#House horror
holesss · 24 days
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Jaqui Germain // Fatima aamer Bilal // P.T 2014 // Doc Luben // Cameron Barnett // Anatomy 2016 // Warsan Shire // House of leaves artwork by @/reachartwork
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ishhbowl · 4 months
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ive had the image of this meme in my head for so long
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funny-bones-mcjones · 9 months
Okay so I had a thought.
Move been thinking a LOT about the concept of houses that are haunted not by ghosts, but by the house itself.
But thinking about that I had an idea. What if the house didn't hate you, but one specific room does instead.
Moving into a normal home and all is well until... the kitchen starts to seem off. It's small at first, knifes left out on the counter, lights left on or off, the occasional missing bit of food.
But it's gets worse.
One night after work you head to your bedroom only to.. walk into the kitchen instead, almost without realizing you did. Walking out nothing has changed, you just, ended up here instead.
But soon that becomes a problem. Walking into the kitchen when you swore you were walking out the front door. Slipping in the hallway only to find that you sit up inside the kitchen. Going to use the restroom at night and walking into the dark kitchen on the other side of the house.
You don't know why you keep ending up there, it's seems impossible, but it keeps happening.
You can't leave the house anymore. Anytime you do you end up back with the marble countertops and humming fridge. You start to wonder if you have ever left the kitchen at all, maybe you've never even been to the other rooms.
Your out of food now. Having eaten everything the kitchen had for you. With a knife left out on the counter, maybe it's time to give the kitchen its food back, maybe then it will let you leave.
Anyways! Sorry if that way bad TwT I don't write much but I'm hoping to change that!! Just little ideas and all that
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paranormeow7 · 9 months
been thinking about house horror a lot lately and it’s occurred to me that a lot of it takes place in houses of evil that there’s no escape from, where you fall deeper and deeper in until you are swallowed. While I love that kind of concept, I watched a couple of spooky videos today that got me thinking about a scenario where you could leave the house and go about your life as normal, but you were still forced to live in it and come back “home” to it every day.
The videos I watched were “my house walkthrough” by nana825763 and “RADAR” by lyrahorrorz. In “my house”, the protagonist walks through a noticeably decrepit, disgusting home that slowly loops over and over, becoming more corrupted and hellish throughout each walk through its halls. This protagonist treats it as normal and describes each room and how it relates to their family as a person who would live in this house, even the ones that were “closed off”. They wander into rooms that have been condemned and show off the corpses of their family as if they are still there with him.
In Radar, the protagonist is seen desperately trying to escape his house, and an entity tormenting him by reminding him of horrible things, flooding the home with an unbearable smell, and removing his hands. He tries to escape by banging his head into his door until it splits open. Eventually he gets out and simply goes out for a casual movie night with his friends, yet having to go back home to this torment directly after. His house also becomes noticeably decrepit and abandoned by the ending.
These aren’t particularly made to display the theme I thought up, but it was interesting all the same. Your house is a place of solace, a place to rest after a long day. Now imagine if this house was a horror eating away at your psyche and your very life the longer you stay in it, yet you have nowhere else to go. Your mundane every day tasks, such as going to school/work, picking up groceries, or watering your garden become your escape, your sense of normality in this nightmare you go home to every day. You may try to run away, or stay with a friend, but you always end up crawling back into the jaws of the house one way or another. You are tethered.
The most interesting and scariest part of this concept to me is that it’s a real thing that some people live. Some people have abusive family members that they stay with because they have no one else. Some people can only afford disgusting and barely livable places infested with things that want to get under your skin. I’ve known loved ones in these situations and I’m sure if I asked them what their house felt like to them, they would describe it as a monster, a sinkhole, a place of stagnation and stress. So is it really much different to be forced to live in a haunted house, or a sentient, malevolent house, or any other sort of surreal, winding nightmare of a place that you just can’t step away from for long?
You tell me.
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dougielombax · 2 months
“My house, my rules.”
Oh yeah?
Well, why don’t we ask the house?!
See what it thinks!
Didn’t think so!
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the-uncanny-dag · 5 months
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Alivehouse fandom please interact
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vengeancehorror · 3 months
House (1985)
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recklessfiction · 2 years
Your Home is No Longer Yours
You don't know when it changed, you don't know why. But you watch the walls in the darkness of your bedroom when it thinks it can't be seen. The walls are moving.
They move in and out, deep, heaving breaths the sound of which fills the house. At this point, your home cannot see that you are watching it, but that will change.
It is not just your walls, your floor, the ceiling. No, your house has crept itself into everything. The paintings on the wall follow your movements, they are its eyes.
You turn on the heat and the air that comes from the vents is warm and wet. You pull your hand away as the house exhales.'
You turn on the television and all there is is static that screams and screams. You cannot turn down the volume, it is not responding. You crawl behind it and pull the power cord from the wall. The television goes dark and for a moment, the house is silent. But when you wake up that night, cold and drenched in sweat, you find that the walls are closing in on you and the door is gone.
You do not leave your room at night anymore. You don't know what your house has let in, or indeed what your house has become, but something is moving in the shadows of the hall. You've tried to leave the lights on but it never sticks. You turn on the television and the weather man tells you that it is just your home stretching its fingers.
It took you three hours to leave the house the other day. When you walked out the front door, you found yourself at the top of a set of stairs. You walked down them for an hour before turning back. You found the door leading outside in the attic.
Pictures are appearing of people you've never seen before; old photographs from ages past and some with no one in them at all, just fields and mounds of dirt. You wonder if these are family photos, or what must pass as family to your house. There is a picture of you among them. You're laughing.
Sometimes you wonder what your house must really look like, because you're coming to the realization that it's certainly bigger than it is, deeper, more floors than its meant to have. You spend days and weeks lost in halls, exploring entire floors that never existed before.
"You know when you take off a really tight belt?" Your Alexa says to you when you mention it, "And you can just let yourself expand? Well, the belt's off now and it feels good to expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and expand and..."
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victorianrob · 1 year
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Horror 🏚 house?
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miserablecreachur · 1 year
sorry if you get my ask also but sometimes they don’t send for me when I try to include a link
I was obsessed with this when I was younger and it’s not a movie or game, just like, a series of websites!! and it’s very scary. or at least it was to me.
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residualdreams · 2 years
A door slams somewhere deep in the house; the vibration travels up the legs of the bedside table, where water ripples in the glass. I look up from my book, confused; this is a one-room cabin, and it doesn’t have a basement.
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miak1969 · 2 days
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toughtinkart · 6 months
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you ever think about how canaan house is probably the most life gideon’s ever seen?
this has been sitting in my wips forever, so i decided it’d be better to post some version of it than let it languish in procreate forever.
edit: due to popular request, this piece is now available on my shop!
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funny-bones-mcjones · 9 months
There is a door in your house.
It's old. Very old. You don't have the key, neither did the person who sold it to you.
They said they never thought to have it opened. They weren't curious enough.
But it keeps you up at night. The possibilities. The horrors that may be inside.
Eventually you have a locksmith come and open it. And inside...
It's an old, rotten, dust covered, And horribly unremarkable broom closet.
You aren't sure what to have expected. But disappointment is better than abject terror.
Eventually it faids from your memory, an old unused room remaining as it was, simply unlocked now.
It's late now, your sat at the tv, drowsy. The door lies adjacent to you, unopened once the locksmith left. Until.
You barely even processed it. The door opening the wrong way, being pushed out, instead of in.
Something is there, in the doorway. Barely illuminated by the dull light of the tv and it's public access channels.
Until a voice breaks the tension. But not yours.
"So this door leads here... thank you for opening it for me." The shape hisses out, more a wheeze of air than a proper voice.
The door shuts back. The figure gone.
All doors lead somewhere. But no one ever it could only lead two places.
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kithj · 9 months
games (mostly text-based) about houses and places-- exploring them, haunting them, feeding them:
childhood homes (and why we hate them) - after a decade, you return home.
return - a text-based horror game about coming home.
singing from the far side of the hill - about a trans woman, homeless after a bad breakup, who rents a stranger's spare room. it's a decision she comes to regret.
anatomy - Explore a suburban house, collect cassette tapes, study the physiology of domestic architecture.
leave house - leave house
the open house - We at Northtree Real Estate (in partnership with Optix Dynamix Labs) are proud to present our new, state-of-the-art, open house simulator!  Come and take a quick tour of 15615 Hollow Oak Lane, a familiar and comfortable showcase home in one of our premier developments!
what girls do in the dark - This little game is based off one of the greatest fears they had as a teenage girl: showing up late to a stranger's slumber party.
unbecoming - a sonically-textured interactive horror fiction exploring cycles of trauma and unspeakable forces of nature in a mythic rural American landscape.
13 laurel road - an interactive fiction game about the relationships we have with places and reconciling with trauma. You play as a young man named Noah who has been tasked with picking up some things from his cousin’s old house.
domvs - a gothic mystery game in which you rely on your environment to uncover the truth.
flesh, blood, & concrete - you find yourself in a vast, empty apartment complex.
i am still here - a short, unconventional ghost story and vignette reflecting on the end of a long lockdown.
vacant - Film a ghost-hunting show.
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dougielombax · 7 months
Don’t go into that house.
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