ecstarry · 2 months
"Regulus' collection" a microfic for my love, @bellaxisworld
Regulus had been collecting them for a while—his Sylvanian Families collection, that is. It all began with gifts from Sirius. The first one was a little raccoon, and Sirius had carefully wrapped it for him before leaving for school ten years ago. Each time his brother visited for the holidays, he would add another one to Regulus' collection.
He had never felt embarrassed of them, not until now, at twenty-one years old, with a shelf displaying them in an apartment where his brother’s hottest friend would be coming over. They were about to host their first dinner since leaving their parents' home, and Regulus had gladly obliged, anything to make his brother happy. But now, as those little shits looked back at him from the dustless shelf, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.
Regulus had been crushing on James for as long as he could remember. They had seen each other not more than three times, which meant he had experienced the warmth of the sun in close proximity that same amount of times. And Regulus hated the cold.
When Sirius insisted on them living together, he was also adamant about their home feeling like a place where they both existed. It was actually his idea to have his collection on display. Now, Regulus wonders if his brother's plan had been to humiliate him all along.
He tried discreetly covering them with anything, even willing to shove them all inside a drawer. But as he grabbed the first one, his brother stopped him.
"What are you doing, Reg?" Sirius laughed a little as Regulus blushed.
"Nothing, but I just don't want your friend to think I'm lame," Regulus replied quietly, his gaze stuck on his shoes.
"Remus has seen your collection millions of times, Reg. It's just James who—" his brother stopped talking, and Regulus dared to look back at him, guilt all over his face.
"Reggie, do you care what James thinks?" Sirius' tone was much more gentle than Regulus had expected.
"So what if I do?" and at the response, Sirius' eyes softened.
"No, fuck no. Don't look at me like that. I don't like James or his stupid smile."
"I know, I know! Of course, I care what James thinks, now help me hide them, but be careful!" Regulus started delicately placing them in a drawer, but Sirius' grip stopped him once more.
"Do you want to know a secret?"
"Sirius, we don't have time-"
"James has a collection of his own."
Regulus smiled but quickly called his brother's bluff, "you're just trying to make me feel better."
"I would never lie about a Sylvanian Families collection! I swear on Moony!" Sirius drew a cross around his heart.
Before Regulus could protest any longer, they heard a knock on the door.
It was James. Handsome and perfect James, who brought flowers and exquisite wine for dinner.
It was James. Adorable and kind James, who complimented Regulus' collection all night and insisted it was much better curated than James'.
It was James. Lovely and breathtaking James who would one day have a shelf next to Regulus' for his own collection.
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castiels-undercoat · 9 days
This is my first
Date with a dude
But I'm an
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iovetecchou · 8 months
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IM YOUR NUMBER ONE CHEERLEADER BABY<333 i love you so much please…
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look it’s us 🩷🩷🩷
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Reader-Specific Writing: Past Sexual Abuse
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) please read these warnings thoroughly, as there are many triggering aspects written here.
Alcohol consumption, mentions of past sexual abuse including sexual assault, implied PTSD, mentions of oral sex (f receiving), established relationship, daddy kink (always)
Summary: Nights at home with Jack made you feel safe and loved. But what happens when your traumatic past makes an appearance? 
A/N: Okay so, I feel like this starts out in a very unexpected way, but I promise Daddy isn’t the one who does anything bad, he’d never do anything bad to you. 
Also, this story is my own. It’s based on my own traumas and experiences. This is a short one, but this situation happened to me recently with my boyfriend and it had a profound effect on me. I wanted to write it and share it, for anyone else who may feel the same, or may be experiencing the same thing(s).
Reader-Specific Writing Masterlist
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Getting drunk was fun in general, but getting drunk with Jack was an entirely different experience. When Jack drank, he was happy and lovey. And you adored him like that. He was soft and sweet and it’s not that he wasn’t like that in general, it was just amplified then. When you drank, you were happy too, but not like him. When you were drunk, you were giggly, to say the least. You found everything funny, and your body practically vibrated with joy and humor. And right now, you were laughing your ass off. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks, chuckling above you. “Huh?” 
Your giggles are uncontrollable, your smile ever-present as you roll around beneath him. He has both arms on either side of yours, holding himself up as he hovers over you on your shared bed. You’re in a pair of panties and an oversized, long-sleeve tee, him in a pair of dark gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. It was a comfortable evening, one made with Jack’s personal drinks and your homemade food. 
“I d, I don’t -” you can’t even get the words out, but you’re trying desperately to say I don’t know, because you really don’t. 
Jack had decided to make Moscow Mules tonight, and to say the least, the two of you had very different liquor tolerances. After one, you felt weightless, your body buzzing and your lips smiling. At this point, Jack has had two and is working his way through his third, and he’s only just now beginning to feel it. 
He loves seeing you like this, though, similar to how you feel when he’s tipsy. You’re so cute and funny, your laughs making him laugh. Your smile is uncontrollable, contagious even, and he just adores it. 
 “You’re so cute like this, baby doll.” he chuckles, giving his head a few shakes as he stares down at you. 
Jack leans in, giving your curled lips a kiss. Both of your hands lift to either side of his face as you embrace him, and suddenly, you feel him move his way between your legs. You’re still laughing, your outer shell happy and carefree. But on the inside… your first thought is, I don’t want this. You don’t feel in control of your body. But Jack probably just wants to cuddle, just wants to get closer to you and love on you. 
“Mm…” he moans, nuzzling his nose against you. “Baby…” 
His pelvis wiggles even further between your spread legs, pressing up against your hips. Your breath catches slightly in your throat, feeling his body weight press down over you. Why are you feeling like this? You’ve always been safe with him. 
“Sugar,” he groans into your ear, lightly rolling his body against you. “Daddy wants to taste you.” 
Inside, your heart begins to pound. Your body almost feels limp, your limbs not full of their usual amount of strength due to your drink. 
“I don’t know, baby.” you respond, sighing out a laugh. It feels like a nervous one. Jack mistakes it for another one of your silly, tipsy laughs. 
“C’mon, honey.” he smiles against you, leaning back and sitting upright before you. You lift your legs up, planting the soles of your feet on the bed and putting your knees on either side of Jack. It’s a subtle attempt to protect yourself, one even you don’t immediately catch. 
Suddenly, with swift force, Jack’s hands are on your knees, shoving them apart. And just like that, the space you’re in seems different. It’s dark, scary, even. And the man between your legs isn’t Jack. It’s not him.
You make a small gasp, a little shriek, watching as he quickly moves down. Before you even realize what you’re doing, you’re crying, and Jack’s shooting his head up. 
“Baby?” he asks, his demeanor entirely changing. He moves back, staring at you with shock and confusion and grief. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I - I don’t know!” you explain, recoiling into yourself. 
Jack immediately moves to your side, leaving the space between your tightened legs. He’s breathing heavily, feeling guilty and concerned. Jack’s eyes are wide and he licks his lips, scanning you. Jesus Christ, what did he just do? He scared you, he fucked scared you. 
“Baby… are you okay? I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, baby, I, I thought you liked when I was rough with you?”
“I do! Baby, I do!” you turn to him, trying to smile even though you’re still crying. “I do like it, baby.” 
“Sugar…” He sighs, brows folding up in the center as he looks at you. But you feel embarrassed, you feel like you can’t look back at him.
Your tears begin to subside, and that scary place you saw left as quickly as it arrived. And while you take a few deep breaths, your body now beginning to calm down, Whiskey’s deep in his own head. He thinks about the things you’ve told him in the many years you’ve been together. Before him, there were other men, men that didn’t treat you right. Although, ‘didn’t treat you right’ was kind of a fucking understatement. By now, you’d told him everything. And he’d listened. He knows you experienced the worst of it, and then some, knows you had many encounters with men you didn’t even know. Who gave anyone the right to touch you like that?
“Baby,” he repeats, his voice still soft. “Hey,” Jack says, the hand now on your face urging you gently to look at him. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, baby.”
“I don’t know what’s happening.” comes your half-blubbered response, shrugging while you let out an airy laugh. 
“Hey,” Jack says again, pressing his forehead to your temple. “I would never do that to you. I’d never do that to you.” 
Finally, you look up at him, your teary eyes meeting those brown ones that you know love you oh so much. You smile at him, giving a few quick nods. 
“I know.” you whisper, hands reaching for him. 
While Jack can’t heal your trauma, he never will, he damn sure tries. He tries to be everything he can for you, tries to make you feel safe, tries to make you happy. He can’t heal what isn’t his; it’s not his trauma, it’s yours. And he knows that. But he still tries, and you couldn’t love him any more for it. 
Your palms find either side of his handsome face, bringing him closer and snuggling into him. Jack lays down beside you, wrapping his arms around your frame. He takes a sigh of relief when he feels your body relax against his. 
“You’re my girl,” he whispers to you, staring up at the ceiling as his fingers softly stroke you. “You’re my sweetest thing, sugar.” 
“I know, baby.” you sigh, body feeling tired after your sudden surge of tears. 
The lights are still on, and even though it’s well past midnight, neither of you feel tired. You’d been up singing and dancing, Jack enjoying your homemade pasta while you drank the Mule he made. It was a lovely night, there was no reason for this memory to come up. But it did. Jack never made you feel unsafe, and not it’s even that he necessarily just did. It was your memories, it was just a memory. Most people would say it can’t hurt you anymore, but it can - it just did. 
“I’m here, honey. You know that, right?” Jack asks, petting at your hair. “I’m here, I’ll protect you from that. I always will, baby. That won’t ever happen to you again, okay? Not with me, babycakes, not with anyone.” 
You can hear the sincerity in his tone, can hear the small breaks in his voice. It kills him inside to know that you went through that, and even if you didn’t, he’d always make sure that that didn’t happen. Like he said, not with him, not with anyone.
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lewispullmaned · 2 years
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Lewis giving Monica a call sign "Ice bath"
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patron-saints · 5 months
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Happy birthday! Let's do this when you're feeling better 🛵🗻
yuri camp!!!!!!! let’s yes please !!
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Your skin is warm like an oven ♡
Your kiss is sugary sweet ♡
Your fingers feel like Cotten, when you put your arms around me ♡
You Smell just like Vanilla ♡
You Taste like Butter Cream ♡
Your Filling up my Senses ♡
You’ve got all of the ingredients ♡
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greeksorceress · 1 year
Just realized my baby was owed a good night message - good night, my sunshine
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my sweetheart, I hate tumblr so much.
my night was good and I got to rest because I talked to you! <3 I hope you're having a great saturday! giving you the biggest forehead kiss in the world right now, my sweetheart! <3 <3 <3
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usbotthrills · 1 year
You’re literally perfect I love you so so much
I learnt it from you, my lovely ;)
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zibah-ho · 1 year
while I am very much anti child actors I simply cannot imagine the loss I would personally suffer if I didn’t have baby birju in my life
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mxmarmite · 1 year
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For our 10th anniversary, my wonderful husband @making-mxtakes came up with the idea of doing art prompts. This was my attempt at the first round (for me, digital). We are also doing our second round of the same prompts but swapping mediums! I am more comfortable generally doing digital art, and Tyler is more comfortable doing analogue (or traditional, we call it analogue here!) So now we have swapped over it will be super interesting to see the results! I am now off to do my next analogue prompts! I'm two down so far, but eight more to go! For those wondering, the prompts we used were:
Rabbit (year of the rabbit)
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saelrum · 3 months
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"Was I sweet once?"
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oleanderhonks · 7 months
3 days until I'm your wife ♡
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luriuan · 25 days
Love how Sokka spent an entire 2 episodes hating on Aang, then immediately became his older brother in the third.
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wasyago · 3 months
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various tango doodles
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infinityinakiss · 1 month
maybe crystal keeps her promise after niko dies. she texts niko everyday, updates about her life, that time that charles somehow managed to trip and absolutely eat it despite the fact that he can phase through walls, the fact that edwin watches scooby doo when they're not working on a case, and that she's trying to right every wrong she made in the past and she knows that niko would be proud of her.
niko can see all of the messages, but the shitty reception in her igloo won't let her send any hearts back, and it makes her so mad.
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