shea-like-the-butter · 9 months
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Thursday, January 11th 2024
She’s so sweet, but she’s so sour ✨✨✨
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 1 month
Deep | Chapter 8
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Deep | M.YG ✧ Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader ✧ warning(s): explicit language ✧ genre: angst,fluff,smut,fake dating au,contract ✧ synopsis; you're in love with your childhood friend but he does not see you more than just a friend. One day you ask him to be more than just friends, he agrees. ✧ word count: 6.3k ✧ Theme song: Fri(end)s by V a/n: comment to be in permanent taglist!
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you wake up to the sound of the raindrops striking the window. attempting to sit up you felt yourself being pressed down, lowering your gaze you find his arm wrapped around your waist as he held you against his naked chest, your legs entwined with his. struggling to turn without waking him you finally manage as his grip weakens with your movements.
you were lost in a daze as you stared at his sleeping figure, the creases on his forehead were relaxed, his head sunken into the pillow, he looked younger. lifting your hand you brush back his bangs, you're index finger traced the lines of his face in a caressing motion. "you can't let me sleep can you" he groans, startling you.
he blinked his eyes open, still tired. releasing you from his hold he lays back "how do you feel" he asked with closed eyes. "oh..I feel fine" you mumble, staring at him.
"you sure?"
"yeah, just sore" you could feel your face heat up, as he turned to look at you with his droopy eyes.
a mischievous smile appeared on his lips as he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him as he pins you under him. "so another round is out of the question huh" he presses his lips to your eyelids as he spoke. showering you with light kisses on your face and ears before moving to your neck, you felt butterflies in your stomach as he kissed your lips causing you to blush to the tip of your ears.
"shame" he chuckles at your reaction before propping himself up
"the rain gives us enough time to eat and get ready before we leave, do you care if we leave today?"
"not at all" you sit up, eyes never leaving him.
"sure you feel alright?" his words hinted his concern for you, turning to look at you with a raised brow at your silence. you quickly smile at him "i'm fine, really"
"alright, i'm gonna shower first if you don't mind" you nod, he walks towards the door but stops in his tracks turning to you once more.
you felt your heart racing, it banged against your chest. tilting his head as he licked his bottom lip "unless you wanna shower together"
"can you not tease me" you whine, throwing a pillow from the bed which he catches it flawlessly as he laughed.
He filled the trunk with the packed bags, you run down the stairs. crossing the parking lot to his car you look up at the clouds which still gave the impression that there would be more rain "are you sure you want to go? it looks like it's gonna rain again"
"It says it won't rain anymore, on the app"
"they're never right sometimes" shutting the trunk he leans against it, staring at you with a questioning look "w-what?" you stutter, you noticed that ever since yesterday when ever he looks at you or you accidentally touch, the butterflies in your stomach erupt and you cant help but feel all giddily...way more than usual.
"do you not want to go?" he asks
"that's not what I meant, just that driving in the rain.."
"if we don't head out today we might as well just not go at all"
surprised by his words you were taken back, thinking you might've annoyed him. "oh" was all you managed to say.
"what I mean is...if it was my choice I would choose staying here, just the two of us. but then if that happened" he walked to the drivers side, opening the door "then we'd never leave the bedroom" he smirks, entering the car.
The drive consisted of calling my parents to apologize for never showing up, eating snacks and hearing music as I laid back with the seat heater on. I didn't bother talking to him, the main reason because he didn't talk much either.
when he pulls up to the parking lot you stare out the window in excitement "how did we not know about this place" you open the door to the passenger side, getting out quickly to have a better look around. There were a variety of tents set in rows with a good amount of space between them as if to give the guest privacy, the tents were good sizes as well.
everything looked luxurious.
"I knew of the place, just didn't think you'd like it"
"you've been here before?" you ask, following him to the back as he began to take your bags out. there was reluctance in his voice as he spoke "it was just once, a long time ago" you nod, not wanting to pry incase he just didn't want to tell you.
"they are all different" looking around the tents were organized from their shape and size "yeah the ones of the far right are domes, the middle are pods and the rest are bell tents. they can accommodate up to five people" you look at him a little taken back. you wanted to just spend time with him during this time but then again you needed to get the project done, still this didn't stop you from getting disappointed.
"I thought we'd have our own place" you mumbled, which he didn't catch on as he turned to look at you "what?"
"nothing, I just thought it was really nice" you smile. his lips parted as he stopped to talk to you but you're name was called out before something rather..someone slammed into you from behind catching you off guard you stumbled forward, the arms wrapped around you tried to pull you back but ended up stumbling as well.
"can't you behave your age" yoongi yells. gripping jihye's arm as he pulls her from falling on top of you, jihye's pulls you up with her. "I didn't think you guys were coming" she laughs letting go of you, she steps back. "I'm regretting we did" yoongi scowls, turning to look at you he takes the bag from your hand.
"how did you accommodate everyone" he wasted no time to start asking. she rolls her eyes at his attitude.
"everyone is already settled" she begins to walk towards the section reserved for us. "everyone arrived but only jungkook didn't come"
"that brat never joins these things anyways" the two of you followed her as she walked through the rows "I thought it'd be better if you two got your own tent" she winks at you as she points down the row "the tent all the way to the end is yours"
"great" you both turn to look at yoongi who had a unpleased look on his face "did you not want to shar-"
"we're gonna go rest, plus it looks like it's gonna rain again" grabbing your hand he begins to walk away "i'll tell the rest you're here" jihye says loud enough for the two of you to hear.
"don't bother" he says back.
Once the both of you entered the sleeping area of the tent, yoongi put down the bags and excused himself saying he needed to go and find namjoon. after a while jihye who probably saw yoongi out and about came to find you and began to pry into your business. "did the two of you fight?" "No, it's nothing" you smile to reassure her but you were just saying that for yourself.
you were still mentally kicking yourself for what you had said the night before, even though this morning he was acting as if it never happened you felt as if something was wrong but couldn't bring yourself to ask him.
"did you really bring your computer?" jihye laughs as she grabs it from your opened bag. rummaging through the bag playfully her brow raises in question "no books?"
"oh shut up" you snap at her, taking the computer from her hand, she laughs raising her hands as she steps away "makes sense now that yoon-"
"shut up jihye" you screech, face feeling hot.
"ok ok" she laughs
The two of you talked for a long time, in all honestly you were waiting for yoongi to come back but it got late when you received a message.
I won't be coming back till later so if you're waiting for me just sleep (9:34pm)
staring at your phone you bit on your lower lip, fingers hovering over the keyboard as you kept thinking what to respond. "is it him?"
"yeah he said he would be back later..." she watched as you stared at the phone and sighed "you literally have him and you're still not happy" you could hear the sound of annoyance in her voice "it's not like that, he's probably with the guy-"
"don't say that" her nose scrunched, taken back for a moment you stared at her until the words you just said repeated in your head and you couldn't help but laugh "oh you're right"
'with the guys' that was something you'd tell her when he was out with those girls or with her . taking out her phone she begins to message someone, curious you hover over her shoulder to see her messaging taehyung.
"let me find out where he is, then we just go join them. cause you aren't tired, are you?" you nibble on your inner cheek a bit, debating if this is what you really wanted to do. clearly something was bothering him and maybe it was what you said and space is what he needs.
but is it selfish that you don't want him to have that space.
"no, i'm not tired at all" you smile. after she finds out which tent everyone was in and confirms that it really just is yoongi and their close friends with others jihye places your bags on the bed rummages through it "please tell you brought something cute to wear"
"no" you mumble, already annoyed with what she would say to you. "bitch I've told you millions of time to alwa-"
"I know ok! I just forgot"
shoving back everything into your bag, ruining the organized bags you so effortlessly took time in packing.
"follow me"
after following her to the tent she was staying in, you both wasted a good amount of time in arguing about what you would or would not wear. in the end it was decided that the outfit you had on would just have to do. she didn't agree but it was late and you whined about not wanting to look desperate. you felt that just showing up when he clearly doesn't want you....dressing up would just be too much.
yoongi was right when he said that it would rain again, even if it had only begin to drizzle as you both made your way to the tent where everyone was. you weren't wearing nearly enough to cover yourself. The shorts you had changed into before this plan left your legs to get wet and you were regretting not grabbing yoongi's sweater.
running into the tent, jihye starts laughing as you almost slipped at the entrance. the second tent beyond the entrance wasn't closed so everyone inside turned their heads to the new voices.
"well well, yoongi said you were asleep. i'm glad you were able to join us" taehyung happily says. you give him a smile as you turn to look at yoongi who was sitting on the single sofa that based on the amounts that were in the tent they brought all the couches from their tents. jihye quickly slipped into the only available seat leaving you awkwardly standing.
you glanced at everyone who was there, there were some girls you didn't recognize. thankfully none near yoongi, inhaling you walk over to him as he bored his eyes into you. " I thought I told you i'd come back" he drinks from his glass, before placing it down on the foldable table. "I was bored" he didn't show annoyance or in fact any reaction to your words.
like always it was you always worked up, not wanting to be the only one standing. you naturally sit on his lap. you thought he'd say something but instead he wrapped his arm around your waist and held you. taehyung offered you a drink in the same glass yoongi had placed down and you accepted it.
yoongi watched you in silence as you interacted with everyone, occasionally tell you to slow down on the drinks which you'd tell him it would be your last one but you ended up drinking another.
"you knew what you were doing" your head tilted upwards, eyes lost in his as he leans forward dropping a wet kiss on your slightly opened lips. "you seemed annoyed" you muttered, not being able to concentrate as his hands roamed on your ass giving it a squeeze. "and?" he lets out a soft sigh feeling your lips on his neck as you leave sloppy kisses for him.
"are you mad at me" you mumble
"did you do something to anger me" his hands lifted you as he gripped your thighs, immediately making you wrap your legs around his waist as he walks into the second section of the tent. you wanted to bring it up, what you had said but something was stopping you.
maybe it was the way he looked at you, or the way he was kissing you right now that you didn't want to do anything to make him stop. He rubbed his forehead and inhaled a shaky breath, lowering his head he pecks your lips softly "let's sleep tonight"
once you woke up, he was not beside you. jihye who you found getting breakfast ready told you he went on a hike with his "brothers" you laughed as she did a face clearly not happy with the phrase she was trying to make. "does girls..." your eyes wonder as you look for what to do which could cover your pathetic questions "girls?"
"the girls in the tent last night" you say, grabbing the vegetables and cutting board that had been put aside "oh, friends of the brothers" she says with her nose scrunched. shaking your head you laugh "please stop saying it like that"
"I can't help it, but anyways...they're all guest of well everyone else. plus there are more people here that you may recognize. this is something like a getaway for students"
"oh? I thought this was your first time here based on how you talked about it. had you been here before?" putting down the knife you toss the veggies in their own separate bowls "ah did I come off like that? yeah... I had been here once before"
"the summer before freshman year, I was invited" she shrugs as if to say it was nothing. nodding you glance at her slightly with a teasing smile "invited hmm"
"shut up my girl friends invited me, i'm not  close with them anymore since we don't have any classes together but thats why I came" her ears began to blush a tint of red and you were enjoying how she clearly had done more than hang out with some girl friends. before you could keep teasing you your peace was disturbed by the one being you wish could've been anywhere else but here.
eunju suddenly comes into view as she leaves a tent with two of her friends. you look over at jihye who unlike you didn't see her as she was focused on cooking. "I didn't know she'd be here" you slowly whisper standing next to her you hand her the veggies "who" she doesn't bother looking up trusting you'd just tell her. "eunju" her hands freeze and she whispers "where" you continue to hand her things and before you could answer the women decided to speak "jihye! y/n!" she calls your names waving shamelessly as if we were some childhood friends. you both look up at her and smile in unison as you greet her for the both of you.
it was weird.
there was no staring from her part or anything rather she was doing her own share of food from their provisions they had brought. apparently everyone shares spaces here to avoid paying extra. there was no talking about yoongi nor did she ask of our relationship. it was dumb of me to think that she might've just grown up. but that was always something about me I would see good in people that in fact they had no good in them.
the guys had not returned by the time the food was ready and jihye of course would not shut up about wanting to eat. eunju in the other hand had no problem inviting herself to your groups "do you mind if we all eat together" she smiles her very not friendly smile.
you were not comfortable with having her in your tent and jihye wasn't slow in realizing this, "sure" she responds and begins to walk to hers. the tents were divided into two, the first flaps will reveal a sort of portable kitchen but you could pay to use the more modern and thats where the two of you were. jihye didn't want her tent smelling like food.
the flaps were hung up and the foldable table was opened and set. there was a small talk here and there but not much exchange. you managed not to fill your plate because you knew that this would lead to indigestion.
the meal ended rather quickly and it was decided that those who didn't cook would clean the dishes even if the other three did not travel with you two they insisted. you also insisted and ended up following her two friends. you appreciated that eunju had not mention anything to make this trip become ruined
but even without her speaking I learned things,
things I wished I hadn't heard, maybe instead of going out to look for him this morning I should've stayed in and committed my self to my project. but it was inevitable, I was bound to hear it.
the reason yoongi didn't bother bringing me here was because it was eunju's and his love nest, chills crawled up your spine as you stood behind the building in which the three of you had just came out of after washing everything.
"eunju thought this was serious, but he brought her here. it's bound to end rather quickly"
"how is she so sure? you know how much he treasures her" the girl with the longer hair shrugs "eunju and yoongi never became a official couple but no matter who they fucked here they always left together and slept in the same tent" you glanced about trying to find a way to get away unnoticed but your cover was blown as a hand crept around your waist pulling you to their chest "what are you doing hiding?" yoongi questions you rather loudly. startled you drop the basket of bowls and supplies you had washed causing a ruckus that caught the attention of the two girls who were gossiping.
you stare at the girls almost guilty but the guilt washed away as the one with the longer hair had a smug look on her face and without a care of the world mutters to her friend knowing you'd hear "told you"
they wanted you to hear and it irked you. your face flushed in embarrassment and anger "whats wrong?" yoongi asked confused as he looked at you and the two girls.
"oh hey yoongi" the girl with the longer hair spoke first. he didn't bother acknowledging them as he turns you around to face him, caressing your cheek he bends down to pick up what you had dropped which was soiled by the wet dirt of the previous night rain. "are you alright" he whispers, you grab the items and smile at him "we-"
the two girls didn't care about his attitude nor how he treated them but they for sure found the whole scene amusing as one of them stepped towards the two of you, interrupting you "eunju and us joined them for breakfast"
"them?" he says, but his eyes never leaves you
"jihye and y/n of course. you all decided to leave so we were left alone. but don't worry we all made plenty of foo- actually eunju made your favorite dis-" losing his patience he turns to the girls "why are you still here? as you can see i'm talking to my girlfriend are you ignorant" your head was ringing....from embarrassment of being caught eavesdropping? or because you fell right into their trick and now....his favorite dish?
"well i'm starving so lets just get going huh" your eyes dart to the voice behind yoongi. taehyung looked at you and smiled. you didn't know this but the path back from the hike was right behind this building which means they watched you as you were eavesdropping.
"I have to wash this again" you try to pull away from him but he wouldn't budge. instead he takes the basket from you "i'll do it, why don't you go bac-" yanking the basket back without thinking you push past him and bee line your way to jihye's tent. but she wasn't there you were in the tent with soiled dishes and teary eyes all on your own.
This time it wasn't yoongi who came to the tent late rather you. sitting on the foldable chair right at the entrance he looks up at you with his gorgeous brown eyes as he stands slowly " are you better now" he stood in place taking your appearance in, your puffy red eyes assured him you had been crying but he didn't budge from where he stood as he watched your hands fist his sweater you had stolen this morning. he could hear your subtle deep breaths as your lips shut close and parted. he could see how you struggled to think of what to say, without you knowing he knew, he knew how tangled your mind became when it came to him.
yet he did not bother to soothe your tangled mind, "what did they say to have you crying and in this state" you shake your head "nothing I just.." you mentally cursed yourself as you choked with your own words. "i'm just in a bind"
I can't tell him that I want to leave, then she wins.
"what is it"
"I basically have to complete some projects i've been procrastinating on and had a moment that's all...it was just.... a lot"
"what? and why didn't you say anything we would've stayed and have you finish...you aren't even enjoying yourself!" he exclaims, annoyed.
"well theres nothing to do about it so just, let me deal with this on my own. don't trouble yourself with me" you walk past him and enter the second part of the tent, getting changed you ignore the fact that you could feel him staring at you the entire time. you get into the bed with your computer in hand and begin to look at the work you had put on hold. "fine" he spats, clearly angry.
you expected him to storm out and leave you alone but instead he pulled the bean bags that were provided and just sat there, headphones in and book in hand. it was like this all day until he suddenly got a message and stood up. you fought the urge to ask him who it was or what it was about. it could be her asking him to meet up, but he wouldn't...theres the rule.
without a word he left the tent and it was a good 10 minutes before he returned with a tray of food for the two of you "leave that there, and come eat. you've been working all day" glancing at him he stood by the foldable table boring his eyes at you with a raised brow as he sees your reluctance. "look I don't find it responsible that knowing you had to complete these assignments you still decided to come on this trip....it's happened and its over. so please stop giving me that look and come eat"
about the tangled mind that he felt he knew so well, it's not true. because as I stared at him I wasn't thinking about these stupid assignments. But about the food he had taken so much time to place nicely on the trays and I couldn't help but think...if he had done this for her too.
the rest of the days all I did was sit in our tent and work on the assignment, yoongi didn't leave my side at all other than to get us something to eat or to talk to his friends in the first half of the tent. but he did not let them bring any girls, you may have not said anything but he was sure that something happened and he would bet everything that eunju was the one at the center of it all. when he left to get breakfast you picked up your computer and started working, you made this the only way for him to not want to talk to you as he saw you so immersed in the assignment. what made you nervous was that after today you would be finished and there were still three days left to the trip. 
you hear footsteps approach the second flap and quickly avert your eyes to the screen "I finally get to see you" jihye jumps at you, embracing you right away. "jihye" you smile, hugging her back. "yoongi wouldn't even let me come see you. said you had to finish your work" rolling her eyes she lays on the bed pulling the computer off your lap as she shuts the screen "girl there are only three days left, one day of just relaxing won't kill you" 
"I know but after today I'm free" you mumble  the ending. "really!?" she exclaims and jumps up gripping your arm "good because I don't think it's fair that you haven't go-"
"has eunju spoken to yoongi" you swallow hard, lips in a thin line as you watch for jihye's reaction, who being cut off for yoongi irked her soul but she bit her tongue. 
"no, in fact when everything happened he had gone to the tent where everyone was and told the girls what they had said but neither of them said anything. jus that you were the ....the one listening in to their conversation" 
bitting your lip, you take back your computer and type away. sitting up jihye looked at you with nervous worried eyes "y/n what did you hear" you could sense her voice shake a bit and told yourself that it wasn't that serious for her to be this worried of you. eunju was the problem she was just so..annoyed you scoffed and jihye inhaled and looked scared. 
"just that yoongi came here often with eunju" jihye swallowed "oh"
"you knew?' taken back you stare in disbelief. "well you know rumors" she awkwardly laughs 
"jihye yo-" 
"i told you she had to work on her assignments and not to bother her" he sets down the tray of bowls on the table "she was just leaving" you respond bitterly slamming your computer shut and tossing it aside. you walk to the table and take a bowl and began to chow down the noodles. 
you ended up finishing the work and you had one thing in mind. you were going to talk to eunju and let her know that her dirty little schemes are pathetic and that she needs to move on. yoongi stepped out and you assumed it was to get something to eat or to go see his friends. sneaking by and hoping to not be seen by anyone you make it to eunju's tent but it was empty. 
you were feeling guilty for snapping at jihye over not telling you but...maybe she knew how you'd react and..sighing you decide apologizing to her would be a better thing to do at the moment. 
but just like eunju her tent was empty too. entering the second half you close the flap and jump into the bed. it wasn't long before you heard a couple of voices outside the tent which you sat up and tried to hear. it was clear that it was yoongi and jihye. annoyed at the thought that yoongi was lecturing her over going to talk to you. you walk to the barrier and grab the zipper but you froze as another voice appeared and it was eunju. 
snapping out of your state you look around in a frenzy to find where to hide. not having much time you grab yoongi's hoodie and crawl under the bed. hiding yourself as the sheets gracefully covered the bottom. 
"don't you think this is fucking childish" jihye yells 
"childish? i didn't do anything. what people say or do has nothing to do with me. everyone has free will" 
"cut the shit, what did they say" yoongi spats
"i really don't fucking know" eunju yells 
"what? are you afraid that they might've spilled the beans about the two of you?" you can hear the venom in her voice and it sinked into your heart making it beat rapidly. what is she talking about?
"that's none of your business  nor something you or anyone else should care to talk about" eunju bursted out laughing "Really? isn't that amusing. everyone talked about it and you didn't care - oh right. it's cause she wasn't around to hear" 
"that happened before i met y/n!" you can hear jihye's voice shake as she spoke. you try to control your breathing as your mind began to make scenarios  of what they were talking about and the worst things were coming to mind. "I could care less what she hears, what bothers me is the way she receives such information and how she takes it" yoongi says calmly 
"what the fuck are you talking about?" jihye yells "if she finds out...she-she won't want to be my friend" her voice cracked as she pushed her sentence out. 
at this point you had made a whole story in your head, and it was permanent. 
"yeah cause if she knew that you two fucked all summer" her tongue clicks in disappointment but full of mockery "how would she take that huh i wonder" 
and everything froze, everything and everyone was silent. including your heart. 
"she knows i've been with other people, if she finds out it wouldn't matter" yoongi responds "I really would appreciate it if you'd move on"
"move on" eunju says surprised "what makes you think I wa-"
"then why are you being such a pest" his words were like daggers and just as they were meant to hurt her for some reason they wounded me too. "you act all high and mighty but you're miserable and it's just suffocating having to deal with your shit" 
"so jihye goes crying to you that she might've heard of your little love season and i'm the one to get the black lash? may I remind you that that summer you were with me! you spent the entire summer with her, but you always came back to me! and you still attend to her just lik-"
"I was never with you. we were never a thing. there were no feelings from me at all. you just wanted the attention and I complied so why must I have to deal with your childish feelings when I never asked for them" she remained silent as if the words he said finally sinked in. 
you knew they weren't meant for you, but your selfish tangled mind let his words sink in too. and that was the last strike which made eunju cry "must you be so cruel" she didn't let him respond as she walked out the tent. jihye didn't wait to speak her mind "why, why di-" 
"if you didn't want me to speak my mind you should've dealt with this alone. if she would've found out I would've dealt with it. would she had been angry? yeah the guy she's dating and her best friend fu-"
"is it the same with her" your head snaps to the direction of their voice "or do you like her"
"why is that your business" he answers. 
"she's bee-"
"its not your business" he didn't care to stay and talk to jihye, in fact he left right away. jihye stood at the same spot for a long time and so did you not moving nor breathing well thats how it felt. finally realizing that yoongi might be looking for you, you had no choice but to crawl out of underneath the bed. 
"who's thee" she sounds startled but you didn't bother answering. you sat on the floor staring at the ground "y/n" she gasps as she opens the flap. "what are you- how much did you- fuck" she cries harder, covering her mouth. 
"you and yoongi"
"it was before i met you, and it was just a summer fling. nothing else!" she automatically runs to your side. "this whole time I must've sounded so...stupid to you" shaking her head she grips your hands "listen when we met again through you, we talked and i told him I didn't want you to know. I really liked you and I saw how much you liked him I didn't want you to think I-"
"that you had feelings for him"
"I don't I really don't"
"then why?"
"I don't remember-I just w-"
"were you drunk?"
"no no- fuck I do remember I just- it's in the past!" 
"right" you scoff, standing up. "i'm gonna go" ignoring her as she yelled and ran after you, you finally lost her as you ran through some rows and entered a lit tent. 
catching your breath you turn around to someone humming "what gots you running around in this place" taehyung was sitting with a group of guys you didn't recognize "taehyung" you say in a relief. 
"yes?" his charming voice and personality shines as he puts down a card. "problems in paradise?" taehyung says with a brow raised but you could sense how he was mocking you. and that made your heart clench. 
"can I borrow your phone" you say to him, glancing at you for a split second before he placed his whole hand down and the group of guys all groaned in defeat. "you seem to bring me luck to day, so yes" he hands you his phone and you scroll through his contacts. 
jihye paced in her tent "fuck fuck why was she here" wiping her tears in anger she walks out to the front determined to go and fight eunju but then if yoongi hadn't..no this is not just his fault. walking back into her tent she curses at herself "why did I not tell her, she knew how he was...but" clenching her forehead she clenched her jaw. 
a commotion outside caused her to walk out the tent again. it was yoongi and y/n talking by the entrance "are you serious right now" yoongi says calmly but you could sense the annoyance in his voice. 
"I just want to go home"
"and I said we'd leave together, why must you leave with someone else" he scoffs at her. "hyung, I was just arriving my plan was to come at the end" jungkook spoke as he held his bag in one hand and was standing beside y/n who was glaring at yoongi. 
"jungkook you don't have to explain yourself. I know" staring at y/n he crosses his arms "are you going to be this stubborn" 
"I don't want to go back with you.." you manage to respond. inhaling yoongi nods "fine, jungkook sorry to burden you like this"
"it's fine" he says nonchalant 
you quickly try to escape but he grips your arm turning you to face him "call me when you get there" jungkook looked at the two, and the crowd that had gathered thankfully many were friends. not wanting to be in between the two of you he begins to walk to his car. you glance at him your eyes pleading him to come back but he kept walking. "look at me" he says 
"ok" you exclaim 
licking his lips he leans in, close to your ear "I don't know what it was you heard but remember you're not allowed to be with anyone but me. break that rule and watch" clenching your jaw you look him in his eyes "you better remember that too then"  he doesnt miss the chance to give you a long passionate kiss and pull away leaving you to be the only one bursting a shade of red on your face.
"go now, before it gets dark. drive safety jungkook"
jungkook nods and looks at you before entering his car which you rush to before yoongi can take a grip on you once more and force you to stay. jungkook didn't ask anything nor did the too of you have a conversation other than you apologizing for forcing you to take him home just when he had arrived other than that you slept. 
you didn't text yoongi when you arrived. later on you found out that jungkook called him to inform him so he didn't bother bombarding your phone with messages and calls. you also found out by taehyung who didn't mind messaging you everything that was happening. jihye apparently got into a cat fight with one of eunju's friends not long after you had left and yoongi who was getting ready to also leave had to go and separate them. jihye left the same day too and yoongi was the one to drive her back. 
index | next
note: jihye's and yoongis summer fling will be posted on tumblr (release date TBA)
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
thinking of bold and cocky eddie who would be incredibly shy in front of his gf... him bragging to his friends about dominating her in bed (when he thinks she cant hear him) but the second they leave, he's struggling to put on that same facade and whimpering like a hot mess
This is delicious
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"so what's the sex like?" Steve asked, sipping on his beer
Eddie blushed at the question. Eyes looking over at Steve, Robin and Nancy.
"um...it's really good" he said nodding. The sex was amazing. Eddie had never felt his body get so high, and ruined. She was brutal and mean. He loved it.
"she's so sweet and nice. Is she like submissive?" Robin asked curious.
It was true, Y/N was always sweet and kind. She's super nice and friends with everyone. She doesn't even look like she could hurt a fly.
"oh yeah definitely" Eddie lied through his teeth, "like she's on her knees begging for me. Calls me daddy and all of that. Sometimes I don't even let her cum. Sometimes leave her there crying for me as I do random shit" more lies spilling out through his mouth
"nice. I love submissive girls in bed. The way they whine and cry. Gets me every time" Steve sighed out, a dreamy look on his face
"yeah me too. Sometimes I even control the small things she does. Like when she can join me in bed or not" Eddie agreed. Having no idea what that even looked like on a female.
Steve high fived him as they laughed.
He was the whiner and crier.
He was the one who had to beg.
Eddie closed the door as his friends left. Turning around to be face to face with Y/N, who stood smirking.
"hi baby" he squeaked out, jumping back a few steps
"hi handsome. How was the hangout?" Her eyes watching his body slightly.
"good" he said fast and high pitched
"talk about anything fun?" She edged on. Her hands working their way up his chest over his clothes.
"nope. Nothing. Mostly sat in silence" he said, throwing her hands off of him and racing to the bedroom.
She laughed to herself but still followed him with a smirk.
"what are you doing?" She asked, leaning against the door frame as she crossed her arms
"I think I'm going to go to bed. Tired? I am" he said with a nervous laugh
Quickly stepping out of his jeans and throwing off his shirt
He shuttered as her eyes burned through his skin
"lay on the bed Eddie" she demanded
"you have to lay down to sleep right?" She teased
Eddie blushed, "yeah duh" quickly throwing himself in bed, crawling under the covers
"can I join you?" She asked, walking towards the end of the bed, removing her shirt
"why are you asking me?" He questioned, eyes watching her slowly strip
"I thought I had to ask....daddy" smirking as Eddie's body froze. Her pants hitting the floor
"you ..uh...heard that?" He stuttered out, eyes huge as he felt anxiety filling him
"yeah. I heard I'm such a submissive girl who gets on her knees and begs for you" she mocked, crawling on the bed. Eddie's eyes watching her.
"I'm sorry" he rushed out, shaking slightly as her nails began to scratch down his naked chest
"oh are you? Lying to your friends? How embarrassing Eddie."
"please I'm sorry" Eddie panted, her body slipping underneath the covers, grinding on his lap
"do you not like being my good boy? Are you embarrassed by it?" She faked pouted, moving her hips in slow circles
"NO! I love it. I swear. I'll always be your good boy" he whined, hands moving to her hips, gripping tight as she moved her hips faster.
"well good boy, I wanna see you back up your words. Make me beg" she challenged, her body moving off of his, but he yanked her back on him. Arms hooking around her waist, locking her against his growing cock
"no please. I don't want to. I don't want to try. Just please touch me" he cried. Trying to move her hips with his own hands
"but daddy how can I be a good submissive girl if you don't dominate me" she mocked, enjoying the way he was breaking away piece by piece
"I'm sorry! I can't do it. Please fuck me. Just please take my cock out and touch me" small tears falling down his eyes as she rocked her hips harder against him
"you want me to take your cock out and play with it?" She teased, fingers dipping into his boxers
"yes please...fuck" he whined. Throwing his head back as she took out his cock, letting the cold air hit his sensitive skin
She moved her body further under the covers. Completely hidden underneath as she sucked lightly on his tip, humming at the precum
"fuck baby" he moaned, hands gripping the sheets as she licked up his length, small licks to his balls as she pumped his cock
He felt her tongue swirl on his head and work it's way down his cock. Her lips wrapping around him as she bobbed her head up and down. Taking him further down her throat
"I wanna see you" he cried, licking his lips as his tears landed
He peeled away the covers slightly, enough for her head to poke through. Thighs clenching instantly as he watched her suck his cock. Her nails were scratching at his stomach, definitely leaving marks
"oh that's so good.... Suck my cock baby" he moaned. One hand teasing his own nipples as he moved his hips up. Eyes rolling as she gagged.
She removed herself with a pop. Licking up the spit that collected on his tip
She smirked as she crawled out from under the covers
"wait where are you going?" He panicked, watching as she moved off of the bed
"watch some tv. You lay here with your cock out and don't even think about touching yourself. If I get bored I'll come back" she teased
"NO DON'T DO THIS. IM SORRY!" he cried, watching as she walked right out the bedroom door, only in her underwear
They both knew he'd listen too
He spent half the night screaming for her to come back and fuck him
But like a good boy, he never touched himself
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming
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thedoggiestdog · 6 months
thinking about hucow transformation~
(inspired by an ao3 fic) i’m running out of money to spend but when i look at my phone i see an ad, it reads “low on funds? come down to farmer ted’s barn! pays $10,000 in CASH DAILY!!!” now, i’m too dumb to think about the consequences or even how this could be fake, i mean the farm is only 30 minutes away!
once i get there they ask me to fill out some paperwork but of course i don’t read it, why would i! (little did i know it was a contract stating i consented to anything and everything that’ll happen! that way if my friend and family called law enforcement to find me, they would find out im just a greedy little slut who just signed away the rest of my life to be a fat milk filled cow!)
now that paperwork has been filled out they take me to a private room, looks kind of like a doctors office? ‘hmm….this is a bit strange for a farm’ i think but then a man in a white coat comes in! he gives me a pill to swallow, not telling me what it’s for and when i’m not looking administers a shot that knocks me somewhat unconscious. i can feel everything but im so sleepy i cant move, all my limbs feel so heavy! my mind tells me to panic but im so sleepy i cant…wait…fuck…why am i so wet??? my cunt is THROBBING and just BEGGING to be filled! w-what?? i feel something pushing agaisnt my skin right above my tailbone from the inside, is that- no it can’t be…(it infact was a pretty little fluffy cow tail emerging from her back) ouch! my head hurts so bad!! like there’s something splitting my skull!! they’re so pointy, almost like…HORNS??? and my tits are feeling so full all of a sudden, almost like i need to be milked? this is so weird, im not pregnant! why would i feel like this! what is happening to me!! more importantly, why do i feel so good
“w-w-whatsssss h-ha-happening to m-me?” i ask the man in the white coat. “shh don’t worry about it Daisy, soon you’ll be the prettiest, FATTEST, cow we got! god, i can’t wait to see how big you get when big ben fucks you full of his seed, forcing you to carry his calf’s. shh don’t worry that pretty little head of yours momma, everything will be alright pretty girl~”
i groan lowly from the pain and pleasure of everything that’s happening, feeling myself get wetter and needier by the second. i’m on all fours now, the man petting my head and whispering about everything that’s going to happen to me, saying that i’m gonna get so big and round. my body’s starting to sag with how full my UDDERS tits are using a gloved hand he starts to remove my clothing, two tiny milk stained patches form on my shirt and my pants and panties are soaked from how wet i am. i’m so out of it i don’t even register that im fully naked until i feel something in my swollen and enlarged clit
“shhhh it’s okay daisy, everything’s alright now darling, easy now. we’re gonna take gooooood care of you. you’re leaking already! good job pretty girl! most cows don’t produce until the end of the first week, you already got a little bit goin' there now! god, farmer ted’s gonna be so happy and pleased with you now!” he tells me he needs to do an inspection but i’m too gone to even register what’s happening, i let out a low moo groan when i feel his thick gloved hand on my clit
he begins his inspection by measuring how big my clit is, saying is .5 centimeters bigger than it was when we started and how that’s totally normal! hes so proud of me and his praise makes me so happy! embarrassed and humiliated!! why is my tail wagging why am i enjoying this? what’s happening to me?? without warning i suddenly feel him push two fingers into my sopping cunt, i let out another moo moan at the shear size of his fingers. he states that im now open and wet enough for the plug! “wh-what plug??”
he begins to work in the large dildo plug with a knotted base, stating that it’s an exact replica of big ben’s bullcock (same as for women, men can be turned into bulls here, kept only for the sole purpose of breeding hucows, big ben just happens to be the biggest and most fertile bull they have!) he makes it about half way when i let out a series of whines and moans, not even hiding my pleasure anymore. my udders tits are just so full of milk i’m now hunched over, tiny little beads of milk spurting from my nipples. (when aroused hucows tend to produce more milk!) my tiny frame can’t even hold me up anymore. the man notices this, saying that once im all big and round i wont ever have to deal with this problem again.
he continues working the fat silicone bullcock into my tight little hucow cunt, petting my hair and trying his hardest not to get wacked in the face by my rapidly swishing tail. he announces that now it’s the hard part- getting the knot in. “shhh it’s okay girl, we’re gonna get you through this knot and you’ll be a happy happy cow, isn’t that right girl! god you’re such a beaut! i can’t wait to show you off at the fair! you’re gonna make us so rich Dais!” i start moaning and mooing in a mix of pleasure and pain when he starts working the knot into me, he’s trying his hardest to calm me down by whispering and shushing me, but noticed how swollen my clit is. he knows he’s not usually supposed to do this but he can on *special* occasions. he realizes how scared i am of the knot and with his free gloved hand begins rubbing my clit while working in the knot, making me arch my back insanely deep, opening up and accepting the knot.
i’m instantly cumming, taking the knot like the good little cow i am. he’s praising me for doing such a good job, being such a good girl and saying how beautiful i am. i’m so fucked out and still out of it from the drugs he gave me that i don’t even notice when he slips a lubed up finger into my ass, prepping me for the silver metal size 1 buttplug.
“shhh it’s okay girl, we need you allll filled up and ready for when it’s big ben’s turn to have his way with you, sh sh sh sh, i know it hurts momma, but you’ll be okay girl, you can take it. you’re almost there baby girl” he’s about halfway through getting the metal plug with a pink rhinestone through my tiny tight hole when i let out the loudest most humiliating sound of my life.
“enghhh~ ahh! MOOOOOOOOO”
he chuckles when he notices how my body tenses at the sound that just came out of me. “ha, now ain’t that a pretty noise darlin! just wait until big ben uses you! i wanna hear more of that!” once the plug is fully in, my greedy hole swallowing it like it’s nothing, i feel so insanely turned on and full.
the man takes off his gloves and before he gets a new pair, using his bare hand slaps me asscheek. using both hands he starts playing with my globes, saying how pretty and milky they are. they’ve gotten bigger since i got here, that mystery drug making me bigger there as well as my hips and thighs, making me all soft and pliable, my hard muscle turning into nothing but soft pliable fat.
he brings around a tray with supplies, administers another shot which is supposed to numb me of any feeling including pain. he slips on his new gloves and sterilizes something gold on the tray but i can’t see what it is, too gone to feel or notice anything. i can’t see or feel it but he’s just pierced my septum and added a gold ring, saying how i look so beautiful like this. he massages my belly and he and i can both feel the giant bulge in the pit of my womb. the 18 inch bullcock so impossibly deep inside of me. he attaches a black leather collar with a gold cowbell on it, and wiggles it just to hear the jingle.
now, in his protocol, since he’s the farms head milker and cow trainer, he’s allowed to do pretty much whatever he wants that is in the name of improving the livestock. his bulge is painfully hard, so he wakes me up a little, not enough to be fully conscious but enough to have some function. he shoves his 9 inch dick into my warm, soft and wet mouth, making sure i take it to the base. i become more aware during this, panicking and groaning at the sudden force. “ahh- that’s it girl, nice and easy” he says, meanwhile i’m groaning around his member. thoughts of ‘this isn’t right, somethings wrong’ quickly being silenced and turned into ‘he feels so good, i’m so full, i love being full’. i’m so confused, this isn’t right so why does it feel so good? why am i enjoying this? is that my tail wagging?? did he just cum in my mouth? why does this feel so good? why do i want more…
he quickly puts his pants back on, his half hard dick haphazardly being shoved back into its confines. he dresses me in a cow print bikini, making sure to test my milk production before, i only was able to produce a few drops but that’s more than anyone is usually able to on the first day. “i guess you were just destined to be a cow dais!” why does he keep calling me daisy and why do i like it. why does it feel right
he hooks his arm in between my thighs and stomach to lift me off the table like he would a farm animal. he takes me to my stall/pen which is complete with a bed of hay, and two troughs. one with water, and one with something that’s reminiscent of what a cow would eat. i’m not an actual cow, what the fuck??
he sets me down gently on the hay, i’m too gone to respond to it. “great job girl, you did so good today. you’re really gonna make us all happy here. welcome to hucow farms Daisy.”
teehee hi guys this got longer than i intended it to, uhhhhhhh reblog and comment if you want more, i intend to make this into a little series :>
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
How does toxic Clarke react when she learns that Lexa has gone on several dates with another alpha?
Lexa tells to try and make Clarke feel jealous. Lies to her too.
"She knotted me since you seem unable to."
Clarke growls. She’s unwilling, not unable to. If she wanted to she could could knot Lexa so fucking hard there would be no chance Lexa would not be pregnant by the end of it. If she wants to be a whore and be knotted by other alphas, then let her.
"She tried to mark me too."
Clarke doesn't care. Why would she? She doesn't care for Lexa. This is sex and only that. Its her alpha thats answering with possessiveness she tells herself, its her alpha that trashes inside and makes her fight against the ropes on her wrists as she lifts her hips with fervor, trying to fuck Lexa as the omega rides her. Her knot is forming.
"Does knowing someone else knotted me makes you wanna buried yours inside of me? You hate that someone else claimed me." She’s smiling with venom, and Clarke needs to get rid of these ropes right now so she can flip them around and take control. She needs one of her hands around Lexa's throat and the other pinning her hands down so she can shut up and stop trying to get Clarke to do her bidding.
"I'd rather stay mateless for life than knot an omega like you."
"Uh, so mean." Lexa says in a fake hurt voice. She lowers herself on to Clarke's dick more. Her hands rest on Clarke's tits and she takes a hold of them, her nails digging into the tender flesh, "But then again, I could so easily force you to right now."
She could, Clarke knows. She can feel the tightness of Lexa's cunt just above her knot.
It's a surge of anger that makes her break the ropes. She pushes Lexa out from on top of her without caring where she falls. Once she feels her feet hit the floor Clarke turns around, seeing red. Lexa is staring at her from the bed, smiling dangerously. She thinks she got what she wanted. But she's wrong if she thinks Clarke is gonna knot her.
Instead, Clarke grabs her hair and turns her around, forcing the omegas head into the bedding as she raises her hips and enters Lexa without a fight from the omega. Lexa moans into the sheets, leaving a wet spot where her mouth is.
Clarke pulls at Lexa's hair, forcing her face off the bed, her head forcefully pulled back as Clarke fucks her, her knot hitting Lexa's entrance but never entering her.
"If you think this fucking game is gonna work youre wrong." Lexa laughs darkly between moans which angers Clarke more. Her other hand finds Lexa's throat, "Shut the fuck up!" She squeezes and Lexa lets out a chocked moan.
The sound, the feeling of Lexa's squeezing around her dick, the tenderness of Lexa's throath underneath her hand, the pressure against her knot. Clarke legs go of Lexa entirely as she cums with a throaty moan.
"She never knotted me." Lexa speaks, rough from the pressure that was applied on her throat. Clarke cant see her, but she can hear her smile, "but you got mad thinking she did."
"You bitch."
Lexa laughs again. Clarke stares at her. Naked and slightly bruised, tanned skin shining with sweat, chest moving up and down as she calms her, breathing down. She drives Clarke fully, fully mad. And Clarke would never in a thousand years knot her, much less mate her. But that doesnt mean she wants someone else doing it.
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bohemian-nights · 2 years
nettles was theorized being the only non valyrian to claim a dragon the same way the shepherds did for yrs, for some reason its now that ppl suddenly believe she's his daughter which was never a popular theory or even entertained until daem*ras started to go crazy on twitter
their fake outrage about nettles is also very funny considering rhaenyra was 15 (or younger in the books) when she started getting groomed and kissed by daemon in brothels and suddenly they think he cant have an emotional affair with a young girl when we all know daem*ra is a crumbling relationship at best it was never really interesting in the books cause there relationship is barely touched on
i think its on the showrunners for romanticizing it so much including behind the scenes but its also stupid to think daemon is a good spouse considering all he's done in s1
I think these fans know that Nettles isn’t his daughter, but the fact that they insist that Daemon only saw her in a father/daughter light does not make sense. Yes one source does claim that Daemon saw Nettles like a daughter, but that same source also says that Daemon and Nettles bathed naked together 🫠
They will wholeheartedly believe the first claim at face value. This is the main basis of their argument against the romantic relationship between Daemon and Nettles. Cause that is the only source that claims Daemon saw her as his daughter, but somehow the second claim(made by the same source) is a lie or it’s not what it appears to be🫠
I don’t want to go there, but did these fans bathe naked with their dad or their father figure at 17? No one is having father daughter bonding time naked with their dad(if you are let me call the cops for you cause that’s not right).
Yes Nettles grew up an orphan who lived on the streets, but there is no reason for Daemon to hop in the bath with her to show her how to bathe properly.
The man was prince and the castle they were staying at had plenty of female servants that could help Nettles out. Nettles was also not an infant. She could bathe herself. Use your brains people.
They do not care about the “grooming” they only care that Nettles will be the “final blow” to Daemyra(which is why they are so defensive). If they really cared they would dislike Daemon x Rhaenyra as much as they do Daemon X Nettles.
The ship is stale and that is what gets me. If you read the book(s) Daemyra is not this epic romance these stans are making it out to be. Their relationship on screen is dry to me. Daemon has 0 chemistry with adult Rhaenyra.
It’s like am I watching the same show? Show!Daemon is being portrayed as this man obsessed with proving himself(he’s like this in the books) and has a general love for chaos.
His approach to his wives so far and just everyone in general is not the most loving(an understatement I know). I’ve got a problem with this, cause I think Daemon does have the capacity to care for/love others w/o a motive, but I won’t get into that right now.
The director/show creator has come out and said that Daemon is lowkey obsessed/in love with his brother and sees Rhaenyra as an extension of him, but you guys somehow think Rhaenyra is the love of his life 🙃 Whatever drugs these people are on I want it cause I too would like to be that delusional.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Sabo has a pretty face haloed by soft pale golden hair, he could be anyone at all depending on the occasion
He’s the revolutionaries greatest asset when it comes to seduction missions, so great at playing whatever part needed he can work with any target regardless of orientation gender or identity
The only thing that may give him away is the broadness of his shoulders, the swell of his biceps, try as he might to be a sweet, demure creature of gossamer pearls and lace, it’s too obvious that he’s been trained for war
But he gets away with it, ensures their focus never leaves his face, as terribly scarred as it is its never taken away from his looks (unfortunately, because he hates these missions the most)
It’s okay. He comes back to the base and sometimes his lover waits for him in his quarters, always helps to have the anticipation of having someone to go home too, even though Ace has allegiances and a home away from him, Ace always finds time to come to him
And Sabo can decompress at last, make up gets wiped off his skin by large gentle hands, when he’s rid of it Ace kisses his clean face, his brow, nose, cheeks, corner of his mouth, nuzzles the edge of his jaw and asks if he may help Sabo undo his corset
Sabo agrees and settles on the bed and turns to give Ace access to the tyings crossing down his back, moans in relief when the damnabled corset finally falls away from the fake contours of his body, Ace’s palms are hot against his sides, fingers curling possessively around his hips
“Did they touch you?” Ace asks quietly, tone even and too low for Sabo to pick up on any real emotion.
“Yeah.” Sabo mumbles, cringing at the phantom feel of unwanted hands sliding up his stockinged thighs
“Theyre dead now.” Sabo adds when Ace stops breathing for a split second.
“Good. Otherwise I’d have to call in n tell Pops I’ll be taking a detour on the way back.” Ace says eventually and he breathes, loudly like an inward sigh of relief
“Touch me.” Sabo begs, he feels like shit honestly, maybe its the corset boning that rubbed against his ribs wrong, maybe its the way another man’s mouth felt on his navel, wrong, disgusting
“You need to tell Dragon to stop sendin you on these missions.” Ace murmurs, but obeys, slides his hands down Sabo’s thin hips and along his thighs, chasing away the slimy feeling he’d been left with for the past forty hours.
“Cant.” Sabo sighs, spreading his stockinged thighs, lolls his head back until Ace’s powerful shoulder supports his neck, watches detachedly but not without growing heat in his gaze as Ace unsnaps the garters holding up the pretty satin stockings.
“Why not?“ Ace’s anger, annoyance, fear finally breaks through his previously calm facade
“Its for the greater good.” Sabo lies, its not. There’s plenty other soldiers who could take his place. Armani for instances was just as pretty as he was, if not more so with their svelte physique and androgynous style
“What, your own you mean?“ Ace adjusts the way Sabo sits on his lap, struggling for a moment with his lovers taller stature before having him sitting sideways on his thighs, from there he resumes rolling down the stockings off Sabo’s legs
“…” sabo says nothing, except choke on a soft sob, “burn them off.” He whispers
Ace hesitates, and Sabo closes his eyes so he doesnt have to see the look in those silver irises, a whimper leaps from his mouth unbidden when he feels heat concentrate at his knees and then the smell of charred fabric as Ace does as he is asked of
“Thank you.” The revolutionary sighs, finally naked, stripped down to his final core, a center that not even Koala was privy to, only Ace could see him at his worst.
“It’s not my place to tell you what you can and can’t do,” Ace really doesn’t want to let this go, Sabo doesnt understand he can’t he’s come back to Ace with the marks of another person marring his body and the pirate had never said anhthing about that, he’s got nothing but the ghost memory of his last targets touches
“But I think this should be your last mission, of this kind.” Ace says carefully, but the anger in his voice remains, the disappointment Sabo knows lurks behind that pleasant smile still remains
“And have another person suffer?“ Sabo knows its the wrong thing to say, its the worst possible thing he couldve said in response and Ace freezes up, Sabo can feel the way his body temperature, how his innate fire drops in shock at his mindset
“This isn’t about anyone suffering. This is about me caring about what happens to you!” Ace snaps, and just like that his fire surges back and Sabo clings onto him desperately, wriggles around in his lap until he’s straddling Ace, facing him because he cant run and hide anymore
“Then mark me as yours.” Sabo hears himself say
“What!? No? Im not fucking branding you!” Ace catches his meaning instantly and Sabo arches his back in the way he knows people like, in the way Ace is weak for —
“Stop—“ Ace growls, “stop that right now.”
“Or what?“ sabo goads, feeling rebellious all of a sudden and Ace shoves him off, throws him down into the mattress
“Or this isn’t going to work.” Ace glares at him, dark hair curtaining the deep crease of his scowl as he towers over Sabo who flushes like some virginal maiden (imagine that)
“Who says it does?“ Sabo snaps his teeth over the hypothetical bullet between them
“Fuck.” Ace groans, runs a hand through his hair distractedly
“Stay?” Sabo knows they need to sort this out, talk it out, sometime soon but hes now in the safe comforts of his room, with a man who loves him despite everything, Ace will stay
And he does
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onmymasa22 · 4 days
Is it normal that when a professor asks u on a test u take at 3am what ur opinion is on an artist who made grotesque works, that u think he's ok, but u wouldn't want a huge sculpture of a naked pantsed man made out of faulty bullets in ur living room cuz it just doesn't go with ur color scheme...
Go travel and photograph the world. I dont want to make people envious of my life. I want people to feel like they are loved.
I came across a video of someone making candles. And a rush of memories went through me. I was in the mountains in California the summer after highschool working at a camp. I was running an activity for candle making. And i fell in love with it. The suitcase i brought home probably had 20 long havdalah candles in it. A lifetime supply, in colors like purple, red, yellow, blue. Today i remembered telling a friend all those years ago that honestly all i wanted in life was to live in tzfat, wear those elephant pants, and make candles all day.
Its the one place where its easy to listen to myself. Like everywhere in life, im self concouse. And the things im most self conscious aboit, others love the most. Amd i cant see the beauty in it. But when i paint, i love my own mistakes. I see beauty in the me, just being me. I see what i feel others must see. Because its just me and the painting. Its a very intimate relationship. And every painting serves a different relationship. I just have a love affair with art.
I dont always listen to myself. And most of the time i prefice what i say with "i think...", instead of "i know". But my relationship with art is special. I can listen to myself. I like the mistakes because they're mine, and they are the proof that i tried.
Some conversations are beneath you. When people want to talk about things that
I think i might have a love affair woth art. I love many things, but sometimes it feels like painting loves me back. It accepts me fully, however i show up. Its a conversation- me and the canvas. it listens to everything i say abd everything i dont say. In a world that makes me constantly second guess myself or ignore me entirely, art lets me go with my intuition. Thats the feel many feel wirh the blank camvas. That theyll be wrong. And soending more time painting, ive learned to trust myself. Ive become more confident. And its the one place i can let myself just be.
Drugs effect fhe brain. So what i would say is- i dont want my kids to do drugs till 25. Wait till thr brain finishes then decide
We all need that friend who makes us soup when we're sick. That when we call and say our nose is like a fountain, she says "I'm making soup, come over", and you sit in her tiny kitchen, with mismatched everything, and talk out all your stress. The friend who, when u say ur stopping by, she puts up the kettle for coffee and has almond milk in the fridge just for you, because she knows you don't do dairy. The friend who is always willing to lend you her clothes or perfume, she just wants to know how your night goes in return. That you come, lay on the carpet in her room, and give her all the juicy details. The friend who plays happy music in the morning, but also will play rock and dance it out with u on her roof at midnight. The friend who lets you hug her for as long as you need. The friend who ends every phone call and meetup with "I love you". May we know her, may we be her.
I might not know ur name. Because i know ur soul, and thats what is important to me. I know whether u like coffee with real milk or fake. I remember what mug u chose s
Know that the mug u choose, is the mug ill remember
Im the kind of person who doesnt remember names. But ill remember ur dreams. Ill remember what ur siblings are up to and ask about them the next time u mention family. Ill remember whether u have coffee with cows milk or almond milk. Or whether u drink coffee or tea. Ill remember which mug u chose so the next time u come ill take a different one and give u that
Rain books museums tea music poetry acedimia letters art sweaters
start singing zemiros, and shalom aleichem gets stuck in ur head?
I want something about esther
I want to do something witn the beacg. Where people can have headphones on and just speak. Like noone else is there with u. I want to be better with hitbonenut and hitbodedut. Just to be in any of these places and then to just go to the next. Places. Every place is just .
When u watch a clip of a movie and it looks like the sweetest romcom... so u look up what its rated and turns out its actually about cannibalism, and wikipedias explanation of the plot is too gory for u, cuz ur the kinda person who covers ur eyes in half of the disney tarzan movie... ALWAYS look up what movies are about, cuz they made a- silence of the lamb-esc movie look like- when harry met sally
cant get through disneys tarzan with the tiger without covering ur eyes
... and ur scared this is gonna be like the night u didnt sleep cuz u saw a documentary on sociopath psychology.
So entering year 4 of art school. And my parents are having the "so whats next for you" convo with me. Cuz ive been bouncing around with stuff just experiencing life. It's been a long chapter of me just going with my gut, and whatever idea hashem puts in my head. Since i got out of highschool, thats how my life has been. And its been great. Im always exactly where im supposed to be. And the "so whats next" is freaking scary. And i always know that my life has a way of working everything out. This past year, i did something ive done and yet never did before. I like old people, like a lot. But more than that, i like dealing with old people who are sick or have special needs. Its a small niche, i know, but its my niche. This past year, every sunday, i taught a cooking class in hebrew with another woman, to adults, between 20 and 90 with mental health issues. People who are on disability due to something issue with mental health or divergence- schizophrenia, bipolar, ocd, adhd depression, tourettes, mental slowness, dementia. And ive fallen inlove with it. I feel like not only has everything worked out, but hashem made everything stepping stones. My whole life has been stepping stones. And i guess its like- what do thise stepping stones look like. Every one is different.
Theres something special about people who let u just be. Where when u come over, they put the kettle up and ask if u want coffee or tea. Who let u just sit cuz u want a break from the world. Where u know that around them, its a safe space. I try to be that kind of person. And in me being that person, my dog comes into the room and i immediately turn on the airconditioning.
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thoughtsbeewild · 2 months
1 min listening to Kamala speech made me sick., cant listen to her. Starts off with her big headed Title well I was a prosecutor of killa California. let me tell you with some ghetto slang ppl
Just cause you had the title of the prosecutor with a high paying salary doesn't make you a good leader. Remember California is democratic state, where its nothing but puppet and barbie land . Trust me it takes a true survivor to survive the jungles of California people, omg the women are worst like mini kamala puppets with a hint of megg thee nasty stallion aura. That's how people dress in California, naked nasty, booty hanging from tinest shorts, people in restaurants look like thier going to a club, its overdress environment. Especially around certain beaches, nothing but that.
The lies just come out of her mouth and that kind of crowd believes her marketing bullshit.
of course she brings nasty megee thee stallion, it wouldn't be icing to the cake if kamala didn't do that. So thier no reason get upset, stay calm orange man. This is who they are. This is the fight, this is what your going continue to go against. How will you overcome these obstacles, bitch of truth social or find a way to sway her voters to your way. As vivek said because we are dipping into thier army pond of puppets, that will piss the fuck out of them.
We all know ben sharpio going make episode of disgust, your typical Shapiro commentary. They seem to FOCUS ALOT on her on thier show, i really dont know why. Thier alot nasty artist, actress, out there. Why are they just focusing on just her? Makes no sense.
END GOAL OF THAT: she going push other side buttons..
its doesn't bother m. Because I can see what kind of person she is already from the stupid idiot phony 2020 election, like joe we won. And they did the same skit again 4 years later, when old man joe exited out. Now suprise suprise guess what Obama/michella gave her a phone call of endorsement. Don't you see they are just repeating thier fucking behavior over and over again.
4 years later but with a more dumbass audience who don't know shit. that's why i get the delete, censoring because they know people are stupid enough they wont remember that far back. That's problem they hate that people in this world good memory, they don't forget shit, let it go move on. Its never forgotten.
They will do the same repeats, but SAY orange what will you do better? I want see in the debate fucking school the fuck out of her to whole world, that will be great. A historical mark on your record and that is how a good leader should be remembered when we leave this earth.
Anyway: it just shows representation and brand kamala represents dishonesty, no integrity, cares more for the title, last min leader who will install dictator leaders for company's you work for, they will put you through hell by using thier title, power of authority, deceitful, manipulate. MOST IMPORTANT SHE DAMN GOOD ACTRESS TO PLAY THIS INNOCENT ANGEL PART TO SWAY DUMB VOTERS TO STAY IN POWER, CONTROL, POWER OF AUTHORITY(REAL MOTIVE FOR 2024 ELECTION). That's what she sells, i would not encourage any1 to vote for that in your state, your communities, if you never had a direct demoncrat leader to report to, your in for a wild and crazy ride of kill me now and insert me to a mental institution(that's how stressful of hell it is reporting to a leader who resembles kamala. How the fuck these people get away with shit with a smile and takes a photoshoot for thier social media? blows my fucking mind. To build USA off more leaders like that, nah i don't wish that for any state for the company you are employed for or searching as your next job opportunity , you have people who are lazy ass fuck getting promoted/merit increase, while you working your hard ass off. Nah fuck that, too many fucking lazy ass women(bitches) on instagram traveling partying in California with thier fake love puppet squad on a boat, and they dont got lift a fucking finger, while im sure some are taking more jobs to make ends meet .
i rather have a leader with integrity to inspires others to work hard to get to the top of whatever that is.
Verus Demonleaders: demoncrats leaders , they focus more on the title, power of authority, control but they don't bring good leadership qualities to help people. They are know it alls and lazy as fuck to do the work. They will outsource and burden others to pile your work on top off others, aka UNFAIRNESS. They love photoshoots, and focus on the selling you this happily ever after idea, like they are here help you, when really they are not.
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runaeveena · 8 months
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse
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🦄feywildwildwild Follow
is anyone else tired of humans being the default race to pair up with monstrous races in smut? like no wonder Tinker & Claw didn't get any traction outside of TomePlane
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
tinker and claw was mid and written by a gnome sexologist and are we still calling non humanoids "monstrous"? in 186PD no less?
🕰️ gnomepologist
so now the eagledust shipper (and fake auran language scholar) is going to preach to us 🙄 some of us dont want to read about humans laying eggs every third month
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
way to avoid the issue and maintain your humanoidcentric elitism but sure lets argue about kinks on tomeblr
🍆 troll-schlong
all of you shut up humans are sluts and im a motherfucking m-m-m-monster
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🌧️ hau-iratxoa-besterik-ez-da-euskaraz Follow
just saw someone on TomePlane argue that a dragonborn and a dragon having sex would be considered incest AND beastiality
🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
💀💀💀 not every dragon was part of the Great Hatching and most dragonborn know who our lineage derives from
and since when are dragons BEASTS!?
☘️ celest-ial Follow
you should see what else people on TomePlane call beastiality
🦨 ancientskeleton
we are not bringing back the druid debate sylvanus help me
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🩵 faerieee-imagines2 Follow
imagine you've been capture by an evil sorcerer and he puts you in a glass jar that's filled with firemoss which is so comfy but its making you so warm so you have to undress and as you remove each item you realize the sorcerer has been watching you and now you're blushing and its maki g you even warmer and soon youll be completely naked and vulnerable to whatever the sorcerer wants you for
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🌠 crownofstars
cant believe i got called a freak for hooking up with a Slaad at the Unicorn's Underhorn
🕯️andersfirelight Follow
they're literally abominations??
🌠 crownofstars
and? ribbit ribbit bitch 🐸 you write Age of Light rpf
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🦹mage-ocracy Follow
wow this farmer nobody has become such a handsome paladin with a chiseled chest after i threw his family into a lava pit years ago
🦹mage-ocracy Follow
waaahahaha you have fallen for my trap *casts spell of get horny* *spell hits the mirror which reflects back onto me* *my throbbing boner slices through the ropes holding the paladin* waaaahaa
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🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
honestly im glad humans are the main target for erotica because elves have been sexualized for far too long
part of the halfling sexual liberation movement was to embrace sexualizsation because we were treated as undesirables under the Valief'taur Period that now its weird to see elves suddenly turn face and claim that sexualizing anyone is bad
🪡 scç-writer
ugh honestly and especially now that elves are using Glindeloomstalk's talking points as if theyre here to "uplift" us from eroticism when halflings have known for years how he was a purity kinkster
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🌠 crownofstars
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this is now a slaad fucker blog
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⚔️ rangerdick
oooo "humans are too sexualized" ooo "elf pussy is boring now" once again everyone forgets about orcs being treated like the walking cock with hands in books and irl
⚓riilée Follow
isnt orcish religion about fucking and sucking to take over the world
⚔️ rangerdick
you wish you could suck me off
🧜🏼‍♀️ tritonitistitties Follow
ranger dick don't you post daily dick pics
⚔️ rangerdick
i also post hole but no one seems to notice those wonder why that is
🐓the-walking-cock-with-hands Follow
i noticed
⚔️ rangerdick
hold me and fuck me would you
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🦁king-killa Follow
Everyone you have to read this new book! It's total trope subversion where the dwarf is pansexual and the orc is asexual!
🍺 i-fuck-hags
wow someone should write a play about this
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melancholybliss92 · 10 months
Tips For Success
It's been awhile since I have posted. I know there are some that actually found my blog because I see likes and reblogs. I don't have time to mess around with youtube editing. I been wanting to start a mental health youtube channel but I never got around to do it. I am super busy and I am not even married with NO kids haha.
I just want to say for those who are feeling alone, or they are with toxic people, whoever those toxic people are. Try your best to get all the help you need, and get the FUCK OUT of the situation and away from the toxic people in your life. I learned things the hard way and when I finally got away from all the toxic people in my life, I was already pushing my mid twenties . I am 31 yrs old and I still look super young and I sound young lol. This makes me a target everywhere I go. I developed a thick wall and I don't trust anybody really.
Remember, It is better to be Alone than to be with the wrong, jealous people who only want you close so they can destroy you. Pay attention to how people around you respond when you start to do well for yourself . When you start to do well , are the people around you happy, congratulating you and asking you to go out to eat or do anything because they see you winning? If they see you winning and they continue to make snide, sneaky jealous comments, they question you even further about your life and how you do things, and they don't seem happy for you... They give off weird bipolar vibes and they continue to pry into your business. Its time for you to block, delete, cut off contact, whatever you do, its time to burn bridges. The reason why I used the term "people around you" because there is alot in your social circle right. Friends, family, partner etc.
Let me tell you something. Writing my past and current situation would be like writing a script for a 3 hour movie. I am not going to bother but I have alot of experience dealing with fake, jealous, toxic, stalkerish people. I use to be scared of living alone and being alone. But meeting all this weird trash made me realize, ITS BETTER TO live alone, be alone, the right people will gravitate towards you over time. When you are alone and live alone. No one is jealous of you, no one is poking in your business, making sneaky jealous comments about you and what you are doing with your life. You work, you leave your job, you go find another job, you go back to school, whatever. You come home to peace and quiet and all of your things is there. If you dont have alot of things, trust me , over time you will buy things for your place. It takes time, dont worry about being broke or not having anything yet. The luxury is that no one is plotting against you when you live alone. I dont like living with room mates either because I like to have my own space and walk around naked, eat whenever I want. Like seriously, when you live alone, You run your life, you plan your meals, you learn how to be independent , you do whatever you want and you find yourself. Only then when you see what life is like without toxic people, you will find true happiness. Just be careful and watch your back when you live alone.
From what I have seen, jealous people who are failures are miserable and sneaky stalkers. They can't do anything by themselves and they are fake. It could be alot of reasons on how they are fake. They got a job because they knew someone and they never worked hard for what they want and they never worked hard to go look for a job by themselves. Maybe they dont have their own place they gotta Hoe around and be in fake relationships to move into someone else's house. Maybe they never worked hard a day in their life to get what they want, they always use other people to buy them shit or they was raised to be a loser and wait for family to provide them . They cant fend for themselves. They see you are something they are not so they will focus all their energy on you. I had this happen to me more than once I know what I am talking about.
They play like they are on your side at the beginning. They act super nice to you and understanding. Slowly over time, you will see that They can't mind they business . slowly over time, TRUST ME, you will sit there one day and ask yourself, "what is wrong with me, why is this person saying this and that about me, am I wrong or are they wrong. Am I crazy or its them thats crazy. why did I let them make all this comments about me and I didnt say anything back".
When you reach that stage where you are asking yourself this, you are dealing with a lowlife psychopath lmao. They are reversing their failures onto you. They are Projecting their personality onto you and they will try to disrespect you, then copy your personality and stalk every move you make. The outcome is that they want to start shit with you and fight you to slow you down on your success. Thats why its better to cut off contact and its not worth it.
There is actually a lot of discussion I found on Quora.com that was talking about jealous crazy people. Some girl responded to this person, she said why would you want to fight with someone who can't mind their own business. They have been waiting for the day to drag you down and by arguing and fighting them, you are giving them what they want.
Its almost like a ghost, a leech or a parasite all in one. They want you tied to them so they repeat the cycle of drama, jealous comments, drama and plotting, scheming, more drama. When you cut off all contact, you win the game and break the cycle. when you respond and choose to fight them , you are rebonding trash to yourself like a ghost following you around haunting you repeating the cycle. I had enough of this type of lowlife trash. They will fuck their own selves over anyways, dont bother and learn to be independent.
That's why I only hang with 2-3 people at a time to see who they are . I never involve myself in a large circle of friends and I dont give a fuck about how many friends and family I have left. I mind my business and focus on money, working, and real estate.
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lustfillollipop · 11 months
This is my last time
Hear n said that a million times
Stole touching me and my heart
Emotions fucked from start
Get outta my life
Demonics n undertake my life
Go for it cuz I'm no good
I'll cloak too face covered w hood
Wild n smoked
Dark eyes meet bright
Feel forever revoked
Take me down w you
Cuz this level defeats me and you
What the fuck did I deserve
To get the deep end treading water hardly stayin above it
The man I once had
The one married to n ended bad
I hope he can forgive me
But hard for me to see the things clearly
But forever been a day
I cry instead of let laughter out anyway
I give my front n haven't got one
I need for much these days
N now my palms are sore
I don't wanna forgive and forget
Can we just act different n oretend we never met
Im rotting inside out
He's spelled every word in the spell perfectly out
Im tricked n hypnotized by all the words going through my ears n passed my eyes
Csnt seem to get Shit done
Stuck surfing n uncomfortable w people I thought used to be fun
Now dreary n dab n dull
I'm needing to move quick n now down from the addict
I'll slow my intake
I've met some huge big mistake
Im left dry n cold n sad
Shiverred under the blanket of memories of then
I want for u need
Help too much n out myself high uo to jump off the balcony
Flat I land 9 lives bullshit
Now im intro t if god faced w all the shit I forhot to repent n forgive
So my judgement times here
How'd thos stupid bitch slut whore do this time screw it bad or is she in the clear
Bitch is into clear alright but I think I need to see more n it'll be scary esoecially at night
I'm leah dumbass Cox who listens too much to people who don't talk
In my mind I met you
Now I'm ford Dr been searching to never let you
Go n slip away
But seems to be the ladder n im outta it all inckudibg you ..keft swiftly
I'm understood not at all
But im still trying to work throughmy mgk downfall
I cant n won't but ebd up
Doing exactly what i said it give up
Im emotional but have it less
With bkocked Shit out n I get all undressed
Bare naked n kinda a lady
Nothi g but bones skin n a beating heart maybe
That ticjs but not too much longer
I know times up me to pick or him on the side im not a kion mainly a cancer ctabby n swimming thirsty all the time
I wanted n got
Then I got unwanted Shit then skiooed up outta brain n forgot
Im easily forgotten
No impression left except the words I hit down...ventin
This is a call from the judge
Big guy hey u gimme some love
But then im kicking it out bubble surounded
Sad to say im me
Dry n not be yet founded
Divirced single n yet to g bigger
Shaved head growing little day by day unsealed mouth
No kissing sexual or any more coming out my mouth
Im sexually defiant
In the mood swing n rising up n down slowly
Between a rock but wanna be on
Now I feel some good stuff bouts to come on
He it or whatever tries to make me Help us someway anyway n it's doing its job now I know u can just me outta my funk come with me let's go not faking it mister for a the big trunk
I know that I'm smirking cuz im opposite of defiant u know I love u between n in me
Its not the first time for u
U seen this stupid type before n u hardly come thru
I'll find u n want u more but I know you're girl has demons w me n wants to even the score.
I don't wish that I didn't know
Imunfavored n not easy on the eyes like I maybe used to
Heavy u push in I feel your weight
Hips dig deep n within me u lay
I'm just trying to stay forever pull u in even more
Barley breathing n can see anyone around us anymore
My favorite thing n I gotta let u go
Cuz I put me in last n I like the front row
So when I are real ready singly tangible
U come back to me or just wait don't go
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iiirenxcc · 1 year
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This is going to upset a lot of people, but what I have been seeing all over the place has pushed me to my breaking point. As a mother it's my job to protect my children even if it's going against the Devil himself. You can think what you want but you can't change my point of view! what I have read in this book is nothing but the truth and so many people have a hard time swallow the cold hard truth for it's such a big pill to swallow.
Liberalism is a mental disorder
reason why they let illegal immigrants across the border
and pushing the liberal world order.
They are coming into the kids schools telling them to be transformers. I cant even turn no the TV without seeing some fruit cake talking about how wrong it is to be straight. They took God's promise he wouldn't flood the earth to just mock him and now they have a whole pride month and taking the word to fit their life and switching up the verse. So many of you are so afraid to say it, but I'm not! Persecuted His name.
Cardi B is out here being a role model for 12 year old girls who are half naked on TikTok cause they only care about the views. Let me tell you it's Satan's job to make everyone confused. It started with Drag Queen story time to it's normal to say a woman is a man. And don't get me started on how it's transphobic if only women can get pregnant and if a man cuts of his thing they call it heroic. God said man shouldn't be with another man its abomination. And people saying oh you like Trump well that makes you a racist. I like Liberty, I like guns, I love my bible and I like Trump.
everyone gets offended, but you pushing your beliefs on my children is making me push mine. I don't care about your feelings and you coming out of the closet to transition doesn't make you any braver than the men and women who fought for this country, and it's a dang shame for what they fought for turned out to be.
And for them to think they can take my Guns and God from me, That's real MAGA funny. I get it you all like to play victim it's a new thing people like to do, blame it on the white man and the system. All you Liberals just Copy and Hate The truth is the truth and it will always relate, and that's why I can never be a fake. I thank the Lord everyday that I'm not a democrat and I'm straight that's about as rare and Wyatt's steak on his plate. People are killing babies before they are born bragging and calling it pro choice.
Now before you come at me and Say "God loves everyone" The church you went to lied
Malachi 1:3 and Psalm 5:5
people want the truth both versus are in context, let go of that pride I've been in and out of churches to know that most of them lie. Jesus is coming back sooner than you think. Time to repent but why repent if you don't plan to change? God is love but He is also wrath it's up to you to accept the facts. This is what I stand for even if I stand alone.
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for-fvckssake · 1 year
"wait- i- what?! me?! mean to you?!? you just- you said you were going to bite my dick and I'm the mean one?" he pauses what he's doing and uses his hand to make exasperated gestures with his hands, pointing to you, him, and his dick.
"and yeah, sure. you cant go a day without a dicking down, i know you" he states it like he isn't exactly the same, the two of you never even had spent more than a few hours separated, let alone a whole day without touching each other. he still chuckles at you, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead before resuming the task at hand.
"and just fyi, i didn't even know we were going to a spa, okay? do you really think im gonna waste the opportunity of seeing you all sweaty and half naked? please." he scoffs at you jokingly, leaving you all soapy and bubbly before standing under the shower, the water running down his hair and tanned body before he begins to wash his hair
-Rennie <333333
i let out a huff, crossing my arms before i turn away, faking more crying noises. “you’re so mean to me, i *swear*. don’t even want my love bites, they’re just…nibbles.” i say, before falling down to the ground and holding my knees to my chest.
“‘m sure you even have to fake getting hard.” i say, grabbing a towel and wrapping myself in it on the far end of the shower, as if i was in a depressed state wrapped in a blanket.
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tiaetherealness · 3 years
I always see magical pocket pussy fics so here comes the dildo version y'all 🤠
18+, magic dildo, Pro-hero katsuki, soulmate au!, all around horniness for reader
You were a bit....desperate.
With soulmates being a thing, it's quite hard to have hook ups with other people. Either they're disgusted having sex with people that aren't their soulmate or they go through with it, only to back up halfway because it doesn't feel right. So, you decided to live your life avoiding hook ups and have your nightly ritual of fucking yourself on your favorite dildo....
Which doesn't satisfy you anymore.
Ever since you've been hired to be pro-hero Dynamite's PR manager, your libido have been high as of late. His feral smirk, blazing red eyes, and large build been a subject of your fantasies. There was something...magnetic about him. You can't put your finger on it. He could possibly be your soulmate but you vehemently deny those thoughts. Theres just no way. He doesn't even look at you for too long, let alone get close enough to your small form.
Yet here you are, buying a new dildo that's connected to your soulmate, according to the description. Honestly, the website is suspicious but you were desperate. You needed something to fill the burning ache in you. You're just hoping that your soulmate (which you still hope is Katsuki) doesn't get too mad at you, if the dildo is truly connected to them. So you order it.
The package came the next day with expedited shipping and you were quite excited to use it. Your day have been long, with Katsuki a bit more high-strung than usual. He was barking orders at his sidekicks and he even yelled at you.
You don't know what his problem was but it's certainly shoved to the back of your mind now. It's time to treat yourself.
Dildo washed and dryed, you got naked and stuck the suction cup on the floor in front of your mirror. You already felt the wetness between your legs and rolled two fingers on your clit as you slowly kneeled to the ground.
You closed your eyes and imagined that it's Katsuki's fingers touching you like this. His chest pressed against your back, with his hands doing teasing motions against your nub. Whispering "you like this, don'tcha? Practically begging for it."
You let yourself moan as your eyes flutter open to see how debauched you look already. Your eyes are blown out, chest stuttering with every breath. You dip your fingers in your heat, only for them to come out extremely wet.
Fuck it, you thought to yourself. You were wet enough so the slide down on the dildo would be easy, with the slight burn that you kind of enjoy. You kneeled over the dildo and slowly sank down on it, letting out a low moan. When you reached the suction base, you felt it throb.
You gasp at the feeling and clench down one more time to see if it actually throbbed. It did it again. What the fuck?
Tentatively, you rose up and sank down on it. You were kind of scared and curious about the changes, but the only way to find out about it is to keep going. It's as if the dildo came to life. Your pussy felt more full as if the dildo became thicker, and the texture change to the silky-ness of a real cock. It feels hot. It feels real.
You moan and ride it at a slightly faster pace, imagining its Bakugo's dick you're riding. You conjure up his voice in your head as you started to play with your nipples.
"Shit. Look at you, its like you cant get enough."
You moan and slapped a hand on the floor to keep balance, rolling your hips in this particular angle that causes pinpricks of pleasure down your spine.
"Fuck, baby. There? You're squeezing me so tight— shit."
Your eyes fluttered close as you clench down, feeling the dildo twitch and throb from the heat of your cunt. You gradually slowed your pace so that you can sink all the way down to the fake balls. The tip of the cock rubbed right on your g-spot, making you see stars.
You imagined him grabbing your hips, helping you move back and forth in his cock. You felt the familiar burst of heat build in your body and you moved your hand down to your clit to push yourself to your peak.
"That's right baby, c'mon."
"Cum on my cock."
The heat reached a crescendo as you flicked your wrist faster, feeling you legs tremble with the onslaught of pleasure. You moaned loudly, Katsuki's name falling from your lips amidst the white noise. Once you fall back to reality, you saw a small puddle of wetness under you. You slumped forward, fatigue settling in your bones. The buzz of your phone forced you to get up on shaky legs to see who texted you.
Katsuki Bakugou [12:53 AM]
[Photo Attached]
On the other side of the city, the said man is in his apartment. He just came out of the shower and is replying to Kirishima about some meme he sent.
He's trying not to think about the shitstorm of a day he had, upset that the sidekicks decided to handle a villian he said not to engage with. It fucked up his whole mood, especially since civilians got injured during that fight. They just couldn't listen. Now he has more paperwork to do and he yelled at you right after.
He saw your face drop and that made him angry at himself. He didnt mean to, it was all bad timing. Now he's afraid that his soulmate hates him. Yeah, that's right. Soulmate.
He found out a week after his agency hired you for him. He was walking by when some extra who wasn't paying attention spilled hot coffee on you. You yelped when it splashed on your arm, the heat causing a stinging pain. He hissed, feeling a sting on his arm as well. That's when he realized that you're his soulmate. And he kept that secret to himself.
But sometimes you try him without knowing. Like when you look at him with those wide eyes that shines, or you snort when he cracks a dry joke, or that you masturbate without a care. Completely disregarding that your soulmate will feel everything. Like right now.
Bakugou feels the building heat when you do your nightly activities. This time around, it feels more intense. Like his whole cock is being enveloped by this tight heat.
He groans in frustration and turns his phone off. He can't concentrate on texting his best friend when his dick is clearly stirring in his pants. He tries to focus on everything else in his house. Like the plant Mina gave him as a gift, or the late night show that has copycat as a guest. Anything that doesn't stray his hand to his aching cock. But then he felt another tight squeeze around his cock that feels like a real pussy and he couldn't help himself.
Pulls his phone right out and takes a picture of his bulge, hand pushing his shirt up to get his abs in the shoot. Once he deemed the picture good, he sent it.
Maybe that'll teach you not to masturbate when your soulmate feels every godamned thing.
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