airanke · 8 months
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I am about to become THE most ANNOYING person--
Anyway I'm ✨obsessed✨ with PARANOIA and HEARTSTEEL, and I want more songs yesterday.
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
thalia’s obsession with power is STAGGERING in particular. it is such a huge part of her character but it’s hidden so well. she definitely removes herself from it and goes so far as to bend to the status quo to stop it. i think this is one of the only explanations for her attitude towards jason’s death. she has to treat it as if it was his choice, cause i think if she let herself feel any differently, that issue of power would come right back up and swallow her whole
yes yes yes!!! Like, I would kill for a peak inside Thalia's brain because despite how much she hides it, even from Percy's pov her hunger for power was so present?? And its as if she just kept suppressing it and suppressing it but never actually confronts it because when she was presented with this super extreme dire course of action that could help her avoid the issue (joining the hunters) she took it and didn't look back.
And on my post someone in the tags ( @hella-hound ) brought up this great point that Percy and Thalia were constantly locked in a power struggle before she joined the hunters, and that it largely stopped after she joined... and a part of me is screaming, clawing at the walls, because yes, you could attribute their conflict resolution solely to them becoming friends over the course of ttc... but the idea that it's also, in part, due to the fact that some part of Percy recognizes that she's essentially stunted her growth and now poses less of a threat to his power? oh my god. oh my god.
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verkomy · 8 months
yesterday I finally played DND with my friends after so many months of not playing and today there’s BOTFA and The Fellowship of the Ring on tv and I’m rewatching with my dad and this is literally the best weekend I’ve had in a very long time
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mikaikaika · 1 year
The diversity of the content being provided on QSMP is such a phenomenal quality of the server. Like right now I can just go on and watch any of the creator depending on the vibe that I want. On one side there's major lore happening, somewhere there's just chill parent-child bonding happening, somewhere there just mining happening and somewhere it's a pining romance telenovela and no to mention all of this is happening simultaneously. Everyone just exists together and also individually on the server and there's just so so much love and togetherness not just on the server but also surrounding the server.
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leidensygdom · 2 years
I love you people with tons of OCs I love you people who think about their blorbos all day I love you people who RP with their characters I love you people who cherish other peoples OCs I love you people who do extensive pages about their OCs I love you people who keep them short I love you friend’s OCs I love you hyperfixation about made up brainchildren I love you people who engage with other people’s original content I love you people who do fanart of other’s OCs I love you people who only draw OCs I love ALL of you!!!
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 month
I found fanfiction of my hyper-specific hyperfixation :DDDDD
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Tonights episode was perfection. Like Quinta is killing this slow burn thing. Season finale kiss 🤞. Mr Johnson kills me. God bless Jacob spitting facts. Everyone knowing but them. It’s all just so good.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
i told myself when i joined tumblr again that i would only follow sga related blogs and only have sga content on my dash
and then i befriended a ton of people and i can't unfollow them bc i like their posts and now my dash is like. 1/3 sga 😭😂
this is what i get for socializing lmao
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I love the similar yet different vibes these give off 🥺
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jjunieworld · 3 months
you guys don’t know how excited i am for txt’s upcoming album
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arabella-strange · 2 years
I’m still thrumming with Taliesin slipping and saying “Excuse me!” as Ashton but laura and liam just laughing and turning to him and muttering that that was his Percy voice and Taliesin just having to reboot
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
herta's simulated universe and aeon ais make me feel so very autistic
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gabapple · 1 year
Woahh, first of all thank you for answering so honestly and sharing a bit of your personal experiences, I am completely glad that you are now where you feel good and in a place that you can call home and your safe place 💖 Speaking of history and real world comparisons, I think that's why we end up with some people or other, the choices we make and the struggles each of us has. I think something I love about viktuuri is the answer to "why yuuri?" or "why viktor, why with viktor and not with other people?", and I think it's something precious. In other scenarios, as I've seen in another of your stories (or even in the NLA itself), I share the thought I had; otherwise chris might have had a real chance with viktor, he was patient, protective, he really cared for him, he really loved vitya and he saw and accepted him for who he was so why yuuri? and I think that's something that happens in the real world, Vitya wasn't ready at the time and the only one who managed to awaken all those feelings in him and help him heal was Yuuri, because they were what the other needed and that's beautiful. , because neither of them was perfect but as you say they complemented each other and it worked because they were compatible and because they WANTED to work for the good of the other when one of them was not perfect. Life just happened that way and that's where it felt right, we all have flaws and virtues.
As you say, no one is just bad or just good, and I believe that sometimes one can be good for someone and bad for someone, in the sense that we are experiencing different things that are sometimes not compatible with what the other person is experiencing , especially when you're not ready to make a change or improve or work on it, and it causes "isn't here"... things to happen in life.
That's what I love so much about NLA, that it's so simple and at the same time so wonderful, because that's life, it's not always fair, not always everything is joy or sadness, and sometimes love is not always where you thought or where "it is easier" to get to, the decisions we make and how we fight our own problems and traumas are ultimately what also builds love, and the support and compatibility that someone has with you to grow together.
I'm happy that that was the essence of what you wanted to show and that it's not just "he's bad and good by nature" or "he's better" "he's worse" (for example with characters like chris, as possible romantic interest of viktor, AND I love victuuri with all I mean..but amazing guy and totally worth it, of course! ). And I love that the victuuri is about that. Love in pure essence and the decisions we make.
I'm very happy to be able to comment more in depth on all this that I thought and of your process as a writer and co-creator of NLA.
(maybe l'll bother mamo too with the yuuri's part hahah )
Many things like that and the panic attacks helped me a lot for personal development. Tsm for sharing this
Can't wait for Mafia AU and send more
See you on twitter^^🍵🍵✨🦄🦄🦄🦄👑👑🩰🩰🩰
I'm mainly "answering" this so everyone can see your response; I REALLY appreciate your feedback, and am so grateful that you've let us know how our writing has impacted you... It's so gratifying to know; we worked really hard, and I'm!!! SO HAPPY!!!! that it came through!!!
Sometimes I look at the way I met my partner and my good friends, and how the circumstances of us all coming together were so precarious and crazy... It ended up being meant to be because we made it so with our own choices and experiences.
Like Viktor said in the 1st stage drama (the Chihoko affair): "It's because of his past that Yuuri is who he is now."
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I absolutely agree with everything you said here. @mamodewberry -- make sure to read the above for good fuzzy feelings. :)
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ah i love ffxiv so much
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16andwild · 2 years
i took a walk around the campus at 7am on an autumn day and it turns out life is beautiful and worth living
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