deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Neuer Fentanyl-Impfstoff könnte verhindern, dass tödliches Opioid ins Gehirn gelangt Ein Forschungsteam unter der Leitung der University of Houston hat einen Impfstoff entwickelt, der auf das gefährliche synthetische Opioid Fentanyl abzielt, das seine Fähigkeit blockieren könnte, in das Gehirn einzudringen, wodurch das „High“ der Droge beseitigt wird. Die bahnbrechende Entdeckung könnte große Auswirkungen auf die Opioid-Epidemie des Landes haben, indem sie zu einem Mittel zur Rückfallprävention für Menschen wird, die versuchen, mit dem Konsum von Opioiden aufzu... #Alkohol #Antikörper #Apotheke #Arzneimittelentdeckung #Drogen #Drogenmissbrauch #E_coli #Fentanyl #Forschung #Gehirn #Heroin #Herstellung #Hydrocodon #Immunsystem #Impfung #Medizin #Methadon #Molekül #Morphium #Naltrexon #Neurowissenschaft #OKT #Opioidabhängigkeit #Opioide #Oxycodon #Paracetamol #Pharmakodynamik #Psychologie #Schmerz #Sucht #Überdosis #Wirksamkeit #Xanax
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hydrophrenic · 3 months
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hydro on the bible; only thing this damn book is worth
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medsformyhead · 1 year
i’ll be getting high tonight if anyone needs me.
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leechloach · 3 months
Scared I have another dvt lolll it hurts too bad to try to exercise with it to try to make it go awayy
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davycoquette · 3 months
dakota drifts wild
Yeah, Kitty?
You know you’re my friend, don’t you?
Yeah, I know. Put the whiskey down, won’tcha.
And you don’t gotta be afraid of me. Y’know I’d never hurt you.
I ain’t scared of you, Shy. And you have. And you do.
But I wouldn’t. Not really. I just want you to be happy. You don’t gotta hide anything from me.
I don’t gotta tell you everything, either. Gimme that bottle.
You think after everything, it’ll still be me and you?
Don’t you ever wanna, I dunno, settle down? Find you a woman? Y’know, get married? Live a life? I said gimme that bottle.
It’s just I feel really good now, like this— 
You ain’t supposed to mix liquor with opioids, y’know.
I didn’t. 
Or hydrocodone, or whatever.
It’s just I—
I heard you. You like bein’ a no-account murderer.
With you.
Shut up and go to sleep.
I think if I sleep, I’ll probably die.
I think you probably damn will. 
I just — if you find somebody, if you found somebody already — if you go and live someplace, I just —
Shut up, I mean it. I ain’t gotta tell you everything. I ain’t gotta tell you nothin’. I never should of.
I hope we could still be friends.
Never should of told you nothin’.
‘Cause nobody understands me how you do. Nobody —
I don’t understand you.
Nobody gets how I —
I don’t understand nothin’ about you. And I don’t want to. Go the fuck to sleep. 
I just love you, Souda. Shay.
_____________________________ I am in love with you, Shay Ferrick. _____________________________
Yeah, alright. Go to sleep. You gotta drive, soon.
_____________________________ I’ll never love you like that. _____________________________
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ @saturnine-saturneight I don't know what a taglist is just yet, but I'm tagging you in this excerpt from the same work you kindly reblogged. 🥺❤ Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in the next as well & I'll update it in my queue- with the disclaimer the next excerpt contains a NSFW scene! Thank you so much for your kind words either way - it made my morning!
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dizzydrugz · 1 year
From the last time I snorted hydros.
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redpanther23 · 2 months
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housewifemd · 4 months
i plan to post about vampire wilson in more detail at a later date but i want to say as an aside: routine feeding on house getting wilson seconhand addicted to hydrocodone is really funny
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lilmisspillprincess · 5 months
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pretty eyes with a high to match <3
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themist4ke · 11 months
I feel like I dosed too late considering I want to go to bed in less than 2 hours because I work tomorrow :( I'm going to be asleep for most of the peak. Scjdvjd what a waste
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hydrophrenic · 2 months
took some hydro from my parents 🤞 yeah im a scumbag but they ruined my fucking life theyll get over it
im saving it for a rainy day because as much as i want it now itll be a while til i can get it again
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×3 .5mg xnx, ×2 15mg temazepam, 10mg hydro
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medsformyhead · 2 years
i really want some opiates and benzos.
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stop-smoking-ily · 6 months
never doing opioids again fuck me dawg
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leechloach · 6 months
I hate standing up it hurts so badly
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rivangel · 9 months
Is there something that worries you about top surgery? Like recovery/pain etc...
Cause you sound super duper happy but I would be scared af🥲
yeah of course i have worries :') i knew a lot about it beforehand, but researching the specifics there's a lot of supplies needed for instance, and care taken. like i can't lift anything more than 8 lbs or 3.5kg for a couple weeks, im gonna have """t rex arms""" for a week or two so i cant reach very high and showering will be a bitch, im gonna have to sleep on my back and i have HORRIBLE chronic back pain, stuff like that. the chance of complications are low, though
but even if there was a 90% chance of complications, and i came out looking like someone was painting my chest with a knife, and one of my nipples falls off and i for whatever reason feel so much pain i pass out, i have nerve damage for the next year, WHATEVER, they'll be gone so i'll be happy.
im most worried about missing school😭tbh. and i wont be able to work out for a couple months. i hope im not jinxing myself, but i've been through enough to make me resilient mentally so tho i know it'll hurt and everything, im prepared enough and i want it enough to go into it without fear (but a healthy amount of concern)
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dizzydrugz · 1 year
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♡ Hydro lines ♡
I'm so buzzed right now, I smoked weed too.
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