pekodayz · 1 year
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bewitching-666 · 6 months
I’m trying not to nap so badly cause it’s too close to the time I need to actually sleep but it’s a STRUGGLE
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teekays · 7 months
damn i feel just like thomas bordeleau (confused + kind of scared + a little gay in the midwest)
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six-of-ravens · 2 months
got home and flung open all the windows and the apartment is finally like, almost cooled down to the point where I don't need a fan for the first time in 2 weeks.
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cherriesandcharms · 2 months
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waugh-bao · 2 months
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What am I still doing awake
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myattman · 5 months
It's kind of deeply irritating how much worse my adhd is when I've not gotten enough sleep
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prestonmonterey · 7 months
ugh im too eepy for this
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chesacakeripper · 1 year
Ready to absolutely drop and we've got at least 2 more van runs to do today. Moving house sucks fucking ass
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
literally cries one of my 7yos (7!!!!!! theyre 7!!!!!!!!!!) had a little they/them pin today
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😭😭 worst possible night to have bad insomnia please come give me a bonkus on the konkus to put me out. If I’m lucky I’m getting 3 hours of sleep and skipping showering and then somehow fitting in finishing my PowerPoint and then my teaching gets evaluated and I’m not like egregiously concerned bc my slides are pretty clear but it’s really not the day I want to be sleep deprived
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#couldnt sleep last night. at all#had to wake up at 5:15 so i went to bed at a crisp 11:15#six hours is enough sleep for a ten hour shift right?#it doesnt matter. because i got MAYBE two hours#two NONCONSECUTIVE hours#went to bed at 11:15. woke up at 12:15. went back to bed. woke up at 12:30. wokw up at 12:45. etc#seriously it was almost exactly 15 minute intervals. for hours on end#and those fifteen minutes were not sleep#i closed my eyes for a bit. felt like hours had gone by. opened my eyes to find that only fifteen minutes had passed#finally at 4am i decided that i didnt want to keep trying to sleep#so i went on my phone for a bit and then took a shower before work#do you know how difficult showering is??????? do you??????? i xan barely do it on a good day#to be clear. i shower regularly and am always clean and hygienic. it's just difficult for me#but at 4:45am after almost no sleep i easily got myself out of bed and took a shower#what the fuck kind of witchcraft was that#im halfway through my ten hour shift and it's gone by so quickly. thank god#i was alone for the first 4.5 hours so my boss only made me run drive thru#and sunday is always chill. i got like five total customers#then two of my coworkers showed up and we had to open the entire store but whatever#took another adderall today which is probably helping. took two yesterday which probably caused this problem#but i dont care. i took a shower. im awake and feel alright. and time is going by quickly#thats all that i need in life#that and a better job
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coquelicoq · 3 months
33, 45, 60?
33. What’s something you collect?
i don't really collect anything on purpose, except i guess issues of natsume's book of friends, but i have all of those now so idk if it can be considered a present-tense thing. i mostly just accumulate things without meaning to and then stress out about how to get rid of them. i loved collecting things as a child though. i used to collect spoons and now i have all these fucking decorative spoons. my mom was like you aren't going to want these when you grow up and i was like you just don't understand, MOM. but she was right. what am i supposed to do with them. it's annoying.
45. What’s something you wish you had more time for?
60. Do you have an opinion on your local weather reporter?
hmm, in the current age of weather apps i haven't really been paying attention to my local weather reporter. sorry matt zaffino. i watch the local news very rarely. plus predicting the weather is not super reliable here because of the coast and the mountains so even when i did pay attention to them it was only to not really believe anything they were saying. sorry matt zaffino (and associates. but you are the only one i remember by name).
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lycanthian · 6 months
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voulezloux · 6 months
#i am so stressed rn#like i’m constantly stressed all the fucking tiem#i somehow am keeping up with everything i have to do assignment wise for school#while also simulaneoualy feeling like i’m falling behind and i can’t get everything done#like it shows in my grades that i’m on top of shit#my lowest grade is a 92.9% in my law class and that’s still a fucking A#between work and school i don’t have a lot of time for myself#i need to write but i’ve been so fucking exhausted that i cannot even process writing#i’m barely processing any fic i’m reading#or textbooks that im reading#my life since january has basically been playing uber for my mom#driving my dog to and from the sitter’s#going to work#doing school#and going to all my fucking doctors appointments that i have every month#and i don’t mind playing uber for my mom i really don’t#but i’m also not getting a lot of sleep on top of everything#like at most i’ll get 7 1/2 hours on a good day#but i’m averaging 4.5-5.5 hours a night#because i stay up until midnight doing school work and i usually have to be up by 6a to drive my mom to work#i don’t go to bed usually until 1a because i’m still fuckign wired from the day#because i haven’t been able to stop and breathe#i’m p sure i’m developing some kind of eating disorder or at least disordered eating#bc since jan ive lost 22lbs#compared to march 2023 to jan 2024 where i lost 16 pounds#and i know i’m not eating enough or im not eating routinely enough and im diabetic i can’t go long hours between eating#but i’ll got like 6-8 hours between the time i eat lunch to when i eat dinner#i have to get my big bang done by the 28th bc it posts the 29th#and i have so much shit to do for school i do not know how the fuck i’m going to make it to the end of the semester#idk life sucks and i want to cry but i don’t even have time to cry
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