thatdesklamp · 9 months
Someone should make IW fanart but just draw hebi in the style of the main character from mystic messenger
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fandomlit · 2 months
reunited (sirius black x reader)
summary after a year free from azkaban, sirius is dying to leave number twelve grimmauld place. but after a year of also craving to see you, one of his wishes is met.
warnings mentions of loneliness and depression
a/n if you couldn't tell i'm on a harry potter kick rn (requests please!!!)
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gif cred belongs to @peaceseller
sirius was losing his mind sitting around headquarters. with little to do other than to stare at his family's old possessions and vanquish bitter creatures (and kreatcher), he was beginning to harbor a feeling similar to his time in azkaban--not nearly as hopeless, but just as desperately bored.
he heard the door open from the armchair he had been lounging in and a voice gasp, "professor l/n!" before the screeches of his mother filled the hall. he jumped to his feet--not due to the screams, he was truly becoming used to that--but at the sound of your name.
someone managed to close the curtains around his mother's portrait as he practically ran down the stairs. the last time he had glimpsed you had been too brief, not even being able to show you that he was there in his disguised animagus form. when dumbledore told him he had recruited you, sirius was less than surprised, but desperate for the day you would finally drop by headquarters. when after fourteen long years, he would get to speak to you. and, as he reached the last step, you were finally here.
"old bat never liked me," you were chuckling, shaking your head at harry, ron, and hermione as you faced the drawn curtains. "screamed very similar to that in person, as well." ron spoke something to you just as your gaze landed on sirius, who was still clutching the banister with his mouth slightly agape.
you were just as beautiful as the day he last saw you. your face was more mature than he had last seen and you were an inch or two taller, but you still had that bright glint in your eyes, like you were always on the verge of a joke, and a confidence in your stance that no one he had ever met managed to compare to.
he was muttering your name before he even realized it. he was acutely aware of the trio flipping their gazes between the two of you.
you smiled fondly at him. "sirius black, you finally grew out your hair!"
he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he opened his arms, walking toward you quicker than he would have cared for you to acknowledge. luckily, you met him halfway and let his arms squeeze you tightly to him. he let out an unconscious laugh.
"holy merlin, i never thought i'd ever touch you again," he confessed before realizing how odd it sounded. but you only responded with a laugh of your own.
"me neither," you confessed, drawing black slightly to see his grinning face. "but lord am i glad you're not the murderer the world was tricked to think." his smile dimmed in the slightest, but even those difficult thoughts couldn't weigh his heart down. you were actually here. "how's the old house treating you?"
he raised his eyebrows at you. "really? just going to keep bringing up the worst things of my day-to-day?"
you let out a laugh that he couldn't help but grin at. "i'm sorry, i am." you smiled fondly again as you two drew completely apart, but sirius kept your hand clamped in his and you squeezed it to show you didn't mind it. you shook your head at him. "godric, you look good! for a convict and blood traitor, you look like a dream, sirius!"
he let out a loud laugh this time, glimpsing the trio all trading glances behind you two. "you should see yourself! hogwarts has been kind to you, my dear." you let out a surprised sound at the old nickname. "you haven't changed an ounce, y/n. you're the same woman i dreamed of on my worst nights."
he took pride in the pink that crept up your neck. "you're a slightly aged version of the man i couldn't keep out of my dreams," you admitted. sirius smiled. "no matter what they said about you sirius.. my mind could never let you go."
he pressed your locked hands to his heart, soft gaze holding yours in what he hoped didn't look at all like the desperation he felt. "now it never has to." you pulled him into a wordless hug before he slipped his arm around your shoulders and lead you toward the kitchen.
sirius knew that later, away from the eyes of the curious teenagers of the house, you two would share a heavy hearted moment. one where he wouldn't be able to deny himself the exhaustion of his hardships in your presence, which has always been able to get past his tough, playful facade. but for now, the way you smiled and joked and radiated in his presence gripped his heart in a way that wasn't at all like he had felt in years.
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courtofmatchups · 1 month
You're out here doing the lords work, and I need to thank you for scratching the itch in my brain lol. Good fortune for you and your loved ones, may the lines you encounter always be short, and may you have endless creativity. Hell yeah, brother.
Could I ask for a Tokyo Debunker matchup? I'm willing to do a trade, too, if you're interested! I've only written for a few characters between Obey Me and tkdb, but I'd def love to repay the kindness.
So, hi. I'm Birds, or Birdy. She/her, bisexual/maybe ace? gray-ace? one of those, at least.
Appearance: 5'9, pale, super wavy dark blonde/light brown hair, and hazel eyes. I have a deceptively cute round face and big glasses. i've been told that I give off a naturally sweet and impish impression because of that. I'm also fairly slim, but there's definitely a layer of chicken nugget insulation for warmth and comfort.
MBTI/Zodiac: INFP and Gemini
About me: I tend to spend most of my time in my head, and I can easily come off as ditzy or standoffish. I have inattentive ADHD and I'm really introverted, so typically I try not to speak up unless I have something worth saying. I keep a few close friends and tend to unload all of my thoughts from the day on them (and as quiet as I am, I talk a mile a minute when I'm excited or explaining something interesting.) Multiple people have told me (to my face c':) that they were shocked by how intelligent I actually am. And yeah, maybe math and spelling aren't my thing, but for the most part, my silly goose hat is a choice. I have trouble speaking my thoughts out loud, so I'm a big fan of burying my negative emotions as deep as possible until i'm a walking shell of a person, self-sabotaging, and using swear words or memes to express myself. But what I lack in, like, everything else, I make up for by being as good of a friend as possible. I love making the people I care about laugh just as much as I love messing with them and I'm willing to make myself look like a fool to make them smile.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, sewing, and then whatever little hobbies I pick up and then forget about in a week. A fun fact about me is that I once spent over 8 hours on the phone my best friend doing nothing but discussing our oc's.
Likes: spooky/whimsical things, fairy lights, making my loved ones laugh and/or roll their eyes, small, comfortable nooks to hide in, music (any genre, it's just gotta match the vibes), dating sims, fandom history (putting together a legit presentation on the history of zines in fan studies rn), and holding hands c:
Dislikes: Loud places, bright lights, speaking to people without being able to prepare myself, not having headphones somewhere on me, people who go out of their way to be mean, objectively dumb opinions being said confidently, and any perceived wrong done to my loved ones
Qualities I look for: Patience and physical affection. I'm a forgetful mess and I'm mean enough to myself without someone else getting frustrated with me, and casual affection like hugs and hand holding give me something to ground myself with. They'd need to see me as a partner and best friend rather than Conventionally Attractive Girl, too. My Manic Pixie has been Dream Girl'ed more than enough.
Thank you again!
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
Haku Kusanagi!
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I could see a few others being potential matches, Like Alan or Haru, but I feel like Haku would be the best match for you. Hear me out: I feel like he'd be initially drawn in by your silly and whimsical nature. Haku likes being around sharp and witty people. He's pretty easygoing and will tease you, but he doesn't go out of his way to be mean. He does tease you about being in the clouds at times, but he does like that dreamy side of you. He's not too picky about appearances when it comes to partners, so even more reason he's a great match for you.
As for your tendency to yap about anything that interests you, you can bet that he would like to see you get so animated about the things you like, but you might need to slow it down so he could understand what you're talking about. He will tell you though.
Haku doesn't really have a set preference for hobbies, he just enjoys making memories with his partner, so any hobby either of you choose to do would be a fun and stimulating experience.
Haku is also pretty emotionally intelligent, so he'll be able to help walk you through the emotions you're feeling. He's a patient man, and will understand if you mess up for one reason or another. He'll also help if that happens. And don't worry about physical affection, he will shower you with that in the event you're feeling down and cannot articulate your feelings in a way other than "I need a hug right now."
All in all, I see a happy relationship between the two of you
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softguarnere · 2 years
Hi there! I am in Florida, and at this very moment, trying to dissociate from hurricane Ian that is beginning to hit my town. 😬 So I figured I'd distract myself by asking for ships. If you see this elsewhere too, I just...don't like talking about myself very much so I'm only writing this once.
She/her, INFP, Hufflepuff. 5'2, generally pale, curvy, but not overweight (yet, lol), blonde hair (but it's currently The Little Mermaid bright red, lol), blue-green eyes. I love my hair and my eyes and this is the only thing you'll ever hear me say I like about my appearance.
My favorite thing about myself is my sense of humor. And to a lesser extent, my sarcasm. I never really feel I have much to offer people, especially in difficult times, but I can make my friends laugh when they are crying. And a few weeks ago one of my good friends said to me that every time she goes home after spending time with me, her husbsnd says she is always in such a happy mood. And that was just like...the nicest thing anyone could say to me. 💜 I am an introvert until I am comfortable with someone and then I can be loud and frequently silly. Years of customer service in my past made me decent at bullshitting small talk, but ugh, it drains my batteries. I will get along with anyone who isn't an asshole, but I do not get close to most people easily. I don't like conflict, so I can get passive aggressive with people I'm close to if I have any issues over something. Trying very hard to change that, as I know it's not a great look.
Other random shit about me: I have anxiety, but (I think) I've learned to hide it well in public most of the time? My brain is just a fucking mess, but I will joke about it all day! 🙃 I love all animals. I'd cuddle an alligator if it wouldn't eat me. I've got cats, dogs, rats and a bunny. I've wanted a horse my whole life. My favorite author is Neil Gaiman. I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I love museums and history and learning about lore/fairytales/monsters/cryptids. I love Marvel movies/comics, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I occasionally do conventions and cosplay, though I'm not very good at the cosplay bc I cannot sew. Lol. I've been Rose and Amy from Doctor Who and Kate Bishop (Hawkeye). It's really fun! I wish I were better at it. Love bowling and mini golf. Sadly, none of my friends do.
I love music and going to shows used to be my thing! Like I've seen over 100 bands and concerts. I don't have the time/money/energy to do it anymore, but those were absolutely the best years of my life. I've traveled to other states and across the country for a couple of bands (The Matches and Motion City Soundtrack) and made some of the best friends just waiting in lines. I have one tattoo and it's a crow with a blue button eye that the singer of my favorite band drew for me.
I'm gonna shut up now. Lol. Sorry I got carried away. I'm REALLY trying to distract myself from thinking about this hurricane rn. Thanks in advance if you made it through the rambling and decide to do anything with it. 😁💜
Hi love! I hope that you're doing well -- my thoughts are with you and everyone else in Florida 💕
I ship you with . . .
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Lewis Nixon!
There are so many reasons I see this ship working, so I'm gonna try to explain them all coherently lol
Okay, first of all, when I say Nixon loves you, I mean all of you -- your personality, your looks, everything. He would constantly be complimenting your appearance and making sure that you know how gorgeous you are, because he wants you to see yourself the way that he sees you
Sarcastic duo (but not in a mean, argumentative way! The fun, only teasing each other way) He loves your sense of humor, and if he's ever a little too in his head, he comes to you because he knows that you'll be able to ground him by just joking around with him and making him smile
When you first meet, he thinks that you're very shy and is trying to figure out ways to bring you out of your shell so that he can get to know you better. The second that you get comfortable around him -- bam! He's the immediate embodiment of the heart eyes emoji, because omg she's so much fun and I'm gonna talk to her for hours
Nix is pretty comfortable in public places -- he grew up attending parties and galas because of his parents, so he knows how to politely work a room if he has to make an appearance. He knows that you get anxious, though, and he'll hold your hand the entire night, gently rubbing his thumb along your knuckles to soothe you as you make the rounds while socializing
After the war, Nixon is really intent on just enjoying himself -- in the various different ways that entails. And now that you're together, he's gonna make sure that you enjoy yourself, too
He takes you everywhere (and don't worry, because he can afford it -- no worries about sparing any expense) You want to go to a museum? Not really his scene, but he loves watching your face light up all day when you learn something new. You want to go to the beach? He's rented a boujee house for the week. You want to go to a concert? Front row seats. Everything is an adventure, and what's better than having an adventure with someone you love?
At some point, he thinks it might be nice to settle down somewhere. Or at least to have a nice place to come back to. You're a little surprised by how big the property he buys for this purpose is, and when you tell him so, he just smirks, "Well, where else are we gonna put the horses?"
You didn't get carried away at all, darling! Again, I hope you're doing well 💕 Thanks for the request, and I hope you like this 💕🕊️
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seelestia · 2 years
that's what i get for always spending time with him i guess lmao and yes ofc you're v v welcome to invade my inbox anytime you so wish <3
the two hu taos running around is sure to turn anyone's hair grey lol i can't for the life of me imagine the shenanigans you're both up to when put together /j
ah the social status gap ;;;; THAT'S 3 TROPES IN ONE HLDJSFLKSJDL OH MY LORD i can already taste the bitter angst at the tip of my tongue....
I THINK SO lol black + blue palette on ayato... and with all the signature fatui accessories... gosh. i really can't. any artists seeing this, if you ever want to draw it please tag me 🙏🏻 yeah no the moment he starts liking your presence you're locked in for life sis i am so sorry- /j
that's so fast sldkjfsldf i'm still on part 2 atm and i probably won't continue anytime soon cause of vacation plans sobsob
the rng gods blessed you with that one lollll nahh i am hopeless at building characters i tell you. i have no idea what i'm doing 80% of the time 🤣 i'm just here for the lore and music/voice and zhongli ✨
literally us:
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"a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one." i am dead, deceased, wheezing, tearing up with laughter-
oh al haitham is coming home whether he wants it or not 😈 i think i might skip 3.1 banners entirely in favor of saving up... the remelting tablet has got me hooked on ayato's playstyle so i'm eyeing for when he reruns too. probably not gonna be soon but still... also i want scara when he comes out solely bc his jp va lmao (and on that note, maybe childe hmmm)
definitely, more chars >>>>>>> constellations!!! yeah that's actually a good thinking hahah being on guaranteed is fun but also stressful sometimes.... my brother is at 60 pity rn and he actually wanted dori but he doesn't dare to pull bc he doesn't like ganyu or kokomi's playstyle lol rip
oooo strawberry and passionfruit tea, those sounds gooooood <3
i imagine zhongli very much approves of our tea addiction lol
atp, you should put copying zhongli's speech to a tee as your hidden talent 😭 i guess, this is what happens when you write for him sm, huh?? + all that listening to his voicelines, uh-huhhh 👀 i cannot blame you for that will also be me when i get ayato 🚶 (the day i start using, "ah, yes. naturally." like him is the day you'd know i've gone off of the deep end /j)
i may make your hair grey, but you will love me either way, right??? *innocently bats eyelashes* (/lh) hu tao and lia in one room would fr be the most effective aging process because i'd honestly laugh at her jokes and then add on to them 😭 also, i vividly recall that one time when zhongli did his osmanthus wine idle and i just absentmindedly responded, "i think your friends are six feet under tho". THE SILENCE AFTERWARDS WAS SO LOUD. idk how i can be both chaotic and chill at the same time (is this where my venti side comes out /j)
a love triangle with ayato and thoma is such a concept 🙏 but with a more realistic twist to it and with that, comes the harsh realization that reality brings. after all, a fairytale-like love is pleasant to indulge in; an escape, an almost surreal-like lantern of hope but you can't keep your head buried in books forever, can you? reality where capitalism reigns (/j) will always call, whether you wish to turn a blind eye to it or not. MMM, REALITY, THE ENEMY OF DAYDREAMERS *hiss* 🤺 (/lh)
fatui!ayato, what an enigma (don't lock me up, please. at least, let rin jie visit me because she'll help bail me out /j) 👀 yeahhh, you can't escape him if he's locked onto you <//3 which makes me think about how he'd be as your ex... i feel like ayato would be that smiling yet salty on the inside + passive aggressive ex. LOLLL he would 100% sneakily trip your new partner in public and extend an oh-so gracious and concerned helping hand to them (wowww, talk about sneaky).
rin jie, the only thing keeping me going with the quests is the aranara's <//3 i just divided the quests neatly, so i followed the process of completing at least one or two quests per day — THIS WAS EXACTLY HOW I DID MY STUDYING AND I GOT WAR FLASHBACKS FROM MY LAST EXAMS 😭 i love it when i apply my studying technique to long genshin quests, hehehe 🥸🏃 (/s)
who cares about meta because even at ar 50+, we're just cruising thru 🏂 does your brother beg to differ with his op builds??? we shall abandon him. (/j) i still remember when you told me he started building diluc after the new skin was released LOLLL and speaking of !! have you read up on enkanomiya's lore yet??? because remember my boy, caelin?? i think i might post his profile soon 👀 but absolutely dw if you haven't, the lore related to enkanomiya is only in the trivia section at the very end~
YEAHHHH, the way we are saving for both al-haitham and ayato 🤝 no because i was so happy when i saw ayato in the fayz trials + remelting tablet event 😭 the way he does his normal attacks, hello??? it was enjoyable being an ayato main even for a few minutes, i'm getting a taste of my future <//3 but let's wish scara and al-haitham won't be on the same banner because that shall be your true test + you're softening up to childe, it aeems??? 👀
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bitchiha · 4 years
Kakashi and/or Yamato NSFW headcannons? I high key love ur blog btw 🥺✨❤
A/N: UHM YES LETS DOOOO THIS I LOVE YOU BTW AND THANK YOU!! <3 Yamato and Kakashi are like.. my favs. So thank you. I wrote for both of them!
Another side note: I decided to post some requests b4 my angsts bc Im almost done them and I can't neglect them anymore. I am the worlds biggest procrastinator, but I am trying my best.
✎ NSFW (Yamato, Kakashi)
I mentioned this before but both him and Yamato are touch starved. The only difference is that Kakashi needs it more. Like Yamato can control himself a little bit at least, but not Kakashi. Like if he’s gone on a mission longer than 3 days Kakashi is losing his mind.
Best horny Kakashi is horny Kakashi after reading his nasty books. Hands down. Man, it just gets him so worked up because he’s not imagining the characters in the books. Noooo. He’s imagining you and him.
Once when he was reading Icha Icha in bed he was reading a particularly nasty chapter I hope you know where this is going... Once the chapter was done he put the book down and looked over at you like all sly and shit. All the sudden he’s like “come sit on my face.” And the way he says it is so like.. idk how to describe it, but it’s like sly and cocky and curious all at once.
First time you ever sat on his face and it was the closest thing that you’ve ever gotten to heaven girl. Like you were seeing stars.
He’s into anything and everything tbh. Wants to try everything he reads in Icha Icha for himself. Which is amazing bc there’s always something new he wants to try. Everytime.
Loves pet names. Definitely calls you a whole dictionary full of them and they vary depending on what you two are doing exactly.
He likes giving oral a lot tbh. Like a lot a lot. It’s probably bc he knows he’s so damn good at it lmfoaoaoao. He’s read this stuff a hundred times over in his books, so he knows how his tongue should be moving and all that good stuff. Wants you to sit on his face all the time bc he likes how good it makes you feel. Also, likes when you are vocal.
Likes lingerie but he will have it off you in 0.5 seconds so he can drill your shit tbh. You’d have to swat his hands away from trying to peel them off, but you can’t keep them away for more than 5 minutes.
Such a tease. He won’t admit it, but he actually likes making you cry when you're getting it on lol. Just a little. It makes him feel like he’s living out a scene in one of his books and it makes him so much hornier. Like he’s probably denied you 10 times now and so you’re just a mess and he gets so carried away. But when he finally gives in it’s the best dick ever. Bye lol.
Will want to do sooo much nasty things in public. He’d actually be good at hiding what the two of you are doing though, for the most part. I don’t think he’d do anything super crazy though. Mostly things that work you up to get prepared for when you two go home.
Has definitely done it with you in a public washroom. Clamped his hand on your mouth so you wouldn’t get caught and girl he rocked your shit good.
Kakashi is both an ass and tits guy, but you know what he likes better? Thighs. Loves having them wrapped around him, straddling him, lol likes his face being between them and anywhere he can grip them tbh. Like even in public he’ll have a hand somehow on your thigh 24/7. Doesn’t matter if their chubby, small, whatever. He. loves. them. Also loves hips.
Doesn’t mind if you ever wanna take the lead. Go down on him after he comes back from a mission. Shower w him, take a bath with him, literally just do it. But take care of him good. He will repay you later.
I don’t think he’s loud. Probably likes giving you validation a lot, but you’ll only get some noises out of him. That doesn’t mean he isn’t enjoying himself bc he is, my goooosh he is.
However, after missions he’s just too tired to stop himself and he will get a lottt more vocal. Plus it’s his tired voice so it’s 10x more attractive. Lots of Groans.
So like I said, he may not be loud but look at his face. You can tell he’s enjoying himself by his facial expression. Like if his eyes are squeezed shut and his mouth is open slightly you are making him see stars. Or if he’s really focused and intent, that’s when he is doing something he just read about in one of his books and boy is he enjoying it. Orrr if hes got a cocky smirk that’s when you know he’s gonna tease the life out of you.
Has dealt with Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Sasukes attitude problems all day. So if you wanna try and give him some at home he will lack the patience. Will be so rough and you’ll like it, but it will hurt to sit down for a few days.
Has 0 self control if you wear skirts or dresses. Like he just wants to put his hands under it. You look so pretty in them too and he can’t stop staring. Has definitely left your skirt / dress on when he’s fucking you at least once.
CEO of making you blush. Gets you flustered all the time. He literally can never get enough of you. Sometimes you’ll just catch him giving you that stare. Or just like checking you out and you’re like: Kakashi we are in the middle of the village control yourself.
You really can’t get him to be jealous. You’ve tried everything and anything but he never gets riled up. He can make you jealous, but he doesn’t do it a lot. I think the only time you can really get him worked up like that is if you unintentionally make him jealous. If he knows you’re trying to, he won’t let it work. But if you don’t know it makes him so flustered. Like if you tell him you’re going on a 4 day mission with Yamato. He’ll be pissed lol. Why the fuck didn’t Lady Tsunade tell you two to go together?? Why you and tree boy?
Then all the sudden he’s making out with you in the middle of your kitchen. Muttering under his breath about how unfair that is. Like this man is gonna have to sit here for 4 days by himself while you’re out on a mission with Yamato?? Frustrated sex lol. Also will definitely leave hickeys. Have fun covering them up on your stupid 4 day mission with yAmATo. <3
Another thing; you’ve done it on every surface possible in your apartment. The kitchen table, the bathroom counter, the shower, every gosh darn wall. Probably even on a chair at your dinner table... What can I say. HES WHORE KNEE
You will definitely be eachother’s first times. If you’re with him you’re with him for the long run. He isn’t gonna give himself to anyone like that. Nope, you’ll know you’re stuck with him once he starts to get intimate.
That being said, I don’t know why but I don’t think he’d be very self conscious about himself tbh. Like he’s touch starved as fuck already and so inexperienced so like.. now that he’s experiencing physical contact like he’s never had before my guy is short circuiting. Any touch from you feels wayyy to good for him and he could care a less about anything else when he gets going.
Also, he’s kinda loud - like not the type to scream lol but I mean like .. if you’re making him feel good (literally anything you do makes him feel good tbh), then you will know. Looots of groaning and grunts. Omggg and if he needs to keep really quiet he will probably muffle his moans by burying his face in your neck or tits lol.
I don’t think he’s the type to dirty talk too much or degrade at all. The only time he will really get into dirty talk, being rough and maybe some degrading is if you make him jealous. It only works if you use Kakashi for it and my god you’re asking for trouble if you do
Say something like “wow Kakashi you’re really strong,” or laugh at all his jokes and Yamato will seethe quietly. You’ve got to keep that up for a while to get him super worked up and when you do.. HE WILL DEFINITELY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT.
When you get home he drilllls your ass girl. Like you’re all teary eyed because he’s been denying your orgasms and now he’s drilling you into the mattress oml. You’re like begging him and sobbing and he’s so fucking mad lol like he doesn’t care
“Stop crying. You thought everything Kakashi said was just so funny tonight, so go ahead and laugh, laugh like how you were laughing with him. Not so funny now is it?” “Think he can make you feel like this? Didn’t think so.”
Will feel so bad in the morning. Like he’ll actually feel so bad. Will make up for it in any way you ask him too. You liked it though and you riled him up on purpose, you won’t tell him though. You 1000/10 do it again. Kisses you all over to make up for it.
Everytime you do, you can’t look Kakashi in the eye for a good week bc you’ll only think of Yamato drilling your ass.
Praise kink 10/10. He will probably be so depressed and will lowkey cry if you degrade him. What he likes is praise. Fucking fuel that mans ego and be a vocal for him too ;) he likes knowing that he’s rocking your shit good.
CALL HIM CAPTAIN like he’s not really into being called sir or daddy or anything like that but my lord.. if you call him Captain.. ugh. It gets him everytime. Also darling too.
Uhm he realllyyy likes when you take care of him after missions. Especially if it’s a long mission or one with Team 7 because that shit stresses him the fuck out. He’ll have so much frustration he’ll need to get out by the time he comes home.
Perch your ass on the couch and wait for him. Bonus if you cooked him food first. Or if you wanna run a shower for him while he eats. He will insist you join him.
Also... He’s not slick at all when he introduces ideas like that, he probably says it bluntly like.. “y/n.. I really want to take a shower with you right now.” and his face would get all red too lol
But after some missions he’s just way too tired to fuck your ass up. This is usually like after most of his missions with Team 7. He will still somehow manage to be horny tho. Like he’s been gone for days and had to deal with moody teenagers the whole time and he would really love if you just sucked his dick rn. That always reallyyy gets him going. Probably will cum fast bc of how good it feels to him tho, but there’s a lot of it y’know. He’d also be loud too. Like too lazy to try and keep it down loud. Lots of groaning.
Like I said, he’s horny as fuck. Literally being around you just turns him on sometimes. Even at home. Like If you wear a tank top with no bra when you’re lounging around, he’s already horny. Short shorts? Hor-fucking-ny!! Sometimes he’ll get embarrassed and hide it from you, but let’s be real you feel the same way about him so it’s fine
Titty guy 100%. I’m sorry but like if you have big tits don’t expect him not to bury his face in them. Always gives them extra attention. Likes when your riding him and their bouncing. Wear Lacey bras, he loves them so much and he will keep them on the whole time so he can just admire it on you.
He doesn’t like the idea of doing anything in sexual in public. He has a reputation to uphold and he is not about to throw it out the window like that no matter how much he wants too. Its frustrating sometimes bc like you could be walking around the village together and he gets a good glimpse of your ass and now he’s thinking some nasty things. Then he’s got a really uncomfortable hard on to hide till you get home.
He gives you splinters by accident sometimes. Like idk how. Especially if youre sucking him off. His hands are gripping your shoulders and you feel a prick on your collarbone and you yelp. He’ll apologize profusely, but he can’t control it when he feels like this so it happens sometimes. You get used to it though. Won’t admit it but he doesnt even try to control it if his dicks down your throat bc.. when you yelp it feels reallyyy good.
I’ve always had a thing for Yamato.. so I kinda went off on this LOOL <3
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi. i only got to play in inazuma today so here's me live reacting to the archon quest. it's a lil out of context tho so have fun trying to figure out which parts im talking abt. also, this is the only time i'm going to be talking abt spoilers for at least one week so... 🤷‍♀️
swordfish ii? cute.
Jesus Christ. and here i thought it was my lowest settings that made his hair grey… this poor kid. teppei i admire your determination but no… just no...
you know.... scaramouche could stand still and the air would get electrified. and yknow,,, that's p... that's p attractive
ugh im disgusting myself. and here i thought i still had an inch of sanity left in me.
of all people it had to be this little jerk
scaramouche is so fucking evil. i’d like ten of him, please.
man,, they expect me to dodge this shit? that’s the biggest l i’ve heard today. none of that shit. i’m bringing out my zhong and my sweet madames skrrt
sayu is adorable… i remember when i had hopes of growing up too… alas, it has come to this.
THOMA OH MY GOD MY MALEWIFE. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? also, sayu’s sleeping again. this girl’s got talent. is her circadian rhythm okay?
pains me to be the bearer of all bad news and no good news…
oh nvm he’s still in the background.
i… i don’t like where this is going… i refuse to be the bait. i’m too hot for that. so spicy they’ll spit me right out
oh thank god… wait... they… they wouldn’t ask me to be the one to set off the fireworks right?
oh crap… i’m… i’m in deep.
HE’S BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING US AGAIN EVERY DAY SINCE HE GOT THERE ANFLaglvbajlfblabvljabefva;bfalLJBLJDABVBAALSNADL tumblr user @tartagliaxx is broken. she is now irreparable. she has no regrets. goodbye.
ehem… what if… you and i… and hotsprings… together?? JUST KIDDING. PG-13 OVER HERE. NOTHING INDECENT WHATSOEVER MOVE ALONG NOW
poor thoma,,,
oh come on ayaka… cut us some slack… i just watched lumine wheeze bc of evil purple mist only to be dragged into 2 timeskips and an entire training arc. dont let her be yet another traumatized shounen manga protagonist… altho, it might be uh… too late for that…
oh dear… is thoma going to get another round of diarrhea?
hello yoimiya… still looking as bomb as ever i see……… mhm… gonna see myself out rn…
oh god… are we dying because of fireworks? forget getting caught by the patrol… we’re about to light up an untested firework that was made to be a billion times more explosive….
man… these patrol guards aint shit… i literally walked an inch behind their backs and they did nothing… its a surprise the rebellion still hasn’t won when they place guards like this in their ranks………. ok that was kinda mean i’ll apologize in a bit.
no, paimon. it’s not but we’re doing it anyway 🤡
oh no….. she’s worn herself out…. man,,, this is why you dont make convicts out of kids….
god, don’t remind me. as hot as the shogun trying to kill us w her blade was, i don’t appreciate almost getting murdered on screen (even if we most certainly have plot armor)
awwww is thoma worried about me uwu owo? dw i have like… a lumine w 6% crit rate by my side
sigh… i dont want to leave yet… cant i just stay by thoma’s side and not go to war for a change?
it was at this moment that tumblr user lei saw the wonders of being a housewife.
oh sara… my stars… i’m so sorry. i feel so bad for you but at the same time… this oddly makes me want to write a song for you ABJFJKABJABCABVABVKA I KNOW JACK SHIT ABT SONGWRITING WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS
well… there she goes…
oh…. oh….. yae is stealing my heart. WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO (i have an alt for a reason heehee)
these guys got guts to say ‘i’m sorry ma’am’ to THE kujou sara.
oh old man… you’re dead. you’re so dead.
man… this old man is a simp? sheesh.
oh my god… is that dude dead? i probably should’ve uh apologized b4 he flopped down to the ground ig…
MAN,, SARA’S DOWN FOR THE COUNT?? tbf i didnt expect much but…. also, AYE SIGNORA’S SO ICY.
she’s calling me out for being a simp ;-; heart been broke so many times or smth
oh… i love this part of the vow… im suddenly inspired to write… how about a wedding au? an angsty wedding au?
goddamn… it’s been nice knowing you all…. i dont think i’ll come out of this alive if signora went out like that…
oh… oh it’s time for round two? haha… time to… say my goodbyes….
yo… there are actual tears in my eyes… like… idk why… but that cutscene? shit man… that hit me…
hm… i feel bad for the shogun… ultimately, there is reason behind every act no matter how horrid. no matter how unreasonable, the reason one thinks of is always justified on their end. whatever everyone else thinks pay little effect on whether the act is fulfilled or not. also, her little laugh? i’m extra deceased.
the animation's fire as always wtf
oh but my kokoro... oof... my kokoro... ugh...
I’M SO FUCKING DONE AJKFHAKJBVAK- WE BEAT A HARBINGER AND FOR WHAT? she should’ve just tossed that gnosis into the ocean or smth...
HAH OMG SCARAMOUCHE. WHAT A MAN. I’M- I WAS RIGHT OMG. I HAD A LIL THEORY AND ITS JUST SMTH I HAD IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. I NEVER THOUGHT IT’LL ACTUALLY COME TRUE DEAR LORD. so now ig i have to admit i think abt him a lot and he has a soft spot in my heart 🥺 he’s evil you see and you know what my type is? evil men or at the very least, men with the potential to be evil. ugh so annoying.
scaramouche banner when
bc i sold everything worthy of money in me (read as my organs) for albedo, i'll sell my soul for him how about that?
EYE- makoto huh… well… fuck…
it’s day 400 of being ayato less even if he’s like… teased a million of times (jk it’s like… a grand total of seven but thats still p high)
im so… sigh…
i wonder if i’m still alive by the time sumeru releases… at the very least, i know my brain wouldn’t be.
....we were literally a captain for like... one second. that is so sad.
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
Wait youre doing ships?? YESSSS OK this is nadia from the main btw
Ok so im 5'3 which is apparently SHORT but I dont think it is personally so idk. I think you've seen what I look like from my selfies in the past so Imma skip that but basically brown curly hair and brown eyes. I have seven piercings but im def planning to get more bc I'm ✨addicted✨.
Im very loud and people say i can be aggressive when they meet me but honestly I'm just very passionate so it comes across that way. Actually can ramble about anything I care about for hours (and. Oftentimes will, sorry). Im going to become a lawyer once the degree comes through so I guess thats good 😭. A huge flirt but PERSONALLY I think I suck at it i just do it for fun.
My hobbies are sewing (working on making my whole wardrobe rn), boxing (we've been OVER this), writing SOMETIMES, and I just love spending time with friends and family. I can bellydance but im HELLA shy about it. Im the mom friend and ALSO the spontaneous plans at three am friend. I need breaks from routine or I snap. Also my love language is touch starved physical touch and I will koala hug you 24/7 when im needy.
Ummmm this is dragging sooooo im gonna cut it off here 🤣 I tried not to write this with bias toward any of the boys so let's see what you come up with. hope this was okay Sof ❤❤
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Hi bby, I love youuu and I hope you like it gorgeous🥰💕
@flamediel @imbrium-mare
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Ok so I've took some time to think about this and I've decided that I would 100% ship you with zabdiel and its not because he's the one you like. There are aspects of you that are similar to Chris like loving piercings, being loud and a big flirt, but the rest of you screams zabdiel, which is why I could deadass see you being friends with Chris and he introduces you to zabdiel. I feel like you guys would be that couple that are genuinely also each others best friends. I see you guys on your first date and he'll ask you what you're passionate about and he'll just love listening to you ramble on and on while he looks at you with a dreamy look on his face, I could also see that being one of the things he's loves about you once you start dating, he would think its hella cute how you ramble🥺🤧 I could also see zab being there when you graduate from law school, acting like a proud boyfriend bragging and telling everyone how proud he is of you "hey this is my girlfriend and she's a badass lawyer😌"(as he should, we love a couple that supports each others careers👏🏼😌) I could see the two of you just side by side, him working on music and you sewing, he'll occasionally stop to just watch you and admire how beautiful you are, I feel like he'd also just be interested in what started out as just a bit a fabric is now a beautiful clothing piece, he'd also never fail to let you know how talented you are. I could see the both of you going to the gym together to do boxing (which nadia please do ✨the lords work✨ gives us some more boxdiel content🙏🏼) anyway I could definitely see him thinking its hot that you box. You know damn well if you writing anything his nosey ass is gon be like "lemme see😩" and he gon end up stealing it from you anyway to read it just so he can hype you up, but if its fanfic about him he ain't never gon stop teasing you about it. I could 100% see him asking you to show him how you belly dance and you'd get all shy and he'd be like "please teach me" you'd eventually give in and he'd probably just end up goofing around failing at belly dancing, making you laugh at him while appa just sits on the couch staring at him confused as fuck🤭😂 ok now let's get one thing straight I know the two of you would be the biggest baby's with each other, holding hands, make outs, pecks on the forehead and cheek, lots of cuddles, I can also see you wearing one of his hoodies that would be way to big on you and he'd just take one look at you and he'd be like "you're the most adorable person ever🥺🤧" and then he would literally smush you in cuddles.
Send a short description and I'll ship you with a member of CNCO and tell you what I think your relationship would be like.
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losfacedevil · 5 years
When You’re Ready - PT 1
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a/n~ This is different for me, Usually I use characters from other places or singers as such. But this time I decided to go my own route completely. I hope this is something everyone enjoys!
“Fuck this noise.” Sebastian slammed the nursing book he was reading shut, reaching up to run his fingers through his unruly curls as he turned to his room mate. The other boy sat at his desk across the room, his textbook long forgotten as a strand of hair trailed into his mouth and his chin rested in his hand. “Fuckin really dude? I have my licensing exam and you have boards next week, are you really choosing now to nap? Yo, Mace!” Sebastians voice was loud enough to wake the dead though Mace didn’t budge, not even when a crumpled up paper ball hit him square in the forehead. “Mason! I swear to the highest heaven.”  Sebastian chuckled, getting up and making his way over to his buddies desk, hand slamming down on the book in front of him.
“What is so important that you had to result to violence and disrupt my beauty sleep, Breezy?” Mason cooed, his voice soft and melodic. Another chuckle slipped past Sebastians lips as he flipped open the book laying on the desk and skimmed the page quickly. “Think fast what’s exocrine pancreatic insufficiency?” He asked, his eyes landing on a random medical term. Mace shrugged, his eyes fluttering open as he leaned his head back to look at the younger boy. “How the hell am I supposed to know that?” Sebastian wrapped his hand in Maces’ shoulder length hair, giving it a quick tug as he slammed the book shut. “You better hope they only ask you what chicken pox and appendicitis is if you plan to even so much as pass the tip of the boards iceberg. Ive heard they’re a thousand times harder than my RN licensing exam.” Mace chuckled, pushing the palms of his hands into his eyes causing static like bolts to shoot across his vision. “I still can’t believe you chose being a Peds nurse over general surgery.” Sebastian sighed, making his way back over to his desk and resuming the notes he was taking. “I want to spend the rest of my life on a Peds ward helping kids feel better and making them smile when all they want to do is cry. I’m sorry I’m not cut happy.” Mace shook his head, rising from his seat and stretching his back before heading towards the door. “Not what I meant, Breezy and you know it. Do you want anything to eat? I’m starving.” Sebastian shook his head, swatting his hand over his shoulder at his room mate. “I’m good.” Mace chuckled. “Tuna and provolone it is!” He called halfway out the door. “No thank you!” Sebastian rolled his eyes, wasn’t up for Maces’ games today. “You lie, I’ll grab your coffee too.” Mace called, letting the door click shut softly behind him.
Sebastian sighed, the words on the page scrambling and becoming a jumble of letters as his vision blurred. Shaking his head he closed the book, deciding that he would much rather go get his own coffee. Pushing back from his desk he quickly slipped his feet into his white vans, grabbed his keys out of his drawer and left the room making sure to lock up behind him. The younger boy spotted Mace not too far up the hallway, one of the pretty interns talking his ear off and showing him a faux chart. He nodded his head at all the right times but Sebastian was keen to his ways and knew he wasn’t listening to a word the girl was saying. Chuckling at the scene before him he took off at a slow jog, quickly coming up on the pair. 
“Yo Mace, how longs it take to get ya boy a coffee?” He joked, driving his fist into the older boys shoulder. Mace reached up, resting his hand on the back of his neck as a blush crept across his cheeks. “Well ya see, I was on my way there but then Jayde stopped me.” Sebastian laughed, shaking his head at the embarrassment splayed on Mace’ face. “Did Jayde stop you or did you stop Jayde? Did you forget I can hear what you do in the bathroom at night?” Sebastian nodded, catching the slight widening of the girls eyes out of the corner of his own. Making his way past Mace he bumped his shoulder into the taller boys, a subtle nod thrown towards the cafeteria. “Don’t worry, shoot your shot, I gotchu, cream no sugar right?” Sebastian stuck his tongue out, turning on his heel and power walking to the cafeteria. Sebastian couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him as he scanned the pastry case, needing something sweet to top off his salty attitude. He knew it would only be a matter of a minute or so before Mace was breathing down his neck, the anger and embarrassment seething from him. He side stepped, swiping two glazed donuts from the case as he inched his way over to the coffee cart, giving the older boy ample time to scold him. A warm hand gripped Sebastians shoulder -gentle but firm- pulling his back up against the other persons front. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Sebastian chuckled, absolutely reveled in the fact that Maces voice was melodic even when aggravated. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mace face.” Mace sighed, rolling his eyes as he pushed Sebastian towards the coffee cart. “Don’t you Mace face me, Breezy. You know damn well she ain’t got the right parts for me.” Sebastian couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips, letting his shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. “I’m still fully clueless. Donut?” Maces’ upper lip curled in disgust, couldn’t stand when Sebastian thought he was funny but couldn’t help to notice how handsome the younger boy looked when his smile was genuine. “No I don’t want your damn donut.” Mace huffed, earning himself a giggle from the girl running the coffee cart. “That’s not what you were saying last night.” Sebastian mumbled, sinking his teeth into one of the donuts he held. “Oh you think you got jokes?” Anger bubbled up behind Maces’ eyes, couldn’t believe Sebastians games. “I got all the jokes - like the one about Jayde investing in a strap on so you could get more action than what your right hand gives you.” Mace choked on his own saliva, reaching up and pushing Sebastians shoulder hard before turning on his heel. “Go fuck yourself dude.” He called over his shoulder, quickly grabbing a sandwich from one of the carts he passed and tossing some money the persons way. Sebastian chuckled, shaking his head. “Fuck you.” He yelled, throwing his hand in the air, middle finger raised. Mace spun quickly to face the younger boy, eyes rolling hard before spinning back in the direction he was headed. “Don’t you threaten me with a good time, Breezy.”
~~~~~~~~ Mace groaned as he shook the door knob to their room, quickly realizing his keys were on the opposite side of the door resting nicely on his desk. He leaned up against the wall next to the door, letting his back slide down it as he got himself comfortable on the floor. Sighing, he opened the sandwich he had bought, deciding that picking at it while he waited was his best bet. “I can’t believe that asshole really locked me out.” He mumbled, taking a bite of his sandwich as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. It wasn’t long before Mace heard that unmistakable chuckle as the sound footsteps reverberated off the walls. The older boy glanced up through his lashes, couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips as he saw the shit eating grin plastered across Sebastians face. “Well, well, well, what have we here?” Sebastian chuckled, eyeing the awkward fold of Maces’ legs. A frown pulled at the corners of Maces’ lips, his arms finding a home crossed over his chest. “Has anyone ever told you how much of an asshole you are?” Mace was always quick to throw an insult, though he knew it did nothing to the younger boys pride. “Y’know I love you, man, but you’re such an easy target.” Sebastian chuckled, holding out a coffee cup as a peace offering. Mace thought about it for a second before gently wrapping his hands around the warm cup as Sebastian dug in his pants pocket for his keys. “I figured Sir Naps a lot could use the caffeine more than I could.” He chuckled, quickly unlocking the door whilst Mace untangled his legs and stood. “Now what lesson did we learn today?” Sebastian chuckled, opting to lay across his room mates bed instead of his own. “That you’re an absolute asshole?” Mace quipped, setting his cup down as he toed his shoes off of his feet. “Actually the correct answer was don’t leave your keys behind, but I guess I’ll let you slide this time since you’re still pouting.” Sebastian called after Mace, chuckling as the bathroom door was slammed. “And lord knows how cute you are when you’re pouting.” Sebastian sighed, pushing himself to a seated position before pulling off his own shoes. “What was that?” Maces’ voice was mumbled behind the bathroom door. Sebastian shook his head, standing and making his way to his own bed. “I said, a nap doesn’t sound so bad.”
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clingtohim · 4 years
Oh man I was just reading rn... God is sooooooooooo good! I was reading Zephaniah, I approached the Bible because I felt like ** ok side note, I’ve dealt with insecurity, abuse, gaslighting, etc. so with my relationship with God I feel like I’m always seeking to get corrected** so God’s been having me read a small portion of Song of Songs. I felt that was what I needed to stick with but I approached the Bible, seeking correction. I went to Zephaniah and allowed Him to speak and it was judgement. But inside I could see the judgement was from not obeying His voice about what I need to focus on. Now disclaimer** He doesn’t just whip out judgement, just like that. Instead He gently corrects. And it was also only because I was judging myself, as they say the Bible reads YOU. But I have been dealing with this my whole walk, almost 4 years, but there has been tremendous healing cause He’s just that good! ** Lately, I’ve been having some issues with gaslighting... being in situations where ppl assume or say something negative or judgement always about me that I know is wrong. What has happened basically my whole life, since childhood is I believed what I was told. And if I experienced it different, I was wrong. And I have a really good memory😅 it was torment! If I saw it, heard it, had proof of it, I was wrong and I was the issue. Strangely enough it continued in ALL my relationships. There was even a time, in my B.C. days that I was using and drinking, and I went to celebrate a friends birthday. Just the two of us. She hated that I used, and told me that all she wanted from me for her birthday was to stop using for a week. I got to day 2 or 3 and started again and tried each day, then tried to just sober up the day of and I couldn’t even do that😅 I can laugh now or roll my eyes whatever😂 so I showed up to her car and she knew. We had like some things planned, sushi and karaoke cause that’s what she liked, we got sushi and it was kinda awkward. She said I was talking to myself. I felt like I was going crazy cause I was sitting there trying to eat my sushi and it was so loud I could barely hear her, how could she hear me and tell me what I was saying? Then she left mad, didn’t go to karaoke, and drove me home. The car ride was awkward and silent, but I purposely remember telling myself to not say a word or say anything smart cause she was mad. After she dropped me off I tried getting in touch with her later and she said she drove 2 hours to San Diego to eat ice cream and cry with a friend because I had insulted her and made wicked nasty comments about her and her weight etc. she wouldn’t say what I said just that she was beyond hurt. I still am puzzled to this day, but I feel like I’ve had so many experiences with this, and this is what the Lord has me working so hard on. I mean I’m a new creation but what a strange old one I was! ALL my life, family, to friends, to relationships, have all had this one thing in common, not just putting down or saying something negative, but manipulation to turn it around and make you feel like you’re crazy. A loss of all that I thought was solid, could be gone in an instant, in an argument. I spent a lot of time alone, I feel like alone I was able to establish my thoughts but tbh they were always shaped by lies. Now being isolated is where the enemy works, but I have also been able to establish thoughts, it’s where a lot of creativity set sail. So I think that’s also why I clung to it. It was my only source of identity. Because my identity everywhere else I went was compromised. Since giving my life to God I knew He was the truth. I should’ve died that night, but I cried out one cowardly cry, I hoped but felt hopeless at the same time. He always reminds me that NO ONE can call out to Him unless His Spirit leads you to. So I am often reminded of that, whenever the enemy or anyone else tries to discredit me. Sometimes not right in the moment of weakness, but I feel like He builds me up in other places as well. So this time*** back to the story😅**
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eiltae · 6 years
Stun & run
N/A: I wanted to do something new so I’m trying this prompts!  First time posting my stupid stuff here, hope someone like it lol
Requests are open, but I’m just writing Peter Quill x reader rn.  Oh, my English isn’t good, I’m still practicing, so I’m sorry about any mistakes!
Pairing: Peter Quill x reader Word count: 756 Warning: none
34. “You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am, to cuddle?”
    It was late and your companions had been asleep as you were there, staring at the ceiling. The week had been very exhausting, and even though every bit of your body was in complete agony, the noises outside kept you awake. It was a thunder too high for a planet so tiny as ORF-897, where you and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy decided to take a break to rest     Earlier, you were trapped in a goddamn hole, with Peter without communication with the others and it was at least 4 hours of an endless discussion with him about who was the idiot who first fell into that trap. The answer was Peter.     The third thunder rumbled so close you swore it would have fallen on the Milano, which made you even more scared. Sure, noises of explosions and shots were loud, but you KNEW when you were going to hear them, and those thunders were unexpected, you’re not a big fan of surprises. The idea of ​​staying on that tiny planet was Peter's, so he was to blame for your sleepless night. Leaving your room foot by foot you go look for an infallible method to not hear thunders: Quill's walkman,  which you're sure he took to his room.  “He can be so selfish sometimes!”     You shrug, as you stop in front of his door, opening it without knocking. A very weak light coming from who knows where is enough for you to see your hand in front of your eyes. Another thunder, louder than the last one (that seemed more like a mini earthquake) caused you jump to his bed, screaming louder than intended, clinging tightly to Star-Lord’s sleeping body. Peter cursed, looking for his weapons as he realized who it was, he just jerked you to the side, turning on the light and jumping out of bed, looking for his pants. “You crazy! You want to fucking kill me?! What the hell are you doing here?!!”     At first you just ignored him, trying to find the walkman. With the blankets and sheets on the floor, you stopped just to admire the shirtless man trying to put on his pants while jumping on one foot. "Maybe I just wanted to cuddle with you, we’ll never know." “You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am, to cuddle?” He stared at you furiously, as if he wanted to see you fall dead right there. “You're the fucking last person I want to see in the fucking galaxy! Now get out!” “Wow, take it easy, idiot. We all know it was your fault, I mean, what happened earlier.” "Really? Did you come here to discuss this? You KNOW that you said 'let's go this way, it seems safe!'" He imitates your voice in an irritating and squeaky way. "I don't talk like this!" You laugh, and he stays serious.You jump out of bed and can see his Walkman hanging on his waist. “Get out!” Peter holds the door and stands there, pointing out. He’s face is red, maybe it's anger. "You have no idea how cute you look when you're mad, seriously." You tease, resting your hands on your waist, putting the weight of your body on your left leg. He rolls his eyes and you pass quickly by him, like a mischievous child grabbing the Walkman before Peter closes the door, smiling victoriously. “No way” He holds you. “That's mine and I'm still very pissed off with you, Y/N!” "Please, please, please." You beg. "Nope." He comes a little closer. Perhaps the only alternative was not this one, but it was worth risking.even though it would hurt a little bit on you and maybe Peter could get really angry enough to kick you out of the ship. And also, for your first time, you imagined something completely different.
You took a deep breath. Peter raised his eyebrows, twisting his mouth.
One of the escape techniques is to stun the enemy, directing his attention to something else and then run as faster as you can. 
Firmly holding the Walkman, you take a slight impulse to touch his lips, kissing Peter in a way more abrupt than you imagined, but very effective. He stood there gaping, letting you go completely without reaction. You returned to your room, happy and satisfied to finally lie down to sleep, listening to the music that Peter Quill taught you to love, thinking about that stupid kiss.
Prompt list
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SV ch.62
it’s already here. wow. *sweats profusely* IF LBH DOESN’T WAKE UP HERE-
Zhuzhi-Lang said, “Master Shen, please pardon me.”
Don’t! A thousand times don’t! I got into this miserable state when you wanted to thank me, now that you’re apologizing, can I even hope to live!?
Luo Binghe was still sleeping in that coffin, so the blood wreaking havoc in his body could only belong to someone else. Tianlang-Jun said, “Peak Lord, this shouldn’t be the first time you’ve drank Heavenly Demon’s blood, how come you’re still not used to it?”
FUCK! AAAAAAH i’m so mad right now can these two please stop being assholes and let my babies the fuck GoOoO-
EDIT 2: okay wHAT
Tianlang-Jun sighed, “Even in this state you can walk so many steps, Peak Lord Shen is willful and resolute, truly an extraordinary person. I should say, you’re even willing to throw away your own life for my son?”
Suddenly, Zhuzhi-Lang said, “My lord, I… this subordinate can’t keep holding on.”
Before his words had fallen, Shen Qingqiu felt the pain suddenly dissolve, his whole body lightening. Right away, he broke into a frantic run. Seeing that he was suddenly able to run away, Tianlang-Jun said, astonished, “Isn’t your blood able to restrain him?”
Zhuzhi-Lang was also at a loss. “Before, I was able to restrain him. But this time I can’t, I don’t know the reason!”
one sec they are like muahahah we got you, i was even getting emotional for the fact that shizun is in fact risking his life also to keep lbh safe my heart MY HEART, and then zhuzuhzuz just pops out with i can’t hold on anymore and I WANNA KNOW WHY WHAT HELPED SHIZUN TELL MEEEEEEE
After carrying on for this long, he was already approaching his body’s limits, lingering on the fringe of collapse, his knees turning to jelly. However, he didn’t fall to his knees but was firmly supported by a hand, half carried and half held up.
His head dizzy and his eyes blurred, his gaze focused upwards.
In the murky darkness of the stone corridor, it was impossible to see the face, but a pair of eyes burning with fury and a shining scarlet demon mark shone clearly through the gloom.
EDIT 4: 
He said, blandly, “Are you alright?”
Luo Binghe’s tone was still somewhat uncharitable. “Alright? What alright?”
Seeing him full of vitality, he was most likely fine. This being the case, he’d, at last, managed to repay a little favor to Luo Binghe. Shen Qingqiu nodded. “Then that’s good.”
me internally, reading: i swear these two are impossible. they areobviously worried for each other, but they have two radically different ways of showing it. lbh just goes and yells at him and is full of rage and sparky reddish eyes and can’t keep his anxiety at bay, and in shizun’s eyes it looks like he is angry at him, which lbh maybe is, a bit, but not in that sense -he was just worried sick he’d lose him again and ready to kill whoever did that to him. on the other hand, shizun voices his worry and tries to reach for him a bit, but can’t seem to see past lbh’s anger for now? so he sulks and turns away and yea, that’s it, he actually likes when lbh was all affectionate, there you go shizun.
To exit the Holy Mausoleum, the Xin Mo sword and Luo Binghe were both indispensable, without either one you could only randomly wander around the inside. But, he had risked his life to drag him this far and got a faceful of yelling as a result. It would be pointless to stay there and sulk.
He hadn’t walked a few steps when the energy-draining candles suddenly lit up. The faint candlelight illuminated his side profile. Luo Binghe suddenly reached out to pull on him. “Are you crying?”
hanji.exe has stopped working
EDIT 7: i love/hate how there is always a good excuse for shizun to react to lbh only for there to be another reason
The anger that had just been in Luo Binghe’s voice disappeared without a trace. He said tensely, “So to say, when I heard Shizun crying earlier, it wasn’t fake?”    Shen Qingqiu flew into a rage out of humiliation. “Crying, what crying, I don’t know!”
The more he looked, the more apprehensive his expression grew. Right now there wasn’t any place on Shen Qingqiu’s body that was safe to look at. He was nothing but a lump of wounds and blood, seriously a spectacle too horrible to endure. Luo Binghe remembered that before he lost consciousness, Shen Qingqiu was clearly in perfect condition. His voice shook. “This… was all for… me?”
Shen Qingqiu was going to start spitting blood. If not him, then who?
He couldn’t say this sort of thing, and he always disliked making a big deal of bestowing affection and showing scars in the past, so he could only spit out four words: “Your hand, let go.”
Luo Binghe changed his face in the blink of an eye, softening. “I won’t let go. Shizun, don’t be mad, I was wrong.”
Having been sent off, Luo Binghe once again latched on to him like sticky candy, you couldn’t even pry him off. “Shizun, why don’t you hit me. You can beat me up to vent your anger, how about that?”
Someone come help me, there’s an incurable M here, who can come lock him up–
(guys let’s keep it pg-13- or not. i am totally okay with going further than that *wink wink*
and anyway, lbh, you can’t solve everything like that-)
After wearing him down for quite a while, Shen Qingqiu said helplessly, “…You’ve always been like this, crying and admitting your faults but you’ll die before you change your ways. What use is it?”
At this point, Luo Binghe was almost sobbing. “Won’t it be enough if I change my ways? Shizun, don’t abandon me.”
Seeing him in this good-for-nothing state, if not for the fact that he was still worrying about the bumps he left earlier Shen Qingqiu really wanted to give him a few smacks on the head. Was there something wrong with his teaching methods? How did he raise a crybaby? Luo Binghe, the demon king incarnate, likes to hang on to his Shizun’s clothes and wail when there’s no one around – if he were to tell about this who would f***ing believe it!?
is shizun finally starting to come to terms with the fact that lbh is not the original one?
EDIT 11: 
Luo Binghe continued, “Just now, I didn’t do it on purpose. I don’t know why,obviously I didn’t actually believe it, I didn’t want to say that sort of thing, but in front of Shizun, I never could control myself. I know I’m being embarrassing and losing face, but knowing that Shizun never threw me away but was protecting me all along, that I wasn’t just dreaming this whole time, I’m so happy…”
EDIT 12:
He slowed down and said, “Then, you really are alright now?”    Luo Binghe promptly nodded. “I’m alright.”    Just then you were burned so severely, but now you’re completely fine? Shen Qingqiu was quite skeptical and pressed his hand to his forehead, turns out it really was cool and smooth. Shen Qingqiu wanted to retract his hand, but Luo Binghe covered his hand with his own, refusing to let him pull away. His eyes gleamed below their folded palms.
This expression was too familiar. This was precisely that look he saw on that perfect little sheep following him around and eating grass every day on Qing Jing Peak, the young ray of sunlight Luo Binghe.
(i’ll die i know this is how i die shizun is thinking back about little binghe and my life now has a meaning worth living for)  
Shen Qingqiu’s face was going to turn red under his stare, but he couldn’t bear to tear his hand away by force. Doing such a thing when the other was so happy and colored in excitement would really be giving him a slap on the face.
EDIT 13:
Outside of the Mausoleum, the scene was bathed in light. Without prompting, Luo Binghe reached out a hand to support Shen Qingqiu.
As a matter of fact, it really had been a long time since they had had this sort of normal interaction.
i feel so lucky to be alive and be able to read this
EDIT 14:
Luo Binghe suddenly said, “But, other than hearing Shizun cry…”    Shen Qingqiu smiled faintly. “En? Who was crying?”    Luo Binghe immediately changed his tune. “Other than hearing someone cry, there was also this strange feeling.”
He said quietly, “What sort of feeling?”    Luo Binghe shook his head. “… I can’t say.”    “Does it hurt?”    “It doesn’t hurt, it’s very…”
He hadn’t finished speaking, his face showing a bewildered expression, looking down at himself.    Shen Qingqiu: “…”    Sky pillar hello, sky pillar goodbye!
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH MY LUNGS- MY CHEST- HELPPPP- so you’re telling my he felt shizun palming him but he didn’t feel him hug him all the time?!?!?!?! PRIORITIES, I GUESS
EDIT 15:
Earlier, Luo Binghe was not quite pleased when he was not able to shatter them into pieces, but now that they had delivered themselves on a silver platter he was quite satisfied. His knuckles cracking, he fixed a glare on Zhuzhi-Lang, growling, “You dare feed my Shizun your blood.”
Who else but him would be drinking Heavenly Demon’s blood like Red Bull? Who else but him would have drunk three different Heavenly Demons’ blood?
i love him.
*throws her pc on the floor*
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asterdeer · 6 years
flower ask meme: arum-lily, aster, baneberries, basket of gold, black-eyed susan, blazing stars, borage, bulgeherb, camelia, candytuffs, carnation, cock's comb, common boneset, daisy, false goat's beard, freesia, garden cosmos, gladiolus, rosemallows, transvaal daisy, and tropical white morning glory
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? gave a man my lunch and cash when he came up to my window while i was idling at a red light? stayed five minutes past closing time to tell someone how to get somewhere even tho im terrible at directions
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? “I believe that if a woman poet survives, if she sets out on that distance and arrives at the other end, then she has an obligation to tell as much as she knows of the ghosts within her, for they make up, in essence, her story as well.”contrariwise“I am not well-adjusted. More often than not, I am barely keeping it together. I’m constantly texting, and there’s no one on the other end. I’m just a grown man who can’t even look his own friends in the eye for too long because I’m afraid that they’ll see that I’m broken. So, you get credit for that. One time, when I was in 7th grade, I told everybody at school I had appendicitis. I wanted somebody to worry about me, but when Beth Brennan asked to see the scar I didn’t wanna get found out. So, I took mom’s scissors, and I made one. It hurt like hell. But it was worth it because I got 17 cards, and I still keep them in a box underneath my bed 22 years later because it proves that someone at some point cared about me. Want to see the scar?”
Baneberries: Favorite song? atm its either “high hopes” by panic!, “quarter past midnight” by bastille, or “when the night is over” by lord huron
Basket of Gold: Describe your familyim best friends with my mom, my brother terrifies me bc i love him so much, my granddad was my best teacher of selflessness and sacrifice, my cousin who was my best friend fell apart at exactly the same time i did and we never really got back together, i met my twin when i was like fourteen and needed them most, i have a grandmother who ended up teaching me more of what not to do than anything else, and i did in fact have a father, all evidence to the contrary
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?a giraffe. no doubt
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? 101 things ! spiders because one crawled into my bed when i was 12 at five in the morning and my cat woke me up because it was just there at my feet, also never having someone fall in love w me, also watching everyone leave me when they figure out im worthless ! mostly spiders
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. there was a very shallow sort of…. gorge? ravine? it was like a steep drop off in the land down to a v rocky stream that cut behind our house in our old neighborhood. they didnt let us play there often bc my brother’s then-best friend slipped and cut his foot bad but i loved it back there + if i had been reading warriors at that point it would have been my clan camp fs
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  slashing the tires of as many animal abusers as i could find. then go rent a boat and take my family/friends out on the water. pass out some macarons maybe? gravestone shaped macarons? make everyone read some of four quartets out loud. also cuddle my cat a whole WHOLE whole lot 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? ive wanted to visit ireland for literally as long as i can remember
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? when i havent eaten for a good while
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  mucha-esque loki tee shirt and my mom’s fluffy cloud pajama pants
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?lydian bc it reminds me of when i was 10 and my cousin and i were writing our stories on the same computer and that was the font we used
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?everybodys workin for the weekend. captain marvel comes out next week too
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? 1) winning the novel contest 2) making people laugh during my thesis defense 3) not offing myself during 2014 or 2017
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?embarrassing myself! 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 1) job 2) sushi 3) staying till almost midnight at a friend’s house talking whcih was the most ive actually been touched by a person besides my mom in weeks
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?exhausting but i got a lot of reading done
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? submit a novel for publication. try to get into an editing program. grow potatoes and cucumbers, revive/expand my catnip and rosemary. donate money and buy art and take trips and make better food
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? literally the only memory that doesnt feel like a rebuke or a warning rn is the day i met you in person
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? thats either the high waisted bell bottom jeans my aunt gave me a while back or the black and green striped top that ive worn holes into ive had it so long
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  i literally dont have one, its a hideous + boring mishmash of four different aesthetics frankensteined together that doesnt make good art ever 
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No title rn, but poetic license is def a thing
(Nine is such a simple number 
Easy to divide into compartments 
Easy to chip into pieces 
and places 
Nine is such a perfect number 
But it means so much more to me) 
One: Start.
 You lifted my soul into your seat 
With hands that were not much bigger than mine. 
A fact we didn't know until nine, 
But a truth nonetheless 
You pressed your feet to the floor 
Wanting more than what this world could breath into you 
And I 
So filed with fires 
Didn't dare tell you to stop 
We watched oceans pound against our immobile feet 
And laughed in the face of falling 
Because we knew 
We knew that nothing could stop us 
We twirled until dawn 
Limbs tingling with challenge 
Muscles itching for more than we offered 
And awoke with skin colored like plums 
Avocados are labeled super 
They are green and fresh 
And smell of health 
Much unlike the looks snuck at us 
Between orders of toast and eggs 
We wanted so badly to feel dirt under our hands 
And the sweet breath of clear skies in our lungs 
But instead 
We embraced the scent of our skin on sheets 
And exhaled poetry 
Independence is calling 
It's screaming my name like an alarm that reverberates through city streets 
and echos off numbed ears 
There is still so much that is unknown 
And I want so badly to taste it all 
My tastebuds shout, 
for more, 
While my skin screams for your touch 
Independence still within grasp 
And words stuck in my throat 
I leave trails of myself wherever I go, 
And I have so many worlds to build 
I do not mean to be this way 
But I like it nonetheless 
My trails begin and end with the bouncing of your car 
For I am uncertain of where we came from 
But now I have a steady hand 
A practiced aim 
A lively guide 
And it's okay if I am lost. 
I pull myself out of the cave 
And pull my feet in front 
Maybe purpose is found in trying 
Instead of simply allowing existence to be 
Maybe tiny letters on brittle pages mean more to those who move 
The grass is soggy under my finger tips 
And for a moment I understand what you want entirely. 
We left on our own 
And crawled around in darkness. 
Our shoes sitting steady by the curtains 
While our minds fumbled for the exit 
But we were not aimless 
We were not blind 
And there was nothing more than laughter and light 
Pouring from our mouths 
We stuck our bodies inside pods 
Hoping never to reach the end 
And left holding beans 
Through the blindness I found that 
Winding paths around skin and solutions 
Are more easily traversed Together 
(The numbers try to blur together now
and I desperately try to draw my lines. 
But what does one do 
When sand is too tough for fingers to break down 
And where does one begin to see 
What lines should be drawn 
When there is nothing but light?)
Six, part two: 
We walk until the clocks burn out 
Although the lights still blink 
unphased by the way time sifts through greedy hands 
We spend seconds as the hands of clocks 
Trying desperately to ignore what is to come 
Deadliness sound as fires burn all around us 
And my mind scrambles for new beginnings 
The most is said through nothing 
And experience is felt through silence 
Our mouths move very little, 
other than to smile 
And we let each other sigh 
Eight, the "unexpected": 
Our bodies calmed enough 
for us to rewind our second plans 
We wake to sunshine on our skin 
And don our healthy grins 
Even calmed enough to some 
Your hands still spin around 
Flying up a downhill battle 
My skin /still/ screams aloud for your touch
a sound so loud that I'm surprised that no one can hear
Inside our destination, 
you/we pant and feel alive 
You pull laughter from my every pore
(it echoes down hills) 
And I spill my heart out on you 
Around us, there is nothing, 
only you and I, 
but AROUND you there is everything, 
Only it's hard to pluck constellations from your mind 
when my fingers flutter so far from you 
You hold my smiles carefully 
Cherish them for what they're worth 
Upon debating with myself 
I think they may be worth more than my weight in gold, 
Or that box of money you keep 
Tucked away on your shelf) 
Nine, "the last":
The streets darkened
and mist fell through strands of my hair
as my nose blew out smoke 
And with it 
I try to expel 
thought about the 
that we have left together 
I close my eyes, face to the heavens, throat exposed 
Like some sort of biblical symbol
Offering itself up to the will of the lord 
Because it knows it cannot change the circumstances 
Even if it wanted to 
I kiss your lips, you breath new life into me 
And for a moment 
I forget that all we have are mere minutes left 
For a second there is no “last” 
But there are only so many seconds wrapped up into one single moment 
The sun came out for our last real day 
Like it was sharing a secret with only us 
And the moons cycle left us on full 
Like it embraced our reckless attitudes just as much as we did 
It was as if the heavens cheered for us 
The mist on your windshield was heavy as lead 
Like the skies knew we were through 
You didn't walk me in 
But you kissed me like I was it 
You looked at me the way wildflowers look towards the sun 
(The sun may have come out of hiding for us just that once, 
Peeking through the atmospheres fingers like a game of hide and seek, 
but the good thing about rain clouds is that they never last forever 
And the good thing about places is that they are always there 
I just hope that 
The sun can warm us through the nights 
And our skin refuses to forget)
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Someday Darling (Part Thirty-Two)
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty-One | Twenty-Two | Twenty-Three | Twenty-Four | Twenty-Five |  Twenty-Six | Twenty-Seven | Twenty-Eight | Twenty-Nine | Thirty | Thirty-One
Summary: Leaving LA to go to New York to spend time with your brother might just be the worst/best decision of your life.
Words: 1937
Student!Sebastian x Reader; Actor!Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: SWEARING; FLUFF; baby stuff!!
A/N: There are only 5 parts left!!
Tags: @221bshrlocked@marvelouslyme96@shellymaesworld@titty-teetee@pawallday@chameerah@buckylicious@nerdywitch@teresaolivia20 @guera31 @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn@lancetucker@ssweet-empowerment@ijustreallylovezebras@amandarosemire@zainab2 @jhangelface0523@care-bear-girl@parkerrpeterr@bxxbxy@winter–cearig@beccavesper@mrs-meghan-winchester@amren-tiny-ancient-one  @bxxbxy
Tumblr media
The amount of pain that I am feeling makes me pass in and out of consciousness. I'm awake for Seb calling the ambulance, I'm out cold when they pick me up on the stretcher but wide awake again in the ambulance. We arrive at the hospital, I’m covered in sweat and screaming loudly. Sebastian's following close behind, trying to hold my hand. They sign me into the maternity ward and wait for a doctor to come and find me. Twenty-three minutes after I'm in the room, the doctor comes to check on me. It's a tall, blonde hair woman, probably in her 40's. She looks at me with a smile and speaks but all I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. I smile and nod, trying to be polite as my child threatens to explode in me. She comes closer, spreads my legs wide and slides a gloved hand up inside of me. She smiles and nods, noting that I am only 2 centimeters dilated, that I still have a bit to go.
I smile, relieved, the pain subsiding slightly. I sigh and throw my head against the pillow. Sebastian is by my side, fear, and excitement in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
I shrug "I'm good as any woman who's popping another human out of her can be. How are you?" I kiss his hand, rubbing my stomach.
He squishes his nose, swatting the air. "Babe, don't worry about me."
I squint at him, shaking my head. "Baby, I am about to have your child and the pain has gone for a minute. I know I scared you with all the screaming and stuff, please, let's talk about how you feel."
He nods slowly, kissing my forehead. "Okay." He clears his throat. "Well, you scared me shitless when your water broke and you started fainting. Then, when the screaming began, I thought you were dying and I was going to lose you and the baby." A tear fell down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb. "I can-. I won't, live without you or the baby. I love you both so much and we've," he gestured between us, "we've been through so much in the past ten months that I couldn't imagine you not in my life."
I puckered my bottom lip and love filled my heart. I love this man so much that it makes my heart hurt. But then comes the real pain, a sudden kick in my uterus sends me off the rails again, screaming at the top of my lungs. Sebastian holds my hand and I squeeze hard, turning his knuckles white. He bites his lip, squishing his face in pain. I scream for a few more seconds than the pain is gone. I read online that when you're in labor, you have contractions, and that they are like period pains just 34 times worse.
The doctor came back in shortly after my contraction, shoving her gloved hand up me again. She smiled widely, "Almost time mommy. You're roughly 9 centimeters now. Another one and you'll be able to push, just try not to push now."
I rolled my eyes, "Easier said than done! All I want is this child out of me and the fucking pain to stop!"
She smiled, "We can administer an epidural if you would like?" I nodded quickly. "Alright, hold tight." She exited the room.
Sebastian entered the room, holding a cup of coffee and a bottle of orange juice. He tossed the juice to me and sipped his coffee. A knock on the door startled me and the voice that followed it shocked me further. I looked up and found my parents, standing the doorway, grins on their faces. "Mom? Dad?"
Mom smiled wide and sprinted to my side, dad walked to Sebastian, embracing him tightly. "Baby girl, Sebastian called us after you went into labor and we grabbed the first flight in! How exciting this all is! Sebastian, how are you holding up?"
He nodded quickly, a smile filling his face. "I'm really excited and nervous, scared a little even but mostly, I just want (y/n) out of pain and to hold my baby."
My dad smiled, "You sound like me when Penn was born. (y/n)'s poor mother was just about sick with pain and all I wanted was to make her comfortable."
Sebastian nodded, "Yeah, I'm happy that she's letting me touch her now. Earlier, she wouldn't hardly let me in the room. Said I was breathing too loud." He chuckled and I punched him lightly.
"Thanks for coming guys, I meant to call after my water broke, all over Sebastian I might add, but the pain was just too much and they rushed me here by ambulance."
My mother hugged me, "Darling, I'm so sorry for the pa-. Wait, your water broke on Sebastian?"
He nodded, "Yeah, uh, she sits on my lap a certain way to relieve the pain and this time just so happened to be the time that the baby decided to come."
My father laughed out loud and clapped him on the back.
Another doctor walked into the room and greeted everyone. He was about 6'5 and African-American. He explained the procedure and asked me to lean up, Sebastian held my shoulders so I wouldn't flinch. He inserted the needle in my spin and I felt the pain in my pelvic area disappear. I literally breathed a sigh of relief and he chuckled. "Everyone does that exact same noise, normally more the father than the mom." He smiled to himself and left the room.
We sat around the room, catching up on the last few months. How my father's recovery has been going and my mother's new job, she just recently started back into secretary work for a high-end doctor's clinic back home. My father has been doing a lot better than the last time we saw him, lying almost the same position as myself, recovering from a heart attack. We laughed about old times and what we think the baby is. Penn walked into the room and smiled when he found my parents sitting. He kissed my head, hugged my parents and gave Seb a high five. "When did you guys land?"
My dad was watching some old crappy movie on the small TV in the corner, he broke concentration for a moment to answer my brother's question. "Roughly two hours ago. Took us forever to flag down a taxi, which I never truly believed was bright yellow like in the movies until now. Traffic here is horrendous, how do you all go places?"
Penn shrugged, "Guess you just get used to the busy lifestyle that is New York."
My doctor entered the room and asked for everyone but Sebastian to exit the room for a moment. She checked me again, nodding. "Okay, mommy, time to start pushing. Because you have the epidural, you're most likely not going to feel any pain just some pressure. Who do you want in the room with you?"
"I want my mother and Sebastian, please." The doctor nodded. "Seb, can you go get my mother please?" He kissed my cheek and fetched her.
"Come on (y/n), just two more pushes!" The doctor is shouting from my legs, encouraging me to keep going. I toss my head against the pillow. "I know you're tired sweetie but you're almost there. Listen, I can see the crown, one ... more ... push. Aw, the baby's out. Congratulations, mommy, and daddy. It's a boy." I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt, Sebastian covers his mouth with his hand, tears streaming down his face. My mother is holding my hand, excitement was written all over her face. "Oh, just a moment, I see another crown. Oh, (y/n), sweetheart, you're pregnant with twins!" I give one tiny push and a baby's yelp fills the room. "Sweetie, you're a proud mother of a baby boy and a baby girl."
Sebastian exits the room, locating my family. "Guys, she had the baby, times two. She had twins."
The nurse hands me my son, wrapped in a blue blanket and hands our daughter to Sebastian, who has fallen so in love with her already. "Doc, how come we never caught that there was two in there?" He keeps eyes on the tiny human in his arms.
The doctor shrugs, "Honestly, normally we can tell when there are two babies but for some reason, we just didn't catch it this time."
I nodded, "Would've been nice to know. Now we need an extra .. everything. Crib, diaper bag, clothes! Oh, good lord."
Seb switched babies with me, holding his son close to his heart. "Sweetheart, we will figure everything out. Let's just enjoy the moment." He stops for a moment. "Baby? We need names. Oh shit."
I chuckled, "Right. Well, since we never settled on one, how about you name her and I'll name him?" He nodded. "Okay, you first."
He grits his teeth, deep in thought. "How about we call you ... Arabella Rose."
I smiled wide, "Baby, I love it. And now for you little man, how about ... Parker Griffin."
Seb nods, tears flooding his eyes. "Baby, we have two babies. Little Arabella and Parker."
My family enters the room, followed closely by Chris. He walks to me, embraces me gently, looking at the babies, so much love in his eyes. "Hey, little darling. Name?"
Sebastian nods, "We just came up with some actually. She is Arabella Rose and he is Parker Griffin."
Chris gestures to hold Parker and Seb hand him over, crawling on the bed beside me. My mother gestures for the three of us to get a picture but Chris shakes his head and hands Parker back to Seb. "Nope, sorry. This is a mommy, daddy, baby thing." She nods and snaps a picture of the four of us, looking like a happy family.
The nurses came and took the kids to the baby ward to try and let me sleep. Seb was still laying beside me, arm draped across my shoulders, laughing lazily at Chris's dumb Ginny stories. Turns out, that he still hasn't dumped her but told her not to be so bitchy to me. She got offended and said that he still loved me and so on. He didn't deny it but said that we were good friends with history. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Next, he told her to calm her hormones around Sebastian, that he is taken and has a child now. She got all bitchy again and said she can't be controlled. He threatened to leave her and she stopped. Now, I guess she's sweet as pie. I fell asleep against Seb, listening to the laughter of my two favorite people in the world, actually getting along now.
I slept for a few hours and was shaken awake by Seb, telling me that my parents wanted to know if they should stay in New York for a bit, I sleepily said yes, they are welcome to stay as long as they want. He nodded and chuckled as I drifted back to sleep. The nurse poked her head in the door, checking on me. She smiled and informed the boys to maybe leave the room so I could get a few more hours in before getting the kids back. Sebastian nodded and kissed my forehead. I heard the last bit of conversation before knocking out completely. Seb's voice was far away but clear as a whistle. "Chris, I'm gonna ask her to marry me."
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lovebunnie · 6 years
all of them :))) ✨🌟
oh dear lord mads
Crimson - What was an event that’s shaped you to be who you are today? - i would probably say when i took my speech classes, as it really grew my love of public speaking and speech writing :>
Light Pink - Do you have stuffed animals? - yeah! i have a plush elephant, a green dinosaur, a small lamb, and a plush tweek doll from south park. they all chill with me and i love them
Blush - Are you single? - indeed i am!
Amaranth - What’s your favourite emotion? - im fond of :3 and :p
Cherry Blossom - How are you feeling right now? - kind of nervous for camp but overall really excited! and sleepy but thats unrelated
Hollywood Cerise - What are your ambitions? - i want to become a speech teacher or an english teacher and teach people how to find their voice in public speaking
Razzmatazz - Favourite TV Show? - …hannibal…
Rose - Where do you feel most comfortable? - in my room, with a laptop on my bed and my cat next to me, just fuckin Chillin
French Rose - What is your favourite flavour? - lemon!!
Cameo Pink - Favourite movie? - dead poets society, all day every day
Buff Orange - Would you consider yourself athletic? - not at fucking all. i used to be but not anymore :[
Burnt Sienna - Favourite smell? - roses and peaches. hell fucking yeah.
Melon - Do you like to dance? - sure! when i get ready in the morning and at night i dance to random music in my pajamas 
Carrot - Do you bake? - i make shit from boxed things, but from scratch no
Copper - What is your favourite kind of day? - a rainy day but not a thunderstorm and its saturday and i just got out of work and i have lots of money from it :3
 Orangeade - When do you feel alive? - gonna keep it real with u, i cant really remember the last time i felt really alive. im just kinda here exisiting 
Gamboge - Where do you want to travel? - id love to go to europe or back to san francisco or new york city!!
Peach - Favourite texture/s? - lace…
Vermillion - How brave are you? - not brave at all! im such a coward!
Bittersweet Shimmer - What is your favourite memory? - when my best friend visited from maryland and we hung out all day. thats the first that comes to mind.
Flax - Do you like going to the beach? - i fucking hate the beach
Wheat - Who can you trust the most? - i have a lot of trust issues but i really honestly can trust my best friend irl, @sarkisianns, and @g0bbleb0ners. i luv dem.
Laser Lemon - What kind of phone do you have? - an iphone 6
Gold - Are you high maintenance? - i cant really say for sure but like, probably yeah im a mess
Mellow Yellow - How calm are you? - im never calm literally ever i have an anxiety disorder
Unmellow Yellow - How high energy are you? - i used to be super high energy but recently ive been tired all the time :[
Papaya Whip - How honest are you? - i try to be as honest as humanly possible. i see honesty as the best way to go always, no matter what.
Transparent Yellow - Would you consider yourself to be special? - id like to imagine i am but honestly probably not
Canary - Favourite song? - atm its souk eye by gorillaz, but in the past its been ‘american pie’ and ‘viva la vida’
Reed Yellow - Do you play an instrument? - used to play drums, but not anymore! so no
Pear - Where do you feel rested? - in bed
Olive - What is your favourite food? - sushi is mmy fav its yummy
Fern - Favourite plant? - roses!!!!!!!
Moss - Are you quiet or loud? - depends on who you are. if i know u, i never shut up. if we dont know each other, im really silent. 
Tea green - How do you relax? - i try to sleep or i watch drew gooden on youtube
Celadon - Dream job? - in a perfect world? speech writer or professional public speaker 
Harlequin - Can you act? - im not really a theatre kid, but i am taking theatre next year so like who knows maybe ill find my calling
Malachite - Do you speak more than one language? - god i WISH but no
Mantis - Favourite animal? - kitties or sloths :3
Seafoam Green - Do you like water? - i fucking love it so much if i didnt have it, id LITERALLY die
Sky Blue - Would you ever want to fly? - sure! then id never have to drive which is ideal
Periwinkle - Would you want to breathe underwater? - yeah why not
Powder Blue - Or control the weather? - prob not i wouldnt know what is best for all the plants so i might kill them. but maybe to move all the hurricanes so no one dies……… yeah lets do that
Liberty - Become the president/prime minister? - id rather be shot in the chest
Space Cadet - Become an astronaut? - even tho i was known as ‘space kid’, space is terrifying so no thank u
Celeste (lol it me) - Have perfect pitch? - nah i like singing badly
Eton Blue - Become invisible? - YES PLEASE!!!!
Indigo - Become immortal? - no thanks, i dont want to see my mom die ever
Iris - Grow plants at will? - ROSES EVERYWHERE!!!!! THATS THE DREAM!!!!!!
Whispering Blue - Or teleport? - HELL YES!!!
Lilac - Would you want kids? - no way no how
Lavender - What is your favourite time of day? - early morning with the soft sunrise!!
Mulberry - Could you betray someone? - this is ominous as fuck but probably…. not… i mean, id like to think i couldnt
Eminence - Favourite sounds? - music and my kitty purring and making my friends laugh :3
Palatinate - Do you think you’ll make it to 100 years old? - probably not lbr
Prune - Do you ever think about dying? - everytime i enter a car or a movie theatre or walk alone i think about dying
Fandango - Do you spontaneously start singing sometimes? - YES. ITS MAGICAL
Thistle - If you could become wise, rich, or intelligent, which would you rather? - rich so i could give money to people who need it since rich people refuse to fucking do it
Mauve - What would you name your kids/pets? - id name a cat neil and a ferret either milo or bilbo
Royal Purple - What’s your favourite emotion? - …happiness…?
Cream - If you had 1 day left to live, what would you do? - probably sit in my bed and sob uncontrollably
 Silver - Are you a good person? - i dont think so, no
Ecru - How do you feel about the world today? - i think its in a very scary place rn and sometimes its hard to see good but if u look or it, it will always be there
Auburn - Favourite colour? - pink or red :p
White - Do you own lots of makeup? - i wish i owned more but im terrible at makeup so not really no 
Black - What is the greatest success of your life so far? - probably getting my blackbelt
Bronze - Would you follow my blog? - u silly goose….. i already AM!!! :DPink Nectar - What’s your aesthetic? - roses and peaches and softness and angels and sunshine and heart shaped objects and kitties and everything girly and delicate 
Sepia - Do you like photography? - sure! but im bad at it but i like looking at it
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