#Hope you're having an absolutely wonderful day!
neil-gaiman · 3 days
Hi Mr. Gaiman (sorry for the ramble in advance),
Hope you're doing well. I don't usually use tumblr, but every time I open it up you're here so I figure I'd drop a note. I'm a writer, but I've always had a really hard time actually WRITING instead of just thinking about it. I've had this world and its characters plaguing my head for years now, and it's only gotten worse with age, so recently I doubled down and decided it was gonna get done—one way or the other.
I recently read a passage in a book about writing that said, in essence, your first book doesn't really matter all that much if you plan to be an author. As an autistic lad, I (naturally) took this very literally and was upset at the thought. Sure, your first work is probably going to be your weakest—duh, because by the time book two rolls around you'll have had time to have faced any criticisms from your first, you'll have learned more as you write, and about the world too. But for your first book to not matter at all, no matter how passionate you are about it—I found myself wondering, "Well, what's the point at all, then?" You put in all that work, you learn plot devices, you breathe life into your characters and watch 'em toddle around, and for what? For it to just be a stepping stone? It felt intensely personal of it just being cast aside like that, and I haven't even written the damn thing yet!
MasterClass had a Father's Day sale, so I figured "why not" and went ahead and got a subscription. First thing I did was run to your class, and although I've only watched the first two parts—I want to thank you for restoring my motivation. Truth is, I think the reason that message in the writing book upset me so much is because I'm terrified of writing this damn book. I've woven so many pieces of myself into it, despite it very much being, in your words, a lie (and about a boy that lies all the time, no less), but the grief that I feel and all the complicated feelings about forgiveness are all there and very real, despite its fantastical elements. So much of it really IS more than I'm comfortable sharing with people, and the idea of baring all that out and being told it didn't matter at all? Absolutely devastating. At the end of the line? The book might actually suck. I might rewrite it, I might trash it, I might completely forget about it ten years from now, or I might sell ten copies on Amazon to family and friends and then move on with my life. It's not stepping on a yellow jacket nest in the woods, but it's still terrifying. I still can't even fathom the idea of letting anyone actually read it until I've obsessed over it for another four years, and even then! But I'll write it anyways.
Thank you.
You are so welcome!
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brainoutofstock · 1 day
[Previously on...]
One day, about a month after you moved into your new apartment, you felt brave enough to get to the bottom of the situation between you and Simon. You had to find out what was happening as this uncertainty drove you crazy. He bought you things, he spent time with you, he seemed to care about you, yet when you tried to flirt with him, it suddenly felt like you were dealing with a brick wall. No emotions, no softness. It all disappeared at once.
An hour into the movie you decided to watch, you saw him move out of the corner of your eye. His arms were stretched above his head as he tried to fight back a yawn, then you felt an arm rest on the back of the couch behind you. You rested your head on his arm as you watched him with a small smile, wondering what was going on in his head.
“You’re staring,” he suddenly noted, his amber eyes never leaving the TV screen. He wasn’t mad, if anything, he sounded amused. You refused to answer as you were hoping he would be the one doing the talking this time. After some painfully quiet minutes, he picked up the remote and stopped the movie. “What is it?”
The brave girl you’d been just two hours ago was now gone, and you had absolutely no idea what to say. How do you bring this up? How do you bring up the topic of the possibility of him paying for your company with gifts? That you might have become a sugar baby for him along the way?
Suddenly you felt his thumb draw circles into your shoulder, his touch being so gentle that you barely noticed. “It’s just… You know… I’ve been wondering about something lately and I really need to hear your explanation,” you said quietly.
This made him raise an eyebrow in question, seemingly eager to hear what it was all about. And sure enough, he pulled up his knee so he could turn to face you. “Sounds serious.”
“The gifts. Why are you buying me gifts?”
Simon let out a laugh at this. “Why not? I can afford to buy you stuff,” he replied casually.
You bit on your lower lip as you nodded. “Do you consider me a sugar baby? Do you really think you have to buy me things in return for my company?”
Your voice was just as hesitant as you were. And due to the way his eyes were watching you with that hint of playfullness as if he was enjoying the way you were struggling, you felt some tears forming in your eyes. Your whole body was trembling from the tremendous effort not to start crying. Because you wanted to stay strong, you wanted to make him see you were mature enough to handle difficult conversations.
He slowly reached out to wipe your tears away from your cheek, then let his hand rest there while his thumb drew circles into your skin. “Sweetheart, I had you the moment I walked away the first time we met in that pub,” he said eventually, his voice rough but still sounding surprisingly soft. “I know I don't have to buy you things, you're not that kind of girl.”
“Then why?”
“Because I want to spoil you. That's all.
A small smile crept on your lips before you nodded and leaned closer to him, your fingers already moving to cover his large, calloused hand on your cheek. “There's no need, Simon,” you told him, to which he only responded with a shrug. “I'm serious.”
“And I'm serious when I say I want to do it. Let me do it,” he whispered in his raspy voice when your lips were only inches apart. You weakly nodded, deciding that giving in would be the best you could do in this case, and he flashed a satisfied smile at you. “Good girl. C’mere,” he said when he put a finger under your chin to guide you closer.
Your heart rate jumped when you felt his chapped lips touch your soft ones, smearing your lipstick as the kiss became more intense. Eventually you moved over to sit on his lap, looking for any kind of friction that would make you feel good. And feeling the stiffness of his cock in the confines of his jeans sure did the job.
But just when you felt that heat in your core rise, Simon let out a laugh and raised you up so he could put you on the couch next to him. It didn't even require any effort from him, he just raised you up as if you were nothing more than the bottle of beer he had drunk until now. You gulped at the wave of thoughts that invaded your mind, all those unholy images of how he could use his strength to manhandle you in bed.
“Tsk-tsk-tsk. When did I give you permission to do this, huh? Naughty girl. Now I have to punish you,” he said tauntingly. You whined when he reached down to palm himself, seemingly finding your pathetic reaction adorable. “Saturday. I promise you'll get what you want Saturday, okay?”
“That's more than a week away,” you complained, your voice unusually thin.
Simon swept a strand of hair behind your ear as he smiled at you. “I'm going to visit a friend in Scotland tomorrow and I'll stay for a week. But once I'm back, I'm all yours. We won't leave the bedroom that weekend.”
You wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe every word he said because he had always been there for you in the past months. So you nodded and crawled closer to him, snuggling up to him like a little kid. He put his arm around your body and placed a soft kiss on your head.
Just one week. You could sure survive that.
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lucysarah-c · 3 days
I apologize if this has been asked before but what do you think Levi's kinks are? :)
Hi, sweetie! Oh, do not worry, no need to apologize! I haven’t received this ask before, and even if I did, it’s not a biggie. I could just attach a link to that ask here <3 Do not worry.
MH, Levi’s kinks… good question.
Power play for sure. Have you seen this man say that “pain is the best discipline”? He's always 100% down to teach you your place, at least in the bedroom. Outside of it, he deeply respects your position. Inside the room? Oh baby girl, he wants you to know he’s in charge and could spend his entire life reminding you of it.
…Shibari or tying up. Have you seen those uniforms? Levi sees that harness and deep down he wonders how pretty you would look all tied up. This one is a bit more tricky, so he and you may work around it to see how much of it you're both into.
Overstimulation, absolutely. Those Ackerman powers are a blessing; he knows he can last for hours. Can you? Oh, it's okay, baby, don’t be scared. He'll just have to keep fucking you, and if by any means you end up feeling like your legs are made of jelly from all the times he made you cum… well, I guess that’s the consequence of dating humanity’s strongest soldier. I think he could just feel getting hard, or getting cocky by feeling how you shake against his face as he keeps eating you out like a thirsty man who had been traveling across a desert. The idea that he left you completely and absolutely destroyed makes him feel so cocky. You can accuse this man of many things, but leaving you unsatisfied in bed isn’t one of them.
Degradation and praise kink. Depending on the situation and his mood, he can go either way or BOTH at the same time. “Aw, you look so pretty riding my cock. You’re doing amazing, girly. Mh? Enjoy that dick?” you will nod as you ride him with all your life “I bet. What a dirty little cock whore you turned out to be.”
Alright, maybe this one isn’t popular and maybe it's a bit OOC on my part… Corruption kink. At multiple times in his life, as the famous former thug who lived in the most dangerous part inside the walls, the idea of getting you, looking at him with doe eyes through your eyelashes, faking innocence or truly having it… I can literally picture him thinking, “Doesn’t matter if she doesn’t have much experience or doesn’t know how to make me feel good yet. I’m a very good and patient teacher… have an entire lifetime to mold her into perfection.” He likes to save the best for last; this man would enjoy every single little detail of seeing you fall into the beautiful dark pleasure he can show you.
Those are the ones that come to mind rather quickly…
I’ll give you (as if my ramblings are worthy material to be gifted, lmao) 2 kinks that I DON’T think Levi has and I believe are very popular.
Breeding kink. Like this one, maybe depending on the situation and if it’s a “game” kind of thing. But I feel Levi is a person who takes paternity very seriously; it has to be a VERY particular scenario for me (at least canon Levi) where he’s like, “fuck it, yeah let’s risk getting you pregnant.” BUT it’s a kink I can see A LOT more in Post-War Levi; it’s not that he doesn’t want to breed you… he’s just too responsible to take the risk.
Daddy. HAHA I feel like if you called Levi that in the middle of sex, he would freeze a little and be like, “Sir? Yes. Captain? Absolutely. What did you just say? Just… no.” I dare to say that if you bring it up playfully, perhaps as a joke, he will wrinkle his nose and say, “If you want to fuck Erwin, just say it, but don’t bring that shit into my bedroom.”
I had fun writing this one; I feel it’s a classic “Levi’s blog” ask that surprisingly I’ve never received before! Thank you for that! Hope this was good enough.
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @storiesofsung @galactict3a @twruui @lemonsupernova @r3becca_0 @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @hyuckwon-my-husbands Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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sethsclearwater · 2 days
Hi!!!! I have absolutely fallen in love with your Embry call writings 🤍🌙 I was wondering if I could request a camping trip fic where the pack goes camping for a while and just the fun and cute things you and Embry would do together. I think them cuddling by a camp fire or sleeping in a tent together would be so cute
love this lol!
"i think i'm genuinely going to wring jared's neck tomorrow if he picks up another one of those fuckin' bugs," you grumbled as you stepped into the tent you were sharing with your imprinter, haphazardly stepping over embry so you could get to your side of the makeshift bed you two had set up.
embry let out a breathy laugh, not looking bothered in the slightest as he had one arm bent and resting behind his head while the other rested on his bare abdomen, the blanket resting right at his hips.
"i think kim already gave him an earful about it if that helps anything," he soothed, watching you adoringly as you rolled your eyes, pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it into the duffle bag on the other side of the small tent.
he watched you, clearly a bit entranced by you while you got changed into some pajamas but not in a sexual way - something you'd gotten used to since you started dating embry. although he was definitely obsessed with your body, he wasn't constantly trying to fuck you which you learned to appreciate seeing how sore you usually were after.
"i hope she did. i'm pretty sure i got bit by at least 3 of those things thanks to him," you added, your jeans joining your shirt as you pulled on a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top - the unforgiving heat the past few days making you even more grateful you'd opted to bring some lighter clothes with you.
embry just let out another breathy laugh, lifting his hand from his abdomen to take your hand into his, helping you get down next to him so you could join him on the bed. it wasn't comfortable by any means but having the option to sleep half on top of embry had saved your back from aching the past few nights.
you were quick to lay down with him, both of you laying on opposite sides so you could face each other, "well the good news is we should be leaving tomorrow so you and your bug bites don't have to last much longer," he teased, both of you letting out laughs at that one.
you had definitely enjoyed camping with the pack, something you knew embry knew, but you were definitely more than ready to get back to the comfort of your apartment and take a much needed everything shower.
before you could respond to embry, the zipper to your tent was being undone and none other than jared cameron stuck his head through the entryway, lighting up when he saw you and embry were still up, "bold move cameron," you started, playfully glaring at him as you sat up, fully ready to sprint out of the tent in the event that he had another one of those fucking bugs with him.
"he already fucked you this morning - no way you two were going to be going at it again," he laughed when your glare deepened, your sex life with embry an unfortunate casualty to the public pack mind-link.
"at least one of us is getting laid," you countered and embry let out a loud laugh with that one, his chest reverberating with the intensity of it at jared scowled at you, clearly not expecting your mutual allies (embry and kim) to have dished out the details when you asked them earlier that day.
"you know i was coming here to make a peace treaty but clearly you're far too wicked to come to a truce-" jared drolled dramatically, "i even had a s'more for you and everything," he added, sticking his hand in the tent to show off his metaphorical white flag, a rather good looking s'more.
your scowl turned to a smile as you suddenly realized just how much you had wanted a s'more, suddenly much more ready to forge a truce with the shapeshifter, "the s'more definitely helps your case," you started, voice trailing off as you looked up at him, "but i will only call a truce if you agree to not bring another one of those bugs around me again," you negotiated, smiling even bigger when you felt embry's hand slide over yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he silently backed up your truce.
jared, always a woman pleaser, seemed to ponder your proposition for a moment before slowly nodding, "you have my word y/l/n," he agreed, handing you the s'more before he was saluting you, a goofy smile on his face as he winked at your imprinter before ducking back out of the tent.
you laughed, zipping the tent shut with your free hand before you were laying back down with embry, "you want half?" you asked, breaking the s'more in half as you already knew his answer.
embry's smile deepened, both of you wearing the expressions only love drunk fools would know, and took half of the s'more from you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, "you're the best," he mused, brown eyes twinkling as he watched you take a big bite of jared's truce s'more.
you could hardly contain your laugh as you chewed, quickly swallowing before you responded, "oh i know," you teased, squealing when embry placed a big kiss on your lips. your giggles were muffled by his lips on yours, both of you almost immediately falling into each other as you enjoyed your final night of camping.
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lumineary-arts · 2 days
I feel like I should let you know that you're one of my favorite murder drones artists like. EVER?? Your art is SO COOL hsjfknhf and I LOVE your Swap! AU ❤❤❤❤
First of all, I really wanna point you to @electrozeistyking 's Ghost Drone AU, it's another one of my favorites
Second of all, I wanna show you MY future AU which I still don't have a name for, but I have so many little plans in my head that idk how to get on paper, but here's what I DO have on paper‼️
Here's some designs I had drawn out
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Reaper Drones are basically a newer form of disassembly drone that WEREN'T originally worker drones. They don't have much of a personality core. They just kill
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Yes I gave them both Beta!J hairs because drones look WEIRD without hair
I ended up deciding that the original Nora design was gonna be a flashback design and gave her an updated design that isn't 6 years old. But it was too late..... SHE'S A MARKETABLE PLUSHIE NOW........
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Anyway here's her updated design lol
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She thankfully hasn't shown signs of the Absolute Solver.... YET.....
I hope you have a wonderful day!! Thank you for taking the time to read this super long ask❤❤❤
NORA HAS SUCH A SWEET DESIGN AWWW- oh these are interesting!! The idea of Reaper Drones that have the sole purpose to kill, without having been worker drones in the past is fun I love it. Nora's little form having all the physical elements of a DD but just harmless (like the tail going from being a stinger to being a lantern) is also super creative!!
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indecenthoney · 3 days
Burnt Out Bestie
It's that time of year again, we all survived such a long and exhausting year, but life just never gets any easier. I'd like to remind people that you'll always be busy, so when there is a moment to breathe, enjoy it and live in the present. Buttttttt even then... I can imagine a couple of you working your asses off... Luck for you... I'm actually really good at helping people relax...
"There you are... I was wondering where you were... You look like absolute shit... What? I'm just telling you what I see.... Here give me that... So tough day at work? Mhm... Well you can go freshen up and slip into something more comfortable... Ah no no no... You are not going to bed just yet... YOU will meet me at the couch as soon as you're done, okay? I'll be waiting... and if you don't show up... I will drag you outside whether you like it or not... Understand?"
Listen. Everyone needs a change of pace or life becomes a little too dull. I honestly believe we are here to enjoy our lives to the fullest. Even the littlest of things can turn our whole day around. I know what it's like to be tired, so if I had the power to help anyway I can I would.
"Heyyy you made it... I really appreciate that... Now take a seat while I fix us up some drinks... Oh that? Welll if all things go well... I hope that we can both relax, talk, and eventually fall asleep on the couch together... Sound good? Hey no... No running away... C'mon please? I made us hot cocoa..."
Can you really say no to someone that made you hot cocoa? It's fullproof! I have some pretty cute tendencies if I do say so myself. I make these little hot cocoa bombs that you can just plop into hot milk. It's packed with all the stuff you need for hot cocoa! Plus marshmellows! Need to stir? I always make sure to stop by the store to buy us some kitkats for us to help with stirring. You'd be spoiled if you were with me.
"One for you and... one for me... It's getting kinda chilly again so I also brought us a weighted blanket... So? What you waiting for? You gonna just stare at me all night or are you going to come under the sheets with me? Right here... Yes my lap! The best seat in the house... C'mon hurry so I can wrap us up! There we go... Comfy? Just let me grab that for you... Taste good?"
It really is bliss to be warm and comfy during a chilly day. Having her lean back into me as she sips her chocolate. Wrapping my arms around and placing my chin over head. A chance to finally relax. A long long long sigh followed by the most toe curling stretch.
"Oh? Big stretch... You... doing okay? You're kinda squirming a lot... Hot? I mean yeah... you did drink hot chocolate so I'm hoping it's doing it job... Now relax dude... Just lay back into me and get some rest... Okay? You did a lot today... Think of this as a reward to yourself..."
Cuddling up to your bestfriend on a quiet chilly night. Bliss. Having her squirm and rub against you trying to get as close to you as possible. Not understanding why she's feeling so needy. Doing whatever she can to get my attention but only being able to rub and whimper in my embrace. Did I mention I might have spiked the cocoa? Chocolate bomb molds can be made with melted chocolate but then I also learned about horny chocolates. Melted them down as the base for my cocoa bombs.
"What's wrong, sweetie? You're being awfully loud for someone whose tired... How can I help? What? Did you want my attention? I won't be able to understand a thing with you whimpering and looking at me with those little puppy dog eyes... Please? What a needy bestie... Why didn't you just say so? Why don't we have a look shall we?"
Pulling her pajamas down revealing her cute soaked panties. My hands wandering down to gently inspect the fabric. Quiet moans echoing through our house. Doing her best to hold back the noise as her eyes roll back in pleasure. Hugging my arm as I extend it downward for a better angle to rub her in. No words exchanged. Just her heavy breathes filling the air taking it as a sign for her permission.
Gently teasing her. Tapping on her clit with my middle finger. The whimpers grow louder as she waits in anticipation. Too dumb to beg; only sign of communication is her squiriming in my arms. I hear a little knockat the door. Covering her mouth with my hand as i plunge my fingers deep inside. Keeping her quiet. I have no idea who's at the door. Neighbors? Friends? Christmas Carollers? Who cares. Keeping her quiet as I slowly but roughly make my way through the deepest parts of her pussy. Pressing against her g spot every chance I get.
"Don't make any sound now... We don't want them hearing you now, do we? That's a good girl... You can do it... Just moan into my hand... That's it... You're doing so good... Just one more finger okay? Nonono... Shhh shhhh... It's okay you can take it... I know you can... Mhm... That's my good girl..."
Being rough on purpose; giving us the slight chance of being heard. It's exciting. Giving her the pleasure she needs to melt that brain of hers. She honestly works too hard. Some people don't know how to take a break. Watching her tremble and grip on my clothes... Spasming from the orgasms... Watching her eyes roll back from the pleasure. Quietly taking it as I rail her mercilessly with my fingers.
"Oh? I think they left... I'm sorry for bullying you, sweetie... I couldn't help myself... It's okay... Just take it easy... I'll make you feel good... Yes yes... I love you too... spread those legs as far as you can for me, okay? Can you hear how wet you are? You really need this, don't you? It's okay... It's your day off... We can do this all day if you'd like... "
Giving her the full princess treatment. Biting and kissing her ear. Groping her tits and pulling on her nipples. Fucking her silly with my middle finger. Slamming down into her making indecent sounds. Making her lick the juices of my fingers every now and then. Having her taste herself while I whisper sweet nothings. Doing it over and over until she falls asleep from exhaustion.
Once she's all tired out. I clean her up and carry her to bed. Tuck her in; kissing her forehead as I say my good nights
Get some rest,
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perkypeony · 3 days
Gojo-sensei x student reader ft. the first-years
"Alright, who wants to join me to try out a new dessert cafe?" Gojo announced as he entered the common room with his signature grin.
Y/N's eyes lit up immediately. "Count me in, Gojo-sensei!"
Yuji looked up from his spot on the couch, thinking about his initial plans. "Well, I was going to help Nobara with her shopping, but... yeah, I'll come. Better than carrying all her bags."
Nobara, overhearing, walked over with a raised eyebrow. "Dessert cafe, huh? As tempting as that sounds, I already have plans to hit the shops. Fushiguro, you still coming with me, right?"
Megumi sighed, already resigned to his fate. "I'd rather deal with curses than go shopping, but fine."
Nobara shot Yuji a playful glare. "You're ditching me for desserts? Some friend you are."
Yuji grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Nobara, but I can't pass up on this."
Gojo clapped his hands together. "Excellent! Nobara and Megumi have their plans, so it’s just us. We’ll have a blast!"
The trio arrived at the dessert cafe, its colourful decor and sweet aromas instantly making Y/N and Gojo feel giddy. They ordered an array of desserts—cakes, pastries, and ice creams—enough to satisfy their shared sweet tooth.
Gojo took a bite of his towering parfait and sighed contentedly. "Isn't this the best, Y/N?"
Y/N nodded enthusiastically, savouring a spoonful of chocolate mousse. "Absolutely, Gojo-sensei. This place is amazing!"
Yuji, enjoying a generous slice of strawberry cheesecake, chuckled. "I gotta admit, this was a great idea. So much better than shopping."
As they enjoyed their treats, Y/N glanced at Gojo curiously. "Gojo-sensei, I've always wondered—why do you have such a sweet tooth?"
Gojo paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "You know, it's something that started when I was young. I started eating sweets to stimulate my brain. The sugar helped keep me alert and sharp. Over time, I just developed a taste for them."
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of connection. "That makes sense. For me, I love sweets because my parents used them to get me to train. I hated training, but they promised me dessert after every session. It worked every single time."
Gojo laughed warmly. "Smart parents. And now you're here, a jujutsu sorcerer with a sweet tooth like me."
As they continued to enjoy their treats, the conversation flowed easily. Gojo shared funny stories from his past missions, Yuji talked about his training progress, and Y/N, feeling comfortable, opened up more about their life.
"Y'know," Gojo said, leaning back in his chair, "it's nice to have moments like these. Don't you guys feel tired training and dealing with curses every single day?"
Yuji nodded. "Yeah, it’s good to take a break and just hang out."
Y/N smiled warmly, "Thanks for bringing us here, Gojo-sensei. It means a lot."
As they left the cafe, the sun beginning to set, Gojo looked at his two students with a soft smile. "We should do this more often. I hope Nobara and Megumi can join us too next time."
"Definitely," Y/N agreed, already looking forward to their next outing.
Yuji grinned. "I'm in. As long as it doesn't involve carrying shopping bags."
Gojo laughed, ruffling Yuji's hair. "Deal. Next time, we’ll find another hidden gem. Maybe even a chocolate factory tour." Gojo grinned. "Speaking of next time, how about we make today even sweeter?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "What do you mean, Gojo-sensei?"
"Follow me," Gojo said with a wink.
He led them to an upscale chocolate shop just a few blocks away. The luxurious displays and rich cocoa aromas were enough to make anyone's mouth water. Gojo pulled out his black card, waving it in front of his students' faces. "Pick whatever you want, kids. It's on me."
Yuji and Y/N exchanged excited glances before diving into the selections. They filled their bags with a variety of gourmet chocolates, feeling like kids in a candy store.
As they walked out of the shop, their bags full of treats, Y/N beamed up at Gojo. "Thanks, Gojo-sensei. This has been the best day ever."
Yuji nodded in agreement. "Yeah, thanks a lot. You're the best."
Gojo smiled warmly, feeling content when his students were happy, "Anytime, you two. Anytime."
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mystarsohee · 2 days
heyhey kae ! missing u MWAH there's a kiss ! was just wondering if u had time in ur busy schedule to write some more cg!shotaro? just missing him atm,, hope u understand. thanks ! <3
— @swee7dream
we makin' music
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genre: fluff
riizes new music video came out.. and now shotaro has to deal with your fixation on it.
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is taro.
cg!shotaro fem!reader , (ft. rii7e) ((seunghan is here even tho he isnt back for boom boom bass))
boom ba doom boom boom bass ♪ boom ba doom boom boom bass~
this is what shotaro heard echoing throughout the apartment when he came home from promotions that day. riize recently released a new music video, boom boom bass. you were a briize as much as you were his baby, so you were there for the music video premieres, and you asked shotaro to get a few albums for you to open!
he opened the door to the bedroom, and he saw you jumping on the bed, dressed in sunglasses with a hairbrush in your hand as a makeshift microphone. the tv that was against the wall was playing the music video, him and his members dancing across the screen.
"woah baby, you're gonna steal my job! my little dancer!" he said, ruffling your hair.
"hi taro!!!!!!"
you jumped into his arms, onto the floor so the two of you could dance together! he knew all the moves, you knew all the words, it was perfect!
once you restarted the song a few more times, you found yourself worn out.
————— ୨୧ —————
the following day, shotaro found you watching youtube on your ipad in the living room. he immediately recognized the video as a boom boom bass performance (duh, its his song!) he joins you on the couch, puts an arm around your shoulder, and kisses your head.
"taro!" you give him a kiss, "hehe, you look so cool in this video!"
"you know it! only the coolest performance for you pretty baby. there are only a few more promotions left, you should come watch soon!"
the two of you discussed tagging along with him, and it sounded like a set plan!
it was all you could talk about for the next day or two.
"taro, what outfit will you wear?"
"taro, what if you forget the dance moves?"
"taro, will they have snacks?"
he was just as excited, since you were his biggest motivation, inspiration, and supporter.
"i dont know yet baby. i'll find out the day of."
"you know, im too good of a dancer to forget!"
"i'll make sure they have all your favorites. i'll also make sure anton doesn't eat them all."
shotaro thought it was absolutely adorable. the way you'd be regressed so much, yet you would still ask to watch riize's comeback performances, behind the scenes, and of course the music video. and he would put them on every time! he would also find you in your room looking through the photobook of the album, or sometimes he'd catch you singing boom boom bass while playing or coloring.
the night before the performance you were going to watch, you could hardly sleep!
"my love, i know you're super excited. i am too, but you gotta sleep! we have a long day ahead of us. look! all your stuffies are already sleeping."
your taro was right.. you should probably head to bed.
————— ୨୧ —————
finally the day has come! you were going to watch riize perform boom boom bass! you put on your coolest looking outfit, paired with a cute headband, and of course, the matching bracelet you and shotaro had. you also accessorized with a photocard of taro, one you pulled from the album all on your own!
speaking of taro, he was currently texting one of his members.
sohee ✌️: you're bringing the baby right??
yeah shes coming with, shes actually really excited to see you and the guys
sohee ✌️: good good, what snacks does she want? i'll let staff know!
he responded with a few of your favorite snacks and a drink you enjoyed.
"i am so excited!!" you could barely stay still since the moment you woke up.
you held his hand the whole way backstage, and when you saw the other riize members, it was safe to say you were a little starstruck. after all, it has been a few months since you've last seen them, in person of course. other than that, the only way you've seen the members was from the same perspective as every other briize!
you hid behind shotaro, wrapping yourself around him. you didn't realize how scary this would be!
"sorry guys, shes being a bit shy! oh look pretty, eunseok has a snack for you."
you peek out from behind his back, and see eunseok holding out one of your favorite snacks!
"go ahead baby, i'll be right behind you."
you quickly grabbed the package from him, and ran right back to shotaro. hiding your face from everyone while you opened the bag.
"what do you say? use your manners please."
oh right, you don't want taro mad at you for not using your manners! quickly you turned back around to face eunseok.
"thank you eunseok.." you softly said. you were already eating some of the snack so your words were hardly even heard! but it seemed like he understood since he gave you a big smile!
"could i have a bite? please?" a black haired boy said from the side.
you recognized him as seunghan and he was holding out his hand in front of you. you looked back at shotaro, and he gave you a nod of approval. placing a piece in his hand, he replied with a quick "thank you"
some more interactions with the other members were shared, and it was time for them to head on stage. you stayed back, watching from a tv screen since you and shotaro weren't comfortable with you out in the crowd. the performance started, and it was like shotaro wad the only one on stage. his presence and voice were so beautiful, how was he even real!
the performance lasted shorter than you wanted, but the boys were back in the room with you faster than you expected! shotaro scooped you up and brought you to a couch in the corner, placing you on his lap.
"how'd i do? who was the coolest one there baby?"
"of course you taro!! thank you for letting me come." you put your arms around him, your face snuggled tightly in his neck.
"no problem pretty girl. lets head back soon so we can cuddle?"
after dinner, a shower, and another boom boom bass dance party, both of you were tucked in bed. you rambled on and on about how special today was, and how special shotaro was to you. he rubbed circles around your back, trying to get you to fall asleep. once you got everything off your mind you were out like a light. today was long for you, but it was more than okay because taro was there with you. and he'll be there whenever you need him to be.
author note: ok 1 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 this was not proofread so pls ignore any errors! 2 this was written for my sweetie vix i love her guys (⌒▽⌒) i tried my best to write something really good, so i hope it lives up to your expectations! i wanted to come up with a better plot but its already been so long since you sent this in and i didnt wanna keep u waiting!!!i also enjoy writing cg!shotaro i think hes so amazing. also boomboom bass has been stuck in my head since it came out... (^^)
as always, feedback is always appreciated 💕
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seramilla · 5 hours
So human au Sera's and Emily's apartment is nearly livable and soon they will have to go back. No one wants them to go back but the learned hyper independence and self deprecation Sera got from her childhood makes her feel like she has to leave as quickly as possible even if she deep down really wants to stay. Carmilla who wants the two to stay is frustrated that all her efforts to convince Sera to stay forever didn't work so she decides to play a little dirty. One day when Sera is off somewhere and Emily is with Carmilla the girl says she wishes Sera and her could stay here forever and Carmilla tells her that she wants that too. Now Emily will be more on the side of coming to live with her and the girls which may eventually get them to move in full time once the lease is up.
When Sera tells Carmilla that her and Emily's apartment is nearly ready for them to move back into, Carmilla stops in her tracks, struck out of her good mood and back into the reality she's been trying to avoid for so long. That this arrangement between Sera, Emily, and the Carmines was probably temporary. Even though Carmilla had hoped against all hope that it wouldn't be.
Sera and Emily have been staying with Carmilla and her girls for nearly three weeks. It's been the happiest, most content that Carmilla has felt in her big, mostly empty house in years. Odette and Clara have been ecstatic, more than happy to have Emily as a playmate for nearly every waking hour. Carmilla herself has also felt so much peace in her heart, her head, and in her psyche, having Sera so close.
She hasn't made a move on Sera yet. Not really. Their interactions are still mostly friendly. Maybe teetering a little into the realm of more-than-friends. But she still highly respects Sera as a fellow parent, of sorts, being the one and only family member and guardian that Emily has. Carmilla has been extremely fond of Sera for a while now -- having the other woman so close, being able to talk to her every day, seeing that smile on her face, and having her comforting presence around them all daily...
It's been nearly a dream come true. And now the dream is ending, and she has to wake up. Carmilla absolutely hates it.
Carmilla hasn't admitted it to Sera herself yet, but...she has grown deeply, madly in love with her. And it's Carmilla's own sense of doubt, and not wanting to ruin the friendship they already have, that keeps her from admitting it aloud. Using the actual words "I love you" is a hurdle she hasn't quite yet overcome. She'd hoped Sera and Emily would stay longer, for the long haul...forever. Carmilla's spirits are now dashed in that regard. Carmilla doesn't know how to respond.
Little Emily comes to her that morning, showing Carmilla a picture she's drawn, of the five of them together, happy in a sunny field of wildflowers and little animals all around. Carmilla feigns excitement and praise. But Emily, just like Sera, is very astute and has the observation skills of someone twice her age. She looks up at Carmilla inquisitively, tilting her head, and asks, "Are you okay?"
Carmilla is a little shocked out of her own stupor. She hadn't expected to be called out like this...especially not by a little girl. She had thought her false happy face was fool-proof. Apparently she's wrong.
"Yes," Carmilla says at first. Emily doesn't appear to believe. "Well...I am very you're here, Emily. But I'm also a little sad."
Emily's eyes widen. She looks so concerned for Carmilla. She comes up to the matriarch, and puts her little hand on Carmilla's leg, and pats it softly.
"Why are you sad?"
"Because you and your sister might be leaving soon. Your aparment is almost finished."
"Oh." Emily says the single word with so much finality, that for a moment, Carmilla wonders that the little girl is almost taking this too lightly. Like it doesn't bother her. But then Emily continues, "Will you miss us?"
Carmilla smiles. She leans down to pick up Emily, holding the girl in her arms for a moment, before drawing her in for a tight hug. She can smell the familiar scent of Sera all over Emily...she's like a tiny version of her sister, and Carmilla loves the little girl just as much as her guardian. She hasn't admitted it to herself until now.
"Of course I will, Emily. I would miss you both so much."
Emily seems to take this statement in stride. She bobs her little head forward, in a tiny approximation of a nod, and then squirms as if she wants to be put down.
"I will miss you, too. Sera will miss you. She likes you, you know."
This is news to Carmilla. She puts the girl back down on the floor, and Emily looks back up at her as she turns away, looking like she wants to get back to playing with Odette and Clara before they have to leave for school.
"Please don't be sad," Emily says before she finally goes into the other room. "I don't like it when people are sad."
Carmilla doubles down on the fake smile. She hates to see other people sad, as well. Especially little Emily or her sister. So she twists her mouth into another corny, fake grin. One she hopes is convincing for both Emily and the woman she loves.
"I'm sorry. I'm happy now, Emily. Thank you!"
Emily looks like she doesn't believe Carmilla one bit. She frowns, but ultimately turns away, and goes back to Odette and Clara's room to play, and finish getting ready to leave for the day.
Carmilla lets out a sigh. A big one. Then she leans down on the kitchen counter, both arms curling over her head in a defeated posture, and groans into the crook of her arms.
This isn't the outcome she'd wanted. She wants them to stay. But more than that, she wants them to be happy, whatever Sera decides. Now that she knows Emily would miss her...and Sera, too...Sera's decision to leave makes even less sense. This just got a lot more confusing and complicated.
She loves Sera. But she doesn't want to force the issue. That would be bad for everyone. Sera must have her reasons for wanting to go back. Carmilla decides she has to respect Sera's decision, no matter what it is, and no matter how much she might hate it. So Carmilla stands up straight, puts on her most convincing happy face, and gets ready for work. She can already tell it's going to be a long, agonizing day.
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writerofstuff · 5 hours
Love your writings for Dead Boy Detectives! Do you have any fic recs? I need somethings to read while I wait for your next update.
Hello dear Anon! Thank you so much, that means a lot. And yes, oh yes, do I have some recs for you!
1. The Scenic Route by DontOffendTheBees (the one where Edwin Goes On A Train), and also Outside Looking In by the same author (the one where the boys have a heart-to-heart in their human disguises, as observed by an actual curious human), simply because @dont-offend-the-bees write Charles and Edwin so very well. Charles, especially: I am in love with how they voice him, how they catch the very core of his language and mannerisms, and I shall be recommending their stories to everyone, all the time, every chance I get.
2. A Heaven Like They Talk About by LikeMmmCookies. Charles and Edwin, while facing off yet another witch, are cursed to become human again. This means: human bodies, human weaknesses, and Charles having a Tiny Breakdown every time Edwin drifts too close to him. Rated M, this fic is cleverly structured and amazingly written. If you're in the mood for some good plot and thick pining and intimacy, look no further.
3. Of a youth who loves me by Aliquis. I'll in fact recommend their entire series here, but even as a standalone, this story stayed with me for a long time after. It is Charles, treading the waters of love and guilt and religion. It is him, willing to sacrifice everything to make sure Edwin never has to go back to Hell again. It is beautiful.
4. dumb of heart by bananzie. Something cute and sweet about Charles falling in love with Edwin through five different touches, plus the one time he realised magic wasn't too bad as well. If you're looking for something soft and lovely and romantic, this might just lift your spirits!
I actually have quite a few more recs, if you've already read all of these here! You can find more brilliant dbda stories from my bookmarks list here! If you haven't read these before, I really hope you enjoy; all these authors are absolutely wonderful, and I find myself returning to these stories again and again. Thank you again for your ask, dear Anon! I hope you have a lovely day! ♡
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kimbapchan · 2 days
Hello!!! I just wanna say that your art is wonderful and it really makes my day.... You're one of the very few artists that I actually search to see if you have updated anything. I absolutely love the tgcf reverse au series and the new svsss series as well.... Keep up with your art that makes people smile.... ❤️❤️
Thankyou so much! 🥺 it makes me happy you enjoy my work and try to read/keep up with the updates! I hope you enjoy and look forward to the future comic episodes I have planned for the 2 AU’s! ❤️❤️
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megidoreyn · 7 months
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「僕は君と一緒に 今日の安寧が明日も続く世界を創るのだ…」 「A world where peace lasts forever…」
Drawn for the megaten ワンドロ/60min on 11/28. 💙twitter 💙misskey
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stormyoceans · 8 months
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Sending positive vibes and spiteful memes to counteract the flood of inbox hate because THIS CANNOT STAND!!!
Don't let anyone try to ruin the things that make you happy. You are a delight, Monica <3
but srsly i love this SO MUCH, thank you for taking the time to make it and for sending me such a nice message, it was incredibly sweet of you!!!!! i try my best to brush off the hate and most days i can manage just fine, but unfortunately sometimes it does get to me a little ;;;;;; it’s impossible to remain upset when there are lovely people like you being so supportive tho, and for that i feel deeply grateful. thank you so much again for this, it means the world to me and i really appreciated it!!!!!
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doodleodds · 10 months
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Thank you so SO much to everyone who commissioned (read: enabled) me!!
Now that I've reached my goal of +10ing my boy, and since my time is (unfortunately) still quite limited due to work, I'm going to be closing comms tomorrow! So, if you have an idea and haven't decided if you want to commit or not yet, now's your last chance for the time being! ;) And to all those who have already paid, I know I do still have quite a few to get through- I was a FOOL to think I could just bang these out in 24 hours, lol, but please rest assured they will be coming within the next few days!! I'll get through them slowly but surely. Admittedly I did take a break to draw this guy because I was so pleased to get him, but I'll get right back on the horse tomorrow lol. Thank you so much again everyone!! ^O^
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Ferdinand went to a tea party and came back Different
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meteorologears · 7 months
not an anonymous ask but are there any 17 tamiz publication process updates? or really just any updates about 17 tamiz in general? if not that's totally ok. finishing writing a whole original novel is a massive accomplishment in its own right. but selfishly, i'd love to be able to buy a physical copy of it some day!
HI LIV!! First i actually want to thank you again for giving me the most thorough read of 17 Tamiz, i appreciate it so much!!
Second, the update! So far i've gotten about 18 rejections from agents. However! I am currently in the process of talking to published authors for advice. I do hope to get it legitimately published, but at the end of the day if I am not able to break past the difficulty of official publication, i may self publish. My fingers are still crossed!
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coollyinterferes · 9 months
Lights a cigarette and stares into the distance
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Donna Burke's Sins Of The Father starts playing in the background
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