#Hylo Visz
lanabenikosdoormat · 1 year
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as long as the earth keeps spinning, i’ll keep posting these
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abbee-normal · 9 months
Some fun and interesting emails from the Alliance
First, Dr. Oggurobb being all practical:
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Sana-Rae having a crisis of faith:
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Hylo Visz having fun at Lippi's expense:
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and the dark horse of the group, Beywan Aygo bringing in a rock band!
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sullustangin · 2 months
New Chapter: Lady Adventuresses
Rating: T
Quick quote:
Eva was a Force skeptic, on a good day.  Despite everything that had happened to her, Eva still believed that, for most things, there were more reasonable explanations than invisible powers that came to some people but not others, that ‘bad feelings’ could have a sentience unto themselves, and that ‘good feelings’ required austerity. 
What she was going through now was an exception.  Not a normal thing.
(“You Jedi have exciting lives – and by exciting, I mean ‘crazy stuff I’m glad doesn’t happen to me.’”  Her words to Revan came back to her in her dreams, last week.
Crazy stuff was now happening to her.)
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Awaiting an arrival on Odessen. 
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commander-krios · 1 year
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Mek-Sha was wild 😂
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theshijlegacy · 1 year
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TBT: After reaching Influence 20 with all the Alliance Specialists, Kresh gets some letters (Dec 2015-Jan 2016)
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stellanslashgeode · 3 months
Characters I am hyped to write in Dissonance and Upheaval:
Keo Venzee
Gretz Droom
Vernesra Rwoh
Synara San
Hylo Visz
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frauleiiin · 1 month
In honor of that special day, here's a post regrouping most of my OCs art!!
OCs Art Work Collection
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1. Kaaydan by @outcastcommander 2. Kaaydan by @theoasiswinds 3. Herazed (Kaaydan's mom) by @notsomeloncholy
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1. Kaaydan & big sis Hylo Visz by @captainderyn
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1. Rue by me! 2. Rue by @squirrel-art
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1. Maverik'a by @wackyart 2. Raeshen by @the-tomato-patch
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1. Juhann & Kyahni by @tizaara 2. Yuthuura & Andronikos by @nekorinnie
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pentacass · 1 year
You mentioned your JC in the Aelirra/Kira headcanons. Do any of your other class characters play any roles with the Alliance or ever meet either Aelirra or Ves?
Most of them do join the Alliance and have met Ael/Ves at some point in their lives! Save for my Sith Warrior, who's only met Ves (and hated her ass), and my Bounty Hunter, who's done neither.
thenk for ask <3 now time for brain go BRRRRR (warning cos yall know how long-winded i can get. add: ohmygod it got hella long)
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Sedoyin is Aelirra's oldest, closest friend. They met way back on Tython, finding kinship as two talented padawans whose fledgeling fame had formed a degree of social separation between themselves and others of their generation.
They kept in close contact through their class stories, and Sedoyin was devastated to hear that Aelirra was gone after Darth Marr's expedition ended in disaster. When word of the Alliance and its Jedi Commander spread, Sedoyin was one of the first to travel to Odessen with her Jedi students, and offer her aid.
As Barsen'thor, she co-leads the Force Enclave with Sana-Rae, providing guidance to Jedi and Sith alike, and training Force healers for the Alliance. A diplomat as well, she helps ease tensions between their Jedi and Sith residents, and cajoles more Republic contacts into supporting the Alliance.
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Roziq met Aelirra years back on Makeb, where they worked together to evacuate the planet's population. They found mutual respect for each other as defenders of the Republic, and Roziq admired Aelirra's steadfast compassion for all - a reminder to herself that mercy is always an option even in the bloodiest war.
When she heard of the Alliance and its Commander, Roziq wanted Havoc Squad to defect on the sly, and deal with the real threat of Zakuul. Most agreed. M1-4X and Elara refused, staying back to serve the Republic as they had sworn. It left a bitter taste on her tongue, but Roziq left her wife behind with a steeled heart, and Aric by her side. (It's alright, the parting was mutual and they'll reunite after :3)
Roziq serves the Alliance as Commander of their Spec-Ops division, under Admiral Aygo. She coordinates precision strikes against key Zakuulan targets, and often takes to the field with Havoc to hit back against the Eternal Empire.
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Uyomize had never met Aelirra or Ves - but she is a friend of Hylo Visz, who roped her into the Alliance. Though she balked at the thought of having to give her credits to the Alliance (instead of keeping that sweet dosh for herself), Hylo appealed to where Uyomize is weakest - her family.
Her mother is a renowned doctor on Coruscant. Her older brother is a Republic Commando. Her younger sister is a rising Republic bureaucrat. Her Republic ties are strong (despite her insistence to the contrary), and she is loyal to her family above all.
Working with Hylo, Uyomize pulls on her underworld contacts to scrape up credits, supplies, manpower for their covert operations. Often, she'll send people to...'relieve' pirates of their ill-gotten loot, and redirect it to the Alliance. Some of the 'pirates' maaay have been Imperials. cough.
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Zhaste'varu'mir (core name Evarum, or Eva for short) had intimately studied Intelligence's comprehensive profile on Darth Avriss. She knows how to manipulate Ves in myriad ways, but chose the most straightforward method into the Alliance - poison.
She contacted Ves under a pseudonym, met in a busy Nar Shaddaa cantina for the 'entrance interview', and slid to Ves a poisoned drink - "I will work for the Alliance - if you have the answers I want to hear. If not, you will return to Beniko in a body bag." Ves raised Eva's brow by downing the rest of the drink, and winning over one of the galaxy's best spies.
Eva has a deep distrust for hierarchy after her time as Cipher Nine. She works for the Alliance as an independent agent, with Ves as her sole handler. She feeds the Alliance intel stolen from deep within Zakuul, and performs solo espionage missions. When the Alliance aligns with the Republic, she stays and volunteers as an agent for Task Force Nova, finally working on her secret goal all along - to find her lost Force-sensitive sister.
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Chukaem knew of Aelirra, the Jedi who murdered her Emperor, and disdained the Alliance and its Commander. She served as Wrath until Acina threw in with the Alliance - which turned her away from the Empire, and led her to work alone in the shadows, executing anyone she deems a threat to the Sith.
When she learned that Aelirra had killed Vitiate again, she swore to end the Commander's life. But when the Alliance turned to the Republic - with Darth Avriss and Lana Beniko still within its ranks - her priorities shifted. Traitors first. Jedi filth next.
Ves is at the top of her shit list. They'd worked together on Makeb, and came away with bad impressions of each other. Chukaem sensed, accurately, that Avriss did not share her (zealous) loyalty to the Sith Empire and its Emperor. She tolerated it because Avriss served the Empire well as Councilor. Now that Avriss has turned... Chukaem looks forward to destroying her. Personally.
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Djixas has met neither Aelirra nor Ves, and has no desire to. She is loyal only to the Mandalorians, and follows where Shae Vizla leads. When Shae pledged Mandalorian support to the Alliance, Djixas followed.
But where Torian was assigned as a representative on Odessen, Djixas led her brothers and sisters on offensives against Zakuul - be it on ground or in space, she planted the fear of Mandalorians in Zakuulan hearts with every battle. She is one of Shae's best lieutenants, and is almost always on the field.
As of Ruhnuk, she remains loyal to Shae, but operates semi-independently to gather intel for Mandalore (with Mako's help).
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jjjwhovian · 1 year
What happens to Kaliyo's friend Anspishel!
Another ask! Thank u @swtorpadawan! Oh, and thx for putting the idea of a Agent/Kaliyo/Anspi’shel threesome into my head btw.
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So yeah, after Agent Rerfanox and her old friend Kaliyo Djannis save her (and then some) she would have been taken by a Bounty Hunter thanks to Kaliyo if not for Rerfanox’s, miffed at her companions deceit, intervention.
Anspi escaped Nar Shaddaa but she still had to hide from the Exchange, luckily she found Rishi at the edge of the Outer Rim and eventually settled there, striking deals with other pirates just to make a living.
During the time Arcann invaded from Wild Space she met a cunning female Twi’lek pirate named Utaz’mirep and took her under her wing, helping her accomplish her goals of building up a criminal empire that would put Nok Drayen to shame, conducting raids and plundering the Eternal Empire.
When the renewed war between the Republic and Sith Empire began Utaz and her crew decided to throw in their lot with the Republic, even starting to work alongside the Alliance and Task Force Nova thanks to the efforts of Hylo Visz and Kanave Flaros (Smuggler).
There Anspi would meet Rerfanox once again after many years and once she learned about Kaliyos fate she did not mourn her “friend” at all.
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ainyan · 1 year
♓, ♈️, ★ (hc symbol meme any character)
♓:  my muse's biggest secret
Kyszarin's been approached a few time by some fellow Viera exiles about siring a child. Female Viera outside of the jungle often find it as difficult as females inside to find a mate, and some of them still seem to prefer a Viera mate to a hyur or a miqo'te (two races known to be genetically compatible with most others). He hasn't even told Raine; as much as he wishes he could say yes, he'll never risk upsetting his lover by suggesting he is even considering looking outside their relationship - even though ultimately it's not about sex, but about procreation.
♈:  the most daring thing your muse has ever done
So far, the most daring thing Szah'li has done is dare to touch Alisaie's hand, knowing with her temper she could easily feed it to him and probably would. The fact that she didn't still gives him a little thrill when he thinks about it.
Kids. sigh.
★:  a wish my muse has
Cip'rys wishes more than anything that she could go back to being just another nameless smuggler. This life in the limelight is absolutely not for her, and she doesn't like being responsible for so many people. The only thing that keeps her sticking around is Theron has faith in her, and by leading the Alliance, she can funnel even greater funds into the schools and animal sanctuaries that she supports in the Outer Rim.
Also, she has to prove that Hylo Visz is only the second-best smuggler in Republic space, and the Alliance affords her plenty of chances.
Original Ask Meme
Thank you for the ask!
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Fenris Prime’s SWTOR OC Masterpost (OVERHAUL PENDING)
The Zarmahan Legacy Core Eight
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Brenddal Leathon, Sith Warrior
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 37 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Ziost
Alignment: Neutral-Light Side
Sexuality: Bisexual (male-leaning)
Role: Emperor’s Empire’s Wrath, The Outlander, Commander of the Eternal Alliance
Romance: Theron Shan
Nickname: Bren
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Yulizzia Orlais, Jedi Knight
Gender: Female
Species: Zabrak
Age: 37 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Balmorra
Alignment: Light Side (mostly)
Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic
Role: Hero of Tython, Jedi Battlemaster, The Outlander #2, Deputy Commander of the Eternal Alliance
Romance: Kira Carsen
Nickname: Yul, Yuli
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Raga'vash'luzau, Imperial Agent
Gender: Male
Species: Chiss
Age: 39 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Csilla
Alignment: Neutral (leaning dark)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Former Csilla Secret Police, Former Cipher Nine, Former Imperial Commander, Spymaster of the Eternal Alliance, House Miurani Advisor
Romance: Theron Shan (formerly Yana-Ton)
Nickname: A'vash'l
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Aellisu Zarmahan, Smuggler
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 35 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Ziost
Alignment: Neutral-Light Side
Sexuality: Straight Normie Heterosexual 
Role: Former Imperial Pilot, Republic Privateer, Voidhound, Underworld Kingpin, Advisor to Hylo Visz
Romance: Akaavi Spar (formerly Risha)
Nickname: Ael
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Baduenda Orlais, Republic Trooper
Gender: Female
Species: Zabrak
Age: 40 (at the end of KOTET)
Homeworld: Balmorra
Alignment: Neutral-Dark
Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic
Role: Former Balmorran Resistance Fighter, Former Havoc Squad Commander, Chief Military Advisor for the Eternal Alliance
Romance: None
Nickname: Badu
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Hadisha Lok, Bounty Hunter
Gender: Female
Species: Cathar
Homeworld: Corellia
Alignment: Neutral-Light
Sexuality: Pansexual, Polyamorous 
Role: Champion of the Great Hunt, Leader of Clan Lok, Enforcer of the Eternal Alliance
Romance: Mako and Torian
Nickname: Hadi
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How about Beryl Thorne and Thana Vesh for nps ask?
Hey @a-master-procrastinator thanks for asking!
Ask me about SWTOR NPCs
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Beryl and Temeli (Voidhound) have a really good and friendly relationship with each other. Temeli made sure that Beryl got away from Republic customs on Taris and was happy to see her again Quesh. Temeli offered Beryl the chance to work together but was turned down. They still remained good friends.
After working together on Rishi, Temeli again offered Beryl the chance to join her growing criminal empire. This time, Beryl agreed and became one of Temeli’s most trusted lieutenants.
Beryl would be one of the Alliance’s main contacts to the galaxy’s criminal underworld and the Voidhound’s criminal empire. She helped bring in supplies and goods for the growing Alliance and made friends with many of Hylo Visz’s people.
She would eventually help a traumatized Kelsa Kine recover from the abuses she suffered as a Hutt slave. Having been sold to the Hutts herself, Beryl knew how horrible they could be. She was very fond of Kelsa, almost seeing her as a kind of adoptive daughter. When she learned that Temeli had sold Kelsa out to the SIS, she was furious and chose that moment to leave the Voidhound’s empire.
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Oh Thana, I love to hate you.
Amarra didn’t kill Thana at the end of their time working together but she didn’t like her either. Thana was a loose canon that acted without discipline or purpose but she wasn’t Amarra’s problem so she just forgot about her.
It was only when Zakuul invaded and Amarra took temporary control of the Empire that she would encounter Thana again. By that point, Thana had cooled off and become somewhat more level headed. Knowing that Thana was powerful and capable, when not charging headlong into battle, Amarra sent her to assist with some of the worst theaters of the war. Thana proved to be very capable and helped slow Zakuul but eventually perished along with many other Sith during the war.
Amarra made sure that her name and the names of everyone that died during Zakuul’s conquest were written on the walls of Kaas City.
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This better not be another one of those meetings that could have been an email.
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commander-krios · 2 years
world building wednesday
Cora Evnairis
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full name: Cora Evnairis-Cadera
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Adura Evnairis (father), Layla Ordo (mother), Jekiah Ordo (uncle), Rass Ordo (uncle) 
Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa
Job: Bounty Hunter/Mercenary, Clan Ordo, Clan Cadera, Advisor to Mandalore (Alliance)
Phobias: losing her freedom, abandonment
Guilty pleasures: Musicals, Devaronian liquor, Sabacc
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Cora is a Mandalorian who makes money with bounty hunting... I don’t know if she’s capable of being an introvert. It doesn’t help that she was trained by a smuggler who is an extrovert as well.
organized/disorganized: She keeps herself organized, even if it’s difficult, because it makes keeping up on her bounties so much easier.
close minded/open-minded: In her line of work, keeping an open mind helps her more than the opposite. Plus, she’s seen some of the worst of the galaxy so she realizes not everything is black and white.
calm/anxious: This is more of her being excited or getting a burst of adrenaline during a hunt. She’s not necessary anxious, but anything to get the blood pumping to good to her.
disagreeable/agreeable: Cora doesn’t like being told what to do or how to do her job. She likes giving the authorities a hard time.
cautious/reckless: She can be reckless to a point. She’s willing to do almost anything to finish a job.
patient/impatient: She can be patient, but most of the time, she doesn’t have a whole lot of time to waste so it’s made her impatient.
outspoken/reserved: Cora has no qualms about telling people what she thinks. It’s gotten her into trouble in the past.
leader/follower: A smuggler who was a former hunter himself trained Cora to be the leader he knew she could be. Her demeanor, her love and kindness, even her silliness, draw people to her. 
empathetic/unemphatic: Her empathy is one of the main reasons people trust her. She is trustworthy, kind, and wants to help people.
optimistic/pessimistic: She refuses to let anything bring her down. She knows that things could always be worse.
traditional/modern: She has both in her life. The Mandalorians are very traditional and she works hard to keep them alive. But she is also interested in doing things in life that give her more freedom of choice. It’s a difficult balance, but she tries.
hard-working/lazy: She’s never been lazy in her entire life.
Otp: Cora x Torian Cadera
Ot3: none
Brotp: Cora & Mako, Cora & Gault Rennow, Cora & Hylo Visz, Cora & Rass Ordo, Cora & Dak Lozan (my OC)
Notp: Cora x Tarro Blood
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sullustangin · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Eva
Well, I’m done!  I wrote something every day for the entire month of February.  I avoided some burnout by a) letting my weekly fic chapters count (unlike Fictober, where I was doing a prompt AND a 5k word chapter) and b) serendipity; February is a short month, and it’s not leap year.  I’ll add this to the pinned post soon(ish) with the AO3 links and all that jazz.
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Here’s what I wrote/created over the last month. 
1.  The Corellian Whiskey and Sullustan Gin Timeline is a slight variation on the current official one; in sum, it avoids all the retcons made post-KotET.  It also includes some headcanon characters and ideas to help me plot the series. 
2.  Like Champagne -- a fan fic about two of Eva’s birthdays with two very different men.  Darmas/Smuggler and Theron/Smuggler
3. Fractured Alliances and the Taste for Spies -- @sarpndo asked about the series’ anticipated trajectory during the Traitor Arc, and I give a big answer!  Some spoilers abound.
4.  Efficiency -- a fan fic about the choice to spare Theron on Nathema.  This was for @thebreadtree.
5.  Domestic Bliss is the first weekly prompt for Fluffy February.  Essentially, Eva and Theron start to establish their private life after his arrival on Odessen. 
6.  Regularly scheduled chapter of The Planter of Trees and Other Tales from Yavin 4.
7.  Becoming -- a fan fic when @empire-at-war‘s Tal became the first person to meet Eva after she became the Captain of Virtue’s Thief.
8.  Home -- Corso meets Eva.  And Hylo Visz the Cat.
9. Name -- Darmas Pollaran will never tell her his name. A fan fic about the smuggler’s favorite bastard. 
10.  Make This Work -- a sort of sequel to #5, this is slightly less fluffy and deals with the headcanon I have that the Outlander didn’t come out of carbonite unscathed.  Fortunately, Theron Shan is a highly competent operations manger.  And a good boyfriend.
11.  Midnight in the Garden  -- six months after defrost, Eva disappears with Satele and Marr for a very strange camping trip.  Theron admittedly didn’t cope well.  When other changes come along, he does better.  Fluffy February prompt fill
12.  A dear Anon asked about Theron Shan’s reaction to Eva being lost at Eternal Fleet.  I provide his character’s trajectory until the point that Lana Beniko reveals intel that proves that Eva Corolastor is not dead. 
13.  Regularly scheduled chapter of The Planter of Trees and Other Tales from Yavin 4.
14.  "For When You Wake Up” is a fic that reveals Theron’s reasons for not being there at defrost for Eva. 
15.  @ayresis asked about one of my new characters, Kyllfria Whitcord.  I develop her biography here.
16. Death, Yet the Force --   The adventures of Fria Whitcord and her joining the Alliance... but she brings more than herself to Odessen.
17.  Brigs and Balyegs -- Eva Corolastor and Talos Drellik are undercover on date night in order to pull off a heist at the Sith Museum.  Date night?  You’ll see.
18.  A dear Anon asked about what makes Eva happy.  Theron clocking 1500 hours on her ship is one of those things.
19.  World Building for Corellian Whiskey and Sullustan Gin -- a post that concentrates all of the headcanon and also general analysis posts I make that aren’t fic, exactly.  This has been added to the menu.
20.  Regularly scheduled chapter of The Planter of Trees and Other Tales from Yavin 4. 
21.  Spite -- a fan fic explanation as to why Eva lets Arcann live.
22.  A dear Anon asked about the adventures of Hylo Visz the Cat, Eva’s pet.  I provide the overview of the cat’s life.
23.  The Death of Hylo Visz -- the joke that’s been slow burning in my head since the first fic of this series...
24.  Who is the Voidhound?  - a headcanon post about the character ‘the Voidhound’ and its manifestation in my series.
25.  Weather -- the week 4 Fluffy February Prompt, about the early days of Theron and Eva on a work-date in Coruscant
26.  Pictures at an Exhibition -- the Art  of Corellian Whiskey and Sullustan Gin has been compiled into a master post of art, artists, and their comm info
27.  Regularly scheduled chapter of The Planter of Trees and Other Tales from Yavin 4. 
28.  One More Birthday -- Eva celebrates one more birthday than her mother did....
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