#Hu Kai Li
kdram-chjh · 5 months
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Cdrama: Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved (2024?)
TRAILER:首发😍狠狠期待成毅与李一桐执剑相爱 | 狐妖小红娘王权篇 Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved | 成毅 李一桐 | ✦ 爱奇艺东方奇幻 ✦
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5My6-JFwvqA
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Be My Princess. 8/9
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10 🔥
Comparable to: Love Script (cdrama) ; Lost Romance (taiwanese drama)
I personally loved this underrated gem of a drama. I thought it was absolutely hilarious and completely bonkers at the same time. There are different parts of this drama. Some work and some don’t. It has its faults, I’m quite aware. It could’ve been either shortened down or extended longer when he fully got his memory back and explored more like they did in the novel when he realized he had the (slight spoiler * old memories) . I thought it ended a little bit to hastily. I also read the novel so I’m more invested into this drama then some, so I would of love more. Now I didn’t care how they focused more on the historical parts in this drama and ventured off in the beginning clips, although they did brilliantly tie everything together nicely at the end. All of the characters are well fleshed out and the acting is beyond phenomenal in this. This is my first Jeremy Tsui dramas and I do have say oof am I impressed. That man is a major oof! My god he’s a quadruple threat. Not only is he handsome, sexy, charming, but his acting is top tier. The chemistry between him and leading lady Zhou Jie Qiong is 🥵 smexy as heck. They both stole scenes from anyone else they were acting in. This cdrama definitely won’t be for everyone. It might be that this is one of my favorite novels and I thought they did a spectacular job bringing it to full screen.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Shadow (2018)
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Zhang Yimou’s Shadow has a lot going on visually. So much that you might not grasp it all. Between the expertly choreographed fight scenes, gorgeous cinematography, lavish sets, costumes that’ll make your jaw drop and the epic Chinese wuxia storyline, you won't know what to focus on unless the material is somewhat familiar to you. It’s an exercise in storytelling that shows off what the director has to offer when he’s in top form.
Years ago, the kingdom of Pei lost the important city of Jingzhou to the kingdom of Yang in a duel between Commander Ziyu (Deng Chao) and Yang Can (Hu Jun). Ever since, Ziyu has plotted to reclaim the city and get his revenge. His plan - a complex set of moves which involve his body double (also played by Deng Chao) and wife, Xiao Ai (Sun Li) - goes against the will of the king (Zheng Kai), who will do anything - even offer his sister (Guan Xiatong) as tribute - to maintain the peace.
Think of this film as China’s equivalent of Macbeth. Not in terms of plot, but in terms of feel. You've got these deeply-running schemes and all-or-nothing gambits fuelled by a mixture of pride and opportunity. Every action sends dominos falling in unexpected directions - or so it seems. Like Shakespeare’s work, this may make the story difficult to follow at first. The opening text screen talks about a third kingdom the Yang and Pei kingdoms united against before Pei lost Jingzhou. That third kingdom? Doesn’t impact the plot at all, it’s there to establish this world’s foundation and because this story is based on the classic 14th century historical novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” which you’re probably not familiar with but everyone in China has seen interpreted in countless ways.
Though it isn’t essential to fully understand the concepts of Yin and Yang or the forces associated with them to enjoy the film, knowing a little will unlock a deeper appreciation for the artistry on display. I’ll admit I had to so don’t be shy. Understanding the symbolism of an umbrella, water, and femininity vs. that of fire, masculinity and a straightforward weapon like a spear makes things much more interesting. Suddenly, that giant Yin Yang arena the warriors battle upon takes on a whole other meaning. It’ll also make you understand why so many of the characters in this film seem… so reasonable. Even the villains are a mixture of black-and-white, a decision that’s very much intentional.
Let’s say you don’t catch all the symbolism upon a first viewing. What does Shadow offer for you? Awesome battles whose outcomes are unpredictable and breathtaking visuals. Is that enough? It will be. The colours are so desaturated you'll wonder if the film was originally shot in black-and-white. There is colour there, however, and it evokes the look of ink drawings. It’s moody and makes you think of ancient powers whose reverberations still impact our world. One look at a set or a character unleashes a deluge of information. Even if you don’t know what the movie is actually about, you understand where everyone stands because what’s here is largely universal in a primeval kind of way. It's familiar without being predictable.
The more Shadow sits with me, the more I like it. Initially drawn in by the story and the action, I’m now enchanted by the symbolism. This is the kind of movie you’ll rewatch and always discover something new. (Original Mandarin with English subtitles, April 3, 2020)
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pseudosis · 6 months
i need aftercare with jet i swear hes just so genuine deep inside and it always shows whenever him snd reader js finished - whether it was a quickie or a whole ass marathon
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A stray bead of sweat, conjured up from the throes of undeniable passion that found itself being so profound, that the windows of the car fogged over. It sauntered gently down the frame of his face, leading itself to its eventual fall from the bottom of his chin. The both of you could hardly muster any words to come about in the aftermath of this, tryst, that had you both naked and vulnerable to each other’s eyes.
Vulnerability is not foreign to him, but it’s still hard to figure out in his own sense of emotions. This was more than different, very diverse from the kind of vulnerability you would have to break down in solem tears at the funeral of a good friend. Different than the kind to have when you’re experiencing a bad trip in front of others at a trashy house party.
Or maybe it was, just in a vastly new situation, in a different font. Jet didn’t know, but it left his heart sore – in a good sense. In his mind lay a plethora of words, thoughts, feelings he’d prefer to keep away and drown out. Looking helpless and dependent at the thought alone sent a raging disgust to travel throughout his all. Especially in front of you. Oh, he’d put his own gun in his mouth now and triggered it if it meant letting his shell crumble, and reveal a broken down version of himself.
After all, he was on top of you, the one who had to give it to you as you expected and privileged him with your complete trust in doing this. He couldn’t be weak, not right now. What was needed at the moment was attentiveness, care, you were a mess, of course he would not leave you that way.
“Hey kid, stay with me, ‘kay?”
Those words spilled out softer than originally expected, giving a feeble nod back as acknowledgment to his voice, Jet’s hands found themselves set on finding something to clean you up with. He had no towels, nothing proper, but he did in fact has a shirt that he of course used to wipe away your mess, and your body. The fabric would graze over the entirety of your frame, soaking up all the sweat, the saliva, the essence from which came from within yourself.
His shirt was now covered in you, in your candy sweet scent, that one perfume you happened to purchase the other day that he particularly loved. It mirrored your soul in a sense, a genuine concoction of what would be the scent of your inner character if it had one. Never once did it diminish away from your air, no not like the cheap perfume that lasted at most one to two hours. Rather, nearly all day. He could smell it whirling around in his nostrils the entirety of the time that was spent together, up to now.
A blanket was not in his vicinity unfortunately, however, he would dress you back up again. Slipping your panties to roll up past your hips into place, snapping your bra into place again. Lowering your shirt back over your mostly bare torso, aiding you in tugging your arms through each sleeve in no hurry at all. Trying his all to fix up your hair to how it was before, well, something close enough.
Really, he only ended up fucking it up even more, but who were you to criticize? Not many would make an effort this great after sex, especially someone with Jet’s personality. Well, on the surface that’s what you think at least.
“What kind of food do you wanna eat? We could see what’s open because I’m no cook.”
A real chuckle came from you at his unintentionally charming words. Letting a hand gently caress his face affectionately, you found your answer while digging deep into whatever lied beyond those familiar pair of darkly colored eyes. As thick and bold like molasses, but so obviously sweet, at least whenever he’s looking at you.
“Alright Jee, that’s fine with me. I do hope you’re planning on putting your clothes back on before driving though.”
And for the first time in what felt like an eternity, you hear him huff out an amused laugh. Urging you to come into his arms to fill in the often lonely space that was made up of really only himself.
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 months
Are there more stories about what demons Erlang has faced? Or more stories about him or where his character is included? I'm aware of Journey to the West, fsyy, the story with his mother and Lotus Lantern, but I was wondering if there were other stories where his character appears.
There are a lot of stories with him but they are more like legends than like narrative tales so to speak. Xiyouji, FSYY, and Lotus Lantern are novels and plays that allow full narratives that Erlang Shen features in but none really show the full extent of his character as he is more of a feature character than ever the protagonist.
Erlang's control of water is Erlang Shen's first and greatest achievement was water control and water control and made him a famous water god. With Erlang God's water control as the core, it radiates into legends such as killing dragons and slaying dragons.
Carrying mountains to catch the sun was from the Kaixi Period of the Song Dynasty, the "Inscription of the Induction of King Zhaohui Lingxian" describes the Erlang Shen as "the majesty of disturbing the mountain to take advantage of the sun, and the bravery of crossing the sea to capture the dragon.
The legend of Erlang Shen leading his divine soldiers and generals to search the mountains and succumb to demons can be found in the volume "Searching the Mountains", also known as the "Erlang Shen Searching the Mountains".
In the Five Dynasties, there is a legend about Erlang capturing an evil dragon. "Shu Shu": "The New Year's Banquet in June, "Guankou Divine Team" by Jiaofang Haiyu. The image of the two dragons fighting, the sky and the earth were dark for a moment, and there was heavy rain and hail. The Qing Dynasty's "Sichuan General Chronicle" locks the dragon: " It is said that Erlang locked the evil dragon in it. When frost falls and water falls, you may sometimes see it locked in the clouds."
In the Song Dynasty, there were a lot of themes of Erlang killing dragons. The Erlang who spent money usually rode an eagle and followed the dog. The entourage held a bow and stood a three-pointed two-edged sword beside him to subdue the dragon or the dragon transformed into a human body.
In the early days, Erlang Shen's divinity mainly came from Li Bing, who controlled floods. Guankou Erlang Shen controlled wind and rain, and Li Erlang's main deeds were also to capture dragons and control floods.
The "Stele Record of the Divine Blessing King" written by Zhou Hu of the Southern Song Dynasty (1170-1231) records that in 1206 AD, that is, the second year of Kaixi, Erlang Shen helped him fight against the Jin Dynasty and achieved a major turning point. Therefore, Emperor Ningzong of the Song Dynasty named Erlang Shen "Saint Martyr Zhaohui to protect the country".
As the belief in Erlang Shen spread widely, the priesthood of Erlang Shen also expanded as he was seen as a protector of the country's spirit. The "Nangong County Chronicle" of the Republic of China quoted Lu Zhongfu from Jin Zhangzong as saying: "In the autumn of the fifth year of Zhenglong (1160), the giant locusts covered the sky and ate all the acres. There were reports of hunger everywhere, the price of grain soared, and county people rushed to pray at the temple of Erlang Shen. The locusts dispersed and did not stay in the area. Fortunately, they were harmless at this time."
Erlang Shen is not only a god with vast supernatural powers and remarkable spiritual responses, but he was also regarded as the god of drama in the Ming Dynasty and was worshiped by Liyuan.
The Cuju industry also respects Erlang as the god of the industry and follows his character of playing games in the world.
Erlang God was revered as the "Lord of Sichuan" and became the god who protected the people of Sichuan from living and working in peace and contentment.
Song Zhang Tangying's " Sichuan Prayer " records: "(Qiande) in the second year of August, (Wang) Yan patrolled the north, and Prime Minister Wang Kai judged the guards of the six armies. The banners and flags were inexhaustible for hundreds of miles. Yan's military uniforms, Wearing golden armor, a beaded hat, and brocade sleeves, he holds a bow and carries an arrow. The people look at him and say he is like a 'guan-kou god'." Erlang Shen is equipped with a hound, an eagle, and a slingshot. It is a standard image of the hunting god, capable of restraining birds, beasts, mountain spirits, and wild monsters.
Because Erlang Shen carried a slingshot, he was attached to the function of delivering children by later generations. Because the slingshot is homophonic with "birth", it means birth. Almost every Erlang temple has people seeking children, which is the basic priesthood of Erlang Shen.
Tianqi was built in southern Fujian during the Chongzhen period of the Fengshan Ancestral Temple in the Ming Dynasty, the belief in Erlang Shen has formed a water god worship with strong local characteristics of southern Fujian in southern Fujian. There are now three statues in the Fengshan Ancestral Temple, which are called "Ambassador", "Second Ambassador" and "Third Ambassador", and "Ambassador" is the Erlang Shen in people's minds
I'm taking this all from his page so if you want a more detailed explanation I would suggest looking it into yourself because there is SO MUCH information about Erlang Shen being such a well-known figure and hero of legend that no way I can fit it all in one post but I hope this gives people an idea just how grand Erlang Shen's legend is and just how rich in both history and lore he is!
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Epicine & Neopronouns That Predate 1999
This list is very long, with many similar pronouns! Contrary to popular belief, neopronouns aren't that new, and were never that rare. A noticable potrion of this list contains neopronouns 100 or more years old, and even more that are 50+ years old!
The vast majority pronouns in this post are sourced from Aether Lumina. Some pronouns were left off this list, so if you want to dig deeper, check the page out!
And we're not kidding--the list under the cut is LONG!
[name]/[name]/[name]s/[name]s/[name]self [replace [name] with person’s name, ie Alex would be Alex/Alexs]
*e, h*, h*s, h*s, h*self (splat pronouns, c.1990s) [source] [source2]
þe/þim/þir/þirs/þimself (þ is pronouned th & þe rhymes with he, 1978) [source] [source2]
3e/3im/3er/3ers/3imself (3 is pronounced z &3e sounds like zee, 1995) [source]
ðe (conjugation unknown, 1995) [source]
a/a/as/as/aself (from Middle english, 1789) [source] [source2]
ae/aer/aer/aers/aerself (1920) [origin/source]
ala/alum/ales/ales/alumself (derived from Latin and Hawai'ian, 1989) [source] [source2]
che/chim/chis/chis/chimself (1951) [source]
co/co/cos/cos/coself (1970) [source]
E/Em/E's/E's/E'sself (c.1977) [source]
e/em/es/es/esself or emself (1878 and 1890) [source]
E/Ir/Ir/Irs/Irself (1982) [source]
e/rim/ris/ris/risself (1977) [source]
em/em/ems/ems/emsself (1977) [source]
en/ar/es/es/esself (1974) [source]
en/en/en/ens/enself (1868) [source]
er/er/ers/ers/erself (1863) [source]
et/et/ets/ets/etself (1979) [source]
ey/em/eir/eirs/eirself (Elverson pronouns) [source]
fm/fm/fms/fms/fmself (1972) [source]
ghach (Klingon, conjugation unknown, 1992) [source]
ha/hem/hez/hez/hezself (1927) [source]
han/han/hans/hans/hanself (1868) [source]
hann/hann/hanns/hanns/hannself (1984) [source]
he/him/his/his/himself (generic; not actually a neopronoun)
he'er/him'er/his'er/his'er's/his'er'self (1912) [source]
heesh/heesh/heeshs/heeshs/heeshself (c.1940) [source]
heesh/herm/hiser/hisers/hermself (1978) [source]
heesh/himer/hiser/hisers/hiserself (1934) [source]
hem/hem/hes/hes/hesself (1974) [source]
heor/himor/hisor/hisor/himorself (1912) [source]
her'n/her'n/her'ns/her'ns/her'nself (1935) [source]
herm/herm/herm/herms/hermself (1985) [source]
hes/hem/hir/hirs/hirself (1935) [source]
hes/hes/hes/hes/hesself (1984) [source]
hesh/himmer/hizzer/hizzers/hizzerself (1927) [source]
hesh/hiser/himer/himer/hermself (1974) [source]
heshe/hem/hes/hes/hemself (1981) [source]
hey/heir/heir/heirs/heirself (1979) [source]
hi/hem/hes/hes/hesself (1884) [source]
hir/hirem/hires/hires/hirself (1979) [source]
h'orsh'it (1975--joke pronoun but it rocks) [source]
ho/hom/hos/hos/homself (1976--not a joke pronoun but prone to jokes) [source]
hor/hor/hors/hors/horself (1890) [source]
hse/hse/hses/hses/hseself (1945) [source]
hu/hum/hus/hus/huself (1982) [source]
hymer/hymer/hyser/hysers/hyserself (1884) [source]
id/idre/ids/ids/idself (1989) [source]
ip/ip/ips/ips/ipsself (1884) [source]
ir/im/iro/iros/iroself (1888) [source]
kai/kaim/kais/kais/kaiself (1998) [source]
kin/kin/kins/kins/kinself (1969) [source]
le/lem/les/les/lesself (borrowed from French, 1884) [source]
le/lim/lis/lis/limself (1884) [source]
na/na/nan/nans/nanself (1973) [origin/source] [source2] [source3]
ne/nim/nis/nis/nimself (c.1850) [source]
on/on/ons/ons/onsself (1927?) [source]
one/one/ones/ones/oneself (1770) [source]
per/per/pers/pers/perself or personself (1972) [origin-ish/source] [source]
phe/per/per/pers/perself (1998) [source]
po/xe/jhe/jhes/jheself (c.1997) [source]
s/he / him/er / his/her / his/ers / him/erself (1973) [source]
se/hir/hir/hirs/hirself (1977?) [source]
se/sem/ses/ses/sesself (1990) [source]
she/herim/heris/heris/herisself (1970) [source] [source2]
she/herm/herm/herms/hermself (1976) [source]
SHe/Hir/Hir/Hirs/Hirself (1997 or earlier) [source]
shem/hem/hes/hes/hesself (1974) [source]
shem/herm/herm/herms/hermself (1973) [source]
sheorhe/herorhim/herorhis/hersorhis/herorhimself (1974) [source]
shey/shem/sheir/sheirs/sheirself or shemself (1982 & 1979) [source] [source2]
sie/hir/hir/hirs/hirself (borrowed from German, pre-2001) [source]
soloc/sebita/seniri/siculis/sulago (1998) [source]
su/su/sus/sus/suself (borrowed from Spanish, 1921) [source]
ta/ta/tas/tas/tasself (borrowed from Mandarin Chinese, 1971) [source]
tey/tem/ter/ters/temself (1971) [source]
tey/tem/term/terms/termself (1972) [source]
thir/thim/thiro/thiros/thiroselves (plural form of ir/im, 1888) [source]
thon/thon/thon/thons/thonself (allegedly 1858, definitely existed since or before 1884) [source] [source2]
uh/uh/uhs/uhs/uhself (1975) [source]
um/um/ums/ums/umself (1877, 1879) [source]
un/un/uns/uns/unself (1868) [source]
ve/ver/vis/vis/verself (1995) [source]
ve/vim/vis/vis/visself (1974) [source]
ve/vir/vis/vis/visself (1970) [source]
z/z/z/z/zself (1972) [source]
ze/zim/zee/zees/zeeself (1972) [source]
ze/hir/hir/hirs/hirself (1996) [source]
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heymeowmao · 2 months
Holy shit, Call Me By Fire S4?? Wild.
Some names I recognized and therefore caught my attention (a lot more than previous seasons):
Li Keqin, Zao An (so cute (funny), wtf?), Fu Xinbo!, Jin Long (dressed as Nezha on the first meeting, lmao), Caelan, Du Haitao, Shi Kai, Wang Yizhe, Zhu Xingjie, Fu Longfei, You Zhangjing, Nine, Miyavi????, Xu Haiqiao, Hu Xia, Huang Xiao
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winterpower98 · 1 year
I am here to talk about my OCs!
Because @elianaroselight and I have talked about them so much we developed 4 RPs about them (that have been going for over a year now) and got a whole system going
Buckle up, it's long
First, there's Ju Ling's family, who now has 3 mates and 7 children (without counting the ones she lost). Her mates are Ju Jing the oni, Ri Shi and the white tiger of the west, Baihu. Her siblings are Hua and Ping, who have, respectively, the vermilion bird of the south, Zhuque, and the azure dragon of the east, Qinglong, as their mates.
Then there's Yue Shi and his mate Fengbao. Feng became friends with their doctor Jiahao, who had two twin kits that became friends (and enemies if you ask Shu) with Feng's kits. Jiahao's husband is Pingyi, who teaches sign language, and is friends with Ju Jing because he and his sister (name missing) were all at the same orphanage. Pingyi is also Cixin's teacher, Zan's adopted son. He's not mute or def but has trouble speaking and often communicates by repeating sounds or words (in the voice of the person that spoke them). Cixin and Tai Shi (one of Ju Ling's cubs) have pet ducks together.
The biological mothers of Tai Shi and the rest of the tiger cubs are Lan (who has Tai Shi, 2 tiger cubs that she lost, and Ju, a lynx cub she adopted) and An (who has Jingyi, Ling Min, Heng and Yawen) Tai Shi's dad is Qiong Qi, no one likes him. Baihu is the father of the other cubs. Depending on the AU, An and Lan are platonic mates with Ju Ling and the others and live in a huge ass house.
But anyway, Baihu is a big sweetheart who does his best to be a good baba. He loves seafood and spicy food and Ju Jing and Ri Shi very much feed into that. Lan grew a passion for gardening and plants and it was a great bonding moment for her and Ju Ling.
But anyway, all of An's cubs are adorable Jingyi likes plants and helps her moma with her garden. She even found a salamander once and wanted to keep it as a pet. Heng loves the sky and the sea, which works well with his uncle Ping, who works at an aquarium, and his yeye who used to be an astrologist. Yawen likes the sky, but specifically the clouds. He loves Wukong's nimbus and asks him to conjure it any time he comes over. And Ling Min is a little fighter that loves dragons and adores her gugu Mei.
Then there is Bai He's family. Obviously, her parents are the general Ba and Beng. Her wife is Zhi Hao, a gibbon demon the size of a wardrobe which works as a blacksmith. So you know, guaranteed thirst trap. Their children are Hua Mei, the oldest girl, Hao the only boy, and their twins Guiyin and Li Lei who is named after the empress of the kingdom of women, who Bai He is friend with.
There's also Kai Hu's group of friends! They call themselves the lost ones because Kai's cousin calls him Peter Pan. They are Chao a cat fish demon (not a catfish. a cat and fish demon), Juan a one-eyed cat demon, Fen a bunny demon, Bo the only human and Huangshu, a gibbon demon that was adopted into Kai's family and became his cousin.
And then there's Shu's group (she is one of Yue Shi and Fengbao's triplets kits), aka Lupin gang wannabe. Shu is of course Lupin, then we have Leale, a dog demon who is 100% based on Jigen, I'm not even going to hide that, and just discovered that he has 2 siblings, and Rampion, who was made as a joke with Skelle but he fits in this group of misfits. And I can't forget the Fujiko of the group, Junjie, who is also one of Jiahao's kits. The other one of Jiahao's kits is Xinyi who married Bao, Shu's second brother.
Last group that I can remember is Ling Min's family. Her mate is Hebo, a leopard gecko demon, and their adopted kids: Xu Qiu a dear and lion demon, Bian a they/them human, Hongbo an otter demon and Wuyue a baby lizard demon that Xu Qiu found in the snow
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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guoman · 4 months
just realised that I reached 100 followers here, so a big thank you to everyone who's been here with me and my sporadic posts <333
just as a bit of a signal boost, I am open to taking requests, so if you'd like to see more particular types of content don't be afraid to drop an ask, especially if they are of any of my favorites below ^^
Actively following: Ni Ni, Wen Qi, Qiu Tian, Bao Shangen
Like, but not actively following: Zhou Yiran, Guo Xiaoting, Xin Zhilei, Hu Lianxin, Lu Yangyang, Zhou Yutong, Lu Yuxiao, Zhao Jiamin, Sun Zhenni, Chen Duling, Li Muchen, Zeng Keni, Zhang Jingyi, Zhang Yaqin, Li Jiaxin, Li Gengxi, Zhuang Dafei, Tian Xiwei, Xia Meng, Deng Enxi, Jianaina, Wang Shengdi, Chen Zhiyan // Wang Kai, Hu Ge, Zheng Yecheng, Zhang Xincheng, Yi Yangqianxi, Wang Xiao, Bai Yufan, Jiang Qiming, Yu Shi, Ci Sha, Bai Jingting, Wei Daxun, Rong Zishan
Mother: Reyizha, Maggie Cheung, Gong Li, Joey Wong, Brigitte Lin, Zhou Xun, Shu Qi, Liu Mintao
Animation: Shanghai Animation Film Studio, Nice Boat Animation, Light Chaser Studio, Flint Sugar, Studio Tumble, Haoliners Animation, Curie Lu, Zhou Fanyuan
Fashion: He Cong, Ju Xiaowen, Liu Wen, Chen Man, Zeng Wu, Leslie Zhang, Win Tam, Chen Momo, Liu Zongyuan, Valentina Li, Clive Xiong, Cindy Chao, Rui Zhou, Robert Wun, SHUSHU/TONG, Susan Fang
Music: Lexie Liu, Faye Wong, SNH48 Group, Jingfei, Floruitshow, 一支榴莲, Zhou Shen, Mr Miss, Ayanga, Zheng Yunlong, Yikii, liiii, Re-TROS, Zhang Bichen
Dance: Hao Ruoqi, Xie Xin, Hu Shenyuan, Li Yu, Hu Jie, Li Yanchao, Li Xing, Hua Xiaoyi, Tang Shiyi, Li Xiang, Zhang Han, Yang Liping
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dear-indies · 10 months
hi!! could you give me some faceclaims that could work as older cousins to song yuqi please? preferably a female fc around early 30s and a male fc around late 20s? they’d also be siblings if that helps at all. thanks in advance 💖 (i tried looking through your ‘chinese’ tag but a lot of the fcs were all early 20s which doesn’t work for my plot idea 😫)
also, if it’s not too much trouble, preferably people more ‘badass’ modern roles? but it’s not that necessary tbh.
Jing Tian (1988) Chinese.
Zhang Xin Yu (1988) Chinese.
Ming Xi (1989) Chinese.
Song Yi (1989) Chinese.
Li Qin (1990) Chinese.
Zheng Shuang (1991) Chinese.
Zhu Xu Dan (1992) Chinese.
Yang Zi (1992) Chinese.
Dai Jing Yao (1993) Chinese.
Hu Yi Tian (1993) Chinese.
Ni Han Jin (1994) Chinese.
Liu Hai Kuan (1994) Chinese.
Xu Kai (1995) Chinese.
Zhang Xin Cheng (1995) Chinese.
Ding Yu Xi (1995) Chinese.
Wang Zi Yi (1996) Chinese.
Dai Gao Zheng (1996) Chinese.
Here you go, I hope these are useful!
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NOTE: This bracket has been SEEDED. This means that characters with more submissions initially go up against those with less submissions. However, some characters with only one submission are characters I know to be very popular, perhaps because of the "everyone must have submitted them already" effect... let's see how this goes.
Round 1 polls will last a week so people in various fandoms have time to realise their favourite characters are in the poll. Length of time for other polls tbd.
Gideon Nav vs Peko Pekoyama.
The Three Musketeers (Athos, Porthos and Aramis, I'm not separating them) vs Darth Vader.
Sasha Waybright vs Mulan
Rose Quartz vs D'Artagnan
Percy Jackson vs King Arthur
Clare vs Anomander Rake
Dave Strider vs Finn Mertens
Pearl vs Zorro
Roronoa Zoro vs Vasher
Camilla Hect vs Weiss Schnee
Crona vs Qui-Gon Jinn
Connie Maheswaran vs Obi-Wan Kenobi
Aragorn vs Michonne
Geralt of Rivia vs Zagreus
Utena vs Yu Jiaolong
Westley vs Duncan MacLeod
Leonardo Hamato vs Deadpool
Luke Skywalker vs Cloud Strife
Meta Knight vs Dante
Ghirahim vs Blade
Sokka vs Alanna the Lioness
He-Man vs Count Dooku
Nico di Angelo vs Vergil
Adora vs Mace Windu
Inigo Montoya vs Tain Hu
Gomez Addams vs Li Mu Bai
Puss In Boots vs Sephiroth
Kai Smith vs the Wilkinson Sword couple
Adolin Kholin vs Xena
Erza Scarlett vs Madame Vastra
Elspeth Tirel vs Yu Shu Lien
Link vs Carrot Ironfoundersson
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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sunshine304 · 2 years
Episode 32, let's go!
We’re still in the flashback to little Xie Yun’s time with the monk. And excuse me but WTF?! XY plays hide and seek with some servant (I guess, he seems to be charged to take care of the little prince), the guy can’t find him, immediately despairs and decides to kill himself about it?! Oh-kay?! I mean, yeah it would be shitty to have lost the heir of the former emperor, but like, my man, the kid was up there in the tree right behind you! Just IDK, turn around? Look up for a moment? WTF.
I guess giving a child a huge guilt complex because a servant chose suicide over actually checking some typical hiding spots is also a way to get that child to start studying instead of fooling around… 눈_눈
Chuchu tells Li Sheng about seeing Yin Pei and wonders about YP's new-found strength. Li Sheng says that there are different ways to achieve such strength, either training + studying for many years, or using some questionable means to speed up the process. But that way usually will have a huge price in the end.Is this ~~foreshadowing~~?
Chuchu tries out the martial arts technique she wrote down in her notes (I think Madame Duan’s?). She’s determined to get it right but I think it doesn’t really work how it’s supposed to.
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Lo and behold, Yin Pei arrives! Now with fashionable white streaks in his hair and newly a master of the four mountains (I think? Because he took over for Ding Kui?). He wants to thank Chuchu because she was nice to him in the past. Chuchu feels understandably threatened but before anything can really happen, Li Sheng arrives, notices the fly-whisk from old Master Chongxiao that Yin Pei carries and fights Yin Pei, because he assumes correctly that something happened to the old master. Anyway, he loses, because of course he does. Yin Pei is actually a bit miffed that this wasn’t really much of a fight, but gives him the fly-whisk and leaves again, because he likes Chuchu I guess.
Okay we’re cutting in minute-intervalls between the different groups, got it.
Zhou Fei wants to find the source of the poison, but the monk says that all records from Big Medicine Valley were lost, so they can’t reconstruct the poison and the woman who invented it has vanished, too. Yin Hecong shows up and sneaks up to the boat with unconscious XY.
Somewhere else, but likely close by, because it’s how this show works, Li Yan and Yang Jin are looking for A-Fei.
A-Fei is send on a quest by the monk: retrieve the Fire Lotus plant from the super cold snowy mountains because it serves as a hot poison and therefore counteragent to XY’s poison. This might make him live longer so they’ll have more time to look for an antidote. I find it very daring of the monk to sent her off on her own as she has abysmal sense of direction… XD
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Like, the mountain is right there and still she starts walking in the wrong direction...
Ying Hecong has snuck onto the boat and is his usual creepy but also scientifically minded self: he wants to steal XY’s corpse to find out more about the poison. The monk stops him, though. XD
He is found by Li Yan and Yang Jin. I’m glad the one braincell trio is finally complete again! :D
YHC is still unconscious so they bring him to the inn where Chuchu and Li Sheng are, because as I’ve said, they’re all in the same little corner here. XD YHC tries to lie about what happened but then tells them how Zhou Fei killed Chu Tianyu and that she’s okay. Li Sheng seems angry (worried?) and leaves.
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Ohhhh there is the evil guy from ep 10 or so, the wannabe disciple of Chongxiao whose name I have forgotten (sth with ‘judge’?). I’d wondered if he’d ever show up again or if the show forgot about him. Anyway, he follows Li Sheng.
Aiyah! There we go! We finally meet Hu Tianying, the evil poison woman! She sits in her pretty garden pavilion, tending to a plant and daintily coughing into her hand. This tells us that she is extremely ill and likely only has a short time left to live.
Thank you, show, for telling us after 30 episodes what the Hai Tian Yi Se actually is (or seems to be)! Woohoo! Shen Tianshu desperately wants it because it (likely) contains the super book of medicine, which might have a treatment for his beloved wife! Hallelujah, relevant information! XD Hu Tianying talks about how she poisoned Xiao Chuan (XY) and that he’s been reckless with his powers and close to dying (she is very well informed). She’s also super clever because she knows that his friends will look for the Fire Lotus, which conveniently will bloom soon. That’s where they can find Zhou Fei and the part of the seal she has.
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Shen Tianshu wants to go himself but she worries about him. They instead send Lu Tiankuang instead, who so far has protected her at home, but who comes from the cold mountains and therefore should easily handle Zhou Fei. He also has some wolf nickname, as they all have some cool nicknames… wasn't Shen Tianshu also something with "wolf"?!. XD
Back at the inn! Yin Hecong doesn't want to help or try working on an antidote for XY's poison. Li Yan fake-cries long enough to get Ying Hecong to stay with them anyway and help her look for an antidote after all. YHC and YJ commiserate over being so whipped, because they both just can’t say no to Li Yan when she is "crying". XD
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A wounded man from the army shows up at the inn; he is followed by Disha. It’s the same man who sealed young XY’s powers back in the day, and it seems now Disha is hunting him down for, uhhh, something. IDK. The Disha guy following him is the one with the eyepatch and red hair. Too lazy to look up his name again. XD I'm sure we'll see more of him next episode.
Li Yan notices that something is up, and her sense of righteousness makes her stay with the wounded man. She also confronts the Disha guy, because she has a death wish. He laughs at her first but gets angry when she accuses him of bringing shame to Disha with his shitty behaviour.
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wqp88888 · 2 years
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
1 赵 Zhao Chao Chiu Chio Chow Teoh/ Chew/ Tiew Trieu Jo/Cho
2 钱 Qian Chien Chin Chin Zee Chien/Chen Tien Joen/Chun
3 孙 Sun Sun Suen Sun Soon Soon/Sun/Shun/Song Ton Son
4 李 Li Li / Lee Li / Lee Lei Lee Lee/Li Ly Lee / Rhee/ Yi
5 周 Zhou Chou Chow / Chau Chao Chew Chew / Cheu / Chou / Chow / Chiew Chu Ju/Chu
6 吴 Wu Wu Ng Ng Goh Ng / Goh / Ngo/ Ngu Ngo Oh
7 郑 Zheng Cheng Cheng Cheang Tay Ching / Tang / Tey / Tay / Tee / Teh / Cheng / Chin / Chang / Chung / Chiang Trinh
8 王 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Ong / Wong Ong / Ng / Wong / Wang / Bong / Heng Vuong Wang
9 冯 Feng Feng Fung Fong Foong/Fung/Fong Phung Pung
10 陈 Chen Chen Chan Chan Tan / Chan / Ting Chan / Chin / Chen / Tan / Tang / Ting / Sin Tran Jin/Chin
11 褚 Chu Chu Chu Chu Too/Toh
12 卫 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wee/Wei Vi Ui/Oui
13 蒋 Jiang Chiang Cheung Cheong Chiang/Cheong/Chiong Tuong Jang/Chang
14 沈 Shen Shen Shum / Sum Sam Sim Sim/Shim/Shun/Shum Sim
15 韩 Han Han Hon Hon Hon/Hong Han Han
16 杨 Yang Yang Yeung Ieong Yeo / Yong Yong / Yeo / Yeoh / Eow / Yeong / Yew Duong Yang
17 朱 Zhu Chu Chu Chu Choo Chu/Choo/Jee/Jeh Chau Chu/ Joo
18 秦 Qin Chin Chun Chin/Ch'ng Tan Jin/Chin
19 尤 You Yu Yau Iao Yew/You Vuu
20 许 Xu Hsu Hui Hoi Hee / Koh Khu / Khoo / Khor / Khow / Hoo / Hooi / Khaw / Hii Hu Heo/Huh
21 何 He Ho Ho Ho Hoh Ho/Hoh/Hor Ha Ha
22 吕 Lu Lu Lui Loi Loh/Lei/Lui/Lee La/Lu Yeo/Ryeo
23 施 Shi Shih Sze Si See/Sii/Sih
24 张 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong Cheong / Chong / Teo / Chang / Teoh / Tiong Truong Jang/Chang
25 孔 Kong Kung Hung Hong Kong/Khong/Kung Khong Gong/Kong
26 曹 Cao Tsao Cho / Tso Chou Cheng/Choo/Cho/Chu/Chao Tao Cho/Jo
27 严 Yan Yen Yim Im Yam/Ngim Nghiem Im
28 华 Hua Hua Wa / Wah Wa Hoa Wha/Wah/Wa
29 金 Jin Chin Kam Kam Kim/King Kim Kim
30 魏 Wei Wei Ngai Ngai Ngui/Gui/Woi Nguy Ui/Oui
31 陶 Tao Tao To Tou Tho/To/Too/Toh Dao Do/To
32 姜 Jiang Chiang Keung Keong Khiang/Kiang Giang Kang/Gang
33 戚 Qi Chi Chik Chek Cheok
34 谢 Xie Hsieh Tse Che Cheah / Tay / Chia Cheah / Chiah / Chia / Seah / Sia / See Ta Sa
35 邹 Zou Tsou Chau / Chow Chao Chew/Chou/Chu
36 喻 Yu Yu Yu U Yu/Yho/Yuh You/Yu
37 柏 Bai Pai Pak Pak
38 水 Shui Shui Sui Soi Shu/Tshui
39 窦 Dou Tou Tau Tao
40 章 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chong/Teo/Tiong/Tong
[编辑] 百家姓41-80
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
41 云 Yun Yun Wan Wan Woon/Wun/Yun/Yung
42 苏 Su Su So Sou Soh Soh / Saw / Soo To
43 潘 Pan Pan Poon / Pun Pun Phua Phua / Pan / Pang / Phang Phan Ban
44 葛 Ge Ko Kot Gal
45 奚 Xi Hsi Hai Kai Hae
46 范 Fan Fan Fan Fan Fung / Fam / Fang / Hwang Pham Bum
47 彭 Peng Peng Pang Pang Pang Peng/Pang/Phang Paeng
48 郎 Lang Lang Long Long Lang
49 鲁 Lu Lu Lo Lou Loo Loo/Loh/Lu Noh
50 韦 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wai/Wei/Vei Vi
51 昌 Chang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chang/Cang Xuong
52 马 Ma Ma Ma Ma Beh / Mah / Mha / Ma Ma Ma
53 苗 Miao Miao Miu Mio
54 凤 Feng Feng Fung Fong Fong
55 花 Hua Hua Fa Fa Faa/Fah/Fha Hoa
56 方 Fang Fang Fong Fong Pung / Fang / Fong / Phun / Huong Phuong Bang
57 俞 Yu Yu Yu U Je / Yii You/Yu
58 任 Ren Jen Yam Iam Yam/Ngam/Yim/Ngieng/Ngiam Nham Rim/Yim
59 袁 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun Yuan / Yuen / Ngen Vien Won
60 柳 Liu Liu Lau Lao Liew/Liu/Lew Lieu You/Yu/Ryu
61 酆 Feng Feng Fung Fong
62 鮑 Bao Pao Pau Pao
63 史 Shi Shih Sze Si Sa
64 唐 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thang / Thong / Tang / Tong / Thong Duong
65 費讀「秘」 Pei Pei Pei Pai
66 廉 Lian Lien Lim Lim
67 岑 Cen Tsen Sum / Shum Sam Sim
68 薛 Xue Hsueh Sit Sit Sik / Sit / Silk Seol/Sul
69 雷 Lei Lei Lui Loi Lui / Looi / Lewe / Lei
70 賀 He Ho Ho Ho Hor/Hoo
71 倪 Ni Ni Ngai Ngai Geh / Nga / Ngam
72 湯 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thong / Tang / Thang
73 滕 Teng Teng Tang Tang Thang
74 殷 Yin Yin Yan Ian Yam / Ngam
75 罗 Luo Lo Law / Lo Lo Lo / Lau / Low / Loh La Rah/Na
76 毕 Bi Pi But Pat Tat
77 郝 Hao Hao Kok
78 邬 Wu Wu Wu Vu / Wu Woo / Voo / Woh / Wu / Vu O
79 安 An An On On An An / Ahn
80 常 Chang Chang Sheung Seong
[编辑] 百家姓81-120
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
81 乐 讀「洛」或「惡」 Yue Yueh Lok/ Ok Lok/ Ok
82 于 Yu Yu Yu U
83 时 Shi Shih See / Sze Si
84 傅 Fu Fu Foo Fu Fu/Foo/Foh
85 皮 Pi Pi Pei Pei
86 卞 Bian Pien Pin Pin Byun
87 齐 Qi Chi Chai Chai
88 康 Kang Kang Hong Hong Gang/Kang
89 伍 Wu Wu Ng Ng Ng Ng/Ngo/Ngoh/Wu/Wuh/Woo
90 余 Yu Yu Yu U Yee/Tsia/Tse
91 元 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun
92 卜 Bu Pu Puk Pok/Puu
93 顾 Gu Ku Koo Ku Koe
94 孟 Meng Meng Mang Mang Mang/Meng Maeng
95 平 Ping Ping Ping Peng
96 黄 Huang Huang Wong Vong / Wong Bong / Boong / Ng / Ong / Ooi / Wong / Wee Hwang
97 和 He Ho Wo Vo Hoo/Woh/Woo/Wo Hwa
98 穆 Mu Mu Muk
99 萧 Xiao Hsiao Shiu / Siu Sio Seow/Siew/Siau/Siaw/Sew/Siu/Seu
100 尹 Yin Yin Wan Wan Yoon
101 姚 Yao Yao Yiu Io Yeo Yeo / Yeoh / Yew / Yow
102 邵 Shao Shao Siu / Shiu Sio Shaw Shao/Shaw/Sao/Shau
103 湛 Zhan Chan Cham
104 汪 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Wang/Wong/Vang
105 祁 Qi Chi Kei
106 毛 Mao Mao Mo Mou Bo / Boo / Moh / Moo Mo
107 禹 Yu Yu Yu U
108 狄 Di Ti Tik / Dick Tek
109 米 Mi Mi Mai Mai
110 贝 Bei Pei Pui Pui
111 明 Ming Ming Ming Meng Myeong /Myung
112 臧 Zang Tsang Chong
113 计 Ji Chi Kai Kai
114 伏 Fu Fu Fuk Fok
115 成 Cheng Cheng Shing / Sing Seng Sang/Shang//Tshan/Tshang Sung/ Seong
116 戴 Dai Tai Tai Tai Tai/Thai/Dai/Dhai
117 谈 Tan Tan Tam Tam
118 宋 Song Sung Sung Song Song Shong/Song/Sung Song
119 茅 Mao Mao Mau Mao
120 庞 Pang Pang Pong Pong Phong/Pong/Pang
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the-monkey-ruler · 11 months
New Gods: Yang Jian (2022) 新神榜:杨戬
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Director: Zhao Ji Screenwriter: Wang Wei Starring: Wang Kai / Ji Guanlin / Li Lihong / Li Lanling / Zhao Yi / Liu Xiaoyu / Wen Jingyuan / Tang Shuiyu / Xingchao / Qiu Qiu / Yang Tianxiang / Meng Yu / Yang Mo / Zhao Mingzhou / Li Nan / Lin Qiang / Liu Cong / Jin Li / Shen Liangjun / Zhao Ji / Hu Yajie / Han Le Genre: Action / Animation / Fantasy / Adventure Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2022-08-19 (Mainland China) Duration: 127 minutes Also known as: New Gods: Yang Jian IMDb: tt19757204 Type: Reimanging
Fifteen hundred years after the War of Shang and Zhou, the world of heaven declined, and Yang Jian, who had been wronged and downtrodden, made a living as a bounty hunter. One day, Yang Jian accepted a reward from a mysterious visitor to hunt down a young man, and unexpectedly discovered that the young man was his nephew Liu Chenxiang. Chenxiang is determined to find the lotus lantern and cut down the mountain to save her mother, but this will lead to a catastrophe. Yang Jian embarks on a journey to find Chenxiang and uncover the dusty past...
Source: https://en.hkcinema.ru/film/47909
Link: https://www.dandanzan.com/dianying/108153.html
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