#Hope This Helps
mohamedalanqer · 2 days
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I I had hoped this would be a beautiful day. Today is my birthday, and tomorrow is the Muslim holiday. We won't celebrate these holidays as the war still rages on. It's a day of bombing, destruction, and death. Yet, we love life and seek happiness.🥹
There is one beautiful thing that gives us hope—you all! Yes, the Tumblr community.😊
You all are a cooperative and loving community that helps. Over the past three weeks, I've encountered many kind people who keep hope alive inside us that tomorrow will be better.♥️
I want to thank all of you, the kind Tumblr community. to thank all of you, the kind Tumblr community.🙏🌺
Gofundme story ❤️:
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perfect court notes:
Riko and Neil: short guys with knives. Daddy issues. Easily angry. Will not hesitate. A little masochistic and sadistic. Have chemical X from powerpuff girls in their system.
Kevin and Jean: tall guys who are way too handsome. Anxious anxious anxious. Sobbing wet little meow meows. They are judging you. So much. Babygirls.
Andrew: Straight up jerkin' it
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heritageposts · 2 years
Left Tumblr in like 2016 and now I'm back as a Twitter Refugee, I feel so sad I missed out on so much and I barely recognize this place from how it was before... Any advise now that I'm back?
become a marxist-leninist
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shyshitter · 7 months
sorry but ur not a true destiel supporter unless you acknowledge that dean and cas are both objectively toxic individuals and have inflicted immeasurable damage upon the other. they are also both little meow meows who have never done anything wrong ever. hellers contain multitudes beyond mortal comprehension
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new-gender-who-dis-xd · 11 months
Tips on how to make a trans girl smile:
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
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- tell her she's pretty
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- tell her she's pretty
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- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
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- tell her she's pretty
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- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
- tell her she's pretty
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bulldog-butch · 1 year
do you have any tips for eating pussy !!!!
i feel like i have to put a corporate disclaimer so i don’t get sued, but obviously not everyone likes getting their pussy ate the same way and it’s good to talk to a partner about what they like and dislike. that being said i often get stellar feedback on my pussy eating (i literally changed my girlfriend’s mind about getting their pussy ate 😈)
first off, forget probably everything you’ve seen in porn. if someone could watch you eating pussy and see your tongue then you’re doing it wrong (unless you’re in the first few minutes and warming up or like taking a tiny breather) otherwise if you’re getting down to business then your face should be drowning in the pussy.
second, forget all the kitschy shit you hear. no one is actually getting off to someone spelling out the alphabet on their clit. finding a consistent rhythm is key and it’s usually something incredibly simple. i opt for up and down because i can go longer with that motion and it tends to get a better reaction than side to side (but i do throw a little of that in there). also when i say up and down i don’t mean like a flicking motion. do not flick the clit with your tongue. you’re rubbing it not flicking it, so keep your tongue flat and just rub it up and down (or side to side whatever you’re going with). the other most important thing i can say is SUCK THEIR CLIT. start soft if you don’t know how sensitive their clit is and then ramp it up if you’re getting positive feedback. save this for a little flare, i wouldn’t usually stay sucking it for more than a few seconds.
okay now that i’ve gone over technique, let’s put it all together. start of slow, really show that you’re giving the pussy all your attention and not just doing it because you feel obligated. lick the whole length, stick your tongue in their vagina, suck on the labia, have fun with it! get to know the pussy you’re about to go to town on! then when you’re ready to get down to business start focusing more on the clit and setting a steady rhythm. maybe start getting a little faster but as soon as you hear “right there” or they start pulling your hair DONT ALTER YOUR PACE. i think a common mistake is people hear that and get excited and start going faster but the whole point is you just had the right tempo and now you’ve changed it. also if your jaw starts hurting (as mine often does) but you don’t want to stop, i would suggest try moving your whole head up and down to give your jaw a break.
last but certainly not least, my personal favorite move is to give the g-spot some attention while you’re down there. use a finger or two (or three if you’re feeling spicy) and do the come hither motion while you’re working on their clit, and i can almost guarantee that you’ll have that person seeing the light
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themilfking · 6 months
It's the end of the year and I need to make some more charitable donations. Could you suggest a few good organizations?
Hey! Its so nice that you're willing and able to do this. I'll recommend some that I have personally used/donated to: Islamic Relief: I donate to their efforts every year. They're raising for Palestine, Yemen, Philippines, Afghanistan and so much more. I like their level of transparency, especially around the operational issues in getting aid to places like Palestine and how they prepare for such scenarios.
E-sims for Gaza: Israel has cutoff all internet, cellular, and landline services in Gaza. This has made communication in/out of Gaza extremely difficult and so Mirna El-Helbawi decided to set up this amazing program to get e-sims in the hands of journalists and people so they can maintain comms with the outside world. I have personally sent numerous e-sims and suggest Simly's app. Its super easy to use and you can have insight into when the e-sim is activated and used. Note: please read the instructions in the link before purchasing/sending the qr code. SAPA: The Sudanese American Physicians Association directly operates hospitals on the ground in Sudan. They offer essential/life saving healthcare services on the ground as well as an amazing hunger relief program. They're also very transparent and have been operating on the ground since the 90s.
Save the Children, Friends of the Congo, and World Food Program are some other great/trusted charities to donate to.
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lina-corsa · 4 months
summary of the race:
- everything is broken on every car
- red bull needs to be liquidated
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comicaurora · 2 months
Is there any origin for your claims of being a quote "shining golden god" or do you just like how it sounds?
I am a shining golden god whenever the muses bless me with dope ideas and the universe becomes a glorious clockwork infinity perfectly falling into place and a talentless hack whenever it wears off five minutes later
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philtstone · 14 days
the thing with almost every "shawn becomes a criminal" au that ive seen is that they always seem to miss the most core canon premise. a shawn spencer who did not become a P.I. isnt a thief or a robber or a hitman. shawn spencer is and always has been a con man, and any subsequent au you write can ONLY be, to a frankly uncanny degree, the plot of "catch me if you can"
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diadraws · 1 year
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i wanted to draw a sillay comic of them with my grownup designs/hcs so here u go
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kaysdenofchaos · 23 days
If you don’t mind me asking brushes do you use for line art? They’re scrumptious :0
Jhdsvjhbd thank you! Outside of the fill tool, I don’t actually use any custom brushes— default CSP brushes are my one true love 💗 regardless, here’s everything I use for each step depending on what I’m going for!
(Though sometimes, I use only dry ink and pencil for every step lmao)
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ribstongrowback · 6 months
right ladies i've come back from the art board of directors and we've regulated that it's only art if you've spilled over 3 oz of your very own blood to make it, if you've spilled less than that it doesn't count. internal bleeding doesn't count. any damage done to you that did not specifically cause blood loss doesn't count, you soulless wretch.
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femmeidiot · 6 months
Every time someone tells me they're horny because of me I get so horny I pass out
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wykwryt · 1 year
ballister blackheart: gay-coded villain
ballister boldheart: villain-coded gay
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nanaslutt · 2 months
“MINORS DO NOT FOLLOW MY ACC” Blud you are writing ABOUT minors. - not a minor 😇
girlie pop when i write for minors i specifically change my warning label from MINORS DNI to MINORS DO NOT FOLLOW because if my posts show up on a minors timeline, i want them to know my acc is nsfw and is not minor friendly so i don’t want them to follow, but that SPECIFIC post is ok to interact with
ALSO i have never and will never write smut for minors ^.^
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