#Huntlow sons
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Part 2: More kiddos for the Park family! It's been really fun making these fankids and deep-diving into their personalities and interests, and I hope y'all noticed all of the little Easter eggs I put into them while designing! I honestly imagine Calla being a chaotic, adorable little kid who would pretty much take after King. I didn't write it down on my original post, but Auburn is 16 and the oldest. Here's the link to Part 1:
*My handwriting is STILL awful so in case anyone gets confused, the last dash for Avery says "has a striped antlered salamander palisman named Dopple", and the little boy to the left's name is Bailey Park. Also I cannot ever seem to draw hand-holding and Calla (bottom image) is lifting up her right leg.
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zkyeline · 1 year
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Just wanna draw them all getting the Flapjack tattoos :’)
Edit: now with accompanying comic!
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oxfordsxbrogues · 1 year
I can’t believe Hunter Noceda-Wittebane-Clawthorne just had the most romantic moment of his life while wearing a fucking wolf shirt
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annahi-red · 1 year
Darius talking to Raine: At home I have a pet that all it does is eat, sleep and dirty everything it touches.
Eberwolf and Hunter without knowing which one he is referring to: ...
Hunter: I think he's talking about Alador, sometimes he visits us...
Eberwolf nods.
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God Tier dynamic:
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Green girl who's a badass and her absolute LOSER of a boyfriend. 🔥🐉 💚💛
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
I have been obsessed with interested in comparing the different heights between the characters for a while now, using Eda's mugshot from Once Upon a Swap and screencaps of the characters standing next to Eda for the sake of comparison. And now I am crying heavily, because Hunter has had a MAJOR growth spurt in the months he spent on Earth (which I hoped would be the case. growth hormones are released in teens while they are sleeping, and Hunter has had a very poor sleep schedule before this point, so it makes sense that he'd shoot right up once he was in a more stable household)
Prior to the time skip, Hunter was around 6'0/6'1
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But post time skip has him right under Eda's 6'5, when we use Luz as a point of comparison.
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For those who are curious, Willow stands at 5'0
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which means that the gap we see in the promo pic is legitimately their new height difference (as I secretly hoped it would be) and not just a difference in their footing.
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So have fun with that, fellow Huntlow stans. <3
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lailisgrace · 2 years
TOH headcanon (human au edition)
but it's just Luz and Hunter cause I can't get enough of their sibling relationship (+mentions of lumity and huntlow).
Hunter's parents died in an accident of sorts so he went to live with his uncle when he was just a baby. He was homeschooled by him but he was allowed to play in the forest next to his house.
Luz loved to explore and play adventures in those same woods, so it was just a matter of time until they met each other and quickly became friends.
Maybe without his uncle's knowledge, Hunter would spend entire afternoons at Luz's (Camila definitely let him stay for dinner on multiple occasions) She knew something was up but she didn't want to accuse anyone of anything without solid proof.
One day shit hits the fan. His uncle basically ends up kicking him out of the house and without knowing where else to turn to, Hunter goes to Luz's with a single backpack with whatever he had time to grab.
At this point they're quite young (8-10 years old maybe) so they don't really understand what's going on but Camila tries her best to make him feel welcome and safe.
There's obviously some sort of legal procedure to sort everything out. It's a very hard moment for Hunter but he knows that everything will get better afterward.
Camila offers to take him in so he stays at Luz's house and after a couple years, she talks to them both about making Hunter officially a part of the family.
Luz had some problems at school because she was a bit different and didn't get along with the other kids. Camila thinks that since Hunter has to start school too, they could just enroll somewhere else and so they do.
They're like 12-14 at this point so maybe a change of scenery is all they need.
Hunter learns basic Spanish from Luz and the scary owl app.
They start together at a new school and Luz starts to feel like she fits in better. Hunter is socializing with other people his age for the first time since he met Luz and everything seems to go great.
They both make common friends with Willow and Gus, then later with Amity.
Luz and Hunter have typical sibling fights because Luz always eats the last strawberry yogurt when she knows that's Hunter's favorite dessert. Or when Hunter plays video games too loud and Luz can't focus on whatever she's doing.
But sometimes they hang out in each other's rooms. Hunter secretly loves spending time in Luz's room just hanging out. He doesn't like being alone for long periods of time even if he can't explain exactly why.
They sometimes talk girls. Luz brings up a boy or two at some point. But they both end up realizing who's crushing over who so at some point "talking girls" just meant talking about Willow and Amity.
They're just happy having finally found a place where they belong. Some had to fight a bit more to get to it but, in the end, everything fell into place and that's what matters.
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soapcan18 · 1 year
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mysticfiire · 2 years
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blueallihc · 2 years
I've watched a few shows lately and I've noticed one parallel among the couples I ship.
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Cute girls who can punch ass anyone and they love green
Guys who were bad at first but then became good and use or wear red
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heuffopla · 2 years
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
tbh part of the reason i don't want Gustholomule to be 100% canon, aside from the fact it'd feel rushed, is bc i don't want it to get too popular otherwise we'd get an army of fuckers making 20k words posts about how it's toxic and expecting a round of applause for disliking it
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hellolulu · 2 years
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Don't worry everyone I am here to post about the Good Future where Hunter gets all the joy he deserves
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moroser · 11 months
If we’re still able to put in question to one about Human AU…
How does Willow factor in to the story? (Apologies if you mentioned that earlier). When does she meet Hunter?
How does Lilith handle the prospect of someone being romantically interested in Hunter?
I’m assuming Hunter is Bi in this AU like how he was canonically ‘confirmed’ (it was in a post-finale stream, I believe just this month). How/when does he tell his mother about that?
anyone can ask me anything at any time *eats these questions*
willow is a school friend of hunter and gus'. she moves into town around fourth grade and is apart of their friend group for a while. hunter dates some others in school before he dates willow.
this question is so funny, i was JUST talking about this with my friend. since hunter was born, it's pretty much just been hunter and lilith. they do everything together and lilith's whole life goes from work work work, to work and hunter. she integrates him into her life and they are just really close. over the passed 14-15 years she's become so accustomed to being his mom. so when he's old enough to date someone and even just when he starts to hang out with friends more than her (like teens do), it is something she almost struggles with? she'd been bracing herself but put the thoughts away because she doesn't like to confront how they make her feel. they aren't possessive thoughts. and she never found herself to be someone who craved or needed others around her to be happy but having him so long in her life and how much she loves her Son, him starting his journey of being more independent does make her feel A Way. she gets anxiety about an empty nest before it even happens lol. she might say things that are a little revealing and be almost awkward about it. but she'll just tell him a lot that he always has her to come to if he needs. and hunter is not dumb, he knows her too, and can pick up on her vibes so he does make the effort to make sure she knows he always will do that.
yep, hunter his bi! his first partner is actually a boy at school. he even considers that he's gay, first, before working out that he's bi. he doesn't feel shame for it and he doesn't really worry that lilith will be upset or unaccepting. she's never outwardly spoken about her own situation but he's seen her as a tolerant and supportive person his whole life. lilith never boxed him into gender roles (like making him only pick toys for boys or wearing 'boy colors' and all that stupid shit), and being a single parent, hunter was never really exposed to any toxic masculinity or anything like that. but he actually tells gus first and gus asks if he told his mom yet and when hunter says no, gus is like dude your mom won't care and hunter is like so true bestie. while the words aromantic and asexual haven't come up, they've discussed lilith being a single mom, too, and hunter has asked her if she ever goes on dates to which she tells him no and just explains that she's not interested and likes things the way they are (she gets a little blushy but not because she's embarrassed, just cause she's talking about Her Feelings). then tacks on some corny shit like ''you're all i need.'' you know, mom shit.
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hunter told me he really liked the barbie movie so you know what i had to do
ib: @rahiodead ‘s ken art
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
M/f ship trope i'll never get enough of:Girlboss of color x Zuko kinnie
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