n3xii · 4 months
Random predictions for the next week
This should be some random predictions for the next 5-7 days. This is just for fun! Remember divination is just a tool and you’re the one in control of your destiny, I like doing these to see what comes true. I have personal readings available as well prices range from ($5-$12)
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Pile one
-mars in Gemini + prince of pentacles reversed:
making a very strategic design when it comes to getting yourself out of a routine that’s making you feel stuck and bored. This upcoming week you will want a new change and you’re gonna be very strategic about how you implement this. Might be because of a current job you have
-sun in Leo + 5 of swords reversed
In a situation where’s there drama, mind games etc you’re the one who’s gonna come out on top. This feels like positive gossip about you happening this week. You’re in the spotlight and you might have some people talking good about you behind your back.
- Jupiter in aries + 2 of cups
This is giving me the impression that you’re gonna be super bold when it comes to a relationship, possibly advancing a connection to the next stage. Being ambitious in your connection and being confident about the direction it’s going in. This may manifest as placing all your bets on one person because you feel super good about them right now
Pile two
Moon in Pisces + ten of pentacles reversed :
Someone is gonna offer a listening ear for you to vent about your problems, this feels like someone offering their empathy in a moment where your life feels like it has turned upside down and your feeling uncertain about your finances/career. I also feel this week you’re gonna need to be super compassionate with yourself instead of catastrophizing your situation
Moon in Gemini + Queen of wands
- this week your adaptability and ability to be super creative, and multi faceted is gonna be utilized for creative projects this week. All those skills and eclectic things you know how to do will be super helpful. You’re someone who everyone is jealous of in the sense you know how to do a lot of things, and I see that being implanted in a creative way this week.
I see possible choatic spells going on too for some of you lol. But in general this feels like a chaotic and fun project
Sun in Virgo + ace of pentacles
Trying new routine for health and productivity
Pile three
Sun in Sagittarius + nine of wands
Having the enthusiasm and motivation to power through to the end of a long journey, being super close to completion. This is a refusing to give up on something energy. This may additionally manifest as being competitive in a playful and productive way at times as well
Sun in Aries + princes of wands
Standing up to an immature person, they don’t necessarily mean bad toward you but they’re kinda in an insecure bully mindset. I feel like this is you asserting yourself over someone who wants to be seen as powerful or to be respected but doesn’t do anything to earn that respect.
Saturn in Pisces+ the magician
Dealing with internal limitations when it comes to manifestations, needing to address what those limitations and rules you’re placing on your imagination that is limiting how you perceive your ability to manifest
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mediocre-shark-tales · 7 months
Fated by the Stars (12)
Straykids ot8 x Reader
Warnings - Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Wounds/Injuries Traumatic Past, Violence, Swearing, and Mentions of Non-consensual Molesting.
Summary - Sang-Jun finds out you're taken will he stop pursuing you or what?
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Finally the heat had broken, I had worried the boys when my heat lasted longer than it should have. They took me to the hospital at one point because it hadn't broken. When the doctor had learned of my past with heats, he soon understood what the problem was. "So based on all the information I am aware of, her natural heat stopped becoming natural. Basically it stopped all together as her first pack alpha forced it to stay on track with his ruts. Since she had gone so long with out the medication I believe her body finally got back into the natural flow of things. It is probably just bad timing, like her heat might have already been about to come on. However she got spiked which sped things up, but her body is not used to the medication anymore. So her heat still came like it planned but that coincided with her forced one. She should break the heat within the week, since we don't know when her natural heat started it's hard to give an exact date." With that the boys brought me back home, their emotions more calm with an expert opinion behind them.
Once it finally broke, they found me crying in my nest. All of them rushing to find out what was wrong. I shook my head when they asked if I was hurt. But instead I told them, "I feel soooo grossssss, I'm so uncomfortable, please help me wash up?" I made grabby hands at them all, waiting for someone to take my offer and help me with my needs. They all chuckled in some way as Chan and Hyunjin stepped forward. "We will give you a nice bath pup, we were about to wash up anyways." Hyunjin said while carrying me. Chan told the others to clean up the rest of the house, Minho and Felix would start dinner. He would ask me before I left the room if they could take down and wash the nest. Which I nodded to with the exception that they must re-scent their specific blanket, or fur once cleaned. They all eagerly agreed and went off to do their specific task while Chan, Hyunjin and I went to wash up together.
Ever since then we have had great day after great day. Even when they had to be gone for work, all was okay, cause we were mated for life. I could feel their emotions and they could fell mine. We were more sensitive to each other, able to find each other quicker. All was good, I finally felt really love, experiencing how an omega should be treated. It was so fantastic.
Today, I was brought to the mall by Seungmin and Changbin. They had the day off and when I asked if I could go to the mall alone they threw a fuss. We came to the agreement that they would take me and wait in the car so if they get anything bad happen then they could get to me quickly. I agreed as long as they didn't look in any of the bags when I returned to the car. I wanted to make them all something nice as a token to our completed bonding. I just loved giving them things.
Walking in the mall, I could feel myself adorning a large smile as I walked through different craft stores buying all the items I would need to complete my project. As I moved on to the next store for more supplies. I happily walked along the hallway, seeing cute couples and family's with kids walking past me. I smiled thinking about one day having a bunch of pups of my own. I wished to birth a kid for each one of my mates, making them happy to each have their own offspring.
However I soon stopped as that acidic smell entered my senses, in front of me stood both Sang-jun and Sang-Hee. I felt my blood run cold, as my body instinctively went numb. It was always better to hide your emotion than suffer the consequences of having the wrong emotion at the wrong time.
I saw them both staring at my shoulders. I had worn a pretty off the shoulder top with a pair of jean shorts. I wanted to show off all my perfectly healed mating marks. I had learned through social media that these were most like trophies in the omegan world. So I wore the perfect outfit to feel cute and show off my bond to my pack.
Yet when these two saw the marks, they were filled with overwhelming anger. Both of them stalked up to me menacingly. It's then that I could feel the anger and fear of my mates, no doubt they could feel my emotions run cold. I'm sure when my emotions had gone numb to them as well they all freaked out. This was good however, as it meant Changbin and Seungmin were running in for me. I just had to hold my ground for a bit.
"So you decided to mate to those worthless alpha's bitch?" I growled back at Sang-Hee. "Say what you want about me but don't speak filth of my pack." Sang-Jun growled at me. However I stood proud knowing my alpha and beta were coming. "It's doesn't matter how hard they hold onto you Omega. We will get you back, even if we have to slaughter that whole pack just to retrieve what is rightfully mine." Sang-Hee looked at Sang-Jun. "Ours you mean." Sang-Jun nodded. "Whatever"
A few years before my escape, Sang-hee had taken a liking to me after experiencing how I would act and submit to Sang-Jun. Thus they promised to share me. Though it was easy to tell Sang-Jun wasn't 100% happy with the outcome. But he knew that it meant two chances for a perfect alpha pup from me.
My confidence began to drop as they were able to pin me to a wall, I was stuck. Fuck. Sangjun had his had wrapped tightly around my throat. Just above the mating marks so all I could feel was pain and loss of breath. "I promise you with my life omega. I WILL get your ass back in my home. I will break every last sliver of hope you have. I will fuck you into my perfect submissive omega that you used to be, and you will give birth to our pups. You WILL be mine, one way or another. just you fucking wait bitch."
With that he let go and they both walked away, when they turned the corner never to be seen again. That's when Changbin and Seungmin finally found me. They first noticed my tears, then noticed the slowly purpling bruise around my throat. it was obviously a hand print and they knew exactly what had happened. They just didn't know who. I wiped my tears as I let myself go numb, forgetting they stood there as I walked away.
I was no longer mentally aware, I went into full autopilot. The boys tried to reach me but soon realized why my bond went radio silent. They allowed me to finish buying my things, carrying my bags for me. Soon I was back in the car, sitting behind them as Changbin drove and Seungmin tried to calm me by rubbing my leg from the front passenger seat.
When we got back home, I could hear Seungmin on the phone. It sounded like group call as multiple voices came through the other end. He talked about me, they were probably all freaking out as my bond was numb. Nothing came from me, I had regressed to the same state I had back in my old pack. Changbin followed with half the bags. We both sat them down in my small art studio, it was a small room they had emptied out and renovated for me. Once they were sat ready to be emptied, I instead walked back out of the room. Changbin following as he shut the door for me. He silently followed as I made my way back to my room. He watched from the doorway as I crawled onto my bed and laid down staring at the ceiling.
I heard him sigh as he allowed me time alone, probably hoping I would come back from the headspace on my own. Yet that is not what happened. As everyone arrived home only two hours later, they opened my bedroom door to find me sat on the bay window. There was enough space for all of us. I sat in the middle, legs tucked up against me as my head and arms rested comfortable onto of my knees. I stared off out the window on tot he beautiful forest horizon. My room had one of the best views as I could watch the sunset.
I could hear them enter the room behind me and slowly come closer. Until finally a few of them sat down on either side, all of the Betas were sat around me. The alphas stood behind me, unsure of how to help their omega.
Hyunjin pulled me into his arms, carrying me to my bed. He laid back against the headboard, leaning me against him. He was hugging me to him from behind as Jisung laid down against my front. Seungmin and Felix each took a side, hugging me together in a puddle. When that barely worked, the alphas began to join them. Each one finding a spot to drown me in the huge cuddle puddle. The first one to speak was Chan, as an idea came to his head.
"Omega is safe now, Pack is here to protect omega." Each one of them felt and saw a small subtle change in me. Almost as if I was beginning to relax into their hold. So everyone began to say different things. Some told me how good of an omega I was for them. Some told me they were here to protect me from all evil. A few explained how they would rip apart anyone that tried to hurt me again. Finally my numbness faded, and I was hit with a rocketing wave of fear, pain, and sadness. I began to cry loudly as they all cooed and tried to hold me tighter. I began to receive kisses, and other wiped my eyes. Some massaged my stiff limbs. But what stood out the most prominent to them was how horse my voice sounded, this is when they knew who ever had choked me definitely damaged my throat.
This sent the alphas into a frenzy as I was ripped from he betas by Jeongin. Changbin sandwiching me against mjeoning for behind as they all asked who had hurt me. It took a moment but I was able to calm down enough to say his name. "s-Sang-jun." It hurt to speak, and that helped me calm down more as it took precedence in my mind. Growls erupted into the room as the boys could only imagine what he must have done or said to me for this kind of reaction to happen.
Yet when they calmed down, they decided it was better to let me experience all their love tonight. The questions could be saved for tomorrow, for now I needed to be reminded of how much they loved and adored me. This was not only for myself, but also them. Most if not all had felt like they failed me, especially the two who were with me. They scolded themselves for not being fast enough with finding me. Only showing up to the aftermath of the event. They would make to make it up to you. Some how.
Chan picked me out of Jeongins arms, handing me over to Hyunjin. He knew the lead beta was best at pampering me when it came to baths and such. "Give her the most pampered and calming bath you can. Then dress her for bed and bring her down for dinner. We want her as comfortable as possible for the night." When can looked around the room he said. "Everyone needs to take a sick day tomorrow. It's time to spoil her for the day again, to remind her she is safe with us." Everyone nodded at his words. The alphas all following him to ago help clean and set the table while also cooking my favorite for dinner.
The Betas all followed with me and Hyunijin into the main bathroom. This one was big enough for almost the whole pack to bath together. But that never really happened, it was usually just a group of us together.
Together they helped me undress, they undid my hair letting it flow down. Then they too all undressed themselves, Jisung was the first one ready and he began to set up the bath. Felix grabbed all our soaps, shampoos and conditioners. Hyunjin picked me up and placed me down into the warm bath with ease.
Then everyone joined us as bubbles surrounded all of us, jisung had made me a bubble bath. They were all trying their best to bring my mood back up. Trying to make me smile fully again. This made me happier, but I don't think I would fully smile again for a bit. I was still experiencing short memories of my past.
The abuse I had taken for years upon years, along with everything I seen done to others. It was beyond devastating. I could still almost feel the pain from everything, all the mental, emotional and physical pain I had experienced.
More tears began to cascade down my face as these memories flashed through my head. Seungmin noticed me first and instantly picked me up to sit in his lap. He held my face into his neck, filling my senses with the scent of him.
This act of his began to calm me down slowly, as my body began to relax he began to kiss along my neck. He kissed specifically his mate mark, giving both of us a sense of euphoria in that single moment. Soon I felt more kiss from the other boys as they each kissed their mate mark. This some how helped me to finally fully relax, the horrid memories fading from my mind.
Now I was being filled with short memories of each mate, moments that made me feel as euphoric as possible. Seconds later Felix began to wash my hair with shampoo. While Seungmin and Jisung washed my body. After that hyunjin had washed himself and took care of my hair for the conditioner. While the others began to wash themselves.
Once all cleaned up, they helped me get out and began to dry me off. Hyunjin helped wrap my hair up in the towel. Once I was dry enough they helped me out of the room and off my my room. They grabbed their own clothes along the way.
Once in my room, I was sat on the extra fluffy grey fur laying on my bed. I was now dry save for my hair which was wrapped up in a towel still. Seungmin sat beside me, rubbing a hand over my back in comforting way while we watched our mates search my closet for clothes.
However besides the underwear, anything else they brought me I was unwilling to wear. "What would you like to wear sweetheart?" Seungmin finally asked after 5 minutes of this. "I want alphas clothes, but I also want to have your scents on them too." I whined. I needed the constant scent of my pack to keep me sane. I didn't want to risk falling into that pit of mental darkness again.
So with that Hyunjin and Felix went to snatch some clothes. When they came back I watched them spilt the clothes amongst the four of them. Hyunjin held Chan's jacket while scenting one half of it so it smelled like both of them. Felix scented Changbins shorts, Jisung had Minho's t-shirt and Seungmin had Jeongin's fluffy socks. Once the items smelled like one alpha and one beta, they helped me dress up. Finally I felt comfortable surrounded by their scents.
With that I was picked up this time by Felix as they brought me into the dining room. I could smell the delicious scent of spicy lamb skewers, with all the most perfect side dishes. I could feel my mouth water at just the mere sight of it all. Around the table stood each of my alpha's. I squirmed in Felix's hold who sat me down confused and a little worried. I quickly pecked his cheek as I went around giving each pack mate a quick kiss.
Without words I wanted them to know that I loved them, that I trusted them. I needed them to know that I didn't care they weren't there at the moment. Because they were there right now and that's all that mattered to me. They wouldn't let me get hurt again so this was okay.
I could feel them slowly relax with my actions, their emotions becoming softer more Lovey-dovey.
I quickly sat down in my normal seat, mall the alphas were quick to sit as close to me as possible. This the Betas were more than okay with after having spent the last half hour together. Immediately to my sides were Chan and Minho, while Changbin and Jeongin were next to them. Chan picked up and passed my plate to Jeongin who sat next to him. Jeongin filled my plate with a few good looking skewers. Minho grabbed my sides plate and had Changbin start putting on a few sides. Once they had filled it up Chan and Minho got to add a few more things as well. Till finally they were satisfied and placed my plates back in front of me.
This I smiled at and began to enjoy my meal, it was easy to notice all the pairs of eyes on me. I sighed in content at the taste of food as they watched me eat, they made sure to keep eating as well. I waited however until I had finished and was full before speaking.
"I guess you all want to know what happened today?" My voice was more timid than I initially intended it to be. "You don't have to say anything if you're not ready to babygirl." Chan spoke first. The others readily agreeing with him.
I took a deep breath before beginning to tell them the whole story. All the way from the beginning so they would understand everything. From the agreement with Seungmin and Changbin about my shopping spree, to the moment they found me in the mall. I stopped there to allow them a moment to take it all in before continuing.
"When I was found I had fully regressed into the instinctual mindset I had back in my old pack. Where it was better to have no emotions than the wrong one at the wrong time. I haven't experienced something like that since leaving that place, but something today just set me back into that headspace. When that happens, if it ever happens again, I never talk unless told to. It will be hard to bring me up from it especially if I regress really far. The days were I would regress way to far, I actually would remember little to nothing about that day." looking around I could angry and sad faces.
In the silence I decided to crawl into Minho's lap, burying my face into his neck as I just breathed in his scent. I felt him hug me tightly as he breathed in mine too. He was first to speak, reassuring me of everything. "We will never let that bastard of a man get to you sweetheart. No matter what it takes you will be ours. We are mated for life, nothing will tear us apart. We love you too much for us to let you feel pain like this again." I heard agreement around the table as Changbin spoke next. "Seungmin and I will see to it that you get the best of the best bodyguards anytime we go out where there is a possibility he may be." Seungmin nodded to me. Then he spoke as well. "If you would like we can also teach you self defense or get you some self defense weapons." I nodded to him saying I would think about the offer.
Soon everyone was calming down, having talked everything out and understanding what had just taken place was good for us. So with my belly full and my mood back to it usual tranquil happiness. I got up dragging the two lead alpha's along. "Movie night with pack cuddles please." I spoke loudly. With that I heard everyone get up and begin cleaning the table off. While the two I had dragged behind me just laughed to themselves.
Chan picked me up seconds later, as he and Minho pecked my cheeks. This earned them a giggle as I returned the kiss to each of them before we finally descended into the pack nest room. I would set up the nest with the freshly scented blankets, furs and even pillows. The other two were to get a movie picked out and then help me finish the nest, before the rest of the pack would join and a soft fluffy movie night full of love and cuddles began.
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eldragon-x · 8 months
PMD: Gates to Infinity Timeline
Rescue Team
I wanted to document the in-universe timespan of the story of every PMD title in detail and originally make it all into one post, but decided to split it into four instead. Every PMD timeline post will have links to the other titles as I progress with this little project.
Know that I'll count vague timeskips to the best of my judgement, the one dungeon = one day rule doesn't strictly apply (yes, even with the V-Wave mechanic in gti), and I document every game up until the hero and partner reunite, though I might make additions for post-game story later on.
Introduction Arc
On day 1 the hero meets the partner after landing in the Pokemon world, and on day 2 you play through Gurdurr's arc to get him to build your house. The construction starts on the evening of day 2 and is said to last a few days. Not counting day 2's evening, I'll make it three days, making day 5 the day where the house is finished.
On day 6 you meet Dunsparce, Emolga, and Virizion who join your team by the end of the day. The team is officially established on day 7.
Gurdurr's store is established on day 8 and he asks you to bring him materials which you give to him on day 9. Gurdurr opens his store on day 10. Nothing happens on days 11-12 but on day 13 Victini arrives in Paradise and the hero has a dream the following night. Day 14 is uneventful, the fata morgana of the Great Glacier appears on day 15, and day 16 is uneventful again.
Umbreon and Espeon Arc
On the night before day 17, the hero has another dream and Umbreon is approaching Post Town. A warning about a dangerous Pokemon in the area goes out in the morning. The following night, Umbreon comes closer to the town and on day 18 Swadloon disappears to Inflora Forest where the team picks him up. Umbreon arrives in Post Town on day 19.
On day 20, Umbreon demonstrates the summoning of a Magnagate and the team takes off to rescue Espeon. Umbreon and Espeon join the team on day 21. Virizion and Dunsparce have a conversation on the hill the following night. The next morning, on day 22, Quagsire tells the team that one Pokemon has to stay in Paradise and can't go to the expedition.
Great Glacier Arc
I was debating on wether to apply the one dungeon = one day rule in this arc since technically we don't get any indication that a night passes during the expedition but I decided yes, both because its supposed to feel long and for another reason*.
That being said, day 23 marks the day the team make their way to the Great Glacier via a Magnagate dungeon. They arrive and make their way through the glacier on day 24 and take another Magnagate dungeon on day 25. Day 26 is the day they make it through the Glacier Palace for the first time and return home in the evening.
On day 27 Emolga uses the Frisms to mess with the team before telling them that during their absence, floating lights that could be seen from the hill appeared. The hero has another dream and on the morning of day 28, the partner asks the hero to promise them to stay in this world after fulfilling their duty. On day 29, one floating light can be seen from the hill. *If you talk to Ducklett, they'll say the lights first appeared about a week ago which adds up the best if you assume the expedition took four days.
Munna and Hydreigon Arc
Munna finally manages to make contact with the hero via their dreams. On the next day, day 30, the hero and partner take a Magnagate to Kilionea Road. They plan to sleep over the night outside the dungeon, but are alarmed by Munna, prompting them to make it through the Forest of Shadows at night. They get ambushed at Mount Kilionea afterwards but escape.
The hero makes it to Daybreak Ridge on day 31 where they're attacked by Toxicroak and saved by Hydreigon. When they wake up, Hydreigon says they've been out for a while, possibly making it day 32. Hydreigon and the hero team up and make it through Ochre Quarry and in the evening, Hydreigon explains the situation.
On day 33, the hero and Hydreigon make it through Withered Savanna where Purugly confronts them and tells them that they've got the Partner as a hostage. Presumably on day 34*, the duo makes their way to Holehills to rescue partner. On day 35* hero, partner, and Hydreigon make their way through the Scorching Desert. They're attacked by Kyurem in the evening and hero and partner are found and rescued by Emolga and Dunsparce.
*Withered Savanna, Holehills, and Scorching Desert could all be happening on one day but I decided to apply the 1d = 1d rule because otherwise it'd last as long as the glacier expedition and based on how long the arc feels, how the road takes up a chunk of the map, and how Emolga says they've been searching for hero and partner because they were gone for so long and started to get worried despite Mount Kilionea being established as a far away place, I think it makes sense that it lasts longer.
Finale Arc
The hero recovers from their injuries and wakes up on day 36 as the team decides their next course of action. They explain the situation to Post Town on day 37 just before Glacier Palace rises into the sky. Umbreon and Espeon make their way to Great Glacier that night and the team follows on day 38, on which they make it through the palace and destroy the Bittercold. The hero leaves the Pokemon world the next morning on day 39.
Worldcore Arc
A vague long timeskip happens, but if you look at the story summary by either exiting and entering the game or switching between Friend- and Hero Mode, it says months have passed, so we'll go with three months here.
On the evening of day 1 post-skip, Dunsparce and Emolga talk to Hydreigon in the Inn while Virizion and Keldeo have a conversation on the hill. Dunsparce approaches Hydreigon on day 2 and Hydreigon disappears the next day. He returns on day 4 to tell the team about the Worldcore where the partner manages to make a wish and be reunited with the hero.
The main story lasts 39 days while the post-game story lasts 4 days. Counting everything together with the time skip and assuming the timespan includes two 30-day and two 31-day months, the entire story of Gates to Infinity lasts 134 days or 4 months, 1 week and 5 days
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not-a-space-alien · 6 months
Savage Sunset Choose Your Own Adventure 30
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29
Story masterpost
Series is for 18+ audiences only!
All entries in the CYOA
So, the audience chose the first option for the finale--"Encourage Valen to stay as long as he wants. Talk to him about his project more."
After giving it some thought, I realized this is basically the route Lex and Ari went in the actual story, and so the sequence of events would likely not be significantly different! So I thought the best way to end this might be to decide what would happen on each option.
Sorry for not giving a more detailed ending to send this out with a bang! But hopefully you will enjoy some of these scenarios and feel free to imagine how it would go! Not sure if anyone would have any interest in doing so, but you're all perfectly welcome to write your own fic about it.
Encourage Valen to stay as long as he wants. Talk to him about his project more.
As I said the winning option would go basically the same way as canon, except Felix and the narrator would be there instead of Lex and Ari. Lex and Ari would probably eventually snoop around and become secondary supporters, the way Bailey and Jerome do in canon. Valen would probably eventually end up with a unit of six hunters invested in protecting him.
Keep Valen here and make it known what a horrible mistake the hunters made.
Valen is nervous about you telling anyone, but if you're able to convince him to stay and let you go public with it, he hunkers down and braces himself for the attention. It ignites an absolute shitstorm of national arguing--public opinion in areas where vampire attacks are not common is overwhelmingly on Valen's side--and those in areas who do live at risk of vampire attacks argue it's very easy to take a moral high ground when you don't live in danger yourself.
The director is a politician at heart and cares very much about the guild's public image, so Nick is fired and jailed. The director asks Valen to leave to avoid more attention, but the rest of the guild rallies to his side as happens in cannon, so eventually the director backpedals and lets him stay. The fact that everyone knows he's there means Valen is continually anxious; unlike canon, where his presence is kept more lowkey, he starts getting volumes of letters--both supportive and hatemail. The window of discourse in public life shifts to talk about whether or not vampires should have human rights.
Get Valen out of here, then make it public what happened.
This goes the same way as the previous option, except Valen isn't there to feel threatened by the attention. You keep him updated on the situation, until one day you can't get ahold of him again. A few weeks later, he gets off a frantic phone call that he's been pressured to come back to the Kithrara estate, and your group of 6 supportive hunters plan the same epic breakout that happens in canon. It ends the same way as scenario #2.
Get Valen out of here as soon as you can--he isn't safe. You can stay in touch.
You hurry Valen over the border ASAP, then have regular phone conversations with him. He's once again pressured to come back to the Kithrara estate, except this time you haven't spent enough time with him for his first instinct to be to call you. You never hear from him again--He eventually realizes he needs to leave Priscus and musters up the courage to do it, but by then he's basically too scared to call you again.
Get Valen out of here and never speak of it again. Hope you don't get caught.
You toss him over the border and don't get caught. You never hear from him again. You live with the incident in the back of your mind for the rest of your life, wondering if you made the right decision.
Thank you all for playing along!
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
No offence but why should people have to pay for stuff from you when 99% of creators on here would post the same things for free
Well, I really debated just deleting this. I really did. Or plain out blocking this anon. Because I really do try to ignore negativity in the inbox, truly, and normally do delete it. But I'll answer this one, in a mo', after I first say...putting no offense in front of an ask that is meant to be rude, to either hurt my feelings or make me feel bad, doesn't suddenly make it inoffensive. In fact, pretty much guaranteed that if you feel the need stick 'no offense' in front of something, you know it'll be offensive, or at the very least, rude, and you're trying to excuse a dick move. Question too...are you sending this ask to every fanartist accepting commissions too, or just the writers? My guess is a solid no, but hey, maybe you can prove me wrong.
Next point - nobody should be paying me anything right now. My commissions are temporarily closed. I'm not really accepting any at the moment because I'm on day 10 of a stretch of 12 days at work before I have one day off, after which I pull another 12 days before I get 2 whole days off. I'm struggling to find time to finish the two commissions I do have and to write to build up the queue on here again so I can continue to put out things on here again. I'm pulling at least one all-nighter a week just to make progress on those two things.
Again - free stuff. Because I definitely do offer lots of that. Commissions are done on top of me writing plenty for free, not instead of. It's simply not as long, or as detailed, and has rules around what I'll comfortably write.
Now onto actual commissions. All but two of the commissions I've handled have been incredibly personalized, either match ups for the actual person on the other side of the screen or working with people's self-inserts or OCs. The two that weren't were for incredibly rare pairs that don't have a lot of people writing for them (ShouheixYata from K Project and Sherlock Holmes (novel version) x Hiruma Yoichi from Eyeshield 21. Please show me even 5% of tumblr routinely putting out content for those pairings because I would enjoy reading anything from them.
For my match ups, smutty ones are at least 5 pages, while romantic and platonic ones have never gone below 7 pages and have, at times, gone as long as 15 pages and include intensely thought out explanations of why they're compatible with that character, what the relationship would be like, how the commissioner fits into the Canon universe, and at least 3, usually more other characters they could be compatible with, how those characters would know the commissioner and fit into their story and why the relationship might not work. I struggle to find blogs willing to do matchups even half that length and intricacy so please, direct me to the 95% of writers that will do that for free.
For my stories, the shortest I've done was 10 pages where I made a whole $1 per page. The longest has been 65 pages where I made $50. They all also come with a music mix and a storyboard with alternate ways the story could have gone and at least 5 new headcanons about the OC and the ship. Please, again, direct me to the 95% of tumblr writers willing to do that for someone else's self-insert ship or OC ship for free, of that length, with the extras. Most writers I know might occasionally write a friend's OC but not just anyone's and usually not 30-60 pages for them.
Long story short, I don't force anyone to commission me. If you don't want to and just want to enjoy the free stuff, that's perfectly cool with me! If you don't like that I take commissions, block me. If you feel everything I write is so generic and boring that 95% of other writers have wrote the exact same thing, my blog isn't for you, block me.
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tailsbeth-writes · 9 months
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Thanks for tagging me @duchessdepolignaca03! So this is my first one of these actually, thanks to timezones it wasn't Wednesday when I got tagged but nonetheless here we go.
So I don't have WIP excerpts right now, I'm a 'gonna write a fic to post straight after' kind of gal (this will change with a long project next year though) so instead I thought I'd post some bits from my fanfic idea dump plus some og fiction WIPs.
-The Prince & He (Working Title - coming 2024)
The Prince & Me AU for Red White & Royal Blue. Alex is at UT and Henry decides to study in America, he tells his family it's to find himself but really it's so he can get away from his overbearing royal responsibilities. (Looking for betas for this btw!)
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Potential RWRB fic ideas:
-it's Alex & Bea who have cakegate and after damage control, the queen thinks they should start a courtship... Alex & Henry have other ideas though (want to explore gendered differences, the damage control would be so different with Bea and I think I'd like to make her asexual & explore that within a structure of tradition)
-5+1: times that Alex was clearly being hit on by a dude but was completely oblivious & Henry is obviously the one (🥹)
- Potential song fic - Wasia Project: U Deserve - Nothing But Thieves: Do You Love Me Yet? - Liz Lawrence: I'd Rather
Original Fiction: Decompose
Near future London has been segregated by means of a new medical test, each sector representing a level of productivity. After going through the kitted out MRI machine, twin Harry Thorpe is wrongly moved from his comfortable life in the highly skilled sector where technology rules and excellence is expected, to the unskilled sector which seems stuck in the past but with much more variety.
Between alien customs and new romances with classmates, he discovers his own power hungry mum is trying to bring in the One Child Policy and that is only the beginning of her plans. Harry and a group of rebel social workers and civil servants might be the only thing that can stop her.
This is my first novel, it's young adult sci-fi, focuses on equality, chronic illness & disabilities, diversity, government corruption, found family, rebellion. It's got a diverse cast led by Harry, who is a soft pansexual bookworm with a sweet tooth. I'm currently editing & looking for beta readers for the next draft.
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When You Get The Chance
My next book project is still very early days but it's a very queer holiday romance.
Coral 'Corey' Henderson is on holiday in Majorca for 2 weeks, her sister missed the start of the holiday leaving her alone. Enter Alice Ortiz, a member of an Abba tribute act performing at the hotel.
All of Abba Nice Day are queer, Corey is a ginger plus size Scottish lesbian event planner, Alice is a bisexual Geordie (half Spanish) who loves singing but also wants to go to uni to study politics. This book will explore family dynamics, dementia, biphobia, body image, protesting & finding your purpose. I'll do a call out for betas when we get to it!
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Congrats if you made it through all this! I'm tagging @cl4r3m0nt @heybuddy-drabbles @candyspandemonium @firenati0n @nontoxic-writes & whoever else wants to do this! Tag me, I'm always looking for writer pals 🥰
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
The Laws of Attraction
My fill for Day 1 of @harringrove-flip-reverse-it!
Prompt - SFW - School Project
2k - Rated E
“How’s that for chemistry, Harrington?” Billy asked, on the edge of a moan. Steve laughed, grasping Billy tighter and stroking faster, eliciting another deep moan from the blonde. “Too bad we can’t write about this for our paper. I’m sure we’d get an A+.”
It had all started when Steve had missed his Intro to Human Sexuality class three weeks before. Steve never gets sick. It’s his thing, and he’s weirdly proud of it. Healthy as a horse, with an immune system so strong that the pediatrician would joke that Steve should be studied by science every time he went in for a checkup. Steve would laugh long after the joke got old so he could always be sure the doctor would offer him his favourite sucker, a blue one, at the end of the appointment, after his reflexes were checked and the ice-cold stethoscope was pressed to his chest.
Being so healthy meant that Steve had to get really good at faking colds and flues so he could stay home and eat soup and crackers and watch either game shows, soap operas, or 80s sitcom reruns, depending on which nanny his parents had employed at the time.
Once Steve had started high school and his parents felt that he was past the point of needing a nanny to care for him while they were away and could always reach him on his cellphone if they needed to anyway, he was able to drop the sick act and just ditch school instead. Nobody was going to go to the trouble of tracking down his parents to bother them with the news that their son wasn’t in class that day.
It had gotten even easier once Steve had gone away to college. He would pick and choose what classes he felt like attending and didn’t need to answer to anyone as long as he kept his grades up.
But of course, the first time in his entire life that Steve was too sick to go to school, struck down by food poisoning from some questionable Chinese leftovers he’d found in the mini fridge he kept next to his dorm room bed and used like a fridge, unable to do anything except either puke or lay on the floor next to the toilet waiting to puke again, shivering, and shaking and wishing he was dead, refusing when his floormates tried to offer help. He just had to puke it out.
Finally, at about 8pm, he was feeling slightly better and like the illness had finally run its course. He dragged himself back to bed and curled up in a ball, picking up his phone from where he’d tossed it in the sheets when he’d run for the bathroom and checking his missed notifications.
He had a couple texts from Robin, updating him on all the Hawkins High gossip he was missing out on, and a whole string of them from Dustin that had gotten increasingly frantic as the day had gone on, but the ones that stood out were from Nancy, who of course had ended up at the same school as him, even sharing some of his classes. They’d talked on occasion since breaking up in the fall of their senior year, but it was usually only if they had something important to tell each other so he clicked on hers first.
Nancy – 11:12am: Steve, are you skipping health class again? I heard what Ms. Johnson said to you the other day about your attendance!
Nancy – 11:22am: Partners are being assigned for the huge project in Human Sexuality today. If you don’t get here soon, you might be stuck with Billy. He’s not here today either.
Nancy – 12:37pm: I’m sorry, Steve, you’re going to have to work with Billy. Your topic is chemistry and attraction.
Steve groaned. Just his luck, the one time he’s actually sick, something like this actually happens. He’d done his best to avoid Hargrove since their big fight at the Byers’ the fall of their senior year of high school, as much as you can avoid someone in a town as small as Hawkins, where there was one high school with one basketball team that they both played on.
He’d counted down the days until he was free and could make a fresh start, only to find out that it wouldn’t just be Nancy at his new school, Billy Hargrove would be there too. And then the first day of Human Sexuality, there were both Billy and Nancy, on opposite sides of the front row.
Steve does his best to pretend that Billy’s not there, tamping down an attraction that’s been there since the moment he laid eyes on the other boy. Billy hadn’t confirmed nor denied his sexual preferences since he’d come crashing into Hawkins with his stepmom and stepsister, Max, to be closer to Max’s grandparents after Billy’s dad had died that summer, but if the rumours were true, Billy happily slept with anything on two legs.
Steve doesn’t judge, has no room to, considering how many girls he’s slept with. But that was before Nancy. Since his time with her, he’s been a relationship guy, someone who wants heavy commitment, and Billy just doesn’t seem like that type of guy, so Steve pushes his feelings down, ignoring them in favour of finding someone he could have a relationship with.
 Now though, Steve had no choice but to spend time with Billy. A lot of it, considering that the project was worth half their grade. And of course, of all the possible topics, they got chemistry.
For the first few weeks that they met with each other to work on the project, they kept their conversations strictly school related, at Steve’s behest, both because Steve didn’t want to end up down a road he wasn’t prepared for with Billy, and because success in academics didn’t come easily to Steve like it did to Billy. Steve needed a good grade in this class, so he had to stay focused and work hard.
They divvied up the research, Billy focusing on attraction while Steve worked on compatibility. It was coming along good until they met to discuss their findings and work on their thesis topic. They were in Steve’s dorm room, Steve at his desk, and Billy sprawled out on Steve’s bed.
He had his textbook open and upside down across his stomach and his arms crossed behind his head. His white t-shirt was riding up, exposing a strip of flesh between the hem of his shirt and the waistband of his jeans, and Steve wanted to pull the shirt up, expose him, lick and kiss and nip his way up to Billy’s mouth, wanted to pull the backwards baseball cap off his head and sink his hands into Billy’s curls.
“Hey, Harrington, have you ever thought about whether we have chemistry?” Billy asked. For all his usual bravado, the question came out of his mouth quietly, as if he wasn’t even sure if he wanted Steve to hear him ask it.
Steve looks up, meeting his eye, and he’s giving Steve a look that’s equal parts considering and wanting, his eyes dark. They travel down the length of Steve’s body and back up again, and Steve can’t remember the last time he felt so seen, so wanted.
“What if I have?” he replies, trying for breezy, and failing miserably. He’s way too into this, and it’s showing all over his face.
“Come over here and tell me what you’ve thought about,” Billy says, sitting up and patting the bed beside him.
Steve closes his laptop and takes the few steps to his small bed. He sits next to Billy, their bodies pressed together from head to toe. Steve rubs his knees nervously, trying to wipe some of the sweat off as he psyches himself up to kiss Billy.
He doesn’t have a chance to before Billy turns to him, slipping a hand into the back of Steve’s hair and cupping the back of his skull. Billy pulls him in for a kiss that’s surprisingly tender, as deep and searching as it is.
They stay like that for a long time, exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues, getting familiar with each other in a way Steve’s only previously dreamed of. Finally, they pull back to catch their breath, and Billy gives him a dopey grin before leaning in to nip and suck at Steve’s earlobe. He lets out a loud moan at the contact, too turned on to be embarrassed by the sound.
“Like that, don’t you, pretty boy?” Billy asks, rhetorically, before returning to the task.
Unsure of what to do, Steve slides his hands up under Billy’s t-shirt, exploring the planes of his stomach and the pecs that were the driving force behind most of his senior year jerk off fantasies. And god, they feel just as good as he thought they would, soft and pillowy, but firm at the exact same time. He’s in heaven.
“Can I give you a hand, Harrington?” Billy asks, hand hovering over the button on Steve’s jeans.
“Yes, yeah. Can I, you, uh,” Steve replies, barely able to get the words out, motioning gracelessly at Billy’s own jeans, and Billy undoes the button on Steve’s jeans and unzips his fly. Steve stands and pulls his jeans and boxers down to his knees as Billy undoes his own pants and pulls them down.
Billy pulls him back into a kiss for a minute before pulling away again.
“You got lube in here?” he asks, even as he leans over and pulls a bottle out of Steve’s bedside table drawer. He squirts some on his own and doles out some to Steve before dropping it into the sheets.
They grasp each other in their slicked up hands, and holy shit, Steve’s not going to ask long. It feels too amazing to finally have Billy’s hands on him. If the little whimpers and gasps coming out of Billy’s mouth are anything to go by, he’s not going to last long either.
They stroke each other at a fast pace as Steve tries to see how many hickeys, he can give Billy before they both cum. Three’s the magic number, then Billy’s bucking into Steve’s grasp, and Steve’s doing the same for him, then they’re coming all over each other’s hands and stomachs, gasping into each other’s mouths as they come down from their shared high.
They’re laying in bed after, sweaty and panting, Billy starfished out over Steve’s body, with his boxers pulled up but his jeans kicked off onto the floor, a heavy, reassuring weight. When Steve used to fantasize about this moment, he always pictured Billy to be the kind of guy that would hook up and run, but if anything, he seems to be settling in, using Steve’s chest like a pillow, and twining their legs together. It’s exactly what Steve would have asked for if he could decide how this would go. It’s nice, it’s sweet, and Steve could get used to it.
“So, Harrington,” Billy says, his voice quiet but rough, probably from how deep he took Steve’s cock into his mouth. “Do you think we should add this to the paper? Maybe we’ll get extra credit for doing hands on research.”
Steve snorts, swatting him. “As much as I could use the extra points, I think I want to keep this all to myself.”
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atwooozi · 2 months
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gojo x oc
Chapter 12: Just Like Starting Over
summary: Ai finds herself emotionally drained and struggling after a tense karaoke session with Gojo. Her discomfort grows during a press junket for Gojo’s new movie, where she navigates awkward interactions and chaotic environments alongside her team, Geto and Junpei.
genre: modern AU, slice of life, comedy, eventual romance, eventual smut, some angst
A/N: This week has been so crazy with the weather lately. I usually love summer storms but because of the strong winds it knocked out my internet for a few days and I gotta say I was so surprised at how difficult it was to do anything on my phone only. A complete first world problem but it was a pain. If you've also been dealing with crazy storms I hope you're doing well and staying safe.
This week's song is Radiant Memories by TANUKI. It might feel a bit redundant given last week's pick, but I think this is a bit more of a continuation of those feelings but with a more uplifting perspective given the instrumental.
Ai spent the last day of her break rotting in bed, exhausted. She hadn’t heard anything from Gojo since karaoke, and much as she wanted to tell herself that it was a good thing, it only felt more painful with each passing day.
She was starting to wonder if being around Gojo for so long had made her a bit more dramatic. Although so much had happened to her emotionally in such a short amount of time, it had only been a day and a half.
“I just want to be friends, Ai-chan.”
Gojo’s words echoed in her head and it made her shiver. She couldn’t help but make an audible disgusted noise to herself from how juvenile she felt.
The silence was deafening. It was partially (if not completely) her fault that she was in the mess, but what else could she do? She could quit the story, of course, but that was not even an option in her mind.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺
Ai and the rest of her tiny team were back with Gojo as he went about promoting his new movie. Instead of following Gojo around at MAPPA studios, they were taken to a ritzy hotel downtown. Currently, Gojo was in a makeshift green room, set up to shield talent from the hoards of interviewers and photographers who were anxiously waiting for them outside.
The room itself consisted of bland-looking temporary walls, spare furniture that the hotel provided, and a couple of vanities set up for the poor actors promoting their much-anticipated project.
From what Ai knew, actors and directors were sent to sit in a conference room for press junkets for hours on end—a day of back-to-back media interviews. Boiled down to its simplest parts, press junkets were nothing more than celebrity journalist speed dating events that everyone, cast and crew alike, seemed to dread.
Unlike everyone else in the room, Gojo was beaming as usual. Ai’s team, on the other hand, felt rather on edge as they squeezed themselves into the green room. Between the different PR teams, multiple stylists, and the three of them–Ai, Geto, and Junpei– the space felt increasingly claustrophobic.
“Are we staying the whole day?” Geto whispered to Ai as he adjusted his camera. After a moment, Geto took some pictures of Gojo as a hairstylist touched up the star’s already perfect-looking hair.
“I don’t think I need help,” Gojo said as he cast a mischievous glance Geto’s way. “I’m already perfect, but my handsome friend needs it.”
Geto arched an eyebrow at Gojo before looking through his viewfinder again.
“Look at his weird bangs!” Gojo teased as he pointed a finger in Geto’s direction.
Before Gojo could say more a bright flash went off, causing him to groan as he turned away. He rubbed his eyes with a pout. “You’re so mean, Suguru.”
“And you look ugly today,” Geto retorted as he looked at the picture he had just taken with a frown.
Out of curiosity, Ai peaked at the camera display. In all fairness, it wasn’t the best picture in the world, but if Gojo having slight bags under his eyes qualified him as ugly, then Ai could be classified as a beast.
Gojo gasped, fake hurt written all over his face. “You shouldn’t lie like that.”
Geto ignored Gojo as he adjusted the settings on his camera.
Ai couldn’t be sure, but from the expression on Geto’s face, she was assuming that the lighting wasn’t much to his liking.
“No…we’re breaking after the hour lunch and then we’ll reconvene as the interviews start wrapping up,” Ai explained, trying to circle back to Geto’s original question.
Subtle relief seemed to wash over Geto as he took in the information. “Sounds good.”
Though Geto didn’t say it, it was clear that this was the last place he wanted to be. Ai couldn’t fault him for that. The crowd and overall stressful atmosphere were draining, but she couldn’t imagine having to try and take pictures in such a mess.
Ai gave him an understanding nod as she watched another person make their way into the already-crowded room. He took a seat next to Gojo and was quickly greeted by a makeup artist, who started working almost immediately. Ai found it almost funny when she saw the artist swipe dark eyeshadow under the actor’s eyes to accentuate his already prominent dark circles unlike Gojo he was cute enough to pull it off.
“Senpai, th-that’s Okkotsu Yuta,” Junpei said quietly as he looked over at the young star in awe.
“Hey supervisor ,” Geto interjected. “You’re in the way of my shot.”
Ai rolled her eyes at the two. “Will you two cut it out?” She looked over her shoulder and caught Geto sticking his tongue out at Junpei.
Geto glanced at Ai and gave her a cheesy smile. “Need something, Ai-san?”
“Stop teasing my kouhai, please,” Ai sighed.
As much as she’d like to believe that she shouldn’t have to reprimand someone older than her, Ai reminded herself that Geto Suguru was just a special case. His best friend was just as bad as he was, after all.
“That’s just how I show my affection,” Geto explained as he looked through his viewfinder once more.
Junpei gave Geto a skeptical look as he watched him take pictures of Gojo and Yuta. “I don’t think that’s how you show someone that you care about them, Geto-san…”
Ai shook her head. “No, he’s being serious, Junpei-kun.”
The way that Geto and Gojo interacted with one another was proof enough. The two men only seem to know how to express affection by being absolute terrors. But then again, maybe that was only when they were in each other’s presence. Gojo had the capacity to be more tender when a certain photographer wasn’t around and in all fairness aside from Geto’s sharp tongue, he also had a bit of a softer side.
“You’re weird, Geto-san,” Junpei mumbled as he reached into one of Geto’s bags and began setting up a tripod.
Although they bickered, Geto and Junpei had found a great rhythm in the way they worked together. Without being asked, Junpei seemed to know what Geto would need or how to adjust the lighting just as the photographer liked it.
“Geto, don’t steal my kouhai, please,” Ai whispered to him as he set his camera up on the tripod.
Geto smirked and gave a chuckle. “Who’s to say that I didn’t already steal him, Ai-san?”
Ai blinked at Geto, causing him to smile even more, his eyes turning into devious crescent moons. Was he some kind of supervillain?
Ai quickly glanced around ‌the room to find out where Junpei was. He was sitting quietly on one of the couches provided by the hotel, taking notes on his observations, much like Ai would do. If she weren’t so panicked at the loss of her kouhai, she would feel so proud.
Ai quickly made her way over to Junpei and tugged on his arm. “We should introduce ourselves quickly before they have to get started.”
“Huh?” Junpei stood up, a bit confused by Ai’s actions.
Ai smiled at Junpei as she led him over towards Okkotsu and Gojo, shooting Geto a glare over her shoulder. In return, Geto stuck his tongue out at her before he went back to taking photos.
“Excuse me, Okkotsu-kun?” Ai called out gently as she walked over to the young man.
“Yes?” Okkotsu gave Ai a gentle smile.
Ai bowed her head slightly to him. “I just wanted to introduce myself and my kouhai. This is Yoshino Junpei,” she said as she gestured ‌to the confused young man standing next to her. “We’re working on a profile about Gojo-san.”
“What about me!” Geto complained as he walked over.
“Amada-san, you forgot to introduce yourself,” Junpei whispered to her.
Ai wanted to bash her head through the wall but decided against it. “R-right, I’m Amada Ai.”
“Nice to meet you all,” Okkotsu chuckled. “A profile on Gojo-san, huh? Sounds…interesting,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Ai nodded, offering a strained smile. “It has its moments,” she replied. “I’m sure you’re well aware of how interesting it can be to work with Gojo.”
As they continued to talk, Gojo seemed to have had enough of not being included. He smiled at the group with a trademark grin. “What’s all this?” he chimed, “I thought you guys were writing a story on me .”
Ai turned to face him, feeling an unpleasant tightness in her chest in his presence. “Just introducing ourselves to Okkotsu-kun,” she explained, as she tried her best to keep her tone casual.
Gojo nodded, not giving Ai as much of a glance, and looked at Okkotsu directly. “I think it’s time for us to go–right, Yuta-kun?” he said as he wrapped his arm around the younger actor’s shoulder, already leading him out the door.
“N-nice meeting you guys!” Okkotsu called out before the door closed behind him.
When the two actors left, the hoards of people in the green room vanished along with them. The once-bustling room now felt almost barren as Ai, Junpei, and Geto were the only three left inside.
“…Did Gojo-san seem weird?” Ai asked as she glanced over at Junpei and Geto.
Geto pursed his lips and glanced Ai’s way with an arched brow. Although Geto said nothing, his face said it all.
“I don’t think so,” Junpei said thoughtfully as he peered out the door. “It’s pretty hectic around here, though.”
On the inside Ai was panicking, between the way that Gojo seemed to ignore her and the look that Geto gave her she knew that things were off. She wasn’t sure how to fix it, but she needed to fix it. What it was, she couldn’t really say. Part of her was worried about the story, but another part of her felt frosted out by the actor. Both things bothered her immensely but she couldn’t say which one weighed on her more.
Ai found herself slipping into a familiar routine of taking notes, comparing her material with Junpei, and checking in with Geto now and then to ensure that he remembered to take pictures. Despite the chaos of the literal media circus surrounding them, she couldn’t shake the heaviness that she felt in her heart.
During the brief moments of rest between interviews, Ai stole glances at Gojo, unable to ignore the ache she felt. He was effortlessly charming in front of the cameras, his smile radiant, and his wit sharp. He seemed so unbothered, so like himself, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he felt a similar pain that she was feeling.
If only Ai had noticed that when she looked away that sparkling blue eyes would somehow find their way to her. It was only for a few brief moments at a time, but unconsciously Gojo’s eyes would follow the silly journalist.
As the lunch break approached, Ai's stomach churned with a mix of nerves and anticipation. This would be her only chance to talk to Gojo casually before they reconvened later.
“Hey Gojo-san,” Ai called out to him hesitantly. She wasn't sure if she was shaking, but she could feel her inner turmoil almost bubble over. “Can we talk for a minute?”
Gojo looked up from his seat, his usually bright and silly face unreadable for a moment before he nodded. “Sure, Amada-san, what's up?”
Ai winced when she heard Gojo address her so formally. It felt so unnatural coming from him. The wall that she worked so hard to break down had been built up again and it was even stronger than it was before.
Ai hesitated for a moment and played with her hands nervously. “I…I'm sorry.” She mumbled.
She looked up at Gojo, as he looked down at her with furrowed brows. Perhaps it was her nerves clouding her judgment, but she couldn’t figure out what to make of the expression. His silence only made Ai flounder more.
“I feel like I was really unprofessional the other day and I–” Ai bit her lip, her voice trembling as she spoke. She looked down at the ground in embarrassment. Never in her life had she ever felt so nervous before.
Ai took a deep breath trying to calm herself down and looked back up at Gojo again. “I just…I’m sorry.” Her voice wasn’t trembling anymore, but the words were so quiet that she could barely hear them over the hubbub happening in the hall.
Gojo leaned forward with a smirk taking over his features. “What was that?” he asked as he cupped his ear. “It’s hard to hear you over all these people.”
Despite the nerves, she felt she couldn’t help but want to wipe that smirk off of Gojo’s face. It was somewhat relieving to know that things between them were…okay, but it was just as irritating that he was punishing her even if she did deserve it.
Ai gritted her teeth. “I said I'm sorry,” she said, speaking as slowly and clearly as possible so Gojo could hear her.
A wide grin spread across Gojo's face as he looked at Ai head-on. His blue eyes looked alive and vibrant. “Hmm…” he hummed as he tapped his chin in thought.
Ai tried her best to stay composed as she looked at him. “Hm?”
“You don't have to apologize,” Gojo said as he stood up from his seat, putting his hands in his pockets. “We weren't even fighting.” He said as he walked over to the catering table.
Ai quickly followed behind him. It was difficult though given how long Gojo's strides were. “I-I'm not done!”
“What else, Ai-chan?” Gojo said as he grabbed multiple bags of cookies–presumably for himself.
She hated herself for it, but she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief when Gojo called her ‘Ai-chan’. She found it annoying at first, but when he called her Amada-san she found herself desperately wanting the annoying Gojo back.
“Can we start over?” Ai asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked down at her shoes. “Like completely over.”
Gojo looked at her blankly for a moment, but then a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he stared down at her. He ruffled Ai’s hair–much to her annoyance–as she swatted his hand away. “No.”
“ No ?”
“Yeah, nah,” Gojo said as he stuffed a cookie in his mouth.
Ai looked up at him with her mouth agape. “What do you mean nah ?”
Gojo stopped mid-chew, his expression shifting from playful to bored. Swallowing his cookie, regarding Ai with a hint of curiosity.
Gojo's gaze lingered on Ai for a moment, his expression unreadable. “I mean, why start over when we only just started?” He replied, popping another cookie into his mouth. “Life is too short to dwell on do-overs and all that dumb stuff. Cookie?” He asked with a grin as he held out the bag to her. “Besides, I feel like we’re just getting to the good part.”
Ai was dumbstruck, she shook her head as Gojo offered her a cookie. “Okay…” she said as she met his gaze.
What was the good part?
Gojo flashed Ai a grin, but there was something in his eyes that made Ai's heart flutter. “We'll talk later?”
Ai nodded, a mixture of relief and apprehension washing over her. “Yeah…”
“Leave Suguru and Junpei-kun at home though, ‘kay?” Gojo called as he walked away.
Ai nodded as she watched him walk away. “…’kay,” she said to herself.
As Ai watched Gojo walk away, a mixture of conflicting emotions churned within her. As relieved as she felt for finally being able to talk to him she was left just as confused.
What the hell was the good part?
Lost in thought, Ai barely noticed Junpei’s gentle tap on her shoulder. “Senpai, are you okay?”
Ai flinched when she felt Junpei’s touch, but did her best to force a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine, Junpei-kun. Just…thinking.”
Junpei nodded, concern still etched into his features despite Ai’s words. “Okay, just let me know if I can help in any way.”
A genuine smile spread across her face. “I will, thank you.”
Before Junpei could walk away, Ai stopped him. “Junpei-kun…”
Junpei’s eyes flicked back to Ai and he smiled expectantly. “Yes, senpai?”
“I’m going to speak with Gojo-san later.”
Junpei gave Ai a confused look. “…Okay?”
“What I mean is…” Ai pursed her lips as she thought about how to put it. “I-I’m going to interview him one-on-one.”
“Sick of us already?” Geto chimed in, causing Ai to flinch as she looked at him over her shoulder.
The man needed to wear a bell or something. Geto always seemed to appear at the worst times. She felt like he was haunting her.
Ai shook her head. “No…I just feel that Gojo will be able to speak more freely if it’s one-on-one.”
Ai wasn’t lying; she did truly believe that. However, it felt awkward to her because it wasn’t her call. Gojo had requested it. She couldn’t imagine what Gojo wanted to talk about with her, but she couldn’t help but dread the conversation.
“You think you can handle that, Ai?” Geto asked his tone as sweet as ever but teasing as per usual.
Ai opened her mouth ready to sass Geto, but she opened her mouth before she could actually come up with anything. Could she handle Gojo on her own? Part of her wondered if she could handle him at all.
Junpei’s scoffed at Geto’s question as if he was personally offended on Ai’s behalf. “My senpai can handle anything.”
Ai couldn’t help but feel touched by Junpei’s confidence in her. She didn’t deserve such a good kouhai. He inadvertently placed some pressure on her but gave her the motivation to want to do better at the same time.
When Geto rolled his eyes at Junpei’s remark and Ai scrunched her face up at him as if to say ‘I’m winning’ in their ridiculous competition of who was the better senpai.
“Call us if you need anything,” Geto said with a fox-like smile as he wrapped an arm around Junpei’s shoulder. “Let’s get something to eat, Junpei-kun.”
Ai hated how cunning Geto was. Even if Junpei did prefer her, she was sure that Geto could win over her kouhai soon enough.
Ai nodded gratefully at the two men. “I will, thank you guys. Good work today.”
Junpei shrugged Geto’s arm as they walked away. “I don’t like when you use my name. It feels creepy…”
Ai couldn’t help but giggle as she watched the two slowly disappear out of the hall together.
Once she was alone she felt her unease settle into the pit of her stomach as she left the hotel conference room. This meeting with Gojo felt like more than just another interview, but maybe that was just Ai’s delusions filtering through. Either way, it was happening and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for it.
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balshumetsbaragouin · 8 months
Chapter tweleve is out! What's that? What happened to chapter eleven? Eh, it's fine. You can catch up by reading both these chapters at the same time!
In this one, Danny visits Technus to try and get some answers and gets more than he bargained for.
Chapter 13 is still on for Saturday, and this week is a double Danny feature! We'll still be in his POV come Saturday.
Still not convinced you want to read? Have a taste of the story below!
He relaxed into the loamy, green dirt on top of a floating island only a few hundred meters from a large energy nova. Every pulse of his core drew in more energy, filling him with a heady rush of power and a cooling tingle of blissful ecto-energy. Novas felt impersonal, distant, like the rays of the sun, as long as he floated far enough away. The woozy feeling that left his head spinning, and the weakness jitterbugging through every heavy limb, abated with every brush of energy along the skin facing towards the Nova. He breathed in the energized plasma of the Zone, feeling it spiral though his form to wrap around his core before settling inside. After a few more minutes enjoying the pleasant silence and whisper of energy across his body, he forced open his heavy lids with the crowbar of his will. He sat up, pushing past the creaks and pops in his spine, and took a look around this part of the Zone.
Behind him, still within sight, sat the swirling green of the Fenton Portal. To his left and right, spreading out into the infinite horizon, floated glowing green outcroppings of sparsely vegetated rocks. Above him glowed the Nova, and it cleared out the space around it of floating islands or purple doors. The Zone side of the Fenton Portal used to be crawling with ghosts waiting to squeeze through the opening into the human world. Now, though, after a little over a year of beating back the hordes, low level specters stayed away. The overall ghost activity in Amity hadn’t dropped, so he figured they popped through the much more numerous temporary portals instead of rushing his family’s.
He let himself float off the surface of the island, a task made much easier by the weak gravity of the paltry grouping of stones, and rubbed his temples to relieve some tension. That was a close one. He reached into his pocket for his cell, taking in the time, and glanced back at the Portal. He could wander around, soak up some more rays, and speed up his recovery. But now that he’d made it to the Zone, another thought nagged at him. The last major ghost he’d fought before everything went to shit was Technus. In the days after the technology-obsessed ghost blew into school, the animal and even the blob ghosts had vanished. Then, everything electronic came to life. Weaker ghosts often got scared of more powerful ones, choosing to vacate their territory instead of risking a confrontation. If the machine plague was Technus’ doing, and the wimpier ghosts sensed his energy around, that would explain their disappearance. 
He tossed his phone back and forth in his hands, thinking things through, before opening it to fire off some texts. I’m already here, might as well make the most of it. First, he messaged Valerie through the admin channels. No point in keeping her worried I kicked it in the Fenton household. After that was a group message to Team Phantom, explaining his idea and promising to be careful. Jasmine was out with friends, and Sam and Tucker at the arcade, so he didn’t expect an immediate response. He’d usually bat an idea like this around the group chat, but Technus’ Lair door wasn’t far. If things got out of hand, he’d have backup soon enough. 
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balkanradfem · 2 years
It's time to up-pot, move and save some little seedlings!
Most of my plants haven't grown big enough to out-grow their pots, but I've been noticing some problems caused by me, and caused by weather, so I figured I should fix it. I prepared a big bucket of soil, lots of cups and little pots, and it's a nice day out, so I get to do the messy work on my balcony.
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This plant you see on the picture, is a dwarf tomato. They're a balcony variety, she won't ever be planted outside, and, she's just about to outgrow her pot. I don't want her roots to start circling this cup, so I'm moving her before she gets too big. I grew these for several years and the bigger container they have, the more tomatoes they produce. They give produce as early as late May, which I love about them. So! I'm up-potting her to this big plastic bucket:
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This plastic cup is very pliable, so I'm taking the plant out by pushing with my finger on the bottom, and flipping it upside down, so the gravity helps me get the plant out. This plant is so small and vulnerable, it would be easy to cause damage if I were to pull on it, this way she is safe. As soon as she's out, I flip her around and place her in the bucket, already half-filled with soil. Then I just bury her roots in more soil, water her, and she's done!
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So now I've taken this tomato out, I have a little cup, free for another plant! Next thing to tackle is this problem:
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See this little plant container with 12 spaces? That thing is horrible, it was my first time using it, and I'm never gonna do it again. it's atrocious. Since the spaces with the soil are so small, it dries up insanely fast, and it's impossible to keep it watered. I found it completely dry several times, and some of the plants just died in it. The soil inside also gets super packed and plants have trouble pushing their roots in, look at this:
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Even though it's such small amount of soil, the plant managed to overtake only half of it. SAD! But, it's going to be all good now, because I'm taking all of these plants out, and putting them in proper cups, where they'll be happy and healthy. You can see on the picture I'm putting these plants on the balcony floor, and the little tomato is now being bottom-watered. Bottom watering means you have a container with holes on the bottom, and you put it in a bigger container, full of water. That plastic food container is filled with water, and the soil and the roots are able to draw this water in, making the plant watered just the correct amount. I'll keep adding plants in there.
The next project is this kale that needs to be saved. What happened to it is this: I planted it early January, and then it was just, very cloudy, rainy and dark outside, for the entire week. This means the poor fella didn't manage to get enough sunlight to grow a good stem, and instead it grew leggy. Leggy plants are those end up arching too much and growing too long in order to get some sunlight, and as the result, the stem is weak, flimsy, breaks easily, and cannot hold the plant. That's exactly what this kale is doing:
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See the first picture? Cannot hold the leaves up. I've seen several people save seedlings like that by planting them a little deeper, and having soil hold up the stem. I'm not sure if it will work with kale – it might, it might not, because stem isn't exactly supposed to be underground, it can grow sick. But it's worth trying out, I believe in you kale.
And now, for my own mistake – this container of tomatoes has been planted too shallow! I love shallow planting because it means the plants push their way out of the soil fast, but it can also mean that they can't gather enough purchase with their roots underground, and they end up falling over. This entire container fell over. Luckily, you can transplant a tomato as deep as you want. Tomatoes are special in this way; their stems will grow roots if in the contact with the soil. So If I plant them deeper, I will push them to create a better root system. This isn't applicable to other plants! Only tomato family does this. They're going to have a better time growing with only their leaves over the ground, like in the picture:
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If you look at the second picture, you can see that I'm just compiling these plants on the floor, and I kept putting down new ones until I had about 20, at which point I have had to make another bucket of soil to keep going. I also ended up not having enough space in the kitchen for all of them, but I found a solution to it.
I have more light on the balcony currently, and some of these plants can withstand a freeze – kale, broccoli, cabbage. They'll be alright even if I leave them outside overnight. So I did a little moving around, and this is my current kitchen plant situation:
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This picture is taken the next day, and all of the up-potted plants here have recovered from the ordeal, and are doing great :).
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nehirose · 11 months
like it would probably help if i ever actually talked about things anymore but see also: tired.
i've been out of work for a year. i was supposed to be able to take a break and then get back to it, but instead thing after thing that was more urgent priority and needed to be wrangled has happened. (this isn't isolated to me. by any stretch of the imagination.)
& the job hunt hasn't been great. the last interview i had was for mcdonalds and it went really well! but the gm was out of town and by the time they came back, the location had gotten more applicants. with prior experience. who got hired over me.
they still have the now hiring sign up. it was kind of a body blow to my ego but more importantly fed into the whole thing where -
i am struggling pretty hard with the recursive loop of untreated adhd making it like wading through hip deep cement to get anything - including and especially the things i desperately WANT to do and NEED to do to make any of this easier. get a job get insurance get meds. do paperwork get meds get job? - watch friends with more recent dx but usable insurance struggle to find providers get prescribed not just give up because they struggled their way into a stable place without help so what's even the point.
make art again. enjoy my hobbies again. which i have at least been actually functionally interested again?
partner has a good job and has been a godsend. we're much better off than we were a year and a few months ago, when i was the only one working. we consistently have rent covered, and money for food, the occasional action figure full of serotonin.
the schedule sucks (12 hour days dispersed out over a schedule that repeats every two weeks, rather than every week, and whether those 12 hours are 6am-6:30pm or 6pm to 6:30am switches every four weeks. it's predictable, just irregular, if that makes sense. we're currently on nights - well, i'm doing my best not to be, just adjusting the times for drop off and pick up. there ARE other shifts and teams available, buuuuuuu) uuuuuut the pay is amazing. by rights we should be fine all of the time, barring unforseen disaster. we're stable where we are -
it's just still a one bedroom shared with three people and two cats that is where none of us still want to be living.
we all need trips to the dentist. and follow up dental work. i need an eye exam and new glasses. i probably need to get my migraines more managed if i'm going to keep whatever job i do manage to get. the car needs headlights replaced and to investigate the horrible creaking noise when you are backing out in a turn. we should be doing a better job of trying to put anything into savings, but that's hard.
everything would be /just enough/easier with me bringing in any kind of income. possibly even better than good.
i've been beating myself up about this a lot.
i'm working on that.
i have an *incredible* team for support. my partner and my closest friend who i don't actually live with are both absolute rocks. patient as hell in all of this, but it's hard. willing to help me with getting things out & getting supplies acquired if i manage to get rolling on any one of multiple projects that are currently (finally) percolating. (my other close friends think i deserve to be able to have a break.) (i think that might be a middle ground.)
things ARE looking up. i'm still trundling ever forward and socially i'm so, so, so much happier and better off than i have been in a long time, it's just, y'know.
wading through slowly drying concrete is really, really hard. some days are better than others. things ARE going to improve, one stubborn step after another.
i'm just tired, man.
i'm tired.
i'll be okay.
(but i should probably go to bed.)
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thejournaluser · 8 months
HELLO stranger! welcome to my posts- or blogs- or whatever! i still dont know how to use tumblr or how it works!!! this is basically my randomness stuff, take it as you will. i might do blogs just to post poems and stuff, but ye. Enjoy your time here in my acc!
account announcements log:
(jan 26) made lots of poems before making this account. might post them all but it takes a while ughghghg
(jan 27) im starting to write my thoughts here as well. oh well, might as well make fun here in this account LOL
(feb 4) might wanna post stuff about my ocs. dunno why but i thought i wanted to be famous but eh seems illogical
(feb 11) i might write random shitposts because im THAT out of ideas and full of boredom. mega spoilers tho-
(feb 15) hiya peeps. not feeling the ups right now, just the downs. it'll go away eventually but right now i'd rather feel the emotions than bottle them up. i'll be back soon.
(feb 19) hi y'all. im back from the downs and im currently in a valley in between (istg if any beasts would appear i would-) anyway time to do my usual
(feb 20) woah, did not expect my writing prompts to be getting attention lol. might do those just to get some hearts and all. enjoy the stuff btw!
(feb 22) did NOT expect for my post to get this much attention lol. this account was supposed to be a dump for my creativity BUT im glad people are enjoying it. Thank y'all for staying!
(mar 3) might not be up for it but uhh i wanna do story prompts with a side of shitposting. i already did a sample a few hours back here
(mar 5) i dunno anymore. should i turn this posts of mine into a public confession? i mean, no one might read it lol.
(mar 6) lore???
(mar 19) i decided to write something today. a small project, really but due to some trouble i did in school, it inspired me to write it. enjoy.
(apr 6) hello. i'm still alive. anyone alive, still? i stopped the project for now. i'm so burned out.
(apr 12) tasked my friends and fam to give me one word only. and from that one word, i'll have to make a story prompt out of it. enjoy my silly ideas
(apr 13) aight guys. i might make one sentence writing prompts soon.
(apr 17) introducing The Rooftop, a once-planned short story turned into a long series. hope u guys enjoy
(apr 24) hi guys sorry for not posting anything in a while. school's anniversary week and it's absolutely draining now that instead of going home at noon, i now go to school in the evening. i basically live inside the school now
(apr 27) IM BACK! but i'll still be gone in a few days. still have a lot of things to do and too tired to make story prompts.
(may 12) i have to make to make an announcement in may cuz i don't wanna miss a month just in case. also, to make sure i actually did say something interesting: here's my most popular post
(may 22) ok uh im kinda having a slight anxiety attack rn due to drinking three cups of coffee in one sitting
(may 22, pt2) ??? aight, sorry for the past announcement. it was me freaking out. anyway, im fine now and just listening to music to calm myself down. ngl it's getting hot now with three layers of blanket i just put myself in.
(may 26) on may 24 i think... i called, and they hung up.
(may 27) sorry for making the last announcements too personal. anyway, i noticed that i've been reading a lot lately and been getting into different fandoms thanks to this website. might make a blog dedicated to making reviews. dunno
(june2) wassup. birthday and graduate here. and also a fellow pride month celebrator.
(aug 15) woah, been gone for quite a while. anyway, hi.
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
I gave this up a month ago, because the amount of time and active effort I need to put into MY DUMB JOB in order to still not get everything done rn is “all of it,” and the only thing attempting to write my single pumpkinposted sentence every day was accomplishing was making me more stressed and more upset, and I felt like I was on the verge of literal collapse, physically and mentally, so I was like, “well, fuck me and fuck having a hobby, then” and cut it. I do find extinguishing vain hopes helpful (at least until I take the time to remember to be upset about it), so that’s been relatively helpful. Sad little work robot me hasn’t completely kernel panicked yet, in any case. 
This week was supposed to be less garbage (and is not), but I did give up after 6pm this Tuesday and wrote, and added the missing pieces of Hinamori and Shinji’s scene, and finished the first half of Hinamori and Hitsugaya. There’s a beat in the Hinamori Shinji scene that I thought was out of place, but turned out to weave in thematically really well, and links up to part of HitsuHina2 explicitly, which I am very pleased about.
There’s four more segments to this chapter, all of which kind of exist currently and kind of don’t; three of which should be relatively short (Hinamori and introspection, Hinamori and Matsumoto, Hinamori and Nagakiso Shuutetsu) and one of which is long (Hinamori and Hitsugaya, part 2). 
I just really wish that I could reflect on my dumb blog how much I love my blorbos and the way they float around with me daily even if I don’t have space to think about them. I keep the chapter doc open on my personal laptop and whenever I open this laptop it’s the first thing I see and it fills me with joy! It feels very unfortunate to me that trying to access it more often does not play out as accessing joy and instead results in accessing the feeling of not getting to have this. 
“Write in little bits” they say; “MAKE the time,” they say. SURE except that’s the layer of existence I’m currently using to get a set of prodigal work projects done, and like, my taxes. Shoveling snow. Vacuuming! Anyway, that’s grim, but I think there might be something there for me sometime in the last two weeks of April, so I will set my sights there. I’ll be on vacation for two weeks in May, and come June my hope is to work normal hours and not a moment more, which will be a welcome change.
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lrialthewriter · 1 year
Future Extra: Studying the Past
Word Count: 2,500
Note: This happens DECADES after the ending of the story, and will give hints to what could happen on Reign of Voices, please keep that in mind. This part of the story will be a recurring thing that I might post every now and then.
Fawn ran across the halls and managed to get to her class hall on time, sitting at the back of the angled room before catching her breath. She's really lazy when it comes to preparing to go to her classes and sometimes she would intentionally miss it as long as she’s attending enough times. However, this course is a different case as they have found themselves fascinated with the subject, which goes through the history of humanity. While history itself is really tiring to go through, the last few lessons have tackled the Era of Prosperity.
Just as Fawn started to open up her bag to review their notes from the last meeting, professor Terry walked into the big classroom, all the students had shushed down and began preparing their pens, papers and laptops for the upcoming lecture. They were immediately greeted by the usual cheery mood that the professor has but instead of projecting their usual slide presentations, they took their marker and started to write something.
‘History Paper Project’
Professor Terry looked at the entire class and smiled, “Good day my dear students, as much as I would love to talk about our recent past and walk you through the history, I have decided to make this the final project of your class,” a lot of murmuring have started in the room, while some sounded really worried, Fawn herself felt excited by the idea.
“Fear not,” the professor continued, making the class go quiet again, “as long as you pass what you have found out, regardless of how common or detailed the information you had with regards to the topic, I will pass you in my class. Think of it as some sort of reward for sitting through some history lessons you can find online, though of course efforts will definitely be rewarded, but we will talk about the topic of your paper,” and with that, professor Terry has written more things at the board.
‘Era of Prosperity’
“Any part! Want to focus on one of the two wars? Or do you want to dig deeper on the history of our first Council? Do what you want as long as it’s on the times new roman, font size 12, double spaced, you know the drill by now.” The professor laughed as he wrote those details on the board, “You want to go by group? You want to go solo? Be my guest, just make sure that you write your names in the group.” This made some students start to look around the class and even type out messages through their laptop.
“Well if you have any questions, you can ask now or email me later. Other than that we would not be having any classes for the rest of the semester, our last meeting will be the deadline of this paper, so about… two months? Now, onto the questions.” After Professor Terry finished, a couple of students raised their hands.
“What type of sources can we use?”
“Any, as long as you have proof that is reliable, don’t forget to use APA 22th edition for it”
“How formal does the paper have to be?”
“You wouldn’t be defending it, however I want it written in an orderly manner, introduction, separation of data depending if you are taking different points of view or going through a sequence of events. I just want it to look formal and definitely have no subjective writings on it.”
“Can I partner with someone from a different section but is a student under your name for this course?”
“Email me their names before you start for me to check on them, but yes as long as you inform me at most 2 weeks before the deadline”
Fawn was the last one to get called on to ask her question, “What was the reward if we actually put the effort into this project?”
Professor Terry grinned, “That is a good question! The Regalient University of Innovation would actually be the one providing it, though they refuse to tell the professors themselves what the reward would be, they have mentioned that the Council is involved.” A lot of mumbling has happened within the room.
“The Council are alumni of the school right?” One student blurted out.
“You are correct! Even the former Supere Fuantei have learned their major in our mother university, That can be a full on paper on itself,” Professor Terry laughed, “That does remind me, if any of you needed a proof that you would need some information for educational purposes, email me so I can ask the university to help you out. Apparently they will give the students whatever is necessary to help for this project, so don’t hesitate to email me about it.”
“No limits huh…” Fawn mumbled to herself as she wrote that info down before going through her phone and messaging Jace, ‘hey r u in the class rn?’
Her phone immediately vibrated upon sending the message, ‘yeah I am, also yes we can pair up’, making Fawn chuckle at the idea of Jace already writing out a message to ask her.
“Very well, if there are no further questions, class dismissed. Email me or meet me at the faculty every Wednesday if ever you need help with the project.” And with that the professor left while everyone else started to pack up and leave.
Fawn giggled at the idea of being able to research a lot of things for the paper, while they aren’t too interested in actually claiming the winner over the best paper, they still wanted to give it a shot. She texted Jace to meet her at their usual place before bolting out, they want to get some library books before everyone else gets the idea.
Jace arrived at the cafe he and Fawn frequent over, while it’s close to the campus, it is somewhat of a hidden treasure due to how unknown it was for a good amount of students. Besides, a lot of the students would have preferred staying in the campus or one of the more luxury cafes nearer. This does make the cafe really calm to stay through for study sessions, which Jace assumed they would be doing in here once Fawn arrived. The duo have studied, drawn and even slept in this place so they were basically regulars at this rate. As soon as Jace entered the cafe, the owner and bartender of the cafe, a friendly old man named Nilson, waved at him and started to prepare something behind the counter.
“Hey well if it isn’t Jace! You want the usual?” Nilson smiled, which makes Jace shake his head given he can see that Nilson is preparing the drink already.
“Well, you are already preparing it already, so I might as well, oh and prepare Fawn’s favorite as well, they are just currently getting something done but they should be here in a moment.” Jace said, making Nilson give a thumbs up as he also started working on a second drink.
As Jace walked towards a table by the corner of the cafe, Fawn bursted out of the door with a lot of books on hand. He immediately went to help her out, with Fawn mumbling a quick thanks, before they walked to the table where they dropped a lot of the books they had on-hand.
“Oh thank you so much Jace! I’m sorry I didn’t ask for help earlier, I just got too excited and bolted out to get the books as fast as possible.” Fawn explained while catching her breath, letting her head rest on the table as she does so. “I have so much ideas for our paper”
“I can tell,” Jace laughed nervously as she looked at the books that she brought with her, all of the books were connected to the Council one way or another apart from two of them. "Club album 2024… Alumni 2025 and 2028… These are like, nearly 6 decades ago! How did you got these?" He asked as he started to flip through the pages of the Club album.
"Well, Prof. Terry did said we are allowed to ask the university for help, I approached him as soon as he left the class hall and asked if he could help me retrieve some books from the restricted section!" Fawn explained as she sat upright and took the Alumni book "They were also kind enough to let me drag it out of the university, though if we damage them it is a great trouble." She then pulled out a set of documents, "I don't really like scaring you, but I'll just say I can get expelled if these books are heavily damaged."
"Expelled?!? Are these the only copies left???" Jaze asked in fear, RUI doesn't like expelling their students nor is very strict about the restricted section of their library, so to hear that makes him fear for Fawn.
"Not really and they have digital copies too, but they told me that these are the copies specifically for the Literature club–" Fawn said as she pointed at the Alumni albums "–and this one is for the Art Club," Fawn said as she pointed on the Club Album. "Why those specific clubs? I don't know either, frankly I am terrified of holding them on the way here." Fawn said, shrugging as Nilson walked up to them with their drinks in hand.
"Hey fellas, I see that there are a lot of books here. I'll just put your drinks on this other table here–" Nilson then went to drag a nearby small table beside the bigger table the duo was using and placed their drinks there "–there ya go, I heard something along the lines of 'expulsion on damage' so I'll just assume y'all don't want that, right?"
"Y-yeah!" Jace answered, "Thanks for the drinks"
"Anytime, these ones and some snacks are on the house. Seems like both of you will be on a nose dive into those books" Nilson said, laughing as he turned around to go back to his station, "Have fun reading!"
"Oohhboy okay, time to see why they specifically gave you the one for the art club…" Jace gulped as he started actually skimming through the club album, there were definitely far less clubs available back then but it was still plenty enough that it took a while to find the Art Club section, "No fucking away."
"What is it?? Did you discover something??" Fawn jumped over and looked at the page he's in.
'Perlad Hiro, Club President'
The two stared in awe at the information in front of them. There it was, the leader of the Supera Council back when he was just around the same age as them, staring right back at them with a gentle smile on his face.
"Holy shit," Fawn said as she then went to whip out her phone and search for the oldest image of their Leader. Upon finding one she then went to put it side by side with the college photo.
The image of Supere Hiro that Fawn showed was one of his first public portraits right after he was previously put on the second seat back when the Supera Council was just created. The serious face almost sent chills to both of them compared to his college photo where he looked so friendly and welcoming, seemingly content and proud to be featured as the president of the club. Meanwhile Supere Hiro was known to be extremely strict for the first few years after the Resistance war had ended, and his controlling demeanor definitely leaked out of his portrait.
However, the one that stood out the most for both of them was the difference in his glare. While his college picture has so much glow, enthusiasm and warmth in his eyes, his portrait as a newly seated leader has a glare of its own yet it felt empty. It was almost as if his soul was sucked out of his body as he doesn't seem to focus to anything that was happening in front of him
This made Jace take out his tablet and search through newer photos of the Leader. Supere Hiro himself is almost turning 90 at this time, however due to how fast medical advances were, the average lifespan of 90 back in the 2020s has doubled by the 2080s. Looking at the newer images for the Council, they still looked like they were just in their early 40s. Jace zoomed in to Supere Hiro and saw that he had the focus in his eyes once again, like how it was when he was at college.
"He looked so… different" Fawn said as she looked at the pictures between her phone and the album. "The wars probably dented him hard…" she sighed and sat down, taking out her holographic computer and turning it on and started setting up documents to jot down some notes.
"I mean, he ended up needing to hold leadership so early as well, I'm surprised he isn't so scarred" Jace shrugged as he went to place his tablet right beside the album and as he was about to say something, he saw something neatly written on the page, right under the Leader's portrait.
'Proud of you Per
"W-wait" Jace nudged Fawn to look at the page, "is THIS why they specifically handed us this copy???"
Fawn smiled so wide, "oh my fucking god that HAS to be from the former Leader holy shit," she started to make squealing noises, the thought of discovering how close the two Council leaders were is giving her so much hope for the project, "they are definitely not beating the allegations and historical theories that they used to have a relationship before the government overturn" she laughed as she started to type out on her computer.
"Wait, I have a theory." Jace said as he then started to look for a different club in the album and it even threw him off more as he somewhat violently shook Fawn.
"Wh-wha woah calm the shit do- holy fucking shit what?!" She gasped seeing the club album opened up to the Literature club's officers.
'Saimin Fuantei, Club President'
"What the fuck how come we never learned these." Fawn said as she admired the portrait of their deceased former Council Leader, who looked vastly different with his short ponytail and much more calming stature.
"Well, we ARE learning right now, aren't we?" Jace said, grinning as he looked at the other piles of books on the table.
Fawn shook her head,"Well you better be taking down notes, I think we are onto something here," she said as she started a new document for the project. "Hmm… how about tentatively we focus on what we can find about the connection of our Council leaders before they have taken their seats?" She asked while scratching her head.
Jace nodded, "I feel like the librarians were setting this up on us…"
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damienthepious · 2 years
Going Through Changes, Ripping Out Pages (chapter 13)
[ch 1] [ch 2] [ch 3] [ch 4] [ch 5] [ch 6] [ch 7] [ch 8] [ch 9] [ch 10] [ch 11] [ch 12] [ao3] [???]
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Sir Damien, Rilla, The Keep
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Established Relationship, (uhhhhh sorta), Amnesia, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, (WE WILL GET THERE…… EVENTUALLY)
Summary: Lord Arum wakes to discover that some things have changed while he slept. Namely, there is a human in his bed.
Chapter Summary: A meeting with a messenger.
Chapter Notes: Someone commented on this fic a couple weeks ago and it got me THINKING about it again, which FINALLY got me unstuck! BOOYAH. The system works comments are writer kibble, Thank You I Love You All. If you're reading this i loveyou.
The visitor waits on the far side of the main door, and Arum glowers at the wood as if he might banish either the monster or the curse itself with the force of his ire.
The Keep sings lightly, hesitant notes, and Arum sighs.
"I don't know," he admits. "How often do we have visitors, these days? I remember a particular lack of... sociability. I did not like to entertain unless required by decorum or self-preservation to do so. I very much doubt that has changed, even with... them."
The Keep hedges gently. Arum appreciates that. He sighs.
"Well," he grumbles, "no point in putting it off."
The Keep dutifully shifts some air, billowing Arum's cape around his ankles dramatically as he pushes the door open. He steps out with his back straight and his horns proudly skyward, instantly relieved and disappointed in the same breath when he sees the visitor with his own eyes.
Not some brute come to twist his arm, nor an old ally come to check on him in the aftermath of... whatever the last year entailed. Just a courier. One Arum recognizes very vaguely, from a visit with the Senate if he remembers correctly. Not an entirely good sign.
The little faun gives a wincing sort of smile and a bow, by all appearance appropriately intimidated by Arum's title and stature.
"Lord Arum?" he asks in a tremulous sort of voice. "Ruler of the Swamp of Titan's Blooms?"
Arum glares down his snout, projecting an extremely haughty sneer, and nods.
"What do you want?"
The faun blinks, but he adjusts fairly quickly to Arum's irritation. Considering what Arum remembers of the attitude of the Senate to monsters less powerful than them, that... is not entirely surprising. He could almost feel guilty for acting at all similarly.
The faun's wincing smile reemerges, and he bows again, still stiffly, before he reaches into the satchel at his side.
"I have a message for you, m'lord. From the Senate."
"I assumed as much," Arum mutters darkly, and when the faun blinks again he shakes his head.
The faun holds out a roll of parchment, conspicuously sealed. Arum lifts a hand-
And then reconsiders, the thought of the Senate's previous letter shredded in the hearth a vivid point in his memory. He pulls the hand back to his chest, and the faun makes yet another valiant effort not to look baffled.
He holds up a finger with another hand instead, a signal for pause, and then he calls over his shoulder instead. "Keep. My work gloves, if you would. Only one pair will suffice."
The Keep sings an assent (the courier's eyes widen just enough to be noticeable), immediately passing him his gloves through a little portal from the workshop.
Overkill, perhaps. His work gloves are thick and durable, fireproof, but more importantly-
Magic-proof. Magic repellent. Enough so to make his own fingertips numb if he wears them for too long. If he had been smart enough to wear them when the Senate wrote to him last, perhaps he would not be here now. Better safe than doubly cursed.
He pulls the gloves onto his upper hands, and then delicately, carefully takes the scroll from the faun.
There is a pulse of magic when Arum breaks the seal, and he sneers over the quickly fading scent of a persuasion spell. Absolutely pathetic.
The actual words barely mean a thing to him (given a second chance to do as the Universe wills, if you only rebuke the choices which brought this punishment down upon your head ), considering the knowledge that they intended to try to subvert his own free will to force him to be more amenable to the... "offer."
Hypocrites. All of them. Purporting to uphold the will of the Universe while trying to puppeteer the monsters beneath them-
(The humans love whoever he used to be, not who is is now. Would it be better, would they be safer, if he ejected them back to their Citadel and bowed his head to the Senate again regardless? If he swallowed his pride, swallowed their manipulation, and did as he was told? Would that keep them safer? Would-)
(He makes - made - weapons for the Senate. To kill humans. Of course working with the Senate would not keep Sir Damien and Amaryllis safe.)
"Hm," Arum growls, sharply folding the letter between stiff claws. "Fascinating."
The arrogance, he thinks. The absolute gall-
"Look," the faun says quietly as Arum stares at the parchment, his tone furtive and sympathetic. "I'm not supposed to know what's going on, but- everyone is talking about it. If you just go to them and apologize, and agree to work for them again- they'll leave you alone! One or two of the Senators are bitter old bugs who won't like it, but they're outnumbered anyway."
Arum turns towards the creature, raising an eyebrow as the faun twitches a small, more honest smile towards him. "Is that so," he murmurs, and the faun nods. "Everyone is talking about what the Senate has done to me..."
The faun's smile fades, just a little, and he tilts his head. "What they've... done to you?"
Arum folds the letter again, his claws creasing it sharply through his gloves, and the faun fidgets as Arum turns his eyes towards him. "Why don't you tell me," he says, "what, precisely, everyone thinks is going on?"
"W-well," he hedges, his eyes nervous now as he watches Arum's hands. "Er- I apologize, m'lord, I didn't mean to... I shouldn't have said anything. It's not- not my place-"
Arum narrows his eyes. "You did say something, though, didn't you? So, keep talking. I asked. What are they saying about me?"
Guilt on the faun's face, and a pinched sort of anxiety that reminds Arum forcibly of Sir Damien.
"I... er... please, I wouldn't want to- to-"
"I will not be offended," Arum tries, rolling his eyes. "I have no intentions of blaming the messenger, as it were. If everyone is talking about it, as you said, then I think I should have the right to know what's being said. It pertains to me, after all, and... well. You mentioned. Speak."
Arum gestures, and the faun hesitates for a another half a heartbeat before he sighs, his ears slicking down flat against his head. "They say you escaped punishment at Fort Terminus and might? Maybe? Be implicated in its destruction?" he says quickly, rushing through the words with a wince firmly affixed on his face. "Escaped, some say, with- with human help, and- and potentially allied with humans - knights - now, to work against the- the monster collective, broken your contracts while the Senate was busy scrambling in the aftermath, et cetera, all sorts of nonsense, obviously, wouldn't put much stock in rumors, right? Nothing to be gained from- from chatter, and-"
"Hm," Arum says slowly. "I must say that I was expecting the rumors to be less accurate, more extreme."
The faun blinks, nose twitching. "E-extreme? More extreme than- than-"
"From what I understand, little creature, the Senate tried to kill me, and the humans saved me. And then," he says with a growing frown, "when I did not fall easily back into line, they tried to reach across the distance and punish me magically for the crime of refusing to lay and die at their feet."
"You are a monster," Arum says, gesturing with the paper. "Certainly you felt that they tried to persuade me, just now. Curses and spells and manipulations."
"But- but- humans?"
Arum snorts, darkly amused that the faun would fixate on that detail. And then, after a moment, amused as well that he no longer finds the idea baffling himself. The humans are... insistent. Inarguable, in an odd way.
"As I said," he grumbles. "The Senate tried to kill me. They pulled me out of that cell. Apparently."
Arum can see the faun noting his wording, but the creature declines to ask about that particular matter. Instead, he nods, still dubious. "I... see," he says, tone delicate, and then his ears droop. "I'm not... not surprised," he says haltingly, and at Arum's tilt of the head he clarifies. "The spell, I mean. On the letter. I've... I've seen them do that before. They never say that I'm not supposed to talk about it, but... I know I'm not. Honestly- I don't think they expect me to even understand what's going on. But-"
"But you aren't an idiot."
The faun hiccups a surprised laugh. "I try not to be," he says with a vague smile, but it fades just as quick as the laugh bubbled up. "I don't... I don't like that they use me to do things like that, it- it's-"
The faun pauses, then glances back and forth as if expecting to be overheard before he leans just slightly closer.
"It seems close to blasphemy, to speak true," he whispers, and then he leans back out of Arum's space just as quickly. "But it isn't my place to... or, at least, who would care for my opinion on the matter? Against the word of the Senate, it isn't as if I can do anything anyway."
Arum thinks of the sturdy walls of the Keep, the safety of the miles of swamp waiting at his whim to protect the both of them. If he did not have such things to fall back on-
Arum considers the creature in front of him, considers the Senate's so-called offer. Considers a nap, briefly.
"You have... you have nothing to do with any of this," Arum mutters after a long moment, exhaustion settling on his shoulders like a thick blanket. He closes his eyes, rubbing a hand down his snout with a sigh. "Go back, and tell them that I would not even open the door for you. They are spiteful old fools who would punish you for the crime of delivering the unhappy news that I have less than no intention of ever kneeling to their whims again. Best to deliver no news at all. Perhaps they will assume me dead. That would certainly be easier."
"Lord Arum?" the courier prods quietly, sounding deeply uncertain, and Arum huffs and opens his eyes again.
"I mean it. Go. I'm not going to give them what they want, and there is no reason for you to be punished for that."
The faun swallows, looking down, but then his shoulders sink. "But- you opened the letter. They'll know. Or- they'll think that I opened it without- they'll-"
Damn. Arum sighs.
"Don't go back, then," he mutters, scratching absently at the base of one of his horns. "They'll assume I killed you, doubtless. It should be easy enough to reinvent yourself."
"But-" the fauns eyes widen, his ears pressed flat to the top of his head. "M-my family- my friends- I can't just leave all of those monsters behind and disappear-"
Arum sneers, pretending not to think again of the Keep. But then-
He pauses.
"All those monsters," he says slowly.
"My siblings, my cousins-"
"Do you dislike the Senate?"
The faun flinches, his eyes extremely wide and instantly guilty. Enough of an answer without any words spoken. Arum huffs a laugh.
Everyone in the monster collective is already gossiping about Arum and his situation. The Senate is barely clinging to their authority after the fall of Fort Terminus. And a less-than-loyal messenger with, apparently, a rather wide network of contacts has just fallen into Arum's lap. He clenches his teeth in a grin to keep from laughing again.
"I believe," he pauses, "what should I call you, little courier?"
"Er- ah, Hopskip?"
Arum nods. "I believe, Hopskip, that I would like to invite you inside to discuss certain... delicate matters," Arum says, slow and sonorous, and the faun's nose twitches.
"I'm- I'm not- you should know, m'lord," Hopskip says frantically as Arum gestures for a portal to the scroll room, "that I'm not- I'm not an assassin, I can't help you with-"
Arum laughs. "Oh, have no fear. I understand completely. I believe we can help each other regardless, little Hopskip, because you are a courier, and I have a rather important message that I would like to send."
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
eurghhghgh this gets a little long but i'm not putting a read more line cuz i put TLDR at the bottom and i want that shown.
i'm starting to think uploading weekly is more difficult than i thought now that i'm trying to also work on other things during the week, i haven't had time to work on any of the companion fics for gom or any of my other projects, and i think GOM is suffering a bit for it [last week i did just basic sketches for the chapter bc i was struggling to get everything done in time]
and that means i also don't really have time to stream if i want to draw while you guys watch, since i stream for a few hours at least [the one i did the other day was about six hr, you can see the highlight reel here, since the vod will eventually be deleted as all vods disappear after like 7 days. i just trimmed off the start and end where i'm talking nonsense and saved that as my highlight reel. sorry about the audio being a bit funky for my mic i'll bring my laptop closer to me next time].
But also the biggest thing [on top of wanting to complete more chapters and make a buffer]: i really want to reread the entirety of Ghost of mine so i can check for errors or inconsistencies, all i could do last week was listen to the tts of 12-16 while trying to get a drawing for 17 prepared, and i couldn't fix all the errors i heard since i was just trying to fix the timeline errors as a minimum before posting the chapter. the extra time would give me more time to proofread Ghost of Mine carefully, as well as give the new chapters and art the attention it deserves. [and...actually take care of my irl self better, it's hard to find time for things like cooking and cleaning beyond what i do for the older man i live with].
So what i'm trying to say is although i didn't think i needed it before, i am changing my mind about it now. so i think it's a good idea for me to upload every two weeks instead of one...at least until i (hopefully) am able to catch up to the point of having stuff prepared ahead of schedule.
i swear on my god awful adhd that i will sit down with my sprint bot [a bot that times me and tracks my word count, not an AI], and write with no distractions at least once a day [unless i have things that i am forced to do and can't get to it, but i can get a lot done when i'm using the sprint bot to make myself focus]. So i will hopefully be making the two week change worth it by getting a lot done and being able to return to weekly updates when things are less cramped and there's stuff prepared properly ahead of time.
I hope that's alright with all of you, cuz i love working on gom it's just a lot for me to get done in a week with everything else i want to do!!
just imagine if i had more time i might be able to start posting TWPT along side gom [it's the jiang cheng lan xichen companionfic for GOM that i haven't had time to write as of late, i have it completely outlined but i just don't have time to write it anymore rn. check it out on the masterpost for my MDZS projects]. or the MXY companionfic as well, which i already started but i can't keep working on because of time as well.
basically there's a lot going on for gom besides the main fic that i haven't been able to get to and it just continues to get further behind in those aspects because i can't get the time for it. so really, i need those two weeks and i'm only just now admitting it to myself that i can't push out updates every two days like i used to and especially not now with these other projects and wanting to branch my stuff out more. There's so much i wanna do! lmao
TLDR; i want to change to bi-monthly updates for GOM so that i can increase my quantity and quality of all projects and future updates properly. I appreciate your amazing patience and i hope to make this change worth it!
i will always update you guys if i make changes like this. i can't leave the changes in your hands completely, but i will continue to upload on sunday since that's the day you guys like! expect the next GOM update on the 23rd instead of the 16th, and every two weeks from the 23rd.
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