seiwas · 25 days
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prompt: fingertips trailing, not used to this feeling + “please stay. for me?”
summary: college parties can be loud, but it's quiet in this bubble you and shouto have made for yourselves at the end of this couch.
wc: 1.6k
contains: gn!reader, college!au, cameos from everyone else in the gang, mentions of alcohol (it's a college party after all!!), friends to ???, fluff, sfw
co-written by @stellamancer as part of our milestone event collab: keep this love unspoken (tell me as loud as you can) [closed]
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At some point of every college party your friends drag you to, you always end up here: in some corner of the house, sitting on a couch as you watch Kirishima perform some ridiculous dare that Kaminari somehow put him up to. With Sero filming, of course. 
Sometimes their roles switch, and Ashido and Jiro get added into the mix—not you though, nope. 
During parties like this, you always stake claim to the far end of the couch, nursing one of Yaoyorozu’s concoctions in your hand. You’re happy just to watch them this way—your little friend group formed through spiderwebs of shared classes and friends of friends. 
“So, she tries to tell him how she feels, right? But…” Uraraka tattles, leaning closer to your ear as she hangs off the armrest beside you. 
The music settles into a muffled backdrop for her animated storytelling, always the ever-sweetheart who ensures you’re in the loop with everything. You nod along, the corners of your mouth curling. Your legs cross over one another to sink more comfortably into soft cushion, the slight buzz in your head settling you to relax.
In the middle of Uraraka’s retelling of events, you feel the space beside you dip, a presence almost imperceptible if not for the low ‘hello’ that accompanies it. 
There’s a practiced ease to the way its owner slips beside you, as if done plenty of times before (in lecture halls and restaurant booths, library sessions and entirely too-cramped car rides home). 
“Shouto,” your eyes widen, surprise melting into relief.
You’d kind-of been hoping he’d come. 
“You made it.” 
He nods, lips curling into a small smile. The gray lines on his navy blue flannel stand out softly atop the textured ridges of corduroy; his red cup holds suspiciously purple liquid—a good reason he’s left it untouched. 
“I was told I would be the designated driver.” 
Your lips curve over the edge of your cup, stifling your smile. Shouto has a bit of an awkward stiffness to how he speaks, a semi-formality to the way he arranges his sentences—but you find that endearing about him; much like you do his bluntness, and his unintentionally funny side comments, and the way he would so willingly forego drinking in lieu of his responsibility to drive your friend group home later on. 
It’s endearing, because he turns to you most times after dropping the gutsiest quips to some of Bakugo’s (fake) insults—as if he’s waiting for your reaction, hoping you’d give one. You’re pretty sure a one-sided bickering with the blond resulted in him showing up here. 
It’s endearing, because you’ve had this crush on Shouto since your first year of college; since he slid himself into the seat beside yours for one of your Chemistry classes, much like he did just moments ago. 
And you think, that maybe, with the way he always gravitates towards you, that there might just be something. 
The weight pressed beside you is distracting, his thigh warm against yours. There’s a triangular cut-out of space by your hips, hidden to everyone else but occupied by you, Shouto, and the almost-touching of your fingertips. You’re close enough to catch the faint notes of washed violet leaf and pea—he always smells like the faded remnants of his cologne blended into detergent and baby powder. 
“Well, look who finally decided to show up!” Ashido’s voice is loud, booming into the space between you and Shouto. “About time!” 
“Hello to you too.” His voice is cool and cordial, unaffected by Ashido’s rambunctious energy. 
She blinks at him and looks around as if she's searching for something for a minute before asking, “...where's Bakugo?” 
“Not here,” Shouto says. “He said that he didn't want to ‘be at some dumb party with a bunch of drunkass losers.’” 
You can’t help but giggle a little, while the words are undeniably Bakugo, hearing them in Shouto’s measured tone is kind of funny. If Bakugo were here, though, you feel like he'd complain, about what—you're not sure. 
Ashido clicks her tongue in annoyance. “He's missing out. I think even Blasty Boy would get a kick out of the spicy food challenge that Kirishima put Kaminari up to.” 
Spicy food challenge? With alcohol? It sounds like a recipe for disaster, one that you're hesitant to watch. 
You can feel the warmth of someone's gaze on you and when you look, you find Ashido eyeing you coyly, like she knows something you don't. Then her eyes slide over to Uraraka. 
“Ochako, you wanna come watch?” 
The question startles the other girl a little as she sits up, looking a bit hesitant and you have no doubt that she's just as eager as you are to see Kaminari make a mess of himself. 
“I don't know…” she murmurs.
“Come on, it'll be funny!” Ashido insists, but when that doesn't seem to convince her, Ashido’s gaze turns sharp, giving a meaningful look that communicates something with her eyes alone. 
“I guess I'll come. Someone has to keep Kirishima from going too crazy.”
Ashido grins widely and gives you and Shouto a little wink before skipping away.
When Uraraka excuses herself, you finally turn to Shouto, pointing your head at his drink, “Momo’s?”
He shakes his head, stray strands of red hair brushing against the tips of his eyelashes,  “Mineta.”
That explains why his drink looks untouched. Among your friends, there are only two self-proclaimed amateur bartenders: Yaoyorozu, who’s given herself a bartender name—Creati, and Mineta, who everyone calls Grape Juice, because no matter what he puts in his drinks (and only God really knows what goes in it), they always end up a sickly deep purple. 
Your response earns you a barely concealed chuckle from Shouto, his lips lifting into a soft smile. 
“Are you enjoying so far?” he leans in closer, head tilted so his words flow warmly into your ears. The proximity makes you nervous, makes you fidget the slightest bit until you feel your nailbeds touch his. 
You swallow your heartbeat. 
“I like the music,” you briefly meet his eyes, his gaze as intent as it always is. Your eyes avert to the nearest thing they focus on—one of your other friends tinkering with his turntable at the music booth, “Tokoyami’s sets are always good.” 
Shouto hums. 
And you’re sure you said it loud enough for him to hear, but he still scoots closer, fingers slotting themselves in the gaps between yours. Shy touches have been the hallmarks of your friendship lately, an equally thrilling yet familiar connection shared when everything around you becomes too loud. 
It’s never been like this though—his pinky now interlacing itself with yours. 
Your breath hitches. 
“The music is loud,” he says, but it’s ironic; the noise around you has muffled, the music drowned out—you hear nothing except the feeling you’ve grown beneath your ribcage, rattling against your bones. 
He stares at you as the music beats on— one, two, three— one, two, three and as your heart tries to synchronize with the rhythm you realize that he's waiting on a response. 
“Yeah…” You nod too, just in case he’s having trouble hearing.  
The conversation ends that way; and while there's a part of you that wishes you'd said something more to keep things going, the content look on Shouto’s look makes you think that maybe this is fine. With your feelings entwined like this, it feels like the two of you are in your own little world, your own little bubble that just belongs to you and Shouto. 
It's nice. Comfortable. You could get used to this.
But then the bubble bursts. 
“You came!” A girl you recognize, but whose name you can't quite recall comes into view, all smiles and dressed to impress. 
“I did,” Shouto answers her and you're weirdly pleased to see his expression passive as usual. 
The girl giggles and the sound is grating on your ears. You don't know why. Too much alcohol maybe? She tilts her head, smile widening as she says, “I'm so glad to see you! Do you want to get a drink?” 
No. You don't say it aloud but before Shouto can even answer her the word is resounding in your head, accompanied by a twisting feeling in your stomach. It's not your call, Shouto is free to do what he wants, but… 
(Shouto glances over at you, feeling your pinky tighten ever so slightly around his, searching for some sort of cue.) 
“Come on,” the girl urges in the absence of a response from Shouto. “We can get a drink for your friend here too!”
“... sure,” Shouto finally says after a moment. He starts to rise from his seat next to you but your pinky tightens. You don't want him to go. He looks at you inquisitively. “What do you want to drink?”
You don't want to drink. The drink you were nursing earlier was enough, more than enough, with the alcohol coursing through you, warm, and at this moment, like liquid courage. 
“...please stay,” you blurt out. 
Shouto looks down at you and you think he looks a little bit shocked. A little concerned. Your only words of explanation manage to be—
“For me? Please?” 
He bends back down, tufts of red and white hair brushing against his forehead as he looks you in the eye. All you smell is the faded notes of his cologne mixed in with detergent and baby powder. “Was your drink too strong?”
Maybe. You wouldn't have said that sober.
Embarrassment flushes you warm, the heat spreading throughout your entirety. 
The girl looks concerned too. “I can go get you water if you want?”
Shouto glances at her, “If you wouldn't mind. I'll stay here just in case.” 
She nods and walks off, presumably to find you some water, leaving you and Shouto on your own once more. A moment passes and you say, sheepish as your words from earlier sink in. “...sorry… I hope you don't mind…”
Shouto stares at you for a moment, considering but he gives you a small smile. His pinky tightening around yours once more. “It's fine. I don't mind.” 
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notes: requested by @kissxcore
(sel speaking)
alexis! thank you so much for requesting (and for waiting)! i'm not too sure if this is what you were hoping for, but nonetheless, i hope you like it 🥺 it's a little fluffier than what the prompt looks like on surface level, but i kind of wanted to capture that feeling of loud noise being muffled when you're with someone you like 🥺
where would this fic be without niku's dialogue!! truly!! always adore how she's able to slip in and out of different characters and nail each of their tones and characterisations every time!! she added so much life to this by including dialogue from the others in the gang 🥺
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bbunnyyy · 9 months
Coconut Pudding.
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Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader slight E2L >:))))))
A/N: Not proofread. I apologise for any incoherent sentences/ incorrect grammar. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did :)
☁︎ Reader and Shinsou meeting through Aizawa. Aizawa offering reader extra training. ☁︎
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Shinsou always rubbed you the wrong way- the both of you snarkily taunting the other every breathing moment you were in each other's presence. It was almost like one of you would bite off the other's head the next instant. Aizawa and Yamada were low-key scared you guys would kill each other one day.
Hitoshi Shinsou. That name was enough to have anger surging through your veins. Everything about him ticked you off- his sarcastic remarks, his cold expression, his stupidity. Each sparring session was tense, Shinsou desperate to prove himself to Eraserhead and get into 1A and you fighting to prove yourself, to prove you deserved your spot in 1A. You and Shinsou got to know each other better whether you liked it or not- you were spending most of your free time with him.
The closer you got, the more time you spent in his presence, the more obvious it was- his bitter and cold demeanour was just an exterior. He was a small fluffy hamster at heart. The distance between you and him that felt like oceans between shores closed before you realised it. Closed by lingering touches and lingering gazes during training. Closed by the softness that seeped into the other's gaze when thinking of the next time you'd meet. In conclusion, He made your heart pound and your cheeks heat up.
Just why?
You asked yourself. Shinsou would be a bitter gourd if someone like you was pudding. You poked your tongue out at the thought, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you walked out the diner all alone. There was a chill in the breeze that made people walk faster than usual, wanting to get back to the warmth of their own homes. Couples were walking hand in hand and kids clung to their parents as the buzz of chatter emptied into silence as they walked past.
You thought about how nice it would be if Shinsou was nicer to you for once. How nice it would be if you could spend time alone with him, How nice it would be if he harboured the same feelings as you did for him, How nice it would be if he liked you- How nice it would be if his love was like Coconut Pudding- sweet. Not overly so. Just right. The kind that makes you melt. The kind that feels refreshing. Oh, how you wished he were with you at this very moment.
You tucked your hair behind your ear [sorry to bald readers/ readers without ears] while standing up to leave. The school bell rang five minutes ago, the last of your classmates already gone- eager to get home after the hell of what they called a curriculum UA put them through. Sighing, you started packing your bag. You were late for training. Even thinking about how exhausting training would be was enough to bring tears to your eyes. Looking down at the last few books you needed to stuff into your bag, you thought of Shinsou.
You thought about how you could feel the waves of heat coming off him when he stood closer to you as he helped you with algebra. You thought about how his uniform smelled when it was freshly washed. You thought of how the bruised, red knuckles on his hands looked as he grabbed your hands to lead the way when you were being too slow. You thought of the soft monsoon breeze that slightly ruffled his hair, How his purple eyes looked when he was surprised- like when Sensei kicked him in the stomach which led him to be winded and on his knees hunched over for the next ten minutes.
Sharp snaps brought you back from your melancholic state. Annoyed, you looked at the source of the disturbance. "Earth to Y/N." Shinsou said, now snapping his fingers in your face. Swatting his hand away, you rolled your eyes.
"Piss off." You groaned. "You look like Uraraka's quirk sent you floating all the way to Jupiter. Whatcha thinkin' about?" Shinsou said, now leaning on the desk behind him. His arms flexed as he rested his weight on the wood behind him. "None of your business. If you're dying to know, information costs money. I do miss those macarons from the bakery down that street..." Putting a finger on your chin, you pondered exaggeratedly. Shinsou hummed, "You're late to training." "Right." Inhaling sharply, you looked down at your bag, which was still unpacked. "I'm joking, I'm joking. Sensei cancelled training today. Said something about sorting out legal stuff 'bout Eri."
Before you could get another word out, what Shinsou said next had you staring at him like he had not two, not three but twelve heads. "Now what is it with you and your love for exploring space while staring at someone? If you don't fancy the idea, you can just say so." Shinsou stated, his gaze lowering to the floor but his voice as monotonous as ever. You shook your head, wiping that silly lil expression off your face. "Pff, like I'd say no to free macarons." It was Shinsou's turn to ogle at you- "I didn't say I was paying, I asked you if you could give me company at the cafe if you didn't have any plans."
Shaking your head, you put your hands up. "It's a shame, then. I guess I have no choice but to go home," You pouted. Wordlessly picking up your bag and stuffing the remaining books inside, Shinsou pulled the bag from your hands and slung your bag over his shoulder while walking. You smiled at him happily at his compliance and pulled him out the classroom by his elbow.
Ah, if only you hadn't missed the blush on his face as you walked through the door of the classroom.
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sunflowerrosewood · 7 months
Fluff Alphabet ~ Izuku Midoriya
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
On to the alphabet!
A: Alluring (What attracts the other?)
He adores your kind nature. No matter how many times he breaks his body, you are there to help him.
You adore his "can do" attitude. You like that he is willing to go to the ends of the Earth to be the best. 
B: Baby (ideas on family)
He's scared. What if his child ends up quirkless? But the little voice inside his head wants to see mini mes of him and you. Maybe like two would be enough. 
C: Cuddles (How do you hold each other?)
Most of the time you two are cuddled into each other's chest. Soft snores and holding each other tight. But there are days where Izuku feels like he's alone in his battles and asks to be the little spoon. Usually he apologizes till you hush his worries. 
D: Dates (What are the best dates?)
The best date was going to see his mother. Inko cooked for you two and did the embarrassing baby photos. After the embarrassment, you two relaxed in his room for hours. Just seeing his mother happy about you made it the best. 
E: Endearing (Actions that mean a lot)
He appreciates when you stand up to Bakugou's taunts. You don't do it often but if you notice that the taunts are getting worse then you will step in.
You appreciate his pillow talk. Here me out. Every time you go to bed, Izuku is there talking about how he'll protect you and how he can't live without you. When he realizes you are asleep, you'll feel a kiss on the tip of your nose. 
F: Falling in Love (When they realized they love you?)
So it might have been during the Sports Festival. You actually ended up against a class 1-B student and won before going against Kaminari. Izuku was taking so many notes on you but he noticed he would mention your figure or your smile, not your quirk. He knew he was a goner. 
G: Giggle (What is their laugh like?)
Bright and cheerful. You love when Izuku is laughing because it seems like the day couldn't get any better. 
H: Hands (Where are their hands? Yours?)
Both of your hands are intertwined. Uraraka and Iida would definitely comment on this but you two always make the excuse to not loose each other. Iida still complains but you bet your money that Uraraka is gushing.��
I: Insecurities (What are the insecurities each have in the relationship?)
That he's not strong enough. Izuku feels that sometimes you deserve someone like Kirishima or even Bakugou. It hurts to see you pair so well with them. But you always erase those worries. 
You worry that you are holding him back. Izuku wants to be #1 and you feel like you are holding him from that. But if you ever try to distance yourself, Izuku will clobber you into a hug and apologize until you tell him your worries. 
J: Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they act?)
Not jealous but insecure. Like mentioned before, when Izuku sees you laughing with Kirishima he wonders if you should be with him. He trusts his classmates, well majority of them, but he just doesn't see why you like him. He usually doesn't mutter for a while and kinda becomes a shell of himself. 
K: Kisses (what are they like?)
Soft and shy. You always get a kiss before class, after school, and when you two walk home. Always. Tradition for you two. But it feels almost like a feather as he kisses you. 
L: Luscious (What is their favorite outfit on you?)
Definitely your hero uniform. He thinks you look beautiful in your uniform and also speaks looks. He also is a big praiser on it too. 
M: Mornings (what are mornings like?)
When you two live together, he gets up extremely early to train. So while he trains, it gives you enough time to get ready and fix breakfast for you two. 
N: Nightmares (how do you comfort them?)
Usually his nightmares have to do with you being taken by LOV. You know when he gets his mightmares because he whimpers. As long as you hug him tight he'll wake up and hold you close to him. 
O: Overtook (First impression)
You were a new student to class 1-A. Immediately Uraraka and Tsu took a liking to you but Izuku was too shy to talk to you. I mean what would a beautiful girl have to do with him?
P: Periods (How are they on your period? What do they do to help?)
Kinda odd at first but he talks to his mother. Then from there on, he is your servant. Always running to get things. Hold you when necessary. And of course love when you want extra loving. 
Q: Queen (Nicknames for each other)
His: either babygirl or sweets
You: Zuku, Deku, or babe
R: Raw (How to describe your love?)
Rebuilding. This is not in a bad way but your love always finds something new. Whether it is rebuilding each other's confidence or just finding new gifts, it's always different. 
S: Song (what is your song
Falling Slowly. It's a sweet song about falling in love slowly over time. And it seems like your love just always falls deeper over time.
T: Thought (favorite memory)
The day you two went swimming at a splash park with Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki. It showed how carefree you were and left a big smile on each other's face. 
U: Understanding? (How understanding are they?)
Very. It helps when both of you understand each other's pain. You know when each other is in pain or needs each other. 
V: Vanilla (Scent that they associate with you?)
Eucalyptus mint. Very relaxing and calming scent. Izuku always needs someone there to help him and this scent always makes him think of you. 
W: World (What do you do that makes them feel complete?)
You make him feel not alone in his struggles. Living up to All Might's expectations is hard and no one understands that. But you try. And that's enough for him. 
X: X.O.X.O (What is the number one text sent?)
Good morning Y/n! I love you. Be safe! 
Y: You (What are you to him?)
His anchor. You keep him grounded when life gets too hard and keep him human. He isn't invincible and he needs someone to tell him that. 
Z: Zircon (What gemstone represents you?)
Quartz. You are clear and always there to protect. You shine with your friends like how a quartz does when the sun hits it just right. 
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keiscake · 2 years
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hawks x gn!reader
a/n ~ i've been listening to this on repeat for the last week, and it inspired a short fic for me to write. i also got the opportunity to test out some photoshopping, with lots of help from my boyfriend. hope you enjoy this short little fic!
you were told that college was a place of love and romance, a place for relationships to bloom and grow. you were a hopeless romantic all your life, so you went into your first year with the expectation that you'd meet someone. though you didn't meet someone, and going into your third year you still hadn't met someone. but you met some great friends.
they were all in couples by the third semester of your first year. todoroki and momo, denki and jirou, deku and uraraka, the list went on. needless to say you were surrounded by couples all the time. but you got used to it eventually, it became the norm after almost two years after all. and after almost two years you finally gave up on the idea of love and romance.
it made you wonder, is loving as good as they say?
you had been counting the day since november. the same november that made you realise that love wasn't meant for you. the same november that dabi had rejected you. it felt like your whole world came crashing down that snowy day. your friends held your hand through it all and reassured you that your time would come, but you decided that you should take it as a sign instead.
you gave a second chance to cupid, but now you were left feeling stupid. your destiny was just not written with a player two. you would just get on with your life as normal. you'd go to class, put your head down in the books, hang out with your friends, what more could you ask for? well, wouldn't it be okay for you to ask the heaven's for one small little thing?
most nights you felt lonely, crying in your room. wishing to find a lover that could hold you. a lover that would embrace you tightly and share the same warmth with you. a lover that would spoil you with kisses and touches. a lover you could build a future with. it was all you wanted. but after that november, you were so skeptical of love.
but maybe you thought that it wasn't the heavens that drifted you away from your destiny with a player two. maybe it was yourself. you could try a little harder instead of relying on fate and cupid. you decided that your destiny was in your hands now. so you built up the courage to speak to him.
he was the closest thing to an angel you had ever seen. golden eyes with a warm and soft gaze, voice soothing and gentle, and crimson red wings. hawks. his name was hawks. he was in the same class as you and spoke to you every now and them. though you never realised how kind he was to you until that day, or how kind he was in general.
hawks started speaking to you outside of class. so you matched his energy by inviting him to hang out with your friends, and it was a hit. he was quickly taken into the group, and you were glad. your friends even teased you about being in a couple with hawks. you didn't detest the idea, just unsure that it was even possible.
but the more hawks stook around the stronger the idea was. he nursed you when you had the flu, panicking to your dorm room with medicine and apologising about not being quick enough. he always made excuses for you if you were late to class or shared his notes if you didn't quite catch everything. it made you realise you were a fool, a fool for love.
and maybe after all that time your hard work paid off. hawks asked you out in november during your third year of college. he took you to the park on a walk so that the two of you could blow off some steam. you walked by the lake that was frozen over, the moon's reflection as clear as day on its icy surface. you admired the view.
whilst you were enticed in the moonlight, hawks wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear, "will you be mine y/n?". your face was all hot, despite the ever falling snow. your heart was melting. your hands shaking. your destiny finally falling into place. you were just a hopeless girl seeking for someone to share the feeling with. the feeling of love.
and you found him.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hiii!!! Would you mind writing a fic with lee reader and ler todoroki? Probably the reader is best friend with uraraka and midoriya. Since uraraka knows that the reader have a crush on todoroki, and midoriya know that the reader is super tickles. Both of them decided to create a situation where todoroki tickles the reader lol And the reader was like "ofc this is uraraka's and midoriya's doing!", and both of the reader bestie were just laughing from behind seeing the reader got wrecked by his biggest crush P.S. the reader can be male/gender neutral (up to you), and please no foot/palm tickles, thank you so much!!
This is my first time writing a reader insertttt I hope this doesn't suck. This is waaay later than i wanted to get this out (T~T). Sorry for the delay, Enjoy!
Lee: Gender Neutral Reader
Ler: Todoroki
Summary: You have a massive crush on Todoroki. Your friends Midoriya and Uraraka have the perfect idea for you two to bond. Unbeknownst to you, it's a little sillier than you ever could have imagined.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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To say you liked Todoroki is an understatement. You were crazy for the guy. His stoic attitude, his gentle smiles, his soft laugh. Every interaction sent a flurry of butterflies loose in your belly. Your friends knew this well.
Midoriya and Uraraka were your closest friends. Every time you would sneakily glance at Todoroki, or volunteer to spar with him, they would gossip to eachother like grade schoolers. They knew one thing: they had to set you two up. And they had the perfect idea.
Thanks to a random dorm argument, Midoriya and Iida found out you were ticklish. A few pokes to the side during their bickering had led to a tickle fight, in which you lost. Badly.
As for Uraraka, she had been taking note of both Todoroki's and your favorite things. Like movies, drinks, foods, anything she could compare. Turns out you guys had decently similar tastes.
With this knowledge, they got together and finished planning the lovely interaction, with a twist. One that was sure to get you two together.
Over the next week, Midoriya subtly dropped hints about your ticklishness to Todoroki. He mentioned the tickle fight during a hang out, in which you had badly lost. The bi-quirked teen seemed mildly interested, storing the information for later. The broccoli boy also made sure to poke your sides a few times around Todoroki, making you yelp and huff each time.
Uraraka mentioned some of your similarities to Todoroki when she got the chance, a food or movie you both enjoyed. She then would hint that you've been a bit down lately, which wasn't entirely untrue. You had been moping about being single lately. She just played it up.
They kept you in the dark about it all, not wanting to scare you off of the idea before it was ready. You had your suspicions, but not enough to actually look into it.
Finally, the time came. They had told everyone to stay out of the main dorm area for a few hours, promising ice cream in return. It was a bit expensive, but worth it for you two.
Uraraka had you seated on one of the couches, staring off into space. Midoriya had told Todoroki to check on you, maybe cheer you up in the process. With the two of you in a room, alone, everything was coming together. They were watching from the sidelines, of course. They wouldn't miss this for the world.
Todoroki came up to you, trying his best to be subtle. "Hey (y/n), how are you?"
You snap your head up, hearing him speak. Your voice is a bit shaky from surprise. You hadn't expected him. "Oh, um, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
He takes your surprise for uneasiness, sitting down beside you. He smiles softly, trying to seem open. "Just checking in. You've been a bit down lately."
His smile sends a small swarm of butterflies fluttering in your chest. Your eyes widen as he sits by you, the closeness a bit shocking. He normally kept his distance. "I-I mean, I guess I have been. It's nothing to worry about though."
Tapping his fingers, Todo tried to think of something to say. He wasn't the best with emotions, and he could tell you were hiding something. He cares about you, he just doesn't show it. "That's good to hear. Just, uh, talk to me if you need anything."
He smiled and poked your side, trying to be friendly. He was a bit surprised at the noise he got in return. An idea formed in his head, inspired by Midoriya's actions over the past few days.
Leaning a bit closer, Todoroki slowly inches a hand towards your side. "You know (y/n), laughter can sometimes be the best medicine. It can help cheer you up."
You catch onto his plan just a moment too late. "Todoroki, wa-AGH!"
Todoroki squeezes at your side, a small and mischievous smile on his face. To your dismay, your cheeks quickly redden, turning a lovely cherry red. Butterflies explode in your stomach, coupled by the tingling feeling of the tickling.
He sees all of this, a small chuckle escaping him. You look kind of cute like this. He brings his other hand to your stomach, scribbling across the sensitive skin. Nearby, two teens high-five while snickering.
Your giggling gives way to laughter as he scribbles, pokes and squeezes your sensitive midsection. You slowly connect the dots, Midoriya's poking, Uraraka's misplaced concern. They are so dead when this is over...
He doesn't know how to feel when you start to laugh. A million thoughts race through his head, his heart a melting-pot of emotions. All he knew what that he loved your laugh, and never wanted it to stop. A very small, light pink tint comes to his cheeks as he gets closer, trying and succeeding to box you in on the couch. You're trapped.
His hand starts to explore your torso, poking and pinching every ticklish inch of it. His smile widens at every surprised squeak and snort, his blush deepening just a smidge. He couldn't explain it. Seeing you smile and laugh just made him happy.
You see his reaction and your stomach explodes in butterflies, your heart rate doubling. It would be cute if he wasn't busy killing you.
He uses one hand to gather yours, pinning your arms over your head. It was a bit more forward than he was used to, but he did it with a small smile. You could swear that your heart was about to explode.
A smirk forms on his lips, happy and smug. Todoroki's confidence with you is growing, his playful side finally coming out. He slowly walks one hand up to your armpit, making sure to tease the skin along the way with a small scribble or scratch.
When he does reach the sensitive spot, he chuckles before digging in, making sure to be fast and rough. His timidness from the beginning of the interaction is long gone, leaving only giddy smiles and forward actions.
You, on the other hand, were about ready to lose your shit. The intense buzzing in your armpit trickles down to your ribs, your entire left side practically on fire (hehe) with the feeling. The hand still poking and prodding at your stomach was just adding insult to injury.
"You have a cute laugh. You should let me hear it more often." Todoroki's voice is surprisingly teasing, a hint of flirtiness edging in. He's having fun.
The firey blush on your face seems down to your neck, the butterflies attacking your stomach. This man... you don't know if you'll survive this interaction. How are you ever gonna be around him again without thinking of this?
This continued for a few minutes, you laughing your heart out while Todoroki turns your brain to mush. Your laughter has a bit of a raspy edge to it, and Todo knows it's time to stop. He slows his hands down, slowly ceasing the tickling. Releasing your arms, he sits back and looks you over.
You're still giggling like a dork, trying to regain both your breath and composure. Your face is bright red, tears of mirth shining in the corners of your eyes. He would be a liar if he said you didn't look adorable. He does worry when you don't say anything, thinking he crossed a line.
"Are you alright (y/n)? I didn't mean to overdo it, did I go too far?" He sounds guilty and apologetic. This was some of the most emotion you've ever heard him express.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, forcing yourself to look him in the eyes. You comfort him before the bubbly feeling in your chest chokes you up. "Hey, you're fine. That was just... intense, is all."
He softly smiles as you reassure him, loving the blush on your cheeks and the happy smile that you're trying to hide. A familiar feeling settles in his chest, but he finally puts a name to it. He had known you felt different to him, but only then did he realize why. He... likes you. A lot.
Biting his lip, he leans in closer to you. Before you have the chance to stutter and get flustered, he presses his lips against yours. Your eyes go wide before relaxing, closing as you smile into the kiss. It's soft and sweet, telling you everything he was thinking.
He pulls away after a second, way too early in your eyes, an apology already forming on his lips. You don't let him say a word, crashing your lips into his. This time, the kiss is excited and passionate, conveying that you had felt this way for a long while. He returns it, cupping the back of your head. The two of you wouldn't be leaving that couch for a while.
Meanwhile, Uraraka and Midoriya are giggling like schoolgirls, high-fiving as they watch their plan finally come together.
Needless to say, Todoroki and you get together. Your best friends obviously take all their deserved credit for hooking you two up, never letting you live down how it happened. It's worth it, however, to be with him. It always will be.
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nights-legacy · 2 years
hi, i’ve always loved your work so i thought i could ask this but if you don’t want to that is okay! don’t feel pressured to i can’t stress this enough
(comfort) kirishima or anyone from class 1a with an so. they hug them from behind or something similar and they don’t realise it’s vv triggering for so bc of past trauma (not sa more so s harassment) n them comforting reader (cuddles pls🥺)
I chose to do Bakugou and Kirishima. I as well did Aizawa. I might do the others later. I hope you like it!
Sneaking Up on You(Comfort)
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Bakugou: Soft Bakugo hours
You were completely in your own world, completely oblivious to the rest of the class around you. Everyone was out in the training yard when Bakugo noticed your spaced out. He decided to spook you.
"Hey I'll be right back." He hit Kiri in the chest before walking away. He quietly snuck up behind you. He reached out and took the last step before grabing your hips. "Boo!"
"AH! Stop!" You jumped screaming bloody murder. You ripped yourself from his grip, falling to the ground in a fetal position. Bakugo stood there in shock, staring at you.
"Babe?" He called softly. You peeked out of your hands to see it was only Bakugo. He hadn't moved an inch since your reaction. "Are you okay?"
"Bakugo? Oh shit ... Yes, I'm okay. I'm sorry." You sat up and looked down ashamed.
"Hey, no. Don't be sorry." He knelt in front of you. He tentatively put a hand on your knee. When you made no move to get away from his touch, he sat down and pulled you into his side. You cuddled into his neck. "What was that?"
"When I was younger, this kid in my class got his quirk. He got a blink teleportation quirk. He started this habit of popping up behind people to scare them. It seemed like he had a personal vendetta against me. He did it to me the most up until..."
"Until what?"
"In our last year of middle school, he was arrested for robbery and breaking & entering. We never saw him again. So the constant occurance of being scared for so many years straight has left an impact."
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't know." Bakugo kissed your head and nuzzled your hair.
"It's alright. Just no sneaking up on me anymore?"
"Of course."
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Kiri had to stay out late on a patrol and he didn't know when he would be back. You were standing behind one of the couches, few people still up. You were thinking about hitting the hay but you wanted to wait up for Kiri.
"I swear one of these days, I am going to lose my mind due to his posh arrogance!" Uraraka groomed, throwing herself back on the couch.
"I know! I wish I could just smack that smirk off his smug little face." Mina throw her hands up. I laughed at them but nodded in agreement. Behind them, Kiri walked in sluggishly. It had been a long day and he was ready to pass out. He looked up and saw you standing there.
"Does anyone want watch a movie?" Kami asked. A few people said a few yeses. You shook your head.
"Sorry Kami. I'm going to hit the hay as soon Kiri gets back." You said. They nodded in understanding. Kiri quietly walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, snuggling up to you. You screamed, tensing in his grip. Your scream scared everyone else.
"Hey, hey. Sorry just me." Kiri shushed you, turning you to look at him. He saw pure panic in your eyes. He looked between you and the others. He thought it would be best to bring it up privately. "I'm sorry for scaring you. Come on, let's go to bed." You nod, still tense.
"Okay." He guided you up to his room. He quickly closed the door before he cupped your face. He crouched to meet your eyes directly.
"What was that honey? I'm sorry for scaring you but I saw the panic in your eyes. What did I do?" He asked gently. He felt terrible for causing this frozen, tense state. He took note of your tight grip on his shirt.
"You didn't do anything wrong. It's just when you hugged me from behind so suddenly... it brought back some bad memories." You admitted.
"Oh baby." He led you two to the bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. If you want too... can you tell me what happened to cause this?" You took a big breath.
"When I was about 8, my parents and I took a vacation to San Fransisco California in the US. We were just walking down the street when someone grabbed me around the waist from behind and tried to run off with me. He didn't get far because there was a hero right there but the damage was done."
"Damn, Honey." He rubbed his face before wrapping an arm your waist to pull you into his side. "I won't do it again."
"No! I like it when you hold me like that." You nuzzled into his neck. "Just let me know you're there before you do it. We'll avoid this how thing."
"Okay." He nodded. He kissed your head before a yawn escaped. "Let's get some sleep."
"Yeah." Already drifting off there, tucked into his side.
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It had been a long hard day. Halfway through the day, you, Aizawa, and a few others got called out to help with a bad villian attack. It was a rough fight, leaving everyone exhausted. It was dark by the time Aizawa and You got back to the school. You had gone on to your room while Aizawa want to get somethings from the classroom.
"Damn. Ow." You groaned as you peeled away the top layers of your hero gear. Before anything, you want to treat some new stains in your gear. You shuffled back to the main room before leaning on the counter.
Living together was relatively now still to the two of you. So you were still learning lackothers habits and lifestyles within the home. One thing you still were getting used too was how quiet he was.
Aizawa almost silently came into the apartment. He kicked off his shoes, set down his papos, and hung his scarf on the coat rack. Quietly, he walked into the main room and saw you standing at the counter. You were rubbing your neck and rolling your shoulders.
"Damn." You muttered. Aizawa smiled gently before walking up behind you. He set his hands on your shoulders to rub them but you screamed. You turned quickly to defied yourself but he caught your wrist in time, looking at you bewildered. "Shota!"
"What was that about? Are you alright?" He asked confused. You nodded, collapsing into his chest. He combed his fingers through your hair while you caught your breath. He let you calm down before asking again. He led the both of you to the couch.
"Thank you." You mumbled.
"What was that about, kitten?" He cupped your face.
"It was just... you know how I didn't have the best upbringing?" He nodded. "Well those kids that I was with all the time would jump me. All the time. It was from behind most of the time. Grabbing me by the shoulders and shit. Every now and then if someone comes up behind me it happens. Most of the time I'm really out of it when it happens."
"Damn, Kitten. I didn't know that." He pulled you in closer.
"Well, I didn't think to tell you. I'm comfortable with you and never thought it would happen with you. Never felt threatened with you." You nosed his cheek.
"That makes me glad but I'll be mindful of this though." He sighed. "To let you know, I was just trying to give you a shoulder rub. I saw you rubbing your neck in pain." You chuckled before saying soft thank you. "Let's go take a bath. It's been a long day and I want to make up for scaring you on top of it."
"Sounds nice." You agreed before getting up and dragging him to the bathroom.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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tatis-stuff · 11 months
Izuku x Reader
—It honestly kind of grated on your nerves. The way everyone made such a big deal about midoriya’s muttering. Sure, it was a constant thing that occurred during classes or when you were strategizing about battle moves. But half the time, more than that if you thought about it hard enough, he was spewing out valuable information and ideas to seriously consider. And despite that being the case, nobody took it into consideration, simply brushing it off unless someone caught onto one of the countless words he’d spoken.
And it irked you because, not only did they brush off his muttering with such disregard for the utter show of intelligence, they also discouraged it. You tried to understand them, not voicing your concerns whenever you heard someone snap him out of his thoughts with an unimpressed call of his name or a soft (you hoped) chop to his head. However, the apologetic and slightly wilted expression on his face every time it happened pulled at your heartstrings, calling forth a protective anger you didn’t know you were even capable of feeling for anyone.
Before UA, you hadn’t even spared your classmates so much as a glance or a few words due to a forced group project but the dangers Class 1-A had faced were a heck of a catalyst to get you to grow closer to them. And, to him, you supposed. It’s not like you were best friends but you hoped he considered you a close friend, more than Uraraka even (you saw the way he’d look at her at the beginning of first year and genuinely wished you could destroy the inklings of jealousy still lurking inside you). So, with the amount of time you spent near him, in and out of school, you’d grown used to his mannerisms. Maybe even come to adore them.
The way he resembled a speed demon when he got focused on studying or taking notes. The thumb to his lips, or tongue poking out from between them when he was lost in thought. Or the way he’d mutter to himself, almost too low to be heard, when he went off on a tangent or was in the process of figuring something out. It all endeared you to him and of course you wanted to protect all of that. They made him, him.
One evening as you both went over some homework in his living room, knelt around his dining table, you had both gotten off topic. One moment you were talking about inertia or something like that (you were honestly failing science at this point, it was a lost cause), and the next you were analyzing a hero battle occurring on the tv in front of you. Your eyes had been glued to the punches being thrown and the heroes flying around the scene until you began to hear some low murmuring next to you. You would’ve thought it was the white noise of the fridge or something if you weren’t so accustomed to hearing it by now.
The noise slowly grew louder in volume and by now you were watching from the corner of your eye as Midoriya’s eyes scanned the tv screen, a thumb pressed to the corner of his mouth in that way he always had it when he began muttering about something new. You didn’t realize you were smiling fondly until you were having to hide it, the muttering having stopped abruptly when his eyes flickered over to you and found you watching, listening to him go on about something he knew nobody really cared much about.
His ears went red as he started stuttering out an apology without another word, eyes lowered in anticipation of an annoyed huff or something along those lines. However, that never came. Rather, looking back up, he found you looking down with a frustrated crease to your brow.
He called you and watched as you looked up at him, half in thought and half unsure, as though you were deciding something. When he tilted his head to the side in confusion, your lips twitched and he could see in your eyes that you’d made up your mind about something but he just didn’t know what. He didn’t know what he was expecting when you spoke, but he couldn’t have prepared himself for any of it.
“I like when you mutter,” you started and as if to make sure his mind couldn’t tell him you were joking, you continued.
“I think it makes you sound smart. I know at school people are always getting all annoyed about it,” you say this with an actual frustrated huff, and he’s just so caught up on the fact that it’s on his behalf that he doesn’t notice the red tint to your face as you look away to keep talking.
“So don’t feel like you need to apologize. At least not around me. It’s cool.”
You try to say it with a false sense of laidback-ness and this time he notices your nervousness as well. The way you fidget with your fingers in the way he knows he does as well, and your eyes slightly squinting as if you were mentally going back over your words to check if you said anything weird.
He wondered if it would be weird to hug you. You were friends though, right? Did friends hug?
He knew his face must be flushed red but he couldn’t take his eyes off you, still relishing in the words you’d spoken. He’d never met anyone who tolerated his muttering like you had, much less appreciated it. For a moment he wondered, still, if you were joking but he scolded himself for the thought. He knew you weren’t that kind of person.
“Th-thanks! I don’t know how you’re okay with it—but I really, really appreciate that. No one’s ever….”
Your understanding smile caused him to trail off and he had a feeling he’d have to be careful muttering around you in the future lest he accidentally reveal the feelings that were fluttering in his chest at the sight of you.
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keiskake · 1 year
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hawks x gn!reader
a/n ~ i've been listening to this on repeat for the last week, and it inspired a short fic for me to write. i also got the opportunity to test out some photoshopping, with lots of help from my boyfriend. hope you enjoy this short little fic!
you were told that college was a place of love and romance, a place for relationships to bloom and grow. you were a hopeless romantic all your life, so you went into your first year with the expectation that you'd meet someone. though you didn't meet someone, and going into your third year you still hadn't met someone. but you met some great friends.
they were all in couples by the third semester of your first year. todoroki and momo, denki and jirou, deku and uraraka, the list went on. needless to say you were surrounded by couples all the time. but you got used to it eventually, it became the norm after almost two years after all. and after almost two years you finally gave up on the idea of love and romance.
it made you wonder, is loving as good as they say?
you had been counting the day since november. the same november that made you realise that love wasn't meant for you. the same november that dabi had rejected you. it felt like your whole world came crashing down that snowy day. your friends held your hand through it all and reassured you that your time would come, but you decided that you should take it as a sign instead.
you gave a second chance to cupid, but now you were left feeling stupid. your destiny was just not written with a player two. you would just get on with your life as normal. you'd go to class, put your head down in the books, hang out with your friends, what more could you ask for? well, wouldn't it be okay for you to ask the heaven's for one small little thing?
most nights you felt lonely, crying in your room. wishing to find a lover that could hold you. a lover that would embrace you tightly and share the same warmth with you. a lover that would spoil you with kisses and touches. a lover you could build a future with. it was all you wanted. but after that november, you were so skeptical of love.
but maybe you thought that it wasn't the heavens that drifted you away from your destiny with a player two. maybe it was yourself. you could try a little harder instead of relying on fate and cupid. you decided that your destiny was in your hands now. so you built up the courage to speak to him.
he was the closest thing to an angel you had ever seen. golden eyes with a warm and soft gaze, voice soothing and gentle, and crimson red wings. hawks. his name was hawks. he was in the same class as you and spoke to you every now and them. though you never realised how kind he was to you until that day, or how kind he was in general.
hawks started speaking to you outside of class. so you matched his energy by inviting him to hang out with your friends, and it was a hit. he was quickly taken into the group, and you were glad. your friends even teased you about being in a couple with hawks. you didn't detest the idea, just unsure that it was even possible.
but the more hawks stook around the stronger the idea was. he nursed you when you had the flu, panicking to your dorm room with medicine and apologising about not being quick enough. he always made excuses for you if you were late to class or shared his notes if you didn't quite catch everything. it made you realise you were a fool, a fool for love.
and maybe after all that time your hard work paid off. hawks asked you out in november during your third year of college. he took you to the park on a walk so that the two of you could blow off some steam. you walked by the lake that was frozen over, the moon's reflection as clear as day on its icy surface. you admired the view.
whilst you were enticed in the moonlight, hawks wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear, "will you be mine y/n?". your face was all hot, despite the ever falling snow. your heart was melting. your hands shaking. your destiny finally falling into place. you were just a hopeless girl seeking for someone to share the feeling with. the feeling of love.
and you found him.
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whathereoncewas · 2 years
Hockey player! Bakugou
This is my first official post so hello:)) I saw au's about the mha boys and a hockey au and omg. Anyways, enjoy :)
Hockey player! Bakugou who is mean on the ice, won't hesitate to throw his stick and gloves to start a fight. Who bangs into the glass in front of fans and waves at the little kids cheering his team on, even dedicating goals to some of the lucky ones. Hes big and fast making him a even more of a threat for the opposing teams.
Hockey player! Bakugou who hates doing interviews, he tries his best to just brush past them avoid them but got told he has to do one every now and then to keep up public appearances.
Hockey player! Bakugou who was trending on Twitter with edits of him after a game of him standing there all sweaty and running his hand through his hair to get it out his face, laughing at a stupid question he was asked, the top part of his equipment already discard leaving him in the black long sleeve undershirt. It only made him hate doing interviews even more
Hockey player! Bakugou who is wanted by many, constantly being asked about his relationship status and being asked out on dates and such, him always waving it off and saying that he's too focused on hockey to worry about any of that.
Hockey player! Bakugou who notices you sitting with some friends at a game of theirs, though has never see you before. You're allright in the front beside their player bench. You were sitting with Mina and Uraraka and a few other of their friends, and skates over and slams his weight into the glass, scaring you as he just flashed you a bloody smile with his mouth guard before taking back off to the game. He's distracted the rest of the game looking over at you.
Hockey player! Bakugou who shoots the wining goal in literally the last seconds of the game that was previously tied, and looks over at you in the stands and points his stick at you before he was engulfed by his teammates for getting the goal.
Hockey player! Bakugou who rushes to the changes rooms to get his gear off, blowing off any interviews along the way, before he is asking Kiri about you and why he's never met you before as Kiri just shrugs "you never really come out with us after games, at least not often enough" he says before smirking at him "why, got a crush on the lil thing?" He says as Bakugou just rolls his eyes and huffs, Kiri knowing all too well that Bakugou did and shot a look over at Denki who was listening the conversation as he nodded in agreement back.
Hockey player! Bakugou who showers and gets he shit together, actually planning on going out and celebrating this time, knowing that Mina and the rest would be there, hoping you would be too. He walks out of the change room and over to the group of the waiting friends, chilling in their seats still by the bench waiting to be told what was going on for the night.
"Oh Bakugou! Didn't expect you to come out, congrats by the way!" Mina says throwing herself at him and giving him a hug as he gives he a soft pat on the back "yeah, you played great out there!" Iida says before Bakugou looks over as you and sticks his hand out "I'm Katsuki, I don't think we've met before" he says with a slight smirk as he watches you take his hand him almost losing it at how much smaller it was then his "Y/n, its nice to meet you" you say flashing a smile back up at him.
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thelustdevil · 2 years
Drive You Home | B.K.
Pairing: Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: None, minor swearing, alcohol use/mentions, slight angst
Word Count: ~5k
Notes: This is a long one! On AO3 this is posted in two parts. I figured I’d just full send it here since it’s completed. If I forgot anything just lmk. Requests are open friends.
Sighing you rolled over and squinted at your phone. 11:02 AM flashed back at you. You groaned and reluctantly sat up. This was your day off but you knew you couldn’t spend it in bed. That small list of things to do around the apartment was rattling in your head. Planting your feet on the floor, you stood up, allowing your body to stretch away some of it’s fatigue. A small mewl rang out in protest of your actions. Looking down, you smile at the small bundle of fur on the bed.
“You can come with or you can stay in the warm bed.” You reached out and rubbed one of the cat’s ears as you spoke. “Come on Topi, I’m not getting out of the shower to let you in the bathroom again.” Making your way towards the bathroom, you grabbed your towel from its place on the closet door. Topi’s paws made a soft plop as she jumped off the bed to follow you.
After your shower and getting dressed, you consulted your to-do list as breakfast, or rather lunch, warmed on the stove. Besides the basic weekly cleaning you always did, there were a few errands you had to run as well. You figured it would be better to run through the basic chores before bringing more things into your home.
When you were done with your food and cleaning you grabbed your keys. Blowing a quick goodbye kiss to Topi, who was all but inhaling her food, before heading out. As you made your way down the street towards the small grocery store, you wondered who was on patrol today. You knew Kirishima would be doing your usual route, while Denki was also scheduled for today. Regardless, you were glad you didn’t have anything to do after you got home. No work, no plans; just you, Topi and some random movie.
Then, as if the gods decided today would be the day, your watch buzzed against your wrist. Lifting it to your face you saw a message. From Mina… oh no. You stopped and pulled out your phone, hoping it was delayed notification from last night. But no, there it was:
Hey! What time should we come over to get ready? Dinner’s at 6, right?
You look towards the sky, how could I have forgotten? It’s the last Saturday of the month.
The last Saturday of every month was the designated “UA Family Dinner”. Mina, Momo and Uraraka started it about a year or so after we all graduated from UA. Pretty much everyone was on board for it and the ones that weren’t were dragged there by everyone else. Over time everyone got used to it and it’s settled in quite nicely as a tradition. You enjoyed it since you had joined UA late in your second year and they had immediately welcomed you in.
Pausing you debated coming up with a lie. Since the last dinner left such a weird energy in your mind. Eventually you lost your internal debate, you typed in a simple response and shoved your phone back into your pocket.
Whenever is fine, I’m running to the store. Want anything?
I guess my day off is out the window. You thought as you entered the store.
Unsurprisingly Mina and Tsu were already at your apartment when you returned from the store. They were on the steps of your apartment, talking, while Mina showed Tsu something on her phone. Tsu looked up when she heard you coming. You waved one of your elbows at her, as both your hands had bags. She rushed over and grabbed one from you.
“Y/N! Hey! Took you long enough!” Mina laughed as she stood and gave you a hug.
“Thanks for the help, Mina.” You rolled your eyes and smiled. Then turning to Tsu, “How are you doing Tsu?” You asked as the three of you started up the short stairway to your front door. Mina grabbed your keys from your pocket and helped unlock the door.
“Pretty good, actually-ribbit. We hired a new hero at the agency so everyone’s happy. They’re gonna have the UA work-study kids -ribbit- shadow me though.”
“I mean better you than Midoriya.” You laughed, even after all this time you knew that man could still talk for hours. You don’t know how Uraraka dealt with it.
“Or Bakugou!” Mina added. “Way too impatient still.”
You laughed and shook your head. Part of you felt weary though, and both girls could see it. You looked up at them and continued shaking your head, “No I haven’t talked to him, at all. Not even for rides to work.”
Mina scoffed, “What guy kisses one of his closest highschool friends and then bashes her?”
She reached down to pet Topi, who made an appearance in between her legs. Before Topi could run, Mina grabbed her and moved to sit on the sofa. You went to drop the bags in the kitchen with Tsu before joining her.
“I mean it’s obviously more than that, but it’s still rude.” Tsu added. “Has he reached out at all? You two spent so much time together.”
“Yes, but it’s died out over the month. He offered one of our late night drives and even asked if I still wanted rides to work but I couldn’t bring myself to be near him.” You absently played with one of the sofa pillows
Your friends looked at you with concern but your mind was already drifting to that night, their voices fading in your mind.
Todoroki’s house was always gorgeous after the sun went down. This man’s gardener must be a god themselves. That, or Todoroki had a hidden passion.
You laughed at your own thoughts when someone cleared their throat behind you.
“Are we going to go in or just wait outside like losers?” Bakugou asked from beside you. His hands were in the pockets of his dark pants, his skin contrasted against the deep burgundy of his button-down. Even after graduating, he still had his highschool snark. He held his elbow out towards you.
“Fine, fine.” You gave yourself a quick once-over before looping your arm around his and making your way forward. The only sound was your shoes on the walkway and the soft swish of your evening dress. Normally you don't dress up for these monthly dinners but tonight was also Momo’s birthday celebration. The usually laid back vibe was replaced by one of elegance and a little cuteness. Like the roses by the doors being an array of reds, pinks and whites.
“Shoto really went all out, huh? If I didn’t know him better I’d think he has a crush.” You laughed and looked over at Bakugou. “Makes me think he’d be a pretty good boyfriend.”
“Whatever, I could do better.” Bakugou scoffed as he started to open the door.
“Oh? Jealous?” You teased as you leaned closer. It was meant as a joke, but Bakugo’s face darkened.
“No. I just know how to decorate.” He responded quickly and dropped your arm. The two of you silently walked in, his rebuttal settling in your head. Did he have to brush it off so quickly? Lately his responses to your usual flirty cheekiness have gotten colder, more harsh. Granted you and Bakugou had never made any advances towards each other…
But you’d be lying if you said you never wanted to.
Since you met him in highschool you had been attracted to him. He seemed to always tolerate you a little more than everyone else, including Kiri & Denki. You became nearly inseparable the summer before your senior year, your heart soared. It started out with working out together, then binging shows and cooking. Your favorite times were the drives. Either through the city or along the countryside. The two of you could just talk or just sit in comfortable silence. It got to the point where you could reach out, any time of day or night and he would be there.
You got to see more of Bakugou, and the countless hours spent together made you think it would finally happen. But it never did. The moments that dared to lead to something more were always shut down or fizzled out. You didn’t dare push it out of a worry of losing him or the friendship you had built. As for him, you had no idea. All the times he was alluding to more… you could've been reading everything wrong. Maybe he just… didn’t see you in that way.
Regardless, his quick rejection had grown to leave a sour taste in your mouth. Shaking your mind of those thoughts, you chose to brush it off, and enjoy the celebration.
As another party game came to a close, you could feel your fatigue catching up to you. Right now, nothing sounded better than your bed. Yet you found yourself gathered with the rest of your UA Alumni, most of whom were still up to keep playing.
"Let’s play Truth or Dare!” Mina shouts rather loudly. looking around at everyone's face she continues, “Come on it'll just be like high school, all over again!"
You groan internally. Of course this would be the last game of the night. reluctantly you agree, a part of you does think that it would be fun.
“Okay so who's first?” Momo looks around cautiously. "I know it's my birthday but I don't want to go first.”
Kirishima looks around, "Why don't we use a bottle? Leave it all to chance?” He looks around, the group nodding their heads and murmuring their agreement.
Ochaco, always helpful, springs up and grabs one of the nearby empty bottles, tossing it to Kirishima before settling back down in her seat next to Izuku. Holding the bottle in his hand Kirishima shrugs before placing it in the center of the circle and spinning it.“I guess I’ll go first then,“ he gives it a solid spin before watching it settle on Tsu.
“Truth or dare?” He grins easily. Tsu ponders for a moment before settling, “ribbit- Dare.“
“I dare you to…“ He looks up for a moment, as if the skies are going to drop a dare into his mind. His eyes light up as he finally settles on something, “swing from the chandelier.“ He quickly glances at Todoroki‘s sharp gaze, “What? We’ll be safe. Shoji or I can catch her.”
Before Todoroki can even begin to protest, Tsu’s tongue lashes out and wraps itself around the bottom of the chandelier. Surprisingly, she’s able to gracefully swing in a few small circles before dropping down into Shoji’s awaiting arms. She gets to her feet and spins the bottle on the way to her seat.
This time it settles on Izuku, whose face turns a shade quite similar to a strawberry. He looks around as if the bottle made a mistake and quickly blurts out “truth!” before Tsu can even ask.
Her response is just as quick, “how long have you liked Uraraka?“
The previous blush quickly drains from his face as he sputters out an answer. “Well – I mean… I guess since-“
Bakugous dry chuckle quickly drowns out the rest of his answer. “We all know you’ve liked her since you first met her. Stop being so damn shy about it you nerd!“ He scoffs, “You two are practically dating at this point.“
“You’re one to talk!“ Uraraka quickly comes to Izuku‘s defense. “Why don’t you talk about your feelings?“
“Fuck you! You don’t know anything“ Bakugo crosses his arms and looks away. You study him intently, was there something you didn’t know? Bakugou is so reserved, maybe that’s it.
Before you can join in and press him further, he’s shoving the bottle towards Izuku. “Hurry up and spin you damn nerd.” Izuku takes a breath and spins, happy to point the attention to someone else.
It’s been at least an hour, and you’ve seen your classmates do some wild things, confess some really weird things, and somehow Todoroki ends up in a dress.
Mina has her hand on the bottle, basking in the slight anticipation of the spin. She lets it fly and you watch as it slowly comes to settle on Bakugou. He scoffs once more, “I’m already picking dare, Extra.”
The pink haired hero taps her chin, and locks eyes with Uraraka, silently agreeing to a plan. Her eyes meet yours for just a moment and she gives you a sweet smile.
“Make out with Y/N.” She grins, happy with her scheme.
It’s silent before he humphs and looks at you. “Fine.”
You’re nowhere near the coast, but you swear you can hear a roaring ocean in your ears as he approaches you. You think you hear him mutter some thing about “all this being a stupid dare“ but you can’t focus as you watch his gaze latch onto yours, and his lips slowly make their way to you.
A small gasp of air leaves your mouth as his soft lips touch against yours. His hands snake around your waist, as yours make their way around his neck. Everything fitting together like you were made for him and he was made for you.
Hesitantly, you poke your tongue against his lip. He grunts before opening his mouth slightly, allowing you to explore. As you brush your tongue against his, he bites down, gentle at first. When you don’t pull away his bite becomes a little firmer, eliciting another gasp.
All too quickly he pulls away and suddenly you’re cold, and all too aware of the wolf whistles and catcalls that surround you.
“I think we figured out how Bakugou feels!” You think that’s Denki calling out from somewhere behind you.
Bakugou pulls away quickly, “You wish! That was a dare, why the fuck would I back down. I’m not a pussy.” You swore he aimed the last line at Izuku.
“That felt like more than just a dare bro.” Sero smirks and nudges Mina, who hesitantly smiles. “Have something you want to say?”
He rolls his eyes, “There’s nothing to say.” He turns away from you, looking at Sero. “You dared me so I fucking did it. That shit felt like kissing a friend. Stop reading so damn far into it.”
A friend.
The thought hangs in your mind. You can feel eyes on you. Mina looks annoyed, not with you, but with him. Sero is shocked, as is Izuku. You’re sure everyone is sharing similar looks. Did they all know?
Maybe the alcohol wore off, maybe you’re tired. But Suddenly you feel too sober surrounded by people who are too drunk. Your hands hang at your side and you feel like a fool, standing there watching him sit back down. You should sit too but you don’t want to stay any longer.
Where would you go? Not with him. The thought of sitting in Bakugou’s car, so close and so private, makes your stomach turn even more. The room feels warm and cold at the same time.
Quickly you mumble an excuse about the bathroom and your hair. Already turning towards a hallway. Is there even a bathroom this way?
Alas even the gods must pity you though, as the first door you swing open reveals a guest bathroom. The warm scent of jasmine and sandalwood fill your senses as you look in the mirror. You barely have time to look at yourself before the door is opened again. Momo slowly steps in, allowing you the space to tell her to leave.
“I know it’s not very helpful; but are you alright?” She cautiously reaches forward and rubs your shoulder. “That wasn’t kind of him to say, no matter how he feels… I’m sorry.”
You nod your head slowly, thankful for Momo’s gentle nature. Though you adored Mina, Tsu, and the rest of the girls, you doubt you could handle their drunk personalities in your equally inebriated state.
“I don’t mean to overreact.” You started. “It’s just so overwhelming. To wonder and hope.. to pine. And to just have it all crash down in front of everyone.” Momo nodded her head encouragingly as you continued. “I don’t know how to feel right now. I’m obviously not in the state to think straight but I do think the night is over for me. I just feel drained at this point.”
“Would you like to stay here? Todoroki anticipated guests and has a couple rooms ready. I know Mina is staying, as well as Jirou and some of the boys.”
You shook your head, your bed and Topi sounded like a dream right now. “I think I’ll call a car. Can you help me?” Pulling your phone out, you turned it on and quickly started looking.
“What do you need me to do?” She asked, pulling out her own.
“Just make sure I can leave without too much of a stir.”
She smiled and opened her messages with Denki, “I know just the distraction.”
Leave it to Mina to get to your house hours before dinner but still manage to take forever to get ready. Both you and Tsu had finished hair and makeup a bit ago and now were waiting on Mina to leave the bedroom.
“Girl let’s go! We still have to pick up something to bring.” You kicked at your own bedroom door. Mina’s muffled yell rang out, followed by a thump. “No, Sake and a fruit mix are not enough. Plus that was my fruit!”
You looked over at Tsu and gave an exaggerated huff, she giggled and shrugged in response. Turning back to the door, you drew your leg back to kick it again right as Mina opened it. The toe of your ankle boots smacking her shin instead of the door.
“Ow! You bitch!” She swatted at your retreating figure. “You do look very hot though, damn Mami.”
“Hey! I was aiming for the door! I didn’t know you were finally done!” You help your arms up in defense as you laughed. “And thank you, you’re pretty sexy yourself.” Blowing her a quick kiss, you strike a pose.
“C’mon you two- ribbit- we need to hurry if you want to stop by that bakery.”
Nodding your head, you turn to hunt down your purse and any other necessities you might need. You run through your mental checklist and double check the time on your phone. That’s when a couple notifications stop you in your tracks.
3 Missed Calls: Katsuki🌝.
Without even thinking you find his contact and press Call, worry clouding your mind. It’s not like him to call, knowing you prefer texting or even a FaceTime.
The line rings once or twice before you’re greeted by his gruff “Hello?“
“Hey. You called?“ You feel awkward and breathless, for some reason, like you were the one reaching out to him when he had been the first to call.
It’s silent for a moment before he responds. “Do you need a ride?“
You look at Mina and Tsu for a second before turning around and giving a response. “No, I have one. Thank you though. I’ll see you there, okay?“
He mutters something quietly before abruptly hanging up.
Pulling the phone from your ear with a sigh, you turn back towards your friends. Their eyes are already on you, Mina with a hand on her hip while Tsu raises an eyebrow.
The former is the first to break the silence, “So? What did he want?”
Denying her assumption was pointless, “Seeing if I needed a ride.” You continue to gather your belongings and head to the door. “Let’s go before the place closes.”
You walk out before they can ask anything else.
The ride to the bakery and Momo’s home is uneventful. Mina keeps up a steady stream of conversation from the center of the backseat. Mostly consisting of her bouncing from topic to topic with an occasional comment from you and Tsu. You thought it was sweet Momo was hosting. The offer came as a thank you for her party. Also her dining room table is massive and can actually seat everyone.
When you arrive most of your class is already there. Stepping out of Tsu’s car, you catch a glimpse of indigo hair a few yards ahead. Grinning you call out to the figure.
“Toshi! My sweet boy!” He glances back with a laugh, pausing to let you all catch up.
“Long time no see, Kid.” His arms open and you give him a hug.
“You’re literally not even a year older than me.” Rolling your eyes, you shift the box of sweet breads in your hands. “But since you’re older you can carry this for me! You must be stronger too right?”
“I would but I have a dish as well.” His face is smug.
You raise a brow, “And where is this dish?” Looking around, you pretend to search for it. “Unless… are you the dish?”
Hitoshi blushes lightly, “No, I must have left it in my car. I missed the last one and I’ve already fallen out of habit.” He turns to walk away and you join him.
“Hey!” Mina calls out to you once you start walking away. “Where are you going?”
“To keep him company!” You call over a shoulder. “See you inside!”
The walk itself isn't very long. You and Hitoshi make light conversation as you complete your little side quest. It’s mainly you asking about the mission he was on during the last get-together. He tells you of a raid on a hybrid trading ring in southern Japan. Animal mutation quirks were being forcefully bred and sold as pets. Nasty stuff.
Stepping inside Momo’s home, you remove your shoes. Once bags and coats are tucked away and Hitoshi’s dish is safely set in the dining room, you make your way to the main room to say hello to everyone. As you enter, Hitoshi is in the middle of explaining an interesting fight and you’re enthralled by it. You had always been curious about the skill behind the capture weapon… in a totally non-sexual way, oddly enough.
Regardless, it takes you a moment to pull your attention to your classmates as they began to notice your arrival. You’re greeted by a chorus of your names intermingled with varying hello’s. There’s already a smile on your face as you reply. As you reply, your eyes travel around the room.
A pair of deep ruby eyes catch yours. The intensity of his gaze startles the smile off of you. It manifests a swirling feeling in your gut. You should go to talk to him. But before you can make your way over, a familiar voice calls out to you.
“Y/N! Hey! You brought sweet bread?!” Rikido waves you over, a big smile on his face. “I’ve been craving some! Can I grab a couple pieces?”
His enthusiasm is contagious and you smile right back, opening the box as you walk over. “Of course! Why do you think I brought them? I heard your agency expanded. That’s awesome!”
“The sake is also for that!” Mina chimes in from her spot on the large couch. “Celebration time!”
Soon the sweet bread and sake are being passed around. Cheers ring out as you congratulate Rikido and his team. He blushes lightly from the attention but is smiling all the same. As people begin to break off into smaller conversations, you hunt for a plate so you can get rid of the larger box.
You’re familiar with Momo’s home, and after you check with her, you grab the box and head to the kitchen. After selecting a plate you deemed worthy, you began stacking the bread on it.
Footsteps approached from down the hall and you figured someone came to grab something. They stopped once they entered the kitchen, however. You felt eyes on your back. Staring.
It didn’t take long to figure out who it was.
“Hey ‘Suki.” You greeted him softly, continuing your arranging. This could only go on for so long, though. Hopefully one of you could address the elephant in the room quickly.
You were grateful when Katsuki took the initiative.The stiffness in your throat wasn’t going to let you do it.
“So Eye Bags was your ride?” His question catches you off guard.
“No, I came with Mina and Tsu. We ran into-” You stopped yourself once the question processed. “Wait, why is that the first thing you ask me? And why does it matter?”
“So he didn’t drive you. Alright.” He leans against the doorframe, eyes trained on your back. “I was curious since you’re usually with me.”
Rolling your eyes to yourself, you shoot back, “Yeah well you’re not the only person in my life, Katsuki.”
He huffs, “You know I didn’t mean it like that, Y/N.” His shoulder slope slightly, “I guess worried is a better word.”
The audacity. You laugh, “You could’ve called me, you know? Or texted, or literally anything!” Turning, arms crossed, you continued, “I mean I know the phone goes two ways, but fuck! Regardless of how I may feel did you ever think that what you said was rude? Not to mention almost our whole class heard it!”
You cover your face, “I just felt so awkward and embarrassed. You don’t have to like me back but you used to be so nice about shutting it down!” At this point you’re rambling but you can’t stop. All the emotions and thinking from the past month are spilling out. You’ve spent so long reciting to your mirror that the real thing feels so cathartic.
As you begin another rant, Katsuki stops you. “Now you wait.” He takes a few steps towards you. “ How do you feel? What do you mean ‘like you back’? Y/N you’re rambling. Just talk to me.”
“Don’t be so dense then!” You shoot back.
“Oi! I’m just trying to understand you and your nonsense!” His voice begins to raise.
You huff in irritation, gathering all your courage you blurt out, “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you. All through our friendship I questioned if something could ever happen. And I hoped it would. Sometimes I was sure it would. But last month, the dare at the party showed me it never would.” Looking down, you hugged yourself and let out a sigh. “I didn’t realize it would hit me that hard… I told myself long ago that I would value our friendship more, and that still stands.” You raise a determined gaze towards him only to find he’s gazing at his crossed arms. A small scowl rests on his face. You begin to second-guess yourself.
“Are you done?” He asks lowly. Still not looking at you.
You hum a reply and remain quiet. Your gaze more questioning now than anything.
“Do you remember the drive we took to the mountain? The long one, that wrapped around a garden and had a lookout for a waterfall.”
You’re about to question him before you decide to let him continue.
“We drove there at the end of summer. Before we took the leap into our lives as Pros.” He chuckles dryly, “Nothing could spoil our excitement. After everything we had gone through, we were ready for the next chapter. You were going on and on about your plans and kept asking my opinion on them. That’s when I realized something.” Pausing he finally looks up at you.
“I wanted to listen to you talk for as long as I could. I need you in the passenger seat for every adventure. The sound of your voice, your presence, I felt so comfortable. So content and satisfied. Once I figured out what it really meant, I grew a habit of psyching myself out whenever an opportunity to show you how I felt came up.” His hand rubs down his face. Your heart races, yet you hesitate to read to deeply into it. You need him to say it.
“I wasn’t thinking at the party. I finally got the chance to kiss the girl who never leaves my mind and I blow it. Everyone saying it before I could- I could do it the way I wanted. I panicked and shut it down.” He takes a few more steps towards you. His hands reach towards yours. “I’m in love with you too, Y/N. I’m sorry I took so long to catch up to you.” He chuckles and leans his forehead onto yours.
You smile as you memorize the look of his eyes this close. “That was pretty sappy.” Laughing, you wink. “Who helped you, huh?”
Katsuki groans, “C’mon don’t ruin the romance goddamnit.” He playfully glares at you and quietly adds, “Shitty Hair wanted to make sure I didn’t fuck it up even more.”
Giggling, you tilt your head towards him, “I’m glad he gave you some pointers.”
“Just shut up so I can kiss you. Properly this time.”
“Was last time not properly?” You question.
Instead of giving you a response he pulls your body flush against his. Katsuki connects your lips and continues to say what he needs to without words.
It was definitely a proper kiss. Your mind is a glowing mess of contentment, happiness and longing. Katsuki is the only thing your senses can process right now. The smell of his cologne, his hands running along your sides and lower back, the feeling of his hair running through your fingers, the quiet shushing of-.
Wait. The shushing? Katsuki seems to hear it as well as he stops the kiss and pulls away. You’re leaning to see around his large frame and you catch a glimpse of your friends gathered in the doorway, listening.
Your yelling is almost as loud as Katsuki. Among the ruckus Mina calls out to you.
“So you don’t need a ride home?”
Turning to Katsuki you smile softly, “No, I’ll be alright. I have a ride.”
“Damn right you do.” He gazes at you deeply, but this time your stomach fills with butterflies. You need another kiss. Stat. Katsuki seems to feel the same as her turns to the rest of the party and orders them to “get the fuck out, I want to kiss her”.
Momo chimes in that it’s technically her kitchen but helps usher everyone out nonetheless.
Katsuki guides you back towards him with a gentle grip on your chin. He leans in but before he can kiss you, a hand on his chest stops him. He raises a brow.
“Can we go on a drive after this?”
His lips give you the answer you were looking for.
I hope y’all enjoyed this! I’ll be uploading more of my writings throughout today. Please feel free to request things and such! I have some interesting ideas bouncing around and I’m excited!!
Appreciate ya the most, friends!
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chaotic-tired-cat · 1 year
Will be updating Legacy on AO3?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I'm going to assume this a "Will you be updating" and the answer is yes, absolutely! Things are just unreasonably busy irl until maybe October-ish. Legacy is at an editing stage which takes time that I unfortunately have not had over the past several months. It will get posted eventually, though. I love that story and what it's meant to the people who read it so much. Too much to ever drop it.
Here's a scene from the draft to tide you over till updates happen. (I'll try to post one of the alternate Legacy starts on ao3 as well, so anyone following the Living Legends series knows I'm still writing abt this weird immortal child)
Fair warning: There be spoilers ahead.
Eri wants Jiji to be happy again. Sir-san said he had a really bad day, and Eri knows all about those. She had one yesterday.
But heroes don’t always understand people like her and Jiji. They thought she wasn’t cursed without even checking, which she knows isn’t their fault, but she told them.
She told them, and they didn’t believe her.
Jiji did.
Maybe the heroes aren’t believing him about something, too.
So she asked Bakugo-nii what to do, even if he was with his friends who coo over her nickname for him and immediately started using it themselves. He got loud at them for that, so Eri asked if it was a bad name.
Then he got all red and even more shouty at his friends before asking if she wanted to visit Jiji.
Yes, she wants to visit the cabin with its wooden floors that creak under her feet and soft mis-matched furniture. The air is always clean and smells like fresh growing things. There is no chemical smell that makes her head and stomach hurt. Jiji hugs her and smells like linen and the soil he tries to bury himself in like a bush. It’s different. So, so different from concrete walls and plastic-hard toys that feel like the chairs she had to sit in, and gloved hands that reached without asking. Eri is tired of being made and unmade. She just wants to be.
But there are phantom hands on her shoulders and arms that don’t go away no matter how hard she scrubs in the bath.
Everything is a memory.
UA uses bleach to clean. She can smell it everywhere but outdoors and the cabin with its ceramic mugs and musty bookshelves. Jiji keeps the windows open when she visits, so no matter how recently he cleaned, it doesn’t smell harsh or weird. His cabin smells like lemons and the green growing things he lets her water sometimes. She naps on his couch and on blankets he tucks into the dryer to warm up. They smell like freshly-laundered cotton. Safe.
So, yes.
Yes, she wants to visit Jiji, Bakugo-nii.
Bakugo-nii scowls because he’s allergic to smiling (Uraraka-san told her so) and tells Eraser-san he's taking her to ‘the nerd.’ Eri considers it a success.
“How do we stop the bad days,” Eri asks once they’re on their way, and maybe he thinks she’s asking for Jiji, but mostly she’s asking for herself. Today is a good day, because it’s not a bad one. Eating breakfast was easy. Just in case, she’s wearing her pink top that doesn't rub against her neck and arms like-
And she’s wearing her favorite skirt, because it has glitter on it. That’s every single color at once.
Bakugo-nii frowns at the grass. The ground is dotted with pink-white from fallen cherry blossom petals, and Eri wonders if that’s what snow looks like. She’s never been allowed outside long enough to see it before.
When she follows Bakugo-nii across the petals crushed underfoot, Eri keeps her eyes up, hoping to catch a lucky one mid-fall. Or better yet, a whole flower of wishes.
One wish for more good days.
One wish that this will never end.
One wish for Sir-san.
One wish for Jiji.
One wish for-
“Beat the shit out of them,” Bakugo-nii tells her. Eri wonders why she would beat the shit out of Sir-san and Jiji and good days before she remembers what she asked.
“I can’t.”
“Not like that,” Bakugo-nii growls as he holds up the low branch Jiji doesn't want to trim because he likes how it pats his head when he passes it. 
Eri hurries down the path and waits for Bakugo-nii to catch up. 
“Look, even if it’s a shit day, you gotta force the happiness in somehow.”
Eri follows him from behind, watching the hand in his pocket. She reaches out, pauses, and remembers bird masks guiding her to bleach-light-hurt. When she tried to run, they’d grip her tight until purple-green bruises peeked out from under the bandages.
Eri takes her hand back before Bakugo-nii notices. 
It hurts in a different way, but she’s not ready to remember that. Not yet.
“Bad days don’t let me do anything,” Eri admits softly, painfully, because she’s still not used to cradling weakness in her open hands where just anyone can see it. Back then, she’d be scolded. Or they’d use it to keep her inside, away from the heroes.
Bakugo-nii grunts. “Yeah.”
Eri ducks her head and balls her fists in the glittery skirt Mirio-nii helped her choose. 
She hates this.
She doesn't know what ‘this’ even is, just that she can’t play on the swingsets when the parks are crowded. Yesterday she cried and doesn't know why. There are nightlights all around her room but it’s still too dark, too cold even with all the All Might blankets Sir-san’s partner brings.
She wants to be someone else. Someone who sleeps through the night and can smile like Mirio-nii.
Jiji calls her ‘sweetpea’ because he thinks Eri will grow up and up and up like a bean sprout someday. She’d asked why he doesn't grow even though his hair is green like a plant but hers is grey like grandmas, and he’d laughed like bells and windchimes strung out over the open windows in summer. He said he’s done his growing. That he was primordial. 
It means really, really, old. Ancient, maybe.
Older than mountains. 
Eri wonders if there even were any mountains when Jiji was her age. He was her hight a forever ago. That forever feels much bigger than the forever between her and the old-old memory she has of Dad before her quirk came in. He was holding her up high, in that memory, lifting her up to put her on his shoulders that were taller than the mountains Jiji saw pop up.
She wonders if she’ll grow up happy. The forest does not expect anything of her, even when Bakugo-nii pauses again and looks at her like he’s trying to solve a puzzle with only his eyebrows.
Bakugo-nii holds out a hand, all fingers tucked in except his pinkie like it’s a promise. “You don’t like holding hands, right? Take it or leave it. Just don’t tell the damn extras I’ve gone soft.”
It feels even more like a promise now.
Eri reaches out, curls her pinkie around Bakugo-nii’s, and finds that it’s not at all like holding hands. “Okay.”
They continue through the woods like that, side by side, and Eri thinks that maybe it is a good day after all.
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luffythinker · 9 months
been in a mei/uraraka mood so driven by that so have some headcanons
--At first Mei doesn't believe Uraraka loves her. It's not like she knows she likes her and Urarka doesn't make it known cause it's kinda a love you from a far and i keep doing things hoping you notice and love is the last thing from Mei's mind. And when Uraraka makes the BIG MOVE she still isn't convinced , in her head someone loving her doesn't make sense cause she always has 0 interaction with others outside using them for her babys she can't understand why someone would love her
-- Uraraka is very advent on her understanding she loves her once she makes it known, shes the shy type but once she's got it out there once it's easier for her to declare her love say it and show it it's the first step that was so difficult now it's becoming casual for her. She can walk into the work shop and bring Mei stuff she's gonna blush and get nervous but she learns to love the feeling cause she knows what it means. She's slowly but surely opening up to the idea of saying things she wouldn't normally say like asking her out from nowhere like "HEY um wanna go do this after school?" she couldn't get it out at first but it's almost second nature now.
-- When Uraraka held her hand for the first time it made Mei feel really special, she never felt an emotion like this before she only really knows how excited she gets over her babys but the feeling of being cared about by another flesh hits different Mei is blushing at stuff that isn't even romantic simple hand holding and Uraraka asking if shes ok with being seen in the public stuff like that. "Do you mind if i hold your hand? Is it ok if i hug you?" the little gestures make her crazy.
-- When they kiss i can't decide if it's Mei or Uraraka who does it first if it's Mei it feels a little rushed to her cause she really wants Uraraka to know at that time she's reciprocating those feelings so she just kinda suddenly presses her lips onto Urarka's cheek to afraid to go for the mouth on the other hand if it's Uraraka which it probably is it's after a date they are walking they go sit down at a bench or stand by a river walk against the railing and Uraraka is watching Mei's eyes light up at the fireworks or just the night sky or whatever and she can't control herself not to ask. either "Hey, can i kiss you?" and does it anyway or "Hey, i want to kiss you is that ok?" and waits for the answer which Mei can only muster a head shake. Uraraka's kisses are something Mei treasures shes at home touching the spot on her lips where she kissed her until she falls asleep.
-- Everyone thinks Mei would be a crazy Girlfriend and she kinda is but she's mostly a soft nervous girlfriend always thinking she messed something up or what she can do for Uraraka that's why her love language is gifts, she makes things for Uraraka not only that she buys her coffee or whatever she likes to drink she buys her starbucks if she likes that she buys her little things or make them herself but it's always the hard part giving it to her the stuff she makes herself i mean. It's easy to say "H-here i bought this for me but i don't really want it" and at first she thought she meant it but being around her long enough Uraraka knows she meant she got it for her. i bought this for me but you can have it turns into "i bought this if you want it" and she learns Uraraka's favorite flavors goes out of her way to get things only in that flavor but Uraraka tells her "you don't have to only get this flavor i like other things too" and Mei feels like she failed a little bit Uraraka sees that look on her face and has to tell her it's fine you didn't know but i love this too thank you which perks her up.
Got all my soft things out not for the >:3o heated stuff
-- Mei is extremely nervous when it comes to sexual desires. They were kissing once and Uraraka had to stop because she was becoming too heated for it and Mei asked her why she stopped because she was getting heated as well, Uraraka fanning her face saying she doesn't know if they are ready to step that far yet. Mei's head explodes at the fact that someone remotely loved her enough to want to do that. Things are factual to Mei she's not gonna beat around the bush when it comes to talking about sex she's gonna use the correct words and Uraraka is gonna blush and go "geez you don't have to say those things" their first time Uraraka is touching Mei kissing turned into touches and Uraraka told her she was jealous of when Mei fell on Deku she loves her girlfriend's breast Mei is absolutely bigger then Uraraka and she's going to worship her body before Mei can get a chance to do the same to Uraraka. Their first time is nothing crazy, just Uraraka fingering Mei and kissing her until she's finished. Mei wants to do something for Uraraka and they both start fitting pieces into place YA KNOW being horny ass teens rutting against eachother that's their first time.
-- Mei is more jealous then Uraraka she kinda gets upset when boys around her but she's quiet about it, she might set off a rocket or two if she thinks the boys are doing too much lol People would know they are dating and they wouldn't deny it. They would hold hands at lunch and eat together Uraraka brings Mei over to the Deku squad table and she eats with them. Tsu knew something was going on when she saw Uraraka feed Mei off the same spoon. Toru and Mina are so gossiping and one day in homeroom Mina asks her hey are you dating that support girl? and she scratches her head and answers clearly "yes? is something wrong?" and the girls start geeking out.
-- Uraraka is the one who buys Mei bracelets and other hair accessories considering Mei isn't the type to have any cause she doesn't really value her appearance over what she can do and make shes buying her jelly bracelets and homemaking her friendship bracelets/necklaces the cube things with letters spelling eachothers names on them. Mei wears them when shes not working she takes them off cause she doesn't want to ruin them but all through out classes Mei wears them.
im in love with women.
mei is a soft butch i love her for that so much, she got every lovely gf who is ready to shower her with affection and love :(
i like the idea of mei kissing her first, cause uraraka seems to be the one who usually starts things but she doesn't want to impose, so for their first kiss it would be really special if it's mei finally having the courage to ask and lean into her :(( [I'm so sad i love these two so much]
mei is the type of gf to say "i saw this and it reminded me of you" when she gives gifts, it's not really big expensive things, but little meaningful ones, something that shows that little by little she is listening to everything ochako says, that she remembers every detail about her
----- nsfw ahead ----
i love soft first times, it really doesn't need to be crazy to be good!! i like to think Mei is not all that sexual, like her libido is okay, she just doesn't think about it too much, but she loves Ochako and it feels so right, like extended intimacy that she starts to love it too. i assume she would be nervous to give her head the first time they try it, but Ochako is so patient and guides her head with a hand on her hair to all the right places and gives her encouragement all the way through until she finishes it <3
Oh i LOVE silent jealous Mei, she is not gonna SAY anything, she's not like that. but you will know to back off just by looking at her!!
ochako making bracelets for her gf, omg i love gay people cause i too made bracelets for my gf ksdjkjdskjsf
i love women so much, it's such a blessing to exist and be able to love women
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coffeewhisker · 2 years
SO. let‘s hope tumblr doesn‘t black out on me while i‘m typing all this up lol
! i was very excited this morning lol, but being faced with the magnitude of my ao3 bookmarks… it‘s so hard to choose, i just threw a bunch of stuff together lol, so! yeah, here are fics that i‘ve really liked
light up by KBstories
- not all that much about krbk, but about the squad making bakugou smile. included it anyway bc fuck oh my god this is so soft and made me so happy <3
Manly Pet Names 101 by domeeneec
- recently downloaded. don‘t remember specifics right now but it was about kiri‘s habit of “bro”ing people, and i really really (really) liked it
come @ me bro by SportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (NoodleFriend)
- also not super krbk-focused lol, but a fun read anyway sooo. bakugou-centric, he tries to make friends with uraraka among other things, i‘m fond of their little story in this fic
help me get out of my head by popcap
- hurt/comfort which i bookmarked with ALL the compliments. like all of them. the bookmark is huge lol
No Secrets to Success by kingdoms
- bakugou & kiri meet outside of yuuei, while bakugou‘s already in and kiri will join in a couple weeks— they become friends & i loved the fuck outta this one
outside looking in by bbuggs
- i remember this one very fondly. mido pov of kiribaku <3
renegades by KBstories
- while we‘re talking about mido— this one is 20 something k but i love. love midoriya & bakugou in this so much. honestly i don‘t think you would go wrong in any way if you started with this one. it‘s just awesome, like, woah. WOAH
come home to me by aloera
- absolute classic. you could also very much start with this, it’s SUCH a fun read, kiribaku get hit by a thoughts-sharing-mutual-mind-reading idk lol quirk and it‘s such a good time lol. very sweet, very fun, all around an amazing time, absolute classic, every krbk will tell you this (i believe vanilla cookies (?) is also by this author? also remember having so much fun listening to that)
thank you for thinking of me by hiyah
- also recently downloaded. bakugou gets injured and has to control himself to allow himself to heal. kiri makes it easier. loved it
easy now, with my heart (careful now, with my head) by multiclassmaps
- multi pov kiribaku h/c fic. a new class training trip into the woods is difficult for katsuki to handle because of what happened last time. they make it work together <3
to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow by Insomniac_with_dreams
- ‘s got it all! also downloaded, heart bookmarked n everything. yeah idk this one‘s really really good
love letters by cutiekirishima
- fluffiest cutest stuff. past me screamed at me to reread this any time i‘m yearning for krbk fluff in my bookmark
What We Deserve by Moomybeam
- kiribaku are now dating officially— and everyone doubts that bakugou can be a good enough partner for someone like kiri. a story about bakugou coming out of his shell, and letting his love for kiri show.
The Best Medicine by chezka
- a story about kiri feeling many things whenever he manages to make bakugou laugh <3 kiri‘s Very poetic lol. i love this one, it‘s so wholesome (tiny kiri angst feelings towards the end but alll good)
love me like you loved me by Ellieb3an
- i remember that this fic wrecked me. fantasy au. prepare to be Moved
under the sheets with you by sourscarlets
- just a tiny sweet one. bakugou does something to cheer kiri up and struggles not to feel silly about it
then i remembered you said friends to lovers, so under that tag specifically: (they might be kinda long)
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (FALSE) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
- quirk accident! they have to stick close to each other, ohhhh nooooooo
Just You, Me, and the Breaths between Us by haha_gay
- don‘t remember the exact plot but i know that i loved it
You Get Red When You‘re Embarrassed by kiribakuhappiness
- bakugou invites himself over to kiri‘s during the summer holidays. they felt hmmm a little different to my personal characterization but i recall really liking this fic anyway. it captures the awkwardness really well haha, but it‘s goood. it was kinda like reading different characters but they were really well-established, so it wasn‘t ooc, it was just different. and obvs that is only my personal character lens, you might just think differently
one to ten by crunchrapsupreme
- a story about kiri making it his mission to climb the ladder of friendship with bakugou— except he kind of forgets about it, because it just builds so naturally <3
A Dragon‘s Hoard by chezka
- . i‘ve looked through so many that i‘ve kinda forgotten what this one was, but i THINK it‘s a quirk accident fic that i loved very very much <33 (kiri gets turned into a dragon :o bakugou finds him and, naturally, takes him to class to brag about this cool lizard he found)
point of view by aloera
- kirishima gets hit by a quirk, and suddenly he‘s a kid again. bakugou turns out to not be so bad with kids after all. it‘s very, very sweet. very genuine. i‘m very soft for this fic
Together across Time and Space by Scarlet_Traveler
- a huge kiribaku month ficlet collection that i really enjoyed! i haven‘t read all of them, but many, and yeah, they filled me with soft happy feelings
and one last unfinished little project i am so so soft for.
Check your Snaps by chiroptology
- a collection of moments shared through mina‘s snapchat story. it‘s so sweet it‘s such slice of life it‘s so natural i love it so much. favorite little underappreciated gem. love it
titles might be capitalized a little differently to how i did it ahfjsj. yeah! i hope you can enjoy at least like, one of these lol, as i enjoyed them all very much. there are so so many that i really struggled when deciding which to put and even now in the back of my mind i‘m like but this one how could i ever not include that but boy this is long enough already, and these are all really good reads. imo. so! yeah, bye have a nice day lol
(also check out SleuthPuffin if you want! didn‘t know which one to include, but i‘ve loved a lot of their oneshots. very good fluff)
OMG!!! This list is amazing!! I'm really excited to start reading these, your summaries are fantastic and totally lit my candle for these two. Thank you so much!!
This must have taken forever to put together, you have my deepest gratitude. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to balance the scale, I totally owe you for this kindness. The thoroughness of the list is fantastically impressive.
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cynicallyneutral · 7 years
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Because everyone needs a girl best friend to help you with l’amour~
although the approaches may vary on the person ahahaha
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cowzzmoozz · 2 years
Class 1A x Gen Z Reader
Headcanons + Scenarios
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author’s note: hiiii!!! I’m not dead :D I had a lot of personal things going on for quite a bit, but I’m back!!!! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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Lord help Aizawa
Another problem child
Ngl there was probably many times you both confused, irritated, and made him question why he ever decided to become a teacher in the first place
At one point or another you definitely brought your own sleeping bag and the second you see him go to lay down, you're joining him.
Did he stop you? No.
That's where the soft spot appears. Another problem child to look after
     Aizawa closed the book and looked up at his class “Alright class, finish the questions using the articles given.” He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. A nap was sounding like music to his ears right now. He picked up his bright yellow sleeping bag and welcomed the warm stumbler soon to be coming eagerly. Content with himself after laying down and zipping it back up he was ready for some much needed sleep. That was until he heard scurrying around him, accompanied by the whispers of his students. He wasn’t about to open his eyes- but wait. Next to him? Like, directly next to him? With a groan he opened one eye and turned his head that leaned against the wall. And what was he met with? You. Sitting there in your own, bright colored sleeping bag. Your paper and article in front of you. Zipping it up you began to read the text in front of you. Nope. He was not going to deal with this right now. As long as you did your work he couldn’t care less.     “Seriously?!” He was met with Denki’s scream. “No fair! I didn’t bring a sleeping bag!” He pouted. A string of angry mutters left his mouth.      “And it wouldn’t matter if you did, you all do your work where you are. I won’t have anyone else getting up. This problem child is enough for me.” Closing his eyes again he let the class proceed in their mad murmurs. Turning to you one last time. A smile on your face and your earbuds in. Satisfied, he let the class continue their questions of ‘why?’ while he pretended to be asleep. You definitely had problem child privileges
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You and the bakusquad are something to fear.
Busting out in dance with Sero randomly? Yes.
Mina and you doing tiktoks while changing classes? Absolutely.
Convincing Jiro to blast music with you at ungodly hours of the night? Hell yes.
Making others question how did Denki and you get into UA in the first place? 100%
Dying your hair with Kirishima? All the time.
Annoying the hell out of Bakugou with references that will never make sense to him? You bet.
The amount of times the teachers had walked into memes blasted around the room because of you guys is uncountable at this point.
    “Mina, Y/n, I don’t care if you have to dance your way to class if that allows you to get there on time, but for the love of All Might no more videos in the halls!” Aizawa’s voice rang down the hall.     “Yes Aizawa Sensei!” You both spoke in unison, then ran to your next classes laughing.
__ __ __
    “And what is going on here?” What were you to say to Iida now? 3 am in the common room, you and Denki sat on the floor next to each other. What were you doing? You two were currently in a very intense conversion about why eating tide pods was a good idea or not. Were you going to tell him that? Hell no.
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You and the Dekusquad? Half the time it was just confusion.
You and Midoriya each ranting about two completely different topics. One about the newest news update regarding All Might, the about how dark and demented the story behind Nemo really is. Which is which? I’ll let you decide.
You and Uraraka drop kicking homophobes in your free time. Highlight of your day honestly.
Convincing Iida to do tiktoks with you? Look at those robot moves go!
Shoto and you out for soba at 4 in the morning
Tsu and you going out for the sickest pair of matching outfits.
    “How can they even understand each other?”     “I don’t think they breathed once during this whole conversation!”     “How long has this been going on?”     The confused faces of your classmates surrounded you two. Deku talking with unwavering speed about the new hero who just saved a bus of children from a villain, while you matched his pace with the ways to successfully get away with arson. Was the class concerned? Yes.
__ __ __
    “And where were you two this time?” Aizawa stood at the doors of the dorm building. His arms crossed and his hair tied back. Who knows how long he waited for Shoto and you to return. You left at 2. What was it now? 3 am. Hah, that’s fun.     “Soba.”     “Nowhere!”     Shoto and you spoke together. Oh well, there goes that.
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Glad to be back and I hope you enjoyed this!!! :D
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flyingraijin · 3 years
MHA Boys Catch Mineta Perving on You
Ft. Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, sexual harassment, Mineta being a disgusting human being, violence, mentions of death, lots of Mineta slander (seriously if you have even the slightest ounce of respect for that grape, don't read this) 
Note: this is totally irrelevant, however when I wrote these, I saw them all as second / third years in my head. Not that any of these need explicit age descriptors, that's just how the characters seemed in my brain at the time. 
Also, I'm going to apologise now for the fact that this isn't edited in the slightest. This post is complete undiluted word-vomit in my part and I hope you enjoy :))
Part 2  Part 3
Izuku Midoriya 
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The day Mineta decided to put his hands on you was probably the only time you'd ever seen your boyfriend really, truly pissed. 
You had been having a relatively relaxed school day. There hadn't been any villain attacks, no one had suffered a near fatal injury during training and nobody was stressing about upcoming assignments or exams. You had decided to spend one of your rare moments of free time with two of your closest friends in the class, Uraraka and Asui. The three of you had made plans to spend the afternoon at the mall and you were incredibly excited to finally get off the UA campus after so long. 
You were walking out of the classroom, chatting idly with your two friends when it happened. One minute you were giggling over some silly comment Uraraka had made and the next you felt a grimy hand creeping its way under your skirt. 
With a squeak of surprise, you jumped away from the touch and spun around to see Mineta standing behind you, a sickening grin of delight on his face. Your mouth dropped open in shock and your fists clenched as anger began to immediately bubble within you. However, before you could begin your verbal abuse of the disgusting little pervert, a new hand grabbed Mineta's outstretched wrist. 
The boy's face immediately went white and he slowly turned his head to see Izuku Midoriya standing beside him, his green eyes dark and furious. 
"Apologise," the taller boy growled out in a tone so cold it could have rivalled Todoroki's. "Apologise now." 
Mineta scrambled to get away from your boyfriend, twisting his wrist in a desperate attempt to free himself from the tight grip Izuku had in his arm. His eyes were wide with terror. 
"M'sorry," he squealed out and you were struck with how much he sounded like a terrified pig. "I didn't mean any harm, m'sorry, I swear!" 
The corner of Izuku's mouth twitched into a deeper frown and you could tell that he knew Mineta was lying through his teeth. However you could also see that your boyfriend was very much aware of the odd looks he and Mineta were receiving from passing students. 
With a scoff of disgust, Izuku shoved Mineta away from him. "Go, now," he grumbled out to the shorter boy, who instantly did as he was told and ran for the hills. Then Izuku turned to look at you and his gaze immediately softened. Gently, he ran his hands down your arms. 
"I'm sorry," he mumbled quietly. "I saw what he was about to do from the classroom but I wasn't fast enough to stop it. Are you okay?" 
You nodded and offered him a soft smile. "I'm okay. Thank you for doing that." 
Izuku smiled back at you, the familiar shy grin that you'd grown to love. He leaned down to kiss your forehead softly. 
"Mm, 'course, Pumpkin. Any time." 
Katsuki Bakugou 
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You had seen Bakugou angry many times before. In fact, it was uncommon to see him openly express any emotion that wasn't anger. 
However, the day Mineta decided to try his luck with you was the first day you were ever truly worried that Bakugou might actually kill a classmate. 
Class A had been working on hand-to-hand combat training for the better part of an hour and unfortunately for you, you had been partnered with Mineta. Of course, you tried to be civil with him, since you didn't want to make a scene and thankfully,the pair of you almost got through the entire session without any major incidents. 
Looking back, you probably shouldn't have tried that flip on Mineta, but you were so lost in the training that for a split section you forgot who you were dealing with.
Within seconds, you had the grape pinned easily to the training mat, your body hovering above his. Before you even knew what was happening, one of his hands came up to grope hungrily across your chest. 
You recoiled immediately, a horrified look on your face. At the same time, a loud yell could be heard from the other end of the room. 
In the blink of an eye, there was the BOOM! of an explosion and then your boyfriend came flying cross the training hall and grabbed Mineta by the front of his collar. 
"Katsuki-!" you barely had time to say before Bakugou hurled Mineta with every ounce of his strength at the nearest wall. Your eyes flew wide open and for a split second, you thought the smaller boy was actually going to hit the hard concrete and crack his scull open. However, at the last second he managed activate his quirk and bounced harmlessly backwards. 
Bakugou let out a growl that was so animalistic it brought goosebumps to the surface of your skin. His palms glowed white hot and his muscled tensed as he prepared to dive at Mineta and do god knows what to him. Thankfully, before he could move, he was tackled from behind by Kirishima and Sero.
Bakugou roared as his body hit the floor with a thud. Immediately he began to struggle against his friends' grip, literally trying to claw his way across the room to Mineta, who was cowering against the opposite wall. "Let me at him!” Bakugou growled out furiously. “I swear to god, Shitty Hair, Tape Face! You'd better fucking let me go before I blast both of you all the way to hell-!" 
You scrambled to your feet and ran to your boyfriend, grabbing his shoulders. "Katsuki!" you said in a desperate attempt to calm him down, "It’s okay! I'm fine, I promise, please-" 
"It’s so far from fucking fine," Bakugou spat. He was still struggling against Kirishima and Sero's hold. "He touched you. I swear, I'm going to peel that little fucker's face off!" 
"Not to encourage him," Kirishima said, huffing slightly at the effort of restraining Bakugou, "but I agree. That guy's always being creepy and he never listens when any of you girls tell him to stop." 
"I kinda wish I could beat him up myself," sighed out Sero. "He freaks me out." 
By this time, the rest of the class had figured out what was going on. A few of your other friends, including Mina and Jirou, had advanced on Mineta, their eyes flashing, while the rest of the group where deliberating going to find a teacher. However you ignored all of them and set you attention firmly on Bakugou. Sinking to your knees, you drew him into a soft hug. 
"I'm okay," you mumbled into his hair, feeling the way his entire body trembled beneath your touch. "Mineta is gross and disgusting and I'd like nothing more than for you to blast him off the face of the earth but I don't want you to get in trouble." 
Bakugou sighed heavily, his fists still clenched. However he stopped writhing and went limp against you. Cautiously, Sero and Kirishima released their grips on him. 
You offered your two friends smiles of thanks as they moved backwards, which they acknowledged with grins of their own. Then they turned and headed in the direction of the crowd congregated around Mineta, ominous glints flaring up in both of their eyes. 
Upon seeing them leave, Bakugou buried his face in your shoulder. "Please," he mumbled out. "Please let me punch him. I see him looking at you all the time and I… I have to do something. It just makes me so angry, the way he treats you. And all the other girls too." 
You looked at him with in surprise, the pained tone of his voice catching you off guard. You’d always known Bakugou hated Mineta, however you weren't aware of just how deep his feelings ran. Turning your head, you looked over at the way your classmates were circled around Mineta. The smaller boy looked terrified out of his mind and for a moment, you almost felt sorry for him. 
Then you noticed how even through his fearful tears, he was eyeing up Yaomomo's chest and your resolve evaporated. 
Bakugou stared at you as you released him from your embrace. "What?"
"I'm not going to stop you." You glowered in Mineta's direction. "He deserves it anyway." 
"You mean I can-?" 
"Go for it." You shrugged and pressed a short kiss to his lips. Then you rose to your feet. "Just don't mess yourself up." 
Bakugou's expression darkened into a sinister smirk and he crackled his knuckles aggressively. 
"Oh fuck yes."
Shoto Todoroki 
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Shoto Todoroki had never been the type to get violent when something upset him. 
He was, however, the type to get even, which was arguable worse. 
Mineta had been harassing you for a while. Being the nice human being you were, you'd tried to remain good natured about the situation, however after months of having to dodge his constant remarks and snide glances, he was seriously starting to piss you off. 
The last straw came when one evening, you caught the little creep peering in through your balcony window after having used his quirk to scale the outside wall of the dorm. And, much to your horror, he managed to time his attack perfectly so that he was able to get a peek just as you were changing out of your school clothes. 
Fortunately for you, he also managed to catch you on the day when you boyfriend had been too goddamn lazy to leave to go back to his own room after walking you to yours after school.
Shoto raised his head from where it had been buried in your pillow at the sound of your squeak of surprise. Almost immediately, his eyes locked with those of the disgusting grape who had been staring at you with a sickening expression in his face. 
The world seemed to stop for a second as the temperature in your room dropped. 
"Angel," Shoto then said quietly and his tone was so icy you felt your stomach drop. "Could you look away for a second. I need to take care of something." 
You looked from your boyfriend’s scarily calm expression to Mineta who was still frozen on your balcony, a look of terror on his face. For a moment, you considered interfering. 
But then you remembered that a) Mineta deserved all the pain that came his way, and b) when Shoto had set his mind to something, no one, not even All Might, had the ability to stop him. 
So you did as he asked and turned away, scrambling to pull on the loose t-shirt in your hands as you did so. 
There was the crack of freezing ice and then a small squeak from Mineta. Then deathly silence, punctuated only by the slow tap of Shoto's footsteps against your floor. 
"You alright, Angel?" came the quiet voice of your boyfriend after a pause and your body relaxed when you felt the soft touch of Shoto's hands settling on your sides. A nose pressed to your shoulder. 
"Yeah, I'm…" you gulped and shivered as you remembered the way Mineta had ogled your bra. "I'm okay. He's just so disgusting." 
"I'd love nothing better than to torture him until he laments his actions," said Shoto calmly into the fabric of your t-shirt. "However I doubt that would look good on my hero record. Hopefully he won't try anything with you again though." 
"You're kind of sadistic, Sho," you chuckled softly, turning in his arms to face him. "Not that I'm complaining but sheesh, that was a little scary." 
"I'm sorry, my love," Shoto apologised, kissing your cheek sweetly. "I was just furious. No one should ever violate anyone's privacy like that, especially not yours." 
"Thank you," you mumbled to him, resting your forehead on his chest. "It means a lot." 
"Any time, Angel," Shoto replied softly, kissing the top of your head. 
Hitoshi Shinsou
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You had expected that doing your work study at the same agency as Shinsou would be a dream. After all, who wouldn't want to spend some extra time with their boyfriend while out in the field.
Unfortunately, basically holding the position of a sidekick meant you were obligated to participate with team up mission with other agencies as well. And more often than not, the other heroes you were forced to work with weren't all that pleasant. 
You had a bad feeling in your gut the minute you heard you would be working with Mineta and his mentor on your latest team up. A bad feeling that only worsen as time passed and you were constantly subjected to the uncomfortable feeling of your temporary teammate’s hungry eyes on you. 
Thankfully, the mission was over relatively quickly and you were able to return to your agency with a good few hours of the day left. Flopping down on the couch of the recreation room, you let out a long groan of satisfaction. 
Shinsou chuckled at you from where he stood in the doorway before turning away. “I'm going to shower," he threw casually over his shoulder as he disappeared from your sight. You barely had the energy to muster a half hearted grunt of acknowledgment as you eyes slid closed. 
You dozed for what could have been seconds or could have been hours, stirring only when you felt the couch dip beside you. For a moment you thought it was Shinsou, however when you opened your eyes you were greeted with the face of very much the wrong purple haired boy. 
Mineta offered you a sickening grin. His hand slid onto your thigh. "You looked really hot out there today," he lisped disgustingly. "Did you make your costume tighter?" 
You inched away from him, suppressing a gag. "No, my costume is the same as it’s always been," you replied, your tone clipped. 
"That’s weird," Mineta said, leading forward. You were horrified to see his line of sight was fixed directly on your chest. "I swear I can see the outline of your bra." 
Immediately one of your hands came up to shield yourself from his invasive gaze. You shuffled away from him again as your cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and self-consciousness. "I don't-" 
"It’s alright." Mineta grinned up at you and you felt his hand return to your leg. "I don't mind seeing that stuff. In fact, I'd like to see mor-" 
He was cut off when a smooth grey fibre suddenly wrapped around his head, covering his mouth. 
You whipped round to see Shinsou standing in the doorway, his violet hair still dripping wet from his shower. His capture weapon was steady in his hand, the other end restraining Mineta, and his expression was grim. 
"Don’t you dare say another word, you disgusting little creep." 
Immediately you abandoned your place on the couch and moved towards him, you heart beating furiously. Without missing a beat, Shinsou met you with an open arm, hugging you protectively against his body as you buried your head in his shoulder  . 
"Mfff-" Mineta mumbled out, struggling against the capture weapon. Shinsou glared at him with a look that reminded you so much of Aizawa is was almost terrifying. 
"Don’t even think about trying to escape. You should feel very lucky I’m not allowed to use my quirk on you otherwise I would have told you to go walk yourself off a building." 
Mineta squeaked in fear. 
"God, you really are disgusting," Shinsou spat, releasing Mineta from his hold. His capture weapon snapped back in such a way that the perverted grape tumbled backwards off the couch. 
Immediately, Shinsou turned to look at you, his gaze softening. Cradling your cheek gently in one hand, he let his eyes scan your face as he murmured, "You alright, Muffin?" 
You nodded and turned to bury your nose in the nape of his neck. The tips of his still wet hair tickled your cheek but you ignored them, inhaling his familiar scent. 
"I'm sorry I wasn't here," Shinsou mumbled, glaring at Mineta who had only just managed to get to his feet. "I should never have let him be alone with you." 
"S'okay," you mumbled back. "Can we go just back to the school now. I'm tired." 
"Of course, Muffin," Shinsou kissed your forehead sweetly. “Let's go."
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