#I SAW THE POST AGES AGO AND WAS LIKE ‘oh it’s in June I have time :)’
beanmaster-pika · 1 year
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
can u explain what happened with tamara bell and louis during glastonbury 2015?
well, there’s probably far better posts about this, but I’ll give it a quick go. welcome to the show, baby cakes
tamara is proven to be a good friend of Harry’s. photo below of them YEAAAARSSSS ago
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and this is a photo of her, lux, and lou Teasdale, also mates
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so the thing is, is that, from these photos… you could go “oh harry set louis up with a hot pal hes known for years” and like… that’s exactly what the media ran with. They constantly linked harry and Tamara as friends, (funny how he fucks everything that moves but not her, right?) and harry being the matchmaker of her and louis. Anyway, she’s been around for a while, and she’s cool and hot and brunette… wait… why is it important that she’s brunette? why did it have to happen in June 2015?
Oh! That’s right! Because bbg rumours started to get even worse. There was already SO much seeding and shit in the media about louis and B, and what kind of relationship they had. It’s like that time the “mystery blonde” article started circulating, and louis went clubbing and got into a van full of brunettes so none of them could be mistaken for B, lol. She probably should’ve realised and dyed her hair (which she eventually did LOL). But I digress
The whole bbg thing was supposed to look a lot more… wholesome, than what louis made it. I believe it was meant to be more of a “Louis’ found the love of his life and they’re expecting yay!” Kind of thing because he was always pinned as the long term relationship guy, aka, the exact opposite of Harry styles™️. However, idk how tf they were gonna push that bc his breakup with E was announced officially on March 23rd, and B only really came into the picture between May 5th and 15th. So…….. Less than two months with B, if there was no crossover (which they wouldn’t want anyway) and it was immediately straight after E, they still wanted to push the wholesome baby settle down mature dad version of louis. And you know what he did? He said fuck you Uncle Simon.
So, to entirely get rid of ANY speculation he was with B romantically/engaged which was the narrative, he walked around with brunettes to really push home the point there was nothing there with B, even if bbg went through. So, he threw himself under the tour bus. He essentially said “hey this’ll make me look like more of a prick but also stops me from being around that woman even if the kid thing happens, and therefore it distances me from it and I won’t be in a long term thing again”… more or less. This is why we also got a short Danielle fling in December of that year, just to push home the point that he wasn’t with B or any kind of “mystery blonde” that they could mistake her for. Which is, for lack of a better term, HILARIOUS
And also this was hugely important because for a very long time, we didn’t actually know what B looked like. She changed every time we saw a pic of her from the media. So it was really confusing which blonde they were talking about, so he made it clear to make a point of being with brunettes only. And Tamara, well, she’s just a cool fucking human. Old friend of Harry’s, chill, a model with a small following, just overall a kind of cool person. So he chose to walk with her and lazily hold her hand to cut any ties with B that the media continued to create. So, he’s known her for ages, and so has harry, and it was nothing, but it made a huge crack in the bbg narrative.
Anyway, yeah, it’s very unserious. All of it. The timelines of bbg in general and all of the stunts/rumours it truly was ridiculous. But somehow he managed to never end up “dating” that woman and Tamara is a big part of that, because also, he chose to fuck them over with that move. It’s truly iconic sassy Louis behaviour.
I probably missed some stuff here but thanks for chatting!
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purplesurveys · 10 months
How long has it been since you moved out of the house you grew up in?    I haven't moved out.
What color shirt are you wearing?    It's light purple.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating?    I think it's been a while since I have a terrible habit of keeping leftovers and then never coming back for them ever again... BUT OH I think it was a double cheeseburger from McDonald's? sometime earlier this week. I still have a handful of other paper bags in the fridge that I need to get to soon.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate?   I had Aice's coffee popsicle when we went to Tanay over the weekend which I was super stoked about since it's my favoriteeeeeeeeeee and I haven't had the chance to have it since 2021 ehehehe. I must have finished it in 5 minutes and chewed my way through the ice cream for the most part lol.
Do you regret anything you've done in the last 24 hours, and if so, what?    Not charging my laptop last night because I had to painstakingly migrate from one outlet to another today, given that I was out all day for work.
What is your favorite type of soup? 🍜    Miso soup, mushroom soup, and this last one is more stew than soup but I love kimchi jjigae.
When was the last time you saw a beautiful sunset? 🌅    It's honestly been ages. I haven't had the time to pause and simply watch a sunset happen and silently soak in those few minutes in a while. The last time may have been all the way back in June when my friends and I had dinner on a tiny cruise boat in Bangkok.
What is your favorite song at the moment?    Cult of Personality by Living Colour for reasons that anyone who even slightly follows wrestling would know, haha.
What is your favorite board that you've made on Pinterest?    I'm not that deep into Pinterest to have boards. I only ever use it for quick searches when I need certain pegs for work Powerpoints.
Do you get on Facebook or Instagram more?    I'm on the Reels tab on Instagram more frequently than I would like to admit, lol. I'm connected to more people on Facebook but it's also still more boring, so when I'm on there I typically just look at the first 10, 15 posts on my feed to see what people are talking about then already close the app.
What color is your favorite sweater?    I don't have a favorite sweater.
What are three things people would never guess about you just by looking at the photos you post on social media?    I don't talk to my brother; I don't know how to ride a bicycle; I was deep into the British YouTuber invasion of the early-mid 2010s.
What is one thing you have too much of?    Right now that would be boxes of my fave coconut-scented reed diffuser but that's only because that's what I got my workmates this Christmas and I have yet to wrap them and give them out, haha.
What was the last thing you ate or drank that was blue raspberry-flavored? It must've been months or years now; raspberry is definitely not something I encounter a lot.
What are three of your favorite scents?    Vanilla, anything that's being baked, and apparently coconut.
What was the last flavor of tea you drank? ☕️    Lemon.
When was the last time you wore your hair in a fishtail braid?    Almost exactly a year ago.
What is one annoying thing your computer does?    I'm so attached to this laptop and it's my baby that I don't even have the heart to say anything bad about it lol. It's extremely slow and the 10 hour battery life has turned into 1 hour in the last six years and it barely has any storage left and has stopped becoming eligible for updates, but IT'S MY BABY DAMMIT.
What type of fruit do you eat the most?    I avoid fruits.
How often do you go out to eat?    Once or twice a month, I would say.
What would your dream wedding dress look like? 👰‍♀️    I'm too lazy to describe anything in detail as it is 10:30 PM and I'm too tired from work lololol but I would love anything that'd channel Audrey Hepburn. Something that'd be able to accentuate the waist with verrrrrrry subtle sleeves and a quiet yet elegant train that doesn't try to steal attention.
Which fall flavor do you prefer: pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon?    Pumpkin spice. Got to try the Starbucks drink when they were randomly giving out pumpkin spice free samples and I came out of that store a changed and converted woman.
What is the most annoying thing about your life right now?    All other PR/ad agencies are going on shutdown by the end of this week and my fuckin workplace isn't starting ours until next Friday.
Which holiday treat do you like better: candy corn or conversation hearts? Candy corn I guess, but I'm not a big candy person to begin with so eh.
What is your favorite apple-flavored treat?    Chewy candies, like Mentos.
What are you counting down the days to right now, if anything?    Our office shutdown. I'm so excited for it that I've started to stop exerting 100% effort at work lol.
What was the last book you read about?    It's an autobiography.
Have you been daydreaming a lot lately about a scenario you wish would happen?  I've been dreaming about it a lot, frustratingly enough.
What are three of your favorite things about camping? ⛺️    I've never gone camping before.
If you could choose what month to be born in, what month would you have chosen as your birth month, and why?    My birth month has never really been an issue to me and I wouldn't change it even if I could.
...and what is your actual birth month?    April.
What are three of your favorite things to do on a rainy day? 🌧️    If I had it my way I'd turn on the aircon, make my room as dark as possible, and take a long nap.
Would you rather eat strawberries 🍓 or watermelon 🍉?    Neither.
Do you prefer smoothies or milkshakes? 🍹    Milkshakes.
Do you prefer hamburgers 🍔 or hot dogs 🌭?    Burgers.
When was the last time you felt nauseous?    I had the most awful motion sickness last Monday.
What was the last thing you ate that made you feel nauseous?    The bagnet and bone marrow dish I had two weeks ago didn't necessarily make me feel nauseous but it did give me awful heartburn.
Do you enjoy going to your local county fair?    We don't have one in my city.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born?    I'd say it's a 1.5-2 hr car ride.
Do you prefer zebra print or cheetah print?  Cheetah.
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triposzt · 1 year
The Dreadnoughts - Roll and Go (2022) / Green Willow (2023) double album review
For the first English post of this blog, why not make a review of my new favourite band's last two albums? It's a bit late, I know, I originally wanted to make one about "Roll and Go", but never got around to do it, so when I heard that a new album is coming out this year, I thought "hey, now is the time to combine the two reviews into one post!" And I'm still freakin' late with this again!
But anyway, let's start the story from the beginning.
At least a decade ago, the first two songs I've heard from The Dreadnoughts were "Sleep Is For The Weak" and "Randy-Dandy-Oh" - no idea whether I found them randomly or someone showed them to me, but I liked both… and then kinda forgot to listen to any of their other songs for a while 😄 Then, fast-forward to approximately early 2020, when at work I was browsing for music, listened to one of the previously mentioned two and through the "related songs" links, found "Gintlemen's Club" (unsurprisingly from the same 2011 album "Polka's Not Dead")…and BAM! Immediately I was like "This is awesome, why haven't I listened to them for ages? Let's discover more!" And I did… and that's why I was anticipating the 2022 spring release of the new album Roll and Go even more. Let's see how it turned out:
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ROLL AND GO (release date: June 24, 2022)
1 - Cider Jar [7/10] Hold up, a booze-infused version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"? That's ridiculously brilliant! 😃 Cider Jar serves as a short intro to the album and the closing "arr-oh-arr" just flows right on to the next track, which…
2 - Cider Holiday [7.5/10] …was the first track released from the album and in all honesty, did not hit me in the sweet spot back then, but has grown on me since. The prose-like bridge part gives it a unique flavour, and speaking of flavour, the song itself just makes me wanna drink cider or visit the West Country. Or both, preferably.
3 - The Rodney Rocket [8/10] You never know where artists can find an inspiration for a song. Sometimes, it might be a video about an old alcoholic Canadian fella having fun with some snowy extreme sports in Rodney, Ontario 😁 The Rodney Rocket is easy to sing (mostly due to its percussion-heavy background and the L-C-B-O chant in the chorus), plus the tempo changes well along with the story - the silly-sounding words in the lyrics (dickered, hullabaloo) and a callback to "Fire Marshal Willy" are just the icing on the cake. What's not to like?
4 - Problem [10/10] Second track to come out as a single and I instantly loved it. Somehow it's just perfect: the repeating "Problem" at the end of lines, occasionally replaced by various - and hilarious! - sound effects, both the beat and the inserted Polish lyrics obviously referencing Sleep Is For the Weak, the backstory of the song, it all just culminates in this masterpiece. The music video is weird enough, although it does not reach such heights, but anyway, who the fuck cares, we are here to listen to songs, not watch them. Problem?
5 - Brisbane Harbour [8.5/10] A worthy continuation of true sea shanties like "Whup! Jamboree" and "Eliza Lee", and one which surely makes any listener's fingers and feet tap to the rhythm.
6 - Battleford 1885 [8/10] The shortest "normal" track on the album, and its title was intriguing to me when I first saw it - turns out, music can be educational (duh), because Battleford 1885 sheds some light on a tragic event of indigenous people in Canada (here's the post about the background of the song). Oh, and the ascending drum in the background of the bridge is just… *chef's kiss*
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7 - The Storm [9/10] Beautiful, just beautiful, equally eerie and empowering, with an instrumental break inspired by Greek bouzouki tunes. If the previous song was about the story of oppressed people rising up against their masters, then this one puts you right in those people's mindset. Well done. And I'll be forever grateful for the Substack post about The Storm for introducing Smokey Bastard's "Baba Yaga" to me, I fell in love at first listening.
8 - Vicki's Polka [7.5/10] Judging by the title only, I thought this was going to be the obligatory instrumental track, but then again, I might have been misled by "Clavdia's Waltz". Instead, Vicki's Polka is rather a love story spanning decades, featuring references to the band's 2010 hit "Polka Never Dies" and the popular folk song "Who Stole the Keeshka?". Assisted by some top folk musicians, the bounciness of this true polka track slows down only near the end, when it's time to say goodbye to the titular Vicki, sadly taken away by the Covid-19 pandemic. Goddamnit, 2020.
9 - Scrumpy-O [8/10] You've been listening to the songs of the album in order and you're missing the amount of alcohol in the lyrics for a while? Worry not, Scrumpy-O definitely has your back. Just grab some locally made and/or rough cider (that's what "scrumpy" means), learn the words to the chorus, and raise your bottle to the sky!
10 - Tuika [7/10] Now this is the instrumental track I thought Vicki's Polka was gonna be. The frequently changing speed of the song makes you imagine dancing arm-in-arm with someone at one moment, then jumping into a mosh pit at another. (P.s.: if anyone has an idea what the title means, let me know, I could only find a politician from American Samoa by this name.)
11 - Dusty Ground [9/10] One of my favourites from the album, a very well executed song. Listen to how the tempo decelerates almost into melancholy in the third verse and then turns back up for the last chorus, just fantastic. The lyrics… likewise. If I'm not mistaken, they are meant to convey the transience of life via a clever metaphor: the ever-thirsty ground, which swallows us up like water. Well, all right, I might have taken a peek at the origin story of the track ;)
12 - Bold Reilly [5.5/10] Honestly, out of the thirteen tracks, this is the song that resonated the least with me. I wouldn't say it's bad or anything, just… Too repetitive? Too slow? I don't know. Also, being "the worst song of a Dreadnoughts album" is still a pretty high level 😁 And it has a reference to Randy Dandy-Oh, nice!
13 - Roll and Go [8.5/10] For some reason, I classified the trio of The Storm, Dusty Ground, and this closing track as giving the same vibes - no idea why I feel the similarity, at the very least Dusty Ground is notably quicker. Anyway, all three songs are unique enough for me to love each of them. Roll and Go provides a fine closure to this wonderful album: the musical background resembles a marching band (here I am giving praise to the percussion section yet again 👏), the lyrics emanate the feeling of brotherhood, and the ending slowly fades with the promise of a "fine and lucky day". Amen to that!
Overall: this was easily the release of the year for me. Usually when I listen to an entire album for the first time, the tracks don't really have their own "identity" in the beginning, and the whole thing is just a raw, big mess. Not this time! A few tracks stood out instantly and I grew to love the rest even more. Roll and Go turning out to be that awesome, given the difficulties the band had to face while recording, just proves how talented these guys are. I'll be sure to mention this album when people ask me about my favourites. Verdict: 8.5/10
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GREEN WILLOW (release date: March 14, 2023)
1 - We Shepherds are the Best of Men [8/10] A proper start to the album, with a great rhythm and an even better chorus. Apparently, it's an older folk piece, which has a few versions with different lyrics, but The Dreadnoughts are the first "modern" band to cover it. And oh boy, they did it well! (One small caveat though: the grammar nazi inside me is so bothered by the "We drinks our liquor freely and pays before we go" part every time 😅)
2 - Hej Sokoły (Zal za Ukraina) [9.5/10] I see two great reasons why this track was chosen as the initial single of the album. Firstly, this song is an absolute earworm. I mean, so dangerously addictive, it can be stuck in your head for a day! Secondly, it's dedicated to the people fighting for Ukraine, and whoever has listened to The Dreadnoughts' songs knows that Eastern Europe has a special place in their pool of inpsirations. Accordingly, Hey Sokoły covers a popular old Polish-Ukrainian folk song, and frankly, I just can't ever get enough of Polish lyrics in the band's songs - no wonder the band fell in love with the suggestion of this cover. Highlight: as the last verse slows down and then builds up into the energetic last chorus… goosebumps, goosebumps every time.
3 - Rigs of the Time [7/10] It's like a good worker who does not yearn for promotion but is never in danger of getting laid off - not necessarily oustanding in his field, but someone who is trustworthy and does his job well. It has a message and a great chorus. You need tracks like this on your album. (Ironically, the song is about dishonest tradesmen, but still, that's the metaphor I chose. Also, the whole "blaming the rising prices on the war" thing is too real nowadays.)
4 - Roll the Old Chariot Along [8.5/10] This song is apparently covered by a few artists, but I don't recall hearing it before I listened to the album - only since then, but for that, the almighty Algorithm might be the one to "blame". Anyway, I remember instantly liking it upon the first listening and my opinion remains unchanged: what a fantastic and catchy tune! "And we'll all hang on behind!" (P.s.: Lads, there's a missing verse - and some other confusion - of the lyrics on the Bandcamp page.)
5 - The Foggy Dew [7/10] A classic Irish ballad, full of historical references (one of which could even be meant as a hint to "The Bay of Suvla"), so far it was only familiar to me because Dropkick Murphys used it as the opening instrumental for their shows (The Chieftains version to be exact). The lack of repeated parts and intricate rhythm of the verses makes it very difficult to sing along, but nevertheless it's a beautiful rendition.
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6 - Twankidillo [7.5/10] "Half of you are going to hate it, it’s fucking weird." That's the premise I've read before I even listened to the song… and I didn't even mention the strange title. 😄 *1st listening*: They were right, what the hell is this? *2nd listening*: Okay, it IS weird, but certainly catchy… *3rd listening*: "Here's to old coal, and to young coal and to no coal at aaaaaaaaallll!" Yep, it grows on you. It's another cover of a traditional folk song (like all tracks except one), and if you haven't noticed, the lyrics also contain a reference to the album name. Yay!
7 - Spanish Ladies [7/10] Sorry guys, I have absolutely been in love with Sarah Blasko's version of this song for years, and I don't think anything can change that. To be fair though, this cover is more sea shanty-esque, if you close your eyes, you can almost visualize the crew hauling ropes or heaving the capstan around.
8 - The Unquiet Grave [8/10] Upon seeing the tracklist, this was the title that stood out the most for me - and damn, it did not disappoint, especially storywise. This tale of love beyond the grave has been sung for centuries, I haven't heard it before, but I must say that The Dreadnoughts have really managed to capture the appropriate eerie vibe which surely gives you the chills. (Bonus funfact for anyone who's familiar with the band's discography: this track was first intended for the 2017 album "Foreign Skies".)
9 - Apple Tree Wassail [8.5/10] Don't believe Google Translate saying "wassail" is an Arabic word, this catchy track is actually a blessing ritual for apple trees in hope of a good crop to make cider from… although the mental image in my head is stuck halfway between an orchard and a mosh pit due to the song's fast pace. Hell, I hope at some point I'll have the chance to hear it live and jump around like a maniac. (Please come to Hungary!) (P.s.: The "Let every man drink up his glass" line is possibly a callback to "Spanish Ladies", am I right?)
10 - Roll Northumbria (Loud Version, sometimes called "Heavy Version") [7.5/10] Green Willow features nine covers of traditional folk pieces and a reboot of one of the band's earlier songs… yep, this closing track is the reboot one. What I said previously about Spanish Ladies, can be applied here as well - I like the original so much that no newer cover can surpass that, even if it's from the same band. Also, I think the original's slow and dark vibe is more fitting to the topic of the song, but if there's one place where the heavy/loud version could be used, it's concerts. The final drum beats provide a great ending to the album.
Overall: When I first listened to the entire album, I thought "maybe Roll and Go set the bar too high", although my reception of Green Willow has improved well since then, as it can be seen in the ratings. A shorter collection of tracks than its predecessor, but it has a bit of everything from patriotic through silly to haunting, while covering well-known and lesser-known folk songs. I know an album a year would probably be too much to ask, so I'll just patiently wait for some fresh stuff from The Dreadnoughts! Verdict: 8/10
Thanks for reading! 😊
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
My Stand-In Eps 1 - 10 Live Blogging
Whelp, I have succumbed to curiosity and am also afraid of being spoiled for the ending (idek if there are supposed to be "spoilers" but yknow), so I'm starting a second on-air show even though I'm already watching Wandee. I'm watching it because everybody's seemingly obsessed with it but am also sooo nervous that this show will stumble in the last quarter the way so many shows/BLs tend to. Please let them stick the landing.
Seems like it's about somebody dying and the mother resurrecting him only he came back Wrong (because the wrong person came back in the body)? I know people hate Ming for taking advantage of Joe but also are annoyed with Joe for not standing up to Ming and also something about sneezing... Also it's adapted from a Chinese novel I think? Interesting how many Chineve BL novels are being adapted in other countries now
Ep 1 (June 25/26)
Watched a bunch of intense shows in a row (A Shop for Killers, The Worst of Evil, Infernal Affairs) and was gonna do a sweeter show with Lovely Runner but I'm gonna save that for my train rides, so I decided to start this instead.
omg wait I saw a post that said in the book apparently Ming's supposed to early 20s and Joe was late 20s (well I think the post was smth like Joe how are you a 29(?) year old getting manipulated by a 21 (?) year old lol) but because Up's older, I thought they aged him up. However, they at least kept the younger-older correct because Ming calls Joe P'Joe... <3
I Know Joe dies but that was still like... oh.
oh WAIT! I misunderstood... I thought a different guy took over Joe's body and I was like hm, I wonder if we'll ever see this original Joe again but our Joe went into a different man's body okayyyyy that makes sense. It also makes the sneezing during sex alerting Ming of Joe (or something??? idk) make more sense bc i was like huh?
and the other guy's name is Joe too
Wut - a guy who Joe knows kinda
omg Joe's original body is still not found after falling off that mountain, it's been 2 years for him too
seems like Wut knows Ming too but does Not like him
Wut says Joe reminds him of Joe (the one he knows. whom Joe really is.)
Ah, Joe's real mother died long time ago, so he's making the best of having the other Joe's mother with him
Joe decides to be a stand-in in the other Joe's life ahh. Joe is so used to being a stand-in that he will not just exist that way in the life he leads
ah, mention of Tong who I think people really hate? He's a superstar and Joe used to stand-in for him
lol, Joe accidentally mentioning liking P'Jojo's wife chicken feet cooking.
Joe and Ming first meeting in an elevator despite Joe trying to avoid Ming
oh, Ming held onto Joe and asked if they'd met before and Joe says he must've mistook him for somebody else which is funny because the first time they met, Ming mistook Joe for Tong and backhugged him or whatever, it seems like
also they'd met 3 years ago = a year before Joe's accident ig
3 years ago - OG Joe and Ming
yknow what I should go to sleep rn
okay i am back
lol Ming thinking Joe (Tong's stand-in) was Tong. but also that means Ming and Tong were a thing? or smth like that?
oh Mek plays P'Tong
Ming just came back from studying abroad
Tong shooting down Ming even though Ming came just to see him
is May Ming's older sister that he was thinking of seeing? and why'd he get mad hmm are Tong and May a thing/going to be a thing?
Ming ignoring Joe and giving curt responses until he's even more mad/upset at Tong and then he's like "let's go to your place" lol
fumbling Joe lmfao
lol I'd seen the jokes about Ming and Joe both wanting to top. I didn't realize it was original guys though I don't think. I'd thought 1) it was in the present timeline 2) a different Joe is in OG Joe's body and that's why 3) Joe and Ming are in a relationship, thus having sex, and their sexual dynamics/positions was already established and the new Joe didn't know.
but no, it's Our Joe during their first night together
this is so funny, they fr stopped having sex and put their clothes back on instead of just doing handjobs/blowjobs/other possibilities if neither wanted to bottom lmfaoo
owghh, I think Joe and Ming are cute, which is bad because I know Ming's gonna be a pos later and people also get frustrated with Joe
"Even if you're not fucked, you're full" about Ming eating plss
y'all were about to fuck but can't even just sleep in the same bed?
WAIT he just learned Ming's name lmfao I couldn't figure out which 2nd person pronouns he's using for Ming but he's been using Phi as 1st person pronoun
he's never tried bottoming or tried having sex?
does Ming want to get serious with Tong?
oh they fr don't have sex that night
did Ming wash the dishes and disappear?
big empty house. Ming rich as fuck
right, so Tong and May are indeed together. now Ming you gotta get over your sister's boyfriend lol i can't believe he's playing pretend dates with his sister's bf. does Ming hate his sister or smth
ah, Tong and Joe look similar from the back
drunk Ming calling Joe to come for dinner (after Tong had left) and also not telling Joe where he got his number
oh, Joe cannot win against this man
I was nervous for a sec that drunk Ming thought Joe was Tong but nah, he knows that it's Joe and that he's a virgin lol
damn, they really had sex? idk how drunk af Ming did it
"Then, I felt like I was in a dream. Not knowing that it was a nightmare" aw Joe
Ming caused Joe to die...??? is this about the phone call where Ming was maybe crying that Joe received right before his stunt or what
also ep 9 recently came out and I think Ming confesses to Joe or something because I keep seeing glimpses of a clip/gif and saw a little bit of the subs on it but keep scrolling quick
What an intriguing first episode, I'm looking forward to the rest. I didn't know half the episode would be in the 3 years ago timeline, is that how it is for most episodes or just this one to set the scene and next eps have fewer flashbacks.
Joe being a stand-in for Tong physically in acting and emotionally as Ming's boyfriend/lover/whatever they become. Also, isn't it insane that Joe just went back to work at the company that killed him lol
Ep 2 (June 26)
Ming was so drunk that he can’t even remember?!
loll this where the recognized by sneezing during sex thing comes in ig?
ah, Ming wants to tag along to the set to see Tong. I wonder how much Joe realizes Ming’s feelings for acting like after all the first time they met, Ming mistakenly hugged him thinking he’s Tong…
oof, Ming saying and emphasizing that he wants last night to be hidden
Tong is irritating
Does Ming feel jealous/irritated seeing Joe with the female costar?
Joe watching Ming and Tong and the shots/directing for it is so good, the way he's watching them through a mirror + him blurred in the foreground while we focus on their convo in the background.
Did Ming just pointedly look at Joe to see his reaction to him feeding Tong
why is Ming jealous and confronting Joe about it, I'm dead. Ming's the one who wanted to keep this a secret and it's not like they're dating or exclusive
lol Ming acting like it's Ridiculous to suggest he'd like Tong
also Tong must know that Ming likes him right? And he indulges him occasionally just to keep stringing him along? Is he using May as a beard and actually likes men/Ming specifically or does he just like the attention and actually likes May?
oh, Ming's mother is in the picture, so the house is not empty
the girl talking about their parents arranging marriages
pls Joe trying out the "send them funny messages" to flirt but it's a joke about him being a stand-in lol
this girl is so real (even as she fakes with the adults lol)
Ming appearing made Joe lose concentration and fall when he was talking about how focus is important for their job...
so much mirror stuff
Ming really just want Jor turned around all the time, facing his back that apparently looks like Tong's... ah...
How are they having sudden penetrative sex in a gym bathroom with no condoms, no lube, nothing omg
the sneeze lol
"Ming, do you like doing it from behind?" I can only sigh
Joe being touched by Ming's little actions but it's like girl... he's gonna end up skewering you
Joe being nice while interacting with the gym goes today bc he's in a good mood and got laid lmfao
I've heard about Sol and something about offering Joe money that he didn't take because he took up Ming's offer instead or something
Ming's jealousy and possessiveness
Drunk Joe getting excited and hugging Ming in front of Sol
Ming keeping up the "I'll take good care of him" pretense only to have Joe sleep on the floor in a pile is so
"What's in your to make me jealous?" oh, let's kill Ming
"Don't be so full of yourself. You are just a stand-in" ohhh we actually have to kill Ming what the hell
and yet after all those cruel words, Ming's eating ramen the way Joe cooked it and even turned down his sister May's offer to invite Tong to hang out with them.
what does that mean? What's May like right now? and what does Ming almost drowning as a child have to do with anything? or actually is that the reason she's apparently always ill or smth?
Joe's turning down Sol which is fair enough if he doesn't like him (I like them together though lol) but Joe's talking about how he now knows what love reall is and it's like... from where did you learn this? How do you know that? Certainly not from the few days you've spent with that fucker Ming
ah Joe how can you be in love with Ming omgggg
And Ming overhearing all this like aghh
poor fucking Joe, he's been alone since he was a kid and wants somebody so bad so that he's not lonely anymore. alas, he has fallen for Ming who can apparently do such touching stuff but...
okay, Joe can't mess around with other people... what about Ming?
well this time Ming begrudgingly admitted his jealousy
they are so cute when they're having fun together
Joe kinda reminds me of Tol from Triage and Cha Yeo Woon from Love for Love's Sake (those two also remind me of each other) because they're so tall and big/buff but so wide-eyed and vulnerable
Ep 3 (June 26)
these voiceovers are always so ominous lol
"Who says I'm your faen?"
Joe is always sooooo kicked puppy like he gets so excited and smiley -> Ming treats him bad -> smile drops but he doesn't defend himself, looks away with a sad expression
Ming finds Joe cute and endearing but makes himself stop smiling... girl if you like him, just like him!!!
damn, what's this Akkroyata (?) group that sells houses. is it his family related?
Joe please don't get into fucking crypto
foreign production film that needs a stuntman but the guy warns that it's unlicensed + money laundering scheme + nobody's responsible if a stuntman dies... right before this Joe was talking about needing extra money... and in the ep 1 incident scene, the crew were speaking in English... whelp.
let's just let Joe be the male lead at this rate bc wtf is this. fuckass Tong
ah, lose-lose situation if he does badly, they'll hate him. if he does too well, they'll hate him. once again fuck Tong
I guess Joe's been alone for so long that it doesn't occur to him to know where Ming's from/who his family is
ah, Joe's stand-in dance scene isn't gonna be used because it looks very bad to have him replace Tong in a scene like this
I hate to see it because they really are so cute when they're cute...
Joe gets so excited when Ming is nice to him lmfao it's pitiful
literally everybody leaves the table and abandons Joe when Tong comes... this is literally Tong's own fucking fault bruh
"Ming and I are together now." Does Ming know that?
Sol why didn't you come back just a month earlier?!?!?!? we could've had a whole different story right now
the mess just grows. Ming sees Tong and Joe hugging -> drags him to the bathroom to aggressively makeout -> Tong sees them making out
Joe as a side character. Sol's right-hand-man... hope Ming won't lose his shit
let's kill Tong
Joe knows nothing about Ming's crush on Tong, his rich family
Joe now knows Ming's background but doesn't wanna ask him directly
this watch... the box is similar to that watch box from ep 1. is the watch similar too?
Ming's approval literally makes Joe so happy, it's truly so .
Sol to save the day lol
May clocked Ming and Joe and seems supportive
Tong's gonna propose
that big screen of Ming staring at Tong looking cool in the movie but uh, it's his back in an action scene, isn't it likely it was Joe?
Ming crying omg
first movie, so it probably was Tong and not Joe stand-in cuz idk if he was there from the very start
so weird to see Ming seemingly more innocent and uh not necessarily evil in these flashbacks when he first met Tong
ouch, being the reason you meet your favourite actor and bring your sister along but then see them hitting it off and kissing and such.
the name-engraved couple mugs were Ming's gift for Joe. so cute
"This is the best Christman in my life." despite the little spectacle in the middle ig
excited Joe because Ming back-hugged him only TO CALL HIM P'TONG ahh
Joe realizing everything all at once about him looking like Tong from the back, Ming mistaking him for Tong, only having sex facing backward, the fact that he's Tong's stand-in even to Ming...
Whelp, there go the cups
Ep 4 (June 27)
This is supposed to be the last full-flashback episode I think? I think I'm okay with the multiple episodes of the flashbacks because I'm binging it but I might've been wanting the current timeline more and more if I was watching it weekly
oof, cold Joe but not yet bringing up last night because he needs to get to work
this Director Pao is such a pain too. he keeps hiring Tong because of his followers despite knowing he doesn't do his damn job and keeps using Joe as leverage, not caring that it puts Joe in a terrible position. let's kick Pao too
Joe please... you cannot show or persuade P'Tong's fanclub in any way. just keep being a side character and move up to main role later on, especially because you literally have Wut supporting you and kinda looking out for you. don't take Tong's role because you can't stand that Ming's using you as Tong's replacement. eughh
JOE SAY NO. how can you suddenly have so much conviction when you're a doormat with Ming, goddamn. like you know the guy literally didn't actually want to give you the role and wanted you to say no and if you now take the role and fuck up, you're cooked
at least Joe told Ming to get out of his house but it's not like Ming's gonna just let it go like this... Joe didn't give any reason
aw fuck, confrontation.
Ming being like you can't order me around. i however will order you around
what is this Sol and Ming fight, please
and Joe also hurt his back omg... how are those two the one trying to fight but he's the one who keeps being hit
Ming being teary-eyed during their convo at home.
Joe saying he still has his dignity... well glad you're acting like it
and immediately Ming is on Tong's side... what the hell is wrong with this guy
Ming truly just hit Joe at the back of the head with a bat. oh
unconscious and in-chains?!?!
Ming saying he's gonna keep Joe here with him forever... ah, toxic tops in BL manhwa/danmei/etc, I see you now. because usually in Thai live-action BLs, even the red flag characters don't usually do this (VegasPete are an exception that proves the rule)
wow, how interesting that Tong shows up at the exact right time, almost like he orchestrated this. At least Wut questioned it
Ming's so possessive over Joe
Ming coaxing Joe + them having a heart-to-heart and getting it on while we can literally hear Joe's chain jangling lmfaooo
Joe wants to be behind Ming? Girl, will you guys never have sex facing each other? this better be a trick to handcuff Ming and run away because having sex at a time like this after everything that just happened is wild. but also does this mean Ming was gonna bottom?
okay good
what a wild scene that was, like truly
you don't know if Tong was involved? girl he did this right after Tong called Ming, so you could at least mention that
Joe's now black-listed, fuck
aw man, Joe really feels like he has no choice but the unsafe international production stuntman
Ming and Wut fighting about where Joe is because they don't know his location...
the title of the scene or whatever on the board being Dead Cliff...
Ming calling and saying if Joe comes back he won't be a stand-in anymore etc and the battery running out aghhh I know he's literally about to fall off this damn cliff and I'm still like... well maybe he can escape somehow
2 years later, Ming is working as a model (under Wut/in Wut's team?)
everybody going up and up in their careers while Joe is dead and it's pushed under the rug...
also that watch that Ming is advertising... is it similar to the one Joe had given him?
Google -> Googoo
Joe trying to sneak into his (original) home but suddenly all the lights are on and Ming is cooking inside and eating out of the bowl that Joe had bought him... just like Joe's wishes. and also Joe was like everybody's gonna forget about me soon but I guess Ming will not
oh Ming is insane. he's recreating the "I'll cook and wait for you every day" promise and thinks his P'Joe has returned to him when he hears a creek outside. tbf it is indeed P'Joe (in a different body) but whelp
So did Ming and Joe legit date for a whole year before the accident? I thought it was like... a month lmao
What does the show want us to feel right now? like Ming literally was responsible for getting Joe black-listed in the industry which led him to take the unlicensed stuntman job which led to his death. and he did so by kidnapping and handcuffing Joe. how horrid, how can this be our endgame. But they still show us how Ming has seemingly realized his feelings for Joe for real and holds on to his thoughts and is maybe becoming a reformed person maybeee (idk, he might continue being a pos in the next episodes) and like the last part of the episode is just sad. Also, even for the kidnapping stuff, it was like Ming was more mad that Joe might be leaving him for Sol and the possessive/insecurity/jealousy was because of that, not Only because he was doing Tong's bidding. Anyway, I'm open to getting more mad and hating Ming more, I'm open to a path to redemption even though he's trash
Also, are we ever gonna get Joe's original body back? Because they've Got to have sex face-to-face and Ming seeing Joe's original face, right???
Ep 5 (June 27)
debt collectors for Joe's new fake-mother... this is where the money thing comes in I guess because I remember people being mad at Joe for borrowing money from Ming
girl's gonna get into doing stunts again in this new body that has never done stunts and just woke up from a 2-year coma?
me too, I'm shocked that our Joe who hadn't moved a muscle for 2 years until a month ago is now doing stunts with ease
but why couldn't Joe just go into modelling since new Joe used to do it apparently? easier on the body and I don't assume stunt money is more than modelling?
Ming going to see a fortune teller who has been telling him that Joe is neither alive nor dead...
how can this new body of this random-ass Joe also look like Tong from the back lmfaoo they're never gonna let Joe escape being Tong's stand-in
Joe keeps putting his foot in this mouth around Wut by revealing too much. Ming's onto him but I wonder if Wut would also wonder...
Wut was an asshole for how he kept being mad at Joe last ep (even being like you're no longer my bro if you take that job instead of helping him some other way) but he has quite good instincts, first with being like Tong probably has a hand in Joe not getting to the press conference + now being like ...what are you hiding new-Joe?
Ming wants Joe for an ad and I guess Joe wants access to his debit card at his own house where Ming lives
idk what to make of Ming's assistant
all of Joe's poses being fighting poses loll
Joe still being taken by Ming's beauty and being like ig some feelings passed onto this body as well but overhearing that Ming literally only smiles when he's shooting movies with his BIL Tong
girl I'm so mad, Joe's modelling but we're the ones who are getting to see this face and body, in actuality it's not even this original body that's being captured aghhhh what a beauty and they don't even get to see it
I've seen this gif of Ming begging Joe lol "what's wrong? you're not as good as earlier"
Ming's hobby is putting Joe in Situations
seeing the body of new Joe in the mirror made me mad again T.T not to say he's not attractive or whatever but the original Joe is too good, why wasn't he a fucking model back then man
not this fucking trombone-looking jug again
lol, Joe's getting Ming and Jim drunk
oh. "watch your mouth when you talk about P'Joe. Other people like you because of that name, remember that." On the one hand, it's like okay Joe now knows that Ming was looking for Joe in this new body but on the other hand, Joe is truly a stand-in for himself now. Joe in new-body where everybody looks for the Joe old-body
also i guess maybe Joe purposefully was behaving in a way that Ming wouldn't like? like being so eager and serving them drinks etc
Joe stole Jim's phone (well, borrowed) and is gonna break in to his own old house lol
Sol came back again
Joe's reminiscing over their shared past that Ming has kept around but it's making me nervous that he's gonna get caught, esp cuz we're nearing the end of the episode - perfect cliffhanger
Sol is here?!
I think people who were more into the body-snatching aspect nad how that'd affect the story would be disappointed because they kinda ignore it but I'd pretty much only heard about the relationship drama and toxic Ming, so I didn't expect there to be too much anyway.
Ep 6 (June 28)
good he managed to use his stunt skills to escape
is the mother not gonna make it
Sol and Ming arguing about the thief in Joe’s home
Ming truly the only one who believes Joe is still alive and will return. he sounds crazy and seems pitiful maybe if you can still pity him
oughhh medical bills
man, I've Got to let Joe's ability to do hard stunts in this new body go because they're not gonna address it and it's gonna continuously come up
Joe's plan is always to just get the people drunk lmfao
oof, drunk ming mistaking joe for uh joe
idk why joe thinks ming only likes tong. the real thing he should be telling himself is it doesn't matter if ming loves him or not, he still shouldn't go back to ming
anybody could find the key lol
Sol older than new joe
and Sol is offering Joe money too bt I know he'll turn it down here too
Ming suddenly kissing Joe to remember why he did it last night
bruh, Ming wants Joe to move in/stay with him? Joe standing in for Joe fr, Ming what the hell is wrong with you
girl, Joe thinks Ming's asking him to stand in for Tong as the person he likes?
what am I supposed to think of Ming's assistant fr
5 million baht and a house for his mother for staying with Ming for 1 year. well at least Joe's making the most of this deal
damn, this is lowkey prostitution
People were upset and done with Joe for going back to Ming and taking that money instead of P'Wut or Sol's but like... I kinda get him lmfao like he needs A Lot of money and like... kinda forever now because of not only his own 3 million hospital bills but also his mother's weekly dialysis. He cannot rely on people he likes and respects who are good people for that, especially because P'Wut's like not Super Rich and has his own family and while Sol's rich and doesn't seem to have a family to take care of, Sol doesn't even know that this new Joe is old Joe. So I get why he'd be like Ming, you're one rich motherfucker and also not a good person, I don't feel guilty taking money from you. and idk maybe he just likes being treated like shit or keeps consistently going back to it because of familiarity. Also it's kinda like Ming owes his anyway; although it's not like Ming's giving him the money for free.
Ep 7 (June 28)
fuck i wanna watch the ep but i’m going outside and also underground so i can’t watch it during my commute either agh. whelp im gonna try to watch justttt a bit before leaving bc i gotta charge my phone anyway. And actually instead of starting the next ep I should be reblogging ep 6 posts but i went to nap instead of doing that and now I wanna watch the next ep, not go through archives.
Who is Tharn?
gonna mourn that the people aren't seeing Poon's face one more time
i'm watching this aghast
and baffled
i don't even know what to write
Ming is actually so fucked up I cant believe he's trying to play house with replacement Joee. I'm into it
this kpop idol doing an MV where he has a bf lol seems like it's a thai release but still
not Sol apparently remembering Joe's back in the darkness and correctly deducing it's Joe's from the music video shot
not Sol and Ming having a dick measuring contest over old-Joe-in-new-Joe's-body-who-they-don't-know-is-actually-old-Joe
controlling ass Ming, chill outttt
"A new life... but why do I feel like everything is going back to the way it was?" I too want to ask this
girl, this is the sequel to the movie that caused everything?
I can't tell if Tharn himself will be a problem (like he seems arrogant kinda but noting a dangerous way like Tong or Ming) but Ming will probably cause problems if he finds out lol
did Tharn have anything to do with what caused Joe's coma?
Joe's mother also doesn't like Tharn hm
okay, I was like wtf Joe's asking if he used to date a man but he doesn't know if old-Joe was even out to his mother (I didn't even know if he liked men until this episode lol) and then was like uh i guess we're assuming she's okay with it but turns out she actually wasn't okay with it when she found out 2 years ago
Joe and other Joe both have shitty taste in men, whelp
wow, who would have guessed that the Joes had accidents on the same day
Ming believing in the connection between the 2 Joes and being like did you dream about anybody during the coma lol girl you are correct but it's not something you can ask directly
Ming kept the watch close to him, as expected
okay I have GOT to go but ahh I wish I could watch more.
I'm back and there were guests at home as well, so I couldn't watch it until now, at 11:22pm.
fucking Tong stop meddlingggg. wanting Tharn to mess with Joe so that Ming's not occupied with Joe. Tong wants Ming to invest in a movie and instead Ming's attention is on Joe? not under Tong's watch
Ming's so spoiled and entitled. yeah spend the night with me even though we're all at this place for work and you don't what the other cast and crew to find out; i don't care, so it doesn't matter
oh waitttttt this movie isn't the sequel to the movie that Tong kicked Joe out of? It's the original first movie where Ming fell in love with Tong's back (which was stand-in Joe)? because Joe knows where the crane is supposed to be...
okay, I rewatched the scene (18mins in) where they discussed what the movie would be and it clearly said it's the sequel to Tong's first movie lmfao idk why I missed some parts in this convo, I was distracted rip. and Wut had come in with the stand-in (our original Joe) back then too. makes more sense too because I've seen people from ep 6 mention that in the preview for ep 7, ming finds out about it being joe's back - that makes more sense if we're doing sequel to the original movie
Joe can't catch a break fr. Tharn get off this man
There was no way Ming wasn't gonna end up coming into the room and seeing them. At least it seems like he saw that Joe wasn't the one initiating anything or even reciprocating
not that it helps anything with Ming, he's too much of an asshole
bro Ming is scary as fuck sometimes
the dog comparisons T.T not even in a fun way T.T
yess okay joe going apeshit and letting anger get the best of him
Ming standing up to Tong and telling him to never talk about Joe again and saying Joe ended up that way because of the 2 of them. never seen this before. hope it doesn't make Tong mad and take even more drastic action
Ming trying to act normally the next day and even saying thank you (not "sorry" though) like. the audacity
ah, Joe was not credited as the stuntman for the first movie but they're giving new Joe credit for this second movie
okay tbh the background for this is nice because I didn't even think that there was a secret that Tong didn't play the scene, I just thought maybe people knew but Ming specifically was dumb lol or just didn't think to check that it might not be Tong. but nah, they had Joe give up the credit to be the fulltime stuntman
Ming in tears while thinking about Joe's conflict as being the stand-in (and the times Ming himself negged him) smh it's so hard to like this man when he's sooooo shitty
not Ming going into the scene randomly in front of all these people
ough, Ming backhugging Joe thinking he's Tong in ep 1 and now hugging new-Joe as he apologizes to old-Joe (who is in new-Joe's body)
the entire cast and crew being confused is killing me, I can't even enjoy this scene of Ming crying and apologizing and begging Joe to come back
I want to go straight into ep 8 (well it's 1:30am so I can't) but I gotta first go through the ep 6 and 7 posts on tumblr.
Ep 8 (June 29)
3 episodes left before I'm all caught up T.T then I'll have to wait for eps 11 and 12 rip.
okay we're not seeing the aftermath of last week's scene which is good for me because I would not be able to withstand the embarrassment
Tong making Joe do these tough scenes again and again let's kill him
"I have (again) become the emotional garbage dump of the two people who made me die" fucking hell
Ming being like oh? Joe's been like a whole new, different person since he woke up from his coma?
Sol knowing that the guy in the video is the thief + it reminds him of new-Joe's back but saying this guy isn't the guy... hm
Joe told Wut that he's Khun Ming's dek
Wut confronting Joe about why he knows and acts so much like original Joe. Joe's second confrontation in just a few hours lmfao
but also I think Wut's acting here maybe was lacking and idk how he should've played it but it felt a bit stiff? cartoony? idk
oh, Sol and Wut believe the thief was new Joe
I was wondering when we'd get the instant noodles making test
Ming stresses me out so much in terms of like what he's gonna do. i know they're gonna have sex and Joe's gonna sneeze though lmfao but I suspect that'll be like the very last scene
Joe going to see his original parents' graves with his new, unrecognizable body is so sad
omg i was wondering if somebody was gonna see Joe but I was thinking oh what if Ming's assistant sees him but Sol and Wut straight up caught him red-handed
was having lunch, so didn't type much but I did have thoughts lol
oh, that guy is Mike - Ming's brother. I saw a meme that had like Ming's brother and father texing him to kill himself (based on ep 10 i think lol) so i guess he's gonna continue being trouble
what's up with the car? is it original Joe's or something?
Ming is recreating his first night with original Joe
bruh, Joe is eager as hell too. haven't seen him be this reciprocative to Ming's advances since he woke up
Ming was so dumb for having Joe's original body with Poon's face and not looking at him while having sex like you foooool. what a face
this is going on for so long
The Sneeze
damn, they found Joe's body? i wonder if the dormant joe is in our original joe body
the orgasm sneeze coming back tohelp Ming truly solidify his belief about new Joe is really and truly incredible
Ep 9 (June 29)
I'm so nervous that I only have 2 episodes left and then I'll have to watch it weekly T.T and omg I won't even be able to watch it as it airs on the last Friday because I'll be at work in person. At least these last few eps are like 55-1h long rather than 48 mins like som of the earlier eps, I'll take the 10 minute increase
how horrid and tragic
does Wut think Ming loves Joe? ah, yea
man, this is so sad. how horrifying must it be to be stuck in a different body and have your original one be dead and decomposed and bones?
Joe attending his own funeral mannnn this is so fucked up
ohh Joe getting mad and physically trying to fight Ming at the funeral like "why are you crying now?" this is so saddd (even though this is suchhh a giveaway)
Joe: "I'll never forgive him, ever." I wish I could believe you joe
Isn't Ming being audacious and saying he's gonna burn all of Joe's belongings so that no memories are left... a bait to get Joe to get angry and prove that he cares too much because he's indeed old Joe?
why does Ming seem so insincere during this trap meeting
Sol's too brave, he overreaches too much. I liked him earlier on but after he and Ming fought while Joe was being hurt (in Joe's original body) I started being more critical of him and now it's not that I think he's bad or anything but I don't want Joe to end up with him
but nobody has more audacity than Ming, my god. get outtt
public stuff is soooooooo
the MC is crazy good at her job for recovering from that, woah
Ming already back to lowkey threatening Joe
this Sol and Ming public fight god shut upppp
what the hell, why is the boss man basically pimping Joe out to Ming.
okay also it's so silly that Ming loves Tong's back from that 1 movie and was angsty about it for like 4-5 years and used Joe as a replacement like lmfao who does that, how are you falling for somebody from their back and then not forming more opinions about them
ah, the back hug makes another appearence
This show ending last episode on the orgasm sneeze (+ phone call) to literally tragedy of Joe's body and funeral this ep is just so T.T
Ep 10 (June 30)
One last ep before I gotta wait T.T We're in the last quarter of the show too. I could watch it now (June 29 night) but hmmm I think I'll save it for tomorrow, just so that I have 1 day less of waiting for ep 11.
Also Ming has just never gotten to see Poon-Joe’s face during sex and now literally never will???? fuckkkkk dumbass Ming you fool
Watching a bit in bed before going to sleep and in the dark, on my small screen, it’s so intimate, it makes me feel even more connected to the characters and the narrative, more so than on my laptop at my desk
And by a bit, I meant 30 minutes. I like watching shows on my laptop and then my iPad and usually not so much my phone because the screen is so small but it made me feel their closeness somehow.
Anyway, I'm nervous to watch the rest of the episode because I think some shit goes down
Ming is so cute in the burrito blanket, you'd never guess all the criminal and horrid shit he's done
Joe's mom not letting up with the teasing lol but also valid questions, even if uncomfortable
1 week for Tong to get hundreds of millions of baht?
are there no movies in existence where Tong doesn't have the lead role? Joe shouldn't need to kick out Tong to get his footing. In fact, he should start as a side character indeed but in a movie without fuckass Tong bruh
the movie they want Joe to lead is called My Stand-In?
Joe's name isn't here AGAIN?! we gotta kill some people (Tong)
and Tong specifically out here saying he did all the action scenes himself
lmfao Tong explicitly said in the interviews that he did those scenes and the fire one was the hardest, if he brought the name back, he'd have to admit he lied, right?
not surprised that Tong brought in Ming's mother. also, does she know that Tong's like hundreds of millions of baht in debt?
I actually will not be able to rest unless Tong gets his comeuppance
Ming seems so pathetic now since he can't fight his family/parents. i wonder if he can't somehow try to at least turn his mom against Tong so that he can't try to whisper in their ear while Ming tries to figure the Joe thing out
omg Ming's just straight up coming out to his father
I skimmed through the ep 11 preview and it seems so dramatic, goddamn.
Now I have to wait for like 5 more days for the next ep but the worse part is that I'll have to wait 7 days after ep 11 for ep 12 and then I'll be at in-person work, so won't even get to watch it until many hours after the finale is released.
Y'know ep 9 of Wandee was released yesterday and I haven't watched it but what I've heard about the treatment of SA irritated me, and I'm really hoping this show doesn't disappoint in its last 2 episodes. We're in the final home stretch and I've enjoyed what the show has to offer so far.
I wrote this in the middle of episode 7 and I think my thoughts are still similar: Seeing people say they want revenge is so interesting because I didn’t expect that from this drama, so I’m not disappointed. I’m treating it like Vegas/Pete where Vegas is Extremely Shitty and the show knows he’s Extremely Shitty (as is Ming). However, they give him some stuff that makes him pitiful (hedgehog and abuse from his father. For Ming, it’s missing Joe and playing house while hoping he comes back ig and whatever backstory they'll give him) and while Pete or Joe want to leave and resist, they can’t for long. Vegas doesn’t really get his comeuppance for the stuff he did to Pete (the random guy shooting him doesn't count for me because Pete didn't do it and it wasn't because of what Vegas did to Pete) but in the end, Pete goes back to him anyway and even takes care of him in the hospital. I expect that something similar will happen with Joe; he’s seriously soooo like soft and wants family and doesn’t seem to want revenge, he’ll probably just try to resist Ming but obviously won't be able to, both because he loves him and because Ming's persistent. I hope Ming does Some graveling though; I enjoyed Vegas begging. I know that most people want the before-relationship to be the intense/dramatic part and when they get together, things are solved and, often I’m also in that boat like don’t get with somebody who majorly fucked up before discussing and fixing the fuck up but in the Vegas-Pete and Ming-Joe case, these relationships are way too fucked and unhealthy to neatly patch things up and just Be Good from then on. What I enjoy for VegasPete is Post-canon fics where Vegas fucks up again or we see the toll that Vegas’ treatment has taken on Pete or how they try to figure out their relationship (and their sex life). I think maybe I’ll also be into post-canon MingJoe where Ming’s treatment has fucked Joe up and how they try to fix it or have a relationship because even if Ming changes, it's not like you can just... Forget.
Addition from ep 9: I literally need Tong fucked up so bad though omgggg I cannot STAND that man but I've heard that he doesn't really have anything happen to him in the novel + Mek said the director told him to think of Tong as a good person who is ambitious, so they probably won't give him the villain comeuppence treatment agh.
There are people who still dislike Ming and don't want Joe to end up with him but for me, I feel like me liking or not liking Ming doesn't have any bearing on whether I want Joe to end up with him. Joe fully knows what sort of man Ming is, the show and the audience also know - it's not like some other shows where the love interest is a creep, but we pretend it's romantic or that he's a green flag through and through (forever side-eyeing Prapai in the first few eps of the PaiSky arc and people's reaction to Prapai even though I'm a PaiSky fan). So if Joe wants to stay with Ming even after that, I'll be curious to see how it goes, you know.
I had liked Sol and Joe for a few episodes earlier on but stopped once I saw him fight Ming and not stop even as Joe kept getting hurt while trying to stop the two of them. Ming I know is shitty but if Sol also hurts Joe without caring (and also he's just way too pushy for me - another trait he shares with Ming), then why would I root for Joe to get with him (esp when he doesn't like him romantically) while Joe knows how shitty Ming is but still loves him? It's kind of like Love Mechanics where the characters and some of the audience were talking about how Nuea's a better match. I didn't think Nuea was as much of a stand-up guy as people were saying because he seemed a bit skeezy and very pushy to me (though I can't actually remember much because it's been like 2 years since I watched it). So, I didn't want Mark to choose Nuea or Joe to choose Sol because I don’t think these people are like Good even though they’re better people than Vee and Ming. Might as well get with the toxic man you love and give me a compelling story if the other man is also unlikeable.
Also, I want Joe to top Ming just once. I loved Ming being willing (after kidnapping Joe) and I don't need all my fictional gay relationships to be vers (and I don't necessarily think they would suddenly become vers if Joe tops once lol) but I think it could be interesting.
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kmze · 3 months
I know it’s far fetched, but like I think there’s a TVD spin off happening, I remember duexmoi(idk if they are reliable) posted a casting call for a vampire show with 2 male leads and 1 female lead.They are looking for actors who age slowly since they are planning a 5 season vampire show. And the fact that last year Paul said he is willing to play a Dad role (STEP DAD STEFAN?!) if there’s a spin off show and then Paul once again said a few months ago in an interview that he will do a guest star if there’s a spin off and was like “You heard it here folks”👀 then this June wedding, Paul was like “maybe a spin off dude? Lmao maybe Paul was just trolling but like WHAT IF.??A girl can dream right haha
Oh I don't think it's far-fetched at all to believe another spin-off will happen, JP was not happy she had to end Legacies like she did and I think she'd bitter she didn't get to end the 'verse on her own terms. I know nothing about Deuxmoi's credibility but that sounds like a reboot more than a spin-off which would probably be easier to do since it would be a whole new cast but I'm not sure that's what JP wants. Only because she developed such an expanded universe over 13 years and all of the shows have fanbases so I don't think she'd want to reboot it rather expand on it more.
I saw that interview where he said he'd play the Dad and my first thought was "okay great so lets just make a AU where Stefan lived and Damon died and he's running the boarding school with Caroline." (sidebar: I think something like this happened in the books with Elena going back in time because Stefan died and like reversing things but I didn't get that far in the books, only made it through the first 5 books). I'm so not surprised he's starting to be like "well maybe" because like I said money talks and even he realizes the pull they still have with this show, especially with the never ending cons. Him and Ian also did that "Season 9" tease for their bourbon and I didn't know he said something at the con last weekend but "you heard it here folks" is like his favorite catchphrase.
So yeah wouldn't be surprised if something happens in the next 5 years, especially with so many shows and movies getting sequels, reboots or wrap-up movies I just don't know what.
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stormy333 · 4 years
Jonah The Runaway
Hey Loves!!! ❤💘❤💘❤💘
I know it's been a bit. I hope you all are doing alright!?! Today we are going to talk about how Jonah got his name and well if you do not already know this Jonah is my 3rd eldest fur baby my second eldest cat. So, lets dive in!
Twas a stormy day in Citra back in June of 2013. My brother and I were home alone and at the time we lived at the church, my family had our own lawn care biz 😂. Well, mumsy and dadzy were working and my brother and I were home chilling. He was on his PS3 (I know that was ages ago, right?) with the guys and doin’ his thing whilst I was playing with my barbies as any queen does at that age; and it so happened that I needed to use the little queens' room and get a drink. When I was doing so, I heard the tinest little “meow” and but of course I had to see who it was because it did not sound like Jazzy or Milly, so who could it be? I opened the door and I saw nothing but the grill cover was moving a tinsy bit and I heard that tiny sound again and lifted the cover and saw him! He was standing on his hind legs so tall yet so tiny and such big eyes and that lovely tuxedo coat slick as can be. We locked eyes for a moment and this tiny little kitten with huge “Bug” eyes had stolen my heart in just a moment, but also in that moment the little angel was gone. Of course, I called my mom and dad at once and told them and we were due for a storm soon at the end of June beginning of July. My brother and I were also (little did we know at the time) about to embark on a journey to West Virginia with our Uncle without our parents how exciting but nerve wracking! Anyways got a bit off track… The first spotting of this lovely kitten was about two weeks before June ended? We would see him on and off and he was most definitely wild because other strays would allow you to come near but he would not dare. He always ran. And at the time we were going through the book of Jonah the runaway prophet in Sunday school so my dad said that if we ever caught him that that is what his name would be. Jonah. Well he held to that promise and named my kitten Jonah we caught him the night my brother and I left for WV so when I got home I had my very own runaway and boy oh boy did he live up to his name!
To elaborate Jonah was never completely tamed? He was semi-social with our family, but his bond was/is strongest with me (he really believes I am his birth mom lol). He also has/had always had kidney issues from the very first time I picked him up out of the trap. We had to trap him to catch him and like I said we caught him the day/night before our trip with our Uncle. As wild as he was my mom knew we (I) would have to tame/civilize him well I am/was that one person as I was the one who wanted to keep him and rescue him. He ended up being an inside cat as he was to spazzy and plus his health. He would randomly get out of the house and be under the house for days on end because he would get scared so scared in fact it seemed like he was WILD again and we would have to trap him or stay outside for days on end to convince him to trust me again. Sidenote I was the first person to touch him after we caught him, my mom took care of him while I was in West Virgina that week. Anyways back to the subject his yearly run and hide aways are what made him live up to the “Runaway Prophet” nickname. His beautiful Big green eyes landed him the nickname Bug Eyes. Nearing 8 years old my Baby goes outside daily without running away he hangs out in the yard and even hunts. He randomly started doing that about a year ago he went outside one day, and I don’t even remember when or why but he went out and came back for the first time and then it just continued. My Bug grew up and matured. Now he goes in and out daily and hang out with his siblings. 
I hope you all enjoyed this post and have a lovely day/night whenever you're reading this and as always stay safe and I love you all!!!
Hailey Marie
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
winter love (all i want for Christmas is you) -- Hotch x Fem!Reader
Hi hi hi!! I have literally been writing this on and off since September, and now I finally get to share it!! A few quick things: this fic has very much Hallmark vibes but does have a good dose of angst too; for the sake of this fic, Aaron was born and raised in Virginia; and Jack was never born (sorry buddy!).
I listened to Michael Bublé’s songs “All I Want for Christmas Is You” and “Cold December Night” a lot while writing this, so feel free to play those while you read! xx.
(The gif is from google because once again, my gif search is broken on here because apparently this post is too long?? Rip me)
Summary: You’ve returned back to your hometown after leaving to get your education, but you didn’t expect to run into your childhood best friend (and first love). 
Word count: 9.4k
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If you told yourself a few months ago that you’d be moving back to Virginia, you would’ve scoffed and probably laughed -- loudly. Your mom, on the other hand, would’ve been elated, and swore she knew it.
Like she’s doing now.
“I’m just so excited to have you home again,” she gushes, helping you carry boxes of your clothes up to your old childhood room.
The room needs some work, like taking down all these embarrassing posters and changing the sheets to something not so cringe-worthy (thankfully, it’s a full-size bed instead of the old twin you grew up sleeping on). But it’ll be fine for the time being. It’s not like you’re going to find an apartment right before Christmas, or that you even want to. It’s been a while since you’ve spent a full Christmas season with your mom.
You’ve been studying out of state for the past six years, working to get your masters and doctorate degrees — which you’ve completed. But now you need a job and a new start, which is why you decided to come home.
You’ve missed Virginia a lot more than you’ll admit. It’s hard not to miss your hometown when you’re gone from it for so long.
“We need a Christmas tree,” you say, as you come back down the stairs. “Christmas is next week, how do you not have a tree up yet?”
“I wasn’t going to get one without you,” your mom says like the fact should’ve been obvious to you.
You laugh as you plop down next to her on the couch. “I know. We should go tomorrow.”
“Whenever you want to,” she smiles, squeezing your arm. “Have you been to your coffee shop yet?”
“My coffee shop?” You raise an eyebrow. “Since when has it been mine?”
“Since you practically lived there during high school,” your mom counters.
She has a point. “Well, no, I haven’t. I just got here.”
“You should go.”
You raise both eyebrows this time, turning your entire body to face her. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you trying to get me to go back there?”
“Why don’t you want to?”
You give her a look. “You know why.”
“I don’t.”
She does. She knows exactly what happened there.
“I’m not repeating it,” you mutter. “And I’ll be finding a new coffee shop, thank you very much.”
“Oh, you can’t let one bad experience stop you from going there!”
“So you do remember!”
“How could I forget? When you were a wreck for months after. I still never forgave him for that, you know.”
You shake your head, settling back against the couch pillows. “It’s been long enough now that I think forgiveness won’t hurt anyone.”
You say that, and yet you don’t want to step foot in that shop ever again.
It was the summer before your junior year. Aaron was a rising senior, so there was the weight of it being his last year already hanging in the air. Especially when he was already looking at a pre-law track for college — meaning he’d be insanely busy after graduation with not much time for you.
Unfortunately, you didn’t realize that his being too busy for you would start before then.
You were a year younger — technically almost two, but the way your birthday fell, you were only one grade younger — but that didn’t stop Aaron from being your friend. At first you thought he had ill intentions (as most older boys in high school did), but he didn’t. He genuinely enjoyed your company, and you genuinely enjoyed his.
More than genuinely. You say now that you don’t believe in love at first sight, but you know that’s because it already happened for you, and you believe it to be a one-time deal.
That one time was when Aaron sat across from you at the lunch table.
You were alone and reading a book. You were a freshman then, and being an extra year younger didn’t exactly help in the whole making friends department. Especially when a lot of your peers were already aware of your age.
But Aaron wasn’t aware, nor did he even care.
He saw that you were alone, and reading, and he decided to sit with you. He wanted to read too, anyway, but he knew he didn’t always like being alone when he read. Something told him you were the same way.
He was correct.
It took almost the entire fall semester before either of you said one word to each other. Sometimes you’d be too engrossed in the book you were reading to even notice he’d sat down in front of you. And when you would finally notice, he would be the one with his nose too deep in the book to notice.
But eventually, you started sharing book recommendations.
Which eventually turned into helping each other with homework. You were always better at math and Spanish than he was (you were already in the sophomore levels of these classes as a freshman), but he was always good with history and English. He must’ve noticed you were in freshman English and history, but he never commented on it — at least not in a way that said he was bullying you.
That winter break was when you started going to the coffee shop together. It was within walking distance of the high school, so the two of you would go at the end of the day until your parents could pick you up. Sometimes your mom would drive him home, or vice versa.
And when Aaron got his license, he’d drive you both there and drop you off at home.
The two of you were inseparable. Almost literally.
Until Aaron met Haley.
Haley was in theatre. She was everything you weren’t. Aaron’s age, pretty, funny, outgoing, and worst of all: popular.
You watched your best friend fall in love.
And that wouldn’t have hurt as bad as it did if it wasn’t Haley he was falling for.
You kept your feelings for Aaron quiet, even to your mom — though you found out later that she always knew. You had almost thought he felt the same, or that he might be beginning to, and then suddenly he was talking about some girl named Haley.
Only she wasn’t just “some girl” to him, or even to you. Everyone knew Haley Brooks.
Slowly, your lunch table conversations were less about what the two of you were going to do the coming weekend, and more about Haley. How he was going to get her to notice him (join theatre, even though he never liked theatre before her). How he was going to ask her on a date (it wouldn’t be a date at first, just dinner after theatre rehearsal, that ended up being with the entire cast, but he sat next to her). How he was going to win her over (he brought flowers to the first performance and surprised her backstage). How he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend (that was the same night as the flowers, completely unplanned, but she said yes).
How he thought he might want to marry her one day.
The last hurt most of all. He confessed it to you one night out of the blue as he was driving you home after school. You knew you could handle him being in love with someone else. Some sick part of you knew — or hoped, rather — that the relationship wouldn’t last. What high school relationship lasts longer than a few months, anyway?
But when Aaron fell for Haley, he fell completely. And hard.
He started cancelling plans with you to spend time with Haley — before they were even dating. When they were dating, he stopped making plans with you altogether.
Then came the summer before his senior year.
It had been months since you saw him last. You had a new lunch period the second half of the year because one of your favorite teachers asked for help during the period, which meant you didn’t have lunch with Aaron — but you don’t even think he noticed.
June came and went. The two of you barely saw one another, barely talked when you did. But when you did, you clung to those moments like they were your only lifeline. In a way, they were.
July finally came and he actually made plans to see you. He said he wanted to get coffee again, catch up, hang out for a few hours, sit in silence, even, whatever you wanted. You were excited.
Some part of you thought that he had broken up with Haley — wishful thinking, but you were sixteen and in love, what else were you supposed to think?
But he hadn’t broken up with her. They were very much in love. You know. You witnessed it.
Apparently, Haley didn’t like the idea of Aaron getting coffee and lunch alone with a female friend. So, she took it upon herself to tag along.
You saw them sharing a kiss through the window, Aaron’s back facing you. When they pulled away, Haley’s eyes caught yours, but she said nothing to Aaron, just pulled him back in for another kiss.
You didn’t go into the shop that day. And you haven’t since.
The last time you saw Aaron was the day before he moved to college. He was stopping by to say goodbye to you.
You were reading a book in your room, and your eyes caught the movement on the driveway. You told your mom to say you weren’t home.
You watched him leave from your bedroom window, hands stuffed in his pockets.
You heard that Aaron and Haley got married. Not because you wanted to hear, but because your mom told you. She probably meant well, but you drank an entire bottle of wine that night. You weren’t even 21 yet at the time.
Of course, it’s been years since then. You’re all fine now, and you’ve got the student loan debt to prove it.
But even with three degrees, job hunting can be a bitch. Especially this time of year.
You need coffee.
You blame the fact that this coffee shop is the best one around. And the fact that it’s Christmas season, meaning they have your favorite drink again.  
Dark chocolate peppermint mocha. It’s a godsend. And you haven’t had one in years.
Well, you have. But they haven’t been from here. They haven’t had this shop’s specially made peppermint whipped cream, or the peppermint stick that can be used to stir.
You hate how much you have to psych yourself up before you walk inside. You don’t even know where Aaron is these days or what he’s doing. He could be halfway across the country for all you know.
So, with that fact in mind, you walk inside. You embrace the familiar sight and smells, remembering what it felt like the last time you were here.
You move toward the counter, falling in the short line to the register. And your stomach flips when you see a familiar face standing in front of you.
Well, his back is facing you, so you don’t see his face, but you know it’s him. There’s this thing about first loves. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since the last time you’ve seen them. You’ll always recognize everything about them. The back of their head, their shoulders, their hands, the way they walk.
Their voice. Even if it’s deeper than the last time you heard it.
Maybe he won’t recognize me.
But what you don’t know is that no amount of time could pass to make you unrecognizable to Aaron.
Or that he saw your reflection in the glass case next to him when you got in line, and he’s been internally trying to figure out what the hell to say to you since.
If it hadn’t been for his voice, you wouldn’t have recognized Aaron at all. A black coffee? That’s it?
The barista pours it and slides it over to him before he’s even done paying. He’s at a coffee shop -- this coffee shop, and he orders a black coffee?
Who is he?
You step up to the register as he steps away, and you swear you see him looking at you through the corner of your eyes. But you must be seeing things because why would he do that?
You focus on ordering -- a medium peppermint mocha, complete with the whipped cream and peppermint stick. After paying, you step to the side to wait for your coffee.
You nearly knock right into Aaron, but you stop yourself, well aware of his presence.
Another thing about first loves: you’re always painfully aware of their presence.
“Hi,” he says, awkward and fumbling even though it’s only one word. He’s wearing a stuffy suit and tie, which seems odd, but you’re positive that’s just normal lawyer attire. He probably lives in a suit these days. His hair is shorter than it used to be and he looks older, but so do you. Despite all of this, he’s still Aaron. He’s still the same Aaron Hotchner you fell in love with at sixteen.
“Hi,” you return the awkward smile, tugging on the strap of your purse. After a beat, you nod toward his drink. “Black coffee, huh?” You try to tease. “Who hurt you?”
He laughs loudly then, shoulders and head shaking. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Hotchner,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself.
The conversation dies for a moment, so you busy yourself by looking at the different cakes and pastries in the glass case. You probably should’ve gotten one, but maybe another time.
Another time. Fifteen minutes ago you wouldn’t be caught dead in this shop and now you’re already thinking about another time.
“Are you busy?” Aaron suddenly asks, prompting you to look at him with furrowed brows. “Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” you smile gently, knowing you might regret this later. But it’s been over a decade since you’ve seen him last. One coffee won’t hurt.
And I’m over him, you remind yourself, no matter how untrue it might be.
Once you have your peppermint mocha -- finally, you think, it’s been too long -- you walk with Aaron to find a table. A lot has changed about this shop, but one thing that hasn’t (because there isn’t much that can be changed) is the seating.
Aaron leads you to your old table. The table the two of you practically lived at.
It makes your heart warm and ache all at once. The drink you decided to order isn’t helping matters either.
“So…” You pause, shifting in your seat. “What are you up to these days?”
“You stole my question,” he jokes.
“Tough,” you smile into your drink. “I asked it first.”
He chuckles, but answers anyway. “I’m working for the BAU now.”
“The B-A-What?”
“The-- FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
Your eyes widen. “Did you… Did you really just say you’re working for the FBI?”
“I think so,” he says. “I’m the unit chief.”
“You’re the-- Okay. So, you don’t work for the...the BAU, they work for you.”
“We’re a team,” he offers.
“Said every boss ever,” you quip, taking a long drink of your mocha. You take the peppermint stick in between your fingers and stir, eyebrows furrowing down at the swirl of coffee and whipped cream. “So...what do you do exactly?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then stops, hesitating. “Do you really want to know?”
You give him a look. “Of course I do.”
“It’s not great.”
“Aaron, just tell me, or I’ll start reciting my dissertation word for word.” Your statement stuns him to silence, so badly that you almost laugh. “That’s boring. Working for the FBI can’t possibly be boring.”
“Oh, it’s never boring, that’s for sure,” he mutters. “We profile serial killers.”
“You what?”
He laughs. “We look at their behaviors and crimes and build a profile, what they might look like, their age, that stuff.”
“I can’t believe you’re interested.”
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t be,” you counter. “You know I thrive off this stuff.”
“I remember,” he says quietly.
And just like that, you remember, too.
It’s so easy to forget about all the hurt he caused, all the pain he left behind. Especially because you know he never intended to hurt you. He would never do that, not to you, not on purpose. You never told him how you felt. It’s not his fault he couldn’t read your mind.
“Well, you’ve got a doctorate,” he says, shifting the conversation. “What else are you up to?”
“How did you know it’s a doctorate?” You raise an eyebrow. “Are you profiling me? Did I use that correctly?”
“Yes,” he smiles. “And no, not intentionally. You said you’d recite your dissertation. Those are normally written to get doctorate degrees. You always wanted one, I assumed you met your goal.”
“You assume correct,” you nod. “I’m back to start job and apartment hunting, but after the new year. I wanted to spend some time with my mom.”
“How is she doing?”
“She’s good, she--” You pause, shaking your head with a laugh. “She actually brought you up yesterday.”
“Me?” Aaron looks genuinely shocked.
“Yeah, you,” you knock your foot against his leg without thinking, but you pay no mind, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to it. “She’s actually the one who put the bug in my ear to come here.”
“Yeah, I haven’t been back here since…”
It takes him a moment, but he nods slowly. “Right.”
“Yeah,” you draw your legs closer to you on instinct. “But that was a long time ago. How are you and Haley?”
You don’t expect the way his face falls. You glance down at his left hand. No ring.
“We got a divorce a few years ago, split up about a good year before that,” Aaron explains. “She’s good, last I heard. Remarried already.”
“Wow,” you murmur, not knowing what else to say. “What-- I mean, what happened?” When he hesitates, you backpedal. “Sorry, I shouldn’t even ask, it’s probably a sensitive question.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron chuckles. “I don’t mind talking about it with you.”
That sends a dangerous flutter through your stomach. “Okay. Well I’m all ears.”
“Oh, it’s not a long story, it was just my job,” he shrugs. “I took the unit chief position and she was happy at first. But then, there was a period of time where we had what felt like case after case after case.” He shakes his head. “I was barely home, but I was barely in one state for long, anyway. It was a stressful time. We were everywhere at once.”
“That does sound stressful,” you frown. “Has it slowed down now?”
“Kind of, it has its moments,” he admits. “But being gone so much, it took a toll on her. She wanted to start a family, but said she couldn’t do that if I was never there.”
“But I mean she had to have known how your schedule would be with the new job, right?”
“Yeah,” he says, then shrugs. “It’s been so long now that I stopped trying to understand her thought process.”
“I get that,” you say sincerely. You understand not wanting to waste energy on something like that anymore. Sometimes you just have to give it up and have peace with the fact that you’ll never understand.
“What about you?” He asks suddenly, catching you off guard. “Seeing anyone?” He adds it quietly, like he’s shy.
Aaron Hotchner. Shy. Around you.
“Oh,” you nearly laugh at the prospect. “No. No, I’m not. Do you really think I would be if I was moving back in with my mom?”
He laughs, bringing his coffee to his lips. “You have a point there.”
A comforting silence settles over the two of you after that.
You shouldn’t feel slightly giddy that his and Haley’s relationship didn’t work out in the end. You’re over him by now, anyway. But something about being right has you fighting a smile. You smother the urge, though, knowing he probably doesn’t want to hear anyone, let alone you, say, “I told you so.”
You do feel bad for him, genuinely. Divorce is never easy for anyone, and you hate he went through that. Especially like that. Haley knew his work schedule would change. Why would she act supportive if she knew this in advance? Just sits uneasy with you, that’s all.
Of course, you feel that overprotective-best-friend nature coming back to you.
“What plans do you have now that you’re back?” He asks, keeping the conversation up, but you can tell he’s earnest — which makes you smile.
“Nothing, really. My mom and I are getting a Christmas tree later, but that’s all I have on my schedule.” You pause, giving him another look. “We both know you were my only friend in high school. Who do you think I’m going to see while I’m here?”
“Hopefully a lot of me,” he replies easily, smiling around his coffee.
And for once, you don’t hesitate to reply. “I hope so, too, actually. I didn’t think you were still around here. And I really didn’t expect you to be working for the FBI.”
“This might be presumptuous of me, but what are you doing this weekend?” He asks, quickly adding on, “A good friend of mine is hosting a Christmas party for the team, and I’ve basically been threatened to bring a plus one.”
“Threatened, huh?” You raise an eyebrow.
He nods seriously. “They won’t let me inside without one.”
You gasp comically, keeping up the act. “Well you can’t miss the party!”
“I know,” he sighs, propping his head in his hand.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to come with,” you say, still deadly serious.
But Aaron’s lips split into a grin the same time yours does. “It’s this Saturday.”
“Lucky for you, I’m free.”
He doesn’t stop grinning. “I can pick you up, if you want.”
“Yeah, I’d love that,” you say. “I should probably give you my number, shouldn’t I?”
“I was going to ask,” he admits.
You roll your eyes playfully. “I figured.”
After exchanging numbers, the two of you return to your idle conversations. Only, they’re less idle than they ever have been before.
He vents about still not understanding how people can be capable of the things he sees. How he knows that everyone is capable of unspeakable things, but it’s how they do it that still makes him stumble sometimes. And you try to sympathize, though you know you can’t. But still you tell him not to try to understand.
“You’re a good man,” you say. “You’re not going to understand it because you’re not like them.”
“Thank you,” he whispers. “I know that, consciously. Sometimes it’s good to hear it from someone else.”
Then he tells you it’s your turn, and again, you don’t feel the need to hesitate.
You tell him how you weren’t planning on moving back here at all. But the job market where you were didn’t...fit you, for some reason. You never felt like you belonged, and so maybe that’s why you wanted to come back here.
Because even though you left this place heartbroken, you still felt like you belonged when you were here. You felt like you belonged when you were with him, but you don’t tell him that.
Something tells you he heard it anyway, though. Being a profiler and all. Which you still don’t quite understand, but you’re sure he’ll have plenty of time to tell you in the coming future.
After an hour or two, you decide it’s time for you to head back home. Partly because you need to make some lunch for yourself, and partly because you’ve watched Aaron dismiss at least three phone calls in the last twenty minutes.
But he didn’t say a word each time, so you know he won’t tell you who it is or if he needs to go. It makes your heart warm at the thought that he wants to spend more time with you, but if it’s his job, then he needs to go.
He walks you to your car and you hug him around his neck, unashamedly taking a deep breath of his cologne when you stretch up to wrap your arms around him. He didn’t wear cologne back in high school. But this one smells good.
You mentally prepare yourself on the way home for the amount of questions your mom is no doubt going to ask.
You’re supposed to be going to pick out a tree with her today, which means you were supposed to be home a little earlier than this, which means your mom probably already knows what happened and you won’t even get a chance to explain yourself.
In the end, your prediction was correct.
“How was your peppermint mocha?” You glance over to the couch and find your mom sitting there, idly reading a book.
The question is as directly indirect as they come. You raise an eyebrow and kick the front door closed (yes, she asked before you even stepped foot inside the house). “It was good,” you reply, shrugging your jacket off your shoulders. “Why?”
“Oh, you enjoyed it for almost two hours, so I was just wondering.” Your mom fights back a grin, but she’s not doing a very good job.
You sigh. “Just go ahead and ask.”
She closes her book. “Alright, fine, I will. How is Aaron?”
There it is.
“He’s good,” you answer rather pointedly, making your way into the living room. “He’s working for the FBI now.”
“Oh, I knew that already.”
You plop down next to her on the couch. “Seriously?”
“Of course!” She cries, like it should be obvious. “Small talk happens when you see someone in the store.”
“Right,” you scoff. “Anyway, thanks for not telling me him and Haley divorced.”
She grimaces.
“Yeah, exactly,” you nod at her expression. “That’s how I felt. I bet it was just awesome of me to ask about how him and his ex-wife are doing.”
“I’m sorry,” your mom says. “It completely slipped my mind. It’s been so long since those two split.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when it happened?”
“Because I didn’t want to bring him up,” she answers sincerely. “You seemed like you had really moved on. I figured it didn’t matter, and I didn’t want to make you start thinking about him again when you had finally gotten over it all.”
“Oh,” you murmur. “Well, thank you, then, but...still. I feel like an idiot.”
“Did he seem angry when you asked?”
“No, the opposite,” you sigh. “He explained what happened and I let him talk about it for a second, but he seems mostly moved on from it.”
“I don’t know how he can be,” your mom scoffs. “She’s already remarried, you know.”
“Yeah, he told me.”
Your mom shakes her head. “I should’ve shook some sense into that boy when he came to say goodbye that day.” Then she pauses, poking your leg. “And I should’ve made you say goodbye to him. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”
“I didn’t wanna talk to him,” you shrug. “We barely had all year, anyway. And one goodbye would not have stopped him from going to college and marrying Haley, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs. “It’s fun to think about, though.”
“Well stop thinking about it,” you mutter. “We are friends and he’s probably seeing someone by now. I don’t even know how long I’ll be here, so.”
Your mom raises her eyebrows. “I never said anything about what you guys are now.”
Damn. Caught. “I know, but I’m just...catching you before you do.”
“Mmm, more like catching yourself.”
“Shut up.”
She lightly hits you with a pillow. “Don’t say that to your mother,” she jokes. “Especially not when I’m right and you know it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to pick out a tree?”
“Of course,” she replies. “Just let me find my shoes.”
While she’s getting ready -- because “finding her shoes” really means fixing her hair and makeup and changing outfits a couple times -- you get a text from Aaron.
Aaron: It was nice catching up with you today
You smile and type your reply. Ditto. We should do it again sometime.
He doesn’t reply, but you figure he’s busy at work, anyway. And you’ve got a tree to pick out and decorate, so you’re technically busy, too.
You try not to think too much about it.
And truthfully, you don’t think much about it, until Aaron finally replies. It’s hours later when you’re decorating the freshly-cut Christmas tree in the living room, with Michael Bublé’s Christmas album playing through the stereo speakers. It’s just like when you were younger.
You check your phone and see that it’s Aaron texting you back, but you pocket it before reading the message. You’re busy.
Your mom notices the change on your face. “Everything alright?” She asks as she places a snowflake ornament on one of the smaller branches.
You nod without thinking, hating yourself for even feeling what you’re feeling right now. A glittery red ornament hangs from your index finger as you try to find the right branch to hang it on -- and while your mind wanders all over the place.
“Clearly not,” your mom replies. “But alright.” She turns and reaches into a different box, picking up one of the golden jingle bells that she always hides deep within the tree each year. When you were younger, she’d hide them without you seeing, and then on Christmas Eve you’d have to search the tree for them before you could open one present before going to sleep.
You snort a laugh, always loving her way of getting you to open up: sarcasm. “It’s just Aaron.”
“Texting me,” you explain, looking down at the glitter coating your fingertips from the ornaments.
“Aren’t you going to reply?” She asks, grabbing another jingle bell.
“Technically he’s the one replying from earlier today.”
You sigh. Time to cave. “He invited me to a Christmas party this weekend.”
Your mom doesn’t even try to hide her excitement or her wide grin. “Really? That’s great!”
Is it? You want to ask, but you stop yourself. “Yeah,” you shrug. “I guess so. It’ll be nice to hang out with him more.” You pause, finally hanging the small glittery red ornament on the tree that you’ve been idly holding for the past two minutes. “Apparently a friend of his is hosting it and basically told him he wouldn’t be allowed inside without a plus one.” You chuckle quietly, knowing Aaron had to have rolled his eyes when his friend told him that.
“So it’s...a date, then?”
“What? No,” you shake your head. “No, no. Not a date. He didn’t phrase it that way.”
“Sweetheart, plus one implies date.”
“Who says?”
“Everyone!” Your mom laughs. “Bringing a plus one to a wedding is usually a casual date, if not bringing your significant other along.”
“This isn’t a wedding, it’s just a Christmas get together.”
“Same difference.”
“Well, I think you’re doing that thing again where you try to plant seeds in my brain for things that are unnecessary,” you raise an eyebrow at her when she avoids eye contact, so you know you’ve caught her red-handed. “All that aside,” you sigh. “I’m over him. It’s been so long. If something was going to happen, it would have already.”
“Whatever you say,” she shrugs indifferently, grabbing the final jingle bell to hide in the top of the tree. For a brief moment, you wish you hadn’t been watching where she hid them, so you could do the search on Christmas Eve one more time.
You bump into Aaron one more time, two days later, at the same coffee shop.
“Back for more?” He teases as he slides into the seat across from you, another black coffee in his right hand.
You’re sitting at the table the two of you call home with yet another peppermint mocha sitting in front of you and your laptop. More job hunting is the task for today, even though you’re ready to give up and just pick it back up after the New Year. It’s not like your mom is making you pay rent, and you have enough in savings to help with groceries (without her knowledge, of course, because she refuses to let you pay for anything) and buy your own coffees. But, you decided to give it one last go today.
That is, until Aaron slid into the seat in front of you. Now, you close your laptop and place it back in your bag. “Just needed some fuel for more job hunting,” you grin. “What are you doing here?”
“I took off for lunch for once and thought I might find you here.”
“Oh?” You raise your eyebrows. “Were you seeking me out, Hotchner?”
“Maybe a little,” he admits with a shy smile. “Are you still good for tomorrow?”
“As long as you are,” you nod. “What time?”
“I’ll pick you up at five, if that’s good?”
“Perfect,” you smile. “Are you ready to introduce me to your friends?”
“Depends,” he exhales exasperatedly. “Are you ready to meet them?”
“They can’t be that bad.”
“They might be. If you aren’t used to them.” He pauses. “They don’t know you’re coming, by the way.”
“What?” You almost laugh. “Why not?”
“I told them I was bringing someone, but I didn’t feel like hearing it all week about who I was bringing.” He pauses again, like he’s holding something back, and then he lets it out. “They know all about you.”
You blink. “They do?”
“Yeah,” he smiles gently. “I talk about you all the time.”
“No,” you shake your head. “No you don’t. There’s no way.”
“You’ll believe it tomorrow,” he chuckles. “I’m sure they’ll try to embarrass me.”
“I-I mean...what do you even say about me?”
He shrugs. “That you were my best friend in high school and...that I missed you and wondered what you were up to these days, and how we used to hang out here.” He looks around the shop, then back to you and your bewildered expression. “What?” He laughs. “You didn’t talk to your friends about me?”
“No, I did,” you laugh quietly. But I said different things. And most of the time I was crying because I missed you, especially my first year of college when my roommate tried to get me to go on a double date with her boyfriend and his roommate, but I refused and had to confess that I wasn’t over you and that you broke my heart, and I was such a mess that she brought ice cream and chocolate back after their date.
But you don’t say any of that. Obviously.
“I just didn’t expect you to even...think about me, I guess,” you finally spit out, still shaking your head. “I mean...we haven’t talked since high school, I figured you’d forgotten or moved on, at least. Especially since you had Haley.”
Aaron’s expression softens and turns sad, quickly. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I didn’t know you thought any of that.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you wave his worry away. “It’s years ago. Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. Then, he says, “Haley was jealous of you, you know.”
You immediately look up from your mocha, your eyes wide in shock. “She was what?”
“Oh yeah,” Aaron laughs. “Devastatingly jealous of you. She swore we were dating or that I was in love with you or something.”
Or something. “Wow,” you chuckle, trying to mask your hurt as much as possible. “Why did she even think that?”
You know why. You know exactly why. Because before her, you and Aaron were attached at the hip. You sat together during lunch, walked each other home, hung out at the coffee shop, went to school functions together (well, you’d actually go with a big group, but you two always ended up together anyway), and so on and so forth. Anyone would’ve been an idiot to not assume you two were dating.
“We were so close,” he shrugs. “She said she was so surprised when I asked her to be my girlfriend because she swore I was dating you. She actually asked me that, when I gave her the flowers. She said, “What about Y/N?” And I said, “Y/N? She’s just my best friend.” And she didn’t believe me.”
“That’s so crazy,” you say, but you’re really thinking back to that day you and Aaron had decided to meet up here and hang out after so long. When Haley crashed the hangout. When she locked eyes with you and smirked before pulling him back in for another kiss.
She was jealous. She was jealous and she knew exactly what she was doing that day.
Aaron’s phone starts ringing and he sighs heavily, pulling it out. He almost declines it, but then stops himself. “It’s the boss,” he says. “My boss. I’ve gotta take this. I’ll text you later?”
“Sure,” you smile, knowing he might forget or get too busy to think about it. But that’s okay. “Good luck with the phone call.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles. “I’ll need it.” And then he brings his phone up to his ear. “Agent Hotchner,” he says, and you hate that you find it so hot.
You almost cancel with Aaron a dozen times before 2p.m.
You blame the conversation the two of you had yesterday. For some reason, the thought of Haley being jealous of you had never crossed your mind. Because to you, it was so obviously the other way around. Of course, you weren’t vocal about your jealousy, but you were certain she knew. Not that it was the other way around.
Old feelings have already resurfaced, which is bad enough, but the talk about Haley and about how Aaron’s friends know all about you made things worse. Especially the latter.
Why would he talk about you so much if the two of you hadn’t spoken in years? Not even years, but like an entire decade. Why would he still talk about you and think about you that much?
You have dwelled over those questions since he left the coffee shop yesterday.
But now, you have no idea what to wear, and Aaron will be here any minute. You’re assuming the attire is casual, not fancy, since it’s just a get together with his friends -- who all happen to be his team of agents. FBI agents. Because he’s just casually the Unit Chief of the BAU.
It still baffles you. He wanted to be a lawyer. Not in the FBI. God.
He’s still your Aaron. That’s what shocks you the most. He’s experienced law school, marriage, practicing law, working for the FBI, becoming a Unit Chief, divorce, and yet he’s still the Aaron Hotchner you were best friends with in high school.
You wonder if you’re still the girl he was best friends with in high school. Or if you’ve changed so drastically that he doesn’t see you that way anymore.
You take a deep breath, going back to digging through the many boxes of clothes that you have yet to unpack. You need a sweater or something. That’s safe enough, right? It’s too cold for a dress, and frankly, you’re not in the mood for wearing one, anyway.
Finally, you find the sweater you were looking for. You tug it over your head, figuring your jeans are fine enough. You’ll wear some low heels to make it look like you put in a little more effort.
Your quick thinking is to your benefit because the doorbell rings almost as soon as you’re done doing the clasp on your second heel.
But because your mom is quicker than you, she’s already opened the door and let Aaron in before you can make it downstairs. And by the time you are coming down the stairs, Aaron is sitting on the couch with your mom, making idle conversation.
“Hey,” you smile at him, resisting the urge to glare at your mom. “Ready?”
“If you are,” he nods, standing to his feet.
When he turns, you shoot your mom a look. “We’ll be back later.”
“You’re not in high school,” your mom laughs. “You two have fun for as long as you like.”
“I know,” you say. “But I also know you’ll wait up until I get back.”
“And you can’t stop me,” she replies pointedly.
Aaron laughs at the two of you, your banter just as he remembers from all those years ago. Neither of you have changed one bit.
After a final moment of bickering, you bid your mom goodbye and leave with Aaron.
In the car, you ask, “Have you told them about me coming yet?”
From the driver’s seat, he shakes his head. “No, so prepare yourself for a lot of questions.”
“I think you’re the one that’ll be in hot water, but alright,” you chuckle. “I can hear them now. ‘Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing her!’”
He laughs loudly. “That’s not a bad impression, actually.”
“Why, thank you,” you smirk. “It’s a hidden talent of mine.”
“Oh, really?”
The two of you share a grin as he keeps driving.
After some time -- long enough that you were beginning to wonder where he’s taking you -- Aaron finally turns into a subdivision. But it’s still not what you were expecting.
You assumed FBI agents must make good money, but not this good. This is a mansion. It’s massive. There has to be at least six bedrooms in there, maybe more.
“Is your friend a millionaire or something?”
Aaron chuckles, “Maybe. Probably. Maybe more.”
“More?” Your eyes widen. “Wow.” And then Aaron pulls into the driveway. “Wow.”
He puts the car in park and says, “Try not to look too surprised. Dave won’t shut up about the house if you get him started.”
“What if I want to hear everything?” You ask, scrambling out of the car to look up at the house. “Jesus Christ.” Then you whip your head around to look at Aaron exasperatedly. “Does your house look like this?”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “No. This is too big. Dave’s crazy for buying it.”
“He’s definitely insane,” you nod. “I mean, what do you even need a house this big for?”
Aaron shrugs. “Christmas parties, I guess.” He pauses, holding out his arm for you. “Ready to face the lions?”
You roll your eyes through a laugh, loosely holding onto his arm. “Quit being so dramatic. I bet it’ll be just fine.”
“Let’s hope so,” Aaron replies. Because truthfully, he is a little worried that they might scare you off. They have a habit of doing that.
The two of you walk up to the front door, and you try your best to act like you’ve been in the general vicinity of a house this big before. Dave must be a really good friend of Aaron’s, because instead of knocking or ringing the doorbell, Aaron twists the doorknob and walks right in with you on his arm.
“Dave’s making pasta,” Aaron whispers, smelling the air. He shuts the door gently, wanting to surprise the team as much as possible.
You sniff the air, too, smiling happily. “Smells really good. Is that carbonara?”
“Good nose,” a voice says from the kitchen.
“That’s Dave,” Aaron chuckles, walking you down the hall toward the smell.
The team’s eyes all widen dramatically and comically when Aaron Hotchner steps inside the kitchen with a woman on his arm.
“Well, hello,” one of them says, sliding off the stool at the counter to saunter over to you. He’s all suave and swagger.
“Derek Morgan, this is Y/N,” Aaron introduces you quickly, knowing the reaction your name will get.
“Hold up,” Derek pauses, glancing between you and Aaron. “Y/N? As in the Y/N?”
“I don’t know about being the Y/N, but that is my name,” you laugh. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Derek says, a hand over his heart to add to the sincerity. “Where have you been hiding all this time?”
“Getting a doctorate,” you shrug, only now realizing that your hand is still holding onto Aaron’s arm, but he doesn’t seem fazed by it either, so you don’t move.
“Oh, alright,” Derek chuckles. “Hey Reid, we’ve got another doctor here.”
The man in question, Reid, looks up from the book he was reading with furrowed eyebrows. “Hi.” He waves.
“Hey,” you wave back. “What’re you reading?”
“War and Peace. In Russian, though.”
“In-- Wow, okay.”
“He’s a genius,” Morgan explains.
“I see that,” you chuckle.
Aaron finishes the introductions for you. “That’s JJ, handles the press for us because none of us want to do it.”
“He’s not wrong,” JJ replies with a laugh. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you smile.
“You met Reid, his first name’s Spencer,” Aaron supplies, and Reid is too far gone in the book again to notice. “This is Emily Prentiss.”
“And I have been dying to meet you,” Emily says. “You are exactly how he described.”
“In a good way, I hope?” You laugh nervously.
She nods. “Definitely.”
Aaron points to the other woman at the counter. She’s dressed in all sorts of crazy colors with glasses that match her outfit. And before he can introduce her, she says, “I’m Penelope Garcia, technology extraordinaire. I keep them out of trouble.”
“And we love you for it,” Derek adds.
“And this is Dave,” Aaron finishes.
“It is very nice to finally meet you,” Dave says, and actually shakes your hand. “Do you know how to make carbonara?”
“Yes, actually,” you say, earning a surprised look from Aaron. “I went through a phase when I was younger, wanting to make anything and everything that sounded good, so I’ve made this a few times. My mom loves it.”
Dave loves the sound of that. “Would you like to help me?”
You practically light up inside and out. “Seriously? I’d love to!”
“Oh, here we go,” Derek groans. “He’s roped her in.”
You ignore him, slipping away from Aaron to grab the other apron off the hook by the entrance to the kitchen. You slide your head through the loop and tie it at the back in a matter of seconds, too excited to contain it.
“I almost went to culinary school, you know,” you say to no one in particular, but Aaron is listening, and so is Dave.
“Why didn’t you?” Aaron asks.
You shrug. “Didn’t seem practical.” Which isn’t the real answer at all. The real answer is you got your heart broken and needed to do a complete 180 in life, so you did. Culinary school was out. Getting a doctorate was in. You turn on the water in the sink and begin washing your hands. “What do you need me to do?”
For the next hour, you help Dave make the carbonara, occasionally answering any questions Aaron’s friends have for you.
Aaron pours you a glass of wine and sits at the counter, watching you cook. You look more at peace than he’s seen you since a few days ago when he first bumped into you again.
You catch him looking at you more than a handful of times. It feels good. Spending the evening with his friends, his team, with him. You’ve missed spending time with him more than anything else.
Dave serves up the carbonara, telling you to sit down since you helped so much already. You don’t make him ask twice.
After dinner, everyone moves into the living room, scattering on the various couches and chairs. Reid has finished reading War and Peace, so the book sits discarded on one of the coffee tables.
You take the spot on the couch next to Aaron, careful not to spill your wine. Penelope sits on the other side of you, with Derek on her other side, which all but forces you to move closer to Aaron, and something about the look on Penelope’s face tells you it was done on purpose.
You’re not exactly complaining, though. With a full stomach and a fresh glass of wine, Aaron’s presence is even warmer than before. You pay no mind when he shifts his left arm, stretching it over the back of the couch and allowing you to scoot closer, your legs pressed against each other’s.
The conversation continues, and somehow the subject of relationships is brought up.
“Yeah, why was I the only one asked to bring someone?” Aaron asks. “I’d like to see all of you find a last minute date.”
Another warm rush goes through your body at the word date. This is a date. Alright then.
“I think you did just fine,” Dave says, nodding to you. “Don’t you?”
You shrug, not sure of what to make of it. “I’m having fun, so I guess so.”
“See?” Dave gives Aaron a look. “You did fine.”
Aaron gives his friend a tired glare. “Only because she happened to be back from getting her degrees. Otherwise, I would’ve been stuck.”
“Nah, man, you could’ve called Beth.”
You feel Aaron tense next to you, but you aren’t sure if he tensed up or if you did. Maybe both. Probably both. You weren’t aware there was someone else.
“Who’s Beth?” You ask as casually as possible, ignoring the heated glares Penelope, JJ, and Emily alike are sending Derek. Seriously, Derek would be dead three times over right now if looks could be deadly.
Aaron shrugs before answering you. “Her and I dated briefly last year.”
You nod slowly, trying not to seem hurt or upset or anything by this because it’s ridiculous of you to be fighting back tears, but you can’t help it.
It’s high school, goddamnit, it’s fucking high school all over again.
The topic of conversation shifts thanks to Reid being the endless supplier of random facts. One question about Russian from Emily and he’s taking over, washing the awkwardness away in two languages.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well for you as it does for everyone else.
You set your wine glass down on the table and tell Penelope you’re going to use the bathroom. You have no clue where it is, but she doesn’t know that.
Aaron does. And Aaron hears the tone of voice you use.
He waits until you’re down the hall before he stands to follow you, foregoing any explanation to his friends. They already know what he’s doing.
Aaron’s suspicions are correct when he hears the front door close and sees your coat no longer hanging next to his on the hook by the door. He grabs his and only gets one arm through a sleeve before he’s opening the door, eyes searching the premises for you.
Thankfully, he finds you after two seconds, and his racing heart slows a little. You’re standing by the reindeer lights on Dave’s front lawn. Your coat is only hanging on your shoulders, something you’ve always done since high school when you were upset.
“It feels more like a blanket,” you had told him one day. “Blankets are more comforting than jackets.”
He doesn’t see the difference, but you do, and that was enough for him.
He has both arms through the sleeves by the time he’s next to you. He gently touches your arm to get your attention, adding a soft, “Hey,” for good measure.
You turn your head at the sound, having already known he was coming because you heard the front door open. In the back of your mind, you had wanted him to follow you out here, but now that he’s done it, you aren’t so sure this is what you wanted.
You wanted to ignore the feeling. Get it to disappear on its own. Survive the night, then never talk to him again. You were heartbroken, but it was better when you weren’t speaking to him. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
“I’m sorry,” Aaron says softly. “Beth and I haven’t spoken since our last date a year ago. It was only three dates. We weren’t serious at all.” He pauses. “I have no idea why Derek said that. He doesn’t think before he speaks sometimes.”
You nod, not having it in you to laugh at Aaron’s small jab, even though he is entirely correct. Derek is a quick thinker with a sharp wit, but you can see how it might backfire sometimes. Like tonight.
You believe Aaron, you really do. But it’s so hard. “Did you love her?”
Aaron is stunned for a moment, but says, “No. I don’t think I did.”
“Okay.” You shake your head, looking down at the grass. “I’m just trying to figure out why Derek would’ve brought her up if...if you guys dated so briefly.”
Aaron sighs. “I don’t know.”
“And is this a date?” You blurt, finally finding the courage to get that one out. “Because if it is, I…I don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?”
You shake your head again, trying to find the right words, but they always seem out of reach. “Just...tell me this won’t be like high school.”
This time Aaron is too stunned to form a real answer. “What?”
“Please,” you sound like you’re about to cry and you feel so pathetic that you wish you had never agreed to come tonight. But you’re here anyway. “I was in love with you then, and I’m still in love with you now, but I can’t do that again. So if this is a just friends thing and always will be, I need you to tell me before I hurt myself all over again.”
Aaron can’t believe his ears. He swears he heard you wrong. He must have. “You were in love with me in high school, too?”
“Yes-- Wait, too? What do you mean too?” Now you’re looking at him, eyes wide in confusion, shock, every emotion possible. “Too?”
“I was in love with you, Y/N,” he chuckles, reaching for your hands. “I thought you just saw me as an older brother. That’s why I never...said anything.”
“What?” You breathe, letting him thread his fingers through yours. “Are you serious? You better not be pulling my leg, Hotchner. Don’t do that to me.” You tug on his hands for emphasis, giving him a stern look.
“I’m not joking,” he says, taking a step closer. “I wouldn’t joke about this.”
“Oh my god,” you say, disbelief a powerful thief of words. “I can’t believe… So you went after Haley because…”
“Because I heard from one of her friends that she had a crush on me,” he admits. “I did love her, but not as much as I loved you. Never as much as I loved you.”
You don’t know what else to do or say. He looks so beautiful in this light that it hurts, and now he’s saying words you never thought you’d ever hear.
“Do you forgive me?” He asks. “For breaking your heart?”
“Only if you forgive me for breaking yours,” you whisper.
He shakes his head. “I broke my own. I should’ve told you how I felt.” He pauses. “I even talked to you about Haley all the time. Is that why you didn’t say goodbye to me?”
You nod. “It sounds so stupid now, but I was so hurt.”
“I’m an idiot,” he laughs. “I’m the dumbest fool to ever walk the Earth.”
“We both are,” you correct him, taking a step closer. It’s cold out here, but he’s warm. He’s always been so warm. Like home.
And you-- you’ve always been who Aaron thinks of when he thinks about being happy. It’s always been you. A moment like this, and a thousand others. He wants them all. And to think, you do too.
His lips meet yours in a long-awaited kiss, cold noses bumping against one another, his warm hands holding your face, your chilled fingers finding their home on his neck, stealing his warmth.
From the window, the team watches, and Emily exchanges money with Derek.
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lovenhlboys · 4 years
From a Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)
Chapter 1
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A/n: hello peoples!! I’m so excited to FINALLY post the first chapter of this fic!!! I’ve been working on it for a long time, and after a few unpleasant delays, it’s finally happening 😁. While this isn’t my first fic, this is my first NHL fic, and the first fic I’m posting on Tumblr, so I’m a little nervous. This first chapter is mostly the set up to the main story, this is reader’s side of things with a flashback story. Chapter two will be mostly from Elias’s point of view. The rest of the chapters will switch back and fourth between the two.
CREDIT: Finally, before we get started I have to shout out my proofreaders. Y’all put up with me and my insanity: @siriushxney @iateyourdonuts @petey-patty @hufflepuff-girlx @cherrylita @immmbabyyygraceee @💕💕And specifically @imagines-r-s ASH!!! Babes, you have been the best and most supportive friend I could’ve asked for during this. You boosted my confidence about this fic and I have no idea what I’d do without you 😁😁
Without further ado, let’s get started shall we!! (Sorry for the long A/N, it’ll only be for this first chapter)
Paring: Elias Pettersson X Fem!Reader
Warnings: lots of cursing, friends with benefits but like...just cuddling???, references to iCarly, mentions of One Tree Hill.
Genere: enemies-ish —>friends —> lovers
Legend: (i suggest having these ready before you read)
Y/C/N/N= your cute nick name, only Markstrom calls you it (you’ll see why) this can be either a pet name you like, or a nick name you already have.
Y/N/N= your nick name, Brock, Quinn, and a few others call you this, it’s more of a playful name. Again, this can be a nickname you already have (if you don’t have one I suggest something stupid (sounds like something Stech or Brock would come up with)
Y/N= this is your first name, only Elias calls you this unless it’s a serious situation, or you’re in trouble, or Brock is being an ass. (If it wasn’t clear before...your last name is Boeser)
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: you have a hardcore crush on your brothers best friend, who also happens to barely speak to you...it’s a slight predicament.
(This is set in the 2021 season, however, because of my denial, Marky and Stech are still in Vancouver and were never traded... also no Covid. however the season was still delayed just to make it easier to follow.)
Present (Feb. 2021)
You’ve always been best friends with your older brother, you never had any real issues when you were younger and you were inseparable. So much so in fact, that once you graduated early a little less than two years ago (June 2019), he asked you to move to Vancouver and live with him. He was always so protective of you and you appreciated everything he has done in your life. One of the best parts about Brock being your older brother was the people he introduced to you. You aren’t very social and god knows how much of a people person your brother is. Once you had moved in, Brock quickly introduced you to the team. And with your double major in Statistics: Data Sciences and Sports Management, you were able to secure a job with the team. Quickly, you found yourself with a second family, one with many members.
Quinn Hughes is your best friend. when you met him about a year and a half ago, you hit it off immediately. With both of you being the same age and not very social, there was an obvious connection there. When Brock and The boys  go out, it is you and Quinn who stay in and watch shows on the couch (your favorite being New Girl). Huggy Bear is so sweet and you tell him EVERYTHING, even things you’d never tell your brother. You are still thanking the draft lottery every day that the Canucks received the 7th overall pick that gave you your bestie.
Thatcher Demko AKA Dems AKA Thatch AKA baby goalie is the sweetest and most hilarious guy you know. He is always looking after you just like Brock, but he is also one of the most annoying guys you know. When you’d first met you had the biggest crush on him. You told Quinn as much and he gave you so much shit for it. That crush was short-lived though, once you found out how obnoxious he could be. You still love him, just as a friend. Though Quinn never forgets to remind you of the crush that once was.
Bo Horvat is like another big brother to you. Sure you have Brock, but he’s your best friend. Bo, however, is the person you go to when you needed advice. Holly is one of the only WAGs you’ve become close with. She and you consistently have wine and gossip nights, of which Quinn is sometimes in attendance. Plus, you and Quinn are an amazing babysitting team for Gunnar if you have anything to say about it. 
Troy Stecher is the annoying older brother you never had. He always makes fun of you, calls you names, and bullies you in the loving way brothers do. And he never hesitates to come to you if he ever needs girl advice, which seems to happen a lot.
JT was just like Bo, except he is waaay more protective of you, maybe even a bit more than brock. He doesn’t have a sister and when you met, he made it his job to never see you get hurt. Seriously, one day a guy was bugging you at the bar, and both Brock and Bo were struggling to hold him back when he saw him slap you on the ass as you walked away. 
Jacob Markstrom, AKA Marky, AKA Giraffe (pronounced like it is in one of your favorite vines), AKA your cuddle buddy for the past few seasons. Both being single, you felt lonely sometimes and Quinn wasn’t much of a hugger (despite what the nickname might have you believe). Thatcher had offered but Marky, though just as social, is much more laid back. It also helps that he is 6’6 putting him over a foot taller than you. So during movie nights, or late nights at the bar, he is the side you lean on. Of course, you made it abundantly clear to most of the boys and yourselves that you were just friends. As sweet as he was and as great of a boyfriend as he would’ve been, he wasn’t quite your type and your personalities clashed.
Then there was Elias Pettersson, the tall, skinny, Swedish guy you knew as Petey. The guy who looked at you often and barely spoke a word directed towards you. He was Brock's best friend and he came over all the time, you didn’t have an issue with him, and you couldn’t deny he was funny, and from what you’ve heard he is a very kind person. So naturally, he was exactly your type. You’ve had a massive crush on him for a while now, somehow despite the lack of conversation. And the few times he has talked to you, he’s seemed so perfect, but there are only a few times you can remember. 
Right now, as you're on your way to the Canuck’s break room your brother texted you to meet him in, you try to recall those few times, specifically the one where your crush on him truly developed.
FLASHBACK (some time in January, 2020)
You, Quinn, and Jacob were laying on the L-shaped couch in ‘The Boeser apartment’, you were cuddled under the blanket with Jacob, laying on the section perpendicular to the TV, your heads at the corner. Quinn was on the other side of the couch, his head right next to yours. it was about 7 o’clock and the episode of One Tree Hill you were watching had just ended and you three had not eaten dinner yet. As the countdown for the next episode started, your stomach growled and you got a look from Quinn and a giggle from Jacob. 
“You hungry Y/C/N/N?” Jacob asked.
You looked up at him and giggled, “maybe just a little bit.”
“Y/N/N, you know what sounds amazing?” Quinn asked, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
You turned to each other and you both smirked knowing you were thinking the same thing.
“Spaghetti tacos!!” You both said. 
Ever since you were about 10 and you watched iCarly on TV, you had always wanted to try them. It had become an inside joke between you and Quinn for quite some time as he had the same desire as you to see how good they actually were.
“We should totally try them tonight!!” Quinn was quite excited.
“I’m so confused right now,” Jacob chimed in.
“They’re from a show! They take spaghetti and put it in taco shells,” you explained.
“Ahh, hence the name.” he nodded.
“Exactly,” Quinn said.
You jumped up from the couch excitedly and ran straight to your kitchen.
“Ok, we have spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, ground beef, taco shells, aaaand..... by chance do either of you know how to make good meatballs?”
“You’re asking the Swedish guy if he knows how to make meatballs?” Jacob replied.
“Not Swedish meatballs, Italian, stupid Giraffe,” you retorted. 
“Gross,” he said with a disgusted look.
“Ooo my mom made the best Italian meatballs, let me call her to see if she can send me the recipe!” Quinn said with a big smile.
Quinn exited the kitchen and ran to your room to call his mom. 
“You know, I’ve never seen him so excited about anything,” Marky said with a laugh. 
“Quinn loves his food,” you replied.
“Are Brock and Thatch having dinner with us ?”
“I’ll ask.”
You started boiling the water for the pasta, and you cooked part of the ground beef for the meat sauce. Then you texted Brock:
Y/N/N: hey, you want me to make you dinner
Brock: Yeah, who all is there?
Y/N/N: the usual
Brock: Huggy and Marky?
Y/N/N: yep, so do you want some?
Brock: Yeah, and make enough for another person too
Y/N/N: ok
You figured it was Dems since that’s who he went to hang out with when he left 5 hours ago. 
You continued to cook when Quinn came in and grabbed a bunch of stuff from the pantry and cabinets. “Did your mom tell you how to make them?” you questioned your frantic best friend.
“Yes she did and she sent me the recipe too.”
“Coolio,” you reply.
You were almost done cooking, the pasta was done, Quinn had put his meatballs in the oven and there were only 5 minutes left on the timer. And the sauce had about 2 minutes to simmer.
“Oh my gosh, I forgot what to do when they're almost done, she does this thing, I have to call her,” Quinn said with a panicked look on his face. He ran back to your room.
The front door to your apartment opened quickly, both boys laughing, “ahh, shit,  my brother’s calling me,” Brock said as he ran back to his room.
“Why does everyone feel the need to exit the room for phone calls?” you asked Jacob.
He shrugged with a giggle, “I don't know, maybe they don’t trust us,” he said in a sarcastically dramatic tone grasping his chest.
The door closed slowly and you glanced at the doorway where you thought you’d see the ever adorable goalie, Thatcher Demko, instead, you saw the adorable, slender, tall blonde you’d seen all the time, but never had a one on one interaction with... except the first time you met, when he told you that you looked pretty.
“Hi, Petey!” Jacob said as he slipped behind you to watch you mix the sauce, he stood over you looking at the sauce and put his hand on your waist.
“Hi,” he replied, his smile from before had faded.
“Looks so good Y/C/N/N,” Jacob said with a kiss on your cheek, a regular action. 
“Thanks, Giraffe, can you grab the taco shells?”
He grabbed them easily from the top shelf (tall ass bitch -_-), and moved behind you, placing his hands on your waist yet again, to move you to the side. “I've gotta run to the bathroom, but I’ll be right back”
“Ok, you have fun with that,” you said with a wink.
Suddenly, was only you and Elias in the room, and the silence was deafening.
“So what are we eating?” he said, pulling your attention to his bright blue eyes.
“Um, spaghetti tacos, they're from a tv sho-”
“Like from iCarly?” he interrupted.
“...Uh yeah? How'd you know?” you couldnt pull your attention away from his eyes, ‘they are just so beautiful,’ you thought somehow you hadnt noticed this within the on and a half years you’d known him.
“We also get Nickelodeon, you know,” he said while throwing you a smirk that made your stomach flip. 
“Oh, I didn't know that,” you replied, feeling just a little embarrassed. 
“iCarly was my favorite, actually.” 
“Yeah, it was mine too,” you said, smiling back, looking at the way he just lit up your kitchen with his presence.
You both stood there for a second just looking at the other, “So how long have-,” he started.
“OKAY,” Quinn unknowingly interrupted, “so she told me what to do, turns out I have to put sauce over them for the last 2 minutes, so Y/N/N can you just put a tablespoon of sauce on each ball then put them back in for two minutes?” 
“Yeah of course. Elias, you were saying?” you looked back at the Swede.
“Oh it's nothing,” he looked down at his shoes. 
“Ok, Y/N/N you need to call mom and tell her we’re fine and that she doesn't need to worry about us please, Paul says she’s stressing,” Brock said as he entered the room.
“When is she not stressing about us? I’ll call her after dinner, how's dad?”
“Doin’ good, nothing has changed or progressed or whatever since we were home last,” Brock moved and sat on the couch letting out a big sigh.
“That’s good,” you let out a sigh.
“Petey, come here, we’re watching Gossip Girl” Brock shouted at the Swede.
“Ooo what episode are you guys on?” you asked. Brock had mentioned how he was making him watch the show you two had watched about 5 times together. 
“Just after Chuck gets Dan kidnapped at Yale.” 
“Oh so you still hate Chuck?” you asked Elias.
“Ew, yeah...wait is that gonna change?” Petey said with a scoff.
“Uh....,” you stalled.
“Y/N shut up, don't spoil it,” Brock interrupted before you could make it worse.
“Ok well, dinner is ready so just start the show after and we can all watch it together.”
“Oh my god, these are actually amazing,” Quinn said with his mouth full.
“I know, I did not think this was gonna taste good,” Jacob added.
“Hey!” you said, offended.
“Y/C/N/N, you know I love your cooking, it was the idea of the meal that I doubted,” Jacob said leaning into your side and putting his arm around your shoulder.
“Mmmhmm, suuure,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Hallå Marky, ni två är söta (hey Marky, you two are cute),” Petey said, confusing you, Quinn and Brock with the sudden change in language.
Jacob, being oblivious to what Petey was implying, just said, “tack broder (thanks, bro).”
Little did you know what was going on in Elias’s head.
Before that night, you never really thought of Elias in a romantic way. You'd been around him quite a lot, seeing as how, seemingly, is in your apartment more than his own. Sure, you knew he was cute and very sweet from what you'd seen, but up until that point, you'd never had a one-on-one interaction with him. That interaction, however small, was the beginning of an obsessive crush. Quinn was the first to point it out, you started listening closely any time he talked, attempting to converse with him, and thinking about him on a daily basis even when you didn't see him. And due to your stubbornness, no matter how unrequited your crush seemed, it never faltered. You had always thought he hated you, or maybe he just tolerated you because you were Brock’s sister, and you were always around. 
However, that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Tag list: @calgarycanuck @suffering-canucks-fan
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beevean · 4 years
SEGA and its most recent Sonamy side – more canon than ever
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[Translator’s note: this article was originally written in Spanish by @latin-dr-robotnik​]
Hello again! Today we’d like to discuss about something that’s been happening recently, and probably taking Sonic fans by surprise: what is going on with SEGA and its stance about Sonamy?
At the beginning of this year, to celebrate the 200 articles on Seaside Hill Paradise, I finished what I call “the Sonamy trilogy” of articles that I started in 2018 and which cover different themes, such as:
SEGA and the eternal issue of the Sonic-Amy dynamic
“I love you” – Forbidden words in Sonic
SEGA and the eternal issue of “Sonic’s girlfriend”
The idea was to offer a more-or-less complete analysis about the many facets of their dynamic in the last 27 years; a dynamic that, you may have noticed, is not that easy to pin down, and that we’ve been updating almost regularly (although I also intended to investigate on other dynamics, like Knuckles and Rouge’s for example, and write about them). Generally speaking, in these articles I don’t draw objective conclusions about the status of the ship in canon (despite the fact that the available information tends to confirm it in various occasions). I also like to repeat myself and say that shipping is supposed to be for fun, not for tearing each other’s hair in that black hole of misery that is Twitter, but recent events left us slightly perplexed, and this is why we’re here once again.
We left the status of the Sonamy canonicity with these two peculiar instances back in August: Sonic mentioning his “girlfriend” in the Japanese version of Sonic Battle, and the Twitter account of SEGA of Europe saying Sonamy is their “favorite videogame romance”. Now, let’s recap a bit…
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Sonamy in Sonic IDW... Round 3
In 2018, when IDW just started, I decided to study a little how the Sonamy dynamic worked in this new universe. To our surprise, the comic didn’t waste time in dropping its biggest bomb, in one of the cutest scenes we had seen in ages. Since the very beginning, IDW proved that it didn’t intend to deceive those fans that looked for a bit of development of both characters.
I wrote an article about it in June 2019, and it coincided with the beginning of one of the most infamous arc I’ve seen in a Sonic comic for a long time: the Metal Virus Saga. The question is, what has happened since then?
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Well, in 2019, with the same accuracy of an aimbot, I said “We’ll probably see some new interactions between Sonic and Amy sometime around IDW #20”. And wouldn’t you know, as misery and tragedy settled in that arc, it was exactly around IDW #20 that we saw some Sonamy interactions: both exhausted, to their limit, with a Sonic that couldn’t even touch Amy to soothe her pain, due to him being infected with the virus.
The arc developed like this in what felt like an eternity, to finally conclude in one the most absurd ways in Sonic history. But it wasn’t a complete disappointment, as, after months and months of asking and discussing on the internet about how much Sonic and Amy deserved a hug at the end of the arc… it actually happened.
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Since that moment in IDW #32, we shippers thought that it was what both of them deserved after so much time spent separated and pushed to their limit to survive, but also that after the end of the arc everything would go back to normal. However, what we didn’t know was that the Sonamy train had no intention of stopping, not in IDW, nor anywhere else.
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A recurring detail in IDW Sonic is that Amy’s tail starts wagging every time she sees Sonic, as if she was a happy dog. I swear, it happens every time.
Come IDW #35, once again we have some hugs and bits of dialogue between our hedgehogs. For sure, the question here isn’t their relationship itself, as it was for IDW #2, but rather the issues this arc is slowly dealing with. But it’s really nice to see them again, sharing that closeness that they’ve had in the comic since the beginning– be it with some gestures of affection, a wink, a gesture, a private joke.
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My favorite image is the first one, Belle’s reaction to seeing Amy hugging Sonic. It’s like she’s thinking “oh, is she his girlfriend?”, and she wouldn’t even be wrong in thinking that.
It can’t be denied that IDW Sonic provided us the conversations and the emotions that the games seldom do. Certainly, the comic has its share of issues and it’s not really a story that I personally follow for its own merits (it’s more because it’s still Sonic, for my interest for things like this, and Belle’s existence… whom I already ship with Tails, sorry not sorry), but what it does well it does really well.
For now, we have to see how IDW Sonic will follow the development of the characters, especially in view of the closure of the current story and beyond. And we may be done with this part of the article, but there is still a lot left.
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Sonamy in merchandise
Taking us completely by surprise, recently SEGA launched, in collaboration with Hot Topic, a series of Sonamy-themed t-shirts. No, seriously.
So many people told me this as soon as the voice spread (you know who you are, thank you guys for thinking about me <3), and I can’t help being still surprised that this is actually a thing. T-shirts with lines like “You’re my favorite”, “Love in the fast lane”, and my personal favorite, “S&A Forever”, with drawings of Classic Sonic and Amy… in SEGA-approved products. I don’t know if you realize how much of a big deal this is, even more than “Celebrate the 25 years of Sonic’s girlfriend” from 2018.
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One of the things that surprised me the most (aside from how explicit they are in officializing the relationship, and the fact that there are still 2 months left before Valentine’s Day 2021), was the decision to use Classic Sonic and Classic Amy. I tried to understand this decision by analyzing the simplicity and easiness with which the Classic designs convey a message (let’s not forget that Classic Sonic was so iconic because it was specifically designed to convey his expressions without words), besides the fact that they’re inherently cuter than their modern designs. There’s also the controversial aspect of post-Adventure Sonamy, with all the dubbing and weird interpretations that the fandom made over the years… By comparison, the Classic design are a much simpler choice.
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What is actually going on?
Well, let’s take a step back and think about what we just saw. The way SEGA has been recently trying to push Sonic and Amy in front view (and for the entirety of 2020, based on the articles I mentioned in the beginning) tells us the harsh truth we all have to accept sooner or later: Sonamy sells, and it sells a lot.
From a strictly business point of view, the ship is so iconic and popular, with fans and detractors alike, that it would be absurd for SEGA to ignore the chance to print these two characters and get a load of money. As I said in my 2018 article, despite the fact that in Japan Sonic isn’t as big of an icon as it is elsewhere, they know pretty well that Sonic + Amy = love, and they have huge amounts of merchandise to back it up. It’s in the West that because of different cultural values, of which we’ve already talked about, along with some internal resistance, left this aspect of the franchise a little on the side. But they’ve been trying to fix it… and how…
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Let’s not forget that a decade and a half ago Sonic Team seriously favored Sonamy. They officially said it, Sonic X was their purest view of Sonic they had at the time.
Outside of the business perspective, I believe we’re facing the moment that we’ve been waiting for: it’s time they’ll establish once and for all the dynamic of these two characters, following more closely the original Japanese vision of Sonic. I said many times that, in trying to change canon, the West, especially SEGA of America, did nothing but confuse fans and generate more discussions than needed, by introducing different data and portrayals that contradict the canon established by Sonic Team.
We’ve talked about Unleashed and emotional support, about Sonic X, about the major moments that opened the door to interpreting this dynamic as something more. We don’t threaten at gunpoint those who would rather stay away, but we respond to those declarations that still try to violently discredit the simple fact that Sonic and Amy, who are most of all close friends, form in some measure a couple that, even with its imposed limitations, manages to captivate fans and not fans everywhere in the world. Even the Simpsons used it as a joke, and that says a lot.
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What the future has in store for us.
Unless something else happens in this last month of 2020, this is the most complete compilation I can offer at the moment about the status of Sonamy in the fandom and in the official canon. Yes, canon.
It’s impossible to ignore the signals. As you may have noticed, I’ve been considering Sonic and Amy as an official couple, with its clarifications (for example, that at the end it’s more of a friendship, that it’s not a romantic relationship in the most explicit way, that it’s more of a personal perspective to justify a more mature vision of the relationship in the future, not right now), but nowadays I think that SEGA has spoken loud and clear. I think canon is ready to negotiate the idea that Sonic and Amy, apart from being excellent friends who would risk their lives for each other in a heartbeat, have something else on their hands (probably the other’s hand). This won’t automatically translate into a kiss, or a complete love declaration (although Sonic X came close…), or a commitment to a formal relationship like we know them in real life. SEGA canon affirms that Amy is “Sonic’s girlfriend” and nothing more. Outside of that detail, they still pretty much function as friends interacting with a little flirting here, and a little Sonic running away there. It’s the basis of their dynamic, now enhanced by the fact that SEGA is giving us a clearer message.
I think that this all may culminate in a game or an animated series, but I wouldn’t completely count on that. It is good to recognize how far the official position goes on this issue, but at the same time I want to reaffirm that there are things that are better left in the hands of the fandom, and in the meantime that IDW or any other continuity gives us hugs, winks, gestures and words of encouragement, we as the fandom will take care of exploring other avenues and hypothetical scenarios.
This is all I have to say on the matter for now, and I hope you’re happy with this wonderful Sonamy experience we’re going through – I certainly am. See you next time!
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Our Last Summer - B. Boeser
A/N: just a girl who thought she’d try writing for a different player. Shocking, I know. Also this is an OC and I love her, enjoy!
Yes, after the ABBA song. Also shoutout to my least favourite Taurus @brockadoodles for convincing me to follow through with writing and posting this and being an A+ beta reader always.
Word Count: 9.2k
To Brock, summer was the best time of year. As much as he loved hockey season, summer gave him the chance to unwind, relax and spend time with his friends and family. It also allowed him to be at one of his favourite places all the time, the lake. 
The lake was a sanctuary of sorts for him, his little piece of paradise. Even before he moved to Vancouver, he spent every summer there, which is why he ended up buying a home on that lake to spend his off-seasons in. It also happened to be where he got to see Lennon—the only place. 
Brock and Lennon first met almost ten years ago. Right away, Brock could tell that she wasn't from the area based on her lack of a so-called Minnesotan accent but eventually learned how her family started vacationing on the lake the same year they were both turning fourteen. 
Lennon's family has been back every year since. How she and Brock first crossed paths was on the beach one fateful afternoon at the end of June. Brock was standing in line behind her, waiting to buy a bottle of water while she ordered ice cream from the man operating the little stand. Once Lennon was handed her snack, she turned around and went to walk away but didn't realize Brock was standing right there and ended up knocking into him, which resulted in her ice cream spilling down the front of the t-shirt he wore. She quickly grabbed some napkins and tried to clean up the mess she made all over him, but he just laughed it off and told her it was fine. 
The two of them parted ways after that, not thinking much of the interaction and didn't cross paths again until the following summer. When they did meet again, it was on that same beach, at the same ice cream stand, but Lennon didn't spill anything that time. Instead, the pair just stared at each other as they were both hit by the most intense wave of deja vu either of them had ever experienced. After that initial shock, they talked and properly introduced themselves because what were the chances they'd run into each other again. After commenting on how he assumed Lennon wasn't from there, Brock learned that she only came to Minnesota in the summertime with her parents and twin brother because her dad was from there and her parents owned a lake house they wanted to retire to one day. It was one of Lennon's favourite places to be and had her looking forward to summer every year because of it. 
That summer, Brock and Lennon saw each other on multiple occasions after the run-in on the beach, and a friendship gradually began. That friendship only grew with each summer that passed as Brock's friends became Lennon's friends too after being invited to hang out with them as they went boating, jet skiing, exploring and had bonfires each night. These activities made Lennon's summers even more memorable than before. 
However, as they got older, things began to change. 
The summer before Lennon turned 19 was the last summer she spent entirely at the lake for a few years. Brock had already turned 19 that February, and Lennon would be doing the same in early November. However, that fall, she began going to university and spent the summers working. Lennon didn't get as much time off but still managed to squeeze in at least two weeks at the lake to spend with her family, friends, and, of course, Brock. 
Four years later, once Lennon graduated from her bachelor's program, she returned to the lake for the whole summer. Lennon also mainly spent that summer with Brock as he sat with her for hours while she applied to various jobs in her field and did phone interviews with possible employers. It was odd for him, though, because it wasn't until then, Brock realized how even though he felt like he knew Lennon very well, he hardly knew anything about her life outside of the lake. Sure, he knew that she took English and Literature at university, but he didn't know what school she attended. He also didn't know where her family lived the rest of the year. Brock only knew Lennon and summer. 
There was a massive disconnect between the two of them when they weren't in their little summer bubble. Brock and Lennon didn't speak when they weren't at the lake. They had each other's phone numbers, but the thought of using it while he was in Vancouver felt foreign, and although Lennon did cross his mind, he knew the two of them would pick up where they left off like they did every summer once both of them returned to the lake. 
That's what happened last summer too. Brock and Lennon were reunited on her first day back and spent almost every day together, seeing as it had been four years since the last full summer she spent in Minnesota. It was a summer to remember for sure. They somehow became even closer, which naturally led to them feeling a sense of dread as the days became shorter and summer gradually came to an end. 
But, everything became ruined when Brock and Lennon slept together on her last night at the lake. Then Brock woke up to a cold and empty space next to where he laid in his bed the morning after. 
The piece of him that Brock didn't realize Lennon had a hold on broke that morning. She left him feeling hurt and confused. He texted her, but she didn't reply. Then when he took his jet ski out on the water and rode by her family's house, only to see it completely dark and no cars in the driveway, he knew summer was officially over and that he wouldn't hear from her again. 
That is why he was looking forward to this summer. There was no guarantee he'd be seeing Lennon. He didn't know what had gone in her life over the past ten months but was sure he'd get filled in on it once he saw her family, but he had this unexplainable feeling that she was going to be there, and that was enough to get him nervous. However, Brock was still excited even with those nerves because his summer just wasn't complete without Lennon in it. Regardless of how the two felt towards each other.  
Brock's first day back consisted of getting everything ready, and the house opened up for the season. With his roommates and family's help, the boat was launched into the water and docked, so were the jet skis, and everything just slowly fell into place. The only thing missing was Lennon.
However, he tried not to think of things like that. He was convinced he'd get some closure about what happened between the two of them last summer, but when he casually brought her up in conversation, no one knew if she was back or not. Lennon's family was at the lake, everyone knew that much, but no one had seen her yet, which made Brock feel a little less hopeful. 
Once everything at the house was finished getting ready, all of his company stayed for dinner but then headed back to their own homes, his roommates included. They'd be back on the weekend and be staying there for good afterwards, but for the next few days, it would just be Brock and his dogs, which was fine by him.  
After everyone left, Brock headed out to the back yard, letting Milo and Coolie run around for a bit before going back inside for the night. The sun was setting, leaving warm pink and orange trails of light chasing after it while slowly disappearing in the distance. A few boats still drove around on the water, finishing up their rounds before it got too dark. Brock could also hear chatter from somewhere nearby where he assumed people were outside having a bonfire or just socializing as they enjoyed what was bound to be a beautiful evening. 
Brock then wandered to the edge of his dock and sat down, letting his legs hang off the side then swaying them slightly as he continued taking it all in. Not too long after, Coolie joined him as he took up the spot next to him and rested his head on Brock's lap while looking out at the water as well. Meanwhile, Milo continued wading in the water, ready to attack any fish that dared come near him. 
About ten minutes later, after Milo had gone up onto the dock as well, Brock spotted a boat heading towards him. As the boat got closer to shore, he could hear the familiar voice of Wesley Schultz as a song by The Lumineers played and watched as the boat slowed down then took a wide right turn before coming to a stop about 20 feet from the edge of his dock. Confused, Brock looked around for someone else because surely whoever was on the boat wasn't stopping to talk to him. But then he remembered that he was at his own house and that there was no other explanation for what was going on. 
"Hey!" A voice greeted over the music, then a man, who Brock assumed was around the same age as him, came into view. He had dark brown hair that wasn't quite as long as Brock's but still long enough to noticeably be pushed back away from his face with a pair of sunglasses and wore only a pair of green swim trunks and an unzipped white sweater. "So you're the person who lives here. I'm Max. My family just bought a house around the bend over there. It's nice to meet you."
"Oh, cool!" Brock responded, a wave of relief washing over him as he realized the guy was just being friendly. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Brock. I live here with a few friends, but it's just me here right now. I'm sure you'll see the others around soon. Have you been to the lake before?"
"No, this is my first summer here," Max explained and smiled. "But, I know someone who's been coming here for a while and told me all about it. I must say, it's living up to its hype."
"Your friend sounds like they know what they're talking about," Brock chuckled, then heard a voice say something from where they must've been sitting out of sight on the boat. But what really surprised him the way Coolie perked up at the voice and caused a low whine to leave his mouth. 
"Yeah, I'd say she does," Max replied, then leaned to the side and looked down into the boat's cabin. "She's right here actually, said it was too cold then went inside—Babe, wanna come say hi to my new neighbour? Maybe the two of you know each other."
The thought of how Brock might know the other person on the boat made sense, he knew the area so well and had met lots of people over the years, but that still didn't prepare him for the way he felt once Lennon stepped into view. 
Brock's nickname for her fell from lips so quickly as he took her in, he didn't even have to think about it. Lennon's deep brown hair was longer than it was the last time Brock had seen her, that much he could tell even in the messy fishtail braid she had it in. Usually, Lennon liked to cut her hair going into the summer because she always complained about how hot it made her feel whenever it was down and not being held back with the hair tie that usually resided on her wrist. 
He then took in the rest of her appearance. She wore bright yellow crocs, a pair of white terry cloth shorts and a baggy pullover that had Minnesota written in a large yellow font across it as well. Brock recognized the sweater because it belonged to him until the last night of the previous summer. 
It was a simple look, but to Brock, Lennon still seemed stunning in the evening glow surrounding her. 
That was when Coolie stood up and barked, snapping Brock out of the trance he'd fallen into upon seeing Lennon again. Coolie recognized her. That much was evident with how he whined and started wagging his tail just at the sight of her, Milo joining in soon after. 
"Hi Coolie, hi Milo," Lennon spoke softly and smiled at the two dogs, making Brock feel as if he walked into a brick wall just by hearing her voice again. 
"Oh, you two do know each other!" Max exclaimed, snapping Brock back to reality once again. 
Then Lennon looked Brock in the eyes for the first time, and her smile fell slightly. 
"I guess you could say that," she stated, not breaking eye contact. "Hey, Brock."
"H-hey," was all he could reply with, still recovering from the initial shock of how Lennon, the person he spent the last ten months thinking about, was finally standing in front of him again, but with another guy. "You're back."
"Yeah, I am," she nodded, then looked back at Max. "We should probably get going, though. It's getting dark."
"You're right," Max agreed. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around, Brock. Have a good night."
"Uh, yeah, you too," Brock responded, whispering almost as he observed Max start the boat back up and begin driving off. 
He watched the two of them go, refusing to take his eyes off of Lennon, which was how he didn't miss the way she looked back at him too or how she didn't look away until the boat rounded the bend and disappeared out of sight yet again. 
About a week went by before Brock saw Lennon again, and he hated it. He saw her family, who all asked when he'd be stopping by again. But Brock didn't know how to explain that he and Lennon had barely spoken or the reason behind it all. It then got worse when his parents came over that weekend and told him how they ran into her while they were at the store and that she seemed to be doing well.
It sucked for him because all he wanted to do was talk, but he knew Lennon. And he knew that if she wanted to talk, she would. However, it was clear that she didn't, so Brock didn't push her into talking with him regardless of how badly he wanted to. 
The thought of just messaging Lennon and asking her to come over crossed his mind many times that week, but he couldn't bring himself to send the text he typed out and would end up deleting it instead. His summer was already off to a very different start than he was hoping for. 
One day, while he was out boating with some of his friends, things started to change again. 
After being out on the water for most of the day, Brock and his friends all decided to dock the boat at the marina near, of course, the beach that Brock couldn't step foot on without thinking about Lennon. Once he saw that beach, he was reminded of how much time he and Lennon spent there together over the years since first meeting. Brock would've been lying if he said he didn't want to run into her again on that same beach, but he tried not to get his hopes up. 
However, to his luck, Lennon was walking along the dock at the marina the same time Brock was hopping off the boat to help tie it up. Brock spotted her first, but she was busy scrolling through her phone, her eyebrows furrowed with an unreadable expression on her face as she did so, and she didn't notice Brock or the others as she continued walking towards them, but then came to an abrupt stop. 
Whatever Lennon was looking at on her phone seemed important, and Brock didn't want to interrupt, but then one of his friends, who also knew Lennon, spotted her. 
"Lenny!" Sam exclaimed as he brushed past Brock, making Lennon jump, but still, smile once she saw who was approaching her and accepted the hug she was about to be pulled into. "You're back!"
"Lennon's here?" Someone else asked, and soon enough, everyone who Brock was with rushed by him to see their friend. 
"Hey, guys!" She greeted happily, a much different mood than how her reunion with Brock was a week prior. 
"Are you here all summer?" 
"I am," Lennon confirmed, still smiling. 
"That's awesome," said Claire, Sam's girlfriend. "We've been waiting to see when you'd get here. We missed you! Is Mick here too?"
"Yeah, he is," Lennon responded, letting the group know that her brother had returned to the lake as well. "He's at the house right now helping my dad get the new barbecue set up. I was sent here to pick up things to get grilled tonight."
She then held up the plastic bag she was carrying for emphasis, earning chuckles from the rest of the group. 
"Well, we won't keep you then," stated one of Brock's roommates. "But come over to the house soon, and we'll all hang out."
"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you guys later!"
Everyone said goodbye to Lennon, then continued on their way, but Brock stayed back. She still hadn't noticed him, and he didn't want her to feel cornered by him, especially around their friends, but he needed to talk to her. Just the two of them.
He observed her as she watched their friends walk down the dock, taking in the jean shorts and mint green tank top she wore, then cleared his throat, making Lennon snap her attention in his direction and not missing the way her eyes widened as she did so. 
"Hey, Lemon," he greeted her and felt an instant wave of relief wash over him while he saw her expression soften as he said that. 
"You're never going to drop that nickname, are you?" She asked while shaking her head and smiling.
Brock pursed his lips and looked away from her as if he was deeply considering her question but couldn't help the small laugh that left his mouth as he did. 
"No, I don't think I can."
"Right. Whatever you say, Broccoli."
At that, Brock's grin grew much wider. Hearing Lennon call him the nickname she's always said in response to him calling her, Lemon, hit differently this time because, although he knew things weren't normal between them, it almost seemed like it was. But, it was short-lived because his nagging thoughts about the girl standing in front of him started creeping back, making his smile falter a little bit. 
"Brock?" Lennon asked, noticing how he was getting too deep in his thoughts. Something she knew he did often. "You ok?"
"Yeah," he replied and shook his head slightly. "I was just thinking. Um, listen, can we talk? You know, about… everything?"
Lennon let out a sigh, knowing this conversation needed to happen between the two of them, but still not sure if she was ready to have it just yet. "I don't know what to say."
"Me neither, to be honest. But maybe we can start with what happened last summer and how you're seeing someone else now?"
"Brock, me and you aren't in a relationship. You can’t corner me like that. I don't owe you an explanation."
"Lennon, that's not fair and you know that’s not what I’m doing," he stated. "I'm not saying you have to explain yourself. That's your business, whether I like it or not. But, I would like to know where we stand because I have thought about you every day for the past ten months and seeing you on that boat last week sucked. I was caught off guard, but that doesn't matter. I just miss my friend and don't want this summer to be weird because we slept together when clearly it didn't mean anything."
Once Brock finished his spiel, Lennon took a shaky breath then let her gaze fall to the ground, knowing he had a point. 
"I'm sorry," she spoke softly. "You're right, it's not fair, and I'm also sorry for just leaving you last year. But Brock, I don't know what to tell you right now because I know it's not going to be what you want to hear."
"The least you could do, as my friend, is tell me why. Why did you leave and act as though nothing happened between us and avoid me completely?"
"I panicked, ok!"
"About what?" Brock questioned, feeling even more lost than before. "Len, what are you talking about?"
“Because Brock, before we slept together, it was just you and the lake,” she explained. “It was easy. It was like we lived separate lives, and that worked until they crossed paths again in the summertime. Maybe having sex messed that up, but I don’t want it to. I want things back to the way they were.”
“Why do we have to live separate lives outside of the lake? You’re one of my best friends. I would love to share all of my life with you. But I feel like I know nothing about you.”
“Why now, though? Why didn’t you want me to be part of your life or know more about mine away from here before last summer?”
“I never said I didn’t!” He stated firmly and stressfully pushed his hand through his hair. “That’s just always been how we worked. How can you expect me to know that was something you wanted when you didn’t express it either, Lennon? But I will say this; I care about you. I have feelings for you, alright? If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have asked you to stay over on that night last summer. That all seems pretty irrelevant now, though.”
"I-," Lennon started but had to stop as a voice cut her off. 
"There she is," Max said as he and another guy that Brock didn't recognize approached them. "And Brock! Good to see you again."
"Uh, yeah," Brock replied hesitantly, suddenly not knowing what to say as he watched Max casually walk up and wrap his arm around Lennon's waist. "You too."
"Did we interrupt something?" Max asked while glancing at the other guy he was with, then moved his gaze between Brock and Lennon. 
"No," Brock spoke and looked Lennon dead in the eye. "I guess we're done talking. I'll see you guys around."
"Brock, wait," Lennon said and pulled away from Max as Brock walked past them. 
"Just like you, I don’t know what else to say, Lennon. Say hi to your family for me."
And with that, Lennon was left watching Brock leave her behind this time.
Later that evening, Brock was at home with his roommates, putting some plates into the dishwasher after they were all finished eating when Milo and Coolie started barking like crazy. He wasn't sure what was going on and looked at the rest of the guys, who all shrugged in response, then went over to the glass sliding door the dogs were standing in front of and saw what had them acting the way they were. 
Outside he saw a woman hopping off a jetski, then watched as she pulled it up to the small shore that met his property. Once she was sure the jetski was beached enough and took off her lifejacket, she walked up the slope that led to the rest of the lawn, then walked across the grass onto the dock before sitting down at the edge of it and facing the water like she owned the place. It didn't take long for Brock to realize the girl was Lennon. 
He then looked back at his roommates, all of who were watching him intently, almost as if they knew this was coming, but they all quickly looked away and pretended to be busy looking at something else. Brock rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction of a response, so instead, he stayed silent and opened the door so he could step outside. 
Milo and Coolie continued barking as Brock slipped by them but didn't let them outside with him. He knew that Lennon wouldn't have just shown up unannounced after the talk they had earlier that day unless she really needed to get something off her chest, and Brock wanted to hear what she had to say without any interruption. 
Lennon didn't look back as he walked across the grass and onto the dock. It was like she knew he'd join her regardless of how rough things may have seemed between them. And she would've been right for assuming that. As much as Brock wanted to be mad at Lennon, it still seemed like magnets pulled him towards her, and it just wasn't possible for him to fight. 
Brock didn't say anything as he sat down next to his friend, just joined her in silence while they both looked out over the water and observed the sun as it began its descent in the late evening sky, but he couldn't keep himself from observing Lennon out of the corner of his eye and taking in how she looked. 
Her hair wasn't tied back or anything. It just fell down her back in loose natural waves that shifted ever so slightly whenever there was a breeze. She wore a faded red Beatles pullover, which was somewhat ironic seeing as she was named after one of the band's members, making Brock smile because that was just a very Lennon thing to do. The sweater was paired with some jean shorts and Nike slides, but what caught his attention the most was her eyes. Lennon had light brown eyes that Brock thought were stunning all the time, but when the sun hit them just right, like it did in that moment, they seemed golden almost, and it was so hard to look away. He's always loved her eyes. 
However, his moment of observing her in silence was cut short when she let out a sigh and then glanced towards him. 
"New York," Lennon stated, earning herself a confused look from Brock. 
"New York?" He asked, genuinely unsure of what she was implying. "Lennon-."
"That's where I'm from," she elaborated, then looked from him to the water again. "Upstate New York, to be exact, near the Buffalo area. My birthday is November 2nd. I was actually born in Minneapolis, but my parents moved when me and Mick were about ten months old for work and I hadn’t been back until they bought the lake house. Uh, when my parents found out my mom was pregnant, they thought they were expecting twin boys at first. They wanted to name me John after the Beatles still and then Michael after Mick Jagger, but when I came out a girl, they had to improvise."
Brock was speechless. He was so shocked. Lennon was telling him everything that he's always wondered about her and then some. He was intrigued, and there was no way he would stop her from sharing whatever she wanted to say.
"As you know, I took English and Literature in university," she continued. "I took that program at NYU and have been living in New York City for the past five years because of it. I have a freelancing job, which has been paying the bills. I've also spent the last month and a half applying to various master's programs at different schools, and it's been pretty discouraging if I'm completely honest. Since moving to NYC, I've made many trips to Toronto to visit Mick, seeing as that's where he went to school, but coming back to the lake each summer remains my favourite place to be, and you are a huge part of why Brock."
"Lemon, I didn't know any of this," he replied, shaking his head as he still processed everything she said. 
"I know, that's why I'm telling you."
"Wow, I, I don't even know what to say. I've always wondered these things about you, but other than seeing you here; you've always been like a blank slate to me. I've known you for so long now, but I've never known so much about you. I just figured you never really wanted me to be part of your life outside of summer, y'know?"
"Yeah, about that," Lennon started and let out a small laugh. "That is so incorrect. You don't even know."
"What do you mean?" Brock questioned, feeling puzzled by her again.
"My friends in New York are huge into sports," she explained. "I can't even begin to explain how many times I've been dragged to a Yankees or Knicks game, but when it comes to the Rangers, I always look forward to it a bit more. They're not my team, I've got to give props to the Sabres for the hometown representation, and because of Mick, I started not entirely hating the Leafs. What always surprises my friends, though, is how adamant I get about going to the Rangers games whenever Vancouver is in the city. But I haven't told them I have a friend that plays on the team. They just think it's odd that I have a Boeser jersey."
"Woah, wait a minute. You've seen me play hockey?"
"Every time you've been in New York since starting with the Canucks, yeah."
"Lennon, what the hell?" He asked disbelievingly. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
Lennon just shrugged before responding. "Like I said earlier today, Brock, it's always been you and the lake. I thought about messaging you but then figured you might not want me to and chickened myself out, so I never did. I don't know why I didn't just reach out, but now you know. So, please, never assume that I don't think about you when I'm not here. Because I do, all the damn time. And what happened between us last summer did mean something to me. You are way too important for it to not. I could never consider you as just a random hookup, Broccoli."
Brock could feel his heart swell an insane amount as she said that, but before he could say what he really wanted to in response, he needed to know something still. 
"What about Max?"
"Max is not my boyfriend," she stated, not missing a beat. "He's one of my best friends from school, yeah, but we are not together. He's from Minneapolis, which was how we actually bonded when we first met after telling him my dad was from this area. And let me tell you, I've told him if I'm still single by 40, we're getting married, but I don't think that'll be happening. He's very happy with his boyfriend, Connor, who was on the dock with us earlier, and I would've happily introduced you to if you hadn't stormed away before I got the chance."
"For fucks sake," Brock said, not being able to stop himself from grinning at how stupidly he overreacted. "I am so bad for jumping to conclusions, aren't I?"
"You always have been."
They laughed together as Lennon nudged him with her shoulder teasingly, then a comfortable silence fell amongst them again. However, it didn't last too long because Lennon was speaking again soon after. 
"I really am sorry for just leaving you last summer," she told him softly. "It's just- I knew I was going back to New York, and I figured it'd be easier if we didn't talk about what happened for both of us. I shouldn't have assumed that. It wasn't fair to you. But, I also have spent the last ten months thinking about you constantly. I like you too, Brock, more than I can explain, and I just feel stupidly vulnerable admitting that, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't have feelings for you that weren't entirely platonic. I don't expect things between us to be like they were last summer, but I missed you a whole freaking lot this past year and will be glad to have my best friend back."
"I would love nothing more than for that to happen," Brock responded and waited for her to look at him again before continuing. "Maybe we can; I don't know, take things slow? We can see what happens over the summer, what it all leads to and you know, actually talk after. I also want to know as much about you as I can, but only if you'll let me.”
"Please. And yes, I'll tell you whatever it is you want to know. I want to get to know more about you too if that's ok."
"Of course it is, I'd like that," he replied before falling silent again as his gaze dropped to her lips. Brock was overcome with the urge to close the already small space between him and Lennon by kissing her, but he didn't. Although he was pretty sure she wouldn't necessarily be opposed to him doing that, he didn't want to fuck this up by rushing into anything again. She, too, was way more than just a hookup to him and Brock wanted to make sure she knew that. "Will you stay over tonight?"
Lennon's eyes widened in surprise at Brock's question, but she quickly realized he wasn't trying to make a move. He just wanted to spend more time with her, and honestly, she loved the idea of just hanging out with him all night.
"Yes, absolutely," she stated. "I'll also never say no to Milo and Coolie snugs."
"Good, because I'm pretty sure I can still hear Coolie whining over the fact that he can't come out here and see you."
The two of them laughed, then stayed sitting together for a few more moments before Brock eventually stood and helped Lennon up, then made their way back to the house together.
Although nothing intimate happened that night between Brock and Lennon, aside from some cuddling as they both fell asleep in his bed, it set the pace for the rest of their summer. The two, once again, became inseparable. 
The next few weeks went by very quickly, and everything was great. Lennon was over at Brock’s all the time, and he made sure to go over to her family’s house and visit with them lots too. Things were normal again. There was no tension as they hung out with all their friends. Brock even got to know Max a bit better, who, to Brock, ended up being a really cool guy. It was nice for him to hear more stories about Lennon’s life outside of the lake, and Brock loved every minute of it. 
However, as good as things were with the two of them while keeping their relationship platonic, there was no denying both Brock and Lennon had intense feelings for each other. 
From an outside perspective, it was apparent how much those two cared for each other, and it was often shown in the little things. It was gestures like Brock pulling Lennon onto his lap and wrapping her up in the blanket he had with him while having a bonfire. Or the time Lennon briefly gave Brock his Minnesota sweater back for a few hours while he was over at her house because she wanted it to smell like him again. It was so obvious the two of them had a thing. And yet, nothing more happened between them. They were both afraid that it may get fucked up again, which neither wanted. Especially with how fast summer seemed to pass by. 
One Friday afternoon in late July, things hit a rough patch again. 
Brock and Lennon were at his place, hanging out on the stairs of the back deck with Milo and Coolie, when Lennon dropped the bomb about having to leave the lake in the upcoming days. 
Understandably, Brock was confused. He knew that he’d have to return to Vancouver in a few weeks to get ready for training camp and the upcoming season with the Canucks, but Brock thought he still had a few weeks left with Lennon at least. Brock took the news pretty well, but when he asked her why, feeling like he could after the talk they had on the dock over a month prior, she started shutting him out again. 
“I’m moving,” Lennon stated as she shifted away from Brock, not getting up from where she sat between his legs on the step in front of him, but enough to let his arms, which he had wrapped around her shoulders as she leaned back against him, fall to his side again. “I have to go back to New York on Monday and start packing up my apartment. My master’s program isn’t there, and I knew this was coming. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon.”
Brock understood, he really did, but then he got thinking and became confused. 
“You never told me you got into your program, Len. That’s great,” he replied and leaned forward so he could look at her better. “Where are you moving to?”
“Oh, um, you know, nowhere spectacular. Just the west coast.”
“Nice, what school? Maybe if it’s near a city with an NHL team, we can meet up when I play there. I’d also love for you to visit me in Vancouver if you’re able to or up for it.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she replied, smiling because she really liked that idea, but then it was like a switch went off in her mind, and that expression soon fell as she stood up from the stairs and turned to face him. “You know what, Brock, I have to go. I think my mom needed my help with something.”
That puzzled Brock even more. 
“I was at your house with you yesterday when your parents left for Minneapolis,” he reminded her with a small laugh. “They said they were going for the weekend.”
“Oh, right.”
“Yeah. Uh, Is everything alright? You’re acting weird all of a sudden.”
“Everything’s fine,” Lennon lied, which Brock was aware of with the way she started picking at her nails and avoiding making eye contact with him. “I just have a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Lemon,” he started softly. “You know you can talk to me, right? You don’t have to block me out again.”
Lennon let out a sarcastic chuckle. 
“Why does everyone always say that? Lennon quit blocking people out. Lennon, no one will continue breaking down those walls you put up all the time… But, no one gets that it’s just easier for me that way. I feel safer. It’s nothing personal.”
Brock’s expression fell at that a bit. “I get that, I do. Sometimes it is easier that way, but it’s also very lonely. You have people in your life that aren’t going to hurt you the way you think someone could. I want to think I’m one of those people.”
“You are, Broccoli,” she assured. “You always have been. I just, I can’t help but always think of the worst possible situation when going into new things. That’s just how my mind works. And even when it comes to you, when it comes to us and whatever we are, I’m still scared because there are so many unknowns. We don’t know what will happen when I leave for New York again, and I know I should’ve told you sooner, but I didn’t want to dampen the rest of our time here together. This has been the best summer I’ve had in a long time, and I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“You’re not ruining it,” he explained. “We know we both can’t stay at the lake forever, but that doesn’t mean we can’t bring what we have here with us when we leave. Lennon, I want you in my life all year round, not just when we’re here. I wish you realized that. And now, once you leave, it’s like I know nothing all over again because you won’t let me in enough to tell me. Which honestly sucks a lot.”
Lennon just looked back at him, not caring that her eyes were on the brink of overflowing with tears as she processed what he said. Brock cared for her. Probably more than any other guy she’s ever felt this intense of feelings for, but she was still absolutely terrified of accepting that for some reason. 
“I’m sorry, Brock,” she said, then took a shaky breath as she stepped further away from him and started backing down the stairs. “I- I’m going to go, and please, don’t come after me. I promise I’ll say bye before I leave, but I just need to think.”
She then turned and rushed down the rest of the stairs without looking back. Brock immediately stood up and went to call after her, but Lennon was already rounding the corner that led to the driveway and soon disappeared out of sight. Milo and Coolie were about to go after her, but Brock stopped them as he heard a door close and the sounds of a car pulling out of the driveway. She was already gone again, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
That night, Brock went to one of the bars nearby with their group of friends for a karaoke night. Lennon was initially supposed to join him and his roommates to venture over there together, but he knew that would no longer be the case after what happened earlier. 
After Lennon left, Brock went back inside the house, and his roommates just knew something went down between them. However, when they asked, Brock didn’t want to talk about it and just kind of went to his room alone until it was time to leave later on.  
He thought going out with their friends would make him feel a bit better and at least get his mind off the situation, but Lennon’s absence was way too noticeable for him even to try to enjoy himself. Brock didn’t take part in karaoke. Instead, he sat at one of the tables nursing a seltzer that was room temperature because he just wasn’t in the mood. 
After an hour passed and Brock still hadn’t finished the drink or taken much part in the group outing whatsoever, he figured he might as well call it an early night and head home. However, before he could, someone sat down next to him and started talking to him. 
“What are you doing over here by yourself?” Asked Michael, Lennon’s twin brother, before he sipped on his beer and gave Brock a judgy look that resembled the same one he’d received from Lennon many times before. 
“Hey, Mick,” Brock greeted with a smile. “I’m just not feeling it, I guess. I think I’m going head out soon.”
“Fair enough. It seems like my sister felt the same way. What a no-show.”
Mick scoffed jokingly, then looked around at their friends. Brock let out a small laugh and shrugged in response, but then he figured that maybe he could ask about Lennon seeing as he knew her twin probably knew more than he did. 
“Speaking of your sister, do you know why she didn’t want to come out tonight?”
“I’m surprised you don’t,” Mick deadpanned. “But no, I haven’t been home. I figured she’d be here with you, actually, but I guess you never really know with her. I don’t know how you’re going to put up with living in the same place as her beyond the summer.”
“Same place as her?” Brock asked.
“Yeah, Lennon got accepted to do her master’s at UBC in Van,” Mick replied, then watched as Brock’s eyes widened in shock. “Woah, wait. She didn’t tell you, did she?”
“No, didn’t mention it at all.”
“Fuck, of course not. I honestly wish I could say I was surprised, but then I’d be lying.”
Brock glanced down for a brief moment, still processing what he just told, then shook his head before responding. “Mick, I say this in the nicest way possible, but Lennon gives me fucking whiplash, I swear.”
“Join the club,” Mick laughed. “I’ve been president for almost 24 years now.”
“I just, how could she not tell me?”
At that, Mick’s expression turned a bit more serious than it was before, then he sighed. 
“I know it may not seem like it right now, but she really does care about you, Brock. More than she’ll let herself admit. You’re someone that’s important to her and has been for a very long time.”
“I wish she had a better way of showing it. Then I wouldn’t have to doubt so much.”
“I know,” Mick replied. “It’s a lot. But, let me tell you that what Lennon feels for you is very different from what she’s felt for any other guy before. My sister has been in a relationship with a fair share of people. I’m talking frat guys to Wall Street douchebags, she has had a few what could have been serious relationships, but those guys were not it for her. They betrayed her trust, belittled her for getting too in her head at times and then left her in the dust after they broke her. She’s always blamed herself for that and hated that she even bothered putting her heart out there, so it’s something she struggles with. But with you, Brock, she can be herself. I see Lennon at her happiest when we’re here, and it’s because of you. That’s not even something I have to think about because it’s always been that way. You’re her best friend, but what she feels for you is more than that and what it is, is that she’s scared to admit it. She doesn’t want to ruin what the two of you already have or risk getting hurt in doing so.”
Brock didn’t know what to say. He hung on to every single word that Mick said and took a moment for him to wrap his head around it all, but he already knew what to say. He’d known for a while.
“Mick, there is not a single part of me that would ever want to hurt her,” Brock explained. “Lennon is just such an important part of my life, and after what happened last summer, I also didn’t want to fuck up what we have. But, I really want to.”
“I know,” Mick stated. “And I trust you with her, Brock, that’s why I told you all of this. I don’t think you’ll hurt my sister, and she deserves someone like you. Now, I know you probably have more that you want to say on that topic, but why don’t you say it to her. She’s gotta be at home, and I just think the two of you need to not lie about how you feel anymore.”
As Mick said that, Brock couldn’t help but smile, then nod in agreement before standing up and grabbing his keys. “You’re right. I’m going to go talk to her. Thanks, Mick. I’ll see you around.”
“Make good choices!”
It didn’t take long for Brock to drive to Lennon’s house, but everything was dark when he got there. He thought about texting her but decided against it because he knew she wouldn’t answer. So instead, he got out of his car and listened. Sure enough, he could hear City and Colour’s The Girl playing softly from the backyard and knew she was there. 
Brock shut the car door, knowing that Lennon would hear it, then walked down the driveway on a mission. 
By the time he reached the backyard, Lennon was leaning over the railing, trying to see who it was that just got there, and Brock didn’t miss the way her eyes widened in surprise after realizing it was him.
“Brock?” She asked, then moved over to the top of the stairs as he climbed up them, still not saying anything. “What’re you-.”
Before Lennon could finish asking her question, she was cut off by Brock as he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her towards him, not stopping until their lips met in a very firm yet delicate kiss. He took her by surprise, but Lennon reacted by closing her eyes and melting into his touch, then wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and kept him close as she deepened the kiss. 
After a moment, the two of them broke away slightly, and Brock leaned his head against her’s, smiling like crazy. 
“I wish I didn’t wait a month to do that again,” he said, making Lennon laugh.
“I’m not complaining,” she replied. “That’s definitely one way to make an entrance, though. But why do I have a feeling there’s more to why you’re here besides just wanting to kiss me?”
Brock smiled at that because she was right, but before he could respond, he needed to think about what he wanted to say first. As he did that, he noticed that she was wearing the same outfit as she was earlier, right down to the messy bun, but now she wore his Minnesota sweater again, and his smile grew at that. Although the sun had already set, Lennon’s eyes still glowed with how the fairy lights strung around the deck reflected in them and that mixed with the Dallas Green’s voice still singing in the background. It was tough for Brock not to just lean down and kiss her again. But he knew he couldn’t, not right away at least.
“You’re right,” he told her, then let out a breath and smirked as the song changed to She Will Be Loved. “There’s something else I want to talk about, something we haven’t discussed yet.”
“What’s that?”
“Come back to Vancouver with me. After you’re packed up in New York, let’s go to Van together.”
“Wait, you know that’s where I’m moving?” Lennon asked, surprised. “Mick told you, didn’t he? Brock, I didn’t tell you because I thought-.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Brock cut off her ranting and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. I want you there, Lennon. I want to be with you while you’re there, as more than just your friend.”
A surprised gasp left Lennon’s mouth, but she recovered quickly by smiling and pulling him in for another kiss. 
“As long as I get to do that all the time, I’m game,” she responded after she broke away from him briefly, then let him close the space between them again. 
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
Without even having to voice it, Lennon started leading him back towards the house, hinting at how she wanted him to stay the night, and there was no way Brock was going to say no to that.
“I had a feeling you’d have a lot of things, but I was not expecting this,” Brock huffed as he peeked out from behind a stack of moving boxes. He and Lennon were standing in the living room of her new Vancouver apartment, getting ready to unpack everything. “This is excessive.”
“Shut up, the place was unfurnished,” she grumbled in response. “What did you expect?”
“I’m just saying, this would’ve been a lot less of a hassle if you had moved in with me.”
Lennon gave her boyfriend an unimpressed look, which he responded to with a wink and a smirk before he walked towards her and pulled her into his embrace. 
It was the end of August, and Lennon was finally ready to move into her new place. After she left the lake for New York a month prior, it took her about a week to get everything packed up and organized for the move to British Columbia. Lennon already had a storage locker rented in Vancouver to keep her stuff in until she was able to start moving into her apartment and had plans to go back to the lake until her lease began on the first of September and spend the rest of the summer with Brock. However, when she, Mick and their parents landed at the Vancouver airport, he was already there waiting for them. 
He helped them get everything to the storage locker. Then, after Lennon’s family left to go back to the lake, she stayed with Brock at his condo with Milo and Coolie for about three weeks before getting the keys to her place.
“That’s a little forward, don’t you think?” Lennon teased him. “What a strange thing to say to your girlfriend of what, a month?”
“I mean, I’ve also known my girlfriend for almost half my life, so does that month really make a difference?”
“Cheeky,” she responded, then stood on her tiptoes so she could peck his lips before moving away from him and over to where her phone rested on the small breakfast bar. “We can see where we’re at when this lease is up. But for now, I hope you’re ready to listen to the entire Lumineers discography as we start tackling these boxes.”
“Oh, you know it,” he told her as a matter -of- factly. “And let’s not forget about the wine in the fridge.”
“Yes, we can enjoy it once there’s room to sit down somewhere.”
Brock laughed in response and shook his head as Lennon pressed play on her phone and Sleep On The Floor started playing from her Bluetooth speaker. 
The two of them then started moving the boxes labelled ‘clothes’ to Lennon’s bedroom and started there. All of the furniture Lennon bought was set up already, so it was just a matter of putting things away and getting them organized. They got right to work, and although Brock was going to leave putting the clothes away to Lennon, so they went where she wanted, he figured he could at least unpack them so that she could just grab the items and go. Lennon grabbed a box and started unpacking it, so Brock did the same but had to pause once he opened the box closest to him and saw what was there. 
Laying on top of a pile of sweaters was the Boeser jersey Lennon told him about. Until that moment, Brock completely forgot that she had one, but it sure made him feel good seeing it for himself. A smile tugged at his lips as he lifted it from the box and set it on the bed, then glanced at Lennon to see if she saw his reaction. She was busy getting ready to hang things up in the closet, proving that she hadn’t seen him, which Brock was perfectly content with. He did, however, feel himself getting overly happy at the thought of seeing her wear the jersey that upcoming season and grinned even wider because of it. Brock had a really good feeling about them as a couple and couldn’t wait to see where things went from there.
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defdaily · 3 years
GQ Korea Magazine June 2021 issue featuring JAY B: in transition
To prove himself, JAY B is constantly changing. Because he has so much to show.
Translated by defdaily
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Your greeting from the video earlier was new. You said “This is GOT7’s JAY B and H1GHR MUSIC’s JAY B.” After GOT7 parted ways with JYP Entertainment, you told fans that you were a freelancer and I guess you’ve found your spot.
Yes. It has not been announced officially yet but I’m H1GHR MUSIC’s JAY B. I told fans I was a freelancer as a joke. I like communicating with fans as if we’re friends. But I was looking for a company at that time too.
How did you make your decision?
Of course I thought about it a lot. I talked with various companies, but when considering the freedom and synergy, I felt like H1GHR MUSIC fit me well. That seemed like the best decision.
What kind of synergy and effect are you looking forward to?
I don’t think “I’m definitely hip-hop!” just because I joined a hip-hop label. I think that through the label I can show R&B, dance and pop genres too. I want to attempt different things without any boundaries.
What did you talk about with H1GHR MUSIC’s CEO Jay Park?
From my point of view, it’s a new challenge so I was a little anxious. But Jay Bum hyung’s thoughts were similar to mine and said I could do music comfortably and didn’t wish for any certain colour, because if you keep focusing on one thing, you’ll slowly be locked in it, and said it’s good to try out different things. That’s what he told me.
Will this period of time divide JAY B of the past and future?
Of course it will. If previously it was a situation where I mainly received benefits from the company, now that I have the autonomy, I feel that I should do things myself and I grew a deeper sense of responsibility in that way. I think there’s a need to be more proactive. And I plan on prudently moving forward one step at a time with an appropriate amount of nervousness. Because this is the process of starting from the beginning, I am very careful about every decision.
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What factors influenced your decision the most?
Feeling/intuition. I have a feeling of whether I think I should do something or not.
It feels like you have a pretty good sense of the direction you want to move forward in.
I asked Jay Bum hyung why he recruited me and he said that skills were of course a factor but that I seemed like I would work hard consistently. It’s a given to be working hard on your own things but the most important thing is consistency. I've been doing that for a long time, and I'll continue to do what I've been doing.
Do you have any values that you’ve held on for a long time?
I’ve always thought that it’s important to never forget the things that I’ve done and have been doing. I debuted as GOT7. I cannot just suddenly say “I’m not an idol,” and I do not want to disappoint the fans. I’m very thankful. While promoting as part of GOT7, I never forgot the fact that I started as a b-boy at first and that I’m a person who likes hip-hop.
People’s expectations are high because of GOT7’s achievements. On one hand, there must be people viewing you thinking ‘let's see how well it could go.’
I am mindful of that. But it’s just GOT7 JB that was that big, JAY B as an individual isn’t that great. To be honest, sometimes I think that I’m nothing. If you ask people my age which idols they know, even if many people know about GOT7, they might not know me very well. It’s important to be acknowledged for my music but I feel like I have to get my name out there first. There is someone called GOT7’s JAY B, H1GHR MUSIC’s JAY B. I feel like this is just the beginning for me.
It sounds like you are at a point where you feel the need to prove yourself. Do you not worry that fans might not be accepting if you do what you like and want to do?
Rather than being worried, I see it as something that could happen. For example, I could use profanity or harsh expressions if I feel that they’re needed for better musical completion. I can’t help it if some fans who used to like me as an idol hear that and turn their backs. I also don’t want to give up or lose my own standards because of such reactions.
I see you're very determined to make creations of your own. I heard that you're going to release a new song soon. How is it?
The title is Switch It Up. Should I say it’s close to Hip-Hop Dance? It’s a different style from what I have been making consistently under the name Def. You could say it is a little similar to the solo songs I’ve included in GOT7 albums before. I focused on the purpose of informing the public and the music scene that “I think I will do this sort of music in the future." I’m also sending a message to fans saying that I’ll be starting to promote actively again so look forward to it.
I'm curious. Is there any image that came to mind while working on it?
A sexy image. If I use Def. to freely express my personal stories in any genre, I made a distinction that JAY B does cool and sexy music. Regardless, they are both me, but JAY B is more like a fictional character who can show various sides of me.
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What do you think are your strengths as an artist?
There is no such thing. I never thought that an artist should be a certain type of way. I think an artist is one who lives the same life as others, but feels differently, and knows how to express that well. As a matter of fact, anyone can do that. Even everyday office workers, when their stress piles and piles and they scribble down their emotions then toss the paper out, I think that can be a way of art too.
I like that. In any form, what do you want to talk about the most now?
That’s what I’m contemplating a lot right now. I think I’ve been pouring out too much. When writing songs, making the melody or arranging the music isn’t that hard but I don’t know what to write about. The same goes for coming up with titles too. No matter how hard I try to come up with an idea, I can’t think of one. I just think, “ I guess it'll just come out gradually.”
Not as JAY B but as Lim Jaebeom, what have you been thinking about or trying to do?
I try to think positively.
Ah not long ago, we saw you posted on your Instagram “Let’s try to think positively.”
I had quite a lot of worries and a negative mindset. A lot of people may live with unnecessary worries but I’m a little worse. I guess it’s my nature. So I try my best to relax my heart/mind and say “it’s good,” “everything will be okay.”
In introspection, what is something that you are most satisfied with?
That’s hard. No matter how hard I think about it, I feel like there's nothing I like about myself at the moment.
Why? Did something change?
No, it’s not that. Even with one thing, one day you could like it and another day you could dislike it. It’s natural to change your mind. So when I speak, I often use the terms “always” and “at the moment.” Anyways, it’s not that I think that my current self is completely bad, but I’m not satisfied to the point where I would go “wow.”
Then, among the various images that you embody, which do you feel is the piece of clothing that fits perfectly?
I think naturally, the clothing of the name Lim Jaebeom is the most natural and comfortable. Because I’ve got a good hold of the side that is most like me, there can exist Def., JAY B of GOT7 and JAY B of H1GHR MUSIC. Oh, I could explain it like this. If Lim Jaebeom is the earth, just as there exists oceans, mountains, and cities within it, there are various sides of myself that are making up my life.
What will happen to GOT7 in the future?
We probably will not be able to promote as actively as before, but the members and I are trying our best to do anything. I often look up and watch videos of when we were promoting and I miss the GOT7 from those days. The overflowing passion and energy as well. Looking back, it was really fun. It's similar to the feeling of reminiscing about school days.
What did you gain personally from the past 7 years promoting as GOT7?
Should I say, I think I’ve gained expertise? People around me say I’ve become much more relaxed now. But I still get nervous. I was nervous even before today’s shoot. But in turn, I’ve gained ways to overcome the nerves. I guess that comes to show that I’ve become experienced
What kind of person does Lim Jaebeom want to be?
I wish I could be endlessly kind and do only good things, but in reality, that’s impossible. As you live you could unintentionally make mistakes and cause disappointment. Nevertheless, I definitely do not want to become a shrewd person, I despise being scheming and fooling people. I don’t want to be that kind of person and neither do I want to be on the receiving end. But it’s still a bit of a mystery if it’s okay to say "I'm going to be this kind of person." Because as I mentioned before, my current feelings and thoughts change frequently just as trends do.
I guess those words right there can change too.
That’s right. That's why I'm cautious about doing interviews. If I talk about something, there will be articles pouring out that say JAY B said this and JAY B said that. Although we’re doing an interview today like this, if I was asked the same question tomorrow, I could have a different response.
How should we wrap up this interview for you to sleep soundly?
This was the story of Lim Jaebeom on May 4th, 2021. I think this will be okay.
Translated by defdaily.
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taegris · 3 years
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Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: apocalypse, quarantine, disease, pandemic, angst, anxiety/childhood trauma, horror, body horror, COVID-19, violence
Author’s Note: Long time no see! My new fic, A Wreck Like This, will be released on June 26th at 12:00 AM EST. For now, here’s a little sneak peak into the AU that we’ll be expanding upon. As always, my inbox is open. Special thanks to @kookoosbunnynose, @kinktae and @cheeky-kookie​ for beta-reading the initial drafts of A Wreck Like This and helping me get the courage to post again! Y’all are great and I love you to bits.
It happens so slowly, he doesn’t even notice at first; the world blurring until it comes sharply into focus, along with a thunderous crack against the floor below.
He looks down to his legs, worn with age. More specifically, he sees how they have collapsed below him, like a marionette doll that has had its strings severed. He tries to move them, but still, they lay folded against the hardwood floor. Panic starts to rise in his chest as he then moves his feeble arms to guide his legs up. It is then that he sees his fingers twitching, numb, without his control. 
Oh god, he thinks. Oh god, I did not think death would come so soon.
He slides himself towards the cellular device, dropped and abandoned on the floorboards, and dials 911, watching his limp fingertips bend on the screen in front of him. 
God damn it, I thought I was ready.  Has my granddaughter gotten that shipment? When was the last time I saw my son?
“...sir? What is your emergency?”
“I, uh, I . . . fell, I’ve been feeling ill recently and-”
“You fell?” “Yes ma’am, I can’t feel my legs all the sudden, ma’am.”
“. . . a newly discovered disease, one scientists have proclaimed REVII-29, has swept the nation. Thousands of citizens have already been infected since its discovery just a few weeks ago, most of which being elderly or otherwise immune compromised. Those related to or in close contact with the victims have all reported similar symptoms to that of COVID-19, with one key difference; paralysis, starting from the limbs and eventually spanning across the patient’s entire body. While there are no deaths reported at this time, there is much we do not know, and specialists in the medical field have already warned of its severity and potential to be detrimental in the long run; every single person to be infected has been hospitalized almost immediately, with no mild cases reported. To avoid REVII-29 spreading further, the CDC is asking all citizens to please wear approved masks or face coverings at this time, and to comply with citywide ordinances. Antiviral gel and other provisions will be provided by your county representative. Just as a reminder, from our families to yours; take this seriously, and protect yourself and others.”
Jungkook clicks the remote, shutting the projection down.
His body chills.
Not again, he begs.
Not again
Not again
“Not again,” you whisper, never having felt more alone in your small apartment.
“Not again, not again, not again-”
Your phone clatters against the hardwood floor. 
You hold yourself, clamoring to press all the fragile pieces back together, hot tears streaming down your face and dripping to your legs beneath you.
Images flash before your eyes; a hospital bed, a sickened smile on your mother’s lips, your father’s hunched form over her frail figure, screams behind a closed door, fluorescent lights and the missing faces of everyone around you, apple slices and video games and the distraction of the world moving so. . . damn. . . slow. 
“How many do you see?,” you hear your therapist say, a memory hazy and yet so close.
You lift your eyes, latching on to the markers haphazardly thrown into a bin by your bed.
One, two. . . 
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penaltbox · 4 years
flights, fate, and football games (4+1) - quinn hughes
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*or 4 times you were in the same place and didn’t know it + 1 time you were in the same place on purpose*
if you like it let me know :) reblog it, send me a message, leave your thoughts in the tags. thanks in advance!
word count: ~3k
Same restaurant/Post playoffs 
You wave at your two best friends as soon as you enter the restaurant, surprisingly being the one who was late this time. You hit more traffic than you expected, but Pop’s was not to be missed. 
The little Ferndale restaurant was one of your favorites and you needed the time to wind down after the crazy week you’d had. You hear a guy’s voice behind you talking to the suddenly excited hostess as you walk past her to get to your table, but never glance back at who it might have been. 
“Wow, for once we aren’t the late ones,” Abby smiles, nudging Hannah with her elbow.
“Oh, aren’t you guys funny,” you roll your eyes playfully, but take a seat with them, “it wasn’t my fault though. Traffic was insane on the highway. It’s like everyone forgot how to drive at once.”
“I hit some traffic too, no worries,” Hannah smiles, glancing over your shoulder, “did you somehow miss those super cute boys that came in behind you though? The one was so your type.”
Your eyes widen a little as you turn around to quickly survey the area you’d just come from. There’s no one waiting at the front of the restaurant though, so you turn back with a frown. 
“I mean, I heard a guy’s voice as I walked in but I didn’t think to look back at him. Why? Was he really that cute?” You ask, looking around the restaurant to see if you could find who she was talking about. 
Abby sighs, “I can’t see where they went either but Hannah and I noticed them as soon as you got here. We should have got you to turn around somehow.”
You shrug, checking over the menu and deciding between a pizza or the bolognese instead, “I guess if I was supposed to have seen him then I would have.”
You would have looked around for him more but the waiter showed up and you were dying to get your hands on a glass of wine to start your weekend off. 
“Quinn, I swear if you don’t start talking to cute girls when you see them I’ll end your career,” Will points across the table. 
Josh holds his hands up and laughs, “guys, come on. We all know Quinn isn’t smooth enough to seal the deal anyways.”
This gets the other two laughing, but Quinn doesn’t find it as humorous. He rolls his eyes and tries to fight off a smile. He opts for focusing his attention extra carefully on the menu rather than fueling the fire that was already started. 
“Hey, by the end of summer you never know. Maybe you’ll be able to land a girl. It might take a small miracle, but we’ll help you out if we can,” Will grins, thinking it’s the funniest thing in the world. 
“Great,” Quinn nods, thinking matchmaker Will sounded like a living nightmare, “I’m sure that would go well.”
He tries to brush it off, but the thought lingers a little longer. He’d find someone one of these days. His mom always told him he shouldn’t rush a good thing. It would happen when it was supposed to. 
Your brother’s hockey practice/Early June
“I swear to god, Adam, you need to get moving,” you mumble, watching your brother get beat in yet another drill. 
The air inside USA arena was definitely colder than outside and you were wondering how you’d managed to get stuck picking him up that night. He seemed off though so maybe he’d asked your mom if you’d get him. Sometimes he needed to talk, and definitely not to your parents. 
The whistle blows loudly and you watch your little brother skate off with his head down. He’d been lucky to make the U17’s but you could tell he was struggling. It made your heart hurt and you knew the drive home would involve the long route that day. 
You wait in the lobby, responding to your group chat that had somehow blown up while you watched the end of the practice. You’re in the middle of a message when an oddly familiar voice catches your attention.
You pick up your head and look around just as a group of guys head down the stairs to the locker rooms. You don’t manage to see any of them but something about the voice you’d heard seemed to catch your attention for some reason. Where had you heard that voice before?
Adam comes barreling out of the doors, an annoyed look on his face, “let’s go.”
“Hi to you too, asshole,” you scoff, but the look on his face matches the tone he’d given you. Something was wrong. 
You grab your keys and walk out of the arena, glancing over at your only sibling, “Adam, what’s wrong? Wasn’t there another practice after that you wanted to watch or something?”
“No, some alumni guys rented the ice next and pushed the 18’s back an hour,” he mumbles, his hands dug down in his pockets. 
You reach over and ruffle his hair, despite the fact he’s well taller than you now, “come on, we’re getting ice cream before we get home. And you can tell me what’s got you so worked up on the way.”
A smile takes over his face finally as he reaches your car, “okay fine. So there’s this girl in my chem class but she’s dating a football player.”
“Ew,” you laugh, playing along with the story, “also if you’re playing like shit because you’re mad that a girl you like is taken then I’m kicking your ass”.
“Hey, it was one bad practice. Just don’t tell dad,” he looks over, “surprised you didn’t want to stay and watch the next practice though. You know it’s the guys who went on to play college and pros and stuff right?”
You almost smack him when you see how smug he looks, but you hold off for once, “the last thing I need is some trouble maker hockey player to deal with. I already have you.”
“Suit yourself. Every girl I know loves Hughes though,” he shrugs. 
The name sounds familiar but you don’t think twice about it for some reason. Of course you wanted a boyfriend but you weren’t sure you wanted your younger brother setting that up for you. 
“Try not to suck tonight, okay?” Jack laughs, shrugging his bag a little higher on his shoulder as he picks on his older brother. 
Quinn laughs and shoves him sideways, “try not to get run over. Are you gonna put any weight on this summer, bud?”
“You’re both getting lapped,” Alex interjects, walking between the two and entering the arena first. 
Quinn notices you leaning against the wall in the lobby and does a double take. Had he seen you before? Why did you seem so familiar? You had to be waiting for someone if you were there, he knew the 17’s had the ice, so maybe you were younger than he thought. 
He shakes off the odd feeling he gets from seeing you and turns to find his brother grinning. Quinn knows he’s been caught staring and he immediately bumps Jack into the wall. 
“Don’t even think about it!” He says, hurrying down the stairs as Alex holds the door. 
“I’m just saying!” Jack yells after his older brother, “I could go play wingman for you!”
Quinn thinks that sounds like the worst thing ever, if he’s being honest. The last thing he needs is to rely on his brother to set him up. He could see that going wrong in a million different ways. 
The airport/pre-4th of July
You sigh, slouching down in your seat a little further as you take a sip of your coffee. You wish your anxiety didn’t have you at the airport almost two hours before takeoff, but here you were. 
You watch a few planes take off, ignoring your surroundings for a little while as you wonder where the people might be going and why. You respond to a text from your aunt in Boston, who you were going to visit, and quickly get lost in your thoughts again. 
You let your eyes start to wander after a bit and they land on a cute boy a few rows over. He’s sitting with a few other boys around his age and you glance over at their gate. New Hampshire? What was even in New Hampshire? 
You watch him for a few more minutes, but shake your head before looking back out the window. You certainly weren’t brave enough to go talk to him and you didn’t want to get caught staring. Something about him seemed so familiar but you brush it off, figuring you were just imagining things. 
Quinn drops his backpack and sits heavily into the creaky airport chair, arguing with Luke about what they’d do first when they got to the cabin. There was no winning the argument but Luke liked to be a pest and Quinn had learned from being gone so much that sometimes he just needed to let his little brother bug him while he could. 
Airports were so boring and he’d luckily stalled enough that his parents didn’t have them all there three hours early for once. Quinn lets Luke “win” the argument finally, agreeing that they’ll go on the boat as soon as they get there. 
Quinn’s attention wanders and he looks around the airport, his eyes seeming to focus on the gate heading for Boston. His eyebrows pull together as he tries to squint and see the line of people boarding. He swears he sees a familiar face but he’s not so sure. 
There’s no way it was the same person he saw at the arena a few weeks ago, right? He blinks hard and suddenly he’s hit with a water bottle in the chest. 
“Dude are you good?” Jack questions him, waving a hand in front of the older boy’s face. 
Quinn looks at his brother quickly before checking where you’d been standing, only to find you’d already boarded the plane, “yeah, knock it off. Can’t you leave me alone for like five minutes ever?”
Quinn is mildly annoyed that his brother pulled the stunt when he did and he’d lost sight of you before he could be sure. Maybe you were from Boston and you were headed home. That wouldn’t explain why you were at USA arena unless your brother played there, too. 
He turns to Luke then, elbowing the youngest Hughes to get his attention, “do you play with any kids from Boston?”
Ann Arbor/football game/late August
You laugh as you try and keep up with Abby and Hannah, excited for one last year at the school that held your heart. You were convinced you could never leave Ann Arbor and luckily for one more year you didn’t have to. 
The weather was perfect that night as the first football game was set to kickoff in no time but the three of you had left a pregame a bit later than you planned for. You’re being rushed through the crowd by Hannah, who has a tight hold on your hand, when Abby suddenly veers off. 
“Hold on, I need to say hi to him!” She yells over her shoulder, causing Hannah to stop in her tracks and you to slam into her back. 
The two of you stumble a little but fix yourself, standing and watching where Abby had run off to. She moves to a group of guys and your stomach turns a little with worry, hoping she actually knew who these people were. 
You’re about to march over when you see the boy. The one from the airport. You shake your head a little, trying to make sure you weren’t imagining what you were seeing, but he really is there. Abby is talking to his friends and he’s got a soft smile that makes you want to know more about him. He’s not as outspoken as his friends and his hands are stuffed in his pockets like he’s not sure what else to do with them. 
Hannah catches you staring and laughs, “that’s Quinn by the way. I know you’re looking. Abby met those boys a couple months ago while she did her classes on campus. Can you believe they’re the ones we saw at Pop’s at the beginning of the summer?”
“They’re who?” You ask, your brain speeding through the memories, but all that keeps coming up is Quinn. 
Pop’s, the airport, and now here. Was he the guy from the rink too? Was that the voice you’d recognized. There was no way you’d been in all the same places for the last three months and never talked to each other or actually truly met. What kind of fate was playing around with you two?
You glance back over at Quinn only to find him looking at you, too. Your cheeks feel instantly hot and you bite your lip, looking away quickly. You hated that you reacted so quickly to something so simple. Maybe he was looking at Hannah, you tried to reason with yourself. Or maybe he recognized you too. 
Quinn is shocked when a bouncy little blonde runs up to Josh and says hello to him. She’s happy as can be and Quinn would be lying if he said she wasn’t cute. She quickly introduces herself and motions back at her friends, talking a mile a minute, when Quinn realizes he’d definitely met her earlier that summer. 
Her and her friends were going to the game but if the boys wanted to hang out after they’d be having a small party at their place and they were more than welcome to come. Quinn gives Josh a little nod when the taller boy checks with him for plans and Josh smiles at the girl he’d been talking about for weeks now. 
Quinn looks around the crowd of maize and blue, looking for the friends she’d mentioned, and his eyes freeze on one in particular. You’re so familiar in that moment and suddenly you’re the prettiest girl he sees there. It was the same feeling as the rink, the airport, and now here in Ann Arbor. What were the chances that he’d ran into you this many times but never talked to you? 
He sees you and your friend watching in their direction and he catches your eye. You blush and bite your lip, making him smile right away. That had to be the cutest thing he’d seen in a long time. He forgets that Abby has mentioned her friends and he’s about to walk over and talk to you when Josh grabs his arm. 
“Come on, we have to go this way to get to the field,” Josh says, nodding in the opposite direction of the girls. 
Quinn is about to argue, but sighs instead, “yeah, okay. Did you say we’re seeing them again later?”
+1 Your friends set you up/late August/post football game
“You wouldn’t stop staring at him. Don’t even try and lie about it now!” Hannah accuses, pointing her finger at you. 
You feel like you’re dying of embarrassment and Abby can’t stand up straight because of how hard she’s laughing over the situation. You were being bullied by your best friends and none of you could contain your laughter over it all. There were more than a few people watching the scene as you made your way around the field, trying to find which section your tickets were for. 
“Stop, I don’t even know him!” You say, though it’s only a partial lie. 
Abby snorts a little and carefully wipes a tear away from the corner of her eye, “holy shit, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Yeah, Quinn is awkward as hell but I think you two would be amazing so you’re definitely meeting him tonight.”
She’s quick to pull out her phone and text Josh, already making a plan with him to get you and Quinn cornered in the same area. You can’t fight her on this. Once Abby set her mind to something it was going to happen so you were just along for the ride at this point. 
The football game goes by too fast considering it was the last first game of the season you’d ever get as an undergrad, but the three of you are in such good moods that you hardly have time to be sad about it. 
You leave the game a few minutes early to try and beat some of the crowds as you head back for the house you all shared. You almost forget the boys are coming over as you head to the kitchen and grab a drink. You figured you had a little while before they’d show anyways. 
Popping the top of your can, you take a big drink and sigh. You hear Abby’s little giggle behind you and you whip around confused. You’re suddenly face to face with Quinn and you immediately blush in embarrassment. 
“Uh, hi,” you stutter, giving him a little smile even though you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. 
“Hi,” he says, and you know immediately that he was the one you’d almost run into so many times that summer. 
His smile is just as nervous as yours and you get why Abby had called him awkward before. He fidgets with his hands as he stands in front of you but it’s endearing somehow. He’s not overly cocky or trying to impress you somehow and yet you’re completely on board with getting to know him. 
He’s a stranger, technically, but he feels so familiar that you laugh a little. Quinn’s eyebrows furrow over the noise but he doesn’t actually ask. 
“Sorry, it’s just… did you want a drink or something?” you offer, trying to keep yourself from getting giddy over having him in front of you after all the months of fate making sure you dodged each other. 
His smile gets bigger then and he seems to relax, “yeah, that sounds good. Maybe I could steal you too and get to know you? If you want anyways.”
You nod, not hiding your smile anymore, “I think I’d really like that. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
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meggannn · 4 years
Can I ask, what's the beef with Greg Ellis and Mark Darrah? I haven't been keeping up with BioWare in general and the Dragon Age fandom & company division in particular (I'm more of a Mass Effect person) so all I noticed is that two big names (were?) quit a few days ago so I am genuinely puzzled at that exchange. Did Ellis get screwed over by BioWare/Darrah somehow or is he doing some unfounded shit-stirring?
Oh for sure, so I don’t know all the details, but I’ll try
Greg Ellis
Greg Ellis is the voice actor for Cullen, a character who is in every Dragon Age game. the actor has been a pretty shitty person for a while—I’m sure there’s a callout post for him somewhere on tumblr—but he’s the British equivalent of a Trumper, transphobic, hosts a podcast/contributes to/does audio readings for a right-leaning website that complains about liberals and universities, often gets into fights with LGBT+ folk on twitter and block them (so many that a lot of DA fans couldn’t read his tweets today lol).
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[ID: Greg Ellis tweet: “I praise @Ayaan for supporting @jk_rowling in standing her ground. They are heroes of our times. /end ID]
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[ID: Greg Ellis tweet: “Today on The Respondent @GreggHurwitz discusses the challenges of identitarianism on college campuses. /end ID]
From Wikipedia: Identitarianism: “The Identitarian movement or Identitarianism is a post-World War II European far-right political ideology which asserts the right of Europeans and peoples of European descent to preserve the culture and territories.”
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[ID: Greg Ellis tweet from June 2018: Indicative of our current culture that I tweet about inspirational free thinkers & up pops a trolling SJW who can’t separate me from my work. Conflating my inclusive & equitable opining with a video game character I voice is SJW indent politicking full blown.”
Greg Ellis tweet replying to a disappointed fan who was upset about his support for Trump: “Speaking ‘on behalf of thousands of fans’ of a video game & suggesting I ‘broke their hearts’ because I support ALL who hold Presidential office is ludicrous. VG fandom is not exclusive to LGBTQ or those not hate filled about @potus. I believe in equity & inclusivity.” /end ID]
to demonstrate how much of an attention-seeking child he is, Ellis also likes to tease his fans with hashtags and get them up in a tizzy to gain followers, tagging things #Cullennites and #DA4 just to wind up bait-switching and actually talk about something completely different, or maybe even nothing.
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[ID: Tweet from Greg Ellis, I don’t have the date but I believe this was from spring of 2018: “I’ve been officially authorized to disclose details about the game only when I reach 10k followers. I feel like a puppet. Will you help pull the strings? I’m positively itching to share. #videogame #announcement #cullenites” /end ID]
Beef with Mark Darrah
I think what specifically started his beef with Mark Darrah was this summer, Ellis tweeted in support of Ayaan/JKR (above), resulting in a lot of upset fans replying to him. He got in lots of fights with them, blocking several, prompting fans to make more tweets expressing anger/disappointment about DA4/the future of Cullen, and even tweet at other Dragon Age developers asking if Cullen could be recast if he comes back at all.
Mark Darrah made a tweet saying basically nothing substantial about it, but he said: “It’s important to us that the people we work with are aligned with our BioWare values. This will be apparent when we’re ready to announce what actors will be lending their voices to the game.” He even replied directly to a few fans throughout the tags/search results who were concerned, including @theherocomplex​ which I saw, so it’s a safe assumption he was at least taking the anger seriously.
Ellis replied to the public tweet: “What r the @bioware values @BioMarkDarrah? Don’t the loyal #Cullenites & @dragonage fans have a right to know? Don’t u have a responsibility to tell them? DO u support cancel culture? Do u support defamatory comments like this? Careful how u answer ~ u might lose ur job”
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I mean, it’s pretty ballsy to threaten a lead creative at a company responsible for a chunk of your fame when your character’s arc is effectively over and they don’t need to have you in any games anymore... there are tons of crappy British actors out there to replace you, and it’s not like they don’t already have Gideon Emery in a dozen different wigs, lmao
What Happened This Week (Dec 3 and Dec 4, 2020)
Mark Darrah was, until recently, a staple in the Dragon Age team. A lot of people were worried when his resignation yesterday came out of the blue, and Casey Hudson (also a lead creative/big name) also resigned from the Mass Effect team at the same time, which to me is pretty concerning.
Yesterday after the news broke, a fan asked Darrah if his beef with Ellis might have had anything to do with his departure (basically asking if it was a forced resignation): “If this has anything to do with a recent blowout with a VA from Inquisition who publically called for @BioMarkDarrah to be fired, I'm going to be so sickened and disappointed by this company for siding with bigotry.” Darrah replied with just “lol” which to me was a little concerning, because if you read it sarcastically, it seemed to imply the drama with Ellis did have something to do with it. without proof, it’s difficult to say, and of course Darrah and Hudson gave polite goodbyes but are silent on the real reasons that prompted them to go.
Today, Ellis has managed to convince himself that he did get Darrah fired, likely over the stink he raised about Darrah publicly for siding with LGBT+ fans over him. but in his replies to that, Darrah mentioned pretty open skepticism in his tweets that Ellis would ever be rehired by BW again, so.... maybe the Ellis drama is not it. IDK.
TLDR: basically, Ellis is a bigoted right-wing voice actor who picks fights with fans who call him out, and he is still coasting off the attention highs he got from voicing a highly controversial video game character in a franchise that hasn’t hired him since 2014. in summer 2020, Ellis threatened Darrah’s job (not at as if he has any power to threaten him with), basically because Darrah stood up to him, and now that he no longer has to play civil as a BioWare employee, Darrah finally snapped and called him out on twitter for being unprofessional and implied Ellis wouldn’t be asked back to BioWare anyway even if Ellis WAS the reason he left. other Dragon Age developers (who still work at BW) are liking and replying to Darrah’s tweets with supportive gifs/emojis, so I think it’s a fair to say Darrah’s attitude is prevalent in the company but current workers just can’t say anything, and they do not want Ellis back again.
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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Only when he got older he realized just how fortunate he and his family were to be alive.
“The extermination of most of his relatives and millions of other Jews by the Nazis; the intrusive, unemployed immigrants who survived and crowded his parents’ small apartment; his sickly childhood; his mother’s dark moods; his own ever-present depression” - all of this, he survived, according to Patricia Cohen of The New York Times.
He was born in Brooklyn to Polish-Jewish immigrant parents on June 10, 1928.
One of his earliest photographs (attached to this story) shows him as an infant - “a plump, round-faced, slanting-eyed, droopy-lidded, arching-browed creature” held by his mother, with his older siblings, according to writer Margalit Fox.
Growing up, Murray as he was then known “har­bored ongo­ing fear of the per­ils that might lurk out­side of his home and neigh­bor­hood” and remembered how he cel­e­brat­ed his bar mitz­vah, according to writer Stephen Whit­field. 
That's when his father discovered that much of his extended family had died in concentration camps. The young boy thought he had "done something very bad, that I had made him suffer more than he had to."
“The death of members of his extended family during the Holocaust . . . exposed him at a young age to the concept of mortality,” according to NPR.
“As he got old­er, he was con­stant­ly aware of his mar­gin­al­i­ty and dif­fer­ence,” wrote Whit­field.
He seemed to be always sick, but when he was well, he could be naughty. He remembered his mother often called him “vilde chaya”, which in Yiddish meant "wild animal".
“His view of the outside world was often limited. . . and the little that he could see from his window,” according to PBS. “It was during this time that he began to draw and to allow his imagination to run free.”
He made a name for himself as an illustrator. When he received an opportunity to write his first book, he used the title "Where the Wild Horses Are" - unfortunately, he realized he couldn't draw horses, so he told his editor. His editor would respond, "Well, what can you draw?"
He would answer "Things."
He would become “the most important children’s book artist of the 20th century, who wrenched the picture book out of the safe, sanitized world of the nursery and plunged it into the dark, terrifying and hauntingly beautiful recesses of the human psyche,” according to the New York Times.
He remembers receiving a letter from one fan:
In an interview with NPR, he is quoted as saying, “A little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it. I loved it. I answer all my children's letters – sometimes very hastily – but this one I lingered over . . . I wrote, 'Dear Jim: I loved your card.' Then I got a letter back from his mother and she said: 'Jim loved your card so much he ate it.' That to me was one of the highest compliments I've ever received . . . He saw it, he loved it, he ate it.”
“Maurice Sendak has been one of the most consistently inventive and challenging voices in children’s literature,” according to PBS. “His books and productions are among the best-loved imaginative works of their time. Like the Grimm brothers before him, Sendak has created a body of work both entertaining and educational, which will continue to be popular for generations.”
“Roundly praised, intermittently censored and occasionally eaten, Mr. Sendak’s books were essential ingredients of childhood for the generation born after 1960 or thereabouts, and in turn for their children,” wrote Fox. “He was known in particular for more than a dozen picture books he wrote and illustrated himself, most famously ‘Where the Wild Things Are,’ which was simultaneously genre-breaking and career-making when it was published by Harper & Row in 1963.”
He brought “to life a world of fantasy and imagination,” according to PBS. “His unique vision is loved around the globe by both young and old.”
When he died in 2012, the Washington Post wrote:
“They say that a creative adult is simply a child who has survived. Sendak survived a great deal, losing relatives in the Holocaust and struggling through a childhood that he remembered as “a very passionate, upsetting, silly, comic business.”
“And his books captured this — never talking down, yet always reassuring.
“The best writers are the ones who trust their audiences. Sendak did. And we trusted him right back.
“Sendak did not lie to children. He did not attempt to say that the world was more or less difficult than it was.”
In 2008 in the New York Times, Sendak revealed that he was gay and had lived with his partner, psychoanalyst Eugene Glynn (February 25, 1926 – May 15, 2007), for 50 years before Glynn's death in May 2007.
In that article, Sendak said he never told his parents: "All I wanted was to be straight so my parents could be happy," he recalled. "They never, never, never knew."
In a 2011 interview with NPR host Terry Gross, Mr. Sendak said "finding out that I was gay when I was older was a shock and a disappointment. I did not want to be gay. It meant a whole different thing to me — which is really hard to recover now because that's many years ago. I always objected to it because there is a part of me that is solid Brooklyn and solid conventional and I know that. I can't escape that. It's my genetic makeup. It's who I am."
Elisabeth Hoffman of the Baltimore Sun wrote, “Why do we pass laws that isolate, demean and shame people for something so utterly personal? It's no surprise that gay teens are bullied. No surprise that Maurice Sendak had to hide part of his identity from his parents — and from his readers.”
“In that often emotional NPR interview, Sendak also said: "I have nothing now but praise for my life. I'm not unhappy. I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can't stop them. They leave me and I love them more. What I dread is the isolation. There are so many beautiful things in the world which I will have to leave when I die. But I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready."
“His work . . . did not seek to for­get the emo­tion­al threats that scarred his life,” wrote Whit­field. “Sendak’s rec­ol­lec­tions of dread and dan­ger instead became the source of a painstak­ing cre­ativ­i­ty that [Golan Y.] Moskowitz [author of “Wild Vision­ary: Mau­rice Sendak in Queer Jew­ish Context”] read­i­ly calls illus­tra­tions of ​“genius.” Sendak believed that his fan­tasies must instill truths, rather than con­firm the con­ven­tions of inno­cence, and this think­ing rev­o­lu­tion­ized the way that young peo­ple were under­stood and addressed.”
In that last interview with NPR, “the beloved children’s writer and illustrator was 83 years old and in declining health. He was feeling the loss of people close to him who had died in recent years. Inevitably, the discussion turned to issues of mortality … By the time it was over there were teary-eyed people in cars all across North America. One listener, Brent Eades, left a message on the NPR Web site: “I happened to be listening to this extraordinary interview while on the early-morning commute from my small Ontario town to Ottawa. I was entirely absorbed in it; and the final couple of minutes left me with tears streaming down my face, which I’m sure nonplussed my fellow commuters.”
In “Where the Wild Things Are”, Sendak wrote:
“ . . . the wild things cried, “Oh please don’t go we’ll eat you up-we love you so!”
And Max said, “No!”
The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
and sailed back over a year
and in and out of weeks
and through a day
and into the night of his very own room
where he found his supper waiting for him.”
~ jsr
The Jon S. Randal Peace Page
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