#Hoodoo women
3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On September 26th we venerate Ancestor & Hoodoo Saint Aunt Caroline Dye on the 105th anniversary of her passing 🕊
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Aunt Dye was a Seer, fortune teller, entrepreneur, & Hoodoo Woman who - without ever having picked up a mic or guitar - became one of the greatest Delta Blue's legends of all time.
Aunt Dye was born enslaved in Spartanburg, S.C around 1843 - where her parents died during her infancy. She first became aware of her gifts as a young child. She could see things that no one else could.  
One story recalls Aunt Dye at 10 yrs old (still enslaved on the plantation) when she was helping to set the table for Thanksgiving Dinner: She started insisting that they had not set enough plates, that Mister Charley was coming. Charley was the Plantation owner’s brother, who was thought to have been killed 4yra earlier during the Civil War. Sure enough, later that day Charley came walking in the door. The family couldn’t believe it! He relayed the fact that he had been wounded, taken prisoner, and had not had the chance to come home until that day. No one ever knew how she could have guessed such a thing. It was then that her "little coincidences" started to become noticed.
As a young woman, she migrated westward to Elgin, Jackson Co., Arkansas, where she married Martin Dye. They had one child, a girl, who passed at 11mo. Through the years, they to in several children, some of whom were Aunt Dye's kin.
Despite being labeled "uneducated"- unable to read or write, she amassed a small fortune as a wealthy landowner, rental property entrepreneur, & most of all, as a Hoodoo woman & fortune teller. Though she never claimed the latter title, it was given to her by her clients across the region. Black & White Folks came from all over the mid-south, with an especially devoted group of followers from Memphis,TN. So many people traveled into the region just to see her that a train going into Jackson Co. was named, the “Caroline Dye Special.”
Aunt Dye divined using only a deck of playing cards. She never gave readings relating to love or the outcome of World War I, but she did offer visions of the future & insight on various matters such as missing people, animals, & objects. Although payment was not required for her services, she received up to 30 letters in a single day, much of etch carried payment for service. Some White businessmen in the area reportedly would not make an important decision before consulting her first. All day long, folks crowded her home waiting for a reading. So she took advantage of their large numbers & sold meals from her kitchen.
“White and colored would go to her. You sick in bed, she raise the sick. … Had that much brains — smart lady. … That’s the kind of woman she was. Aunt Caroline Dye, she was the worst woman in the world. Had that much sense.” – Band Leader Will Shade of the Memphis Jug Band.
Presently, Aunt Caroline Dye rests at the Gum Grove Cemetery in Newport, Jackson Co., Arkansas where she is forever remembered as the infamous Hoodoo Fortune Teller of the 19th Century.
Offering suggestions: playing cards, money/coins, Delta Blues songs that honor her memory 
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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Rod Gray - Voodoo Kill (The New Lady from L.U.S.T.) - Tower - 1975
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thevillain-s · 4 months
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HOODOO: “If freedom don’t ring, these “roots” gonna sing!!!!”
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gent-illmatic · 23 days
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blackfolksintime · 6 months
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June 1937, Hinds County, Mississippi.
"Cotton rules the world," says this fifty-seven year old sharecropper woman. Thin dimes around the ankles to prevent headaches. Black beads hung between the breasts are good for heart trouble.
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unst4bleh3h3 · 5 months
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Summer is upon us.
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spoiledbratblog · 21 days
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"You're just a glitch in the system..."
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Technology magick 🤳🏻:
To protect yourself from the evil eye online, you can place sigils or symbols in hidden areas of your photos_
You can either draw the sigil on your phone or on a piece paper. Take a picture of the drawing and use Picsart to cut the picture out ✂️ then make the transparency less visible. This can also apply to drawing on the Picsart app_
This method can also be used to attract abundance, love, or money. (I.E: If you have a Linkedin account, you can do this for your profile picture and do a sigil for wealth, so that way more companies will hire you)_
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Use a vision board as a wallpaper on your phone to manifest your desires_
Passcodes or passwords can be used as a spell. You could make a affirmation your password or use numbers that have a special meaning_
Filters are a form of glamour magick and it can alternate your physical identity_
Making a list of your goals in your notes and can you help you keep track of what you've accomplished (use checkmarks and x's ✅️❎️)_
AI could be used for any kind or magick (baneful, prosperity, etc.) It is something I suggest people be careful using in the future, like everything else in the world it has it's positives and negatives_
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"Hack complete..."
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icyg4l · 6 months
Pick-A-Girl Group: What Purpose Do the Women In Your Life Serve?
Continuing on with my Women’s History Month series, I am going to do a reading on how the women in your life feel about you and the effect of these feelings. I am going to be using the True Heart Tarot Deck and the Archetype Oracle Deck. These readings are supposed to uplift, relate to and inspire women so I hope they serve their purpose. I Without further ado, please pick your pile. 🫶
***Disclaimer: Regardless of your gender identity, the women that are in your life deserve to be celebrated as long as they have pure intentions. Much love. 🩷
Left-to-Right (1-4):
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Pile One: If you resonate with the image of FLO, then you deserve the whole fucking world. Pile One, the women in your life absolutely adore you. You probably resonate with the song’s theme: recognizing beauty in yourself when everyone is against you, specifically as a black woman. You have come such a long way. The women that are currently in your life have seen you make mistakes and allowed you to do so. They recognize your evolution. A lot of you have a best friend who you’ve been friends with for a long time and she is so proud of you. She is proud of the person that you have become. This pile has some cheerleaders around them. I feel like the women in your life are meant to take inspiration from what you are going through right now. I think that you may be going through your redemption arc.You’re forgiving yourself for a lot of things that you’ve done in the past. The women in your life see that and are following suit. After all, living life does mean not being a robot. These women who are around you are all ears, very receptive to what it is that you are doing with your life. You’re like their Oprah, lol. If you have a story to tell, share it with her. She may need to hear it. I channeled the show: Beyond Scared Straight; specifically the parts where the prisoners talk to the kids about their life stories and the reasoning for why they should not end up in jail. I feel like you could be someone’s mentor, whether they’re younger or the same age as you, perhaps even older. You are someone’s Reesa Teesa too, lol. I get the feeling that you need to be talking about yourself, Pile One. There is an audience full of women who are willing to hear you out and listen. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
God: Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others/Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people 
Mother: Nurturance, patience, unconditional love. Joy in giving birth to life/Smothering or abandoning children. Instilling guilt in children for becoming independent.
Poet: Expresses soul insights in symbolic language/Turns a lyric gift to negative or destructive effect. 
Cards Used: 2 of Swords, 4 of Discs, 9 of Cups, Prince of Wands (RX), King of Discs, Four of Cups, Temperance.
Pile Two: If you resonate with the photo of Destiny’s Child, you got some ride or dies around you for real. I think that you’ve been through hell and back with the women in your life and they do not play about you. I think the women in your life want you to know that you are so worth it. I’m not going to lie Pile Two, it sounds like you’re in a toxic love situation and your girls want you out of it. Your friends, cousin or little sister could have told you that you need to exit stage left multiple times. They absolutely believe you deserve better. Hypothetically speaking, If y’all fell out today and an emergency happened tomorrow, they would be on the way to the hospital. I feel like family is so important to you. They feel like you’ve forgot about them but I don’t think that you have. Circumstances make it difficult for you all to see eye-to-eye. The women in your life want you to know that you are not alone. They will forever be there for you no matter what, even if you have lost your damn mind. These challenging times will make the bond between you and these women stronger. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Artist: Expressing a dimension of life that is beyond the five senses. Inspiring others to see life symbolically / Using talent as an excuse to mistreat others. Posing as the Starving Artist to elicit pity.
God:  Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others / Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people 
Goddess: The feminine expressed through wisdom. Nature, life force, and sensuality / Exploitation of the female nature and form 
Cards Used: Ace of Discs, 9 of Swords, Princess of Cups (RX), Prince of Discs, The Hierophant, Princess of Discs, 4 of Cups (RX), The Devil (RX), 10 of Cups.
Pile Three: If you resonate with the photo of TWICE, you got the grandmother spirit around you. Did you grow up in the church? Or at least with a god-fearing grandmother? I feel like the women in your life hate to see you unhappy and this is what you’re feeling right now. I think that you may be uninspired/unfulfilled with what life is giving you right now. It’s not an uncommon feeling. But smiling can make all the difference. The women in your life want to see you smile, make you smile and laugh. They want to be there for you like how your grandmother was. No one will ever replace Granny but her presence is always there. You may be questioning God/your higher powers because of something that deeply affected you. But the women around you want you to not feel ashamed or want you to feel like they are judging you. They have been in the same predicament. They only want to see you get better. They hate to see you like this. It may be hard to do this but look at the glass half full, rather than half empty. They want you to get back to yourself, the version of you that isn’t defeated. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Child: Nature: Friendships with animals. Communication with nature spirits / Tendency to abuse animals, people and the environment. 
Destroyer: Releasing what is potentially destructive. Preparing for new life / Intoxication with destructive power. Destroying others’ dreams or potential.
Child: Magical: Seeing the potential for sacred beauty in all things. The belief that everything is possible / Pessimism, depression and disbelief in miracles. Believing that energy and action are not required for growth.
Cards Used: The Devil, Princess of Cups, The Star, Judgment, The Moon, Temperance, Seven of Swords.
Pile Four: And lastly, if you resonated with the photo of the Spice Girls, you seem very sensual. Are you a SWer? Do you attend pole dancing classes for fun? Do you know someone who does either of these things? I feel like the women in your life appreciate how physical you are. You’re probably an artist and you're sensitive about your shit too. The women in your life feel as though you have a lot of talents. You’re very multifaceted and they love to brag about it, especially the older women. You could been the cousin who had to show off the latest dance move. So as a result, you became the leader of the pack. You can be naturally nurturing but it can drain you. The women around you feel like you need to put up some boundaries so that you can still worry about you. They respect your quality of being a giver, but do you even respect yours-[GUNSHOT]. There is a woman that you are close to that admires a quality that you hate. She compliments it any chance she can get because she wants to uplift you. I feel like people always try to touch you, whether it’s your hair, your arms, or even your butt. The women around you could immediately shut it down or call them out or defend it. They want to protect your innocence. Even though you are grown, you have that ingenue within you. They know how you can get (especially while under the influence) so they refuse to let you get that way. When I pulled from my oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Servant: Delight in serving others with a free and loving heart / Using the lack of money as an excuse not to move forward with life 
Bully: Highlights your tendency to intimidate others. Helps you confront the inner fears that bully you / Conceals deep fears behind verbal or physical abuse.
Hedonist: Inspires creative energy to embrace the good things in life. Celebrates the beauty in yourself / Pursues pleasure to the detriment of health. Indulges at the expense of others.
Cards Used: The Star, The Lovers, Judgment, The Emperor, 7 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Ace of Cups, The Moon, 8 of Cups (RX).
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propheticeve · 2 months
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If someone claims to practice Hoodoo but says they don't pray, then they are not truly practicing Hoodoo. Don't let the trend followers on social media make you believe that prayer is bad. Praying as a beggar is bad because it spiritually opens a portal, and begging is a form of low vibrational energy. This low vibrational energy allows spiritual leeches and parasites to attack you, leading to spiritually transmitted demons, psychic attacks, mental episodes, and freak accidents. However, with proper prayer and an understanding of how your words can access different realms, you are truly practicing Hoodoo correctly.
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church lady magic✨
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On September 29th we venerate Ancestor, Voodoo Priestess, & Hoodoo Saint Mama Julia Brown on the 108th anniversary of her passing 🕊
[for our Hoodoos of the Vodou Pantheon]
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Mama Julia Brown was a Hoodoo woman, healer, & Voodoo Priestess who - on the day of her funeral - took the entire parish of St. John, to her grave.
There was once a very small town called, Frenier, surrounded by Manchac Swamp in St. John's Parish in Acadiana, Lousiana. Here is where Mama Julia Brown (born Julia Bernard in about 1845) lived on a 40 acre homestead on the edge of the swamp; left to her after her husband's passing in 1914.
It is believed that Mama Julia moved to Frenier from New Orleans where she was already established as a Voodoo Priestess known for her charms and curses.
There were no doctors in Frenier, so Mama Julia served as midwife & traiteur (healer) to the few yet proud locals. Folks went to her often. She was especially known for her singing - what many perceived as - eerie songs with her guitar on her porch.
Overtime, the locals began to take Mama Julia’s services for granted. Soon, they noticed a change in her. For their ungratefulness, she started to scare them by fortelling when terrible things were about to happen to them.
Once she knew that her own life was near its end, Mama Julia spent her last days on her porch steady singing, “One day I’m gonna die, and I’m gonna take all of you with me."
On September 29th 1915 Mama Julia passed away. The townsfolk gathered to lay her to rest. As they placed her casket into the ground, heavy hurricane rains forced them back into their homes. The storm surge rose to 13ft as winds howled at 125 mph. The rain and winds were so powerful that it wiped out the entire town, along with 2 neighboring small towns of Ruddock & Naptown. Roads were flattened. Buildings demolished. And miles of railway tracks were washed away into the swamp. There were no known survivors. The hurricane, it seemed, came out of nowhere.
A newspaper account from 1915 describes Mama Julia Brown's funeral on the day of the storm: “Many pranks were played by wind and tide. Negroes had gathered for miles around to attend the funeral of ‘Aunt’ Julia Brown, an old negress who was well known in that section, and was a big property owner. The funeral was scheduled … and ‘Aunt’ Julia had been placed in her casket and the casket in turn had been placed in the customary wooden box and sealed. At 4 o’clock, however, the storm had become so violent that the negroes left the house in a stampede, abandoning the corpse. The corpse was found Thursday and so was the wooden box, but the casket never has been found.”
Voodoo is, of course, is much more about healing & liberation than curses & crossings. For this reason, there are many in the Community who did not believe that Mama Julia placed any sort of curse on Frenier, despite the reasons she may have had. Instead, some believe that Mama Julia's songs were a warning to the townsfolk of an impending doom. And that she might've done ritual work to prevent the storm from hitting Frenier, but was too late.
“Aunt Julia Brown … always sat on her front porch and played her guitar and sang songs that she would make up. The words to one of the songs she sang said that one day, she would die and everything would die with her.” - personal account of Helen Schlosser Burg; longtime resident of Frenier.
Today Mama Julia rests in perpetual tranquility at the grounds of Frenier, now a mass grave, in Manchac Swamp. Though she become quite the ghost story icon, Mama Julia Brown is most affectionately remembered as a beloved Hoodoo woman; as healer and midwife. That her spirit is less of a thing to fear in the swamp than the gators, snakes, and other predatory creatures that stir.
Offering suggestions: hurricane water, money/coins, swamp soil, play/sing the guitar, & cypress
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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freelyenvolving · 1 year
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Happy Voudou/Hoodoo Herstory Month Y'all
Y'all Stay Blessed and in Abundance of Joy
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thevillain-s · 10 days
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gent-illmatic · 2 months
The law of assumption
is a positive thinking technique that states that what you assume to be true becomes your reality. It suggests that your thoughts shape your reality, and that you can manifest anything by thinking and feeling as if you already have it. 
•Affirmations: Craft affirmations
•Repetition: Repeat positive affirmations
•Visualization: Visualize your achievements
•Start positively: Start each day with a positive assumption
•Self-care: Treat yourself with kindness and love, and give yourself what you want from others
•Meditation: Meditate every day or night
•Avoid negativity: Avoid gossip and television, and listen to music that makes you happy 
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moonhedgegarden · 10 months
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In the well-worn envelope of self-reflection, one can discover the whispered secrets of peace, unfolding like a love letter to the soul amidst life's chaos.
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