blueboyluca · 2 years
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louis wain painting of a papillon dog
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dokuganhitsuji · 1 year
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brooklynisher · 1 month
Figured I'll actually show you the hw doodles since I never think about posting these
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Fun fact last one was when I first started thinking about swh boop . A month ago ,, she plagues my mind
I can't believe you've made SWH Boopsy Doodle real 😌😌
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fanficwriter284 · 2 months
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‘they is back..’ ( the spirals )
(please let me know if I’m annoying you with these constant asks 😭)
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Oh no you’re never a bother!!! I love getting asks!!! They’re the highlights of my day!!!! I especially love your little doodles ❤️❤️❤️
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🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️ I was tagged by @gustingirl I love you!!!
1. Shayne Ward- Breathless (this song is so beautiful tho)
2. NELL - Afterglow ( my absolute fav)
3. Rain - Only You ( my hubby is on all the lists lol)
4. Hi Five - Can’t Wait Another Minute ( this is the first song I was ever obsessed with)
5. CN Blue - Thank You ( Lee Jonghyun’s voice is everything)
I’m tagging @rawrimdrea @teatitty @whosname @darksidelightside @jiiinki @knowexoknowlife @rainoclock @bluewonderer @naneki-maid @justremainingmyself
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sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
I'm literally only anon asking because part of the game is seeing if you know who I am lol
for the ask game, what about *rolls bingo cage* chuck and *rolls bingo cage again* Walter Harriman
have fun with that one, luv 😏😉
mushroom baby ily 😂
okay take 2 of trying to post this!
chuck and walter are the unsung heroes of the sgc and atlantis. they know the ins and outs of absolutely everything, they know what's going on everywhere all of the time. they're the unofficial eyes and ears of each base and they would 100% use that info to get their schedules to work out so they could go on cute little dates (they would complain about sg1 and ar1 being So Like That but they would also threaten anyone who says anything bad about them)
they would be adorable and i love this
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im-a-chunky-potato · 5 months
There's a bunch of quotes from my life that give Nikolai energy and I find it halarious
"we may be monsters, but we're ✨ beautiful ✨ monsters" -one of my OCs, right before stabbing someone
"eat your vegetables or your hands will be taken" -me, I don't remember the context
"HOW IS THIS FUNNY" "BECAUSE YOU SUFFER" -my friend and I, while I annoy them like the amazing friend I am (joking)
"nooo let me keep my ice cream cereal and cheese ramen D:" -me when a friend told me to stop making food monstrosities (I feel like Nikolai would sometime just mix together the most random foods just to mess with people, maybe does it only when other people are around even)
Hstshsgsj I love these!!! Nikolai would definitely say them all.
The how is this funny- because you suffer is definitely Sigma and Nikolai!
And I can totally see him making weird food combinations, if only to make people squirm. Though it probably messes with his sense of taste really bad and gives him weird preferences for food textures.
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lisascr3ature · 6 months
a current fashion trend i dislike:
fucking crop tops. why in the ever loving fuck does EVERYTHING have to be cropped?!?!? make IT STOP!!! MAKE THEM GO AWAY P L E A S E listen babygirl i have chronic ibs, i'm short and i'm too classy and elegant to be walking around like a bloated/pregnant Dora the explorer. also oversized everything, im not a tomboy. I don't want baggy ass shirts dresses tank tops jackets like im wearing my grandpa's hand me downs??? WHY is it so hard to find things that are physique flattering without being cropped?!?! @ fashion industry get it together
from these!
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rattkween86 · 8 months
the game: post your favorite...
movie ✨️ hobby ✨️ animal
character ✨️ color ✨️ place
season ✨️ album ✨️ food
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thank you sm for tagging me, @cooliestghouliest 🥰💕
My no pressure tags are: @jozstankovich @billyhargrovestits @steveslittlesunflower @peachyaliien @hellcheercaine @bunnyhargrove
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homicidalqueeen · 10 months
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New icons thanks to the fabulously talented @butscrewmefirst
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Intrulogical and/or Logicality 🤔 for the ship ask game
THANK U!!!!!
What made you ship it?
do i even need to explain myself. like. they are literally so. and they. wtit was really the main source (to literally no one's surprise) i just. AGH.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
its perfect. theres tension, potential for angst and fluff, overall its just such a versatile ship. i also love that we get to see them interact a lot and will probably see them interact a lot more in the future!!!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i love smut just as much as the next person but we need more fluff w these two. LET THEM CHILL AND DO WACKY EXPERIMENTS!!!
Why don’t you ship it?
okay so fun fact, when i first joined the tss fandom when it was like. 2015 (dear god) i was a prinxiety/logicality shipper. but as i've spent more time in the fandom and the series has gone on and characters have grown, i much prefer these two as bestest buddy pals. i can totally see why someone would ship them, but it personally isn't my cup of tea.
What would have made you like it?
idk man. i have like straight up zero idea
Anything positive to say about it?
its an og and is still super cute!!!
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2, 3 and 8 for the weirder asks
thank you!!
2. lighter or matches?
matches scare me bc they could easily burn me. but i also had the most iconic moment of my life according to my friends. there was this one time my school had this ceremony for the best students in acedemics and i was one of the. we each had to light a candle and would pass the lighter around,,, and i have a video of me spending a good 20 seconds trying to light this candle until the girl next to me did it
3. do you leave the window open at night?
oh fuck no that sounds spooky
4. how many water bottles are in your room right now?
well i have this one gigantic blue one and a purple one thats just kinda there
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amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
Tagged by @rhogeminid <3 THANK YOU :)
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Three ships: Peggy Shippen/John Andre, Wanda/Vision and Matt Murdock/Elektra
First ever ship: LOL it was definitely Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter
Last song: A&W by Lana Del Rey
Last movie: The Wolfman (2010) with Benecio del Toro
Currently reading: Outlander!
Currently watching: rewatching Turn ahhh
Currently craving: breakfast sandwich and coffee *chef’s kiss*
Currently consuming: always consuming Ben Tallmadge gifs and fics
I’d like to tag: @musicboxmemories @effortlessslyy @kholkate @jadore-histoire and anyone else !!
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captain-mayabishop · 2 years
22, 39, 41, and 76!!
22: Blackwave-Bittersweet baby
39: Persian Empire-3 options
41: Pool attendant-Everything happens for a reason
76: Spooky Mansion- I'm the Moon
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I was tagged by @gustingirl thanks for tagging me!!! I am super late with this😭
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks
1. In my Bed by Rain (this was the very first kpop song I listened to)
2. Bird by Yuya Matsushita (I loveee this song)
3. Insa by DBSK (the amount of times I listen to this is insane)
4. Hello Hello by Xia Junsu (I wanna marry his voice)
5. You're my + by MBLAQ ( I will always be an A+)
6. Only You by Rain ( my hubby will show up alot)
7. Window by G-Dragon (he still has a stupid face)
8. It's Raining by Rain (I love him so much)
9. Rain of Tears Again by Never Mind (this song is so beautiful)
10. Untitled by G-Dragon (😭😭)
I'm tagging @rawrimdrea @gbi-b @kirbywilleatyousooon @mondkatzerl @heoseoksgf @jiiinki @k-popcorneaters @laughingatyourpain @belisama-a @thatcrazedgirlchuck
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herogers · 2 years
I hope you feel better soon! <3 here’s a few of my fave h/c sickfics
You're so nice thank you so much!!😭😭😭 Literally just what I need😊😊💗💗
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