#Horuss Peixes Kin
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meulin anon asks! -> “∩^ω^∩ HI!!! could i rq a moodboard for a meulin makara (kurlozways) who was best friends with mituna ampora and horuss peixes w/ cozy stuff and stuff related to the ocean? maybe a bit of a skeleton theme too if that makes sense? thanks guys”
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hskinfession · 8 months
damara zahhak, mituna ampora, porrim megido, and horuss peixes…. i miss you guys. if you remember a tall meulin makara with unruly hair who had a crush on porrim and was a bit of an outcast, i’d love to speak again.
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hskinhome · 7 months
ooo. could i ask for a charm reading for my meulin makara (kurlozways) tl? more specifically, maybe a general idea for how things went down for us. for context purposes:
i remember a damara zahhak, mituna ampora, kankri maryam, porrim megido, and horuss peixes. i was very selective with who i talked to. i think i was a prince of heart. i remember everyone being relatively close prior to our session but things kind of broke down after. we still all talked obviously but it was never really the same.
Yet another ask that I misread, hence why this ask took so long to get out. So you get two readings. Also. Same kin, different swap. Rad.
Reading 1 (the misread) - I used this spread by @kin-rot, linked to me by Mod Nepeta's google doc of spreads! It's less about how the timeline went as a whole and more about how your personal growth went, but I hope it helps nevertheless! Remember, if it feels wrong then it probably is!
I didn't pull the last charm, since you didn't ask about how it effects this life, but if you want that charm as well then please feel free to come back!
Your past life as a whole - A black umbrella - You were very capable, able to weather the storms. You were safe and protected by your own abilities.
Theme of major challenges - A camera - You (and your friends, from the feel of it) had a hard time focusing on the here and now, instead focusing on the future and how to make sure you remembered everything you wanted to remember.
How you handled them, and their effects on you - An open book, upside down as if a spot is being saved - You got distracted easily, trying to remember every single little thing like your life depended on it. Of course, this led to a harder time remembering anything clearly and in detail at all.
Lessons learned during this life - A winged clock - Time passes incredibly quickly, and though it's important to remember, it is more important to experience it.
Reading two (the correct read) - Whoops. This time I used this spread, also linked by Nepeta. Hopefully this one answers your question better.
An emotion/feeling/state of mind that dominated you - A top hat - Here, the top hat is to represent high society and prestige, a representation that works well for a Makara's high standing in troll society!
An action that you took because of it - Piano - This one came out upside down, which I think is relevant. Instead of it representing high society again, I'm interpreting it to mean the loss of high society. It feels like an action you took willingly and abruptly to me, though when I ran it past Mod Nepeta they thought it would be less willing. Your mileage may vary.
A key event in your timeline - A flower with a smile in it - This charm is meant to urge the reciever to stop and smell the flowers. Coupled with the next charm, I think the key event it's referencing is you meeting at least some of your fellow players and making friends with them. They helped you feel calm, like you would still be cared for even if you weren't the 'best' version of you.
Your role in the key event - A crossroad - You felt like you had to make a choice - either you could stay with the people who made you feel relaxed and happy, or you could go back to the people who pushed you to always be better than the day before, never letting you rest.
Your standing with others - A sunrise - The others looked to you when it came time to make a new start. They knew you had experience starting over, and that they could trust you to guide them through their new start as well.
Others' standing with you - A stoplight - You kinda viewed the others as being noncommittal - they weren't always able to move past what they had lost when the game began, but you were because the only things you lost were a past you had already left.
Something you've forgotten - An unlocked padlock - I'd read this as you forgetting how you let people in, how you connected with those around you and how they connected with you.
A mistake you made - An 'I love you' - You loved the wrong people, or you didn't tell the right ones. Something went wrong with your love and who you told.
Something you did right - A cocktail - Honestly I'd just read this as you always knowing exactly what to do to relax and have fun with your life!
A lesson learned - A checked box - You learned to always be the one to complete any job you started, even if you delegated the middle part of the job to someone else.
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dear-fictionkin · 1 year
smoking mention fyi
dearrrrr mituna ampora, you crazy motherFUCKER. you are such an ass and i mean that as best as i can. i have the urge to just pull you into an affectionate headlock and talk shit about any topic you want. i miss you. i miss your stupid face. i miss doing stupid things with you. i miss your messy hair and your shit eating grin and your awful attempts at convincing people ya smoked. i call and STILL CALL bullshit. let’s play a prank on horuss peixes again when we get the chance
- your best furrend, dumbass and all,
meulin makara
[postage date: May. 2]
OH hi meulin makara here fyi it’s a homestuck one. i kin a trollswap version of meulin leijon sorry I don’t know if I said that or not
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theecosystemdid · 4 months
Hello! We’d absolutely love to do Homestuck ones for you! Our boyfriend is a huge homestuck fan, and we like homestuck in the manner of never read it but like it based off what he has info dumped to us about!
You can actually view our current list of homestuck flags we’ve made here! https://www.tumblr.com/theecosystemdid/734382776084742144/list-of-all-our-homestuck-introject-kin-flags
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skaiakin · 6 months
I MEANT THE KIDS/TROLLS IM SO SORRY (pendulum kin anon). If that's still way too much which I totally get just the kids is fine!
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no worriie2, thank2 for 2peciifyiing. thii2 took a whiile becau2e of how many ii diid a readiing for, ii iincluded: the alpha and beta kiid2, the beta troll2 and the dance2tor2. hope that work2, your an2wer2 are under the cut:
(no worries, thanks for specifying. this took a while because of how many i did a reading for, i included: the alpha and beta kids, the beta trolls and the dancestors. hope that works, your answers are under the cut:)
John Egbert, pendulum answered: yes.
Rose Lalonde, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Dave Strider, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Jade Harley, pendulum answered: no.
Jane Crocker, pendulum answered: light yes.
Roxy Lalonde, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Dirk Strider, pendulum answered: unsure.
Jake English, pendulum answered: light no.
Karkat Vantas, pendulum answered: light yes.
Aradia Megido, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Tavros Nitram, pendulum answered: no.
Sollux Captor, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Nepeta Lejion, pendulum answered: yes.
Kanaya Maryam, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Terezi Pyrope, pendulum answered: no.
Vriska Serket, pendulum answered: heavy yes.
Equius Zahhak, pendulum answered: unsure.
Gamzee Makara, pendulum answered: no.
Eridan Ampora, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Feferi Peixes, pendulum answered: light no.
Kankri Vantas, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Damara Megido, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Rufioh Nitram, pendulum answered: extremely heavy yes.
Mituna Captor, pendulum answered: yes.
Meulin Lejion, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Porrim Maryam, pendulum answered: unsure.
Latula Pyrope, pendulum answered: light yes.
Aranea Serket, pendulum answered: heavy no.
Horuss Zahhak, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
Kurloz Makara, pendulum answered: extremely heavy yes.
Cronus Ampora, pendulum answered: light no.
Meenah Peixes, pendulum answered: extremely heavy no.
hope the2e help. you know your2elf be2t.
(hope these help. you know yourself best.)
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
LATULA: d4ng, 1’m so t1r3d 1 could 34t 4 hors3.
HORUSS: 8=D < I identify as a horse and this offends me.
MEENAH: i identify as offends and t)(is sea)(orses me
MITUNA: 1 0FF2NDF H0R5365, 1D3N71FGY M3
RUFIOH: 1 th1nk the real quest1on here 1s why you would eat a horse because you were t1red.
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bloodswapaes · 5 years
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An aesthetic for a Horuss Ampora who struggled with guilt and depression due to the fact that he was developing and repressing pitch feelings for his matesprit, Kurloz Piexes, and falling somewhere between diamonds and hearts for his moirail, Kankri Maryam.
-Mod Ryder 👻
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tyrian-puppeteer · 5 years
Canon Call
As my blog suggests, i am a bloodswapped Kurloz, im currently looking for Meulin Serket and Mituna Zahhak in particular, but anyone else would be welcome company
In our timeline we were
Porrim Vantas
Meenah Megido
Cronus Nitram
Horuss Captor
Latula Leijon
Aranea Maryam
Kankri Pyrope
Meulin Serket
Mituna Zahhak
Damara Makara
Rufioh Ampora
Kurloz Peixes
My memories arent too good but i do remember that
Mituna was able to speak, but preferred not to and signed much of the time
Meulin was our decided 'leader' because everyone (including myself) was slightly intimidated by her, but adored her all the same
I lived behind a waterfall before the session, though could often be found just lounging in tide pools on shore to talk to everyone, i still had my mouth sewn shut, though didnt have chucklevoodoos
The quadrents i remember were very similar to canon, being
Cronus had an unrequited flush for Meenah
Damara, Rufioh, and Horuss were in a poly matespritship, Rufioh didnt cheat on either of them
Meenah still blew us all up.
If any of this sounds familiar, do not be afraid to contact me, i miss everyone greatly and would love to find atleast some of you
@hskinhome @hskin-center @hskinhub @hskin-helpers id appreciate it if you could reblog this to help me get my canoncall out there
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Aaaa panel edit of a Kanaya-swapped Meulin Maryam! I hope you like it! (,,,, imma level w you chief I got real overexcited doin this edit hcgdhdbdh, I love bloodswaps-----)
Edit: wow tumblr really wanna kill my quality like this huh. Oof.
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hskin-stuff · 6 years
userbox for "this user is feferi and
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Here you are! I hope you like them - I made a few different ones for you to choose from.
(@spidoler, because you moved blogs!)
-Mod Horuss
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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kinnieplanet-blog · 6 years
if you’re kin with one of the alpha trolls from homestuck, come hang out yall!!! but before you join, realize that there most likely will be doubles in here, so if you’re not ok with that then this isn’t the chat for you!  https://discord.gg/PCuGAJh
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hskin-center · 6 years
Um hey, I'm looking for anyone who remembers my Damara Ampora timeline, especially Meenah Serket, but the other bloodswap I can remember were Latula Megido, Aranea Nitram, Kurloz Captor, Horuss Leijon, Mituna Pyrope, Kankri Zahhak, Porrim Makara, and Rufioh Piexes. I remember something major went down with Rufioh and I and that I thought pretty highly of Kurloz. Hit me up if you wanna talk! @veiledAbnigate
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theecosystemdid · 7 months
List of all our Homestuck Introject / Kin Flags!
Doc Scratch
Feferi Peixes
God Tier Dave Strider
Horuss Zahhak
Jane Crocker
Kanaya Maryam
Kurloz Makara
Lil Hal Strider
Meenah Peixes
Mituna Captor
Zebruh Codakk
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
Mod Memory Event Guide Post!
We thought it would be fun to talk a bit more in depth about our timelines, swaps, etc so for ease, we’ve put together this small guide for organization. 
You guys are of course all welcome to ask questions or share some of your own memories if you’d like! But even if you’d rather keep to yourself, this should hopefully serve as a reference for our incessant babbling, hahahahaha
We’ve provided lists below of the specific timelines we’d most like to talk about for this event, though a reminder that a majority of our Homestuck kin lists are included in the Mod Info section of our pinned post if you’d like to ask about something listed there instead.
Also- thank you guys for 200 followers!!! We hope we can keep bringing you great stuff in the future!
💫Mod ClowncAR💫: hmmm, let’s see... well I’m mostly interested in discussing timelines that are pretty canon divergent if not full on AUs. let’s see... honestly a huge chunk of my Gamzee timelines are a good go (Vantas, Megido, Captor, Zahhak, and Peixes). I’d talk about my False Prophet or Beforus Ancestor timelines if my memories were more concrete but they’re mostly fuzzy visuals and audio right now. Then there’s my Dirk “Dusk” Lalonde swapline, and honestly I could talk about either of my Hal timelines since one is highly canon divergent (for example I wasn’t the only AR) and the other is a kidswap. There’s also Lanque Soleil, Meulin Vantas, and GHB Serket. I got some others I like but they’re still so fuzzy that any questions would be pretty much just an “i dont know” and a spit of guesswork soooo I’ll leave those quiet. For now ;o)
🃏Mod Clownbae🃏: If I had to pick a few timelines to talk about, it'd probably have to be some of my bloodswaps (Lime Marvus, Horuss Captor, Meulin Serket, Lime Kurloz, or Kurloz Serket specifically), or maybe my Dirk Egbert timeline. I also have two AR timelines, both where I'm technically Hal, but I was made by a kidswap Dirk so its a little different. I'm also very willing to talk about some of my weirder tls, like my cowboy Kurloz timeline, or my.....southern horror Roxy timeline. Which was also a kidswap, and I went by Rome. I also have a non canon troll kin, Azodus Temera, that's a little twisty fun and weird. Pick your poison!
🍭Mod Jubejube🍭: I could babble about a lot of timelines but I especially wanna talk about my swaps; Bronya Xoloto, Nepeta Megido, Vriska Nitram, Jace (Jane) English, Remele Goezee, Cirava Carmia, and Cronus (Serket, Makara, both vantas’). And of course some of my favorites Kuprum Maxlol, Lynera Skalbi, Jade Harley, and Quinn Egbert!! Heck, they’re pretty fuzzy, but you could ask me about my Uncle Crotuna, Swapped Calliope, and Trickster Eridan timelines. Ask away!!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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