sunsfawn · 4 months
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my girls ♥︎
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urdadsceilingfan · 9 months
I ❤️ Market Fire
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Close ups of the markerpliers
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thetrufox · 10 days
I did my absolute best for this and love how it came out!!!
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(Also posted on my twitter if you saw this already)
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bugsinmyhoney · 4 months
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it’s been a while since i’ve rendered like this but it was fun to experiment with new brushes and work with only 3 layers max :]
(this will be up on my inprnt!)
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commandernachos · 12 days
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More Nessporky doodles
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p0psicko · 7 months
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Y amarte dueleeeee
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hopsof · 11 months
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Love breathing!!!!
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fidgets-dismay · 1 year
Argos casually showing Mr Plant his shrine of him
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“Theres the bathroom on the left and oh! On the other side is my shrine of you!”
Mr Plant stops dead in his tracks. He turns around and pokes Argos, a sign for him to repeat it again.
“Oh. I’ve never mentioned the shrine?”
Mr Plant shook his head. Mr Plant never really questioned why Argos was always coming out of that room when he visited. He just assumed it was his bedroom… He’s not exactly an expert on the layout of Argos’ void since Argos prefers to be at his more often.
“Here! I’ll show you it.” Argos grabs his hand, gently pulling Mr Plant along. If this were anybody else, Mr Plant probably would’ve knocked them out by now. But then again, Argos isn’t just another void member. Besides Argos seems excited, whats the worse that could happen?
A lot honestly. But Mr Plant being Mr Plant couldn’t deny an opportunity to make his boyfriend happy.
When Argos opens the door, the room is dimly lit. Theres two candles burning, making the room smell like oranges. It isn’t that strange considering that its Mr Plants favorite smell and favorite food. He does admire how accurate it is. Argos seems oddly proud of it, his smiling growing as he watches Mr Plant explore the room. When Mr Plant actually observes the shrine, its a bit…considering. Mr Plant jumps a bit in shock when he sees just how many photos their are of him. They cover the walls, some being him eating, some being him sleeping and others being him cleaning up crime scenes. Each date is labeled…correctly. The date, the time and the place. Theres a desk underneath the largest photo of him. The heart right next to it. Speaking of hearts, theres a large one on that big photo of him and it smells faintly of blood. Theres also a doll of him, along with matches and an oddly cute knife. Their pet rock, Tack is happily sleeping on the desk. They look well fed, which is the least unsurprising thing in the room.
On the right of the desk, theres a book. A large one in fact, it looks big enough to be a dictionary. Under that book, theres several more. He opens a few and too his surprise its affirmations. Argos was manifesting him?? Mr Plant shakes his head, he looks at the most recent book, confused as to why Argos wrote this. Mr Plant has never understood manifestation. (It seems to have worked for Argos because Mr Plant loves him a lot…) Most importantly, how often did Argos write in this? He looks back at Argos and points to the book.
“Oh! Thats where I do my daily ritual!”
Mr Plant knows better not to ask about it. He does it anyways. Pointing to the book again.
“Do you want me to show you Mr Plant?”
Mr Plant nods.
Mr Plant immediately regrets it once he sees Argos pick up the knife. He cuts a small wound in the middle of his hand, using the blood to retrace the heart on the large photo of him. He does it shamelessly, humming to myself as if Mr Plant wasn’t there. Argos pulls out a bandaid from his pocket and places it gently on the wound. Next, he picks up a pen and begins writing in the book. To Mr Plants surprise, Argos writes incredibly fast, within 30 minutes, hes got three pages filled.
Mr Plant taps Argos’ shoulder.
“Normally I write about ten pages a day!”
Mr Plant slowly grabs Argos’ bandaged hand, taking the pen out of the other one. He gives his boyfriend a hug before pointing to the door.
“Do you want to watch Tv Mr Plant?”
He shakes his head and points once more.
“Ohhh…You want us to go for a walk outside.”
Mr Plant nods and squeezes Argos’ hand gently. Argos closes the book, gives Tack (their pet) a pat before he happily skips out of the room. After he leaves, Mr Plant pockets the knife, he doesn’t like that part of the ritual. Mr Plant sighs, he’ll talk to Argos about it later.
Mr Plant pulls out his phone, getting a few photos of the shrine before leaving the shrine. Argos is happily waiting at the door for him and Mr Plant smiles. He grabs Argos’ hand once again and they leave his void as Argos rambles about how Tack keeps racing around his room at night.
annnnnnnnddd thats the end! Hope you liked it mewtual!
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Heres just a few closeups of the shrine. Jdjfbfndmksksjdbsb
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yoku-yukihime · 8 months
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Idk how to self promote for shit but I'll tell you Tumblr.Com I'm very excited about my weird little novella that's half-memoir and half cosmic horror comedy and its about the existential dread of overcoming suicidal ideation as an autistic trans bitch but now idk what the fuck to do with my life in this rapidly crumbling capitalistic hellscape
The answer is be loud about existing in spite the statistics, love my friends, and suck goblin dick
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starrclownshazbinblog · 4 months
Why do Angel and Alastor hate each other? Probably partially due to Husk but there has to be more too it than that right?
I am SO glad someone asked this. Prepare yourself yall cause this will be LONG.
When it comes to Angel and Alastor, it's a one sided relationship. Angel doesn't hate Alastor. He finds him entertaining actually. All the hatred and pettiness is on Alastors side. Alastor DESPISES Angel. Absolutely hates the man. Why he hates him so much is a multitude of reasons.
☆Power and Posture★
Alastor has a ego but he knows he's not the most powerful of the overlords. Yes he's absolutely one of the stronger ones but he knows he's not unstoppable. Angel is what levels him. Angel is scarily strong when it comes to overlords. Having exterminator weapons along with raw power is a scary combination. Angel is a force not to be reckoned with. Alastor knows this and it bothers him. He knows that Angel, besides Charlie, is someone that can push back on Alastor's behavior. Alastor is a bully but Angel isn't afraid to fight back.
Angel's physical stature is also something that bothers Alastor. Alastor knows that physically, without his power, isn't something people are intimated by. He's super skinny and he's tall. You could snap his body like a twig. Angel isn't like Alastor. Angel is twice Alastor's size. Angel has a body builder like build. Angel is physically more intimidating and both know it. Angel doesn't hide his physical dominance from Alastor either. If Alastor is bothering someone too much for Angel's liking then Angel will lift Alastor like a sack of potatoes. If Alastor tries to get in Angel's face then Angel leans over Alastor, staring down at him. Angel is a physical force that can and will if necessary crush Alastor. It's humiliating. Alastor hates this.
☆People person★
Angel is a people person. He goes a little mad when he can't talk with someone. He's smooth, he's charismatic, he's good with everybody. Angel is everything Alastor wants to be with people. Alastor is good with people to a extent. He can come off as pushy and clingy if he likes you well enough. This plus Alastor as a whole usually freaks people out. Alastor scares people away, Angel draws them in. Like a spider to its web. All the people Alastor knows, Angel ruins it for him somehow. Mimzy, his secret crush has know Angel for longer. They're closer. Charlie. Alastor was the first to offer his help. But no, Charlie decided that the death overlord would be the better pick. Is Alastor not good enough? Valerie is someone be can teach and influence. No. Angel teaches her to fight. Angel teaches her to talk again. Disgusting. Nifty, his sweet, darling Nifty. The only child Alastor would ever call his own. Angel swoops in and suddenly Nifty wants a new dad. How could he?? Is Alastor being Nifty's mentor not good enough? What's so special about Angel? Husk. His only friend honestly. He's harsh on him, he understands that. He needs to be better, he knows this. But Husk sticks it out with him. Angel can't ruin this for him. Then Angel seduces Husk. How?? Husk is the most closed off person Alastor has ever known. How did Angel break open his shell??? Why does Angel understand Husk better than Alastor does?? Alastor doesn't know. He knows that he despises it though. Despised Angel. It's all Angel's fault.
☆How can we trust him★
Now Alastor won't say he's trustworthy. He's caniving, shifty, and untrustworthy. But he's upfront. He shows you all his cards before he even plays the game. Angel doesn't. Angel hides his cards under the table. How can we be sure he's trustworthy. No one ever sees him. Why is Mimzy so sure he's a good man. How is Charlie sure Angel wants to get to Heaven? How is Valerie sure Angel won't be too rough with her? How is Nifty sure Angel even likes her, let alone see her as a surrogate daughter. How is Husk sure that Angel isn't like other men, that Angel won't break his heart?
Why is everyone looking behind their shoulder at Alstor but looking forward at Angel?
Alastor doesn't know. But he knows he hates it. He hates this feeling. He hates how no one bat's a eye.
He hates Angel.
Sorry if this is poorly written. I tried to give the best explanation for Alastor's hatred. Alastor is a character I feel like I'm neglecting so I'm trying to give him more characterization and personality. I really want his envy and jealousy to shine through.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! I prefer questions about the rewrite over fact questions anyway. This was fun!!
Asks are always open, art is always here, drink water, eat crackers.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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suicidal-coffin-boy · 6 months
Since there isn't any Tcoaal merch or so i made my own one at school
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Each character on one side of a bag,I love it so much,They were meant to be~~🩷💚
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onmyownside1 · 8 months
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Please tell me no one has done his yet
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wonkavision1971 · 9 months
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I found these pics of George Memmoli (philbin) on Google and that costume he's wearing reminded me of a certain someone and then I got a veryyyyy verryyyyyy goooooodddd idea...
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freak-motion · 3 months
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perhaps now would be a good time to share my son butter guy and his newly finished brother, pb&j.
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k1ngheli0s · 7 months
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So there's this new trend on Twitter that I felt the need to do
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