harpydrawsstuff · 1 year
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sleepboysummer · 11 months
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i think about him at least 10 times a day
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parkvcrs · 1 year
Boyfriend! Wybie Lovat Headcanons
(for the sake of this post, the character’s age has been raised to seventeen)!
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• First and foremost, how did this awkward and rambling mess ask you out?
- Well… that’s simple: he didn’t do a face-to-face interaction. Instead, Wybie, being a man of few words, decides to pour his heart out in a heartfelt letter to you. He carefully writes down all his feelings, expressing how he's fallen for you and how much you mean to him. He leaves the letter on the doorstep of the Pink Palace, along with your favourite flowers. You then find the letter and read it, finally realizing the depth of Wybie's emotions. When you finally rush to find him, Wybie initially tries to ignore you.
- Spoiler alert: It didn’t go as planned. He totally failed. After you finally confess to feeling the same way, you and Wybie shared a warm embrace where he begins to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, feeling overjoyed that his feelings are reciprocated.
• Who says “I love you” first?
- You. Definitely you.
- Despite you possessing enough courage to actually say these special words, Wybie had to admit that he was pretty upset that he didn’t say it first. You beat him to it! But another part of him couldn’t help but feel overjoyed that you said it first.
- He has very mixed feelings about it. -.- but he can’t stay mad at you! It wasn’t anything to hold a grudge over.
• Who initiated the first kiss?
- Depends on who you ask.
- You and Wybie’s first kiss happened on your third date which was in the garden belonging to the Pink Palace which happened to be a rather romantic picnic. During the middle of it, there was something in the air that caused Wybie to feel compelled to kiss you. Or that’s at least how he describes it happening.
- Despite how much arguing there is about who kissed who, Wybie is happy that you’re his first kiss. <33
• Date ideas?
- Even though Wybie has a naturally frantic outward personality, let’s face it… this man loves horror movies! I mean, have you seen his skeleton gloves?! But… he — for sure — screams like a girl from time to time if a jump scare gets him too good.
• Adventurous Dates: While the Pink Palace may not offer traditional adventures, Wybie is creative when it comes to planning dates. He loves taking you on spontaneous and unique dates, like stargazing on the rooftop of the Pink Palace, exploring hidden spots in their town, or taking you on a midnight picnic in the overgrown garden.
- And, yes, the black cat is more than welcome to come on all these little adventures but only if you’re okay with it!
• Would he be the type of boyfriend to take part in playful banter?
- Of course!
- Your relationship is filled with playful banter and teasing. He enjoys engaging in witty banter and playful teasing, keeping your relationship lighthearted and fun. Wybie's sense of humour and your (somewhat) quick comebacks create a playful dynamic that keeps your relationship light and enjoyable.
- If you just so happen to be shorter than 5’7”/170cm (his height), then you’re just asking for him to poke fun at you but not vocally. He’ll either do things like pat your head, use your shoulder as an armrest, or simply rest his chin on top of your head.
• How does he protect you? Is he supportive?
- If someone was messing with you, he’d try to use some sort of scare tactic to get them to stop. Either that be using a combination of his turret-lensed skull mask, skeleton gloves, black fireman’s coat, and motorbike. Who knows! He is full of surprises. :))
- And of course, he’s a supportive boyfriend! He always ensures that you feel safe and supported, and he's not afraid to stand up for you when needed. He's there to lend a listening ear when you need to talk, offer a shoulder to cry on, or simply your hand to offer comfort.
• Hobbies?
- I feel like Y/n and Wybie would bond over a shared love for the supernatural and mysteries, and often indulge in geeking over it together. The two of you may even spend evenings reading ghost stories by candlelight, researching local legends, or even trying to capture evidence of paranormal activity with their cameras.
- ^ If this type of stuff doesn’t interest you… then you can just be an observer of Wybie’s adorable antics. That way, you’ll have the front row seat for everything.
Final assessment?
• Wybie Lovat is a 100/10 boyfriend!
- He’s aromantic and devoted partner who will try his best to make you feel special, supported, and loved in every possible way.
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jellyfilledeyes · 1 month
THE Riverson post
Sol and percy first meet I the lighting thief they were each others first friend
Percy was one of the only few campers that didn't assume sol was a crazy party maniac because they were a child of dionysus and sol never assumed percy was dangerous due to being a big 3 kid
Even after lightning thief they keep touch online and often send each other letters
sol would sneak in icee's ,gummysharks and other types of blue candys from percy
percy in turn would bake blue cookies from them (basically saying i love you atp)
In sea of monsters there's a bit of tension in their relationship like their still close but due to annabeth and being in clarisses team they drift slightly apart
they do help percy with tyson since percy doesn't know how to deal with siblings at first
the more they talked both irl and on camp the more they both realized they liked eachother but they both never said anything cause they were already great as friends
during ttc and botl sol was rocking a hardcore scene kid look and percy was down BBBBBBBAAAAAAAADDDD
pecry helped sol alot after castor died and helped them alot during the griving progress and encouraged to stop using their insanity powers because it was hurting them
this was also around the time percy started getting into punk subcultures annabeth was not a fan but sol was his BIGGEST supporter even making a couple of patches for him
percy also helped sol with their identity with being black and nonbinary and threatens to beat up anyone who messes with them
tlo is were shit really hit the fan with them
in the scene with dionysus he tells percy to take care of pollux he says 'and you better take care of good sol too...they like you yk so if you break their heart i'll turn you into a dolphin and sell you to sea world johnson don't try me'
this is were percy kinda realized he didn't love annabeth but felt like they had to be together but also when their crush on sol became more obvious
this is also where sol technically died protecting percy being impaled by luke (they didn't know percy had the achilles thingyy) and percy lost. his. shit. screaming, crying ,trying to kill luke, wishing it was him who died and thinking it was all his fault yk the usual (clarisse was also doing the same-)
but thanks to inheriting the rebirth aspect of dionysus they managed to come back by the end of the book and percy nearly kissed them and became so much closer than they already (they were basically like a couple) were much to annabeths dismay
during the lost heros and son of neptune sol was tearring their hair out looking for percy and percy in SON thought he was remembering annabeth but he was actually remembering sol when he saw them in MOA
during MOA annabeth was also being extremely at sol mostly due to stress and jealousy and percy was not having ANY OF IT which caused alot of fights
during HOH annabeth and percy both quickly realized they didn't actually love each other they just both felt pressured by the gods to be together and both realized they were gay-
as soon as percy got back from tartarus and got medical attention ,sleep and nutrition he confessed he loved sol and they finally kissed
during BOO and afterwards they became an actual couple and sol helped percy figure out his identity and percy got sol into punk
pecy also helps sol with their natural hair often helping style it and even braiding it
mr. d may not like percy but sally ADORESS sol
nico and hazel kinda became their pseudo kids
their very coraline and wybie ,punkflower and kat and raul coded
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evenceflux18 · 5 months
Coraline: I said, no and that's final
Sergei: *tantrums*
Coraline: Sergei Alexander Lovat I am not repeating myself...!
Sergei: *tantrums*
Wybie: *approaches*
Sergei: *completely stops crying and sits down on the sofa*
Wybie: ???????
Sergei at 24: My mom is scary... but we haven't seen Dad looks mad all the time, and when he does, boi you better bahave, he rarely does it and that's what makes me scared even more..!
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itsthemysterykids · 1 year
Coraline: How about you will take care of Bear-O for 48 hours.
Boys: No way!!! It's Creepy!!!
Lili: Quiet!!! Every time we bring sweets to the mystery schack. You guys eat it without sharing with us. Have you thought that we GIRLS want to eat sweets as well.
Neil: Well you see...
Coraline: Shut up the fuck up. Here's a deal. We will spend our time in Paris for 2 days, and when we return, Ber-O must be in one piece. But if smth bad happened to him. We make sure you guys will not eat sweets for the rest of your life.
Mabel: Bye. Take a good care of Ber-O when we gone. BYE
Mystery Boys: *Staring at Ber-O*
Raz: Well! I’m out!
Wybie: It’s just a puppet.
Raz: Shush! He might hear you!
Wybie: Raz. It’s a puppet. It’s not real, see? *Slaps Bear-O across the face* It doesn't feel pain. *Holds Bear-O’s face up to Gompers* It can't sniff.
Dipper: I don’t know, there was always something off about Bear-O. I could never sleep when I knew he was in the house.
Wybie: Wow. Okay, Mr. and Mr. Paranoid. If you’re so worried, then I will leave the children’s toy down here on the shelf where nothing can get to and mess it up. Because if Coraline takes away my Twizzlers stash, I’m gonna cry! Do any of you wanna see me cry?!
Norman/Dipper/Neil: No.
Raz: I do! *Makes a whipping sound*
Wybie: Oh, Coraline runs my life? Well, just wait until I tell Lili you’ve been wearing her combat boots.
Raz: What? No! No, please don’t! Spare me!
Norman: Let’s get some rest.
*The next morning, the guys wake up to find Bear-O in the middle of the bedroom, and they scream*
Neil: B-but he was downstairs!
Wybie: Okay! Who moved him- I mean it?!
Neil: Don’t look at me!
Dipper: I didn’t do it!
Wybie: Yeah. Yeah, very funny, guys. In case you didn’t know, candy is on the line here, and I know none of you want-
Norman/Neil/Dipper/Raz: …
Wybie: …
Neil: Uh… Wybie, he’s-
Wybie: No, no. No. I see it. Uh… Bear-O just bit my hand… This toy is sentient and… He bit me, and is still clamping down on my hand… Get this off of me, please.
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askthemysterkids · 1 year
For all the kids. On the team, who are you most scared of?
Dipper: "Do we have to answer this one?"
Mabel: "Of course we do! It's an ask!"
Dipper: "Fine. Coraline."
Mabel: "I'm not really scared of her but Coraline."
Coraline: "Probably Sasha but don't tell her that!"
Wybie: "I shouldn't say Coraline so I'll say Lili."
Norman: "I think Sasha. There is something about her..."
Neil: "I don't think I'm afraid of anyone. I probably want to not make Coraline mad though."
Raz: "I'm not afraid of anyone! ...Fine. I think I'm the most scared of Lili. I just don't want to upset her."
Lili: "Why would I be scared of anyone? Coraline pisses me the most off though."
Wirt: "Ah, I think Sasha might scare me the most? Her, Coraline, or Lili. Please don't tell Coraline though?"
Greg: "Well I don't think I have a reason to be scared of anyone! Everyone is really nice and Anne even looks for frogs with me! I get worried if Sasha gets mad though. It can make the others upset."
Luz: "You know, I think if I had to pick someone, I would pick Sasha. I'm not really scared of her but..."
Anne: "Scared? I'm not scared of anyone... Mabel was terrifying that one time."
Sasha: "Look, you have no right to judge me about this but Lili is terrifying when she's mad. You should have seen her when someone made Raz cry."
Marcy: "I'm not usually scared of anyone but Dipper's games are some scary stuff! I take so many notes when I play in Dipper's game."
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samethyst01 · 3 months
A Mother's Love: Chapter Nine
It was a miracle of mercy that Coraline had no dreams that night. She slept through until morning, and as soon as she awoke, she jumped up and rushed out of her room, almost colliding with the wall as she sprinted to her parents’ bedroom. She flung the door open and—
—and there they were, asleep together, safe and sound. Well, they were asleep, but their daughter’s sudden entrance startled them both awake.
“Coraline… what’s going on…?”
Mel groaned and sat up slightly. Charlie rubbed his eyes and reached clumsily for his glasses, sitting on the bedside table. Coraline, eyes wide, approached them and stared at them both, almost at her wit’s end but just barely clinging onto some degree of calm.
“Where were you guys last night?”
The two of them looked at each other confusedly and then back to Coraline.
“Honey, we were here, right here. You’d gone to bed, we didn’t see you all night, until you came barging in just now,”
Charlie answered, sitting up and giving Coraline a slightly incredulous look.
“What the hell is going on?”
It was framed almost like a demand. Mel said nothing, but Coraline could tell that she wanted to know the same thing. The young woman tried to speak, tried to make some sort of excuse to justify her strange behaviour, but she just ended up making a noise of exasperation, sitting on the edge of the bed. How was she to explain what was going on, what had occurred thirteen years ago, why she had left in the way she had, where all her thoughts had led, and what she was really there to do? How was she to explain the unexplainable?
But after almost a minute of sitting in silence, her parents awaiting her answers anxiously, she turned to them and, with a soft sigh, did her best to make it all make sense to them.
“When we first moved in here… something happened to me. Something I don’t know how to explain to you guys, something that doesn’t make any sense even now, but… something that traumatised me. Something no kid should have to go through.”
Her parents’ expressions became utterly horrified and confused, and they both had no idea what to say. They weren’t sure how to respond, what to think, or how to process what their daughter was telling them. But they listened.
“This place is all wrong. It’s, I don’t know, haunted? There’s something in here that leads to another world— a dark place— a bad place. And I was the only one who could see it. But Mrs Lovat knew about it, and so does Wybie now, and I don’t expect either of you to get what I’m saying, but you should know about it too. It’s the reason I left Ashland, why I never called. Why I never went to Mrs Lovat’s funeral… and now I’m back here because I have to finish what I should’ve finished thirteen years ago. I have to put all the old demons to rest— I have to kill them.”
There was a period of deafening, near unbearable silence. Charlie and Mel looked at each other and were confounded. What was Coraline trying to tell them? What had she seen? And why couldn’t they have seen it all those years ago, when it was happening, when it mattered most? Had they failed as parents? Had they been unable to do the one thing they were supposed to do above all else, and keep their daughter safe? They had no idea what to say, still, and so they just looked back at Coraline with desperate, questioning eyes. Coraline sighed and stood up from the bed.
“I’m gonna go find Bobinsky. I’ll be back later.”
And she walked away, out of the room, and went to go get ready. Charlie buried his head in his hands and sniffled quietly, while Mel rubbed his back. She knew there were still secrets Coraline had close to her chest, ones she hadn’t quite figured out yet. But, ultimately, she would reveal them in time, when all was said and done. When her demons had been killed. In a moment of vulnerability, Charlie wrapped his arms around Mel’s waist and began to cry quietly into her side. Mel, in turn, stroked his hair and let her own tears fall freely.
Coraline would explain it all when she was ready.
All throughout her morning routine, from breakfast to the shower to getting her things in order, Coraline wondered if she had done the right thing. Should she have just left it be, come up with another excuse? Or should she have laid it all out for her parents? No, not that, they weren’t ready for that. They weren’t ready to hear the gravity of things, and to be honest, neither was she. She was still afraid, deathly afraid, of everything that was going on. She had to make sure everything was properly laid to rest before coming clean.
She had it all planned out in her head – if the old man was still there, she’d ask him about the mice, ask if they knew a way to get to the Other World. She’d ask if he had learned anything in the time between then and now, and if maybe he could give her some insight. If not insight, then perspective. And when she found a way into that place, she would venture forth and track down the Beldam to whatever dark crevice she had crawled into, and she’d pull her out by her stringy hair and she’d tear off her head, rip open her chest, break her into innumerable pieces and burn them, and scatter the ashes into the furthest depths of the ocean.
And if after all that, the Beldam still lived? She’d call an exorcist.
When she was ready, Coraline ventured outside. It was a grey, overcast day, and the air was heavy and moist. Before ascending the stairs to Bobinsky’s flat, she looked up at the hill where the well sat. She hoped she might see some sign of the Cat, or Mrs Lovat, but there was nothing. She would be doing this alone. She clenched her fists and slowly began walking up the stairs, noting how rusted everything was, how strange it all smelled and looked, in such subtle ways that it was nearly imperceptible.
Upon reaching the top, Coraline saw just how long it had been. The door and both the windows were boarded up, and everything smelled of rot and cobwebs. So much for asking those cryptic mice about all their secrets. She sighed again and approached the door, noting that while it was boarded up, it still retained its original shape, and could’ve been opened and closed with a key. So, was it truly condemned? She had no idea, until – impulsively – she tried the door handle. It rattled slightly, clearly unsteady in its screws, before it clicked and the door creaked open.
Coraline jumped back, startled by the ease at which she had entered. Bobinsky really was still there. But was he ever so careless as to leave his door unlocked? She saved those questions for later, slowly pushing the door open before stepping inside the tiny flat. It was pretty sparse before, sure, but now it was a wasteland. No furniture, no clothes hanging out to dry, and that table with the lamp on it was gone too. It was just a void. As she expected, the chicken was also gone, probably along with Bobinsky, back to wherever he had previously lived, or wherever he decided to go.
But as Coraline stepped further inside, she could see that it wasn’t all empty. There was a pile of papers in one corner of the room, as well as a stuffed chicken doll – with buttons for eyes. She ignored it – that tell-tale harbinger – and approached the papers, noting the terrible smell of the place. It stank worse than mould and decay, so much worse than that. She crouched down beside the pile and spread the papers apart. A chill ran down her spine as she saw that they were all individual drawings of mice, scratchy and unnatural, as if whoever drew them was slashing the paper with their pencil.
All of them bore horrible deformities and malevolent, staring eyes, like they were drawn from the distorted memory of what a mouse should be, rather than what it actually is. These looked more like the rats the Beldam employed— no, worse. Much worse. These were more like that dream she had with the ghost children, and the tree of headless birds, and the rider and steed fused together. Something else was happening in this place, something the Beldam was far too weak to conjure up.
And what was it that Mrs Lovat’s sister had said? If you kill the Beldam, something far worse will come to be. Was all this – everything that had occurred since she first saw the Cat back in Pontiac – the work of that thing, that ‘something worse’? All of a sudden, Coraline felt extremely alone in Bobinsky’s flat, like the mere memory of him had been cut out of the real world and taken somewhere else. Dread pervaded through her body and she felt fused to the spot.
But eventually, she became compelled to stand, and turn, and when she did, she saw something ahead of her, in the opposite corner of the room, something that made her heart rise to her throat and her breath die. It was a person, a body, suspended in the air by something, and below it were words, painted there in something like blood. Coraline didn’t want to go to it, didn’t want to accept what she know knew was fact, but all her fears and nausea couldn’t stand against the force that made her walk over and see the horrors.
It was Bobinsky, hanged, his corpse having decayed over a period of years, but his lanky frame and pot belly were still utterly recognisable. His teeth and eyes were missing and most of his skin was gone, but the flies and maggots hadn’t finished with him, oh no, they had years’ worth of meals left to go, the flesh and muscle beneath still being feasted upon and devoured by the scavengers of death. Coraline sobbed, unable to tear her eyes away from the hellish sight, until she noticed what the words below Bobinsky’s body said, written in blood that had dried from crimson to black.
Coraline, for the first time in longer than she could remember, let out a piercing scream. She screamed for several seconds, before stumbling out of the flat, tears streaming down her face, and almost fell down the steps in her fit of horror. Her parents had already heard the scream and came to meet her, and she clung to them in desperation. They tried to get her to tell them what was going on, and in her feverish babbling, she managed to point them upwards. Both of them dutifully headed up the stairs and flung open the door to Bobinsky’s flat, expecting nightmares beyond comprehension, but when they investigated inside they found—
Just as Coraline had first seen it, the place was empty, but truly empty. No papers, no chicken doll, and most importantly, no hanged corpse. Coraline managed to follow after them, and begged for them to see what she saw, but they couldn’t. Her parents saw nothing. Mel hugged her daughter and quietly shushed her.
“We tried to tell you before, Bobinsky moved out years ago. He wanted to go back to Russia, take his whole ‘mouse circus’ thing to the stage.”
Charlie explained, but his words did nothing to assuage Coraline’s fears. Instead, they only caused her to sob harder. Two possibilities were occurring to her and neither were good. The first was that the Beldam was playing tricks on her again, and she would have no one to turn to for support. The other was that she really was beginning to lose it, the horrors having broken her mind so much that she was simply hallucinating. Some of it could be real while other parts might not have been.
But something cemented the former possibility in her mind, and her misery was replaced once again by anger. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the distinct sight of a hairy, ugly rat scarpering out of Bobinsky’s flat— and disappearing into some hole in the wall.
For the rest of the day, Coraline remained in her bed, resting on her side, staring at the wall. She refused to speak to her parents, and wouldn’t look at her phone either. She had too much on her mind. The Cat was gone and Wybie was still back home and there was no one who understood. Her emotions were a mess, twisting between sorrow, despair, fear and rage. It would’ve been too much for her on the first day, or the one prior to her arrival, but now… now it was all too much to bear.
The sight of Bobinsky’s body, real or not, had indeed been abominable. But what compounded her ire was the unfairness of it all, alongside everything that had already happened. Wybie, Spink, the ghost children, all of them in some way victims of the Beldam. Coraline was afraid of the witch, but she hated her, and her smug smile and her games, and for such wonderful people to be at the mercy of her actions was maddening. If such a creature could feel pain, or misery, Coraline hoped that said creature would go to Hell after she killed her, and be tortured until the end of time. The witch deserved it, and more, and worse, and things would only be right with the universe if she was never allowed to feel relief or freedom from pain ever again, at the very least.
But all these thoughts were tantamount to a madman’s futile scribblings. Nothing could be done until Coraline could get at the Beldam, in her own world, and that scenario was growing less and less likely by the day. Without a key or a portal, what could be done? Maybe she could finally knock those bricks down, discover what was really behind the little door, but it would probably just be an empty apartment space, as rotten and decayed as Bobinsky. No, there had to be something else. There had to be another answer, something hidden, something she hadn’t quite figured out yet.
That night, after dark had fell and it was all quiet in the Pink Palace, Coraline heard a quiet scratching beside her bed. She hadn’t been able to fall asleep, not for hours, and so she turned over with a grunt, hoping to see the Cat waiting for her by the door. But the door was open. And standing there, tiny yet menacing, was that damn rat. Coraline lurched up in bed and watched as the rat stared at her with its beady black eyes, surveying her, before it fled down the hallway— down the stairs.
Coraline hesitated for just a moment before jumping out of bed and following it, just as she had done with the mice thirteen years ago. She knew what she would find in the living room, watching as the rat stood in front of the little door – the little ajar door – and crawled into it when she came close. She froze at the sight of it, and knew that it was time. Slowly, the door began to creak open wider, revealing the dark tunnel within, ragged and uninviting. The rat had disappeared inside.
It was her own fault for praying for a way in. It was here. Coraline knew there was only one way she could end her nightmare, and it was through that tunnel. But she wasn’t stupid enough to go in without a plan, and so she rushed back upstairs as quietly as possible and prepared. She dressed more appropriately for the occasion, with hiking boots and trousers, and a large coat, and grabbed her flashlight, which had already recharged from the previous night. She put on her pilot’s hat and grabbed two more objects – her father’s crowbar, kept safe by her bed in case of an emergency, and her pocket knife. Wybie had gifted it to her when they moved to Pontiac and she had never had to use it before. It felt like a warming star in her pocket, despite its cold blade.
The last thing she did was write the letter. It wasn’t much of anything, but it explained the basic idea of what had happened, and stressed— urged— begged— whoever was reading it to not go through the tunnel, not under any circumstances. She didn’t want those she might have been leaving behind to get in more trouble. She didn’t want the witch to find them. She ended it by telling her parents and Wybie that she loved them, and that she was sorry. And then that was that.
As Coraline stood in front of the tunnel, ready as she could have been, she felt something like hatred emanating from its depths. Either the Beldam really did despise Coraline as much as Coraline despised her, which was strangely comforting, or there was another presence in that place that had been so close to scaring its adversary away, but had failed. Either way, and regardless of whose hate was pouring out, nothing could keep the young woman from her goal.
So before she could turn around, and before any spectre or cat could warn her against it, Coraline Jones crouched down to her knees and began to crawl through the tunnel behind the little door. A distant breeze blew through the cramped space, and she was sure she could hear something like breathing. The light ahead of her was hostile and colourless, and the dread invading her body was stronger, deeper, threatening to paralyse her to the spot. But on she crawled, and eventually, she had reached the other side.
The place ahead of her was technically her living room, but it was entirely barren. It was dark and empty, everything the same grey colour, lit by a single bulb from the ceiling which did a poor job of illuminating what was ahead. The whole place felt like it was barely held together, and there was an intense feeling of loneliness just from standing there, being solitary in a place of great and terrible nothingness. Coraline knew that it was just the start, and this hell was only as such because the Beldam had barely survived, her prey denied, her source of energy gone. How she still lived was a mystery.
Clutching the crowbar in her hands, Coraline took a deep breath, looked back at the tunnel, and turned towards the living room door. There was only one last thing to do.
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 12: Keeping Low
Summary: Sometimes, you just need sit things out.
Word Count: 718
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters featured here.
“Stay down.” Wybie firmly told her, a hand on both of her shoulders.
Coraline’s response was to glower up at him. “Not a chance.” she snarled. 
Coraline again removed Wybie’s grip on her shoulders and tried to rise from her sitting position, but just like before, it wasn’t long before she clutched the right side of her chest and cried out in pain, falling back to her original position. Wybie always hated seeing her like this, all battered and bruised, but he’s been forcing himself to be accustomed to it. It’s just something that happens once in a while when your hobby involves supernatural creatures with serious anger management problems. 
What he hates even more is convincing her to stay down once it’s clear that she can’t get back up.
“Jonesy, you can sit this one out. W-we got this under control, I-I think.” Wybie gave her the most reassuring smile he can muster given the circumstances. 
The ground suddenly shook, quickly followed by a cry of pain. Wybie turned his head to the direction of the sound. He can only see the trees and the silhouette of the monster through the thick fog. He’s not even sure whose scream it was. Maybe it’s Neil’s? It kind of sounds like Neil’s. 
Wybie rubbed her hands, looking down at Coraline again. The look on her face says that she’s still determined to get back into the fray. Whether or not she actually can doesn’t seem to concern her.
Maybe some logic can dissuade her? “That thing picked you up and slammed you against a tree, Jonesy. That’s several broken ribs, at least.” 
“So what?! I’m not sitting out ‘til this thing is six feet under!” Of course logic didn’t work. Well, it was a long shot anyway, he supposed.
Still clutching the right side of his chest in pain, Coraline tried to reach for her machete. The weapon lay on the ground a few feet away from her. Inch by inch, she crawled towards it, groaning and grunting in pain all the while. Halfway through, she paused. She was breathing heavily. It looks like the pain is starting overwhelm her, even if she would never admit it. The expression on her face gave Wybie a hint of the pain she’s in. 
He really, really hated seeing her like this. 
Wybie grabbed hold of her shoulder again. “Coraline, please.”
Coraline looked up at him, her expression softer this time. “Y-you are in a lot of pain. I know you wanna, but you can’t fight right now. It’s just- you just can’t. I’m sorry.”
Coraline averted her gaze, mumbling, “I hate that you’re right.”
Wybie sighed in relief. At least now he can stop worrying about Coraline hurting herself even further. The only thing he has to worry about now is the thing currently in an out-of-control rampage. Objectively speaking, that is so much better.
As gently as possible, Wybie helped Coraline move to sit against a tree. “Don’t worry too much about us, Coraline. I-I know it looks bad right now, but we’ve been through worse scraps before, right?” he said as he helped her move.
“We sure did.” Coraline chuckled lightly as she tried to make herself as comfortable as possible in her new position. “You trolls go and kick that thing’s ass real good for me, y’hear?”
Wybie grinned. She’s still the same old Coraline. “Sure thing, ma’am.”
Wybie dashed off towards his bike that he parked a few feet away. He mounted it and quickly started up the engine. He turned to Coraline one last time and saluted at her, which she replied with a salute of her own. He faced forward again, gazing into the thick fog. The ground shook again, this time accompanied by a shrill roar. 
Wybie gulped, and rode off into the fog.
Here’s a quick thing I made in about two hours. Inspired by a prompt I saw on Tumblr.
Sorry for the lack of updates. College is really starting to pick up and I got sidetracked by a couple of different projects. Rather than going months without another chapter, I thought I’d write shorter stuff like these that I can do in one sitting. Hope y’all like it.
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chatoyisou · 5 years
you know that thing where “ are you okay ? ” makes people cry more . that ’ s ... that ’ s coraline
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charrwybie · 3 years
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(I've seen this interview meme floating around the tag and it looks super fun so here it goes! Wyatt is not my Commander, but he's still a fun character who WOULD have fans bc he's in a band! Used to do ballet!)
- Can you introduce yourself?
I'm Wyatt Epping - Wybie for friends! I play bass in a rock band with my friends.
- What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
I'm a guy, bi, and not... availa-bly. That was Awful, sorry about that. Not looking to be in a relationship right now, either, I have some healing to do before I'm ready to try again, found that out the hard way.
- Where and when were you born?
We - mom and me that is, assume in Lion's Arch because that's where she found me as a newborn cub some twenty years ago.
- What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
I prefer to not fight, but when I have to, I prefer my staff or greatsword, and an axe for when things get close. My aunt calls me a powerhouse and I'm usually last still on my feet so I guess I'm good at dancing around the danger and hitting hard when I need to.
- Lastly, are you happy?
Yeah. Yeah. Getting there at least! I've gone through some shhhhoot that made me not happy for a long time, but I'm getting there again! Feels good.
- What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
(Wyatt laughs) I have a big and weird family by a lot of standards. I'm sure you're thinking that Epping doesn't sound like a charr name and you'd be right! I was raised by my mom, Norma, a human woman, in Lion's Arch so I definitely don't have like a charr upbringing, or a charr name even. I also have another mom who's a charr but not the one that birthed me, and a step-sister who's about the same age as me. Then there's my dads who aren't really my dads but kinda are -- it's a long story, but we're happy. Close! I love them very much and am definitely a momma's boy and a family boy.
-Have you ever ran away from home? 
No. Well yeah, when I was like four and mad about something and I got all the way to the other side of the street before running back to hug my mom and cry that I missed her.
-Would you consider marriage or having children? 
Marriage, definitely, with the right person, I -- think I want that, but it's also scary right now. Kids? No thanks. Thought I wanted some, but nah, turned out to be some misplaced emotional shenanigans. Kids are great, but not for me.
-Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
I wouldn't waste time being their friend if I did, I don't think. I can be a polite boy and act civil in any company, but I'm not gonna be friends with someone I don't like. What's the point?
-Which friend knows everything about you? 
Ordell, who is also in the band - he grew up with me and my sister and we were like an inseparable triple trouble trio, and he was kinda like our little brother but not really. Still is the same. He's the kind of friend I can talk about anything with, or just sit quietly, and it's just... comfortable. Cozy.
-Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Is this a joke about bassists being dumb? Yeah I'm literate, have been to school in Lion's Arch, and did real good there. I liked school and studying and would work on ballet flexibility while doing my homework; hobbies, no matter how serious, never were more important than learning.
-The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
Hmmm. I don't know if anything like that's happened? My mom used to call me Stormlord because I used to predict thunderstorms and lightning strikes as a kid; does that count? She was amazed that I didn't become an elementalist.
-What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
You know what, PROBABLY a lot of things, but I can't think of an example.
- Do you have mental health or physical issues?
Both, haha... I have seasonal allergies, a permanently injured knee that ended my hopes of dancing professionally, depression that came with THAT, aaaand PTSD from a different kind of trauma. I'm healing, though!
- What is your current main goal?
Just... To have fun! And to get a griffon, that's what I'm working on right now. We'll see, a lot of animals don't like me, and I really don't know why. I think I'm cursed or something. Let me tell you, it's not fun out there when seemingly every animal ever seems to have a personal beef with you, specifically. And I'm not talking about wildlife, I'm talking about cows and chicken and like generally friendly things.
- Drink or food?
Food, unless my sister made it, in which case probably neither.
-Cats or dogs? 
Both! I grew up with both and currently have both - I have a cat called Silly - Cilantro, really - and a dog called Potato.
-Early bird or night owl? 
A little more of a night owl, I guess, though not really that either. I like sleeping.
-Optimist or pessimist? 
Optimist. Trying to be real hard at least! Mostly it's working!
-Sassy or sarcastic? 
Depends on the day and company I guess. Not a lot of either.
-Been caught sneaking out
No, but sneaking back in, yeah! (Laughs) I'd come home too late from parties or something drunk before I was supposed to be drinking and inevitably mom would catch me because I'd always get sick, or be way noisier than I thought, or, you know, both. I try to not drink enough to get that drunk anymore.
-Broken a bone
Kneecap, yeah, when I goofed my entire knee. Some toes, I think? Amazingly not anything bigger than that though.
-Received flowers
Yeah! From friends and family and dates, and fans too. I like flowers, am very allergic to some of their pollen though, haha!
-Ghosted someone
Well, yeah. Sometimes deservedly, sometimes it's been me panicking and being shitty as a result-- aw rats, there goes a coin in the swear jar... But yeah, I have.
-Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get
Oh for sure. Sometimes I don't have to pretend because I'll just laugh at myself not getting it!
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
Can we know more about wildbreak?
Growing up in a Neutral hub meant that he had a lot of exposure to alien culture and entertainment, one day he happened to stumble across a ‘DVD’ thing called Monsters Inc. and it’s now his favorite earth movie
Bots that were semi close to his age when he arrived on Cybertron were the jet twins! He thought they were super brave and cool but never met them until he reached Academy.
Knockout and Breakdown did the best they could at giving him a proper education while at the hub, but when he found himself put into private tutoring with some nice lady named Arcee, he was really overwhelmed with what he missed and continued to struggle in schooling on Cybertron. He has a hard time focusing and keeping still, but he found that he was really good at math! He worked hard and passed his final tests with flying colors, Wildbreak was just happy that he’d be going into a more hands on field at Academy with his military training!
He fumbled with his words a lot. Especially when he’s flustered.
If he HAD to pick a favorite Creator, it would be Breakdown. BD was the one who spent the most time with him growing up since KO was out scrapping together as many credits as he could get off at the hub clinic. His Sire knows him the best, and was always there to make him his meals and put him to bed. Knockout was always sure to check on him late in the night when he eventually did come home though. As a kid he remembers how his Carrier would always seem so tired even during the day cycle and would do his best to play with him, but more often then not he’d accidentally fall into recharge the moment he sat down. Wildbreak joined him in napping on his lap, his Sire would sometimes carry the two of them to berth and take a snooze with them too.
He can’t handle energon that has any form of spice to it. WB will CRY
Wildbreak’s family calls him Wybie! KO and BD are kind enough to only call him that at home, Dominiza ofc is NOT and uses every opportunity available to mess with him in public. She even went so far as to try and get the Academy to announce him as ‘Wybie Prime’ at his graduation ceremony. Thankfully Jazz Prime knew Wildbreak well enough to know that he’d probably die of embarrassment if his graduating class knew his nickname, so it didn’t go through lmao
I personally headcanon his tfa voice to sound a lot like Hiccup fom HTTYD!! So still kinda squeaky like his voice in RID
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purfectprincessgirl · 4 years
Who framed roger rabbit and coraline for the movie ask
~(Who Framed Roger Rabbit)~
favourite scene: that car ride scene with Eddie asking Jessica what she saw in Roger, which she replied “he makes me laugh~”, idk I always thought that was rather wholesome in a way ^^
least favourite scene: Roger crying over his wife supposedly “playing patticake” with another guy :c 
how many times have i seen it: A few times here and there, I think
favourite actor in movie: Pretty much everyone, but especially the main trio ^^
least favourite actor in movie: *shrugs*
do i own the dvd: I... don’t think so? Idk I haven’t quite checked in awhile ^^;
favorite song in the movie: Jessica’s song~
ever met any of the actors: Nnnnope lol 
favourite scene: Oooh dang this is hard, I love alot of the scenes of the movie tbh lol. Buuuut I’d probably pick either that first garden scene with the Other Father and Coraline + Coraline and Other Wybie watching Other Bobinski’s mouse circus ^^ 
least favourite scene: Ehhh, I guess that one scene of Wybie calling Coraline “crazy” when she tried to warn him about the Other World? ^^;
how many times have i seen it: Quite alot! Just recently I rewatched it too ^^
favourite actor in movie: The Cat’s VA performance was always pretty entertaining to me, a perfect balance of cryptic, wise but yet still full of character when interacting with Coraline ^^
least favourite actor in movie: Can’t really think of any I didn’t like tbh, everyone performed pretty well imo 
do i own the dvd: Yes! 
favorite song in the movie: Hmm, there wasn’t really too many “actual” songs in the film but that opening theme scene is pretty chilling :o
ever met any of the actors: Nah lol
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thesadvampire · 5 years
More writing prompts!💖🐌
1 "I thought you loved it when i called you my honey baby!" "Yes but not when my co workers do it!"
2"I dont do this very often but this song is dedicated to the peraon that has kept me strong... The love of my life..." "Aww babe you shouldn't have-" "RIHANNA. THIS IS FOR YOU!!!*proceeds to sing Umbrella by Rihanna*" "What???!!!"
4"Did you see the news? Some dumb ass tried to fight a group of toddlers!" "Maybe the toddlers where being dicks..."
5"Why is our bathroom pink WHY IS OUR BATH TUB HEART SHAPED????" "You seriously thought i was kidding when i said i wanted Jaynne Mansfields bathroom?"
6"Why did you marry me im an idiot...." "Maybe but youre my idiot."
7"My left leg is chriatmas,My right leg is new years... Why dont you visit me between holidays ;)"
8" Babe no. Last time we watched a horror film you cried" "IT WAS CORALINE AND I DIDNT CRY I WAS JUST PASSIONATE ABOUT THE OTHER WYBIE"
9"How drunk was I?" "You called me your whore and bragged about my fat ass"
10"Why are your cats so chubby?" "Are you body shaming my babies!? Square up thot!"
11"I didn't spend $100 on lingerie for you to not even give me a conpliment" "Are we having sex yes or no?" "Not with that attitude!"
12"Oh i dont have skin care routine i just use soap" "You disgust me"
13" I grew up thinking i was Aurora turns out Im Maleficent." "What?" "My friend didnt invite me to their Iguana's birthday party..."
14"You're sexy when you do that." "Do what?" "Look stupid"
15"I wish the Fab 5 from Queer Eye could make you see that just because you can survive on corn nuts and avocatos and sleep on an old couch doesnt mean you should"
16"No we are not naming our children after your favorite take out place!"
17"Im just saying you would look good dressed up as a playboy bunny!" "No." "ITS HALLOWEEN ITS THE PERFECT TIME TO DRESS SLUTTY COME ON"
18" Im never letting you go out there by yourself ever again" "I had the situation under control stop babying me!" "A CLOWN KICKED YOU IN THE NUTS"
19"Did you just call me dude?" "Yeah why?" "We just had sex damn it!"
20"Sometimes i feel like im not smart enough but then i remember you got you hand stuck in the dish washer."
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itsthemysterykids · 1 year
To Raz, Coraline, Mabel, and Neil what do you guys do when nerds don't have 100% from the exams?
Raz: *As Lili sets the 95% exam on fire* Uh… I usually just let her get all the rage out, and the. Make an attempt to calm her down.
Raz: And then prevent her from killing the teacher.
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Coraline: … He’s gonna be like that for a while.
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Coraline: So, while he does that, I’m gonna vandalize his teacher’s car and house.
Dipper: *Staring at a wall*
Mabel: He gets like this for about an hour, then he starts crying, stress-eats, until eventually he falls asleep. I’ve got about three more minutes until he starts crying.
Neil: Better luck next time, right?
Norman: Yeah. And a B is still a good grade.
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whitelightning9999 · 6 years
27. Dark
Word Count: 1312
Warning: the fic below has some minor mention of blood and disturbing images. Mostly on the level of the Movie Coraline
Coraline paced the living room. Next to her, Wybie occupied the couch.
Licking his lips, the boy spoke. “You can’t fix this”
Coraline froze, glancing at the boy.
“There’s no monster to face this time, Coraline”
She took a deep breath. “You don’t know that”
“Stan said it was brain damage, you can’t fight that.”
“I can try!”
Wybie shook his head. “It doesn’t matter how strong or determined you are. People are fragile.”
“You say that but-“
Wybie walked over to the older girl. In the past few months he had finally grown taller than her. “You can’t win a battle, if there is no war”.
“… that was super cheesy” She said leaning into him. “What do we do?”
“We’ll be there.” He pulled her into a hug.
They stayed like that for a while. Just enjoying the other’s embrace. They heard the phone go off, and the sound of shoes on wood.
“Hello?” Dipper’s voice came from the other room. “Yeah. Yeah okay. Is Mabel? Alright. Talk to you tomorrow.”
It was only when Coraline heard Dipper hang up did she pull out of the embrace.
“Was that Stan?” she asked walking into the kitchen, Wybie following her.
“Yeah” Dipper replied, staring at the ground. “The hospital wants to run a few tests tomorrow. He’s going to book a motel for Mabel and Lili.” He shook himself, smiling. “Are you settled in?”
Coraline stared at the boy, unfooled. “Aggie helped us earlier”
Dipper nodded. “I’ll call it a night then, not much for me to do, you know?”
She watched as the boy slipped past.
“Dipper” Wybie called. “If you ever want to talk.”
Coraline gritted her teeth as she heard the shoes walk up the stairs. “There may not be an enemy, Wybie, but I really want to punch something right now.”
Coraline had trouble falling asleep that night. She just stayed curled up in her sleeping bag, staring at the ceiling. Nearby she heard Wybie snoring loudly. Groaning, she turned over for the thousandth time, debating if she should wake Wybie up.
In the end, she decided to get a glass of water.
The house was silent as she creeped down the stairs. The Shack tilting and moaning in the wind, playing tricks on her imagination. She cursed herself for forgetting her phone, forced to navigate the house without a light.
Her feet touched the bottom step and a feeling of dread washed over her.
The blue haired girl felt like laughing. She had been faced to face with the worst monsters out there and she was afraid to get a glass of water? In a house with a magic barrier?
But the dread remained, becoming heavier and heavier as she drifted closer to the kitchen.
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. Reaching out to flip on a light.
A bolt of lightning struck outside the house. The lights stayed off.
“Just my luck” She said to herself.
Keeping her hand on the wall, she steadily walked to the kitchen.
“Co-re” a broken voice called out. “Co-ra-li-ne”
She jumped.
“Co-ra-line” the voice came again followed by static.
Slowly, she turned.
There was a light coming from the living room. Flickering on and off.
Her feet moved on their own.
She wanted to run up the stairs. Get one of the other kids.
It was just the TV.
She breathed in relief, freezing when the voice called her name again.
She looked toward the TV seeing Raz pounding on the screen.
“Raz!” She ran towards the TV. He was too pale, deathly so. His hands were too blue. His hair and clothes stuck to his thin frame. His eyes full of panic.
“Cor—line!” He pounded on the TV.
“Raz!” She yelled again, just as the TV shorted out. Leaving her in the dark house.
A nightmarish laugh echoed around the shack.
She stayed there, staring at the nothingness of the screen.
“Coraline” A honeyed voice called.
She jumped, looking around. She knew that voice.
“Coraline” The girl bolted.
“Wybie!” Coraline yelled, slamming the door.
“Wybie! wake up!” She shook the boy roughly.
“Wy-“ The boy rolled over. A ghastly grin held by two fresh stitches stared up at her. Blood still leaking around the edges.
“Wybie?” She took a step back as the boy sat up. His eyes opening to reveal two coal buttons.
“Coraline. Where are you honey?”
She couldn’t get to the door fast enough.
“Coraline?” Dipper’s voice called. “Coraline what’s wrong?” He asked, his eyes shadowed.
“Dipper” She tackled him. “Dipper it’s the Beldam. She got Wybie. We have to get out of here” Coraline started to drag him.
The smaller boy held fast. “But Coraline” He grabbed her arm. “They’re just buttons”
Bile rose in her throat, seeing the blood crusted buttons.
“Come on Coraline” Neil spoke from beside her. “They’re just buttons”
“You won’t feel a thing” Raz spoke.
“They’re just buttons” Mabel cried with pink buttons.
Coraline covered her ears.
“They’re just buttons” The Mystery Kids echoed around her. “They’re just buttons”
The kids latched on to her. Weighing her down as she screamed.
Five sharp points turned her head. “Come now dear” The Beldam chilled. “Let Mother give you your buttons”
Coraline watched the sharp sewing needle, as it inched toward her left eye.
She bolted up, hand flying toward her left eye. A slimy, sticky liquid covered it along with the feeling of pin pricks of the needle going in and out. In and out.
Coraline dashed for the bathroom.
Trembling she lifted her hand.
A brown, button-less eye stared back at her and she collapsed in relief.
“Coraline?” Norman’s voice came from the doorway.
Taking a breath, she turned, finding the boy’s normal eyes.
“Were you crying?” The boy asked.
She wiped her eyes. “I’m fine Norman. Just a sad dream”
She brushed past him.
 Neil sat on the floor, yawning. It had been a long night for the three of them. Actually, it had been a long 24 hours.
He took another sip of his Mabel Juice, watching Norman squeeze through the door. He raised an eyebrow at his friend, sensing that he was troubled.
“Coraline was in the bathroom. I think she was crying.”
Aggie looked up. “Is she alright?”
Norman shook his head. “I think she had a nightmare like the rest of us. I guess it really has been a stressful day.”
Neil frowned, remembering Norman’s soft pleads and Aggie’s sudden burst of power. He was really hoping that he wasn’t going to be the one to explain the tree.
He hadn’t gone to sleep like the rest of the kids. Staying up thinking about what he and Raz had talked about. He had spent most of the night looking at support sites before Norman’s nightmare had begun.
After assuring Norman then Aggie, they favored to research the invisible being instead of sleeping.
It was Norman who stole borrowed the journals from Dipper’s room.
Neil looked back down at Journal #3, turning the page.
A mushroom stared back at him, apparently one could rub it on their forehead to increase brain power? Neil was surprised Dipper and Ford had not tried. Or maybe they had? That would explain a lot about Ford.
The next page was different than the rest of the journal, dried blood covered the page, like the Author had gotten into a brutal fight. But the page was blank.
Neil was about to move on when something caught his eye. A white circle cutting through the browning edge of the page.
Like something had been erased.
Neil reached over grabbing a piece of paper and a sharpened pencil. Carefully he rubbed the pencil over the paper, on top of the left page.
His gut grew heavy as cursive words covered by symbols appeared.
“Bill Cipher” He made out.
Hope you enjoy. This may be the last chapter for awhile. Working on something big and going to try to have it out by October.
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