#[all rambling aside... hello everyone~~ 8) ]
coollyinterferes · 1 year
Lights a cigarette and stares into the distance
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Donna Burke's Sins Of The Father starts playing in the background
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mystycalypso · 5 months
Welcome To Ravenbrooks season 2 Theories before it comes out
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Disclaimer uh- these are the ramblings of a mad man named Jack (me). Mainly so when it does eventually come out I can see what if anything I got right. Now lets get into it below the fold.
1. It's revealed that Jay Roth (Nicky's dad) is the one who died in Trinity's old house
We know in both the book and games and even the pilot, Nicky was the one living across from Mr. Peterson, but now it's Trinity's home. I think the grief of what happened in that house is why they moved
2. We'll get to see the rest of the Rescue Squad's parents
Pretty self-explanatory. I don't know what story purpose they'd serve exactly, aside from maybe how they react to their kids' shenanigans but it'd be really cool to see them. Especially Luanne Roth who I am currently head canoning to be neglectful in some manner (not necessarily on purpose) because of the lines about Nicky running away all the time and no one noticing he went missing.
3. We see a cultist in uniform
I think it'd be really interesting if specifically Trinity finds them mid ceremony or if bad things start happening to her family and she gets suspicious
4. The kids learn Mr. Peterson isn't "evil"
We know in the books that Theo is looking heavily into the cult, and he seems to be doing the same here. I think in Trinity's realization's she'll learn his real motivations for keeping them away, maybe even his side of the stories from episode 3
5. We learn what Trinity did
We have hints at what happened, obviously, but with the teaser image reusing the old photo of kid Trinity, l think we're going to learn what exactly happened and why it was so bad that they had to move towns
6. More nightmare sequences
From the hello neighbor franchise in general, we've learned that both Trinity and Nicky are prone to nightmares, and with the trauma they've gained from episode 6, I assume we'll get to see plenty other creepy cool nightmare scenes. (Seriously, just the maggots from episode 2 make me squirm physically when I see it. Every time)
7. Principle Abanante isn't dead
This might be clear to some, and yeah, it's far from the greatest stretch on this list but I think we'll see her again and maybe that she caused the school explosion
8. Delroy(and possibly Scout)'s investigations
I'm very curious about what Delroy was doing in the tunnels under the school, maybe doing his own investigations on the cult? Scout included to round out the Hello Neighbor hide and seek crew. Likely having to join forced with the current members of the rescue squad to stop a stronger force.
9. We see Theodore's brother in his "new form"
Not 100% sure if he became the Guest or the Thing, and I've seen good theories/evidence for both, but either way I think we'll get to see him with the knowledge that it's him.
10. We learn why Ivan acted the way he did in s1
He was more scared of just the mention of Peterson than anyone, and it's been bugging me since my first watch. I'd like to see if there's reason to his behavior or just general paranoia. Leaning towards the former, knowing this series.
11. Love triangle between Trinity, Nicky and Enzo
I'd really rather this doesn't happen. I hate love triangles so much. They're so dumb and useless and bad. But like I told kaydin during our third watch, I can feel it happening. It's breathing down my neck with the loud annoying sound of needless romantic tension.
12. The whole squad sits together at lunch
They escaped the basement together! The least they could do as friends is actually eat lunch together instead of Nicky and Trinity sitting seperate from everyone else
13. Nicky and Aaron's relationship is revealed
I'm really, REALLY hopeful that their friendship isn't retconned in the series. It was great motivation for Nicky to be investigating Mr. Peterson, and is also just generally sweet.
14. We see Aaron
Nicky was the basement for a couple of weeks. However, Aaron was in there for months! I'm eager to see how he is both mentally and physically. I feel like he's either gonna be much, much worse than Nicky or somehow way better.
15. Quentin becomes my favorite character
This is mostly on here as a joke. I'm not gonna lie, I know he'll be at least a favorite because he's my favorite Hello Neighbor game character. Like- the squeal I squealed when I saw his van and silly Hawaiian shirt was immense. I love him so much, and I hope he gets good screen time.
16. Nicky loses his bag
This is more just a- gut feeling? He's gained it as a sort of comfort item, it seems, and I feel like with the nature and badluck of Ravenbrooks, he's going to lose it. Bonus points if he has to choose between it or a member of the Rescue Squad
17. Mr. martaugh dies
Again, I have- no evidence for this. Yeah, he's in the teasers a lot, but like that doesn't imply he dies. Maybe I just really hope he dies because he's creepy /j, but yeah, uh- if it happens, I'll probably still be in shock even though it's on this list.
18. We see an on screen kiss
Tricky fans cross your fingers and pray, I know I will be. It'll probably just be a quick peck on the cheek, but I can just kind of feel it in my bones. Similar to the love triangle one.
And there you go! My predictions for Season 2!
As soon as it drops, you will probably see my reaction to it and a return to this list to see how close or far I was on these. (Spoiler tagged, of course) But until then, I will be patiently waiting, drawing, and rewatching the show too many times over (wonder if I can hit 50 watches before season 2 drops)
- Jack
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diamond-punk0963 · 1 year
RWBY/MCU AU; Interaction Head-canons #1
Hello everyone! Diamond Punk here! I know it's been awhile since I've made a decent post on things related to pop culture aside from re-blogging.
Due to recent events and interests, I've decided to make a little series of my own. Taking two of my most obsessed franchises and putting it together into a cross over series; I'm making a series upon the scenario of RWBY characters meeting MCU characters!
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To start this series, I'm gonna kick off with everyone's favorite red rose reaper: Ruby Rose! She'll be meeting two of the newest supernatural heroes to come across the MCU scene. I hope you guys enjoy this opening into the new series!
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~Silver-eyed Reaper meets the Fist of Vengeance~
1. Ruby would be in awe of Marc's cape as Moon Knight and shows him her cape as well. They're cape buddies from there.
2. Adding into Moon Knight's outfit, she would be in awe of the entire outfit as well. She'd be curious of how Marc was able to have his weapons embedded into his outfit as well. Not to mention, how he was able to send bullets back with said cape. (She’s secretly taking notes)
3. "I'll show you my special trick if you show me yours!", Ruby, wanting to exchange displaying her silver eyes with Marc showing his special tricks as Moon Knight as well.
4. Upon meeting Ruby and having interactions with her, Marc would be a tired dad (Qrow??) towards her while Steven is soft, supportive uncle, and Jake being the quiet, protective Tio as well.
5. Ruby is probably one of the few people (besides Layla) that listens to Steven ramble about Egyptian Mythology. Mainly because she wants to understand the whole thing with Egyptian gods since him, Marc, and Jake are tied up upon that scenario. It's good to know what kind of environment you're falling into.
6. Holy shit, Steven and Ruby are nerds for completely different reasons. Steven's a nerd for Egyptian mythology and Ruby's a weapons nerd. The two bond over this which becomes useful within the scenario of using the right weapons upon a fight and what kind of gods and threats involving Egyptian mythology they come up against. (And yeah, this is me standing on the headcanon of Ruby being autistic)
7. "So a bird gives you powers?" " . . . . . . . Pretty much. How do you get the special abilities you have?" "It's my semblance that makes me go fast. Aside from that, my eyes were something I inherited from my mom." "Oh . . . Wicked." (Convo on their abilities. Steven was curious)
8. Upon their down time, Steven does give Ruby a tour around London. She shows her the museum and all of the places he usually hang around at with a few tourists spots. Marc takes her to a few restaurants to chat about her life at Remnant. As for Jake, he doesn't interact too much but sometimes, he leaves little gifts for her. (Cookies, Strawberries, and weapon magazines)
9. In the beginning, Ruby was confused about how the whole scenario of Marc/Steven/Jake until Marc explained to her that he has Dissociative Identity Disorder. From there, she did more research on that matter to understand those three better.
10. All and all, Marc doesn't mind having Ruby around. Makes his time in London less lonely. Steven likes having Ruby around because of their bond on their nerd side and her kindness towards him. As for Jake, he doesn't talk to her too much but he does protect her from any form of threats.
11. When the two began their patrols at London, Ruby was excited to see Marc when he entered the fray. It got to the point where she literally yelled out, "Deadly Croissant Man!!!" when she saw him jump in. A week passes; Jake wouldn't let him live it down while Steven is still laughing on the floor while he's secretly agreeing with her.
12. "Hey Moon Knight, how do you make your cape like that?", Ruby asking Marc about his cape. "It's just apart of my outfit that Khonshu has granted me, Ruby."
13. Speaking of nightly patrols, Ruby has used petal burst when it came to quick escapes. First time she did so, she nearly scared the crap out of Marc, Steven, and Jake. Since then, she has to make sure to let those three know when she was going to use her petal burst. Marc still isn't used to the idea of traveling in the speed that she goes through.
14. "I swear, kids are getting crazier these days.", Marc, after seeing Ruby fight with a huge scythe. He isn't used to seeing young people within the fighting field. Especially, one being able to shoot light out of their eyeballs.
15. Aside from their difficulties upon their abilities, they handle each other pretty well within a fight. Ruby being able to do well within long distance attacks and close by with her scythe while Moon Knight is basically like a tank, being able to redirect attacks and protect himself and ruby with enemy attacks with his cape.
16. There were a few instances where Ruby went off with Marc on missions on Cairo, which is also she met Layla. (That's a story for another day) The place did remind Ruby a bit of what she heard about Vacuo; the desert environment and hot climate. First day, she had to cling onto Marc so that she wouldn't get lost within the large crowd. She had no idea Cairo would be as big and packed as it was.
17. Even though he doesn't admit it, Jake does have a nickname for Ruby. (pequeña rosa = little rose) The first time he called her that, it was an accident. He wanted to take it back but . . . Ruby liked the nickname so he kept it.
18. You can’t look at me, dead in the eye and say that Jake WOULDN’T spoil Ruby when it comes to weapons. The guy wanted to have someone to share his weapons interest with and he found the right girl. This has left Ruby, scared and confused to find a set of blades and guns by her side and Marc, pushing Jake away from Ruby for a few months since then.
19. Getting into some angst here (*looks at volume 8*), I feel like Moon Knight would help Ruby out in the scenario that she’s going through a mental break down (if we’re connecting this to Vol 8). Steven would comfort her with him either letting her vent her emotions or talking about Egyptian mythology to take her mind off of things. As for Marc, he would act more of a mentor towards her. He understands her struggles and wants to let her know that she isn’t alone. As for Jake, he’d be rather perplexed on how to help. Thus, he’d just leave small snacks and video games ("Kids are into this, right?") for her.
20. Upon finding out about Yang, Marc would be HIGHLY PERSISTENT on reuniting Ruby with her older sister. Given how he lost his younger brother at a young age, he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Ruby. (Steven’s curious on meeting her while Jake is going to make sure that there’s not a single hair damaged on either of the girls)
21. Meeting Jake for the first time, Ruby was cautious about him. (Mainly because she wasn’t sure that he was going to be friendly towards her) Which to her surprise, he’s very chill with her. Granted, he acts more like (somewhat because Marc got involved about him being around her) a chaotic uncle. He’s definitely got his eye on crescent rose, wanting to know how Ruby made her weapon which leads to them sharing tips on weapons. Ruby becomes Jake’s sparring partner from there. (He makes sure that he doesn’t go too hard on her. Otherwise, Marc’s gonna have a word with him)
22. Ruby telling the Moon Knight system about Remnant would lead them to be curious on a few things. Marc’s surprise about Salem and how her and her friends are being pulled into a larger than life war. (He’d jump in to help her at any chance he gets) Steven would be more curious about her team and friends. He’d like to get to know Blake (Aside from tea and book interest) and more about the situation with Faunus upon her world. As for Jake, he’d be similar to Marc but being the weapons expert that he is, he’d love to learn how to make fusion weapons. Not only that, he’s also want to learn how to get dust incorporated into said weapons.
23. Upon the nightly patrols that Moon Knight has with Ruby, Khonshu has also been given an interest towards her. It didn’t happen at first, seeing that the moon god found her upon the same level of annoyance as he held Steven towards in the beginning. However, given her silver eye capabilities and skills as a huntress, the idea of her being a potential avatar for him wasn’t too far off. This idea was somewhat hinted as he started to make himself visible towards Ruby (ex: Her hearing his voice and seeing silhouettes of him) but it was given to a halt as soon as Marc started to see what Khonshu was doing. (Even though Khonshu was doing this as a tactic to keep Marc, Steven, and Jake as his Avatar. Similar to what he did with Layla)
24. Ruby has been thinking about of a team up name between herself and the Moon Knight system. When it’s her and Marc (in the suit); Rouge Lotus. For her and Steven (in the suit); Crescent Kebechet. (Ruby had a hard time pronouncing the god’s name. Steven had to help.) And for her and Jake; Crimson Medjay. (Jake doesn’t really care much for the team name. Steven liked the idea and helped her with their team name. Marc secretly likes it.)
25. The two first met one night, Marc was doing his usual night patrols when he saw a lost girl that seemed in danger. Naturally, he went to see what’s going on. That’s when he saw Cresent Rose in action. (Nearly scared the crap out of him and Steven; "Who the bloody hell lets a child keep a scythe?!" "Steven, I highly doubt that she’s ‘just a child’.") Ruby was defending herself from some bad guys when she saw him. She tried to push him away but Marc had the upper hand. Once he got a good look at her, he started to ask questions. (Steven starts fronting at this point) It wasn’t too long for him to realize that Ruby wasn’t from around here. Marc wasn’t sure to trust her but Steven saw a better approach to assess the situation at hand. From there, the two slowly started to bond with each-other.
26. (Blame Vol 9 trailer for this) Another similarity I see between the two is being pulled into a war of some sorts. Marc and Steven being pulled into a god’s bidding and Ruby being pulled into a war between two immortals. If Marc found out about this ‘larger than life’ war, you can not TELL ME THAT MAN WOULD GO ABOVE AND BEYOND TO MAKE SURE RUBY AND HER TEAM WOULD BE OKAY.
27. Ruby seeing some of her dad, Tai, within Moon Knight. Like the way he helps her when she’s in a tight pinch, holds her close whenever she feels like breaking down. Steven would be there to comfort her while Marc would be there to protect her. Although he never says it, Marc deeply cares about Ruby as if she was one of his own. As for Jake, he’ll murder anyone that would dare lay so much as a finger towards her.
28. Steven giving Ruby hugs that remind her of Yang. It’s just . . . Ruby needs a hug when things get too harsh for her. Poor girl’s been through enough as it is. She probably misses home and feels like everything is falling apart for her. That being a hero is tearing her apart. With that being said, Steven would hug her and Marc would tell her to let all of her pain out. Let her let go of her emotions on the matter.
29. Getting more into the angst side of things, Ruby and Steven talking about their moms. Marc and Steven didn’t have the best luck with their mom, growing up while Ruby doesn’t even know much about her’s. Seems like a two sides of a same coin scenario; one growing up with a mom that was abusive and one not having a mom as they grew up but knowing that they were a good person from the stories that they heard of her.
30. One time that Ruby was not feeling like herself is when Jake would typically front. They would talk for hours about life and how they ended up being upon the case that they’re in. No matter how insane things got, they would still have each other. (Jake doesn’t admit that he’s growing fond of Ruby but Steven and Marc know.)
31. "El mundo te ha quitado demasiado, pequeña rosa. Déjame manejar esa carga. Un guerrero como tú no debería sufrir tanto.", Jake would whisper as he’s holding Ruby close after she had a nightmare about losing her team. He’d let her talk about it if she wanted to. (Although he never tells her at first, Jake actually made a head start on her team’s whereabouts. He knows how dear they are to her and he’ll make sure a single hair isn’t harmed on their heads.)
32. Steven making friendship bracelets for the group! Not only does it help Ruby figure out who’s fronting at the moment (besides the shift of voice) but it also gives Ruby a reminder than she’s not alone. Her bracelet is black and red, her initials in beads with a rose and crescent moon charm. He gave it to her as she was starting to find her way and who she is. She holds it very fondly. Marc, Steven, and Jake’s have a similar color scheme for their bracelet. Only difference was that the initials and and charms. Steven had a pyramid charm and an eye of Anubis charm. Marc has a moon charm to connect with Ruby’s (Steven’s idea. Marc didn’t mind) and Jake’s bracelet has a bullet charm.
33. Ruby learning about Judaism through Marc (I really hope Disney/Marvel fix his portrayal about this side of his identity in season two. It’s a huge part of his character) and how his experience was as a son of a rabbi. I don’t really see Ruby being too much into religion but I can see her keeping an open mind when he explains it to her.
34. Ruby accidentally calling Marc ‘dad’ after they nearly escaped with their lives. Took him for a loop for a few minutes before he finally snapped out of it. After all they’ve been through, Marc couldn’t help but see Ruby as one of his own. (Khonshu is probably wondering if this means that she’s his granddaughter at this point) Steven’s secretly gushing at the fact that they have a ‘chosen’ daughter at this point. Jake’s already attached to her so he doesn’t mind calling her his ‘hija’. (And if anyone asks, yeah. That would also mean that Moon Knight would also have to bring in Yang as his chosen daughter as well at some point. Siblings are a package deal, y’know.)
35. Now, Ruby can’t help but think of Moon Knight whenever she sees the moon. (Shattered or not) If Ruby was ever into getting tattoos, I can see her getting on of the shattered moon that reminds her of him. No matter where they would be, she would always see herself as a child of the moon.
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~What if little red and the wolf were companions?~
1. If you know Ruby’s character inspiration, YOU KNOW HOW EASILY JACK WOULD FIT IN UPON THE PAIR!
2. They both grew up/lived in a forest environment so that would be a thing to bond on. (Going on a guess that Jack grew up in a forest? Again, don’t know much of his backstory for the MCU.)
3. First time they met, probably in the forest. (Going on an alt-Vol 9 idea that instead of Ever After; They fell into the MCU but at different locations) Jack found crescent rose while having a stroll and went to see if he could find the owner of said weapon. In which, he did and found a spooked Ruby.
4. Jack would also be Ruby’s guide through the MCU except she’d go in face first with the supernatural side. Granted, she would be taken back by the whole ‘werewolf’ thing but she would find a way to get by with it.
5. Ruby would probably get PTSD flashbacks to the hound her and her team faced, seeing Jack in his wolf form for the first time. If Jack were to somehow sense this, he’d probably give her some comfort. (She tenses up at first but once she realizes what he’s doing, she’d let him in)
6. Jack being curious about her silver eyes would be an interesting scenario to watch. He’s never met anyone with Ruby’s eye trait and occasionally, she’d use the flash to make a distraction for a quick escape if they were in any sticky situation.
7. At first, I feel like the two would be an awkward pair. (Ruby new to . . . Everything and Jack having another companion with him) But as time passes on and the two further develop, I can see the two becoming a interesting tag team. (Blaze-blue, anyone?)
8. If I were to label this pair with a trope, I’d say they would be a mix of unexpected friendship and the whole ‘I found this child in the forest and oh shit, I’m adopting them’ scenario. Add a dash of fairytale reference and we’d have the pair on the rise!
9. If Jack were to describe Ruby’s scent, (he’d probably have it memorized after a few weeks) it would go into two directions. If it was her in deep combat, probably sweat and ammo powder. If it was just her in a normal/typical scenario, it would be fresh roses and baked sweets. (Likely cookies? 👀)
10. Speaking of sweets, Ruby would be concerned if Jack ate anything with chocolate. She wouldn’t react in a major way. More of a "Are you sure that’s a good idea?", with a concerned tone. She doesn’t know if the whole werewolf thing affects what he can’t or can consume so yeah.
11. Expanding more, Ruby would ask Jack about the whole 'werewolf thing he does' as she puts it. She’d read a few stories about wolves when she was a little girl (specifically, Beowolves but that’s a different story) so she wanted to see if any of the stories she’s heard had any form of truth in them.
12. For the first few weeks since she fell, she did stay with Jack at his little camp site. It wasn’t too much of an issue since she’s camped during Vol 4. Only difference is that she doesn’t have a tent but she finds whatever she can to at least, make a stable form of shelter.
13. She does end up meeting Ted, shortly after. Granted, she was spooked at first. (She though he was an ursa) Jack assured her that she was safe. (Basically imagine her first encounter with little except she tripped, landing on her back)
14. "How long have you been doing this? The whole ‘werewolf’ thing.", Ruby asking Jack about his ‘condition’. "Longer that you’ve thought to imagine."
15. Ruby telling Jack about her team during campfire nights. He could tell from her voice, she misses them. More importantly, her sister. He tries to approach her about Yang but backs off when he notices Ruby’s attempt to change the subject. By that night, he makes a mental note to keep an eye out for her teammates and sister if they ever fell within the area. If it was possible that Ruby fell, who’s to say that the same wouldn’t happen for the others?
16. Going more into angst, Jack helping Ruby when the burden of being a leader becomes too much for her. He understands the important of the role but he starts to disagree when it gets to the point of affecting one’s mental health. And given Ruby’s state when he found her, she’s long overdue for a therapy session. He doesn’t persist at first but he does let her vent out her emotions and gives whatever advise he can to help her.
17. On nights where Ruby’s alone at the small camp section on full moon nights and the scenario plays where Jack encounters her in his beast form, you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t try to comfort her. If he was able to, he could probably sense the fear within her upon contact. (Like how some animals can sense fear upon their prey or around them) Ruby’s still not used to seeing Jack like that so there is going to be tensity happening upon that. It’s just her and Jack. The wolf that reminds her of the beasts back home. Yet, she could tell that he was nothing like them.
18. Long story short, Jack’s wolf form starts getting attached to Ruby as if he was one of his own. In his wolf form, he would snuggle close to her when she’s asleep. That and bring back dead prey as a way to provide for her. (Ruby freaked out, first week that happened) Ruby would also take notice of his ‘protective’ side when the scenario of fighting hunters or other monsters arises. Especially if she gets injured in any way.
19. On the scenairo where the roles are flipped, Ruby would go all ‘silver eyes’ on anyone that would act harm on her and/or Jack. Going on the scenario of her eyes having an effect on monsters but not on people, she can either use it as a distraction for a quick escape or to slow those who are after them down to where they can get out of there. Ruby would most likely use petal burst to carry herself and Jack away from the scene. Would probably exhaust herself out if petal burst was used to travel within a longer distance than she normally travels into.
20. On a more fluff-like note, why would I see Jack cracking a few ‘red riding hood’ jokes to lighten the mood? Granted, Ruby would be annoyed at first about it. (Seeing that she doesn’t like to be called little red, according to the manga) However, I feel like with the whole ‘dad joke’ approach Jack would give into it, it could turn into something wholesome. (Also, kinda sad at the same time since the dad jokes would remind Ruby of either Yang or Tai)
21. Ruby learning Spanish from Jack. He teaches her a few basic words. Mainly used so that the two would find another way to chat with each other upon a conversation for only the two, and it helps Ruby learn more about the world she fell into. (You can’t tell me he would also teach her a few swear words in Spanish and it ends up to the point where when she DOES swear in Spanish, he’s questioning if that was the best decision. 😅)
22. Ruby helping Jack when a full moon scenario occurs. She’d help with him being chained up and making sure he doesn’t hurt anyone. With her speed, it would make it easy for her to catch up with him. At first, he doesn’t like the whole idea of chaining Jack up or locking him in a room but she would understand why it’s needed to be done. However, it doesn’t make her doing it anyways any better. (She’d peek out at times, just to make sure he’s okay) Occasionally, she’d call out to him to see how he was doing. (Regardless of any form of response she would get from Jack. Anything to see that he was still there)
23. Ruby having a ‘training session’ with Jack by an interesting variant of hide and go seek. Except it’s night and it’s just mainly her hiding from Jack and try to shake him off from her scent. (She ended covering herself with mud one time to throw him off. Only thing that gave her away was her rose petals.) It was normally used as a training session but as time passes on, she grows fond of it as a game the two would play. She’s been finding more creative ways to throw Jack off but he somehow always ends up finding her. She’s gotten close, a few times though. (Side note; you have no idea how many times Jack has accidentally spooked her when finding her. At first, she thought it was by accident but now, she’s getting the feeling that Jack likes it. She’s still determining if she should be concerned or not)
24. The two stargazing on late nights while talking about their lives. Ruby telling Jack about her dream of becoming a huntress and the chaos that followed upon her dream while Jack’s telling her about how he infiltrated the bloodstone funeral to save Ted. ("Wait. Is THAT why so many hunters have been after you?!", "That’s . . . One of the reasons.") The story upon Ruby’s side would start to go sour when the fall of Beacon and Atlas come around. Jack would notice the change of tone and would hold her hand in assurance. Similar to Moon Knight, he would give her that similar sense of comfort.
25. Ruby noticing some ‘behavioral traits’ in Jack when he’s in his normal form and questioning if she saw what she saw was real. (Him being close to her, liking head pats, staring at a squirrel with a concerning amount of focus, etc.) At first, she thought of it to be a simple slip up. Nothing much to think about. However, as she started to see it become more frequent, she starts asking questions about it. Jack normally doesn’t even realize he’s doing it but from the moment she notices that smirk, Ruby realizes that he’s just doing it to mess with her.
26. "I swear, why is he like an overgrown Zwei?!", Ruby, some point after Jack’s wolf form has gotten fond of her to the point where he’s resting on her lap and she can’t get up. (And won’t. She doesn’t want to wake him up)
27. Ruby hearing about Elsa through Jack’s story about saving Ted. She’s glad to hear that there’s someone else out there that’s by his side, other than herself. More so, the fact that huntsmen and huntresses still exist within the universe. (Sort of) Only difference is that they hunt monsters rather than Grimm. (The flawed perspective between this world’s hunters and monsters is still something she thinks about to this very day.)
28. Back to them having games to pass the time, there are scenarios where Jack would race Ruby to to a certain point in the forest to see who would be the fastest. Originally, the game was made to see how quick her petal burst was. Now, they made it as a form of training to scout for any safe spots and prepare themselves should the scenarios of being chased can ever come around. (The only game Ruby can actually win. Unless Jack’s in his wolf form, she has a hard time keeping up with him.)
29. Going on the case that Ruby having her scroll in tact, her showing Jack photos and videos she took for when she was back at remnant. Seeing the rest of her team and some of her friends, he would want to meet them some day. (It would be a little awkward if the next person he met was Blake.)
30. Although it wasn’t intentional, Ruby asking about Jack’s age would be an interesting scenario. Taking the whole ‘werewolf’ thing into account, she didn’t think that being a werewolf would also have an effect on age. (Appearance wise, she thought he would be around the same age as her dad. When she mentioned it to Jack, he played around with her by acting flattered that she thought of him to be so young.) The look of pure shock on his face is something that’ll always crack a smile onto his face.
31. Among their many conversations during late nights at their camp, them talking about what the moon is like would be another interesting scenario to play out. Ruby’s never seen the moon either full or in phases, as it is within the marvel universe. (Probably the first sign for her to realize that she’s no longer in remnant) Upon looking at the moon, she would often wonder if the rest of her team have fallen down in the same world that has. (👀)
32. Ruby showing Jack her playlist from her scroll. First off, Jack had no idea how to use a scroll so an hour was spent on Ruby showing him the ropes. (He isn’t used to modern tech all that much. 😅) Once he found the music app within her phone, she ended up showing him her usual playlist. Music within her universe and the one she fell into wasn’t all that different upon comparison. (At the least, she felt comfort upon that similarity)
33. If the point ever arises, I can totally see Jack teaching Ruby about Día de los muertos. Possibly bringing her into an event like that, she would find great interest upon the flowers and skeleton makeup that’s used for the occasion. It could offer the chance for Ruby to grieve about her mother. (Something that she doesn’t do often in the canon show) It’s hard for her at first but Jack helps guide her along with grieving process. Aside from that, Ruby would be in love with all of the vibrant colors that the holiday brings. (You can’t look at me, dead in the eye, and say that she WOULDN’T want the skeleton makeup on her face.) Having the dress and flower by her ear, she’d easily fit in and discover all of the activities with Jack as her guide.
34. Going more into the whole scenario of Jack pulling Ruby into a nighttime event of día de los muertos, it becomes one of the few times that he decides to show off his ‘secret talents’ to Ruby. (That being that Jack can sing) It was a unexpected scene to occur. Ruby was grabbing some sweet bread from a kart when she heard Jack’s voice. She didn’t think it was him at first and was looking for him among the crowd. Took her an hour until she found him. She nearly choked on the piece of chocolate sweet bread she had in her mouth when she saw him on stage. Jack may or may not have had a small smirk on his face when heard Ruby within the crowd. (Heightened sense of hearing, one of the many benefits of being a 200-400 year old werewolf) 
35. Among everything else, Jack does end up seeing Ruby as one of his own. Someone that even in wolf form, he could trust. His little ‘roja guerrera’, as he grows to call her. She doesn’t mind the nickname from him. Ruby’s nickname for Jack is Onyx. (A name of a character she read about in a book when she was little) They stick by each-other’s side as the wander into the dark, fighting whatever lies within the shadows and looking for those that may be lost along the way.
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Mr. & Mrs. Holland-(Mob!Tom Holland x Mob!Reader) part 9
summary: whenever we think that things are getting better, worst things happen. 
warnings: cursing, guns, kidnapping, blood
wc: 2,216
a/n: one more part!! i hope you guys like this one🥲 happy reading 🦋
prologue~ part 1~ part 2~ part 3~ part 4~ part 5~ part 6~ part 7~ part 8~ 
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Y/n had started to feel anxious, stressed, paranoid, a full mixture of emotions. A possible killer had walked into her house, her father died and her mom wanted to steal all her fortune. It was safe to say that she wanted to tell everyone to fuck off and run away.
Part of her still felt lucky. Lucky to have a husband like Tom. He was supportive and caring. He took care of her like no other and protected her like no other. Which was the only thing that gave her hope for the future.
Y/n was sitting in her office, typing away on her computer when her secretary, Stella, knocked on the door.
“Yes, Stella?” She answered, making the woman walk in.
“Mrs. Holland, there’s someone in line 3 for you.”
“Who is it?”
“I don’t know ma’am. They didn’t say.” The woman shrugged and waited for her boss to do something to dismiss.
“Okay, thank you Stella.” And with that she walked out the door, leaving her boss anxious and scared to answer the phone. Y/n pushed her nerves aside and extended her hand, picking up the phone and pushing the button with the number 3.
“Hello?” She asked shakingly.
‘Hiya boss!’ a cheerful voice said, making Y/n close her eyes and sigh. It was Jane.
“Jane. Hi, wh-why are you calling me?”
‘Well I was wondering if you were with your husband. He’s not in the office yet.’
“He’s on his way, he’ll be there soon.”
‘Okay, great. See you tonight!’ Jane said and quickly hung up leaving Y/n confused. She immediately put the phone back down and pushed her chair back to look for her purse. She rummaged through the Dior bag, desperately looking for her phone until she finally found it.
Y/n dialed Tom’s number and called him as she lowered the curtains from her office. She quickly thought that someone may be looking at her from across the street or something.
“Jane just called me. Sh-she told me she was gonna see me tonight a-and she was asking for you cause you weren’t at the office-“ Y/n rambled.
‘Love, love, breathe. Just take a deep breath.’ Tom said, cutting her off.
“She’s onto us, Tom. I can feel it. She knows something.”
‘She knows nothing. The guys are outside in case you don’t feel safe and want to go home.’
“I-I wanna go home… I wanna go, Tom.” She said with a shaky voice as she backed away from her desk to lean against the wall.
‘Okay, okay just call William. He’ll be right up.’
“Where are you?” Y/n asked walking towards her desk to get her purse.
‘I’m arriving at my office right now.’ He replied walking into the elevator.
“Tom, be careful please. I love you, I'll call you when I get home.”
‘I love you, darling.’ Tom hung up the phone as he stood in the elevator, waiting for the doors to open. He walked into his office, receiving ‘hello’ and ‘good morning’ from his employees which of course he returned.
Tom said hello to his assistant and walked into his office to find Jane sitting behind his desk. He stopped abruptly and she looked up with wide eyes. She was expecting him to take longer.
“Jane? What are you d-“ He began with an angry tone.
“Tom! Hi, uum… this is- it’s not what it looks like. It’s just-“ Jane stuttered, quickly standing up from the chair and walking the desk.
“Just what?” He asked, putting his hand in his pocket to take out his phone. Tom walked backwards, never taking his eyes off the woman as he locked the door. He called Harrison since he was on speed dial.
“Haz, send the boys up. I caught her.” He muttered looking at Jane who was shaking in fear.
“Tom, I’m sorry. I didn’t-“
“Don’t!” Tom shouted, putting his hand out front, signaling her to shut up.
Someone knocked at the door and Tom, without turning away, unlocked the door and opened it. Harrison walked in, followed by a group of men who grabbed Jane’s arms, putting them behind her back.
“Take her to the warehouse.” Tom muttered and Harrison nodded his head telling the men to move the woman outside.
Back at the house, Y/n sat on the couch nervously waiting for her husband to arrive. Tom never called her back which made her extremely nervous and William never moved away from her side. It made her feel suspicious, not knowing what was going on.
Y/n decided to drink her nerves away, or at least try to. She moved to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine, downing almost half of it in one go. William was about to ask if she was feeling alright when her phone rang. She jumped in surprise and rummaged through her bag to pull out her phone. Luckily, it was Tom calling.
“Honey?” She said quickly.
‘Love, are you home?’
“Yeah, I'm here. Where are you? Are you okay?”
‘I’m fine, darling but uum… I caught Jane.’ Tom replied and Y/n went silent. She almost dropped her wine glass on the ground as she took a few seconds to process his words.
“What do you mean you-“
‘She was looking through my computer when I arrived at my office.’ He said walking into the elevator and pushing the lobby’s button.
“I’m gonna go down there, where is she?” She said in a hurry, putting the glass down and reaching for her purse.
‘Love, I don’t think you should-‘
“Where is she?!” Y/n shouted, cutting Tom off. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.
‘She’s at the warehouse.’ He whispered and Y/n hung up, immediately moving towards the door. Of course, William followed her to the car where Dylan was waiting.
“Fuck.” Tom muttered, putting his phone away and walking out of the elevator, towards his car.
The drive was a bit short. It wasn’t that far away plus there wasn’t any traffic. The car came to a stop and Tom climbed out to see his wife’s car pull up too. William opened the door and Y/n swung her legs to the side, climbing out of the car. Tom always found himself in awe when he saw his wife. Even if she was makeup free and sweaty. He found her extremely beautiful all the time. She walked towards him with her purse in hand and worried eyes.
“Tommy.” Y/n whispered, running into her husband’s arm. She buried her head into his neck as his arms went around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“Are you alright?” Tom muttered into her shoulder. She nodded into his neck and he tightened the hug once more before letting go.
“You ready?”
“No but let’s see what we got.” Y/n sighed, intertwining her fingers with his and walking towards the building. William and Harrison followed behind, looking everywhere. Left, right, up and down, making sure no one was following.
They went into the elevator and leaned against the back wall as William and Harrison stood in front. Y/n rubbed Tom’s tricep as her grip on his hand got tighter. He stood up straight and turned to her, cupping her face softly.
“I love you.” He whispered, leaning forward and pecking her lips softly.
“I love you too.” She whispered back and the elevator doors opened.
They all stepped out but stopped abruptly when they heard gunshots. Tom kept Y/n behind him as William and Harrison pulled out their guns, pointing them towards the doors. After some time, the gunshots came to a stop. William and Harrison looked at each other and walked towards the double doors, pushing them open to find around 15 men injured, unconscious or dead on the ground.
The chair in the middle of the room was empty with some ropes hanging around it. Jane had escaped. It was obvious that she had help to do so, these men were perfectly trained. She couldn’t have done that alone.
“No fucking way.” William whispered, lowering his gun in shock. Harrison did the same and pushed one door open to see his bosses.
“She’s gone.” The brit whispered looking down in disappointment.
“What do you mean she’s gone? Gone where?” Y/n questioned as she raised her voice in anger.
“I don’t know. She’s gone. She couldn’t have done that alone, we all know how capable these men are.” The blonde replied and walked back into the room to help William with the dead bodies.
Tom kept staring at the ground, thinking of their next move. ‘She can be anywhere right now.’ He thought to himself as Y/n walked around.
“What are we gonna do?” She whispered, tucking a few hairs behind her ears. Tom turned around as he heard her voice.
“We’re gonna find her, let’s just go home.” He said softly. He grabbed her hand and walked towards the double doors to tell William and Harrison they were leaving and to finish up tomorrow. They all walked out and got into their respective cars.
Y/n’s car was behind Tom’s but they got separated when she stopped at a red light. She looked out the window and it was a pretty dark street. Only the stoplight shined the road.
“Dylan, how far are we from the house?”
“About 10 minutes aw-“ Two motorcycles roared, cutting him off and they blocked the front and back of the car.
“Dylan, call Tom. Now!” Y/n shouted as she reached for her purse, pulling out a small golden colored gun. She looked to her left, right, front and back, waiting for someone to come attack them. The door from her side was opened abruptly, making her point her gun at the person. And that person was Jane.
“Put the gun down, Y/n.” She said after chuckling dryly.
“Or what?”
“Or I shoot you.” A manly voice said from behind her as he pressed the gun to the back of her head. Y/n gasped and turned her body around, slightly lowering her gun, to see Adam.
“You wouldn’t want your husband to plan a funeral would you?” Adam smiled wickedly and Jane pulled the gun out of her grasp, making her lean to the side as she tried to take it back.
“Not so fast, princess. We’re gonna take a little ride.” Jane said, putting the gun behind her, tucking it into her jeans.
“I won’t let you take me anywhere.” Y/n said with gritted teeth moving her hands and legs as Jane began to climb into the car, trying to grasp her. The mob boss kept moving backwards, attempting to get away from Jane’s grip when Adam came onto her from behind. He gripped her jaw strongly and placed a piece of cloth against her mouth.
Y/n automatically inhaled and began to feel dizzy. Not even 5 seconds went by before her head fell limp to the side. Jane and Adam looked at each other and began to laugh wickedly before he pulled her out of the car and onto the road.
“Get her in the car and let’s go.” Adam sighed, walking away from the car and getting his own. His men nodded and grabbed Y/n’s wrists, pulling her upward and towards the car’s truck. Dylan was left unconscious on the wheel with his forehead on the steering wheel.
His eyes began to flutter open, immediately feeling dizzy as he began to lift his head. Dylan rubbed his temple and felt liquid drip from his nose. It was blood. He looked around and realized that his boss wasn’t in the back and all the doors were wide open.
“Fuck.” He muttered in pain and turned his head when he heard a car drive next to him, followed by the bikes.
The car phone began to ring, alerting Dylan, making him jump. He picked it up and put it up to his ear as he groaned.
“Hello?” He said.
‘Dylan? You pushed the panic button. Is everything alright?’ Harrison questioned looking back at his boss who was looking at him in slight worry.
“Fuck, Harrison. Jane intersected us… ugh…”
‘What do you mean, Dylan? Where’s Y/n?’
“I don’t- I don’t know man. I don’t know. Ugh… my head is killing me. I don’t know where she is. They just… they just knocked me out.” Dylan replied out of breath as he pressed the palm of his hand to his forehead.
‘Where are you?’
“I’m still in the car… there’s- ugh, there’s no one around.” Dylan said getting out of the car with a grunt. Harrison cursed under his breath and looked back at his boss with a scared expression.
“Jane found her, Tom. They carjacked Dylan and took her.” He said and put his phone next to his ear again. Dylan told him where he was and Haz ordered the driver to turn around. Tom bounced his knee up and down, feeling angry and nervous. He didn’t know where Y/n was or if she was even alive. All he wanted to do was put a bullet through Jane’s head for touching her.
mr&mrs.h: @ilovefandoms102 @halsmultibitch @guillerminacaba @teenwishes08 @runawayolives @theartisticqueen @quacksonlover81 @wonderfulfluffer @spidernerdsblog @i-have-a-basic-taste-in-men @tyb1 @bella03riv @blueberrynonnie
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anathemafiction · 3 years
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I posted 308 times in 2021
232 posts created (75%)
76 posts reblogged (25%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 618 tags in 2021
#the golden rose - 249 posts
#asks - 80 posts
#mc - 46 posts
#anonymous - 40 posts
#fanart - 36 posts
#rambles - 36 posts
#alessa - 34 posts
#hadrian - 33 posts
#personal - 32 posts
#progress update - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#i still want to test a few more things and i haven't had as much free time as i wish so i'm expanding the testing phase for a bit
My Top Posts in 2021
I heard back from Hosted Games!
And The Golden Rose's submission has officially been received! I'll admit, I was growing a tiny bit worried about the lack of a reply, thinking that maybe I messed up the submission in some way, so I almost squealed when I saw the email notification. 😄
Next, the game is being sent to Content Review. I reckon this is when they read the Rose and send me back their review along with anything I need to alter - which I hope won't be too much! This is the first time any of my work will be "professionally reviewed" and it is intimidating! But a part of me is also really curious about what they're going to say. Is my work worth publishing? Isn't that the golden question.
There is a bit of a queue, however - which is great, it means a lot of games are coming out! - and the Rose is quite a big game (one million and two hundred thousand words long) so I expect this process will take a while.
In the meanwhile, they sent me some supplementary documents to read and a list of assets they need from me before publication. I'll read everything carefully tomorrow, but I expect to start working on the outline for Book 2 on Monday. The writing itch has been increasingly harder to ignore. I've been doing so much reading lately, it makes me want to grab a pen even more!
So that is all! One more step forward. Patience truly is a virtue, one that I have always struggled with, so of course, life decided to put me to the test once more xD
Have a great rest of the week! 🌹
398 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 22:39:12 GMT
Hello, everyone! I've been wanting to make this post for a while, but I wanted to be sure before I shared anything, for only a fool makes the same mistake twice - and this one, in a row. 
As you may be aware, I did two weeks of beta testing with close to 45 wonderful testers participating. And the reviews were overwhelmingly positive (seriously, you guys gave me such a boost in confidence 😭). It made me even more eager to share this game with everyone - to read all your thoughts and reactions about it. 
However. However, three of those testers said something that cut me deep. Because the hardest criticism to hear is the one that deep down, you agree with. They told me that the ending was lacking. Not because of the content, but because it cut abruptly. It left them wanting for more, but not in the satisfying way you feel after a big, hearty meal. Looking forward to trying more dishes from the same cook. It left them looking for more as in: I am almost full, but something is missing still. 
I picked the cut-off point between Book 1 and 2 based on an image I had in my head - a mix of red and blue in a dramatic blaze. But, I realized as I read the reviews of these three testers, that I picked the cut-off point wrong. 
It needs more. The book needs one final chapter. 
And it is such an easy fix. What would be the beginning of Book 2 is now the end of the first one. So, I left my self-pitying aside and did what I love to do. I wrote! And have thus finished the first draft of Chapter 8 - the new final chapter. 
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And... I love it. I am in love with it. Chapter 6 was my previous favorite chapter, but this one now takes the cake. It ties the whole book together so much more perfectly, with threads and clues coming united and how did I not realize this sooner? Why did I ever consider releasing the Book as it was before? I cannot stress how important it is to have fresh eyes looking at your work. 
Because I have all the answers in my head, everything makes sense to me. So, in my eyes, the first ending would have been perfect - because I had knowledge that, of course, the readers can't have! It seems so simple, but after you work on something alone for so many months, it's so easy to fall into this trap. This is a mistake I am vowing never to commit again. 
I am beyond grateful to my testers. They allowed me to craft this first Book into what it should have been all along. So much so that I'm embarrassed now about the whole beta process altogether - for I showed what I now consider an incomplete game to all of these wonderful people. 
All of this to say? I need about an extra month/month and a half to truly finish The Golden Rose. I am not done yet, as I have foolishly announced before. 
I know this will probably disappoint some of you - and you have every right to feel so. I am really sorry. I've been getting so many messages of support and excitement about the game, and I appreciate them so much. So it's with a very heavy heart that I'm telling you that I need more time. 
But, on the bright side, you'll have a longer game and more content to play once it does come out! 95% of the game is DONE - as in, coded and edited and shining. I've fixed all the continuity errors, all the bugs, and while I'm sure some typos have slipped through the cracks, at least the most outrageous ones are corrected too. 
The Rose is so close to being ready - I just need to add its finishing touches. And it will be such a better book because of them. 
Because I want to be completely transparent, I'll share my to-do list before submitting the game:
Finish the second draft of chapter 8 and the new Epilogue.
Write all the suggestions/expansion of choices from my beta testers.
Put it all into code.
Do one week of extensive playtesting.
Storytelling is one hell of a craft. It's a difficult one, oftentimes, a cruel one too. But it's one that, as long as you practice it, you get better. It may take months and years, it may be so slow, it seems as if you stand perpetually in the same place. But you get better. 
I've learned a lot, and I hope to continue learning even more. This was a particularly hard lesson to learn. A hard one to accept. One more chapter. I hope you all can understand. 
Have a great week, everyone! And I'll be sharing all the progress I make. I'm so EXCITED to start writing the second draft!!!! 🌹
426 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 16:31:02 GMT
Hadrians heart rate when mc leans against him on the horse
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Hadrians heart rate when mc holds his hands afterwards
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His back is so straight, it could be made of stone.
Hadrian barely dares to breathe, the only air allowed out is through the tiniest crack in his lips. His face is heating, both from the pressure in his lungs and the intensity of your proximity.
Lord in Heaven.
He shouldn't have invited you to ride with him, but he had to. Billy seemed exhausted, and Hadrian couldn't bear to see you walk. Not after the roughness of the road, not after the bandits and that sword that had come so close to-
Hadrian briefly closes his eyes as you shift in front of him. Your legs on the saddle brush against his tighs, and Lord, he should have just given you Elly. He could have walked, why didn't he think it? But as his fingers tighten on the reigns, a small voice at the back of his head, a treasonous, sinful, undeserving voice whispers that he lies to himself. That he wouldn't have it any other way, now would he? The false decent of man that he is.
"... and beyond, the harbor."
Alessa's voice snaps him out of his thoughts, and Hadrian opens his eyes to the night once again. Tarragona materializes in front of him, the road starting to ascend to the top of a hill.
Hadrian shakes his head. There are more important things to worry about. Like the maps, and this Rafael, and the fact that both you and Alessa kept him in the dark for so long. You don't trust him, he tells himself for the hundredth time. A dark wave starts to spill over his thoughts as Hadrian's eyes darken. You don't trust him, and why should you?
The road is steeper, Elly's hooves struggle for a moment, and you fall back on the saddle. Hadrian doesn't have time to process as a warm weight presses on his chest. It's not sudden but gradual, like the shift of slow-moving sands in the landscape of a desert. You don't clash against him, but melt instead, first your lower back, then your shoulder blades, and then his head is spinning when the back of your skull rests just between his collar bones.
His hands freeze on the reigns, his eyes fly open and if there's sand in his thoughts, there is sand right now in his throat and his ears and his tongue because they all feel numb and rough and Father from above, he can smell your hair and it sends his already spinning thoughts into a violent whirlwind.
He can feel his body locking, and vaguely, between the madness, he can feel you stiffing too. Can feel your hands twisting, can feel you start to lean away-
Hadrian lets out a sharp exhale. He's an idiot, one that you don't trust, but he's not as big an idiot as to let this go. His arms bend, and tentatively, feeling the tips of his ears burn with the fire of a thousand suns, he rests one hand against your stomach. He feels your intake of breath through both his fingertips and his chest, and he smiles, then, when you nuzzle closer still.
Father, you bless me.
His chin rests on top of your head, and Hadrian decides that he's done thinking. You're in his arms, on top of Elly, and the city doesn't look as menacing as before.
"The road eventually drives towards the sea." Alessa's voice cuts through the silence like a knife. She is staring with narrowed eyes. "But we will go east, find our way into the residential district."
His smile doesn't waver. He's done thinking. He can't. Not as his thoughts are made of senses, and those... those can feel nothing beyond you.
- - -
Your arms are wrapped around her, and Alessa does not mean to, but she can feel her spine lose its strength. Even as she rests against you, Alessa tries to keep her composure, tries to keep from making a complete fool of herself.
You hum faintly, the vibrations traveling from your chest and spreading through her back like the quakes following the step of a giant. And your voice tingles against her ear in a lazy rush that nonetheless makes a shiver run down her spine, and Alessa does not mean to. But whatever little distance her pride had forced her to keep disappears as she melts against you.
'Tis such a warm night, and tiredness looms too closely at the edges of her sight, and she did not mean to. But a sigh leaves her parted lips as you tuck her in, your warmth not unpleasant, your closeness much too safe and she is a fool, but Alessa decides then, that for the ride, just for this ride, she will not mind it so.
She will not mind it as the Devil's Bridge comes into view. She will not mind it as Kroner walks through the streets of Tarragona, with shadows on the corners and buildings with too many windows, too many possible hidden eyes. She will not mind it, she commands herself through clenched teeth and restless fingers. She will-
Your hands suddenly envelop her own. Alessa blinks and looks down to see your fingers intertwining with hers, your thumb making little soothing circles against her skin. The leather of the reigns feels too rough as she clenches them tight, as she instinctively locks all her joints and feels adrenaline spike as if she's rushing for combat.
She is too cold, she knows. Too cold because your hands, so comforting, lose their confidence. Alessa can feel your hesitance, and above all, in this short moment, in this ride she did not plan but can never regret, Alessa wishes to reassure you.
So, stiffly, always too stiff, she grabs your hands back and accepts your touch. Your cheek brushes her forehead, and she almost swears she can feel you smiling.
But so is she, because Alessa smiles a secret smile as her muscles lose all tension and you intertwine as closely as your hands. Her fingertips find your wrist, and in there, she seeks the soft, faint rhythm of your heart. She cannot feel it on her back, beating through your chest, but Alessa imagines that she does. She imagines the sound pouncing in tandem with the one on your wrist, the vibrations enveloping her in a strange, new reality.
They pull her down, away from her doubts and fears. Away from her worries and thoughts of treasures stolen by bitter former allies.
The inn is right ahead, but Alessa wishes that the road could somehow stretch, that time could slow or even halt altogether. Her skin is too cold, she knows. It always is. But in your hands, she can feel it warm. And in your arms, she can feel herself calm.
And with your breathing in her ears and your pulse in her hands, Alessa lets herself go.
For a while. Just for this ride.
465 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 16:11:56 GMT
Finished The Golden Rose
It is done. The whole game is written, edited, and coded. It took me four more months than I expected - I wanted to have reached this stage before the turn of the year - but then again, I never did anticipate reaching the million-word count.
When I started writing the Rose, the one thing I wanted was to make a game that I would like to have played. And I can say, proudly, that it is. I hope you'll all like it, of course, but at least I managed to meet my very first and most important goal.
Next, it follows the Beta testing. I think I will run it for about two weeks. I am... very nervous about it. The thought of people actually playing the whole game is both terrifying and exhilarating. I'll probably shake when those first reactions arrive 😩.
This is not a call for beta testers! I need to organize myself first. So please, don't send me applications yet!
The ship is not yet quite docked, but firm land is on sight. And what a journey it has been, uh? I hope the week goes amazing to you all! 🌹
595 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 15:48:01 GMT
Submitted The Golden Rose
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It is done. The edits are finished, the email is sent, and this project, this passion, this behemoth of an undertaking is thus completed. 
I can still barely believe it. 
I know there's still road to walk before publication, but right now, I feel like it's out of my hands. The Rose has gained wings, and it flies away from me. And I cannot wait until it's there for you all to see. 
I want to thank everyone who walked with me along this journey, either from the very beginning, when we were all still starry-eyed travelers and had no idea how many miles stretched before us. Or those who joined recently, lending me your enthusiasm, making me strengthen my weary spirit. 
I know it sounds so cheap and cliche, but I could never have done this without all your support. I mean it. I know the blog has been terribly quiet since I've been 100% focused on finishing Book One, on accomplishing exactly this: submitting the game. But all the likes on my progress update posts, all the comments and reblogs, and the supportive asks. It all meant so much. 
I've said before how writing can be so incredibly lonely, but you have all made it that it wasn't. Somehow, by some miracle, it really wasn't. 
So, thank you. Thank you so very much. 
I'll have a few moments of rest in the shade, allow my blistering feet to heal for a bit. Maybe listen to the wind rustling the tree leaves, and feel its touch on my heated skin. I'll allow myself to close my eyes and watch the sunlight through the thin layer of my eyelids. I'll rest this burden for a while. Just a little while. 
Because I've been dreaming of Book 2, and I feel its pull. So I'll take a rest. I'll take a respite. Before straightening up and continue on that road that goes forever forward, chasing the impossible line of the horizon. 
Have a great weekend everyone! 🌹
940 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 21:11:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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honeypirate · 4 years
You’re Lucky
Soulmate AU where they share a birthmark that is in the same shape and place. 
Bokuto Koutarou x Fem!Reader
I’ve read through this a few times but I’m sure there are things I have missed while editing.
4k+ words
You stared at the mark in the reflection in the bathroom mirror. Steam filled the room from your particularly hot shower, your skin red and the mirror foggy except from the stripe down the middle you made with your hand which just had stripes of water beads on it. You sigh as you watch your reflection touch the owl shaped mark and trace it’s outlines. “A soulmate mark on my ribs, useless” you whisper as you leave your bathroom, steam shooting out the door when you open it. 
“Hey y/n!” Yukie says as you come into morning practice, you wave at her as you pick up your shoes from the door “sorry i'm late!” you say and make your way over to her around the boys practicing, sending a glance in Bokuto’s direction and blushing when you find him already looking at you. You wave with your fingers and he grins before waving back “Up front!” Akaashi else yells, successfully getting Bo’s attention. 
You were their third manager who was also a third year, you helped where you could but honestly you just loved volleyball. Your passion for the game was why the coach allowed another manager the same year as the other two when you joined your second year. The energy was intoxicating and you loved to watch the growth of the players. Plus it didn’t hurt that they were all so cute, especially Bokuto who has become your close friend. Your energies just matched perfectly and you always knew what to say to get him out of his depressive funks. 
You were talking to the other managers about the training camp coming up the following week while the boys were cleaning up, the whole time Bo was watching, fire in his eyes and excitement when he heard your words about being able to come to the camp too. “HEy! You're going to come to the summer training camp right?!” he shouts when you exit the gym and you giggle “of course Bo! It’s so intoxicating to see your energy playing! AH I mean all your guys energy.. Everyone's energy. It’s really fun is all I mean!”   this boy is so damn clueless it hurts but at the same time you were grateful he just kept on talking even after your rambling and flusters.
After practice and meetings you walk to the bus stop with Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha, Yukie, and Kaori. After a very animated conversation about which soulmate mark was superior, you all agreed that a name on the wrist is so much better than thoughts in your head and tied with thoughts being written on your arm because that could be entertaining. The one you had, an hidden mark, was 8 on the list, and no one asked to know what yours was so you never told them. From this conversation you realized that no one cares about Bo’s either. The rest of them have very obvious ones, a birthmark on the face, words on arms, ones that told you that you weren’t theirs so you never brought any attention to it. 
You’re on the bus sitting next to Yukie, with Bokuto and Akaashi behind you. You get a call from your mom and answer just in case it was an emergency  “hey darling!” he voice was so loud that Bokuto behind you could hear the conversation “my friend from work said her son has a rib birth mark!” Bo’s ears perked up at that. “She did? Did she say what shape it was in?” he hears you mom squeal “she said it was in the shape of a lion! That’s yours, right honey?” you pinch the bridge of your nose and Bokuto can feel the sadness creeping in until you say “No mom. Mine is shaped like an owl” Bokuto’s face turns red as he stares at the back of your head as you get up to get off the bus at your stop, waving at the guys and mouthing “see you tomorrow” behind you as you continue your phone call. 
An owl. Your soulmate had a matching rib mark that looks like an owl. He knows exactly who your soulmate is because that mark is very familiar to him,  he’s been looking at the same mark every time he’s shirtless. 
After that he talked to Akaashi about it and they came up with an idea to breach the subject without it being weird like he was creepily listening to your phone call. Since you were all going to the training camp in a few days he’ll just take off his shirt while you’re around, during a game he’ll pretend he’s too hot, then you’ll know too and he won’t be creepy. Perfect. Perfect except now he doesn’t know how to be around you, he already wants to run to you, hold you and never let you go. Now he has to keep this secret. He had Akaashi promise to keep him on track with the plan. 
The next day was Friday and then the summer training camp on Monday. You showed up to practice in the morning and the moment you walk through the door Bokuto is right by you “good morning y/n!” He practically sings and you laugh “good morning Bo!” You say and pat his shoulder, he has way more energy than you have ever seen this early. He was smiling at you with a glint in his eye like he knew something you didn’t, which he did and he was dying to yell it from the rooftops but Akaashi comes up to him and drags him away whispering something you couldn’t hear. 
All practice his eyes were on you, a smile on his lips, every time you would make eye contact he would beam at you so brightly your heart would skip as you smiled back and waved. The other managers asked if something was up but you just shrugged “there’s always something up with Bo. I just go with the flow” 
At the end of practice the coach announced that because there is the training camp you could have the weekend off, you were so excited to be able to sleep in for once. “Hey do you wanna hang out tomorrow since we have the day free?” Bo whispers from behind you and Akaashi smacks his arm “hush it’ll be fine” Bo says to him and he rolls his eyes. You laugh “of course Bo! Wanna get lunch?” He nods enthusiastically and you chuckle “come over to my house at noon and we can go to that place you keep talking about” he beams “the new noodles place?! YES!” He shouts and the Coach glares at him, making you and him chuckle as you turn your attention back to the meeting. 
The next morning you wake up naturally without an alarm which is something you haven’t done since you started school. You stretch out your arms and smile as you reach for your phone, opening it you see a few texts from Bo, opening them you start to chuckle. “Good morning beautiful!” Your heart flutters as you read the word beautiful, then you notice the time stamp of 7 am. He was up for two hours already. The following text said NOODLES!!!! In all caps and with four exclamations, you could feel his excitement through the letters. The last text that was received just thirty minutes ago said “wake up please I miss you!” Your heart skips again, he was always saying exactly what he meant and you loved it, but you knew it couldn’t be like this forever, he most likely had his own soulmate out there and when he finds them he won’t be like this anymore. You text him “good morning Bo! If you want to come over early feel free! I’m going to make some breakfast!” His text back is immediate “oh thank god! I’m already here” you laugh as you hear the doorbell and throw off your covers, excitedly running down to answer it. 
“Bo bo bo b-bo-ku-to “ you sang as you made your way to the front door, you open it and grin up at the grey haired boy, before you could say anything he’s pulled you into a hug, his arms under yours and wrapped around your waist, his head buried into your neck. Your heart rate skips and your stomach flops like crazy, this was so much more intimate than any hug you’ve ever shared with him “H-hello Bokuto!” you say and he chuckles, his breath hitting your neck and giving you goosebumps “hello Y/N!” he basically whispers into your ear. You feel your face warm and you quickly pull yourself from his grasp, hiding your face as you turn to quickly walk into the kitchen “What do you feel like eating? I think we have ingredients for almost anything ha ha “ you say awkwardly as you retreat away from him, trying to calm your heart rate and breathing
After breakfast you head up to your room to get ready, it wasn’t new to have him hang out while you do your makeup, you would get dressed in the bathroom and then sit in front of the mirror on the floor while he connected to your speakers and played music or read a book you had on your bedside table. What made it different this time was the way he was watching you from his spot laying on your bed, a small smile on his lips as he played music and watched as you expertly lined your eyes, admiring how effortless you made it look. You feel his eyes on you and you quickly swipe blush across your cheeks and nose so it wasn’t obvious that you were blushing before making eye contact with him in your mirror, he winks with a grin and you chuckle and stick your tongue out at him. 
“Noodles noodles noodles tasty tasty noodles” you were singing under your breath as you walked down the street to the restaurant, Bokuto was watching you from the corner of his eye, a smile on his lips from how adorable you are. He always thought you were special, always jealous of who your soulmate would turn out to be, had a crush on you since the very first day he met you when he yelled his signature heys and you returned them to him with the same energy. He adored you and he never would have admitted how hard he fell for you if he didnt know  he was your soulmate. 
“This was an amazing idea Bokuto!” you said as you take your first bite, he chuckles and nods enthusiastically, swallowing before saying “we are definitely becoming regulars here” you nod “oh yeah!” when you finished eating you just pushed your bowls aside and talked, talked about loads of things you never have before. Your families, your future plans, your favorite sleeping position. Just anything that came up, never running out of subjects. “Ice cream?” he asks and you nod “you are brilliant Bo this is why we are friends!” he laughs, his cheeks flushing as he stands quickly and takes your hand, pulling you up and not letting your hand go even as he starts walking. 
After a few blocks, your conversion still flowing even as you focus on on the fact that his strong large hand was still holding yours in his, fingers laced together. “Hey Bokuto” you say as you get to the ice cream truck “yeah whats up? Do you want to share? I wouldn't mind it but feel free to get whatever you want, my treat” you chuckle “thanks bo, I will keep that in mind but uh.. I was wondering if you meant to be holding my hand still” his face flushes and he looks down at your hands together, to be honest he didn't do it on purpose, it just felt right and he didn't want to let go of your hand. 
“I can let go if you want” he says, trying to fight the feeling of sadness he can feel coming on, he couldn't get sad at this because you wouldnt understand that he was sad that his soulmate didn't want to hold his hand. He wanted to stick to the plan he made with Akaashi. You chuckle softly and squeeze his hand “i'd rather you didn’t, actually” you say, stomach flipping as he beams at you after you say that, you squeeze his hand and he feels his heart rate skip. 
You eat your ice cream as you walk around the city, your hands stay laced together, if you let go for any reason, you reach out for each other the moment you can hold hands again. Both drawn together. When the sun goes down you shiver, instinctually moving closer to him as you walked through the park “are you cold? Do you want my hoodie?” you shake your head “it’s okay, i'll be fine until we make it back to my house” he drops your hand and grabs his hood, pulling it from his body swiftly and then handing it to you, the look in his eyes saying”no, i will absolutely not be taking no as an answer” you chuckle and put it on, saying thanks from beneath the fabric as you slide your arms and head through the holes. You push the hood from your face and bury your face in the comfort of the neck, “you always smell so good Bokuto” his face blushes and he scratches his neck, reaching out for your hand and lacing your fingers together. “K-koutarou, you can call me Kou” he says and you smile, giving his hand a squeeze. “Then you can call me y/f/n as well. Do you wanna watch a movie in my room?” he nods “yes please! Wanna watch Ant Man? It’s so funny!” you laugh “of course! Then we might as well watch both, and if we’re going to do that then we should watch every marvel movie that has Ant Man in it!” he starts to jump on his toes “hey hey hey! We must be cut from the same cloth! You are a woman after my own heart!” you chuckle, trying to hide how flustered you feel, at some point this relationship will end when you both meet your soulmates, didn’t mean you couldn't have this one day though “makes sense that we get along then!”  you say and he nods “yes, it really does” he says wistfully, like he was thinking of something he was longing for.
You watch Ant Man, then make some popcorn and watch Ant Man and the Wasp, then you watch Civil War, but before Ant Man even makes an appearance in that one you are falling asleep on his shoulder, hand still in his and your breath hitting his neck as you listen to the actors talk, your ears coming in and out of the sound as you fall deeper, your body pulsing with drowsiness and the last thing you remember is his soft chuckle and kiss to the side of your head. 
Your alarm wakes you up at 6 and you groan “turn it off turn it off turn it off” a sleepy voice says besides you and you nod with your eyes closed before reaching over and hitting the button “sorry” you whisper, still half asleep as you roll over, burying your face into Bokuto’s chest and drifting back to sleep in the warmth of him. 
When you wake up again he’s running his fingers across the back of your neck and arm, you are pressed into his chest and when you open your eyes you are greeted by his smiling face. Your cheeks flush bright red and you quickly roll off him and sit up “what happened?” you ask and he laughs  “you fell asleep and I tried to leave after the movie but you had a death grip on my shirt and hand, i didn't want to wake you because you looked so cute” he laughs and you force a laugh out, feeling so awkward by the fact that it felt so good to be with him, and your cheeks flushing even darker at him calling you cute. “What time is it?” you ask and he sits up “uhh it’s 11:43” you laugh and feel a little of your awkward feelings disperse “i slept so good” he chuckles and stands, stretching his arms above his head and you pause, staring at the skin of his back that showed, toned muscles and dimples above his shorts waistband. “me too actually. I heard your parents leave for work so good thing we won't be getting in trouble today” he turns around, sending you a knowing look for catching you ogle him and you roll your eyes making him laugh. 
You hide in the bathroom as you pull yourself together, this isn’t the first time he’s slept over but usually he sleeps on the floor from crashing out after a sugar high and movie marathons. Not cuddling you. Not making your goddamn heart beat out of your chest. Jeez what are you going to do? If this keeps up you don’t think you can continue being his friend, if you fall for him and he finds his soulmate it’ll rip your heart out. And if you find yours first you don’t want to hurt him. You’ll have to just keep your distance. You wash your face and brush your teeth and then exit the bathroom, your mood bland as you head back to talk to Bokuto. 
“Hey Kou” his face brightens as you walk back in the room and you look down at the floor, your heart tensing and your stomach heavy like a brick as you finish your sentence  “I uh I have to do some things today alone so uh I don’t think we can hang out too much today” the mood in the room shifts as he gets sad “ah that’s okay y/n. Don’t worry about it.” He clears his throat and comes over to you “see you tomorrow yeah? Yay training camp!” He fakes being happy but you see right through it, he feels like you do, sad to be without him and sad at your obvious terrible lie. He wraps his arms around you and you decide to make it a good one, a good last hug. You wrap your arms tight around his neck and press your face into his chest as he holds you tight. 
You make it to the bus in the morning early and alone, usually you would have walked with Bokuto but today you sent him a lousy excuse as to why you wanted to walk alone. You sit in the middle row by Yukie, pulling up your hood over your face and putting in headphones so you could pretend to sleep and not have to talk to anyone, successfully ignoring Bokuto and putting a little more distance between you both. 
“I don’t know what’s going on” Bokuto said to Akaashi as they were putting their stuff in their room for the week “we hung out Saturday and it was amazing and now she’s avoiding me and lying and it’s so obvious and sad because she doesn’t look in my eyes” Akaashi shakes his head “Bokuto just ask her” his eyes brighten at the idea and he takes off running through the door and out towards where he knew the girls room was. 
“Hey guys!” He was breathing heavy and smiling as he appeared in your doorway, your back to him facing Yukie, you didn’t turn around or say anything you just retreated into yourself more. “Hey Bokuto what’s up?” Yukie says and chuckles “can I speak with y/n alone for a moment?” He says and the other girls nod and stand to leave. You feel your heart drop and your stomach rises to your throat. 
You stand up and turn when Yukie leaves, closing the door behind her. You don't say anything, you just nervously play with your fingers as you look at the ground instead of at him. “Why are you avoiding me?” he asks, straight to the point. You clear your throat “Bokuto I.. . I don’t want to catch more feelings for you because I know when we find our soulmates it will be hard to let you go. So i think it will be best for us to spend time apart” the gears turn in his head, his heart hurt at you calling him Bokuto again but he’s happy too. You are distancing yourself because you have feelings for him already. Little did you know you were soulmates. He pulls you into a hug and sighs into your hair “as you wish” he whispers and then kisses the top of your head before quickly leaving your room without another word. 
Bokuto realized he had to do it today, he couldn't wait any longer, he would wait until a few games go by then during lunch he would take off his shirt around you and you would know. Easy peasy. The first game goes by, then the second, you leave during the third for a managers meeting and to help make lunch and then finally, finally the third game is over and it’s time for lunch. 
He whips off his shirt and colored vest and pants as he catches his breath, placing them over his neck as he places his hands on his knees as he breathes. You bring him over his water bottle “thank you Y/N” he winks and you blush and look away. He brings the bottle to his lips, exposing his birthmark as he drains it. You go to walk away from him but the mark catches your eye. You freeze and he notices, a smirk on his lips as he watches you. “Yo-your soulmate mark, is an owl?” you ask, your voice quiet and he nods “sure is! Do you like it?” he asks and runs his fingers across the mark. You clear your throat “uh.. Uh yeah. It’s cute. Real cool Kou” you are in mid panic, you just told him to stay away from you and now you think he’s your soulmate. How are you supposed to tell him now?! “Yn..?” he asks and before he can reach for you, you have turned to walk away fast “sorry Koutarou i gotta..” you don't finish your sentence you just run. 
You run down the hallway to the very end and stop, the doors in front of you locked or you would have gone father. You place your palms against the door and lean down, trying to steady your breathing, and then whip up to look behind you as you hear feet running up. He has his hands outstretched, a look of concern on his face “what’s wrong?” he asks and you feel yourself start to hyperventilate “I.. I “ you can’t speak as you look into his eyes, your breaths uneven and panick. he comes up to you, taking your hand and placing it on his chest “hey hey hey, it’s okay. Breathe with me” you nod as overwhelmed tears fall from the corner of your eyes, his other free hand runs through your hair slowly, your other hand going up to rest beside your other as you look deep into his golden eyes. After a few minutes your breathing has matched with his, he reaches up and wipes away the stray tears on your cheeks “I’m sorry Kou I just got really overwhelmed. I just told you I wanted space but now you’re my soulmate. I didn’t know what to do” his cheeks flush “It’s okay love, I’m here with you” your eyes widen a little “did you know?” you whisper and he blushes and looks down sheepishly “I eavesdropped on your conversation with your mom on friday. I didn’t know how to bring it up so i thought i would wait until i could show you” you slap his shoulder “Koutarou! You should have told me immediately. God we could have had such an amazing weekend! But no! You let me kick you out!” he chuckles and falls to a knee “i’m sorry darling! Please forgive me” he kisses your knuckles and you blush “you’re lucky you’re cute” you say and he stands, pulling you into a hug as he laughs “I’m lucky you’re mine” you lean back and cup his cheek “you got that right” you grin before he dips down,  pressing his lips to yours. 
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (2)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ It hasn't been 24h yet but lucky enough, I'm a master procrastinator so here's the next part with UNDEAD already. This whole series is probably more like me talking in an echo chamber but that's also alright. I couldn't eternalise my first thoughts from other games, which is quite a shame. So this will be a nice memory to look at when someday the game ends and enough time has passed for my opinions on them to have changed. I sure hope that that someday is still very far away.
Anyways here's my last post about Trickstar, if you're curious enough and want more info about me and enstars. And the next one as well, if I'm committed enough to continue.
|Prev| |Next| See above ⬆️
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd or 3rd language so you might see weird spelling or grammar. I like to think I'm pretty decent, though...
Without further ado....Let's Ensemble!☆
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Ah yes, the sexyish bad boy group. Military aesthetic once more but make them goth. All their uniforms are slightly different from each other but still cohesive, which is nothing groundbreaking but I just wanted to mention I love stuff like this. And these outfits in general. Really cool stuff. Also, everyone has different gloves. Purple is my fav color so I might be biased. Their songs are more rock 'n roll with a lot of guitars, which isn't exactly my go to genre but it's nice to listen to it sometimes. Melody in the Dark & Valentine Eve's Nightmare are my favs. They also sing with these oldies microphones, which is cool but looks a bit funny when they gotta take the whole thing to switch places. Surface aside, they're all much sweeter than their image leads on?? Like, I was surprised upon reading their Ep.1.
7.5/10 - I like them a bit, mainly for their color scheme but I think I'll like them for more as well
Rei Sakuma
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I thought he was some mysterious flirt, who will tease and entice you to do flirty stuff but he's actually a nice old vampire next door. His vocabulary and tech knowledge may be from the 19th century but he drinks his respect women (& tomato) juice 👍I know he sleeps in a coffin and has a younger brother who hates him for some reason, so there's something he may have fucked up....He's also very pretty. Possibly one of the prettiest one out of the whole cast. His voice is very attractive as well, sounds like melted chocolate.
8/10 - i like him, he's pretty, polite, lives with a distinct lowkey flair, this card is amazing
Kaoru Hakaze
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Flirty boys often make me weak. Not bc I actually fall for their flirting but I like what hides beneath that. Be it trauma (Ikki, Amesia), shyness (Inigo, FE:Awakening), dorkiness (Impey, Code:Realize). I knew instinctively he's one of them and his panicking monologue Ep.1 that lasts for ⅓ of the time was my proof. I don't think he's christian (like smn else) even though he has a cross necklace here. It would fit more with Rei's vampire package but whatever. He seems easy to fluster, which is just the cherry on top. His voice is also nice, melodic and sweet but only like 65% chocolate.
8.5/10 - Cute but hot as well, I wonder what more he hides
Koga Ogami
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Wild and rowdy. I know he jumped on poor Anzu on her first day. Imagine falling on your face bc of some rude dog boy on your first school day smh. I used to mistake him for Izumi and vice versa. Similiar hairstyle and haircolor, though his color scheme is warmer. Idk why he insists on being taking the saying lone wolf so literally but if it works 🤷‍♀️ He really went at it during Nightless World's MV with his guitar. Surprised he composes but somehow also not. I guess, he's just very creative and passionate, hence his wolf persona.
6/10 - he's not average but also not that interesting
Adonis Otogari
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What a gentleman. He reminds me of Guy (A3!) what with him being rather stoic and looking slightly intimidating but is actually quite caring. And he might have important parents in his homeland? Maybe it's not that special tho, considering he's attending a private academy and looking at the rest of the cast....He's probably the tsukkomi from his unit. Might have the patience of a saint. I didn't expect him to have such a deep voice and it felt a bit off at first, but maybe that's just bc I was still playing A3! and there's another character with the same VA, who's quite different. This is the second time I see this VA in an idol franchise, the idol in question is Gaku from Idolish7. His unit's vibe is also similiar. I forgot to mention it but FORBIDDEN RAIN is an absolute banger as well.
7/10 - I look forward to getting to know him better
This group is one of the more normal units, I think, which is pretty telling of the other ones. Overall on a more favourable side. I dig their costumes and voices.
Reading their Ep.1 made me question whether I suddenly shifted games or smth. Especially Kaoru's??? He's so funny panicking and being all "I'm usually so much coolee why is she so cute? 😣". Rei's manner of speech and the library made me think of these isekai manwhas on the rise. Adonis was suddenly talking about world disasters (ain't that hitting close home) and his guilt of not being of more help and slight desire to just stay in safe Japan but ultimately not regretting helping his land. And Koga is struggling to find his individual self after finally finding a place to belong. Like, what is this tone shift from Trickstar!? I guess, this is a sneek peak to what we will see more of in future events and character development? Do characters have that here?
Anways, feel free to comment whatever and share some thoughts. Until next post!~☆
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luxenvulpies · 3 years
Thank You
This is a long read, so strap in and get some snacks and/or a drink.
Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoyed Ux’s ending! This is my letter to you, my dear readers.
The Luxen Vulpies blog was created April 8, 2016, a day after the international (INT) version’s release. Many of us who played the Japanese (JP) version had hoped we could start anew (and with knowledge on what to expect in terms of the gacha aspect) with the INT version. Unfortunately the devs made some questionable decisions that we didn’t like so we mostly stuck to the JP version.
The blog was originally going to feature only info from the INT version, but I ultimately decided it was pointless as it all was in English already. And because many of us were playing the JP version and could understand almost nothing, I swapped to translating the JP notices to English. Eventually, I changed my mind and began including the INT version’s notices as well but in a condensed form. Theeeen it went back to JP only. (I’m indecisive, fight me.)
Since the beginning, I have created tons of spreadsheets and graphics compiling game info and translations. Unfortunately, I tend to procrastinate/forget about things after a random amount of time which leads to a lack of updates. No one really complained so I guess it wasn’t a big deal lol. I was always on top of updating the medal album at least!
Just short of two years after the blog was created, I revealed a related blog that hosted all my spreadsheets and resources with my own custom theme. It probably wasn’t anything special to you, but I had fun coding it all. And with our great leader’s (Myoru) knowledge of Javascript she wrote up a visual version of both the medal and card albums.
I personally have barely touched the game in the last two to three years, but I kept up with it because I was interested in where the story(ies) would lead. Many of our party members did the same. Speaking of, I’ve known some of them for over 5 years now and I consider them, and ones that joined after, my friends. (We originally started a group chat on WhatsApp and permanently moved to Telegram once a member showed us the power of gifs and stickers.) We’ve evolved past being a group of KHUx players since then. We talk Pokemon, Final Fantasy, pretty much anything video game related, and of course, daily birbs.
I’ve rambled enough, so I’ll leave you be.
Stand tall, my friend Our journey will never end
May your heart be your guiding key.
-Rain Itzal
That aside, nothing will be deleted. Not by my doing, anyway. The blog should be pretty quiet overall at least until DR releases the remainder of the story in September (hopefully). Depending on how much they add, I could either post once about the update or have to also add more to the spreadsheets. After all that, well, maybe you can give me an idea. If I can’t come to a conclusion then I may quietly close the book on the blog. Once again, thank you.
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p-antomime · 3 years
Kiki, this is my outer self after that cliffhanger in C☆smic Dust. :
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While this is my inner self :
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Now you made me afraid for what will happen after this. Put that aside, can i go to Ran!Ros instead, Kiki? Like, who give this God any right to be this charming & taking my heart more & more? And in his own brother's story?! I beg you, Mr. God! Please, tune down those charm of yours a little bit. You're not even part of the option. It's a fight between Rin!Ros & San!Pollo, it's not your place yet to be this irresistible! 😭 Also hello Hecate~ Can we got to know you better? You intrigue me.
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Ran!Ros : "And this is the same person who just complaining about my charms? It's not my fault that you're insatiable." Me : "Hush, Ran!Ros. Don't call me out like that!" Anyway love this chapter so much Kiki! You've done such a great job in keeping the emotions in this chapter. I swear i'm still in hangover state after this chapter. ❤ this! Also sorry for the long rambling. Couldn't help my self at all. 🙇‍♀️ Last, take a good care of yourself! -❤ Arya-
I SWEARRRRRRRRRR, your comments are like the BEST OF THE BEST thing in the world! honestly speaking, in my opinion chapter seven & eight are, together, the critical point of the series, so, yeah, maybe from the seventh chapter onwards you guys will begin to understand where the story is going and will begin to like my precious eros!rindou a little more </3</3
LMAOOOOOO AND IM SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKED RAN IN THE STORY, since he's being put as a side character, i didn't expect that he'd have that much of attention, but almost everyone likes him looool
and about Hecate: maybe she's coming back... or not, who knows, it depends on how i'll write the final chapter, but i'm not sure about how to end this story, ill need to see the reactions of yall after the 7/8 chapter plss
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acnelli · 3 years
I wanted to ask if you've ever gotten an ask (not me) of a well thoughtout fic of any pairing? What would you say to motivate people to try and write their stories? When people give you an idea what typically goes through your head?
Theres so many ideas, plots and prompts to choose from and write but sometimes it gets difficult for some poeple to get that inner courage to post their work.
If you don't mind me asking, what made you finally hit submit on your work?
Also, i'm a Hp Romione fanfic writer, but I do struggle with trying to upload my work whether it's here on tumblr or on A03. I've gotten give or take about 7-8 semi finished WIPs, which are all based on different varieties of prompts/ideas.
Yet, I don't know how to move on to the submitting process which is like the finished stage of writing. I've tried joining the Romione discord but I always get nervous with the huge amount of people that are on the server, it's great don't get me wrong but it's a bit intimidating. When I say that I mean that there's so many amazing writers, and artist on the server, makes me feel like my writing isnt worth posting. I know it sounds pretty lame but I cant help feeling that way.
Sorry for rambling but I just had to ask you a few questions, don't feel obligated to answer quick. I'd like you to take your time with this.
Thanks for listening and also thank you for your fanfics, they make my day always
Hello anon,
first of all, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm happy you like my stories 💛
Now to answer your questions.
1) Aside from one a little more detailed, very smutty Romione time travel story idea, I never got an ask with a full outline of a story.
2) To anyone who wants to try and write, I'd say, please do. There is always someone who wants to read your story and if you like the idea, then someone else does too. Writing is usually not a skill you are just good at, but something that takes practice. If you read a lot of fanfiction, pay attention to the writing style and see what would work best for you until you find your own style.
3) I like prompt writing, so if someone gives me a prompt I play out different scenes in my head. The prompt shouldn't be too specific, but I don't mind working with something a little bit more detailed.
4) As for the courage to post your work: I posted my first fanfiction many years ago and I just had the desire to write down my idea. When I published it I didn't think much about it beforehand. I just posted it and was very surprised when I got reviews. The fic doesn't exist anymore, btw. Like I said before, practice makes perfect and I wasn't happy with it when I reread it. I also fell out of that fandom, so I wasn't very attached to it either. BUT this is how I got into writing and I just kept trying. For years I didn't write anything and I only started again in 2019.
I joined Tumblr and through Tumblr I found a bunch of very supportive fandom folks and sometime later I joined the HPRomione Discord. I understand your hesitation and worry considering the many talented writers in the server, but to me you couldn't find a more supportive group of people. Everyone is so helpful and as long as you respect and are considerate of people's boundaries (like smutty prompts, etc.), you are more than welcome to discuss fic ideas with us. And even if you don't want to discuss your writing, you can also talk about Romione in general, stories you read and enjoyed, and also non-fandom topics.
Don't be afraid to join and talk about your WIPs. Talking about story ideas is one of our favourite past times. As I said before, you'll find many helpful people there who would be happy to beta-read and/or go over your story idea and plot lines.
I hope my answer was helpful and if you have any more questions, send me another ask if you want 💛
Ask me anything for the 500 followers celebration!
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tutubola-moved-on · 3 years
Hi I like music and I kind of go wayyy too deep into the TPN soundtrack and I think it's about time I start throwing my thoughts out there before they spiral too much
Disclaimer!!! This is not a complete analysis at all, just a few thoughts on each of the songs. I'll probably revisit some of them in future parts if I ever do those aha anyways enjoy
(Part 1/?): 63194, Emma's Sorrow, Emma's Determination, 22194, Norman's Lament, The Promise Between Humans and Demons, Jailbreak and Isabella's Lullaby.
(manga spoilers)
I've done a lil smth smth on Main Theme 2 already and its my favourite song like ever aha this is a cry for help
here you go people
but now anyways fr
63194 (Season 1)
Wouldn't have started with this one cuz I'm still figuring it out but it was the first one that came up when I pressed shuffle
Let's just go straight to the point so we can move on. The first time we hear 63194 is in episode 2, when Norman is talking to Ray about their plan in the forest (or, as I like to call it, "boat scene"). It reaches its climax when Norman starts talking about how he'll use himself to ensure the escape plan will work.
And then it's only used again in episode 8, if I'm not mistaken, after Isabella tells them about Norman's shipment, thus foreshadowing him refusing to escape and using his "death" as a tool to help the others escape.
But alsooo the song is Emma's theme, so there's definitely some sort of meaning other than foreshadowing Norman's shipment. That's for later though cuz I'll have to think more. The beginning does sound a lot like Strauss' Metamorphosen, a piece symbolising how German culture was destroyed during WW2. Not sure what to do with that info for now.
If you'd like a little extra stuff, I also tried connecting the pieces to the Doctrine of Affections, a... thing some Baroque composers wrote that connected music keys to feelings. (I found many sources but I used this one).
63194 is in C Minor, which is described as "innocently sad" (although another source said "sweet but sad") and "lovesick." I think innocence really describes Emma, Ray, and Norman in general, as kids who never did anything wrong but were thrown into the wrong world. Innocently sad would be their conversations in boat scene. They're talking about life or death, it's not something kids should have to deal with.
But again, it's hopeful. Norman wants to create a boat made out of mud---he wants to save everyone---and he really believes it'll work. So although sad, it's also sweet. It's a light at the end of the tunnel, and also just an act of kindness. As for "lovesick," that would just describe Ray and Emma's inevitable longing for Norman after he was gone. Which brings us to...
Emma's Sorrow (エマの悲しみ) (Season 1)
The two times I remember Emma's Sorrow played was 1) When they first talked to Don and Gilda about the house and 2) During the infirmary flashback scene.
The Doctrine of Affections describes E Minor as "grief and longing." In the infirmary flashback scene that obviously not only shows how Norman longs for that time when they didn't know anything and everything was light and happy but also, once again, foreshadows Emma eventually having to grieve him.
Especially because they don't play the staccato part (short quick notes) that's in the original version. Instead, the strings are always present. In staccato, the music gets pretty,,, lowkey? because the instruments can't exactly "show off," whereas the legato (long/connected notes) really shows the true importance and impact each individual instrument has on the song. Considering how the strings (specifically the violins) in the soundtrack could symbolise Norman, it's showing how Norman is not just another guy who's in their group and planning the escape, but an actual friend they'll lose and who'll leave a significant emptiness behind. Not only brain power wise, but just.. you know he's a human being and it's gonna hurt either way.
Not only that, but the harmonies itself in Emma's Sorrow once the strings really do come in are really incomplete. Like, the piano part seems to be all over the place, but it comes together because of the strings. Norman was the one who brought Emma and Ray together, in a way, and isn't Emma and Ray clashing exactly what Shirai wanted when he sent Norman away? Yea...
And Emma's Sorrow is, of course, parallel to:
Emma's Determination (エマの決定) (Season 1)
Yea no I'm still gathering thoughts on that one. The ascending bass contrasting the descending bass in Emma's Sorrow is pretty cool, though. It plays when Don is going off about how he wants to be strong after punching Ray and Norman and it's in F# Minor, so "passionate resentment." Connect both and Don really is ready to change the world. He got slapped with this very very bad reality and naturally he's angry and he's sad and he wants to do anything in his power to save people.
But back to Norman.
(hi future me here. oh my god why am i only talking about norman this was not the route this was originally going to take im so sorry i swear there's more to this post than just norman brain rot 22194 is the last norman one)
22194 (Season 1) and Norman's Lament (ノーマンの嘆き) (Season 2)
22194 is in B Minor, so "patience" and "walking towards fate." That's pretty self explanatory considering how he, and I quote, "chose death." Yea. G Minor would be "uneasiness of the future," and once again, pretty self explanatory (The whole Lambda seizures thing and I'm The Only One Who Can Save The Humans Syndrome. Normy worries too much :/)
Comparing both is pretty fun, too. It's the same melody but in different keys and instruments and thus just give off different feelings. While 22194 is full of instruments and harmonies and is clearly structured, Norman's Lament is just. Empty. It's like it's trying to stay true to 22194, so the Norman from before, but at the end of every musical sentence it just drifts off. You can see parts of 22194 in there, but it's not the same. At all.
There's also no harmony. He wants to do everything himself, and discards all his bonds and friends for that. So sad. Stop him.
All that while 22194 is rich and beautiful and oh my god i love that song so much and it's just showing how Norman was a lot more lively and layered and human when he allowed people to come into his life (the harmonies) and listened to those people instead of just locking himself up and doing everything himself.
So in conclusion cuz I ramble a lot, 22194 is about GF Norman, who hadn't gone through all those things that turned him "evil," who trusted his friends and believed everything had a good, ethic solution. Norman's Lament is about Lambda/post-Lambda Norman, who had gone through a whole lot, and was now in a downwards spiral and had left everything behind to become God or whatever, but was also in denial that he had changed in the first place.
does this make sense no idea i'm typing this while sleep deprived and high on bread and i failed english this quarter
but that aside
The Promise Between Humans and Demons (人間と鬼の約束)(Season 2)
I love this song!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!! I love the percussion, it's used so well. And I love the way the song builds up and adds more and more instruments until it eventually reaches a climax, like the growing tension between the humans and the demons during the war that snowballed and snowballed and eventually caused both sides to resort to the Promise.
And when the song comes down you can hear a very short "first draft" ish version of Isabella's Lullaby.
It's as if yes, all this mess went down and the demons and humans made this huge promise that completely changed the world and affected an entire society but then far far away from the Seven Walls and the Promise and oblivious of the Ratri Clan and the demons were these two tiny tiny children just singing a song and living happily. And those children---and that song---were the foundation for the entire revolution that ended with the Promise. Wow.
And it's in D Major, D Major is "Triumphant." The song itself sounds triumphant, and yes the Promise was gross but it was a nice little hello kitty band aid over the mess that was the world before it.
What was truly triumphant, though, was the kids' escape, which happened to the same melodic theme, albeit in a different key. Which leads me to...
Prison Break (脱獄) (Season 1)
Oh my God. I love this song.
It symbolises the kids breaking ties with Isabella and how many obstacles were in the way (not only was she their mom; their only mom who had cared for them for their entire lives, but she was also their enemy and did everything she could to prevent them from escaping). The second the brass comes in with the theme (around 0:53) it sounds like it's struggling to play it fully. In this case, Isabella, once the singing parts, would have lost her voice after being outwitted by the children (keep in mind the song starts playing after they've already reached the wall). After all, the song starts with a voice that seems to get more and more desperate before it's overrun by instruments, thus losing its power.
So she's trying to control them and get them back, but they won't let her. They're going to break free. So you have the melodic theme playing with significant breaks, until eventually it all goes silent. Why? Because they escaped. Isabella completely lost contact with them, they're free. And then you get the same melodic theme in The Promise Between Humans and Demons.
But the theme isn't played full. It's not played to the extent that they play it in TPBDAH, instead there's a lot of just "blank space" with no melody above it: that's where the children will write their melody---their story; a story independent from the Promise that shaped their lives thus far.
I need a break but I'll be back
Isabella's Lullaby (イサベラの唄)
OK OK Continuing on Isabella I love how Sarah Alainn sings like she's crying. I really recommend this if you want to go deep on Isabella's Lullaby, they pretty much said everything I had to say. I don't go on youtube like ever and that might as well be one of my favourite videos LOL anyways
I also really recommend listening to the no vocal/piano solo version, the harmonies are so beautiful. And the more you listen to it the more you hear, there's always something new. The violins especially oh I love the way Takahiro Obata uses violins. Honourable mention to Nat King Ballade (ナットキングバラード) and Each Thought (それぞれの想い) (idk if thats the english name for it,,,, i've seen it as "Their Own Thoughts" too)
WELL THEN. What a ride. I'll go to sleep now. If anything is incoherent or u just wanna talk then send me askies or a dm smth idk aha i like music but i hate grammar :P
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starkatana · 4 years
All You Need to Know
Jason Todd X Female Reader
WordCount: 2813 (it’s long!~)
Summary: Jason proposes to you and you two have a smaller wedding with the BatFam in attendance at your Vegas wedding.
Author’s note: So, here begins my various one-shots of Jason Todd/Red Hood x Reader//y/n AKA my current obsession. I may compile all of them into chronological order once everything is done. I just really wanted to write and post something. I just have too many WIP’s right now that I need to focus on.
They aren’t exact ages. This is just a world that I made using these characters because I can. In this AU, Jason has died and come back to life. You two broke up and you dated Peter Parker (Spider-Man) for a little bit. At this point, you and Jason are 24-ish?
You are a dancer who works at a dance studio.
Sorry if its a little out of character, this is just based on my knowledge that tumblr has given me.
I used this post from fandomneeds!
Jason’s vows is the song: All You Need to Know by Gryffin
Hope you enjoy!
Jason scratched his head and crumpled up the vows he was working on.
Roy peeked into Jay’s room, “Having a hard time?” He cocked a sarcastic smile at his best friend.
“Fuck. Every time I try to write something it seems just so stupid and cookie cutter.”
“Aren’t those what vows are? Just telling the person you want to spend the rest of your life with them sickness and in health blah blah.”
“Yeah.” Jason shrugged, “I have basic vows for the Gotham wedding, but for the wedding this weekend, I just want them to be different and less like everything else.”
“Well, what do you want to say?”
Roy laughed. “You’ve read a million books you’re telling me that you can’t string the most romantic scenes and moments together?”
Jason sat back in the chair.
“What does she need to know? What are you confessing in front of the hardest people you need to impress? Me and the rest of your siblings.”
“It's not for you guys. It’s for us.”
“Then what do you want to tell her?”
Jason sat back in his chair with his hand behind his head, remembering the evening he asked you to marry him.
It happened to be a night that you and Jason didn’t have patrol, so you two made a date night out of it. The two of you are sitting in a booth at your favorite local diner. You two managed to keep it a secret from everyone else in the Batfam so they wouldn’t just show up and surprise you two. It’s late at night and you two had been there so often that the wait staff had your orders memorized. He was sitting across from you with his arms outstretched over the back of the booth as he listened to you talk with a half-smirk on his face.
You were sitting back in your booth just going on about your students from the dance studio. He loved how passionate you were about your job and how much you cared for other people. You two had been through so much, even when he had been an ass to you. You somehow took him back after everything he said and put you through. He was grateful for that. Life made sense with you.
“Hello? Earth to Jason.” You were waving your hand in his face snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Are you even listening?”
“Yeah! You were saying how you had to help some of your kids with their science and math homework and how you don’t miss science and math homework. Then you told me about the puppies you saw on your way to work today. And no, I still don’t think getting a dog is a good idea.”
“Okay, so you were listening,” you chuckle, “Sorry you just looked zoned out. I thought I was just rambling.”
“No.” Jason sits up leaning forward in the booth putting his hands on the table. “I like listening to you talk.”
You smile and instinctively lean into him as he takes on of your hands and with the other, you stir your milkshake. He gently rubs over your thumb. Basking in the comfortable silence and the background noise of the diner. Still holding his hand you sit back in the booth and close your eyes. If only every night could be this comfortable.
“Hm?” You respond without opening your eyes. He squeezes your hand.
“Will you marry me?”
You open an eye and take a peek at him. He was still sitting across the table from you. He hadn’t moved and was looking right at you.
He couldn’t possibly be serious. You chuckle. “Shut up.” You respond closing your eyes again.
“No, I’m serious.”
You take your hand back and sit up in the booth and stare at him half confused and half suspicious. You narrowed your eyes trying to gauge his reaction. Almost expecting him to go “Haha. Gotcha.” Or “I’m kidding.” You don’t know why he’d joke like that but you don’t know why he’d be asking you to marry him.
Marriage was something you two talked about but it was also something you two would just let happen when it felt most comfortable. You knew you wanted to be with him and he with you. So, you weren’t sure why you thought he was kidding.
“I know I don’t have a ring and I know I’m not down on one knee but I want to spend the rest of my life with you and after everything that happened I know you’re the one I want to spend my life with. I’m planning to get you a ring but I wanted to get you something with my money, not Bruce’s.  I couldn’t wait to ask you.”
“Do you want me to get on one knee? I will if you want.” he begins to stand up.
“No.” You grab his hand and set him back down, “No it’s okay. I’d love to marry you. I’ll happily marry you. No ring needed. No need to get on one knee.”
He squeezes your hand.
“Should we just run away?” He teased.
“And have Roy be our witness and third wheel forever?”
“And always.”
You two share a kiss across the table.
“I got it.”
You two decided to elope to Vegas. You two were going to have a real wedding soon where paparazzi would be “invited” your mom would be there and all your business colleagues, Wayne enterprises, socialites, and other Gotham elite it would be a wedding for everyone. But you and Jason wanted a smaller ceremony for the two of you first. What started small as in you, Jay, and Roy. Turned into a Batkid affair. So you, Jason, Roy, Dick, Duke, Tim, Damian, Cas, Steph, and Babs all flew out to Vegas. Your first day in Vegas while everyone was out walking around together around the Vegas strip. You and Jason decided on a small stage space close to the end of the “Venetian” river.
It was Vegas wedding day. Roy stood beside Jason. They weren’t wearing tuxes but they were dressed nicer. Jason had on black pinstriped pants, a red button-up with the sleeves rolled up with a black-tie done loosely with a black vest on. Roy had on black dress pants with a yellow dress shirt rolled up like Jason’s and unbuttoned near the top with suspenders on.
The two of them were making small talk, to help calm Jason’s nerves. The plan was for him and Roy to be there with the photographer before the impromptu wedding. Then the rest of the family would appear shortly after. Jason had his hands in his pant’s pockets and laughed at Roy’s joke.
“You’re in a good mood.”
“It’s not every day, I get to marry my best friend.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you cheat on y/n with me.”
Jason rolled his eyes at Roy. When Roy gave him a big smile and pointed behind Jay.
Jason turned around and Dick was leading the train of the Batfam. Jason tried to look past them all to get a glimpse of you, but they had you perfectly hidden behind them.
At this point, the passersby that were minding their own business began to stop and hang around, some kept minding their own business, while others were interested in the show. Dick greeted Jason first, he patted his shoulder, “Congrats, Little Wing.” Jason gave his brother a light punch in the arm and Dick moved aside. Following Dick was Tim who also gave him congratulations. Then there is Duke, where the two shared a hug. Cass was after and gave him a fake one-two punch in the gut followed by a hug. Next was Steph and then Babs, who he shared a hug with both of them.
“You’re in for a treat.” Steph teased.
Babs blew Jason a kiss and the two stood next to Cas.
Jason looked over at his family to the side of him. A lot has happened and they stood by him through it all. To have them all here, he was grateful. Then everyone looked over to where they came in. Little Damien, who is now 13 much more mature than the 8-year-old you had originally met. Damien loved you and thought of you as a big sister.
You planned to walk down the aisle yourself, but when Damien asked if he could give you away to Jason who were you to deny him.
You always knew Damien thought highly of you but one day after you and Jason had gotten back together after your hiatus apart. Damien lectured you left and right about how if Todd is ever a dick to you again he’d take care of Todd himself.
“Not if I handled him myself first.” You joked with Damien.
Then one day, you’ll never forget you were looking for Damien, but couldn’t find him in the manor. You walked outside onto the manor’s patio where Dick and Jason were sitting.
“Hey, do you know where Damian is?” you ask taking a seat next to Jason, “I can’t find him.”
“Yeah,” Dick nods, “Hold on, I got this.” He clears his throat. “DAMIAN! JASON IS BULLYING Y/N!!!”
Jason shook his head and looked at Dick, “Wait, what?!”
You and Jason looked around and then up as Dick nodded proudly. Damien opened the window from the second floor in the manor and jumped out of it with a fighting stick. “TODD!”
Jason gets up from where he’s sitting and quickly runs out of the way, “GAAHH!!!”
You look over at Dick who nods and is giving you two thumbs up.
Back to the wedding:
Jason’s jaw dropped and he couldn’t believe that he was so lucky to have you. You were in a short spaghetti strap lacy white dress it hugged your body and your curves it had a slight v neck to it but wasn’t revealing. You wore your hair down nothing too fancy, just some soft waves and a baby’s breath crown on your head with your hair resting on your left shoulder.
You had a small light pink and black bouquet. Your shoes were a metallic white pearl shoe with skinny heel with a buckle around the ankle. It took everything in Jason not to just run over to you, sweep you off your feet and shower you in kisses. He was the happiest and luckiest man alive. The photographer was snapping pictures like crazy. When you left Alfred just asked for some pictures of the wedding, if Alfred wanted photos he was going to get them. No questions asked.
Roy nudged Jason. Jason nudged him back and couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
Damien walked you up to Jason.
“Thanks, Dami.” And you two shared a hug.
Damien turned around and glared at Jason. “Todd.”
“Demon spawn.” He cracks Damian a half-smile.
“Don’t mess this up, again.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t.”
Damian nods and steps aside letting Jason know that he’s approved of you two together again. You give Damien your bouquet. He walks over next to Babs and Steph. Jason offered you his hand. You take it and he leans into you as he helps you up, “You look absolutely gorgeous.” He stands up straight as you two take each other’s hands.
“Everyone is staring at us.”
“Everyone is staring at you.” Jason gestured, down to what you were wearing, giving you an ‘it’s definitely not me, it’s you’ kind of look.  You smiled at him as you moved your hair out of your face and then take his hands again. He couldn’t stop smiling as much as he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Looking at you like this was like falling in love all over again. This was happening.
“Hello, friends and family.” Roy began, “We are gathered here for the marriage of our beloved Y/f/n/   y/m/n   y/l/n and our shit-eating boy, Jason Peter Todd.”
Everyone chuckles at Roy and Jay playfully flips him off.
“Now, the couple would like to say their vows.”
“Jason Peter Todd.” You began, “Where do I even begin with you. With us? Since my first day at Gotham Academy when you kept spilling coffee on me. We’ve unfortunately been best friends since. You’ve been my first choice always since we’ve met and since I’ve been with you I’ve never safer. From the highs and the lows you’ve been with me through it all.” You wipe one of your eyes, “I couldn’t imagine going through life with anyone else except for you. So, take me as I am because I have already taken you. I promise to always be by your side through anything the world may throw at us. I’ll protect you through it all.”
He brings your hands to his lips and kisses them.
“I guess it’s my turn.” He rolls his shoulders back while he stands up straight with your hands still in his. “Y/n.”
He looks around him, his brothers, and his sisters. The crowd that had gathered during your ceremony. The perfect weather and the beautiful bride he has. You were breathtaking. Looking at you, his heart skipped a beat.
Every. Single. Time.
He takes a deep breath before beginning.
“I’ll keep it as simple as I can.” He bites his lip, “Shit.” He wipes his eye. “How’d you do this without balling?” he joked.
You chuckle, “It was hard.”
“Ok,” he gives your hands another squeeze, “Y/n, you don't have to listen carefully, because I will tell you a thousand times. With your hands in mine, look at this thing we found. I have everything I need and I promise to give you everything you will ever need because you make me not want to die.”
You let out a chuckle and Roy rolled his eyes. Before you and Jason would say ‘I love you’ that’s what you’d say to each other, when you first started dating and when you guys got back together.
You’d be leaving the safe house for dance practice and Jason called after you, “Y/n!”
He’d tilt his head and give you a soft smile, “you make me not want to die.”
You crack a smile and flip him off as he flips you off in return. You continue walking away and Jason can’t help but keep his eyes glued on you as you left.
“You two have the weirdest relationship.” Roy pretended to be disgusted.
“When you get sad like you do sometimes. Anything you feel. Put it all on me. All of your thoughts, I want everything. I’m letting you know, I’m going to be around.”
It had been months since you and Peter broke up and since you have decided not to take Jason back. You opened your eyes and started to cry. He was standing in front of you. “What happened to us?” You ask wiping away your tears.
He goes to step towards you and you back away making yourself smaller.
“Y/n.” He hesitates and puts his arms back to his side.
You don’t look at him.
“I’m sorry.” You look at him. Now he was crying, “I was wrong. You were right and I shouldn’t have done the things that I did but I did and I hurt you and I’m sorry. I don’t want to be apart from you anymore. I’m better with you than I am without you.”
“Jason...” you feel your chest tighten as more tears begin to fall.
“All I want to do is love you and if you don’t want to be with me. At least let me be around...again. I miss my best friend.”
You get on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around his neck. Where he wraps his arms around your body in a tight embrace.
“I never stopped loving you.” You cried. “I’m so scared and lost I don’t know what I want.” You begin to hiccup and Jason rubs your back.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. Sincerely. I promise I won’t ever be the reason you cry again.”
“I'll lift you when you're feeling low. I'll hold you when the night gets cold. Your fears and your thoughts, give me all of it. You'll never have to be alone and that's all you need to know.”
You wipe away your tears.
“I’m sorry.” Jason apologized.
You shook your head no, “Good tears.” He smiles at you and you both look over at Roy who smiling at them softly. He nods and breaks the silence: “Jason Peter Todd, you may kiss your bride.”
Jason cups your face as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss on the lips as the audience that has since gathered clapped and cheered but not louder than his and your family only a few steps away.
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Hello :3, do you perhaps do relationship head-cannons? If so could you write some for Ignatz? If you don't then feel free to ignore this lol
[Of course! I take head-cannon requests, imagines, scenarios, one-shots- I take it all lol. I’m sorry this took so long but my computer did an automatic reset when I was in the middle of writing. Basically I lost this and three other responses I had written on a dox. and ready to be queued :( I have to rewrite them all and I cri] 
What would Ignatz be like in a relationship?
He is a soft boi. Must protect at all costs 10/10
Poor thing doesn’t even register that someone willingly chose him out of everyone else. He is f l a b b e r g a s t e d 
Glasses fog up a bit because he covers his face with his hands
“A-are you serious? This isn’t some prank?...I can’t believe it” - Genuinely thinks that someone’s pulling his leg. 
At the beginning he’s very awkward in terms of communication. He doesn’t know what boundaries shouldn’t be crossed or what might offend you 
Too nervous to ask what’s okay and what isn’t out-front. When you’re older he might let it slip how being by your side was like taming a fire. Your presence is dangerous for his sanity yet warm and welcome. (somehow he makes even slightly offensive comments beautiful like wtf)
Walks you to your room every evening. Not because it’s the ‘gentlemanly’ thing to do but just to simply spend time at your side. He’ll chat on and on about his day each and every time. Initially he’ll become embarrassed over the rambling, yet with time those insecurities fade away 
Talks of the future often. When he was young it was always a topic of anxiety, but when he’s with you it’s something he looks forward to. Ignatz loves to talk about his dreams and learn about yours 
The other deer tend to tease him about any PDA so young Iggy doesn’t dabble too much in that area. He’s used to being picked on but the last thing he wants is you feeling insecure 
Will not turn down any of your advances though. Kiss him on his cheek goodbye. I dare you. He will SQUEAK so LOUD that the kids across the courtyard can hear 
So cute 
He’ll always ask for you to accompany him when he goes to paint. Something about sitting together in silence makes him feel calmer than being alone. If you’re lucky he might be so distracted that you can snatch a glance at his art. Just stay 3 feet away lest he get startled and then suddenly your shirt gets a new color pallet 
I have said it before and will SAY IT TILL I DIE 
Let him speak to a block of ice. I bet you he’ll get it melting. 
The boy is clearly conscious of his flattery otherwise he wouldn’t retract when people ask him to speak up. He has no filter and it’s such a blessing in disguise. You can always tell what he’s thinking by his open attitude and mumbled remarks. 
You will always be reminded that he loves you. It’s the one thing he isn’t shamed of in the slightest. If you wanted he would say it right in the center of the mess hall with no hesitance 
I also dare you to make any self-deprecating remark. He will s l a n d e r it
“If the eyes of the beholder are truly what make something beautiful...than I wish the goddess would give you a glimpse into my sight. Just once, for nothing in my eyes is of truer beauty than you” 
He loves any pet name you may give him. They make him feel special despite the teasing he may receive alongside it
If you try on his glasses he’ll ask if you like the style. You know, because he does. They’re cute. You’re cute. Do you need (new?) glasses because he will get you a pair 
Raphael treats you as his little sibling. Ignatz is like his brother so you three become an inseparable trio. When you all are together no one’s a third wheel, y’all are just three besties. Not awkward in the slightest because Raphael is chill like that. Hold Iggy’s hand and he’ll keep talking like nothing’s going on 
If you sneak into his room he’ll freak out. Ignatz is a goodie-two-shoes so no cuddles till post-time skip 
8/10 cuddle boy though. No complaints aside from that he drools a bit in his sleep and never wants to be the little spoon. 
Final note: get ready to meet his family. They love him so much and thought finding a partner while also pursuing his art would be difficult. They’re just so proud of all he’s accomplished and can’t wait to tell stories about him/hear some from you 
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captainrexs · 3 years
Hello again!
Hope you are doing well this week! Haven't seen you on much so I got a little worried and hope you are doing okay?
What were your thoughts on Common Ground, and what do you think could happen next in the show?
I have no ideas anymore about what could happen in the show, but I am still afraid of the ending as I have long feared the show will do away with the Batch at the finale and that would hurt me deeply, if so...
I have a few scenes I have compiled (all with timestamps), that I was wondering if you would be alright with gifing for me, please? As always, if not, I completely understand and continue to appreciate your patience with me all the time!
Naturally, I would love to see a gifset of Tech driving the AT-TE, because I had been waiting ever since the trailer showed that scene to actually see what was happening there and !!! Sorry, I just loved that whole AT-TE action as I love those cute little walkers, and especially loved the action in Common Ground.
If you are willing to, may I request gifs of these timestamps, please? Of course, do not feel pressured into doing any or all of it, as I really do not want to ever inconvenience you with my rambling requests!
As always, thank you so, so much for your time and patience, I always appreciate it more than I can explain!!
Also!!! That gifset you did from Common Ground with Echo and Wrecker threatening GS-8? I don't know what it is about Raxulon and Common Ground, but it all looked so gosh dang nice in your coloring! The plants and lighting just... meshed well together for that gifset? and I love it! Because I love your gifs and the effort you put into all of them!!!
Sorry for rambling again, I never can say what I want in a short ask! My apologies, heh...
Hi!! yeah, I'm good, thanks for asking, just more busy than usual and kinda tired 😅 aside from the opening I think I mostly like the episode, the AT-TE chase scene was very fun and I liked Omegas subplot (also, of course, the vase 'subplot' was very up my alley). the only other thing that kinda bothered me is that the rest of the batch didn't seem to realize why Echo had so many objections to working for/with a separatist. we're they're gonna go next is a good question and I'm usually not great at predicting things but I think they have to go back for, or at least run into, Crosshair at some point. if they'd be willing to kill the entire batch at the end is a good question, I don't think so, but that's really not based on anything (my only sorta arguments are that they may wanna do a season two and that would be difficult if they kill everyone and that at the end of the day it is a kids show so I don't know if they would do that, but then again, clone wars is also a kids show and victory and death is devastating). my personal conspiracy theory (again, based on pretty much nothing) is that echo will die, which will be both sad, since we know to expect that, and also could be why rex goes from tbb!rex to rebels!rex regarding his attitude towards the rebellion (and it would leave us with enough surviving characters for eventual future seasons and I think seeing the rest of the squad adjust to echos absence could be interesting). thanks for the request, I wanted to make gifs today anyway!! there are posted here. also thank you so much ❤, I loved colouring raxus, it's such a pretty planet
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astarinthevalley · 4 years
It Was Bound To Happen
Siblings get mad at each other, it happens. Siblings fight for silly reasons, it happens. Things can get out of hand, it happens.
Sebastian glanced at the clock on his computer and blinked a couple of times. Was it really 9:45 PM? It was only 4:30 PM a couple of minutes ago.
He pushed his chair away from his screen and looked around his abyss of a room, barely being able to make any piece of furniture out. He’d usually turn on the small TV by his bed for background noise and a source of light--one not too intense, but not too dim either--since he despised getting up and traveling across his room just to flip a light switch.
Sebastian stretched his arms high over his head, listening to the clicks his wrists made as he rotated them. He turned his head and his neck released a loud, satisfying crack.
He got up and heard his feet land on what remained of his lunch: empty, crumbled bags of chips. When did he eat those again? 11 AM? He should be hungry, his stomach should feel like it’s being ripped to shreds like it always does when he forgets to eat, but he felt fine. ‘I should eat something anyways.’ He thought to himself. His mom, Maru, and Demetrius probably already had dinner together, and had stored the leftovers in the microwave for him as they always do whenever he couldn’t--or didn’t--join them.
Sebastian began maneuvering his way through the dark room, shuffling his feet across the floor so he wouldn’t risk stepping on whatever trash he had tossed and forgotten about. He kept his eyes focused on the spot where his door stood and reached his hand out. The moment his fingers came into contact with the cold metal of the knob, he wrapped his hand around it, swung the door open, and was immediately blinded. Why were the house’s lights still on? His mom always turned them off at 9:30.
He walked up the stairs, hand on the railing, as his eyes adjusted to the sudden shift in brightness. As he ascended the stairs, he could hear his step-sister, Maru, talking aloud with the occasional giggle in between her pauses. She must be on the phone.
He reached the hallway and took a right, journeying straight to the kitchen, not interested in whatever Maru was blabbering about. Unfortunately for him, Maru also decided she wanted to spend some of her time in the kitchen. She was sitting on top of their kitchen table, wrinkling the pink cloth covering it that mom had washed today, phone pressed against her ear, and a big, stupid, punchable smile on her face.
Whoever was on the other side was taking their time talking, so Sebastian decided to ask “Where’s mom?”
Maru peeked at him and whispered a ‘Hold on’ to her friend. “They’re at the saloon, and hello to you too.” She said in a tone not nearly as enthusiastic as it was a moment ago.
His mom would always pop into his room to let him know she was heading off somewhere, why didn’t she this time? Or maybe she did and he had forgotten about it.
He brought himself to the microwave and opened it to see a bowl of pesto pasta sitting in the center. ‘Warm it up for a minute, stir, then cook again for another minute.’ His mom’s instructions rang through his head.
He shut the microwave again, set the timer up, got a fork from a drawer, then stood and watched the bowl rotate while listening to the low buzzing and the tiny pops coming from his dinner.
Sebastian always found the noise rather calming in a strange sense--that is until time had run out and his trance would be disrupted by the blaring beeps--but Maru’s rambling was impossible to block out.
“... And I got a letter from another college today--Yeah, yeah! I didn’t expect so many to be interested, I’m really overwhelmed!”
Sebastian couldn’t hold back his groan. She was bragging about her damn robot again. Normally he’d be mildly annoyed but understanding when it came to bragging about accomplishments, he was guilty of doing so himself, but to constantly hear someone praise themselves for well over a month would start to drive anyone insane. Maru had built a robot--with the help of Demetrius--that was about the size of a small dog. It was able to pick up certain objects, respond to commands, and write. She showed off it’s abilities to the whole town, and everyone, even Sebastian, was impressed with what she had created.
“... My dad said he was going to help me with future projects, but I need to be more independent.”
He expected the never-ending praise from his parents, and had prepared himself for the constant compliments Maru would receive throughout this month and the many months after. She could mop the floor and they’d shower her in affection for the whole week, it was something they were both used to. But what he wasn’t prepared for was everyone to constantly talk about Maru and her invention. Maru makes a dingy droid and you might as well have told everyone the second coming of Christ was happening in this very valley. Sure, they lived in a small town, and when anything slightly out of the ordinary popped up, it was bound to be talked about for a couple of weeks, but conversations about Maru have barely dwindled.
“... I still need to make some improvements on the little droid.”
The continuous praise at home was exhausting enough, so to hear her name in every passing conversation was a nightmare. He liked to leave his house to get away from her, to get away from his parents gushing, but now it felt like there was no escape. Even his best friends, Sam and Abigail, had mentioned both Maru and her machine during their nights at the saloon.
Three loud, obnoxious beeps finally escaped the microwave. That had to have been the longest minute of his life.
He took out the dish and stirred the contents recklessly, his fork clashing against the sides of the bowl and scraping the bottom, before placing it back in and setting the timer for another minute.
The second the dish is done, he’ll snatch it up, and rush back into the basement away from Maru. He wouldn’t care if the scalding ceramic would melt his fingers off, he couldn’t stand being in the kitchen with her for a second longer.
“... That’s the problem, I don’t know if I want to move out yet! I really love it here, and I know my parents would support me no matter what I choose, but…”
Is she capable of talking about anything besides herself? Everything has to be about her, her inventions, how her parents can’t get over her, her problems, her success, her feelings, her. Her. Her.
Sebastian hated it. When he stayed up countless nights programming with no help whatsoever, fueled by several cans of energy drinks and stress, all he’d receive were lectures. ‘Stop spending so much time on the computer’, ‘Stop playing games’, ‘Stop browsing the web’, ‘Staying in here for so long is unhealthy’, shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Then when he was given the chance to share what he was doing, explaining how he tests and develops software with enthusiasm and bright eyes, he could see his parents’ lack of interest in their dull eyes. Their amazement and fascination was all used on whatever Maru had been doing that day, and all that was left for him was boredom and exhaustion. Even on the days he went outside to work on his motorcycle, Demetrius wouldn’t hesitate to bicker about how much noise he was making, how he was distracting Maru from her work, how he was making a mess. The man was impossible to satisfy.
“... Yeah, I’ll be able to come over tomorrow!”
Sebastian stared at the timer. There were 10 seconds left.
“... I was thinking of bringing some gadgets over--Oh! We could try…” He hated her. Perhaps that was a strong word, but it was the truth. Nothing good had ever come from Maru.
9 seconds.
“... I don’t mind what we do, I just hate being cooped up in my room all day…” He hated the bragging, he hated the never-ending praise, he hated how the moment she was born their parents shoved everything he had into the basement.
8 seconds.
“... My parents don’t mind…” He hated how she always acted so high and mighty.
7 seconds.
“... As long as I’m home before it gets dark…” He hated how Demetrius would treat him every time he was near her.
6 seconds.
“... I need a break anyways…” He hated how he was always blamed for any argument or feud that came between them.
5 seconds.
“... My wrists have been killing me…” It was never her fault. Maru can’t do anything wrong, it’s always Sebastian.
“... I swear, my projects will be the death of me...” He hated the mere sight of her.
4 seconds.
“... Oh, did I tell you about what I’m currently working on?” He hated her voice.
3 seconds.
“... I’ve been making these blueprints…” He hated her.
2 seconds.
“... For a new robot…” He hated her.
1 second.
“... And I’m hoping it’ll be able to do even more than my first--”
Without his command, his legs took him straight to Maru. He tore the phone from her hand and held it with a crushing grip.
Maru’s mouth hung open, processing what had just happened in those mere, few seconds.
“Please.” Sebastian started in a frigid hush, “Shut. Up.”
Maru blinked a couple of times and stared at him, dumbfounded.
She shook off her surprise and reached for the phone, “I was talking with somebody!”
Sebastian pulled it away and hung up on whoever she was speaking with, “Not anymore. You can call them another time.”
Sebastian turned back to the counter, ready to grab his dinner and leave. He threw her phone aside and heard it land with a gratifying ‘crack’.
Maru scrambled to pick it up, checking the screen to make sure it hadn’t been ruined, then looked back at Sebastian.
“What is your problem?!” She raised her voice, face tinting red.
Sebastian ignored her as he opened the microwave.
She placed the phone on the table and stood up, snapping her fingers to get her step-brother’s attention.
“Hey, hey! You can’t just treat me like garbage one second then pretend I don’t exist the next!”
“I said shut up.” Sebastian repeated coldly, facing away from the girl.
“No, I won’t!” Maru stepped closer, “I can deal with you acting like this most of the time, but these past few weeks you have been really, really--” She scrunched her face, struggling to come up with a word to perfectly describe his recent, foul behavior. “--Vile!” She finished, pointing a finger at him.
“Sorry I’m not kissing your ass like everyone else.” He rolled his eyes as he grabbed the hot dish. He set it on the counter and scanned the kitchen for napkins.
Maru watched him search for a minute, then the gears in her head started turning.
Her eyes widened, “It’s because of my robot, isn’t it--”
“No, that damned robot isn’t the issue,” He clutched the edge of the counter, “it’s you! That’s my problem, it’s always been you!” He growled.
A genuinely hurt expression flashed across Maru’s face before it was replaced with anger. Her hands curled into fists.
“I haven’t done anything wrong.” She muttered, her voice was shaky. “You’re… You’re just…” She hated these moments with Sebastian. She hated how often they’d come. No matter what she did, no matter what she said, the two of them always ended up arguing. She’d always lose. She’d always be given a repulsed look and grumbled cusses as he’d walk away. Sometimes her parents would intervene and defend her, but they weren’t here right now.
She can’t keep letting herself get stepped on.
“Because you’re jealous, aren’t you?” She finally said, her voice still unsteady.
Sebastian’s body stiffened.
“Because you’re in your basement all day, staring at your--your stupid computer, pretending everyone doesn’t exist…” She breathed in, “And while you were sitting around, being angry, I was out there doing something. I’m actually getting somewhere! I actually have the chance for a successful future, I have potential, and you--you--y…”
The confidence she was finally building up had been shattered into millions of pieces as she watched Sebastian reach over to the knife block. When his fingers curled around and held the grip of the nearest knife, she felt her blood drain from her face.
The world had stopped. Maru had stopped. She couldn’t move. She only stood and waited, hoping Sebastian would let go, tell her he’s kidding, or for him to go outside to smoke, anything. Anything.
Sebastian began to turn his head in her direction, the hatred in his eyes burned greater than the flames in the depths of Hell. The more he kept turning his head, the louder her heart banged in her ears. Her horrifying hypnotic heartbeat was soon overtaken by a single thought booming in her head: He’s going to kill me.
Maru made a dash to the hallway, hearing her step-brother’s footsteps right on her tail as he started shouting a slew of curses and threats. She had never heard Sebastian shout in such a terrible tone in her entire life. Even during their absolute worst fights, his raised voice would sound pissed at most. But here? Now? He was screaming. There were moments where his voice would strain as he swung the knife she barely avoided, threatening to hack her head off. Whatever restraint he had built up over the years, whatever had kept him sane throughout the entirety of their relationship had been thrown out. All that remained was a man who looked like her step-brother screaming bloody murder, fueled by pure hatred, and wanting nothing more than to see her bleed.
Maru saw the door to her parents room on the right and instantly ran inside. She locked the door and took lungfuls of air, hot tears running down her face as she almost choked on her own spit.
The knob began to wriggle faster and faster until Sebastian resorted to banging and kicking. He’d slam his body against it, causing the door to budge and Maru’s life to flash before her eyes.
He kept shouting those words and other horrible threats at her. She needed to get out.
She whipped her head around, hoping to find any possible escape route, but a pit began to form in her stomach as she realized she had trapped herself in her parents’ room. This wasn’t like her bedroom, there wasn’t another door that led outside, and the only window in here wasn’t big enough for her to crawl through.
The banging on the door grew louder, so did Sebastian’s yelling.
“YOU BITCH.” Sebastian threw himself against the door again.
She couldn’t think straight. She couldn’t think straight. Block the door. She needs to block the door.
She saw two wooden chairs beside her parents’ bed that sat in the center of the room and grabbed one. She wedged the back of the chair underneath the doorknob, praying it’d be enough to hold back Sebastian.
She suddenly saw the blade of the knife jab through the crack of the door and watched it dragg up and down before being pulled back in. Whatever Sebastian was attempting to do didn’t go as planned; he resorted to charging against the door again, shouting, and now sporadically stabbing the door itself.
Maru would watch in horror as the blade made its way through the other side of the door with every other stab. She couldn’t tear her eyes off the door. She wanted to throw up.
As Sebastian’s screaming and thrashing grew more and more voluminous, Maru backed herself against the wall, sat down, and brought her knees to her chest. She covered her ears, tears clouding her vision, as horrid thoughts and questions filled her mind. She remembered watching so many documentaries about serial killers with Penny, fascinated with how sick people could be. She never imagined her own step-brother would be the end of her.
She wondered what it’d be like to have a knife plunged into her chest. Would it feel like a quick sting? Would it burn? Would her adrenaline prevent her from feeling anything at all, and she’d be stuck staring into her step-brother’s wild eyes? Would he drag out her demise? Or would he end her life as fast as possible?
Maybe she deserves this. Maybe she should have treated him better. Maybe she could’ve tried harder. She should’ve kept her stupid mouth shut. She shouldn’t have said anything. None of this would’ve happened. Sebastian feels this way because of her. She deserves this. She deserves this. She’s going to die. She’s going to die.
She suddenly heard the front door open through Sebastian’s banging. Footsteps and muffled voices, which soon turned into shouting, grew near.
“Sebastian? Sebastian--oh my God, what are DOING!?” She heard her mom shout. Sebastian was rather too consumed with wanting to kill Maru, or no longer cared about the consequences, as his screaming and thrashing became more severe.
Demetrius’ shouting started clashing with Sebastian’s, and another, quieter male voice could be heard as well.
Sebastian’s ruckus came to an abrupt stop. He must’ve been pulled away from the door. She could hear his yelling, his legs kicking about, and--somehow--his knife swinging wildly.
Someone knocked on the door. “Maru, honey, are you in there?” Maru heard her mother ask through Sebastian and Demetrius’ shouting.
“It’s safe to come out,” Her mom said, “Dr. Harvey called the police. You’re going to be okay.”
Maru slowly got up and pulled the chair away. She cautiously unlocked the door and listened to the yelling grow louder as she opened the door more and more.
Maru was hoping seeing her mother would cause a wave of relief and security to wash over her, but Robin wore a false smile in a poor attempt to mask her fear, making Maru feel sicker.
Robin pulled her in for a tight hug and placed her hand on her head, whispering to Maru that they’re going to be okay, everything will be fine, it’s all over now.
Maru forced her head to the right and saw an enraged Demetrius and a terrified Harvey restraining both of Sebastian’s arms.
Sebastian had finally stopped shouting. He was sitting on the floor, panting through gritted teeth, tears running down his face, and staring at her with those horrible, loathsome eyes that wished to see nothing more than Maru’s demise.
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 5
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 4,949
Warning - Cursing (if some people don’t like that kind of stuff), feels because it’s finally time for the reunion😭💕
A/N- wow two chapters in one weekend, I’m on a roll🤩 so this chapter is pretty much going to be heavily focused on Y/N reuniting with the Party and explaining all that is going on, so no action packed scenes in this chapter lol. anyways, it’s the part of the series everyone has been looking forward to so yay!!! I really hope you guys like this!
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prolouge 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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"L/N, still don't know how to stay out of trouble I see."
"Harrington, still don't know how to drive I see."
Steve feigned a look of hurt, but the corners of his mouth twitched up a little more as he looked at the girl. A screech broke the two apart as they turned to see that the demogorgon was starting to get up.
Steve's eyes widened and he looked at Y/N and the group before gesturing towards the back. "Get your asses in the car!" he yelled. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"
The Losers all snapped out of their shock and began to run towards the car. Bill went towards Y/N and helped her up before brushing her hair behind her ear and whispering, "Are you okay?" She nodded and he took her hand before the two quickly crawled into the car, neither of them noticing the look on Steve's face after having seen Y/N, the girl who was practically his sister, holding hands with a boy he didn't even know.
Steve didn't snap out of his surprise until the door was shut and Y/N yelled, "Go!"
It was then that he put the car into reverse and quickly began to drive backwards down the street while the demogorgon chased after them. Steve quickly reversed into a driveway before pulling out and skidding down the street.
Y/N didn't know what had her doing it, but she found herself staring back at the house and the demogorgon. To her surprise, the demogorgon had stopped short, not passing the boundary of the house as it remained in the street much like Pennywise had done when they saw It yesterday. It was only when they were turning off the road that she noticed the demogorgon walk back into the house and she furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why it just gave up.
"What the fucking hell was that?" Richie cried out causing Y/N to look at the boy with a smirk, her thoughts long forgotten.
"Believe me now, Tozier?" she asked, her voice raised and in a taunting tone just like his had been yesterday.
Richie made a face at her while a gasp of surprise left Steve's mouth. "What the hell. That kid looks just like Mike!" Steve exclaimed.
Richie's nose scrunched up in confusion. "How the fuck do you know Mike? And why would you think we look alike you dumbass?" Richie muttered.
"Different Mike, Richie," Y/N sighed. "It's that kid I told you the first day I met you that you looked like."
"Still don't believe you," Richie rolled his eyes.
Y/N chuckled softly, her small laugh and the usual arguing that goes on between Y/N and Richie easing the tension that had fallen among the group after that near death experience.
Y/N looked around at her friends and furrowed her eyebrows before looking over at Steve, "Where's everyone else?"
Steve glanced at her from the rear view mirror before saying, "What? No 'Hello, Steve. How are you? Thanks for saving my life.' I haven't seen you in two years and the first thing you ask is where the others are?"
Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy, knowing that he was just messing with her. "Hello, Harrington. How have you been? Thank the Lord for your awful driving skills or I would be a demogorgon's dinner right about now," she muttered sarcastically.
Steve made a small face at her and she laughed as she looked at the boy. She couldn't wait for them to get to her house so she could give him a hug. She had missed him a hell of a lot that was for sure.
"I've been doing just wonderful," Steve replied, a cheeky grin on his face. "As for your question, the others are all back at your house. We snuck into the basement because we weren't quite sure if your parents know about the whole situation or not. When you didn't show up, the kids sent me out to go find you."
"So they're here? You're all here?" Y/N asked, her voice just above a whisper as her eyes flickered with excitement.
Steve smiled at the girl and nodded his head. "We're all here, squirt. Drove seventeen fucking hours just to see you," he told her thoughtfully making her smile.
"I hate to break this moment up," Richie began only to have Eddie scoff and say, "No, you don't." Richie shot him a glare before looking to Steve and asking, "But who the fuck are you?"
Steve furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the boy through the mirror. "I could ask you the same thing, Trashmouth. You're the one in my car," he retorted, not knowing that he had used one of Richie's nicknames without even knowing him.
Richie frowned, but Y/N kicked him lightly to gain his attention. "This, Rich, is the one and only Steve Harrington. He's practically my brother so don't scare him off, okay?" Y/N asked.
"Steve," Y/N called out. "These are all of my friends. We've got Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, and Bill Denbrough. We have another friend Mike Hanlon, but he-"
Y/N trailed off and Steve instantly knew what she was talking about, remembering part of what Dustin had been rambling about during the whole seventeen hour drive. Not wanting her to feel like she had to explain, Steve glanced at the kids through his rear view mirror and nodded at them in greeting before his eyes landed on Bill who he noticed was holding Y/N's hand.
"Just your friends?" Steve questioned, his eyes narrowing as he looked to Bill who gave him an awkward and nervous smile.
Y/N nodded her head in response. "Just friends," she assured him despite the ache in her heart from having to say that. The car got really quiet at that as the Losers looked between Y/N and Bill who had let go of each other's hands and were looking away from each other.
Richie let out a gasp that made the others all look at him. "We left our bikes," he groaned as his head fell into his hands.
This small comment instantly eased the tension in the car and Y/N let out a small laugh as she shook her head and leaned back against the window of Steve's car. She looked to the rear view mirror and watched as Steve glanced back at her before giving her a smile.
It was in that moment that she realized that her friends were all about to meet. It was weird to even think about, but all Y/N could hope for was that everything went okay. Cause if her friends didn't like each other. . .well, she didn't know what she would do.
So with those thoughts rushing through her head, Y/N took in a deep breath and let her eyes fall shut. She needed a moment to enjoy the calm before the storm as they turned down her street.
Cause waiting only a few houses away in her basement were Eleven, Wheeler, Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Will and in the car with her and Steve were Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly. In less than five minutes her two worlds were going to collide.
The Party and the Losers' Club were about to meet.
- - -
Once they had reached her house, Y/N had Steve park on the other side of the street and in front of a house that was for sale so that way in case her parents got home, they wouldn't think twice upon seeing the car.
The moment Steve parked the car, Y/N was practically jumping out. Steve barely had time to even put his feet on the ground before the girl hugged him with such force that he went stumbling back.
Steve had to quickly use his hand to steady himself before he looked down to see that Y/N was shaking as she hugged him, tears sliding down her face as her hands curled into fists around his shirt. The boy smiled before wrapping his arms around her, his eyes pricking with tears as he realized he was finally getting to hug Y/N after two whole years without her.
The Losers clambered out of the car before glancing over at the small reunion going on. They didn't know why it felt like their stomachs had just dropped, but the way Y/N hugged the boy made them feel weird like they couldn't quite place what was wrong. They just knew that Y/N had never hugged any of them like that or even looked that happy to see them.
The two stood there hugging for a moment longer before Y/N pulled away and looked up at Steve. "I missed you," she whispered, still looking at him in disbelief and enough love that it made Steve's heart swell.
The older boy smiled and quickly wiped her tears away before sending a wink at her. "I missed you too, squirt," he whispered before ruffling her hair, earning a laugh to escape her lips.
She then grabbed onto Steve's hand before dragging him towards the house. "Come on!" she exclaimed, excitement coursing through her body as she realized her friends were only a few feet away.
The Losers watched Steve and Y/N make their way towards her house and frowned. "Did she just forget about us?" Stan asked confused, noticing that Y/N hadn't even looked their way since getting out of the car.
"What are we? Chopped liver?" Richie muttered with a roll of his eyes as he crossed his arms.
"Guys, come on. These are Y/N's friends who she hasn't seen in two years. Cut her some slack," Beverly said before shaking her head at the others and running after Steve and Y/N.
The others stood there for a moment before their eyes slowly flickered over to Bill who was standing their in shock. He noticed his friends stares and quickly gave them a small forced smile. "Bev is right. Besides, you all know how much Y/N cares about us. She wouldn't just push us aside like that," Bill assured them.
The others nodded, hanging their heads slightly in a guilty way for having accused Y/N of forgetting them. "Come on," Bill told them before he ran after the three, the others all following right behind.
By the time the Losers had caught up with Y/N and Steve, the basement door was open and Y/N was just blankly staring at the stairs. She couldn't process what was happening.
Were her friends really down those stairs? How much had they changed? Would they not like her as much once they saw how much she had changed in the past two years? What if they didn't like her friends? What if they didn't approve of Bill or Richie or Eddie or Stan or Beverly or Ben or even Mike when they got him back? How would she be able to deal with that?
"Stop," a voice called from behind her causing Y/N and Steve to glance back to see the Losers all staring at their friend.
"You're thinking too much," Eddie pointed out.
"They still love you," Beverly assured her.
"And you're fucking amazing so what is there to worry about?" Richie asked.
Steve glanced between the group and Y/N before noticing the way her shoulders relaxed and a smile appeared on her face.
Bill locked eyes with the girl and gave her a small nod. "Go see your friends," he told her, a smile on his face as he knew how much she had missed her friends from Hawkins.
Y/N grinned at him and the rest of the group before looking down at the stairs and beginning to make her descent. It was like all she could hear was her own heart beating in her ears as she made her way down the stairs, but it suddenly disappeared as soon as she reached the bottom.
She looked up and her eyes were wide as she watched the Party all stop talking and turn to look at the stairs. Their eyes widened slightly at the sight of her and the group all stared in silence for a minute, none of them moving because of how afraid they were that this wasn't real.
Eleven was the first to break the silence as she let out a small sob and bolted up from where she had been sitting on the ground next to Wheeler. Before Y/N could process what was happening, Eleven had wrapped her arms around the girl, soft sobs of relief escaping her lips.
Eleven's warm and loving hold on her was enough to make the girl break and Y/N let out a sob of relief as she instantly hugged Eleven back. No words were exchanged as the two girls hugged and Max had to pull Eleven away just so that she could take her turn in hugging Y/N.
Everyone in the Party had started to cry as they finally got to to see Y/N again. Two years was an awfully long time and only getting to talk to her every once in a while over the radio did not help with the long distance.
"Woah, it's my turn!" Lucas exclaimed as he gently pushed Max away.
"Hey! I only just started to hug her!" Max complained.
"Yeah? Well I was friends with Y/N first so when I say it's my turn, then it's my turn," Lucas argued before turning to the girl who had been his first friend. The two were both already crying but they let out a breathy laugh before hugging each other tightly.
"Fuck, I missed you guys," Y/N said as she pulled away from Lucas and went to the next closest person which was Dustin. "Dustin, thank you so much for getting everyone down here."
"Of course. We promised each other that if either of us ever needed anything we would be there, didn't we?" Dustin asked as he gave the girl a big squeeze before smiling widely at her as he struggled to wipe his own tears of joy away.
As soon as Dustin let her go, Will had launched himself at the girl causing Y/N to grin and yell out in excitement, "Will!" She hugged the boy back with just as much enthusiasm.
Will chuckled and the two pulled away and laughed slightly at how much the other was crying. Y/N reached out and wiped the boy's tears away while he did the same for her. The two then sent each other smiles before Y/N turned to the last person in the group who she hadn't hugged yet.
Wheeler stood with his hands in his pocket, tears falling down his face as he tried to suppress the huge grin that was begging to be let out. "L/N," he greeted making Y/N chuckle.
"Wheeler," Y/N greeted as she nodded at the boy.
Wheeler couldn't hold his grin back any longer and he let out a laugh as tears streamed down his face. He held his arms out and the two teens met halfway as they hugged each other.
"Holy shit! You've grown so much!" Y/N exclaimed as she pulled away to look at her friend in surprise. "What have they been feeding you?"
Wheeler chuckled and nudged the girl playfully. "Very funny," he told her.
Y/N smiled before taking a step back and looking at all of her friends. "Shit, I'm going to start crying again. I've missed you guys so much, like you don't understand," she said as she reached out and hugged Eleven again, the others all joining in so that it was a huge group hug.
By this point, Steve and the Losers had all made it to the bottom of the stairs. Steve watched the little reunion with a smile on his face while the Losers all blinked in surprise at finally getting to see the kids Y/N had been talking about for so long.
That was until Richie noticed that the boy that was hugging Y/N looked really familiar.
Richie let out a loud gasp before yelling out, "What the fuck! That kid looks like me! Why does that kid look like me?"
The Party all let go of Y/N, allowing for her to turn around and see that Richie and the rest of the Losers were all looking at Wheeler in surprise. Wheeler let out a small gasp of surprise as he looked at Richie, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
Richie stormed down the stairs before stopping only inches away from Wheeler while everyone else just stared at the scene with wide eyes. "Who the hell are you? And why do you look like me? I know everyone wants to fucking be me but I didn't think anyone would take it this literal," Richie frowned, pissed at the prospect of someone looking just like him.
"Maybe it's one of those doppelgänger things," Max explained in a quiet voice as she looked between the two boys in surprise.
"No, this is a fucking prank. It has to be," Richie said, not believing a word anyone was telling him.
Wheeler frowned and snapped out of his shock before looking to Y/N. "Y/N, who is this guy?" he asked confused.
Y/N smiled and walked over before wrapping an arm around Beverly and Richie's shoulders. "Guys," Y/N said. "These are my friends." The grin on her face was unlike any other as she began to introduce her friends.
"We've got Eddie Kaspbrak," Y/N said as she pointed to the boy who gave them a small wave. "Ben Hanscom." Said boy smiled and nodded in greeting. "Stan the man Uris." Stan rolled his eyes at the girl but couldn't help the smile on his face as he waved at the Party. "Then we've got the one and only Beverly Marsh." Beverly mock saluted the group making the two girls giggle before Y/N turned to Richie. "This," she said as she ruffled the boy's hair earning a groan of complaint, "is Richie Tozier."
"And last but not least," Y/N grinned as she let go of Richie and Beverly to walk over to Bill. She stood behind the boy and put her hands on his arms as she peaked her smiling face out from behind his shoulder. "We've got Bill Denbrough."
Bill smiled down at her making the girl look up at him with a bright smile, the look on the teens' faces making Steve and all of the boy members of the Party frown and cross their arms protectively while Max and Eleven let out small squeals and gripped onto each other's arms.
The teens didn't even realize they were staring at each other for a while before Steve suddenly coughed awkwardly, breaking the two apart. Y/N sent a sharp glare in Steve's direction while he merely held his hands up in surrender as he tried to act innocent.
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the Losers as she walked over to the Party. "Okay, Losers, listen up. These are the people you have heard me talk nonstop about, so please be nice, okay?" she asked. "I'm talking to you, Richie."
Richie feigned shock while Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy. She didn't wait for a response as she pointed towards Steve, "You've already had the pleasure of meeting Harrington over there. Sorry he had to be the first one you met."
Steve feigned a look of shock while Y/N ignored him and moved on. She may have been a little mad at him for breaking her and Bill apart, but she wasn't about to voice her feelings.
"This is Lucas Sinclair. He's been my best friend since we met back in the first grade," Y/N explained as Lucas nodded at the Losers. "Then we've got Dustin Henderson, the little shit that gives me a run for my money when it comes to science things." Dustin chuckled and waved at the group.
"Next we've got Mike Wheeler who, despite being a dumbass over half the time, is probably one of the best people you will ever get the chance to meet," Y/N said as Wheeler rolled his eyes and nudged the girl. "Then we've got Will Byers. He's an amazing artist and probably one of the best to ever play D&D," Y/N told them as she hugged Will from the side, the boy instantly hugging her back.
"D&D?" Richie questioned causing the Party and Y/N to gasp.
"Richard Tozier! I'm disappointed in you," Y/N frowned. "We've talked about Dungeons and Dragons before you dumbass."
"Oh, that game. Sorry, L/N. You know I'm more of an arcade type of person," Richie pointed out.
Y/N shook her head at the boy before moving onto the next person who was Max. "This stunner is Max Mayfield. She moved to Hawkins a little bit before I left and can beat anyone in a skateboarding race," Y/N said.
"And finally we've got the lovely Jane Hopper, but everyone calls her Eleven," Y/N told the Losers as she wrapped an arm around the girl and gave her a hug.
"It's n-n-nice to finally m-m-meet you guys," Bill said as he smiled at the Party. He knew how much these people meant to Y/N, so that meant that they automatically meant a lot to him to. The Party smiled back, but their eyes flickered over to Richie once they noticed him walking over.
Y/N should've known what Richie was going to say before he said it, but she didn't know why she hadn't realized what he was doing as he walked up to Max and Eleven. "L/N, you didn't tell me you had two smoking hot babes for best friends," Richie said as he winked at the two girls and smirked.
Y/N rolled her eyes before stepping out in front of the two girls and pushing Richie away. "I know Eddie and Stan are pretty hot, aren't they?" she asked making Richie frown while Eddie and Stan snickered. "Don't even think about it, Trashmouth. They're-"
"Taken," Wheeler announced as he went over to Eleven's side and protectively wrapped an arm around her waist.
"They're taken," Lucas declared again just to prove a point as his arm wrapped around Max's shoulders.
Both boys were sending Richie death glares while their girlfriends rolled their eyes at the boys. Richie held his hands up in surrender but that didn't stop him from winking at the two girls and saying, "Well, whenever you decide you want a real man, I-"
"They will make sure not to come to you," Y/N cut him off making the Losers all chuckle while Eddie rolled his eyes at Richie and shoved him behind him in an attempt to make the boy shut the hell up.
"Now that introductions are out of the way, just what the hell is going on?" Steve questioned as he stood at the front of the group with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, why did you need us to drive all the way here?" Dustin asked.
Lucas glanced at Y/N and said, "What they said. What the hell is going on? Y/N, didn't your parents move you away from Hawkins to stay out of trouble?"
"You would think," Y/N chuckled nervously as she ran a hand through her hair in frustration. A deep feeling of guilt suddenly washed over her as she realized that for a moment she had pretty much forgotten about Mike and the whole Upside Down and It situation.
The Losers all gave her small nods that told her to go ahead and she took in a deep breath before beginning to tell the Party everything. She started with the night she took out the trash and went all the way until what had happened only a half an hour before.
The whole time, the Party remained blank face, none of them knowing how to respond to the news that the Upside Down was back or that a clown was terrorizing people.
"I'm sorry," Wheeler muttered as he shook his head. "Did you say clown?"
"I'm obviously the more superior one seeing as I wasn't dumb as fuck to not understand a single word she was saying," Richie muttered to Eddie making Wheeler glare at him.
"I'm sorry. What did you just say?" Wheeler asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Richie.
"I called you dumb as fuck," Richie said again, a smug smirk on his face.
Wheeler went to take a step forward, but Eleven was quick to grab his arm and pull him back, her hand soothingly running up and down his arm as she looked to Y/N. "I don't understand," she said.
Y/N sent her a small sympathetic smile before saying, "Okay, let me give the simpler version. Basically, our friend Mike Hanlon has been taken into the Upside Down by not only demogorgons, but a being that presents itself as a clown. The clown named Pennywise or It goes around terrorizing people and eating children. I called you guys down here because we need both groups.
"You," Y/N began as she gestured towards the Party, "know about the Upside Down and have fought it multiple times."
"They," Y/N said as she pointed to the Losers, "have fought It before and know how to handle him."
"If we combine both groups and what we know, we should, theoretically, be able to stop both It and the Upside Down while also saving Mike," Y/N explained.
"Demogorgons and a place called the Upside Down? Why does this sound more believable than It?" Stan muttered with a groan.
“I'm sorry, but there is literally no way this is true," Lucas muttered as he shook his head. "A demon clown? Do you hear yourself right now, Y/N?"
"Come on, Lucas," Y/N pleaded before she looked to the whole Party. "Guys, I wouldn't lie about something like this and you know it. My friend is trapped down there and we have no way of knowing of he is even alive or not without you guys. I need you guys to trust me on this one, okay? Please, it's all I ask."
The Party all softened at her words, the teens beginning to put their full trust into the girl. The only one that looked hesitant was Steve who was looking to the ground as he rubbed his neck. Y/N looked to the boy and whispered, "Steve."
Steve let his head lift up slightly, his eyes flickering over to the girl who was standing there almost hopelessly. He knew the Upside Down part was true because of the demogorgon, but a demon clown? There was no way. But then he saw the fright in the girl's eyes and it wasn't fright over the creatures terrorizing them. No, it was fright for her friend.
For a moment he was reminded of the other times he had seen that look like when Will had been taken or Eleven had to close the gate or even when they had been trapped in the Russian Lab together and he had forced her to leave him behind.
It was the same look that told him everything he needed to know. Y/N was right— she wouldn't lie about something like this. She needed them to believe her. She needed him to believe her and as her best friend and honorary brother, it was his job to believe her.
"This is ridiculous," Steve pointed out, his eyes not leaving Y/N's as he looked at her.
"Oh, it's real," she assured him, the tone of her voice making everyone in the room gulp slightly at those words. "Way more real than you or I could ever imagine."
There was a beat of silence as Y/N let her eyes flicker over all of her friends. She already knew the Losers believed her, especially after they had been there with her since the beginning. The only ones she had to convince were the Party and Steve and she really hoped she had been able to do just that.
"This is crazy. Like batshit crazy, but I believe you and I'm in," Lucas announced making Y/N smile.
"Me too," Will said as he nodded at the girl. "They'll never be gone, not really. It's just a matter of time before they come back again. So right now, we need to stop them while we still can."
"I'm in," Wheeler announced while Richie mockingly mimicked him from beside Eddie who elbowed him in the gut.
“Same here," Eleven and Max said at the same time before high fiving each other for speaking in unison.
Y/N looked to Dustin who sighed before giving her a smile. "You know I believe you. I always do," he told her.
Y/N smiled before letting her eyes flicker over to Steve once again, the last but most important person she needed to believe her. "Steve?" Y/N questioned, her eyes hopeful as she looked to him. Steve stared at the girl for a moment before sighing and letting a grin appear on his face.
"You're lucky I brought the bat."
* * *
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