autumncakes · 1 year
i know how bad this fandom loves rarepairs and shipping cookies that don't even know who the fuck each other are so
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bout to make you guys fight.
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winterarmyy · 11 months
And You're Mine
How grumpy chubby alpha!bucky finally found his omega
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Summary: In which Bucky, the big, scary, 'undesired alpha' was tricked into a blind date where he met his precious little omega.
Note: Read the prequel here 《 Must Be Fate 》
Words: 4.7k++
Pairing: chubby alpha!bucky x omega!female!reader
Warnings: implied 18+ content, implied smut, a/b/o dynamics, self-deprication, body shaming, tiny bit of angst, fluffiness, bucky has a size kink (if you squint), horny-ass bucky has lots of dirty thoughts, vivian being a digusting bitch, protective y/n, even more protective bucky and overall wholesome.
P/S: Ahhhhhhhhh!!! My first omega-verse fic; i have no clue what I'm doing. This is mostly self-indulgent but if you come across this and somehow interested to read it then I hope you enjoy!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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"Are you fucking with me right now?" Bucky momentarily shuts his eyes, slightly titled his chin upwards, as if that'll help the boiling blood within his nerves to cool down.
Steve had expected that his best friend would be a little bit annoyed with his decision to trick him into agreeing to this suprise date but he didn't expect him to get this pissed, "Come on now, Buck. I promise you're gonna love this one."
"You said the same shit everytime!" Bucky almost roared in the middle of the crowded carnival, but he held back with a muted growl.
Ever since he lost his left arm on a rescue mission during his time in the Special Forces Unit, the society had deemed him to be "lesser than" despite the alpha title he was born into.
You would've thought that serving your country for about 6 years of your early 20's would be enough of a reason to make up for the so called "lacking", but no.
Apparently, his heroic contributions, his Sargent rank, and his literal blood, sweat and tears meant nothing when he returned home as an amputee.
Even if he came back with the medal of honor, pinned on the fabric of his uniform, right on his prideful chest; they didn't care. A defected alpha is as good as dead, especially in this modern, competitive society where its a lot more difficult to find a mate.
At first Bucky was optimistic, he didn't let them get to him.
He believed that his mate is out there somewhere, waiting for him, as he is for her.
After Stark Technologies offered him to join their research for under the Prosthetics and Orthotics Division, Bucky was lucky to fully revived his left arm in a form a vibranium prosthetic.
Even then, as time passed, the venomous whispers eventually managed to seep through; like any other poison, it is lethal to his mind.
And Bucky stopped trying to be an alpha. His pride was maimed and he let himself wallow in self hatred; letting his insecurity consume him. Eventually quite literally ate his pain away.
They said that he was rubbing salt to his own wound as now he was not just an amputated alpha, he is also a fat one at that.
With his alpha reputation being at its worst, his chances of finding a mate also went down hill.
"This one's gonna be different. Trust me." Steve claimed.
Bucky doesn't know why Steve seemed really convinced. But he wasn't having any of that, he rolled his eyes into a glare, "And how's that?"
Steve's blue eyes sparked as optimism lit on his face, "Well, first of all, she's one of Peggy's closest friends and.."
"Oh great, now you involve your omega into this." Bucky let out an unfiltered scoff before sarcastically exclaimed, "Just fantastic."
Steve growled at the mention of his mate, "Watch it, Bucky." He warned.
Bucky's drilling glare remained the same as Steve's alpha challenged his.
It's not that Bucky is against the idea of Peggy or any other omega helping him in any way. But, Steve had been annoyingly persistent with these set ups and he was sick of it. Perhaps he was a bit petty bringing Peggy into the conversation but he really was just tired of this.
Steve's scowl gradually soften before he continued his reasons, "...And, your date is actually the one requesting for a set up with you."
And that definitely caught Bucky's attention. Steve could see it, especially when Bucky's ears perked up a little and his ever-lasting frown loosen at the tiniest amount.
Steve smirked triumphantly, "Specifically you."
For moment, there was a hesitation on Bucky's side; and there were only the chaotic atmosphere around them. From the screaming of the riders on the roller coater to the giggles of children at the nearby courasell.
Steve really thought he managed to lure Bucky but he was caught by surprise when Bucky replied, "You'd think I'd fall for that crappy excuse of a lie? No. I'm leaving." Bucky turned on his heels.
"I'm not lying." Steve stopped him as he held on his arm, "Hey, you're gonna break her heart."
"Break her heart? How about mine? Just how many more heart breaks do I have to endure? How much more disappointment do I have to go through?"
Bucky gathered his palms into fists as he recalled all the mean, insulting words his past lovers had thrown at him and all those time he wasted on waiting for his dates to show up.
Just before Bucky planning to lash out, a voice interupted his thoughts "Hey, sorry for being late." Peggy came just in time.
Though it was just her; no sign of his so called date around.
An unexpected sting spreads within Bucky's chest. Of course she would stood him up too. Why was he surprised?
Steve pulled his omega into a tight hug, "Hey, baby. Where's y/n?" He asked.
"She's went to the bathroom." Peggy replied before taking a peep towards Bucky, "She got really nervous when she saw you. She might take some time to calm down. She thought its better if you know." Peggy explained.
On one side, Bucky can feel that sliver of hope creeping in. He look down to where he was supposed to see his feet, but unable to see them as now they're blocked by the round of his soft tummy. That's when the dark thoughts clouded his mind.
Was she just feeling nervous or was she regretting her decision?
After a short back and forth explanation, Peggy swept Steve away and had left Bucky on his own. She claimed that the line to the haunted house will double if they wait any longer. But, Bucky knew that they just wanted to leave him and his date alone.
Like every other date before, Bucky was emotions was all over the place; nervous, scared, intrigued, excited but what's different tonight was he also felt angry and annoyed. Which was not a good thing to feel on a date.
So he went to a Whac-A-Mole machine near the spot where he was supposed to wait for his date. He had to hit something. He just had to. He need to let his anger out one way or another.
His gloved hand gripped tightly on the wooden handle as he waited for the next round. Smack after smack, next was harsher than before, he did felt better. But even if the fire was out, the ashes were still burning.
As he was fixated on whacking the shit out of the moles, a particular scent invaded his nostrils. A sweet-smelling scent; something between a mix of cotton candy and butterscotch-caramel nuances.
It should be normal to smell this at a place such as a carnival; but the food stalls were all the way on the other end of the venue and this scent was too strong, too potent, to be that far away from him.
Bucky just had to stop as he relished the pleasant smell; it was truly a sweet and warm gourmand scent that ushered him in and out between nostalgic memories and pure raging lust.
That was when he heard a voice coming from his back, "You must've been really bored waiting that you started without me." She sounded amused when she let out a quiet laugh.
Even before Bucky had the chance to turn around he knew he was fucked; she just had to have the most captivating scent he had ever smell, and the most beautiful-sounded laughter he had ever heard.
What a foul torment to do to an alpha.
When Bucky turned around, he would've missed her if he wasn't paying enough attention on the lower area of his view.
And there she stood, in all her glory of ethereal beauty; small and sweet-looking in an off-shoulder sundress that does nothing but tempt Bucky to leave his mark all over her exposed skin. A simple necklace adorned with a gleaming stone that shines much like her eyes. A shy smile that may have just triggered some dark thoughts in Bucky's mind on corrupting the poor little thing.
"James, right? I'm y/n." she introduced herself but when Bucky's gaze fell on her rosy lips, all he could think was how bad he wanted to bite and suck on them just see if it'll get redder than they already were.
He was too focused entertaining on his inner beast's thoughts that he just stood there in silence, frowning intensely at the sweet little omega in front of him.
Y/N took his unresponsiveness as a sign of anger, so quickly apologised for her tardiness, "Sorry for making you wait so long. When we..i mean I. When I saw you, the nerves started kicking in." At least she tried to, despite stuttering in the between her words.
Fuck, she's such a pretty doll but above all, Bucky just wanted to protect her from the world, provide for her with anything she deserves, treat her like an absolute queen, worship every inch of her being like his own personal goddess and jesus fuck these urges came in stronger than he ever experienced.
With the lights coming from behind, Bucky's face was in the shadows and Y/N misterinterpret his spell-bound, diluted eyes to something else.
Y/N's brows creased in hesitation as she wonders if Bucky was still mad, "Uhh... oh shit" then her eyes widen in a false realization, "Is the something on my face?" She frantically searched for her phone in her bag.
And fuck does that big doe eyes of hers just casually seduce Bucky to think of how she would look when she's taking his cock in her mouth. She'd be so fucking pretty.
She knew she should've used her phone's camera to re-apply her lipstick instead of the cracked mirror at the carnival's bathroom, "The mirror here is f--"
Yes, Bucky would want to breed her so good that she would always be full with his pups.
She's undeniably... "Perfect." Bucky finally spoke after what seemingly feels like forever.
His voice was laced with a hint of territorial grunt that Y/N was not able to catch what he said, "Hmm?" She titled her head to the side, eyes pleading for him to repeat.
It took Bucky all of his mental strength to hold back his alpha urges when he repeats, "You're perfect, doll. Just absolutely perfect." A cheshire smile decorated his handsome face.
Did he meant to say she look perfect? Well, yes but no. He clearly meant she was perfect, her whole being. But Y/N took it as the prior, "Thank you." She smiled sweetly as her cheeks warmed.
Bucky definitely noticed the slight indent of her left dimple. And he wondered how would it felt against his fingers. "Adorable." He thought as his smile grew wider.
Y/N had been waiting for this moment, to finally had a chance to have this man even for a day, especially considering she had the biggest crush on this stranger that helped her a year ago.
One time she might just had met her potential mate was that one time she had to be dosed with shit tons of scent blockers. And that might just be reason why Bucky may not remember her but that's fine. She had one more chance with him tonight.
After that encounter, his scent, his voice, his presence lingered in her mind longer than she anticipated. At least until the moment Peggy showed a photo her alpha that had Bucky in it.
She grew hopeful and had been pestering her to set up somehow set up date with him.
When the time finally comes, she couldn't help but to fell into panic, "Did I introduce myself? I'm y/n" she completely forgot that she already did that.
Bucky let out the most adorable laugh before he reminded her, "You very well did, sugar." His hand move so naturally to tuck the strand of her hair behind her ear as she fell into utter embrassement.
"I'm Bucky." He finally introduced himself.
"Bucky?" Y/N outwardly questioned. She thought his name was James, as Peggy said it was.
He hummed softly as he nodded, "The name's James Bucky Barnes." He explained. "Just call me Bucky, yeah sugar?" He duck his head to peek on her redden face, "...cause I can't guarantee my behaviour around you if you keep calling me James." He quirked his eyebrow as his teasing grin spreads.
Oh, he was definitely and unashamedly insinuated something quite unholy there.
Bucky straighten on his back as he offered his arms, "Shall we, then? I would love to know more about you, sweet 'mega."
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No matter how infatuated Bucky was with this lovely little omega clinging to his arm; a part of him was also on a defensive mode.
His insecurities gets the best of him when he believe that all of this was just an act, a cruel prank that fate has set up for him or maybe he was just having a ridiculous dream, knowing how pitiful his reality was.
Despite his gentle smile and longing gaze that's lingering on Y/N who was having the best time of her life as her bright eyes sparked at the vibrant and colorful firework show, deep down, he couldn't help to think that sooner or later, all of this will end like it always does.
Another heart break he needed to endure.
But, she was truly an angel. She was everything he could ever hoped for, everything that he could ever long for.
He can't belive that she would spend even a second of her time with a defected, fat, angry looking alpha such as himself.
Maybe this won't be just another heart break.
Maybe this would be the cause for him to actually break beyond repairable.
And she would be the catalyst.
"Thank you for today, Bucky. I truly enjoy my time with you." She confessed with a sincere appreciation and admiration towards him. She shyly broke their eye contact as her finger fiddled with soft fur of the teddy bear that Bucky won for her.
It reminds her of him so much that she insisted that he need to win it for her.
So he did.
His alpha couldn't help to puff with pride. "Omega's happy because of us." But his lips remain shut with a loving smile curved on it.
The dimple on her cheek appeared again and this time he didn't stop his hand from reaching out. Though they were gloved, he still let himself feeling the pleasure of grazing his fingers along her cheek, through her dimple and stopped underneath her chin.
Bucky pulled her closer as he dipped down to her level. Warmth sparked in Y/N's chest, as if the fireworks show magically transferred within her instead, "Buck--"
"Bucky?" A women's voice interupted their moment. "Bucky is that you?" She called again and her familiarity had caught both Y/N and Bucky's attention.
"Oh my god! It is you!" her ecstatic tone might have fool Y/N for a second there.
Maybe she's a close friend of Bucky, but when she saw the colors from his face drained quite drastically, she might need to hold on to that thought.
"Vivian." Bucky's tone changed into something Y/N couldn't put her finger on. Sorrow? Anger? Regret? She wasn't sure but it was not a positive response.
The claimed omega sauntered closer and peered towards Y/N with a glint of judgment in her eyes, "And I see you managed to trick another one, huh?"
That triggered a scarring spot within Bucky.
He could still remember the way she accused him of luring and tricking omega to be with him. Apparently, she couldn't stand being him during intimate time especially during his ruts.
And one particular moment when his rut was at its peak and she couldn't stop herself to turn into an unforgiving monster.
"I can't believe I fell for your charms. Then now I need to deal with this." Vivian looked away, unable to look at her boyfriend, hot and bothered, bare and in pain.
Bucky pants and groan as Vivian continued to insult him from the corner of him room, "Look at you, Bucky! You look fucking pathetic!" She yelled as she angrily pointed her hands towards him.
He turn to his side facing her, and curled his body to manage the raging pain of wanting to stick his cock into something. Vivian was to busy ranting that she couldn't see the fire in Bucky's grilling frown.
"You can't expect me to touch you now especially with your big fucking belly spilling out like that. God, you're sweating like damn dog and you fucking reek!" Her eyes narrowed and her nose wrinkled in disgust before she continued, "And don't get me started with that wretched arm of yours."
That's it. Bucky was not having any of it anymore. He was seconds away from slamming Vivian's face to the wall as his primal alpha needs to aggress were also heighten in his rut.
"Then, get the fuck out of my house, you useless annoying bitch." Bucky growled through his pain.
Vivian was not able to catch a breath as her mouth hang open in shock. Bucky never been that harsh with her but honestly it was about time he did.
"Don't even think of coming back." He warned as she closed the doors behind her.
Unknowingly leaving Bucky's heart bruised and battered.
That was almost a year ago. Bucky gave her the benefit of a doubt as he thought maybe she would change once she find her the love life but apparently she is as vicious as ever.
The tall blonde continue to linger as she asked, "Did you know? About that arm of his?"
Y/N didn't know what she was talking about but she didn't want to entertain this woman, especially when Bucky was clearly uncomfortable with her presence.
Though her silence only lead Vivian to speculate, "Aww, you poor thing, you don't know, do you?" Her mockery was getting worst, "It's fake, honey. He lost his arm many years ago." She flicked Bucky's left arm with long bird-like nails; or claws, that seemed more accurate.
Bucky caught the way Y/N's eyes briefly glanced at his covered arms then his gloved hand. What was she thinking then? Does she think that he was defected? That he is a damaged goods?
He couldn't help to let his mind wonder to the worst case scenarios and to make the unpleasant situation even worse Vivian slightly tugged Bucky's jacket to the side.
Revealing his round and plushy belly, "And fuck did you get bigger?" She sneered as the ruthless insult continue to spill.
"Shut up." Y/N's broken silence caught them off guard.
Vivian scoffed, "What?"
Y/N piercing gaze landed on Vivian's hand still tugging Bucky's jacket. She harshly grabbed her on the wrist, didn't care whether if her nails would dug into the woman's skin.
"I said..." The air felt heavier, only for Y/N to shove more force to it when her voice dropped a few octaves down, "Shut the fuck up before I tear your throat apart."
How dare she insult her alpha, especially when Y/N was right there with him.
"Are sure you want to do that?" Vivian's alpha suddenly stepped in. Even though he clearly was not interested in the matter a few seconds ago.
Y/N took a step forward, "Try me." She dared him.
"I might as well fuck your balls up while I'm at that, huh? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about subduing your insolent omega."
Oh, she meant what she said; its especially clear when the growling started to peak a presence through her voice.
The taller was bright red, with embrassment and anger, "You're talking to an alpha. Know your place 'mega!" He forced his alpha command on her.
She fought back as much as she could but of course she was forced to submit. When the alpha tried to reach for her, that's when Bucky blocked his way.
Bucky's demeanour completely changed into something different. His meek presence vanished and now turned into a pure and primal rage. Good thing was he contained it quite well so he won't cause a scene but his gaze degrades the one before him.
Though the alpha was slightly taller but Bucky was certainly bigger and being a veteran, of course he'd be stronger. One wrong move, he might get a chance to meet the grim reaper sooner than he'd expect.
It felt as if Bucky was towering over the alpha, as he challenged him to come a step further, "Touch her and you're dead." Bucky let out a deep, murderous growl as he threatened.
The alpha was about to protest but was forced into a frozen state as he look into Bucky's sapphire eyes; there was something ominous about it, something dark and dangerous.
Being overwhelmed by Bucky's strong scent of rage, Vivian quickly pulled her alpha away, "Let's just go... They're not worth it." She coaxed, and the alpha agreed.
Before they leave, she managed to slip a last comment, as she wishes luck to Bucky, "Goodluck keeping this one." She thought she was being sleek when she whispered so quietly but Y/N heard that just fine.
When Y/N snapped out of the alpha command, she grunted, "I'm gonna kill her." What a menancing look in those coffee-stained eyes of hers.
Bucky only softened to her threatening aggressions, "No, you're not " he rubbed his hand to the sides of her arms, trying to calm her down.
Which failed miserably when she replied, "Watch me." She spun around, eyes searching in the crowd, trying to spot a glimpse of the rude couple.
"Hey hey, omega." Bucky quickly catch her before she could walk further, pulling her back to his chest, both of his arms securing her waist, "Calm down. Shhh shhh." Bucky let out a calming rumble from within his chest, coaxing her softly,  "Killing is not necessary, sugar."
Despite her tensed body were starting to relax, her mind certainly wasn't, "And why the hell not?" Her small hands gripped onto the fabric of Bucky's jacket on his arms.
"No one deserved to be treated like that." She whispered softly as Bucky continued to kiss the top of her head, mumbling quiet 'I know, doll. I know' 
"You don't deserve to be treated like that, Bucky." Her voice shivered despite her efforts to conceal them.
Bucky loosen his grip and turned her to face him. His loving gaze took in every single one of Y/N's sweet features; from her teary eyes to her redden nose and pouty lips.
He wanted to kiss each of them, in hopes of making her feel better. But he doesn't want to take any chances as he had already made a bold move to hug her from behind and kiss her head prior.
Bucky looked down at his dark midnight glove, and Y/N took his lead. Before she could say anything, Bucky started pulling each one off. Revealing his calloused right hand and a shiny black and gold prosthetic on the other.
He can't see her reaction to his vibranium arm, but he imagined the worst. He took in a shaky breath before he spoke, "Alpha is supposed to be perfect. They supposed to be capable. So that they can provide and protect their omega."
He paused as Y/N wrapped took both of his hand in hers but then continued regardless, "And I am far from being perfect or ideal. I lost a limb and gained pounds in return. I can't hide that fact."
"But I swear to god y/n, I never intent on tricking you or using you, in any way." In the end, Vivian's gaslighting effect of Bucky was still stronger as ever.
Why couldn't he see that there was nothing less about him.
"It's pretty." Y/N titled his left hand back and forth, watching the glow on the gold lines reflect the lights of the carnival; each move create random sparkling dots on its smooth surface, it looks like stars.
Bucky didn't understand at first until she looked up at him, with eyes gleaming with mixture of intrigued and infatuation, "It's so pretty, and Bucky..." She reached her hand to his face, gently rubbing her thumb on his stubble jaw, "You're beautiful. All of you." She confessed.
She carefully pulled her hand away from his cheek, and grabbed his left hand with both of hers, allowing it draw near to her lips before she placed a loving kiss on it, "This arm," Then her hands caressed the softness of his tummy, "this body," before they stopped at his chest where his beating heart resides, "this heart. Every single part of you is beyond beauty itself."
Bucky frowned as he find it hard to believe and Y/N knew that, "I mean it, Bucky."
A short chuckle left her lips as a thought run through her mind, "God, you'd be running scared, if you know half of the things I would love to do to you."
Bucky bit back a smile as he let his teeth sink into his bottom lip.
Y/N continued as she held onto his hands, "But, above all Bucky, you are the sweetest man I've met." There was nothing more sincere than her words, "Yeah I know we just met and what not, but if I can see that just in one night, imagine if I get to know more of you tomorrow or the next day and next week?"
Her grip on him grew stronger as she reminded him, "Don't let an impudent omega or anyone even, convice you otherwise."
"Because Bucky, you are as lovable as a person can be." She placed his palm on either side of her cheeks, purring as the sensation on skin felt so right, "And I am absolutely honoured and proud to be standing here with an alpha like you." She smiled like she was the happiest omega on earth.
And Bucky could not control the overwhelming joy within his thundering chest as it bursts with endless fluttering butterflies. He had never felt such comfort, such reassurance in his life, especially after returning home from the army.
Flickers igniting as he leaned in closer and closer until their lips touched, tentively for the first time. The smell of her cotton candy and caramel, so sweet and so soft, it was almost dizzying, but he was more than thrilled to let it consume him. 
Y/N briefly parted her lips to let him in and leaned into the kiss, wanting more of the delicious sensation of his lips, his tongue on hers. Bucky wanted nothing more than devour her, memorizing of every single moan that fell into his mouth.
It felt so right; it was exactly was his soul had been yearning for and more.
Breaking the kiss was the reminder to both of them they need air to breath, and Bucky rested his forehead on hers as he took in everything that just happened.
While Y/N found herself completely drunk to the feeling of love within her body and soul, she whispered dearly as she scatters most tender kisses all over Bucky's face, "You're so pretty. So perfect. So... mine."
And that caught Bucky in another spiral of confusion; she could see it in face especially with his sapphire eyes being as wide as they were.
She giggled amusingly before she proposed, "Will you be mine, James Bucky Barnes?"
God, he was supposed to be the alpha here. But what can he say, his omega is quite a special one.
He breathed a relief sigh, "Yes." Leaned in for a quick taste of her lips before asking his a question of his own, "And you're mine?"
Her nose crunched as she booped its tip on his, "Always." She replied. Bucky could feel her smile against his lips and so does she.
Unbeknownst to the happy couple, a few feet away from them was Peggy who was busy clicking her camera away, trying to get the best shot she could out of the couple while Steve was trying hard to hold back his proud sniffles as he stood guard near his omega.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Sooooooo what you think? Feel free to give feedback I love reading your thoughts!
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ladysharmaa · 28 days
Kate mini version
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma x Sharma!sis
Summary: Y/n adapted to the Bridgerton family dynamic. However, she remains a little fearful and shy. Could the arrival of a prince change that?
part 1
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Ever since Kate and Anthony assured Y/n that they wanted her to live with them, things had gotten better. The girl felt more comfortable with them, and appreciated the effort the couple made to show that she was always welcome. Riding horses for the three of them was an almost regular activity now, and these afternoons were Y/n's favorite.
Anthony had given her a beautiful black mare, which she insisted on learning to wash and comb, even though there were servants for that purpose. The man then spent the rest of the month teaching her how to ride, and this was something that brought her very close to Anthony, who she now considered like a brother.
The truth was, living with her older sister and her husband was wonderful. There was never a dull moment and she always had someone to talk to. Furthermore, the relationship between her and Kate was the strongest, and they were more inseparable than ever. Y/n's mother had agreed that her daughter would stay at Viscount's house for a while and thus extended her stay in India.
However, even though she was comfortable in that smaller core, she still felt shy around Anthony's siblings. She loved them all, and they always treated her equally, but in the back of her head there was always that thought that she was intruding.
Now, the Bridgerton family plus Y/n were on their way to the park to have a picnic. The season was starting again and suitors from all over the world were arriving to try to find someone. On the way there, Y/n entertained herself by listening to Eloise's grumbling that she would be entering the season again, even if the last thing she wanted was to find a husband.
Bridgerton had made a point of giving Y/n her feminist speech, and despite the eye rolls she received from some of her siblings, Y/n agreed with everything she said. However, she always wanted to be married to a man who truly loved her, and that wasn't going to change.
It was a sunny day, perfect for staying right by the lake and enjoying the delicious food that the maids had prepared. Anthony and Kate were in their own world, whispering to each other with gigantic smiles, Benedict and Collin were appreciating the ladies passing by, and Eloise was reading her book while Violet had met Lady Danbury and the two were chatting animatedly. Daphne and Simon hadn't arrived with their son yet, but Y/n couldn't wait to play with the baby again.
Meanwhile, she, Hyacinth, Gregory and Francesca were walking around the lake, picking up rocks and seeing who could throw them the furthest. Probably not the most etiquette thing they could do, but Violet and Anthony hadn't stopped them yet so they continued.
"I'm starting to get tired." Y/n grumbled, rolling the shoulder of her arm that was starting to feel sore from throwing so many rocks. "I think I'll sit down and get some sun."
"We'll be right there and keep you company then. I just need to beat Gregory first!" Hyacinth promised.
Y/n smiled towards the three, then heading towards the lawn where the others were. She momentarily looked down, seeing that she had gotten a little dirty on her dress when she went up against someone. The force of the impact had been so great that she lost her balance and began to fall backwards. However, this never happened because someone managed to grab her arms and pull her up again.
When she opened her eyes, having closed them in preparation for the fall, she saw a young man, around her age, looking worriedly at her. "Are you alright? My apologies, Miss, I was distracted and didn't see you."
"I'm okay." she said a little breathlessly. Their proximity didn't help either. "I'm the one who apologizes. I should be looking ahead instead of at my dress."
"It is a beautiful dress." he said, taking the opportunity to look her up and down, letting a small smile form on his lips. Y/n's cheeks immediately started to turn pinker. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss…"
"Sharma." Y/n smiled. "I'm sorry, I don't recall who you are."
"Prince Charles, the youngest son of Queen Charlotte and King George." he chuckled when he saw Y/n's wide eyes, who quickly made a small bow. "Please, that's not necessary. On top of that, I was the one who almost made you fall to the ground."
"My apologies, Prince Charles. I returned from India only a few months ago and it seems that I still don't know everything I should know. This mistake will not be repeated."
"It wasn't anything serious. To be honest, I'm actually glad you didn't immediately know who I was. I went against you because I was running away from an Earl's daughters who were begging me to marry them." A silence fell over them. "Who are you here with?"
"My sister and her husband's family. Viscount Anthony Bridgerton and Viscountess Kate Bridgerton." Y/n looked over his shoulder, seeing Anthony staring in her direction, more specifically at the Prince. He was about to get up when Kate pulled him down again, sending Y/n a smile and a wink. "They're looking at us right now."
"Of course, I know who they are. My mother loved the love story between them. Since then, she has only told my older siblings that she wants them to have something like that too. But they are not very interested in getting married, much to the Queen's disappointment."
Y/n just let out a small chuckle in response, not really knowing what to say. The proximity to the prince was becoming increasingly intimidating, and it didn't help that the entire Bridgerton family had noticed that interaction and were now observing discreetly.
"I apologize, Prince Charles, but I must return to my sister's family. We came to take advantage of this beautiful day to have a picnic."
"Of course, Miss Sharma. I hope to see you again soon." he nodded with his hands clasped behind his back. With a smile, he went back on his way while Y/n walked over to where Kate and Anthony were, her cheeks painted a light pink.
"What were you talking about?" Anthony questioned without being able to control himself any longer, his half-closed eyes still focused on the back of the boy walking in the distance.
Kate rolled her eyes at Anthony's exaggerated protectiveness, but the truth is that her heart started to beat faster when she saw how Anthony had so much care and affection for Y/n. It made her imagine how protective he would be of their daughters.
"Don't pay attention to Anthony, Y/n. The prince seemed very interested in talking to you. You should have gone for a walk together."
"Sister!" the younger girl exclaimed with wide eyes, becoming even more embarrassed. "He was just apologizing for going against me."
"That boy, prince or not, should look where he is going! Irresponsible, that's what he is!" Anthony continued to mumble, ignoring the look his wife sent him.
"Well, I am delighted that you made a new friend, Y/n. Now come sit with us for a while and drink some water, it's very hot."
"You're getting worse than mother." Y/n rolled her eyes in amusement. She added with a wink, "I guess it's a good training for the future."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"I do not want to go." Y/n stated, crossing her arms defiantly.
"Sister, we've already had this conversation." Kate repeated for the thousandth time, but still with the same patience as the first time. The older woman sighed, looking understandingly at her sister who was looking at the floor with a pout. "What are you really afraid of? It's your first ball, it's normal for you to be nervous."
Y/n was going to be subject to the season for the first time, where she could meet her future husband. Despite all the nerves she felt, she was happy to have Kate, Anthony, and the rest of the Bridgerton family with her. Furthermore, she would be in the same situation as Francesca, except that the latter had been named diamond of the season.
"How's mother and Edwina?" Y/n tried to change the subject, instead asking about the two other Sharmas who were in Prussia. Edwina was pregnant with her first child with Prince Friedrich and Mary had gone there, after a brief stop in England, to support Edwina.
"Y/n, don't change the subject. You can talk to me."
"What if no one asks me to dance, Kate?" Y/n finally revealed her fears shyly. She spoke so quietly that Kate had to strain to understand her words, but when she did her eyebrows furrowed in sadness. "You and Anthony took me in, what if now no one asks me to dance and I make you look bad?"
"First of all, you could never make us look bad and we would never be disappointed in you. I even think Anthony's biggest dream would be if you and Francesca didn't dance with anyone." Kate chuckled knowing how protective her husband was. "And I don't want you to be forced to dance with anyone. You can say no if someone invites you to dance and you don't want to. And if anything happens, call Anthony or his brothers."
"I will." the girl nodded, seeing her sister's serious look. "I hope everything goes well."
"Of course it will! And you won't be alone, we'll all be there in case you need anything. And who knows, maybe you'll see a certain prince. I heard the queen is going to make him participate in this season."
Y/n didn't respond to the teasing, she just continued to get ready with the help of the maids. When Anthony called them from downstairs, the two sisters hurried to meet him, seeing that the rest of the family was already there with the exception of Francesca.
When they saw her, a big smile appeared on everyone's faces, Violet going to give her a hug as soon as she reached the end of the stairs and Daphne holding her hand. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." she smiled at the women, and was later praised by Eloise, and the Bridgerton brothers.
Then, it was Francesca's turn to go down the stairs, catching their attention. After the compliments she received, the girl stood next to Y/n, the two holding hands as they walked to the carriages waiting for them.
"You look very beautiful, diamond of the season." Y/n said with a teasing smile, squeezing her hand in Francesca's in comfort.
"You do as well, Princess Sharma." Francesca giggled. To relieve the tension, the girl looked straight ahead at Anthony who was helping Kate into the carriage, his forehead dripping with sweat as he looked discreetly at the two teenagers. "I think my brother is going to pass out from how nervous he looks."
"Tonight promises to be quite interesting. At least he has my sister to control him a little, or I think he would be glaring at every suitor in the room, even if they didn't even want anything to do with us."
When they arrived at the Queen's castle, they were both amazed by the place. An orchestra played in the middle while some couples were already dancing, the space decorated with various details and chandeliers lighting up the room. When the Bridgerton family entered, everyone stopped to observe the diamond of the season, who was still clinging to Y/n.
To give her the focus of attention, Y/n tried to move away but Francesca just grabbed her hand tighter, sending her a look of fear. The Sharma girl nodded in understanding, then stood on Francesca's side, also being subjected to the curious looks of other people.
"Come on, girls." Anthony said, guiding the family to a corner while everyone analyzed the environment. He then turned to his two friends, who in his eyes were too young to be thinking about suitors, but he knew that this was the right age. "If you need anything, and I mean anything, go to one of us. We'll always be here to make sure you're okay. Now, all of you split up and socialize."
"They already look so nervous and you're going to scare them even more with your nerves." Benedict placed a hand on his older brother's shoulder. "Relax, brother. Go dance with your wife, we are also here to take care of them."
"I know." Anthony sighed, running a hand over his face. His tense muscles only relaxed when he felt Kate's hand caress his arm as she smiled understandingly. "Shall we dance, Viscountess Bridgerton?"
"We shall." she giggled, letting her husband guide her to the center of the room.
Meanwhile, Y/n watched the people at the ball nervously and curiously. They were all dressed to the nines, with the best fabrics and jewelry that showed the families' wealth and status. The Sharma smiled slightly when she noticed a girl being asked by a suitor. It was obvious that they were both nervous, but when he finally managed to ask the question, the girl blushed and accepted with a big smile.
Y/n sighed, turning her attention elsewhere. Her heart was beating heavily against her chest, wondering if she was going to experience the same situation as that girl.
A light touch on her shoulder made her snap out of her thoughts. Y/n turned to the side, her eyes widening when she saw Prince Charles standing there, both hands behind his back and a perfect smirk on his lips.
"Miss Sharma, what a pleasure to see you again."
"Prince Charles." she greeted, making a small bow. "This time I haven't forgotten my manners."
"I must say you look beautiful tonight." he praised, gently taking one of her delicate hands and bringing it to his lips, lightly kissing her skin. Y/n's cheeks immediately flushed, getting worse when she realized that they were attracting the attention of others. "Are you enjoying the ball?"
"Very much, thank you. The orchestra plays beautifully. It's lovely to see so many people dancing, especially my sister and Viscount Bridgerton. I have never seen them happier."
"Indeed. We could dance too… If you would like to, of course." Y/n didn't think she had ever seen the boy being shy, but she had to admit that it was really cute to see him like that.
"Are you sure? Many people are already looking at us… Including the Queen." she whispered the last part with a look of fear. "Are you supposed to find a lady to marry this year?"
"My mother hopes so, but she doesn't pressure me into anything. Right now, I just want to dance with you. Please? Don't pay attention to anyone else, just focus on me."
Y/n swallowed hard, but nodded, resting her hand on the arm Charles offered. The two walked to the dance floor as soon as the song ended, preparing for a new melody. The Sharma girl held her breath when she felt the boy's hand position itself on her waist, pulling her closer, while the other intertwined with hers.
The music started slowly and Y/n let the prince lead her, too nervous to even remember the choreography she had already practiced several times before. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kate and Anthony looking at them as they danced, giving nods of encouragement but still keeping their attention on them.
The rest of the people looked in shock, seeing the youngest son of the Queen and the King dancing with the sister of Viscountess Bridgerton who had caused a lot of talk last season. The Queen was also watching them, a small smile appearing on her lips.
"You're not just focusing on me." Charles hummed, squeezing her waist to show she was just joking. "And on top of that I'm a great dancer."
"My apologies. But I can't agree with the last part. I think —" but she couldn't finish her sentence as Charles picked her up and twirled her around several times until her laughter could be heard above the music.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" he laughed teasingly, loving the blush on her cheeks. He wanted to make her blush all the time, he loved the effect he had on the girl who was constantly on his mind since that day in the park.
"Prince Charles, this will certainly not be seen very well by other people. They are all whispering about us now! More than they already were."
"Call me Charles." He said, ignoring the rest of what Y/n said. His eyes were intense, studying the girl's face and stopping on her lips before moving up to her eyes.
"No?" he raised his eyebrows, as if he wasn't expecting that answer. Y/n stepped away from him, making a small bow. And only then did he realize that the song had already ended.
"I really enjoyed this dance, thank you. I hope to meet you again. We keep crossing paths so who knows?" she smiled, turning her back and walking towards Francesca who was alone in the corner, a drink in her hand.
Prince Charles definitely wanted to see Y/n Sharma again, his gaze following the girl's movements as if in a trance. Surely him standing in the middle of the dance floor looking at Y/n would be the main topic in the paper of Lady Whistledown.
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wonwoosstuff · 6 months
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Daddy's Dilemma | Seungcheol (non-idol) x fem.Reader
Genre: family chaos, fluff (kinda), they have three daughters (Scoups is so girl dad coded sorry not sorry), the youngest is a drama queen, husband-wife-dynamic, pet names (love, honey,baby) no warnings
Synopsis: Seungcheol, a devoted father of three daughters, finds himself in the midst of chaos on his free day as he juggles parenting duties while his wife is at work. In a desperate attempt to maintain order, he FaceTimes her, seeking advice and connection amidst the mayhem.
The living room was a battlefield of toys, spilled juice, and laughter that bordered on uncontrollable chaos. The energetic trio—Seungha, Jiyoung, and the youngest Cheolmin- were testing their father’s patience and multitasking abilities.
Seungcheol, a mixture of exhaustion and determination etched across his face, glanced at the clock, realizing it was almost time to cook dinner. He fumbled with his phone, fingers tapping anxiously as he dialed your number.
The screen flickered to life, revealing you, busy in your office. You greeted him with a warm smile. "Hey, love. I need your expertise. It's a war zone here."
You chuckled, understanding the struggle. "What's going on?"
Seungcheol pointed the phone toward the whirlwind of activity behind him. "Our kids decided it's the perfect day for mayhem."
"Well, first things first. Take a deep breath. You're doing great." You added.
Seungcheol managed a weak smile, the chaos blaring in the background. "Any tips on taming this madness?"
“Maybe set up an activity to keep them engaged. And don't forget about snacks!" You spoke.
Your husband nodded, attempting to corral the little ones. "Got it. Anything else?"
"And most importantly, don't hesitate to ask for help. Maybe call in reinforcements—my mom is probably not that busy. I feel like calling your brother would also help.”
The dad sighed, realizing the truth in your words. "I just miss having you here."
Your expression softened. “I miss you too, honey. Just wait until I get back home. It won’t take long, I promise!“
As the chaos continued, Seungcheol felt a renewed sense of determination. "Thanks, love. I think I’ll handle this.”
“Mommy!” A happy squeal came out from the youngest child. “Cheolmin, my baby!” you squealed back at your daughter. Cheolmin climbed onto your husband’s lap and took over the phone call.
“Have you been behaving well?” You asked her.
Silence. Her dad looked at her. And she looked back at him. A laugh escaped your mouth.
She was witty just like you but resembled her dad a lot. That is what made you laugh. Both of them were just too cute to handle.
“Yes mom. I did.” She proudly answered. Your husband rolled his eyes funnily at her statement and pinched her cheeks playfully: “You little liar. Look at you hiding your real you in front of your mom.” He smiled and laughed at his daughter.
Since Cheolmin was a bit sensitive due to her lack of energy she abruptly started crying. Seungcheol panicked and looked at you with his eyes widening. “Oh no- baby- that’s not what I meant. I’m so so sorry.” Your husband wiped her tears away and kissed his daughter’s cheek softly.
After Cheolmin had calmed down her drowsiness drove her into sleep. Later on she fell asleep in Seungcheols arms. He signaled a wait and placed his phone- with his daughter still hugging his neck- on a table making you wait for him.
When Seungcheol entered the girls room the two other girls were sleeping peacefully in their beds. Letting out a quiet sigh he tucked his girls into their beds making sure that the cold did not get to them.
He came back to the living room and took a seat on the couch. “Mrs Choi, are you still there?”
“Yes. Oh my- you made it. It was so quiet all of the sudden.” You answered.
“I don’t know how they fell asleep but they did eventually. This is crazy. Love, how do even manage to do that every day? This isn’t easy at all!”
“I don’t know. Maybe they just listen better to their mother.” You chuckled.
“Oh, damn.” Seungcheol scratched the back of his head. “Well, that could be a reason.”
You grinned, blowing a kiss through the screen.
“I’m sorry to break it to you, but I really gotta go back to work honey.” You exclaimed.
“No worries, baby. Just come home early. I miss you badly.”
“I will, Sir.” You both laughed.
“Love you.”
“I love you too.”
And with that the chaotic face time call had ended.
You couldn’t wait to get off work just to see your lovely family. That was your only motivation to finish quickly.
Nobody fathers more than Seungcheol Choi. Omg I need to write moreeeeeee.
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amirasainz · 1 month
can you do more of baby!sainz crushing on lando and lando really likes it and flirt with her any time ++ carlos’s reaction
Of coure I can. This is a Part 2 story, so I would recommend reading the first part. My stories are usually seperate stories, however it was quiet fitting in this case. Btw, Carlos ec gf is mentioned, Isa I love writing requests for you guys and hope you enjoy reading my work. Let me know if you have any whishes! -XoXo
Three times when....Part 2
4. The Quadrant video
Ah, the delicate dance of family dynamics and romantic getaways—the kind that unfolds against the backdrop of sun-kissed beaches and whispered secrets. Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari sensation, had planned a romantic vacation with his girlfriend, seeking moments of stolen kisses and moonlit walks. And what better place than Bali to weave their love story?
But life, ever the mischievous storyteller, had other plans. A new Quadrant video emerged, casting its spotlight on the youngest Sainz sister. There stood Amira, flanked by Lando’s friends, Max and Keegan, her eyes fixed on Lando as he explained the rules of their karting challenge. Karting—a miniature ballet of speed and precision—would be their canvas.
Lando, the showman, draped his arm over Amira’s shoulder. His friend Keegan would take the wheel, aiming to beat Lando’s time. But first, Lando had to set the benchmark. As he zipped around the track, Amira’s gaze never wavered. Her words flowed like a river of admiration: “He is an amazing driver. It won’t take long before he takes his first win. Look how easy he makes it look.” Her grin was infectious, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.
And then, in a hushed whisper, she added, “Como un profesional.” Keegan and Max exchanged puzzled glances, their linguistic compass spinning in confusion. But Amira knew. She’d witnessed her friends’s journey—the sweat, the sacrifice, the hunger for victory. In that quiet moment, she held a secret: Lando Norris, the boy who’d captured her heart, was destined for greatness.
When Lando finally finished his run, he sprinted toward her. “And, what do you think, darling?" he teased. “Maybe I’ll be able to take you on a ride one day.” His flirtatious tone hung in the air, and apparently, it was working—because Amira was giggling.
Throughout the video, Lando would sweetly explain things to her while she had her whole attention on him. At the end, Max had to do the outro, because Lando was sitting in a kart with Amira on his lap. He clearly showed her things on the wheel, so he moved her hair aside and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"What the fuck did I just watch" thought Carlos to himself
5. The Spa crash
Carlos Sainz found himself in the midst of an interview when his eyes caught sight of his friend sliding across the treacherous Spa track. The Belgian circuit had claimed its share of lives over the years, and the rain only intensified its danger.
In that heart-stopping moment, Carlos’s mind painted worst-case scenarios. But then, relief flooded through him as Lando Norris responded to Sebastian Vettel’s thumbs-up signal and was soon escorted back to the safety of the team garages. Carlos wasted no time, ending the interview abruptly to ensure Lando’s well-being.
Yet, what awaited him upon his arrival was unexpected—a scene that tugged at his heartstrings. Lando stood in the rain, his little sister, Amira, by his side. Tears streamed down her face, and Carlos heard Lando’s soothing words: “I’m fine, darling. Nothing happened. It was just a little jump-scare. I promise, I’ll always come back to you.”
But Amira’s worry persisted. “How can you be so sure about that, Lando? What if—” she began, her voice trembling. Lando cut her off, determination in his eyes. “Hey, none of that, okay? It will take a thousand armies to keep me away from you, okay?” He waited for her nod, their bond unbreakable.
Carlos watched the scene unfold, touched by the depth of their friendship. He approached them, pulling them into a group hug, seeking solace in their shared connection. Together, they retreated into the warmth of the Ferrari garage, a sanctuary against the rain-soaked night.
Later, as Carlos settled into bed with his girlfriend, Isa, he recounted the events. “I didn’t know the two of them were such good friends,”he mused. Isa sighed, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. “You truly know nothing, Carlos Sainz.”
6. DJ Lando
Ah, the nightlife—the pulsing heartbeat of music, neon lights, and secrets whispered in the dark. Lando Norris, the McLaren sensation, was no stranger to the DJ booth, spinning beats that made the crowd sway and lose themselves. Clubs welcomed him like an old friend, and this weekend was no exception.
But amidst the thumping bass and swirling lights, something shifted. A new presence graced the scene: Amira, Carlos little sister. Her usual decline to join club outings had become a predictable pattern, making Carlos’s job as the protective older brother straightforward. Yet this time, she stood there, defying expectations.
And what a sight she was—dressed in a short dress, high heels elongating her legs. Lando kept her close, his arm around her waist or fingers tucked under her hairtie. Carlos’s attention zeroed in on them—the way Lando leaned in, whispering things in Amira’s ear. Her cheeks flushed crimson, embarrassment or amusement dancing across her face. What secrets did they share? Carlos couldn’t fathom, and it gnawed at him.
Lando’s proximity to his sister grated on Carlos’s nerves. Why was he so close? What did he want from Amira? The frustration simmered, and Carlos’s annoyance grew. Why hadn’t anyone clued him in? The club’s rhythm pulsed around them, but Carlos’s mind spun with questions. Perhaps it was time to confront Lando, to unravel the mystery that danced between them.
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a-b-riddle · 2 months
Gaz & his Love (Part one?)
The '141' stops as soon as they are back home. After that, they are just close friends. Simon, John, Kyle and Johnny had managed to settle down and find themselves sweet little things. All who adore their brave men and all who share different tastes
In this 'series', it's essentially bits of each of the 141 one and their kinks they have with their partners. With that being said, I don't really care if you think that Soap is submissive or Ghost is into CNC/Primal play. That's great. But in this fantasy, this is what it is. It's what I wanted to write. If you want Kyle Garrick to be a pleasure Dom and John to be a Daddy Dom. Cool. Go find other fictions that write that, or be the one to write them. I'm not going to argue about what kinks they would really have.
CW: NSFW. Edging. Use of chastity belt. Spanking. Mentions of figging. D/s dynamics. Self-deprication. Aftercare. Impact play.
4.5 k words.
Not proof-read
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The downside of having a Dom with a huge dick is that he was stingy with it. Thus making him a huge dick. And when it became very apparent that you lacked any self control and restraint from touching your greedy little pussy, Kyle had found that edging you was the best form of punishment, if not just to push your limits.
He wouldn't necessarily call himself a sadist. The moment you started to cry (at least outside of the bedroom) he was quick to remedy the situation. The term brat tamer didn't sit right with either of you. You didn't like the idea of having to be tamed and Kyle liked, loved, that you could be, well, you.
But that didn't mean he didn't like setting you a little more straight. Making sure you stuck to your goals. Showed yourself the same kindess you insisted others be given. And most importantly, helping you remember that iced coffee does not count as a meal; an issue that is a reoccurring struggle.
Although Kyle did not like hurting you, he loved making you squirm. Edging, teasing. Making you cum so many times that you had to beg him to stop. Eventually he would.
You were ovulating and you tried to usually use that as an excuse to convince Kyle to let you have free reign over your orgasms. But you both knew that if he gave you an inch, you would take a yard. You would be chasing that euphoria all fucking day and you both shit you needed to get done.
He had went out on a quick errand, promising to be home at 6 and then the two of you could head out for dinner. He had gotten back earlier than expected and imagine the surprise he walked into when he came back home earlier than expected.
When he had found you rubbing yourself, legs spread without a care in the world, he practically beamed. You knew the rules and you broke them. He knew that the penance he had lined up would break you and he couldn't wait to be the one to help put you back together.
You had given a half ass apology when you first realized he was standing in the doorway of your bedroom. His eyes looking at you as if he were just waiting to eat you alive. You had expected anger or, at the least, a bit of irritation. As he stood there, saying nothing you took the initiative and offered to bend over, making his life a bit easier. You did have your moments where you did like being good for him.
But instead, he ordered you to stay on your back. Slowly walking to you. The sound of your heartbeat filling your head. He reached at the posts of the bed, pulling at the restraints that he always kept there just in case the moment arose where you needed a bit of… correcting.
He was tender as he wrapped the cuffs around your wrists and ankles. Adjusting the straps so you have very little movement. You have expected him to flip him on your belly so he could spend the next hours spanking your poor ass raw.
But given that the punishment needed to fit the punishment, you assumed it would be a night of bringing you to the brink of release only to deny you. You thought you knew what was in store.
But fuck were you wrong.
Once he had you exactly how he wanted, barely able to move, he stood. Staring only for a moment before making his way out of the bedroom.
He left you there, giving you a chance to guess how many times he would edge you until he finally felt like you had learned your lesson. And even then, the bastard still wouldn't let you come.
The sound of his approaching footsteps made your heart race.
He came back in with a box in hand. No markings or anything noteworthy. Just a plain cardboard box. With curious eyes, you practically burned a whole through it, trying to figure out what exactly could it be.
Too small to be a sybian or a fucking machine. You already had a decent sized collection of toys and paddles… Before you could keep guessing, he set in on the floor, just out of view before going to your dressers.
Smoothly, he pulled off his t-shirt leaving him only in a pair of jeans that hugged him perfectly. Kyle didn't say anything as he pulled out a Hitachi wand, some clamps, a dildo and a roll of duct tape.
Fuck. This was already going to be a long night.
Not taking his eyes off you, he made his way back on the bed pulling out something you hadn't noticed before. Your gaze zeroed in on the malicious object. A tool that Kyle knew you had a terrible familiarity with.
A simple and standard clear plastic ruler.
Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
It was more delicate than a paddle so Kyle had no qualms about using it on your pussy and with you were spread out with not even enough wiggle room to block him with your thighs. The precision made it so he could hit your clit directly. Every. Single. Time.
Couldn't get that kind of a precision with a flogger. One time when you
Immediately, he sensed your apprehension. Saw the sudden unease in your eyes. Kyle knew that you didn’t like being punished as much as you liked the release you got from it. There were some punishments that were completely off the table, personal hard limits for both you and him. But then there were some, like hitting and slapping your pussy that blurred the edges of what you could stand and what you couldn’t.
And although he loved bringing you to tears, the thing that made him get off was the fact that you wanted this as much as he did. You trusted him to not take things too far and dish out punishments that fit the infraction. Having your mouth gagged for extended periods when you smart off at him. Getting bent over his knee after being a little pain in the ass. And in this instance, torturing your pussy because you couldn’t keep your hands off her.
"You know your safe words and cues?" He asked, wanting to remind you could stop this at any time. You looked up at him, momentarily forgetting the intimidating instrument of torture he so casually held in his hand. His eyes cast over you hungrily. An absolute vision.
"Yes, Sir." He tried not to smile as he sensed the tremble in your usually steady voice. He liked you scared, hell even fighting against it. But he needed your consent. He needed to know that in that moment, you were relying on him to do what he knew what was best. You needed to let him take control and give everything to him.
"I don't think I need to remind you that during your punishments, you're not allowed to cum." He said twirling the ruler slowly, now wanting to taunt you.
You couldn’t look at it. It was like getting a shot. If you weren’t looking, it didn’t hurt as bad, right? "No, Sir." You swallowed, eyes staring at the ceiling.
Now that wouldn’t do. He thought. He needed your attention. Plus unless he had you blindfolded you or specified otherwise, you knew that during a scene you were to look at him when you answered him. You hissed as the piece of plastic landed on your inner thigh.
"Eyes on me." He ordered. You obeyed already shifting from his brat to his good girl. He hid his smile. It was hard when you started to get into your sub space to refrain from breaking you down too quickly. Kyle enjoyed the aftercare as much as he did taming you, but going about it too quickly wouldn’t help the lesson stick; a lesson you were in desperate need of learning.
“We’re going to start off with twenty.” You wanted to argue, but you had practically asked for it. How could you not remember to at least lock the door? You nod, too afraid to speak, your hands gripping onto the restraints to help ground you. "Count." Was his only response as the first swat came.
You hissed at the sinister slapping sound and the sting of pain that followed. "One." You breathed out taking a deep breathe in before the next one came.
"Two." Your voice rushed out. Two. You were only at two. Again. Deep breath.
"Three." You squeaked. Another breath. smack. "Four!"
Kyle didn't know where he wanted to look the most.
At your face. Your eyes squinting and closing tightly at his lashing. At your tits. How your nipples had already started to pebble. Maybe he should take the ruler to those next...
But he had to keep his focus on your pussy. With each swat the clear ruler had come back with a little bit more of your juice. This was making you wet. You would never admit it and you didn't have to, but both of you knew that this turned you on. Being able to give up control, even for a moment. Having to let go was hard. But Kyle was the only person you could trust without micromanaging.
By the time you got to twenty, the tears that had pooled in your eyes had fallen. If he could have a painting commission for that very sight, he would have paid anything to have it. Instead, he had to settle on burning the image in his mind forever.
"Good girl." His praise was meant to mock you and acknowledge that he was satisfied with how you took your punishment.
"Are we not done?" You asked.
"Oh no, Love." He said picking up one of the clamps. "That was just for breaking the no-touching rule." He leaned over your body, taking a nipple in your mouth. You gasped. Your back arching into his touch. Wanting more. Needing more.
He flicked his tongue, faster and faster before suckling hard and releasing you with a pop. Before you could open your eyes, you felt the pinch from the clamp. No warning.
"Fuck!" You squirmed. Opening your eyes only to shoot daggers at Kyle, who was now straddling your waist with a smile playing on his lips.
"Onto the next one?" He asked, but you didn't entertain him with an answer. He took your other nipple in his mouth. Repeating the same motions that you yet again fell for. Trying to fight the need to arch your back. To hum as his tongue and your body worked against you.
Another pinch came. Even with the knowledge that it was coming it still hurt like an absolute bitch.
He got off of you only to crawl toward that delicate place between your thighs. You were dripping onto the bed. It took everything, every ounce of self control Kyle had to refrain from swiping his tongue up your folds. He could make a day out of eating you out until you cried and begged for mercy. He had done it before even if it took you almost 45 minutes before tapping out.
But when you saw him pick up another clip and his hand drawing closer to your exposed pussy you're first instinct was to call out yellow. He saw your recoil and stopped. His eyes met yours, searching for an answer. You both knew the ball was in your court. But it didn't feel like... enough?
"Green." You put your head back down against the pillow, waiting for the sharp sting. Instead it was just a gradual pressure. Slowly building instead of an instant pinch. Then another. And another. And another. It wasn't until you heard the harsh ripping of tape before you looked down to see what your boyfriend was doing.
He had put four clothes pins on your labia major, two on each side. The piece of tape he had just ripped with his teeth was used to hold the clamps against your leg. You didn't speak. Neither of you making eye contact as he continued to the other side until you were left fully exposed.
He sat back on his ankles, looking down and admiring your pussy as if it were artwork and he was the dedicated artist. "Mind if I take a picture for later?" He asked, his tone softening. "Something to think about when I'm on a mission." He gave a cheeky wink, but let you know in his voice that you could say no. Pictures and videos had always been a sore subject for you, but you had sent some here and there, although he had never prompted you before, even after all this time.
"Yes." You said. "But can it just not have my face?" The same request as always. You trusted Kyle, but there was always that what if possibility.
What if his phone got hacked?
What if someone got ahold of his phone or he was innocently trying to show one of his collegues a picture and then BAM, there's your pussy?
"Of course, Love." He said, pulling his phone from his back pocket before taking a few pictures. Without you asking, he turned the screen around. His fingers swiping through the photos to let you see your glistening, spread cunt. Just your cunt. Not your face. No identifying marks. "Look how pretty she is." Kyle's coo of approval made your stomach flutter.
Without any other remarks, he returned his phone back into his pocket and kneeled between your legs, resting on his own. "How many times did you come?" He asked. Although you frequently disobeyed Kyle, you never lied.
"I didn't." You shamefully admitted. "I just couldn't get there."
He hummed as if contemplating his next course of action. "Well then," he said. He grabbed a pillow near your head that you weren't using. Putting it in the space between your knees before lowering his body onto it. His mouth was hovering above your pussy. "Let's make up for that then."
The bastard had grabbed the pillow to make himself comfortable.
You were going to be here a while.
Eight. He had pulled eight orgasms out of you. He had switched things up between each one. Sometimes one finger before adding another and then a third. Using the dildo. But his mouth never left you and he never let up. Each one was as intense, if not more, than the last. You were crying by number four, but still hadn't begged him to stop.
But he was damned and determined to get you there.
You still hadn't by number twelve. You couldn't. Not from sheer stubbornness, but you simply couldn't. It was all too much. It was hurting at that point, but a new feeling, a heaviness consumed you. Your tongue was too heavy in your mouth. Your stomach was flipping, tightening its self into a little ball.
You weren't sure if you were hot or cold anymore, but you were certain that at any moment you were going to be sick. You were approaching number thirteen, feeling something more than just an orgasm threatening to escape you. You were going to throw up.
“K- Ky?” You stammered, forgetting your words. What was your safe word again?
“What’s your color?" He asked, pulling away from you for the first time in almost an hour.
“I-” you didn’t know. You didn’t want to tap out. You had disobeyed, this was the punishment. Kyle had never took things too far. You didn’t decide when this was done. He did. “I need a minute.”
Your head fell against the pillow. Closing your eyes, you try to breathe slowly through your nose. The wave of nausea didn't pass as your heart continued to beat so violently you head practically pulsed along with it.
While you were trying to get your shit together, fighting the sickness that started to swell inside you, Kyle began to fiddle with your restraints.
“What are you doing?” You asked, not having the strength to pull your head up to look at him.
“You’re done.” There was a finality in his voice, leaving no room for argument. “I’m calling Red.”
“What?” You asked, confused. "I-" You stuttered, taking a moment to gather your thoughts. Process what was happening. "You can't call Red for me."
“Yes I can and I did.” He said, finishing the remaining cuffs before going for the clamps on your nipples.
“But you weren’t finished.” You don't know why you were arguing, but it felt wrong for him to just stop everything.
“Who said I was?” He smirked before gently taking off the clamps. Further down he moved, settling back down between your legs before rooming the clamps he had put on your aching pussy lips. You sucked in a breath as the blood rushed back.
“I feel like I’m going to throw up.” You hadn't mean to say it out loud.
“Yeah. You’re done.” His tone annoyed.
“Please don’t be mad at me right now.” You said, throwing an arm over your eyes as if that would somehow shield you from the embarrassment. A sort of if I can't see them, they can't see me mentality. “I held out as long as I could.”
“I’m not mad that we needed to end the scene.” He explained, his tone not as annoyed as before, but still holding a certain sharpness to it. “I’m upset that you should have called yellow and didn’t.” You hissed as he removed the fourth and final clamp. “I’m guessing that you didn’t to prove something.”
Kyle was good at breaking you. It’s what you wanted. It's what he wanted. But he could only be sure to not cross the line if you drew it out for him. He didn't hold the power here, you did.
“Tapping out of a punishment makes me feel bad.” You confessed, still not daring to look at him. “It makes me feel like I bit off more than I could chew and that I’m trying to weasel my way out of a punishment and I don’t like that.”
He decided right this second wasn't the time to have this conversation. You were already starting to drop and he needed to get started on your aftercare. “Let’s get you showered off and then we’ll talk,” he offered, scooping you up from the bed before you had a chance to argue.
He ran the water on luke warm to help your temperature get back down before slowly building it up to a comfortable heat. You leaned against his chest as he ran his hands up and down your back.
Before you could really stop it, the tears came. Kyle felt your body shaking against his chest.
“Shhhh,” he soothed. “It’s alright, Love.”
"I don't know why I'm crying." You sobbed. "I just didn't want to weasel out of it."
"Using a safe word doesn’t mean you’re ’weaseling’ out of a punishment when it becomes too much,” He said, pulling you away to look at you. His fingers rubbing small circles on your arms. “It just means it just got to be too much. You needed to end the scene. End of story.”
“I know," you said, the crown of your head pushing against his chest as you looked down. The water still cascading down on you both. "But it still doesn’t feel that way.”
“Would you like me to keep punishing you?” You knew he was asking it rhetorically, but that didn't stop you from answering honestly.
“Maybe not anything with impact.” You offered. “Like lines or something.”
“I’ll think of something. Later.” He said grabbing your soap off of your little shelf and lathering you up. "Lets get you all cleaned up." Kyle's after care was just as important to him as it was to you. It helped ground him. Make him remember that everything in the bedroom was a fantasy.
You didn't think he was a monster. He wasn't cruel. It gave him an opportunity to also help build back what he had broken.
By the time he as finished rubbing you down, you were practically putty in his hands. "Finish up while I go and change the sheets." He kissed your forehead, leaving you to it.
“How you feeling?” He asked as you made your way back into the bedroom. He had already changed into a fresh pair of jeans and threw on a button up. Sometimes you hated how beautifully put together he could get almost instantly.
“Better.” You gave him a soft smile before noting his outfit.. "You're all dressed up."
"I figured we could still make dinner if you wanted to. You need to eat something." He wasn't wrong. You didn't want to get into the discussion about your only meal for the day had been an iced coffee. So you quickly got ready. You sat on the edge of the bed, putting on your socks when you noticed it again.
The box on the floor that Kyle had brought in earlier. The one he never opened.
“What’s that?” You pointed. Kyle wanted to say that the two of you could open it later, but he had been so exciting to go and pick up his order he could hardly wait.
“It's what I was going to finish the night off with," he answered with a gleam in his eye as he picked up the box, putting it on the bed. "Think of it as a surprise."
"What the fuck is that, Kyle Garrick?" You said, pulling your legs tightly to your body. As if coiling yourself into a ball would ever stop him.
"It's something to help you." That mischievous glint was back in his eye. Your heart stopped as he finally tore through the box like a kid at Christmas. Beaming with pride as he held up the sinister piece of metal.
“Kyle,” you began. “That's not a-”
“A chastity belt.” He finished. “Yes. It's my assurance.” He held up the chunk of metal, allowing it to shine in the bedroom.
"For what?" You're voice reaching a higher pitch. Kyle tried not to laugh as you practically squeaked. You always did it when you were nervous. "Making my life into the Handmaiden's Tale?"
He rolled his eyes at your over-exaggerated comparison. "To make sure you can't cum until I say so." He set the contraption down on the ibed before pulling out a small set of keys and a padlock out of the box as well.
Holy fuck. He was serious. "Since I can’t trust you when I’m not here, you’ll start wearing it when I have to go out.”
“Kyle, please.” You begged. It was no use. You had fucked up. Kyle could handle your brattiness. He loved having you over his knee, making your ass burn. But disobedience and being a little shit were two different things. He gave you a rule and you broke it. Plain and simple.
You had secretly hoped that he would just pull out the ginger root. Figging your poor little asshole until you were a crying, blubbering mess. The aftercare during such a session was so intense it almost made it worth it. Failing in comparison at the one he had just given you, although it was still wonderful.
But you had came without permission. Not only that, but you were strictly told NOT to touch yourself. A rule that you had broken time and time again.
You huff, but honestly the idea of being unable to do anything. Having to beg him…. You could already feel yourself getting wet. “Not now though, right?”
“Later” “Your punishment wasn’t finished.”
“How long would I have to wear it?” You asked, thinking maybe he’ll just
“Let’s start with five days.”
“FIVE?” You practically squeal. No way. There is absolutely no way you’ll be able to make it five days without something to give you some sort of stimulation between your thighs. Even if you had just come so many times it had quite literally made you sick. “Kyle, be reasonable.”
“This is me being reasonable.” He said, grabbing a light jacket from his wardrobe. “Do you think I got one of these last minute? Your lack of control is an issue I will be damned and determined to fix.” He retreated into the your closet with something to keep you warm. “Tell you what,” he said crossing his arms as you put it on. “Make it a week.”
“Kyle!” Your jaw fell open, ready to protest.
“Hush and let me finish.” He ordered, holding up a finger to pause any more interruptions. “One week straight. 24/7 . The belt stays on unless you need to shower or go to the bathroom. Make it a week with no complaints and I’ll give you a week where you don’t have to ask.”
Your ears had suddenly perked up. A week of being able to rub yourself absolutely raw without any repercussions.
“A week and after that I get a week where I can come anytime I want?” You clarified, not fully trusting his wording. "I can cum when you fuck me and when I masturbate. I'm allowed to masturbate?"
Your spew of words had him laughing. "You act like I'm a genie trying to trick you!"
"That's exactly what you are!" You argued, your tone now growing less appalled and more playful.
"Fine!" He sighed. "If you last a week, you can have a full week of absolute orgasmic freedom."
"Deal!" You held out your hand, waiting for the deal to be made before he could go back on his word.
As soon as the two of you had gotten home, Kyle had started the countdown. It felt weird. Definetly uncomfortable and something you weren't entirely sure you would get used to.
The next morning, Kyle was already down in the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filling your senses as you joined him.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, smirking over the rim of his mug already knowing the answer.
"Fucking terrible." You huffed out. You had practically tossed and turned all night. He was almost tempted to take it off, but a deal is a deal. "This thing is so uncomfortable. It's like a pair of medieval panties."
"You tapping out after one night?" He asked, already knowing he should have made a counter off to your deal instead of simply it making it a challenge for you.
"Not a chance." You smiled, shooting him the same smile he was giving you. "But I think maybe a cup of coffee could help perk me up."
You kissed him as he handed you your own mug. Humming as his hand traveled to the base of your neck, pulling you closer to him. Deepening the kiss until you were nearly breathless.
You had hoped next week's freedom would be worth it. It surely wasn’t right now as the chastity belt rubbed irritatingly against your core.
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peachhcs · 5 months
the soft launch (more like hard launch) → social media post
hughes!sister x will smith au
hi! here’s the first post for my new au :) i figured this is a great way to introduce samy as well as her dynamic with everyone else. i’ll be posting more actual fics soon, but also please comment or send me what else you’d like to see for them!!
ps. all of these photos are from pinterest/instagram
au masterlist
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samyhughes semester 1 has my heart <3
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lauren11 BAE I LOVE YOU!!
| samyhughes I LOVE YOU!!!!!
hannahduke HELL YEAH UMICH!
| samyhughes ROLL WOLVES! 🐺
dylanduke25 can’t believe you’re roommates with my little sister i feel like this is so full circle??
| samyhughes LMAOO i feel you dyl
| lhughes_06 ur telling me
edwards.73 casually posting a pic of someone holding a high noon and then proceeds to make caption first semester which means your underage 😐😐
| samyhughes ok mom
markestapa WOOOOOO so glad ur at umich with us!
| samyhughes remember when you cried when luke told u i was coming to michigan?
| markestapa now why would u say that on the internet
| jackhughes why are you giving this energy to my little sister? 😐
| colecaufield bc i want to??
jackhughes wait a minute the 3rd pic…where is his mouth…
| samyhughes umm..
user3 luke’s michigan friends are literally her second brothers AHHHH
user4 wait who isss the guy in the 3rd pic???? she has a bf???
user5 we lost another one boys 😭
jacob_fowler24 michigan shit 🔛🔝
| samyhughes what does this even mean??
ryan.leno_4 still shoulda come to boston
| samyhughes sorry lean u should of come to michigan 🤷‍♀️
aram_minnetian okay hard launch
| samyhughes what i do best ☺️
| samyhughes NO
lhughes_06 this post gets a rating of 2/10 because 1. there’s underage drinking and that’s a no no 2. his mouth is on your boob 3. i just don’t like this post
| samyhughes alright. 🫠
user6 mouth placement??????
user7 istg if that’s will smith i’m losing it
user8 her and will dating makes so much sense omg
graceccsmith so cute samy!!
| samyhughes thanks gracie!! i miss you
_willvote my man made the gram!
| samyhughes ok expose me
gabeperreault44 GET REKTTTTTTTT
| samyhughes gabe i swear 😭
_willsmith2 hi buddy i miss you
| samyhughes hi smitty i miss you too come visit me soon
user9 ^^^^ NAHH it’s so will smith
| user11 childhood best friends to lovers pipeline is so real
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_willsmith2 looking good beantown
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gabeperreault44 good stuff good stuff
| _willsmith2 thanks gp
ryan.leno_4 everyone’s hard launching i see
| _willsmith2 oops
graceccsmith so cute will 🥰
| _willsmith2 thanks g😀
jacob_fowler24 damn it when is will gonna hard launch me???
| _willsmith2 next time i promise 😫
aram_minnetian ok we get it u have a gf
| _willsmith2 😀😀
user3 them being best friends before this makes this so much better too
user4 someone get them on a podcast or some shit so we can get the backstory!!!
user5 they’re very golden retriever and golden retriever energy
_willvote i hope i’m invited to the wedding in like 10 years
| _willsmith2 ur 1 on the list
hannahduke WHEN HE POSTS HER >>>
| ryan.leno_4 she’s so lucky fr
| samyhughes 😙😙
edwards.73 invading the bf comments hi bf
| _willsmith2 hi ethan
markestapa i was summoned and now i see why
| user7 LMAOOO i love mark and ethan
user8 mark and ethan are very big brother being protective core while samy’s at umich bc her actual brothers aren’t there
trevorzegras i am here too
| user9 LMAO TREVOR??!
lhughes_06 looking good so far smitty
| _willsmith2 thanks luke 🤝
jackhughes i’m still looking at u bc of that one pic on my sister’s post…suspicious…
| _willsmith2 pls forgive me jack it was an honest mistake
user11 i’m sure will’s scared of all these boys acting like samy’s big brother
elblue06 so cute will!
| _willsmith2 thanks mama hughes!
| user13 well she is like his 2nd mom bc their families are so close. i think he calls her that regardless of him dating her daughter LMAO
dylanduke25 found out samy has a bf when i saw this post on my little sister’s feed :/
| samyhughes LMAO sorry dylan
_quinnhughes see you during the holidays!
| _willsmith2 can’t wait to come back to michigan!
rutgermcgroarty 😦😦😦 baby hughes has a bf??? and it’s the 4th overall pick from the nhl draft?
| user14 my exact reaction
samyhughes looks like i’ve taught u well🫡
| _willsmith2 i only learn from the best
this is so long my bad but i just love writing the comments for these LOL
324 notes · View notes
choism · 9 months
A Flashy Plan | b.tc
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Captain Buggy x Crew!gn!Reader
Genre: Smut, Crack
Summary: A tough day and a tired crew calls for correction in the captain's quarters
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: sub!buggy, gn!reader, but you can imagine reader with a strap or a dick, unprotected sex (bad !), overstimulation, improper use of the chop chop fruit, buggy's head is elsewhere, semi public sex, multiple orgasms, buggy is a babygirl honestly, and a brat too
A/N: I said I would write it and I did! Look at me keeping promises for once lmao. I hope you all enjoy and dont forget to reblog with your thoughts <3
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Today had been a rough day for the Buggy Pirates. There were two attacks, both just outside bordering islands, which meant they couldn’t stop for supplies for quite a while. Stopping meant bringing the attacking pirates near the island, which would cause panic, which would cause bounty hunters and marines to appear at the mere sight of their flag. No, they had to flee, and quickly.
Now, afloat the east blue with no real course yet, the crew was in sore spirits, especially their Captain. Buggy had been extra mopey– extra mean to everyone, and that included you. You and the captain had a…special relationship. Sleep together occasionally, cuddle occasionally, but that was the extent of it. It was just two pirates trying to find sense in this barren sea, and you two happened to end up naturally floating together, pun intended.
You were fed up. All of the crew had suffered losses today. They were starved, thirsty, and just wanted to rest but that was impossible when aboard the ship of the man to be King of the Pirates. Buggy was just making everything worse by poking the bear.
“You all suck! Not a very flashy move to flee an island all because of some lowly pirates. We could've done better.” He spits at nobody in particular, but he looks at you briefly and it sets something off inside of you. The crew disperses and you immediately make your way to the clown.
Buggy is back in his captain’s quarters, bent over the desk and presumably overlooking something, while mumbling to himself. You walk in and quietly close the door behind you, tip-toeing behind him and whispering in his ear, “So what wasn’t flashy about avoiding us getting caught by marines, hm?” You smirk and feel him stiffen at the desk.
“I- I didn’t mean you y/n! You were fine I just think that–”
You don’t let him finish, Spinning him around and pinning him to the desk, leaning fully into his space now,
“Think what? That we are no better than lowly pirates? You know better than to insult your crew during such a hard time, Bugsy.” The nickname rolls off your tongue smoothly, sending a shiver down Buggy’s spine. Outside, he’s the captain, but in his attempt to escape the harsh reality of a Captain’s burdens, he submits in the bedroom.
You, on the other hand? You like control, dominance. You like to feel like you have a grip on whatever flimsy string life is, and this is how you take that initiative. It’s a great dynamic and there have been no complaints from Buggy’s end. Well…Unless we are talking about his rear end…
“Fuck y/n wait, I- I’m sorry okay let’s just talk this out, oh!” You press your knee into his crotch, he’s already half hard from being talked down to of course. Buggy whimpers and trembles beneath your touch, anticipating what you’ll do next. You reach your hand up to hold his jaw and place light pecks at his neck, lowering your hand to grip his neck lightly.
“Head on the table sweetheart.” You smirk and step back, starting to unbuckle your belt.
“Why what are you going to do?” Buggy takes off his hat and his headscarf, letting his long blue locks fall around his shoulders in heavy waves. You would never admit it to him, but you find Buggy so gorgeous, if he offered up anything further than some situationship at sea, you’d probably take him up on it. You stare into his green eyes, giving him an answer without even saying anything. Buggy makes room on the desk and pops his head off, gently landing on the wood.
“Well? Take off your clothes too, slut.” The degrading name causes Buggy’s cock to jump in his pants, now fully hard from the unbelievable sexual build up. He makes quick work of his own clothes, now fully nude in front of his crew mate. You’ve gotten your own clothes off as well, having grabbed the spare lube Buggy keeps in his desk and slicking up your own cock. “Turn around for me baby.” You command him and he swiftly complies.
His plump ass is fully on display, his flush cock hanging heavy between his legs and leaking precum like a faucet. You lube up your fingers, warming it up and spreading it over his hole, making sure to get him ready for your fingers.
“Mm please, please do it already.” His head begs, looking at the sight with his eyes heavy, lips pouted and whimpering. 
“You don’t get a say in this, you get to watch and look pretty.” You grip his jaw and he looks up at you, nodding. Now fully bent over the desk, some things falling over, you enter a single finger, crooking and prodding at him to stretch him properly for your cock later. Buggy lets out loud groans next to you, clearly enjoying the sensation. You add a second, and then a third finger, the lube slick sounds bouncing off the thin walls of his quarters, the crew is probably hearing everything. 
You fuck into him deeply, hitting his prostate over and over, his cock leaking all over important documents on his desk as he ruts into it, chasing pleasure.
“‘M cum…gon’ cum…” He lazily says, and you halt all of your movements. “Fuck why please nng ah!” You swiftly enter him, filling him up with your cock and mercilessly fucking into his wet hole. Almost immediately, he comes all over the desk and onto the floor, but you don’t stop thrusting. Buggy lets out strings of ‘ ah ah ah’ with each thrust.
“What? Can’t handle me being a little rough? How do you expect to handle those ‘lowly pirates’ if you can’t even take a cock properly without cumming instantly?” He’s a whimpering mess, drooling and looking at his own body being fucked. Buggy can’t even form words, the overstimulation causing him to get hard again quickly.
“N…” Buggy starts to say but you can’t hear him. You grab his hair and lift up his head, forcing him to be face to face with you as you pound into him,
“Spit it out.”
Buggy laughs half-heartedly, “Not flashy enough.”
You reattach his head and flip him over on the desk so his legs are in the air and his cock is flush against his stomach. You enter him again, fucking him even harder than before. “Is this flashy enough for you, clown? Wanna be fucked dumb like the cockslut you are?” You feel your own orgasm approaching quickly, you wrap a hand around Buggy’s pathetically leaking cock, fisting it so you can finish at the same time.
Soon after, you both finish, Buggy making a mess of his own stomach, some of it even reaching his face. You pull out of him slowly.
“How’s that for a flashy plan, captain?”
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© Choism 2023. do not repost or translate.
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surftrips · 10 months
pairing: jj maybank x reader
word count: 2.5k
summary: what happens when jj maybank develops a crush on the class valedictorian?
a/n: i haven’t written for jj in soo long so here’s this opposites attract oneshot for y’all. set before sarah and john b get together, it’s the pogue’s senior year of high school. lmk if you want more of this dynamic!
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"You have a crush on Y/N? She's like the complete opposite of you..." Pope was saying to his best friend JJ.
"Dude, I know. But maybe that's why I like her so much." Maybank replied.
"What do you guys even have in common?"
"Uhhh... well. She likes to read and I- I can read. I just choose not to."
"We're off to a great start here," Pope said sarcastically, "What else?"
JJ thought for a second. "Oh! Her favorite color is green! I like green."
"Whose favorite color is green?" Kiara asked as she and John B. joined the rest of the Pogues at the lunch table.
"This girl JJ has a crush on," Pope explained.
"Ooooh, JJ has a crush? Who is it?" John B. nudged JJ's arm.
"I'm not telling you guys. You're gonna make fun of me," JJ refused.
"Oh, come on! Pope knows!" Kiara reasoned.
"Yeah, no keeping secrets from each other," John B. reminded them.
JJ sighed, "Fine. But only if y'all promise not to laugh or anything."
"Yeah, whatever, just tell us," Kie was dying to know.
"It's Y/N," JJ announced.
Silence. Then, all at once...
"Wait a minute..." from Kie.
"Y/N Y/L/N?" from John B.
and "That's what I'm saying!" from Pope.
"Guys, come on. You said you would be chill about it," JJ was starting to regret sharing his secret.
"Sorry, it's just... isn't she... like smart and responsible and stuff?" John B was saying.
"Literally... the opposite of you, JJ. No offense," Kiara added.
"None taken. But yeah, she is all those things, John B. That's why I like her. I think she would be good for me. Plus she's pretty," JJ replied.
"And you think you can pull her?" John B. asked.
"Come on, who can resist my charm?" JJ said, smiling.
For the past week, JJ had been working on a plan to get Y/N's attention. Which was hard considering the two ran in different circles and shared no classes.
So it must have been fate when JJ ran into her in the main office the following Monday. He was no stranger to the receptionist sitting at the desk, used to running late or being called into the principal's office for skipping class. It was for this reason that he almost missed the girl he had been dreaming about all week who happened to rush in right after him.
JJ wondered why a perfect straight-A student like her would be here, but the sounds of her trying to catch her breath and her frantic state answered his question. Little miss perfect was late, just like him.
He couldn't help but smile to himself, finally, they had something in common. Something he could work with.
But before he could turn around to spark up a conversation, the receptionist called him forward. "JJ, how many times has it been this month?"
"Uhhh.. I lost track after the fifth time," JJ shrugged.
"You know I'm only asking because I want to see you graduate, the disciplinary committee is not going to be as nice," she said.
"I know, I know miss. I'll be better next month."
"How about starting tomorrow? You're all set."
JJ turned around, trying to come up with an excuse to hang around the office, but he knew that he was already pushing his limits.
On his way out, he grinned at Y/N. “Fancy seeing you here,” and left before she could respond.
"Dude, you said what to her?" Pope asked, incredulous. It seemed like every conversation JJ had with his best friend these days elicited disbelief.
"Come on! That line is a classic, works every time."
"Name one time," Pope challenged him.
"Uhh that one time with Stacy, or Sasha, I forget what her name was."
"Yeah, great example."
"What's wrong with that line anyway?"
"It's less what's wrong with the line itself and more the situation in which you said it. You probably embarrassed her," Pope said matter-of-factly, chewing on his apple.
"What? How's that embarrassing? I'm clearly hitting on her."
"Because, she was late and probably already stressed out. Y/N is never late, and you just pointed out the obvious to her."
"Shit. I didn't think about it like that," JJ admitted.
"Think about what like what?" Kiara asked, coming over to their unspoken designated lunch room table with John B. JJ was starting to get deja vu.
"JJ saw Y/N this morning," Pope started to explain. "They were both late and checking in at the main office and on the way out he said, 'Fancy seeing you here.'"
Both Kiara and John B. winced. "Why would you say that man?" the latter asked.
JJ groaned. "I wasn't thinking okay! I didn't mean to embarrass or upset her or anything. You think she's mad at me?"
"I mean, you guys barely know each other. There's a chance she might have forgotten already," Kiara tried to reason.
"Somehow that's even worse," JJ said.
"It's alright, buddy. Better luck next time," JB tried to comfort him.
"If there even is a next time," JJ grumbled.
With his luck, there was a next time. This time JJ was in Y/N's territory.
When his teacher asked for a volunteer to run to Ms. Scheer's classroom, JJ's hand immediately shot up. He didn't care what the errand was, all that mattered was that Y/N would be in that room. He knew as much from watching her intently, but from a safe distance in the hallways.
He seemed to catch her attention the second he walked in. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Once again, he was wishing that the circumstances were more ideal. His usual charm seem to dissipate in the presence of teachers.
After handing Ms. Scheer the construction paper she needed, JJ turned to look at Y/N, settling for a wave this time.
To his relief, she softly smiled back at him. He rushed out of the classroom and quickly pulled out his phone to text the groupchat.
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JJ himself could not believe it, that someone as beautiful, smart, and amazing as Y/N noticed him. That line has yet to fail me, he thought to himself.
Since it was the end of senior year, there was word of quite a few parties happening that weekend. However, JJ only cared about one. And that was whatever one Y/N decided to grace her presence with.
In order to find out this information, JJ employed Kie to ask around in her circle of kook friends if anyone happened to know where his recent infatuation would be.
It just so happened that John B. was also crushing on a certain kook during this time as well, Sarah Cameron. The two boys hoped that their respective crushes would be at the same place Friday night and waited anxiously by their phones the entire day for a text from Kie.
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Click images to see full messages.
Still, JJ found himself looking in the mirror for longer than usual getting ready for Sarah's party. Even just the chance of seeing Y/N there was enough for him to go. Plus, John B needed a wing man because he knew Pope and Kie would just spend the whole time there together.
After taking one last look at his outfit: gray muscle tee, shorts, and his signature baseball cap, he headed out the front door and into Kiara's Jeep.
As they pulled up to the Tanny Hill mansion, JJ started to get a little nervous. Or excited. He wasn't sure which, the nerves and butterflies inside his stomach seemed to be dancing the tango.
Of course he had been to kook parties before, the kooks vs pogues thing had mostly died down by the time they got to high school, but he couldn't help but feel out of place amongst the drunk rich kids of Kildare.
"Are you coming or not?" Kiara asked, already out of her car.
She quickly rushed to meet up with Sarah and some other girls, Pope tagging along as JJ and John B. looked around in search of some liquid courage.
Kie had agreed to put in a good word for John B. after he practically begged her, so all he had to do was sit back and wait. However, JJ would have to be on edge for the next few hours, unsure if Y/N was going to show up or not.
"Dude, you should still have fun, regardless if she shows or not. It's our senior year!" Pope said to him later in the night, seeming more buzzed than usual. That's when JJ realized how sober he was, he was so anxious about Y/N's presence or lack of, that he was only on his second bottle of beer.
He pulled out his phone to check the time, not expecting to see 5 texts from Kiara.
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Realizing that the last text was from one minute ago, he left the group of boys he was standing with and ran inside the mansion, making a beeline toward the kitchen.
He slowed down once he was close enough to hear Y/N's voice talking to Kie.
It's now or never, he thought. Entering the kitchen, his eyes immediately caught Y/N's and he swore he saw them light up. Noticing Y/N’s change in expression, Kiara turned around.
"Ah! Just the guy I was looking for!" she said.
"Uh, hey. What's up?" JJ said, trying his best to seem nonchalant.
"Y/N, this is JJ, the guy I was just telling you about."
"Oh, hey! I think I've seen you around," Y/N said, smiling at JJ. His heart melted. Was this real life?
"Kiara, Y/N and I go way back. Remember we were both late that one day?" JJ hoped that he wasn't bringing up a sensitive topic, Pope's words echoing in his mind.
"Oh my god, yeah! That was you!" Y/N responded.
He let out a sigh of relief, "Yeah, I hope I didn't catch you off guard or anything."
"Oh, no worries, it wasn't the first time I've been late."
"Good, I don't know why I thought I made you upset or something," JJ said, scratching his head.
"Why would you think that?"
"My friends, Pope and John B. They said that what I said was stupid and I could've embarrassed you."
"You told your friends about our 30-second interaction?" JJ could see her lips pulling into a smirk and his heart started to race. It was at this point that Kiara slowly began to back up, giving him a thumbs up and a grin when she was out of Y/N's eyesight.
"Well, I only tell them about the pretty girls."
"And how many have you told them about lately?" JJ knew what game she was playing and gladly played along.
"Just the one," he grinned.
"Good, I told my friends about you too," she admitted.
"Y-you did?"
"Yeah, I mean I didn't think much of the day in the office honestly, but after you came into Ms. Scheer's and waved at me, I felt like there was something more going on."
"Well, you would be right."
"I usually am," she said, shrugging.
"What else did you tell your friends?"
"Hmmmm..." she pretended to think, tapping your index finger to her chin. "I told them that there was this super cute guy stalking me and asking around about what party I was going to."
The boy could feel his face growing hot, unsure if it was from her calling him cute or the fact that she knew he was asking about her.
"Aww, no reason to be embarrassed. Guys ask about me all the time," she said.
JJ balked, unsure how to respond to Y/N's candor. She was entirely different from how he imagined her, even better somehow.
"I'm kidding," she laughed. "The truth is most guys are too intimidated by me to even try anymore."
"What? Really?" Sure, Y/N could be perceived as intimidating because of all her accomplishments and positions, but for JJ, that just made her more attractive. He wasn't sure how any single guy on the island could refrain from being pulled in by Y/N's magnetic pull.
"Yeah," she took another sip out of her red solo cup. "But it's whatever, half of the guys on this island are assholes."
"Cheers to that?" he lifted up his half-drunken beer to her cup.
"Haha, cheers to that Maybank," she smiled, downing the rest of her drink. "Wanna get out of here?"
"I was wondering when you were going to say that," he grinned, following her to the backyard.
She led him past the pool where people were throwing each other in, careful to avoid getting splashed, to the edge of the premises where a rock wall surrounded the lawn.
Y/N easily climbed up, taking a seat at the top, JJ following suit.
"I've never been up here before," he said.
"It's kinda like my hiding spot, consider yourself lucky I’m showing it to you."
"Oh, trust me, I do."
"Stop," she gently pushed JJ away. "You cannot possibly like me that much." Though she said it in a joking manner, he could tell that a part of her meant it.
"Oh yeah? Try me," JJ said, desperate to prove himself.
"Okay, name 5 things you like about me. Non-physical things."
"Easy. You're smart. You're ambitious. I like it when you get competitive like at Pep Rally and football games, and I like your sense of humor. Also, your smile."
"Hey! I said non-physical things."
"Yeah, but you don't just smile for anyone. That's what I like about you. Every time you smile, it feels special. Like you meant it for that one person only."
Y/N was blushing now, "You're kidding me."
"Nope, I'm being 100% serious right now. Look, Y/N, in case you haven't noticed, I really, really like you, and even though I just named five things about you, I want to get to know you more." JJ reached out to grab Y/N's hands.
"JJ, you're shaking."
"Shit. Sorry, I just get a little bit nervous around you. I'm usually not like this." Y/N had him acting like he had never done this before, and though he had been with plenty of girls, he had never felt this strongly about them before.
"It's okay," she smiled. JJ thought he would never get sick of seeing that. "I like you too."
"No, I just smile at everyone like this," she laughed.
"So what do you say? You and me on a proper date?"
"Hmmm, where would you take me?"
"Anywhere you want, as long as it's not on school grounds or a fundraiser."
"JJ!" she playfully swatted at him, unable to control her grinning from ear to ear. In the process, JJ was finally able to grasp on her hand and pulled her closer to him.
"Still need verbal confirmation, pretty girl. Do we have a deal?"
"Deal," she whispered, close enough to JJ that only he could hear.
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holybibly · 4 months
I'm imagining cam boy! Matz that invite you on their stream to try something new and end tying you up and blindfolding you, Hwa kissing your neck while Hongjoong teases you with light caresses with a whip only to smack you with it here and there to surprise you, loving your startled moans and the way your entire body twitches until he reaches your pussy and slaps your clit with it until he has you coming all over it while Seonghwa patiently waits his turn and plays with your nipples 🥴
✨I am here to brighten your evening/day with hard/unholy hours ✨
Wow! Baby, write me more, I want to know every thought that's lurking in your head. Cos it's bloody hot in here, isn't it?
Everyone should just admit it: we are MATZ's absolute whores. Their dynamics, their style, their classy looks - we just need more. Honestly, I can never get enough of them.
The first person to see you was Seonghwa. You were made of vanilla, radiating tenderness, and he could already taste it on his tongue. Innocent. Pure. Absolutely fuckable.
Hongjoong will be so in love with you.
In a way, you were a reminder of Seonghwa's self before his meeting with Hongjoong. Hongjoong had once ruined him completely, and now Seonghwa was desperate to ruin someone personally.
Their dynamic was simple: Seonghwa is vicious, alluring, and majestic, and Hongjoong is dark, dominant, and depraved. It was the perfect duet. Hongjoong fucked Seonghwa; Seonghwa fucked Hongjoong; it was all so simple, but between the two of them, there was this strange void that they were trying to fill. They wanted someone soft and gentle, someone they could spoil with wealth and luxury, and someone they could fuck regularly.
And you—you were ideal.
A few seductive words, a few lingering touches, a few expensive gifts and luxurious dates, a few hours of long kisses and passionate sex, and you were all theirs.
It never bothered you that they were cam boys in the first place. In fact, you might have liked it a little too much, but you would never admit it out loud.
They have never included you in their plans. Until today. You looked too seductive in that pretty lace underwear set - all that white lace and frills. You were just begging to be scolded.
"Don't be afraid, princess. We're not going to hurt you. We just want to play with you for a little while and show everyone what a beautiful doll Hongjoong and I have." Seonghwa whispered tenderly into your ear. His hands tied a wide satin band around your head, blinding you. "You're going to like it, I promise." He said this as he tied your hands together behind your back and completely restricted your movement.
You were seated on the edge of the bed in front of Seonghwa. Your legs were spread wide and held in place by his long legs. All in all, you were at their mercy. Blinded and immobilised, just as they wanted you to be.
"Good evening, everyone," Hongjoong's voice purred, and at that moment, you felt how Seonghwa's lips started sensuously kissing your neck. His thin, cold fingers traced a slow path along the curve of your breasts above your bra. The sensation sent goosebumps up and down your skin.
"Hwa and I are doing great, thank you for asking." You try to catch every word that Hongjoong says, but the way Seonghwa's hot mouth sucks and licks your neck doesn't help you at all and you start to fall into the pit of lust and submission.
"We've got something special for you today."
You hear a rustling sound; most likely, Joong is turning the camera so that you and Seonghwa will be visible to the public.
And a deafening sound of sharp dings of more tip notifications fills the room as soon as your cute figure is on public display. Hongjoong's laughter and Seonghwa's soft mooing against your neck echo in the ringing of the coins.
"This is Hwa and me's beautiful girl. Isn't she a sight for sore eyes?"
And that is how it begins.
Another sharp blow to the inside of your thigh made you scream out in fright. This had been going on for a long time. Every nerve in your body was hypersensitive, and every touch was like a scorching flame. Hongjoong drove you crazy with his games, while Seonghwa rubbed and pinched your nipples. 
Your juices dripped shamelessly on the bed. Your beautiful lace panties were pushed aside so that all of Seonghwa and Hongjoong's subscribers could see your slutty little cunt. 
"I can't take it anymore, please. It hurts." You were literally whimpering; the silk ribbon over your eyes was wet from the tears that were pouring out of your eyes without stopping. 
"You're doing so well, Princess." Seonghwa said as he ran his fingers up and down your thigh in a slow, seductive path. "One more orgasm, love; give us one more, and we'll give you some rest." 
A new tinkling sound echoed through the room, and you heard Hongjoong giggling enthusiastically.
"That's a great idea, guys. Our girl will be in love with it, in my opinion."
Hongjoong's words didn't bode well, and you felt your heart pounding in your chest. Fear and excitement mixed.
You shrieked and arched into Songhwa's arms, moaning loudly and throwing your head back onto his shoulder as the soft, cold skin of the whip touched your heated, wet folds. The tightly twisted material rubbed against your throbbing clit a few times before slapping against it weakly. 
The sensation was like a bolt of lightning running through your body. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head under the tight blindfold, all of your body shaking uncontrollably as your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave. Your mouth was open in a silent, gasping moan, and your juices spurted everywhere, soaking the expensive sheets beneath you. 
You slowly came back to reality after a dizzying orgasm, and Seonghwa removed the blindfold from your tear-stained eyes and kissed your cheek gently. 
"My beautiful princess."
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Hongjoong chats sweetly with his audience, reading the comments and telling his followers about you. All the while, Seonghwa keeps kissing your neck and shoulders and playing with your swollen nipples. 
When Hongjoong turns to you, a seductive grin plays across his devilishly handsome features, and his dark eyes sparkle like topazes—seductive and dangerous.
"Are you ready for your next game, my love? Let's show our viewers just how good Seonghwa is at eating you up."   After this, you'll never want to join them on a live stream again. 
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Potential part 2 to Bridge Over Troubled Water. Maybe something about them finally confessing their feelings, or the reader finishing their degree and Mel is worried about seeing them less thinking they're going back to working in the suburbs but maybe they get transferred to Abbott. That's if you're feeling up to it of course
So... this took way longer than anticipated, but it's here, and she's done (and as always unedited). I hope you enjoy!
Bridge Over Troubled Water Pt 2
Part 1.
WC: 5.5k (exactly!)
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Since the two of you finally confessed your feelings for each other, you’ve found the balance between work and home life as well as the dynamic between the two of you as teacher and aide. Really, not much has changed- you can’t blame Ava for having figured the two of you out before even you two knew what there was with the two of you. 
That was two semesters ago, and you’re quickly approaching the end of your masters degree. You’ve been seeing Melissa for a little over a year, and it’s been great. She’s your best friend, the best mentor, and the biggest supporter for you when you need to be told it’s going to be okay in terms of your graduate degree. But now that’s almost finished. You have three more final papers to write, one group presentation, and a speech to finish, and then you’ll have your masters in reading.
“You’re doing great, hon,” your girlfriend tells you as you type away furiously at your laptop at her kitchen island.
You jump nearly a foot in the air. You had been so focused on your paper that you didn’t even realize she had moved from her station at the stove to right behind you. 
“Jesus, Mel,” you chuckle once your shock wears off. “Give a girl some warning first.”
She wraps her arms around your shoulders and kisses the top of your head. “I thought you saw me move from the stove. Sorry, babe.”
You turn red. “My bad.”
“It’s alright, amore. You were focused on your paper, and I’m so proud of you.”
“I can’t wait to be done with it all,” you sigh. 
“You’re almost there,” she tells you. “And then you can just relax through the end of the school year with me and figure everything else out during the summer.”
You worry your lip through your teeth. “I think I’ve figured out what I’m doing already though.”
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “And what would that be?”
You close your laptop and turn around in her arms. “I think I’m going to go back to the school I was at before- at least for a little bit. I know I have job security there, and the principal already asked me about returning to finish out the school year for one of the old second grade teachers who has to go out on maternity leave- at least to finish up the school year.”
“What?” she sounds shocked. “And you’re going to-“
“I think I have to if I want any sort of job security for next year,” you tell her. “But I’ll still do everything I can to-“
“You’re just going to leave the kids like that? Leave me like that?”
“Baby, it isn’t like that,” you whisper and pull her in closer. “You know how the teaching career paths are. And I know that my old school finishes before Abbott, so I can come in for the last week with you, and-“
Melissa takes a shaky breath. “You have to do what’s best for you, as much as it kills me… have you told anyone else?”
“Just Ava,” you mumble. “I was going to tell you tomorrow when we went out for dinner.”
“Okay.” She bites her lip. She knows you have to do what’s best for you, and she knows you’re right. You need job security. And she’ll be fine with the two classes together again; the two of you have pretty much figured out how to teach both classes seamlessly. But now she’s worried about how this is going to affect the relationship between the two of you- she won’t see you nearly as much.
“Please tell me you’re not mad,” you practically beg her.
“I’m not,” she tells you truthfully. “Just thinking about how the kids are going to miss you… how I’ll miss you.”
“You’ll see me,” you promise her. “We’re dating.”
“I know,” she sighs. “But it’ll be different. I’ll have my classes, you’ll have your class, and when we’re together, we’ll both be swamped with grading and planning.”
“I’m sure we can figure it out, hon. We’ll set aside time to grade together, we’ll see if at least our second grades line up to plan together for, and I’ll make sure that we have our time together to focus on things other than schoolwork.”
“You better,” she chuckles nervously, reaching down to palm your ass. 
“I love you,” you whisper as you set your forehead against hers.
“I love you too,” she tells you, but she’s still nervous.
When you get your degree, Melissa is the first one to wrap you up in a hug, peck your lips, and tell you how proud of you she is. Your parents are second, and they grin when they see how happy you are with your girlfriend. They had been wary in the beginning of your relationship, but now they fully embrace the fiery redhead in your life as family.
The four of you have a wonderful meal provided by Melissa at her house, and your parents sing her praises.
“My god,” your dad chuckles. “What you do with food woman… you should’ve been a chef instead.”
“I thought about it,” your girlfriend laughs. “But I’d say being a teacher worked out just fine.” She gives you a nudge and squeezes your thigh just slightly.
Dinner is wonderful, your parents head out with warm hugs and kisses to both yours and Melissa’s cheeks, and then it’s just the two of you.
“I’m so proud of you,” she tells you as you curl up on the couch together. “So proud.”
“I know you are,” you chuckles softly. “You’ve only told me a million times today.”
“Because I am,” she grins brightly and kisses you again. “My girl’s got her masters, and she’s going to do great… wherever she might end up.”
That night ends with the two of you in bed, sweaty and grinning as she pulls you into her arms. You both get good rest that night.
On your official last day at Abbott as Melissa’s aide, the kids shower you in presents, cards, poems, drawings… anything and everything you could think of- one of the kids brought it in for you- even a jar of pickles. You chuckle at that one.
“I’m assuming this is your doing?”
“I had it put on the list,” she laughs. “And I had to specifically ask for the dill, because I know you refuse to eat gherkins.”
“You’re the best,” you hip check her. 
“I do my best, babe,” she whispers back. “I am going to miss working with you.”
She hands you a note to go along with all of the kids’ stuff.
“Can I read it now, or should I read it later?”
“Maybe later,” Melissa tells you. “For now, enjoy your party, and then we do have dinner with the crew after school today.”
“We do?”
“You think we’d send you off without a true Abbott celebration?” she laughs. “Of course we have a special outing for you- down at Oscar’s- your favorite skanky dive bar.”
“You’re getting the Barbara Howard to my favorite skanky dive bar?”
“I am,” the redhead chuckles. “She loves you a lot, and I promised her it wouldn’t be too much since it’s a Wednesday at four in the afternoon.”
After many tearful goodbyes (even though you promise the kids they’ll see you for the last week of school), you walk out of the school hand in hand with your girlfriend.
“Can I open it now?” You clutch the envelope Melissa had handed you earlier in the day.
“If you really want to,” she rolls her eyes playfully as she opens the door for you. “But you can’t get all weepy. We have our friends to meet, and they don’t need to know I’m soft for you.”
“Everyone knows you’re soft for me,” you tease her. “Janine fully walked in on you massaging my back the one day in the teachers’ lounge because I had terrible cramps.”
“And I told the kid that if she told anyone, she’d regret it,” Melissa tells you.
“And then she told everyone, and you still haven’t made her regret it because you love me too much to harass our friend.”
“Shut up. Are you going to read it or not?”
“Maybe later if it’s going to make me cry.”
“I really am dating a softy, aren’t I?”
“You really are,” you grin innocently. “And you love me for it.”
When the two of you walk inside, everyone else is already there with drinks in hand.
“Aye, there’s our girl!” Jacob grins and wraps you up in a hug. “You did it!”
“I did,” you chuckle as you awkwardly pat his back before pulling away and being passed around to your friends. 
You make eye contact with your usual bartender, who just smirks and starts pouring your drink for you. He slides it over to you with a wink and a nod of the head. “Congrats, kid. We’re gonna miss having you come around here.”
“I think everybody forgets that I’m not really going anywhere,” you laugh as you take a sip of your beer and find your way into Melissa’s side again. “This one’s keeping me around for a long time, so I’ll be around.”
“But it’ll be different,” Janine argues. “You won’t be at Abbott with us anymore, and you won’t get to see half the stuff we talk about!”
“I wish I didn’t have to see half the stuff we talk about,” you joke. “And I will be back for the last week of school. It’s really just these three weeks that I’m filling in at my old school.”
There’s a nagging thought in the back of your girlfriend’s mind that tells her that might be your actual last day at Abbott if you decide to go back to your school in the suburbs.
“I, for one,” Ava cuts in. “Am glad that I will no longer have competition over who is the hottest in the school.”
“Ava!” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
Everybody raises their glasses towards you and cheers to you and your accomplishment.
After quite of few hours of drinking, exchanging silly Abbott stories, recounting how you and your girlfriend tiptoed around each other’s feelings for quite a bit before finally just biting the bullet and dating and how Ava won a shitload of money off of Mr. Johnson over their bet, and some good bar food, your crew starts to head out.
“You did good, sweetheart,” Barb hugs you gently. “Gerald is here to pick me up now, but I assume I’ll see you on Saturday for shopping?”
“You will,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“I’m just going to miss you so much!” Janine wipes a tear as she lunges forward to hug you.
“I think she had a little too much to drink,” Gregory takes his girlfriend by the hand to pry her off of you. “Congrats, Y/N. Hopefully, you’ll rejoin us at Abbott soon.”
“I’m with them, but it was really great getting to work with you!” Jacob grins. “And getting to see our favorite toughie soften up for you has been-“ he cuts himself off at the glare from your girlfriend. “I’ll see you around, Y/N.” The three of them exit quickly, Jacob and Gregory half carrying Janine.
That leaves you with Melissa, Ava, and Mr. Johnson.
“I’m actually going to have to do my job in that room now that you’re leaving,” Mr. Johnson sighs. “It was nice having you around, kid.”
“Thanks, Mr. J,” you chuckle. He gives you a gentle pat on the back, downs his beer and heads out.
“I know you’re going back to your old school, but…” Ava tells you. “Know Abbott will always welcome you back with open arms- even if that means I’ll have competition for who is the hottest.”
Your girlfriend rolls her eyes as she pulls you closer by the hip. “It isn’t a contest, Ava. It’s Y/N, and then me… The Philly twelve and Philly eleven.”
“Yeah, whatever,” the principal laughs. “My mans is here, but I’ll catch you later.” She heads out.
“I’ll take the tab now,” you tell your bartender. 
“It’s all covered,” he waves you off. You glance to your girlfriend, who shrugs. “It’s on us… for our favorite teacher crew, celebrating one of our favorite teachers from the crew.”
You leave a generous tip before you and the redhead head out of the bar.
“Did you have a good day?” Melissa asks you gently as you get into the car.
“I did,” you smile softly. “It was a bit over the top, considering I’ll continue to see everyone, but… it was all very sweet.”
“You know we all love you,” your girlfriend tells you as she pulls her car out of the parking spot. 
“I know,” you say softly, resting your hand on her thigh. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about your note. I’m waiting to read it when we’re inside.”
“I do need to get ready for work tomorrow… my first day without my gorgeous girl next to me. So I have to shower when we get home.”
“That’s fine. I’ll read it then.”
Your girlfriend tries to tempt you with a dual shower, but you politely decline.
“I actually need to shower, you actually need to shower, and we both know nothing gets done when we shower together,” you tell her pointedly.
“Actually,” she smirks. “We both get done.”
“Melissa!” you groan.
“I’m not wrong,” she grins as she strips her clothes, hoping to entice you. It doesn’t work, but she knows you’re watching as she heads into the bathroom.
With a shaky breath, you take the card out of the envelope that she had given you at school today. It’s a beautifully decorated card- one that she clearly put a lot of effort into making special just for you. You open it to see her beautiful penmanship.
Y/N, it reads. Congratulations, amore. I’m so unbelievably proud of you- you did it! I never had a doubt in my mind that you could do it, and I truly consider you to be one of the brightest lights there is in this odd profession we’ve found ourselves in. 
I want to take this time to tell you how eternally grateful I am to have found you. I know we got off to a rocky start- I was angry at Ava and my last aide, and I was about to admit defeat when I stormed into her office. When I looked at you though, all that stress melted away. I would realize later that any time I looked at you, I would feel more at peace. 
I expected you to waltz into my room and add to the mayhem, much like Ashley did, but you proved me wrong from the start. You immediately proved that you were a pro- that you were worth keeping around. From your organization to the way that teaching and classroom management just comes so naturally to you… you’re the real deal, babe. 
And somehow, in the middle of the absolute chaos that we call our classroom, I fell for you. I was able to see every side of you- the professional and the personal. I was able to see the way that you worked seamlessly between organizing papers and handling the students in a matter of minutes of you being there. I saw the woman who is tough on the kids when they need it, but also knows how to soften up for a student who needs some extra love. I saw the goofball who isn’t afraid to be the butt of a joke because you create the joke and embrace it. I’ve loved watching you maneuver all of the staff- who even I haven’t figured out quite yet. I watched you grow professionally, but I also watched you grow personally. I’ve loved being able to be here for you through it all- all of the highs of celebrating when you got a 100% on an essay you worked your ass off to write by a deadline, to loving you through when your professor gave you a wrongful failing grade and we worked our asses off to write a better paper. I’ve loved watching you come into your own and figure out who you are. But mostly, I’ve loved loving you. I’ve loved being able to hold you on a good or a bad day, being able to cherish our time together and make memories that I never thought I would have. I’ve loved being your person, and you being mine. Thank you for being my person, thank you for letting me be your person, and here’s to you, my love. Congratulations.
She signed her name at the bottom with a heart scrawled next to it, and you can’t help but wipe a few tears away. You look towards her bathroom and smile when you hear her voice singing softly. You strip down before heading into the bathroom.
“Hon?” she calls.
You step into the shower with her, and her eyes are immediately all over you. You crash your lips into hers.
“I read your note,” you mumble against her lips. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
That night, the two of you hardly get any sleep.
You take the next few days off to ensure that you’re prepared for your new second graders, and then that weekend, you and Melissa find yourselves diving into your work to make sure that everything is just as it should be. You know you’re in good standing with your school, but you want to make sure that you still impress.
You end up staying at your apartment out in the suburbs (you aren’t even really sure why you have it anymore- you almost stay exclusively at your girlfriend’s in Philly) on Sunday night so that you’re closer to work.
“I’ll be fine, Mel,” you promise her over the phone as you’re driving.
“I just know that you’re nervous, and sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you,” she sighs into the phone. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay over with you?”
“I mean… you know you’re more than welcome to, but that commute for you is going to be a bitch tomorrow,” you chuckle. 
“It’s a worthwhile sacrifice for you, my dear,” she tells you. “Let me pack a bag, and I’ll be there not long after you.”
After a night of Melissa assuring you that you were going to be just fine- it’s just first day jitters, you wake up to an empty bed. You can smell breakfast being cooked. You yawn, get yourself dressed for work, and stumble into the kitchen. Melissa is already ready for school, and she’s just plating breakfast when you walk in. She smiles gently at you, pouring a cup of coffee for you as you slowly make your way into her arms.
“Good morning, my love,” she whispers, kissing your head. “Are you ready?”
“I’m gonna have to be,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“Well, I have to head out if I’m going to make it in time for the news, but I’ll drive back here to hear all about your first day? We’ll cook up somethin’ nice?”
You nod. “I love you. Thank you for staying over with me to help calm my nerves.”
“Anything for you,” she kisses you softly before slinging her bags around her. “Keep me updated throughout the day.”
Your first day is great. The kids are so excited to see you, your old coworkers are thrilled to have you back, and you don’t necessarily miss the piss stench that would waft itself in from the streets at Abbott.
But you find yourself comparing this school to Abbott- the odd little school in center city that has your heart. You find yourself missing sitting in the teacher’s lounge with your girlfriend and your friends, joking over whatever happened that day. You find yourself missing the knowing glances from Melissa when one of your kids says something funny. You catch yourself looking for someone to share a look with, even if it’s just one of the camera men you’ve grown fond of. 
After your first day, you drive yourself back to your apartment, fully ready to pour over quite a few notes and start planning for the next few weeks. Melissa strolls in not too much later, a grocery bag in hand.
“There’s my girl,” she smiles and makes her way over to you. She kisses you deeply. “How was your first day, amore?”
You shrug. “It was nice being back.”
You don’t fail to see the way her shoulders shrink slightly. 
“But I missed you today.”
“Well, you have me now, before I have to head back to my house,” she tells you. “I’ll cook us up some dinner?”
“That sounds wonderful,” you smile as you wrap your arms around her.
“I can’t really cook if you don’t let me go,” she quips. Begrudgingly, you let her go. “So tell me about your day.”
You do. She cooks dinner. The two of you find your way into your bedroom. After quite a few rounds, she sighs and cleans you up.
“So…” she sighs softly. “When will I get to see you again?”
You bite your lip. “Maybe this weekend?”
“Baby, that’s… four days away.”
“I know, but I’m already drowning in planning, and the kids are working on some of their projects from their teacher that I’ll have to grade, and I-“
“It’s okay, love,” she promises you, knowing you’ll get worked up. “I’ll see you on Friday?”
“I’ll come down for the weekend,” you tell her. “I promise. I might have to do some work, but we can spend the weekend together.”
She nods, kisses your nose, then your cheek, then your lips before slipping out of bed. 
You don’t end up seeing Melissa on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday. You actually don’t see her until the following weekend until she comes over to your place after you hadn’t texted her all day on Friday. She’s worried about you.
“Y/N?” Melissa calls as she uses her key to let herself in. You’re asleep on some papers that you’re attempting to grade. “Oh, hon,” she sighs.
She shakes your shoulder gently, and you immediately sit up straight in a panic. Who was in your-
“It’s just me, amore,” she whispers and kisses your head. “It’s just me. You’re alright.”
You bring your hand to your chest as you continue to try to steady your breathing. “You had me so scared.”
“I’m sorry to just drop in on you,” your girlfriend apologizes. “I got worried when I didn’t get a text this morning or at all today.”
“I’m sorry,” you immediately say. “I’ve been up to my eyeballs in grading… and I may have taken a cat nap.”
“I think the cat nap took you, love,” she chuckles. “Have you slept at all?”
“I slept for like forty-five minutes last night?” you blush. “I was up making sure that all of the things for the last week of school were ready.”
“Babe,” the redhead says sternly as she lifts you into her arms. “We’ve talked about how that’s not healthy.”
“I know, I know,” you sigh as you cuddle closer to her. “I just-“ you yawn. “I want to make sure everything is perfect for them next week.”
“You need sleep. And you always could’ve called me to ask for help.”
“You have both classes though,” you mumble, sleep already threatening to take you. That’s really the last thing you remember until you wake up again. Your girlfriend’s warm body is pressed up against yours, and you roll over to look at her.
“Sleep,” Melissa grumbles against your head. You feel her press a delicate kiss to your temple.
“I have to finish everything up,” you sigh as you try to pull away.
“I graded everything, and I made sure their bags were all made up, and I made sure the stuff for their party is in order… you really need to utilize your classroom parents more; how much did you spend out of your own pocket?”
“More than I’m willing to admit,” you mutter. You pull away from her slightly as you realize everything she did for you. “Mel. You didn’t have to-”
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to while you got some much deserved sleep. Now, did you eat before you fell asleep grading?”
You shake your head sheepishly against her chest.
“So if I order Korean, you’ll be happy?”
“You know how to treat a girl right,” you sigh in content. Your eyes flutter shut again.
“I’ll call it in and wake you the food gets here,” she chuckles as she kisses your head again.
Your final week with your second grade class passes quickly, and while you grew to love those kids, you find yourself thrilled to be able to set foot back in Abbott with your girlfriend. Ava had graciously added you back on as an aide, even if just for the last week of school- the lord knows Melissa needs help calming down over thirty children during the final few days of school.
You’re greeted with whoops and hollers as you enter the break room. It’s like nothing changed. Melissa makes your coffee in the mug you usually drank, you sit in between the two veteran teachers while you watch the news, and then the two of you walk hand in hand down the hall to your classroom.
“Do they still remember me?” you ask her quietly as you perch yourself on her desk.
“They’ve been chattering about you nonstop,” your girlfriend tells you. “They’re so excited to see you ag-”
“Miss Y/N!” one of your kids comes running in. She immediately tackles you in a hug, and you have to place a hand on Melissa in order to steady yourself before you wrap her up in your arms.
“Hey, baby,” you grin. “I missed you!”
“We missed you!” the little girl grins.
As the rest of the kiddos come trickling in, they greet you with bear hugs and lots of chatter about all of the things the redhead has been teaching them. 
Before you know it, you’re saying goodbye to the Abbott crew for the summer, and probably for the foreseeable future. You had been offered your position back at your school in the suburbs, and you hadn’t been offered a position at Abbott- as much as you would love to come back. You leave the school helping your girlfriend carry a few things out of the classroom with a sigh.
“It’s been a good run,” you sigh softly. “I’m going to miss this place.”
“Abbott’s gonna miss you,” Melissa mumbles quietly.
You spend the summer with the fiery redhead, often times at the beach. Occasionally, Barbara would join you, but for the most part it’s just you and your girl.
The beginning of the school year starts to creep up on you quickly though. You’re actually in the middle of decorating your new classroom, Melissa holding the push pins for you when your phone starts to ring.
Your girlfriend glances over at your phone. “Ava’s callin’.”
“Hand it here,” you request, a confused look on your face.
“Hey,” you say into the phone, as you cradle it between your ear and your shoulder. You continue to try to pin up the bulletin board. “Trying to get ahold of Melissa?”
“If I wanted Schemmenti, I would’ve called Schemmenti,” she tells you bluntly. “No, girl, I’m trying to get ahold of you!”
“Oh?” You pause your actions.
“Girl, Latisha just quit ‘cause she got a new job. Suburban white girl couldn’t handle it,” the principal of Abbott says. “So, naturally- as owner of the school: I thought I would bring you back! As a third grade teacher!”
Your eyes grow wide. Melissa’s do too; she can hear the loud woman through the speaker. 
You stammer out a “W-what? R-really?”
“Of course!” she grins into the phone. “So, what do you say?”
“I- I have a contract at Old Eagle,” you say softly, a frown on your face.
“So break that bitch!”
“I-“ you pause. You glance at your girlfriend looking at you hopefully. “I can try. When do you need an answer by?”
“Today,” she sighs dramatically. “If you can’t take it, I gotta hire someone else, and it’s gonna be a bitch trying to find someone two weeks before school starts.”
“Let me- uh, I have to go talk to my principal, but I- okay,” you start to think out loud as you climb down from the desk you’re currently standing on.
“Get back to me soon. I can’t hold this job for you forever,” she tells you before hanging up. 
Melissa is looking at you with curiosity. “So, what’re you gonna do, hon?”
“I’ll be back,” you tell her as you give her a quick peck on the cheek. “I have to try to quit.”
You practically sprint down to the principal’s office. You speak with the principal about your situation, and despite his efforts to keep you at Old Eagle, you tell him your heart belongs to Abbott. 
Two hours later, after far too much paperwork, you return to your classroom- your almost classroom. Melissa had finished your bulletin board for you, and now she’s scrolling through her phone with her cat-eyed glasses on.
“Sorry, hon,” you apologize. “I didn’t think it would take that long.”
“Well?” She looks at you imploringly.
“I have to call Ava and tell her I will be accepting the second grade position at Abbott,” you grin brightly. “And then I have to take all of this down to set it up in my own classroom- right next to yours.”
Ava is delighted with your news, telling you she’s thankful that she won’t have to interview “any boring ass people who will leave in three weeks anyway”. Then she tells you to get your tasty ass into Abbott today if possible to sign your contract and start decorating for your class.
“I know we were supposed to have a nice dinner tonight, but-”
“You signing the papers to get your contract at Abbott is way more important than our dinner, amore,” Melissa says as she starts taking down the things you’ve place around. “And besides, we can always have a nice dinner afterwards.”
The two of you head down to the school in Philly, you sign your papers, and start to set up your room before heading back to her house. You pull your laptop up, eager to sign back in to your Abbott email and check your roster for this upcoming school year. She cooks, and by the time dinner is ready, you’re looking for apartments to move into in Philadelphia.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, hon?” she asks as she slides your plate over to you. “I know you ain’t still looking at your roster.”
“Apartments,” you sigh. “I figure now that I don’t have any ties to my suburban school and my lease is up in October, I might as well make the move out here.”
Your girlfriend bites her lip nervously before blurting out, “What if you just moved in with me?”
You have to stop yourself from dropping your jaw. “What?”
“I mean… you’re always here and spending the night anyway. You have a drawer at my house. Why not just- move in?”
“Are you being serious right now?” You ask her as you stand and make your way to her side of the table. 
She gives a noncommittal hum. “It’d make sense. If you-”
“I would love to,” you tell her as you crash your lips together.
The next few weeks are hectic for the both of you. In between preparing for the school year, packing up your apartment, and then development week, you both are up to your eyeballs in work. But you’re always together, and that’s what matters.
There really isn’t even a big shift in moving in with your girlfriend. She was right. Half of your things were there anyway; now it’s just official that the two of you share a home. And it truly feels like a home- much more of a home than the dingy apartment you had out in the suburbs ever was. 
On the first day of school, the two of you walk in hand in hand, having taken only one car. You watch the news together with your crew, and then you head off to your own classroom. She heads to hers. And when you go to stand outside of your room to greet your new students, you catch a glimpse of Melissa. In that moment, you know you made the right choice. Abbott is home. Melissa is home. 
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nipuni · 2 months
Time for an old school blog post, Hello!
Just various updates about life and shows and clothes and some photos! Adding a read more cut because I talk too much 😊
Happy equinox everyone!! The mild weather has been wonderful for daily park walks. We have been taking our meals outside as often as we can to make the most of it before summer scorches the land and all life. The longer days allow for a lot more wandering too but the imminent return of the heat is also making the longing to move up north worse by the day. We miss the choppy ocean and seaside cliffs 😭 We love the silence and the rain and the nippy sea breeze!! it's like being suspended in early spring for half the year and a rainy autumn the other half, Ideal if you don't mind humidity, but that's what wellies and flat caps are for. We have been looking for properties to rent to show up everyday so for now we lie in wait.
Speaking of nature, a few months ago we discovered a free app called Plantnet that you use to take and upload photos of plants, trees, flowers and it will identify them for you. You keep a log with their locations and can share them too to help contribute to each local biodiversity database. It feels like a pokedex for plants. There are many apps like this one to choose from too. It's been so fun learning what all these plants are called and memorizing them! I recommend it, is like a little educational side quest to take on while stretching your legs and getting some fresh air. This is not an ad I promise lmao I just think it's neat! kind of sad feeling the need to clarify that.
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This weather is also making me want to start making outfit posts again! It's been so long since I made any!! my winter wardrobe is mostly long wool coats or capes and boots so the inspiration wasn't there but now I'm ready to pull out all my stuff back from under my bed storage and experiment again 👏 I've also been meaning to share some of Nicolas outfits for ages too so there is more variety, could be fun!
Speaking of clothes, lately I've grown more and more frustrated with how poorly most clothes fit me to the point where I'm considering learning how to make them from scratch. I usually have to take in the tops and hem the bottoms but most things I try on are just built weird even if I fix the size, or maybe I'm built weird! I think it may be both. Nicolas also said he would love to learn along with me so we will probably embark on that adventure soon. OH and on a short tangent, I got myself a sort of binder-like top that flattens the chest a bit and I'm loving it! I'm very flat already but what little bust I do have has always bothered me when I dress and I've found I feel a lot more comfortable in this type of top. I'm glad I tried it out so if you feel similarly you may want to give it a go too, see how it feels!
On the media side of things we have also been watching more of David Tennant's work. We are still very much in love with him to an embarrassing degree, you can probably tell if you follow me anywhere, my likes on twitter alone give me away alksjdf and Nicolas isn't any better! if he used social media his would look the same lmao.
Since my last report we have watched and absolutely LOVED "There She Goes" we already want to watch it again honestly. The family dynamics for all his characters are always so real and refreshing!! Their relationship with their wives especially are always so believable in every series we've seen, the comfort and camaraderie, the banter and just friendship! You can tell they enjoy each other's company, it feels true. I love it so much!!
We also watched "Inside man" which was..a very stressful mess but David was incredible as always, also very hot and very pitiful which is always great, and Stanley Tucci was on it! so that's also fun.
Then we rewatched season one of Good Omens and the first 4 seasons of Doctor Who, with all the extra content like the Confidentials, deleted scenes, video diaries and more, they are just so good!! our list of favourite episodes keeps growing, season four is incredible, we are loving all these seasons even more the second time around!! Now we are probably going to start watching either Classic Who or Torchwood, along with more of David's work. We were trying to pick what to watch during dinner the other day and Nicolas was like 'damn, David is not in this though, I miss him' and lmao same so now we just watch one show without him and one with him right after to cope 😂
OH we have also been doing more historical reenactment! Since the last one in the 20's we jumped back to Regency times. We have been putting our outfits together for a ball soon and hopefully another one in autumn in the UK 😊 1800 is the farthest back in time we've been yet so it's been fun doing research, finding pieces and learning the dances in class but also very hectic. I'll share more about this soon!
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Then we also have a couple of 1900 events coming soon, so I'll be sharing more Edwardian looks as well, our favourite era!!
Anyway I think that's all for now, thanks for reading to whoever is doing so!! I know this is long and not a popular blogging format anymore but I enjoy it a lot, maybe some of you do too 🥰 I will reply to some messages soon, I'm so sorry I'm so bad at keeping up with those!! I've read them all and cherish every word 🥺 Thank you for supporting my art and shenanigans as always!! I hope you have a great week!!
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kaylatoonz · 2 months
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Amy meets everyone but Sonic
I think it would be funny/interesting if Amy doesn’t meet Sonic until the end or near climax of the movie.
From what I can remember from the games, Amy would almost always do something small within the sideline of the story that becomes impactful in the main story. Best example of this is how her interaction between Silver and Shadow both play a part in them switching from antagonist to friends/allies to Sonic and his friends.
If the SCU introduces Amy in the third film I think this would be the best way to go about it if she doesn’t get as much screen time. There could be a side plot where Amy is trying to find Sonic but she meets everyone that has some connection to him instead. Each person she meets she helps/supports them in a small but impactful way that helps Sonic and friends in a big way by the climax or end of the film.
They could give us a taste of Amy’s strengths and feisty nature by showing her teaming up with knuckles (maybe give them a dynamic similar to Sonic X or IDW). Then they can establish her kindness and determination to help those who have been wronged, by showing her helping tails at his lowest point (maybe Amy helps tails in his SA2 arc or help him break sonic out of prison island). Finally, by the climax of the film Amy indirectly helps Sonic in the biggest way possible by reminding Shadow of his promise to Maria which encourages him to aid Sonic in saving the world.
Bonus points if throughout the film there this running gag of Sonic and Amy keep just missing each other.
Amy just left after helping knuckles and wade defend citizens from strange creatures (black arms?)
Sonic: sorry I’m late to the party, I heard from tails that you guys might need some back up
Knuckles: no need little brother we have defeated our new foe with the help of a valiant new ally.
Wade: yeah your pink girlfriend was a lot of help 😄
Knuckles:*look confuse then thoughtful*
Sonic:… Wade i don’t have a girlfriend why would you assume
Wade: oh she is a pink hedgehog like you and she got really excited when she found out that we know you so sh..
Sonic: Wade you can’t just assume we’re together just because we’re both hedgehogs I don’t even kno… wait! She's a hedgehog too?! And she’s on our side!
Where is she? I gotta meet her! * starts dashing round the battle field*
Wade: as I was just saying you just missed her and she was actually looking for yo..
Sonic: dang it! Maybe I can catch up to her, we could use all the help we can get if we’re fighting that faker. Contact tails for the deets gotta go! * runs off*
Wade: wait sonic she was look for.. and he’s gone
Knuckles: she could be a good partner, they’re both strong and reckless 🤔
Wade: I know right 😄
Amy get held up fighting off /distracting the guards while helping tails break sonic out of prison island
Sonic: thanks little bro I didn’t think I could broke out here on my own.
Tails: your welcome but I can’t take all the credit I had some outside help
Sonic: let me guess pink hedgehog
Tails: yeah you’ve met
Sonic: nope but I’ve heard great things. I seem to just miss her everywhere I go
Tails: *smirks* so the fastest thing alive can’t caught the girl
Sonic:*roll eyes* hardy har har, very funny… is she still around? I really like to meet this new heroine, maybe team up.
Tails: yeah she holding back the guards I can put her on speak if you insist 😏
Sonic: tails😑
Tails: ok ok Hey Amy do you copy?
Amy: yep still here though my hands are a bit full at the moment. How are things on your end? Did you find him? Do you need help?
Tails: yeah everything great I found him , we’re safe and he really interested in meeting you😏 (sonic: tails it’s not like that😠) so we were hoping we can make our escape and meet back at..
Amy: *wham!* That sounds great I.. *fzzzz* I can meet you guy at *fzzz* HEY! You better stay down or I’ll get my hammer and! *fzzz *wham!*
Tails and Sonic: hammer?
Amy: *fzzz* oops…
Tails: what do you mean oops…
* An explosion can be heard from the other end and the build shakes*
Amy: I’m ok! I’m ok there’s just a lot more exits then we originally planned so I’m just gonna take one of those * awkward giggles* I’ll meet you guys at *fzzz* *line cuts*
Tails: * sighs in relief* well better luck next time Sonic I don’t think you’ll be catching miss rose any time soon.
Sonic: dang I was really hoping to catch her this time she sounds like a fun gal.
Sonic: *lightly punches tails shoulder* welp we better make use of Amy’s specially made exits and get out of here.
After Amy reminds Shadow of his promise to Maria and so Shadow joins Sonic in facing the final threat of the film (black arm, bio lizard, metal sonic?).
Sonic: hey shads come to join the party? What changed your mind?
Shadow: your pink friend reminded me of something important…
Sonic: *looks confused for a second before realizing who he’s talking about*
Sonic: no way… she really is something special…😊
Shadow: she is…😌 now let get this over with this only one time thing got that faker😈
Sonic: whatever you say faker😈 now let’s kick some butts.
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
this night together - chapter five (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter five: not so easy to ignore
chapter summary: things at the studio turn out just about as bad as expected, but wooyoung takes you under his wing and introduces you to some new friends.
warnings: references to a/b/o dynamics such as heat and knotting and designations, alcohol/drinking, angst, sad vibes, but also good vibes?, reference to work place sexual harassment but not like you think
notes: thank you all so much for your kind feedback on this fic. i'm having an absolute blast writing it, and i'm so thankful for all the people giving it a try even tho this genre isn't their thing! that means a lot. this is the last chapter i have written in full, so chapter six may take a little extra time. i'm about to hit a few insane weeks of work, so i'll do my best but please be patient with me. there's a lot more chapters to come though, i promise.....
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 6.9K
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
As it turns out, you can’t just go back to being friends. When you wake in the morning you still feel sick, and your first thought is to wonder if Yunho does too. Maybe Mingi feels the same, but was better at hiding it. Maybe you’ll get to the studio and they’ll take you in their arms like a movie and kiss the breath out of you and hold you close and tell you they should have never, ever driven you home. But you doubt it. 
You’ve been in love before, and you’ve had crushes before that. You’re no stranger to getting tangled up in emotional webs, it’s just usually not with people you work with and it’s usually so much easier to walk away. Or run, as you’re used to doing. This body, this designation, this biology, it makes everything always feel so confusing and artificial. Do you want them or does your omega? Do you need them or is it just the after effects of heat? 
It’s a lot easier when you lie to yourself. 
You’ve been dealing with this biology all your life. That’s all this is, and after a little time and a little distance, your body will catch up to your mind and stop feeling this way about them. 
You take those aching feelings and lock them away tightly and then you get up. You shower, you take a deep breath, and then you buy yourself the fanciest coffee you can think of despite the absolute lack of funds in your checking account. This momentary serotonin will be worth the overdraft fee if that’s where it puts you, you need this. 
By the time you get to the studio, you’re pretty confident that you’re over them, convincing yourself that it was just fun, good sex. Great sex, even, but still just sex. 
But the minute you see Mingi every stitch of the resolve you knit for yourself unravels, and he looks surprised to see you even though it was part of the plan that you’d return today. He leaves the room before you can even open your mouth and try to say something innocuous and you know right then and there you were right all along. It was never going to be that simple. 
Yunho blushes when he sees you, his ears turning a dark shade of pink and for a second he trips over his words addressing the wider group. 
Mingi avoids your touch when you cross his path at lunch, offering you just a quick hello and then he’s gone again. 
Instead of searching for their eyes, you start to get really comfortable with the wood grain of the floor and do your best just to focus on yourself. You’re working on something new, and a week ago you would have stayed late to fine tune your understanding of the choreography with Mingi while he waited on Yunho to wrap up in the back office, but you know those days are gone. 
When practice ends they disappear, and you’re left to pack up by yourself. You give it a few minutes, thinking maybe when the rest of the crew trickles out maybe they’ll come to you, but they don’t. So much for being adults about this. You blink back hazy tears as you pull on your jacket, focused on packing up as fast as you can now just to get the hell out of this room. 
You don’t even hear him coming up behind you. 
“Come on,” Wooyoung says with a roll of his eyes, “we’re going for drinks.”
“I really should get home,” You glance over at him as you finish packing up your bag. 
“I’m buying,” Wooyoung counters, “so you really have no excuse.” 
What you really want is to go home and bury yourself under the covers for the foreseeable future. Every awkward second glance with Yunho was making you want to curl into a ball and every moment Mingi spent pretending he barely knew you made you want to go home and cry. An entire day filled with almost sentences and troublesome glances and all you can tell yourself is that you knew it, you were right all along. 
You don’t answer Wooyoung, and instead you just can’t help yourself, you look behind you towards the back office, but neither of the men you want to see are there. 
“Are you really so afraid of making friends you’re turning down free drinks?” Wooyoung prods your side, “That’s really fucking lame of you,” 
“Wooyoung,” You sigh, your head dropping back. 
“It’s fine,” He says, his voice lilting up in a sing-song, “I thought you were cool,” 
Your jaw tightens. 
“And I’m not usually wrong,” He goes on, “but it’s fine, I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong, and you, y/n, are lame.” 
“Fine!” You snap up and meet his eyes, “Fine, I’ll come, but just one drink.” 
“Excellent,” He smiles, and you’re starting to get the sense that Wooyoung doesn’t really take no for an answer ever. 
“One drink,” You repeat. 
“Yeah,” He shrugs off, “come on, get your stuff, we’re meeting San at 1987.” 
“Bar,” He brushes off your question without really answering, “let’s go,” 
Wooyoung turns on his heel without a second thought, and he’s off. You have to jog to keep up with him to get out of the building, and he’s mostly quiet until you hit the evening street outside. He slows to a casual pace and turns his head to you when he says, “You like San, right?” 
The question catches you off guard, “Of course,”
Wooyoung smiles, “He’s definitely all business at work, most of the time, but don’t worry.” 
“Why would I worry?” Your brow furrows, every interaction you’ve had with San so far has been perfectly pleasant, albeit professional.
“I just mean he’s fun,” Wooyoung corrects himself, “he’s just really serious about the work,” 
“You’re all kind of like that,” You point out, “mostly,” 
“Right,” Wooyoung nods, winding his way through an alley and you divert off the main street to follow him as he leads you through the back way to their regular spot. 
“He takes training really seriously,” You offer, “but I think that’s good. We could all hurt ourselves if we weren’t following his plans,” 
Wooyoung grins, “Oh, he’s going to like the sound of that.” 
“Mhm,” Wooyoung lays a hand softly between your shoulder blades to direct you through a small crowd, “follow that up with how handsome he is and you’ll get special treatment forever.” 
You laugh sharply, “Noted.” 
He points ahead, “Just up there,” 
At the far end of the alley is a hanging neon sign, the ‘7’ in ‘1987’ flickering intermittently. It’s not as flashy as some of the other bars or restaurants along the street you’re walking, but that looks to be part of the charm. As you make your way up to the door and inside, Wooyoung is quick to greet a few people on the sidewalk, throw a wave to the bartender, and he throws around names and details to you faster than you can pick up on them. 
San waits at a table in the far corner, two light, wheat beers already waiting on the table. When he glances up from his phone and sees you both his eyes widen but he smiles pleasantly. 
“Hey!” He smiles, standing and pulling a chair out for you, “I didn’t realize you were coming, I would have ordered you something,” 
“I’m not crashing plans, am I? Woo didn’t say,” You glance between them. 
“Not at all,” San shakes his head, gesturing for you to sit, “you’re more than welcome. Seonghwa should be coming too at some point,” 
“Oh,” Your stomach does a little nervous flip flop. 
“Chill,” Wooyoung interrupts your thoughts immediately, “have a drink, make some friends.” 
You smile, taking your seat and letting San push it in for you so you’re settled at the table before he returns to his own place, gesturing for the server’s attention, “What’s your drink?” he asks you. 
“Whatever you’re having is good,” You make it simple. 
San smiles and points to their glasses before holding up a finger and silently communicating to the server that they need one more. He’s more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him, now outside of work full of easy, confident energy. 
“Well,” Wooyoung smiles and takes a long sip of his drink, “this is nice,” 
“Yeah,” You’re not entirely sure what you’re doing here, but you might as well go with it, “thanks for letting me tag along,” 
“Mm,” San’s eyes are trained on the serving staff but he nods, and then stands as your server approaches, meeting them halfway and taking the beer, thanking them profusely for running it out so quickly. When he returns to the table he presents your drink with ease, “There we go,” 
“Thank you,” You nod, accepting the cold glass, and now that it’s in your hand you’re grateful to have the drink after the day you’ve had. 
The sip is calming, cool and crisp, and you sigh as you swallow, not realizing the way you’re being watched by both men. 
Wooyoung’s words nearly knock you sideways, and a tiny piece of you is grateful he waited until you finished sipping your drink, “So, how was your heat?” 
You cough anyways though, just the idea that someone would say it so brazenly, and in public, “What?” 
“Youngie,” San slaps him with the back of his hand, “you can’t ask her that,” 
Wooyoung ignores him, leaning forwards with his elbows on the table now, “The perfume isn’t helping as much as you think,” he says and you blanch, “and I’ve never seen Yunho stare at someone for so long in my life, so,” 
He barely met your eyes all day, and your head snaps up, “He was staring?” 
His mouth quirks up on one side and San swivels his head towards you. Wooyoung nods, “Like a puppy,”
“Fuck,” You breathe. 
Both their eyebrows raise. 
“Sorry, sorry,” You lean back in your chair, hiding your face in your hands. So much for a convenient story about them having the flu. 
“You can curse,” Wooyoung laughs, “I just didn’t expect you to admit it that fast, I thought I’d have to pry it out of you.”
“Oh, this is so bad,” You groan. 
“Why bad?” San asks, “Yunho’s nice,” 
You sigh, still hiding your face.
“He’s easily one of the best guys I know,” San continues, “and there’s nothing that says we can’t date within the company, we’re not idols,” 
“Oh god,” You groan again. 
“Is it so bad he has a crush on you?” San asks. 
Wooyoung breaks into hysterics and your hands fall away, a blank, open expression on San’s face as he tries to pick up on the joke. You wince, shaking your head, “It’s worse than that,” 
“Worse,” San repeats, still slow on the uptake. 
“Woo,” You find his eyes with yours, “please don’t make me say it.” 
He sobers quickly, and takes a swig of his beer, “Right,” he faces San, “Yunho had the flu, but it wasn’t really the flu. They were heat partners.” 
“Oh,” San says, “oh,” 
“Exactly,” You sigh. 
There’s a beat and then San’s brow screws up in confusion, “Didn’t Mingi have the flu too?” 
Heat tints your cheeks pink instantaneously and you look down at your glass, suddenly focused on the tiny bursting bubbles at the top of your beer. You brace yourself for their reaction. 
“Holy shit,” Wooyoung breathes, “y/n, you’re a god,” 
“What?” Your head snaps up. 
“Both of them?” Wooyoung shakes his head, “Tell me everything,” 
“You don’t have to do that,” San interrupts him again, smacking the back of his arm, “he’s needlessly curious, but you know, you don’t have to share if you don’t,”
The words flood out of you, a small piece of you thankful that you don’t have to hold this whole thing inside yourself forever, “I went into heat at the studio,” 
“What?” Wooyoung’s face softens, and you know that he understands just what that means. The anxiety, the fear, all of it. 
“This is embarrassing,” You sigh. 
“Then you don’t have to,” San tries again, wanting badly to save you from any further humiliation or pressure. 
You ignore him and hold Wooyoung’s eyes, “Friends, right?” 
He nods. 
You swallow hard and then take the leap, “I can’t afford my suppressants right now,” you start and his eyes soften more, “I thought I had rationed them right, but after the recording it hit me like a truck.” 
“I knew you seemed off,” Wooyoung says softly, “then what?” 
“Mingi found me in the locker room, and then he got Yunho, and they made sure I got out of there okay,” You lean back, crossing your arms and biting the inside of your lip. 
“Sharing your heat was unplanned?” Wooyoung clarifies. 
“And it was,” He searches for the right words, “I mean… were they okay? Everything was okay?” 
You know what he’s asking without asking, and you nod, “Completely, it was more than okay, they were…”
“They’re both good guys,” San says, “it’s good they were there.” 
“Yeah,” You breathe, before snapping yourself out of own head and reaching for your beer again, “anyways, yes, so they took me back to their place and now it’s four, five days later and everything’s so fucking awkward,” 
“Hmm,” Wooyoung murmurs, “and it was good?” 
You nod, lips pressed tight together in a line. 
“Oh, it was too good,” Wooyoung grimaces, “yikes.” 
“Right,” You sigh, “and Yunho and Mingi both made it pretty clear that this was a one-time casual sex thing, which is fine, but also you know how heat goes. Everything is all jumbled up now,” 
“Mm,” Wooyoung nods, and then his eyes shift to above your head and he grins, “Hwa, right here!”
Park Seonghwa appears a moment later, a warm smile on his angular face and he pushes a lock of dark black hair behind his ear as he finds an open seat and slides into the table, “Hey,” he greets, and then turns to you, “hi, y/n, nice to see you outside the studio,” 
“You too,” You smile. 
San once again repeats his process for getting Seonghwa a drink, and your stomach tightens as you think about what Wooyoung might say in front of this man you barely know. 
“It looks like I interrupted something,” Seonghwa says a few moments later when everything is still quiet and hanging still. 
Wooyoung doesn’t say it, he just holds your gaze intently and raises an eyebrow as if to say - Can I? 
You sigh, catching Seonghwa off guard, and then you nod. 
“y/n just got back from heat leave,” Wooyoung turns to Seonghwa to explain, “with Yunho and Mingi.” 
You expect a sheepish or embarrassed reaction, someone quick to divert the conversation away from sex, but it turns out you don’t know Seonghwa as well as you thought. He merely makes a noise of acknowledgement and glances to you, “How messy are things, then? They were both being weird today,” 
“I don’t know,” You answer honestly with a sigh. 
“They said they wanted it to be a one-time thing,” Wooyoung says, “but is the problem that you like them? Or one of them?” 
“I can see that,” Seonghwa smiles, “Yunho kind of oozes perfect boyfriend,” 
“It’s not that,” You shake your head, words bubbling up as you try to make sense of it, “it probably shouldn’t have happened at all, and I’m new, I don’t want to make anything weird or uncomfortable, but we spent like four days together… it was intense, and now I just feel like I can’t not think about it when I look at them,” 
“Intense, good?” Wooyoung quirks a brow, nudging you under the table. 
“Woo,” You sigh, “I’ve never felt like that,” 
“What do you mean?” He asks softly, the two alphas at the table going silent to watch you both. 
“I don’t know what it is about them,” You confess, “but the entire time all they did was make sure I was okay, they were so tender and kind, and when I left I just wanted to go back.”
“Oh,” Wooyoung murmurs, “you’ve got it bad,” 
“My hormones are just out of whack,” You shake your head, “you know what it’s like. Have an alpha tell you they want to give you pups enough times and your brain short circuits,” 
Seonghwa shifts in his seat and San clears his throat, but Wooyoung just laughs. 
“Anyways, yes,” You take another sip of your drink, “I spent my heat with them, had the best sex of my life, and now I’m sitting here with a stomach ache because I don’t know where they are right now. I feel like the universe is playing a trick on me,” 
“Wait,” Wooyoung starts to say, but you’re on a roll now, the single beer hitting just a little harder than it should have. 
“Working here, with all of you, was my dream. I just think it’s funny that I haven’t even been here for three months and I’ve already managed to fuck it up, because now everytime I look at Yunho all I can hear is me begging him to claim me, which is insanity, pure and complete insanity,” 
“Wait,” Wooyoung repeats again, hands up and out trying to get you to slow down, “I thought it was casual heat sex,” 
“It was,” You resurface from your own panicked rambling and realize just how shocked the table looks, “what?” 
“You asked Yunho to bite you?” Wooyoung asks, and when you nod he says, “and right now, how do you feel?” 
“Fine,” You knee-jerk answer, “but, a little anxious I guess?” 
“I don’t know how to explain this,” He says, looking to the two alphas for help who both shake their heads. 
“Why do I feel like I’m missing something?” You glance between them. 
“Okay,” Wooyoung claps his hands together, “listen, I have never asked Sannie to give me pups. I have never asked him to bite me, and I have never, ever, gotten all dizzy and sick when he’s not around.” 
“Hey,” San grumbles, “I think she gets it,” 
“I don’t,” You manage. 
“What you had is a lot more than heat sex,” Wooyoung finally settles on, and your stomach drops. 
“Woo,” You shake your head again, “no,” 
“I’m serious!” He insists, “How else do you explain it,” 
“You’re so dramatic,” You roll your eyes and reach for your drink, but find the glass empty, “it was good, really good, but that’s all it was.” 
“He’s not wrong,” Seonghwa interrupts, his deep voice still calm and easy, “sometimes connections are just stronger. Scents match better, you know, everything just clicks. It doesn’t mean Yunho’s your soulmate, but if the pull is there, then there’s something there.” 
You ignore the pull and flash him a weak smile, “Not for them.” 
“Them,” Seonghwa corrects, “both of them?” 
“I know,” You bury your head in your hands again. 
“y/n,” San’s hand lays softly on your forearm, “no matter what happened, Yunho and Mingi are both still the guys from a few days ago. They’re still good men who care about you, even if that’s just as a member of the crew or a friend.” 
“Can I ask a question?” Seonghwa interrupts. 
“Sure,” You sigh, lifting your eyes to his. 
“How do you know they don’t want you too?” 
The question makes you feel awful, and you catch Wooyoung’s sympathetic look in your peripheral vision and nearly lose your composure, but the truth of it is simple. You clear your throat softly and straighten up, “They said so,” 
“Oh,” He nods. 
“And I’m not even sure I want them,” You tack on, “I don’t even really know them,” 
Silence stretches at the table, and San’s eyes flick from yours to Seonghwa.
“Then let’s get another drink,” Seonghwa finally says, “let’s get your mind off it, and let’s have a good night. I know things are awkward at the studio, but don’t let them be. Just focus on the work and yourself and make some friends, and this whole thing will just be a funny story,” 
You nod and sigh, “Okay,” 
“Yeah,” Wooyoung offers, “a month from now no one’s going to remember,” 
It’s around the third bar when someone brings it up again. You’re several more drinks deep, learning so much about the group dynamics that you can’t get while inside the studio walls. Wooyoung is quick to peel back all the layers for you now that you’re actually out with them and not just pushing it off a little longer for the sake of your wallet. 
Leaning across the expanse of the table Seonghwa gets your attention with a drunken tap on your arm and his eyes narrow, “What’s this about you not being able to afford your suppressants?” 
“What?” For a second his words don’t compute. 
“Your meds, your suppressants,” He gestures, a little beer tipping over the edge of his glass, “why aren’t you on them?” 
“I will be soon,” You lean in closer to hear each other over the music, “insurance window,” 
“Ah,” He nods, “so what’s your plan next time?” 
“Next time?” You turn your head so that his mouth is closer to your ear. 
“Next heat,” He clarifies, a little slur in his speech, “while you’re onboarding,” 
Your eyebrows shoot up at his words, “I don’t really know, I guess,” 
“Mm,” He nods. 
“Why?” You scoot your chair closer. 
“I’m assuming you don’t want to,” His voice gets swallowed up by Wooyoung shouting something over the music and you shake your head. 
“What?” You squint, shifting closer, bracing your hand on the table by his glass to steady yourself. 
“Go back to Yunho and Mingi!” He all but shouts, “I’m assuming you don’t want to do that,” 
“Fuck no,” You groan, “I’d rather take care of it myself than deal with feeling like this,” 
“What about me?” He says and you laugh, but you don’t really know why. He clears his throat and shakes his head, sobering himself just a little, “Seriously,” 
“What about you, what?” 
He rolls his eyes, “Help with heat, I help Woo, San and I both do,” 
“Only if you need a hand,” He smiles, round eyes shining and kind, “or you know, a knot in this case,” 
You clap a hand over your mouth and can’t help but fall apart into giggles, “You’re serious,” 
He quirks his eyebrow at you, dropping his drink back onto the table so he can draw an X over his chest with two fingers, crossing his heart. 
“What are you doing over there?” Wooyoung interrupts and your head snaps to the side, “Making a blood pact? You’re both trashed,” 
“I am not trashed,” You insist, even though you can feel yourself slipping off the chair you’re on inch by inch. 
“You’re allowed to be,” Wooyoung pushes a shot of soju towards you, “you’re broke and in love,” 
“Wooyoung!” His words strike panic through you, “Seriously, stop that,”
“Alright, alright,” He throws up his hands, “broke and and in lust, whatever,” 
San’s lips curl up in a half smile at his friend’s words. His eyes are closed, and he’s swaying a little from side to side, jerking back to center every now and again when his equilibrium feels too sideways. It’s entirely possible Wooyoung is the most sober one here and that thought makes you burst into laughter. San’s eyes fly open at the sound. 
“I was offering my services,” Seonghwa cuts in, like he had been thinking about what to say that entire time and finally found the words. 
“Your what?” Wooyoung laughs. 
“For her next heat,” He explains, waving his hand like it’s simple addition, “my services,” 
“Seonghwa,” San shakes his head sharply, “stop.”
“It’s not as if I’m with someone,” Seonghwa replies, holding San’s gaze intently, and for a split second it’s obvious there’s some kind of a backstory behind them all or their friendship or just Seonghwa himself that everyone knows and you don’t, but it isn’t the time to ask.
“Yeah,” San says a little gruffly, blinking hard to shake off the alcohol, “well, this still isn’t the time.” 
Wooyoung wraps it up smoothly, “We’re all too drunk for this,” 
“Exactly,” You take a moment of solace in the cup of soju. 
“I mean it though,” Seonghwa tears his eyes away from San and a hand drops onto your knee, “you’re pretty, I’m pretty, just keep it in mind,” 
There’s almost no way he’ll remember this tomorrow, so you let him off the hook with a smile and a hand on the side of his cheek, “Thank you, Hwa,” 
“That’s what f-friends are for,” He hiccups lightly, and then you watch his eyes unfocus as the dizziness floods his vision and he drops his head unceremoniously onto your shoulder, “oh, God, I’m drunk,” 
“There it is,” Wooyoung grins. 
You slip forward as Seonghwa’s weight drops onto you and you brace yourself on the edge of the table, but San swoops in, “Come here, hyung, stop hanging on her,” 
“Hmm?” Seonghwa’s eyes look tired when San gets him off you and over his shoulder, “Sannie?” 
“Yeah,” San softens, “it’s just me,” 
“I think I need to lie down,” Seonghwa murmurs, his head falling onto San’s ready shoulder. 
“I know, hyung, I know,” San softens, and then turns to the table, “can we go?” 
“Yeah,” Wooyoung stumbles as he gets up but then straightens, tucking himself under Seonghwa’s other arm once he gets his feet under him, “y/n, you good?”
You pull yourself up too, knocking back the final shot of soju so it doesn’t go to waste and pulling on your jacket, “Good,” 
In the cool night air outside the bar everything gets dizzier, more watery and hazy, and something in your gut pulls hard. For a brief passing moment you wonder what Yunho and Mingi are doing right now. 
San’s saying something and you shake yourself out of your stupor, “What’s that?” 
“I said, where do you live?” He lets Wooyoung take more of Seonghwa’s weight as he turns his focus to you. 
You give him your address, “I can call an Uber,” 
“I live kind of close,” He nods, “let me take you,” 
“You really don’t have to,” 
“It would make me feel better,” San brushes you off immediately, “we’ve all been drinking, you shouldn’t be alone,” 
“What about him?” You nod towards Seonghwa. 
“I got him,” Wooyoung assures, “we live in the same building.” 
“You sure?” San checks, “We can all go together,”
“It’s the opposite direction,” Wooyoung shakes his head, “and I’m tired, this just makes more sense,”
San nods and then checks on Seonghwa once more, “Make him drink some water, okay?” 
“Yep,” Wooyoung salutes, rolls Seonghwa into an Uber, and then they’re gone. 
Leaving you and San alone on the sidewalk. 
“Let me get a car,” He says, shaking off some of his lingering drunkenness and pulling out his phone. 
Of the three men, you talked to San the least. As the night had stretched on, you found yourself sidled up with Seonghwa or talking across the table animatedly with Wooyoung, but San seemed to give you a little space. He was also the one who commented the least on your recent sexual escapades and now standing in the middle of the street with him and him alone, you have no idea what you’ll talk about. 
You watch as he types into his phone, lets it search, and then his nose crinkles, “Twenty minutes,” 
“Oh,” You push up on your tiptoes to see his screen, “damn,” 
He thinks for a minute and then sighs, “You want to walk a bit? I need to sober up a little anyways,” 
“Hungry?” His brows perk up. 
“Definitely,” You smile. 
“There’s places in our direction,” He waves you on, and you fall into lockstep with him as you wind out of the alley and back into the city streets. 
It’s quiet for a moment, and you know one of you has to break the silence, but mercifully he gets there first, “You’re a good dancer, you know,” 
“So are you,” You glance up at him, and he smiles. 
He’s handsome, especially like this with his cheeks tinged pink with the night of drinking and his hair falling in his eyes. He directs you forward across an intersection and then looks down to keep talking, “You pick little things up really quickly, it’s impressive,” 
“I appreciate that,” The alcohol seems to be less pervasive now that you’re out of the loud club and walking some of it off and you sigh, “honestly, I was staying late with Mingi a lot of nights. He was helping me catch up,” 
“Ah,” San nods, “that makes sense,” 
You keep walking. Normally you can get a conversation going without any problems, but with the alcohol and the late night and the fact that you really don’t know San all that well, you’re tongue tied. 
He sighs heavily and looks at you, like he had been weighing whether or not to say something and finally chose to just do it anyway. “Don’t worry about what Seonghwa said,” He manages, “he was drunk, and I’m sure he wouldn’t have wanted to make you uncomfortable.” 
“Oh,” Your stomach knots up, “he didn’t,” 
“Good,” San nods, looking relieved, “he’s a good man, he’s,” San searches for his words for a moment, “not the type to proposition a coworker, that’s not what,” 
“Oh!” It makes sudden sense why San was being so careful, offering to walk you home and trying to keep Seonghwa in check, “No, San, that’s not at all what I thought,” 
“It’s not?” His eyebrow quirks up. 
“No, I mean,” Your gaze falls away from him, “it probably should be, but I know he meant well. Plus, I know you both help Wooyoung,” 
“Well,” San shakes his head, “that’s a little different,” 
“Because you’re all men?” 
He smiles, a little sheepish, “No, I was going to say because we’re old friends, but I guess there’s that too.” 
“Ah,” You turn towards him, “well, really, you shouldn’t worry about me like that. Hwa was just trying to be a good friend, and I’m sure he won’t remember it tomorrow anyways,” 
He sighs, relieved this time, “Good, okay,” 
“Is that what you were worried about?” You ask. 
“Between that and Woo practically interrogating you,” His nose crinkles again, “that part of your life is private, he shouldn’t pry like that.” 
“I would have told him to stop,” You shake your head. 
“I hope so,” He says, “I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable with us after everything you’re dealing with. We like you in the crew,” 
“You do?” 
“Definitely,” He twists to meet your eyes, “you have fire. I saw it in the audition tape,” 
Blush flushes your cheeks, “Thank you,” 
“I’m just being honest,” He smiles. 
You smile back. 
It gets easier the more and more you walk with San. The alcohol slowly dissipates in both your systems, and after a few more blocks the idea of street food seems even more appealing. He refuses to let you pay and you only protest once, albeit weakly, before he gives you a simple shake of the head and takes care of things without another word. 
It’s a thirty minute walk, especially at this meandering pace, but eventually you make it back to your block, and you don’t know what possesses you to turn the conversation back to Yunho and Mingi and everything it means but you do. He’s less shy to discuss it now, especially after enough time getting to know each other and sinking into a conversational rhythm. 
By the time you make it to your apartment walkway, your corn dog is half eaten and your previous anxiety about talking to San is gone entirely. You gesture up to your building, “This is me,” 
“Nice,” He comments, and then he takes a seat on your stoop and looks up at you, expectant.
“What?” You ask at his expression. 
“You weren’t done, come on, tell me the rest,” He leans back against the railing, stretching out his legs. 
“Right,” You remember yourself, flopping down onto the step next to him and running a hand through your hair, “where was I?” 
“Yunho reminding you of your ex,” San prompts you. 
“Ah,” You shake your head, “I mean not really, my ex was an asshole, but… I guess I didn’t know that for a long time. I thought he was nice, I thought he was the right guy.” 
“And Yunho’s nice and the right guy?” He smirks. 
“No, no,” You wave your hands, “fuck, I’m not making sense with this at all.” 
“Can I guess?” San turns his body towards you a little more. 
You nod. 
“When your heat was over,” San’s expression is almost a little apologetic as he addresses it directly, “did you all agree it was just sex?” 
“And that you could all be adults about it?” He adds. 
You nod again. 
“And today you were all awkward as hell and avoiding each other?” 
“Listen,” San rests his hand on your knee, “I don’t know what your ex did or didn’t do, but they’re not that guy.” 
“I know,” You sigh. 
“But I get it,” San interrupts, “it feels like you had this connection and everything was good and now they’re pretending you don’t exist, and how is that different from any other guy?” 
He has you there. You manage a nod. 
“Well, I don’t know how they feel about you,” He offers, “but I promise you they’re just as embarrassed as you. It’s easy to say you’ll stay friends and that the lines won’t get blurred, but they always, always do.” 
You study him for a moment, at the way he’s speaking so genuinely and it dawns on you, “You speak from experience, I’m guessing?” 
He looks down and away, nodding before he brings his eyes back up to yours, “Yeah,” 
“Woo?” You guess softly. 
After an entire night of watching them lean against each other, touch each other, talk amongst themselves in their little bubble, you’re shocked when his mouth turns up into a sad smile and he shakes his head, “No, Woo and I have figured out how to make this whole thing easy,” 
“Wooyoung loves me, but he’s not in love with me.” San clarifies. 
“And you?” You ask softly. 
“He’s my best friend,” San says confidently, “and I’ll never let him be in pain,” 
“But?” You nudge him. 
“It was a long time ago,” He shakes his head and for the first time all night you know he’s told you a lie, but you let it pass. He shakes off the momentary lapse and continues, “but I know how you’re feeling.” 
“Then how do I make it right?” You ask him. 
“Sometimes you can’t,” He says honestly, “sometimes one person just feels so much more than the other, and you try to make it work until you bend so much for them you break.” 
“I know what Woo said,” You shake your head, “but I’m not in love with them. I’m not.” 
“I trust you,” San nods, “you know yourself better than Youngie.” 
“It’s just this thing inside me,” You confess, and maybe it’s the alcohol or the lateness of the hour but you feel safer here on your stoop with him than you have in a long, long time, so you keep confessing. “I wish sometimes so much that I could just be a beta, that I could forget all about this and just know for sure. I’ve… never known anything for real and how am I supposed to trust anything I feel if my body just decides for me.” 
He’s quiet for a moment, but then he says, “Being an omega is a beautiful thing,” 
“Don’t,” You shake your head sharply, “I’ve heard that one all my life,” 
“It is,” He insists, “all of it’s beautiful. Every part and piece of us is, alpha, beta, omega, all of it.” 
“San, that’s not,” 
“I know what you meant,” San says softly, sliding his hand into yours and giving you a squeeze, “and it would be easier to be a beta, and to not have to wonder every time. Does the person you like feel right because you like them or because something about them is a good biological match?” 
“Believe me,” He squeezes you again, “I get it.” 
Tears prickle in your eyes and you swallow hard to clear them, “Then how do I make this work? How do I go back to the studio and put this behind me?” 
“Is that what you want?” He checks, thumb stroking along the back of your hand. 
“Yes,” You sigh, “it doesn’t even matter how I feel or don’t feel, I can’t take that risk here,” 
“The work is more important,” He finishes for you. 
“Then don’t let them in again,” San says simply, “not like before. Be friends, but keep things professional. Get some distance from this whole thing,” 
“I have a feeling this is not the advice Woo would be giving me,” You smile. 
“No,” San laughs, “Wooyoung would tell you to open yourself up to the great mystery of being loved or something,” 
“And you’re not a romantic,” You smirk. 
“No, no,” He shakes his head, “I am, but being a romantic doesn’t mean you have to let people hurt you. I’ve seen Woo get his heart broken a dozen times now, and he keeps trying. He’s the strongest person I know, and I love him for it, but it’s not the only way.” 
“So what he said at the bar,” You tuck your unfinished food into the little bag and leave it to the side, “what he said about my heat?” 
“I mean,” He shrugs, “y/n, this isn’t your first time. Don’t listen to him,” 
“But Seonghwa,” You remember the way Seonghwa agreed, like a scent match was the stars aligning. 
“Fuck them both,” San shakes his head, “just because you had a connection with them doesn’t mean they’re the only people you can connect with.” 
Your eyes fill with tears again and he shakes his head when he sees your hazy eyes, brushing your jaw softly with his fingers. You swallow hard and sigh, breath hitching in your chest, “You know what’s funny about this?” 
“Hmm?” He brushes your jaw again. 
“I don’t even want to date right now, I just,” You shrug lightly, “I want to work. I want to have friends. I want to go out and meet people or stay in if I feel like it. I don’t want to sit on the couch pining or walk on eggshells at the studio,” 
“y/n,” San steadies you, his voice low and calm, “listen to me, okay?” 
“Okay,” You murmur. 
“You have work to do, so focus on it. You have friends, including me, and Woo, and Seonghwa, okay? You come out with us… or don’t,” He smiles and squeezes your hand, “and the studio will feel weird for a little while, but trust yourself, it will fade.” 
“It will,” You nod, “you’re right,” 
He nods, holding your gaze a little longer until he gives you one more squeeze. San shifts back to give you a little space, his hands leaving you and clasping together to hang between his legs. He smiles, “Do you feel any better?” 
“Yeah,” You run your hands through your hair and let out a long, tired exhale. 
“Sobered up?” He checks. 
“Mostly,” You nod, checking your watch, “but it’s so late I’m still going to be feeling it tomorrow,” 
“Mm,” He nods, “we aren’t starting until eleven though,” 
The night is drawing to a close, you can feel it. You don’t really want to be alone with your thoughts again, but you’re also so tired you think you might drop on the spot, so you start to pull away and hope that you’ll be able to fall asleep the minute you hit the pillows. 
He pushes himself up to stand and offers you a hand to help you to your feet, “Should I walk you up?” 
You shake your head, “I got it,” 
“I’ll wait until you get in,” He smiles and nods. 
You make it two steps up before you turn back to him, “Thank you, San,” you tell him, “for everything tonight, really,” 
He smiles wider, his eyes crinkling up and he nods again, “Don’t thank me, just remember what I said.” 
“I will,” 
“And y/n,” He calls after you as you start back up the path, “sleep well,” 
“You too, Sannie,” You give him one last look before you push open your apartment door and start up the steps. He doesn’t budge, making sure you’re in the door before he pulls out his phone and starts his short walk home. 
Coming home this time doesn’t hurt the same. 
You hope for more of the same tomorrow. 
You hope every day that it fades away, little by little. 
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zjpg · 9 months
just a girl
last - m.list - next
[april - imola - a lot of writing again]
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"these crutches are killing me." addi let out a sigh, sitting in the chair and handing her crutches to her brother before massaging the area where they had left her sore. kelly chuckled a little bit at the much younger girl.
"it's great that you're here, i didn't think you'd be here." the wag spoke up, drinking and from her glass as the tv in front of them shows off the drivers doing their warm-up lap. addi shrugged, eyes glued to the tv, "yeah, my doctor wanted to make sure i was perfectly okay, travel doctors seem to take the most time," she chuckled "but i wanted to be here."
"i tried telling her not to come." claire spoke up and sat on the other side of addi. "watching this is gonna send her into a depression."
kelly nodded slowly, thinking, "or it could motivate her to stay rested so she can get checo out of here faster." she smiled brightly.
perez isn't exactly addi's favorite person in the world. originally, she had no issues with the older driver, not until he spoke badly about her when she gained her seat.
to understand the dynamic of their... rivalry, you have to understand the timeline. in 2019, pierre was the second driver for red bull. but after some incidents, it was in the talk that he wouldn't be staying with them after the 2019 season. this was in the talks very early on in the season, even before summer break. in the beginning, red bull was looking at checo, he was experienced, not half bad, he would make a great second driver. they were just about to sign contract with sergio when they started hearing word about addilyn joining ferrari as a reserved driver.
red bull has had their eye on addi for a long time at this point, they were hoping to sign her to alphatauri in 2020, just in time for the rebranding and time for addi to go through a season of f2. but if she signed as a reserve driver for ferrari there's no way she'd leave that for alphatauri. why? well because it was well known that ferrari was her goal, charles, who she had grown up with, would be her teammate after sebastian left or retired. not to mention the leclerc's and leblanc's have held an obvious love for ferrari since... well always.
they had a few attempts at gaining both checo and addi, first they tried the alphatauri deal, a guaranteed seat in formula 1. but she turned that down because she would've rather had ferrari. then they tried a a reserve driver deal for red bull. but she said no to that too. the only way to secure addi was a guaranteed seat with red bull.
and though the decision was hard for both addi and red bull, they both agreed. addi figured it was better than waiting years to drive, and if all goes bad she was promised a reserve driver title with ferrari still.
perez was obviously very unhappy, having that his relationship with racing point was done for after 2019. so red bull gave him a reserved seat. he only agreed because he believed that addi wouldn't last long in formula 1, let alone red bull.
but he always made sure people knew how unhappy and disgusted he was by addi's success. he's said things about how women should stay in the kitchen, how it'd be embarrassing to be beat by a woman, and so much more. and though his statements never made much noise, mainly because perez isn't all that cared about, it still made it's way back to addi to hear.
now here we are today, addilyn is injured, and sergio is in her seat. she's not really a happy camper. but he sure as hell is.
she watches the race, watching hamilton and verstappen battle it out. it's weird watching formula 1 from this point of view again after racing in it for a year. it's actually quite depressing to her. she feels like she's letting people down, letting herself down. and she's is scared that perez will take her seat. experienced, older driver versus a young girl with a sprained ankle at the moment. and she knows it's temporary, but the thought of it, the reality of it displayed in front of her, it made her sick to her stomach.
max came out on top, cheers erupted as he crossed the finish line. her brother helped her walk down so she can cheer and congratulate her teammate after he climbs out of the car. they stand at the barrier as she watches lando cross the line right after hamilton. p3 for norris. and she's suddenly remembering the other day. her heart feels like it's matching the same speed as her red bull.
"and what's stopping us from getting together?" he asked, leaning closer, looking in her eyes. he looks great, amazing actually. it's crazy how he can make something as simple as a hoodie with his own brand on it look so good. she swallows the lump that's stuck in her throat, looking down at her fingers as they pick at each others skin.
"pierre and arthur." she said, just above a whisper. she felt like a pile of shit, how could she do this to them. three boys have stolen her heart in ways she didn't think was possible, and now she's stuck with the aftermath of it. lando nods slowly, not pulling or looking away, but his face changes in a way she could not describe. "i'm sorry."
"you don't have to be sorry." he smiled at her a little, she loves his smile. along with his dimples, or maybe it's only one dimple, his smile drew her in from the moment they met. he's a charming man, a bit cheeky and sarcastic. "i'll wait for you."
she felt her heart flutter at his words. how could someone put themselves through that wait knowing there's two other men doing the same thing?
"until then! i'll be getting your coffee's and fluffing your foot pillow." he smiled and stood up, grabbing her coffee glass and returning to the kitchen to refill the glass with the cold brew.
she still feels like crap for that day, and it's safe to say she feels awkward around lando because of it, but he's assured her many times not worry about it. that it isn't her fault. but she felt like it was. how could she let herself fall so deep.
she smiled and clapped as the three cars pulled up to their spots, red bull parks behind the 1, then mercedes, then mclaren. she suddenly remembers that no one knows she's there, even her own team was shocked to see her as she squeezed past to get to the front beside kelly. max stands on top of the hood, celebrating, then hopping down. he does the usual run to the team, jumping into their arms as he walks over to her and kelly, hugging his girlfriend as she kisses his helmet, classic. then he reaches addi,
"you made it! oh my god!" he cheer and hugged her with a smile plastered on his face before he was rushed to move on. the drivers all weighed themselves, lewis smiling and waving at addi, meanwhile she hasn't caught lando's eye. she was asked for interviews after the podium celebration, and she was hesitant at first but she gave in after some time. she was in the middle of an interview when lando came up behind her and hugged her gently, being sure not to hurt her or make her fall.
"oh lando norris! hello!" the interviewer laughs and smiles "congratulations!"
"thank you." he smiles and lets go of the girl, standing next to her, "i didn't know you were here."
"i showed up during the warm-up lap, my doctor tried to stop me but, i wasn't gonna miss it." she laughed as he rolled his eyes and hugs her one more time, "congrats, norris." she smiled
"thank you, i have to go, i'll talk to you later." she nods at him before he walks away and she continues the interview.
charles got p4, but he didn't get word that she was there until after the interviews. or well, in the middle of an interview when he was asked if he had seen her yet. "i didn't know she was here!"
he literally ran to red bull to go see her, lucky him, she was outside with her nolan and claire. he runs up and hugs her, "i thought you weren't coming!"
"i tried stopping her." claire huffed. "the doctor didn't even want her to come,"
"why are you here?" charles glared at the young girl in his arms, she only rolled her eyes. she didn't want to miss a single race, even if she couldn't be the one on the podium, even if she wasn’t sweating like a porous pitcher on an italian summers day inside her helmet, she wanted to be there. over the past year, these people have become her family, even more than before. she didn't want to miss that.
the ride home in her brother's range rover was depressing. she sat in the backseat with her foot raised up on the empty seats next to her and a book in hand. arthur always made fun of her for reading in the car, mainly because he didn't understand how she could. she misses arthur. she hasn't seen or talked to him or pierre still, she's not really sure why anymore. she's talked to charles, lando, seb, now max and kelly. what's the point?
part of her is scared to ever since her conversation with lando, she's scared to find out how she actually feels about them. she's unsure what answer would be best in this situation. what if she likes arthur?. there's the possibility of them breaking up and a possibility that lando and pierre stop talking to her, broken friendships. and if she likes pierre? broken friendships. lando? broken friendships.
loving can be so cruel.
taglist: @love4lando @fairiepoems @leilanixx @ietss @charli123456789 @ayoanna @enhacolor @be-your-coffee-pot @alixnsuperstxr@vellicora@tpwkstiles@lndonrris @willowpains @gaslysainz @blueanfield
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Constant Faith and the Life it Brings
Part 2 of Constant Faith | Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!worship pastor!reader
Summary: After your church is robbed, Tim learns how you got into faith and helps you learn to share your story.
Warnings: mentions of armed robbery and past arrests, basically a testimony based on the request, fluff and comfort
Word Count: 1.8k+ words
A/N: I loved writing this!! The worship pastor!r dynamic is right up my alley and I definitely sprinkled little parts of my own testimony and time in church in here.😊
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The days following the robbery are strange, but you believe in promises and know that God and Tim keep them. As Tim helps the robbery unit work the case, you meet with different church members to pray together.
When Sunday rolls around, and the sanctuary is still treated as an active crime scene, your pastor welcomes everyone into his home for service and fellowship. You lead worship as usual, but hearing all the voices mixing and praising God together, trusting that He has the situation in His hand and would use it for His purpose, is a unique and beautiful experience. One you wouldn’t have had without a walk through the valley of the shadow, you think as you finish a song.
As you go home Sunday afternoon, you think about everything that has led you to this exact moment in your life and your faith. There are parts of your testimony you don’t like sharing with just anyone, not because you doubt what God has done for you or want to keep His message to yourself, but because it brings up memories that remind you of a painful time. Living through an armed robbery and experiencing how much your church family loves and cares for one another, however, gives you strength and encouragement that your story could help others who are in similar circumstances. That inherent need to help others who are hurting, to be there for them, is precisely what led you to become a therapist when you’re not singing at church.
Tuesday morning, your pastor sends out a video message with excellent news. He tells you and the rest of the church members that the offering collected on Sunday not only met their usual numbers but replenished the money that had been stolen. You’re unsure if God encouraged everyone to give a bit more and support His house or if one generous donor knew what had happened. Regardless, the church isn’t in fiscal danger, which is great but not the best part.
“The L.A.P.D. contacted me this morning to inform me that the thieves were apprehended and offered a full confession,” he adds. “In addition, they have recovered everything stolen from the safe and it will be returned to us in due time. Now if that isn’t proof that our God still works miracles, I don’t know what is!”
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“I think that was the best run-through we’ve had in weeks!” Jerry applauds. “Not that they’re usually bad, you know.”
“We do,” you promise with a smile. “But, I agree, that was great! We’re back in the sanctuary Sunday, so let’s have a great service and welcome everyone back into church.”
You watch the worship team gather their things and leave, but you look up at the empty cross on the wall. Your Bible is lying with your things, and you squat to pick it up as Jerry exits the audio booth.
“You alright?” he asks softly.
“Yeah, I’m good. I think I’m just…”
“I understand. You’ve got keys, so take your time. We’re all here if you need us.”
You nod your thanks and wait until he leaves to sit in the front pew. Holding your Bible in your lap, you close your eyes and begin praying. You thank God for everything, including Tim, and you pray for him, too. He’s a big part of your life, even if he doesn’t know how much he’s done for you.
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“Can I help you, Officer?” Jerry asks as he exits the church. “Or are you here on personal business?”
Tim is waiting beside his truck, dressed in his patrol uniform. He looks up when Jerry exits, and Jerry hides a smile at Tim’s disappointed look. Most of your church family knows about Tim, and Jerry knows who the officer before him is and what – or who – he’s there for.
“Just waiting for her,” Tim says.
“She’s in the sanctuary; may be a few minutes. You’re welcome to go in if you’d like.”
Tim looks over Jerry’s shoulder to the door and nods. He thanks Jerry and watches him walk away. You’re more at home here than anyone else, yet Tim doesn’t feel as if he’s trespassing when he walks through the front door and navigates to the sanctuary entrance.
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The pew dips beside you, and you look up from your Bible quickly and see Tim looking at the stage. He doesn’t speak as he joins you, but his hand is stretched toward you.
“Sorry,” you murmur.
Your finger holds your place in the New Testament, the fitting story of Jesus and the “den of thieves.” Tim shakes his head and tells you to take your time. He sits back and closes his eyes. Maybe Tim is praying or giving you the privacy he thinks you need. Either way, you appreciate him and are glad he’s beside you.
“I- thank you for working so hard and catching them,” you begin. “On Sunday, we received enough money from tithing to make up for what was stolen. Between that and the arrest, I should be, I don’t know, jumping for joy or something.”
“But?” Tim presses kindly.
“It reminded me of my past,” you whisper. “And I’ve just been thinking that I can do more- that I should do more.”
“Do more how?”
You look at Tim, and his eyes are already on you. His focus on the here and now is appreciated, but he can’t understand what you mean until you tell him about your past. More than Tim, you can’t do what the Lord is calling you to do without learning to share painful memories.
“I had a really bad childhood; my upbringing, I guess you could say, was rough, Tim. Growing up, I never felt like I belonged or was loved, even in my own house, around people who were supposed to love me and protect me. So, I learned how to look out for myself and provide for myself, but I didn’t always do it right.”
Your eyes drop from Tim’s to look at your Bible instead. Tim keeps his eyes on your face as you speak, and his hand inches closer to your side.
“When those men came in here and demanded to know where the money was… part of why I stayed so calm is because I’ve been that person before. I was behind the gun once and it landed me in juvie at 17. I didn’t know why they charged me as a minor. I didn’t understand anything until I found this.”
You point to your Bible and pause. Tim doesn’t press, though you’re sure he has questions about your previous arrest. Because you went to juvie and were a minor with no prior record, everything was expunged, and most people would never know it happened.
“Someone introduced me to the Bible,” you continue. “I was carrying around so many sins, and they were a burden that never lightened. Initially, I thought it was desperation or boredom, anything other than a need for a Savior. I started reading and it felt like every sentence was written to me specifically. The thief on the cross beside Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and forgiveness of sins while healing physical infirmities… everything Jesus said and did felt like an invitation. I started praying and I felt that burden start lifting. After I confessed every sin, even the ones no one else knew about, I gave my life to Christ. At that moment, I started praying that God could use me and my past to help others who are hurting.”
You take a deep breath and apologize again. Tim finally moves his hand into yours, and your eyes drift to his.
“That’s what led you to become a therapist? LA’s best grief counselor,” Tim guesses.
You smile and chuckle as you nod.
“You’re good at your job, I’ve always known that. But the fact that you let a situation like that lead you to help others is exceptional. Not many doctors pray for their patients; I’d charge extra for that.”
You push against Tim’s shoulder as your smile grows. “If they’d told me that reading the Bible would lead to having two jobs without facing the price of sin, I wouldn’t have believed them. The worship pastor idea came in later. The day before I was released I read Acts 16. Paul and Silas sing praises in prison, and then there’s an earthquake and the doors are opened. No one leaves, but the jailer sees the doors and prepares to kill himself. Paul and Silas stop him and lead him to repent and be baptized. So, after nights of praying and praising in a cell, I knew I needed to keep doing it.”
Tim has been quiet since the moment he walked in. Though you don’t regret sharing your testimony with him, you begin to worry that he won’t want anything to do with you now. Learning that your girlfriend went to juvie for armed robbery isn’t easy for most people to move on from.
“I understand if you want some time,” you murmur.
Tim’s eyes are still straight ahead. You realize he’s looking at the pulpit in the center of the stage. He squeezes your hand gently, and you take a deep breath. You won't blame him for needing space, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt.
“I had a rough childhood, too. My dad was angry, and he got violent because of that. I actually thought for a while that he killed someone," Tim says.
His voice is rough, but you know why and you're here for him. You lay your other hand over Tim’s and turn to face him. His eyes are still forward, and you understand it can be easier to talk about stuff like this without looking at your audience.
“He was having an affair with a woman who was being abused. She killed her husband and my dad covered for her. That- that moment when he confessed and he seemed like a good man… it went against everything I had ever seen. He was a monster, and everything that I am is despite what my dad did.”
Tim turns toward you, and you see tears gathering in his eyes. It hurts to relive past pains, but your entire life is founded upon a belief that you don’t have to do it alone.
“I don’t want time or space. Your past made you the woman I love, and the strength and love you found during your darkest night… your story is special.”
“I could do more,” you whisper. “I don’t tell enough people.”
“You told me. That’s a start, right?”
You nod and lean your head against Tim’s shoulder. Your Bible folds closed with your movement, and you remember that your unshakeable faith will get you through the hard days to come, and telling your story may allow someone else to see the strength Christ offers.
“You’re amazing,” you say against Tim’s shirt. “Everything that you are, all that you do, shows that your past doesn’t define you.”
Tim turns to kiss your head and wraps an arm around your back.
“Did you come to give me a ride and a hug?” you ask.
“Yes. A ride home and more than one hug.”
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