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TRANCH TRADE TRANCH TRADE TRANCH TRADE. throwing this at ur helmet so it bounces off in a goofy way
ohhhhh winnebago descriptions....... i loooove the winnebago i love the "living in their car and shitty motels bc they have nowhere else to go and are also on a huge fucked up road trip" energy..... ohhhh vyncent pov save me vyncent pov. see now you have to write a dakota pov to complete the set. 3 of them do not separate !!!!!
DESPERATELY SCROUNGING AROUND IN THE MUD for bits of my william fic i can share with you that arent MASSIVE fucking spoilers. hes going thru it a little . also this is insanely unedited bc i have just been writing it in little bursts at midnight+ :
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alsooooo a little tiny bit of trickster dialogue from the mark nightmare fic (WHICH. BTW. is officially the longest thing I have written for fun in the last like 3 or 4 years holy shit. i officially crossed the 3k word threshhold yesterday everyone cheer and clap) :
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fromagony · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic | run - april 21 | 670 words | NSFW
Regulus liked to run away from James, a bit much.
And now he was escaping from him, in the middle of their lovemaking, just to piss him off.
He didn’t know how much James was into their prey-predator foreplay, but he loved to surprise him.
He was in the middle of sucking James off, and then he started to run.
“Regulus!” James screamed behind him, “Where the fuck did you go?”
Regulus had left the house, running in the woods butt naked, and James wasn't any different. This was on his mind the whole day, playing James and expecting the outcome with excitement. He always loved the drill, the unknown. And James was full of surprises. He never failed to amaze him.
His voice echoed through the trees while adrenalin flowing in his veins. He ran fast, he didn't even wait to breathe. He was just that curious. This was the first time he pulled something like this on James.
He ran and ran. He didn't know how much he ran until he noticed James stopped screaming after him.
He stopped and looked behind him, not even a single leaf was moving. And then his voice of reason started to creep in. The house was far away, he didn't see anything but trees. And there was no trace of James.
He turned and started to walk towards the Potters Mansion, he even considered shouting James’ name.
He opened his mouth and ended up thrown onto a tree.
“Don't you fucking run away from me.”
James' voice behind him sent chills down his spine. Before relieving, James pushed him onto the tree again, harder this time.
“You want to be chased and fucked, Regulus?”
The tranches were biting into his skin, he was still facing the tree he was pinned against. All he could do was breathe, he couldn't even find his words to speak.
“Shh,” James shushed, he spread Regulus’ ass cheeks and Regulus’ breath caught. He couldn't believe it, James was following his lead and actually doing it.
Oh, he couldn't be turned on more.
He heard him spitting and right after that, his fingers covered with his saliva caressed his hole and he shivered. They were doing it regularly, he didn't need much preparation but he loved the animosity of it.
“James,” he moaned when James pushed his two fingers into his hole, “Jamie.”
“You get what you deserve, baby.”
He pulled out his fingers and shoved his thick cock in one go. Regulus forgot how to breathe. It hurt, so much. But he loved every second of it.
He tried to hold onto the tree but James didn't let him, he grabbed both of his wrists in one hand and pinned them behind, right above his hips.
He couldn't even think clearly, James pulled out all and shoved it right back in him, bottoming out.
Regulus moaned out loud like a whore.
“Thats right,” James said next to his ear, pinning his cheek to the tree, “Fucking moan for me.”
He couldn't even touch himself, but he was already there, rutting onto the tree like a dog.
“Oh, fuck,” he cried out, trying to seek a friction.
James was fucking him hard, pulling it all out and slamming in him right after. He was at his mercy, and he couldn't think of anything else.
“Fuck, you are tight, it doesn't matter how many times I have to fuck you inside out, you are always tight.”
Regulus choked on his words, “‘s for you— all for you—”
James pressed his head to the tree harder, fucking his ass faster, rougher. He bit his shoulder, he was like a hungry animal, unstoppable.
“James— oh, fuck, right there, right there— faster—”
“Beg for it,” James whispered into his ear and thrust in him faster.
“James,” he warned, but it was no use. He knew it when James got like this.
“Please, please, fuck me faster, I'm begging you.”
“Keep on begging,” James said, smiling sinisterly.
Regulus created a monster.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
One of my favourite Sandman lore pieces I absorbed via tumblr is how, when Dream is having great sex, all the dreamers get to have glorious lustful dreams. Dream really is getting laid and making it everybody else's problem. Magnificent.
Dr. Robert Gadling is whistling an extremely cheery tune as he unlocks his office door -- which, if you had had the night he did, you would be whistling too, or possibly even clicking your heels like a demented leprechaun and wishing top o' the morning to everyone who passed. He's not doing that, but he's definitely feeling extremely good, and he sails inside, pulls up the blinds, boots up his computer, and prepares to answer some emails while he waits to see if anyone's actually going to come to office hours. It's always hit or miss, and then four days later they send a panicked question at midnight that they could have just, you know, asked. In person, in a timely fashion, when he definitely will not bite. He will never understand undergraduates.
Hob keeps the door propped open as usual, thus to project a warm and welcoming attitude, and after he's trudged through the first tranche of emails, he glances up to see one of his students loitering in the hall as if she's about to come in -- then, catching sight of him, turning scarlet and racing off at top speed. This is bewildering, since she's usually among the more talkative of the bunch, but Hob writes it off. At least until he sees several more students hovering in the hallway, who all vamoose the instant he sticks his head out to see if they need anything. This is decidedly peculiar, and he sighs deeply, grabs his mug, and heads down the hall to the faculty lounge, thus to raid it for a cup of coffee. Even more emails (and oh joy, expense reports) await, and he could use the fortification.
When he steps inside, his colleagues Bryan (Economics and Politics in Modern Germany) and Amita (Women, Caste, and Religious Practice in Precolonial India) both immediately turn bright red, clear their throats, and engage in a slightly too-loud conversation about the weather (which, given as this is London, is exactly what you think it is). Hob eyes them curiously, since while bizarre behavior is understandable from students, it is somewhat less so from lecturers. "Hey, guys," he says. "Anything up?"
"Er." Bryan is staring fixedly at the floor, while Amita has become unaccountably fascinated by the raindrops rolling down the window. "Nope. No. Everything normal, Rob. Entirely usual."
"Right," Hob says slowly, having the feeling of a man who has walked into a cave and found something large and furry that he should try not to disturb. "That's just me going, then. If I could sneak past you for the coffee pot, that'd be great -- "
He pours himself some coffee, departs in haste, and almost bowls over Philippa, Head of Department, in the hallway outside. They spring backward like a pair of opposing magnets, he manages to avoid dousing her in boiling hot coffee, and as he apologizes, notices that she is likewise determinedly not looking him in the eye and addressing a spot in midair over his head as she insists that it's fine. What the actual hell. Has everyone in Goldsmiths lost their bloody minds?
The insanely weird character of Hob's day, and the fact that even the clerk at Superdrug seems to cough unaccountably while ringing him up, remains a mystery until he gets home, finds an eager Dream Lord waiting for him already, and they get extremely distracted even before Hob can make dinner. Afterward, as they're lying half-clothed and decadent on the bed, Hob murmurs, "Well, glad you at least can stand to look at me, love. Had a very odd time of it today."
Dream's expression assumes a furtive, guilty quality. He rolls onto his back, head still pillowed luxuriantly on Hob's stomach, and stares up at the ceiling. "Ah," he says, after a very long pause. "About that."
(Two minutes of a deeply humiliating explanation later, Hob screeches, "YOU BLOODY DID WHAT?" Dream apologizes profusely and promises not to do it again. Hob does, of course, have classes and commitments for the rest of the semester, but hopefully it's not too late to change his name, once more fake his death, and move to Australia. Except, of course, they dreamed of him there too. Horrible.)
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tennessoui · 29 days
never love an anchor
i feel like i've said this before and i will say it again but every time i do this specific ask game i love trying to figure out the songs people use and if i know them and i absolutely love this song (one of my top obikin songs tbh)
this makes me think of a same age au where obi-wan goes to the agricorps and anakin becomes a jedi padawan and then a knight, and their paths cross a few times a year once they're all grown up. obi-wan is tapped to go to the temple every summer season to give them updates on the agricorps and every time they meet, they fuck and it's like...almost a committed relationship in anakin's mind because he's not sleeping with anyone else but who knows what (and who) obi-wan is doing in the agricorps. they don't talk about it.
they don't hate each other or anything, it's not hate sex---it's really good sex and they have a pretty good time whenever they see each other, but it's always brief. and obi-wan always leaves after a few days at most. and he always makes leaving look so easy, as if he really does just view anakin as a casual fun thing
aayla is the only one who knows about it and she is of the opinion that anakin should stop it - it verges on the weirdest attachment she's ever seen, and even if obi-wan returned the intensity of anakin's feelings, he lives and works on a planet a three day flight from coruscant. even if they wanted to carry on a secret tryst, they can't. there's no future there that.
but then obi-wan comes to the temple with several large bags and informs anakin that he's being stationed on coruscant for the next year or so as he works with the coruscanti gardeners on designing a new tranche of green spaces for the city.
and that means that anakin has a year to convince obi-wan that they should fall in love.
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write to go with it!
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authorchia · 4 months
REVERSE 1999 OCS! 🥧🎀
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Welcome to me writing infos and fun facts about my Reverse 1999 OCs, Mother Bakery and Precious! I thank @acesw for helping me write ideas for their UTTU Medium and Inspired by ones! I was pretty confused back then so I'm very glad! :D Now, let's not waste any time, I'll walk you through both of them to get to know them better! (let me know if there are historical inaccuracies since I feel like I haven't researched much ;-;)
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𝑀𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓇𝓎 (a.k.a Boulangerie Mère)
Mineral Arcanist / Reality DMG
An arcanist's work exhibited in the 1950s for 35 years. Completed in spring, on March 21st. First exhibited and displayed in Starsbourg, France.
A diligent baker and a hardworking single-parent. She owns a little bakery that bake breads with her "special methods and ingredients" to make money for a living. Though people are suspicious of her, they can't help but feel at ease around her due to her motherliness, inside or outside of her work.
Medium: Love
Inspired by: Crystalline Salt [Mineral] Local Baking
Fragrance: Ground Cinnamon, Goat Milk, Carbuncle Dusts
Fun Facts:
She carries her baby, Cosette, around in the suitcase and in battles! Don't worry, she knows how to protect her child and teammates like what a mother always does!
Her and her baby's udimo is based off of Babydoll Sheeps!
When she opens her bakery, she has several tactics. She only opens every two weeks, gives the buyer a note that says "Si tu manges plus de deux tranches, tu deviendras une méchante bestiole!", and if they got the side effects (ex. Aggressiveness), she'll secretly kick their stomach to vomit them out, and be on her merry way. So, do as Mother told you or you'll get the price!
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Intellect Arcanist / Mental DMG
A ???'s work exhibited in the 18th century for an unkown period. Completed in winter, December 10th. Originally exhibited in Birkshire, England, then the exhibit was relocated to Chicago, USA, and "claimed" by the Manus Vindictae. It is now kept under surveillance in the School of Discipline and Behaviour Modification.
Delicate, fragile, yet has an aura of wisdom. She have been put through so much pressure, so please handle carefully upon contact. Offers therapeutic sessions for those who needs it the most, if she is permitted, that is.
Medium: Boundless Knowledge
Inspired by: Wisdom of the Healer [Intelligence] Therapeutic Meditation
Fragrance: Floral and Musky - Roses, Orange Flowers, Jasmine
Fun Facts:
Precious's inspiration is the characters from Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous, meaning she's a walking crystal humanoid! She is a semi-immortal zircon!
"Working" with the Manus gave her too much pressure as she have to give pieces of her to them as a form of healing almost every hour. She almost broke herself because of it.
She was once a part of Queen Victoria's family, as the queen found her lying near the castle and took her in as her lady-in-waiting due to obedience and precious knowledge. That is how she got her name!
Aaaaand that's all folks! If you made it this far, you can ask questions about my OCs! (Please do I'll be super excited!!! X3)
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cartoonfan21 · 2 years
💖 Bubbline's Love Story🖤 Part 1
A long time ago, in the land of Ooo. Bubblegum, went to a punk rock concert, at the concert the lead singer, Marceline, threw her shirt at the crowd. Which Bubblegum catches.
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Bubblegum looks at the shirt, then she looks at Marceline. Who winks at her, Bubblegum blushed and that was the start of their relationship.
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Bubblegum was in the process of building her kingdom, covering the mutated waste with candy, and having robots do the construction. While the Candy Kingdom was still in construction. Bubblegum and Marceline would hang out as friends (despite their differences). 
On a rainy-day Bubblegum was mining, a present for Marceline. She finds a red gem. (Which matches her amulet, except it's blue).
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After she gets the gem. She calls Marceline to pick her up. Giving her the nickname "Hemogobbler". (Marceline was living in the tree house, and still had Hambo. Before her self-centered boyfriend Ash sold it for a wand).
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After Marceline picks her up. Bubblegum gives Marceline, the red gem (amulet) and shows her that it can blast lasers, while her amulet brings robots to life.
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Marceline thanks Bubblegum for the amulet. She asks if Bubblegum wants to spend the night at the construction site. Bubblegum explains that her, soon-to-be Kingdom, will be an eternal empire. And she has robots, to do the work, (no candy people yet). 
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 Eventually, Bubblegum begins creating, candy citizens and banana guards. She has the title of, Princess Bubblegum of the Candy Kingdom, now that she's a princess she has a lot of responsibilities now. She neglected her friendship with Marceline, which caused them to drift away from each other.
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Marceline does understand that things change, even though Bubblegum is royalty now. She still wants to be friends with her. 
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Marceline helped Princess Bubblegum, build the Candy Kingdom, and fight off mutants and annoying criminals. 
Eventually, complicated stuff happened in their personal lives. For, Marcy she keeps moving, because she doesn't want to deal with the now insane Simon/Ice King. Even though he's still Simon, he isn't the same Simon, that raised and helped her after the war. The only thing she had that reminds her of the old Simon, is her teddy bear Hambo. (Simon gave Hambo to Marceline when they first met). 
Unfortunately, when Marceline's boyfriend Ash learns about Hambo. He sold the toy bear, for a wand. He doesn't even feel bad or guilty, for hurting Marceline and stealing her stuff for his own selfish wants.
"Oh, I sold that teddy bear that you love so much. To a Witch" Ash said, thinking it was worth it.
"You what? Are you crazy? That was my favorite thing in the whole world!" Marceline, yelled at Ash for taking what's left of what reminds her of the old Simon.
Only for Ash to still think trading Hambo for his new wand was worth it. "That's why it's so valuable, genius--for potions."
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Sad and angry, Marceline ends her relationship with Ash, calling him a psycho jerk.
"That's the last straw, Ash! That's it! You're a psycho jerk, and you ruined my life." Marceline angrily told Ash as she cries. She angrily leaves his house, not wanting to see that backstabbing jerk, ever again!
Meanwhile for, Princess Bubblegum she also lost something. (Her amulet). 
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During the construction of the Candy Kingdom. She met someone outside the walls and brings her inside. (The stranger was Shoko, a one-armed common thief who steals items for "clients" in exchange for money). Shoko "tells" Princess Bubblegum, the Bath Boys knocked her out, and says they stole everything she has. Shoko explains, it doesn't matter because, her parents say, "simple possessions aren't the most important things in life. All, you really need is a good computer". Shoko further explains that her parents traded her arm, to some tranch for a computer.
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Princess Bubblegum is shocked and explains that parents are supposed to protect their children. Shoko takes Princess Bubblegum's words to heart, and the two form a friendship. Shoko considers staying with Princess Bubblegum and adopting a normal life, but a spy from the Bath Boy Gang threatens to tell the Bath Boy Gang leader that she abandoned the job, which would result in her death. Fearing for her life, Shoko "pretends" to beat up the spy, resulting in high praise of her combat ability from Princess Bubblegum.
Princess Bubblegum, then asked Shoko if she can help her finish building her project. (The Gumball Guardians). The last thing Princess Bubblegum does to complete her project is to turn on the Guardians, with her amulet.
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Princess Bubblegum was thankful of Shoko, for helping her finish building the Gumball Guardians, so she made her a new arm. (As a symbol of their new friendship). 
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Shoko loves her new arm, and is grateful for PB, but she remembers that if she doesn't bring, PB's amulet to the Bath Boy Gang, they'll kill her.
"I'm sorry, Princess Bubblegum..." These were Shoko's last words before her demise.
While PB was sleeping, Shoko sneaked in to steal her amulet only to get caught by the Gumball Guardians. Making a run for it, she was accidentally blasted into the toxic waste river. PB ordered the Guardians to get her out, but the toxic waste of the river burned their hand.
PB watched in sorrow, while Shoko's tiger lays down in sadness. She looks at the tiger for a few moments, then runs off. (PB might have blamed herself, for not being able to save Shoko from the river and the Bath Boy Gang).
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After, Princess Bubblegum left, Shoko (now a mutant) rises from the toxic river, and crawls to the grasslands, as the sun rises. She sees she now has an arm, but dies of radiation from the river. (While still holding PB's amulet). 
Moving on, PB and Marceline begin their relationship. They would both hang out and have laughs together. Hold hands. Girlfriend stuff.
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And often hang out in the Rock Candy Mines, where PB caught Marceline spray painting the walls. Or to get PB, out of boring Kingdom trade meetings.
But things got complicated PB's kingdom grew, and she had a lot of responsibilities and expectations. She would even do heinous things to other kingdoms and her own life forms. (You get what I mean, if you watch the show). She would push everything away to focus on work, (including Marceline). 
One day, Princess Bubblegum was called to help the Glass People, in the Glass Kingdom, to defeat a dragon. in the Glass Kingdom, Princess Bubblegum was full a lot of stress in that time, wanting to save the Glass People, and to prove she's a genius to them.
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Marceline tagged along, wanting to spend time with her GF. PB tells her "I don't have time for you right now”. (That is the same thing Marceline's mom said to her, when she was little). Marceline then starts to act immature, and PB (who is full of stress and pressure) tells Marceline to go home, saying. "I honestly can't focus with you here, acting like Monster Trash". 
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Hurt by this, Marceline replied "Well, as long as we're being really honest". Starts to sing a song called WOKE UP. Calling, PB a dictator and singing that she doesn't really care about her "stupid Candy Kingdom". The song managed to make the dragon go back inside his cave, and the Glass People are grateful to Marceline.
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PB, who was shocked on what Marceline just sing to her. She asked her if she was serious. Marceline just ignores her, meaning that she meant it.
That was the end of their relationship with PB running home crying on what happened. Both are sad on what happened.
 (That’s it for part 1. Please let me know if I missed anything, and no rude comments).
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invisibleicewands · 1 year
Michael Sheen: ‘I find it very hard to accept actors playing Welsh characters when they aren’t Welsh’
Has he taken the concept of authentic casting to a whole new level? Ahead of his latest BBC drama Best Interests, the star explains all
Michael Sheen has had it with the Prince of Wales. Not the man, but the title. “I think it’s ridiculous,” he says. “It’s just silly. I see no reason why the title should continue. Certainly not with someone who’s not Welsh.” 
“That’s not the majority view,” he adds, with resignation. “So, whatever the majority of people want, I’m sure will continue.” 
The star of Frost/Nixon and proud son of Port Talbot is chatting via video from a bucolic spot close to his hometown (a deer has just wandered into view), but even at a distance, it’s not hard to see that Sheen is a man ofstrong convictions.
He has spoken in the past about the opportunity to retire the title after the death of Elizabeth II, as a gesture to “put some of the wrongs of the past right”. In 2020, he returned the OBE he was “honoured” to have received in 2009 when he felt it would make him a hypocrite to give a lecture about how the English king Edward I “put a stranglehold on Wales” at the turn of the 14th century. 
When we chat, he’s about to begin shooting his TV directing debut The Way – co-created with playwright James Graham and documentary-maker Adam Curtis, about a family caught in a civil uprising, set in and around Port Talbot. The BBC project is the first from the production company that he set up with Sherlock producer Bethan Jones to focus on telling Welsh stories because, “You can shout about how bad it is, but if you want to see something be different then do it, you know?”
The 54-year-old is one of the actors of his generation, a stage star in his twenties (The Telegraph’s Charles Spencer called him “outrageously charismatic”) who went on to create unforgettable screen portraits of Tony Blair (The Queen, The Deal), Chris Tarrant (Quiz) and Brian Clough (The Damned United), alongside his David Frost in Peter Morgan’s play and film about the 1977 interviews that brought down the US president. Recently, Sheen has gained a whole new tranche of fans playing a very arch angel opposite David Tennant’s insouciant demon in Amazon’s Good Omens – not technically gay characters according to the Terry Pratchett-Neil Gaiman source novel, but seemingly in love.
Tennant and he have a natural chemistry on and off screen, Sheen says, adding that “he stops me being too grumpy”. He is a little on the grumpy side. In one exchange, in which I suggest he is a supporter of Welsh independence, he responds hotly: “Show me where it says that. I don’t believe I’ve ever said that.” Sam Mendes compared Sheen to fellow Welsh stars Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton – “fiery, mercurial, unpredictable”. 
But he shares a warm screen chemistry with Sharon Horgan in Jack Thorne’s moving new four-part drama Best Interests. They play the parents of a child with cerebral palsy, the adorable Marnie (played by Dublin actor Niamh Moriarty), who suffers a seizure that leaves her without brain function. The couple find themselves on opposite sides of an unbearable decision: whether or not to switch off their daughter’s life support. Very few will make it through the drama without tears, but the issues it raises will be familiar to all who have followed recent legal battles over 12-year-old Archie Battersbee and baby Alfie Evans. 
Best Interests is “heartbreaking” at times, he admits, which makes the humour that he and Horgan bring to it all the more important. They hadn’t worked together before. “That relationship had to do a lot of heavy lifting. Sharon and I didn’t know each other very well … but straight from the off, we had a very similar sense of humour and made each other laugh.” Moriarty’s is a break-out performance – one scene involving make-up beautifully captures the parent-child relationship. She has cerebral palsy that affects her legs, a condition called spastic diplegia, but she’s not the only disabled actor in the piece. 
Bafta-winner Lenny Rush, 14, who in real-life has a condition that affects his growth, is brilliant as George, who sets his cap at Marnie. Mat Fraser, who plays a legal advocate in Best Interests and portrayed Shakespeare’s Richard III in 2017, has a thalidomide impairment, which likely gave him an insight into Richard’s sense of “my deformity”. 
Thorne, who experienced a chronic medical condition in his twenties, has said in the past that disabled people have been “utterly and totally” failed by the TV industry. In Best Interests, one parent of a child with a disability states baldly that people “hate” disabled people. “I think people can feel very uncomfortable around people with disabilities,” Sheen says. “A lot of the time it’s just to do with ignorance about, ‘Oh gosh, I don’t know, what should I do?’ It can make interaction quite awkward at times, and it can bring out people’s fears.”
The fact that there were several people with disabilities working on the project, he says, was striking because it brought home how rarely he had seen it before. It leads into a discussion of how far actors can credibly play identities they don’t personally inhabit. Sheen has thought about it: “You know, seeing people playing Welsh characters who are not Welsh, I find, it’s very hard for me to accept that. Not particularly on a point of principle, but just knowing that that’s not the case.
“That’s a very different end of the spectrum, but a part like Richard III is such a great character to play, it would be sad to think that that character, you know, is no longer available or appropriate for actors to play who don’t have disabilities, but that’s because I’m just not used to it yet, I suppose. Because I fully accept that I’m  not going to be playing Othello any time soon.
“Again, it’s not particularly a point of principle, but personally, I haven’t seen many actors who have come from quite privileged backgrounds being particularly compelling as people from working-class backgrounds. If you haven’t experienced something, you know, the extreme example is, well, if you haven’t murdered someone, can you play a murderer?”
In 2021, it was reported that Sheen intended to be a “not-for-profit” actor, after selling his own properties to ensure the Homeless World Cup that he had organised in Cardiff in 2019 went ahead when funders withdrew. So, what is a not-for-profit actor?
“There’s no such thing,” he says. “In that interview, I talked about how the ideal I was aiming towards was working like a not-for-profit company. When I put the money into the Homeless World Cup, since then I only owe money, so in terms of profits, there are no profits. I put as much of the money I make as I possibly can into either funding and supporting what other people are doing that I believe in, or starting up projects myself.” 
It’s a measure of Sheen’s confidence that he knows the parts will keep coming. He has become a father again in his 50s; he and his partner, 28-year-old Swedish actor Anna Lundberg, have two young daughters. “My knees creak a lot more,” he says. “It’s a lot harder to get up and down off the floor when you’re playing with the baby.” 
Sheen also has a grown-up daughter, Lily Mo Sheen, 24, from an earlier relationship with British actress Kate Beckinsale. “When my eldest daughter was born, I was still trying to make my way in my career and having to make harder choices about whether to work away from home and how much time to be away and all that stuff,” he says. “This time around, that’s not as difficult as I’m more established as an actor. Physically, it’s hard. But the one thing that is always the same is, you know, poo doesn’t smell any better.”
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mqfx · 8 months
its halloween so wei wuxian <3
(clutches the crystal ball in my mind and shakes it) i like to think that he spent his postcanon solo roadtrip in cql trying out sooooo many different foods like i know he's a hungry hungry guy especially since he has A LOT of trauma surrounding malnutrition ever since he was on the streets + when he was literally eating godknowswhat in the tranches so i like to think he's (in true wwx fashion) trying out all the things he swore he would eat as soon as he got out (he didn't get to do that before he died bc he kept putting it off bc it wasn't a necessity) and developed his flavor palate around this time and probably has some recipes in the back of his mind that Aren't "fuck you corpse dust be-gone congee". i mean yeah he definitely still loves to burn off his tastebuds but the range is much broader. i also believe he put on weight (muscle and fat) and is on his way to a nice dad bod when he comes back and lwj is like :| (<- wwwwwwwwwwww consumed by the Fevers) amen
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shanksbaby · 2 years
Shunsui Kyoraku x reader - Never enough pt1
warning: just some angs + events concern pre-tbyw
i will write the part 2 soon dw!!
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ever since you were young, you had a crush on Captain Kyoraku, you admired him from afar: he was the strongest among the captains (excluding old Yamamoto), but he was so kind and humble. In fact, it is because of him that you have chosen to become a shinigami by enrolling in the academy.
luck would have it that you were in the same regiment as your beloved Captain. You thought it was also a way to get closer to him, to admire him more closely. Then you collided with reality …
not only did he seem not to care too much about you (but after all, were you just a sub that you expected?) but you were constantly watching him filter through with other women. and in the meantime, your love for him grew. How ironic, right?
you had also tried to approach him sometimes but nothing, every time you made yourself red as a tomato and apologized as you left. You couldn't look him in the eye. And you hated yourself so much: did you want to get close to him and then you couldn't even say a word? you felt so pathetic.
but one day, you caught him making out with another woman, a subordinate of Captain Muruguma. at the sight of your captain giving someone else a passionate kiss, your chest started to ache, excruciating pain; as tears flowed from your eyes.
suddenly his gaze falls on you, a grainy look - because were you watching him make out or because were you crying? you did not know -.after seconds of tranche, you ran away, trying to get away as much as possible. How did you explain this to Captain Kyoraku now? He was easy-going sure but maybe he could get angry because you had peeked, not to mention that you cried like a baby.
the next day, with the few shreds of dignity you had left, you went to work anyway, aware of the fact that you would probably meet with your captain. And in fact…
" Captain! " you say surprise as soon as you meet his gaze and then make a half bow, keeping your head down as a sign of respect. "I'm sorry about what happened. please forgive me "suddenly these words came out of your mouth. you still remained with your head down for fear of meeting his gaze.
" Y\N- chan "he replies with a smile, and hearing your name on his lips sends you into fribillation "It's all good, don't worry".
his words relieved you slightly, knowing he wasn't angry comforted you and the fact that he didn't mention your tears meant he probably didn't notice, right? You raise your head and murmur a thank you. He just smiles at you and pulls the big hat over his head before turning around.
and that's where you notice the same girl from yesterday, she was waiting for him … So it wasn't just a flirt? And why do you keep getting this feeling of jealousy? What right do you have?
you stood for a few seconds watching them hold hands, she put her head on his body, then you turned around to continue doing your work. You had to search an area for very powerful Hollows.
needless to say you were distracted, you kept thinking about that woman and shunsui, them together, and here is that feeling appearing again. You were wondering while you were looking around what she had more than you: probably everything, she was beautiful, tall, she had a gorgeous smile and her manner seemed so kind and elegant ..
and just as you thought back to your flaws and that woman's strengths, a Hollow appears from behind, attacks you quickly and unfortunately manages to hit you. From the collision with him you are injured in a leg and an arm.
'shit' you think.both arms and legs hurt, and you can't move properly while the hollow seemed so fast, so try to get away and cast some spells, instead of using your sword. unfortunately you weren't an expert, so the damage the hollow took was minimal.
you thought you were going to die, when suddenly your beloved Captain Shunsui arrives on the scene: immediately killing the Hollow.
"Y \ N, are you okay?"he then asks you coming up against you, you are about to murmur something but the injuries suffered are excessive and then you faint in his arms.
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gift of desperate codependent ghostkicks from the tranches that im dropping at ur feet like a dead bird <3333
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OH PERFECT TIMING ACTUALLY because I can share a bit of my tranch rations with you too . woe . pain and suffering be upon ye
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UGHHHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHGGHHH. Just like. the little detail of william skidding to a stop and almost tripping as the momentum carries him. u know he was running as fast as he fucking could. dakota "im fine everything's fine" cole im gonna kill you actually!!!!!! head in hands. I feel so ill about ghostkicks at any given moment in the day I swear 2 god im ruined
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okay how about the ones you interact with/see in ur notes most
Magnus (@magnuficentwo) - my good friend magnus my best friend magnus i have no clue how we even started following eachother (i forgor) but it reblogs my art and Understands me when i rant off abt random shit and draws cool thangs and has a store of concrete for chewing on whenever i write something cool . we talk a lot and its great. i love you magnus (platonic) also i want to kiss baltazar on the mouth btw
Lavos/Alto (@themanwhomadeamonster) - only warframe mutual as of now. we send eachother dumb shit (affectionate) all the time. not into borderlands but they still call me Wainlock which, tbh, hilarious and fitting. we often discuss more general topics too and its great :)
Ren (@jakobslock) - listen we don't really show up in eachothers notes that much but to not include Ren Jakobslock would be a sin on behalf of me. they were my Mentor in the ways of borderlands old man yaoi. they passed the torch of wainlockposter onto me and i have carried it since. they also are responsible for getting me into psychonauts. my good friend Ren Jakobslock may you live long and prosper
Coyote (@ghostlycoyote0) - on my blog i sometimes have a bit abt me being a monarch and my mutuals being my knights, advisors or squires. Coyote is some of my most loyal squires - not exactly a friend i talk to a crapton but one that certainly shows up in my notes a lot and dutifully likes and reblogs pretty much all my wainlock related posts. also often puts good peer reviewable tags on them, and when we do talk it's very enjoyable
Helios (@handsome-john) - scp mutual, house of leaves mutual, also understander of me being in the Borderlands Tranches and holder of similar controversial borderlands opinions to mine. banger writer to boot, if i could i would print out moldhouse and eat it. frequently we discuss Themes and Motifs in borderlands, and if you know anything abt that fandom you'd know that someone you can talk to abt the Themes and Motifs is exceptionally rare
Snowball (@snowballeclipse) - great artist, cult of the lamb mutual, passionate abt Gythian lore almost as much as i am. funky au haver, reblogger of my sillies
if you arent on this list im sorry i still appreciate you
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Two letters from Philippe to Élisabeth Lebas
Source: Le Conventionnel Le Bas: d’après des documents inédits et les mémoires de sa veuve (1901) by Stéfane-Pol, page 207-209
Strasbourg, 6 frimaire (November 26 1793) Tranche-la-Haute is coming just now, dear Élisabeth; he gives me a letter from you and my sister; I received two similar ones by post from a later date, and I see with pleasure that you now know that I was far from forgetting you, and that I shared, as I still share, the sorrow of our separation. It is for me a compensation the good that is said of us and the justice that is done to us. We are always very busy: which forces me to persevere in my wrongs towards Henriette, to whom I will write only in a few days, that is to say at the time of our departure. We are going to Saverne, from which we will then go where our presence will be necessary. Address your letters to me there, if I still give you time to write, for I am only waiting for the news of a decisive success in order to leave with Saint-Just, who is also very impatient to see Paris again. I embrace you with all my heart, my dear wife, embrace many times our dear Henriette and the family. Le Bas
Saverne, 8 frimaire, an II (November 28 1793) I am taking advantage, my dear Élisabeth, of a moment of leisure to chat a little with the one who is dearer to me than life itself. How many times have I wished to see you again! With what displeasure do I not see the removal of the moment of my return to Paris! The country where I am is superb. Nowhere have I seen nature more beautiful, more majestic; it is a series of high mountains, a variety of sites that charm the eyes and the heart. We went this morning, Saint-Just and I, to visit one of the highest mountains at the top of which is an old fort in ruins, placed on an immense rock. We both felt, looking around, a delicious feeling. This is the first day that we have had a break. But I am missing something: I would have liked you to be next to me, to share with you the emotion I felt, yet you are more than a hundred leagues from me! This idea has already saddened me many times to the bottom of my soul, and certainly it takes devotion of which true patriotism is capable to support such cruel privation as mine. There are hardly any moments, even in the midst of the most serious occupations, that I do not think of you; but in the end one must submit to necessity. The hardest is done. Soon I will be compensated for such a painful sacrifice. A few more days and I hope to see my Élisabeth for a long time; I hope to increase the pleasure of our reunion by the news of a decisive advantage over our enemies. We do not cease, Saint-Just and I, to take the necessary measures to ensure it in the most prompt way; we run all day, and we exercise the most constant surveillance. When he least expects it, a general sees us arrive and asks him to account for his conduct. We are approaching Landau; soon, no doubt, it will be done; this is the end of our mission, everything invites us to hasten it. Saint-Just is almost as eager as I to see Paris again. I promised him dinner from your hand. I'm glad you don't hold it against him; he is an excellent man; I love and esteem him more and more by every passing day. The Republic has no more ardent, more intelligent defender. The most perfect agreement, the most constant harmony reigned among us. What makes him even dearer to me is that he often talks to me about you and consoles me as much as he can. He sets a high value, it seems to me, on our friendship, and he says things to me from time to time with a very good heart. Farewell, dear friend. I am going to write a few lines to Henriette. I assume you still like each other. What a charming trio we are going to make while waiting for the homeland to become greater!… For God’s sake, take good care of your health. Farewell, my dear wife, receive the assurance of the tender and invariable attachment of your faithful. Le Bas
PS — Our courier is still with us; he asks me to pay you his compliments. We like him, he's a good man. A thousand hugs to the family and to our mutual friends.
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yisanged · 1 year
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i love the customization options. Life is full of TRANCHES. i could also go for Oh, it is time for TRANCHES. or Handling TRANCHES as usual. i couldn't decide
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dbssh · 1 year
IS IT MAGNUS LOVE HOUR IM NOT MISSING THIS You're honestly a great friend, a wonderful listener, someone who inspires me and someone with a very level head. Also, you make me smile :] We've been through so much, we're like fire forged friends at this point. I could trust you with anything! Thank you!
SNIFFFS I LOVE YOUUUU HATCH :D our bond has been strengthened by the tranches (transformer fans) i love youuuuuuu you are so much fun to talk to and i love to hear yr takes on things and i love spending time with you :] im very proud of you and proud to call you my friend !! walmart warrior meijer mage. very brave very powerful.
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whereimfeminine · 1 year
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Squeezing it in on the last day… I -think- these are my top albums of 2022. A sorta weird album year for me, there were a lot of albums I had super high expectations/was super excited for, and then the albums ended up taking me a while to really get into or just didn’t stick with me. But these all really hit in various ways. Also, a record breaking TWO men here. I think last year I had no men in my top albums..
Roughly in order, but more tranches -
Midnights and Crash were definitely my two defining albums of 2022, to start and end the year — they were the only two that I both was super excited for and it went even way beyond expectations, both stuck and I anticipate I’ll always come back to a lot
Then Muna and Harry’s House - both of these were a little hard for me at first because the singles from them (as it was, silk chiffon/kind of girl) are some of my favorite songs just… ever but obviously the albums aren’t going to be 12 of my favorites ever lol, but i really loved these. And blue water road is the first Kehlani album I got really into it, but I love it, I came back to it recently and it’s just beautiful.
Then the last four are all ones that every time I come back to them I just love - renaissance, bronco by Orville peck (blush is a top song of 2022 for me), further joy by the regrettes, sucker punch by Chloe moriondo.
Honorable mentions/ones that may have been here if i had more time with them:
SOS by sza (had kill bill on repeat..); emails I can’t send by Sabrina carpenter (I just listened to this like, last week); laurel hell by mitski (i liked be the cowboy but not nearly as much as i liked bury me at make out creek and even puberty 2, and laurel hell continued that for me sadly.. like i love her music of course and her as a performer, and there’s some songs I’m obsessed w on laurel hell, but it’s just… not one i come back to sadly); hold the girl by Rina Sawayama (this came out when a bunch of other things were happening, I really need to give it more proper listens…)
Fun stuff! I think most of yall have posted yours already and I’ve missed it lol but if you haven’t i hope you do!
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cowboisadness · 2 years
Hang ‘Em High {Arthur Morgan x F!OC} Chapter 28
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x FemOC
Summery: Belle Hawthorne is high society looking to escape her mean husband. A robbery by the Van Der Linde gang could be her chance. Can she escape his cluches and possibly discover what love should feel like?
Arthur began to slow his horse. Barley making some disgruntled snorts at the slowing of pace.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him, turning to look over my shoulder to see him looking around.
“Nothing, just…There she is.” He sprung his horse into a steady trot. Looking ahead in our new direction I struggled to see what we were aiming for until her form was visible within the distant treeline.
“Let her out before going to the house.” He said softly over my shoulder. With everything that happened, I had completely forgotten about her. I fucking forgot about her. The panic and disorientation made me forget about one of the few things that had brought me joy recently. I was moving to jump from the horse before he had even come to a stop, Arthur’s arm wrapping around my waist prevented me from doing so. But once I was down, I ran towards her. Her finally lifting her head from the lush grass beneath her hooves. Giving her a few pats on the nose with the promise of all the carrots and sugar cubes she desired once we were back. After a few tender moments, raking my hair through her thick mane and not being able to take my eyes off hers, Arthur helped me mount back up on Barley, letting me hold onto the rope he had placed around Orions neck to keep her by our side.
It was an hours ride until we arrived at camp. Only slowing to give the horses a rest. Neither of us daring to stop in case any of the workers alerted the law and were on their way to us. We would have to lay low for a couple of weeks. No doubt the news of a wealthy businessman being murdered in his own home would be in the newspapers in the coming days. And his missing wife is suspect number one.
“Where are we?” I asked as I looked around. The surroundings not familiar to me despite Arthur only moments ago saying we are nearly there.
“We had to move. Bad business went down so we had to leave” I looked at him then, obvious concern showing with the furrow of my brow. He continued looking forwards as he said “I’ll tell you later once you’ve settled in.”
It was a house this time. Worn from years of abandonment but still, it was four walls and a roof. Quite the upgrade to what everyone here was used to. As we made our way in, I couldn’t help but notice the tranches and barricades along the dirt path leading to the house. Sandbags littered everywhere. A story of this house’s past. Now more marks will be made.  
Charles was on watch beyond the entrance of the grounds. Repeater in hand. His eyes slid to us, giving nothing more than a nod and a “Glad to see you back.” As we passed.
“Grand is it not?” Frank said to me, helping me step out of the carriage with delicately soft hands. His eyes on me while mine were on the stunning house before me. My new home. Quite the improvement from the home and farm I grew up on. This place was one that had workers to tend to its beauty as well as its owners. The bushes and plants trimmed and pruned to perfection. Like they were here solely for the viewing pleasure of that horrid queen from that book I read many years ago. The one of that little British girl that ends up lost in a world she doesn’t understand. During her adventures of finding her way out, she makes some unexpected friendships.
The house – My home, is pristine white and brick. Clean, exquisite, faultless.
“I’ll give you a tour of the grounds later. But first, my love, rest. Our travels were gruelling. I asked the cook to serve up something I know you will enjoy for your arrival.”
I take one more look at the house, then drag my gaze to his. I can’t believe I was apprehensive about the marriage to a man I had only met once before. But my parents trusted him. It wasn’t just about the money they would receive from him for my hand. His smile is soft, his eyes warm as he leads me by the hand and into the house. My home. And what a grand home it is. Safe.
Arthur tries to lead me straight into this house, Shady belle he said it was called, but we were intercepted along the way by Mary-Beth. Her fast passed walk would be entertaining to watch if her face wasn’t etched with concern. “Bella! Oh my, what happened? Where have you been? We were so worried when you disappeared. We-” Her rambling was cut off by the rise of Arthurs hand between us. She apologised but it wasn’t needed.
“I’m fine. Will be once I get cleaned up anyway.” I say to her with a smile and a hand on her arm, although I know I probably look a sorrowful mess. Skirt ripped, swelling I could feel blooming and pulsing on my face along with the blood now dried down my cheek. Her other hand met mine on her arm and squeezed. Her returning smile and hold a reassurance that here, at this delipidated house with climbing Ivy swallowing its exterior and more windows broken than intact, was safe. Our new home.
With more heads turning to us, Arthur gripped my hand in his, ruthlessly strong, and had us continuing into the house and up to the next floor to his room. He didn’t say a word as he sat me down on his cot and then began rummaging around in his satchel and at the wash basin. He still said nothing as he cleaned the blood from my face, becoming gentler as he went in response to my flinching and hissing. My cheekbone and eye will no doubt be bruised for a week or so.
Still, he didn’t speak, not until his hand moving the wild strands of hair out of my face came down to rest on the curve between my shoulder and neck. His thumb slowly caressing my throat with a tenderness one would use on a newborn babe. “Wish I could go back and kill him again. Only this time with my hands round his throat.” I didn’t know what to say to that. Couldn’t form any words despite my mind reeling with I wish you could too - I wish I could - I’m sorry - It’s over now – thank you and I love you. Instead, I took his hand from my neck and held it in my lap.
He gave me one of his shirts to change into asking if I needed any help changing, to which I said no it's fine. Then he let me have my privacy saying he would grab me something to eat and some clothing of the girls to use until tomorrow when he would take me into the city to buy me my own.
When the door shut softly behind him, I made no move to rid myself of this damned dress of frills and pearls. Instead, I gave in to the tears welling in my eyes. And I sobbed.
@kashasenpai​​​ @fallout-cowgirl​​​​ @averyspicybaguette​​​​ @joscelyn02​​
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