#|| bags pots & pans THE KIDS ARE NOT ALRIGHT
Chamomile Daisies
{TW: Curs1ing, Lasko's rants- um.. candle wax.. uh- Lasko gets called airhead like quite a few times honestly- he also gets called airboi huxley and Damien being too cute- ( voice mails ) A tiny bit of yelling (the word murdered) Guy, an unhealthy amount of knowledge about pizza I'm not kidding... and finally I'm not a great writer.. but I'm trying and learning lmfao- Gavin doing freelancers voice mail(do what you want with that information )- I threw in some guy and honey- the blue is Lasko's rambles }
this got very long for some reason
WC: 2022
This is one of the dumbest things you could think of Lasko. And I mean dumb- like it isn’t even scientifically proven to help you with your rambling.. Well, you can’t say that because every person is different... So what affects you could also not affect the rest of the population.. And empowered and unempowered are different entirely so could DNA have anything to do with it? And I'm doing it again..all fuck it I’ll get to 2 of them. 
  Lasko makes his way over to the cashier, maybe this could work. God, he’d hoped it’d work. The first date was already fucked up..he didn’t want to mess up the second one. He pays and walks out of the store. His place was right around the corner.. Maybe the candles weren’t necessary... But Lasko wanted to make sure nothing went wrong this time. 
               Just thinking about what happened at Max’s made him drop his keys. Damnnit bending down to pick them up. He groaned at the thought of a repeat because of anxiety.. Lasko pushed the thought aside and placed the candles on the tabletop. Where did he put his clothes for the night? The airhead sighed and walked into his room. Going through the mess on the floor. Was that it? No, that’s not dark enough to cover stains.. That's not it.. No.. no.. no..no.. YES, that's it!  Lasko smiled as he pulled up a light turquoise heavy shirt! Unbuttoning his grey work shirt, with the same small smile on his face.. Maybe with the help of these candles, he could stop being so nervous and have a nice date with his dear.
Wait what would be the most effective way to burn the candles? Maybe he could melt them down in a pan well.. Rather a heatproof container… let's be real here he’s not gonna wanna clean that... Like you, how annoying would it be? Scraping the sides.. just sounds like too much work. It could stop with burning you know? Perhaps.. What would be the other method.. I could try a microwave.. Of course, I’d have to cut them in half… they're pretty long candles after all… I was thinking to myself.. Did I ever think about what scent I bought..? What if it smells bad?? Dear god, what am I gonna do fuck.. shit .. mother fuc-.. 
Lasko began buttoning his shirt over his white t-shirt. He walked out of his room, walking to the dryer. Now that he was actually in the kitchen and laundry room. He could try on his pants or well put them on he already knew they could fit. Now that he was dressed ( a few hours in advance ). He grabbed a pan, and a heat-proof container (a small one), and he finally opened the bag and looked at the candle. 
Chamomile Daisies that seem like a nice smell.
Didn’t dear say how much they loved the smell of flowers? Or was it the morning dew smell on the flowers? Was that just a them thing or it is because they a water elemental? I mean they never really said anything about liking flowers.. Did I miss something? Wait have they ever dropped any information about liking flowers..? Should I get some flowers? Just in case.. Maybe I should text them.. ? NO surprises are better.. Right? Actually no. The last time I did that I was completely soaked in water… alright.. Pants on.. Stove on..now.. Should I put some Oil in there? No.. I don’t want to clean the pot more than I already have to. 
As the airhead watched and waited for the candles to melt. His phone rang. It was dear.. Why were they calling? What was going on..? WERE THEY CALLING TO STAY THEY CANCELED?  No silly Lasko. LASKO PICK UP THE PHONE DAMMIT! Right. Right, answer the phone! 
‘’ Hey Dearie! I was just checking up on you! ‘’
D-d-dearie?! That’s new!? 
‘’ H..Hey Dear-r! I'm doing fine! ‘’ 
‘’That's great to hear! I can’t wait to see you, I just wanted to make sure you’re not overworrying… you’re not right? ‘’ Dear asked waiting to hear his response 
‘’ y..y-y-..yea! I'm o-..okay! N-..not worry-ying! A-at all! ‘’ his voice was a dead giveaway. Dear sighed on the other end of the phone. ‘’
'' Dearie..no..Lasko please don’t worry yourself too much.. Alright?’’ 
‘’ right.. I..-I’ll try..my dearest..’’ Lasko looked at the boiling pot on the stove.. The wax was red with light blue accents.
‘’ Lasko? You there?.. Lasko…?? LASKO!! ‘’
Dear’s yell caught poor Lasko off guard. He dropped his phone and in that moment our dearest Lasko forgot that he was an air elemental or at least for the right objects. See he used his magic to catch his phone just before it hit the stove? Wait, where was the candle wax? As Lasko looked up. Dear still on the phone trying to get his attention he saw the pot of wax fly in the air. And practically in slow motion watched it fall landing on the counter, wall, and the floor it also landed on his shirt…His shirt!?. Wait.. his.. His.. his what..HIS FUCKING SHIRT! SHIT..SHIT..SHIT.. THAT’S NOT GOOD
‘’ HEY DEAR I..-ILL C-..C-CALL YOU B-BACK! ‘’ as much as the poor airhead wanted to answer his Dear’s questions. He hit the red button faster than normal. 
Good job Lasko.. Now Dear is more than likely upset with me. And now I have to deal with all this wax. I knew I shouldn't have brought those damn candles! But No.. Lasko wanted to be calm..But NOOO Lasko wanted to do this and that!.. Goddamnit.. I’m like this because I wanted our second date to be better than the first one.. Fuck.. maybe…perhaps freelancer.. Would have any idea of removing wax..from he looks around everything.. 
I'm.. Afraid my deviant..~ can’t make it to the phone right now~~ They’re busy at the moment.~~ But please.. Leave a message..~ make it worthwhile..~~ 
‘’ hey Freelancer.. When you get the chance.. Could you um.. Call me back.. i .. m-..may or m-..m-may not have gotten.. W-wax on my c-clothes.. ..f-f..or my date.. Please ca-call back! ‘’ 
Sorry Dames! Huxley Just record the voicemail, please!.. Right, right! Sorry Dames and I can’t come to the phone- Leave a message and Dames and will get back to you! HUXLEY IT'S YOUR PHONE!! An-  
‘’ Hey Huxley.. Um- whenever you g-g…get the chance.. Could you um.. Call me back..I need some help..I may have or hav..have n-..not gotten wax.. everywhere..? ‘’ 
It’s Daimen. I'm afraid I can’t answer the phone.. Leave a message.. Not a long one.
‘’ o-oh.. Straightforward.. U-uh… um. I- I need some h-help with a.. Waxy situation.. ‘’ 
Well as another hour passed, no one seemed to get back with him, well Damien sent him a text about wondering what he meant by straightforward. Lasko tried to explain it.. But Damien didn’t understand how it happened.. But tried his best, to help.. Thanks to his help he got the dried wax off. But the shirt itself was stained.. The red on the shirt made him wanna cry. Red is already a hard color to get out of clothes, and his shirt being blue did not help.. Honestly, it looked like he murdered someone- not the point! He frowned and picked up his phone again. Dialed a number and sighed..it rang once.. Then twice and then eventually someone picked up. 
‘’ Lasko what happened earlier!? You hung up so fast..I thought I did something- ‘’  Dear sounded sorrowful and it hurt Lasko a little. ‘’ No dear, you do anything.. I.. may..have messed something up.. ‘’ that last part left the Airbois mouth almost inaudibly.
‘’ messed what up Lasko? ‘’ it was dear’s turn to be concerned
‘’ Well..I wanted today’s date to go smoothly and not a repeat of what happened at Max’s..’’ dear cringed at the thought.
‘’ yes..what happened..? ‘’ 
‘’ a-and.. we..ll I heard- ab-about.. the-these..ca-calming c-candles..an..d ki-kinda.. Spilled.. The w-wax.. Ev-everywhere.. in-.. Including the-..the shirt.. F-for t-tonight..’’ Lasko managed to stutter out. 
‘’ Lasko.. Dear.. y-you did…wh-at..? ‘’ dear said holding in snickering
‘’ Are you laughing right now!? ‘’ Lasko seemed more shocked than surprised. 
‘’ AHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHA Lasko im sorry! I-..Just.. I ‘’ Dear could barely hold in their laughs. And Lasko entirely lost his nerve and decided to join in the laughing. 
‘’Lasko.. Listen I’ll cancel the plans and you can just come over here.. ‘’ Dear says small giggles in their sentence. 
‘’ Dear! I couldn’t just, didn’t that.. Like I already messed up the first date and now I'm ruining another one! And I just don’t think it’s fair.. That you have to cancel our plans- ‘’ Lasko attempted to ramble on but dear interrupted him. 
‘’ Lasko Dearie.. I love.. That you don't want to quote on quote to ruin another date.. But I just want to spend my time with you.. So come over and bring the shirt.. ‘’ though Lasko couldn’t see his dear’s face he knew they were smiling.. And smiling hard. 
‘’ fine.. I’ll be over in a few ‘’ Lasko responded.. Giving in. Perhaps this is better than embarrassing himself at another restaurant.  
And I know I feel so bad because I ruined our first and now the second date! I just don’t know how I let this happen. Dear, I feel so bad.. Like really bad.. Maybe I shouldn’t have come over.. Look Dear, I'll just put the shirt in the wash and I..i- Lakso stops mid-sentence losing his train of thought.. His dear looked so nice.. They always looked nice whether it was nice clothes or just a plain T-shirt and shorts. Like what they were wearing now, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. 
‘’ well, Dearie! Your shirt is in the wash! I used a little magic to make sure the bleach didn’t ruin the whole shirt. ‘’ his dear smiled pulling out their phone. 
Lasko rubs the back of his neck, chucking ‘’ well I could leave once it's washed.. ‘’ Dear glared back at Lasko.. Scarying the power airboi- ‘’ w..w-w.well..i-i..cou-could..j–just s-stay! ‘’ Lasko stuttered out.
‘’ well good! I'm ordering some pizza for the night.. Lasko was a little nervous, but for once his poker face held. Theirs no way it could be the same waiter from before right?
‘’ hey the pizzas here! Do you wanna go get it? ''Dear looked at Lasko with puppy dog eyes. As if begging him to get the pizza. Lasko wondered who taught them that as he went to open the door. 
{ Lasko is about ramble about the preparation of pizza feel free to skip- }
It. Was. The. Same. Guy.         
‘’ um.. Order for a D- oh.. It’s you- ‘’ guy started with a faint laugh
‘’ Y-Yea.. Haha me woo! ‘’ Lasko was losing him as he grabbed the box of pizzas. 
Did you know pizza could be sold fresh? HAh.. it’s a really funny process actually.. You can even get it whole or portion slices. Though the methods vary. That and have been developed to overcome challenges! Like preventing the sauce from combining with the dough! Because who the hell wants soggy pizza am I right?? HAhah, dealing with eh crust is another hard thing to deal with! Like the methods had to change often because the crust… could become rigid and who wants that? Not me and I'm sure not you! H-h-ha that’s even if you like pizza- l-..like a lot of people who work at their job d-d..-don’t like what they do..l-l-l..like there are a lot of things i..-I don’t like about my job but..but it’s a job you-..you know.. Haha?  
Dear taking notice of the situation.. Giggling a little and going to interrupt Lasko and the pizza guy. 
‘’Lasko go put the pizza on the counter please. ‘’ lasko sighed in relief before disappearing into the other room. 
‘’ sorry bout that- here take this for your troubles..’’
‘’ HONEY GUESS WHAT I GOT TODAY!!!! ‘’ Honey turned around to greet their very happy lover tonight.. ‘’ Yes Guy ‘’ 
‘’ I GOT A 150$ DOLLAR TIP ‘’ honey nearly spit out their drink
(@laskosprettygirl this is the Fic.. I hope it was worth the wait- )
once again my Adhd brain made this take harder than it needed to- I hope this lives up to expectations! and have a good day or night!
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tinybro · 2 years
I keep thinking about Jason and Nico getting an apartment together after Jason graduates from his boarding school (in an self-indulgent AU where ToA's not a thing and he's not dead, of course). Jason admitting he doesn't really know what to do with himself now beyond continuing his Pontifex Maximus work – at least the school had kinda let him kick this feeling of not belonging anywhere further down the road for a few years, but now that he doesn't have to live in a dorm anymore he's actually gotta make a decision. He confides in Nico that he's always hated the Zeus cabin (understandable), but just getting himself a place in New Rome feels like locking himself into the same old patterns when he knows that he's not quite Roman enough anymore.
Nico's the one to suggest it, why not just get yourself a place outside of the camps entirely? After all, Jason managed alright living in the mortal world for school even having been fully enmeshed in the demigod shit since he was two. If both camps feel wrong then just go somewhere else. It'd never really occurred to Jason as an option. He's been so resigned all along to all the demigod shit being his entire life forever. And then the cost is a whole other issue – the Pontifex shit doesn't really pay a living wage.
Nico shrugs it off. His dad's also the god of wealth, remember? He can help with money.
(He initially means it as just offering to help Jason out financially, but Jason interpreted it as them finding a place together, and then he looks so disappointed when Nico corrects him that Nico decides he might as well.)
Neither of then have ever done the regular mortal life apartment life thing, so there's a learning curve. They're stupidly pumped about finding a place and finalizing everything and don't even think about how little they have to actually put in the apartment until they move in and spend the first night camped out in the empty living room in sleeping bags. They go furniture shopping together the next day and for all that it's a weird new experience and neither of them know what they're doing, the domestic shit just comes naturally. Nico picks out kitchen stuff and Jason's boggled to see just how many different kind of pots and pans are apparently necessary in a normal kitchen (Not that Nico's had much experience with normal kitchens in recent years either, but he remembers some stuff from when he was a kid and it's more than Jason knows). Jason embarrasses Nico by laying down on every potential couch to test how nap-worthy they are (he likes the idea of friends being able to comfortably crash with them occasionally when needed and he wants to make sure they have a solid couch for them to do it on).
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thewitchwannabe · 1 year
Leona walked into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filling up her nostrils. “Mornin’ sis!” Mikey said, flipping a pancake with the pan. ‘Show off’ she thought affectionately, a smile grew on her lips. “Ohayo Mikey, happy mutation day”, she said. “Happy mutation day!” The orange turtle answered. Leo walked over to the kettle to start preparing her and Master Splinter’s teas, as well as Donny’s coffee. Mikey continued to work on the pancakes, garnishing the stack with some strawberries. He was going all out for their birthdays but at this rate Leo feared they were going to need April to make a second grocery run this week. A little later Donny walked in, eye bags under his eyes as usual, carrying his coffee mug, making a beeline to the coffee pot. “Happy mutation day, Don!” Mikey said, finishing up Leo’s plate with a number 15 and handing it to her. Donny simply sat down with his now full mug, taking a big sip, his eyes finally seemed to focus on his siblings “happy mutation day”, they said calmly. Mikey handed Donny his plate, a stack of buttered pancakes with a number 14 on it, the purple turtle started eating with delight. Leo shook her head at the sight of her brother, “when exactly did you go to sleep last night?” She asked. Donny looked up a slightly offended look on his face “I’ll have you know Leona, that i went to bed at a reasonable 10:30 pm, my brain just didn’t shut up until 4 in the morning”. 
The two of them continued to eat while Mikey prepared the rest of the pancake batter. He turned around once he had his, Raph’s and Master Splinter’s plates ready. “Alright I’ll go wake up the little rascal, Leo you can take dad’s plate to his room” he said. Leona nodded and stood up from her seat and started serving Master Splinter’s tea and placed it with his plate on a tray. “That won’t be necessary my children” Splinter’s tired voice said. He entered the kitchen with a sleepy Raph next to him. A soft “ohayo” left the youngest turtle’s lips as he walked over to his seat. Leo quickly walked over to the old rat, “Tōsan! What are you doing here?” She asked worry clear in her tone. Master Splinter, smiled at his daughter, “It’s you kid’s birthday, I couldn’t spend it in my room again” he said, it was true, he had barely congratulated them last year since his health wasn’t as stable as it was now. “Don’t worry Leona, I’m feeling quite well today”. Leo watched her dad walk over to the table. Raph already devouring his breakfast, the 12 sign left to the side like Mikey’s own 13. A smile made its way to Leo’s lips, as she walked over to her seat to finish up her breakfast. 
The little family ate and chatted, a stark difference to last year’s celebration. When Master Splinter was still recovering from their showdown with the Shredder. Donny working non-stop to find a way to bring his health to a safe zone of sorts. Leo patrolling the city looking for any sign of the foot. And Mikey making sure Raph didn’t try to follow their sister. It had been a hard while, but they finally reached a sense of normalcy, things aren’t as dire as they were. The foot has been MIA for a while, and Leo’s biggest concern was her brother’s training and getting groceries and supplies whenever April was too busy or couldn’t find an excuse to buy a family’s worth of food. April was the latest addition to their little clan. Their paths had crossed here and there as she was often caught in the crossfire of their battles with the foot. She’s always been quite the magnet for trouble according to her. But that also meant that she caught sight of Leo rushing to Splinter’s aid the night of their showdown with the Shredder and decided to follow her. April helped her get her father out of the collapsed building they were trapped in after the blast Leo caused when she stopped the draining jutsu. She even stayed with Splinter while Leo went to rescue her brother’s from the foot’s headquarters. She simply stuck around after that night, and Leona couldn’t be happier about that. Sure she had this weird friendship with Karai, but having a friend who never tries to harm her or her family was pretty nice. 
Leo was brought back to the conversation, when Raph spoke “nēchan, are you making us train today?”. Leo looked at Raph and raised an eyebrow “mmmmm” she said placing a finger to her chin, “i don’t know, should i give you a day off?” All three of her brothers immediately said yes, making Master Splinter chuckled as he sipped his tea. She faked offense at their response “come on, training is fun” she defended crossing her arms. “It is, it is!” Mikey said, “but come one sis, it's our birthday, we should take it easy!”. Donny and Raph nodded their heads in agreement. Leo rolled her eyes “fine, you can skip training, but remember April is coming in the afternoon” she said heading to the dojo by herself. The cheers of her brothers behind her. “In that case, how about a private lesson, Leona?” Master Splinter said, getting up from his seat with the help of his cane. “Only if you feel up for it, tōsan” Leo said as Splinter reached her at the door. Splinter laughs a little at the overprotective-ness of his daughter and lets her lead the way to the dojo.
Leona practiced the kata Master Splinter had explained, as he watched and gave pointers sitting on the floor a little to the side. Leo made sure to follow all the indications her sensei gave her. She was determined to perfect the move as it would be her job to teach her brothers. This was the system that they had reached, as training and keeping up with 4 students was too taxing for the rat. So Leo took over her brother’s training, being able to spar with them and teach them what she knew as the oldest. And after that Splinter would give her private lessons to her. After a while Leo was making the move with an almost perfect precision, so Splinter declared the lesson over, and called Leo over to sit with him. “You know Leona, while we were all eating breakfast I realized something” he said. Leo turned to look at her father “what did you realize tōsan?”. Splinter looked up at a picture hanging on the wall, the five of them many years before, Master Splinter had just given them their masks, they were all smiling. “I realized how lucky we are” he started “yes we have gone through tough battles, battles that have left us some lasting scars, but we have managed to overcome them all”. Leona thought about it, they’ve grown up hidden away, scavenging for food and supplies, only having each other, but they were happy and loved. “We’ve gone through so much, and yet here we are, the five of us being able to laugh and celebrate another year of our family forming” Splinter turned to look at Leo, “and I have to thank you for it, Leona”. Leo’s eyes grew wide, “me?” Splinter nodded his head, “yes, you made sure we were all taken care of after our last encounter with the Shredder. You provided for your brothers, you cared for them, and continued to train them, when I was too weak to do so. You’ve grown into such a strong young woman, and couldn’t be prouder of you” Leona looked at her father with wide eyes feeling them start to water a little. “I’m so incredibly lucky to have you as my daughter, Leona,” Splinter said, wiping away Leo’s tears with a gentle smile on his face before pulling her into a hug. Leo quickly returned the embrace. The two of them hugged for a while, and Leo let herself be comforted like she comforts her brothers. 
Soon enough the afternoon rolled around, the family rested in the living room waiting for April to arrive. Mikey and Raph playing ‘InkSquids’, while Donny scrolled aimlessly on his phone. Leo watched her brother's gameplay, making sure their game fights didn’t escalate. Splinter sat in his chair, with a hot cup of tea, content to have his children with him. Suddenly the sound of footsteps filled the sewer tunnel leading to their home. The five of them turned their heads immediately at the sound, their senses always acutely aware of their surroundings. They quickly relaxed as their human friend appeared through the door. April walked in apologizing for her tardiness. “Jones was helping me with our calculus homework,” she said. She placed her large bag on the kotatsu table in the center of the living room. “Don’t worry April, we're just glad to have you here” Leo said as she walked over to hug her friend. “Well I’m here, and I come bearing gifts”. If Raph and Mikey had ears, they would have perked up, as they clearly got excited at the mention of gifts. 
They all gathered around the table, as April opened her bag. “They’re not much, just a few things from me and Master Splinter”, the human said. The four turtles turned to look at their father, with surprise in their faces. “I asked Miss O’Neil to help me get each of you a small present”, Splinter said as he sat besides April ready to hand the gifts. Raph went first, Master Splinter handed him a small set of art supplies. Next was Mikey, who received a figurine of his favorite superhero ‘Arachnid-Man’. Then was Donny, April handed him two very unique looking mugs, one of them the size of a small bowl to add to his collection. And finally for Leona, Master Splinter handed her a small box tied closed with a ribbon. Leo opened her gift inside a small necklace with a blue butterfly for a pendant. “It's beautiful” she said “thank you tōsan, April”. The younger turtles thanked the father and friend once more, all happy with their gifts. 
Mikey quickly ran to the kitchen and came back with the cake he and Raph prepared. Donny helped serve a slice of everyone as April helped Leo put on her gift. “I hope it wasn’t much trouble getting them, April,” Leo said. The human girl sat besides her friends as she was handed a piece of cake. “Not at all, Master Splinter already had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to get you guys, I just had to go get it”. Leo looked around at her family, Mikey was in the middle of explaining the story behind his figurine to Master Splinter who simply smiled and nodded along, most likely not being able to follow Mikey’s convoluted explanation. Donny took Mikey’s plays in front of the tv, to play ‘MarcoKart’ with Raph. Leona’s face softened, her family was all together, safe, and happy, and she had a realization of her own. She realized that she’ll always fight to preserve this. To have these moments with her family, and protect them. 
“I want the next turn after whoever loses,” Leo says with a smile.
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krizaland · 1 year
It’s The Thought That Counts Chapter 2
LMK Wukong x Bao Li
Here’s the final chapter!
Be warned: there’s yelling, scolding, and bad cooking ahead!
“Let Monkey King use my kitchen?! Have you lost your mind?!” Pigsy roared as he threw his hands in the air.
“C’mon, Pigsy! Monkey King just wants to bake some cookies for Bao Li! He even brought his own ingredients” MK pleaded as he gestured to Wukong.
“No! Why can’t he bake cookies in his own kitchen?!” Pigsy snapped as he folded his arms.
“Because he doesn’t have a kitchen of his own!” MK whined, “C’mon Pigsy! He really wants to impress Bao Li!”
“No! Now stop asking before I-”
“Pretty please? For me?”
MK made the saddest puppy dog eyes he could muster.
“Nope! Nuh-uh! That look ain’t gonna work on me again!”
MK’s face only grew sadder as he continued to stare up at Pigsy.
Pigsy sighed and shook his head. MK looking so sad just tugged on his heartstrings.
“Fine. He can use my kitchen. But he better clean up any mess he makes!”
“Yes! Thanks Pigsy!”
And with that, MK led Wukong to Pigsy’s kitchen.
“Alright, kid. These cookies should only take about…mmm thirty minutes or so. That should be enough time for you to convince Bao Li to come over here, right?” Wukong asked casually as he tossed the bag of ingredients onto the counter.
“Don’t worry! I’ll get Bao Li over here in no time!” MK chirped with a twinkle in his eye.
Wasting no time, MK rushed off to Bao Li’s house.
Wukong couldn’t help but grin as he threw on one of Pigsy’s aprons and rummaged through the bag.
“Alright, now I know I have the recipe in here somewhere…Ah Ha! Gotcha!” Wukong chirped as he pulled out a crumpled up sticky note.
He smoothed out the sticky note and stuck it to the counter.
Wukong then returned to the bag and begun pulling out the ingredients.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Pigsy asked skeptically as he watched Wukong unpack.
“Pssh! C’mon it’s just baking cookies! How hard can it be?”
No sooner had Wukong said that-
He accidentally knocked over a bag of flour, covering both the counter and himself in a dusty white blanket.
Pigsy groaned and rubbed his temples.
“Whatever. You better clean this mess up when you’re done.”
And with that, Pigsy left the kitchen shaking his head.
“Don’t worry! I’ve totally got this!” Wukong called out as he dusted off some of the flour.
It wasn’t long before the sound of chaos erupted from the kitchen!
Loud banging and clattering along muffled strings of profanities echoed from the kitchen.
Pigsy didn’t even want to think about the disaster brewing in his kitchen.
He tried to distract himself with his closing duties.
However, the smell of something burning made Pigsy lose his last shred of patience.
He burst into the kitchen and let out a horrified gasp!
It looked as if a category five hurricane had ravaged the kitchen!
Pots and pans were scattered everywhere and globs of poorly mixed batter painted the walls!
All of the measuring cups and spoons were glued together with clumps of batter that were dripping onto the floor!
Even his fridge wasn’t safe, as it was left wide open and covered in even more batter!
Worst of all, there was Wukong, pulling out what could only be described as a tray of charcoal.
He placed the tray down on the stove and gave Pigsy a sheepish look.
“Ok, so I might’ve burned the cookies just a little bit.”
Pigsy’s face burned bright red as his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“Geez, chill out, Pigsy. I told you I was just baking cookies-”
“So I made a tiny bit of a mess, no big deal. I told you I would clean it up and-”
“Ok so it’s not that tiny but I’m still gonna clean it up. Besides, I still made the cookies! They’re a little burnt but I think they’re still edible-” -Wukong picked up a burnt cookie only for it to crumble into dust.
Steam practically blew out of Pigsy’s ears.
In that moment, Wukong felt what was left of his heart shatter.
Normally he was used to getting yelled at but Pigsy’s words cut deep.
The words echoed throughout Wukong’s mind as his shoulders sagged.
“You’re right…I do ruin everything. Even when I try to make things right I just end up making everything worse. I’m sorry, Pigsy. I better go before I cause any more trouble…”
A few tears trickled down Wukong’s cheeks as he made his way to leave.
Pigsy’s rage morphed into shock.
He had never seen Wukong cry before.
Pigsy couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt in his heart for what he said.
The poor monkey was just trying to make some cookies. He probably didn’t mean to destroy his kitchen.
With a frustrated huff, Pigsy called out.
“Wait. Look I’m sorry for what I said, alright. I know you probably didn’t mean to cause all this trouble.”
Wukong looked at Pigsy incredulously.
“Really? You’re not mad at me anymore?”
“No. I’m still mad at you but… I do feel kinda bad for what I said,” Pigsy admitted, “So how about you help me clean this place up and…I’ll show you how to properly bake some cookies?”
Wukong’s face perked back up.
“Sounds good to me!”
And with that, Wukong helped Pigsy clean up the kitchen.
Once the kitchen was spotless, Pigsy got straight to work showing Wukong the correct way to make cookies.
It wasn’t long before the smell of burnt cookies was replaced by the smell of freshly baked Ruby Almond Cookies.
“Now we need to let these cool for a bit-” Pigsy put the cookies on the order window- “-In the meantime, I want you to promise me that you’ll never use my kitchen again.”
“Aww! But I had so much fun!”
Pigsy shot Wukong a glare.
“Right. Right. Got it! I promise to never use your kitchen again!” Wukong chuckled nervously.
“Good. Now you better get cleaned up before your ex gets here.” Pigsy instructed.
Wukong didn’t need to be told twice!
He dashed off to get himself cleaned up.
Pigsy sighed as he begun to clean up the kitchen once more.
The door opened as MK led Bao Li inside.
“Just wait right here! I’ll get your surprise!” MK insisted as he gestured for Bao Li to wait.
MK was about to look for Wukong when he spotted Tang munching on a plate of cookies.
“Hey Mr. Tang! Have you seen Monkey King around here?” MK asked casually.
“No I haven’t but I did discover the greatest cookies ever!” Tang exclaimed with his mouth full, “I had no idea Pigsy even sold cookies.”
“He doesn’t- Wait a minute! Mr Tang, those cookies aren’t-”
The sound of Wukong’s outraged cry made Tang nearly jump out of his seat.
“O-oh! I am so sorry, Mr. King! I-I didn’t realize that these cookies were yours! I just-”
“They weren’t for me! They were for Bao Li!” Wukong buried his face in his hands, “There goes another attempt to win her back.”
“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but overhear something about Ruby Almond Cookies.”
The sound of Bao Li’s gentle voice made Wukong straighten back up.
“Heeeey Bao Li! What are you… doing here?” Wukong stuttered as he stood in front of Tang.
“MK invited me here. He said there was a surprise for me.” Bao Li stated flatly.
“Right! Right! That’s why you’re here!” Wukong chuckled nervously.
“I’m guessing my surprise is some Ruby Almond Cookies?” Bao Li asked hopefully.
“Ok so promise not to get mad but-”
“I ate the cookies!” Tang cried out.
Bao Li blinked in shock.
“I’m so sorry, Princess! I-I didn’t know those cookies were for you! I thought they were for everyone! Please forgive me!” Tang blubbered as he bowed apologetically.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m not mad at you. Honestly, I actually don’t blame you. Ruby Almond Cookies are the greatest cookies in the world! I would’ve done the same if I were you.” Bao Li giggled as she rubbed the back of her head.
“Oh I totally agree! I’ve never tasted better cookies!” Tang exclaimed cheerfully.
“Right?! They’re simply divine! They make all the trouble of harvesting Ruby Almonds worthwhile- Wait a minute…”
Bao Li looked over at Wukong with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Wukong? Did you go all the way back to my old kingdom just to bring me those cookies?”
“Weeell… I didn’t go to get the cookies. I went to gather the Ruby Almonds to make the cookies.” Wukong confessed sheepishly.
Bao Li’s face flushed a bit.
“Wait…Wukong… Did you bake those cookies yourself?”
“Well, I mean Pigsy helped a little but yeah I did…” Wukong admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.
“You went to all the trouble of baking cookies for me? Wukong! That’s…That’s so sweet! Thank you!” Bao Li beamed as she clasped her hands together.
“I don’t know why you’re thanking me since you didn’t even get to have any. But I appreciate it.” Wukong chuckled nervously.
“Wukong, it doesn’t matter that I didn’t get to have any cookies, it’s the thought that counts. I really appreciate how you took the time to do something sweet for me.”
And with that, Bao Li pulled Wukong into a gentle hug.
Wukong felt his heart flutter in his chest as he immediately returned the hug.
“Thank you for thinking of me.” Bao Li whispered.
“I never stopped thinking about you…” Wukong replied as he held her a just a bit tighter.
The End
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ancient-cats-unite · 2 years
Ototo's New Recruit
Elmo joins Ototo's development team.
Elmo strutted out of his room, Yoyo tailing behind him.
"So what's next on the tour?"
"We only get this hallway. However we do have a small kitchen!"
Yoyo led him to the kitchen near the entrance. Pots and pans were neatly stored in cupboards. A small stove sponsored by the Iron Legion had some grease stuck to it. A cat eating rice sat on the ground.
"That's T-Bone, she's like a black hole. Shes also our culinary expert, her lasagna can feed the whole Cat Army."
Elmo walked over to stand where T-Bone was.
She gobbled down the last bit of her rice. She put the bowl in the sink.
"Hi. Do you like cookies?"
"Great. I can get some for you, but you need to get something for me."
Elmo scratched his head. Then he had an execllent idea.
"Do you like carrots? My friend gave me a good one. Brave Cutter Approved."
"Brave Cutter? The Grandon Mining Cutter? Alright lets see this carrot!"
Elmo went back to his room and got the carrot. It had a couple bruises but no mold. He went back to the kitchen and gave T-Bone the carrot. She ate the tip.
"Mmm.. that's pretty good. You weren't kidding. Maybe I'll make some soup with it."
"That sounds pretty good."
T-bone handed Elmo a bag full of sugar cookies from the shelf.
"Here you go. My treat. See you around."
"Oh wow! Thanks!"
The two were going to leave the cabin, but a crackling sound caught their attention.
"What was that? Did something pop a fuse?"
The two ran to the sound's origin. It came from a dark painted door. "KEEP OUT!" was written on a large sign. "Please?" was written on a smaller sticky note.
"Oh. Thats Gordy's room. He'll be fine."
"Hold on, I have something I wanted to give him."
Elmo held up a fragment of the green crystal from his overalls pocket. It glew brighter, the etchings pulsing with energy. Taking a deep breath, he head inside.
Gordy was hacking up smoke in his room with some wiring gone wrong. He was working on a panel covered by a white tarp. The mysterious curtain covered a large margin of the room.
"YOU! Disgusting vermin, leave immediately!"
Gordy hissed. Yoyo and Elmo backed up.
"Not you, new kid. You can stay."
Yoyo huffed and left the room, closing the door. Gordy appeared behind Elmo and draped him with a part of his coat.
"Have you decided? That these WORTHLESS FOOLS aren't worth your time? With me, we will conquer the world with our MERCILESS ROBOT ARMY! Right now they're just cleaning robots, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"
Elmo got some distance from Gordy. He pulled out the crystal, who strongly reacted to the machinery. Gordy snatched it immediately.
"You.. YOU.. You are a BLOODY GENIUS! This is a fraction of true power, I can power up my precious! Witness my creation, my dear assistant.. WITNESS THE BRINGER OF DESTRUCTION!"
Gordy unveiled the tarp to reveal.. to reveal.. a small metal Bun Bun. It makes a dent into the floor.
"Ah. I just need to implant it. I'm very grateful, these things grant immense power!The world shall be in my paws! Nya hahahahahahaha!!"
Elmo just stared. Gordy got nervous.
"Laugh with me. Its awkward."
So the two bringers of destruction laughed together.
Gordy hands Elmo a scrap metal cat. Its in decent shape with working cameras to boot. Elmo pats the cat on the head.
"My minion shall serve you well. Now begone! Evil awaits!"
Elmo left the cabin. Yoyo wasn't anywhere, so maybe he could vibe with Hank? Hank was lying down, Ototo with him.
"Don't eat the butterflies anymore, Hank. Please."
"But.. preety.."
Hank perked up when Elmo came by. Ototo looked up as well.
"Frend! I got you preety butterflies!"
The jar had yellow butterflies in it. They all had cat faces.
"Ooh! I'll put this on my shelf. Thanks Hank!"
"Hey Elmo. Oh good, the uniform fits. Hank, could you go for a sec?""
Hank got up and ran somewhere else. Ototo looked Elmo up and down before putting two paws on his shoulders. He pulled out a beaded bracelet covered in metal and gold beads.
"Yoyo wanted to give you this. Remember you got really sad when you lost that friendship bracelet? He made you another one."
"Aw! I'll put it on right away!"
Elmo slipped on the bracelet. He gave Ototo a big hug, the mentor returning the favor.
"Thanks for letting me on the team."
"No problem Elmo."
//What a nice wrap up! Probably the most I've written. A little bit of everyone is here! Let me know what else you want!//
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The Boat Chronicles Pt. 1
Somewhere in 2014
My sister is sitting on the front stoop, watching two year old Sofia play in the yard; she turns her head as I walk outside, and she knows. I don’t know what my face looks like, but she knows.
“You bought a boat, huh?”
“The pirate ship?”
I’m still in shock, but my brain is already beginning to process what it all means. The musical equipment that’s been sitting in the hall closet for years, collecting dog fur, will be the first of many casualties, destined to be packed in the trunk of that old reliable Camry, trooped over the bridge to Guitar Center, and sold to finish paying for the boat. Then comes the garage sale, and the massive exodus of three years worth of accumulated stuff, that will leave a pile small enough to pack around the kid and the pets in the poor old Camry that would see us through so much. The last few bags of clothing fit nicely beneath the canoe we strap to the roof, and an entire life (seven lives, actually) crams itself into a four door sedan, yet again, and begins the overnight drive to Charleston, to a fresh start.
We would arrive around four in the morning, when the mist over the harbor lends everything it touches an air of magic, of promise. We have no idea what we are getting ourselves into.
I will never get over that mist, that city; or that boat. They will follow me wherever I go.
I don’t remember the first time it occurs to me that we’ve made a poor decision, but all of the times involve rain where it shouldn’t be.
Maybe it’s the first weekend, visiting with my sister, Sofias third birthday. It begins to rain, and we quickly realize how leaky wooden boats can be, as we scramble to find enough pots and pans to collect it all. Maybe it’s when the garbage bag I’ve taped up to keep the rain off my face while I sleep suddenly breaks in the middle of the night, pouring icy water directly into my ear. Or maybe it’s when the locker under the cockpit fills with water, unbeknownst to us, and finally gives up, pouring a literal waterfall into our living space. Who knows when the doubts begin to creep in, but no worries, nothing we can’t fix. I would sing it to myself near constantly during that time, and the ensuing eight years: “Don’t worry, about a thing, cos every little thing’s gonna be alright”. And it will be alright, but it will not be easy.
Did you know that boats of a certain age just pump their toilets directly overboard? Me neither, at least not until I find myself the proud owner of a “boat of a certain age”. So our first boat project involves removing the old toilet (or in boat terms, the head), and replacing it with the cheapest temporary solution: a cassette toilet. This means emptying the thing every damn night, but at least I don’t have to walk the quarter mile to the bathrooms in the middle of the night, with a cranky toddler in tow, for more than a few days. It also means that when, after only a couple short weeks of living aboard full time, I find myself pregnant, I will experience the absolute worst morning sickness of my life. Between that abominable toilet and the rocking of the boat, at times gentle and at times so jarring I wonder that our poor sailboat doesn’t rattle herself apart, I would spend most of my mornings those first months so sick I could barely function, let alone keep down any food, while also solely responsible for the kid and the pets.
Kids still need to eat, even when their Mom feels like the very incarnation of death; dogs still need to be walked, fuel for heat still needs to be sourced, laundry still needs to be dragged down to the facilities. I do it all, and with the full understanding that this is the life I have chosen, I bear it with as much grace as any newly pregnant person can muster. That said, when our tax refund manages to pay for a composting head, I can honestly say I have never been happier about a toilet in my life. (Foreshadowing: I would be equally delirious with joy about toilets multiple times over the course of the years, a feeling generally followed rather quickly by despair, as any boater will tell you there is literally no perfect solution for shitting in such a confined space.)
Somewhere in 2021
There’s a cold wind here tonight; it howls like an ornery ghost through the rigging, as it hurls paint dust into the air, and fails completely in making everything fresh and new. The boatyard is going to eat me alive. I can feel it gnawing away at my gristle and my sanity, bit by bit, even as the end inches closer. And the door slams, gently and more forcefully in turn. And the rustling leaves of the tomato plant dying in the cockpit, and the humming crickets, occasional bullfrogs, crunching gravel as a car drives by. These are the sounds of this place, where I have lived for nearly two years now. And all the while growing increasingly George Bailey about the whole ordeal. And god if it doesn’t sometimes feel like I’ll never shake the dust of this damn place off my feet.
Somewhere in 2015
It takes me some time to grow brave enough to venture too far into Charleston, terrified of getting lost, and even more of driving over the Ravenel Bridge, but when I do finally attempt the thing, I find it to be well worth my time. After that, Sofia and I spend our days exploring the city, eating gelato in the park while we watch the boats go by, blasting The Pogues as we drive to Sullivans Island for yet another winter beach walk, throwing stranded starfish back into the water at Folly Beach, wandering along all those old cobbled streets downtown, and generally taking it all in. The hot tub at the marina provides a perfect activity right at home too, we are so happy during that honeymoon time, it’s still easy to ignore the hard parts. I often wonder if I will ever love another city the way I loved Charleston in the winter.
The cracks start to show as the boat work becomes more reality than dream, as my pregnancy necessitates a reassessment of our budget, as all the ways we don’t understand the norms and mores of marina life begin to add up. We are in over our heads, but too proud to admit it, and to some degree, it feels as though we no longer have a choice. The only way out is through.
To be continued…
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chatoyisou · 5 years
you know that thing where “ are you okay ? ” makes people cry more . that ’ s ... that ’ s coraline
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rott3nc0re · 2 years
The Artist & The Freak
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iv. Head Over Heels
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warnings: smut!, protected sex (ya gotta wrap it before ya tap it kids), missionary, oral (fem receiving), dirty talk, foul language, eddie just being hot and soft at the same time <3
a/n: guys the way i was so excited to write and post this chapter 🤭
other chapters: i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x
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Even while sleeping, she still dreamed about what happened last night. She kept feeling that hand on her waist but her mind wandered somewhere else. It was her on her back, him on top as he was kissing her neck. Soft little moans slipped from her mouth as she grind her hips up to meet with his. “So needy, Sinclair” he made marks on her neck, her hand tugging his hair. He pulled away and looked down at her, his thumb rubbing against her cheek. “Let me take care of you, sweetheart” and before anything can happen, she woke up by a constant noise coming from inside the house. She groaned, the ache from between her legs not going away anytime soon. The noise kept going, causing her to get up to see what was happening.
With an slight annoyed expression on her face, she walked downstairs. “What the hell, Munson?” she said annoyingly, seeing a bunch of pots and pans out in the kitchen. He heard her and his playful smile appeared. “Hey, sorry that I woke you up. I just wanted to make breakfast for us, well for you specially”. Her face relaxed after hearing that, admiring him that he’s putting an effort to cook something for her. She sighed, “Eddie,” and giggled at him.
“What were you trying to make?”
“And do you how to make them?”
“Not really, no”
She smiled, a huge one as she got a bowl. “Let’s make some together, if that’s okay with you?”
Although the kitchen was slightly a mess, the two of them still had fun making breakfast together. After eating, she took care of herself in the bathroom, getting ready for another day in hiding. She came back downstairs to find Eddie in the living room watching whatever was on tv. She heard the walkie-talkie static coming from her bag and went straight towards it. “Hey” she answered back.
“You guys are okay? Need anything?”
“We’re good, Steve. How about you guys? Found out anything about Vecna?”
“We kinda have a lot to catch up on but uh, we caught up with Nancy and told her what’s been happening. And it turns out that someone else got murdered, the same way Chrissy did”
Steve explained, her mouth felt like it was sewed shut. “Leo? You there?”
“Yeah, yeah i’m here that was just a lot to take in”
“Yeah, but I gotta go. We’re doing more investigation stuff” the last part made her giggle because of how he sounded annoyed. “Alright detective Harrington, stay safe and tell everyone to stay safe too. Love you lots”
“Love you too, and you two stay safe too. Don’t forget to ring me when something happens”
And with that they said their goodbyes and placed the antenna down. She slipped it back in her bag and went into to the living room where Eddie was. “What are you watching?” she sat next to him, turning her head to the tv. “Dunno, it was just on so I left whatever this is on” she giggled at that. She laid her head on his shoulder, kinda catching him by surprise. But he gave in and wrapped his arm around her, indulging her in a cuddle. She looked down at his fingers and started playing with his rings.
“Where’d you get these from?”
“I stole them from my uncle a first years ago” he said nonchalantly. She pulled back and looked at him, raising her eyebrows. “What?” he chuckled at her.
“You stole them from your uncle?”
“Cause he told me that he was gonna give them to me one day but he was taking forever to give them to me”
“So you stole them?!”
“Yeah! Look i’m a little impatient when it comes to some stuff” she laughed at that, kinda understanding him in a way. “I get it but you could’ve ask, Eds” the new nickname threw him off a little but he liked it. “Too late now” he shrugged. “You like ‘em?” he asked her as she continued playing with the rings. “Yeah, they’re really cool” she responded as she looked up at him. His eyes were sparkling on its own, something she’s never seen before but god were they pretty to look at. “Yeah? You wanna try ‘em on?” he asked her with a little smile. “You see my fingers? They’re not gonna fit” she laughed.
“C’mon, you gotta see if they look good on your fingers or not”
“Alright, okay fine” she gave in and agreed, taking each ring off of his hands. She placed them on her slender fingers and cracked up as she saw the size difference. “They look good!” Eddie said excitedly, laughing with her. “No, they’re really big on my fingers” she chuckled as she took them off and gave them back to him.
She laid down on his lap, her head on his lap and the rest of her body on the couch. His legs were spread as his left arm was on top of the couch and his right arm was on the arm of the couch. He looked down at her, smiling down at her. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he said softly, stroking her cheek softly. “Just thinking about how you’re probably the coolest person i’ve ever dated” she smiled up at him. “Yeah? I thought our first date sucked” he playfully rolled his eyes, getting her to giggle. “No, our first date was amazing. Even if we were just in a boathouse and talking, I still loved it” no words could explain how happy that made him. He truly found a girl who actually liked him, didn’t find him weird or a “freak” and didn’t find him as a murder. He just smiled down at her, stroking her cheek again. “Well it sounds like you wanna go on that second date to the Upside Down?” he asked her, his hand now resting on her hip. “Maybe our second date could be here, tonight?” she suggested, looking up at him. Their fingers were laced together as his right hand was still on her hip, rubbing soft small circles on it.
“And what would we do tonight?”
“We can have dinner” he liked the sound of that.
“Can I make it?”
“Absolutely not, Munson” she laughed at that, a fake gasp coming from him. “C’mon, I can try to make something for us” he put on a fake pout for her, getting her to giggle.
“You really wanna try?”
“Yeah, I really do”
“Alright, but I swear if you burn the house down-“
“I won’t! I swear”
She smiled at him and reached up to give him a peck on the tip of his nose. “Well whatever you’re making, i’m excited to eat it” and he blushed, squeezing her hip softly.
“Good, cause i’ll be kinda hurt if you wasn’t”.
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Eddie looked through each cabinet in the kitchen only to find two cans of ravioli. “Yeah,” he scoffed, picking up the cans and looking at them, “you’ll do” and closed the cabinets. The sun was setting and while Eddie made dinner for them, Cleo was at the dinner table sketching. There was radio on the table, deciding to put it on. Running Up That Hill was the song that played and decided to keep it on as she was sketching. She was humming the lyrics, dancing a little in her chair as well. “You finished yet, Munson?” she shouted above the music to get his attention. “Almost, pretty girl!” he shouted back. She was surprised to not smell anything burning or an alarm going off. She looked up to see Eddie coming towards her with two plates for him and her. He set it down in front of her as she placed her sketchbook to the side. “Well thank you kind sir” she said in an awful fake British accent. “Of course, m’lady” he returned the same energy back.
“Canned ravioli? Not bad”
“It was the only thing I can find here”
She smiled and started eating with him. She turned down the volume a little bit on the radio so they could talk and hear each other.
“You got a favorite song?” she asked him. “Not my favorite song but the first song I learned on electric guitar was Dazed and Confused” he smiled at her. “Really? That’s so cool!” he loved how she got. “Yeah but, I overplayed it too much and got sick of it. So did my uncle” he chuckled. “How about you? You got a favorite song, Sinclair?” he asked her. Coincidentally, her favorite song started playing right as he asked the question. She squealed and turned up the volume (not too loud though) and got up. “I’m assuming this is your favorite song?” he chuckled her. “Yeah! I’ve been nonstop playing Head Over Heels ever since last year” she said as she was dancing. She smiled and turned to him, holding out her hand.
“Come dance with me, Eds”
“I don’t know how to”
“It’s okay, we’re just gonna be slow dancing”
“Like we’re at prom or a somethin’?”
“Yeah! Come on, it’ll be fun”
He shrugged and took her hand. She pulled him in and she placed her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her hips. That familiar feeling from yesterday sunk in, her blushing and smiling up at him. He was enjoying this, not really slowing dancing with someone before but he seemed to enjoy it with her. She sung most of the lyrics and she sounded so pretty to him. He loved her voice and so much so to where he was just staring at down at her.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Just the thought of kissing you right now”
Her eyes widened, her heart sunk and her cheeks grew hot. But she gained some confidence from nowhere and looked deep into his eyes. “Then kiss me” she said softly and before she knew it, their lips were on each other’s. She stood more on her tippy toes as their lips perfectly molded together. His hands went down to the back of her thighs, slightly tapping on them to lift her up. He carried her up to the bedroom, the sound of the song ending softly getting lower and lower as they traveled upstairs.
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He gently placed her on the bed, breaking away from the kiss to look down at her. “Hi” she smiled at him, her hand was resting in his as he kissed it while looking at her. “Hi, pretty girl” and he went back to kissing her, but the kiss becoming needy and passionate. “Eddie” she mumbled in the kiss and pulling away. “Yeah?” he looked so pretty with the dim lights in the room. “I might be head over heels for you” she giggled, causing him to smile at the little joke. “I think I am too” and went in to kiss her once again.
She pulled him down, deepening the kiss. His tongue slipped in, causing her to leave out a soft moan. His hips pressed into hers, grinding a little bit against her. She let out a little soft whimper as his mouth attached itself onto her neck. He kissed and bit it (softly), making sure to leave some marks on her. Her hips lifted a little to grind against his, causing him to lightly chuckle against her neck. “So needy, Sinclair” the same exact thing he said in her dream and hearing that right in front of her made butterflies erupt in her stomach. She lightly whined at his words and continued grinding against him.
He pulled away from her neck, enough marks for anyone to see littered on her neck. “Can I take this off?” he tugged lightly on the bottom of her shirt. She nodded, giving him the go to take it off. And he did, tossing it onto the floor. “Fuck,” he rasped, her half naked body presented to him. “You’re gorgeous, sweetheart” he started kneading her soft brown breasts, causing her to smile at the compliment. To thank him she pulled him down to give him a kiss. His lips left hers and landed on her chest. It attached itself to her right breast, sucking and licking circles around her black hardened areola. As he did that with his mouth, his hand was caressing the other breast, pinching the other nipple every so often.
This felt so good to her, she’s never felt this good before with anyone but the man on top of her. She had done stuff in the past but nothing like this. Nothing this pleasurable. She wanted to make him feel good too, reaching down in between them to unbuckle his belt. He detached his mouth from her breasts and looked up at her.
“No, this is about you. Let me take care of you”
“But I wanna make you feel good too”
He smiled before pecking her lips, “you’ll get to when i’m inside you” he whispered before going back in to kiss her lips again. His lips kissed down to her chest, down to her stomach and just above where she needed him most. She loved how he was taking his time with her but she really needed him. Super bad.
“Can I take these off too?” tugging on her shorts before doing anything. She nodded and he pulled down her shorts carefully and threw it on the floor. “God you’re so pretty” he muttered before going in between her legs.
He placed her legs on top of his shoulders, all while looking directly up at her. “I can look at you all day from down here” he said, causing her to giggle and let her fingers tangle in his wild curls. “You look so pretty from this angle” she said to him, feeling a kiss from her inner thighs. He hummed in response, the contrast of his skin with hers felt perfect to her. “Eddie”
she whined, tugging lightly on his hair. “Okay, okay. I’ll finally do something” he chuckled.
He pressed a soft kiss on her clothed heat and gently pulled it down, finally revealing her beautiful nude body to him. “Fuck I know I keep saying this but, you’re so gorgeous” she just blushed and smiled, not knowing what to say. But a tiny gasp left her lips as she felt his tongue making small circles on her clit. He gripped on her thighs softly while her hand never left his hair and tugging on it. Her back slightly arched at the pleasure, softly whimpering. He pulled away and kissed her inner thighs again, his mouth glistening with her wetness. “Such pretty noises you make” he said as his thumb made circles on her clit.
But to add more pleasure he added a finger and she just watched. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he saw her reaction, blood immediately rushing to his cock. He wanted— needed to be inside her. He’s needed this ever since he laid his eyes on her. “You’re so fuckin’ wet, all because of me” his words made her even more wet. His words, his thumb rubbing on her clit, his finger— now fingers curling inside her and reaching that spot just felt overwhelmingly good to her. She needed to release.
But somehow he knew she was getting close and stopped everything he was doing. She frowned and whined, watching him hover over her.
“I was so close, Eddie”
“I know” he cooed. He sat on his knees, taking off his shirt. He revealed his tattoos she was curious about and his guitar pick necklace that was sure to be dangling in her face. She thought he had such a pretty body, lean but not having abs and a happy trail which made her more feral. “C’mere” and she did, sitting on her knees in front of him. “Take these off for me” and she did, starting with taking off his belt. She pulled it off while his hands landed back on her breasts. She unbuttoned his jeans, not breaking eye contact with him. His hand moved up to her cheek, caressing it softly as she pulled out his cock. She started stroking him and placed her lips onto his. He laid her back down on the bed, her hand still stroking his cock in between their bodies. She stopped and pulled down his pants all the way, along with his boxers so he could be completely nude like her. He pulled away to take off his pants and boxers and climbed back into bed.
He took his cock and rubbed the tip against her slick, causing her to whimper. “Please” she looked beautiful like this he thought, just all spread out and a whiny mess in front of him. “Just wanna admire you like this, sweetheart” he said, still teasing her. “And we need protection don’t we?” she giggled at that as he reached over to the bedside table for condoms.
“How’d you know they were there?”
“…No reason”
She raised an eyebrow but didn’t wanna question him further. He ripped it open with his teeth and she swore she could just cum right there. He rolled it onto his cock and hovered over her. He placed a gentle peck on her lips and looked at her. “Ready?” he asked softly. She nodded and pecked his lips. “I’ll go in slowly okay? If it hurts just tell me and we’ll stop” she nodded, loving the way he cared for her and he pleasure. He gently and slowly slipped in, just the tip, causing her to gasp. “Can’t even get all the way in, you’re so fuckin’ tight” she softly moaned at his words as he pulled out. He slowly entered again and was able to be all the way inside. “Shit, you okay?” he asked in a breathy tone. She nodded and he started thrusting in a steady pace.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips were on each other’s. He felt so good, so full inside her. His lips moved back to her neck, biting the flesh softly. “Squeezin’ me so tight, gorgeous. Gonna make me cum so fast” just anything he said like that made her moan, her back slightly arching as well. He hovered over her and picked up the speed on his thrusts. His necklace was dangling right as he was just staring right into her eyes. “You’re so perfect” she moaned, scratching his arms. “Fuck, can’t be sayin’ stuff like that” he had a toothy grin, groaning as he kept thrusting. “You are, you’re so fucking perfect” she moaned, causing him to softly moan at her words. “You fuck me so good, Eds. Keep going” and he did, going faster.
He leaned down and kissed her, biting her bottom lip as he was pulling away. He dove back in to kiss her more, her nails digging into his back. “You take me so well, sweetheart—” he said against her lips and pulled away. He sat back on his knees, placing her legs on his shoulders. He started rubbing her clit as he kept thrusting at this new angle.
“—It’s like your pretty pussy was made for me”
“It was. Fuck! It was made for you, o-only you”
“Atta girl, responding to me so well” he groaned. “So close” she babbled, the pressure on her clit and the way he kept hitting that spot just made her a mess. “Me too, gonna cum with me?” she nodded as fast as she could, a breathy chuckle coming from him. He stopped rubbing her clit just to focus on thrusting faster.
The headboard started banging against the wall and he hover over her so hold it. “Cum with me, Eddie” she whispered as a moan. He cursed as he kept going until she started shaking underneath him, squeezing his cock as she came. The sight of that made him cum inside her, well inside the condom, following after her release.
They were both out of breath. His tired body sat up to carefully slip out of her so he could throw the condom away.
He came back to lay down next to her, pulling her to lay her head on his chest. “You okay?” he looked down at her already to find her looking up at him. “Yeah. Are you?” she asked him as she placed soft kisses on his chest. “Absolutely, sweetheart” he answered. She reached up to kiss his lips and pulling back to look down at him. “Although, i’m a little hungry” she giggled, causing him to smile. He gave her a kiss on her temple and stood up. He was still nude and seeing that made her bite her lip from smiling. “Well i’ll go fix you something to eat but in the meantime,” he said, leaning over to kiss her lips. He pulled back, looking at her.
“Just wait here and continue being the most gorgeous girl in Hawkins”
taglist: @serpenttines @trvlllx @munsonmyloml @ayoitsmickey @playgurlxoxo @rindousworld
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 1: At First Sight
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, angst, drama
WC: 4.5k
Warnings for this chapter: alcohol consumption, language, stalking kind of? I think that's all lol. Pls let me know if there is anything else I should put.
tag list; @teresaisla @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @yukiehyukie
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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A bright smile graces your features as you tuck the little star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a tiny container, just barely getting two of them to fit as you squish them down a tad bit in order to get the lid clipped on.
Then you grab a little tangerine and a cheese stick to drop into your lunch bag along with the sandwiches, counting the number of items aloud to yourself as they make themselves at home and then you zip it all up.
"Th-There we go!" You lift your lunch for the day in triumph.
Your phone startles you when it starts to ring, then you grapple in your purse to find it. You pull it out and answer right before the last ring.
"Hey, girl! Are you ready to go? I'm downstairs." The voice of your best friend comes through the phone and you look at the clock on your microwave. You stare at the little black screen, confused as to why the time isn't showing up before remembering that you were never able to figure out how to display the clock when you bought the microwave three years ago. So, you hold your phone out to look at the time.
"Oh geez! I didn't r-realize the time. I'll be d-down in a minute, k?" You say, earning a lighthearted laugh from the girl on the other end.
"Take your time, hun. I'm not in any rush."
You thank her quickly and hang up, then you run to your room to grab your favorite pink cardigan and throw it on over your white shirt. As you're hurrying out and grabbing your lunch, you stumble and knock your knee into an open lower cabinet that you had forgotten to close the previous night after pulling a pan from it to make dinner.
"Ouch!" You hiss in pain and rub the sore spot, although it does nothing to ease the ache. Then you grab your purse and run outside, almost forgetting to lock the door. But you remember just in time and clumsily lock it before rushing down the stairs leading to the parking lot of your apartment complex.
Your best friend, Mina, is laughing. You can see her through the windshield as she waves to you. Lifting a hand to wave back, you don't realize in time that your arms are full. You drop your lunchbox and have to crouch to get it again, only taking up even more of your time.
But Mina finds it hilarious and tells you so as soon as you slide into the car and fumble with your seatbelt to get it buckled.
"Honestly, ___. I can't believe you're still single. If I wasn't straight as a board, I'd be head over heels for you and all your shenanigans." She states in a matter-of-fact tone as she pulls out of the parking spot.
A blush creeps up your neck and you try to laugh it off, "D-Don't be silly." You whisper, turning your gaze outside to look at the fluffy white clouds decorating the sky beautifully. You smile and lean your forehead against the glass as you imagine lying on a soft cloud, just drifting in the air.
"If you c-could go anywhere at all, where would y-you go?" You ask Mina suddenly, turning to her. Her eyes are focused on the road but she bites her lip in thought at your question. "Mm, probably Italy. What about you?" She's used to your sudden questions and ramblings, so she smiles when you start to go off.
"I'd wanna go up in the c-clouds. I wanna sit on one and maybe even see a r-rainbow up close! I wonder if I could slide down the rainbow..." Your brows furrow in deep thought. "Or would I f-fall?" You turn to her again and she glances over to see your signature puppy dog eyes that you use when you are either confused, upset, or want something.
Mina turns back to the road, a tiny ache in her heart that she hides with a bright smile, "Girl, you would ride that rainbow straight down into a pot of gold!"
"Really?" Your eyes widen and you feel your heart lift at the image.
She nods and you giggle happily, "You can come w-with me, Mina." You say confidently, your gaze turning back to the sky. "We can sleep in the clouds and slide down rainbows for the rest of f-forever."
"Sounds like a deal."
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By the time Mina pulls up to the school, you've discussed everything you'd do up in the clouds and what you'd eat when you're hungry (stardust, you've decided, is the best meal anyone could eat.)
You unbuckle and gather your things. Then you remember something and turn back to Mina, "Oh yeah. W-When are you leaving on your business trip?" You ask a tinge of sadness in your voice.
"This weekend," Mina says solemnly. "I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you for a while. I'll be gone for a month this time."
That makes your heart sting but you manage a small smile, "D-Don't worry about me. I can walk! I'm gonna m-miss you though."
"I'll miss you too, buttercup. We'll hang out this Friday night before I leave the next day. How about that?" Mina asks kindly.
You nod enthusiastically and she smiles, "Ok, get your butt in there before you're late! The bell rings in half an hour and you can't be late on a Monday." She urges you and you nod, hopping out of the car and thanking her again for the ride, reassuring her that you'll walk home from work today.
You blow her a kiss and she laughs as you turn and hurry into the school.
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You're all set up only a few minutes before the kids are supposed to arrive, so you go onto Pinterest and look through your fairytale boards, feeling a little spark of joy in your chest.
A couple of minutes later, the kids start streaming through the door, greeting you with the same amount of enthusiasm as you greet them. Your kiddos love you so much that all the other teachers are jealous and they let you know it every day. Of course, you have the sweetest kindergarteners and they're always the best for you.
"Hello, Teacher! Good morning Miss ___! Teacher, look at my new haircut!"
"Hi, Jina! Hello M-Minhhyuk! Kun, your new haircut l-looks so good!" All the kids have bright smiles on their faces by the time they've settled in their seats.
You always start the day off by getting everyone to stand and do a few stretches, then you sing the nursery rhymes you learned yesterday and start learning a new one. You honestly have as much fun as the kids during the school day.
"Ok, l-little ducklings, have a seat!" You get their attention and they immediately oblige. Next, is the alphabet that you guys have been working on since the beginning of the year. Every little one sings it perfectly all the way through and you give them a round of applause and they each get a little punch in their reward cards.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, with only one temper tantrum thrown and that was resolved quickly.
It's nearing the end of the school day and the kids are all playing during their free time. You're sitting with Ae-Cha, a small and fairly quiet girl, playing with colorful blocks; the both of you competing to see who can build the highest tower. You've learned that she responds well to playing games when there isn't too much talking involved.
You're constantly glancing around the room to make sure everyone is safe and playing nicely and you're always pleased. They've all improved so much since the beginning of school back in September. It's June now and they've all learned their alphabet and how to play nicely with their new friends, along with so many other things. They've really made you so proud this year. You can even hear them reciting the alphabet and nursery rhymes to each other as they play.
Your heart warms at the sound of tiny voices filling the room as they sing. Then you glance at the clock and realize the bell will be ringing in a few minutes. So, you declare Ae-Cha the winner with her foot-high tower of blocks and she beams proudly. Then, you get up and clap three times, "One, two, th-three! Eyes on me!" You singsong, then smile when the kids immediately respond by clapping twice and shouting "One, two! Eyes on you!"
"G-Great attention today, everyone! Alright, the bell will ring soon. Who can tell me w-what that means? What are we doing n-now?" A few little hands go up and you point to the little boy that raised his first, "Yes, Joon Woo?"
"We...Uhm...time to clean up toys...Uhm..." You smile to encourage him and he finishes cutely, "Time uh, to clean up our toys and pack bags."
"Yes! Thank you, Joon Woo. It is t-time for us to clean up and make sure our bags are packed up and ready for h-home!"
The kids start to pick up their toys as you put on the cleaning song that you play every day for them. You all sing along until the room is all tidied and their bags are packed with their homework papers.
You always give them little mazes to do for homework to get their little brains to learn to concentrate, along with instructions on what to draw to show the class the next day. Today, their homework is an extremely easy maze, a coloring page with the alphabet and instructions to draw themselves doing their favorite activity. The kids always love drawing pictures and sharing them with the class and it's a good ice breaker for the shy ones at the beginning of the day.
You always have less and easier homework for the kids on Mondays and Fridays, it just seems fair to you that way. You also feel like it's good for kids to express themselves and be able to share what they like and dislike. You've found drawing helps with communication and creativity for the kids in your class.
The sound of the bell ringing makes a few of you jump, then you hurry to the door. "Alright, ducklings! T-Time to line up!" A few of the kids make quacking sounds as they line up, giggling and talking to their friends.
You smile and open up the door, holding it as the kids walk out in a straight line, some of them still quacking like little ducks.
You lead the kids to the front of the school and make sure they get into the correct line for the bus if they take it. You wave goodbye to them as the kids that take the bus climb on and they run to a window to wave back to you.
The rest of the kids that are left are soon picked up by their parents or siblings. You wave to Ae-Cha, the last student to be picked up. She smiles shyly and waves back before hurrying after her big sister.
After that, you go back to your classroom and finish a few things before packing up to go home. As you're leaving your classroom, you run into one of the other teachers coming from his own room.
"Oh, h-hello Mr. B-Baek!" You bow, missing the ugly sneer on his face as you smile brightly at him. He pushes his glasses further up his nose as he scrutinizes you with his beady little eyes. "You don't belong here, Miss ___." He snaps.
You look at him in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"I've waited the entire school year to say this to you. But now that we are nearing the end, I think you should know that you have no business being a teacher at this school. You ought to make the right decision to discontinue your work here." Mr. Baek watches your face fall with a sick sense of satisfaction.
"B-But, why?" You ask, still not understanding.
"First of all, you're inexperienced. You just got out of college last year, am I right?"
You nod uncertainly.
"You're still a child. Why should a twenty-two-year-old girl come marching in here and take a spot that should have been given to someone with more experience? And especially someone like you." He glares at you before turning on his heel and walking away briskly.
Someone like me? What does he mean by that?
You watch after him, feeling a tiny pinch in your chest. You aren't sure what he means, but whatever he's talking about, it sounds like he believes you shouldn't have become a teacher at all. At this school or another. You'll have to ask Mina later because you really have no idea where his rant came from.
Is there something wrong with you becoming a teacher?
You shake your head and laugh it off, "He's probably just had a bad day." You tell yourself as you make your way out of the school.
As you walk home, you sing quietly along with the song in your headphones, a little skip to your step.
You never notice the dark figure across the street, his eyes trained on your every move.
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One day earlier...
Jungkook groans as he tosses and turns in bed, searching for his phone to turn the alarm off. He finally finds it and hits dismiss, tossing the phone back down and rubbing his eyes with a tired yawn.
After another minute he sits up and looks out the window, frowning at the sun seeping in and pooling across his floor in a golden river. He stares at a small bird that lands on his windowsill until it flies away.
Jungkook yawns again and reaches up to rub his eyes for the second time. After a few minutes, he's finally able to drag himself out of bed and into the shower. He almost falls asleep again in there, but he manages to make it out after half an hour.
With a towel wrapped around his waist, he makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of soju that's sitting on his tiny dining table to take a small swig from, finishing off what he'd left last night after his third bottle right before he passed out in bed.
He sighs and grabs a bagel, searching for the cream cheese he swears he saw in his fridge last night. A small smile appears on his lips when he finds it. He snatches it and makes sloppy work of spreading it on his bagel before tossing the leftover trash onto his counter and plopping onto the couch, snarfing down the first half of his bagel in thirty seconds.
Jungkook sighs through his nose as he tiredly chews his breakfast, then he glances down and sees the file he'd left open on his coffee table last night. He swallows the bite he has in his mouth and leans forward to read over it.
Y/L/N Y/N...
Why is that name so familiar?
He shakes his head and flips the file closed, then he leans back on the couch, wanting to spend his Sunday relaxing before he has to get to work on this case. He isn't going to think about it again until tonight.
Jungkook settles down and lays his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
He won't think about it.
Jungkook lays there for a minute, then he opens his eyes and lifts his head, glaring at the closed file on the little table.
He grunts in annoyance and drops the other half of his bagel onto the table, grabbing the file angrily and sitting back again. He opens it and starts to reread everything he's read many times since Friday. There's just something that has felt off since he met with Mr. Ling, but he can't put his finger on what it is.
Jungkook squints at the name he's read a thousand times.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes, frustrated at not being able to remember where he's heard that name before. Then he looks at the occupation.
Teacher at Sunshine Kindergarten.
His brows furrow again, much like they have each time he's read this. He's never had a hit on a teacher before, let alone a Kindergarten teacher. That's such an odd target...
Most of his targets in the past have been sleazy business owners, rapists, leaders of gangs that have terrorized neighborhoods for years, even other hitmen. He's never had a problem with those jobs, but there's something about this one that's telling him to be careful.
Maybe it's because he knows nothing about his client, except for the large sum of money he must have due to the pay he's been promised. Other clients of his were more than happy to explain why they wanted him to do what he does. They never paid him until after the job was done, either.
That leads Jungkook to believe that this guy (or girl) is desperate for his services, convincing him to do it with payment before and after. Almost as if Jungkook would refuse after he found out who the target was...
Jungkook flips the page and scrutinizes the picture of the target.
She's very simple looking, Jungkook thinks. The girl in the picture is wearing a white flowy skirt with a blue blouse that covers her whole arms and white chunky tennis shoes. Her hair is in a low ponytail and it seems like she has headphones in as she walks down the street. There's a tiny smile on her face as if she's thinking about something that makes her happy.
Jungkook doesn't find her particularly beautiful, but she isn't ugly either. She's just very...
Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes going over the photo and the girl's smile one more time. Maybe she's a double agent? Or a part of the mafia disguising herself as a school teacher?
He can't figure it out.
It doesn't matter much though, the job seems simple enough and the pay is more than he's ever gotten. After looking through everything once more, Jungkook closes the file and grabs his bagel, quickly eating it before getting up to get dressed for the day.
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That night, Jungkook lays out his outfit for the next day.
It's all black, but not suspicious-looking. After all these years, he's been able to design the perfect outfits to avoid attention being drawn to him and simple enough so that no one would think much of him if he were to catch anyone's attention.
It might seem simple, but he prides himself on being able to get each part of his job perfectly designed for each case he gets.
Heaven knows it's taken him years to accomplish.
After he's gotten that all figured out, he walks over to his closet and pulls out a small safe. Setting it on the bed, he swiftly unlocks it and looks inside. He pulls out a few things, examining each of them before he sets them one by one onto his bed. Once he's got the items all laid out, he steps back to look it all over.
"I should wait to decide..." Jungkook mumbles to himself. After a minute of staring at everything, he nods and gathers it all up, carefully putting it back into the safe and locking it tightly. Then he brings it back to his closet and shoves it into the darkest corner where it lives.
That can wait.
He pulls his phone out and checks the time.
"Damn it," Jungkook mutters. He had wanted to get some sleep earlier tonight since he would have to be awake early tomorrow.
He changes into some shorts, then he yanks his shirt off and immediately climbs into bed, not even bothering to shower or brush his teeth. He really couldn't care less with how tired he is. And he hasn't even started yet.
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His alarm blares at an ungodly hour as Jungkook groans loudly, resisting the temptation to chuck his phone across the room.
"I hate Mondays." He mutters angrily, setting his phone back on the nightstand far from gracefully.
He miserably drags himself out of bed and into the shower, going through his morning motions almost like a robot. His brain isn't fully awake and it's just on autopilot right now.
An hour later, he's just finishing his coffee, his eyes no longer squinting in exhaustion. Jungkook unceremoniously drops his coffee cup into the sink, promising himself he'll clean it up later, then he sighs as he grabs his black boots, walking to the couch to sit and pull them on. After he's done lacing them up, he grabs the file he's been avoiding like the plague since yesterday morning.
He mutters to himself, looking at the name on the page.  
"I know that name."
Then he smacks his forehead to get himself to focus again. He stands up and folds the page with the girl's information and then her picture and tucks them into the inside pocket of his black jacket.
Time to get to work.
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Jungkook spots the girl almost instantly, the second she steps out of a black car. He glances at the driver, but can only see a person with shoulder length black hair waving. The girl from the picture has a bunch of things in her arms as she blows a kiss to the short-haired driver.
Jungkook has been here since six-thirty in the morning and just as he was beginning to think she called in sick for work, he's finally gotten a chance to see this girl in person. She looks exactly as he remembers from her picture...plain.
She's even wearing the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, although this time she has a different top. Her hair is in a high ponytail this time.
"Well, ___. Nice to meet you." Jungkook mutters, watching closely.
After a moment, the black car drives away as the girl scurries into the school, tripping on the last step before straightening herself out again, then disappearing from his sight.
Jungkook stares at the door for another minute, then he makes his way to the stores nearby, knowing he's gonna have to wait until the girl leaves. School for the young kids typically gets out at around three-thirty. So, he'll have to be back here around then.
He's definitely going to need to find something to do to kill time.
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Jungkook heaves a sigh of relief when he hears the school bell finally ring.
He hurries from the clothes store he was browsing and down the street a block until he's almost across the street from the school. He finds a good spot where he can sift through some newspapers at a little stand and still have an eye on the school.
After a minute, he sees a long line of tiny children coming out from the school. The girl is with them and smiling brightly. Jungkook thinks he can hear some of the kids quacking like ducks. He tries not to look puzzled as he goes back to talking to the person working the paper stand. Jungkook makes small talk with the old man, still keeping an eye on the girl across the street as she waves to each child that leaves.
If she's some mafia boss disguised as a kindergarten teacher, she's one hell of a good actress.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" The old man inquires curiously.
Jungkook laughs softly and shakes his head, "No. I've been so busy with my work I never got the chance to date."
The man nods knowingly. They chat a bit more and Jungkook finds himself trying to balance talking to the man and watching the girl.
"Well, did you want to buy a paper for the day?"
Jungkook turns his gaze back to the old man and nods, "Yes. Two, please. My neighbor would probably enjoy one as well."
The old man laughs and nods, taking the money Jungkook hands him and giving him two papers, "What a kind young man you are. Someday you'll find a lovely young lady, don't you worry, son. You will realize that work is important, but love is even more so."
Jungkook just laughs and thanks the man, then he opens the paper as he slowly starts walking, pretending to read.
He stops at a bench and sits down to wait. The girl went back into the school a few minutes ago, hopefully, she won't be in there long.
Luck seems to be with him today, because, after only about five minutes, Jungkook sees a familiar white skirt flowing as she skips down the steps of the school.
He folds his paper carefully, tucking it into his back pocket. The girl puts little earbuds in and immediately starts to mouth the words of whatever song she's listening to. Jungkook tugs his black baseball cap down a little more as he follows on the other side of the street.
The girl has a bag decorated with cupcakes and cookies that bounces up and down as she dances a little.
What is she, twelve?
Jungkook watches in confusion as the girl stops to pet a dog, giggling when the puppy licks her hand. She straightens up, then after another minute, she seems to get distracted by something else.
Jungkook looks carefully and notices she's picked up a flower that was laying on the ground, seemingly trampled on. She gently holds it in her hands as she continues on her way. It goes on like this for the next fifteen minutes, the girl waving to people and smiling almost the whole way.
By the time she is walking up the steps to her apartment, Jungkook is dying to just get back home. That must have been the longest most annoying walk he's ever taken while tracking someone. The girl had stopped over twenty times, distracted by something else each time, he's sure of it.
Just to be sure, Jungkook lingers around the apartment building a little longer, but when it seems apparent that the girl is going to be staying there, he finally heads home.
Geez, Jungkook thinks in annoyance as he climbs the stairs that lead to his own apartment. His head is spinning with so many questions while he unlocks his door and yanks his boots off with a groan.
But when he plops down onto his bed in his tiny studio apartment, he just stares at the ceiling, his mind suddenly blank apart from one question.
Who in the hell would put a hit on this girl?
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Copyright © @writemywaytoyourheart 2021
a/n: I hope you guys are liking the setup so far, thank you for all the positive reactions from the prologue!
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paradoxolotl · 3 years
I am embarrassed to say that in the two weeks I have been following you this is my *checks notes* 5th prompt. It's embarrassing. (How are you so kind? You always deliver?? Don't you get fed up of demanding followers like me??? *falls at your feet* please never stop)
That said, I am sending you another prompt like the not-nice-enough-to-give-people-a-damn-break girl I am. Please some Andrew and Betsy interaction. Maybe Andrew telling Betsy about his crush on Neil? Or anything else if you want to?
*runs away in mortification*
Never stop with the prompts, I adore them
*forehead kiss for you*
Have a snippet from my Mama Bee fic:
Closing the door behind him, Andrew listened for Bee. She wasn’t always back when he made it home, but on Fridays she tried. Sure enough, he could hear her humming to a low song on the radio.
Dropping his bag, Andrew stomped over to the long couch, where she was sure to see him from the doorway. Letting out a groan, he flopped down face first, bouncing a bit on his landing. The humming paused for a moment, only to start up again.
Well. Fuck that.
Andrew let out another groan, telling his mother just how dire his situation was.
“If you have something to say,” Bee said, “you could just tell me.”
He groaned again, but Bee didn’t answer. Sighing, Andrew resigned himself to what was about to happen. “I’m having a crisis,” he said into the cushions.
“I can see that. Do you want to talk about it?”
“Alright,” Bee hummed, and Andrew heard her pulling out pots.
Huffing out a breath, he rolled off the couch to meet her in the kitchen. She already had the cocoa powder out. Jumping up onto the counter, he watched her pour the milk into the pan.
“I hate when you do that,” he grumbled.
“Do what?”
He gestured to the room. “Make me talk about shit.”
“I’m not making you do anything,” she said smiling. “But if you would like to talk about shit, you know I’m always here for you.”
Andrew wrinkled his nose at her, but she only laughed. Snagging a few chocolate chips from the bag beside him, Andrew tapped his toes together, chewing on his words. He didn’t want to do this, but he really was having a crisis.
“I hate him,” he said, which was probably not the best way to start this conversation.
Bee’s therapy face slid on and she turned to him. “Who?” Andrew could just hear the angry undertone to her voice.
“Neil Josten. He’s the new kid,” Andrew said, grabbing a few more chocolate chips. “He’s such an idiot. Keeps starting fights that he can’t win. And he has this stupid red hair and he went off on Tony today and now his voice saying all of that is stuck in my brain forever and- what.”
Bee’s mouth was twitching, her eyes doing that squinty thing where she was trying not to laugh. Turning away, she made two mugs of cocoa. When she turned back, her face was warm but under control. Andrew accepted his mug warily.
“You know you’re a very handsome young man, right, Andrew?”
“Bee,” he warned. This was not happening.
“I’m just saying,” she kept going, unbothered, “any boy would be lucky to have you. But-“ she sipped from her mug before setting it down- “it’s important to be safe. I know all about the education system, so I’m telling this to you now. Wear a condom-“
“Mom,” Andrew’s face was burning, but Bee didn’t even pause.
“Honey, it’s fine. Safe sex is important. But you’re right, we can go more in depth another time. Have you talked to Neil?”
“I’m never talking to anyone ever again,” Andrew said into his cocoa.
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Ww!Lilith au fic, a nicer one that’s set earlier in the au timeline. It’s been about three months since Hunter first met Raine and his 15th birthday hasn’t come around yet.
Hunter watched Raine grade papers on the carpet in front of him. He’d come in through the kitchen window about an hour ago, Raine welcoming him from their spot on the ground and telling him to help himself to a snack or something to play with until they finished with their student’s worksheets. Now, they were still at it, and Hunter was braiding strings of yarn together on the couch where he could comfortably watch Raine.
Speaking of the teacher, they stretched, raising their arms high and causing a small pop sound. “Ugh,” they groaned. “I think I’m getting old.”
Hunter snorted at the confession, and turned to look over at them. “Number one, I think that’s just because you’ve been slouching for the past long time.” He squinted at the red-gold-black braid he was making now, and nodded sharply. “Two, do you have any beads?”
Raine got to their feet, looking over at what he was making. “I do, actually. What colour do you want?”
Hunter glanced between them and the braid. “Uh, what’s your favourite colour?”
“Red, why?”
“Too much red already, I’ll take white.” Hunter said.
Raine laughed, and picked out a little bag, emptying the contents into their hand and picking out the requested colour. “Well, here you are. What are you doing with it?”
“Making you something.”
Raine’s eyebrows raised. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” Hunter stuck out his tongue in concentration as he tightened a knot, slipped a bead down the three strings, and tied another knot.
“What’s it going to be?” Raine asked, settling themself down beside the couch to lean over and watch him work.
“I want it to be a surprise,” Hunter said.
“Ah, should I be looking away then?”
The 14 year old shook his head. “No, I don’t think you’ll be able to guess.” A pause. “No offence, it’s just-“ He paused, lifted it up to inspect it, and brought it back down. “Well I was going to say that it’s a sucky gift, but last week you said to be more confident, right?”
Raine nodded. “That I did. What’s a better way to say what you wanted to say, then?”
“Uh, that it’s… It’s an unexpected gift?” He hummed. “No, no, it’s just not really something unexpected, I guess? It’s not an object people really notice, that’s all.”
“Unexpected because I might not even know of it?” Raine guessed.
“That seems closest!” Hunter said as he straightened out the braid. “You probably do know of it though.”
“Well, I’m excited to see what it is,” Raine said, smiling at him. “I should go make us dinner though, those papers made me hungry.”
“What are you making?” Hunter asked, eyeing the fridge.
“Probably eggs and rice. I’m a little tired. Do you have any suggestions?” Raine asked as they pulled out a frying pan.
“Salad, with the same dressing you put on it last time.” Hunter’s response was immediate, and when Raine looked over, he was staring directly at them with big pink eyes.
“Eggs, rice, and salad,” Raine agreed, humour lining their tone.
Half an hour later, Raine had two eggs, a pot of rice, and a bowl of salad on their table. They dragged their chair out to sit down, the sound signalling to Hunter that it was time to eat.
Hunter had long since finished his gift, and had started working on a blue-black-white braid, both of which he brought to the table, along with a handful of others that he’d created while Raine was marking papers.
“So, how’s your little project coming along?” Raine asked, scooping rice into their bowl.
“Yours is done!” Hunter said, going straight for the salad. “Ah, I mean, kinda. Do you have any elastic bands?”
Raine blinked, putting the spoon back into the pot of rice. “Like, for hair, or..?”
“I mean, sort of? The really small ones work best, but if you don’t have any of those, the ones for bags work too,” Hunter said.
“I do actually have those small elastic bands. I used to tie this little bit of hair up-“ They combed a hand through the hair brushing against their neck. “-but ever since I stopped, they’ve been going to waste. They’re in the bathroom, top middle drawer.”
Hunter grinned, running off, and Raine smiled back at him.
When he got back, Raine’s egg white was near gone, and the yolk was spilling over into their rice. They gave him their full attention when he walked back into the room, bag of elastics in hand.
“Hold on,” he said, taking an elastic out and tying the end of the red-gold-black braid to it. He knotted the elastic as well, repeated on the other side, and then held it up proudly.
Raine’s smile was confused. “It looks really pretty!” They offered.
“Ah, um! Can I have your glasses?” The teen asked.
“Uh, alright,” Raine responded, pulling off their glasses, and blinking as they got used to the sudden blurriness of the room. “Here.”
Hunter attached one of the elastic bands to each arm of the glasses, and handed it back to Raine. “They uh- Mmm, I’m embarrassed now.” He watched them put their glasses back on and mimed pulling the braid over their head to rest against the back of their neck. “It’s- It’s a glasses chain. For your glasses. Do you, uh, like it?”
Raine grinned wide, eyes glistening. “It’s handmade by you, kid. I love it.”
Raine wore the chain until the rope frayed.
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zoellajulien · 3 years
come upon morning
(Peter Parker x Reader)
angst - words: 2.1k
"Alright! Enough from you!" Your friend laughed loudly as he smacked your other friend in the back of the head, turning to face you. "It's your turn. Give us all the details!"
You shifted awkwardly, laughing and rubbing your arms for comfort. The conversation happening between your group was on the subject of 'the ones who got away', which you all had experience in. "Fine, fine. Just be quiet and sit down!"
A hush fell over the room as you opened a book and pulled some photos out of the page. Curiosity spread as the photos were passed around for everyone to look at.
"Why do you keep these on that page?" One friend asked, looking over your shoulder at the highlighted text.
"I keep them close to a quote on it. It says 'you'll always be mine, in the back of my mind. I'll look for you in my next life.' I found this quote when I was in a dark place, and it reminded me of him. Because that's how I'll always feel." You explained to them, passing another picture around.
In the photo, the boy had a straw taped badly to his head with a ridiculous smile spread across his face. His nose was wrinkled too, adding to the joyous atmosphere the picture captured. His brown curls were splattered across his head and face in a mess, along with a hastily put-in butterfly clip. You felt warmth blooming inside you while looking at it. Your friends laughed at the picture, pointing out various (but positive) things about him to one another.
"What are you doing? You look ridiculous!"
"I'm a unicorn! You should be a unicorn too!"
"Wait until Tony sees this. No- I am not sticking a straw to my forehead like a crackhead!"
"Psh, you don't know what you're missing, then!"
"That boy was my whole world. We were best friends before we lovers, but we always did everything together. One time, we both failed an exam on accident, and celebrated! We drove around for hours just because." You reminisced.
"Dude, one kid sitting next to me was all 'I got this in the bag! Studied all night long!'" Peter chuckled, pushing his curls from his face with the hand that held yours. He pushed his lips against your knuckles softly.
"Are you serious? Dude, if you can't even pass the exam, then everyone else definitely failed. Their ego was 100% bruised afterward, I'm sure of it." You snickered, blushing as your eyes cast over his form. His skin glowed from the kiss of sunset colors. "Hey! Careful! You almost hit that bird! Ugh, your driving is the worst!"
Peter's laugh brought a smile to your lips as you teased him, knowing full-well you drove much worse than he did. Poking his side with your finger to tease him more, he squirmed away and began to make faces.
"Oi! I'm trying to keep us alive! Stop that!" He snickered.*
"I hope you know that we are absolutely not listening to this song! My turn to control the cord!" You cheered, snatching his phone away.
"What? No! I'm the driver, I control the music!"
"In your dreams, Parker! And don't take your eyes off the freaking road, you health-hazard of a human being!"
"Oh, please! I drive better than you do! And either way, you know you love me!"
"That, yes, that is very true. I can not deny that." You giggled with a happy sigh.
"What else did you guys do?"
"So much! We went on great adventures and vacations together but also enjoyed simple moments. One day, I was frustrated with everything so I started crying on the kitchen floor when the empty pot slipped from my hand." You laughed at yourself, shaking your head. "He came in with a sympathetic heart and dumped a bunch of pots on the floor. At first, I got even angrier. Because, hello, that was a huge mess! But then he started constructing them together on a mat and grabbed two dowels for the both of us."
Peter cursed when he saw your form, panicking slightly as he tried to come up with a solution to fix the sad mood you owned. The poor brunette had come in, more than ready to defend you from an attacker, after being alerted to the crashing sound of a pan hitting the tiled flooring. Trying to think quickly on his feet, he leaned past you to pick up said fallen pot along with a large group of others.
"What are you doing? I swear to god I will smash your face into the cabinet if you think I'm going to clean this up."
Peter wordlessly grabbed your hand and placed the dowel in your hand, kissing each finger as he twisted them into a fist. He reached up and brushed a piece of hair away from your face, smiling sweetly at your confused face.
"What do I need this for?" You questioned, still slightly irritated.
"What? What was he doing, exactly?"
"We actually started playing them together, on the floor. He cheered me up in less than an hour. I went from crying in frustration to crying from laughter." A blush crept its way up your body as a love-sick smile made its appearance.
Crawling on the floor, Peter gently pulled you by your empty hand next to him. A whine of protest escaped your lungs, but you eventually gave in and looked at the pots in front of you. He reached around you, his arms controlling yours. He began beating the wooden sticks against the metal and copper pots.
"I love you! I love you! My darling!" He sang out dramatically, badly playing out an improvised tune, hiding his smile when he noticed you were forcing one to hide. "My darling! She's oh-so-beautiful!"
Laughter bubbled within your chest and escaped into the air around the two of you. A smirk made its made to your boyfriend's lips at the achievement of making you happy. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before continuing his actions.
Eventually, he moved and sat beside you, using his wooden stick to bang on the pans. He laughed after you made a pun referring to the pots, shaking his head in amusement.
"Come one, sing a duet with me."
Peter began singing loudly but slow enough for you to try and match his lyrics. You were pretty sure the two of you were bothering the neighbors at this point.
A bubble of snickers filled the room after someone mentioned just how in love you seemed to be even after he left.
"You see, this big teddy bear of a human being loved to travel, so one day he showed up outside my job and picked me up. We ended up driving for a long time until we had a picnic underneath the stars. I taught him a bunch of the constellations."
"Peter! C'mon, tell me where we're going! You're boring me!" You joke, shoulders shaking in laughter when you do.
"No! You can't know yet! It's called a surprise, babe!" He protests, taking one hand off the wheel and easing his foot off the accelerator. Using the empty hand he has, he pokes your side once safely stopped at a red light.
"Ugh. You're a pain. I hope you know that." You paused for a few minutes before saying: "Are we there yet?"
"We are literally still driving! Relax!"
The drive continued for another hour or so before you pulled up onto a hill that sat beside a glistening lake. By that time, it was well past midnight. You would have fallen asleep if Peter's energetic and proding, literally, personality. He sang loudly to you and was constantly poking you in the ribs, although gently.
"We've arrived! I hope you're hungry!"
After the picnic, you rested by his side, enjoying the comforting kisses he left across your face. "I love you, but I'd appreciate it if you would pay attention to my lesson!" You whined*
"Alright, Teach. What do you have for me to learn? Not math, I hope." He replied in turn with a broad smirk.
With a sharp eye-roll, you sat up, taking his finger, and pointing it at the sky. "Big dipper." You drug it over to a separate spot. "Little dipper."
"I like this lesson. Teach me more."
"He sounded amazing. What happened to you two?"
"The part of him yearning for adventure became too difficult to ignore, and he knew he needed to go. Of course, he offered for me to come with him, but my parents refused. They told me how my focus was to be on where I was going in the future, so their force kept us apart." You set down the Polaroid picture to pick up another one, this one of a car. The brunette sat on top of it, clearly singing and dancing. "The night he left was a hard one for us all. His aunt and mentor came over so we could all wish him goodbye. I was angry at my parents, but they were right. My future was very uncertain with him, especially since he didn't know where he would be going."
A stray tear made it's down your cheek, dropping onto the hoodie of his you wore. Your friend wrapped an arm over your shoulder.
"Eventually, after he packed his car for the journey and his weeping aunt gave him one last hug, I was called over. I opened the door to be closer to him and sat, looking at him. His cheeks were damp with tears, as were mine, but we smiled. He put his hand into mine and kissed me, so softly, as if I were glass."
"You look beautiful today, you know. Is that dress new?" Peter's fingers danced up your arm to cup your cheek.
"I bought it just for you, for today. I wanted you to see me looking my best, so you can remember me this way when you go."
"I still don't know if I want to go." He admitted, ducking his head before looking back into your eyes.
"You have to. You need to go because your heart is calling." You whispered, reluctant to admit the truth as much as he was. "And you don't have to be scared, because I will always be with you along this journey." You placed your hand on his heart.
"He pleaded for me to go that night, to go with him. I told him I couldn't, that it wasn't an option."
You set down the picture while standing, grabbing one from underneath a flipped-over picture frame. One of your friends picked up the frame and felt anguish at seeing the picture inside the glass.
The same boy the conversation was about sat somewhere, clearly in a place with bright lights. He wore a white, short-sleeve top that ended with the picture. His eyes were blood-shot, curls messy as can be, but a smile sat across his lips, despite being clearly in pain.
"This noise is going to be the death of me, I swear."
"Kid, you've got a lot more fighting to kill you right now than the lights. At least try to act concerned for yourself." Tony's voice strained, dry from tears. "They are probably the smallest problem you have as of now."
"Don't say stuff like that. Please." Your voice croaked, all the tears you had now gone from crying them away. "It can't be like that. No."
"That picture was taken a few months before he left. This one is a copy of the photo he took with him." You explained, showing it around. "I loved him so much, you know, and he loved me too. I could tell since he had some much trouble leaving us. But I knew he had to go."
In the last photo sat you both, side-by-side, asleep. One of his arms draped over your side while he spooned you from behind with his face buried into the skin of your neck. You had hair flopped over one eye and one hand tucked into his dangling by your front. The two of you had corresponding colors on your nails, a bright red. It had been his idea after a tired sleep-over reached well past two in the morning. It was a fond memory of yours.
Your friend pulled you tight to his chest, noticing the balance you were struggling to keep between sobbing or staying straight-faced. Eventually, the tears came out, but a smile stayed on your lips as you remembered Peter.
You remembered his laughter that was always accompanied by his contagious smile or smirk. Also on the list, you remembered his ability to sweet-talk you into sneaking out to see him on nights he wasn't 100% busy. However, you also remembered how he left you, leaving a longing feeling that turned into unheard wishes.
You just wish his departure had actually happened like that.
taglist: @rorybutnotgilmore @petersasteria @elios-timotea
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ssa-pretty-boy · 4 years
Love and Thunder
Summary: When a thunderstorm rolls in and the power goes out what will Spencer and his girlfriend do to pass the time?
Word Count: 4.4k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smuttttttt - fingering, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT KIDS), penetrative sex
The smell of coming rain had been in the air for days. So when dark clouds rolled in, threatening to open up at any given moment, no one really gave it a second thought.  But as the day progressed the normal hustle and bustle of the city grew into something more palpable, its people trying to get indoors before the torrential down pour that was sure to come. 
Spencer Reid was no exception. Though there was something about a good thunderstorm that he found extremely relaxing, he didn’t want to be caught outside in one. Like the rest of the city’s inhabitants he was speed walking down the concrete sidewalks, eternally grateful that his apartment was only a couple of blocks away from his metro stop. 
He managed to make it into the lobby of his building just as the first drops of rain started to sprinkle down. With a grateful sigh, he shucked off his rain coat as he watched the droplets slide down the glass door. The drizzle was slow and lazy, honestly more like a fine mist than true rain. Maybe this was just going to be an average summer rain shower after all.
Taking the stairs two at a time up to the fourth floor, he made it to the last landing with an astonishing amount of grace. For someone who was as uncoordinated as Spencer tended to be, it was a surprise even to himself he made it without so much as stumbling. He unlocked the door and was greeted with the sound of pots and pans clinking together coming from the kitchen. Rounding the corner into his tiny kitchen he saw Y/N at the stove, stirring what smelt like pasta sauce with one hand and holding an open book up to her face with the other. She was mouthing the words as she read and Spencer smiled, he found it incredibly endearing and told her as much as he left his satchel and raincoat on the small table tucked into the corner of the room.
Y/N laughed, glancing up over the top of her book with a warm smile as he came over to her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and settled his chin on the top of her head. “Wasn’t expecting you home yet.”
The book forgotten, she tossed it to the counter and leaned back into him, tilting her head up to place a soft kiss on the underside of his jaw. “I was just extra help today so I got cut loose early because of the storm.”
He hummed again, certainly not complaining that his girlfriend was home. “What are you making?”
She took the wooden spoon out of the pot and held it up to Spencer’s mouth for him to taste, smiling when he groaned and nodded his approval. “My mom sent me a new recipe for a creole Alfredo sauce. Everything else is ready so I just have to it throw in and let it simmer for a few minutes. Why don’t you go wash up and I’ll start setting the table.”
When Spencer and Y/N were in each other’s company, they had a habit of blocking out the rest of the world. Spencer had always thought it sounded lame and cheesy when he heard couples say such things but when he met Y/N he understood it instantly. They were just so comfortable around each other, so…compatible, that nothing else mattered to them as long as the other was happy. Especially when they were in the comfort of their own home. 
They had been so wrapped up in each other, in fact, that they failed to notice the changing atmosphere outside. It wasn’t until they settled into bed for the night, when Spencer finally flipped on the TV and mindlessly turned to the weather channel in hopes of seeing a sunny forecast for the following day, that he realized just how intense this storm was going to get. So much for that picnic in the park with Derek, Savannah, and Hank they’d so been looking forward to. Spencer studied the swirling diagram of colors, noting that area which he and his girlfriend called home was already far into the red and it didn’t look like they would be in the green any time soon.
A flash of lightening brought his attention away from the television and towards the window on Y/N’s side of the bed. Pushing the thick duvet back, Spencer climbed from the warmth of the bed and padded towards the window. He reached out with a little hesitance and pulled the curtains back, eyes widening at what he saw on the other side of the glass. Several of the small trees lining the street had been blown over, the street itself in front of the building was flooded, and a few blocks away it looked as though the power had gone out. 
“It’s nasty out there,” he mumbled more to himself than Y/N. She was so preoccupied with painting her toenails, a shade of deep red that Spencer secretly found incredibly sexy, that she hadn’t even noticed him get out of bed to walk over to the window. 
“Is it?” She wasn’t really paying him any mind as she finished painting her left pink toe, the very tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips in concatenation as she did so.
He mumbled a soft ‘yeah’ as he sat down in front of her. Grinning at him, Y/N leaned back against the headboard of the bed and screwed the cap back onto her nail polish before tossing it into the small canvas bag sitting on her bedside table. 
“You like?” The question was rhetorical, she knew how much he liked the color on her and maybe she picked out specially for that reason. She lifted her foot just in front of his face and wiggled her toes to show off the color of the polish. 
Smirking at her, Spencer grabbed ahold of her ankle and pulled her down the bed closer to him, laughing at the squeal that the action got from her. Holding her foot up to his mouth, he pressed a kiss to each toe before slowly beginning to kiss up her foot to her calve then her thigh, all the way up to her waiting lips. “I fucking love it.” 
He let put a playful growl as he dove into the crook of her neck and began to place sloppy wet kisses all over the exposed skin, his fingers ghosting over her sides to start tickling her relentlessly. Her giggles ringing out through the small bedroom were like the most beautiful music he’d ever heard. Their playful fun was cut short though by a bright flash of lightening that washed the room in a bluish hue, both of their head snapping towards the window. Holding his breath, Spencer began to count in anticipation for the clap of thunder that was sure to come. 
There was the deafening crack of thunder he had been waiting on. It sounded like it was directly over head, the very walls of the building seeming to quake. Y/N let out a squeak, clutching onto Spencer’s biceps for dear life as she hid her face in his chest. 
Trying to lighten the mood however he could, he laughed and and pulled back to look at her face. “It’s alright, sweet girl. Just a little thunder and lightning, nothing to be scared of. Well, there’s no need to be afraid of thunder, anyway, seeing as though its really just a sound caused by the lightning. Lightning, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous if-”
With a playful swat to his chest, she silenced him. “As much as I usually love your facts and tangents, that one really didn’t help. Like at all. You know how I am about bad weather! It just freaks me out a little." She admitted the last bit sheepishly, no matter how many times he assured her she had no reason to be embarrassed by her fear of storms, she still hated to admit it. Everyone is afraid of something, he always told her. 
Brown eyes flashing, he looked down at her with a smirk before leaning back back down and pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth before working his way to her jaw.
“Well then, why don’t we do something to take you mind off of it, hm?” He was kissing her throat again as he suggested it, pressing the words into the column of her neck with wet, open mouthed kisses. Her head was already swimming, thoughts foggy as his mouth trailed lower, pulling at the collar of her shirt to get access to her collar bones now. The only response she was able to supply him with was a mumbled “mhm” and a shuddering gasp as his cold hands slipped under her T-shirt to find her bare chest, much more purposeful than the playful tickling had been. His thumbs ghosted over her nipples and she arched into touch, moaning when he pinched the hardening peaks between his thumbs and forefingers.
Just as he pulled the old Caltech shirt off of her, the lamps on either side of the bed along with the TV began to flicker. “Shit,” he cursed as he rolled off of her. “The power is probably about to go.”
Spencer stood from the bed and grabbed his phone from the bedside table just as the electricity flickered off entirely. Switching on the flashlight that was built into his phone, he shone it into Y/N’s face. She squinted into the light, holding up her hands to shield her eyes from the blinding brightness. “I’m going to go get some candles and a lighter. Stay in here, bubs.” 
Quickly making his way down the dark hallway, Spencer headed for the hoard of scented candles he knew Y/N had stashed in the linen closet. He scanned the shelves, and spied the decorative basket tucked into the corner of the top shelf. Honestly, he didn’t even want to know how Y/N had managed to get up there. Even for as tall as he was, he had to stand on his tip-toes to reach it.
He pulled the basket down and rummaged through it, crinkling his nose at a few of the names… Pink Sand, Midnight Cashmere, Home Sweet Home. Why did they all have to have weird names? Why couldn’t they just be named what they were supposed to smell like? Eventually he gave up on trying to find normal ones, just deciding to take the entire basket before going to the kitchen to retrieve a lighter from the junk drawer under the microwave. 
Once back in their bedroom, Spencer began to scatter the candles all over the small space, lighting them as he went. Before long the entire room was aglow with a soft, flickering light. After finally lighting the last few, he tossed the lighter down onto the dresser before going to flop onto the bed next to Y/N. 
Still half naked, she was sitting up with her knees pulled her to chest and staring absentmindedly out of the window. She was too busy worrying her bottom lip between her teeth and watching the rain slap against the glass to pay the slightest bit of attention to Spencer. So he turned onto his side and took the opportunity to watch her.
Right arm propping his head up, he shamelessly let his eyes rake over her from the top of her head all the way to the tips her toes. On their fifth date, he’d noted that candle light made her look ten times as gorgeous as she already was. The tiny flickering flames illuminated her features in ways a light bulb or even the sun failed do. Every date night he had planned since usually involved a lot of candles for that very reason. 
Not being able to resist the temptation any longer, Spencer reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand. Y/N turned her face into his palm and pressed a kiss to the center of it. Their eyes locked and Spencer swore he felt his heart swell in his chest as she stared down at him with what could only be called adoration. It was funny how time seemed to stop completely when she looked at him like that. Like he hung the stars and the moon in the sky just for her. It made him feel like he could fly. 
She moved to lie down facing him, so close that their noses were just centimeters apart, and ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders. The muscles of his arms tensed in the wake of her touch and she batted her lashes up him, feigning total innocence at her actions as his pupils blew wide. Her hands slid back down his chest, her nails pressing into him just hard enough to leave faint red lines in their wake. “I think we were doing something a minute ago.”
“Yeah, I think we were.” His words were husky as he cupped her cheeks in his hands again and leaned in to kiss her. Winding her arms around his neck, she pulled him on top of her and he fell to rest perfectly between her thighs.
One of his hands slipped into her hair and gripped tightly at the roots, snapping her head back so that he could have even more access to her throat and jaw. A wanton moan accompanied the sharp sting of her nails raking over his shoulders when he bit down hard enough to bruise. He bit and sucked relentlessly at her pulse point, fully intending to give her a rather spectacular hickey to sport the next day at work. When he pulled away to inspect his work he smirked at the mark, his thumb brushing over it with just enough pressure to have her whimpering.
Becoming desperate for some sort of relief from the growing tension between her legs, she started grinding herself down onto Spencer’s thigh. The cocky bastard was smirking down at her as his iron grip forced her hips back down onto the mattress. She was already so blissed out she didn’t even realize his hands had left her neck and hair. “Be patient, princess.”
The use of the pet name had her eyes fluttering shut, the asshole knew the effect it had on her and used it to his advantage every change he got. Kissing her swollen lips once more, he pulled away and sat back on his calves to drink in the sight of her; pupils blown wide, lips red and swollen. When she looked like this, all flustered just from his touches and kisses, Spencer could barely control himself. Before going to crawl back over her, he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and quickly tugged it over his head before tossing it to join her’s on the floor. 
Y/N sat up on her knees, meeting him in the middle of the bed, to kiss him. It was feverish and sloppy, their teeth clashing and nipping at each other’s lips. Both were breathless when they finally parted, heads swimming from the lack of oxygen.  
Placing a firm hand on her chest, Spencer pushed her back to lie back down on the bed. Hovering over her again, he dipped his head down to her chest and took her one of her nipples into his mouth. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as he bit down and tugged at it. He released her after a moment and laved over the bite marks with his tongue before he moved to her other breast. She arched up into his touch, hands tangling in his hair as he continued to lavish her chest with attention. 
“I love your tits,” he told her shamelessly, placing a kiss on each raw nipple before licking up the valley between them.
Despite the filthiness of the words and actions, she snorted out a laugh and shoved his head away from her chest. He was laughing as he pulled away, “I do though!”
“I know you do. And I love your cock but I would really love if it were inside me right now.” She reached down and started palming him through his pajama pants to emphasize her point.
“Remember what I said about having p-patience?” He choked on the words as she gripped him tighter, his head dropping forward onto her shoulder as he shuddered. When he lifted his head back up his cheeks were flushed and his pupils had blown so wide there was only a thin ring of honey brown surrounding them.
He sat back and hooked his fingers into the waist band of her sleep shorts and underwear and jerked them down her legs. When she was completely naked under him, he cupped her sex and practically growled,“I want to play a little first.” 
The words alone were enough to have her moaning and bucking up into his hand, aching for some sort of friction. Spencer ran his middle finger up her slit, gathering her arousal on the digit before bringing it up to her mouth. Without having to be told, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, taking his finger in her mouth and moaning at the taste of herself as she sucked it clean. 
She released him with a soft ‘pop’ and he instantly brought his hand back down to her core. He ran the same finger up her slit again, ghosting over her clit with a few slow, lazy circles this time. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to Spencer’s biceps as he slowly slid the offending digit into her and began to pump it in and out of her. 
She moaned out, arching her back off the bed as he started to pick up the pace, curling it up to perfectly stroke against her front wall each time. “More.” It came out as more of a breathless moan than an actual word but Spencer understood her none the less. “Gimme another one, Spence.”
“So fucking needy, aren’t you?” Despite the comment he complied with her request  instantly. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe as he slipped another long, nimble finger into her aching heat, not even bothering to give her a chance to acclimate to the slight stretch. Spencer’s fingers were fucking into her at a relentless pace, still curling them at just the right angle to have her seeing stars. She had asked for more and damn if he wasn’t delivering.
She was slack jawed as her eyes were rolled back in her head and god damn he had never been happier to have an eidetic memory. The look on her face was going to be what got him off when he was in those cold, lonely hotel rooms across the country. 
“Ah god,” she was panting now, her chest heaving as she chased after her high. “Please don’t stop. Please. Please. Please, Spence.”
He added his thumb to her clit and started pressing small, tight circles to the swollen bundle of nerves. A lewd moan ripped from her throat as her hips bucked up into his hand, much to Spencer’s amusement. With a deep chuckle, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Please what, princess? Use your words.”
A delicious warmth started to settle in her belly as she clenched around around his fingers and Spencer had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning at the tightness. “Please let me cum. Please,” she was begging, her voice raw and breathless. And he would be lying through his fucking teeth if he said it didn’t go straight to his cock. He hummed and sped up his fingers, still making sure to curl upward with each thrust. 
Stars flashed in front of her eyes as that warmth in her belly burst into a full blown flame, the fire licking up her body from her toes all the way to her head. Her nails dug into Spencer’s tensed biceps as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, milking her high for all it was worth. Even as the pleasure started to ebb, he kept up his ministrations to the point where her mewling moans turned into whimpers. She was spasming around his fingers, her walls gripping so tightly around him that he couldn’t help the bucking of his hips into the mattress below them.
“S-Spencer,” she moaned, her hands finally finding his and trying to shove him away. She could already feel another orgasm building, riding the tails of the aftershocks from the first. 
“C’mon,” he purred. “You can do it, baby. Give me another one.”
Her skin felt like it was on fire as her toe curling second orgasm hit her. She was trembling as Spencer worked her through it, his fingers slowing and eventually pulling away from her aching pussy altogether. Another lewd moan was the only sound she could manage at the loss of contact.
“You did so good, princess,” he mumbled as he pressed sweet kisses to the side of her face while she came back down to earth. “You took my fingers so well. Think you can handle my cock now, baby?”
Bleary eyes fluttered open to look up at him and she nodded slowly. Spencer smirked down at her and made quick work of wiggling out of his pajama pants. Y/N reached down to take him in her hand but he swatted her away. His cock was aching and he knew if she took him in her very capable hands he wouldn’t last long at all. “Trust me baby, I’m good to go.”
Grabbing her by her forearm, Spencer hauled her up to sit on her knees before climbing back on the bed behind her. Still fucked out and pliable, she didn’t fight it when he put a firm hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her face down into the mattress. With one hand firmly planted on her hip and the other gripping his dick, he lined himself up with her entrance and slowly pushed in. 
Every nerve ending in her body felt like it was a live wire; everywhere he touched he left fire in his wake. She was a mewling mess beneath him as he set a slow but purposeful pace, pulling out almost completely before slamming back into her. There were sure to be finger shaped bruises along her hips in the morning but she didn’t care, couldn’t care as he started pounding into her like his only purpose in life was to fuck her into sweet, sweet oblivion.
“Fuck,” he panted, “you feel so fucking good, baby. So tight and warm.”
The sound of skin slapping and Y/N moans filled the room as he settled into a quick and brutal rhythm, his hips snapping forward even harder. One of his hands slid up her back and gripped onto the back of her neck, hauling her back to rest against his chest. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, her eyes screwing shut at the deeper angle the position allowed. He was so deep and she swore she could feel him in her belly when he took her this way. 
“Nu-huh,” he breathed in her ear, thrusts not faltering in the slightest. The hand on the back of her neck came to grip her jaw and turn her head towards the mirror resting on the dresser directly across from the bed. “I want you to watch yourself get wrecked.”
Her eyes fluttered open and looked at her reflection in the mirror, moaning at what she saw staring back at her. The hand he had on her hip slid around her and dipped down to spread her open so they could better see where he was fucking into her. 
“Touch yourself for me,” he told her, his voice husky and commanding. She did as she was told, sticking her fingers in her mouth first to wet them with her tongue before bringing them down to her clit and swirling them in small, quick circles. With a particularly sharp thrust Y/N was cumming again, crying out as her vision went completely white this time around. 
Her walls clamped down around his cock like a vice and Spencer’s head dropped to her shoulder as he groaned, his thrusts starting to get sloppy. “S-Shit. I’m right behind you, baby, just hold on.”
A couple of thrusts later he was cumming, groaning out a string of curses as he spilled into her. His arms around her waist were the only thing keeping her upright as they caught their breath. As gently as he could manage, he pulled out of her and her lie down before collapsing to the mattress beside her.
After a few minutes of basking in their afterglow, Spencer pressed a kiss to the crown of Y/N’s head before he got out of the bed to get a washcloth to clean her up. As he turned off the faucet he realized there was a sudden lack of howling wind and pouring rain. Making his way back into the bedroom, he peeked out the window before returning to bed.
“It stopped storming,” he mused as he gently brought the warm washcloth up between Y/N’s legs.
She winced at the sensation but was otherwise quiet for a moment before admitting, “Honestly, I had forgotten it was even storming in the first place.”
Mission accomplished then, Spencer thought to himself with a soft chuckle as he tossed the washcloth in the hamper next to the dresser. He settled back down on the bed with her, pulling her back to him. He had just about drifted off to sleep when Y/N started to giggle uncontrollably. He peaked an eye open to look down at her as her shoulders started to shake from the fit of laughter.  
“God, the neighbors probably thought we were making a porno.” She was still laughing as she said it but knew fully well that the elderly couple next door probably did hear them. And would no doubt make comments about it the next time they ran into each other in the stairwell. 
A wicked grin took over his face as he looked down at her and laughed, “Now there’s an idea.”
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Strange Girl- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
    Request:   can you do one where draco realizes he likes the reader and wants to kiss her but he is scared so once she is by herself one day he goes up to her and kisses her and he is embarrassed but she kisses him again 🥺🥺 and she’s a hufflepuff
    Kody: This is gonna be a short one, but sweet nonetheless.
    Year: 7th
    House: Hufflepuff
    Possible Triggers/Warnings: fluff overload, Draco being a nervous wreck because i like torturing him. 
    herbology was your favorite class at Hogwarts. Plants and learning about their magical properties were just something you found extremely interesting. It was also where you met your soon to be favorite person. Draco Malfoy had been chatting it up with his friends and go himself a detention after lunch.
   being you, you spent most of your time in the herbology classroom. So after lunch when Draco Malfoy went to serve said detention you were there, but no professor? How strange. He had thought he walked into the wrong classroom for a moment.
    Roll Flashback
   “Professor Sprout?” a males voice called out. Startled, you quickly go to stand up, but hit your head on the table you were under instead causing a loud thud and slight pain. “Ouch!” you squeaked, reaching up to rub the top of your head with the pal of your head to sooth the pain.
   “Who the bloody hell are you?” turning your head, your met with cold grey eyes that bore deep within your soul. Draco. Malfoy. Damnit. “Um Y/n L/n, Hufflepuff, 7th year- uh sorry!” you sputter, being intimidated by this tall platinum blond Slytherin.
   he raises a brow and looks around “Where the Professor?” he asked, referring to the first statement he had said. “She usually just asks me to watch the ‘troubled kids’ as she calls it, but they just end up leaving because i’m not threatening in the slightest. She gave you a list of stuff to do i presume?”
   you lean down and pick up the empty pots from the ground you had dropped before you got there, keeping your hand up so he could hand you the paper. Draco looked at you weirdly. You were fully aware of the fact people chose to walk all over you? ‘What a strange girl’ he thought.
  he nonetheless reaches into his robe pocket to hand you the sheet of folded up parchment. His fingers grazed your hand as he slipped it in your palm. You felt your face flush slightly, but grab it anyway. You lean back up, placing the pots on the table and use one hand to unfold the paper, quite skillfully.
   you eyes scanned the few items on the list and you smiled gleefully ‘How fun’ you thought. You turn your attention to the Slytherin and nod once “Thank you. Now just avoid Sprout for like an hour and you should be okay. I suggest just hanging out in your common room for now”
   Draco’s blinks mindlessly for a second or two. “How- How come your just letting me leave? You seem like a goody two shoes. Why not just rat me out?” a amused smirk played on his lips as he spoke. You reach under the cupboard and grab the bag of soil that was under, placing it down.
   you look up at the ceiling, indicating you were thinking “Um- well, i believe that we shouldn’t have to ‘do extra’ for a class we aren’t really interested in. I, on the other hand love herbology, so i don’t mind the extra work. You rather do something in Alchemy right?”
   your words seem to catch him off guard How did you know that? He crosses his arms with a distasteful look “Oh so your some bloody stalker aren’t you?” he hisses, which makes you twinge a bit, but you stand your ground “We have been in the same potions class since first year. You speak quite loudly”
   you let out a small laugh, but Draco just huffs and makes a dramatic exit ‘Strange bloody girl’ he thought while storming off
   after that, Draco began to take notice to you in potions class. For someone who liked herbology a whole lot, you exceeded in in potions almost as well as he did. How in his right mind had he not seen you before? Maybe it was because if a person didn’t wear a green lined robe, he tuned them out.
   a month or so would pass and we would continue getting detentions in herbology, but would actually aid you in his own punishment chores this time. You both made small talk and Draco grew to like your company. You didn’t seem to be afraid of him, well not to much.
   you also found yourself growing closer to the Slytherin, but in a romantic way. You just couldn’t shake the feeling no matter how hard you tried. What really got you was when he took off his robe and vest and rolled up the sleeves of the white collared shirt. It. Was. Hot
   but out of the herbology classroom, you were nothing more then the strangers you were a month ago. Your friends had convinced you to try and get over him because it wouldn’t result in anything other then avoidable heartbreak. Draco on the other hand was a oblivious idiot. 
   “So let me guess, when you talk to Y/n you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, your palms get sweaty, your heart rate starts to pick up, and you kind of want to kiss her?” Blaise explained, brow raised in a amused manner. Draco’s jaw dropped, dropping his book “How do you know that!”
   the tall Slytherin boy chuckled “because you won’t stop talking about her. Its driving me, Theo, and Pans up the wall. Just ask her out” he shakes his head. Theo and Pansy nod from there side of the sofa in agreement “Please, we beg you. It’s so obvious you like her. Its painful” Pansy groans.
   Draco’s pale face turned a light shade of pink as he clicked his tongue “I do not like Y/n. That’s absurd! She’s a Hufflepuff anyway, what would my father think?” he crossed his arms. “In case you haven’t noticed mate all three of us are still alive and well”
   “What does that mean?” Draco asked, a confused expression on his face. Blaise sighs deeply and lifts his hand that is interlocked with Theos “All three of us? Gay. Pansy? She’s dating Ginny Weasley. A Gryffindor girl. We are living proof that your father will be pissed, but won’t shit” Blaise xplained. 
   Draco seemed to have an epiphany and pushed up and off from the black loveseat. Tripping over his feet, he zoomed out of the Slytherin common room leaving his friends slightly stunned “What do you think he’s going to do?” Theo asked with an excited smile.
   “Trip over some stairs and die at this rate” Pansy let out a snort. Blaise shook his head and stood up from the sofa with Theo “Will be in my dorm room, alone. Bye Pansy” Blaise spoke quickly as he began to drag Theo into the halls. The brown haired Slytherin boy smiled and waved “Bye Pans!”
   seconds later Pansy grumbled “I hate being single- oh wait. Ginny!” she yelled as she followed Draco out of the common room to find her girlfriend. 
   running down the halls of Hogwarts, he made a sharp turn to the exit. He pushed open the doors, the cold air hitting his exposed skin. He should not have ran out of the common room only wearing a black t-shirt with dark grey sweats. He even forgot shoes and was only wearing socks. What a lovesick boy he was. 
   he made his way behind the school to the greenhouse where he had met you all those weeks ago. Hoping to find you there. As the pale boy pushed the door open, there was no one to be seen. “Y/n!?” he shouted, but nobody came.(Someone has to get that reference please)
   a confused look played on his features. Your always here and now your not? He had no time to mull over that fact and left the greenhouse. Searching the school felt like hours, when in reality was only about ten minutes. He had even waited outside the Hufflepuff common room for awhile.
   waiting had only made his heart race more in anticipation. He wanted to see you. He needed to see you. He soon found himself walking back to the greenhouse. “Draco?” his head snaps up like an owl. There you were with a confused expression,  E/c eyes looking up and down his body.
   why wasn’t he wearing shoes? It was also dreadfully cold out and he didn’t have any jumper of sorts, while you looked as warm as a marshmello. “Why don’t you have shoes. Are you alright?” you asked, worry clear in your tone. Draco didn’t answer, just walked towards you.
   you raise a brow, placing the bag of soil on the ground. As soon as you lean back up a pair of lips clash with yours. His lips move against yours in a feverish way, almost hungry. Draco pulls away and looks down at your shocked face. Oh shit. 
   “Oh- no. I apologize for that. I- I didn’t- well i did mean to, but i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’m going to kill Blaise-” he was forcing words out which seemed to bring you back to reality so you could grab a fistful of his t-shirt and bring his head down to your height.
   now it was your turn to kiss the shocked boy. It didn’t take him long to react because his hands found your hips rather quickly. he stepped closer, pushing his chest against yours. Kisses eventually got more sloppy before he pulled away for air “I- uh- wow?” he said, unsure of what to say. You chuckle softly.
   “Yeah, wow. Now let’s get you inside. Your so cold” You say, grabbing his chilled hands, interlocking his fingers with yours. He nodded slowly “Please” he said, a small smile forming. You both made your way back inside the school, holding hands and smiling. 
   “What in the bloody hell just happened?” Cedric asked, looking towards the  Gryffindor boy who had watched the whole scene with him.
   Harry seemed to sputter a bit before answering “i- i have no clue. We should do that though” 
   Kody: short, sweet, kill me im so tired. Anyways peace. I also ordered a Draco Malfoy love letter on etsy, so when that comes in February, expect a post about it lmao. 
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vivian24l · 3 years
Day One: Family/In-laws
The Second Wayne Reunion
Damian tapped his fingers against the wheel.
“Anxious?” asked Raven.
“You know how last year turned out. I was surprised Father agreed to another reunion this year.”
One year ago, Dick had come up with the idea of having a family reunion. He had invited the whole Wayne family together under one roof once again. The results of the party didn’t end so well. Dick clearly wanted to make the reunions annual, because he once again invited everyone.
Damian took another left. They had to drive across Gotham to reach Wayne Manor. After getting married, he and Raven bought a stretch of land on the other side of Gotham. Together they designed their house and hired people to build it.
Damian let out a sigh. “That bastard, Grayson.”
“Language,” said Raven.
He glanced at the rear view mirror. Their daughter, Rashida, was asleep in the back. Although, she could be pretending. Rashida is an intelligent child, more mature than her actual age. However, she does tend to do dangerous things.
They pulled up at Wayne Manor at long last. Rashida woke up instantly.
“We're here!” she announced. The five year old got out of their car immediately to stretch her legs.
“Rae! Watch this!” shouted Mar’i. She flew up into the sky while Rae watched from the ground. Mar’i shot a green starbolt at a low cloud. The cloud lit up in green light before evaporating into thin air.
“Impressive,” commented Rae. She joined her cousin in the air. The two girls turned the clouds green and purple.
Sitting in deck chairs, Raven and Koriand’r watched the kids flying around.
“Did you teach her that?” questioned Raven.
Kori let out a laugh. “Of course not, Mar’i and Jacob discovered it. Speaking of Jacob, where is he?”
It was Raven’s turn to laugh. “I saw him with Jackson, they were building something out of Legos. How do you not know what your son is doing?”
“I’ve been very busy lately,” Kori defended herself.
“Hey sisters! Mind if I join you?” Stephanie didn’t wait for an answer, she took a seat in a chair across from Kori. “Cass and Babs will be here with the food in a few minutes.”
“Is Valkyrie joining us this year?” asked Kori.
“She sure is! Val better not drop out last minute,” said the blonde. “I can’t believe Dick allowed her to skip last year. I mean, like seriously? This is a family reunion and therefore Val can not be missing out.”
“She was on a mission,” said Raven. “Then again, you can’t blame her, this family can be quite a handful.”
“Makes me wonder how we are able to put up with them,” joked Stephanie.
“How’s the cooking going?” asked Raven.
Damian turned around to face his wife. “Fairly well,” he answered.
Raven nodded. She took in the scene. Pots and pans were on the stove. A large bowl of lettuce sat on the counter. Nearby stood a container of tofu, waiting to be opened.
“Where’s Richard? I thought he’d be cooking as well,” said Raven.
Damian let out a “tt”. He stirred the soup inside a large pot. “Grayson left an hour ago, he said something about napkins.”
“You do know that not everyone here is vegetarian, correct?” questioned Raven as she noticed that there wasn’t a single speck of meat in any of the dishes.
“I also know that they will have to pay for making me cook a meal for twenty people.”
“21, actually,” corrected Raven. “Valkyrie’s running late.”
“And there I thought she would skip like last year.”
Raven grabbed a spare apron. “I suppose it’s up to me to save everyone from eating tofu turkey tonight.”
“How heroic.”
“Mother? Father?” called Rashida.
“We’re in the kitchen, ibna,” answered Damian.
“What are you making?” Rashida stood on the tip of her toes and watched as Raven mixed together the stuffing for the turkey.
“Dinner. Would you like to help, love?” asked Raven.
“Actually I can not,” said Rashida.
“And why is that?”
“Mar’i and I are in need of some pots. We’re going to make popcorn the old fashioned way! But instead of making a fire, we’ll be heating it with our powers,” explained Rashida..
“Is anyone supervising you?” asked Damian.
“Of course, Uncle Jason’s helping us.” Rashida pulled a large pot out of the cabinet. “This will do perfectly,” she said. “Good luck on your cooking!”
“Should I be concerned that Jason is overseeing their popcorn-making?” asked Damian.
“You should have some faith in him,” said Raven.
“I think we’re done here,” said Raven.
Damian nodded. “This should be enough food for the whole family, including leftovers for everyone to take home.”
They have made a total of twelve different dishes, two-thirds of which are plant-based. Raven have also made five different types of pastries for dessert.
They left the kitchen to join the rest of the family in the living room. Selina was reading a book to her grandchildren. Rashida, however, was not with her cousins, she was throwing knives with her uncle. They took turns throwing from different positions, each time getting bullseye on the target board.
“Why couldn’t our daughter have some non-violent interests,” sighed Raven.
Damian smiled. “She’s the granddaughter of the first Batman and Trigon, and great granddaughter of Ra’s Al Ghul. And I should add that her adoptive grandfather also happens to be Superman. So I would say that throwing a few knives is perfectly fine.”
“I just want her to have a childhood full of peace and innocence, unlike ours,” Raven murmured.
“She is habibti, she is.” Damian held his wife close. They seated themselves on the couch and silently watched the scene before them.
The peace in the room could not be contained for long. Dick burst through the door holding a large bag.
“Guess what I got?” he sang.
Rashida didn’t even spare her uncle a glance. “A bag full of games,” she answered.
“Uh, yeah. Great guess, Rae,” stuttered Dick. It still intrigued him how she knew what was inside. Well she is her parents’ daughter.
Dick laid out the contents on the table. There was a wide variety of games from classic card games to Twister.
The doorbell rang as soon as he took out the last game.
“That must be Val!” Kori rose to answer the door.
A minute later, the said woman arrived in the room. She could’ve been a younger version of Cassandra, except her features are more sharp. The youngest of the Wayne siblings, Valkyrie was adopted at the age of thirteen. That was ten years ago.
She came just like her oldest adoptive brother, holding a large bag. All the kids, including Rashida, ran over to see what was inside.
“Alright, settle down first,” Valkyrie said. She pulled out four colorfully wrapped boxes and handed one to each of the kids.
Mar’i opened her box and gasped in surprise. “Thank you so much Aunt Val! They’re beautiful.” The twelve year old has received silver bracelets, similar to her mother’s, but with detailed markings on them.
When Jackson opened his box, his jaw dropped. Inside was a Build-Your-Own 3-Dimensional Holographic Projector. “Thank you Aunt Val!” said the eight year old.
Jacob’s gift was eight limited edition action figurines. “How did you-? How is this-?” The boy was so shocked to see eight expensive figurines, that were probably worth a hundred dollars each, in front of him.
“I have my ways, little one,” answered Valkyrie.
“Thank you so much,” he said, giving Valkyrie a big hug.
“Your welcome, and please I’d like some personal space.”
Rashida slowly opened her box. Inside was a white cloak. The fabric was quite unusual. It was soft, stretchy, thin, and light. Yet the fabric also felt strong, and sturdy. The bright ruby glowed in the golden clasp. Unlike Raven’s cloak, this one had sleeves. The hems and cuffs of the cloak were embroidered with intricate designs. Rashida slipped on the cloak, it fitted perfectly. “Thank you, Aunt Valkyrie,” said the five year old.
“There are no gifts for your siblings? Wow, how kind of you,” spoke up Jason.
Valkyrie smiled. “Of course not, only ones for the kids,” she pulled out two more boxes, “and the parents.”
Selina and Bruce gave her their thanks then  proceeded to open their gift. Silent received a full set of cat themed jewelry, while Bruce received a grey tie.
“I actually needed a new tie,” he said.
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jodfics · 3 years
Two Men and a Baby
Something silly.
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Sam blew a sigh out from his mouth and looked at the man sat opposite him, "This is a mess, you know that, right?" Then, not waiting for a reply, he leaned over the small car seat they had strapped to the side of the carrier plane and frowned when the baby's eyes locked onto his. "Why you gotta look into my soul like that - check out Bucky, girls love ken dolls."
"How am I a ken doll?" Bucky's eyebrows furrowed even further, but he reached out to check the straps over the baby's chest for the nth time in the half an hour they'd been in the air. "If it's because of my arm - it's vibranium, not plastic."
"It's vibranium, blah blah'" Sam mimicked him childishly and sat on the left side of the car seat, "I can't believe this, man. I sent you in to disarm the bad guys, and you come out with a baby!"
Bucky scoffed and shook his head, "C'mon!" He nodded toward the baby, "You sayin' I shoulda left her there? All alone?"
"No, I am not saying that! I am saying, though, that you shouldn't have told the powers that be that we were gonna look after her for the next few days until they can find her parents - there's literally a service for that shit, Buck!"
The baby let out a whine at the same time Bucky sent a glare Sam's way, "Don't swear in fronta the baby... and don't call me 'Buck'. Stop being an asshole - you have nephews. A baby is a piece a cake."
Sam pressed his fingers to his temples and rubbed, Bucky was a constant headache at the best of times, but today he wanted to 'Sparta kick' him off the plane. "I'm not an ass, and for your information - ass is a bad word, don't swear in front of the baby." He waited for an argument, and when none came, Sam continued, "I didn't raise the boys, Sarah did all that, I just got to hold them and hand them back when they got damp. We should have agreed to take the baby to child services, and they would have found her parents - you," he pointed at the other, "You had to mouth off and tell them that we were taking her until further notice."
A squeal came from the tiny human and the start of what was likely going to be wailing; Bucky wasted no time in unstrapping her and holding her to him. She was around six months old with curly hair and a polka-dot dress - small enough to be utterly helpless but big enough that Bucky wasn't too worried about feeding her. Sam watched his 'not' co-worker make a fuss of her, asking her what was wrong in a quiet murmur and feigning shock when she squealed in reply. "Really? Oh, Doll, you are having a bad day, huh?"
"I didn't know you had a babysitting module installed - is that included in the Winter Soldier brainwashing, or is it an add on?" He couldn't help but find the interaction kind of sweet. Same knew how good Bucky was with kids, whether it was his nephews or the neighbour's kids or the kids back in Wakanda; Bucky was a soft touch when it came to them. "Why were you so adamant we take her?"
Bucky's nose scrunched a little when the baby reached out and pat his cheek before going for his nose; he was grateful she was more interested in him than crying. "I don't want her getting lost in child services, they're stretched thin since all the missing parents, and kids suddenly showed up after five years and the guys we saved her from obviously planned to ransom her or worse. So her parents will look for her, and when they do, we can hand her back nice and easy, no lost babies or weird foster parents."
"Dude... you're calling the pot black."
"I'm not a weird foster parent." His tone was even, and Sam blinked at how oblivious the other was. "Here, take her a second." Bucky handed her over, and Sam settled her on his lap whilst he watched him head toward his mission bag. "You got any food in your bag?"
"Not unless babies drink protein shakes," Sam looked down at her and made a curious expression, "Do you want muscles on your muscles? Yeah? You do...? Damn, you're gonna show Bucky up with your miniguns - pow, pow!" He shook her little arms gently and pretended to feel for biceps, "Oh, I think I found a muscle!" She giggled at Sam as he proceeded to poke and tickle her in search of a sixpack; out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bucky glared and snorted, "Uh oh, I think the bionic moron is jealous!"
"No, I'm not!" Came a reply too quick; even Bucky winced at it and cleared his throat to appear calmer, "Put her back in the car seat before you drop her."
"Ooooh, he's so jealous!" Sam pointed at the other, and her eyes followed his direction, but she was too young to understand that Bucky was pouting at them. "Give him the soul stare, Sweetie, see if you can beat him at his own game."
Bucky had moved to Delacroix a few weeks after taking out the flag smashers, and to his surprise, Sam had offered to let him move into a little place he had been checking out. It was a nice place with plenty of space for them to train or have the kids run around in - Sam liked that it had a good road into town and his sister's place. Bucky liked the trees that provided them cover and the view of the dock at sunset. There had been negotiations about the living spaces for both of them. Mostly it boiled down to Sam keeping his baseball trophies and wings out of the shared living area and Bucky agreeing not to turn it into a vintage bar or hide knives in all the crevices he could find.
Sam stood at the kitchen counter, baby on his hip, and checked how his homemade applesauce was doing. It had been his turn to check on her when she cried in the night and to take the 'morning shift' - not that he minded as he rocked her slightly and sang for her. He called for the volume to go up and brought the wooden spoon to his mouth like a microphone, "You ready, Sweetie? Nah, you're not ready for this - here we go! Yeah..." The man nodded his head and joined in on the following line of the song, "'And baby, I can't hold it much longer - It's getting stronger and stronger! When I get that feeling, I want -"
"I want an age-appropriate song!" Bucky interrupted and turned the station over.
"Oh no." Sam pointed the spoon at him, his brown eyes wide in outrage, "You did not just turn off Marvin Gaye." The baby pat his chin, and Sam smiled down at her softly to show he wasn't mad at her, "Don't you worry, I'm gonna wait for your naptime before I kick Uncle Bucky into next, next century." He looked back at the brunette who was slumped at the kitchen table and barely awake, "Why do you hate Marvin so much? Hmm? What did he do to you?"
Bucky sat up and tipped his head back to roll his eyes at the ceiling fan, "I don't -" he looked at Sam, "I don't hate Marvin Gaye. I just don't think that song is appropriate for a little girl, ya know?"
"Mm-hmm... But giving her a little whisky is alright?"
"It wasn't even a thimble full! My Pa used to sneak me more than that to help me sleep when I was a baby."
Sam turned off the cooker and put the pan aside to cool, "I'm pretty sure cocaine and cigarettes were on prescription back then. Besides, she's not yours for another couple of hours."
"I'm not gonna give her cocaine, Sam!" Bucky snapped, and then he lowered his tone, "Gotta start her on the small stuff and work up to cocaine."
"I am applying for full custody, Buck! You can pay child support all you want, but I'm not giving you visitation rights!"
"What," A woman's voice cut in, "Did I just step into."
"Sarah, hi!" The brunette's previous grumpy face brightened in a smile as he gave Sam's Sister a wave and ignored the other man glaring at him. He made to stand up, to be polite, but Sarah motioned for him to stay where he was - her smile matching Bucky's.
Sam adjusted the baby on his hip, "As much as I loathe watching you two make eyes at each other... Bucky, don't you have something else to stare at?"
"I got the best view right here - how's your morning, Sarah."
Watching his sister grin like an idiot and knowing her cheeks were red hot, Sam cleared his throat loudly, "You're setting a bad example for the baby. So what do we owe the pleasure, Sarah?" The girl in his arms made grabby hand at the woman, and Sam passed her over.
"Hey, Honey, are your Dads fighting again?" She was ignored in favour of her necklace, and after making sure it wasn't going to hurt the Baby, Sarah let her play. "The engine in the pickup is playing up, I need to head into town, but I don't trust the darn thing not to break down on me."
Before Bucky could even stand up to offer, Sam rushed in with, "I'll take you. I'm not leaving you two together without a chaperone."
"I can take a look at the engine later for you?" He may have been beaten to offering a lift, but Bucky knew more than one way to impress a woman. "Besides..." his blue eyes landed on the baby as she babbled and played with the necklace, "I need something to do after we drop her off with her parents later."
"Did they pass all your security checks?" Sarah asked, only half-serious as she had made fun of them the day before for insisting the people claiming to be the baby's parents were checked by every security firm they could name. "That's a shame... a baby really suits you, Bucky."
He parted his lips to reply, his ears turning a little red as he tried not to blush; whatever he was going to say was prevented by Sam nearly choking on air and sputtering that they had to go, "There's no such thing as on time, Sarah! Bucky, don't give the baby anything illegal!" He took the baby from his sister and deposited her in Bucky's lap before ushering the woman through the door.
"Bye, Sarah."
"Bye, Bucky~."
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