep” around you to see the light. Until one day you do encounter a ghost and for the last time, you investigate into the question, “Are Ghosts Real?”.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Skeptic trait. 
You dabble in Alchemy but it never takes effect on you. 
Join the Con Artist branch of the Fortune Teller career
Encounter 3 ghosts to convince you that ghosts are real
Leave the Fortune Teller career to become a Ghost Hunter
You convince Ghosts to move on/ Set them free rather than have them experiment on by the science lab (avoid opportunities that say otherwise) 
Do all investigations (spirit invasion, paranormal investigation, poltergeist haunting, ghostly presence, angry ghost invasion)
Ultra Fan Route:
As a child, you always found yourself interested in what couldn’t be reasoned or argued against, the supernatural. You obsessed over horror stories, wandered into graveyards, deep subreddits of conspiracies behind Bella Goth’s abduction and studied too many ways to become one. You started to give up hope of ever becoming one. Until one day you befriend a fellow occult member of society and it changed your life forever.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Fan trait
Master the Alchemy skill
Start a side hustle of being an author writing primarily in the horror genre
Publish 15 horror books
Join the Mystic branch of the Fortune Teller career
Befriend a supernatural of your choice to be turned into
Get 1st place at Trivia night at the Vault of Antiquity
8. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Being a doctor was something you always thought you wanted to be. It came with status, notoriety, respect, money, student loans, and it was something more stable than what your parents were able to give you. You worked hard and got into the Medical career where you met your spouse and lived in a beautiful home with your two kids and pet. It’s like everything worked out in the end. But your desire to see the world burn just keeps rearing its ugly head and you can no longer contain the person you thought you repressed for so long. It desires the status and respect you’ve obtained but also infamy, underlings, and power.
Have the Evil trait
As a teen, be a straight A student, work a part time job, and be best friends with your parents, enemies with your siblings (if applicable)
Choose to go to college on full scholarship or enter the Medical career immediately. 
Marry a fellow coworker whose as ambitious or hardworking as you
Live in a nice home with a white picket fence, 2 kids and a pet of your choice
Befriend some townies who work in the Criminal career
Donate to criminal organizations at least once a week
Leave your job in the Medical career in your adult years
Join the Criminal career
Choose the Evil branch of the Criminal career and reach the top
Optional: Divorce your spouse, find a new home, bring the kids (or don’t) and marry your criminal coworker.
9. Baywatch
You used to work in law enforcement until the red tape got to you and so you went to become a private investigator. Solving crimes and digging through trash got exhausting and difficult as you try to serve others yet the system kept letting you down. After having a midlife crisis, You’ve come to realize that helping people can be simple, enjoyable, and have a great ocean view. Being a lifeguard wasn’t in the career plan but saving lives from the depths of the oceans and looking good in red too. Not a bad career change.  
Join the law enforcement career
Become friends with/date your cop partner 
When reaching level 5 of the career, you leave your job to go into the Investigative career to get away from the red tape 
Continue being an investigator until your Adult years
Have a midlife crisis and complete all the wishes or go get therapy at the hospital
At the end of your crisis, you join the Lifeguard career
Find an island or befriend a mermaid  
Master the scuba diving skill and logic skills
10. Master of None
Oh the journey you have been on. From caring about the music to fighting robbers in people’s homes, you’ve been through it all. As you worked hard for what you wanted, You have reached this crossroad and wonder what it all means and what it meant before. Maybe discovering yourself is what the journey is all about or maybe it's the experiences that shape you that gives you your form. Regardless, you’ve been feeling torn about what to do now and with no destination, maybe you start to express who you truly are. Who knows. There is no rush in the process or a destination in sight, only the curiosity that keeps your soul wandering on the journey.  
Join at least 5 different careers you haven’t played in this challenge (Education, Magician, Firefighter, Stylist, etc)
Have 3 best friends you maintain until Elder
Start dabbling in painting or sculpting in your free time outside of work. 
Meet the love of your life 
Be apart of your community - take opportunities that involve helping your neighbors/fellow townies
Pamper yourself -  go to a place in town for some you time once a week
Learn a new skill once a week (you don’t have to master it) 
If applicable, befriend your grandchildren 
Optional: turn your hobby into your job 
Thank you for playing. Feedback is welcomed
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insuke69 · 10 months
What's in a name?
✰⁂ Hobie brown × Rich!Osborn!reader
Part I, Part II
Synopsis: Osborn is almost a disgusting name because of the messed up things it has and the dirty money that holds it up by threads. And here is the child that sneaks out one night and meets a punk that goes directly against her father.
✩Warnings: cussing, Some angst, 'crybaby' reader, misunderstandings.
(mostly based on how earth-138 is)
Rated 13+(??).
✰5.7k words.
⚥Afab reader
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“Norman Osborn”
A name everyone has learned for the worst part, the name ‘Osborn’ has run though the streets of Camden through the blood and dirt that drips through its pristine and marble image, spoken like the candyman–as if it were uttered three times, they’d be cursed and face the consequences. The man who hated the poor and less fortunate that were scattered through England. The man who kept his paws clean by hiring those who needed the money, then turning them into the crooked police for the crimes he made them do. The cruel family man who’s destroyed homeless shelters and remade them into his own buildings for business, legal or not.
“(Y/N) Osborn.”
Here she was. The daughter of this monster, the girl who receives bloody money that her father steals from the innocent, The daughter who people are afraid to even talk to out of fear of her dad, the girl who can’t refuse what she’s given because she understands how much worse it can be. That doesn’t stop her from still trying as much as she can. Sneaking out of her mansion most nights to try and get a taste of college parties. Whenever she goes out during the day with her dad’s black card, She spends it on clothes and gives it away to those she knows really needs it, always wearing a face-covering balaclava so her father doesn’t somehow find this out. Instead of the piano lessons she attended where her fingers gracefully flowed between those white elegant tiles to create beautiful classical music–she tried to learn the electric guitar, mostly teaching herself to the rhythmic sounds and rough rumble of the guitar that Hobie Brown wields.
“Hobie Brown“
A name recognized as well throughout Camdon but for the exact opposite reasons, a name that drips with earned respect, a firm rough hardwood image that's covered in stuck-out nails and splinters. A Punk that directly strives against fascists like Osborn, and who’s blood boils when he learns Osborn’s cruel plans to begin using the old Canals again–mostly to flush out the homeless that reside there, The homeless who Spiderpunk always seems to be visiting and helping out.
Oh. Spiderpunk. A name Y/N can recognise due to her father’s phone calls that she overhears late at night, a name she always hears that is spit out with venom through her fathers and his colleagues lips, the name she sees in bold graffiti almost daily on her dads main company building. Jet black graffiti and red with blue undertones that drip almost beautifully down the glass panes it was sprayed upon. She always bites back a grin smile whenever she hears her dad ranting about the punk he ever so clearly despises.
Rough Meeting.
It was one of those days, those days where you despised everything in your life–that was unlucky, bad luck of yours to have been born in this universe. Bad luck that you were the daughter of a sadistic monster, how you were seen as a monster for even being related to him.
These emotions burned through your veins, making your hands tense and chest heavy. These emotions pool in your eyes the moment you walk through your large white bedroom door and crash into your Jado Steel Style Rose-Gold Bed. Your tense body relaxing but messy black mascara tears flowing down your face. Nobody understood, it's like you were speaking their language on deaf ears that didn’t care to hear you out. They didn’t care to hear out the brat, The Spoiled girl who has her life handed to her, the brat that no matter how hard she tries-
Can’t prove anything to everyone who is dead set on her being a spoiled daddy’s girl.
With boiling tears drying upon your soft smooth skin, You get up and change out of the clothes your main ‘Maid’, Roxanne, had put out for you earlier for your Dads event of a damn Factory opening that was built over another destroyed shelter. Removing the ruffle black dress with small cute green ribbons to show off your dads company colors along for him to display his gorgeous daughter. It’s not like he cared for anyone's image besides his own anyways.
Glancing at the clock, you sigh and dip your head into the pillow again,
You take a calming breath and change into some jeans and a loose black tee after crying some more for a few moments, the shirt only allowed for you to wear at home since it wasn’t perfect and elegant enough for the Osborn image. Ugh. You enter your private marble bathroom to wash your face free of those streaks of ‘weakness’ as your dad would call it. 
“Hey! Uhm, Roxy?” You call out softly, your door soon opening with Roxanne standing by it and looking over at you expectantly.
“Yes, Miss?” Roxy said back in her usual calm and blank expression, her expression shifting ever so slightly at the sight of you wearing your usual clothing you do whenever you plan on sneaking out without Osborn knowing.
“Don’t let father see me going out, if he asks about me, tell him that I’m upset and tired from the event and to not disturb me.” you tell her as you reach under your bed to grab a shoebox where your balaclava, hoodie, and gloves are stored and hidden away. You wish you didn’t have to wear all this just to be an actually not-bad person, but you can’t risk angering your dad. He always told you to never dwell on what has to be done. 
“It’s a dog eat dog world, You can’t cry about others who don’t have the guts to do what has to be done.”
Those words are always playing in the back of your head, your own dad telling it to you soothingly to help stop your tears–when you were about eight. You were crying because you were thinking about the lives he’s ruined and took for you two. Well.. More like for Oscorp. 
You snap out of that memory as you clear your throat and put everything on to hide the safety of your identity while Roxy watches with that neutral face you’ve seen and known your whole life. She’s the closest thing you’ve ever had to a mother, by textbook definition because she brought you up with care and some affection. But your actual birth mom had died while giving birth to you, you never met her once besides the moment she passed with you in her arms. Since then, Your dad has seen you as if you were the last living part of her that he has besides memories and pictures of her. He's always telling you that you’re her spitting image but you just.. Can’t see it. Probably because she is always glowing and happy in her pictures with anyone, she had a normal college student experience with friends and parties, she didn’t have an overprotective dad. 
You roll the glove over your wrist, pausing ever so slightly at a white gold bracelet your dad gave you when you turned thirteen, with your grandmas and mother’s name engraved into it, and yours engraved below theirs. An important and old heirloom to your dad since he wants you to always remain in touch with your moms side of the family–not like your dad spent much time with his family anyways.
“When are you going to get over this phase?” You suddenly hear Roxy ask from behind you which makes you jump ever so slightly before subtly moving it a bit lower on your wrist so the bracelet chain does not get caught in the fabric of the gloves.
“You really want me to answer that?” You ask rhetorically before fixing the balaclava over your features while walking to your window and sitting on the sil, Kicking your legs out and looking out on the city and lowering sun before actually answering Roxy, realizing she sounded even a little.. Disappointed.. in you.
“The Osborn name has done- Irreversible damage, And I’m just trying to help out the people who need it, and pay for my dads actions with actual kindness.” Your tone is soft and a bit honest, you adjust your hands to push yourself out of the window before Roxy can even reply. 
Your thick black boots break your landing as you fall in the green fluffy grass garden that surrounds your mansion, rose bushes and flowers adding some color to it since your dad agreed it would look good for our image, as if it wasn’t soiled already.
You make your way out of your house and just walk, stopping by an old tree that stood beside the path from your house to the city. Your foot stands on a nook where the tree had a brach that went out and folded in itself and your hand stretched up into one of its hard woodend pockets until you feel a familiar fabric, you pull on it until the backpack falls out with your hand holding it by the handle and hopping off of the tree.
This was your secret backpack that you didn’t even want on your own property so you kept it safe in a tree. This bag contained little necessities along with spray paint, some basic tools, cash, and pepper spray. You keep walking down the path and arriving at the city, where the air was polluted and slightly hard to breathe while the rest of the city had occasional litter, trash, and shady looking people who make it seem like it's better to walk across the street to the other sidewalk. 
You usually went out at night to be able to put some of your art on display in the streets: You had a sketchbook full of small things that you usually spray-painted on canals, or outside the wall of abandoned buildings. You didn’t know what this secret ‘hobby’ was really called, you just walked the streets of the city until you found a good spot and started to make your art. 
Nothing was out of the ordinary until you walked past an alleyway and in the corner of your eye, you saw someone in dirty clothes wearing messed up jeans and a worn out jacket, sitting on the ground outside a little blue tent with a small fire in a bin that lights up some of the alley.
You come to a small halt and debate whether walking over to the person or leaving them alone, your vision focusing in the dim lighting and revealing the other few tents there, some of the tents zipped up and indicating that whoever is in there is sleeping, and some people standing around with a lit cigarette in their calloused hand.
You swallow that gut feeling to leave them alone and walk over to a gas station, buying some instant pizza, sandwiches, and food for the people you told yourself not to bother and walk back over to them with the plastic bag in hand. 
You approach the person you saw, but they look over at you and seem to tense and quickly stand as they face you.
“Hey! Hi, relax, I brought some things for you and your friends?” You said with a gentle soft tone as you stepped closer slowly since the vagabond seemed wary of you with their eyes locked on your face.
“Oh! Damn, I forgot, hang on.” You murmur as you reach up to pull your mask over your eyes to show your face so that the person would be less afraid of you, holding out the bag of food.
Their face changes into a grimace, as if disgusted at how you’re trying to help them out. Recognizing you as the creation they and their whole community despised due to the cruel name that comes after your first.
They grimace at you and stare at you as if you were the one trying to drive them out of the city. The one that’s destroying non-profit shelters, as if it were your company that’s dumping all kinds of waste to the community- but that didn’t seem to have any matter to them anyways. 
Staring at you like you were some Monster.
“You’re not welcome here.” The person murmurs with a coldness and genuine hatred in their tone, sharp like an icicle that cuts through your heart sharply. It’s not like you couldn’t understand that, they didn’t know anything about you besides what your dad has done.
Before you can respond, they continue as they walk closer to you with their hands fisted to their sides,
“You aren’t welcome anywhere around here, you don’t even know what has been going on here, ‘princess’. You’re just some brat who needs some kind of sick ego boost to try and make people love you and respect your image.” Each word spat like venomous cold spikes as they gesture one of their hands, as they get closer–you can see the other people in the alley look over and seem to tense up and get worried in some way.
“I know what my father does, I’m so s-” You begin as you take a step back, but being cut off be the person speaking louder with exasperation in their tone.
“No you don’t! You don’t have any idea what Norman is even doing to us! You just sit there and look pretty while your dad is ruining lives!” And if there weren’t other people around- well, if there weren't one of their friends, a girl with baggy jeans and a gray beanie holding them back, you don’t question what would’ve happened to you or what they would’ve done if that girl wasn’t holding them back. 
“Dude..” The girl whisper yelled as she pulled the person yelling at you away from you and closer to herself, “What the hell are you doing? Don’t piss her off because she’ll tell her dad and he’ll fuck over each and everyone in this damn alleyway.” and she swats them on the shoulder.
You really are just ‘daddy’s girl’.
You stay quiet and just place down the bag of treats and just walk off, out of the alleyway. Feeling the earlier emotions come to a boil once again as you fix the balaclava back on your face and walk down the pavement of the dimly lit street.
With your eyes prickling with tears and resurfaced emotions following, you decide to walk to a part to calm down as the hot watered sadness drips from your eyes, down your cheeks and soaking into the fabric covering your face.
You find yourself here. Late at night. Silently sobbing your eyes out on a cold metallic bench you vividly remember your dad showing it to you when you were a kid.
You were about seven and you had fallen off a swing set and scraped your knee badly, you still have it slightly scarred on your knee if you looked for it enough.
Hot tears because of the burning pain on your soft flesh, you were sitting in this exact spot as your small hands were holding up your black and white striped leggings with your leg up, and Roxy tending to your wound with your dad sitting right beside you with his hand on his shoulder.
“You were reckless, and your mistake cost you. You don’t want to be getting hurt,” He begins before gently taking your chin with his calloused hand and making you look at him through sniffled sobs, “and you can’t be showing this weakness unless you want it to hurt you later on.” Your dad continued as he wiped away your tears with his leathery thumb brushing against your babyfat-filled cheeks.
And Now.
Crying like now you always did, as if you didn’t change. Still that little girl who only knows one thing: how to cry.
You sit back and hold your legs with your face in your knees, it's like everything that has been being held in–caused by your father or not.. Was crashing down and flooding your eyes like a broken dam through a canal. The balaclava grew damp before you hear an odd THWAP sound which makes you raise your head and look in the direction of the sound.
You see a familiar man with his gaze focused on you, wearing what seems to be a red spandex suit below a torn blue t-shirt and black ripped jeans that accentuate his already skinny and lanky body with a spiked leather jacket over his shoulders with several pins that decorate the chest  and a spiked mohawk on his head.
Once you notice him approaching you quickly reach your hand under the balaclava to wipe your cheeks from the excess tears, internally grateful that your mask was already dark and the moisture from your tears won’t be too visible to this man.
“Excuse me? You- you alrigh’?” The man asks, his soft yet cockney voice immediately making you recall who this man specifically was: You’ve heard his booming words at protest rallies but never saw from who the vocal fighting came from because of your dad and his security quickly ushering you away to keep you safe–or to keep you unaware of your father’s negative popularity. 
You sniffle for a second before answering “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just been a shitty night.” while you clutch your bag a bit closer to you since he was still a stranger to you. He sees you tense and he chuckles while shaking his head and putting his hands into his pockets.
“Calm down there, ‘m just making sure you’re not some dealer tryna make bad lives worse.” He says jokingly as he glances at the bag you’re clutching, but also at your body language, “You’ve gotta understand how it looks for me, to find some masked person sitting in a bench in the crappy part of town.” His voice was playful yet gentle as if to calm you, he had some kind of charm that made him seem almost easy to talk to–especially since this is the first conversation you’ve had in a while that wasn’t swayed against you due to your name.
“And imagine how this looks for me, some dude walking up to me as I’m sat happily on a park bench.” You say back to him with a smirk under your mask.
“Touché.” He chuckled as he shook his head and stepped closer while offering his hand, “The Name’s Spiderpunk.” Once he introduced himself, you felt a splash of relief as he confirmed who he was. His name is said in his own way, in such a calm manner that contrasts the venomous words your father speaks of him when he thinks you can’t hear his disrespectful language. “And you are..?”
His body language is weirdly calm and relaxed, not at all judging you or making you uncomfortable.. Is that a green flag or a red one? You take and shake his gloved hand with yours. This was the only time a stranger wasn’t immediately hostile or rude to you, and you didn’t want to lose that. ..So what’s a little white lie?
“Emily.” You answer him with a soft nod. Your mothers name? Why say her name?
“Emily,” Spiderpunk echoed with a smile in his voice, “And uh.. Wha’s with the whole.. getup?” He asked as he gestured to you vaguely, mostly to your mask that's covering your face and only shows your dark eyes and long lashes, that were ever so slightly red and puffy because of the earlier crying.
“Don’t worry about it, just- lets just say my face around here is.. Disliked.” Because of my damn father. 
He nods slightly, if he has some kind of expression on his face then you can’t even tell what it is because of his mask, you open your mouth to at least try and ask about that but he continued without realizing he practically interrupted you: your face is equally as covered.
“And uh.. Not that I don’ believe ya for your word, but I’ll have ‘o check that bag.” He says while gesturing at your backpack that you're clutching against you.
What? What kind of request is that? It’s not like you’ve even done anything to prompt this question in the first place, and who is he to ask about the bag or something?
“What are you, a cop? Some kind of narc?” You ask with your tone slightly more hostile than you’d want it to be. It’s not like you’re hiding anything either, but you literally have money and spray paint: You can get in trouble for some vandalism you haven’t even done yet.
He pauses for a second, seeming genuinely offended that you accused him of being a cop, as if you called him something below the respect that even vermin have.
“No. Nothing of the sort, never compare me to a cop.” He tells you firmly before muttering under his breath, “fucking pigs.” and without warning, he thwips a white silky rope out of his wrist and it attaches itself to your bag and rips it from your grasp.
You find yourself staring at Spiderpunk as he starts to casually go through your bag as if it were nothing and like you fully offered it to him. He chuckles as he sees some of your spray paint, you hear the cans clink as he shoves his hand into it and checks everything out.
“Tha’s it? Here I was partly thinking you’re some dealer trying to make sure this part of camden stays ghetto, but nah,” He hands you back your bag–He seems mostly amused by the obvious grin in his voice, “You’re just a stree’ artist?”
Street artist? That's what it’s called? You always loved art ever since you were a kid–So your dad always provided you art lessons, good paint, expensive sketching pencils, but he always made you draw boring things like fruit bowls or paint sunsets. But you even one time helped him with ideas for the Oscorp logo! That was fun for you at the time before you knew the shit Oscorp was doing.
But you realize he was pretty much asking for you to confirm if you’re a street artist or not. “Yeah- Yeah, I’m a.. Street artist?” You respond as you take the bag back, not even knowing if you’re saying it right, but you shouldn’t rely on someone to teach you so you reword what you said with a bit more of a firm tone “Yeah. I’m a street artist, tonight I haven’t really done art though.”
He nods and stays quiet for a moment as he looks at your masked face before he looks around and holds out his hand for you as if to help you up.
“Come with me, I know a good spot where you can put up your stuff. I was on my way there anyway so I could show you.” He had this tone where you knew you could say no, swat his hand away and run, politely decline and leave, Something but.. 
You take his hand and stand before slinging your backpack handle over one of your shoulders. His mask hiding every bit of emotion he can possibly be showing besides the lenses over his eyes that squint slightly at an expression every once in a while but beyond that–you have to heavily rely on reading his tones and body language.
“Do you trust me?” He asked as he glanced over at you. He seemed like he wanted to do something and just wanted some of your approval. He seems strong and like he’s able to do a lot–and he leaves the decision all up to you.
With an unsure nod of your head, he pulls you closer and wraps his arm around your waist, "Hold on." He told you before shooting a web of his up to a building, your arms wrap around his neck–over his shoulders.
You shut your eyes tightly as you suddenly stop feeling the ground below your feet and cold air hitting and blowing against your body as you swing through the city and hold onto him for dear fucking life.
“My god, holy shit.” You say as you try not to yell but unable to be silent. Spiderpunk holds on to you with one strong slim arm around you and the other expertly shooting webs and slinging through the streets of Camden as if it's some common occurrence for him–well, it was.
Your vision is slightly blurred with the lights and the slight tears forming because of the dry wind blown against them. But before you know it–you’re on the ground again with a soft thud with Spiderpunk still holding onto you like it's nothing.
“You alrigh’?” He asks with some kind of smug tone that implies he somehow finds how you clung on to him amusing.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It's just that not everyone is used to slinging through the air.” You respond sarcastically as you let go of his with his hand on your waist lingering for a second before it falls to his side and his other arm raising his hand to gesture where you guys are and you feel your stomach drop once you see a familiar green logo- no, a familiar cut ribbon as well.
This is the new factory my dad opened.
Well, it wasn’t completely new that Spiderpunk was on his way to vandalize your dads newest business- how could you have forgotten? Your heart beats in your ribs as your eyes dart to the hidden cameras you know are there because your dad asked you to adjust them and help so you make sure they cover the whole area. “W-we shouldn't be here, at all.” you tell him as you grab his arm to keep him from getting too close to which he fully laughs while shaking his head and putting a hand over his eyes, Is this some sick joke to him?
“Didn’ think of you as the type to be afraid of Osborn. You’re full of surprises.” He coos while softly clutching his stomach teasingly.
“What? No! It’s just- there's security and-” You begin, before being cut off before he shoots webs in all directions and corners of the wall as though to cover the cameras- he over did some webs but they are definitely covered now.
“And we’re wearing masks. Osborn has nothing on us- and that sadistic fascist probably can pay someone to clean up. Bet this is worth pennies to him.” Spiderpunk scoffs, his voice full of disdain and genuine venom towards your father–and he doesn’t even know it.
Something about his words ring into your ears, it’s not like you didn’t know your dad was practically hated by everyone that wasn’t rich and privileged.
So why did this feel more.. real?
More true? 
As if watching these acts in person other than the news you secretly watch is more.. In your face about these situations?
You swallow a big gulp and nod and take out your bag and open it to show the spray paints. Spiderpunk’s lenses squint as if he were smiling at you.
“Good girl.” He teased
The rest of  the night is a bit of a blur. A blur full of laughter, smiling, story telling, and paint. Spiderpunk makes his usual tag on the building as you try to get the hang of using spray paint cans. Genuine laughs from Spiderpunk when you have a stupid yet funny comment, and a smile seen in your eyes when he has a joke. Something warm develops in your chest and cheeks by being in his playful presence, a bit foreign but it's a nice feeling. Like a warm hug..
At one point you two actually get to painting, with a practice ‘drawing’ being a little spider like the one he has on the back of his jacket. “Aw, nice! Am I like your muse?” He coos as he looks at the art you’re making with a hand on his hip.
You chuckle as you glance at him then look away to focus on the spider itself, “Like it? It looks l-” You pause and cut yourself off at the sound of a camera and a light flashing. Your head whips towards the sound and you see Spiderpunk took a polaroid picture of you.
You watch as the picture prints and he shakes it while it develops before giving it to you with a squinted lensed smile again. You see the picture is of you with your back turned and the spray paint can in your hand while it decorates the blank gray wall it's on.
“Keep i’, let it be a reminder of the time you met Spiderpunk.” He comments playfully as he picks up another spray paint can and goes to the free spot of the wall beside you which makes you laugh and shake your head while he chuckles softly.
But then you think of a question that ends up erupting from your throat as you put the picture into your jean pocket.
“Hey, Spiderpunk..” You begin as you spray a line of your paint, leaving a streak of black since you’re starting on the outline.
“Yeah?” He responds as he holds his own spray paint can in one spot to create the little dripage to give his tag the right style.
“Why do you hate Osborn so much? I mean, I dislike him too, but do you have a specific reason to hate him?” 
Spiderpunk pauses slightly but keeps his gaze to the wall instead of looking at you.
“He is ruining lives and screwing people over for his own selfish gains. He’s a fascist twa’ that likes the power trip. And I can’t stand his pompous daugh’er either.” He answers while going back to what he was doing with his paint.
At this, you’re the one who pauses and keeps your gaze away. Before you can ask a little follow up–your phone goes off and you check it with eyes going wide once you see the time.
How long have you two been spray painting? You have to seriously get home before Roxy worries- 
Or before your dad finds out you’re gone.
“I have to get the hell home- like.. Right fucking now.” You say as you scramble to grab your things and shove the almost empty paint cans into your bag, suddenly aware of what can happen to you if you arrive late- Roxy is always giving passive aggressive threats of telling on you to Osborn if you arrive home late.
Spiderpunk gets confused at how you suddenly have an urge to leave but helps you pick up your stuff anyway. “Heh, did you sneak out or something..?” He asks with a chuckle but is mostly curious as to why you’re leaving in such a hurry now.
You breathlessly chuckle before zipping up your bag. “Yeah, something like that.. Can you-” You cut yourself off as you realize you were about to ask him to take you home. Obviously he can’t know who you are- you cant lose this friendship.. Or whatever this is.
“Take me over to the park you found me. Now. ..please.” You say as you sling your bag over your shoulder and wrap your arms around his neck again–even if this time his body is warmer and there's something there that makes your heartbeat a little faster.
“Wow, and I was ‘bout to ask if you were sick of me already.” He coos teasingly before putting his arm around your waist, and with a secure grip you’re swinging through the air again.
You roll your eyes and hold onto him, he comes to a stop at the park and leaves you exactly where he found you-
On the bench.
You awkwardly say your goodbyes before bolting away in the direction you first came, you hastily put your backpack back into the tree and make your way through the dark garden. You smile to yourself as you think back on everything that you and that masked punk did tonight.
You climb up the tree beside your window and jump into your warm bedroom where the only lighting was the bathroom light you probably forgot to turn off and the hallway light outside your bedroom door peeking in from below the wooden barrier.
You kick off your boots and start removing your mask as you walk back over to where the shoebox under your bed hides. You enter your dimly lit room and see it just how you left it. You take a breath of relief and smile to yourself like an idiot as you think about Spiderpunk, walking to your bed as you remove the balaclava from your face and put it into the box along with your gloves and the picture.
Once you close the box and safely hide it under your bed, your dad suddenly bursts through your bedroom door and Roxy behind him.
“No! Mr. Osborn, She’s-” Roxy was saying to your dad before she looks at you and stares daggers for a moment before continuing more calmly, “See, sir? She’s right here.” 
She had been distracting your dad while you were gone and you definitely owed her something since she was busting her ass. Your Dad seems like he was fuming but his gaze softened when he saw his daughter in her room like roxy had been saying to him.
“Hey, sweetie.” He greeted, almost awkward because of his aggressive entry. “It’s late, you should go to bed.” Osborn says as he walked over to you kissed you on the forehead.
“Yeah, I was just about to do that.” You retort in the usual chipper tone you used with him so he really had no idea of all the things you did against his back.
The next morning you go downstairs to your kitchen but overhear your dad livid on a call, so you stand by the door and listen in without making yourself known.
“What?! What do you mean he already hit the damn new factory at Elm street?” He practically roars but keeps mind to his volume since he thinks you’re asleep.
You smile to yourself as he begins ranting about Spiderpunk, the grin widening once he says something that made your heart pump slightly faster.
“A second one? Who the hell does he think he is, bringing some kind of date to ruin my work.”
___ @eyesxxyou .... I did it.
I'll make part 2 if this does well since I also have sm shit to do now that I have a job.
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delulu-with-wandanat · 10 months
International Affairs | Last Part
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Reader Description: Masculine style, They/He, AFAB, International Student, 20 Years Old. Sometimes will be describe using masculine terms (man, boy, handsome, etc)
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader
Warnings 18+: Specified age gap (Wanda is 34), cheating.
Words: 5,077
Summary: Y/n and Wanda unexpectedly meet at the local fair being held in Westview. Wanda reveals her true feelings, and a third party gets involved
Did I really have to be that stupid? Y/n thought to themselves.
It has been 2 weeks since they confessed their love, from then on the two haven't interacted with one another. Albeit it was Wanda's request, but Y/n had also been avoiding her. Nevertheless, the woman still plagues their mind. Her smile, her personality, her sweet and caring demeanor, Y/n missed her dearly. It's such a shame that the feeling wasn't mutual, as Wanda was still very much in love with her husband.
"I get that you got rejected, but come on man..." Kate said as she returned to his side now holding an ice cream, Y/n rolled his eyes at his friend.
"Shut it, Bishop."
"Plenty of hot girls in NYU too y'know." Kate paused for a second, "And professors." Y/n snorted at that.
"You mean like Professor Belova?" Y/n teased her, Kate's face turned bright tomato. She playfully shoved them. The two friends stayed silent, just enjoying the atmosphere at the fair. Watching people playing games, trying to win a prize for their date. Families enjoying their time together, kids trying to drag their parents to the ferris wheel.
It was nice. Y/n glanced at Kate who was enjoying their ice cream, "Can I have some of that?"
Kate narrowed her eyes, "Get your own!"
"Bitch- I'm gonna tell Mrs. Vostokoff that you got the hots for her daughter."
Kate's eyes widen at their statement, "Professor Belova is her daughter?"
"Apparently! I'll tell you about it later, I'm gonna go buy some food." They walked around the fair to find whatever food they are craving at the moment. Y/n wondered if maybe Wanda was also at the fair, Westview is a small town, surely it would be easy to spot her. However, he didn't know if seeing her would be a blessing or a curse. As much as Y/n misses her, she made it clear she didn't want any interaction between the two of them.
Y/n continued to walk around, they spot a food stall that caught their eyes. Classic American hotdogs doesn't sound so bad, they thought. He approached the stall but accidently bumped into a small figure.
"Oh, sorry mister!" The child apologized. Y/n looked down and was surprised to see the little boy.
Damn he's basically a carbon copy of her, "Tommy?"
Tommy's eyes widens in relief, "Y/n!" the boy then hugged him tightly. Y/n had met Wanda's kids before, during the time Wanda was still hiring him he would teach them guitar, baseball lessons, even babysitting them at times. Therefore, the boys had formed a strong bond with Y/n.
"Hey buddy!" They hugged the boy back. They glanced around hoping to see Wanda, but she was nowhere to be seen. "Where's your mom?"
"I- I can't find her. Can you help me look for her?" Tommy asked with teary eyes, no wonder he was so happy to find someone he was familiar with.
"It's alright bud, I'll help you find her." Y/n gave them a pat on the shoulder. "Come on, now you hold on tight alright?" He said as he held Tommy's hand to ensure he doesn't lose him. Tommy nodded his head, he trusted Y/n. The two then went on to search for Wanda after Y/n sent Kate a quick text explaining the situation.
He merely got a, "I've read this story before ;))" from Kate. Whatever the hell she means.
Meanwhile, somewhere at the fair, Wanda was pacing back and forth frustratingly. "How could you lost him?!" She asked her husband.
Vision looked up from his phone, he doesn't seem concerned that one of his sons is lost. "I thought he was behind me."
"You were supposed to watch over them. Vision, for fuck sake get off the phone!" He sighed and reluctantly put away his phone. "Where did you lost him?"
"I don't know-"
"YOU don't know?!" Un-fucking-believable.
"Wanda, I told you, I received a text from work-"
"I don't want your bullshit excuse!" The two continues to argue while their other son, Billy, sits on the bench looking around for his brother. The poor boy had to deal having his parents constantly fight, on top of that, watch how neglectful his own father was being.
Billy loves his dad, but at times it feels like he was just some stranger to him. Billy tried not to focus on their conversation and instead observes the people around him. Suddenly, his mother approached him with a frustrated look. She tried to muster up a smile for him, "Come on, honey. Let's look for your brother."
He glanced at his dad who was now talking on the phone, "Is dad not coming with us?"
"He..." She was unsure of what to say, "He has some business to take care of, but don't worry! He'll join us soon enough."
"But we have to find Tommy together!" Before Wanda could respond the boy approached his father, tugging on his shirt to catch his attention. "Dad, dad!"
Vision looked down at his son, "Sorry buddy, I'm on the phone."
"Dad come onn! We have to find Tommy." The young boy pleaded, wanting to spend more time with his father.
"Billy, I'll join you and your mother in a second alright-"
"But Dad-"
"BILLY I said not now!" Vision raised his voice, Wanda's heart broke at the sight of her son's excitement dropping. She immediately went to held his hand.
"Come on, Billy." She said with a gentle smile. Billy looked away from his father, visibly disappointed. Wanda gave Vision a look of disdain. "Don't bother coming home." She snarled at Vision at a volume only he could hear.
Before Vision could respond, Wanda turned to walk away with Billy. Seems like Vision couldn't care less, as he continued to talk on the phone.
On the other side, Y/n and Tommy searched tirelessly for Wanda. Y/n glanced at the little boy, surely enough he looked like he was about to cry. Y/n stopped their track and bent down to his level. "We'll find your mother, Tommy. I'll make sure of that." He said with a soft smile.
The boy nodded with teary eyes, Y/n glanced around and saw a game stand where you throw a baseball to knock down a bunch of bottles. He guided the little boy to the game stand and pulled out some money, "One throw says we'll find your mother AND win a prize, how's that?" They asked Tommy, trying to cheer him up.
"One throw? But you get 3 chances?"
"One chance is all I need bud." Y/n said confidently. Tommy's face lights up.
"If you fail you treat us all food!"
"Challenge accepted." Y/n grabbed the ball and focused on his target, come on Y/n don't let him down. And then they throw.
All 6 bottles falls down, the two boys whooped in excitement. Y/n gave Tommy a high five. "Impressive throw." The girl who's guarding the game stall complimented him. "Is he your son?"
"Nah, I'm just... babysitting." Y/n lied. The girl seems relieved to hear that.
She handed him the prize, "One more and I'll give you my number?" She asked him with a flirtatious smile, ok she's kinda cute.
Y/n smirked, "Put in another plushie and your number, I'm down." The girl gave him another ball.
"Do your thing, tiger."
Tommy observed the two's interaction and can't help but giggled. He pulled down Y/n to whisper, "I think she has a crush on you."
"Really?!" Y/n asked, pretending to be oblivious. Tommy nods excitingly. "I guess I'm going to have to impress her." Y/n took their position again... then they throw.
All bottles falls down again, the boys fist pumped the air. The girl gave them another plushie and a piece of paper. "When you're done babysitting, come find me." She gave them a wink, Y/n smirked.
"Maybe I will..." He quickly glanced at the paper, it had her number and name written on it. "Cassie."
Y/n took both of the plushie and gave it to Tommy, "Here, for you and your brother."
"Awesome!!!" He exclaimed.
"Now let's look for your mom again." Tommy held Y/n's hand again, but it didn't take long until Tommy was slowing down because of tiredness. "You tired buddy?"
Y/n then bent his knees, "Get on my back, you'll be my eyes up there." Tommy excitedly followed his instruction, when Y/n stood up on his feet again the boy couldn't help but laughed excitedly.
"I could see the world from up here!" He said dramatically.
Y/n laughs at Tommy's statement, "Alright captain! Tell me what you see." They continued to walk around the fair with Tommy on his shoulders being his eyes on the crowd. After a few minutes of walking, Tommy tapped his hair rather excitedly.
"I see them! I see them!" He pointed in their direction. "MOM!!!" He waved his hand, trying to get her attention.
Wanda noticed her son, considering he was getting a piggy back ride, it was easy to notice him. "Tommy!" She quickly dragged Billy with her, she hadn't noticed Y/n due to the crowd.
Tommy was too excited, Y/n had to put him down from their back. Tommy was quick to dragged them with him. "Come on Y/n!"
Fuck this is nerve wrecking, Y/n wasn't sure how Wanda would react seeing them again.
After running through the crowds, the family was finally reunited. Wanda immediately hugged her other son, "Oh thank god!" Wanda pulled back to look at him with concerns. "Are you ok?? Did anyone hurt you? Did a stranger tried to talk to you?"
"I'm ok mom. I was with Y/n!" Tommy said, pointing at the figure behind him.
Wanda inhaled sharply at the name, there he was. Y/n gave her a shy wave. They were the one who found Tommy, and took care of him, making sure he found his way back to his mother. Wanda stood up, before Y/n could say anything, Wanda hugged him tightly.
"Thank you..." She said, Y/n hesitantly hug her back.
"No worries." The two pulled back and stood awkwardly, "Well I guess I should-"
"And mom, mom! Look what he got me and Billy." Tommy showed her the plushie they had won earlier. Wanda glanced at Y/n, waiting for an explanation.
"We were looking for you, and he seemed sad so we played a quick game." Y/n explained.
This young man, whom she had an affair with, seemed to cared more about her children than her actual husband. "That's very kind of you, Y/n."
"Can he come with us??" Billy asked excitedly, the boy was bouncing on his feet.
"Yeah mom! He can win us more prizes!" Tommy added.
"Oh so I'm just invited to this outing because you guys want more toys huh?" Y/n asked playfully with their arms crossed.
"NO!" The twins said simultaneously while glancing at one another.
Y/n snickered at the boys, Wanda gazed at him for a second. They were better at interacting with her boys than Vision ever did, well you saw how he was. "It's family time boys, I don't want to intrude."
"But Y/n IS family! Right mom?!" Tommy asked, Wanda glanced at her sons again. The two seems eager to have Y/n join them, and deep down, Wanda wants him to join too.
"Y/n... Would you like to join us? I don't mind." She said kindly with a smile, fuck that damn smile again. Y/n couldn't say no to that.
"Well alright then!"
The boys cheered in unison and was quick to drag him by the hand, "Boys slow down!" Wanda said with a laugh, seeing how excited her boys are made her happy.
Y/n sent Kate a quick message, telling her that he'll be joining Wanda and the boys instead.
To which our dear Kate respond with, "Damn, use protection-" we love a supportive friend.
The four of them played a bunch of different games, mostly the ones that would get them prizes. Y/n being the athletic person that they are, manages to win them all. Wanda mostly watched, albeit, she was mostly watching them.
Wanda tried not to, but the young man decided to take off their jacket at one of those hammer games to reveal their sleeveless shirt. And holyshit did she missed those strong toned arms. Honestly, it made her mind wander to their previous escapades.
"I could feel you staring." Y/n teased her as they continued walking, keeping his voice low just for the two of them.
"It's hard not too. If I'm being honest, I think you're doing it on purpose."
"And if I am?"
Wanda lets her eyes roamed their body shamelessly, "You won't hear any complaints from me." she said with a smirk.
It's like as if the conversation from their previous night never happened. The four kept walking, honestly, Wanda had a much better time with Y/n than with her husband who was constantly on his phone. Y/n was also very attentive towards her kids, like when Billy asked for a piggy back ride because his brother got one. The sight made her heart melt. Perhaps if time was on their side, they would've been a wonderful family...
But they could, couldn't they? Exactly what was stopping her?
Y/n had confessed their love, and at this moment, Wanda... maybe felt the same???
She was conflicted. But after seeing how neglectful Vision was, how dismissive he is to his own son. She knew he wasn't the man she would want for the rest of her life. But is she truly ready to let another into her heart so quickly?
They're sitting right there? What are you waiting for?!
"Wanda." Y/n's voice snapped her out of her thought. She glanced at them and was greeted with a gentle smile. The four of them decided to sit on the bench, exploring the fair was quite tiring so they decided to get some food. "It's getting late, I think they're getting pretty tired."
Surely enough her boys looked sleepy, she checked the time and to her surprise it was already 9.45. "Right. Come on boys, let's get home." They twins gathered their last energy and stood up from their seat. They walked to the car and Y/n accepted Wanda's offer to ride back, considering Wanda's house was near Mrs. Vostokoff's, he only needed to walk a few blocks. However, before he could get into the car, a girl called out him.
"Hey! I didn't think I'd catch you here." The girl on the baseball stall, Cassie, smiled at him.
"Cassie! Hey, yea I was just about to head back." Y/n chuckles.
"Already? I didn't even get your name." Her tone was rather flirty, Wanda did not like this one bit.
"Y/n." Wanda called to him, she tried to hide it. But Y/n could tell there was some undertone in it.
"That's my name." He kept his gaze on the girl.
"You have my number. See you round..." She said, leaning her body closer slightly in a flirtatious manner. Once she was out of sight, Y/n smirked to himself and got into the car.
They looked over to the side and to their surprise, Wanda was clenching her jaw. Is she ok? Wanda started the car and drove out of the parking lot. They stayed quite for a few minutes until Wanda broke the silence.
"Who's that?"
"Just... some girl from one of the game stand."
Wanda hummed, "She seems very smitten of you."
"I mean... yeah I guess? I don't wanna be too cocky." They chuckled. In their mind, Wanda had no feelings for them whatsoever. So to them the whole flirty banter was all platonic, like maybe that's just the nature of their friendship.
However to Wanda, who was now settling with her feelings, felt betrayed. All that banter and moments they shared a few minutes ago was nothing to him? The ride to her house was rather quick, she parked the car on the driveway and wasted to time to get out. Ok... she seems pissed?
He got out of the car as well, moving onto the back seat to grab the twins who were sleeping soundly. "Leave the toys, we can get them later." Wanda instructed, they nod and picked up Tommy. They followed Wanda to the twins bedroom on the second floor.
Wanda was already tucking Billy on his bed, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. He could hear a soft whisper, "Good night, Billy." he smiled at that.
They gently did the same with Tommy, tucking him in, opting to softly pat his shoulders instead. "G'night buddy."
The sight was perfect, like two parents tucking their kids to sleep. Wanda realizes she never shared this moment anymore with Vision, here she is sharing it with a guy she just met during the summers. The two walked out of the twins bedroom and made their way back to the living room. They locked eyes with each other, the atmosphere between them was rather tense. As memories of their last meeting came flooding back, the rejected confession, Wanda's hurtful words, Y/n's broken heart. It was weird how they wind up back where they left off.
"Well uh... that was quite the coincidence, but it was nice seeing you again." Y/n said, trying to break the tension.
"Likewise." Wanda looked down at her feet.
Wanda was distant once again, well, I guess there really is no chance. Maybe Y/n was just hoping for too much. Hoping for something that would never happen.
"I'll see myself out, enjoy your night, Wanda." He said kindly with that smile of his. Don't make the same mistake.
They turn to leave. Now. Y/n slowly walks to the front door. For fuck sake-
"Y/n, wait!" Oh thank christ-
"Yes?" They turned to face her. But Wanda's words got stuck in her throat. What did she even wanted to say? Did she truly loved them? She certainly don't want to be Vision anymore, but are they really the one? She only knows Y/n for a few months. How will she know if Y/n won't just end up the same as Vision.
"I-" Fuck why couldn't she say anything?
So Y/n decided to speak up first, "I had a fun night, if you still want to keep our distance I'll gladly accept that. But I do want to say, I'm glad this time we ended on better terms." He said kindly.
"Yes... I'm- uh..." Just fucking say it Wanda.
Y/n waited patiently for her to speak whatever she wanted to say. But for some reason she couldn't utter a single word, "You don't have to say anything. Goodby-"
His sentence was cut off by her lips. She gently cupped his face, getting on her tiptoes slightly. Y/n was shock, beyond shock. What is happening? Is this another one time thing? Did she liked them back? Their mind was going for a million miles an hour.
If Wanda couldn't pour out her feelings in words, she might as well pour it out through her actions. She loved him by cupping his face gently. She missed them dearly by the way she pressed their lips rather harshly. Her body yearned him by the way she lets him pulled her closer by the waist.
They pulled back breathlessly, gazing deeply into each other's eyes. "Wanda?"
"Y/n I-" She shook the last bit of hesitation, "I- I don't know how I feel about you, but what I know is I missed you dearly. The thought of not having you in my life, it- it makes me feel sad. I regret my words, everything I said to you. You're... not just a plaything, you're everything. You are everything and more to me."
Y/n's heart started beating rapidly. They had a hard time believing her words.
"I know I hurt you, and you have every rights to walk out of that door right now. But-"
"Then why did you say those things?" Y/n asked sadly.
"This is not an excuse for me to be a bitch, but truth to be told I think I was just... afraid. Y/n I'm a married woman falling in love with a 20 year old man. I have two sons and a husband. Even if, now that I think of it, the only thing holding Vision and I together is merely our marriage. Everything is just so complicated." She started rambling. But one word that caught their ear the most, was love.
Y/n inhaled sharply, they were at lost for words.
"When you talked to that girl, I realized, I didn't want to see you with another. I just wanted you to be mine, mine only." Her hand was still cupping his face, she rest their foreheads together. "If you had been just a casual fling, I wouldn't care so much. Yet that's not the truth. Because the truth is the thought of you with someone else makes me sick."
"I know it's not fair. It's not fair at all, to want to keep you to myself when I'm still conflicted with my own feelings. But- Hmpf!" Her rambling this time was cutoff by a kiss, god how much she missed to lips.
Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling them even closer. The kiss was... different. Rather than lust, it was full of love. A new found love that they now shared with one another. After a few seconds they pulled away from each other, yet still holding each other close.
"You don't know how glad I am to hear that." Y/n said with a smile, eyes glistening slightly. Wanda couldn't help but to let out a soft laugh before pulling them into another kiss.
"There's still so many things I need to hash out. But if you'll have me... would you be willing to wait?" Wanda said against his lips.
"I would wait for you until hell freezes over. Take all the time you need." Y/n responded genuinely. Wanda felt her heart blossomed, is this what it feels like to be properly loved? To have someone love you just as much as you loved them?
Perhaps it is. The love she yearned for. One that her husband couldn't provide, one that was lost over the years of marriage. Something tells her it'll be different with them. That it would be a start of a wonderful thing for years to come.
If only the universe is on their side.
The front door flew open, and the two of them pulled away immediately. Shit.
"Wanda, have you found him? I'll go to the police station tom-" Vision stopped his sentence as soon as he saw Y/n. Wanda is scared shitless. They both are.
"Who are you?" The venom in his voice was very noticable.
"I'm-" Fuck what do I say?
"Vision..." Wanda started.
"Is this what you've been doing behind my back?"
"Just- Vis, please-"
"After everything I've done for you, Wanda!" He yelled. Vision approached her with an angry look, Wanda took a step back. "I bet you had so much fun being fucked like the whore you are didn't you?"
Wanda was surprised to hear her husband speaking to her like that. But if we're being completely honest, she wasn't completely innocent either.
"Don't talk to her like that!" Y/n spoke up.
Vision whipped his head in their direction, "And you" he snarled. He then walked closer to Y/n as if sizing him up. "What makes you think you could sleep with a married woman?"
Y/n gulped, yes their whole relationship was messed up. Y/n knew damn well that she was married, yet he still continued to pursue her.
"What you don't have a fucking mouth?" Vision shoved him. Y/n stayed quiet, not wanting to escalate the situation. "Not so fucking tough now, are you?!" They clenched their jaw.
"Vision, leave him alone." To their surprise, Wanda spoke up for them. This moment required caution, but to be honest Y/n felt their heart swell at Wanda's defense.
"What?" Vision narrowed his eyes at her who was now standing on the side between the two of them.
"It's late, and you should leave. I specifically asked you not to come home tonight."
Vision let out a sarcastic laugh. "You're defending him?"
Wanda sighed, their marriage was complicated. But at this point there was no love between them. She had her heart for someone else, and Vision doesn't even care about his family. "You and I both know we're only together for the sake of our kids. Let's not pretend there's anything between us."
Vision scoffed, "You are unbelievable..."
"Oh don't act so innocent, I've seen the text between you and your assistant." Wanda spat. Vision tensed slightly at the sentence. Shit things just got better. "Leave."
"You can't kick me out of my own house, Wanda."
"The house was passed down from my parents, it's under my name. Leave." She asked one last time. Finally, Vision walk towards the front door. However, it seems like he had more to say. Before he closed the door on his way out he looked back at the two of them with a disgusted look.
"This fucking kid has no status in this country, he works a minimum wage job, he's still in college struggling to pay his own tuition. What makes you think he can provide you with everything you need?" He snarled.
Wanda crossed her arms, "That's none of your concern. I'm surprised you even cared about our family's needs when just tonight you couldn't careless about Tommy's whereabouts." Seems like she hit a nerve as Vision slammed the front door when he left the house. Wanda let out a breath of relief. She glanced at Y/n who looked deep in thought.
"Y/n?" She asked.
"Hmmm?" He looked up at her. Wanda could tell something was wrong. She approached them and gently cup their face.
"Don't mind what he said."
However, Y/n was now washed over with reality. Vision's words were hurtful, "But he was right..."
Wanda's heart shattered at the sight, "Darling, no." Y/n had a sorrow look. Wanda wanted nothing more but to kiss it away.
"Wanda... I have nothing to offer you."
"Don't say that... Please don't say that." She pulled them down so she could plant a soft kiss on his forehead lovingly. "You provide me with so much love and care." Y/n gently rest their hand on top of Wanda's, they gazed int each other's eyes. Love visible on either's side.
But he couldn't... Y/n had nothing. And Wanda deserved someone who could give her everything.
Slowly, Y/n pulled away Wanda's hand from their face with a sad smile. Wanda's heart shattered slightly. "You need someone who could provide more than that."
"What if I want you?"
"Wanda, I want nothing more than to be yours. But I'm just a broke college student. To make matters worse I'm an international student, I have no status here."
"You can apply for a work visa after graduation." She tried to reason.
"I'm only in my second year, it'll take a few more years to pay off my debts. And I don't even know if I'll get a job in the film industry knowing how competitive it is." Tears started to pool in Wanda's eyes. They were both too caught up in their little bubble forgetting the complication of their relationship.
Wanda had a family to take care of. Now that Vision was out of the picture, she had to figure out a way how to balance work as a single mother. She didn't made this decision because of Y/n, no, Vision turned out to be a deadbeat father. But if she did wanted another partner she would preferably want one who is in the same life stage as hers.
Yet her heart couldn't help but to call for Y/n.
"I love you, Wanda. But I-" Y/n kept holding her hand, he wants her. God he wanted nothing more than to be hers. To be able to provide for her. To show her love and care that she deserves. But as usual, time and the universe was not on their side. "You deserve someone better."
Wanda couldn't hold herself so she pulled them into an embrace, hiding her face on his chest. Their arms wrapped around her. Both of them cried for the life they wish they could have had with each other, but due to the circumstances, it couldn't happen. Yet.
"Just... hold me."
"Forever if I could."
Wanda stayed there, listening to their heartbeat. Her heart was torn. She wishes she could have a life with them, but she has a duty as a mother. As much as she knew she was capable of providing herself and her boys financially, deep down their relationship would be doomed if it continued. With Wanda being busy at work, taking care of the boys, and adapting to life as a single mother. Y/n focusing on their studies, after they graduate they need to focus on finding a job and adapt to adult work life. Not to mention handling all the paperwork and requirements as a foreigner.
It was too hectic. Too much complication already to their own complicated life.
But what if love was enough to conquer it all? Or is that just wishful thinking?
"Y/n." Wanda pulled back, gazing into his eyes.
"Yea?" Y/n responded. Wanda's hand reached up to tangle itself in his hair. She kissed his forehead, Y/n closed their eyes. Wanting to forget everything just for a second.
"I love you too." Wanda said softly.
Oh how their heart bloomed hearing those 4 words. Y/n couldn't help but smile at Wanda's confession.
"In another time, another life. I promise to love you in every single one of them."
Phewww, finally. I can move on to a new series, i hope you guys liked this shameless self-insert fic! Damn this last part was LONGGG I have a few ideas for Wandanat, and maybe another one for sum more Wanda x Readers :>>>
Anywho, Taglist! @dorabledewdroop @weptmango (lmk if you would like to be tagged as well for future Wanda x Readers works! (truth is idk how taglist works :'))
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knomis4u · 18 days
** Still adding things 🤣*
~ Music AU ~
Now wishing for a fanfic where Harry travels back in time and becomes a classical magic musician, having learned music after the war to cope with the trauma. He meets Tom in some gala, and Tom wants Harry to play music for him.
Tom most likely will hear him play at the Malfoy mansion. At an exclusive event. Malfoy trying to help his lord establish himself more or what have you.
More on this, the music that Harry learns is a combination of healing music and entertainment. Wanting to help himself and others over what happened after the 2nd world war. Help to try to live again. He learns a variety of instruments. In the new time he keeps to himself and composes and teaches children. Not wanting to be involved in any politics or conflicts. So his performances are hard to book and very exclusive just for the sole purpose of raising money for his orphan kids.
He would teach orphan children, muggles, and magical children. Also, he would help fund the orphan kids. Give them the needs that some never got. Damn it, he would build a place for them a home. So no one ever experiences the feeling of not belonging like he did when he was forced to go back to the Dursleys every summer. Magical kids who are rejected or abandoned would have somewhere to go. He would use all the money he would earn on his music records, private sessions, ect, to make this happen.
Also, he would hire elves to help take care of his orphan kids.
This is getting away from me. Harry turns the elder wand into a bow for violin. Also, with the amount of magic he has, he can play more than one instrument at once.
Harry would have a violin that Draco made for him as a thank you for helping him with his trauma. And once Tom finds out that Violin comes from another man, he will burn it. 😌 Petty Tom.
Oh my god, what if he uses the resurrection stone to ask spirits to play music with him?! 🥺 I wonder if he can do that? Though Harry asking a bunch of different musician ghosts to come and play with him from different countries who go about insulting the other musician ghosts would be hilarious.
Also, Tom has to fight a bunch of magical little orphans for Harry's attention.
Also, Harry whistling modern songs amuses me.
The electric guitar was invented in 1931. The world of possibilities 😍
I'm not saying Harry won't be playing the One-Winged Angel Advent Children version, but the possibility is high.
Also, the song "Epistle" from Yoko Kanno would be a high possibility of the music he would play to those fancy pure bloods. All the soft music would be for the kids. 🥹
*Heavily inspired by all the background music of the Escaflowne soundtrack, plus a million other background songs 🤣*
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saruman-the-silly · 1 year
Birthday headcanons with the ghouls and ghoulettes
something sweet because it's my birthday today yay! :D so I felt like writing headcanons on how the ghouls and ghoulettes would spend your birthday with you, their awesome partner :)
He might seem a little bit indifferent at first, but don't think he forgot, noo. He would act all "Nope, didn't even think about it," etc, but at the end of the day there would be a note telling you to come to your secret spot in the gardens.
When you get to the gardens, he would absolutely have a little picnic set up for you two with some fancy wine he probably stole from someone.
He also will get you your favourite snacks as a gift. And not just like 1 bag of your favourite candy, he will get like 6 bags of everything. Your snack drawer will be set for life.
I also see him gifting you a plushie, maybe a matching one to his Baphomet plushie.
Listen, I can definitely see Swiss throwing you a surprise party.
The days following up to your birthday he'd be all "Nope. Nu-uh, what makes you think I have something planned?" He'd try to be secretive (he can't) so he hires the ghoulettes to keep you distracted for a few days.
And when I say he knows how to party, he knows how to party. He would and will go out of his way to make it the biggest and most outlandish surprise birthday party ever.
There may or may not be a serenade coming your way sometime in the evening, when Swiss has had one too many to drink.
Your gift from him would be a guitar pick necklace. Don't ask me why but I think it fits.
I'd like to think Mountain prefers to keep it very intimate, and very thoughtful.
You go out to your favourite restaurant for dinner, and after that you go home and have a self-care night.
He will give your sore shoulders the greatest massage ever, I just know it. He will also have bought you your favourite scented candles, probably paired with some comfy socks.
Listening to some of your favourite music while doing skincare with him and just relaxing. You also just talk, because with Mountain, you never run out of interesting conversation topics.
He will try to be all serious and fancy with a classic candle-lit dinner and all the cheesy romance movie stuff, because the poor thing doesn't know what you would like.
You of course appreciate it, but end up rolling on the floor with laughter when he tries to quote Mr. Darcy or something else romantic.
You just tell him that he doesn't need to do all of this, being here is enough. You end up crashing someone else's party, and probably get kicked out by wiping the floor with everyone- due to your phenomenal karaoke performance.
After that, you end up getting milkshakes from the nearest McDonald's drive-thru.
Idk why but I could imagine you going to an amusement park with Rain.
He would absolutely win you the biggest plushie available, after some tries with mild cursing and kicking stuff.
The day would be spent just goofing around, going on fun rides and enjoying the cheerful atmosphere.
Getting him to go on the ferris wheel was a bit of an task, but he got on with you, despite of his mild fear of heights.
When you are at the top just admiring the view, he would give you his present, a beautiful necklace with his initial on it.
She will have your birthday marked on every one of her cute calendars. And she has like 20 of them.
I feel like Cumulus would bring you breakfast in bed. If not, after you wake up there would be a gorgeous breakfast set up in the kitchen, like straight-from-your-Pinterest-board type of breakfast.
After that you would go shopping and she would buy you something you have needed for a long time, but also just everything you try on. When you try to protest, she just smiles cutely and says "It's your birthday, of course I'm buying this for you!" You give up after that.
When you go drink some fancy overpriced latte at a café, you would hear the latest gossip around the Ministry, because who wouldn't want to hear? I would be taking notes because she knows what's up.
Cirrus would keep it cool, handing you a well-wrapped present sometime in the afternoon. She got you the vinyl you were always talking about buying but never did!
After that, you would sneak off to the kitchens and steal some of the fancy rosé wine with some snacks.
She had somehow convinced Copia to let her use his room, since it had the biggest TV, so you barricaded yourself in there and had a movie marathon.
Movie marathon will include something trashy that you can laugh at, (like Twilight), something that will make you cry, and some of your all time favourites.
She would absolutely barge into you room in the morning, playing Never Gonna Give You Up. Do not ask me how I came to this conclusion but she totally would.
Aurora will also have made a cake for you. It's one of those very ugly, slightly terrifying, very misshapen hedgehog cakes with the funky teeth. It's the best cake you have ever received on your birthday.
After eating the hedgehog cake she will drag you to a laser tag game with the other ghouls she forced into it. (Not that they needed to be convinced, it's a bit scary how fast some of them got into it)
The evening after will be spent painting your nails, watching a good show and just enjoying each others presence.
Hope ya'll enjoy, I had fun writing this <3
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months
Hey! I’m wondering if you have any more favourite Larry fanfics? I read every single one you’ve recommended and they’re amazing! Also highly suggest you read My Saddle’s Waiting by RealityBetterThanFiction on AO3 if you haven’t already. It’s one of a kind! Another thing I made a tumblr so I can reach you lol. Thank you for posting the fanfiction, you’re doing gods work!
Read recently(in no specific order):
Wings to break your fall (102K) by karamelised: classic, iconic, the blueprint of a genre. I read it like 10 times lmao this author is probably my favourite ever. I read everything from them. They wrote another all time favourite for me <3 anyway. This is THE stripper AU. THE Angel Harry with wings. I love love love love it’s such a cute fic omfg
It’s you or no one else (20K) by softfonds ( @softfonds , actually one of my favourite authors here): a cute little ABO fic that revolves around a qui pro quo. Omega Harry and Alpha Louis meet on a cruise while they’re pretending to be respectively Mrs Zayn Payne and a stranger, definitely not a private detective hired by Mr Liam Payne to follow his husband on a unrealistic secret love affair. Very light, very fun! TAGS: Historical fic - 1940s, Fluff, detective Louis, club singer Harry, mentions of pregnancy, false identity
Rise up like the sun (41K) by Star_Henderson ( @tommosgun ) : Louis is a doctor on his way to UCLA for an interview. Harry is an actor who Louis vaguely recognises. He attempts to take a sneaky photo, to send to his friend to help identify him but leaves the flash on. They bond over stupid mistakes, french toast and motorbike rides to the ocean.
Eyes on the horizon (12K) by yeah_alright ( @uhoh-but-yeah-alright ): This was such a fun read. This author never disappoints. I want to quote a line of the fic that got me hooked: «This frankly devastating man with a scruff-dusted face that had Harry’s thoughts drifting to impure places faster than they ever had and a bright, raspy voice that could convince the angel on his shoulder to fall in line with the devil on his other in less than a sentence.» TAGS: age difference, older Harry (he’s forty), younger Louis (he’s in his 20s), bisexual Harry, so much humor in the writing I had so much fun!
All I want for Christmas is (not) you! By unbrxokenhabits (12K): Harry and Louis kind of hate each other. Harry is definitely not happy when Louis barges in on his holiday trip with his family. TAGS: no smut, childhood friends, friends to enemies to lovers, oh there’s only one bed
Everybody wants a taste (2K) by shiptattou : this was soooo cool. TAGS: girl direction, established relationship, public sex
Let me add my two fics here, just because I can <3
Tuca Tuca (IlikeyouIlikeyouIlikeyou) by persephoneflouwers (4.9K): the San Francisco getaway AU where Harry is needy and Louis has a flight in a few hours. TAGS: canon compliant, established relationship, smut and fluff, harry dances in the kitchen and louis plays a guitar
De amore ex tempore (101K) by persephoneflouwers: the middle ages AU / Time travel AU with Philosopher Harry and Painter Louis. Feature Zayn as Maestro Verrocchio, Liam as Lorenzo de’ Medici and Niall… well Niall as a Father. TAGS: historical fiction, period related homophobia, Florence - Italy, louis has long hair at some point, horseback riding, murder attempts, philosophical talks, some sex in front of the fireplace, with almond oil as lube, under a sky full of stars in a brook.
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studywgabi · 6 months
I'm a Method Cashier!
And this was a role I could really sink my teeth into.
Okay, so, first of all, to work at Store there are 2 online applications, an online training course, 3 questionnaires for your references to fill out, 3 interviews (2 alone and 1 group), a background check, an unpaid 4-hr. orientation, a drug test, a pacer test, a polygraph test administered by an F.B.I. agent (and not like the sexy ones on Criminal Minds), a blood oath, and you have to be able to put on lipstick like Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club. Jesus, there are less requirements to be elected president. And a cult wouldn't make you jump through this many hoops to join.
My Marketable Skills: I'm a warm body and I'm not an asshole. I'm not going to say "we should hang out outside of work" to my coworkers or mouth off to the customers. Basically, you should hire me because you could do a whole lot worse.
But I couldn't just say that. I couldn't just be honest. It had to be, with tears glistening in my eyes: "It has been my lifelong dream to be a cashier at Store. Cashiering is my passion. I have 3 Ph.D.s in Applied Cashiering, Cashiering Theory, and Experimental Cashiering from Harvard University's School of Cashiering, and I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Oxford University's St. Cashier Cashiering College. I have 97 years of experience in the field."
So, I get there, for the first interview, in my silly little outfit, mostly stolen from my mom's closet. I walk in and say excuse me to the first employee I see. She clutches her chest, looks bewildered, and says "excuse me" back.
Gabi, apprehensively: "Hi, I'm here for an interview, could I speak to a manager please?"
Employee #1, startled: "Yeah." She walks off and I assume I'm meant to follow her.
My dead name sounds vaguely similar to the name of a character from a classic poem you read the Wikipedia summary of in ninth grade English class. The first five letters are the same, but the character's name ends with an a, and mine with an e. Anyway, while we were walking, we introduced ourselves and she said, and I've never have cause to use the word "chortling" before, but if there was ever a time, it was then, "Well, your mother must have been a big The Poet fan, huh?" (as if I've never heard that one before). I mustered a polite chuckle and said nothing.
Employee #1, sneering: "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
Gabi, wishing for death: "No, I know the poem."
Employee #1, under her breath: "Big deal."
The rest of the walk is silent. We turn a corner and see a boy about my age. She starts calling his name, he fully makes eye contact with her, and then turns and speedwalks away. She keeps calling after him and picks up the pace to reach him, but he outruns her. No need to watch the documentary through your fingers, the antelope is safe this time. It turns out he wasn't even the manager, because I meet her next. The interview goes okay and I get the second one. I ask a different employee this time. She says into her walkie-talkie, "Anthony, Daniella is here for an interview, do you want to deal with that?"
Anthony comes be-bopping up to me at 1,000 mph. When he's still several aisles away, he calls out "Hi, Friend!!" in an acoustic guitar-playing youth pastor voice. He leads me to the office, racing down the aisles like there's an serial killer revving a chainsaw behind him, and by the time I catch up in my pencil skirt and heels, I'm panting and sweating. Maybe this is part of the interview: seeing if you can keep up metaphorically and literally. The weakest shall be sacrificed.
Tony asks me, not why I want to work at Store, but why I want to work in general, as if earning money to eat is a casual hobby, like knitting. He asks me if I've applied anywhere else, like Store is a jealous girlfriend. Then he asks me if I have any questions, and I know you're supposed to have something, so I pull a couple out my ass. After he answers them, he asks if I have any more, and, thinking I'm out of the woods, I say not for now.
Anthony, ominously: "You sure?" Slowly pan back to Gabi.
Gabi, brightly: "I'm sure I'll have more during orientation if I'm hired, but I think I'm covered for now. Thank you!"
(Beat.) Anthony: "Well, you know, I'm just gonna give you some advice: you really should have more questions. But don't worry, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you a little bit more about how the Store family does things."
45 minutes later, he asks for a third set of questions, and then, believe or not, a fourth. Sir, this is my interview. You're not a celebrity guest on The Fucking Tonight Show. If you're so desperate for me to ask you questions, why don't you apply to this job? Or do like the rest of us and pretend you're on Ricki Lake talking about how brave you are to share the story of your divorce from Tim McGraw and how it inspired your new album, "Warm Regards, Gabi," currently topping the country charts while you shampoo your hair.
Three business days later, my email: "Congratulations! You have been selected to join the Store Family! Please report for orientation next Wednesday at noon."
Another day, another dollar.
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ungoliantschilde · 2 months
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Metal Up Your Ass/Kill ‘Em All, by Metallica. 1982-83.
Metallica was formed in the early 1980s when Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield met through the want-ads section of the newspaper. They were soon joined by Ron McGovney on bass, and Dave Mustaine on lead guitar. McGovney’s garage is where they rehearsed in those early years, and it kind of grew from there.
“Metal Up Your Ass” was their demo album, and the track listing and personnel would soon change along with the debut album title.
Lars and James heard Cliff Burton playing what would eventually become the bass-guitar intro to “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, and quickly recruited him to replace McGovney.
Accounts differ based on who you ask, but the basic story is that Metallica, as a unit, is about James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich in the front seat, and the lead guitarist and bassist in the backseat. They also all drank HEAVILY in the early days. Mustaine is many things, but he’s not to be fucked with, and he is a smart dude. He is too good of a player and riff writer to play behind James Hetfield. It just would not have worked. They’re both riff-writers and song writers, and it would have caused more trouble than it created had the band stayed together. Dave, by his own admission, likes to fight when he drinks. And even for a band nicknamed “Alcohollica”, Dave drank too much. They fired him, he took bus back to LA from NYC, and Metallica hired former Exodus lead guitarist, Kirk Hammett.
The lead off singles for Kill ‘Em All were “Whiplash” and “Jump In the Fire”. Both great tracks.
My picks for standout tracks are Cliff’s bass solo “Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth)”, and “Seek and Destroy”.
The bass player had a solo track on the A side of their debut album. Yeah, Cliff rocked.
And there’s an almost 20 minute long live version of “Seek and Destroy” on the “Live Shit: Binge & Purge” set. It’s a great live track. I even saw a video where a guy on YouTube played it in the style of ZZ Top, and it totally works.
Kill ‘Em All is the most punk/thrash album of Metallica’s catalogue. And it holds up really well. It’s a classic for a reason.
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sitp-recs · 8 months
Anime Recs Pt 3
Hello hello! I’ve been sick on and off this month and had a blast revisiting my fave anime for this rec series. Following the queer friendly list and the sports anime list, I finally bring a selection of BL (boys love) titles. Most are Japanese 🇯🇵 except for Mignon 🇰🇷 and Tian Guan Ci Fu 🇨🇳 I’m not gonna lie, there’s a fair amount of adult themes and hardcore angst here, but you’ll also find sweet romance and a couple coming-of-age stories. One of my favorites from this list - Ai No Kusabi - is an old classic (I recommend the 1992 OVA series over the 2012 remake) and the quality is not the best, but all other shows are pretty recent and can be found online or on Crunchyroll. I initially planned for this to be my third and final rec list, but I got a few additional recs in the action/fantasy genre for a potential new list, if anyone’s interested? Stay tuned!
1. Ai no Kusabi (dystopian, tragedy)
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Summary: This futuristic tale is set in a world ruled by a super computer Jupiter, where its cyborg creations, the Elites, rule over the human populace. Iason Mink, a high-class "Blondy" elite from the capital runs into Riki, a "Mongrel" from the slums, and makes him his "Pet". As Riki learns of the dangers Iason faces by keeping him, he finds himself developing feelings for his master.
2. Banana Fish (mafia, tragedy)
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Summary: Set primarily in New York City in the 1980s, the series follows street gang leader Ash Lynx as he uncovers a criminal conspiracy involving "banana fish", a mysterious drug that brainwashes its users. In the course of his investigation he encounters Eiji Okumura, a Japanese photographer's assistant with whom he forms a close bond.
3. Doukyuusei (movie - school, romance)
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Summary: Rihito Sajo, an honor student with a perfect score on the entrance exam and Hikaru Kusakabe, in a band and popular among girls, would have never crossed paths. Until one day they started talking at the practice for their school’s upcoming chorus festival.
4. Given (school, music)
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Summary: High schooler Ritsuka Uenoyama is the guitarist for a band composed of himself, bassist Haruki Nakayama, and drummer Akihiko Kaji. He becomes a reluctant guitar teacher to Mafuyu Satō, a shy classmate, after repairing the broken strings on Mafuyu's Gibson ES-330. See also: Given movie.
5. Mignon (short series - vampire romance + the hottest smut you’ll see today!!!!🥵)
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Summary: Centered on BL Vampire themes, the story portrays Mignon, an underground fighter in love with his doctor, who is coincidentally a vampire. The doctor's revelation triggers complications as their relationship unfolds.
6. Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai | Twittering Birds Never Fly (movie - mafia, drama)
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Summary: The sexually masochistic yakuza boss, Yashiro, isn't the type to warm up to others easily. But when Chikara Doumeki, his newly hired bodyguard, catches his interest, he reconsiders his "hands-off" policy with subordinates. See also the side story: Don’t Stay Gold.
7. Sasaki and Miyano (school, romance)
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Summary: Shy and easily flustered Miyano harbors an embarrassing secret - he is a "fudanshi", a boy who likes boys' love manga. Intrigued, the clueless delinquent Sasaki requests to borrow one, marking a shift in their strange dynamic.
8. Tiān Guān Cì Fú | Heaven’s Official Blessing (romance)
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Summary: Crown Prince Xie Lian ascends to the heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task, he meets a mysterious ghost who rules the ghosts and terrifies the heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this ghost king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time.
9. Umibe No Étranger (movie - romance)
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Summary: On an island off the coast of Okinawa, two young men meet on a beach. Shun Hashimoto is gay and aspires to be a novelist. He is interested in Mio Chibana, a somber high school student, and starts to flirt with him. Day by day, the two of them grow closer, but then, suddenly, Mio decides to leave the island.
10. Yuri!!! On ICE (sports, romance)
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Summary: Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki faces a crushing defeat during the Grand Prix finals and heads home, unsure of whether or not he wishes to continue his skating career. After a video of Yuri mimicking Russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov's routine goes viral, Victor decided to become Yuri's coach, much to the dismay of his coach, his fans, and his fellow Russian skater Yuri Plisetsky.
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black-arcana · 1 year
A beginner’s guide to symphonic metal in 5 albums
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Few genres do grandiose like symphonic metal. As the name suggests, it marries the scope and ambition of classical music to the power of metal. The result is orchestral, opulent and sometimes OTT, but it’s a hard heart that is completely resistant to it.
The seeds of the sound were sown in the 80s, when diverse trailblazers such as Celtic Frost and Savatage began incorporating orchestral instruments into their music. But it began to accelerate in the late 1990s, with bands such as Therion, Nightwish, Within Temptation and cult favourites Haggard began to properly fuse the two genres.
Today, symphonic metal has become an unlikely commercial force. Nightwish and Within Temptation are festival headliners, while a constant stream of newer bands have emerged in their wake. For anyone who is new to this grandest of genres, these are the five albums to start with.   
Therion – Secret Of The Runes (2001)
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Therion remain the original and – the purists would have you believe – the best of all the symphonic metal acts. Named in honour of Celtic Frost’s second album To Mega Therion, the Swedes have been led by multi-instrumentalist Christofer Johnsson since 1987. While others have prospered by ‘sexing-up’ the genre’s principles, the Therion experience remains a pure one – sackcloth and ashes, almost. Take our word, it’s a beautiful thing.
After Forever – Decipher (2001)
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The second album from this pioneering and much-missed Dutch outfit, who ran from 1995 to 2009, Decipher employed live classical instruments and a full choir to complement the stirring soprano delivery of Floor Jansen (now, of course, with Nightwish). Soon afterwards Mark Jansen quit, taking his growled co-vocals along to the guitarist’s next band of note, Epica. The album’s grandiose arrangements still sound masterful today.
Within Temptation – The Silent Force (2004)
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Although you’re likely to be distracted by the captivating strength of Sharon den Adel’s upfront vocal dynamism, Within Temptation’s symphonic aspirations reached their most querulously romantic apex on this goosebump-inducing masterwork of the form. Although the guitars were louder and crunchier than on 2000’s Mother Earth, and the open- hearted pop savvy was at full widescreen pelt, this 2004 follow-up confirmed the band’s special affinity for wizardly orchestral bombast, here performed by the Ego Works Session Orchestra, under the noted Russian conductor Felix Korobov.
Epica – The Quantum Enigma (2014)
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Formed by former After Forever guitarist Mark Jansen, Epica played a crucial part in the development of symphonic metal via a string of consistently impressive releases, but with The Quantum Enigma – their sixth studio record – the Dutch band raised the bar to a whole different level, hiring a live chamber choir and a string orchestra to enhance a collection of tunes that is uniformly strong. Throw in the soaring vocals of flame-haired mezzo-soprano  Simone Simons and the results are seismic.
Nightwish – Endless Forms Most Beautiful (2015)
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You could pick anything from 2000’s Wishmaster onwards, but the Finns’ first album with Floor Jansen represents Peak Nightwish in terms of a grandiosity. A high-concept exploration of evolutionary science, featuring narration from scientist Richard Dawkins, it’s an absolute triumph. From the full-pelt throttle of Shudder Before The Beautiful and cinematic bombast of Weak Fantasy to the  life affirming anthemia of Alpenglow, it’s a constant stream of brilliance. Then there’s The Greatest Show On Earth, a 25-minute show-stopper most bands could only dream of writing. It’s no surprise this was the record that turned Nightwish into festival and arena headliners.
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blade-that-was-broken · 4 months
I honestly would love to hear more about JD and Branch time in the country, classic, the bounty hunters and the rock troll band. During the time they were trying to find the new pop village in the FTYWB Au ( For this you were born)
Even if it's just small tidbits.
You got it! It's not a ton at the moment, since that AU hasn't exactly been at the forefront of the mind lately (crying) but there is some things I do know.
JD and Branch spent the most time in Lonesome Flatts than any of the others. There was a brief moment where they almost didn’t even leave. It was an actual consideration. They made friends there and Branch was thriving with the friends and animals and such.
Holly and Pete specifically help JD and Branch learn more survival skills, along with traps, hunting, etc. They also help with identifying good plants and even how to kind of get an idea on what the weather may be like.
Holly has a bit of a crush on Branch. This won’t go anywhere and it’ll fade but well, yeah.
Delta knows about the Bergens and did not want JD and Branch to go back to the Tree. She understands why he feels he has to but she did not like it. She made him promise to come back.
Delta made JD a guitar. It’s beautiful. They didn’t have Rhonda at the time so she still has it.
Dickory finds JD and Branch when they are passing through mountains. It was cold more than they expected so once they got down to Classical/Symphonyville, they almost had frostbite. So they stayed there for a couple weeks. Dickory didn’t stay long, mostly gave directions but it wasn’t long until they met again.
The classical trolls were nice and accommodating but it was still weird because they are very different. They fly everywhere and are a lot smaller than other trolls and don’t do hugs. Which more upset Branch than it did JD at this point.
Minuette is kinda obsessive and constantly trying to show people what she can do and play. Most others have gotten bored of it since she’s constantly doing it - but JD and Branch are new so they listen to whatever she’s learning/mastering at the time. She and her family kind of let JD and Branch stay with them while they recover.
When JD and Branch leave Classical territory, they get close to Rock and that’s where they meet Dickory again, as well as his teenage brother, Hickory. They do help Dickory get a rock troll bounty but it ends poorly when they bring him in to the Rock Trolls. At this time, Barb especially, rock trolls don’t like pop trolls and since she’s a bratty kid, she freaked out and pretty much ran them out of town. Dickory and Hickory help them and they end up having to part ways.
JD and Branch do find some friendly to pop trolls rock trolls in a small traveling group that wants to become a band. Well, they are starting a band. Brozone doesn't exist in this au, but JD is a bit musically inclined in the writing area of music so he accidentally helps Billy (the leader) finish one of his songs. They kind of hit it off - JD and Branch with Billy and the band) and so in exchange for some help with song writing, the band lets JD and Branch travel with them. This is how JD and Branch get out of Rock Territory without being hunted down by Barb and any bounty hunter she tries to hire.
JD and Branch come across Rhonda not long before they find the tree. They kind of use her as transportation, instead of seeing her as a pet (this comes later) but Rhonda sees these boys and goes lol mine now.
After they come to the tree and find it dead, there is some panic but somehow they kind of figure out there was an escape and hope that everyone made it out. I'm not entirely sure how. Between finding the tree and finding Troll Village, about a week passes. They are in Rhonda a fair amount, Branch has decorated with the items they have managed to collect and keep on them. Even some stuff from their old home, that was left behind.
They didn't keep a ton of stuff on them but they had a few of Branch's doodles and drawings since paper wasn't very heavy but in that time after finding Rhonda and before finding the village, Branch is constantly doodling and drawing to decorate the walls. He's also trying to keep a brave face on because JD is kind of internally freaking out after finding the dead and abandoned tree.
Uhm... i think that's all I got for now
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turnstileskyline · 2 years
“Why do you keep posting that picture of Ray Toro with Gonzo from The Muppets? Why do you keep posting that video of Gerard Way talking about the film Labyrinth? Are there any videos?” And other questions, answered.
A bit of background:
In 2016, the Center for Puppetry Arts and the Jim Henson Company co-hosted the first Puppets for Puppetry benefit event in order to support the non-profit organization, the Center for Puppetry Arts. The CPA is the largest organization in the United States dedicated to puppetry, and contains the worlds largest collection of artifacts from the Jim Henson Company, as well as one of the largest collections of puppets and puppetry materials in the world. 
The inaugural Puppets for Puppetry event fell on what would have been Jim Henson’s 80th birthday, and served to honor and highlight the life and contributions of Dave Goelz, a core member of Henson’s team since being hired on as a part-time puppet builder in 1973. Since then, Goelz has gone onto perform various characters, most notably originating daredevil, performer, and chicken-lover, Gonzo the Great, who he still performs to this day. Goelz also performs such characters as the scientist Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, the easygoing saxophonist Zoot, the depressed and cautious Boober Fraggle, the adventurous and proud Uncle Traveling Matt, and was a puppeteer of the small and hot-headed Sir Didymus. It’s easy to see from this resume why he was the first choice for the first ever Puppets for Puppetry event.
But, where the hell does My Chemical Romance fall into this?
Another aspect of this event was that it also served to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jim Henson’s cult classic film, Labyrinth, which also happens to be the film that features Sir Didymus. The musical guests invited to perform the tribute to Labyrinth were Gerard Way and Ray Toro, joined by Jarrod Alexander, Matt Gurney, and Jamie Muhoberac.
Midway through the show, they performed a medley of the songs from Labyrinth, including “Underground” and “As The World Falls Down.” Considering that Gerard has stated that Labyrinth is one of his favorite movies, and that the Jim Henson Company is one of his favorite “creative collectives,” this performance should come as no surprise. Dan Garza, one of the puppeteers at the event, confirmed this year on Twitter that Ray also provided guitar backing for the finale, a performance by Dave Goelz and various puppeteers at the event of “I’m Going to Go Back There Someday,” Gonzo’s song from the first Muppet Movie.
Wow, this is great! I sure hope there’s videos!
It’s complicated. While there are a few clips of the cover of “Underground” floating online (HERE and HERE) and one of Ray performing “Helena” with a young fan, the event was meant to be recording-free since it was a benefit concert. There are rumors of a longer video existing at some point, and a very glitchy AltPress page with dead video links, but other than that... nothing. I have personally emailed the Center for Puppetry Arts, the Jim Henson Legacy, and the Jim Henson Company in an attempt to dig out any other videos, but have come up with nothing. If there are longer videos out there, I haven’t been able to find them. 
Photo Credits from the Jim Henson Company, illustration by Noah Ginex at ToughPigs.
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My hottest take for a Trigun band AU is that Vash should be a former industry plant whose trying his absolute darndest to make a legitimate career without any inside connections after getting his shit blown up on TikTok
And of course he's trying to hide it from his new band mates to varying levels of success
Like one day Meryl busts in 5 minutes before practice (objectively 10 minutes late compared to when she usually shows up) (Vash is usually 10 minutes late and isn't even there yet, he's helping someone jump their car across town) one time after watching a deep dive video on YouTube about disgraced musicians and she just shoves her phone in Wolfwood and Milly's faces like
Meryl (rhythm guitar)(was classically trained on the violin): HE'S A PLANT??? HE'S BEEN A PLANT THIS WHOLE TIME??? HE LIED TO US??? AND WE'RE STILL PRACTICING IN A SHITTY GARAGE???
Wolfwood (bass guitar) (sucks at bass guitar) (was originally hired by Knives to make sure Vash's career fails without the family connections in a way that does not reflect poorly on Vash, is now heavily invested in the band succeeding bc he likes it) (no he doesn't know what he's gonna do about it but how scary could Knives be)(very scary): hm? What're ya on about?
Milly (realized months ago who Vash was and that he's given up his industry connections and is trying to do things The Correct Way, finds this incredibly admirable and truly believes in him and the band) (drums)(the most popular member of the band): you guys didn't know?
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vexx-ation · 7 months
365 Albums in 365 Days: 42/365
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Date: Sunday February 11th Album: Shredder's Revenge OST Artist: Tee Lopes Released: 2022 Genre: VGM Review: I know it’s the artist’s job to make a good soundtrack when they’re hired to do so, and so saying “they did not have to go this hard” is in most cases objectively untrue. However. This OST goes absolutely ballistic. It keeps a lot of chiptune-esque elements, calling back to the original series’ time period, but still has the driving guitars and bass uphold those classic elements in a way that feels both familiar and fresh. It bops undeniably. Plus it hyped me up through the last of the X-ray landmarking I had to do at work so… that’s something! Favorite Track: Big Apple 3pm
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wherewhereare · 10 months
Along the way, he gave non-songwriting jobs to future country music superstars such as Blake Shelton, whom he hired to make CD copies for him for $8 an hour, and Brad Paisley, whom he hired as his intern.
“Blake was 19 and had jumped in his pickup truck in Oklahoma and went to Nashville. He called me and said he made a demo and asked if I had anything for him to do, so I hired him to catalog my CDs. He was this tall kid with long hair and a giant cowboy hat. I co-owned a song and I said, ‘If you ever get a record deal, you need to record this,” Long said.
The song was “Ol’ Red,” perhaps Shelton’s biggest song to date and an instant classic.
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