#How dare you accuse me of accusing you of accusing me /j
disabled-dragoon · 2 months
My activity today consisted of pottering around the kitchen for an hour and stealing some of my mother's questionable potatoes to make some homemade paprika chips and I am very happy with the results
On a completely unrelated note (/s) , I have discovered that the air fryer has pre-programmed settings that I could have used instead of fiddling with the buttons like a right berk
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apparentlytheproblem · 4 months
j e a l o u s y
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- sirius black
a/n: im so sorry it took so long, my questions are flooded and im trying my best but regardless my requests are open luvs :)
so this is actually kind of based on a boy i liked (like) and i can't say its been as happy as this but that's where i found a bit of my inspiration for this and its honestly eh
requested- yes
warnings- there is a bit of insecurities and doubt showing, mature themes, jealousy (if that wasn't obvious), it could be seen as toxic, mention of a vagina
siri's masterlist . navigation
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Sirius absolutley loathed Bertram Aubrey with every being in his body. His name itself was a bad omen, it was as if conjuring the evil spirits if anyone dared to acknowledge his presence anywhere near Black.
It's always, Aubrey is a liar, Aubrey is a cheat, Aubrey has no backbone, but Sirius would never admit why he targeted him so much without a second glance. his feud all led down to the same road
Bertram fancied the girl he's been pinning on for over two years and what has become of him when he was so easily placed at the smae level as him? he's never had a problem with winning people over with his charisma.
So when he saw Aubrey anywhere near you, a cold sweat ran down his back. he had nothing to be afraid of. he knew you would never chose him, he could never be Sirius fuckin Black.
but why was there a burning sensation when his hands brushed yours, when you smiled back at him? it made the gryffindor see absolute red.
you were pulled into a broom closet in the middle of a an abandoned and dusty hallway by a familiar hand with familiar rings.
only a dim light entered the wooden box, enough to see an annoyed and arrogant face.
"Why are you so worked up?"
his right hand slid up your waist bringing you impossibly close to him while the other rested under your arse. he lightly nudged you to lean and place your support on the wooden surface as he observed your words.
"Because I can't stand the sight of him near you," Sirius whispered, his voice low and dangerous. hot.
His grip tightened on your waist, pulling you even closer to him. do you know when you feel butterflies in your stomach? you felt it in your pussy instead. she was aching. god.
You could feel the tension radiating off him, his body pressed against yours in the confined space of the closet. His eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of betrayal.
"But he's just a friend," you protested weakly, trying to lightly push against his chest to create some distance between you, but Sirius wouldn't budge.
"friend huh?" he scoffed, his tone dripping with disbelief. "He wants more than that, and you know it. I've seen the way he looks at you. Its how I look at you."
You swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of Sirius's accusations. There was a part of you that wanted to deny it, to reassure him that Bertram meant nothing to you. But another part, a small and treacherous part, couldn't deny the thrill of attention from someone like Bertram.
Sirius seemed to sense your internal struggle, his grip softening slightly as he searched your face for answers. "Do you wanna fuck him huh?" he asked, almost hesitantly, as if afraid of the answer.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the words caught in your throat. How could you admit to Sirius, to yourself, the conflicting emotions swirling inside you?
Before you could form a coherent response, Sirius leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to yours. "tell me baby," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin, "who do dream of?"
His words hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken implications. And in that moment, with Sirius so close you could feel the heat of his body, you realized that the answer didn't matter.
All that mattered was the pull between you, the undeniable magnetism that drew you together despite everything else.
You reached up, tangling your fingers in Sirius's hair as you pulled him closer, closing the gap between you in a desperate kiss that left no room for doubt.
The kiss deepened, igniting a fire that had been simmering between you for far too long. Sirius's hands roamed over your body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake as he pulled you impossibly closer.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in each other, the world outside the closet fading away until there was nothing but the two of you.
Eventually, the need for air forced you to break the kiss, but you remained pressed against each other, chests rising and falling in unison as you tried to catch your breath.
"You. Only you." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breathless exhale.
But Sirius shook his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "That's what I thought" he said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
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tulipsforvin · 2 months
if you dont mind me requesting another... may i request where the s/o reader is a noble with a really kind heart, like she owns a bakery and she loves to give pastries or breads to the peasants for free, and another noble didn't like it and burn the bakery down? how would the brothers react? you can do it with any of the moriarty brothers! sorry if its too detailed :]
🌷: reactions featuring the moriarty brothers
🌷: why have only 1 when you can have all 3? this is so unnecessary but i thought i'd spoil you (all) a bit. p.s you're fine, don't worry :)
⚠️: CW! slight desc of gore in william's part, skip if uncomfortable.
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— it was the kindness you had that had him first crawling to you. being a noble you could have done many things; plan extravagant balls and tea parties, spend money on all sorts of items. but instead you opened a bakery, giving away baked goods for free. he had become distressingly attracted to you.
william's red glaring and gleaming eyes could be seen from miles away. he thought he'd drop by your workplace during his lunch break from university. he thought he'd enjoy a small meal and a small conversation with you, but instead he had to watch from feet apart as final, dying embers fell to the ground. the bakery that you and he loved was gone.
“will—” you sobbed, practically falling apart in your lover's arms. you had worked incredibly hard for this, only for all your blood, sweat and tears to be turned to ashes at the mere tantrum of an angered man.
“oh, my love.” william cooed sympathetically. his fingers tightened around you. he was quiet, but his narrowed eyes and tight jaw was enough to indicate what was about to happen in the near future.
over the next few days, which had not really took that long at all—he was able to track down the noble who had dared ruined your efforts and made you cry.
a man as corrupt as the noble who had burned down your bakery was more than enough to irk him. making you cry was another contributing factor to tip him off. just as the man unable to tolerate the warmth of kindness that you provided, william set all of his means of income ablaze. and just as blind he was to dismiss the happiness that appeared on the common people's faces, he made sure to gouge out the man's eyes so that he could see nothing at all.
and perhaps he might have gone a little overboard with his ways in his wrath—but he reasoned that if it were the divine themselves who brought forth tears from your eyes, not even the depths of damnation could hold him back from extracting retribution on your behalf. nobody could, would or should harm you.
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— during every visit of his to the orphanages he would find you already there, distributing all kinds of pastries and bread to the little kids. he found your kindness and charitable personality extremely charming. he had fallen in love with you.
fast forward to a few months and he had already begun wooing you. imagine his anger as he watched the happy-go-lucky and overall wonderful person he'd fallen deeply in love with lose their smile once their bakery had been burned at the hands of a dirty noble.
albert wouldn't just stand by. he was subtle—wore a charming smile but used his expert tongue to slowly chip away at the respect others had of the noble. it was backhanded compliments at first, then small insults that he brushed off as a joke, and then full on accusations as public opinion of him began to dive low at an alarmingly fast rate.
by the time he was done the noble was stripped from all respect and sympathy, forced to live an isolated life from others and unable to show face to anybody ever again.
of course he wouldn't stop at just that, though. he holds out his hand at you, warm and enveloping fingers wrapping around you as he pulls you up from your sadness. (and he always will). “how about i chip in enough funds to help you rebuild your bakery?”
“no, you already do enough for me anyway.” it would be extremely expensive. you possibly couldn't ask him to do this, but he seemed to have other plans.
albert smiles, voice teasing but comforting all the same. “then, how about this; i pay for all the repairs and you let me eat for free whenever in the future?”
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— it was a secret but sometimes louis went out of his way to see you. even if the sun had already begun to set he would walk an extra mile to buy grocery from a grocery shop that was situated right besides your bakery. on several occasions he would watch you, in all your kindness, feed the mouths that came to you and it honestly warmed his heart to no degree.
with a few pushes from his brothers he had finally began dating you. he loved you dearly and everybody knew he became violently devoted when he loved.
now if we push aside the obvious assassination attempts on that "imbecile of a man" (his words, not mine) by louis and his colleagues trying to hold him back, he's actually quite tame. again, only if we push aside the homicidal factors like the anonymous death threats and the bloody knives sent to the noble.
with a little help from his brothers, you're back on your own feet again (louis sacrificed the noble's legs in exchange). and louis even drops by every now and then to help you with baking and other works!
“do you need help with that?” he looks at you from behind your shoulder, watching you do your work.
“nope, i'm fine.” you smile up at him but he still grabs the batter from you and does it in your stead.
“how about you go sit down and enjoy a glass of cold juice or something similar of the sort?” he says calmly, already putting on an extra apron.
and in the end, you oblige as louis guides you out the room. because at the end of the day, not everybody can make lemon tarts as good as he does anyway.
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vtoriacore · 2 years
✧ it’s giving . . . jealousy 
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note: im back from the dead and bringing you leona content cause damn it he's so 🤬💓💓💓 also if you spot any mistakes in this, no you won’t /j but pls spare me i was writing this half asleep 💀
synopsis: in which you seem to be paying a bit too much attention to your kitten, and leona isn't a big fan of it.
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    He glanced away for three seconds. Three god damn seconds. It was such a short span of time, ans yet that spawn of the devil had somehow managed to snuggle up into your lap and had the audacity to look smug about it too.
    "Tsk, why is this thing here again?" Leona, trying to hide his irritation and failing doing so in the process, rolled his emerald green eyes so far back he could practically see the stars.
    "This thing has a name first of all, for your info its Wolverine Junior the Second. Address him by his name please," you began to pet the tabby cat as he purred out in content before continuing your monologue like response, "and second of all, he is here because he was meowing outside to be let in after you so cruelly kicked him out."
    "You've gotta be kiddin' me, your stupid cat wanted to go outside. This little bastard is manipulating you and you're fallin' for it." The beastman leaned against the headboard of his bed as he eyed the cat, who seemed to be staring back with fake innocence.
    "Can you believe the nerve of this guy Wolvy Junior?" you focused your attention on the cat, not being able to resist the urge of speaking to your furry companion (the small one in your lap of course) in a high pitched, baby voice, "how dare he accuse you of that when you're such a cute widdle baby boy."
    With a prolonged meow, the kitten eagerly rubbed its head against your hand, shortly before giving it a small lick.
    Before Leona had the chance to make a sarcastic reply to your comment (and condemn the cat for even trying to play coy), your excited voice rang out throughout the room; "Leona oh my God he licked me! Can you believe it? I think I'm going to cry he's so cute! Why can't you act a bit more like him, hm?"
    "That's it. Either get this damn furball outta my room or c'mere and set him down." With a steady glare directed at the cat in your hands, Leona crossed his arms. You couldn't tell whether he was serious or not, but you figured you'd never get a chance like this again seeing as he'll probably permanently ban you from his room after this fiasco anyway.
    "What, are you gonna fight him? He'll beat your ass Leona, don't even try it." You had to stifle your laughter as your lover stood up in a record speed to approach your form, even the tabby in your hands looked somewhat pleased at what you've accomplished. Before he could get too close however, you got up from your spot on the floor with the kitten still in your hands and moved away from Leona.
    "Oh yeah? You wanna play cat 'n mouse with me? Fine. Don't go cryin' when you lose, 'cause I won't go easy on ya." Accepting your indirect challenge, the tan male quickly tailed your form as you tried to dodge his attempts at grabbing you. You only succeeded for the first minute however, as the tabby resting in your arms was slowing you down and Leona just had to have amazing agility and stamina.
    Before long, you had found yourself laying on your back on Leona's very comfy mattress as he firmly circled your waist with his hands. You quickly set the cat down next to you as laughter emitted past your lips at the fact that Wolverine Junior seemed to be pawing at your lover's arms in an attempt to get him off you; Leona however, didn't pay him any mind as his gaze focused solely on you.
   "Not so tough now, huh?" With a small smirk embedded on his face, the beastman leaned in close to your face until his lips met yours in a brief kiss. You couldn't help but reciprocate.
    "Oh shut it . . . You just got lucky." You smiled in content after he pulled away, entangling one of your hands in Leona's hair and petting the base of his ears (he would never admit it but the action always brought him comfort). You submitted your other hand to the small kitten who was still trying to defend whatever was left of your honour, melting at how quickly he gave up fighting Leona and settling his small head in your palm instead.
    "Oi, hands on me . . . " Your lover's voice came out hushed as he placed his head in the crook of your neck, silently nuzzling his nose against it as a sign of affection.
    "You need to learn to share honey." You pecked the crown of Leona's head with a small, playful eyeroll.
    "Like hell I will. I'm not letting that cat steal your attention away when it should be on me anyways."
    "I didn't know you were that jealous of him."
    "I ain't jealous of some stupid cat." You quirked your eyebrow at the response; the cat meowed as if it were mocking Leona. The beastman simply growled back. This was really turning into something straight out of a comedy show.
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what-if-nct · 8 months
NCT reaction to someone making fun of their plus size girlfriend. Part 2
part 1
Mark: "Hey, you wanna get out of here?" Mark took your hand in his , gathered your things and led you to an isolated part of the mall. "It's okay" He wrapped you in his arms and held you close to his chest. "It's okay" he repeated pressing his lips onto the top of your head. He slid his hands down your shoulders as he pulled away. "I hope you know that nothing they said makes any sense and there is nothing wrong with your body. Please tell me you know that?" Mark's eyes were soft as they held yours. You say "yes" resulting in Mark pulling you back into him. "Good, never forget that" he said softly as he held you tighter.
Xiaojun: "Stay right here okay" Xiaojun ran his hand down your hair before placing a kiss on your cheek. He then went into the office area of the pool house. You could see him through the window pointing at the people whose words caused you to cover yourself and retreat to the cabana away from them. Xiaojun soon thanked the employee in the office and returned to you. "It's all taken care of." Xiaojun sat beside you pulling you close to his chest. "You should know that you're absolutely perfect and anyone who makes you feel otherwise is a jerk who doesn't matter" Xiaojun held you tighter as security guards pulled the group of people who were insulting you away. You questioned how he did that. And all he said was "Just an exaggerated version of the truth to make sure something was done" he smiled as he kissed the top of your head
Hendery: "Remember the plan?" Hendery looked to you as you both walked toward the two boys who made fun of you. You nod as you follow Hendery's lead. "Okay, on the count of three. 1, 2, 3" You and Hendery pour your large cups of soda on them. "Run" you both run but just as the guys stand up Hendery turns back around and stands in front of you. "What do you think you're going to do?" Hendery's voice seemed deeper. The boys sat back down and Hendery turned around but then one of them took another jab at your weight and Hendery decided to pick up a food court chair to get his point across a few more times before being pulled away by mall security.
Renjun: "Hey." Renjun tucked your hair behind your ear "Just sit here okay" His voice was soft as he looked at you. He then quickly sprinted to the man who was making fun of you, he climbed on top of the table behind him. And lunged at him. Throwing punches, breaking teeth, blood was drawn, he was accused of having a knife but one wasn't found on him and he was just banned from the mall. A knife was later found buried in a planter nearby but no finger prints were found on it. To Renjun it was worth it and he'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Jeno: "Don't listen to that guy, he's a dumb ass. Let's go." He picked up your coat and helped you off the bar stool. Just as you we're leaving the man at the pool table barreled one more insult toward you causing Jeno's face to turn red. He handed you the car keys, pushed you a safe distance away and turned around landing a punch straight into the guy's jaw sending him to the floor. Jeno grabbed his unfinished bottle of beer and wrapped his arm around you and walked you two out of the bar.
Haechan: "What the fuck did you just say about her?" Haechan immediately turned as you two were walking to the car. "You shouldn't even utter a word about her weight. She's a goddess who wouldn't even give you a second glance. So since you were able to say it behind her back say it straight to my face." Haechan got mere centimeters to his face. "I fucking dare you" Haechan suddenly pulled out a knife and held it to his neck, "Give me a reason" he whispered as you called for him to stop. The man who insulted you didn't speak and the fear in his eyes caused Haechan to chuckle. "That's what I thought" Haechan pulled the knife away before punching him in the stomach sending him to the ground alone in the dark as Haechan and you ran to the car.
Jaemin: "Come here" Jaemin pulled you into his chest holding your as tight as he possibly could. "Have I ever told you how much I love and adore you." He spoke softly "You are amazing, beautiful, funny, smart, sweet and I've never been more happy than I am with you" He spoke sweetly drowning out the surrounding noise. "You're body is absolutely beautiful as it is, you're soft, warm, curvy, very sexy and you deserve to only hear nice things about yourself." Jaemin somehow ended up intertwined with you. You do not know how it happened but you don't remember the mean comments people were making.
Yangyang: "Stay right here, I'll handle this " Yangyang placed you farther from where you were when a group of boys were making fun of you in the park. You watched Yangyang walk toward them. He walked around the tree then half way back to you. He pulled out a slingshot and a rock and aimed it at the branch above the group of boys. Yangyang immediately ran to you grabbing your hand as a wasp nest fell on the boys beneath it. "That should teach them not to make fun of someone" Yangyang gave you a smile as he pulled you out of the park.
Chenle: Chenle's entire demeanor changed as the men nearby made remark after remark about your weight. "Listen to me I just texted Renjun he's coming to pick you up okay. Don't let what any of those men said get to you. Don't worry about me. If anyone asks you, me and Renjun went to a movie." Chenle kissed your forehead before taking you to the front where you met Renjun. As Renjun drove you home, Chenle sat in his car with gloves on, and a few weapons in the front seat, the moment the men who made fun of you went to their car Chenle followed. No one knows what happened next but five men went missing that day.
Jisung: Jisung instantly covered your ears with his hands awaiting a moment of silence from the group of girls behind you. Once there was a window he grabbed your hand and pulled you outside. Once outside he immediately wrapped his arms around you. "Please don't let them get to you" His deep voice spoke above you. "There is nothing wrong with your weight please don't think that" His voice broke as his face sunk into your hair. "Please don't think that" he held you tighter his body shaking against yours. You pulled away slightly and wiped his tears away with your sleeve. "I don't" You pressed your lips against his causing his cheeks to flush bright red. "You're perfect" he returned the kiss, making it last much longer this time.
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c0llisiion · 5 months
could you do a junwon (ex fantasy boys) full smut where he basically ties the reader up, spanks her, and really really degrades her? Idk if you are a dark content writer, but if you are, could you make him like toxic and manipulative? If not, then don’t include that part. Also, could I please be 🛍 anon? Thanksss!!!<<<3333
EYE CANDY - y.jw
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★pairing: yun junwon + fem!reader
★genre : smut
★: meandom!jw , sub!reader , spanking, restrictions , clit slapping, squirting, cervix fucking , toxicex!jw , name calling, he is kinda mean to reader , bj , raw sex (practice protected sex!) spit kink , mention of d34th(once) — lmk if i missed any! ^^
★W/C: 1,815
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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Toxic ex-boyfriend junwon who refused to give you a break. His constant cheating and douchebag personality were the only reasons you broke up with him. You lost count of the number of times he cheated on you or blamed you for things you never did. Oh, you talked to one of your guy friends? He would accuse you of cheating on him. Fake tears stream down his face as he keeps blabbing about how you broke his trust and how much of a slut you are for speaking to other men. But when it was the vice versa? He would once again blame you. He would continue to express his hatred towards you and how it was YOUR fault that he had to resort to cheating because you were unable to provide him with what he desired. and every time things would end between you both, it was either him on his knees crying and hollering for you to take him back or your face smushed onto his pillow while he fucked into you mercilessly.
This time, it was unlike any other. He had you bent over his lap. His leather belt tied your hands behind your back while he assaulted your ass. “Tell me, sweetheart.” He would put on a fake sweet tone, his slender fingers rubbing circles into your glistening cunt as his other hand smoothed over your red cheeks. “How is it like to be an attention-seeking bitch?” He spat. His harsh words and the way he teased your hole made you whine. The area became more red after a loud slap hit your ass. “Words. Use your fucking words.” He said, pulling your hair back so he could make eye contact with you. Your eyes were puffy and red from the constant teasing and pain. He liked seeing you in this state. All vulnerable and in the mercy of his hands. “I-i didn’t do anything jun… i was j-just-“ you moaned out loud as another slap landed on your ass. “Wrong. I saw the way you looked at them. I noticed everything. The way you touched his arm. How could you do that? How dare you? Why don’t you learn, y/n?!” He said it in a disappointed tone. "I bet you wanted him to fuck you. Thats right, the only thing you are worth for is sucking on dicks.” You shook your head every time nonsense words came out of his mouth. “I-i would never …!” He slapped your sopping cunt. You winced at the pain. It was overwhelming. “Lies.” He bluntly told you as his hand rubbed over your red ass cheeks before spanking you again, this time harder. You jerked off his body at impact. “Always lying.” You shake your head before speaking up. “Im only fit for you… junwon.” you managed to mumble out. You felt his eyes stare into your soul as you mumbled those words. His fingers started prodding into your needy hole. Your toes curled as your insides finally got their desired stimulation. “Say that again will ya?” He said as pushing his three fingers into you. You moaned softly before it was replaced by a loud cry as he spanked you once again. “Speak tf up!” He said basically screaming into your ears. “YES! Yes! God- im only f-fit for you junwon! You! I want your cock in me so bad. I want you to fuck me till I can’t think straight anymore!” You babbled. He chuckled darkly at your response. “Good girl…” he says. You sigh and try to relax a bit when you feel a sudden shift. You were now on your knees; his cock, now free, was right in your face, and your nose and lips were touching it. He held it in one hand while the other was holding your head tightly. He rubbed his cock on your face. Smearing his pre all over. He groaned at the sight. You stayed silent, not having the liberty to do anything in your current state. He brought his tip to your lips before pushing in harshly. You groaned out loud as your throat choked around his hard length. Your eyes filled with tears as you stared up at him. He stared, bobbing your head up and down his dick. Pushing deeper and deeper till his tip hit the back of your throat. Your constant gagging and choking were turning him on. He loved watching your spit collect around his base and spread around your mouth. 
He pulled back, finally letting you breathe. He brought your face closer to his crotch, his cock hitting your cheeks. He smiled down at you, smoothing over your sweaty forehead. Your eyes were unfocused and tired. “Tired?” He asks in his fake tone again. You nod, your eyebrows scrunching up in discomfort.  “Too bad.” That was all he said before shoving his cock down your throat again, but this time with greater force. He kept bucking his hips, hitting the back of your throat each time. His head was thrown back as he basked in the moment. He let go of your hair, giving you the chance to work on his dick by yourself. You knew exactly how to please him. Your head bobbed around his length faster. Gagging each time. You pulled away with a gasp, your face already a sticky mess, before spitting on his tip and sucking on it. Junwon was in awe as he watched. “Look at you.. doing so good? I was so right.. like always. You really are only fit for this. So pretty. So so pretty. Im so glad that I am the only one who gets to have you as my cockslut.” He moaned out. Your mouth continued working on him. His chest was heaving, and his breath was getting shorter. His eyes were squeezed shut, which indicated he was close. “F-fuck.. fuck just like that, keep going…” your tongue circled around his girth, giving his tip special attention. Within seconds, junwon was cumming in your mouth. He pushed your head down more and more until your nose hit his pelvis. You felt hot cum spill into your throat over and over again, swallowing shamelessly. Your eyes swelled with tears as he pulled you off his dick. He pushed two fingers into your mouth, prompting you to open wide. His thumb rested on your tongue as he observed your mouth. A smug smile was plastered on his face. Junwon slapped your face before taking your jaws in his hands. “You swallowed without me even asking?… i fucking love you.” He says, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. His hands wrap around your neck as he pulls you into a rough kiss. He lifted you up from your knees, pushing you down to the couch. Your legs were instinctively spread wide open, waiting for him to bury his cock into you already.
He looked down at you. Your pussy glistening under the soft lights that decorated your once-shared apartment. He looked back up at you. A stupid smirk was on his face as he rubbed his tip up and down your folds. “Look at you all wet and needy…you want me to fuck you silly? Huh? You want me to ram you into this couch? Yeah? That's the only thing you are good for..” he said. “..Taking my cock in like a good fucking whore.” His hands around your neck as he pushes his girth into your sopping cunt slowly. Loud squelches were heard as you tried taking him in. “Good lord.. do you hear that..? Do you hear your pussy? So fucking wet, your pussy is literally dripping…” he groans as he continues pushing, watching you suck him in. “Fuck– you are such a filthy whore… making a mess already,,,” your juices were dripping down from your hole to the white couch, creating a small wet mess on the furniture. You arched your back off of the couch as his girth hit your cervix. He hissed as your pussy clenched around him, and without any hesitation, he started ramming into you. Your mouth flung open, and your eyes went wide as his thick cock abused your soft walls. Choked-out moans and gasps escaped your mouth. Junwon was staring down at the bulge that had formed in your lower belly. He smirked before tightening his grip on you, fucking into your cervix. Your eyes rolled back, and tears started spilling.
He was getting turned on more and more as you continued crying. His other hand gave your clit a small slap, causing you to jerk and wince at the pain. His hot spit landed on your throbbing bud, using it as a lubricant to flick your clit. Your legs were twitching as he continued to squeeze and tug on your bud. “Junwon! Gentle…! Please…” you whined out. He slapped your tit in response. “Shut the fuck up. You dont get to say anything after all you did. You wanna be a cock-hungry slut? I will make you one.” You shook her head before you felt a gush of white spill out of you. Junwon groaned as he felt your arousal coat his dick and drip down. He started fucking into you harder, determined to pull out at least three more orgasms out of you. “Thats right.. cum for me.. so good..” You were moaning mess as he kept pounding into you. “J-jun.. fuck! Too much.. k-keep.. going!” Junwon smirked as you babbled those words. “yeah? You like my cock buried inside your sweet little pussy don't you sweetheart? Gosh your pussy is sucking me in so good .. What did ya say earlier? You hated me? You wanted me dead?” He chuckled darkly. “Your cunt says otherwise.” A stupid smirk plastered on his face. You felt yourself getting closer to your high.
Junwon noticed how your head was thrown back, your eyes shut, and your breath was faltering. He knew you were close. He increased his speed. Sounds of wet skin slapped echoed through the walls. You gasped out loud when you felt yourself come undone. Squirting all over his abdomen. Junwon kept rutting into you as he helped you ride your orgasm. “Oh god…” he moaned as clear liquid kept gushing out of you. His thrusts got sloppier as he kept pounding into you. Your pussy was spasming around him, your arousal was still flowing out. 
“F-fuck!..” he let out a loud moan as his seeds filled you up. You were unconsciously clenching around him, milking him. His bit down his lips and his eyes were squeezed shut as he slowly pulled out of you, his cum leaking out of you. He sat back on the coffee table with heavy breaths as he stared at your splayed-out body, covered in sweat, bruises from his grasp, and his milky white cum dripping out of your abused hole with a smug smirk.
A/N: thank you for readingggg <3 yoongi fic might drop soon so 😋💅
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alltomevibes · 1 month
Summer 2024 Watchlist
It is officially summer which means I am out of school and have time to just sit !!! watch !!! and do nothing !!!
which means - here's my drama watchlist & my thoughts on everything so far:
Dare to Love Me - i started this yesterday and let me j say I flew through those 2 episodes. I decided to brave the comments on MDL to see what people were saying, and then i ignored them LOL because yeah. this show is highkey silly goofy but i love it! the FL is endearing to me and i hate how nowadays every woman has to be Strong and Confident to be loveable and it's like - no. i love the fact that she gets choked up, that she tries and fails, that she is mad clumsy, that she's clearly talented but has been burdened by lack of self-esteem like yes!!! she's human i love it give me MORE. and don't get me started on the ML. i love him - i love THEM your honor. currently at a 9.0 rating for me, we'll see if it keeps up.
Dating in the Kitchen - this has a 8.0 rating for me and i want to keep going (i only watched 1 episode and it's been two weeks since then) because i watched This Isn't What I expected THREE (3!!) times and i LOVE that movie and when I saw there was a drama based on it, i wanted to give it a go but i am STRUGGLINGGGG. imma keep it pushing because, look. i watched the movie 3 times. it's def worth it. (maybe)
Fight for My Way - this has a 9.5 rating rn, and i am stuck in the middle of episode 15. i have been stuck on the middle of episode 15 for a HOT minute. my interest in this show dropped like crazy, i am trying to hold on.
Good Morning Call - my roommate for two years (and sadly no more a ha ha) recommended this show to me and we watched the first episode together and it was cute! i liked it, so it's on my list. currently has a 8.5 rating, but it's low on my priorities (when it comes to dramas), so im gonna pirate it whenever i have time💀
Lovely Runner - don't even talk to me about this show if you want a short conversation - I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW BRO. look at my tumblr, it's all lovely runner rn and I HAVE NO REGRETS. 9.5 rating - won't get a 10 because it ENDS SOON. this is my type of show, i LOVE this type of show the cinematography and everything IM EATING IT UP. it got me out of my drama funk its so nfjsdfhdsifsd
The Midnight Romance in Hagwon: let me just say! i watched this yesterday and i flew by the two episodes. lovely runner x tmrih on my tumblr? yes. this show is a much slower-pace show and I LOVE IT. YEs! Give me real life, give me real conversations! I love this show, i love the micro-expressions, i love the fact that WHJ is the MAIN LEAD FOR ONCE LIKE YES SIR, GIVE ME ALL THE BUTTERFLIES and i've never seen this actress before JRW but she is absolutely gorgeous and i love the FL! these people are not acting, they ARE the characters and im so !!!!! 9.0 rating because i skip the intro every time (sorry)
Will Love in Spring - this is on pause on episode 15 because the ending actually has me severely messed up rn. i have been in love with li xian's acting since gogosquid and i absolutely adore chen mai dong. i adore the way zhuang jie says his name ALL the time like she can't help it. I adore zhuang jie and just the way she operates through life - she's so clearly flawed when it comes to romantic love, but she is so clearly filled with love and always tries her best and !!! zhou yu tong is eating her character up rn, i've never seen her act and this was such a good intro to her BUT WHAT ZHUANG JIE SAID TO MY BOY IN EPISODE 15????? locked up. i have never felt so disrespected in my life and i had to give it a pause because i know she's gonna apologize but i needed that on the train. not the next episode. actually, not even on the train!! IN THE STREET BEFORE HE DROVE OFF AFTER DRIVING HER HOME AFTER SHE ACCUSED HIM OF FORCING HER!!!! That's when she should have apologized, but fidjofdshifudsf i love her so much i know why she couldn't IM JUST IN AGONY RN. anyways, let me breathe lol cause the way i was holding my breathe writing that is,,,,,. yeah. has an 8.5 rating rn, will probably go up to 9.5 because the fact that i actually had to stop watching because of emotional damage is crazy.
thats my list (and crazy descriptions, so sorry) that i'm watching rn! i would 10/10 recommend these to everybody (except dating in the kitchen im highkey struggling)! if you guys have any recs based on what i shared or wanna be friends on MDL j let me know :)
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semisolidmind · 3 months
le gasp! the audacity! I saw someone ask the same question to indulgence, which was why I draw the milkman oAo how dare you accuse me of anonymity/j
ah…..i see…..my apologies, dear egg…
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samtalksmusic · 1 month
timeline of the beef
like that - came out on metro boomin’s recent(but not most recent) album… calling out drake’s song “first person shooter”. he talked about how no one compares to him. “f- the big three, n-, it’s just big me”
push ups- drakes response after 2 weeks. basically emphasizing kendrick’s reliance to his label that “owns him”. he also calls him short and then says he has more money than him. pretty catchy but also just surface level.
taylor made freestyle- drake essentially was egging him on with this one…. he talked about how taylor swift made him successful… to add insult to injury he added ai tupac and snoop dogg(kendrick’s idols) to diss him further. was just trying to get a response.
euphoria- 6 minute diss on a random tuesday lol. anyways this was kendrick destroying drake in every possible way. talking about all his failed beefs and his shortcomings as an artist.
6:16 in LA- this was another release by kendrick exposing drake as a person…. he was no longer attacking his career but his personality and how he treats those closest to him
family matters- drake response to 6:16 in LA. it was attacking his family and accusing kendrick of sexual assault and abuse. was a pretty good diss overall… i think this was just him egging him on still… but i also think he ran out of insults.
meet the grahams- 15 minutes after family matters dropped, kendrick dropped this banger. this was an absolute murder of drakes character and he addressed his father, his mother, his son, and the reveal of his secret daughter. this was very crazy to even think about and he even said drake might even have more children hidden than that.
not like us- a catchy song that turned certified classic. this song gonna be played in clubs for a long time. this song is so catchy and trashes drake so well it’s hard to not dance to it….
the heart pt. 6- drake was on defense and he did it so poorly… all you gotta know is he ran out of things to say so he was defending himself
like that was the spark.. push ups was drake pushing kendrick… taylor made was drake shoving kendrick… euphoria was a warning… 6:16 in la was knocking drake down…. family matters was a “i dare you” moment… meet the grahams was the killing blow… not like us was the nail in the coffin… the heart pt. 6 was a desperate attempt to come back but ultimately a failure
PSA- j cole released 7 minute drill as a response to like that… it was a good diss but not even 24 hours later he apologized…. was a good choice tho lol
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eddiedoll · 2 years
have you ever seen a vampire? one would like to meet you.
vamp!eddie x gn!reader
summary: A year after the recent string of unexplained happenings in Hawkins, your friend dares you to go into the woods. She heard there was a vampire.
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warnings: mentions of violence and blood, j*son c*rver is mentioned, the ground did open up but it's all good now, no y/n used
You must have been a fool. You may have a 4.0 GPA, and a full-ride scholarship to Cal Tech but there was no other explanation for what you were currently doing, other than the fact that you must be stupid.
You were part of a small clique, often known as the “nerds” in high school. All that meant is you loved to read and would willingly wear scratchy, wool sweater vests, even if it led to the odd prickly rash around the back of your neck.
Your friends often skipped out on the lunch hall, opting to find solace in the quiet, dusty room rather than the raucous events that spread from table to table in the sticky-floored hall. Head buried deep in your dog-eared copy of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”, your attention is dragged away from the scene of Van Helsing placing blooms of garlic around young Lucy’s room by a friend sat opposite you.
“You know, on the topic of vampires, did you hear what happened to Jenny Waller?”
Everyone had heard about poor Jenny. Dragged into the woods one night, found half alive and half mauled.
“Didn't Chief Hopper say it was an animal attack? Like a bear or something? My dad spent the weekend putting bear traps out around the edge of our house.”
Ever since news of a bear attack spread around the neighbourhood, your parents had been on edge. Since your house backed onto the local woods, you had been banned from stepping foot into your backyard until it was deemed safe by the police.
Your friend leans closer in, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “See, Chief says it was a bear, but Jenny is convinced whatever had attacked her walked on two legs and was sufficiently less hairy.”
“Sally, are you saying it was a vampire?” You scoffed at her insinuation, vampires didn’t exist of course.
“Well, with the amount of freaky shit happening in Hawkins at the moment I wouldn't be surprised. Do you remember when the earthquake hit? And the sky was all dark and there was red lightning? I’m telling you, it was a portal to hell and vampires could have definitely crawled up from it.”
“Ok, I am taking away your copy of The Abyss when I find it. Hell isn't here on Earth, I can assure you. Unless you count the god awful smell of the boys locker room. That could definitely be Hell’s lair.”
Sally glanced at your friend group, half of them still enthralled in their novels and the other half vaguely interested in the tête-à-tête between the two of you.
“Well, if you're so convinced vampires aren't real. I dare you to go into the woods after school. If it’s a bear you can easily lead it to a bear trap and if it’s a vampire… you can make some weapons to fight it off.”
You knew she wouldn't drop it. Last summer, she had dared you to ask Eddie Munson out after you’d spent all month complaining about how pretty he was. She nagged you every day until you finally caved and went to find the long-haired boy. Unfortunately, that was the same day all hell had broken loose.
Eddie had been accused of murdering poor Chrissy Cunningham and was never seen again, supposedly lost to the earthquake. You’d never believed he could do something so evil, no matter how much Jason Carver spouted that “devil worshipper” bullshit. Eddie was warm, and kind. All he wanted to do was play guitar and Dungeons and Dragons. That was not a boy capable of murder.
“My parents would kill me if they found out I even stepped foot into the backyard. They found me sitting on the back porch the other day and with the way they reacted you would have thought I’d been snorting cocaine in front of them or something.”
Sally flicked through her purse, pulling a crisp $50 bill from within. “You do it, this is all yours. You’ve been wanting that new book for weeks, right? Misery?”
She was right. You had been eyeing the new Stephen King for the last few weeks, knowing your parents would never agree to buy it for you. They hated your love for horror books, but something about the insight into things that people often deemed as “monsters” always piqued your interest. It’s the reason your copy of Dracula is so beat up. Pencil marks cover every available inch, your thoughts and observations sprawled out in graphite across the pages.
“Fine. You’re lucky my parents aren't home tonight. I’ll go out but if you don't hear from me by 9am tomorrow, I hope you feel guilty knowing I probably became bear food.”
Knuckles rapping against the table, Sally grins. “Forever the dramatic. But ok, I will personally come round at 9am to check you're still alive and kicking, And then this,” she waves the $50 bill in front of your face, “is yours.”
Armed with a knife from the kitchen drawer, some pepper spray you’d been given during the murders last year, and a wooden stake you had fashioned from a broken chair leg in the garage, to appease Sally who had insisted on you carrying a weapon that was vampire related, all jumbled up into a backpack; you wait for the sun to set before you set out into the backyard.
Taking note of where the bear traps your dad had laid out were, you stepped across the boundary between your backyard and the deep woods.
You can't back out now. All you have to do is confirm it was a bear that got Jenny Waller and then you can go back to the comfort of your home.
The further into the woods you went, the higher the hairs on the back of your neck stood. The dim stream of light your torch provided did nothing to offset the sprawling blackness surrounding you.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. This is so fucking dumb, Stephen King is not worth becoming bear kibble for.
The sound of a branch breaking echoes through the dark woods. The goosebumps on the back of your neck extend down to your arms, and you can almost feel your heart beating out of your chest.
Another twig snaps and you pray to whatever entity is above that if it is a bear, that it’s suddenly full and ready to hibernate despite the fact that it’s still the middle of June.
Swinging your torch back and forth into the looming darkness, the hairs on the back of your neck almost begin to vibrate, becoming increasingly aware that something, or someone, is watching you.
“Hello? Is someone there? If you’re a hunter, I’m human! I got lost in the woods…”
No response. At least no more twigs had snapped. That must be a good sign.
Just as that thought passes through your mind, a rustling from above grabs your attention. Shining your torch upwards, a silhouette appears between the branches of the tree above you. A human silhouette.
“Why are you here?”
The man’s voice is gruff and tinged with annoyance. The goosebumps covering your arms tingle intensely, if this man is a vampire he’s definitely going to kill you.
“Hi. I said. I got lost in the woods.”
The silhouette shifts in his spot, bending down to get a closer look at you. You wish you could do the same, the weak light from your touch barely able to keep even the silhouette present at this point.
“You didn't get lost. You live less than a mile from here. You know these woods. You came here for a reason, so I’ll ask again. Why are you here?”
How did this man know where you live? Why is he in a fucking tree?
Only you could come into the woods and run into neither a bear or a vampire but a fucking stalker. Sally owes you so much more than $50 if you survive this.
“How do you know where I live?”
The man above provides no answer, obviously waiting for you to answer his question first.
“Fine. My friend dared me to come into the woods and see if it really was a bear that mauled Jenny Waller. She’s convinced it was a vampire, for some stupid reason. Even made me bring a stupid stake just in case. But just my luck, I managed to run into a stalker instead.”
An amused huff came from the man above.
“You think I’m a stalker?”
“You know where I live. You’re standing in a tree. You haven’t tried to introduce yourself or make this situation less creepy. So, yeah. Stalker.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Let me introduce myself.”
With that, the man jumps down from the tree. It must have been at least 15 feet and yet he landed perfectly, no sign of discomfort as he landed in a crouch.
“Eddie Munson, at your service.”
There’s no way. Eddie Munson died in the earthquake more than a year ago. Yet, here in front of you, in all his battered battle vest and fluffy haired glory, was Eddie Munson.
“You died.”
“I did. Just not in the way everyone thinks.”
Dumbfounded, your eyes track up and down the man in front of you. Black, ripped jeans? Check. Hellfire shirt? At this point it was completely torn to shreds, but check. Obnoxiously oversized boar ring still wrapped around his middle finger? Check. Brown, doe eyes? Check?
Those signature puppy dog eyes stare back at you, yet now they're ringed with bright red, pupils narrowed and focused on the pulse point beating rapidly in your neck.
“You're afraid.”
Scoffing, you steady yourself against the tree trunk you hadn't realised you’d backed yourself into.
“Well, it’s not everyday someone comes back from the dead, and is a vampire.”
“Observant. What gave me away?”
“You’re fixated on my pulse, your eyes have red in them, you just jumped 15 feet and didn't eat shit, and you came back from the dead. Shall I continue?”
At the mention of your pulse, his pupils flick back to yours, a hint of apology buried deep in brown.
“Sorry. Haven't had anything to eat since that bear, and you do smell absolutely divine.”
Ignoring the flush on your cheeks at his strange compliment, you tilt your head, questioningly. “The bear was real?”
“Oh yeah. Got a good few chunks out of Jenny before I managed to drag it off of her. How do you think she made it to the roadside? I carried her and waited until a car came, then went back for the bear.”
Knees giving out slightly, you sink down the tree trunk. You were right, it was a bear. But Sally was right too. There were vampires.
“You’re not gonna hurt me, are you?” No matter how much you tried, your voice still shook as you questioned him.
“Of course not, sweetheart.” He looks almost offended at the insinuation that he would hurt you. “I don't drink human blood. I don't really drink blood, I mostly get it from animal meat. Kinda gross eating raw meat, but it keeps me going, y’know?”
You use the silence after he finishes speaking to take a closer look at him. He still looked just like Eddie, soft smile and awkward stance, yet there was something powerful about him. Like he could walk into the centre of a room and command attention without meaning to. Well, he could do that before but this time, it wouldn't be at the expense of having insults hurled at him.
It was a quiet confidence. Strong and radiating from every pore of his body. It suited him.
Crouching down to match your eyesight, he nods, eyes staring softly as he waits for you to continue.
“Jenny was attacked almost 2 weeks ago. Have you not… eaten since then?”
Shaking his head, ruffling the slightly matted curls on his forehead, he begins to pick at a weed on the floor.
“Nope. That’s why I was a little weird when we first met. You just smelt so good and I didn't want to hurt you. I was hoping if I snapped some twigs, you’d take off but instead you carried on. Climbing the tree was my last hope, but you still found me.”
His eyes bore into yours, almost like he’s trying to analyse you.
“Why didn't you run?”
“I don't know.” Eyes flitting from the surrounding forest to the man in front of you. “I think I needed to make sure it was a bear that hurt Jenny, Mostly so I could happily take Sally’s $50, but also for my own peace of mind.”
“And yet, you found me. Good ol, vamp Munson. So what now? You run and tell Sally that vampires exist, and I wait for the torches and pitchforks in the morning?”
It’s your turn to be offended. “God, no, Eddie. I would never do that to you.”
The words are raw, and laced with a little too much truth for your liking. He senses it, leaning even closer towards you.
“Why not? I wouldn't blame you. Round 2 of ‘hunt the freak’, right?”
Quick to rebut, being used to defending him to your friends whenever they called him that. “You’re not a freak.”
“Babe, I’m quite literally a vampire.”
“Well, you are now, but even then. You're still Eddie. The same Eddie who helped me when Jason Carver threatened to break my glasses. The same Eddie who would spend hours in the cassette shop, trying to find that one specific cassette. The same Eddie who I can tell is trying his hardest to not hurt me despite the fact that every fibre of his being is telling him to go for it. You’re not a freak, not even close.”
You’re not stupid. You can see the way his nostrils flare every time a breeze passes you, the way the red ring around his eyes ebbs and flows with every breath he takes. He wants to feed, but he’s still the same Eddie Munson who nearly cried when he had to dissect a frog in Grade 9 Biology.
“Come with me. I have some steaks in the fridge. It’s not much, but hopefully it should make this,” gesturing between the two of you, “easier for you.”
Shakily, you stand up, using the trunk to support you. He remains crouched, eyeing you intensely.
“Eddie, please. I just want to help you.”
Nodding in assent, he rises and the two of you begin the journey back to your house. It’s quiet, only the sounds of the rustling leaves under your feet and the wind whistling gently through the trees. Eddie’s the first to break the silence.
“You should probably rethink being friends with Sally.”
Startled by his sudden statement, you trip over a tree root. Before you can hit the ground, hands wrench you back to your feet, sturdy on your shoulders.
“Thanks.” He nods, slowly moving his hands back to his sides as the two of you continue walking. “Why do you think that?”
It takes a second for him to remember what he had mentioned earlier, teeth nibbling on the edge of his nail bed.
“She willingly dared you to walk into the woods, believing that there was a vampire out there. Friends don’t do that.”
You take a second to mull his words over. It’s true she dared you to come here, but you couldn’t lie and say it was all her idea. You were slightly intrigued by the possibility of vampires. The overflowing pile of vampire fiction tucked under your bed was a testament to that.
“I’m sure she was just joking about that.”
His eyes are still on you, deep and questioning.
“Still. She dared you to come into the woods where someone had just been mauled by a bear.”
You couldn't argue with him there. Both of you continue on in comfortable silence until you reach the threshold of your back door.
“Do I have to invite you in?”
The second you say it, you wish you could cram the words back into your mouth. He stands there, a little stupefied by the question.
“I… don't know? Not really been invited into many homes since the whole vampire thing.”
Your heart aches for him. Considering he lives off animal meat and is well acquainted with the woods, you assume he hasn't returned home since the earthquake.
“Have you not been to see your uncle? Or your Hellfire friends? I’m sure they would be happy to see you, Eds.”
He huffs, gingerly stepping over the door threshold. You note that he doesn't need an invitation.
“The infamous freak Eddie Munson, leader of the devious cult Hellfire, creator of the Munson Murders. I’m sure their parents would be ecstatic to have a wanted murderer on their lawn.”
Dropping your backpack next to the door and moving to grab the steaks from the fridge, you level him with a glare. “Not everyone believes that. I don't. I’m 100% sure your friends and your uncle don't. You're a good person. Sure, some people may not know that, but the ones that matter do. They know you.”
“And why do you believe that?” He grabs the steaks from your hands, ripping at the packaging. As he begins to tear into the first steak, you glance away.
“Like I said in the woods, you're kind. Even if you don't know me, I know you. We were once in the same class at school. You interested me. You liked to play into this devilish persona but you couldn't hide your true self. The boy who welcomed outsiders into his group, the boy who protected anyone that people deemed as ‘lesser than’, the boy who welcomed the glares and harsh words even though he once rescued a kitten from a tree and cried when it licked his cheek as a thank you.”
Sighing at the end of your speech, your eyes flicker back to him. He’d long since dropped the half eaten steak, doe eyes placed firmly on you.
“I do know you. You sat behind me in Biology. You left me notes in my locker every time I missed class, I know it was you because of the handwriting. You were one of the only people outside of my friendship group to smile at me in the corridors. You interested me too. In fact, I even had a little crush on you.”
Your eyes widen at his admission, cheeks flushing with happiness. “I had a crush on you too. The day when, y’know, everything started, I was waiting at your locker. I was going to ask if you wanted to go see a movie or get dinner or something. But you never showed, and then the rumours started. I never believed them, not once. I couldn't.”
“You were going to ask me out?” His eyes widen to match yours, cheeks radiating a similar heat.
“Well, yeah. I wasn't exactly subtle with my crush.” You nervously scratch at the marble countertop, only stopping when a rough hand rests on top of yours.
“Thank you. For believing in me. And for feeding me. And for all the nice things you’ve said. It means a lot, truly.” Even though you had bared your heart to him, he still looked at you like he was trying to see right into your soul.
“You’re a good person, Eddie Munson. I’ll say it until the day I die. You deserved to be happy, to be respected and loved.”
You can feel the way his hand shakes over yours, can see the tears gathering in the corners of those puppy dog eyes. Using your free hand to swipe gently at a tear that escapes, you smile softly at him.
“Eat up. You need it.”
Busying yourself with dishes that had been sitting in the sink since last night, you startle as a body pressed up behind yours, dropping the plate that the steaks had been on into the soapy water.
“Sorry. Silent steps, vamp perk.”
His breath tickles your neck and the goosebumps rise again, for a good reason this time.
“What other cool vampire perks do you have now?”
He brushes past you to pick up a kitchen towel and begins to wipe down the clean dishes. “Super speed, super strength, these sweet lil things,” you glance across as he taps a finger to the small fangs poking out from beneath his upper lip, “and I don't really feel pain anymore.”
“Any downsides?”
“Apart from the whole having to live off blood thing, none that I’m aware of at the moment.”
Nodding, you continue to wash and he continues to dry, a comfortable silence blanketing the two of you.
By the time the dishes are done, the adrenaline from your adventure has slowly seeped out from you, eyes struggling to stay open. Eddie slowly sets the towel on the counter, shuffling from foot to foot.
“I suppose I should go… you look pretty tired and I’d hate to overstay my welcome.”
You take in his appearance. His hair is greasy, obviously washed in the streams running through the forest, his clothes are caked in mud and what looks like dried black goo and his jeans have definitely seen better days.
He looks at you in surprise. You smile at him, heart aching at the idea of him going back into the woods.
“Stay. You can wash up, have a good night's sleep. I don't think any of my clothes will work but I’m sure my dad has some clothes from his younger years that he won't miss.”
Before he can try to decline, you grab his hand gently and lead him up the stairs.
“The bathrooms on the right. There's fresh towels and plenty of soap and shampoo. I’ll leave my dad’s clothes by the door. We don't have a spare room, but the sofa is super comfortable to sleep on. Or you can sleep in my room, I don't mind,” you can sense hesitation on the tip of his tongue, “truly I don't mind, Eddie. Go shower. I’ll see you either in a bit or tomorrow morning.”
You leave him by the bathroom door as you rifle through your dad’s dresser, reaching for a slim fit black t-shirt and some jeans. Picking up some boxers and socks that you know are new, you place them outside the bathroom door, hearing the quiet hum of running water from inside.
By the time you’ve changed into a clean pair of pyjamas, just in case, and brushed your teeth in your ensuite, you can barely stay upright. Falling beneath the soft duvet, you keep your eyes open at a squint, some part of you hoping he’ll take you up on the offer of staying in your room.
At some point you must have drifted off, eyes opening to a wild mess of curls, smelling distinctly like your apple shampoo, invading your vision. You glance down and take in the position you're currently in. Back pressed to the mattress, the hefty weight of a young vampire surrounding you. Eddie has his head tucked under your chin, one hand tucked between your bodies and the other resting lazily across your stomach. Soft breaths puff across your chest, and you smile as you close your eyes again, hand reaching to rest on top of the one on your stomach.
In the morning you may wake to a cold, empty bed but for the moment, you’ll enjoy the feeling of Eddie’s body on yours, sleep soaked and slightly cold, and you’ll sleep happily.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
“Besides, thinking in terms of "clearing your name" is very black and white and self-important.” You said this on my anon about how to not care about randos blocking you, can you elaborate there?
Tbh framing it as callout posts maybe wasn’t the best choice, J agree that no one in 2023 who listens to those is very smart, I’m thinking more of where I get in a discussion about X representation with one individual and I don’t respond the way they like/respond at all and don’t 100% agree with them and bow down to their infinite wisdom since they’re part of X minority group, and then that person starts *privately* warning others in the fandom (like in discords and stuff) that I’m X-ist or “unsafe for X people to follow” or I “talk over X people” and a bunch of people who weren’t involved at all start blocking for safety reasons. (And yeah I’m not being paranoid, people have told me this is happening.) The thing is, I’m sympathetic to why marginalized people are a bit over cautious in blocking — I have been myself, too — but there are so many people now who weaponize that for mean girl shit by just saying “racist” or “homophobic” or whatever and not discussing the actual situation, since that might cause some of these individuals to disagree with them if they knew. And it bothers me so much because a lot of these people are themselves deeply bigoted in other ways: for instance, I know someone in a fandom who was slurred as antisemitic and blocked by a bunch of randos where the “antisemitism” was “disagreed with one (1) Jewish person about whether a fictional group was a Nazi analogue” and the Jewish user in question was really racist toward people from some of the groups victimized by those other proposed analogues — but of course that is left out in that person’s version of events, as is the fact that plenty more Jewish people in the discussion agreed with OP than didn’t. Situations like that and what happened to me are why I think now it just makes sense to require evidence (as in the offending posts) when someone does an “OP is a terf” or whatever, so you can make up your own mind — but I’ve seen people get accused of shit just for asking that. Someone even said in response “a trans woman asked you nicely and you can’t even just take her word for it and block the TERF, you have to ask her to do the emotional labor of finding proof for you?” Yeah? She’s a stranger? I think it’s normal not to listen to random accusations from strangers without evidence behind them????
I mean, I assume tons of people block me for "safety reasons", but that's both their prerogative and a them problem.
You can either placate people all the time, or you can accept that some people will find you contentious/annoying/scary/whatever.
Whisper campaigns and callouts aren't actually different here. Someone who believes the rando that you're a bigot is also not interested in doing their own thinking and investigation. Maybe they're tired and busy. I can't fault them for that. Maybe they're easily led and you're better off without them.
The situation remains the same: there are a fuckton of people in the world and you are not going to run out of people to hang out with just because some believed a rumor.
People who go "How dare you ask for evidence?!" are generally bad news, especially when they have decided to intentionally take upon themselves the labor of spreading the news about so-and-so.
If someone demands I do a thing and then throws a tantrum, it's that person who's getting blocked.
As for why it's black and white and self-important, my reasons were in the other post:
Yes, I'm sure some people did just believe a whisper campaign and they genuinely think you're a bigot and that scared them off...
...but to assume that's necessarily why a specific person blocked you is silly.
It's entirely plausible that they blocked you after looking at your actual tumblr/twitter/whatever and finding you not to their taste. Maybe they looked after hearing the rumors, but that doesn't mean the rumors themselves are why they blocked. It's plausible that they block everyone whom they perceive to be involved in wank on the theory that no matter who's at fault, blocking all and sundry will lead to a quieter fandom life. They may block everyone who ships something they dislike. They may block for one single annoying response on one single post that they happen to see. (I have blocked hundreds of people for this kind of reason. Maybe thousands.)
The reason it's black and white thinking is that many people block for all kinds of murky "I just felt like it" reasons that aren't as dramatic as dividing other users into Safe and Unsafe, Good and Bad.
The reason it's self-important is that you're imagining that you matter to this person. You probably don't. Their reasons may be extraordinarily petty and not this grand drama about whether you're a bigot or not.
I mean, sure, the pattern you describe above is a constant in fandom now from what I can tell, but who cares?
The people being hurt by this are the people who are preemptively blocking interesting tumblrs, not the tumblrs that got blocked.
I suppose it's compassionate to wish for people to learn how to do their own research and not be swayed by rumors, but it's also not my job to save them from their lack of critical thinking skills.
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kookiecrush · 5 months
You know what? How dare jkkrs treat Tae like shit for that tkk repost and say he's feeding the shippers and being an attention seeker when Jk literally liked a tiktok edit of tkk flirting! And followed a tkkr! They didn't have anything to say then, did they? The double standards from them are an absolute joke!
My thoughts exactly, anon. Where were the condescending essays from j*kookers condemning Jungkook's behaviour and accusing him of "feeding the shippers?" Where were the people questioning his character and intentions and calling him an "terrible person?" 🤔
And I saw comments saying that Tae's a bad friend because he must have known that what he did would cause J*min to receive hate..am I missing something? What does it have to do with J*min? Every taekooker I saw that was talking about it never mentioned J*min's name at all. I honestly think they just use J*min as an excuse when the reality is that they're just insanely triggered by Tae, taekook and any reminder that Jungkook and Tae are close.
And don't get me wrong, J*min definitely gets hate from a certain type of taekookers and that should 100% be called out, but how are you going to complain about people hating on J*min when you're hating on Tae? It doesn't make sense. I've seen multiple taekookers address the hate that Jimin receives, but not once have I ever seen a jikooker address the hate Tae gets other than to deny it even happens. It's becoming more and more prevalent in j*kook spaces, but they just brush it under the rug. And then they want to whine about J*min receiving hate because of Tae's actions, but every time Tae mentions Jungkook, he's the one that gets bombarded with hate..from them.
(sorry for the late reply)
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swiftmitsu · 6 months
Tumblr media
The simp one can NOT be left unmarked
( ・`ω・´)
okay first of all.
i agree, i am quite lgbt+ and a shit poster LMAO
that makes me so happy eueu
also how dare you accuse me of being a simp, i am most definitely not /j
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
*Secrets Part 1*
Henwen: *face and body covered in heavy robes as he walks into Riften a few days after rescuing Kaidan and climbing to high hrothgar to speak with the grey beards*
Kaidan: You don’t seem to keen on heading to get the war horn. We’re a long way from morthal.
Henwen: *sighs and looks up at him* look at me Kaidan. You saw how poorly I fight. Unless it’s a bear or a troll I’m useless… How am I meant to be the dragonborn if I can’t fight beyond using a spear?… Besides, I’m running low on coin after you drank the inn out of its ale. We stay here for tonight and I try to earn us some money.
Kaidan: I said I was sorry didn’t I? And you’re not useless you just need some training. And if all else fails that’s what I’m for, it’s my job to protect you.
Henwen: You shouldn’t have to protect me though… *sighs and walks ahead a little only to jump in fright as a large brute of a man snarls at him from the shadows*
Maul: Hey! I don’t know you. You in riften looking for trouble?
Henwen: I- no I’m j-just here for work.
Maul: *pushes off the post he was leaning on to get a closer look and try to see under the elf’s hood* Work huh? What’s a shifty looking guy like you do for w- *immediately backs up as Kaidan steps forward*
Kaidan: Ay! Asshole! *grabs Henwen gently but firmly as he tucks him behind his body to keep him shielded* This one. Is under MY protection and I will seperate your head from your body faster than you can blink! If you, interfere, with us.
Maul: *visibly intimidated by the giant warrior* easy there big guy- I don’t want any trouble. *backs away and walks off*
Kaidan: *grunts at him as he leaves before looking back at Henwen* You alright?
Henwen: y-yeah. Just, caught off guard…
Kaidan: You best learn to keep it up… Especially around this place…
Henwen: aye… *walks ahead and into the tavern*
*a few hours later*
Henwen: *finished playing his lyre and singing for the lunch time crowd as they began to filter out and return to work, only to spot a handsome and well dressed man staring at him by the door* … *Nervously looks away and tucks his earnings into his concealed pocket*
???: All of skyrims songbirds are certainly envious of your voice, lad.
Henwen: *spins around and nearly jumps out of his skin seeing the man leaning against the wall next to him now* I-!?
???: I take it by how lite in the pockets you are that you’re looking for work yeah? I have an opportunity available right now suited for someone with your, nimble fingers. *gestures to the lyre in his hands*
Henwen: *stupidly thinks hes offering a music gig* oh? It depends if there’s coin involved.
???: heh, do this right, and there’ll be more gold in it for you then you could ever imagine. The names Brynjolf by the way. Follow me, I’ll show you what needs doing.
*A few moments later*
Henwen: *staring at the stolen ring in his hand, blood boiling as he looks at the poor unsuspecting dunmer he’s supposed to plant it on* … *disappears into the crowd downing an invisibility potion as he goes* trick me into trying to get an innocent person imprisoned, I’ll teach you a lesson you prick… *creeps up to Brynjolf and slips the ring into his pocket before hurrying away and reappearing, giving the red headed thief the signal of a job done*
Brynjolf: *nods and smirks thinking things are finally going right as he watches the guards accost and harass the dunmer into turning out his pockets… only to look concerned and confused as said pockets come out empty* what?…
Henwen: *suddenly points at Brynjolf* HELP! THIEF!!! HE STOLE FROM THE ARGONIAN JEWELLER!!
Brynjolf: *face a mix of shock and rage* I?! Exu- how dare you accuse me of something like that?!
Madesi: he what- don’t be ridiculous how could he o- *freezes seeing his strongbox missing the ring* I- GUARDS!
The guards: *secretly thieves too, now looking very nervous as they walk over to Brynjolf and turn out his pockets revealing the ring* Erm? Yep, there. There it is…
Henwen: *yoinks it from their hand and glares at Brynjolf, his smug little grin hidden behind his cowl as he walks off and returns the ring to the argonian* I saw him grab it when the crowd disbursed.
Madesi: *takes the ring back and gladly hands him a bag of gold* Thank you so much. I knew he had ties to the guild but they really must be desperate to pull a stunt like that. *watches as the guards lead Bryn off supposedly to jail, and the look on his face as he glares at the shrouded snow elf* You best watch your back though now… I have a feeling he’s not going to let this go easily…
Henwen: *looks back at Bryn meeting his gaze one more time* I think you’re right…
*That evening*
Henwen: *playing and singing for the tavern again. Watching Kaidan get drunker and drunker with concern, but staring at the numerous shady figures around the inn with even greater concern as they all stare back at him* Thank you all! I’m going to take a short break-
Drunkard: oiii you can’t stop now you haven’t played Ragnar the red yet!
Patron: yes he did you twit you made him sing it twice!
The tavern: *erupts with laughter and chatter as they turn their attention away from the bard, everyone except the shady figures*
Henwen: … *walks over to Kaidan quietly and hands him the money he earned* Ere, I’m going to go have a piss, don’t get too pissed while I’m out, we’re leaving early in the morning remember?
Kaidan: Aye, I remember, don’t you be getting into -*hiccups* trouble now, alright? Riftens dangerous at night.
Henwen: I know. I’ll be careful… *smiles nervously at him before walking outside, and slowly moving around to the back of the inn as if he’s casually off to do his business, only to be met face to face with Brynjolf, dressed openly in thieves guild armour, flanked by two other thieves* shit.
Brynjolf: I’m impressed lad… it’s one thing to plant a ring on some unsuspecting fool. It’s another thing to plant one in the pocket of a seasoned thief… You’ve more than proven your worth to the guild, and can’t let you slip out of our grasp now can we? Especially since you owe us a debt now.
Henwen: I owe you nothing… *backs up, reaching for his spear only to be grabbed by two rough hands from behind, one on his throat, the other on his wrist* Gaghh!! *grabs at the hand on his throat, clawing at it violently only making it squeeze tighter*
Brynjolf: Don’t damage him Dirge, he owes us a lot for making us look like a bunch of fools today… *slowly moves forward grabbing at fabric concealing the elf’s identity* and he can make his first payment by showing us what he’s hid- *goes quiet as the bloodied point of a blade stops seconds from meeting his eye*
Kaidan: Let him go. Or I’m taking your friends other arm too…
Dirge: … *slowly looks down to see his arm had been sliced completely off* … *looks at Brynjolf* …Ow… *wobbles a little before letting go of Henwen and blacking out*
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spyrkle4 · 1 year
hooo boy ep 10 had some moments
spoilers under the cut 
-Okay so I def am convinced Arei is dead now, I was on the fence bc of the switch theory... but after this ep, it’s sunken in for me now 
-that moment w/ her and Eden AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Even if Arei didn’t have much time to change... she was trying her best in the time she had left
-David I am onto, sure he was “poor Arei :’(” in the trial, but he’s def acting shifty
(If Ace actually guessed his secret I will scream)
-Also J comitting revenge was slightly hilarious, but scary
-I’m very curious on the details with Arturo and his sister, to pull a Veronika here, I’m guessing he had very strict parents and when he ditched home to fufill his own path in life, his sister got the brunt of the pressure and unsubscribed from living when she couldn’t take it anymore, and Arturo got blamed for it by extended family
-That’s my theory at least, and Arturo has been coping unhealthily, like not cool man, how dare you threaten Eden like that >:T
-poor Eden omg she has been feeling so much guilt, it wasn’t her fault Min committed murder, it wasn’t her fault someone killed Arei, but she still blames herself for these things : (
-Anyone else here scared of Veronika? I am *raises hand* I’ve described her as “Junko but she copes with despair addiction with horror movies” and that feels SO accurate... I am getting so many chapter 3 vibes from her, will be surprised if she lives past Chapter 3
-I was lowkey thinking we’d get a scrum debate while everyone accused Arturo but maybe that’s next ep, 
-This was really enjoyable, and the flashback fleshed out Arei even after her death, then again despair time has a thing the dead cast haunting the narrative (Min got mentioned in the trial), so even if she’s gone... she’ll still be around in some sad way
-Really :’( Arei never got a chance to improve and make friends, maybe she did before the killing show started, but who knows, we might find out if there’s a bonus video...
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cursedchildofchaos · 1 year
15 Question & 15 Mutuals not doing that part right now cuz i’m lazy
how dare you, @thelegendofsqam /j I was the one who tagged you last time, tho, smh. 
1. Are you named after anyone?
Middle name , but also, not. It’s more I was named in association with someone.
2. When was the last time you cried?  
This week’s been a blur, but I definitely cried on Tuesday cuz i have an angsty poem to prove it.
3. Do you have kids?
no but I have probably called a fictional character babygirl or my baby at one point
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?  
What’s that? 
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?  
Not this question again. I guess I notice hair or clothes.
6. What's your eye color?  
Well, I guess I've never looked at my eyes before. I just don't think I've ever seen eyes this color before. Matter of fact I don't think I've ever seen this color before. Yes, I have, yes I have. I was on a ski weekend, up at Stowe. I was coming in late one day – last person off the slope – the sun had just gone down. And the sky became this incredible color. I usually don’t, notice things like that, and I found myself kind of walking around in the cold, hoping that it wouldn’t change; wishing that I had someone there to share it with me. Afterwards I tried to convince myself I had imagined that color; that I hadn’t really seen it. Nothing on this earth could be this beautiful. Now I see I was wrong.
(what are you talking about, I didn’t steal this! how dare you accuse me...okay, yeah, it’s from Cheers)
7. Scary movies or happy endings?  
Nothing too scary pls, but if it’s moderately scary and has an ending that doesn’t make me feel sick, okay, yeah sure why not.
8. Any special talents?  
9. Where were you born?  
I grew from a plant seed in a witch’s garden. I am a curse to this earth
10. What are your hobbies?  
I don’t have hobbies. All my hobbies become my life goals. Okay, maybe photography, arts and crafts, going to the ren faire, mbti, or video games
11. Have you any pets?
I had a dream about a kitten with back issues the other night that I grew attached to and I have a few stuffed animals (like toys not taxidermy just to be clear). My real pets live in another state
12. What sports do you play/have you played?  
I went horseback riding a few times. Other sports I gave up to do theatre...but theatre can be a sport at least during the dance numbers...tho, I was very uncoordinated and moved behind people on stage once
13. How tall are you?  
Not 6 ft, Not 5′5 ft. Somewhere in between.
14. Favorite subject in school?  
I liked art and drama. I like taking writing classes now.
15. Dream job?  
Assassin assigned to kill @thelegendofsqam​ /j
I would like to own a book store and costume shop that I live above while write books and draw during my spare time.
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