#Hope I won't forget
ask-cupbros-parents · 11 months
ACT I Headcanon time
( or just some little things)
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* Redraw from Casino Cups
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Utena Teacup:
Utena is a speedrunner when she collects soul contracts.
She shares a similar appearance with all the girls in the Teacup family, except for differences in nose color and eyelashes.
Utena affectionately calls Walter "fairy godmother" due to the resemblance of his wand to a fairy godmother's wand. She also has playful nicknames for him, like Walt or Waltio, and even Walterella (only she can use this nickname).
Childhood friends with Salt Baker.
Walter Watterson :
Walter's favorite musical instrument is a huge organ.
He can appear intimidating when he's pushed to his limits.
His wizard name is Walthazarbalthazar Feefiefofalthazar III, ( reference)
Kettle, who later becomes a teacher, initially tutors Walter to teach him manners and transform him from a wild child who caused magical bursts and played pranks, to a gentleman.
Walter respects and likes Kettle, as he treats Walter with kindness and understanding.
His parents are unaware of Utena Teacup's existence due to her disguises whenever they find Walter interacting with her.
Kettle is initially hired as Walter's tutor to teach him manners and improve his behavior as a child.
Later, Kettle joins the army of Calix Order, years later he eventually becomes a teacher at Inkwell Academy.
He is Walter's most trusted confidant.
Salt Baker:
Salt Baker is currently an apprentice at a bakery in Inkwell Isles City.
He is childhood friends with Utena Teacup.
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Order of Calix:
Before the Order of Calix was formed, the Teacups and the Wattersons engaged in several civil wars.
Despite a truce now, they remain rivals.
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Other Headcanons:
There's a "finders, keepers rule" for the Devil's Pitchfork, but rumors suggest it can be used to make a deal with the Devil in exchange for a wish.
The Devil is often in vacation mode and runs a casino as one of his hobbies in Act I.
King Dice dreams of becoming a star celebrity.
Nazca is an intern Angel, observing mortal ecology and writing reports for Archangel Gabriel.
Chalice ( Charlotte) has an "ok relationship" with her adoptive parents ( Walter's parents).
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sqswisashitposter · 9 months
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hhhhleb · 2 months
Hi, I just saw your recent post with little!Jake and Marc, and I just wanted to say it's so heartwarming, the relationship Marc is feeling about Jake ! Like you said, the relationship he have with Jake looks so close to the one Marc had with Randall ( Roro ? ) and I find it so cute.
It’s a bit heartbreaking too, but I find so cute.
And just asking, does Little!Jake feel the same, is he too shy to respond to the ( I guess a bit clumsy ) affection from Steven and Marc, or just Jake doesn’t want it ?
And does Jake miss Randall ( Roro ) too ? Since I guess he maybe have the memories of Randall by Marc’s mind and memories ?
I’m just really curious about their relationship with little!Jake, especially with Marc, and their past relationship with their brother and maybe their parents.
( Hope you don’t mind my questions. And hope you get the questions, since my English isn’t really perfect, since it isn’t my first language. Take your time to answer if you want to, I don’t want to overwhelm you. )
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS!! I’m guilty ur honor, I couldn’t answer them for how long? Two weeks?😶🧎im rlly sorry..
Well, Marc&Jake’s relationship aren’t so simple I guess, in some way it is similar to the Marc&Roro’s but in other way it’s not.
1. Jake isn’t ready to open up to M&S. To people in general. He’s cautious, It is safe when he’s playing adult’s role, it’s like a mask, a shield from the real(adult) world, but when M&S figured out he’s a kid he feels too exposed to them. Too open, too easy to hurt. I feel like he doesn’t want this affection from them because he doesn’t really know how to be a loved child? So he doesn’t know how to respond to it. As I said here Jake never have met Wendy, he doesn’t consider her as his own mother. Thus, all his behaviour&attitude is based on Marc&Roro’s playtime as children. That’s why he’s so into this roleplay of a badass guy))
2. Jake actually misses Roro. If Steven had no idea about him, Jake considered Roro his own brother. It’s the only thing in Marc’s memories he accepts as his own. Marc(Jake) loved Roro so much that he(Jake) adopted this love for art from him(similar to Steven and his accent, I suppose). He also inherited Marc’s feelings of responsibility as an older brother from that time, so Jake’s not used to be the youngest. Therefore, it’s quite an experience for him to adept to this whole new dynamic with S&M. He pushes them away feeling like he shouldn’t can’t rely on them.
Absolutely love this idea of a bunk bad for M&R!! It fits so well! saw it in this concept art for MK. It’s amazing. Like, I think Roro was a very sensitive kid(he looks rueful when Marc calls him a baby for being wary of playing in the cave while it's raining), so he’s afraid of dark and not sleeping with parents SOOOoooo Marc took the bottom bed and have told him, that he would defend him from any monster who would be stupid enough to try to attack them! He also hung all Roro’s drawings there, because he’s very proud of him)
Ahhhh my heart aches for them. I spent half of my childhood on a bunk bad like that, my siblings and I plastered it all over with stickers, there were glasses of juice everywhere lmao, loads of thrilling books on shelves, we used to do a blanket castle on the bottom bed and read some stories with a flashlight
I feel like it’s the thing Marc&Roro could do.. I wish they had more screen time in the show..
(am I projecting? Yes.
Also, I think that’s where Steven’s love for reading is coming from)
ps even though Jake doesn’t want this affection, he needs it just like any other person, just like any other child. He has a hard way ahead of him. Comics about the table thing was one of the first steps:)
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transmechanicus · 2 months
Really fucked up that two ppl can care about each other and make their best efforts to communicate and still end up hurting each other so badly they cannot stand to be in the same room.
#my stuff#i feel soooo bad talking to my therapist about the same topics over multiple weeks#like i feel like they're sooo sick of it like damn can this bitch get Over It alreadyyyy#hi yes actually can we talk about the near catastrophic sense of betrayal and loss that has haunted my soul for over a month?#can we talk about how I overcompensate for other's possible feelings and emotions to desperately mask my terror at feeling out of control#can we talk about how even when I know ppl acted with logical reasons necessary for their situation it still hurt me?#and that this pain fills me up with so much anger and frustration that I'm powerless to put anywhere that won't hurt someone#so it just cooks me inside and makes me grind my teeth constantly for weeks#im so angry i did not deserve to be treated like this it's not fair and I have no capacity to fix it or control when it feels better#i just have to survive and wait until i forget about it and hope they don't decide to reach out and fuck it all up#cause i can see that happening#i'll finally be free of thinking about them and generally going about my day unbothered and they'll ask to get coffee or something#and I have no idea what I should do in that scenario. because I don't think we can be friends.#and you have not treated me with the compassion and warmth I treated you#i would want to say mean things. hurtful things. I would want to bite back for once.#and that's not me. that's not who I want to be.#i don't wanna see you. go away. don't talk to me if you're not going to make the pain go away.
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oh im so Stoked - i got myself a little home hyacinth Kit! she's growing! look at her! Wow!
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electronicseafish · 3 days
it's interesting to me that both Jiyan and Aalto went through pretty fucked up shit and have problems from said fucked up shit but still manage to be green flags ofc they are not perfect if we were to explore their characters depths they would have issues but both of them are reasonable enough to actually get to solve them Aalto fear of rejection? get Jiyan to confess first Jiyan fear of commitment? get Aalto to act shameless around him Jiyan lack of father figure in his life and Aalto having shitty father uhh they can make out about it ofcourse its possible that they would break up or lose feelings or some shit like that but i genuinly cannot imagine a realsting sytuation for them that they wouldn't be able to get through
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MLCB Concert: XSY's Farewell
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In truth, I really don’t like this part, because it also represents that we are bidding our characters farewell for good.
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In the morning, when I was getting my makeup done - in an instant, I returned to that summer. I felt that, to be together with good friends, and then having experienced as sweltering a summer as that…
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Such an ardently hot-blooded jianghu was presented to everyone; to stand here today-- Because… Because, during the time of Mysterious Lotus Casebook’s initial broadcast, everyone and all the lianluorens must also be thanked. I know there must have been a lot of difficulties when it was first broadcasted, right? To have reached this step today, I think is already very good. I think it is a result of every person’s hard work.
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Just now, when we were off-stage, Yan-laoshi said something I really like; in an instant, I lost my composure. I don’t think fate is something that will come with enough waiting, or something that can be insisted on having. It’s when there comes a day where we stand together and work hard to strive toward a common goal. The sentiments of that moment, I feel, last forever.
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I hope, however many years later, everyone is still together - that lianluorens can still be together. Thank you, everyone. This summer, thank you to every person. Thank you to all my good companions; thank you, every single person.
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Di Feisheng! Until we meet again!
【莲花楼演唱会】 Mysterious Lotus Casebook Concert - 20230916
江湖路远   山高水长  祝 「繁华」 似锦! The roads of the jianghu stretch far; the mountains are lofty, and the rivers are long. I wish your future to be as splendid as an embroidered tapestry! 「追光」 而行  不负初心  愿 永生难忘! Chase the light as you journey; live up to the original intentions of your heart. I hope this will be unforgettable for your lifetime!
Any mistakes are my own.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think if we are to do marginalized communities good, it'll help to remember that often, marginalized people who seem to be "forgotten about" in the mind of bigots aren't being treated well by them either - so many marginalized people are forcibly erased and made invisible. That is not a neutral action; it is a form of violence. Not all violence will present itself in the extreme of facing physical violence. The core of any violence against marginalized peoples will often come from a similar level of hatred for them. That's why it's so important to combat all violence, even the forms of violence you don't perceive "as harmful" as other forms.
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wolframpant · 10 months
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Antonia Maior and Antonia Minor in Domina (Season 2)
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ginaporterr · 10 months
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HIIII Y'ALL!!!!!!! this is honestly very insane to me but i recently hit 1k on here, so i just wanted to say thank you all for being here and joining me on this fun ride over the past two years since i made this blog. i feel like i've joined the hsmtmts/specifically rina fandom three separate ways/times and i've always been able to easily find my niche of people, which really speaks to how open and wonderful this community as a whole is. this third time around was no exception, this little subsection of some of the nicest, funniest, smartest, most talented, most supportive people ever means the world to me, so thank you all for following and partaking in all of the fun that was this rollercoaster of a show, and thank you for supporting my relentless content creation bc i am most definitely not stopping anytime soon skdjfks 😭 this milestone perfectly coincided with the show's ending since i hit it on the day of s4's release, so i thought it would be fun to celebrate both my little milestone & the ending of our beloved show (and our many major wins) with you all, the lovely people that have made this time with the show as wonderful as it was! this show, these characters, and you all hold a very special place in my heart, so. let's celebrate it all!!
like last time, this celebration will be split into two components; prompts & polls! i thought it would be fun to see the difference in top ships now that the second half of the show's been released (+ with a bigger voting pool), so we're running it back! to join in on the celebration, you can vote in the poll linked below and/or send in an ask with a prompt!!
RULES — mbf this blog — send in a prompt (or multiple) from below — vote in the top ships poll
PROMPTS — ❄️ : song association! send in one of your favorite songs and i'll make a gifset relating it to some aspect of the show — 🦋 : personalized sets! tell me what you like about hsmtmts / what it means to you (in as little or as much detail as you'd like) and i'll make something inspired by your message — 🌀 : requests! send in a character/dynamic/episode/etc. + color/quote/song/motif/etc. that you'd like a gifset of — 🪁 : make me choose! send in two (or more) characters/episodes/dynamics/scenes/etc. & i’ll choose between them for a gifset — 💙 : surprise! for mutuals only <3 (reminder that i follow from milesgmorales)
and one last thing, i want to especially say thank you to some of my mutuals, old and new, that have made being here one of my favorite experiences <3 you all genuinely brighten up my dash, my tag, my blog, the show tag, the ao3 tag, everything with your thoughts and creations and talent and humor and i'm so very grateful to you all bc these past few years would not have been the same without you (especially those of you that were around for the s2/post-s2 rina dark ages KSJDKFH) forever grateful to this fun little disney show for bringing so many wonderful people into my life <3 LOVE YOU ALL MWAH
@ginaricky @laylakeating @homemade-ghosts @chuckclayton @richiebowen @saythewylie @aamirmitchell @pinkhysteria @mjsparkour @bakerolivia @spookys @blues-valentine @ginasporter @starrrbakerrr @emiraee @squishymar @rickybowsn @mariasyko @frostluvrs @ginaluvr @narcobarbies @usersojo @tabithatate @kitherondale @mike-el @userguts @kayascodelorio @yellowlaboratory @bartowskis
don't feel obligated to participate or rb ksdjkfs
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
VC Kinktober <3
So I didn't have time to create anything new for Kinktober this year, and I also meant to make this post at the end of October and didn't get a chance, so please humbly accept this late offering! Instead of creating anything new I wanted to make a lil directory of the fics I've written already that contain some of these prompts, for everyone's needs!
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Day 1: Biting Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Maruis/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 2: Masturbation Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 3: Praise Kink
French Mistake (Nicki/Lestat) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 4: Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 5: Bondage
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 6: Nipple Play Serrated (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 8: Blood Play
Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 11: Dom/Sub Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) Pinion (Marius/Daniel) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 12: Cockwarming
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 13: Toys
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Down Below (Armand/Daniel) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 14: Roleplay
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 17: Body Worship Buried in the Blind Space (Armand/Daniel)
Day 18: Double Penetration
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 19: Threesome/Orgy
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 20: Edging
Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 22: Breathplay Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 25: Sensory Play Only Human (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 26: Impact Play Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis)
Day 27: Religious Play Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
Day 29: Clothed Sex
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand)
Day 30: Dirty Talk
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
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lenievi · 11 months
Stargate SG-1 is so good. I love it so much 🥺
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ginniesfangirllife · 10 months
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Oh so you understand the dynamic between Garou and Tareo because you do the same to Genos huh. Saitama are you forgetting someone now?
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angels-heap · 8 months
I would love any advice you have for protecting yourself against covid in a work environment where no one else cares, because I’m in the same boat.
That really, really sucks, friend. As I said, I don't have all the answers, but here's what I've learned over the last few years and what's worked for me and my inner circle so far. Note that much of this advice will be US-centric because that's what I know best.
First, some light reading: This Covid Safety 101 flyer/infographic includes a ton of helpful info, and I've had some success using it as a conversation starter in my workplace. TL;DR: COVID is airborne, it's a SARS virus, its effects can be devastating, and your risk of Long COVID increases with each infection. We should all be taking steps to contract COVID as few times as possible and spread it as little as possible, with or without the support we should be getting from our public health institutions.
As for practical suggestions, many of them unfortunately cost a non-inconsequential amount of money because we live in a capitalist hellscape, but here are some things you can try, roughly ordered from least to most expensive.
Awareness: COVID is airborne!
A lot of folks, including people in the medical field (!!!) seem hesitant to believe/accept that COVID is airborne, even though this has been understood by researchers since fairly early on in the pandemic. Since most lingering "infection prevention" protocols focus on things like handwashing, disinfecting surfaces, and keeping a six foot distance from other people (all good for public health, but not particularly helpful for COVID), you'll need to gauge your own safety and comfort when around others.
As a general rule, if you're close enough to someone that you could smell their vape or cigarette smoke if they were engaging in such an activity, you're probably close enough catch COVID from them. Also, like smoke, COVID can linger in the air for a while after someone leaves a room. Adjust your habits accordingly and keep your mask on as much as possible (see below).
CPC Mouthwash and Nasal Sprays
I haven't had time to do a ton of research on these options, so take my recommendations with a grain of salt, but it sounds like there's some research coming out that suggests certain nasal sprays and mouthwashes containing CPC (Cetylpyridinium Chloride) may help neutralize viruses or block them from entering your body (or, at the very least, they may help reduce your viral load). I've been using Crest Pro-Health Clinical Rinse mouthwash before and after interacting with people for the last few months; I don't know how much of a role it's played in keeping me safe, but it might be helping, and even if it's not, it was cheap and my breath is always minty fresh. Here's some more info about nasal sprays, since I don't know enough about them to make any specific recommendations.
Keep a few rapid antigen tests on hand, if you can, but know their limits as a diagnostic or preventive measure, especially as new variants continue to evolve. My current understanding is that many new variants won't show up on a home test until day 3-4 of symptoms. What this means for you is:
Testing when you're completely asymptomatic and don't have any known recent exposures is probably not the best use of your resources.
If you have any unusual symptoms that might indicate illness, stay home (or wear a high quality mask, if you must interact with others). A negative test doesn't necessarily mean you're in the clear, and if you're sick, you can transmit COVID for several days before you test positive.
Swabbing your mouth and throat in addition to your nose (in that order, obviously) may increase the sensitivity of home tests.
Any sign of a positive test line counts as a positive! If the test line is very, very faint, that still counts.
If you feel sick, but your first test comes back negative, try again in a few days and keep testing periodically until you feel better and are no longer testing positive.
They're not perfect, and they won't get us out of this mess on their own, but if you have access to vaccines, get them. Any vaccine is better than no vaccine, but FWIW, I personally opted to get Novavax this year, after learning that it was the jab of choice for many COVID safety advocates and researchers. Pros of Novavax, specifically, include lower risk of side effects, possibly more durable immunity, and it's not an mRNA vaccine (great option for the vaccine skeptics in your life). But in the end, get whatever you can get.
If you're not already wearing an N95 respirator or similar, such as KN95, FFP2, KF94, etc., anytime you're indoors (or outdoors in a crowd), now's the time to start. One-way masking isn't perfect, but it's a lot more effective than no-way masking. As someone with a fairly petite face, I've had a hell of a time finding N95 masks that fit me. Through my many expensive mistakes, I have learned:
Avoid buying masks on Amazon, if at all possible. There are a lot of fakes out there.
If most masks fit you comfortably and you're comfortable wearing masks with headstraps (which tend to have a better seal than earloop masks), the 3M Aura is fantastic.
WellBefore sells masks in a variety of styles, sizes, and colors for affordable-ish prices. If you have a more petite face and have found that blue surgical masks and most N95s are huge on you, try their small or child sized masks.
BreatheTeq makes great masks in 4 sizes, and they sell a sample sizing kit for $7 + shipping to help you avoid wasting money.
Masks with headstraps generally form a better seal than masks with ear loops, but the most effective mask is one that you can/will actually wear semi-comfortably. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I've been wearing earloop masks for 3.5 years and have made it through multiple known exposures unscathed.
If you can afford to keep a few extra masks on hand to offer to colleages who have to be in your space, people who are coughing in public, or people who seem to be trying but they're still wearing inadequate surgical or cloth masks, do so. More often than not, people will take and wear them when offered!
Air Filtration
If we lived in a society that believed in public health and safety over profits, we'd have spent the last 3 years improving air filtration in public spaces. Alas, most places did not do this, so your next best options are as follows:
Open windows and prop doors whenever you can! Your goal is to keep fresh air moving through your space and minimize the amount of air that will be "re-breathed" by multiple people.
Build a Corsi-Rosenthal box with furnace filters and a box fan. Pros: Fairly cheap and easy to do; Cons: Boxes are large and can be loud. Some sites also provide instructions and/or sell kits to make smaller, more portable C-R boxes out of desktop computer fans.
Buy a HEPA air purifier (or 2, or 3), or try to get your workplace to shell out for one. While many brands sell small, portable purifiers that are around the size of a lunchbox, I would personally recommend that you buy the largest one you can afford. The smaller ones are probably better than nothing, but you really want a more room-scale solution, if possible. I've had good experiences with Medify Air and Coway air purifiers, but I'm sure there are other great brands out there as well.
If you buy an air purifier, you want one with a HEPA filter and without an ionizer, as ionizers aren't as helpful as the advertising would lead you to believe and they can pose health risks (ozone exposure, etc.).
Measuring Air Quality
If you can afford it, buy an Aranet 4 CO2 monitor. Yes, they're expensive, but I haven't heard of any cheaper products that compare in terms of accuracy or portability. (And they do occasionally go on sale on Amazon.) The Aranet 4 measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air around you. This reading is a great proxy for how much COVID might be in the air, and it can help you identify which areas of your home or workplace are the safest, and which ones would benefit the most from fresh air, an air purifier, or other safety measures.
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snapbackslide · 4 days
all the references to 2 & 25 so far
a comprehensive guide as well as some potential (and possibly delusional) clues below ↓
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some keys: in red are the references to the numbers, in bold are song titles, in orange are lyrics
let's start with TWO
overcompensate: don't sleep on a boy who can't fall asleep twice
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midwest indigo: i requested counsel with the counselor and he cancelled twice
midwest indigo: what's your ETA? two minutes
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some maybe less obvious, not intentional (more delusional) clues...
next semester being about a second chance
the backslide music video being a second try
the chorus being sung twice at the beginning of midwest indigo and routines in the night
the craving having two versions, which is the first time the band released two versions of a song
repeated lyrics that may or may not have a certain meaning; don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate (overcompensate), i don't wanna be here, what's about to happen, i remember (next semester), over my head (backslide), you can be so cold (midwest indigo), reoccurring and keep coming around (routines in the night), where do i go from here (vignette), say enough, let her know, hope she looks for me (the craving), it's lavish (lavish), i'm navigating and everybody leaves (navigating), i've been praying for my elasticity to return to the way that it was and if i'm gonna snap necks then i gotta snap back (snap back), push on through and you don't quite mind (oldies station), drop (at the risk of feeling dumb), even though i'm past the point of no return (paladin strait)
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now onto TWENTY FIVE (and some other key numbers)
the most obvious one being clancy ultimus capitulus 25 (latin for clancy the ultimate chapter 25)
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this was found at a FPE event, and later in clancy - digital remains (page 119). according to a fan, the display was surrounded by 6 antlers (referring to ned's antlers), which seems to be another important number. perhaps referring to june, the sixth month of the year.
also from the digital remains:
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(page 22) next to overcompensate, we can see 120—95, which equals 25.
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(page 23) bottom right: "when the beat switched from 120 to 95 i came alive"
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(page 101) top right: 120—95 again
25 could mean 2025, the 25th of whichever month followed the release of clancy (which would be june), 25 days after the release of clancy (which would be june 18 - josh's birthday, and the date of the very first clancy letter), or that the final chapter could be a total of 25 songs, among other interpretations.
if it's 25 songs, clancy being a total of 14 songs (with both versions of the craving) would mean we're missing 11.
tyler tweeted 'adihgrtnsnd' on february 29, 2024 (overcompensate release day), which are 11 letters, and could be the first letter of each song off the speculated additional album.
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(his sarcasm leads to thinking they do mean something... these tweets are now deleted)
there's a twitter account for that series of letters, but it's unclear whether tyler's behind it, or a fan.
josh’s instagram story from may 27 includes several number clues.
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6.25 could refer back to the june 25, or june 2025 speculations.
47:14 is the time at which blurryface says hello clancy in the album, which is also at 6:25 in paladin strait.
two days later, the boys tweeted some song lyrics:
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tyler's tweet contains 14 words, 47 letters. josh's reply contains 6 words, 25 letters.
from the digital remains:
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underlined next to tyler's face; VI is the number 6 in roman numerals. this picture is in the booklet twice (pages 38 & 49... 49-38 is 11).
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the clancy pattern in 6 circles (page 59).
the tweet that marked the end of the blurryface era was a photo of tyler washing the black paint off his hands, posted on june 25, 2017
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running from a thing that i kicked in '17... blurryface deleted his only tweet on june 17, 2024. btw.
and speaking of snap back; fool you once, it's been twenty-five times
now we know three lights are lit, but the fourth one's out from the judge, which is interesting that the snap back video shows this very claim:
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and that's denial number four from ode to sleep... as well as no, not me, it's for a friend from vignette, repeated 4 times before admitting denial
clancy being the fourth lore album (after blurryface, trench, and scaled and icy) could mean that it is a form of denial... which is why it wouldn't be the end of the story.
in an interview, tyler mentioned (1:00 in) that the final battle between clancy and blurryface would happen after the record. that could mean in the live shows (we know the band likes to include lore in their concerts too), a second album, maybe a short film or video, or even just in the paladin strait music video.
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(1:39:41) "guys, when you hear the end of paladin, you tell me... you tell me... does it sound like the end?"
knowing how this band operates, knowing that tyler has said that this story needs to end (notably in this interview, in which he said he's excited for how it ends, AND for what it "teases"... btw. 2:52 timestamp), knowing that the narrative has been getting constructed for a decade... the story just isn't going to end on a cliffhanger.
and knowing that the clancy world tour ends in may 2025, it very well could mean that the conclusion would happen after that. june 2025, perhaps.
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pmpwbrrs · 13 days
Goddamnit rain world is so good my heart aches
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